#there are no tall people in this house 😂
spacedace · 9 months
Shout out to my husband, who I have been married to for over a year and was dating for five years before that (and was friends with for a year before that), who only just realized today that I'm taller than him.
To be clear he is not upset about it or anything, just had a brief moment of confusion when I was able to reach something he couldn't and had a bit of a light bulb moment. Big golden retriever energy, right down to the confused head tilts and everything haha
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astroesque · 10 months
Vedic Astrology Observations: Part 1
#1. Women with Mars, Rahu, or Mercury placements in their big 3 or these planets in their 1st house can come off as quite sexually appealing without even meaning to do so. Also, these women are usually quite attractive in regards to their physical bodies. Particularly with Mars. Rahu enhances unique aspects to the body, particularly the face. These women are quite ethereal looking. Mercury gives the impression of innocence, but is deceptive and has to ability to trick through the appearance. Mercury women might look very youthful and younger than their actual age. All in all, women with Mercury, Rahu, or a Mars nakshatra(s) in their big 3 usually have a natural sex appeal. They can receive more attention from the opposite sex fairly easily, (wanted or unwanted). They can easily attract the opposite sex with a simple and single gesture. They can also get into relationships quite easily, even if they are not serious. Something about Mars, Rahu, and Mercury energy prominent in the chart makes someone quite exuberant and interesting to the masses. They can also radiate sexual confidence. (This quality also applies to Venusian people). They can get famous/become popular fairly easily as well. Same for these men in regards to possessing this energy.
#2. Women with Moon placements in their big 3 generally have an aura of familiarity about them. It might feel as though you have met that person before, even if you haven’t. These women are quite feminine in regards to their beauty and bodies. They can be some of the curviest out there. They have a natural feminine energy about them and are usually deemed traditionally beautiful as women. Their feminine side comes very naturally to these women, they possess the energy in their existence. They can have a motherly nature and can be very close to their mother figure and women who have shaped them as children. They naturally gravitate towards women and are comfortable in their presence. Can have more female friends than male friends. They are practically the archetype of the traditional feminine in regards to appearance and attitude. Very attached to their homeland and prefer comfort and comfortable/familiar surroundings.
#3. Women with Saturn placements in their big 3 can be quite tall and thin. But not always since other nakshatras and aspects can impact those qualities. However, many successful supermodels have Saturn in their big 3. Also, these women can have amazingly symmetrical faces. Some of the most attractive women in the world. Saturnian women are usually quite pleasant in regards to their appearance and demeanor. Can look older than they really are. However, this quality is not as prominent in Pushya nakshatra due to lunar energies from Cancer. However, they are quite stunning regardless. Saturn women like to instill discipline into their lives and can be the ones to be setting a schedule for themselves each day and can follow it with ease. They are the masters of limiting themselves and can go on diets with success. They maintain their lives quite well and make sure they have everything under control. As parents, they can be the strict one and make sure their children are well mannered at an early age. They discipline their children early on. You’ll be scared to rebel against your Saturnian momma. Nonetheless, they make some of the most loving and caring mothers out there. Particularly when they have prominent moon and/or Pushya energy in their chart. They can appear seemingly perfect to others. Can appear intimidating to others due to their cold attitude and rbf 😂, but they are truly some of the best women you will meet out there and whom you can rely on.
#4. Ketu women can appear to have “sleepy eyes” and their gaze is quite intense. It can feel as though they look right through you. It’s very magnetic. However, not necessarily the same energy as Ashlesha nakshatra. They have something unique about their teeth such as a gap. Can be intimidating similar to Saturnian women. However, they carry a more darker energy. Not necessarily bad, simply their energy is more mysterious and empty. They can easily detach from things, opposite to Rahu natives.
#5. Ashlesha and Hasta women have a similar energy due to them both being ruled by Moon and Mercury. They can make their natives look younger and have a distinctive innocent yet mischievous look to them. Arguably some of the most manipulative women that you will ever encounter. They can deceive with their externals, but can be master manipulators. This makes them quite fascinating to others. Of course, there are differences between Ashlesha and Hasta due to individual energies both the nakshatras carry. However, both of these nakshatras can produce similar archetypes in women due to the Moon and Mercury rulership. Innocent, yet not. Can be a power duo imo.
#6. Pushya women are considered as some of the most attractive in the world. Women with this nakshatra in their big three have a natural feminine energy that is crafted beautifully. Pushya nakshatra is ruled by Saturn and Cancer (moon). The combination of saturnian and lunar energies makes for a very ethereal or “otherworldly” appearance but that is still familiar and unique. These women have a natural nurturing quality about them and can make fantastic mothers, (especially when Jupiter is in Pushya). These women generally have an accommodating personality and aesthetically pleasing feminine appearance. They are really desired and can have many men going after them/liking them. (Also present with Ashlesha energy, but Ashlesha people can attract the masses due to their charm while Pushya energy is more idealized upon.) Due to their feminine magnetism, this is why men can get so easily attracted to these women. However, Pushya women generally feel more comfortable being with women. Similarly to lunar women, they gravitate towards women as friends and they usually get along with them quite easily. Pushya women have a striking face that is well regulated and balanced in regards to their features. They generally have a balanced physique and face. Generally, nothing is too prominent or exaggerated.
#7. Jupiter women can have lush and abundant hair. This is due to Jupiter being the planet of expansion and growth. These natives have a rich inner world and can have a curvy/soft figure. They are usually shorter in stature. Their hair can be some of longest you’ve seen and is usually very healthy. They can get compliments on their hair frequently and their hair honestly makes them them. Their hair is one of their best features.
#8. Rahu women can become quite obsessive in relationships and in general. They can have trouble letting go of someone/something even if it’s not good for them. They can also have hypnotic eyes. There’s something about their eyes that tells a story. Also, their voice can be distinct. Due to Rahu energy being tamasic, they can have issues with anxiety/their mental health. It’s important for these women to ground themselves daily and practice detachment from things and people.
#9. Sun dominant women can have an obsession with fitness and love to exercise. They can be incredibly physically strong and love to spend time exercising their bodies. They are some of the most successful and famous female athletes today. They excel in physical endeavors and love working out.
#10. Ashlesha people can become clingy and attached fairly easily. However, they are some of the most passionate lovers and are usually quite loyal.
#11. Hasta people can have the ability to manipulate people very easily. They are the masters of getting what they want. Masters of manifestation.
#12. Chitra people can be idolized as sex symbols/body icons.
#13. Pushya ascendant and Uttara Phalguni ascendant have been statistically proven to be the most attractive placements for women and men, respectively. Source: Claire Nakti (trusted Vedic astrologer).
#14. Mars dominant men are very emotional in regards to how they express themselves and feelings in general. They can quite flamboyant and seemingly “crazy”, but they are simply very tuned in with their emotions and can express themselves radically.
#15. Ketu men are usually quite spiritual in nature and are always connected to their inner selves.
#16. People with prominent Gandmool energy in their chart (Mercury or Ketu nakshatras), might go have to through more karmic experiences in their lifetime.
#17. The most feminine nakshatras are: Shravana, Pushya, and Rohini
#18. Vishakha women might have a tendency to be lesbian/bisexual.
#19. Sun, Mercury, Mars, and Rahu women usually have the nicest bodies. Particularly Mars and Sun.
#20. It’s kind of a weird thing, but I have noticed Pushya people get mistreated for no reason. Also, they get experience situations in where they give their all to someone and get nothing in return. It is a little contradictory to the nature of the nakshatra being prosperous and auspicious for basically all endeavors, but Pushya people can suffer from being the victim more often than not.
#21. Krittika people are often great cooks! Their food is very delicious and they are a natural at cooking as well as they might enjoy it too!
#22. Women having Cancer rashi and men having Virgo rashi are statistically the most attractive women or men in general. Same as how Pushya and Uttaraphalguni are the most attractive placements for women and men, respectively. Cancer and Virgo rashi is like that for women and men.
#23. Punarvasu and Ashlesha energies are the most sexually selective and sexually uptight. They are generally not very open to sexual advances/flirtatious behaviors. They also do not typically exhibit flirtatious behavior/sexually charged behaviors. This is opposite to Dhanishta energy which is open to advances and show flirtatious behavior often.
#24. Chitra people might come across as being superficial in terms of who they hang out with (only attractive people, people with certain status or similar to them). I have noticed this personally for a few Chitra natives if they do not any benefic influences like having Pushya energy or certain placements. This quality can be emphasized if the native has Venusian influence too (planet of beauty, gravitating only to beautiful people or similar individuals, usually with Venusian influence as well).
#25. Venus influenced women are seen as highly attractive. Whether Venus is conjunct sun, moon, or ascendant, placed in the 1st or 2nd house, or Venus-ruled nakshatras in the sun, moon, or ascendant.
#26. People who share the same ascendant, sun, or moon nakshatra placements typically form stronger and more passionate romantic relationships.
#27. Ketu dominant women are so alluring and magnetic. They are also very spiritual and can come off as androgynous.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #26
• Now idk if I’m onto something but I feel like your Vesta sign might appear in your relationship’s composite chart! E.g. My Vesta is in Aries in the 11H and most of my composite charts have Aries stellium/Aries placements in the 11H. {Might do a Vesta observations post next}
• Yes the 11H is associated with friendships and partnerships often but I think you should also check your 6H! Overall I think it’s more accurate too given 6H represents routine so it symbolize people you see/talk to on the daily. E.g. I have Scorpio in the 6H and most of my best friends are Scorpio suns/placements!💜
• That also applies for sidereal btw!!
• Whatever sign you have over your 3H is the sign you might find more intriguing to talk to! E.g. if you’re a 3H Leo you might find Leo mercuries/placements very stimulating or knowledgeable! • Gemini-Pisces mix culture is falling for mentally stimulating people you romanticize in your head.
• I find Water sun men with Scorpio risings are usually average to tall height! E.g. Dick Clark was a Scorpio sun/rising and he was 5”8 & Freddie Prinze Sr was a Cancer sun, Scorpio rising and he was around 6”2.
• I’ve noticed most (not all) fire moons tend to have moms with opposite elements in their big 3 and dads with air moons! E.g. One of my Leo moon exs has a Taurus sun-Libra moon mother and an Aquarius moon father, my Aries moon best friend has a Sagittarius sun-Scorpio moon mom and an Aquarius moon dad and there’s this Sagittarius moon I know who has a Libra sun-Taurus moon mom and a Libra moon father!😅
• People with Air moons normally tend to have parents with Earth in their big 3. E.g. I’m an Aqua moon, my mom’s a Virgo moon. Two of my cousins who are siblings, are Aqua and Libra moons and their parents are Virgo suns.
• I feel like earth moons give more of a grounded or down to earth vibe when you’ve just met or aren’t that close with them.. But if you do get close to them/get to know them better you’ll notice how lively yet sometimes impatient/passive aggressive they can be lol.
• Air moons on the other hand can seem quite charming & socially active/restless but they’re actually pretty chill people once you get to know them better—just more mentally active lol.
• Fire moons may seem mean—mainly because of their erratic sense of humor and their sarcasm—but they’re actually really caring, loyal and honest people.
• Then Water moons.. They’re actually deep people. Yes they’re very affectionate and sometimes naive, but most water moons I know are very emotionally intelligent with strong intuition.
• Imo, Pisces venuses don’t get the friendly, self-sacrificing recognition they deserve. They tend to put others not just their partners before themselves and are willing to go to the ends of the earth for those they love/care about.
• Aquarius venuses are CHILLL lmao.😂
• Fire mercuries/mercury in fire degrees/houses have some of the loudest yet hysterical laughters!😂✋🏽
• Also, they tend to be into blue comedy, satire & slapstick.
• This doesn’t get talked about but Gemini placements can indicate having split parents/2 families! E.g I’m a Gemini rising and my parents split when I was 4 then my dad went on to have another family. Another example, 2 of my cousins who are Gemini suns and an ex of mine who’s also a Gemini sun ALL have split parents/2nd families. I have a bestie who’s a Gemini moon and the same applies to him lol.
• Mercury signs won’t 100% indicate if you get along well or not, it’s more about the moon sign. E.g. One of my best friends is a Scorpio mercury with a Gemini moon and we get along really well then my mom’s also a Scorpio mercury but with a Virgo moon and we can’t have long conversations without butting heads. Also, one of my other besties is a Libra mercury (opposite mine which is in Aries) and we get along reallyyy well.
• Whichever your dominant element is might indicate which venus signs you get along with best. E.g. I’m Air/Water dom and I attract/get along with best Gemini/Libra & Scorpio venuses!
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silvershiningtarot · 8 months
🍾🍾PAC: Where Will You Meet Your Future Husband? 🍾🍾🍾❤️
Disclaimer: 18+ mature and minors as well. But this is a general reading. This is my last reading for now. I hope you guys enjoy it. I'll be back very soon. But this is my last reading for now. These are only three piles. Take what resonates and what doesn't. Use your intuition. Feel the pictures. I'll be putting the pictures on the bottom of each pile.
