#there are some things i could improve on like baby cats nose is kinda big and somehow mom cat is inside out from the legs up?
steveharrington · 2 years
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MOM AND BABY CAT!!!! y’all i came up with this pattern myself and i’m very proud of it ❤️
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wasatchmountaindogs · 2 years
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Chicken Nugget is my best boy. He’s still learning how to watch his feet and his mouth but he tries so hard! He got to stay out with two of the puppy campers on the other side of the gate today and finally settled with his bone.
His current training goals:
1. Settle. This dog has no chill. If he has an enrichment activity or a bone he does alright but the moment it is no longer available he ramps himself back up.
2. Keeping his mouth to himself. We’ve made massive progress here, and he has fantastic bite inhibition. But he mouths like a puppy - except he’s 90lbs and it can be terrifying. He is much easier to redirect to an appropriate outlet recently - and it’s popping up much less frequently but it still needs work.
3. Body awareness and care. He’s 90 lbs and doesn’t know where any of his limbs are at any given moment. He just kinda flails about. Again I have seen improvements but need to schedule some actual activities to work on this particular trait.
4. Appropriate Play. He loves to play. He wants to play. He came to us and we were told he was massively aggressive. I’ve yet to see any sign of aggression from him just idiot play behaviors. He plays like a mix between a boxer and a cat. That combined with the lack of body awareness and the fact that he is not actually a baby means he gets much less leeway with the adults. He does back off with appropriate corrections, but needs someone to step in and redirect because he just returns more persistent than ever. I have high hopes that with some additional appropriate play companions he could be very nice.
5. His reactivity to strange men and children. He barks and lunges at strange men and children but has had no issues once introduced. With adults I do think it’s a lot of barrier frustration. Im less certain about the kids as he is notably stressed when kids are in the environment and he had been returned several times previously for being too rough with kids he had been adopted out with.
6. General manners and probably some nose work as an enrichment thing. His llw is actually his most solid behavior. His other cues show some signs of poisoning - a verbal sit cue is generally responded too with spinning and biting of his tail - which was his big decline behavior in shelter. He is happy to sit for a lure or hand signal in non-stressful environments. His touch, perch, and other behaviors we’ve taught he does happily.
Overall I think if we can get his stress under control and just get him some additional behaviors under his belt he will make someone a really nice dog.
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bowsie22 · 4 years
BL Collection 3
Summary: Somehow the day after Gulf’s date was even worse than the date itself. Thank all the gods for Mew. Bold is the texts.
“How’d the date go?”
“It was ok. Guy was…intense. Told a lot of sexist jokes, tried to brag about how rich he was, that kinda thing.”
Mew held back a laugh at Gulf’s disgusted face. Gulf handed him his drink, falling onto the couch beside him.
“Honestly, it was such a mistake. I just wish I could find a nice guy who doesn’t want anything or expect anything from me you know.”
Mew nodded, eyes on the TV, refusing to meet Gulf’s eyes. He had been the one to insist that they couldn’t work together and date, not after what happened last time. And Gulf understood, agreeing to it with a sad smile. So, Gulf went on dates while Mew felt his heart break more and more each time he did. Gulf’s phone vibrated, scaring the younger man from his examination of Mew’s face.
“Oh shit, it’s him.”
“What’s he want? A second date?”
“No, wait, what is this? What the fuck?”
Mew had never heard that tone from Gulf before, an odd mix of anger, disgust and upset. What the hell was going on? Looking over, the man was gripping his phone tightly and glaring down at it. Knowing something was wrong, Mew edged closer on the couch, arm wrapping around Gulf’s shoulders and pulling the younger man into his side, cuddling him close.
“Gulf, what is it?”
“The creep from last night just sent me a list of things to improve about myself that could have made our date better!”
Mew swallowed the rage that followed, knowing that Gulf needed comforting. He could find the guy after this and break his nose. Right now, his Gulf needed him.
“That asshole! What does he know? You’re already perfect!”
Seeing Gulf’s pout, Mew knew his insecurities were in full force right now. Pulling Gulf into his arms, Mew grabbed his phone from him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Gulf nuzzled into his neck, looking for comfort he knew Mew would give.
“We are going to read through this stupid list and I will prove that they are all bullshit! Ok?”
“But there’s so many things.”
Swearing at this asshole in his head, Mew wiped the tears from Gulf’s lashes. Maybe he should bring some friends when he finds this guy.
“All of them baby, ok?”
Nodding, Gulf buried his face in Mew’s shoulder, cheeks flushed red.
“Lose weight – you’re not big, but you could do a lot better. I mean you’re an actor, shouldn’t you have abs? Also, you had way too many calories in your meal.”
“Now this is bullshit. I love your tummy, everyone loves your tummy. It’s like the cutest thing in the world and you know I love to squish it. Do not loose that tummy! Keep eating those calories!”
“You’re too tan. Skin whitening creams exist you know?”
“Why? What’s wrong with being tan? I like your tan. You look healthy. Screw him.”
“Too quiet, you didn’t contribute enough to the conversation.”
“I didn’t get a chance to talk. He never shut up!”
Pressing a kiss to Gulf’s forehead, Mew held back his laugh.
“See baby? Bullshit.”
“You laugh too loud. It’s not cute or adorable.”
“So, you’re too quiet, but laugh too loud? Yeah that makes sense. Love your laugh by the way. It’s one of the greatest sounds I’ve ever heard.”
“Your teeth are too crooked. Get them fixed and you’ll look better.”
“Your teeth are cute.”
Gulf giggled into Mew’s shoulder, a sound that sent warmth through the older man.
“How are teeth cute?”
“Everything about you is cute yainong. Trust your phi on this.”
“Your clothing is too loose. Tighter clothes let me judge if you’re worth my time better.”
“So, you’re overweight, but need to wear tighter clothes? Gulf baby, is this guy crazy?”
“He’s definitely something, isn’t he?”
“You were too shy. You need to be more confident. It’s sexy.”
“Baby, you are adorable. I love those quiet moments you have. Means that you’re paying complete attention to whatever is being said.”
“No. I was shy because I knew the date wasn’t going well and I didn’t want to encourage him. Gross.”
Wrapping his arms around the younger man, Mew hugged him tightly.
“My cute, smart yainong.”
“I don’t care about your past, keep it to yourself.”
“He asked me about myself and then lost interest after like, ten seconds.”
“Did I call him an asshole already? Because he is an asshole and if I ever meet him, I am going to kill him.”
“Khun pi is too nice to me.”
Gulf leaned up, pressing a short, sweet kiss to Mew’s cheek.
“Thank you.”
Flushed, Mew cleared his throat, looking down at the phone. How was there more? What was wrong with this guy that he couldn’t see the sheer perfection of Gulf?
“You didn’t kiss me goodnight. If I’d known that you were a prude, I wouldn’t have wasted my time.”
“Ok, I wasn’t gonna kiss him anywhere, because he was a gross creep. But he also ordered garlic shrimp for dinner so no way in hell.”
“Jeez Gulf, where do your friends meet these guys?
“You need a sense of humour. You didn’t laugh at any of my jokes.”
“Sorry that I have a sense of humour.”
“Didn’t you say that his jokes were sexist?”
“And racist. And homophobic.”
“He knows you’re a guy, right?”
There was that giggle again. God, Mew loved that noise.
“You offered to pay, even after I told you how much I earn. That made me feel like shit, it was so insulting.”
“You being a decent human being made him feel like shit?”
The two stared at each other, both confused before breaking into laughter. God, this guy sounded insane.
“You didn’t compliment me once.”
“Then do something that deserves a compliment! God, I can’t believe they set me up with this creep.”
Mew pulled Gulf closer, the younger man’s face buried in his neck. As he spoke, his lips brushed against the sensitive skin on Mew’s neck, sending shivers through the older man’s body.
“I don’t know why I keep doing this. I know as soon as we finish season two, I’m gonna get with you and spend the rest of my life with you. These guys are just wastes of time. I love you Mew.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t wait.”
Gulf looked up, eyes hopeful, but confused. It was an interesting look. Mew ran his fingers through Gulf’s hair, the other man pushing up into his hand, like a cat. It was stupidly cute.
“I was scared. But you are nothing like him. You love me and I love you. So, why aren’t together?”
“Because you’re an idiot?”
Huffing out a laugh, Mew threw himself back on the couch, pulling Gulf with him to lie on top of him.
“Because I’m an idiot. But I’ve come to my senses. Be my boyfriend?”
Gulf hummed and hawed, pretending to think about it. Mew stared down at him, eyebrows raised. God, he loved this adorably sexy man. Giggling, Gulf raised himself to kiss Mew. They pulled apart, foreheads resting together, staring into each other’s eyes. Gulf pressed a quick kiss to the tip of Mew’s nose, his nose scrunching up in response.
“I love you too Mew. Even if you are an idiot.”
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Whumptober #15: Scars
This is late for the same reason some babies are born late: they just don’t wanna come out of there.
It took me a while to get to where I was happy with this, and it helps to explain a good bit about Carlos. Content includes: descriptions of blood and slight gore, implied torture, dehumanization, mentions of gang violence, hurt/comfort, emotional whump
“Did that uh…” Ben gestured in towards his own neck with a waggling finger. Carlos was a few feet away, on his back with his feet kicked up casually against the wall as if they weren’t both chained to it. “Did that thing on your neck hurt…?”
His friend was tossed back in the cell after being gone long enough for Ben to have actually fallen asleep despite his worry. The sound of flesh smacking the floor and a pained groan woke him up with a start, and he scrambled over immediately. What was the damage, he thought frantically. Was it permanent this time? Did Carlos still look human shaped???
Carlos craned his head back so that he could stare in Ben’s direction. “You mean the big old fucking tattoo on my neck? That you get by stickin’ a million needles into your skin for like three fuckin’ hours? THAT thing?”
Ben shook his head and sighed. “I really don’t have time to navigate your Disneyland of sarcasm today. I just don’t.”
Carlos scoffed and went back to staring at the ceiling of their cell. “See, that’s where you’re wrong! You got all the time in the world.” He arched his back up off the ground in a cat-like stretch, held the pose for a moment that made Ben stare, then settled back in with his hands laced behind his head. “We BOTH got all the time in the world, Benny boy.”
Green eyes fluttered open as Ben lifted Carlos up in his arms. Long fingers were firmly clapped over the left side of his neck, and Ben could see those fingers were bloody, but he was still breathing. If he had enough air in his lungs to groan he’d be okay. It couldn’t be that bad.
The other man had more muscle on him but it was all lean and wiry, and he fit against Ben’s chest despite his broader shoulders and longer arms. He always did. All of him was still human shaped anyway, at the very least, and Ben silently thanked the impassive nothingness around them.
“Hey, bud. You okay?”
Stupid questions usually got stupid answers, but this time it was vital. Neither of them were ever really “okay” but what Ben meant was “Are you still here with me?” and “Do you think this one is fatal?” and “Am I going to be alone soon?”
Carlos knew this and shook his head. “Nah, I’m alright man. Just…just b-burns.” His hands were shaking just a little but other than that he was relaxed. Almost limp. Despite whatever had happened to him his eyes were almost… calm. Unnaturally glassy as they darted around like manic green fireflies, unable to focus.
Ben gently took the man’s hand away from his neck to see the damage–and felt like he’d choke on his own breath. The entire left side of Carlos’ throat was one huge open wound.
“M'ok Benny-boy. D-don’t worry…”
“Please don’t call me Benny boy. I’m not a boy.”
