#there is no backsound but the wind
empty-dream · 8 months
This turns into a horror psychological thriller for a split second. What a marvelous direction.
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ragnashaka · 1 year
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Under the rain, cornered in the dimlit alley. Two figures are seen pointing at each other, both eyes are filled with rage. On each hand, a gun and dagger are ready to be the judge, who’s going to be the last man standing. And when the sun made its appearance for the first time, a loud thud announces the winner.
The sky looks so beautiful that day with clouds scattered here and there, adding the beauty of the shining sun and rainbow after the rain. The serene melody of whistling wind and rustling leaves graces everyone’s ears, sometimes added by splashing noises.
Too bad, the majestic moment isn’t capable to survive anytime longer as rushed steps and panting noises, muffled shouts rushing others to pick up their pace now fulfilling the air. Men with suits are everywhere, while one is holding a basket, layers of clothes seemed to be laid there.
“Good morning, Sister.”
Low and slow, charismatic voice coming from the man. Standing tall in front of the nun who seemed surprised getting such a festive visit in the morning. However, she doesn’t let her expression comes to the surface as she responded to the guest.
“Good morning, Sir. May I help you?”
There’s no answer, just him handing the basket. A newborn is sleeping soundly there, wrapped in white. His cheeks are still as flushed as ripe tomatoes, with both eyes hidden behind the lids, flaunting the long lashes of him. And that time, she knows what’s going on here.
The poor baby is thrown out, not even with her consent.
“We will take care of him.”
10 years old Jeremiah or Jay froze in place by the moment his ears heard the call. The constant fear he has been facing is written all over his face, his body trembles visibly yet he still tried to stand for himself.
“Are you deaf?”
“Then why you didn’t answer our call?”
Lip bitten, a step backward taken by the poor boy, gaze thrown everywhere but to the boy in front of him, looking for any possible help he can get or just a chance to release himself from their claws.
The nuns aren’t there. The girls won’t be any help. The older guys couldn’t care less. The babies shouldn’t see this.
“I can bear this no more.”
A punch, strong upper cut, thrown toward the figure in front of him leading to loud gasps and anger fueling the person. Not to mention, the way he fell backward is nothing but pure shame as he’s known as the strongest person here.
Cold sweats all over his body, but his stacked anger wraps him better. The pain he’s been hiding under those oversized shirts, the bruises and wounds that keep haunting him all night, resulting him in crying to sleep.
“I can’t understand why you’re hating me that much when I barely do anything to you. I help you with things I can do, I give you things I like because you want it, but why can’t you, for once, let me live in peace?”
Words spilled just like that, as he can no longer contain his betrayed feeling. Eyes shot open, as red as the blood. His fear is no longer there, completely hidden under the rage. Chest rises and falls rapidly, with arms and legs on certain position, ready to attack at anytime.
The church bell rings loud and screams of terror becomes its backsound for the solid ten seconds.
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 6, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
First appreciation of the beginning of episodes was the cinematography, the camera movements following PM getting out of car, and how they shoot 3 of them standing in front of KU building, they put a lot of effort and i appreciate that, aesthetic and necessary. I agree with what JTE said, Corea is a country you only see in fairy tale. I think they succeeded in making both country (Corea and Korea) have a different vibes. At least i can see the difference clearly. Traditional and Modern.
The scene inside the helicopter also my favorite, Gon and JTE PDA moment alongside with secretary Mo and JY facial expressions, i can feel them tough. Its probably the first time they saw their king do it. The backsound violin for this scene also not included in the official ost, i wonder why they robbed me like this 😅
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Personally, i love kitchen a lot since i love to cook. Then here we got a chance to see the royal kitchen, and its pretty. All the plates, the knife, everything has Corea logo and how they show all of it in zoom in was incredible. Im amazed how comfortable and fancy it is. Gon is here to make meals for JTE but involved in a deep conversation because they speak not only what happen this day but about Lee Rim. The piano backsound that i loved fill the air in this scene, it definitely took me deeper into their conversation. Amazing.
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JTE asked Gon to show her id because she needs to go home. I love JTE! No matter how glorious this world or this man in front of him, she need to go home. Fav JTE line “i cant beat that person anyway, whoever it is, that person must be from this world” im a bit mellow hearing it from her and seeing Gon facial expression. Fav Gon line “i have been carrying it around ever since you came here. I didnt show it to you because im afraid you will leave. But, you’ve already gone somewhere much further away than your world” i can hear Gon’s helpless voice here, and it breaks my heart.
JTE thinks its not make any sense that her ID exist in his world for 25 years. He told JTE how he get it and told her that his memory fading away but he feels that, that person will appear to him someday. “Because that person is either the beginning or the end of all this. It seems like a difficult question to solve, but there must be a simple and beautiful formula for it. And you are the answer i have been looking for” 👏🏼 im actually amaze on how KES make the line for Gon always related to his science guy background. Because that words of him about formula also said by Stephen Hawking which is also a science guy. And i think i also hear it in good will hunting. All science guy who knows physics or math must have this thinking. Loved the detail 💕
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Just in time JTE about to go back to her world, a potential war with Japan. As Gon explain back in earlier episode, Corea has always in a brink of war with Japan. And its happening now. This war scene is actually shows how cool and good PM is at work. She is smart and brave to fight for the country, even with a room full of man that underestimated her. And actually she and Gon could make a power couple 😬 Gon is also a cool king though, i love his strategy here but im also as worried as Lady Noh on what danger could he got from involving directly in the war.