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Pile 1: You might be meeting your husband where you are in the bathroom. Not naked I don't sense that. But maybe, when you are coming out of the shower they are just waiting for you in the living room. I believe that for some of you. Few of you, I sense that you were just coming back from the beauty salon. You see your husband just sitting there in the living room. I had a vision, you just walk into your house or apartment or condo and you see some guy just sitting there with their head down, and you are all shocked as hell. What the fuck is this guy sitting on my couch and how did they get in my house. I think one of your friends might know them or your roommate might introduce you to your husband. You all like the fuck! Weird. But the second you look at them, you are so stunned by their beauty. I can tell your husband looks fucking beautiful. Or should I say? FUCKING FINE! Woo 😯 your husband is drop-dead gorgeous. Damn! They are fine. Anyways, they stood up and they just froze because they were just shocked to see you too. I can tell that you two aren't going to talk for a second because you both will look into each other eyes for a minute. I can see someone or your roommate, snapping their fingers in your face or waving their hand in your face 😂 “Hello, girl are you there?” I sense your husband is tall but not like giant tall but tall. I can see that it might be morning time you'll meet them. Around 11:00 am or 11:30 a.m. That's what time I feel like. But you are stunned by your husband. I heard you say “Wow.” haha 😂 the second you looked at them you are crushing on them. I keep seeing that vision in my head. I can see it clear as day. You'll be stunned by them. They look fuccin good. For some of you, I have a sense that you'll be meeting them while you are in the bathroom naked. They aren't doing it on purpose maybe, they had to use the bathroom and they didn't know that you were in there. I see them coming in the bathroom and you scream 🙀 and they shut the door fast. But they are thinking about you, especially when they see you. Lol 😆 wow 😮 these are pictures that came out for you. Use your intuition and tell me what do you think of it?
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Pile 2: Okay, Pile 2. It seems that you might meet your husband where are in a dark place or should I say? Getting out of a dark place. I think once you delve deeper into yourself. You start to realize a lot of your reflections on life and you start finding your peace. What doesn't serve you no longer? I heard “cutting off.” Maybe, you are cutting people, friends, families, old crushes, jobs, etc. Whatever that is you are finally deciding for yourself to find your peace. For some of you, again! You might meet your husband in a living room. Okay, I am kinda seeing the same vision I had just seen in pile 1. But okay, maybe, it will be a family gathering. Like a party. I see this big ass party now. It was at night and you know you dressed all fancy looking and maybe, you got a higher promotion at your job or you just brought your family together. I am seeing everyone wear all gold. Not your husband though! They are wearing a suit but it is a black and white suit. But man! They look good too. You drift yourself away from the party and so you see this guy just sitting there by their self and you know just on their phone. You walk up to them with your champagne glass🍾 in your hand and ask them “Hey, you okay?” I am picking up a vibe from them it seems like they didn't want to be bothered at first. But once they pick their head up at you. I do them turning there phone over and just looking at you. I see you asking them “May I sit.?” they all say “Of course,” clearing their throat. Haha, “Wow, this is a nice party.” “Yeah, it's a family tradition way.” you two will make conversation. All night just talking. You see that they are making you laugh all night. I see them having shades on. I don't think your husband likes to show their eyes like that. But man, they look handsome with their suit on. I don’t know who invited them. Maybe, one of your family members knows your husband. Huh? Okay, for a Few Of You, I see that you will be going to an amusement park. I see that you taking your nieces or nephews to the park or your child. But wow 😮 I can see it happening. Your husband is by those water guns. I forgot what you call those games but you win a teddy bear or some shit like that. If y'all know it then cool! But anyway, I have a sense that your husband will catch you first. Like a glimpse of you. When you are walking around with your nephew. I can see your husband just looking at you. They can't take their eyes off you. Maybe, your husband is a daughter. Like a child. Haha 😂 oh my goodness, I can see their daughter tapping them like “Daddy, Daddy.” wow haha, it is like their soul left their body just when they glimpse at you. Oh my goodness, I think they were trying to find you all day. Until they saw you sitting down eating. They just walk up to you. Wow, they are brave as fuck! Good for them. Lol anyways, this is the picture. Tell me what you think Pile 2 😘😘😂
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Pile 3: wow, pile 3 seems a bit more interesting. Okay, you might meet your husband at the gym some of you. Where you are working out. Riding those bicycles they sat next to you. Oh! You might be creeped off by them. Because they just staring at you. Haha, I see you saying “Can I help you?” aww, they just put their head down. You might feel bad for a second because you know that was rude. I don't think they can help it because they just stare at people. Just for no reason. Your husband is the type to keep themselves. They don't socialize as much. So anyway, you'll feel bad and apologize to them “I am sorry, I just felt creepy.” “It is okay, my bad. It just happens and I couldn't help myself by looking at you. You are so beautiful.” I can see you blush ☺️ like Omg. You might invite them out for coffee. Or brunch. For a few of you, I am seeing two visions where you might meet your husband. At a factory or the zoo. So I think you might go to the zoo and see them there with their friends or like other relatives. You'll be looking at the giraffe 🦒 and I had a vision, you were looking at the giraffe, and then all of sudden you just got caught up in their conversation. You started looking at your husband because of their laugh. Maybe, they have a geeky kind of laugh. I heard “loud.” your husband's laugh is fuccin loud. You started laughing and then, they stared at you and I just saw you turn around so fast. Aww, I think you might get embarrassed 😊. But I see them smiling. I see them walking up to you but they were chasing after you, just to catch up with you. “Excuse Me, Miss.” Wow, they seem such polite. You two just look at each other. But I feel that your husband will initiate the conversation first. “HI, .… I just saw you and I couldn't help myself by coming over to you.” aww, I just saw that in my vision just now.” then I saw you guys talking all day until nighttime. Damn! Your husband just completely ignores their relative they just left them. I didn't their relatives being like a child I saw them as an adult. But the point is they just talking to you. The next day, you showed up where they work at. You didn't know your husband was working at a factory but you just showed up. I can see one of their co-workers pointing you out and they just looked up and saw you. They just completely stop their work to just talk to you. Aww, isn't that so beautiful? They might be a little dirty like their hands 🙌🏽. Or they might work at a toy factory. So either way they are working. Here's your picture that came out for this Pile 3. Tell me what you think of it. Trust your intuition. Take what resonates and what doesn't.
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This is my last reading for now. I'll be taking a break from Tumblr. Sorry 💔 boo’s don't worry! I'll be back. Anyways. Enjoy your reading. Reblog this post and like it!!!! If you want a paid reading you'll know where to find me.
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xxoxobree · 4 months
These are mainly 42 centered because that’s just what my brain comes up with 😭 hope that’s okay
I feel like this is wildly excepted, but I can’t NOT mention it…Could Miles 42 do his own hair? Yes. But he makes his mama do it so he can spend time with her.
We know that Miles’s dad and Aaron fell out in universe 1610 (at least I think so) SO because Miles’s dad isn’t there to stray the family away from his brother, Miles 42’s music is much more influenced by his uncle than 1610’s is. There’s a lot of oldies in there that he first heard because of him!
Adding on to that, I think there’s records in Miles 42’s room? Like I think it’s like in the back. Idk maybe I just saw someone say something about it
Anyways, on those bad nights where shit’s getting to him, Miles puts on a record or two. He loves his headphones, but the record player gives off a different vibe
I like to think about both Miles’ art styles. 1610’s is very freedom, graffiti centered (as we know). There’s a lot of color, he’s free with it. But I believe that 42’s is more, controlled? Idk the word, really. But there’s sharp lines and maybe even a little restraint? To show the difference between how they both grew up and what they’ve experienced through their loves.
I think Miles 42 is better at drawing what’s in front of him, versus 1610’s tendency to just sort of go with it.
both Miles’ favorite place is the roof, where the memorial for Aaron/Mr. Morales is. It makes them feel closer to the ones they’ve lost.
I’ve seen a Tiktok about Miles 42 having heterochromia? People argued that it was just the lighting in the movie, but I think it’d be cool? His eyes aren’t that different, but one is more hazel while the other is more brown.
Pokemon is Miles 42’s guilty pleasure. He likes the games a little (a lot) more than he’d like to admit
Sometimes I think i’d be funny if Miles 42 was a little on the short side? Like Miles 1610 grew because of the spider bite, but 42 stayed where he was? Like he’s not short, but he’s closer to average than a lot of the guys he hangs around and it’s funny because his attitude is 10 feet tall
Miles 42 doesn’t see his mom as much as 1610 does because she’s always working, so he does little things around the house to make it feel more like home when she gets off work. He lights her favorite candles, makes sure her favorite flowers are always in a vase on the dining room table. He likes taking the pressure off his mom’s shoulders because he knows she works hard. He goes above and beyond for her.
He sometimes (a lot of times) slips money into her savings jar so he can see her face light up when she counts it all
42 has his dad’s class ring from high school. He wears it a lot, but when he doesn’t it stays in a little box with his chains.
I can imagine both Miles’ just knowing random things? Like they have all these facts for no reason except the can
Both of them are the type to say they can’t dance even though they can do it better than basically everyone around them
If I think of any more I can send them! There’s also some stuff on my blog too!
Oouu I never thought of miles as someone who can do his own hair. Now that I’m thinking about it. He can definitely do 2 strand twist, but the two braids maybe a little too complicated for him and that’s why he lets Rio do it and to spend time with her 🥰🥰.
Definitely is influenced by uncle Aaron when it comes to music.
The art thing is soooo interesting I’d love to hear more about your theories on that.
I agree with the rooftop, I’ve written a few fics based on that rooftop 😂😂
He definitely has different colored eyes I actually made a post about that and I love it! Ones green and the others brown.
Short King Miles G 😂 I like to think 1610 miles has like 2/3 inches on him.
Yesss omg I agree with the dancing thing, in my head they’re amazing dancers.
These were soooo good, yess send me the others 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 thanks for sharing
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icyrichxx · 3 months
Analysis : why I think miguel is a capricorn rising
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Okay so we don’t have his birth date but we gonna do it if we know his birth date are canon
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I'm going to start with how people perceive him. Most people think he was a scorpio or a scorpio ascendant. Certain facts suit him but I don't find that totally angry with him, intimidating with a certain magnetism, people with a scorpio midheaven are generally very ambitious and make very good leaders (which is what we find in miguel) and they are also perceived as sexual (hence the fact that miguel has been enormously sexualized by his community and the fact that it's canon that he was created as a thirst trap) and finally miguel is perceived as dark, intimidating , strong , and authoritative ( which is strongly found in people with midheaven in this sign).
Rising in capricorn
Now I'm going to base myself on his appearance - we all know that Miguel looks older than his age, even though he's only 30. Capricorn ascendants are known to look older than their age, but they age like good wine (without bragging, that's what they are). They're often tall and have a good, prominent bone structure (just look at him with his cheeks hollowed down to his molars), they have a strong responsibility for the world around them and they're defined by their responsibility and discipline and are hard workers (just look at how hard he works to keep the multiverse safe and he works at it day and night). they're known for being very serious Capricorn Ascendants often rely on their sense of discipline and self-control, even if this doesn't always make them very approachable (before he loses Gabriella in the trailer we proved to see that miguel had a certain sense of humor and this ties in with peter telling him he's the least funny of the spidermans) they're constantly trying to keep face
Here what i found on a website ( Astro sage) :
Capricorn Ascendant people are quite slender, bony, awkward presence and of small to average height. The features are fine and seem cut with a chisel, with deep-set and serious eyes. They have stiff hair on the eyebrows and chest. Usually have big head and large teeth sometimes protruding outside the lips. The general appearance gives an impression of sternness, solidity, deepness, and maturity. Their look is marked by neutrality, sobriety, and ordinariness. Their concern is practicality and not aesthetics, which they pay no attention to. They often look like a scientist or a philosopher, a scholar or a wise person.
Descendant in cancer
The opposite of Capricorn is that the sign of Cancer represents the nurturing side of life, and governs maternity etc. Under its shell, Miguel is someone who is actually gentle and nurturing. We can see with Gabriella just how much it's not the same person, and Miguel says himself that he's always wanted a family indirectly, Descendants in Cancer dream of a family and security, and this is in line with their ascendants, but Descendants in Cancer are people who like to plan and have order, and can appear cold at first sight to the people who meet them (I'm going to talk about his first meeting with Miles, because we all know 😂).
Here I know that some will not agree with me but for me it is really this ascendant which corresponds (I would make a part 2 to analyze its planet which falls in each one of its house but excuse me I had the laziness to continue 😙😙)
Tell me what you think in comment
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look-at-the-soul · 10 months
Hi! Ok so I don't know if I late to your Adele Song Tribute (if I am that's totally alright!) but if you still have space what about something for Tommy or Jonathan with the song Skyfall? Maybe something about reader standing by her man/comforting him when everything seems to be falling part? I think it's one of my favourite songs of hers and not just because I love the James Bond movie of the same name😂 you totally don't have to to though if you don't want too❤️❤️
Hey Addie! Don’t worry you’re never late 🤗 thank you so much for sending in this request! It’s the first one of the ones I got that I started worked with because I particularly LOVE that song and watching the performance to get inspiration is something I really enjoy! ♥️ so I hope you like this 🥰
The lyrics for the song are in italics. As I was debating whether what background story to choose from to develop this story, I had like a moment flashing before my eyes… I definitely enjoyed writing a dark Tommy story for “The way to a man’s heart” but the thought kept coming back to me, how about the opposite? How about someone who actually loves him and wants to help him and his family? So I turned everything upside down and came up with this.
Adele song: Skyfall
Tommy Shelby x reader (smut)
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This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
That’s all that filled the halls.
