#there is a small demon inside my head screaming at me to stfu
wokasho · 2 years
me: this person I liked reblogged a meme, maybe I should send them something!
also me: wtf am I saying? I’ll annoy them and then they will hate me for the rest of time and I will forever carry this stigma of being pushy and annoying!!! I’ll better hide in my corner and send them telepathic messages of my appreciation and intentions!!
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starlight-parkers · 6 years
The Report Card (Avengers x Reader) {Chatroom}
Author’s Note(s): I wrote this back in october and forgot about in entirely. I hope you enjoy x
Warning(s): just swearing tbh
Summary: Dogs are great but your dads Steve and Tony don’t agree.
you have created a chatroom
you have named the chat “dear fathers whom I love so very much :)”
you have added Tony
You: hello father who raised me from a yOung one whom to which I love very much :)
Tony: no
You: no???
You: I didn’t say anything ???
Tony: it’s paternal instinct
You: at least hear me out
Tony: nO
You: daAAaaAAD
Tony: (Y/nNnnnNn)
You: I’m gonna tell you anyways
Tony: I had a feeling you would
You: so I got my report card back
Tony: I can already see where this is going
You: and I got all As…
Tony: I was not prepared for this part of parenthood
You: so I was wondering…
Tony: gEt To iT CHILD
You: if I could get a puppy?
Tony: lmao NO
You: fudGe yOU
You: you’re the worst dad ever
Tony: I’m going to pretend that my pride isn’t wounded and say I love you too kiddo :,)
You: I bet Steve would get me a dog.
Steve has joined the chat
Steve: no he wouldn’t
You: pleaSe dad?
Steve: nope
You: how can anyone call you the man of dreams? Freedom? Liberation?
You: you’re both the worst
Steve: correction…Tony is the worst. Who makes you cap’s shield shaped sandwiches everyday?
You: you do…
Steve: damn right I do
Tony: hey I mean I totally don’t pay your phone bill… not at all… please do continue to insult me as if I’m not here.
You: you know what fudge you both, I’m asking peter.
Tony: oh god no not the kid
Tony: you know I can’t say no to him
You: exactly ;)
You have added Peter
Peter: Hey everyone!
You: hi Petey <3
Tony: hey underoos
Steve: hello
Peter: what can I do for you?
You: oh y'know
You: we just need you to settle a family disagreement
Peter: oh… okay, what seems to be the problem?
Steve: (Y/N) got all As in her report card
Peter: Aw well done baby! :)
Tony: I am resisting the urge to throw up (:
You: and I want a puppy as a reward but AnthonY and SteVeN wont let me get one.
Peter: well that’s a shame
Steve: it sure is…
You: shuT UP Steve
Tony: asjajaja
You: anyways I need you to convince them that I should get a puppy
Peter: uHhhh
Steve: I’d chose my words wisely kid.
Tony: or don’t say anything at all, y'know.
Peter: umm
You: if you don’t help me convince them I won’t let you do my homework for a month
Peter: I…shouldn’t…be doing… your homework… anyway?
You: shut up you know you enjoy it
Peter: I do :(
Tony: what…just…happened?
Steve: I don’t know but is this how dating works nowadays?
Clint has joined the chat
Tony: oh no
Clint has added Natasha, Bruce, Thor, T'challa, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Scott and Vision.
Clint: we heard talk of a dog
Steve: well you heard wrong
Sam: how can anyone call you the man of dreams? Freedom? Liberation?
Natasha: Thor, caps lock sweetie.
Thor: *whispers* oh yes, I apologise widow of black :) :) :)
Peter: is bad that I actually heard him yelling from the other side of the tower or?
Peter: and are we just going to ignore the fact that he added in *whispers* ?
Clint: LeT hIm LiVe pETer
Bucky: yeah! Sit down you little asshole
Peter: I… am…confused.
Sam: oh somebody get him a juice box, little Peter is confused.
Peter: w h y  a re  y o u                       a t t a c k i n g  m e ?
Sam: oh shit someone’s having a tantrum.
Natasha: go sit in a corner sam, you’re being uneccesary.
Sam: stfu woman come back when you can spell unnecessary.
Wanda: what were we talking about again?
Tony has cleared the chat
Tony: I think were talking about getting pancakes for breakfast today
Steve: oh yes, Tony’s treat :)
Tony: of course it’s my treat I’m the only one with money.
Scott: I’m down for pancakes
Bucky: yeah I could go for some too
T'challa: if Tony’s paying
Natasha: as mentioned before, only if Tony’s paying.