“Sure thing Benny-Man.”
“Oh shut up. I’ll never understand how you can crack jokes while we’re basically waiting for our torturer to be done… Jacking off and ordering pizza! Or whatever it is he’s doing out there…” Ben said with a hateful glance toward the bolted metal door.
“Well what do you expect me to do? Cry about it?” Carlos said back, suddenly snappy. Edging on a defensiveness that Ben knew from experience not to test.
He sighed. “Well, why don’t you tell me why you decided to get a NECK tattoo. Of all things. I mean no shade or anything, you do you, but I’m kinda surprised you landed an internship at all with that thing. It’s hardly professional, is all.”
His answer was two big middle fingers. Then Carlos was pressing a soft touch to the praying hands, rosary clasped between them, on the left side of his throat. The design was big. Unmistakeable and loud in bold black ink, unable to be hidden away with even a high shirt collar. There were words in flowing, dramatic script beside it. Lest We Forget.
“I uh… I got it to… cover something up.” That was a response Ben hadn’t even dreamed of hearing, and he perked up. Interested in an anxious way.
“…A scar?”
Carlos fingered the tattoo again for a moment, then let his hand fall back to the ground with a sigh. “Yeah. A scar.”
“Jesus fuck, Jesus fuck.” The skin on Carlos’ neck had been peeled away. Looked like that anyway, red and raw under the sprinkling of blue mystery powder the scientist used as his own weird blood clotting and disinfecting agent. That powder was often the reason either of them stayed alive to have more fun the next day, so their relationship with it was very love/hate.
“That’s b-blasphemous. Jesus d-doesn’t wanna fuck you.” Carlos’ skin felt cold against Ben’s hands even though he was sweating, and Carlos could feel a fear settle in his stomach like ice. Carlos was going into shock. Was already in it.
“Oh sorry, are you saying he wants to fuck YOU?” Ben offered a breathless chuckle, trying to add brave words to the improv play they were putting on, but knowing someone could very easily die from the kind of state Carlos was in. There had been just enough blood loss and pain and in fear in the removal of Carlos’ tattoo, that his body no longer knew what to do with itself. The bleeding may have been stopped but Ben knew if they didn’t do something Carlos’ organs might decide to quit the whole production and exit stage right.
“Okay. Okay, just relax. It’s okay. M'gonna take care of you. I got you, buddy.” He tapped into his own medical training and went about reciting his ABC’s.
“It was stupid. Back when…” Carlos started reluctantly, but heaved a sigh and finally got the words out. “Back when I was still in a gang. Sixteen, seventeen. Got in a nasty fight and then the guy pulled a knife and it wasn’t a fight no more. You feel me?”
Ben was quiet. He’d scooted over as far as the chain on his ankle would allow, which put him just in touching distance of his friend. He took advantage of it since, while Carlos would deny it up and down for days, physical touch always seemed to calm him. Ground him. He reached out and laid a hand on Carlos’ wrist. A comforting gesture.
“I don’t… Judge you for being sucked into a gang. You were young. You were…”
“Stupid. I know.” Carlos finished for him and looked away. That wrist stayed soft and accepting of Ben’s touch though. “Anyway I got rushed to the hospital. Bunch of stitches. They had to call my parents and I had to talk to the police and… It was a big fuckin’ thing.”
“Did you decide to get out then?”
“Nah. In fact I saw it as a trophy. I lied to my mom and I lied to the police and I went right back out there. Kept doing my thing, and now I had a battle scar to show off.”
Ben’s head tilted. “So if getting sliced across the neck didn’t scare you out of it… What did?”
Carlos didn’t look at him.
“C'mon buddy, look at me. Keep looking right at me, okay? I’m right here.” Ben had laid Carlos back down on the floor, stripping off his shirt and draping it over the prone man’s chest as the only form of blanket they had. His pants were stripped off too and rolled up, propped up under Carlos’ ankles so his feet were elevated a little.
It wasn’t nearly enough to keep Carlos warm, and Ben had finally laid down on the cold floor next to his friend. Draped part of his own body over him as well, arm over his chest and finding a hand to hold tight. “You’re gonna be okay. I got you.”
“He took it. That was my new…life. Away fr-from all that street shit. It was m-my new beginning. He cut it out because he said– he said–”
“Shhh, it’s okay. It’s over now.” Ben squeezed the hand in his a little tighter, heart breaking as he realized the magnitude of what had really happened. He hoped Carlos didn’t say what he knew was coming, but there was no stopping it. The words came stuttering out of his friend’s clammy, quivering lips in hollow notes.
“He said he wa-was the only one th-that got to put marks on m-my body. He said I was his rat now. Nothin’ more…”
“No.” Ben pressed his forehead to Carlos’ cheek, feeling his chest ache with grief and fury at the same time. He’d been called a “lab rat” before but he’d managed to keep himself from believing it. He’d managed to keep his head above water and remember who he was.
He wasn’t sure if Carlos could.
“No way. You don’t belong to him. You understand me? Look. Look at me.”
After a minute or two Carlos turned those brilliant green eyes over to Ben. They were serious. A little wet. More than a little haunted. “Don’t ever let anyone ever tell you there’s such a thing as a knife fight. Or a gun fight. You don’t ‘fight’ with weapons like that. You hurt the other person before they hurt you. It’s over in less than half a minute, and nine times outta ten you don’t know they mean to kill you till you’re on the ground. Any stupid bastard that tries to brag about his skills with a deadly weapon? That’s when you know he’s never had to really hurt anyone. He’s never watched anyone die.”
Ben heard the way Carlos’ voice cracked a little at the end there, and put two and two together. His own life might not have meant much to him as a dumb, misguided teenager, but it was another thing entirely when you lose a friend.
Carlos took a ragged sigh. “Anyway. I made the decision to get the fuck out. Joined one of those online schools for medical assisting that you see on the commercials. ‘Cuz my mom was a nurse, you know? And yeah. Heh. I got an internship. Was gonna work through it and then earn my BA at a real brick and mortar. Real legit. Turn my whole fuckin’ life around, yanno?”
Ben couldn’t help the smile that crept onto his face. “You did good, man. I’m proud of you.”
The blush that bloomed over Carlos’ nose was immediate and beet red. “Fuck you.”
Ben’s smile didn’t leave his lips. “Fuck you too.”
“Fuck the scientist. Okay? He doesn’t know anything.” Ben whispered fervently against Carlos’ skin. Like a prayer. Or an admonition. “He doesn’t know how hard you worked to get off the streets. He doesn’t know what Lest We Forget you were trying to remember. And he doesn’t know that the scar you’re gonna have now? It won’t be his either.” He didn’t know what possessed him to do it, but Ben pressed a short, quick kiss to Carlos’ jaw. Something about praying still, maybe.
“It won’t be his because you’re gonna survive. You’re gonna show his ass how strong you are. And this mark on your neck? It’s gonna remind him every time he looks at it: you didn’t kill me, motherfucker. You didn’t kill me and you didn’t erase anything. You can’t get in my brain, no matter what you do to my body.”
Carlos was quiet through all that. Too quiet. Ben lifted his head and pressed two fingers to the side of Carlos’ neck that still had skin. His pulse was... okay. Better than before even. His eyes were a little clearer, even if they looked exhausted as they gazed up at Ben.
“Man. You’re really gay. I ever tell you that?”
Ben broke out into an almost hysterical giggle. Yeah. Carlos was strong. He would be okay. “I mean???? You’re not wrong! Literally!”
Ben kept him talking for long enough that he felt it was safe to let the man sleep. Kept wrapped around him the whole time, and neither of them minded in the least. The blue powder worked it’s magic (or science, if you will) well enough that Carlos’ neck would scar over in a matter of days. Fresh pink skin where a tattoo used to be. Where a declaration used to be.
Ben resolved to do his best to keep reminding Carlos’ that it was still there. Just not skin deep.
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crystaljins · 6 years
Would I choose you? | 04
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Characters: Jimin x Reader
Word count: 5.6K
Synopsis:  Every year the graduating class of International Academy for Superheroes and Sidekicks are allocated to their future partner. They will work with their partner for the rest of their working lives.
Jimin, the star of your academy and picked as the favourite to succeed in life, is not pleased when he is allocated to you, the school loser.
Notes:  My purpose in writing fics is to get to the point where feelings start to bloom. Keep your eyes wide open folks because feelings are starting to sneak in for our characters O.o
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Things go really well between you and Jimin after that distress call. It turns out that when he’s not ignoring you and furious over a failed mission, Jimin is a competent, capable hero and just a fun guy to be around in general. The two of you have an endless supply of distress calls and with each new call you are improving. You learn how to work with each other, and you learn how to handle the numerous situations a hero duo is expected to lend aid in. Jimin hasn’t brought up the dinner debacle since it happened but it seems the two of you are fine to leave it behind. You had been hurt but you hadn’t given Jimin a reason to trust you. He trusts you now and you’ve accepted each other as partners and that’s all that matters.
It’s not just as heroes that you find the two of you are getting along better in either. As a roommate, Jimin is wonderful! He sometimes cooks dinner for you, and he’s always happy to hang and watch a movie with you, and sometimes he will pick up food for whatever the latest injured critter you decide to harbor is on his trips to the grocery store. He even admits one night over dinner that he finds it charming the way you can’t leave any creature alone without trying to help. That admission has you blushing and smiling for far longer than you care to admit.
You can’t help but feel that things are going really well for you- the alley cat who wouldn’t stop swearing at you has warmed up to you as well. He’ll accept the food you leave out for him and sometimes he’ll come in through the window and nap on the little cat bed you secretly purchased for him. Val’s babies grow stronger every day and Ratbert will occasionally come to visit (though he keeps his family far from the clutches of the alley cat and they all have apparently settled in a new building a few blocks down). You’re happy.
The same cannot be said for Jimin, unfortunately. Because while you are content to leave behind the dinner debacle and pretend it never happened, he is not. Each new day his harsh words and desire to dismiss you as a worthy partner haunt him, especially since with each new day you prove your worthiness anew. You’re almost always exactly where he needs you (apart from the odd mess up since you are only human), you’re supportive and when things get hard or scary or difficult you’re right there with him to help him find a solution. You do sweet things like make him breakfast and you hum songs under your breath as you clean the living room and you’re always sneaking things you think he might like into the trolley when you think he’s not looking. It’s no one’s fault but his own- he let his own fears and insecurities and other people’s opinion of you distort his view until he missed what was right in front of his nose. A compassionate, determined individual and probably the only person he’s ever met who works harder than him. The question of how to begin to apologise for his earlier behaviour hovers over him like a dark cloud.
The conviction that he needs to do something to make it up to you solidifies the first time the two of you make it into the newspaper. You both successfully take down some bank robbers in the area. The photographer requests that Jimin move closer. As he slides his arm around your waist and steps in close, you offer him a tiny, private smile. He doesn’t know what about that smile sticks with him, but something about it makes him realise he can no longer avoid apologising because somewhere along the line the two of you had become friends and trusting partners.
It is while he is training at headquarters one day that he stumbles upon something- or rather, someone who can help him apologise. He strolls through the now-familiar winding corridors of the government-funded facility, fresh from a sparring session with a former classmate and he collides with none other than Kim Seokjin.