For this is the end
I've drowned and dreamt this moment
So overdue, I owe them
Swept away, I'm stolen
Y/N took a deep and shaky breath to build some courage and walked towards the love of her life.
Tommy had been staring at the road the police cars took after arresting Polly, Arthur, John and Michael, but they were long gone.
She’d never forget the look in their faces as they were processing what was happening; everything was caos, the people she considered her chosen family yelling, cursing Tommy, trying to find a way out. She felt useless.
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
Esme and Linda were looking at Tommy with such anger, that it made her heart ache for him. Jaws clenched, pointing fingers at him as they were escorted out of the house.
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall
Softly she touched his shoulder to let him know she was close.
“Tom.” She could hardly even her own voice. “Come.”
It took a huge strength from her to snap Tommy out of his trance.
“Frances can you please prepare me a tea for Mr. Shelby? Lavender or Valerian Root… double.”
“Right away Madame.” The maid nodded and rushed towards the kitchen.
“I need to be alone.” Tommy mumbled as he stood in front of the staircase.
“No.” She stated firmly. “I’m -” her voice broke down a bit, “I’m right here for you Tom.”
“Y/N please,” he replied in that warning tone he used when he was about to loose his patience, “I’m not a very good company at the moment.”
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
Where worlds collide and days are dark
She could see the pain in his eyes, and it was the hardest thing to endure.
Tommy had stepped up for his family since a very young age, he worked really hard for everyone, put everything single member of the family before him or his needs… it was time to make him a priority.
She couldn’t look another way and pretend he was alright.
Because he wasn’t, but he didn’t know how to ask for help either.
With all the love she held in her heart for this man she kneeled before him, Tommy didn’t lift his head as it was hanging close to his knees, he looked defeated.
“You got this, Tom, love,” gently but with a firm hand, Y/N lifted his chin to make him look at her, “this seems like a very dark time and that everything’s going the wrong way, but you always find a way to make it better, you always find a way out.”
“They hate me, Y/N as if they needed one more reason… there was nothing I could do to stop them from going to fucking jail.”
“I know darling.”
“All of this…” he extended his arms while looking around the room, “money, power, and for what? They’re in a fucking prison cell, the size of a shoebox. Someone else paid the judges and police more than I did.”
Where you go, I go
What you see, I see
“That’s where you’re wrong, my darling… you can use it to get your position back, if they got your family in prison and they want to play dirty? But you can play smarter than your enemies, I know you will get your family out of jail soon.”
That seemed to work on him, his features were softer, his shoulders weren’t so tense.
“What would I do without you? Ey?” His thumb outlined her cheek.
“Drive Frances crazy?” Y/N joked earning a small chuckle from Tommy that felt like the sweetest thing ever. “Now, I know it’s almost impossible, but have some rest, it will help you think better in the morning.”
“Will it work if I say no?” Tommy tried, knowing the answer before he even opened his mouth.
“Absolutely not.” She slapped his arm lightly before extending her arms towards him to ask for help to get up.
Getting rid of his suit jacket she placed it carefully on the chair, then Tommy let her unbutton his vest and shirt, but first she needed to get rid of the holster and gun.
His mind was going down in a spiral with worry, fears, the monsters inside his head, the tunnel closing up while he tried to reach the stairs to get out… but there right next to him was a woman who trusted him, who believed in him, who was trying to be the light in his darkness.
The only one he could trust to disarm him, both physically and emotionally.
Before he knew it, she tucked him in bed now only wearing his shorts, then she took a cigarette and the matches and lighted it for him, knowing so well he needed a smoke.
“I won’t take long, don’t go anywhere.” She requested right before pressing her full lips to his.
There was only one way to make that mind of him go numb.
He needed to think straight to choose his next move, but he wouldn’t be able to do so when he was in that altered state.
So she removed her skirt and blouse, applied some perfume and subtle lipstick and walked out of the bathroom wearing only her intimate pieces of clothing, a silky short in pale pink with a touch of black lace and matching bra.
As she slowly and tentatively walked towards the empty side of the bed, Tommy was under some kind of spell, his eyes devouring her body.
He was in the same position she left him; the sheets around his waist, bare chest and leaning against the headboard.
Still looking vulnerable after the horrible events of the day, but in his eyes she found a small flame starting to grow with each step she took. As it grew Tommy licked his lips in preparation of what was coming, he was aware of the power Y/N held over him once the bedroom door was closed.
His mind was already in blank as she straddled him, her fingers running up and down his chest. Tommy’s hands immediately circled her waist as he looked up with adoration in his eyes.
“Y/N what are you doing?” Tommy asked in a whisper, his body reacting as she rocked her hips slightly, tempting him, barely brushing against his member.
“Taking off my clothes.” Y/N replied in an innocent voice as if it wasn’t obvious.
Tommy groaned in pleasure as her upper body wasn’t covered anymore. He only dared to close his eyes a moment as she took off his glasses very carefully and placed it on his nightstand. He hissed as she took again her previous spot on him, leaning down to finally give him a proper and deep kiss.
As his mouth explored her neck and collarbone, his hands removed her underwear. A moment later, she was helping him out of his shorts. The atmosphere getting heated rapidly… it wasn’t long before Y/N was rocking her hips back and forth, teasing Tommy, just allowing the tip of his cock inside of her body, as Y/N moved an inch down only to move up again almost all the way out. He protested and tried to move her body down again, he needed her warm walls envelope him.
I know I'd never be me
Without the security
Of your loving arms
“Fuck… Y/N.” He moaned and to her it was the most beautiful sound.
But she wasn’t going to give in, just as Tommy tried to grind her against his hard member, she moved up again. The burning feeling between her legs only adding more pleasure.
“Not yet dear.” She enjoyed the half empty feeling of just having his tip inside and decided to change her pace and angle by making circles with her hips.
Tommy was weak when it came to her, there was no use in trying to deny it, but when it involved her naked, he would do anything she wanted him to.
“Please… I can’t hold it.” She noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead, how tense his jaw was, his beautiful blue eyes closed and felt the rhythm of his heart against her palm.
That’s when she finally in a fluid moment took all of him, his eyes snapped open and a low fuck escaped his lips as he could only focus on the fluttering feeling around him. Y/N controlled her movements to prolong her own pleasure. Throwing her head back she gave in the feeling of being connected so intimately to Tommy, hitting the sweet spot inside of her over and over and suddenly watching him with his mouth hanging open, the veins on his neck pulsing, groaning and trying to not come undone before her it was too much.
“Don’t hold back.” Y/N encouraged him as she guided one of his hands to her center, where she needed him, his skilled fingers set her on fire in mere seconds and they both reached the climax together.
By the end of the night, Tommy was exhausted, Y/N noticed when the rhythm of his breathing changed and he stopped clearing his sore throat after too many cigarettes. She didn’t dare to move to make sure from her current position; head resting on his chest, his arm around her waist. But at least she achieved her main goal… make him feel tired enough to get some sleep.
She knew he would deal with everything in the morning with a clear head, but for now she only wanted to enjoy the feeling of his lean body relaxed, his deep breaths helping her to relax as well.
Keeping me from harm
Put your hand in my hand
And we'll stand
The following morning when Y/N opened her eyes, she noticed Tommy wasn’t in bed with her but she could hear him moving around the bathroom so picking his undershirt from the floor, she tiptoed towards him finding Tommy tucking his shirt inside his pants.
“Morning Mr. Shelby, slept well?”
“Like a baby, you wore me out.” There was a hint of a smile, before returning to his usual serious expression.
“I’m coming with you to the office.” Y/N announced, but before Tommy could protest, she added; “think you probably need some extra hands these days.”
Tommy swallowed watching her strip down to enter the shower. “Thank you.”
She’d choose to tease him for accepting help so easily, but given the circumstances she decided to pass on and hurry up, without his family around the work and papers would pile up.
“Can you take over Polly’s calendar?” Tommy asked as they rushed towards the door.
“Ada will help us as well, I need to go out during lunch though, I asked Michael to do something but…” he trailed off and let the words hanging in the air.
As the car left Arrow House, Y/N squeezed his hand in an attempt to give Tommy some reassurance. On their way to the Shelby headquarters, Y/N helped him sign a couple of documents and a letter, as the ride went in silence, she knew he was already making a plan so she decided to give him time and space to do what he did best.
As soon as Tommy crossed the door Lizzie and other secretaries and employees were trying to figure out what would happen now, uncertainty decorating their features. Everyone following his instructions, not asking questions, they were just obeying his orders, he was back to being the boss once more, not showing an ounce of emotion, of course he wouldn’t show the vulnerable side Y/N saw the previous night.
Y/N marched to the kitchen in silence to prepare him some tea.
“This is a mess, how did you handled him last night?” Ada asked leaning against the table.
“As best as he let me.” Y/N sighed. “I think he’ll need something stronger, but Polly keeps the booze locked and I don’t know where her keys are.”
“I need to go through Arthur’s papers later, if I find something, I’ll give it to you.” Ada proposed in a low tone, still shocked.
“I’m planing to pay Polly a visit, she might need a change of clothes and other things, would you come with me?”
“The safe combination wont work, Y/N I need you to open it.” Tommy appeared out of breath, he looked like he had been moving furniture around and it was only past eight o’clock.
“Alright I’ll take that as my cue to go.” Ada left them with her own cup of tea, she had a long day ahead and knew when to stay away from her brother.
Pouring the two cups, Y/N gave Tommy his to try to keep him busy as he was looking over her shoulder, as if with that she would be able to open the safe faster.
“What’s so urgent?” She didn’t understand, Tommy had already paid for protection for his family while they were in jail. That was something.
But the combination she was using didn’t work either and Tommy was growing impatient.
“Hang on, Pol told me something about a picture.” Y/N clicked her fingers and started opening the back of a frame that was sitting on Polly’s desk, hidden behind a photo of Michael, there was a paper with the new combination.
“Why the hell did she choose to hide combination there?” Tommy complained, shaking his head.
“Because no one would think of opening a photo frame?” Y/N chuckled and left him to start organizing the things she would be helping around with.
First she started to make a list of the things that were needed at the office, then she got busy with the car spares of the upcoming shipments which kept her busy most of the morning.
The following weeks happened exactly like that, super busy days by keeping the books in order, registering the accountability made her feel exhausted by the end of the day and her feet were sore when she got involved in dispatching the Scotch whiskey. She could barely realize when it was lunch time and before she knew it, it was already nine o’clock and Tommy took some papers to keep working from home.
Rubbing his eyes, he locked the door to his office and walked through the empty property, all employees were gone home for the day, except for one; the most loyal one, the one who stepped in and didn’t ask what she needed to do, she got completely hands on immediately and didn’t stop until he was ready to go. Y/N had been developing incredible leadership skills, she made everything go right on time, she made sure meetings were efficient and all employees had clear instructions.
Tommy looked around for her since all he could find was silence,so it was a surprise to find her sitting on the floor inside the safe, somehow she also managed to make the count and organize the mess they had inside. After feeling on the edge for days, watching her skirt wrinkled, a lock of hair bothering her vision and making her blow some air in a lousy attempt to move it back made his day go a million times better.
She wasn’t a Shelby yet, - he should change that soon- but somehow she had managed to earn that last name by her endless support and all the hard work she was doing.
“You’re making me start thinking I should have everyone else fired and hire you full time, what the hell are you doing Y/N?” Tommy asked with his arms folded against his chest, the hint of a smile dancing in his lips. He couldn’t hide the amusement in his features.
Face it all together
At Skyfall
“Why do you have a King’s letter here?” Y/N raised her hand with a wrinkled paper, that caught Tommy’s attention right away.
“Where did you find it?” His eyes scanned the words at speed.
“After finishing the count, I started organizing the licenses and papers, this briefcase was at the back.” She explained showing him the other papers. “What’s the matter?”
Then, in a surprising motion, Tommy took her face between his hands and gave her a loud and effusive kiss on the lips.
“This is better than the fucking lottery!”
He announced storming out of the safe, Y/N rushed to close it before following his steps confused.
“You’re a fucking genius.”
“I’m not following.” She frowned while Tommy poured two glasses, this was the first time she saw him smile for weeks, his eyes finally showing life.
“I found that briefcase by accident some time ago, it involves the King in some shit ,” his eyes were shining like the stars outside, “this is my ticket to get my family out and all thanks to you.”
Tommy pulled her by the hips to make her sit on his lap.
“What are you waiting for then? Go on!” She encouraged him, but Tommy had other plans.
“If it wasn’t for you during this difficult time, I wouldn’t be able to do this, you know that right?” His hand came to caress her cheek while she took a moment to savor his sweet words. “This is far from the ideal proposal and I don’t even have a ring right now, but I need you to know that I want you by my side forever.”
“Oh Tommy!” Her eyes got teary, she was so tired and worried for him, thinking he would explode at any moment so this was totally unexpected.
And for the first time in days, they both felt like they did a good job by keeping the business afloat and finally the way to get the family free. After hugging tightly and another round of kisses, Y/N pulled back.
“First things first, we’re going to write a letter to get your family out of jail,” Y/N stated excitedly, “we should do a tea party and invite Mr. Churchill and other VIP guests.”
Tommy chuckled.
“And let me pick up Aunt Pol, she is still angry with you.”
“Fair enough.” He answered leaning back on his chair as Y/N was writing the letter.