Wanda: same
Steve: then its settled, pancakes at 10
You: T H A N K  Y O U
Tony: fuck yOu clint
Steve: there are children present
You: all in favour of getting a dog say aye
Scott: aye
Wanda: aye
Bucky: aye
Sam: aye
Peter: aye
Bucky: too much Clint too much
Clint: sorry
Peter: well it’s decided,  I guess we’re getting a dog
Tony: Vision, T'Challa, Bruce and Natasha haven’t voted yet.
Steve: not to mention Pietro
Pietro has joined the chat
Pietro: I vote for the dog, they’re better than people and I hate everyone.
Pietro has left the chat
Wanda: sorry about that, he’s still salty because we invited Scott to the Civil War and not him.
Scott: how were we supposed to know? he’s meant to be dead
Clint: RIP that speedy guy 2k15, you shall not be missed
You:  I am physically sobBiNg
Bucky: she’s not kidding, I am three floors down and I can still hear her.
Scott : it sounds like she’s dying
Peter: then it’s nothing new.
Tony: no brucie, we’re talking about the possibility of (Y/N) having a demon spawn to call their own
Bruce: I hate all of you
T'Challa: I agree, you are all beneath me
Sam: sit yo ass down and drink some milk, cat man
Scott: you guys gotta stop roasting each other, (Y/N) is going to D I E of laughter.
Peter: let her  
Tony: what
Peter: f r e e  m e
Steve: moving on…
Thor: yes…please proceed.
Steve: Bruce? Natasha? Thoughts on the dog.
Natasha: I’m against it
Natasha: cats are cooler
Clint: Natasha we can no longer be friends
Natasha: fine by me
Bucky: #CHARED
Tony: science bro?
Bruce: I’m also in favour of a cat, they’re more peaceful and less…like you guys.
T'Challa: I agree
Bucky: leave cat man
T'Challa: call me that again and pietro won’t be the only avenger to have died
T'Challa has left the chat
You: well then…
Peter: I don’t know what to say
Thor: what about brother vision? He has yet to cast his vote.
Wanda: I’ll admit Vis has been very quiet.
Vision: I apologise profusely for my lack of presence.
Tony: Steve is your child asthmatic
Steve: she’s  not my child, she’s yours
You: wow what a loving family I have
Thor: indeed, much like my own, at least you are not a murderous pathetic excuse for a villain :)
Wanda: is it me or does the smiley face make it worse ?
Natasha: it’s the smiley face.
Tony: anywho vis, vision, partial creation of mine
Tony: what do you think about getting a dog?
Vision: by my calculations getting a dog would perhaps increase the physical activity of (Y/N) as we have come to realise, She only moves to retrieve a food source before returning to her room. Having a dog would lead to (Y/N) leaving the compound more, in order to walk the animal.
You: I’m sorry I didn’t know asking for a dog would include roasting me
Peter: what’s with all these hashtags ?
Bucky: I’m running out of synonyms for roasted
Vision: Additionally, having a dog would decrease the stress levels of the team and perhaps everyone’s mutual hatred towards Mr Stark.
Tony: you all hate me?
Steve: its less of hatred and more like a preference for avoiding you :) nothing to worry about.
Tony: oh okay then :)
Clint: how did that go over his head?
Bruce: I have no idea
Vision: to conclude getting a puppy would be most beneficial.
Bruce: (Y/N) is definitely Stark’s child.
Thor: aye
Natasha: no doubt about it
Loki has joined the chat
Clint: ew who invited him
Wanda: why so salty Clint?
Clint: he tried to take over my mind with some voodoo shit
Peter: he actually is
Peter: it’s very loud
Loki: you foolish midguardians. I always said that you would be responsible for your own demise.
Scott: what are you on about reindeer games?
Loki: I’m sorry who are you?
Bruce: these hashtags are getting out of hand.
Peter: remind me to teach him how to use them properly.
Thor: brother! :D
Thor:  D:
Wanda: yikes
You: warn us of your presence? Because none of us actually like you.
Thor: I do
Thor: just a bit
Loki: purchasing the vile beast known as man’s best friend will only result in the destruction of the Avengers. We all know (Y/N) would betray us. She would raise this animal, to become a beast. Multiply it and use it to destroy us from the inside.
Steve: is Loki… afraid…of dogs
You: oh my god
Natasha: Loki? Saving us ?