The only sidekick who rivalled your infamy at the academy was the man who now stands before Jimin. The two of you had had a bit of a reputation amongst the heroes- everyone dreaded being allocated to either of you. It had been a running joke amongst his classmates whenever something bad happened to say something along the lines of “Hey, it could be worse- you could be allocated to one of those two.”. And while Jimin himself had never participated in such disrespectful jokes, he had heard them and that is why he knows you and Kim Seokjin are thick as thieves. Seokjin offers Jimin an uncomfortably bright smile.
“Park Jimin, fancy seeing you here.” He says cheerfully. “How’s (Y/N)? I’ve been meaning to stop by and have lunch with her.”
Jimin rubs awkwardly at the back of his neck- Seokjin is just tall enough that he must tilt his head slightly to make eye contact and it’s not a great feeling.
“She’s well. Actually, this is great timing, because there’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you about.” Jimin admits. Will Seokjin be mad when he leans of how Jimin treated you? Then again, you have probably already told him if you are as good friends with him as you have seem. Either way, Jimin tenses just slightly, prepared to catch a punch from the taller man if necessary.
“No problem. What do you need to ask, merman?” Seokjin questions cheerily. Jimin shoots him a look to signal the nickname is unwelcome but he ignores it like he seems to do with most things in his life. “Who rained on your parade?”
Jimin frowns. 
“I... well...” he says slowly. He hesitates, mentally attempting to calculate the likelihood that he’s about to get slapped. Seokjin seems friendly enough.
“Is it about that whole dinner thing?” He asks suddenly. “And how you ignored her for a week after your first mission?”
“Wow she really tells you everything doesn’t she?” Jimin responds, equal parts nervous and impressed. Seokjin nods.
“If it makes you feel any better, I think one of her super powers is an inability to hold grudges. She doesn’t even hold grudges against our childhood bullies.”
“That makes me feel worse, oddly enough.” Jimin confesses sadly. Seokjin smiles sympathetically.
“I know the feeling. Kinda like you just punched Snow White in the face for being sweet enough to offer you some delicious baked apple pie while she cleans your house for you. It’s the whole Disney princess vibe she has going on- that’s her other super power. Tugging on your heartstrings like a wounded puppy.” He tells Jimin solemnly. “My guess is you want to know how to apologise?”
Jimin nods eagerly.
“I’m just not sure how to make it up to her, I guess.” He admits. “Can you help me, Seokjin?”
“First things first, call me Jin.” Jin tells him, clapping a warm hand on Jimin’s shoulder. “Second of all, I am a master of apologies.”
“That doesn’t sound like a good thing to be a master of-“ Jimin protests and the thought crosses his mind that maybe this isn’t such a good idea.
“Just trust me, Ariel. I got this sorted.” Jin cuts him off.
Jin does not have it sorted.
“Are you sure she likes these sorts of things? She doesn’t seem like the type to be big on video games.” Jimin asks hesitantly, setting down the bag of merchandise and games that Jin had coerced him into buying.
“Of course she is,” Jin tells him dismissively, reaching into the bag and pulling out one of the games. “She wouldn’t have the console if she wasn’t right? Besides, I’ve known her since we were kids, you can trust me on her likes and dislikes.” Jin selects one of the games and walks over to the console, popping it in. “She also likes chocolate cake- I’ve bought the ingredients if you want to get started.” He settles onto the couch and waves in the general direction of the grocery bags he had set on the counter. Jimin frowns- he can’t shake the niggling feeling that Jin is taking advantage of him.
“Can’t you just make one with your powers?” Jimin interrogates. Jin yawns, stretching widely.
“I’ve had a long day, see, and my powers aren’t as good when I’m tired. The cake might not come out well.” He tells Jimin over the startup music. Jimin sighs and rolls up his sleeves, pulling out his phone to consult a recipe.
This is how you find the two of them when you walk in an hour later.
“You’re eating it all!” Jimin protests as Jin practically spoons batter into his mouth.
“I’m just taste testing! I have to make sure it’s exactly to her tastes-“
“I feel like you were lying and you just wanted me to make you dinner! I distinctly remember her saying she likes fruity cakes- this is almost pure chocolate-”
“Jimin?” You call curiously. Both Jimin and Jin freeze. Jimin is coated in cocoa and flour and frantically wrestling Jin for a wooden spoon dripping with cake batter. Jin attempts to surreptitiously wipe away the icing and cake batter smeared across his cheeks. A game you’ve never heard of plays music in the background on the console he convinced your parents to buy for you for your graduation present. The console in question has sat untouched up until this point. “What’s going on here?”
Beneath the copious amount of flour and cocoa, Jimin flushes bright red and Jin takes the opportunity to shove the whole wooden spoon in his mouth.
“I… I was trying to do something nice for you.” He confesses, almost sweetly. Jin nods his support but does not remove the wooden spoon from his mouth. You raise an eyebrow at Jin and he pales. He recognises the face- it’s your ‘get of my house now and stop eating my food or I’ll send a lion after you’ face. You can thank Jin’s lack of boundaries throughout your childhood for the development of such a specific expression.
“I’ll just be taking my leave then. Good luck with the cake, Aquaman,” Jin says. He darts out of your shared apartment with a farewell salute and just like that you’re left alone with Jimin.
He still looks embarrassed, and you smile at him as you step forward and begin to help him shake the flour from his hair.
“Why were you trying to something nice for me?” You ask. “Not that I don’t appreciate it. And for the record, I do prefer cakes with fruit and I’m sorry Jin conned you into buying those games- he’s probably going to live on our couch with Hoseok for the next few months.”
Jimin chuckles, shaking flour off his forearms. He’ll probably have to vacuum the whole kitchen with the mess he’s made.
“I was trying to apologise.” He confesses. You pause in your adjustment of his fringe and meet his gaze.
“For what?” You ask, and your genuine puzzlement makes him feel a strange fondness. Jin wasn’t kidding about the not holding grudges thing.
“How I treated you, when we first moved in together. And that dinner where I…” He hesitates. “The things I said weren’t cool.” He confesses. “And you’ve been such a wonderful partner… And I really appreciate it.”
You hesitate, dropping your hand, before offering him a tentative, shy smile that causes an odd fluttering sensation to fill his chest.
“It’s ok.” You tell him, and you go to step away from him but he anchors you in place by reaching out and grasping your wrists with his hands. “You were stressed and we failed our first mission. I can’t say that I wouldn’t have reacted the same- it’s really ok.”
“It’s not.” He tells you firmly. He tilts his head slightly so that you are forced to look directly into his warm brown eyes. “It’s not ok- I was rude and misjudged you. I’m truly, truly sorry and I know it’s no justification but I acted like that because I was just afraid. Because so many people expect so much from me and I don’t deal well with failure. I took it out on you and I shouldn’t have. And you may have moved on but I haven’t, so let me have this apology.”
He doesn’t know what prompts his next confession, but the words come pouring forth anyway.
“I really admire you. You’re so kind and genuine. When you told me why you wanted to be a hero… I think it’s so amazing. You’re so genuine and you want to help people so much and next to you I feel so fake. I’m only in this profession because of my parents- how can I be a genuine hero like that?” He confesses. He still does not release your wrists nor your gaze. You wonder if he can see the flush that rises to your cheeks at his words. You’re genuinely at a loss for words.
“You’re not a fake.” You almost whisper. Jimin looks like he’s about to protest so you cut him off. “I’m serious. I’m an empath- I can sense fakes from a mile away. That’s not what I sense from you Jimin.” You tell him sincerely. “I sense a-“ You pause, hesitating. You’ve never admitted this out loud to anyone, but it was part of the reason you had been so smitten with Jimin at the academy. Confessing it is scarier than you thought it would be, but you plough forward regardless. “I sense this churning desire to do the right thing deep inside you. It’s warm and it always surrounds you no matter what you’re doing. It never goes away. Someone who wants to help others that much can’t be a fake. I know you’re the real deal, regardless of who your parents are or why you enrolled in the academy.”
The look Jimin gives you following your confession is loaded with a lot of emotions you don’t understand. You could read him, but you have a feeling you still wouldn’t understand the emotions that flicker across his face. Instead you watch as he finally settles on a warm smile that makes your heart flutter a lot more than you want to admit.
“Give me a second chance.” He begs softly.
“What do you mean?” You ask, confused. You’d already forgiven him ages ago.
“At dinner. I want a second chance to do that dinner properly, like I should have. To get to know you, my sidekick and my partner, instead of what I actually did.” He asks. “Let’s have a redo.”
His words bring a hesitant smile to your face.
“Sure.” You say.
The smile he offers you in return is blinding.
The two of you settle on a date later in the week for dinner, but it is not to be. The morning of, Jimin receives a call from his mother. You don’t know what it’s in regards to, but you know it is nothing good. Since moving in together, you have noticed that Jimin has a lot of fights with his parents, from mundane things like whether he’d called that day to more severe things like their disappointment with his lack of progress in his career. Overall they’d just given the impression that they were overbearing and put a lot of pressure on Jimin. It shows when he comes out of his bedroom with a stormy expression. You can practically feel the hurt and frustration pouring off him in waves. You don’t have to actively reach out with you empathy- you can sense the way his distress darkens the room.
“I’m going to have to cancel dinner tonight. I’m so sorry.” Jimin tells you, apologetic. It is a tense apology though- you can tell he barely holds back his temper. You shake your head.
“That’s fine- are you ok?” You question. He pauses, like he’s surprised by the line of questioning. Then he shakes his head.
“I… I was just on the phone with me mother and she…” His voice catches and he curls his hands into fists where they hang loosely at his side. “I don’t really want to talk about it. Sorry.” He says after a long pause where you get the impression he’s desperately trying to control his temper by taking slow, concentrated inhales.
“That’s ok.” You reassure him. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
Jimin stares at you for a long, uncomfortable moment. It is like he is searching for something but you do not know what that something is. Finally, he takes a long, deep exhale.
“She just wants to meet with me to discuss our partnership. Don’t worry though- I’ll disregard anything she says. It just means we have to postpone our dinner, which sucks.” He says with a sigh, combing his fingers through his hair. You smile weakly.
“That’s fine. I can sort dinner for myself. I don’t mind rescheduling.” You say. Jimin gives you one last long look before sighing.
“I really am sorry.” He apologises once more, before hoisting his gym bag up on his shoulder. “Anyway, I have an appointment at headquarters for a health check- I’ll see you when I get back from dinner tonight, ok?”
You nod and watch him go. It doesn’t bother you to have the dinner postponed- you know it would probably cause a huge fight if he were to refuse his mother’s plans and go to dinner with you. It’s more that it bothers you that his mother hates you so. If Jimin has warmed up to you to such an extent that he’s started including cat food on his grocery list for the alley cat you’ve befriended even though it keeps trying to bite him, then you feel that all his mother has to do is make an effort to know you and she’ll change her mind.
Either way, you shake the discouraging thoughts from your head and proceed about your day. By the time it gets to early evening, around the time you were meant to have dinner with Jimin, your mood has cleared and you’re settled in for the night to watch some Netflix and then head to bed early- you have an all day training session at headquarters the next day and you’d rather not tire yourself out.
Alas, it is not to be- it seems the universe doesn’t want Jimin to go out for dinner at all, for right as you have settled down with a plate of dinner after feeding the numerous animals you’ve taken in for the night, your phone begins to trill with a distress call.
Not long after Jimin calls.
“I’ll meet you there?” He questions as you pull on your uniform.
“Yup.” You tell him quickly. You don’t comment on the way his voice trembles darkly. You suppose the dinner had not been going well. “I’ll meet you there. Remember not to engage without me or I’ll report you.” You scold as you slip on your watch and program the location of the distress call into it.