After asking a blinder to deliver it personally, Y/N walked back into Tommy’s office finding him with his eyes closed and two fingers massaging his temples.
“Everything will be alright.” She hugged him from behind, taking in how worried he really was, but he had been disguising as strong and tough and intimidating all the time.
“I know,” when Tommy looked into her eyes, she found sadness. “Thank you for doing this.”
“Tommy… I knew you’d find a wait to get them out.”
“This shouldn’t be happening. Not to them.”
“Let’s focus on the future now, hmm?” Y/N kissed his cheek.
That was all he could think of now. And all of the things they’d do together.
He was so grateful for the way she managed everything, kept him grounded and focused, encouraged him to keep going, to not give up, she stood up for him when he needed it the most.
And there was nothing on earth good enough to show her how grateful he really was.
Adele songs challenge
Master List
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @zablife @gypsy-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @thenattitude @winchestergirl22 @heidimoreton @imichelle-l-rigby @allie131313 @already-broken144 @peakyscillian @babaohhhriley @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @sydneyyyya (can’t tag) @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @thomashelbyswife @darleneslane @everythingelseisextra
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
What if Series II.
What if Reader married Cregan Stark?
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You met Cregan when you were sixteen at your sister's wedding, and the bond between you two became so strong there was no other choice but to betrothed you two.
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Targaryen!Fem!Reader
Warnings: minors kissing heavily, and being really sneaky and horny 😂😂. Reader and Cregan are so horny for one another JAJAJA well they are a couple of sixteen year olds, cursing, medieval customs, incest and whatnot 
Notes: this is it people! Haha! I decided to give it a turn, more drastic 
Year: Year 115 AC, Rhaenyra is 18, Princess (Y/N) 16
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Only one thing changed the course of History…
When Rhanyra was ready to join the jousting, and begin the celebrations for her wedding, excited to see his uncle in the lists again, she went looking for her sister to join her… She got into the Godswood, where his father and the princess were with the Starks.
And what she saw made her smile, she refrained from grabbing her sister and taking her away from the place. 
Her sister was walking in the Godswood, so close with the wolf boy, she didn’t dare to intervene, in fact, she let them, only walking towards his father and Lord Rickon
“They make a handsome couple”, she would say, with a shy smile.
And that did it for King Viserys.
The very next day in the feast, the King announced the betrothal of her youngest daughter to the the heir to Winterfell, Cregan Stark, of the North 
For you, Rhaenyra’s week of wedding celebrations turned into some sort of blurr, a haze of love, and tingles in your belly.
Once your betrothal was announced you and Cregan never again parted ways from one another. stealing glances, holding hands under the table, taking long walks in the gardens, in the city, in the Red Keep, you took so many walks because there was the only way you could truly be together with him. Walking… holding hands, always being followed, under the watchful eyes of Steffon or another unlucky King’s guard 
But you realized soon it wasn’t enough.
No matter how many knights crushed each other with their spears, or many many swings of their swords they would take to defeat the other… or how many fools would hit each other with wooden sticks or how many jokes they pulled, or how many times you would dance, or ride horses throughout the fields outside the walls of King’s Landing
It wasn’t enough 
Soon your gazes turned more heated, your hands squeezed together more often and more tightly, and sometimes you took one too many cups of Dragonfire wine, expecting to quench your thirst…
But you weren’t thirsty for wine, nor even water
Soon you started stealing kisses when your Kingsguard wasn’t looking, the first time your lips collided with Cregan’s it was like a warm milky bath with your favorite essences in it, certainly felt better than that. And you both soon turned addicted to each other's pouty lips
And from hands you were seen holding each other, his hand on your waist, and your arm coiled with his 
Rickon and Viserys didn’t know what to do with the both of you always sneaking around, and people were beginning to talk.
But it wasn’t only the touches that made your skin burn with desire… it was also… him
All of him
He was tall and beautiful, wide, broad and so handsome, he dwarfed you in size and that made you want him even more.
HIs hair was dark brown, his eyes a piercing gray, he was so adult but he still held reminisces of his childhood, his jaw hairless and his eyes still held a playful twinkle. 
He would talk to you about his home, about the things he had read, about the houses that followed house Stark.
You would speak to him about the things you had read, and the places you would like to see. 
You were both young, and hungry for the world, and for the correct leadership of your people.
He would also tell you about legends and horror stories about the far north, about monsters beyond the wall, and how he would take you to gaze upon the neverending winter above the tallest and most magical wall the world had ever seen. 
It would make your skin prickle when he hugged you at your back, and whisper in your ear provoking goosebumps in your arms and the little hairs in the back of your neck prickle.
Cregan Stark made your skin tingle, made you this warmth in the lowest part of your belly
And you made him so insane for you as well.
You were two teenagers in love, and in lust.
Soon you felt the need to get away from prying eyes, and you both went as far as sneaking out of the safety of the Red Keep and into the dark streets of King’s landing during the fire festival, over the last days of Rhaenyra’s and Laenor’s wedding celebrations
YOu hid your silver hair under a hood, and Cregan didn’t have the need too, and you walked hand in hand enjoying the festivities.
Until you were busted.
“Princess”, you heard a gruff voice call for you, you turned around to meet Harwin Strong. you squeezed Cregan’s hand even tighter, this man had proclaimed you the Queen of Love and Duty the first day of jousting, and you couldn’t be more nervous to be around him
“Ser Harwin”, you gulped, he then looked at Cregan, and then back at you, and then back at him and nodded at the young wolf, like giving his approval of him protecting you. 
“Be careful out here”, he warned, his voice barely a whisper, and a twinkle of sadness in his eyes, and then he turned around and let you be.
Cregan only smiled reassuringly, and pulled you over to continue watching and enjoying the celebrations. 
That night you came back to the castle, and you felt so ecstatic you didn’t care when you pulled Cregan towards the dark hallways leading to your bedroom.
“Wait”, he called, and you looked at him, “We can’t, we are not married”
“I can’t”, he said, “I can’t go into your rooms”, his voice sounded so choked that you knew his resolve was weakening. You pulled him towards you and he embraced you in his arms while your mouths collided, hungry for each other.
Your kisses and touches started to feel so heated, so needy, and you touched over your clothes everything you could over the other. 
“Princess!”. oh shit, busted again.
You could only hear what they were screaming about in the next room
“We should marry them now, only the gods now how long until the princess’ belly starts to swell
“How dare you Strong? my son was raised properly, he wouldn’t dare take the maidenhead of the princess!”, that was Rickon Stark
“They were caught doing everything but…”, he mocked, but everything stopped when they heard the King go inside the room
“Your grace”
“What happened?”
“The princess and young Cregan were caught in the Red Keep hallways…. copulating”, explained ser Lyonel Strong
“They were not copulating! They were kissing!”, said Ser Harrold Westerling, the snitch that caught you, intervened
“kissing?”, said Viserys, feeling a headache similar to the one he felt when he had been told by Otto that Rhaenyra had been spotted in a pleasure house when she herself was only sixteen, with her uncle, at least his daughter was betrothed to the young man in question. 
“Leave us, Lord Stark and I will speak to them, nothing spoken here leaves this room”, he said firmly, and the rest of the council left.
they made you go inside, and you and Cregan seated right by each other's side, and across from his father RIckon, and your own father Viserys
“Ah young love”, Viserys said looking at them both, “we know what that is like, don’t we Rickon”
“We do your grace”, he said with a content smile
“So powerful, it could burn you whole, and at least, that is what it feels like, a need for the other person so strong…”, you searched for Cregan’s fingers under the table and you intertwined them 
“They say my mother’s screams of pleasure could be heard all over the Keep the night of her wedding”, Viserys said with a creepy smile on his face, “she was only fifteen when she married my father, and they were the most happy couple the court has ever seen, so hungry for each other, all the time, they would talk about it plainly, of how happy they made one another, specially in the bedroom…”, you looked at Cregan with cheeks heated with embarrassment. “BUT THEY WERE MARRIED!”, he finished, slapping his hand on the table, making you both jump. “they were already married!”, he clarified. 
Even though you wanted to feel bad because of your poor behavior, you couldn’t once you noticed the amusement in Viserys' voice. He was amused, by you, and by your betrothed, and by your behavior. Rickon was too, but he would soon die rather than admit it.
“You are laying yourself over to dark accusations, the court is whispering about you two sneaking off in the night…”
“But father…”, you whispered
“It has to end”, he said firmly, “at least until you are married, and you won’t be until you are eighteen years old”
“But if grandmother married when they were fifteen, then we could…”
“Eighteen”, Rickon said, “the day after tomorrow we will leave for the North and wait until the princess comes of age”, he said firmly, and you felt your chest tightening.
The conversation was over and Rickon took Cregan front he room, to chide him in his own way
Your father leaned in and whispered only for you to hear
“Are you going to need moon tea?”, and then he looked into your eyes, and you shook your head.
“No father, we… I won’t need it”, you whispered looking at the table in front of you
“Good”, he leaned back and left the room, leaving you there alone and cold.
“I’ll send you ravens everyday”, he whispered against your lips, as you said your goodbyes outside the keep in the courtyard. They had the decency to look away as you embrace one another 
“you can’t send your touch or kisses by raven”, you whispered back, he smiled, and leaned in and kissed you deeply.
“I’ll miss you my summer princess”
“And I’ll miss you my Winter Lord”, you murmured
“Alright, enough you two”, said Rickon, pulling away his son from you
And you exchanged many letters that would make the maesters that intercepted them blush and look away. 
When you turned eighteen they sent you ahead on dragonback to the North to finally marry Cregan.
The King, the Queen, and everyone else went into a long Caravan that would take two long months in getting there. 
Mushroom and the maester would write afterwards that by the time they arrived at Winterfell to celebrate your wedding, you would already be with child, because the babe was born only seven moons after your wedding ceremony.
It was a healthy boy that Cregan named Robb
And you give him six more children, five boys and one girl after that.
Even if the reader had a hard time adjusting to the North and the cold, she lived a happy life with Cregan.
Rickon passed the very same year they married, turning Cregan into a young Lord of Winterfell and warden of the north
Lords tried to challenge him, but they didn’t dare once they looked upon your huge dragon Vhaelar. 
You had a hard time adjusting to the North, Cregan being the only one you knew, but then Sara Snow came close to you, befriended you, and other girls from houses of the North followed. 
Mean tongues would say that the first times you tried to sleep, was with a fur cape on that Cregan had made for you, they also said he ripped it off of you and warmed you himself on those cold winter nights. 
He soon turned to be everything you could ever need, the North was hard and gruff, but you learned to live in it, and with its people, warming their hearts towards you, “the southerner princess”
When the dance came, you escorted the winter wolves with your dragon, and the northern army. You couldn’t stop the murder of your family, but you accompanied your husband in bringing justice to them, and guided young Aegon.
You came back to the North to live a long and happy life. Cregan survived you, at seventy years old.
Edit: you died peacefully in your sleep, Cregan followed a couple of months after, not being able to live without you ❤️
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More notes: for more, Cregan x Tragaryen!reader you will have tow ait for "Winter sun", a whole ass fic I'm writing
taglist! @tearsarcane @integra1127 @aestmilky @thanyatargaryen @tythaitie @lostinworldofdarkness @voodoogoul @wildmindedbeauty32 @lil-pudd @alicattx @electric-bloo @astaaan-lol @stargaryenx @kaitieskidmore1 @bregarc @lilpnd @jcpenneyyy @janelei @fexibau @ladyoakenshield157 @danielle-leah1997 @lady-ragnvindr @cecilyjmorgenstern @omgsuperstarg @bugheadskid @batprincess1013 @her-fandom-sanctum @holb32 @blue1006 @stargaryenx @grippleback-galaxy @mikariell95 @genesisliveson @mendes-bae @caspianobsessed@notmundane3000 @kamisunshine @just-someone11 @ietss @joliettes @flaneurpastel
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 6 months
Candy Cane Christmas
Pairing: SteveHarringtonxFemReader
Summary: You attend a Christmas party and meet a guy you just can't pass up a one night stand with. It's smut guys. Not a whole lot of story. Just smut. 😂
18+ Only
Word Count: 3.5K
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You approached the ridiculously large house that looked like it belonged on an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. Even without the size, it would have been hard to miss with the blazing bright twinkle lights complete with Santa and his reindeer on the roof, with your friend, Nancy Wheeler. She had insisted that you just had to attend this Christmas party and you had nothing else going on, so you figured why not. You were dying for an evening that did not include you, your cat, a bottle of wine, and re-runs of Growing Pains and Full House.
You and Nancy had met a few months ago when you both started working at the Hawkins Post after college. She was from the town, had attended Hawkins High, but you had moved here for the job and knew nobody except for her. So, there you stood, in a red and white striped dress that hugged all of your curves perfectly. If you were going to party like Santa was coming down the chimney, you may as well look the part.
As you approached the door, it swung open, revealing a guy with long brown hair that fell to his chin. He was wearing a cream colored sweater and jeans and you had to admit, if this was Nancy's guy, she had done pretty well for herself. Jonathan was handsome in a very grungy kind of way, not at all what you would have expected for perfectly coiffed Nancy in her pencil skirts and heels. 
"Welcome ladies," he said with a grin. "Come on in."