Vision: in all my years on earth I have never heard such an entertaining tale
Peter: sit the fuck down bish you’re like 2 years old
Bruce: peter omg
Thor: please send help it sounds like he’s choking
Bucky:  l e t  h i m
Steve: what is it with everyone and wanting to kill each other?
You: don’t act like you haven’t wanted to kill any of us, you golden child
Steve: …
Steve: proceed.
Bucky: #
Scott: don’t even start I beg
Bucky: D:
Loki: you mortals will all perish
Tony: so I think we’ve established that Loki is afraid of dogs, and since none of us like him I propose we get one.
Steve: agreed
Tony: all in favour of a dog say aye
Steve: aye
You: aye
Thor: aye
Peter: aye
Scott: aye
Wanda: aye
Vision: aye
Natasha: aye
Bucky: aye
Bruce: aye
Sam: aye
Bucky: Clint pls
Natasha: you are an embarrassment to this team, no wonder pietro is always running away from you.
Natasha has left the chat
Clint: damn
Peter: well now that this has come to end, Let’s go Bucky, I gotta teach you the ways of the hashtag
Sam: oh I have got to see this
Scott: I’m definitely filming this
Bucky has left the chat
Peter has left the chat
Sam has left the chat
Scott has left the chat
Loki: you will all die
Loki has left the chat
Thor: it appears that Loki is having a tantrum
Thor: I must tend to my brother, his feelings have been hurt.
Tony: lolol I don’t care
Steve: same tbh
Tony: why do you have such a disrespectful child Steve?
Steve: biologically she’s your creation, you do the math
Bruce: brb I’m totally not sobbing with laughter
Thor: I must depart from you friends (: goodbye
You: bye (:
Thor: (:
You: (:
Thor: (:
You: (:
Thor: (:
You: (:
Thor: (:
Thor: be careful who you yell at brother Clinton. I am always watching.
Thor has left the chat
Bruce: well then
Tony: moving swiftly on
You: im finally getting a dog WHOO
Clint: WHOOO
Steve: why are you both simultaneously yelling ‘whoo’ whilst typing it at the same time?
You: it’s for effect
Bruce: looool
Tony: anyways since you’re getting this dog, they least you could do is name it after your favourite dad
Steve: I agree, this debate has gone on for too long
Steve: which one of us do you like best?
You: sure why not
Bruce: this is going to get interesting
Clint: I’m ready to take screenshots
You: I’m naming my dog peter
Steve: why?
You: because he’s my favourite daddy
You: duh
(Y/N) has left the chat
Tony: what
Steve: pardon
Bruce has been disconnected
Clint: I’m totally… going to… see if he’s okay… and not laugh about this
Clint has left the chat
Steve: I can’t believe this
Tony: …
Steve: you have your suit right?
Tony: already putting it on
Steve: the shield?
Tony: it’s right where you left it
Steve: it’s time to go squash a spider
Steve has left the chat
Tony has left the chat
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The Transfer (Part Six)
Description:  You weren’t born in this life. You became a hunter, and a powerful Witch of Light after the death of your boyfriend Matthew. You stumbled upon the Winchester brother’s while you were seeking your revenge against the witch who killed your boyfriend. They eventually asked you to move in with them and you did. Things escalated while you were with the boys, Dean took on the Mark of Cain and it turned him into someone no one knew. Sam vowed to remove the Mark from his brother and cure him, while you had other ideas to rid Dean of the Mark.
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader. Mention of Castiel, Rowena and Charlie.
Relationship: Beginning of Dean Winchester x Reader. 
Word Count: 2766
Warnings:  Angsty. Character Death. Explicit Language. Spoilers Since it’s based of season 10 and later. Also, taking a bit of a different route than the show now so it’s not exactly the same.
A/N: So, I know I said last part this series would end in 8 parts but lol, it’s going to be more like 10 cause I can’t stfu and stop writing sometimes. As always, thank you @witch-of-letters for this request! Your original idea of a one-shot has turned into something wild, huh? Also, a huge thank you to my lovely twin @justawaywardwinchester for betaing this for me! It was a monster and I’m sorry lol. 
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Masterlist / Dean Winchester Masterlist
It had been 48 hours since you had left the bunker, 36 hours since Dean started the impala to find you. Baby had been running ever since.
Fatigue was starting to get to him as his phone pierced the silence in the passenger seat. Shaking off his nerves from the interruption, he looked at the caller I.D.
“Yeah? What’s going on?”
“A lot actually,” Sam sighed on the other end. Dean could only imagine his brother, a stoic look etched into his features and his free hand rubbing at his brows. He smirked at the image as Sam continued. “We have Rowena, she’s working with Charlie to make a usable codex.” Sam paused to clear his throat. “Tensions are high between them to say the least.”