“No promises.” And the simmering anger in his voice makes you hesitate. Perhaps it is not the best idea to answer this distress call. However, Jimin hangs up before you can voice your concerns and you sigh.
The distress call in question seems to be a minor villain trying to make a name for themselves. You watch the carnage of the doomsday device from the rooftop of a nearby building as you wait for Jimin to arrive.
He arrives quietly beside you, watching the chaos below. You can’t read his face because of his helmet and when you reach out your empathy all you sense is a cold, dark, swirling sensation. You couldn’t name the emotion he’s feeling but if you had to try it would probably be close to a cold fury.
You don’t get a word out before he is launching himself off the side of the building. You are about to cry out in protest but a pair of ice handlebars materialize in front of him and he grips onto them, using them to lower him to the ground. With a sigh, you allow him to do whatever it is he thinks he’s doing while you evaluate the situation and decide the best course of action.
The doomsday device in question seems to be some sort of large vehicle designed to inflict structural damage to the buildings around it. An ominous ray gun is built into the top and you wouldn’t have the slightest clue what it does. Perhaps you could have managed some reconnaissance to evaluate the threat it poses had Jimin not leapt impulsively into action as he had, but you push down your frustration. He’s stressed and he’s upset and really the blame is on you for allowing him to come out despite the emotional turmoil you knew he was experiencing.
Instead you focus your attention to your main duty as a sidekick: Reducing the casualties. You do not need special powers to facilitate an evacuation of the area, and it had been one of the most fundamental pieces of training you had received when you were in the academy. Protect the civillians above all else had been the fundamental lesson drilled into you. You rush out onto the street through the fire escape, immediately evaluating who needs help. A young woman is injured but she seems able to walk. A lot of people have already fled in panic and the only ones remaining are those who are too injured or too scared to go on their own.
You start with the young woman.
“What’s your name?” You asks her, and she looks up at you. She is deathly pale and tears streak down her face. Taking stock of her injuries, nothing seems too severe. A laceration on her cheek. A scrape on her arm and potentially a sprained ankle.
“E… Emma.” She says softly, her voice trembling with tears. She looks puzzled that you are here to help. You smile as sweetly as you can and crouch down to your level. She’s only your age, perhaps a little younger.
“Well, Emma, I’m going to get you some help, ok?” You say warmly, and a fresh round of tears spills down her dirty, blood cheeks.
“You’re going to help me? But I-“ She begins, but you cut her off.
“The first thing I’m going to need you to do is stay calm, ok?” You tell her firmly. “I can’t help you if you lose your head, ok?”
She seems taken aback, but nods with determination in her eyes.
“Ok good,” You say, already looking around and deciding what step to take next. Perhaps if you can gather more civillians who are actually able to walk, they can help you transport Emma. Authorities are already on their way but they cannot enter the immediate danger zone until the villain threat is removed, as per protocol. That’s really all on Jimin to do. Ideally, he would have helped you evacuate the civs first and then engaged in combat like he does now, firing ice projectiles at the large metal machine, but he clearly isn’t thinking straight. Besides, it’s too late- he’s already engaged and preoccupied and the villain will work faster now that she knows there are heroes in the mix. He needs to stop the machine and restrain the villain. A glance in the direction of the carnage tells you that will not happen any time soon. “Emma, what I’m going to do is I’m going to help you walk. We’re going to try and see if we can find any others, but I don’t want to leave you alone. Do you think you can do that for me?” She looks like she very much can’t, but that is where your empathy comes in handy. You send out a wave of calmness towards her and then determination steels her gaze once more. She nods her head.
You loop an arm around her waist and she puts her arm around your shoulders as you help her to her feet.
It is slow-going, hobbling with this injured person, but you aren’t game enough to leave a civilian unattended with a doomsday device on a rampage barely a hundred metres from where she’s standing.
“Hydro,” You call into your comms device as the two of you hobble through the streets. If you can get her just a block away, you can probably leave her there and emergency personnel could begin administering first aid. “Update me on your status. Can you neutralise the threat?”
“Not yet,” Comes back Jimin’s static-y voice. “They’re putting up a big fight. Artemis I’m gonna need you here- there are civillians in the immediate vicinity and I need you to help them.”
You frown- you cannot take Emma with you but you can’t leave her there.
“I have something to tell you-” Emma says suddenly, eyes wide. You pause. 
“Hold on, ok? I just need to speak with my partner.” You quiet her before returning to speaking into your comms device. “I’m already clearing out the area. Maybe you should disengage and focus on bringing them to safety first?” You suggest to Jimin. Really, this sort of plan of approach should have been made before Jimin engaged. Perhaps you’d have more ability to evacuate civs if Jimin had been there to help. Neutralising the threat was meant to come secondary to removing all innocents from imminent danger, but Jimin in his anger had leapt straight into the ass-kicking portion of his job. You just hear static in the background- Jimin is too preoccupied to offer a response.
“Listen it’s really important that I- Over there!” Emma suddenly cries, interrupting herself with a startled cry and you look in the direction she’s wildly point in. It’s a young family- a woman desperately cradles her baby while her husband stands over her looking desperate and panicked. And then you realise the doomsday device is on a direct trajectory for them- it will run them over unless something is done.
“Hydro, red alert, red alert,” You cry. “The device is heading straight for a young family. You need to stop it! Disengage now, disengage now!”
“Affirmative! Taking action now!” Comes Jimin’s answer and you see an ice shield erupt in front of the machine. It is not enough though- it merely redirects the course slightly, but the ray gun is still pointing directly at the young family. You still don’t know what it does but you do not wait to find out.
You don’t think. You don’t plan. You drop Emma and race forward. You dive forward. Protect the civs is your mantra. The beam hits you in a concentrated ray.
The family remains untouched. They stare at you in shock. Then slowly it dawns on them what happened. You took the hit for them.
And then everything goes black. The last thing you are aware of is Jimin screeching your hero name in horror.
You wake up in a bed in the infirmary back at headquarters. You take stock of your injuries and realise you’re sporting of a lot of bruises and cuts that weren’t there before.
“You’re lucky,” you hear a voice call and you start violently. It’s just Jimin though, coming through the doorway with a bouquet of flowers in his arms. “It was a mind control beam. Not like a death ray or anything like that.”
You blink in confusion as you recall the events that lead to you waking up in the hospital bed. Your eyes knit together.
“A mind control beam?” You question. He nods, setting down the flowers in the table at your bedside. You can make out a card with Jin’s messy handwriting scrawled across it in their midst.
“Yup. Apparently she was trying to form an army to wreak chaos on the city or something,” He explains. “Which I suppose we would have known if I’d given us the time to evaluate the situation and do some recon.” The guilt is heavy in his voice. He settles into a chair beside you. He’s changed out of his super suit into some civilian clothes and he looks unfairly handsome. His hair is pushed back off his forehead from running his hands through it one too many times and his clothes fit him well. Will you ever be desensitized to his beauty? Probably not.
“So then… I was mind controlled?” You question. He grimaces but there’s something reserved and uneasy about it.
“Sort of. Apparently your refusal to do what anyone tells you to do is a very deep-rooted personality trait.” He tells you and there is a fond glint to his eyes as he recounts the story to you though it is diluted by the misery in his expression. “And so you put up a decent fight resisting it. Long enough for me to neutralise as many threats as I could. Uh… including the highly trained, combat ready soldier she had just hit with a mind control beam. Sorry. It wasn’t that gentle, taking you down.”
Well that would explain the bruises, then. Jimin had neutralised the threat- and while mind-controlled, you were probably the biggest threat. You nod, and Jimin raises his hand. You go eerily still as he pushes your hair off you face, revealing a large, purple bruise on your forehead.
“Never let me criticize your abilities again,” Jimin says, but his tone darkens with something. Perhaps guilt? “You can put up a fight when you want to. Anyway, once you were taken down and I knew it was a mind control beam I was able to focus on the important things pretty easily. And about the civillians...” He opens his mouth as if to say something but then he grimaces like he’s swallowed a lemon. “They’re all... They.... You see... They all came out fine.” He says, though he says it like the words pain him. Were you not still groggy with sleep and painkillers, you might have questioned him but as it is you miss his slight slip. “So everything worked out ok”
You nod awkwardly. Your hand is in a sling. You must have sprained your arm while fighting Jimin. His gaze darkens as he eyes your swollen wrist.
“I would tell you off for doing something as reckless as leaping in front of an unknown beam to protect a civ, but I feel like the blame lies with me.” He confesses. “I… I was off my game tonight.” He admits. “I leapt into things and acted recklessly and it got you and oth-” He aborts the sentence and clears his throat. “You got hurt and I’m sorry.”
The guilt pours off him so strongly you can sense it even without extending your empathy.
“I was just so… angry and hurt.” He admits. As much as you think it is important for Jimin to recognise what he could do better for his next mission, you are not a fan of the downward spiral you see him in.
“Jimin,” You say softly, and slowly. He lowers his gaze, shame painting his face.
“She called me useless.” He says in a low, broken voice. “My mother. She told me to get rid of you and when I refused she pointed out what a terrible hero I was. All the ways I’ve failed and all my shortcomings and she told me not to consider myself her son if that was how I was going to continue to perform.”
You are speechless as Jimin continues recounting the diner he’d had.
“And so when we got the distress call I was so determined to prove her wrong. But all I managed to do was screw up the mission and beat up my sidekick. I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” He cries. His voice cracks on the ‘sorry’ and so does your heart.
“Jimin!” You call urgently, reaching out with your uninjured arm to cup his face and force him to look straight into your eyes. He is surprised at the sudden movement and just stares dumbly at you. “Don’t beat yourself up. First of all, you’re an awesome hero and your mum is just trying to guilt you into doing what she wants you to do. Second of all, yeah, maybe today was a bust, but we’re only humans. Gifted or not, we’re gonna screw up every now and then. We have limits. Besides, I’m just as much to blame. I didn’t stop you from answering the call when I knew you weren’t in any state to handle it. We’ll just learn, Jimin. That’s why we start small. We’re working our way to the top in little steps, but we’re gonna get to the top. I can feel it in my bones, ok?”
For a second, he just stares at you, confused, and then his whole expression softens.
“You’re really something, you know that?” He says warmly. You grin.
Something in the air shifts between the two of you. You don’t know what causes it but suddenly the space that hovers between your faces is warm and tight. Why did you pull his face so close to yours? It’s suddenly hard to breath through the unnamed tension that thickens the air.
“Jimin,” You say slowly, as the smile slowly slides off your face. You don’t know what you planned to say next, because your attention is captured by his mouth. His lips are so smooth and soft looking. You like it best when they are curved upward in a smile, the kind that makes his eyes scrunch as they twinkle with delight. Currently they are pursed into a slight frown but the plush curve to them is still distracting. And you’re so focused on his lips that you miss the way that his gaze flickers downwards as well, anchoring onto your mouth.
And then he is abruptly pulling away, clearing his throat awkwardly and flushing bright head.
“Anyway,” He says, a bit more forcefully than the situation calls for. “Let’s get you home, ok? I’ll buy us some food on the way home to make up for my incompetence.”
You are too busy protesting his self-deprecation and so you don’t pick up on it on the journey home, but the flush never quite leaves Jimin’s cheeks.
The desire to kiss you never quite leaves him either.