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JTE ID is missing. Theres a thief in the palace. But Gon thinks about it differently, he thinks the thing that happens was meant to be and all set in motion 25 years ago. Im curious about it too. More homework for the audience 😎
I appreciate this camera movement of moment when JTE stand in front of Gon. The camera focus shot the King robe first then move the focus to Gon, as if they want to show us how JTE saw that this is one of his real responsibility as a King. That he is real.
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Gon gave JTE the ID card of her that he has from 25 years ago. Gon promise to come back to her with honor. And this conversation was a bit farewell like and it still hurt
JTE “온다고?” (You said you will be back?)
Gon “기다려 줄 건가?” (Will you wait for me?)
JTE nods
JTE “또보자, 이곤” (lets meet again, Lee Gon)
Then Gon said “i thought my name was not supposed to be spoken, but i guess it was only supposed to be spoken by you”
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This song “my love and i” is seriously sad. Give some sad premonition. Also imagine going back home while knowing that the person you care about was about to face danger in a war. I think this war was 1 of JTE turning point. She only can do 1 thing, wait. With no certainty whether Gon is really going to come back? Is he okay? Hows the war? . Not a single information she can get. She also describe herself as someone that never holding her phone as if she is waiting for someone. Until now 🥺 i kind of relate a lot with this feelings, it is the worst long distance someone could ever did. Thank god parallel world not real
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I found the almost war with Japan scene is great though. Maybe because im not Korean, so i dont found any mistake here and also scene like this is not something related to real relation in real world. It was oftenly made in a fiction movie though. Just my opinion. This scene, the cinematography, the words, the dialogue and the messages conveyed well. I loved it. It is in line with the situation in Corea. Also i think 1 of the reason they choose this way to show Kings duty is also because their Kindom located in Busan and known as city near the sea, means they are the first protector of the sea. I also love the detail of statue yi sun sin as a symbol of power and they put it facing the sea. WOW.
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As predicted, with good strategy. Corea won.
While the war and stuff happens in Corea, JTE is back with her daily activity as a detective and to an unsolved yet Lee Sang Do’s case, but with a new habit, waiting. I love how she was looking at the fence and hoping. Speaking of hope, JTE is a person full of hope and optimistic. Symbolize with her believes that a seed will grow in the space between 1 and 0 which is obviously impossible since there were no air, light and wind there. Gon try to tell her fact but she just go with her faith that this thing will work. If we never try, we never know. Which what makes me loving her character even more.
And she also plant the seed in a pot. Also having faith that is will grow beautifully. She said “i know you’re from a different world, but you should sprout. Your friends are in a much harsher place now” this line itself speaks on how much JTE worried for Gon and drives her crazy because she only could wait
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I appreciate JTE that still working just fine eventhough she still pretty much thinking about Gon. As we saw her having a flashback of Gon in the middle of solving LSD case. So actually that night they have further conversation after the kiss. Gon asking her about what he is trying to prove with the kiss, the fact that he dated before or the fact that he is dating now. Gon helps JTE answer that he is in dating right now 🤓 because Instead of answering Gon question JTE prefer to ask Gon to open his shirt 🙃 flustered Gon being shocked is the cutest. JTE ask about the scar he has on his shoulder but cant really saw it now, because its awkward to open Gon shirt just like that and also no lighting strikes.
One of my fav line from this conversation is when Gon said “its more difficult to cross this line, than it is to cross the universe”
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To be continue
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amyure · 5 years
The QUEEN of PURPLE novel Chapter 1 / 2 summary
Warning!!!!! Even if I said “summary”... I did not intend to make it as short as possible as opposed to writing everything I remember. – Esh
I’ve kept the editing light for these. Esh’s original comments, whether supplementary or commentary, will generally be in parentheses. - Nab
Prologue: Summer Day Crossroads
This chapter isn’t about QoP, but 4U instead. 4U’s management, which usually let them do what they want, came up with the idea of them having a major debut to get a place on the professional musician chart [billboard charts, that kind of thing]. Because they would be going to the pro music field, Ume went like “sure, let’s do it with a new song.” With most of the music in the pro musician tier apparently having the theme of ‘love song’, an aesthetic which also seemed to resonate with much of the population, Ume decided to make their major debut song a love song.
There was only one problem: Ume had never fallen in love, nor any of the other 4U members. When Ume presented her song to both Emoko and Hina, none of them approved it–not even Hina. Both agreed that the track itself was great and that with Hina’s drums and Emoko’s bass it would be well polished, but the lyrics were so cringeworthy that Emoko even dared Ume if she had the balls to sing such embarrassing lines. In the end, the flustered Ume dragged the two of them to a special brainstorming session to perfect the song. They even prepared to sleep in the studio for that purpose (Emoko made it clear that she cooperated just so that Ume didn’t drag all of them down with her incompetence or something).
Anyway, after hours of brainstorming, they perfected the song, but not the lyrics. With none of them having real experience in love, eventually Ume had the idea to just watch a romance movie for (scientific purposes) inspiration. Even though they were tired, Emoko and Hina volunteered to watch the movie with her. Sandwiched by them both, Ume said that she wouldn’t allow them both to sleep or quit midway. By the end of the movie, however, only Ume woke up, to see the two fallen asleep by her side.