Dean chuckled, “I’m sure.”
“Charlie can’t stand Rowena. It’s taking everything in both Cas and I to keep her from ripping Rowena’s throat out.” Sam chuckled softly on the other end over the awkward situation they all were currently in.
“Hey, I don’t know if that would exactly be a bad thing. A witch without a throat can’t do much, can they?”
Sam let out a breathy laugh, “Probably not.” He paused, listening to someone. Presumably Cas. Dean could hear a frustrated sigh leave his brother through the phone.
“Hey, Sammy.”
“Yeah, Dean?”
“I know you’re busy. Go deal with whatever you guys got going on over there. I’m going to keep looking for Y/N. I’ll call you when I find her.”
“Okay. Dean, you’ll find her. Don’t worry.”
“Hmph, thanks.” Dean pulled the phone from his ear and hit the red end call button.
As he threw his phone back onto the passenger side of the seat, a red blur sped past him, causing him to slam on the brakes. Was that Mae? He threw Baby into reverse, hoping that the sleek classic car he had seen was in fact Mae.
He could have cried tears of joy when he saw the half-hidden ‘67 Malibu behind the grungiest motel in Kansas. Putting Baby in drive, he swung into the parking lot.
It took a hundred dollars and some physical coercion to get the motel owner to tell him what room you were staying in, but he got the room number. That’s all that mattered.
He walked towards room 37 with key in hand, nerves building, and a pit in his stomach. Quietly sliding the key into the lock, he turned it slowly, not wanting to alert you of his presence.
As he opened the door, you were passed out on crimson satin sheets. A thin layer of sweat kissed your skin, causing fly away hairs to stick to your forehead. The way the room looked, and the sheets tangled around you, you hadn’t had a great last couple of nights. Dean remembered the types of dreams the Mark would leave him with. They were never pretty.
But, as he watched you sleep, his heart swelled. Even though the Mark was, causing nightmares, you still looked serene and beautiful while you slept. He didn’t have the heart to wake you, at least not yet, seeing how little sleep you seem to have gotten.
He walked around the room, tidying things up quietly as you slept. He didn’t know what to expect when you would wake up. Would you scream at him? Would you be thankful he came? Would you tell him you didn’t want to be around him anymore?  That question stung as he thought about it. He never wanted you to leave, he wanted you to stay. He needed you.
He loved you.
He sat in the chair against the wall that faced your bed. He knew the only way to keep you around, to let them help you, was to tell you how he felt.
Since the day you picked up Mae, Dean knew that you were going to steal his heart, in more ways than one. He had never met a woman as, in his words, awesome as you. You weren’t born into this life, you chose this. You developed powers to help people. Yeah, he and Sam stopped the apocalypse, but that seemed so minute to him compared to everything you had done in the 7 years you had been in this life.
You woke up with a hoarse scream, startling Dean from his thoughts. He rushed to the bed, “Y/N? You okay?”
You squinted at him, not sure what you were really seeing. Is he really here? “Dean?” you breathed, chest heaving.
He smiled softly, “Yeah, Y/N. It’s me.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion as you wiped the sweat from your forehead, “Wha- How-? How did you find me?”
Dean chuckled, “You didn’t hide Mae as well as you thought.”
You grumbled and untangled yourself from the sheets.You got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. You stood in front of the sink, looking at your disheveled appearance as Dean appeared in the mirror behind you.
He leaned against the door frame and watched your reflection, “Why did you leave?”
You sighed, turning away from the sink to face him. You sat on the edge of the sink and crossed your arms against your chest, “Because the Mark makes me dangerous, Dean. You even said it yourself.”
Dean’s head hung low, “I didn’t mean it like that, Y/N.”
“Oh really? Then how did you mean it?” You retorted.
He sighed as he at you. You could almost see the wheels turning in his head as the expression changed on his face. “You were just reckless, Y/N.” He pushed off the door jamb and walked closer to you, “I don’t care if I die. I never have. But the way I watched you hunt a couple days ago? I saw that you didn’t care what happened to you either, and I couldn’t handle that.”
“What do you mean ‘you couldn’t handle that’?”
He took a small step, putting mere inches between you two. “You’re too important to me, Y/N. I can’t lose you.” He paused, rubbing at the back of his neck, “Because of the Mark, if you die, you turn into a demon. A-And, I don’t know what I would do if that happened.”