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hanculs-blog · 5 years
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♔‘゚‣ { TASK 001 } — ❝ haneul’s profile ❞
                                 I’m not too gone to be                                                           healed, am I ?                                        I’m not                                                       too gone                                                                             am i ?
tw: mention of alcohol, death & murder.
full name: park haneul nicknames: hani, han, oney gender & pronouns: cis-female, she/her sexual & romantic orientation: heterosexual and heteroromantic age & dob: 22, 1996/07/15 birthplace: daegu parent & siblings: park jongin (father), kang gahyeon (mother) & park hanjun, (older brother, deceased) pets: dal (mixed samoyed dog) & bam (stray cat) astrological sign: cancer dominant hand: left handwriting style: a bit unreadable, almost kind of cursive, not terrible. languages known: native korean, medium english & basic japanese. religion: agnostic atheist current living arrangements: her brother’s apartment. it has one room, one bathroom, a small kitchen, a nice living room and a small balcony; it still looks almost the same way he left it. not on the best area but could be worse. certainty an improvement from her old shared apartment. occupation: dancer, occasional bartender, influencer
picture reference: click blood type: O nationality: korean skin tone: light birthmarks & scars: a very distinguishing beauty spot on her nose, probably some small scars here and there. height: 1.66 m build: slender, athletic, kind of petite. hair color: naturally medium brown, sometimes tinted black or light brown. hair length: usually long. eye color: dark brown, sometimes wears colored lenses. diet: very diverse, sometimes a bit meat-heavy, she really enjoys food and actually doesn’t restrict her eating that much. exercise & level of fitness: compensates her lack of a strict diet with exercise. visits regularly the gym and, of course, as a dancer, goes to long practice routines that could count as a full work out. how’s their posture?: quite a good posture due to her dancing background, mostly straight and proper but not stuck up, a bit relaxed. may slouch veeery occasionally. typical style of dress: red and black are her go-to colors. there’s almost always some leather, her jacket, or her skirt, or her shoes. sexy with a bit of glam. tends to show a bit of skin but not too much actually. skinny jeans and a crop-top, a high waist skirt with a silk blouse. and, although not dress-related, really enjoys glittery eye make-up and red lips. body modifications: multiple ear piercings (one on the left lobe and two left helixes, three on the right lobe and one right helix) and some small tattoos (yet to be described).
how does your muse walk?: like the dancer she is, there’s a natural cadence in the way she moves and a lot of confidence. how does your muse talk?: kind of smooth and mellowly but not overtly sweet, controlled one could say. the speed varies with her emotions or intentions a lot. it can become harsh and cutting very easily though. hat accent does your muse talk with?: usually in the typical daegu satoori with lots of slang very much associated to the peripheral poor neighborhoods, basically you can tell where she’s from in one or two sentences. but she can switch to a more neutral tone since she sometimes works directly with the public. how would you describe the tone of their voice? are they loud or quiet?: it’s actually kinda deep for a girl, at least definitely not high pitched. not loud but neither quiet, she basically can get herself listen. what does their laugh sound like?: she actually has a silent laughter, almost no sound coming out of her mouth, but if she’s laughing very very heavily then she can be quite loud. how does your muse typically smell?: there’s almost no occasion she won’t use at least a bit of perfume before going out, but she doesn’t go for strong ones and prefers light refreshing scents. what kind of air do they carry?: like she already owns your soul. do they have any catchphrases?: probably some curses. what are their nervous ticks?: movement, that being her fingers tapping the table or playing with her hair, pacing, swinging her feet. basically it’s difficult for her to get completely still.
what makes your muse happiest?: doing what she loves, enjoying herself with engaging people, being with her brother, spending time with @myvngok​, exercising, causing mayhem in the streets. what upsets them the most?: judgmental people mostly, feeling caged, being out of control, people badmouthing those she cares about. does your muse have any quirks?: she flirts as she speaks. what are their hobbies? how frequent do they do them?: dancing, clubbing/partying, going out with people, drinking, cooking (not the best cook but she has fun), watching horror or crappy comedic movies. she does them when she pleases. do they have any guilty pleasures?: perhaps kpop, she’s very into it, even obscure survival & variety shows. but she doesn’t consider it an actually guilty pleasure. is your muse an extrovert or an introvert? neither?: socially extroverted, emotionally introverted. do they have high or low self-esteem? what about confidence?: at first instance, she has very high confidence but more than anything it’s an attitude. she tells herself she’s great and is sure of everything hoping it’d come true. are they easily stressed and how do they normally respond to it?: usually not, she’s very laid-back and chill for most of the time. but certain very specific situations, when they get out of her control, can stress her very much and completely freak her out. she doesn’t externalize that panic, though, instead goes deep into her thoughts, where for sure everything will mess her up even more and produce a big emotional outburst. what is your muses worst fear?: loneliness & lack of love. what is your muses biggest dream?: safety, she want’s to feel safe and loved and cherished and at ease with herself and the world. is your muse a morning person or a night dragon?: for sure a night dragon, almost the majority of her daily activities occur at night or late in the day. how intelligent is your muse? do they acknowledge it?: average? she’s not the brightest bulb out there but for sure she’s neither stupid. she doesn’t have the greatest academic knowledge but is well versed in practical stuff and street-wits. describe their sense of humor: ironic, witty, deadpan snarker.
are they currently in any sexual or romantic relationships?: yes to the first, no to the second. what is their experience with relationships?: complicated, troubled, turbulent. how does your muse view the idea of friends with benefits? have they ever had one?: amazing concept, and yes she has had more than one. how important is sex to your muse?: very important. what are their biggest turn on and turn offs?: that would require a whole questionnaire itself. let’s just say there are plenty things she’ll go with and that she’s quite experimental, but if we had to point some, that be: praising, dirty-talk & teasing. she also has some deal-breakers, for example, she’s not into daddy-kinks or derogatory language. does your muse find it easy to make friends?: it’s easy for her to make friends since she has a very entrancing personality, but usually “friends” are simply people she enjoys spending some time together and that’s all. close friends, those she confides with, are more difficult to make. how important is friendship to them?: good/close friends are very important but she may not show it that much. quantity or quality of friends?: quality for sure. how important is family?: more important that what it may seem at first sight. hanjun was literally the most important person in her life. and she does care a lot about her mother, even though she gets on her nerves constantly and usually doesn’t shows it. are they close to their family?: see above for her relationship with her brother and her mother, hanjun was the closest person in haneul’s life up until his death. as for her father, he left them when she was six and there’s been no contact between them. she has little memory of the man besides him cursing at her mother.
activity: sex dancing. animal: cat. beverage: alcohol, coffee. color: red & black. designer: @arxum​ ? she’s really not much into designer clothes since she can’t barely afford them. food: pork meat. flower: rose. gem: red quartz, black opal & bloodstone. holiday: doesn’t care, just give her free days. mode of transportation: her motorcycle, there’s also her brother’s car but she never uses it. quote: keep going forward. scenery: the city at night, silent, with its lights vibrating, far away echoes of music and a clear sky. scent: coffee, fire, wood, cleanness & vanille. weather: stormy or cloudy.
greatest dream: get an actual real serious job as a dancer, establish herself as a person, find her path, have a family one day. greatest fear: loneliness & failure. most at ease when: dancing or wandering the street with nice company. least as ease when: she’s alone with her thoughts, in a hospital or out of control of a situation. worst possible thing that could happen: any other person she cares dying or getting very ill probably, or getting an injury that would affect her mobility drastically. biggest achievement: being still alive and kicking and functional? i mean i guess we could discuss the functional part but, still, that’s an achievement if you consider the circumstances. biggest regret: she tends to not have any regrets because she can’t change the past or undo what’s been done (but one of the things that haunts her the most is not having been able to do some stuff with her brother...). most embarrassing moment: embarrassment is for babies. biggest secret: she desperately wants to be loved and also is a bit (lot) scared about finding who killed her brother and having to face that truth. top priorities: finding her brother’s murderer? :D
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tracies-tales · 6 years
Accidents Happen
The setting sun beat down gently on Dan’s skin. It was comfortingly warm, like a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He supposed it helped counteract the chilling numbness inside him. 
A soft gust of wind ruffled the curls of hair on Dan’s head. With it came the scent of fall, a mix of dry leaves and rain. Arin’s favorite season, mostly due to Halloween. Dan felt himself grinning fondly at the thought, but his heart wasn’t in it. His hands clasped at the grass he was sitting on, sharp shadows being cast from the cherry blossom tree beside him. Light pink petals drifted down as the breeze coaxed them off the flowering branches, becoming scattered in Dan’s hair. 
A whole flower descended from overhead, landing in Dan’s lap. He looked down at it and picked it up, gently rubbing his thumb over the delicate petals. Arin would have loved this, too. Dan closed his fist carefully around the blossom as he lifted it close to his chest, covering the fist with his other hand and squeezing his eyes shut. The color pink was Arin’s favorite, and the fact it was a sakura tree only reminded Dan how much Arin had loved Japan. There were a lot of things Arin had loved. Like him. 
Dan felt tears rolling down his cheeks, but he didn’t care to stop them. They kept flowing, tracing lines down his face and dribbling onto his folded legs, leaving spots even on the black slacks he was wearing. When he found the strength to force his eyes open again, the image of the stone in front of him only intensified the profound emptiness left inside him. The icy, bitter cold that hadn’t left him.
Not since Arin had died and taken his warmth with him.
With trembling hands, Dan laid the flower under the headstone, right alongside the bouquets the other funeral-goers had left before they had taken off themselves, leaving Dan with nothing but the grave and the cherry blossoms for company. Dan let himself read the inscription over and over, thinking maybe if he read it enough times it would sink in that Arin was gone, and he wasn’t coming back. This wasn’t one of the games they played where he would get an extra chance; Dan couldn’t earn enough points to revive him. Not that he could have managed that if it were a game, anyway, with his lack of gaming skill. For a moment, he could practically hear Arin saying, I’m the video game boy! and managed to crack a smile at the memory. But he’d never get to hear any of Arin’s inane complaints about a game again, nor his laughter, nor see his smile, all things that had never failed to make Dan’s heart swell. 
And it hurt. It was pain unlike anything Dan knew could exist. He’d give anything to hug Arin one more time. He regretted ever thinking Arin’s sweaty hands were gross, because he’d give anything to hold them again, and he’d never let go. Dan wrapped his arms around his stomach, trying to bring back some semblance of what he’d felt like before becoming lost, so hopelessly lost in Arin’s absence.
And then suddenly the chill was gone. He felt a touch at his shoulder, the gentle clasp of a hand. Dan slowly turned his head, wondering if Suzy had come back to tell him he should go home. But it wasn’t her, and as Dan’s eyes trailed upward, the tears welled back up anew. Because there he was. 
Arin, surrounded by a soft glow, there but not completely, just a faint ghost of him. But it was enough. Arin was smiling sadly down at him, holding out a hand. Dan didn’t expect it to work, but he took hold of it, almost taking back what he’d just thought about Arin’s sweaty hands. But he clasped it tightly, throwing himself at Arin for an embrace. 
“Dan,” Arin said.
Dan’s body jerked, and he blinked blearily against the florescent lighting in the room. He used the back of his wrist to wipe at his eyes, which were in fact wet, taking a moment to remember where they were.
The hospital. The car accident. It all came flooding back, hitting Dan like a sack of bricks. Arin was laying in front of him on a hospital bed; he was hooked up to an IV in a stable condition. Dan had, at some point while sitting beside him, succumbed to his emotional exhaustion from the events of the past day and fallen asleep. Which had led to...