You entered, soaking in the massive house around you. Jesus, what did this guy do for a living? You definitely needed a better job or a promotion. You loved being a journalist, but right now it was entry level. You were grabbing coffee and doing lunch runs. You and Nancy commiserated over the sexist atmosphere that was the news world. Heaven forbid any of the male employees pour themselves a cup of fucking coffee. No, they were above that. The pay wasn't great either, but you kept telling yourself that you just needed one good break, one great story to prove you had what it took to be more than some glorified assistant.
The kitchen was all set up with a wide variety of liquor options, mixers, and beer along the countertop. A large glass bowl sat in the middle and you were certain it wasn’t just fruit punch. The kitchen table looked like it would buckle under all the snacks that were piled on it. Chips, popcorn, nuts, a cheese tray, a fruit tray, and what must have been ten pizza boxes from Surfer Boy pizza. 
"Jonathan, this is Y/N," Nancy said, gesturing to you. "Y/N, my boyfriend, Jonathan."
"Nice to meet you," you said, offering him a smile. "Nancy talks about you so much at work, I already feel like I know you."
"Same," he grinned. "But it's good to finally put a face to the name.”
“Your house is incredible.”
Jonathan laughed, shaking his head, “Not my house. My house would fit in the living room of this place but Nance and I are hoping to get our own apartment soon. This is a friend’s place.”
“Wow, some friend you’ve chosen for yourself,” you teased. “This makes my tiny apartment feel like a closet.”
“Yeah, well, the Harringtons don’t know how to do anything small,” Nancy commented with a roll of her eyes. 
“But don’t let the size fool you. Steve loves having people over. He has a party once a month. So, make yourself comfortable. Have fun. Eat, drink, be merry. Do you mind if I steal my girlfriend away for just a minute?"
"Nope," you told him with a shake of your head. "I am perfectly capable of amusing myself."
You watched the two of them wander off and headed over to the drink table. You were just ladling some punch into a red solo cup when someone slid up next to you. You glanced over and then quickly did a double take. Damn, where did this guy come from? 
He was tall, muscular but lean, and gorgeous, with chestnut locks that would make any woman green with envy. He wore jeans that hugged him in all the right places and a green long sleeved shirt that he had pushed up to his elbows with a smiling elf on the front. HIs hand reached out for the ladle and your eyes were drawn to his hands, his very large hands. He poured a healthy scoop of punch into his cup.
"Hey there," he said, spinning around, leaning against the table. A sexy little smirk crossed his face, a smirk that made you think of asking him if he wanted to go somewhere quieter. Jesus, what a cliche but this man was causing all kinds of images to flash through your brain, images that were causing a pulsing heat to settle in your core. 
"Hey," you replied, taking a sip of your drink.
"I've never seen you before.”
“What makes you think you haven’t?”
“Believe me, I would have noticed if you’d ever made an appearance."
His eyes ran from your head to your toes and back down again before settling on your chest. The dress you wore provided a generous view of your cleavage and his tongue snuck out, the tip resting against his upper lip.
"I'm Y/N," you said, stepping so close you were almost touching, smiling coyly up at him. "I came with Nancy. We work together at the Hawkins Post."
"Ahh, and I assume she's ditched you to go hang with her boyfriend," he commented. 
"Yeah, but I don't mind. I am very skilled at entertaining myself," you breathed, pressing your body against his. You delighted in the way his eyes widened, darkening with lust. "Or finding someone to entertain me."
He tilted his head slightly, his hand coming to rest on your hip, tugging your pelvis against his so you could feel how turned on he was. Damn, you could definitely feel it. This man was not lacking and it had been so long since you’d gotten good and fucked. Knowing you had that kind of power over a guy you had only met five minutes ago was intoxicating. You knew this was probably stupid, some might even call it slutty, but you didn't care. You wanted to know how this man felt in every single way possible. 
"Well, if I am going to...entertain you," he mused, "you should at least know my name. I'm Steve."
"Oh, so you’re Steve, the owner of this very large house.”
“It’s my parents, actually, but yeah. That would be me.”
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you," you smiled, "and just how exactly do you plan on entertaining me?"
He leaned close, his hair brushing against your cheek, his lips right next to your ear as he whispered, "Well, you look like a candy cane in that dress and I have quite the sweet tooth. I intend on enjoying every square inch of you and finding out just how good you taste. Is that entertainment enough?"
You shivered slightly at his words, a pleasant tingling shooting straight to your center at the thought of that mouth tasting you. Those lips were delicious looking, pillowy and soft, and you couldn't wait to find out what they felt like on your own...not to mention other places. God, you wanted to know what they could do to other places.
Steve took your hand, leading you away from the party and up the stairs. He turned into a room on the right, closing the door behind him. You surveyed the room, the massive king bed with the fluffiest looking pillows and comforter, the dark drapes hanging from the floor to ceiling windows, the wood paneling. This was definitely fancier than what you were used to.
Your thoughts were quickly cut off when Steve grabbed you, pushing you up against the door. His hands rested on either side of your head, his thigh sliding between your own. His face was so close, you could feel his nose slipping over yours, his breath brushing across your face as a mix of vodka and cedar invaded your nostrils. You sucked in a slow, shuddering breath in anticipation of finally tasting those lips. 
"The things I want to do to you," he rumbled and then his lips crashed into yours. You wound your fingers through his hair. His thigh pressed against your pussy and you whimpered into his mouth, rubbing against him, seeking pressure to relieve the ache. His tongue parted your lips and you opened your own, welcoming him in, his tongue instantly gliding over yours. Jesus, the taste of him was stimulating every nerve ending in your body.
Steve’s hand groped your breast through your dress, squeezing and molding it in his fingers. His hands felt just as sensational as you thought they would, his large palm completely enveloping you. It wasn't enough. You needed to feel his hands on your bare skin with a desperation you didn't know was possible. Just when you were ready to rip your own dress off, his hand slid down over your waist, your hip, gripping your ass before resting on your bare thigh. He gripped it, lifting your thigh up so it was draped over his hip. 
With this new position, Steve bucked his hips against you and you groaned. His lips, those beautiful lips, began to travel along your jawline and down the side of your neck. You sighed, your head falling back against the door, turning slightly to allow him better access. His hands grabbed the straps of your dress, yanking them down your shoulders just enough to expose your breasts to the chill of the air. Your arms were trapped against your body, the straps just above your elbows.
"Jesus Christ," he muttered, "they're even more perfect than I pictured."
He gripped your arms, turning you around and pushing you backward until you hit the edge of the bed. With a quick push, you fell back, landing on the downy soft comforter. He was instantly on you, his mouth lavishing your breasts with attention. 
"Fuck," you sighed, his lips latching onto your nipple, sucking it hard before biting down gently. You gasped at the shock but then his tongue was swirling lazy circles. Just as the throbbing died down, he did the same to the other one, an infinitely sweet torture. You could feel how damp your panties were already and wondered how you were going to make it through this if you were already this worked up. 
Steve rose up on his knees, walking his body along yours until his knees rested on either side of your shoulders. He licked his lips, his hands coming to undo his belt. 
"I want to know how that pretty little mouth feels around me," he growled, reaching in and pulling his cock out. "Open up for me, angel."
You opened your mouth obediently and Steve slid his cock past your lips. You wrapped your lips around it, wishing you had your hands free to touch him as well. You flattened your tongue, sliding it along the vein that ran along the bottom before flicking your tongue along the opening, tasting the precum that had already collected there.
"That's my pretty girl," he groaned. His hand gripped your hair as he bucked his hips, sending his cock so deep it hit the back of your throat. You gagged slightly, relaxing your throat before he did it again. "Yes, I knew that mouth could handle my dick. Take it all, angel."
He continued to fuck your mouth, pulling gently on your hair. You could feel the coarse hair that surrounded him rubbing against your skin, his sack smacking against your chin each time he thrust into your mouth. Shit, you felt like you could orgasm just from pleasuring him, the sounds he was making. He muttered curses, your name, groans and grunts. His head fell back, that beautiful hair flopping back, the line of his jaw hard. 
Suddenly, his cock was gone and he was off you. He yanked you to the edge of the bed, shoving your dress up past your hips. His finger danced along the fabric of your underwear, a smile forming on his mouth. 
"Damn...so wet already?" he asked, running his fingers up and down along the damp fabric. "Mmm, I need to find out if you taste as sweet as you look, pretty girl. Would you like that?"
You whimpered, nodding your head, incapable of words at the moment with his fingers teasing you to the point of oblivion. Jesus, you needed release. You were so worked up, it felt like you were a champagne bottle that was going to pop, spewing all over everything when the pressure was finally let loose.
"Oh, that's not going to do," he teased, his finger sliding just under your panties, running up and down, barely brushing over your clit, but not quite where you needed him. "I'm going to need you to use your words, angel. Tell me what you need me to do."
A soft groan escaped your lips as you said, "I need you to touch me. I need you to taste me. I need you to make me cum. Jesus Christ, please."
"Oh, I like hearing you beg," he chuckled. "Give me a little more."
"Please Steve," you pleaded as his fingers gently ran along your inner thighs, causing you to shiver. "Please touch me. I need to know what those beautiful lips feel like on my pussy. Please make me feel good."
"You really are a dirty girl, aren't you? Sleeping with a guy you just met, begging him to eat you out," he said, his voice low and husky as his fingers hooked in your panties, dragging them down your legs before he knelt in front of you on the floor. Your arms were still trapped and you wiggled your hips, desperate to get as close to him as possible. He leaned closer, blowing across your exposed pussy and you gasped, lifting your hips and whining. "So impatient..."
Then his tongue ran all the way from your entrance to your clit and you let out a sound that was somewhere between a shriek and a sigh, your back arching. One of his hands splayed across your stomach, pushing you flat to the bed. His tongue swirled around your clit before sliding down to slip inside of you. Your eyes rolled, your hips trying to rise but his hand was keeping you pinned to the bed. 
"Fuck yes..." you breathed, wanting so badly to have your hands free. You wanted to grab his face and rub yourself all over it. Fuck, he was so goddamn talented. You felt like you were rising up out of your body, watching this mind-blowing scene from above. 
"So sweet," he rumbled against you, the vibrations sending another shockwave coursing through your body. His lips pulled your clit in, sucking gently before his tongue circled again. His other hand slid along your thigh and then two of his fingers were inside of you, pumping in and out, their thick girth stretching you as he spread them apart. Your walls clenched around him, the combination of his fingers and tongue threatening to send you over the edge.
"Just like that...oh my god...don't stop...just like that...I'm going to..." you whimpered. 
"Come all over my face, beautiful girl," he whispered, his fingers twisting, curving to stroke your walls in a whole new way. 
His teeth gently ran over your clit and you shuddered, your whole body beginning to shake uncontrollably. A guttural scream clawed its way out of your throat as your orgasm ripped its way through you. Steve’s hand that had been on your stomach clamped over your mouth, muffling the sound from the party guests. His tongue never stopped moving as you rode the waves of pleasure, one right after the other. Finally, you whimpered against his hand, falling back against the bed. Every single muscle trembled, your body like ice cream melting in the sun. 
"Taste yourself, angel," Steve ordered, slipping his fingers past your lips. You sucked on them slowly before sliding your tongue all along them, in between his fingers. "So sweet, aren't you?" He gazed down at you. "Shit, you are damn gorgeous." Grabbing your dress, he pulled it the rest of the way off your body so you were completely bare. He pushed his jeans and boxers down before pulling his shirt over his head. 
Your eyes soaked in the sight of his bare skin, the lean muscles that rippled along his arms, the downy hair that coated his chest and the tantalizing strip of that ran down his abdomen leading to the patch above his cock that was even larger than the outline of his jeans had hinted at. He was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at him. 
"Jesus, you are sexy as hell," you breathed, sitting up to run your hands over his chest, raking your fingers through the dark hair. Slowly standing, you pressed your lips against his stomach before moving your lips along his chest, his collarbone, his throat. You wanted to touch and taste every inch of him you could.
"Careful angel," he whispered, his hands running down your back to grip your ass, pulling you hard against him. "If you make me feel too good, I may just want to keep you."
"I may just let you," you replied, your hand gripping his cock and pumping it slowly. You were rewarded with a deep groan and it only intensified your desire to make him feel good. Bringing your hand to your mouth, you spit in it before rubbing it over him. 
"Son of a bitch," he muttered, biting his lower lip as you continued to work your hand and fingers all along his length. HIs hand slid between your folds, finding your clit, his finger running across it rapidly. Your breathing was in sync, both rapid with desire when he growled, "I am going to fuck you until you scream my name."
Steve moved you backward until your back was pressed against the wall. He hiked your leg up again and gripped his cock, sliding it along you, rubbing the tip over your swollen clit, teasing you until you couldn’t stand it anymore. 
"Please...stop teasing," you begged, your breath harsh and ragged. "Fuck me Steve. I need you to fuck me."
He smirked, slamming his full length into you. His hands came to grip your ass and you leapt as he lifted, wrapping your legs around his waist. He began to pound into you, sending your body shooting upward with each thrust. The pounding of your body against the wall could probably be heard by everyone in the house, but you could not bring yourself to care.
"You like that?" he hissed in your ear, one hand braced against the wall, the other steadying you against him. 
"Yes," you answered. "Your cock feels so good...you feel so goddamn good."