The content of the movie aside, in the notes they had before they slept, there was one word that came up, ‘akogare’, which meant ‘the feeling of admiration with longing/yearning’. The idea of ‘falling in love’ seemed to have close parallels with that word. Ume could only remember one time when she felt that feeling, along with a ‘heat’ in her heart, the feeling like something lit up within her. It was when that woman went “Hey you rascaaals!!!” [a quote of Nanasaki Nicole’s, presumably]. Snapping back to reality, Ume began writing according to those feelings.
Anyway, one day Seto Ferb was walking to her rendezvous place to meet with her light music club. She passed the station and came across a bunch of people gathering for something. As it turned out, a newly debuting band named “4U” was having their Guerilla live by the station; apparently, they were pretty famous already. The band then played their debut song: ‘Watashi Ai 4U’.
Her light music club friend called her and told her that there was a Guerilla live going on, to which Ferb replied she knew that already as she was watching it. Ferb actually took out her earphones, which as usual were playing Hanyuuda Mito’s songs, and remarked how catchy and upbeat the song was.
“4U, eh? I will remember it,” she said, before leaving.
~End of Prologue~
Chapter 1. Are You Gonna Be My Rose?
Being scouted by the producer, in the reception space of Nanastar Ferb was listening to a super rare unreleased version of a Hanyuuda Mito song, when someone asked her what she was listening to. The first thing Ferb about this person was their voice. Noting the voice and its owner, she answered that it was Hanyuuda Mito. Or rather, a song that supposed to be a 7th Sisters song but was not—a super rare copy which only circulated once on the net, before being taken down. The one talking to her immediately understood which one, and they both realized they liked Hanyuuda Mito, with the same impression of Mito’s voice: like the wind while one is overlooking someplace from a high place… or something like that. Anyway, this was how Ferb and Murasaki met the first time, in the reception area of Nanastar when they had just been scouted by our Shihainin.
Fast forward to the present, Ferb was sitting at the park near Nanastar office. She was called by Shihainin but took a bit more time before leaving. Her song, which she had poured her heart into making, had been rejected by her light music club friends to play in the school festival. They did not say it was particularly bad, however it was true that they were just not interested in it and wanted to perform as a cover band, instead of an original song. Ferb had then dropped out from the school festival, saying that they “don’t particularly need her”, as there were other bassists to fill up the space and Ferb did not feel the drive to join them. (The novel did not explicitly portray Ferb as being angry or disappointed about this. Ferb seemed to speak to her clubmates matter-of-factly, she did not blame anyone and that was just how it went: their tastes just did not match.) Finally, she continued her walk and met someone else on the way: Yumeno.
Apparently, Yumeno had also been called by Shihainin, just like Ferb. (They conversed as they went, and the novel reflected just how well Ferb brushed away Yumeno’s super excitement when it came to cute girls, including her of course). It seemed Ferb has some respect for Yumeno, because of Yumeno’s proficiency in her guitar, and how she put her personality in her guitar (regardless of her reasoning to start playing—which in Yumeno’s case was because of a manga character). Ferb remarked that to be proficient to the level that Yumeno was, at the moment, needed hard work and Ferb commend her for that.
At Nanastar, Shihainin explained that the ‘7th Christmas Rock Festival’ would be taking place a few months from then. It was aimed at rookie bands, and he asked if both girls were interested. Shihainin said several times that they would not have to participate in that year’s contest, as the piece had to be original, performed by a full band, and there would be an elimination round soon. Both girls were interested (more like, Yumeno would do it if Ferb would), but considering it needed a full band and preparation, and the fact that they did not have any other band members and there was a need to make an original song fast, Shihainin said several times that there was no pressure. However, Ferb said that there was a song that they could use.
She let them listen to the song she had made for her light music club, and both were extremely excited upon hearing it, saying how it sound like the work of a pro. Ferb said she had an idea on who the vocalist should be but had yet to ask her; however, the problem was that they had no idea who would be proficient enough for the drums. Shihainin said that recording backsound is allowed [i.e. using a backing track], but Ferb firmly said that that wouldn’t be able to fully bring out the soul of her song. With Shihainin reiterating that there was no pressure about joining the fest, they closed the meeting. Afterwards, Ferb apologized to Yumeno about singlehandedly making the decision to continue with this project, to which Yumeno replied that she agreed to it anyway, and there was nothing Ferb should worry about. They both then went to visit the prospective vocalist.
As it turned out, Ferb had never been to Murasaki’s place before. It was not something she thought would have been necessary, and naturally Murasaki had never invited her. Yumeno expressed her surprise, because she thought Murasaki and Ferb were close. Ferb said that they were, but only as far as Hanyuuda Mito and music were concerned. It seemed their topic of conversation rarely broadened to anything personal and never once had they ever thought of, say, having a sleepover. Yumeno said that kind of relationship is okay too, that she still saw it as ‘moe’ (Ferb dismissed this as ‘something she doesn’t understand about Yumeno Number #whatever’). With that, they finally arrived at EZ Bar, which displayed a ‘closed’ sign. It was nearing dusk, but the bar had yet to open, which spoke much about its customers’ demographic.
When they entered the bar, Ferb’s impression was that it seemed to have a different air than the atmosphere they were used to (you should pay attention to this in the novel, really, at how Ferb describes situations and atmosphere, it’s soooo poignant. From the lights, the reflection on the floor, etc.). They found Murasaki cleaning the place; she was surprised to find them there. Ferb explained the circumstances, after which Murasaki said that Ferb should be the first person to know what genre of music she usually sang. Ferb answered that yes, she did, it was jazz and not rock, but she also said, “I want you to sing my song and just you.” Murasaki contemplated this, and then she answered, that if it was for something soon, she cannot say yes to the proposition.