“Fuck,” Dan wiped at his eyes again.
Arin gave him a look of concern and set his hand over the one Dan left on the bed. He asked, “Hey man, you okay? You started crying in your sleep. I dunno what the hell you were dreaming about, but I figured I ought to wake you.”
“Yeah, no. Thank you,” Dan said, rubbing his damp hand through his hair. He sniffled and said, “I’m alright, just a really shittastic dream.” He tried to give Arin a convincing smile, although apparently it wasn’t.
“Dude, come on. Just tell me. We’re all boyfriends here.”
“It’s literally just you and me in the room,” Dan said, his genuine smile returning.
Arin partially threw his hands up to avoid messing up the IV wires, “So it’s fine then! What’s the problem?”
Dan took a deep breath and said, “I kinda dreamed I was at your funeral.”
Arin blinked. “Shit,” he said, rubbing the only part of Dan’s arm he could reach. “I’m sorry, man. But hey, I’m fine. Broken ribs, yeah, but pretty much otherwise totally fine,” he grinned.
Dan snorted, “I know, big cat. It’s just...it could have been-”
“But it wasn’t,” Arin interrupted, “and we’re not thinking about that shit because it’s sad as fuck. I want nothing but serotonin happening up in that noggin, okay?” he asked, tugging at Dan’s arm until he bent forward so Arin could rub at his head.
Dan giggled, the feeling of laughter bubbling up within him already helping to improve his mood, “Okay, I get it.”
“Good,” Arin smiled, “come here.” Dan did as instructed, shifting his seat from the chair to the edge of Arin’s bed. Arin tried to wriggle over to make some room for Dan to lay down, which was easy considering how thin of a body frame Dan had. Dan slipped into the space allotted him and lay down. Arin set his hand on Dan’s cheek, saying, “I’m not going anywhere. It’s gonna take something like a giant purple plant monster to kill me.”
Dan snorted and laughed, “Or any other number of things from videogames, Arin.”
“Fuck you, man,” Arin retorted, “you get my point.”
“Yeah, I do,” Dan smiled, leaning forward to give Arin a kiss.
When they parted, Arin said, “I’ll bet I’m not supposed to be making out with people because of germs.”
“The germs can suck my nads,” Dan said. “And so can the hot nurses, if they want.”
“Oooh, can I watch?” Arin smirked. Dan rolled his eyes and gently cuffed the side of Arin’s head. Arin gasped softly and said, “I can’t believe you would assault me when I’m weakened!”
“Lucky for you, too, or I’d have unleashed the tickle monster for that.”
Arin raised his brows, “You wouldn’t.”
“You know I would, baby bear.”
“Then I guess I need to make the most of this while I’m recovering.”
“You’d better make it quick,” Dan said, snuggling against Arin’s side and tucking his nose into the crook of Arin’s neck.
Arin rubbed Dan’s side and said, “I’ll do my best.” 
Dan basked in Arin’s body heat and the touch of his hand. Everything about it was theraputic, right down to the salty smell of Arin’s skin. After a moment of silence, Dan said, “Hey, Arin?”
“Hm?” Arin hummed.
“I love you.”
Arin smiled and kissed the top of Dan’s head, “I love you, too.”
i was feeling angsty as FUCK so then this happened
don’t worry i made myself sad too :’D 
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sujus-girl · 7 years
Disclaimer: This was just something I did for fun, and also for @squeaky-jiminie. It’s definitely not like an official profile or anything like that, but I hope it does help anyone wanting to get into JBJ, even though it’s really late A GUIDE TO JBJ, AKA THE ACTUAL EMBODIMENT OF HAPPINESS
Aight, who the hell are JBJ you might ask? I’ma answer your question in a few steps. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. Or not. Whatever.
Group Name: JBJ (Just Be Joyful)
JBJ is a fan created group of eliminated Produce 101 Season 2 contestants. It was inspired by the fan created group IBI from Produce 101 Season 1.
At first, the initials stood for the saying “Please give us more screentime” in Korean, but fans eventually changed it because they just wanted the members to be happy
Group originally consists of 7 members, but 1 of them is currently inactive because he’s having troubles with his company
Our fandom name is Joyful, and JBJ love us even if we a hot mess LOL
Has 2 music videos out: Fantasy and My Flower, and they are certified BOPS
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Noh Taehyun
The oldest and leader of this daycare GROUP
Also a member of hotshot
Smol baby, he only 5’6”
Roommates with Donghan
Cried the hardest during their first win, and it started making all the other members cry too
When Ha Sungwoon was a candidate for first place, Noh Taehyun was even happier than him, and I just honestly think it’s so beautiful how Taehyun never really focused too much on himself, but instead supported and cheered for Sungwoon and other trainees
I honestly believe he’s one of the best leaders because he’s so selfless and just wants the best for everyone
Pls love and protect, he beautiful
Videos to Watch: (1) (2)
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Kim Sanggyun
Used to be a member of ToppDogg
Can’t keep his clothes on
JBJ had to fulfill a penalty on a live broadcast and Sanggyun said they couldn’t do the sleeping one because he could only sleep naked, and then Joyfuls started flooding the comments saying they should do the sleeping penalty LOL
Is very charismatic on stage, but a fool every other time
Roommates with Kenta and likes to tease him a lot
Tbh, sanggyun has suffered a lot, like he didn’t make it big with toppdogg, and then he went on this show to be treated as a trainee again, but then they didn’t give him a lot of attention, and eventually he got eliminated, but now he’s doing a lot better, and i honestly hope that life just gets better for him, i love him sm
Is very handsome and he KNOWS it
Videos to Watch: (1) (2)
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Takada Kenta
“I’m JBJ’s Cutie Sexy”
Is Japanese
A huge fanboy. You can find predebut videos of him at K-Pop concerts LOL
Especially fond of Teen Top’s Ricky
Gets teased a lot by the other members, but mainly Sanggyun and Donghan
Before JBJ, he went on Heyo TV with other PD 101 Trainees and they were a group called Prinsix, and when RBW’s Lee Gunhee kept referring to him as Kenta, Cube’s Yoo Seonho got all sulky and went “Kenta HYUNG.”
Cried the second hardest during their first win, and like??? Can you imagine?? Moving to a foreign country and starting your career from the bottom up, and not even being assured that you’ll actually DEBUT or even become somewhat popular, and going on a shitshow like pd101 that only cares about like 10 of the trainees at most? Damn, i could never. He literally deserves the world.
A couch potato
Despacito dance RIP
Videos to Watch: (1) (2)
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Kim Yongguk/Jin Longguo
Is part of the duo Longguo and Shihyun, and constantly bullies Shihyun RIP
Is chinese, but has vvv good korean skills
Sometimes acts like he doesn’t to get out of having to do stuff tho LOL
Is sleepy 25/8 and doesn’t understand what’s happening half the time
Also loves cats alot. He brought his two cats to live in the JBJ dorm, even though Sanggyun and Taehyun are allergic
Roommates with Hyunbin
Was too insecure about himself in the beginning, so no one knew he was a vocal, and made everyone SHOOK when he unleashed his singing skills
But, in all seriousness sometimes yongguk isn’t confident in himself, and it breaks my heart because he’s such a beautiful human and he works so hard, so everyone and anyone that has a problem with yongguk GOTTA GET THROUGH ME FIRST, COME AT ME, HOME GIRL WILL THROW SOME HANDS FOR YONGGUK
Almost made it to Top 20, but Guanlin took 20th place instead, and you could honestly see how yongguk was a little disappointed that he was so close but missed the chance by a single place, but now he’s in jbj and a lot of people love him, and y’all should CONTINUE TO LOVE HIM pls.
Videos to Watch (1) (2)
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Kim Taedong
The baby that is inactive because his company is shit
Was also a part of the shape of you team that left everyone shook
Also was in the survival show Boys24, but he got eliminated
JBJ members agree that he’ll always be a part of JBJ, and that’s another reason why I love them all so much, like bless
His former company deadass released a statement trying to claim he “changed after getting popular on produce 101” and that’s honest bullshit, because after the show ended, they lost ALL their trainees, and Taedong was just the one unfortunate enough to be stuck facing an actual contract termination, and now a lot of the fans and the jbj members are worried about him and just want to make sure he’s okay
He’s precious and a sunshine and I hope that he finds happiness soon
Videos to Watch: (1) (2)
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Kwon Hyunbin
The first model-turned-idol
Everybody was shook when he entered the room for the first time cause he was tall AND hot
The biggest meme
No one lets him live down the time he started crying during Downpour
“I’ve only had work done on my nose. Everything else is mine.”
Attended an international school in Japan, so he can speak some English and Japanese
Improved A LOT since the beginning. Like, if you watch his first audition of My House by 2PM, then watch the dance practice for My Flower, you will be shook
ALSOALSOALSO, he cried when Jonghyun didn’t make it into Wanna One, and I just think that’s the sweetest thing ever because it just shows how much he cares for the people that helped him and didn’t give up on him
Videos to Watch: (1) (2)
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Kim Donghan
The baby of the group that really likes cuddles
Also the second tallest tho
A Sunmi and BTS fanboy
Likes carrying kenta for some reason, idk
Can crack a walnut open with his finger, so his nickname is walnut LOL
Some people say he kinda looks like got7’s yugyeom, and, tbh, at certain angles, he does
Doesn’t really show his emotions much, but cried at their first solo concert, and that, to me, shows how he’s still human, you feel? Like, he’s young, and he works so hard, and a lot of people just assume that it’s natural to him, but i think that he does that for the sake of other people, and that makes me weak. Pls love him, he’s just a giant puppy that deserves recognition and appreciation
Videos to Watch: (1) (2)
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VIDEOS OF JBJ TO WATCH: This live of them annoying each other while trying to sing My Flower (X) Their Predebut variety show that was all types of mess (X) Their Heyo TV Season 1 (X) This Messy VLive that made me KNOW that I was going to love them (X) Their LieV (minus hyunbin cause bby was busy being an actor) (X)
THAT’S ALL FOR NOW! Hope this was kinda informative, or something along those lines. Now go love JBJ! Go! Do it!
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you-me-at-idk · 8 years
70 horrible questions
tagged by the man, the myth, the legend: @90s-shinee-aesthetic
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? it has significantly improved, yeah. 
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? i have no idea, i say it a lot in a kinda ‘lol’ way because i’m so emotionally detached lmao
03: Do you regret anything? i could probably write a short novel of the things i regret
04: Are you insecure? i’m about as secure as a bike tied to the back of a car with a single piece of thread.
05: What is your relationship status? single pringle unwilling to mingle 
06: How do you want to die? IN A BLAZE OF GLORY (idk man preferably in a way that isn’t violently painful)
07: What did you last eat? maltesers and a whole box of strawberries
08: Played any sports? lol who do you think i am? i used to be pretty sporty but i just kinda stopped
09: Do you bite your nails? nah m8. i just pick at my nails.
10: When was your last physical fight? probably a play fight with my sister when i pinned her to the floor with my foot. mum took a picture. it was great. 
11: Do you like someone? lol no
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? not yet
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? there’s one person i absolutely can’t stand
14: Do you miss someone? my best friend because despite going to the same school we don’t get to hang out as much anymore, especially since we have none of the same lessons anymore. also my cat who was basically my best friend for 14/15 years.
15: Have any pets? mum has a dog. i had 3 cats but they all passed away.