You ran a hand through sweat dampened and knotted locks, “What do you mean Dean?”
He grabbed your hands softly, lacing his fingers through yours as he closed the remaining distance between you. He stared at his hands in yours, “What I’m saying is,” looking back towards you, “I love you, Y/N.” You looked at him, wide-eyed and mouth slightly agape. Your shocked silence sent the wrong message to him, “I understand if you don’t fee-.”
You cut him off by fervently pressing your lips against his. You snaked your arms around his neck as his wrapped around your waist. You could feel all the tension leave his body as the kiss deepened.
For once, since you had taken the Mark, you had felt normal. Like a school girl kissing the popular kid in school. You didn’t feel the need to kill as your lips melded with Dean’s, his moving in sync with yours.
Dean broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours with closed eyes, “Please come back home.”
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Okay.”
You reluctantly pulled away to, gather the rest of your things and put them in Baby’s trunk. Dean refused to let you pack up Mae because you could leave again. If he had your things, at least in his mind, it would deter you from leaving again.
You diligently followed Dean home and you could see him check his mirrors frequently for you until you reached the tunnel for the bunker.
Dean grabbed your bags as you parked Mae. “You know I can get my own bags, right?”
He smiled, “I know, but I wanted to grab these for you.”
You rolled your eyes and walked into the bunker, “Whatever, Winchester.”
You could hear him snicker behind you as you walked through the door. You called out over your shoulder once you hit the hallway towards the bathroom, “I’m going to shower real quick, Dean.”
You could hear a mumbled ‘Okay’ as you slipped into the bathroom. You cranked the hot water handle and undressed quickly. Steam began to fill the cool room as you stepped into the shower.
The warm water ran over your body, releasing some of the tension from your muscles. The Mark was becoming more powerful, no matter what type of suppression spells you used for its effects. You were constantly looking for a fight. Ready to kill.
You were beginning to worry if you’d be able live in peace with the Mark.
Sighing, you stepped out of the shower, refusing to let the silence of the shower make you think what could happen. Wrapping a towel around yourself, you opened the door to the bathroom and walked to your room. Dean was inside, placing your spell ingredients neatly along your shelves.
You stifled a laugh as he turned towards you, his eyes grew wide and he almost dropped the jar of cats-eye shells when he saw you in just a towel. “You didn't have to do this Dean. I could have unpacked.”
He collected himself quickly and cleared his throat, “I-I know. I just wanted to help out.”
You smiled, “Well, thank you.”
You walked towards your dresser, Dean eyeing you as you did. “I’m going to get dressed. So, um.” You tugged at your towel slightly, “You can stay or go. Up to you.”
“Uhh…” Dean’s face turned a vivid shade of pink and a thin layer of sweat formed on his forehead. “I’ll, uh,” he placed the jar of cats-eye shells on the shelf, “I’ll go. I have to call Sam anyway.”
You nodded and began to shuffle through your drawers for clothing. You could hear Dean on the phone in the hallway while you dressed. You opened your door, ready to join him when you heard him exclaim, “Charlie’s gone?”
You slipped back into the confines of your room, listening intently to his conversation. “She left with the codex?” Dean said a bit quieter. “Oh, she left to figure out the codex, because that makes it better,” he scoffed.
Codex? What Codex?
“Well, we need to find her Sammy. We need her to get the Mark off of Y/N.”
You bit your lip as you listened. They’re still trying to remove the Mark. You took a deep breath to calm down. You didn’t need your anger to bubble up now when Charlie is in trouble.
You stepped out into the hallway, Dean’s back to you with the phone still at his ear. “Let’s go get Charlie.”
Dean turned around, regret written all over his face realizing you heard him. “Y/N…”
You held a finger up at him, “Zip it, Winchester. Charlie is in trouble. We help her first and I’ll deal with you two afterwards.” You pushed past him, towards the map room where your weapons bag was waiting.
Dean caught up to you as he was hanging up the phone, “Sammy, Y/N and I are going to go look for Charlie.”
You grabbed your bag without a word and stalked towards the garage. You threw your things into Mae and turned around to see an incredulous Dean standing next to Baby. Rolling your eyes, you scoffed, “Listen Winchester. I’m driving Mae, so either you join me or find your own way.”
His shoulders dropped slightly, defeated by your proposition and flopped into the front seat. Peeling out of the garage, you began your search for Charlie.
Sam called to give you information about Charlie’s whereabouts. Dean shoved his phone in his pocket and spoke anxiously, “Blackbird Motel.”