~End of Chapter 1~
Continuing from last time, I will proceed with my “summary” of what I remember about the novel, be warned there might also be some additional details like parts from the in-game episode in case they exist as referrals or maybe I feel like it has any significance in it. - Esh
Chapter 2. Meet Them There
While feeling out of place in a bar brimming with an adult atmosphere, Ferb and Yumeno sat on stools by the counter. Murasaki served Ferb and Yumeno some juice drinks (which Yumeno said tasted better because they were served by a beautiful girl, and Murasaki was like “isn’t that irrelevant” lol). As Ferb examined the interior of the bar more closely—noting how underage girls like Yumeno and her being there was not exactly a good thing and perhaps that is why Murasaki had never invited them—Ferb thought about how Murasaki had rejected her offer; it was a fact, and Ferb was sure there was a reason for it, but she hesitated to ask. Yumeno perhaps felt the same, but talked in her usual chirpy, bright attitude to break the ice and lighten the somber atmosphere. Yumeno commented on how great it was for Murasaki to help with tidying the shop, and Murasaki replied, “I do it every day though, it’s my home.” And Yumeno asked Murasaki if that was the reason for her rejection of the offer, to help the shop. Murasaki then proceeded to explain that if it were any other occasion, it would not have been a problem, but not this time.
It turned out that Murasaki’s mother had had an accident and broken her arm. Thus, Murasaki had to help her mother until that arm healed, and it would still take some time. It seemed her mother was a single mother (but I will clarify later to make sure) and had been working for both their sake all this while. Murasaki said that she was sorry that she had to reject Yumeno and Ferb, while both had come all the way there. Yumeno quickly answered that that was not a problem at all, which Ferb nodded at (Yumeno did most of the talking, while Ferb just nodded or confirmed), since that couldn’t be helped after all. Murasaki said that there were others with great voices in Nanastar whom Ferb could approach, but Ferb said, “No, I want it to be you and no one else.” Murasaki was like, “you’re stubborn.”
“Well I am, when it comes to music,” replied Ferb, but it seemed Murasaki had known as much about Ferb, with how well they knew each other. Murasaki asked for Yumeno’s thoughts on this matter but Yumeno was like, “I don’t mind, as long as it is what Ferb and Murasaki have decided.” Since that could not be helped, Ferb was about to ask Yumeno to phone Shihainin that they could not do the project (at least not in that year—it was an annual festival after all), but suddenly someone came from the inner part of the store.
Murasaki’s mother Echizen Kon came up and apparently, she was a mesmerizing beauty which made even Yumeno fall silent (lol). Kon told Murasaki, “You have your friends visit you—which is extremely rare—and you just reject them?”
Murasaki said, “But you’re hurt, and the shop might get busy and all.”
But Kon said, “I have hired a part timer to help me, so you don’t have to worry. I’ve been taking care of this shop while raising you all these years and I am not that fragile that I need an underage kid, who can’t even drink sake yet, to worry about me.” She then proceeded to tell Murasaki that, unlike her mother, Murasaki’s two friends needed her, and no one else.
Under the hopeful gaze of both Yumeno and Ferb, Murasaki eventually ‘gave up’ and said that she, too, wondered how her jazz would go with Ferb’s music. However, thereafter came the problem of who would do the drumming. Just as they were contemplating the matter, the bar’s door opened and someone who would like to sign up for a part time job entered—that someone was Matsuri.
So, Matsuri was looking for part time jobs to get more income for ‘this new super good game’, and since the bar seemed stylish with a good atmosphere and offered a good enough salary, she was interested. However, Kon had already hired someone else. As an apology, Kon served Matsuri the shop’s curry rice and served the same to Yumeno and Ferb. Being perceptive, Matsuri noted how it was unusual to have underage kids like the two girls in a bar like this. The trio eventually told Matsuri about their predicament. Murasaki commented that a jazz drummer she knew was an old man, who came for mini live show at their bar from time to time, but he would not do, as perhaps he would not be able to put his heart into it (as per Ferb’s words, “not enough ‘fire’”). With Yumeno knowing no one suitable, they asked if Ferb knew anyone in the light music club to help. In a matter-of-fact tone, Ferb said that the light music club was busy with their upcoming live, but, she could not help feeling bad when the topic came up. As it was her who had rejected them as well, over the cover band thing, and it would be awkward to just suddenly come and ask for their help with her own band.
With the issue of the drummer unsolved, Ferb finally said that it was useless to think about something that did not exist; they would have to resort to a recording for the drum track—despite her own best judgment that it would not be as ideal as she would like with her song. However, with how Murasaki was able to come to a decision regardless of her situation, Ferb felt it would be appropriate to do so as well. Matsuri said, from her point of view as an older person, that seemed to be the best decision to come to and supported the decision. She felt bad that she could not help them, despite being older; the only ‘drummers’ she knew were her friends who played drumming games but, even then, she was the best among them. Ferb was like, “eh, there are such games?” and Matsuri was like, “what, you didn’t know? lol.” Eventually, they all decided to go watch Matsuri play the game at the game center near the station because Matsuri felt like it (Yumeno was like, “wow, game center date!!!” #not).