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? idk neutral?? i never know how i really feel lmao
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? lmao no, never kissed anyone
18: Are you scared of spiders? abso-bloody-lutely. lil 8 legged demon spawns
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? maybe
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? LOL
21: What are your plans for this weekend? hang out at dad’s and play resident evil 7 when i should be doing homework lmao
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? i hate kids but maybe i’ll have my own, no more than two tho i don’t hate myself that much lololol
23: Do you have piercings? How many? one in each ear. i was so so close to getting my nose pierced but never went through with it
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? i don’t think of myself as really that good at anything, but i’d say i was alright at history
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? lol no i leave people in the past for a reason
26: What are you craving right now? chicken goujon wraps and cake
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? idk lol
28: Have you ever been cheated on? nope 
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? nah
30: What’s irritating you right now? my inevitable failure of my a-levels and the stupidly high expectations people have of me
31: Does somebody love you? lmao idk 
32: What is your favourite color? black and red lol what an emo rawr xD
33: Do you have trust issues? dude i have severe trust issues lmao
34: Who/what was your last dream about? i was arguing with some guy in my form then we died for some reason and became ghosts but we couldn’t leave the house/bit of land and we just kept arguing lmao
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? with laughter i think may have been in front of some friends at bubba gump shrimp. genuine crying tho was probably my friends georgia and jess lmao i’m still mad af about it
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? i’d like to say i don’t but idk
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? forget because i cba with the drama (plus i’m pretty damn stubborn)
38: Is this year the best year of your life? we’re only in february, stay in your lane
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? LOLOLOLOLOL
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? why tf would i do that????
51: Favourite food? CAKE
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? idk, all i know is that things happen for me because i’m an idiot
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? listened to daughter and stared at the ceiling lmao
54: Is cheating ever okay? absolutely not???? why is that even a question? i don’t care what the circumstances are, cheating is never okay
55: Are you mean? i probably come across as a right arsehole, but i don’t intend to be mean
56: How many people have you fist fought? probably just people from when i did karate. idk about an actual fist fight tho
57: Do you believe in true love? lol no. try believing that when your parents are divorced lololol
58: Favourite weather? dark and miserable with rain. maybe a thunderstorm.
59: Do you like the snow? yessss
60: Do you wanna get married? maybe
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? never had it happen, but reading that just makes me go ew no
62: What makes you happy? o god um...video games, sebastian stan lol, cats, good food, finishing a book, comics, drawing, and a particular gorillaz video edit someone made with a big time rush song it honestly makes me cry every time 
63: Would you change your name? no. if i ever get married my husband can take my name idc
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? LOL WHO
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? acknowledge it and move on
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? i act the same around all my friends so yeah
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my friend louis on twitter dm
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? idk man
69: Do you believe in soulmates? no, but i’d like to be proven wrong
70: Is there anyone you would die for? lol i hate these types of questions. i don’t bloody know
i tag @real-bad-egg @thirsty-for-shakespeare 
idk who else to tag, do this if you want idc
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sambashua · 8 years
♥S-sa-say the name!!
So this is going to be the longest post in the history of mankind bc I go real deep w their personalities and stuff ahh also since I don’t personally know them ofc so this is all based on what I’ve seen from their shows and videos:)) THANKS FOR ASKING KAT I’M GONNA TURN YOU INTO A HARDCORE CARAT SOONER RATHER THAN LATER AHHH [sidenote i included my personal nicknames for them so u know who i’m talkin abt irl girl] I ALSO LINKED A BUNCH OF STUFF I RLLY WENT CRAZY
Choi Seungcheol aka S.coups (cheolie) - OKAY AH since he’s your bias I’ll write extra thingsssss!! The faithful general leader and rap boyyy scoops! So this lil bun I thought for a while when I first followed them like oh he’s probably the most normal like he’s level headed and stuff but NOPE NOPE NOPE! SEUNGCHEOL IS ACTUALLY THE BIGGEST CUTIE DORK IN THE WORLD he is afraid of like a lot of things which is too funny bc he’s acts all manly and all the members see him that way and I cannot believe~ like he’s afraid of killing fish and and fireworks and being in front of the camera alone and chopping firewood and doing something that doesn’t get a reaction?? Whenever he does any sort of charm he tells the members to be sure to have a good reaction and BOYY IF THEY DONT he goes off on them I stg… but in all seriousness he is so so so hardworking (he trained for 6 years oh my god) like he always tries to take pressure off his members and he cares for his babies so much and they even call him appa sometimes and they look up to him so much it is the cutest thing like they always rate him so high in looks and I cry love him plz. But he is an actual puppy like w his long eyelashes and pouty face like oh my god and he is getting cuter everyday???? Like actually tho he’s doing it on purpose and I can’t handle it?? When did he plan this I can’t believe how frickin cute he is being lately! He’s such a soft fluff and he’s always so strong for the other members and they look up to him so much and he is one of the best groups leaders I’ve ever seen just bc of how much they all respect and listen to him:)Yoon Jeonghan (hannie) - so this pos… jkjk (kinda) hannie is “svt’s angel” bc he was born on 1004 the pretty vocalist who everyone knows as the guy in seventeen w long hair SOOO the thing w hannie is he is like the most beautiful man in kpop like his face is so pretty and his features too like?? How?? He seems like he would be feminine but he is actually one of the most (if not the most) manly members of svt!! But he gets tired so fast tho he is rated #13 in stamina and they call him lying-jeonghan bc he’s always lying down lol. But oh my god he is such a piece of trash I cannot believeeeee on tumblr I have a tag dedicated to all the times hannie has been a piece of shit I’ll link it to you if you want but like he cheats and lies in EVERY GAME THEY HAVE EVER PLAYED NO JOKE and even if they’re not competing he is always the first to call someone out and he is just such a ho i die like he is not svt’s angel at all BUTTTTTTTT he is actually so hardworking like even if he’s tired they’ve said that he keeps practicing and ugh he’s good… he has dubbed himself mother of svt and generally everyone p much agrees w him! Hannie and seungcheol call the other members “kids” and it is the purest thingJoshua Hong/Hong Jisoo(kor) (shuaaa) - everyone kinda knows josh as the American gentleman w his sweet voice and sick English skills (side note whenever he speaks eng tho he always stutters and I’m like boy why but it’s super cute and ilh) and he can speak five languages (supposedly) he plays guitar and he’s rlly Christian too lol so he’s the resident “church oppa” as the kids say these days and he has a cute cartilage piercing w a cross aw (he also recently got his tragus pierced and damn it looks good but anyway) Also his peach hair was such a good time like wow. Shua seems rlly quiet and I mean he is but oh my god he is so fucking extra LIKE I DONT UNDERSTAND ALL OF A SUDDEN HE BECAME SO EXTRA IDK WAS HE ALWAYS THIS WAY BUT I DIDNT SEE PAST HIS CAT EYES AND SWEET VOICE LIKE WHO KNOWSSSS but he does this pin drop dance thing way too often but it’s hilarious and the members are obsessed w it bc he always says he has a hard time w dance and choreo and this is his only dance move (but tbh he’s actually p good at dancing like i never rlly notice he falls behind or anything except that one time performing pretty u where he started his part too early but that actually created a new part of the choreo they ended up using for a bit fun fact)… that and his samba aka my url sambashua (technically he doesn’t actually samba tho I’m p sure he’s doing the merengue but it’s okay shua I still love u) He’s also a fricking nerd for anime which is great i love it. Josh and Vernon are rlly close bc English buds and they’re the memeist together also him and jeonghan are a true ship bc they came to pledis at the same time and they’re cute
Wen Junhui/Moon Junhui(kor) aka Jun - so jun is ½ of china line and ¼ foreign line. A dancing noodle from southeast China wow (I say noodle bc he is a skinny bean and also v flexible bc he does martial arts things wow) he did Kung Fu in china for a long as heck time and does a lot of kicky things and flips and he’s super cool ALSO FUN FACT: HIS NAME IS JUN AND HE WAS BORN IN JUNE WOOHOO a lot of people assume he’s like sly/greasy but that’s mostly him in like interviewy shows?? But in reality shows and vlives he is actually just such a cute sweet bean and he loves the members so much! He was a child actor in china and was p famous I think for a while?? But he learned Korean p well before he joined pledis (their label btw idk if you know or not lol) BUT EVEN FROM DEBUT HIS PRONUNCIATION HAS KEPT IMPROVING IM SO PROUD a lot of people cal him the true visual of svt (tbh I don’t like that bc they’re all beautiful don’t put anyone down ah) BUT HE IS SO HANDSOME LIKE DAMN BOY HE’S GOT SUCH NICE FEATURES AND HE IS THE CUTEST BEAN IN THE WORLD Alsoooo several of the members have dubbed him svt’s mother bc he’s super encouraging and “endless positivity jun” and he pays special attention to minghao they have the purest friendship!! (plz give him lines)Kwon Soonyoung aka Hoshi (HOSH) - DANCE MASTER AND PERF TEAM LEADER OF SEVENTEEN LIKE OKAY ALL OF PERF TEAM IS SO TALENTED I CAN’T BELIEVE BUT SOONYOUNG IS SO INCREDIBLE HE CAN CREATE DANCES ANYTIME ANYWHERE AND HE EXECUTES THEM SO WELL?? His stage name Hoshi means star in Japanese bc he shines in stage! And he knows Japanese pretty well I don’t think he’s fluent but he cute cute cute!! Anyway people rec him to go on hit the stage (WHICH I AM SO HERE FOR (but also let him rest he needs a break dear god they all do)) he creates all of svt’s dances wow (w help from perf team ofc) but he is actually the squishiest sweetest boy off stage but then on stage he completely transforms into whatever concept like he can take on anything?? I would not have assumed dark concept would work for him BUT BOY HOWDY IT DOES he turns from adorable hamster to sexy dance god in .2 seconds i don’t understand how people who bias him survive tbh… He is also SHINee’s biggest fan oh my god and the fact that he now stands on the same stages as them literally blows his mind he is such a fanboy i love♥ HE CARES FOR HIS MEMBERS SO MUCH (I realize I’ve said this abt everyone but hey hey they have a lot of love) he wrote HIGHLIGHT as his first time ever helping produce/write lyrics and I’m so proud:D AND HIS VOICE HIS SO GOOD he’s just so bouncy and good and so attractive??? He goes by 10:10 bc his eyes are like the hands of a clock at 10:10 wowie and EYE SMILES FOR DAYS~ just a sweet lil bab w a pure heart honestlyJeon Wonwoo (wonu aka the loml) - goddammit I hate jeon wonwoo JKJK OKAY SO JEON WONWOO IS MY ULT BIAS IMMA DO MY BEST TO KEEP THIS CONCISE BUT IDK HOW IT’S GONNA GO I HAVE A LOT TO SAY! jeon frickin wonwoo has the deepest voice in svt and is known for his deep, smooth rap style wow (his rap style is really unique like if you listen to it it sort of ebbs and flows w the music and he drags out notes sometimes it’s so nice fuck) he sings all the time it’s so great and the members always ask him to read things bc (he’s good at reading generally and) he has his nice deep voice ahh~ JEON FRICKIN WONWOO IS THE BIGGEST DORK IN THE WHOLE WORLD jeon wonwoo enjoys making bad puns and reading books (esp romance ones I hate him). The other members act like they hate his jokes but they always laugh at what he says and when he was gone (rip he was sick for a couple months from end of may ish to july ish) they mentioned that they missed his dumb jokes (and so did I). He considers himself to be the best looking (what a ho) and he is naturally skinny which a lot of the members are jealous of (but tbh this could be partially because he has a lot of health issues and allergies I just want to care for him and make him food and feed him forever so he gets fat and happy help me) On one fine day he was dubbed the garden fairy and also jeon wonwoo bag of luck oh my god I am so embarrassed by him (jk I love him w the entirety of my heart in case you couldn’t tell) Some of my favorite things abt wonwoo are his little nose crinkles when he smiles and his glasses that look just so cute on him and when he wears big sweaters and then he has sweater paws and he looks so cuddly and soft. He is also so boastful like he is always the first one to support himself it’s so funny but he doesn’t exactly brag it’s more confidence idk but he’s also rlly smart and good at acrostic poems bc he reads so much:) He also always cheers for other members when they want him to i.e. seungkwan when he cheers for himself. He seems shy when he’s on talk shows but I think he just wants to let other people talk but on vlives he always whispers to other members aND I JUST WANT HIM TO SPEAK UP! JEON WONU TELL US WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY but in conclusion I am in love with him and would def recommend anyone to bias him bc honestly he is a good bias just bc he is chill and pure and funny and beautiful (even tho sometimes he’s MIA and quiet as heck pshhh)Lee Jihoon aka Woozi - vocal team leader and producer of p much all their lit ass tunes!! 