Your hands shot out above your head, splaying against the wall as your body continued to slam against the wood paneling. His cock was absolutely perfect, hitting every single delicious spot within you with each drive of Steve’s hips, stretching you more than you’d ever been. HIs arms wrapped around your back as he turned, walking toward the bed. He fell forward, never separating from you. 
"It seems a waste not to use the bed. My parents certainly don’t use it," he groaned, grabbing one of your legs and lifting it straight up in the air as he guided your body onto your side. 
"Oh fuck!" you cried, this new position opening you up to a whole new world of sensation. You gripped the comforter underneath you, burying your face in it to try to muffle the loud shrieks you could no longer control as another orgasm tore through you, even more powerful than the last. Your body tensed, back arched, and you bit into the comforter as you screamed his name.  
"Jesus, you feel so damn good. I'm so close," Steve groaned, his hips thrusting faster and harder, shaking your entire body. "Oh fuck!"
He thrust a few more times, grunting with each movement as he emptied himself completely. Blowing out a large breath, he slid out of you and flopped down next to you with a loud grunt of satisfaction. Reaching out, you laid your hand over his chest and he looked over, grinning at you. 
"Shit, I hope you’re good with it because I really might just keep you because I am definitely going to need to do that again," he teased, reaching over to slap your ass.
"I definitely might need to let you," you responded with a playful grin. 
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
imagine 141 meeting sweethearts family and them being just as weird as her😂
(Dude I'm gonna info dump so damn hard I'm sorry)
Her family is literally crack personified. They are HEAVILY, EXTREMELY AND HARSHLY based on The Amazing World of Gumball, because that was my favorite cartoon when i was growing up and i adored how crazy the family was 💀HUGE ASS FUCKING FAMILY INCOMING Her dad practically married himself in woman form (but shes more chill and introverted than him- they're both chaotic as hell), and then her siblings (eight older brothers; two are adopted, two older sisters, middle siblings who are triplets ( sister, brother and ftm brother) three younger brothers and an adopted younger sister (BASICALLY AN ALL BOY FAMILY AND SOME GIRLS SPRINKLED IN 💀)
There's the oldest brother, Who's name I have no idea yet I just call him T. He's 42 years old and is a fucking unit. He has a family with a wife and three kids. (No idea how he looks either)
The second oldest brother idk his name either is 41 years old and is also a fucking unit. He's single and is an engineer
The third oldest brother is 39 years old. Don't know what to name him lol Also another unit but has a bionic leg. He's a single father and has a daughter.
The fourth oldest brother is also 39 years old. He's tall as shit but more skinny. He has a girlfriend and a boyfriend and is a mad scientist. (Legally? Probably not. Insanely smart and makes weapons? PROBABLY YES)
The fifth oldest brother is 37 years old, his name is Grizz. He's built like his dad (big and burly with a gut) and has his personality. He's a firefighter
And then the sixth older brother, he's 36 years old (no idea what to name him) he's a CEO of a company. He has a wife and five kids
They're all absolute units like good lord
There are two adopted older brothers. One of them, who is also 36 years old, was a son to a family friend. His family died and they took him in. He's a chef. The other one, his name is Sammy, he's 35 years old and is now a musician.
The two older sisters, aka: The Domino twins, the animator and the police officer. Idk their names dammit-- but they're both 35 years old. The police officer has an eye patch and grayed early, while the animator has a scar over her other eye and black hair. (Hence why people call them Domino)
And then the triplets, all 28 years old. The sister is a hairstylist and a cosplayer, the brother is a game designer named Ezekiel, and the other brother who is trans (ftm) is a voice actor and a professional gamer. (GUESS WHAT- DONT KNOW THEIR NAMES LMAO)
And then a younger brother, who's 18 years old (last year in high school BABBYYYY) And then the younger twins who are 10 years old and then the adopted sister who is four.
(If yall are curious about them don't be afraid to ask!)
One of her aunts on the dad's side practically lives in prison because of the unlucky luck that runs in the family, the other one is the most normal one and she's a nurse, and her uncle on the mom's side that's literally a revolutionary war (to a war NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD OF) hero with HIS crazy ass family... NOT TO MENTION THE GRANDPARENTS AND GREAT GRANDPARENTS (ON BOTH FUCKIN SIDES) one was in the Italian mob and has connections that shouldn't be connections, and the other one owns a tiger, a lion and a raccoon that was the replacement for the bear when the tiger and the lion ate it. (I'll let yall decide who's who), and then one has a fortune but forgot where it's buried, and then the other one is a musician! (As I said, I'll let you decide who's who)
they invited her team(yes, Keegan as well), Los Vaqueros, and Krueger plus Graves to have like a welcome back cookout at their big country home
And the chaos IMMEDIATELY started when they got there.
The younger twins forgot that they set up a trap on the house, so when Sweetheart opened the door, she got hit in the face with a pan, fell on the ground, and then whip cream came flying out, hitting Soap in the face.
Sweet's mom: MY BABY ARE YOU OKAY???
Police sister, to Soap: Are you okay??? Can you breathe???
Sammy, shaking Sweetheart: SWEETHEART??? SWEETHEART ARE YA GOOD??
Sweetheart, out of it: MOmMy I LoOk PreTTy?
(Sammy's a bit stupid)
After that happened, Zeke led Soap to a bathroom, feeling around for any more traps. The younger twins went into a time out and Sweetheart has an ice pack for her head.
They all started talking, Sweet's mom REALLY like the boys (Especially Alejandro and Price) and Sweet's Dad really like Ghost and Roach. Grizz and VA brother like Gaz, and the adopted sister really likes Soap and Keegan. Police sister likes König's vibes and hairdresser and Sammy fuck with Krueger and Graves. All in all they like Sweetheart's co-workers and accepts them
Sweet's mom to all of them: Y'know she's single
Sweetheart: M A
And then Granny Jo Jo and Grandpa Hare, grandparents on the dad's side, came to visit and Soap and Ghost just gravitated to them.
Grandpa Hare: So yer from Manchester, eh?
Ghost: Yes sir
Grandpa Hare: I used tah live in Manchester
Ghost, a bit interested: Oh wow--
Grandpa Hare: I buried many businesses an' people there. That's why m'banned from a couple of cities.
Omg and then the younger twins meet Keegan:
Twin #1: Hello sir!
Twin #2: How are you?
Keegan, a bit nervous: ...I'm good, thank you. How about yourselves?
Twin #2: Good, sir? By the way--
Twin #1 and #2: What's your body count?
Keegan: Ex- excuse me?
Twin #1: How many people have you bodied?
Twin #2: Do you use knives? Or assault rifles?
Twin #1: And how did you do it?
(The animator sister covers their mouths and carries them)
Animator sister: Sorry about that, Keegan. They'll go in time out again
Their muffled "no's" go on and on while Keegan just stands there 🧍‍♂️like wtf why'd they ask me that LOL (and time out is just them being in their room HA)
OMG Alejandro went to open a drawer to find spoons, and instead he found MANY restraining orders and banned letters
Sweet's mom saw his surprised face and she quickly closed the drawer
Sweet's mom: Wrong drawer! And also those were a long time ago, half of them either forgave us or went out of business!
Sweet's mom, mumbles: Except the ones out of country... they still remember the fires...
Alejandro: still remember what
(Bro I could go on and on about them LMAO I want to flesh these characters out some more too, so if you have any input SEND AN ASK!! 💗💗)
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shouldershimmycity · 2 years
Pour Some Sugar on Me (Rooster x Reader)
“How would you feel about a reserved all business pilot reader in TOP GUN with Rooster but he picks at her saying she doesn’t let loose and have fun so she shows up at his house to strip tease out of her flight suit to pour some sugar on me by Def Leppard don’t ask me where that came from I was listening to that song and that popped in my head 😂”
“Oh my god AHAHAHA, can I make it so that they're all at the bar when she does? I feel like that would be mad funny. Also I love that song, I call it my unofficial official stripper song so like I'm totally down.”
Requested by @kp9983
I tried so hard hahaha, I loved this idea so much. I have zero shame and zero regrets.
The bar was full of voices as Rooster, as per usual, was leading everyone and playing the Bradsahw’s signature song on the piano. Everyone was crowded around him, belting the words, but not you. There was no doubt that your head was bobbing along, your booty wiggling on the barstool, but you were planning practice mission strategies on a napkin.
You were a woman who needed to get stuff done when it was assigned to her, it was just in your nature. You needed answers to bigger questions and you needed them ASAP, no time to waste. That being said, when you weren’t busy, you were the life of the party. Many members of your previous squadron could testify to that. But being that you were almost always busy, it was hard for some people to see that side of you.
Looking up, you focused on a certain mustache making its way over to you. And some people just wouldn’t let it go. 
The truth is, you liked Rooster a lot, like… like liked him. He was tall, handsome, funny, muscular, what else would anyone want? Sadly, you were a little out of the loop with him because you were cripplingly shy, and only around him. Resisting the urge to shrink into the barstool, you remained cool when you felt him walk up behind you.
“What? No singing, Breezy?” Rooster asked in mock surprise.
“Not tonight, I’m working out these strategies for the mission practice,” you mumbled to yourself. Little teeth marks covered the pencap where you had been gnawing on it, deep in thought. 
“Why am I not surprised? Don’t you ever stop working?” Rooster criticized. 
“Mmmmm..no,” you answered, only half listening. Then the pen was lifted out of your hands, and you looked over at the pilot next to you in annoyance.
“I think I know what your problem is now,” he mused, lowering his voice for only you to hear, “you don't know how to have fun.” He wore a smug smirk as he flicked the pen between his fingers, raising an eyebrow at you. He was teasing you, but you knew how to poke back. 
“Ha! Yeah, Rooster,” you snorted, “I don't know how to have fun.” You mocked him in a dopey tone. 
“Who says you don’t know how to have fun?” Phoenix asked, sitting down in the empty seat next to you. 
“Rooster,” you answered, glaring at him. This only added to his shit eating grin. Phoenix’s eyes widened, and you were worried they might just pop out of her head.
“What?! You are so fun! How can you say that, Rooster?” Trace asked, astonished at his accusation. He laughed sarcastically, gesturing to you in general.
“Because, Phoenix, look at her! She’s sitting at a bar, doodling flight plans. She didn’t even change out of her flight suit for fucks sake!” Rooster pointed out everything he saw wrong with you at that moment, and it kinda hurt, “I’ll believe it when I see it, Trace.”
Something inside you was so crushed and irked at the fact that he believed you were a boring, uptight person. On the one hand, you wanted to leave him be because you didn’t need to prove anything to Rooster.
On the other hand you wanted to make him eat his words, shit eating grin and all. He dropped your pen and strolled away, and you turned to Penny, who was giving out drinks to customers left and right.
“Penny, my dear?” you asked sweetly as soon as you were sure Rooster couldn’t hear.
“Yes Breezy? What can I do for you?” she smiled politely.
“Can I do something stupid on your bar top to make a man eat his words?” you asked, your own shit eating grin filling your face.
Penny raised an eyebrow, as did Phoenix, but you just winked at them. 
“Go for it,” Penny shrugged, curiosity giving in over every other urge to say no. Might bring more customers, who knows. 
“I’ll need one shot first, if you don’t mind,” you requested, putting a one hundred dollar bill on her bar, “I’m sure there’s a bet going on behind my back that I’m about to win, so keep the change.” 
Penny poured you a shot, which you took casually. You sauntered over to the jukebox and plugged it back in. The music came on through the speakers and you chose the perfect song, a smirk on your face as you glanced over at Rooster, who was sniggering about something or other. Probably your lack of personality.
You were shy when it came to Rooster, but you would be damned if you let someone call you boring. He was like a boy who teased someone because he had a crush on them, but you were a grown woman. Thanking your past self for wearing something nice under your flight suit today, you set the song into the queue and walked away. 
Suck on this, Birdboy. 
Rooster, Hangman, Coyote, Fanboy, and Payback were all chatting about dumb shit they did in flight school while sweet Bob sat in the corner. I Love Rock ‘N Roll by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts ended from the jukebox, and that's when your song started up. Pour Some Sugar on Me by Def Leppard.
Step inside, Walk this way, 
You and me babe, Hey hey!
Coyote started coughing, choking on his drink. Bob’s eyes widened, and Hangman practically shouted.
“What the fuck…” Hangman trailed off, surprised but evident delight filling his expression.
Rooster raised an eyebrow and turned to face the bar where they were all looking. You stood on top of the bar, looking Rooster dead in the eyes, hips swaying slightly to the music as the song started up. 
Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on, 
Livin' like a lover with a radar phone–
You strutted down the counter like it was a runway, earning some cheers and whistles. The hair tie that had kept your hair all neat was now removed, and you shook your waves out, hair now framing your face. 
Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp, 
Demolition woman, can I be your man?
Looking around the place, you saw other pilots, just as delighted as Hangman to witness what was going on on Penny’s bar top. That was the only confidence boost you needed.
Razzle 'n' a dazzle 'n' a flash a little light
Television lover, baby, go all night
Your fingers pulled the zipper of your flight suit down to your navel and you pulled the top of it off your shoulders, seductively showing off the white button up t-shirt you had on underneath.
You knew there wasn’t a man or woman in the room who didn’t have their eyes on your breasts, which were pushed up by the nicest lacey black bra you had, and on show from the lack of done up buttons. 
Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss innocent sugar me, yeah, yeah
The sleeves of your flight suit dropped, freeing your arms. Your suit was now being worn like a pair of pants. Arms raised above your head, you started moving your hips back and forth in a more confident motion, your entire body swaying with the motion.