Matsuri was like “hey, let’s play highest difficulty with randomized notes!” (Yumeno: IS THIS THE LEGENDARY MATSURI GAMER?! SUCH HONOOOOR!! while Ferb and Murasaki were like,I kiiiiinda understand? reaction lol). Matsuri went on to play and hit all the notes with a perfect full combo. Yumeno was left flabbergasted (to be honest she was the only one who understood what the heck Matsuri was doing) and Murasaki was like, “I don’t really understand but that was awesome.” Ferb was silent all the while watching the banter between the others (Matsuri was like, “See? that changed your perception of me, right?”). Yumeno noted how Ferb was silent (she might have been having ‘you must have already fallen in love with Matsuri-san! nuuu she is mine~’ kind of Yumeno thoughts lol) and Ferb was like, “You hit all the beats perfectly, that was amazing.”
Ferb was deep in thought and she said, “Matsuri-san, will you try drumming?”
With her words, suddenly the excitement of the high score drained from Matsuri’s face, and with a serious face that none of the girls had ever seen before, Matsuri replied slowly, her words drowning out all the sounds of the game center around her. 
“You see. Games and the real world are different.”
~~~End of Chapter 2~~~
Link to Chapter 3 / 4: Feel Her Rock / Forked Road of Her Dreams Back to summaries
Wow that was long. I actually went to a lot more details than I expected. It’s one of the chapters that I read over and over (the bar scene is among my favorite!). - Esh
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eshtarwind · 7 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters: Episode Queen of Purple Novel Summary Part 1
It’s a bit late but I decided to write the summary of QoP Novel because I REALLY NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO and I cannot wait for the full translations to be out so that you guys can read it (but really, you should really read the full translations once it is out—pssst it is on the way–because Furuse Fuu is a really good writer and also because some details are just precious). Anyway, without further ado, the Novel Summary will be under the cut!
Warning!!!!! Even if I said “summary”…. I did not intend to make it as short as possible as opposed to writing everything I remember.
Prologue: Summer Day Crossroads
This chapter isn’t about QoP, but 4U. So 4U management, which usually let them do what they want, came up with the idea of them doing their major debut to get inside professional musician chart. Because they will be going to the Pro music field, Ume went like sure lets do it with a new song. With the image of the majority of music theme in Pro musician tier being love song, which also seems to reverberate with much of the population, Ume decided to make their major debut song as a love song.
There was only one problem: Ume has never fallen in love. Or any of 4U members, in that case. When Ume presented her song to both Emoko and Hina, none of them approved it–not even Hina. Both agreed that the music itself is great and that with Hina’s drums and Emoko’s bass it will be well polished but the lyrics are so cringeworthy that Emoko even dared if Ume even have the balls to sing such embarrassing lines. In the end, the flustered Ume then dragged the two of them to special brainstorming session to perfect the song. They even prepared to sleep in the studio for that purpose (Emoko should make it clear that she cooperate just so that Ume didnt drag all of them down with her incompetence or something). Anyway after hours of brainstorming, they perfected the song, but not the lyrics. With none having real experience in love, eventually Ume had the idea to just watch a romance movie for scientific purposes as inspiration. Even if tired, Emoko and Hina volunteered to also watch the movie with her. Sandwiched by them both, Ume said that she won’t allow them both to sleep or quit midway. By the end of the movie, however, only Ume woke up and the two had fallen asleep by both of her side.
The content of the movie aside, in the notes they had before they slept, there was one word that came up: Akogare = the feeling of admiration with longing/yearning. Falling in love seemed to be extremely close with that word. Ume could only remember that one time when she felt that feeling, along with heat in her heart, the feeling like something light up within her, it was when that woman  “Hey you rascaaal!!!–” Snapping back to reality, Ume then began go write according to those feelings
Anyway, one day Seto Ferb walked to her rendezvous place with her light music club. She passed the station and found out that there are a bunch of people gathering for something.Turned out, a newly debuted band named “4U” is having their Guerilla live by the station and apparently they were pretty famous already. The band then played their debut song: Watashi Ai 4U.
Her light music club friend called her and told her that there was a Guerilla live, which Ferb replied she knew it already as she was exactly at that place at the moment. Ferb actually took off her earphone, which plays Hanyuuda Mito’s songs, and she remarked how catchy and upbeat the song is.
“4U, eh? I will remember it.”
She said before going away.
~The end of Prologue~
Chapter 1. Are You Gonna Be My Rose?
Being scouted by the producer, by the reception space of 777 sisters studio, Ferb was listening to super rare unreleased version of Hanyuuda Mito song when someone asked her what she was listening. The first thing Ferb noticed from someone upon hearing them talk are their voices. Noting the voice and its owner, she answered that it was Hanyuuda Mito. Or rather, the song that supposed to be a 7th Sisters song, but did not--A super rare copy which only circulate once on the net before taken down. The one talking to her immediately understood which one and they both realized they liked Hanyuuda Mito, both with the same impression of Mito’s voice: like a wind overlooking somewhere form a high place…. or some kind. Anyway, It was how Ferb and Murasaki met the first time, the receptions of 777 stars when they have just been scouted by our Shihainin.
Fast forward to the present, Ferb was sitting at the park near Nanasis office. She was called by Shihainin but took a bit more time to go. Her song, which she poured her heart into making, was rejected by her light music club friends to play in the school festival. They did not say it was particularly bad, however it was true that they were just not interested in it, and wanted to do cover band instead of an original song. Ferb then dropped from the school festival, saying that they dont particularly need her, as there are other bassist to fill up the space and Ferb did not feel the drive to join them. The novel did not write if she was angry, or disappointed, and Ferb seemed to say it a matter of factly, where she did not blame anyone and that was just how it went: their taste just did not match. Finally she continued her walk but she met someone else on the way: Yumeno.