You nodded as you pressed the accelerator further. “We’re close. We’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Sam said she was panicking. The Stynes-” you shot him a confused look, “-the family who owned the Book of the Damned, were beating down her door, looking for it. If she gets hurt…” He trailed off.
You snapped, “If she gets hurt, it’s your fault.” Your eyes remained on the road as your knuckles turned white on the steering wheel. “You two got her into this mess, and now we may lose her because of it.”
You knew you that hurt him, but you also knew that he knew you were right. You told them not to continue research on getting rid of the Mark, but they didn’t listen, and now you might lose a family member because of it.
An eerie feeling created a pit in your stomach. You knew Charlie wasn’t okay, and you couldn’t figure out why.
You pulled into the parking lot of the motel, not bothering to actually park correctly. You grabbed your pistol and ran towards the motel. A door left ajar caught your attention, and you were terrified your feeling was becoming reality.
You stepped into the room, the door jamb was splintered, furniture was turned over and then your eyes focused on the bathroom door. Ripped off its hinges and cracked in almost half, wood was splintered all over the grungy carpet. “Charlie?” You called out as you walked towards the bathroom.
No answer.
You approached the doorway, seeing blood before you saw her. Contorted in the tub, blood spattered across the tile and all over her.
Charlie was dead.
You turned away and stormed out as Dean approached the bathroom. A broken, “Charlie,” escaped his lips as you ripped your phone out of your pocket. You flung open Mae’s door, apologizing to her for the rough handling, before you dialed Sam’s number.
“Y/N? Did you find her?”
“She’s dead. Get your ass here. Now.” You hung up.
The Mark’s influence was not helping your anger. You seethed in your car until Sam came to the motel. The boys walked on eggshells around you as they wrapped Charlie up, preparing for the hunter’s funeral. You watched them load firewood into a pile and softly placed Charlie in the center of the pit. Tears stung your eyes as you lit the match and threw it at the wood, setting everything ablaze. You stared at the fire, letting the heat fan the anger that was building inside you.
The ride back to the bunker was silent. All hell broke loose as soon as you entered the library.
“Y/N,” Sam pleaded.
You whipped around fast enough to give the boys whiplash. You shoved a finger into Sam’s chest as your blood boiled,your words dripping with venom, “No Sam. Don’t. This is your fault.” You looked towards Dean, “And yours.” You were sure you looked absolutely wild. Luckily your jacket was hiding the faint glow the Mark had when you were this riled up. “This ‘research’ for the cure stops right now.” They tried to speak, to defend themselves, but it only fueled your fire further, “No one else is going to get hurt. Do you hear me?” They just nodded their heads, hoping you would back off.
You turned to walk towards you room but stopped, “IF I find out you two start looking again, you are going to have to deal with me. And I’ll be a hell of a lot worse than whatever will come out of removing this Mark.”
Without waiting for a response, you turned on your heel to your room and slammed the door as hard as you could. You flopped onto your bed and let all your emotions flood your mind. Silent tears flowed down your cheeks as you thought about Charlie. You mourned for what seemed like hours but was merely minutes before exhaustion enveloped you.
Dean slid a glass of whiskey across the table to Sam as they sat at the table in the library. “Thanks,” Sam murmured, engrossed in his laptop that sat in front of him.
Dean shook his head, “We’re not stopping, right?”
Sam looked at his brother with determination in his eyes, “Not at all.” His laptop dinged, gaining both their attention. Sam clicked on his email as his brow furrowed, “It’s from Charlie.”
Dean got up from his seat, abandoning his whiskey on the table to look over his brother’s shoulder. “What’s it say?”
Sam let out a breath of relief, “It’s the codex. She must have cracked it before…..” He couldn’t finish that sentence. It would only make it real.
They couldn’t stop now. Not when they were so close.
Forever Tags:
@emoryhemsworth , @nanie5 , @gabrielslittleangel, @alexwinchester23 , @witch-of-letters , @caswinchester2000 , @justawaywardwinchester , @thehufflepuffblog , @kittenofsarcasm , @missihart23 , @spnfamily-alwayskeepfighting, @team-free-gallagher, @rhiannonj79 , @curly-haired-disaster, @mogaruke, @supernaturalsammy01, @heyitscam99, @hobby27, @crazyrebelbitch87 , @frozenhuntress67, @gracefultrenchcoat494,
Dean/Jensen x Reader Tags:
@unlikelycollectortimetraveler , @xxtheoutsidersxx, @dean-winchesters-bacon, @betsy-bradock, @adoptdontshoppets,
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