Now c'mon, take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up
Your eyes wandered over to Rooster, and you almost doubled over with laughter at his face. The man’s jaw was slack with shock, and he was sweating. Next to him, the boys were whooping, Hangman was whistling, and even Bob was clapping. 
Pour some sugar on me
Ooh, in the name of love
You would give Rooster something to look at, since he couldn't stop staring at your hips.
Pour some sugar on me
C'mon, fire me up
Pour your sugar on me
I can't get enough
You grabbed a pipe that was poking out from the ceiling, and hooked your thumb in your flight suit, pulling it down a little, now swinging your hips in circles. You were acutely aware that the hip of your matching panties were being flaunted, while you mouthed along to the words. You received a good number of whistles from the crowd for that one. 
I'm hot, sticky sweet
From my head to my feet, yeah
You ran your other hand down your body, your hand traveling over your hips. Whoops filled the bar from everyone but Rooster, who was too involved in thinking about scenarios in which his hands were there instead.
You ran the tip of your tongue against your front teeth, and you had no idea but that was the thing that drove Rooster wild all the time. He almost choked on his beer like Coyote did earlier.
Listen, red light, yellow light, green-a-light go
Crazy little woman in a one man show
Successfully having turned on every human being in the bar, and short circuiting Rooster, you had fun with it. A little air guitar here, a beer bottle microphone there, you were a performer in another life.
When the song ended, there wasn’t a person in the bar who didn’t cheer or whistle. You neglected any help off the counter, and slid off, black boots hitting the ground. You looked over at Penny, who was nodding in approval and Phoenix who looked like she was deceased from laughing. 
“What’s so funny?” you asked, your grin wider than ever now.
“This,” Trace said, flipping her phone to you. You took a good long look at the immortalized image of Rooster, frozen in shock and dare you say turned on. The laugh that left you was loud enough for the whole bar to hear. Phoenix flipped to a picture of you dancing on the bar and you could tell why he was making that face.
Your flight suit hung low on your hips, showing off your curves and just a little of the panties you had bravely flaunted. Your skin was slightly sweaty and dear god did that bra do wonders for your breasts. You were giving fuck me eyes, and damn if you could you would have fucked yourself. 
You looked over at the man in the picture, who was now drinking his beer quietly, still processing what he just witnessed and smirked in silent victory. Excusing yourself from Phoenix’s company, you strutted over to Rooster who almost fell over when he saw you. 
“A-Are you gonna… put that back on?” he said, his voice strained. You raised an eyebrow, you were absolutely flirting now. 
“Why Lieutenant? Does this bother you?” you put your hands on your hips, puffing out your chest ever so slightly. Rooster couldn’t help but look down, and did he just lick his lips? 
“Okay, okay, I get it now,” he said, drawing it out, unable to tear his eyes from your chest, “I’ll never call you boring again…”
He finally looked back up as you leaned in close to his ear, whispering only for him to hear.
“Do you, uh, think you’d need any more demonstration?” you asked him suggestively. After the show you just put on, there was no shyness left in you. You made those fuck me eyes again, and Rooster stared back at you.
The hand that was holding his beer bottle shifted nonchalantly to cover his crotch, obviously self conscious of, ahem, something.
I think it was safe to say that Rooster never found you boring again. 
Thank you again, @kp9983 for the suggestion!
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staycorpse · 9 months
how do you think corpse would be with a tall gf??
Corpse x Tall! Gf 🖤
author’s note: that’s all i can think of at the top of my head rn 🥹🫶🏽 thanks for requesting this! hope you enjoyed! 🫧
not me forgetting how tall this man is 🥴
it’s a mix of him being your biggest hype man nd being a troll
right off the bat, just want to clarify: i don’t see him having a preference over his partner’s height. honestly i see it as something he doesn’t give a fuck about. he loves you for you, period. whether you’re taller or shorter, it doesn’t matter to him.
if you are confident about your height, best believe that both of your feeds will be of the two of you slaying fit checks like it’s nobody’s business!
every post on his platforms will be of him hardcore simping over you, how such a baddie you are- becomes a whole stan acc
best believe you will be the album cover or single cover on any of his music projects
if it’s something you are insecure about, he’ll go out of his way to hype you tf up! every. single. time 👏🏽
like for example, you’re planning on going out nd dressing up. nd you’re debating between wearing those cute heels/platforms or some regular flats
the correct option is to wear those cute heels/platforms 🤷🏾‍♀️ especially if it’s what you wanted to wear in the first place!
will end up making you late bc he’s trying reassure you that you look great in the heels/platforms. doesn’t want you to leave the house without wearing what you actually wanted to bc you were worried about being taller than everyone else
ngl corpse likes it when you’re even taller bc of the shoes you’re wearing (i didn’t forget him simping over lady dimetrescu from re8 so… 🫠 don’t @ me)
he gets pouty bc you don’t understand how being taller makes you even more beautiful to him
will always compliment you and tell you how beautiful you are
every time you enter the room, you hold his attention without even trying nd you’re just subjected to constant love, praise nd support
he could be on a stream/call with his friends nd will pause for a moment just to tell you that you’re hot af nd that he loves you
whenever his friends ask him if he feels a lil insecure himself about being shorter than you, he shuts that shit down IMMEDIATELY
will always let it be known that it’s never a problem, just an added bonus bc its you
he could get teased himself for being shorter than you nd he doesn’t hesitate to hit anyone back with his sass/put them in check
to him, it’s such a nonissue nd it sometimes makes him laugh that people will find the time to talk shit about your guys’ height difference
will share stories with his friends where he does tease you a bit bc of your height
like for example, you both are in the kitchen and he asks you to get him something from the top shelf
even though you know he’s more than capable of doing it himself, when you do entertain him by grabbing the thing he asked for, he’s just gets giddy about it
like wow is this how girls feel when it’s the other way around? 🤭
one time you thought it’d be funny to pin him against a wall to see his reaction nd he got so stunned! he was a stuttering nd blushing mess 😂 lowkey likes it when you do it to specifically put him in his place when he gets too bratty or sassy with you
if you want to know the quickest way to get him to fold, slowly pin him against the wall without breaking eye contact. you’re welcome 🤪
expect a lot of back hugs! he just can’t help himself. you could be cooking or streaming nd he’ll just hug you from behind. he lives to be the little spoon when you two cuddle.
nd if his head is not laying on your chest so he can hear your heartbeat, he will throw a pouty fit 🤧
he’s really just living the girl fantasy nd he wouldn’t trade it for a second. like he’s so baby girl coded when it comes to you
will sometimes ask you how the weather is up there 😭 which results in a swift ‘stfu babe’ but!!! if you do decide to entertain his bullshit, it’s usually followed up with a sarcastic answer
“currently a thunderstorm rn..” or “pretty cloudy today.”
“aww babe,” he’ll coo, “c’mere, let me make it better.” you lean down to his level nd he’ll just kiss you
even better if you’re standing over him, he’ll just motion for you to lay on top of him or sit in his lap nd he’ll just shower you with kisses
after of giving you your very much deserved love nd affection, he’ll see the smile on your face nd say, “hmm, i think there’s a 100% chance of sunshine today~”
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eulasaurus · 2 years
My Astrology Observation⁴
If you wan re-post it, gimme credits.
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Venus conjunct mars native are loved by the opposite sex.
My brother and I have this placement and we are well liked, though we are very sexualised. My brother got traumatized by getting sexualised and harrassed by girls, that he started wearing ugly clothing and growing his beard so no one bothers him.
As i said in the previous post that i am pretty sexual person. But people just ask for it and assume I'll give it to them, like no John! I am a virgin, i just like talking about sex not doing it.
Ugh please people keep your distance.
Sagittarius Sun are so judgmental and they don't make good friends.
Sorry y'all but it's true. If you tell your Sagittarius friend a secret they won't take it to the grave rather they will spread it across the whole nation. And they will judge you so bad and shame you for it. If they are all firey then this will be the case for most. But having water placements will make them 64.8% more trustworthy.
Capricorn Moon men mostly like younger girls.
A personal family environment observation here.
I am a water dominant and my whole family is fire dominant. And i am telling you it's horrible, they be going around poking their nose in other people's business like it's their own, and they take so much shit. So dramatic and loud.
Being a water dominant, i just need peace, silence and solitude to function but having this environment is just🤯.
Saturn-Asc aspects makes one tall and structured whilst Moon-Asc aspects make one chubbier and rounded. (harsh placements)
Neptune in the 1st didn't have the best childhood.
If you have Sagittarius energy/ or Jupiter/Moon /Venus/Mars/Sun in the 9th house in your chart, you might have a over-whelming need for freedom in anyway. You might feel the need to just go outside of your house for a walk or an errand alone or with people to function in your daily life.
Virgo men are horny 24/7 y'all 😭
Those Aquarius, Scorpio, Virgo Sun friends of yours don't trust them much when it comes to studies. They're too smart for their own good.
The planets which do not shift in different signs for a long time like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto you must see which house they fall into to get a good grasp of things.
Nobody says this but cancers are bullies or super annoying ugh. Chill tf out gurll
Leo moons are dramatic. But they also got the diva energy some Leo Suns lack.
@dielitttt said that mercury conj. Pluto keep their real interests private and she was not kidding cause no one also knows i have astrology account 😂
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Natal aspects from my natal chart + my personal experiences (planets in houses) *Part-1* ☃️
First of all, these are my experiences due to my personal placements in my natal chart so please take them with a pinch of salt. They are not facts. Every placement has good and bad sides and I’m not an astrologer too.
Saturn in 1st house
🖤Since I was a child, I was taught to be able to stand on my own feet and stay alone. My mother said she tried to stay away from me both physically and mentally as possible as she could because she was afraid that I would be too much emotionally attached to her. I was extremely soft and I relied on my parents at that time, so they didn’t want me to grow up as a weak person. That’s why I never tried again to rely on my parents, mostly emotionally because I know that I am the only one who has to pull myself up again and they aren’t.
🖤I have issues with my self-image and appearance, especially my body, since I was about 12 or 13. I feel like I’m not beautiful and I don’t meet up to this generation’s beauty standards.😐
🖤According to my mother, I started talking at about 3 or I guess even 4. It’s considered a bit late compared to my cousins and my brother. I don’t know if this placement is related to my talking stages but my speech was delayed and it was at the first stage of my life so yeah.🤷🏻‍♀️
🖤I think I’m responsible for every matter that happens around me even though I didn’t cause them.
🖤My parents have expected me to take care of my brother and his needs since I was about 10 and he was 5. I had to console him whenever he cried and I had to feed him, cook for him when they worked etc. They put too many responsibilities on my shoulders from the start so I wasn’t really carefree as a child.
🖤I’m also extremely hard on myself. I want to be perfect in every scenario and I feel this need to come out as a strong and independent person.
🖤My mother told me that when I was a newborn baby, I already looked like a 3-year-old kid. My facial appearances looked mature and till now, a lot of people still think I’m a lot older than I really am.😭
🖤My parents, especially my mom is really strict and they also have very high expectations on me. I feel judged by them quite often even when I’m doing well academically.
🖤They are also conservative, especially my mom. She yells at me whenever I tell her that I want to have a boyfriend but I don’t want to marry him and I will just live together and sleep with him. (It’s quite forbidden in our country and publicly considered as something we shouldn’t do).😂
🖤I am prone to anxiety. I often have anxiety attacks and I bite nails a lot too.
🖤Saturn also conjuncts my ascendant, so people also often tell me that I have prominent high cheekbones and I also think it’s true. But jawline? My jawline doesn’t look Capricorn rising-nish. I’m not also tall and slim. Actually, my body depicts exactly what a cancer rising with a cancer stellium would look like.
Lilith in 1st house
💃I’m not sexualized directly by men but every man I’ve met always wanted to chat with me about sex only. It’s really weird because my friends also have boyfriends but none of their boyfriends treats them like a sex toy. And I feel like a sex toy among those guys. They don’t want to take me out on dates and instead, they just want sex. I can’t tell if that is “sexualization” but I also get comments about my body a lot in both positive and negative ways.
💃Anyways, apart from men, I get stared a lot, not in a sexual way but in a more curious way like I’m an alien or some mythical creature popped out of a 13th century novel book.😂😭
💃I was also outcasted by my friends most of the times because they thought I’m too slutty (they said it themselves behind me). My ex friends bullied me and slut-shamed me so I have become a bad bitch since then. That’s why I don’t really care about friends in my life. They’re not my priority. Normally, I’m really bubbly and friendly but at times, my bitchy side comes up and forces me to stay detached from friends and never trust them.
💃Another thing I experience is I always have problems with authority figures. I hate it when someone uses their power to win something unfairly. But on the other hand, I’m secretly in love with authority and power because I want to own them and use them in a good way.
💃Some people also tell me that when they make an eye contact with me, they feel intense and intimidated but also warm and comforted at the same time (probably my cancer rising again lol).
💃I’m rebellious and I love weird outfits which are different from others.
💃I’m a bit open-minded when it comes to sexual matters (except when some random guy talks about sex out of nowhere for like 3 hours straight). I don’t feel ashamed to discuss about sex education whereas my friends see that as a taboo topic in the society.