Apparently, Yumeno was also called by Shihainin just like her. They conversed as they go, and the novel reflected just how well Ferb brushed away Yumeno’s super excitement when it comes to cute girls (including her ofc). It seemed Ferb has some respect in Yumeno, because of Yumeno’s proficiency in her guitar and how she put her personality in her guitar (regardless of her reasoning to start playing–Which in Yumeno’s case was because of a manga character). Ferb remarked that to be proficient in the level that Yumeno was atm needed hardwork and Ferb commend her for that.
In Nanasuta, Shihainin explain that there would be 7th Christmas Rock Festival a few months from then aimed for rookie band, and he asked if both of them are interested. Shihainin said several times that it does not have to be that year, as it must be an original piece, a full band, and there would be an elimination round soon. Both girls were interested (More like, Yumeno would, if Ferb would), but considering it needed a full band and preparation and the fact that they did not have any additional band member and there was a need to make an original song fast, Shihainin said several times that there was no pressure. However, Ferb said that there was a song that they can use.
She gave them a listen to the song she had made for her light music club and both were extremely excited upon hearing it, saying how it sound like a pro. Ferb said she had an idea on who the vocalist should be but she had to ask her, however the problem was they had no idea who is proficient enough for drums. Shihainin said that recording backsound is allowed, but Ferb firmly said that it won’t be able to fully bring out the soul of her song. Finally, saying, again, that there is no pressure about joining the fest, they closed the meeting. After they did, Ferb apologized to Yumeno about singlehandedly deciding their decision to continue with the project, which Yumeno said that she agreed to it anyway, to there was nothing Ferb should worry about. They both then went to the place of their prospective vocalist.
Turned out, Ferb also had never been to Murasaki’s place before. It was not something she thought would have been necessary and naturally Murasaki also never invited her. Yumeno expressed her surprised, because she thought Murasaki and Ferb are close with each other. Ferb said they were, but for as long as Hanyuuda Mito and music was concerned. It seemed their topic of conversation rarely broaden to anything personal and never once has they ever thought of, say, having sleepover. Yumeno said that kind of relationship is okay too, that she still see it as moe (Ferb dismissed this as something she doesnt understand about Yumeno Number #whatever). With that, they finally arrived at EZ Bar, which displayed “close”. It was nearing dusk but the bar has not opened already, which speaks much of its costumers demography.
When they came into the bar, Ferb’s impression of the bar was that it seemed to have a different air than the atmosphere they used to be (you should pay attention to this in the novel, really, at how Ferb describes situations and atmosphere, it's soooo poignant. From the lights, the reflection on the floor, etc.). They found Murasaki cleaning the place and was surprised to find them there. Ferb explained about the circumstances and Murasaki said that Ferb should have been the first person to know what kind of music genre she usually sang and Ferb answered yes she did, it was Jazz and not Rock but I want you to sing my song and just you. Murasaki contemplated, and then she answered, that if it was for something in the near future, she cannot give a yes answer to the proposition.
~~ End of Chapter 1 ~~
Since this is getting long, I will stop by here. Thank you for reading, get ready for Part 2 later!
Continue to Part 2
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dwiautozone · 7 years
Pagani Huayra Roadster Soft Top - Geneva Motor Show 2018 When fitted over the roll hoops, the fabric roof preserves the Huayra’s stunning profile and—provided you haven’t discarded the wind deflector—its lavish leather seats. Pagani will display the soft top (and the accompanying Huayra) at this year’s Geneva auto show. We’re told this particular car will head to the United States, where its lucky owner may want to practice putting the top on in the garage, just in case. #dwiautozone DwiAutoZone Help us to be better - Subscribe This Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdbbbTcgtaVA5f9GhMtK7sw - Likes me on Facebook : http://ift.tt/2HB81Xi - Follow me on Twitter : https://twitter.com/dwiautozine - Feed me on Blogger : http://ift.tt/2CGtN8a Backsound Free Royalty license by Kat And Tanner by Twin Musicom (twinmusicom.org)
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tanpaucap · 7 years
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Beberapa hari yang lalu, tak sengaja aku memotret salah satu keramaian di Kota Kembang ini. Di salah satu mall ternama di Bandung, kaki ku berpijak kala itu. Siang akan silih berganti dengan malam, di tandai dengan hadirnya senja. Tak terlalu cantik memang namun selalu saja indah. Aku senang menatap langit. Kamu tau? Padanya aku bergumam tak menentu. Seandainya saja kala itu aku mempercayaimu seperti biasanya. Seandainya saja aku bersikap seperti biasanya padamu. Atau seandainya saja kamu jujur dengan segala sesuatunya seperti biasanya. Mungkin tidak akan terjadi hal-hal yang dinamakan perselisihan. Tapi, aku rasa itu perlu. Memang semuanya akan terlewati. Semuanya sirna begitu saja. Dan mungkin memang ini jalan dariNya. Ketika aku masih mencoba membangun namun kau terus mencoba meruntuhkan. Itu tidak akan pernah menjadi satu hal yang berkesinambungan. Kamu tau? Ketika aku menulis ini pun, aku sedang berbicara pada langit. Mengapa masih saja aku sering memikirkan hal itu. Yang jelas membuat aku diam merenung di ujung jalan ini. Oh iya ini pukul 15.00, mendung sekali