10/10 MOST HARDWORKING MEMBER OUT OF SVT I’M SORRY IF YOU DISAGREE BUT JIHOON WORKS SO HARD ALL THE TIME I’M SO WORRIED FOR HIM HE NEEDS A BREAK!! It’s so heartbreaking tho if you ever want to cry and cough up your lungs bc of sobs then watch SVT Project where he talks abt how he feels so much pressure and feels like their success or failure is riding on him bc he writes all their music and will determine if they will be any good:(((( BUT OBVIOUSLY THEY ARE A BIG HIT BC JIHOONIE IS SUPER TALENTED AND MAKES THE BEST UPBEAT FUNKY FRESH POP TUNES OF THE CENTURY~ he is one of (if not the) shortest male idols at the moment at a staggering 165cm/5'4"! But it’s so great bc he doesn’t try to hide his heigh and he is considered and “inspiration to short men” according to one fashion report. The members always say he is rlly manly but on camera he acts cute and 10/10 appreciate it bc he is the cutest ever but only subtly… like he embarrassingly/shyly covers his face so cutely and gets angry so adorably where he just glares aw (he has also confirmed that he considers himself to be more cute than scary) woozi is a abbreviation of “our jihoon” which is the cutest asjkdhskl. He is also seventeen’s grandpa bc he is rlly not too hip at all but they try to help him out anyway! He also winks 24/7 lol. His voice is rlly clear and piercing like he often sings parts of the chorus and his voice draws you in idk it’s nice:) he trained for the second longest amount after scoops (5 years) so they’re super close bc they were together longer than the other membersLee Seokmin aka Dokyeom/DK - an actual ray of sunshine w the most incredible vocals like wow! He is svt’s “happy virus” and boy does he own it!! He is always smiling and laughing and making jokes he is the cutest I stg… He also has a more built figure physically and it’s hot as heck tbh. He, seungkwannie and soonyoung make up the “booseoksoon” trio which is basically the extra/mc/always laughing squad and they are such close friends it’s the cutest ever boo and hosh think he’s the funniest person in the world I love it!! Seokmin also puts a lot of pressure on himself bc he’s main vocal and I feel like he’s super underrated???? But he went on King of Masked Singer and I think he made it through two or three rounds? Anyway he did rlly rlly good (even tho honestly think he has way more potential than what he showed) and I hope it boosted his confidence bc he is incredible!! The judges assumed he was from an older group bc his voice was so mature eeeee!! HE IS SO LOUD OH MY GOD one time they said that the CEO could hear him practicing from the 4th floor while he was in the basement I- He is always the first person to make fun of himself and he doesn’t mind being the brunt of a joke as long as he gets people to laugh it’s adorable:)) He always brings up the mood and helps out the members whenever there is awkwardness w being filmed and such JUST SUPPORT THIS SUNNY BOY HE HAS SO MUCH LOVE AND JOY IN HIS HEART!!Kim Mingyu - the tallest bean on the block and svt’s “visual tree” at a staggering 190cm/6'1" (correct me if I’m wrong I didn’t look this up) but I’m p sure he has grown recently bc he is getting taller everyday I swear? He’s got some good rap mhmm~ But he is such a clumsy pup and the members always make fun of him but it’s okay bc he can take it (he has the best reaction so that’s why they do it) He is dropping things and tripping 25/8 and it’s the cutest thing! But “housewife ming” can legit do anything like he is a true man of many talents damn i.e. cooking, hairstyling, acting, cleaning… But he is so so pretty like who the heck allowed him to be this attractive?? Gyu goes from super visual savior to fluffy pup on the daily and it’s too much to handle… Idk he seems like he might be super cool and chic when you first see him but he is actually just a giggly fool always having a hard time… Mingyu is the only one in svt that I would call the “visual” (only bc he is officially the visual i think they are literally gorgeous okay!!) but he is actually rlly insecure abt it and only calls himself “aspiring visual” and it’s mostly bc of his dark complexion WHICH IS COMPLETELY FLAWLESS AND SO BEAUTIFUL STOP WHITEWASHING KIM MINGYU PLZ but i rlly commend him for being visual despite common opinions/standards on skin color in korea. A lot of people (okay most people) ship him and wonwoo (aka meanie) and I do too, don’t get me wrong, but my all time favorite ship is mingyu and minghao (aka gyuhao) bc same age, they act like they hate each other but are actually super supportive (one of my fave tropes blah) and idk they’re both just confused pups help me and w that transition…
Xu Minghao/Seo Myungho(kor) aka The8 (i never call him the8 ever srry b i don’t like it idk ah) - our “cool cutie” from northeast(i think) China with the most killer bboying skills i’ve ever seen in kpop! He now introduces himself as “The8 with infinite possibilities” and he has been growing more and more as an artist and a person I’m so proud of him!! He trained for the shortest amount of time (~1year+2months i believe) and he really struggled w Korean when he first started. Even after debut he was very quiet but he has been talking more and more lately and he has been doing so well!! Minghao is cute as heck but he is also (along w hannie) svt’s Resident Savage™ and the main usage of his Korean improvement has gone into calling out the other members w his incredible comebacks. Two of his favorite targets seem to be soonyoung and mingyu but he rlly doesn’t hold back on anyone (except maybe jun bc they are such good buddies bc china line and jun helps him w his korean asjkklfjls) But anyway he is an incredible dancer and singer and also rapper!! (give him more lines plz plz plz) vernon has been helping him w his korean rapping but he is already one lit mandarin rapper like damn… But minghao is the most supportive member of svt (hear me out) whenever they do broadcasts or radio shows minghao always gives thumbs ups/supportive smiles/high fives it is the purest thing and part of the reason I love him sm!!! He’s also super cuddly and is always touching/hugging the other members asjkltfasd. Sometimes he doesn’t quite understand a question and the other members help explain it to him it’s my favorite concept (it’s usually soonyoung or seungcheol but i’ve seen p much all of them do it) lately he has been getting more meme-y and idk how to feel but as long as he’s getting out of his comfort zone I am immensely proud of him:))
Boo Seungkwan (boo) - the other main vocal in svt and just generally the loudest and usually mc for the group. Boo has some of the most incredible vocals i’ve seen in my life and he sings probably my favorite cover duet of all time (the high note around 3:05 makes me emotional every time istg also their reactions are me) He’s so talented and his voice is so clear and nice and his RANGE! I could go on forever… To describe seungkwan in two words would be sweet and sassy… He is part of maknae/baby line but he’s always calling people out and bossing them around it’s hilarious. (he is generally hilarious tbh) Also he’s a huge volleyball program nerd it’s great (and possibly haikyuu!! but not confirmed) He’s commonly referred to as divaboo and the video just seungkwan things captures all his divaness perfectly 10/10 would rec! He’s also super english-y all the time probably bc he spends so much time w vernon which is great for us international fans whoop whoop. But back to him being sweet- even though he is definitely his own biggest fan (in the most adorable way omg) he is also svt’s biggest fan he always cheers on his members it’s so cute he’s so soft and good! He cares so much for the fans and he’s head of the Seventeen Fan Cafe (i think) and he’s great abt interacting w carats and all that fanservicey stuff:) He is also super underappreciated honestly support him bc he supports everyone else even tho he’s rlly insecure abt his looks and body even tho he is the most beautiful boo w THE BEST CHEEKBONES IN THE UNIVERSE HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE THINGS DAMN BOY
Hansol Vernon Chwe/Choi Hansol(kor) aka Vernon (bernonie) - One of the most well-known members of svt bc he’s half white and was also a child actor. He has some of the most lit raps tbh and i’m p sure every single one (or almost) has english in it lol. His mom is white and American and his dad is from Korea. Technically he was born in New York, USA BUT BUT BUT he moved to korea when he was five so he doesn’t remember it like at all and every host ever asks him abt it and he always has to say he is basically korean and JUST LET HIM LIVE but since his mom speaks english he is fluent in it (but he has said he is better at korean) He is super super visual and he gets more attractive every day like who the heckkk. Hansol is one of the more popular members so a lot of people would expect him to be outgoing (or even douchey bc he’s half white which is dumb yet it happens) but he is one of the quietest members and usually doesn’t speak up in interviews and such bc he’s kinda shy! BUT THIS DOES NOT I REPEAT DOES NOT MEAN HE IS NOT A MEME!! VERNON IS CONFIRMED THE MEMEIST MEMBER OF SVT ALONG W JOSHUA DON’T FIGHT ME. At this point he has even been dubbed “memesol” bc he makes the best reaction faces in recorded history dear god. He also finds literally everything so hilarious and definitely laughs the most whenever the other members do anything. But honestly he is a super cute, sweet pup who deserves a whole lotta love!! also kinda unrelated but one of my favorite posts of all time is dedicated to him i don’t even know…
Lee Chan aka Dino (MY SON) - I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO START W THIS LIL BAB! Lee Chan is svt’s “small giant” maknae who is Michael Jackson’s #1 Fan™ and literal dancing machineeee! He has grown so much since debut i cannot believe and he is getting more confident MY BOY! Honestly his glow up should be some kinda world record bc oh my god it hasn’t even been two years?? AND HIS RAP HAS IMPROVED SO MUCH LIKE EVEN FROM JAM JAM TO OMG Vernon rapped most of jam jam but then in omg chan rapped all of it by himself!!!! ALSO EVEN FROM OMG TO HIGHLIGHT NOW HE TRANSITIONS FROM RAPPING STRAIGHT INTO SINGING WITH THE SAME BREATH I CANNOT BELIEVE!! But he is so creative and funny and full of energy!! He helps hoshi w most of the dances (i think he did most of the choreo for jam jam) and his stage name is dino bc when he steps on the stage he takes it over and becomes a big presence like a dinosaur which is so creative??? he also graduated high school a while back and then just too his entrance exams!! I’m so proud!! But he tries so hard to keep improving and he’s just so pure and has a complete heart of gold♥ He also aspires to be an mc and he works rlly hard to improve his skills on that front too! Chan is so incredibly talented, but again not a whole lot of people bias him which is crazy???? Bc he is so hansome and also my son?? also lowkey savage af But all the members love him a whole lot and he is their baby, even though he is now “an adult” but srry bun no one will probably ever stop calling him baby (esp jeonghan)
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