💃I hate my body when I can’t fit into some outfits that I love but I love to touch it a lot and I also love to sleep naked (except I can’t sleep naked anymore after my parents found out about that).😭😭
💃However, the room doesn’t go silent when I enter. I’m not that powerful though.
💃I also don’t care about what other people think about me. It’s like “fuck off” vibes coming out from me since I got bullied.
Moon in 3rd house
📚People tell me I’m smart. I don’t get compliments about how pretty I am but I get ones about how intelligent I am. However, I don’t really think I’m THAT smart but maybe almost. HAHAHHAH😝
📚I love to express myself by writing out on a paper or on websites or on apps like this. I just love to turn my emotions into sentences and sometimes they turn into short stories. Writing releases my stress.
📚I love to write and read a lot. A book, a cat and gallons of iced coffee are enough for me in a day.
📚By traveling, I gain knowledge, inspiration and happiness. It’s my stress reliever for all time.
📚I love to ride cars too (I know it’s weird but I even had a childhood dream in which I live in a van and travel around the country).
📚I love my brother a lot and I have a very affectionate and friendly bond with him. I also try so hard to get along well with my cousins and stay friendly with them even though they’re a bit fake.🙄
📚Back to my brain. My primary teachers always complimented me about my intelligence and my grades and I was always the one who got first prize in every year for 5 years straight. Not bragging but it’s true.🤣
📚My moods change very often and my mind is scattered. It’s like a wide field with multiple places to hide and suddenly, a clown shows up from nowhere out of the blue! For instance, at first, I’m on instagram. Then after a minute, I remember to reply dms so I go onto messenger. Then, not even a minute later, I’m on TikTok again. Then, I’m on Reddit. It’s like soooo scattered that I don’t even know how to describe. I think my anxiety attacks also come from this placement.
📚I’m not grounded. I like to meditate but I can’t be consistent about it because of my intrusive thoughts. I jump from one topic to another very quickly when I talk.
📚I’m not a very good listener. I’m always ready to talk about various topics. So if I listen to someone very patiently, then he/she is important to me or I’m going to ghost them soon so I’m being patient in the present time loll😭
📚I overthink a lot and I tend to forget about a lot of things too. On the other hand, I also have a photographic memory about certain events like how my mom breastfed me. I remember what she wore and how she looked very vividly although I was just about 1 or 2 at that time but I don’t remember what I ate as a breakfast this morning. Strange right?
📚I love to learn foreign languages because they challenge me and intrigue me!
📚I’m also curious about everything and often have questions like “how were the oceans created?” “were Adam and Eve real people or just myth?” and my thoughts spiral into a big infinite hole and I get detached from the reality and my eyes are like 💀DEAD💀.
📚I also tend to turn my emotions into a problem to be solved instead of accepting and dealing with them. I observe me and my feelings from the third party view and respond to them logically. It’s not that I’m not emotional but I rationalize my feelings from another perspective.
📚I love to contain full stops, exclamation marks, question marks at the end of every sentence. If someone doesn’t do that, I judge them secretly LMAO.😭
Jupiter in 3rd house
🪄You can say that I’m quite lucky when it comes to education. I stand out among others since I was a child due to my education success. My parents could also support my education financially unlike right now, they’re struggling for my brother’s.
🪄I am a quick learner and I have a large vocabulary. I love to use advanced words in my language (Burmese).
🪄I am also quite talkactive but only with people I’m comfortable with. However, most of the time, I get into trouble for talking too much. I spill all the tea without any intentions but that drags me into a big mess and that’s why I have to control myself a lot when I communicate with someone, not to share gossips or else I’ll be in trouble again.
🪄Most of the times, people think I exaggerate a lot but I don’t.
🪄I hate HATE misspellings. They irritate me Periodt.
🪄I’m also open-minded and not afraid to observe from other perspectives. But my beliefs are so strong like try to attack them and I’ll kick you out of my life forever.🦵🏼
🪄I love learning about various things and I also like to be seen as a nerd. As long as I’m learning something, I feel valuable and precious.
🪄I prefer intelligence to beauty. When I say intelligence, it’s not only about studies but also about the keys in communication, how to eat and drink with manners, how to fight back people with wits etc. I’m quite of a sapiosexual. I get turned off when someone doesn’t know about something they should know. I get turned on when someone is intelligent and knows exactly how to talk to someone. Appearances matters too but not very important as long as they have brains.🧠
🪄I also love to see arguments (not in an aggressive way) and I always guess why they have their own opinions by trying to be in their shoes. And I get turned on when someone I already admire gets passionate in intellectual arguments wisely.🥵
Pluto in 6th house
⚡️I love hardworking people and I also try hard to perform well in my daily routines. I put efforts even into tiny cases.
⚡️I have a very strong will when it comes to my career and I hate being told what to do. I’m still at college so I have zero experience about work places but I think I would be obsessed with my work because that’s how I imagine myself to be.🤓
⚡️When I get emotional, I try to stay as productive as I can and I shift my focus onto my daily routines, my studies and my ambition to suppress them. I know it’s bad but I can’t deal with all of them. Emotions are weakness for me.
⚡️I love and hate routines at the same time. My Gemini sun and 3rd house moon hate them but my Virgo moon and 6th house Pluto love them.
⚡️I get stressed out a lot when my routines are ruined. For example, I even feel like my life is a mess if I didn’t finish some work in a limited time. I want to cry when I’m not productive and I go on self-destruction mode if I feel like that. I waste more time if I know I’m not doing enough. And then I cry. And the cycle repeats. So, the only way to keep myself happy is to stay productive and to be perfect in every work I do.
⚡️I’m also very competitive among my peers (my mars Aries doubles it).
TW: Eating disorder
⚡️I hate diets and workouts (I don’t know if this is related to Pluto in 6th house though). I have three personal planets in hard aspect to Pluto. I also have an eating disorder. I’m trying to maintain my balance again but it falls back every time. Either I binge or I restrict shockingly. There’s no in-between. Right now, I’m in my binging era with inconsistent workouts (even though I HATEEE workouts).
⚡️I love cats but cats don’t love me I guess. Whenever I look in the eyes of cats, they get scared of me and run away without hesitation. But they love to receive cuddles from me and they let me pet them though.🥺
This is the end of this post and thank you for reading to the end. Have a great day fellows!
Part-2 will be about planets in 7th house to 12th house!!✨
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pikapeppa · 2 months
15 questions for 15 friends
Tagged by @elveny and @johaerys-writes -- thank you, my loves!
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? My mom. Apparently my dad really wanted to name me after my mom and she was like "ugh really fine" LOL. My dad is also named after his dad, who was named after his dad... REAL ORIGINAL. This is going to sound like a total humblebrag, but my mom and I are both published academic authors, so we have to use our middle initials to distinguish who published what 🙃
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Probably in therapy last Thursday LOL. Though I got a little prickly-eyed earlier this week watching the episode of ATLA where Zuko and Aang go on their lifechanging field trip to the Sun Warriors' secret village 😂❤
DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Nope! Childless by choice.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? I played T-ball when I was 5 or 6 (hated it, cried so much that my parents pulled me out LMAO) and I was on the volleyball team in Grade 6. I'm left-handed and I had a habit of serving into the wall, unfortunately, and the habit got worse when I was nervous. During one game, they took pity on me so much that they paused the game until I got the ball over the net. I was fucking humiliated and have never played a team sport since then. 🤣💀 Re: other physical activities, I like dancing! I've taken a ton of different kinds of dance classes including swing, salsa, bellydancing, and Bollywood dancing, and loved all of them!
DO YOU USE SARCASM? No. Me? Never. 🙃🤣 Forreal though yes. All the time.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? Uh...! I don't know if there's any one specific thing? I usually take in an "overall impression" of appearance. Vague, but that's all I've got. If the question was "what's the first thing you notice in people you're attracted to", that might be a different story 🤣
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? I am going to copy Johaerys's answer and say it doesn't matter to me, as long as the story was good. But also, who says scary movies/horror media can't have happy endings?? 🤣Haunting of Hill House, anyone? (Bittersweet, maybe, but it counts as happy to me!)
ANY TALENTS? Would it be wretched if I said I feel like writing might be a talent? Whatever, I'm saying it. 🤣😅
WHERE WERE YOU BORN? In a hospital in the same city where I currently live! Which I will chose not to reveal openly! 🤣
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Writing! It takes up a solid 75-90% of my free time. Also gaming (which I might count into the writing time since it often becomes Research™ for the writing 🤣). I also enjoy baking and cooking, though I don't know that I'd count those as hobbies since they're necessary ADLs?
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? A cat named Meeko. She is my daemon. We can never be apart when I am home. Case in point, a photo taken in real-time while completing this quiz:
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FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL? Uhhh... what level of school are we talking here? In undergrad, I took an incredible linguistics/history course about writing systems, and that was probably my favourite class ever. I took a course during undergrad about different schools of psychotherapy that was pretty damned influential too.
DREAM JOB? I also loved Johaerys's answer here: "I don't think there's any sort of job anyone could do in this capitalist hellscape we're all currently living in that would be enjoyable enough to make up for, well... living in a capitalist hellscape." I'm lucky enough to work in the public healthcare system so I'm pretty safe from the worst of capitalism, I guess, though my job (speech-language pathologist) is one I chose more for practicality (certainty of employment) than because I was really passionate about it. If I could do something else and not have to worry about money, I would either want to be a fiction editor, or a sex therapist.
Tagging forward to @ranaspkillnarieth @iamcayc @heroofshield @fantasy-girl974 @hellas-himself @midnightacrobat @alyssalenko @vorchagirl @elinorbard @stuffforthestash @mwasaw @lordofthenerds97 @y0ureviltwin @ladyofthelake91 @perhapsrampancy @cha-mij and genuinely, anyone else who wants to share!!! Tag me so I can spy on your life! 🤣❤
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dribs-and-drabbles · 4 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 1
I finally got sucked into watching. And since there's so much speculation around the characters and their actions/motives I thought I'd document my observations as I go. (small comments in brackets are things I've gone back to after the ep ended)
Who did the axe man hit for the guy on his own (Non, right?) to get splashed with blood, because the guy with him (Jin, right?) had already run off, unless it was his own blood from a wound lower down on this body... (So I'm guessing this is the original film that they made with Non years ago...no, wait, if Non was the 'killer' in the mask in the film then why is he running away from another masked person with Jin here? Is this also the film or is this their real experience. Oh ho hooo the mystery thickens...what's real and what's played out for the 'camera' [including for us]?...).
Also, I can't believed I'm watching this 🙈
I think the only way I'll get through the scary gore bits is to analyse their believability.
Ok, let's go! I like the opening credits music.
It's a good job it's difficult for me to figure out all their names because the things I've seen/read about the show so far mean nothing or very little.
The first believable thing! - no phone signal and no wifi in the middle of nowhere. I used to experience the same thing in the Swedish countryside.
Ok, I see those looks between Fluke and green-shirt-big-money guy...what secret do they have about what's on that external drive... And embroidered shirt guy doesn't know...or does he and he's a good liar?
So green shirt guy, Fluke, Jin, and embroidered shirt guy (Top!) were in this movie? And Non was the 'killer'. And Phee pretends he doesn't know who Non is even though I've seen that he and Non knew-knew each other... The two who don't know Non (for realsies?) is brown jacket guy (White?) and the guy sat opposite Jin.
Wow green shirt guy was quick to jump in to say he had a camera in the house to remake the film - that Phee suggested. SO SUS. Jin and tall guy (Tee!) did NOT like that.
"I don't want him [White] to get involved in what we have done" - What HAVE you done Tee? 👀
Also I love that all this is happening with White in a "Sexy Summer Time" t-shirt on 😂
An asthmatic who smokes 🤦🏽‍♀️ Yeah, he's definitely not going to find his inhaler when he needs it. (Is that Tan?).
Oh what if White isn't the innocent cherub he's made out to be? What if he's manipulating this to get revenge for Non? I've seen people say they want him to be the last girl standing (or whatever the phrase is) but what if he's orchestrating all this?
Whyyyyyy did green shirt guy (Por!) leave the house and go into the woods???
So, interestingly, Tee and Fluke instigated the search for Por, then Phee doled out instructions once they found him... Hmmmm...SUS
Por seems alive and conscious, why is no one asking how it happened? Also, even in his second year, Fluke should know to stay calm so as not to panic the patient more...
Who keeps jump cables in the house and not either in the car or in a garage/outbuilding, especially somewhere like that??!?
Again, they're in a house in the woods. Surely there would be a saw in some kind of garage/workshop? Why are they looking in a kitchen for a knife to cut a tree branch?? WHY IS THE SAW IN THE KITCHEN UNDER THE SINK?! 😂
It's incheresting that White concludes it's an attempted murder 👀 Thus sowing the seed in everyone else's mind...
BOYS, proving that there's a ninth person is NOT the priority here. Getting Por to a hospital is. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Also incheresting are the deleted scenes 👀 HOW COULD POR GO INTO THE WOODS ALONE ESPECIALLY AFTER HE COUNTED NINE PEOPLE?! Also, Tan was not part of the failed re-staging of the film...SUS.
Alright. I'm hooked on the mystery. I should make clear that I in NO WAY want any answers that will spoil the mystery for later in the series. Please and thank you! 🙏🏽 I'm just laying down some thoughts to come back to once more info gets revealed. Comments that don't spoil anything are absolutely welcome though! 😁
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