hari ini. Akan ku posting nanti malam, yang pasti hujan. Kamu sedang apa? Sudahlah, kamu tak akan pernah menjawab semua tanya dalam benakku ini. Kamu tau? Hari-hariku terlewati begitu saja. Tanpamu lagi, sudah sangat jauh kurasa. Aku ingin menikmati secangkir kopi disana.. Aku ingin mengajakmu kesana.. Tapi, lagi-lagi itu adalah ketidakmungkinan yang ku telan mentah. Kamu tau? Ketika aku melewati beberapa tempat kita. Ups, maksudku tempat dimana kita pernah saling bercengkerama, menumpahkan rindu, berbagi cerita, atau pun saling memandang penuh arti. Aku rindu.. Kamu tau? Aku masih berdiri disini, menatap langit mendung ini. Ku tebak, pasti akan hujan. Pasti, layaknya hujan di pipi ku ini. Tak sengaja menetes lagi, sedikit.. Kamu tau? Aku mengamatimu, dari sini. Jauh, iya sangat jauh sekali. Kamu tau? Banyak hal yang “mereka” katakan padaku, tentangmu. Dan aku hanya membisu, padam. Backsound lagu ku adalah Jealous dari Labrinth. Kamu pernah dengar? Mungkin tidak. Andai saja kamu pernah dengar dan tau akan arti liriknya. Sangat melambangkan perasaan seorang gadis penikmat kopi, yang masih saja memikirkanmu. Padahal kamu yang ntah sudah dengan siapa. Boleh aku melihatmu ‘tuk sekejab saja? Tepat, kedua bola mata kita yang saling beradu tanpa tanya namun mengisyaratkan jawaban. Seperti saat itu, ketika aku dan kamu masih menjadi kita. Kamu tak perlu lelah menjawab semua tanyaku, aku tau jawabannya. Baik-baik yaaa… Dengan siapapun yang bersanding denganmu. Cukuplah kata dalam doaku yang berbicara. Yang entah, sudah itu saja.. Ini yang terakhir,
I’m jealous of the rain That falls upon your skin It’s closer than my hands have been I’m jealous of the rain I’m jealous of the wind That ripples through your clothes It’s closer than your shadow Oh, I’m jealous of the wind, 'cause
[Chorus:] I wished you the best of All this world could give And I told you when you left me There’s nothing to forgive But I always thought you’d come back, tell me All you found was heartbreak and misery It’s hard for me to say, I’m jealous of the way You’re happy without me
I’m jealous of the nights That I don’t spend with you I’m wondering who you lay next to Oh, I’m jealous of the nights I’m jealous of the love Love that was in here Gone for someone else to share Oh, I’m jealous of the love, 'cause
[Chorus:] I wished you the best of All this world could give And I told you when you left me There’s nothing to forgive But I always thought you’d come back, tell me All you found was heartbreak and misery It’s hard for me to say, I’m jealous of the way You’re happy without me
As I sink in the sand Watch you slip through my hands Oh, as I die here another day 'Cause all I do is cry behind this smile
[Chorus:] I wished you the best of all this world could give And I told you when you left me There’s nothing to forgive But I always thought you’d come back, tell me All you found was heartbreak and misery It’s hard for me to say, I’m jealous of the way You’re happy without me
It’s hard for me to say, I’m jealous of the way You’re happy without me
Itulah lirik lagu yang tengah menemaniku.
Kamu tau? Malam ini benar-benar hujan seperti tebakanku. Dingin sekali, layaknya kamu sekarang padaku. Tetapi, aku selalu saja menyukai rintik hujan ini. -I’m in love with you and the rain- Aku pernah menuliskan deskripsi itu di salah satu foto kita. Dan sampai sekarang masih berlaku untukku. Iya, cukup aku saja. Sudahlah, rinduku kian memuncak. Mengapa selalu menetes? Mungkin dalam tetesan air mata ini, rinduku lambat laun akan padam. Terselimuti kata dalam doa saja pun cukup. Selamat malam hujan, sampaikan padanya bahwa malam ini aku masih bercerita tentangnya yaaa..
February, Bandung.
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zaenani · 8 years
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backsound: a pillow of wind | pink floyd || #window #pillow #cafe #etnic #indonesia #digitalart #digitalpainting #prismaapp
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 5, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
This going to be a hell long writings because this have been my most anticipated episode.
King is in Korea again finally. To pay his debt to Nari and take away tae eul. I enjoy the aesthetic shot and camera movements. 1 thing that was interesting, Nari write down “She’s Gone” on the board to inform people that Maximus was not here anymore. But seeing KSJ looking at it, it kind of tells him that Tae Eul is gone too. I love the analogy.
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Because she is now in Corea with Gon and pretty much took Lady Noh and Jo Yeong by surprise. We got an explanation of the space between 1 and 0. I love how they called it that. And also i remember during Marvel’s end game im looking so much stuff of quantum mechanic, just curious about the quantum realm that helps them to go through time and space. That is why im excited to see it in this series too. They are using Quantum Tunelling theory same as end game. This space in between world has a rule and its different in every movie, what similar to end game was time flow differently. In TKEM 1 minute here equal to 1 hour outside. There were no wind, no air and no light here. Gon tells us that he was exploring this place for days and using euler’s number to count, which led many people to make their own theories and i love to read it ! I love this fandom, you smart geek 💕 and what makes me love Gon even more, here he shows that he was not greedy to found out more about the place, Since at least in the meantime he only need to know how to back and forth between Korea and Corea. Usually people who love science will have this greed to explore more, but Gon seems to know his priority and will explore later when needed. I love realistic boy 💕 They got critiziced badly for the bad cinematography, and im glad they listen to it and make it better and darker later in the series. But for me, this pinkish is fine.
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The next scene was hilarious, we got to see JTE trying to figure out what is going on and try to prove many things in her way. Nicely executed. And i might say, that JTE is the main character of this episode, because we will saw her character development here and damn great acting by KGE. Im a fan now. Also i will always praised Jo Yeong. He is a very good actor. JY realized that JTE is this woman that Gon has been looking for his entire life.
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Just wanted to appreciate more of the backsound used in this particular scene, Fantasia from Another Dimension. All praised for whoever make it and know exactly where to used it in which scene. Because it added the value of the scene and the series. Also to Gon appereance. Here, especially when Gon says “Welcome to my palace” . I mean, wow.
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Lady Noh pissed and being overprotective to Gon. But its understandable. Now its JTE turn to be a stranger with no identity. As she said “You reap what you sow” . I appreciate Lady Noh professionalism here, eventhough she is a close person to Gon, but Gon is still a King here. There still boundaries and she knows that line and never crossing it. I adore this line of her to JTE “I should trust you, You’re my King’s guest” and bow. 👏🏼👏🏼 also i love how she scolded Gon. And Gon actually obedient to her words. Im soft for them.
Gon’s is back to work and planning to make a meal for JTE, which startled the hell out of SA and JY. Btw, both JY and SA should date because they were cute af. We only got to see a little of both, i want more 🥺
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Just to appreciate the parallel scene as what we saw in episode 1, where JTE saw money with Gon face and teased him about it being monopoly money and teased him whether he buys many land. Here we saw Gon teased her upon seeing her hands in a red stamp and asking “did you sign a contract or something? Did you buy a land?” I just loved it. I also like on how JTE is still pretty much relax around Gon even when she knows he is a King. She casually asking his phone left unlocked for her to search something later. I think Gon’s line here was funny “who would even try to look through a King’s phone? No passcode” 🤣 Their bickering also funny. Gon expecting JTE appreciate the food he is making but JTE teased him by saying it taste bad, and how Gon look at JTE while she eat, is love, i love them, somebody help me. What i also realized here is that Gon also really relax when he is with JTE, he can be himself around her. He let go his upright posture, for example, we can see from his sitting posture, he is leaning to the chair unbothered. But when Lady Noh bark into the room he is back to his stiff posture.
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Appreciation for this line “Is it far to the right or to the left of my room?” Gon’s smirk and Lady Noh’s face 🤣
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The conversation between JTE and Lady Noh’s was quite bitter. She answer JTE question about how people here knows her, she explain that King has a strange ID with your name and face but it looks fake because no one in this world have this identity as stated on the ID card. “But that nonexistent person, suddenly appeared here. Its shocking. Everything is just absurd, but one thing im sure about. An existence that cannot be explained will only bring chaos to the world, and it will only harm our King” Lady Noh’s told JTE not to be curious about this world and not try to stay, she says “By “this world”, i mean, including, the King” im amazed by this line and how this Lady say it. Bitter truth. She is just being protective to the King.
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JTE seems to think about Lady Noh’s words so much and bothered by it. I think she kinda wants to go home because he asked Gon when he will show her ID card. This conversation between Gon and JTE also gave us a glimpse of what a bad shooter Gon was. And led to us confusion and for me personally this led to me doubting many things of Gon savior on 1994 🤡 This bedroom scene was intense though, those who said both of them dont have chemistry better do an eye check or maybe somethings wrong with your heart, because the tension here was high, i mean their line here was iconic af
JTE “내가 뭐 하나 물어불 테니까 ‘예’, ‘아니요’로만 대답해” (im going to ask you something, so just answer with yes or no)
Gon “물어봐” (ask me)
JTE “연애 한 번도 안 해 봤지?” (You’ve never dated before, right?)
Gon “깜짝이야, 아닌데? 해 봤는데” (you startled me, you wrong, i have)
JTE “언제 해 봤는지 맞혀 불까?” (Should i guess when?)
Gon “맞혀 봐” (guess)
JTE “지금” (now)
And the music stop before Gon come closer to JTE and KISS HER SO SOFT then the piano continues to play, IM DEAD!
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I love how JTE startled and open her eyes to analized what is happening and kind of give me a sight of her being curious in this whole new experience even the kiss. I love her acting!
Gon “내가 방금 뭘 증명했는지도 맞혀 봐. 연애해 본 거? 아니면, 지금 연애하는 거?” (Try guessing what i just proved. The fact that i’ve dated before? Or that im dating right now?” 💕
I still very mad that i dont get this piano backsound in the original ost! Why!!!! This piano play is everything and added the tension of this scene.
I dont know what else happens last night but Gon came to JTE room and said “I told you to sleep well but i guess you didn’t” 🤓 he has a plan to bring JTE out by pretending to be his bodyguard for a day slash wants to show off to his girlfriend that he is cool at work 😎 Lady Noh’s is such a party pooper however she dont have any choice but to let this weird King do his plan 💕
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To be continue..
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