#there is something about how sausage first kissed him after they made an alliance in s1 (do you think he was desperate for companionship)
funkily · 1 year
formal invitation to talk about jausage
thank you anon i love you
this is one of those times where I wish I had an intelligent verbose analysis about them but in reality my thoughts can be boiled down to
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 6
A/N: seeing y'all freak out over the last chapter when i have the outline and i know that things get worse... it feels me with evil glee. also vyeoh drew some amazing art of the last chapter, show them some love!! <3
Warnings: crying, hugging, arguing, threats of violence, heartbreak
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
Jimmy still felt like he was in a daze when they made it back to his empire. Lizzie hadn’t let go of his hand once, and he was grateful for the grounding touch. She was still murmuring words of comfort and asking what happened, but Jimmy could only nod numbly. Every single thought and feeling he had of Scott felt tainted now. Was anything he had felt even real? Or did Jimmy just fall right for Scott’s plan (whatever it was) hook, line, and sinker. Just thinking about it made Jimmy feel nauseous.
Katherine and Joel landed beside Jimmy and Lizzie, and Katherine looking equally as distraught as Jimmy felt shook him out of his stupor slightly. Wordlessly he let go of Lizzie’s hand to pull Katherine into a hug. He held her tight as she hugged him back, crying into his shoulder.
“It’s gone. It’s all gone. There’s barely anything left of my castle,” she hiccuped. Jimmy didn’t know what to say as he held her, but gently rubbing her back seemed to help.
“Fwhip was plotting against the House Blossom Alliance the whole time, Sausage too. I think Gem, Pearl, and Scott were involved as well,” Joel explained. Jimmy just about shuddered at the mention of Scott, trying not to cry.
“Why would they do that?!” Lizzie gasped.
“Fwhip said something about how the alliance was too argumentative, and should be destroyed before anything worse could happen and bring down our empires,” Joel explained. Katherine let out another hiccupping sob at Joel’s words, and Jimmy murmured words of comfort to her. Then he looked up to the skies, and his heart froze. Three figures were flying towards them- one with elytra, one with bright yellow feathered wings, and one with white feathered wings tipped in gold. Joel noticed Gem, Pearl, and Scott in the air as well, and grit his teeth as he put a hand on the hilt of his sword. Lizzie rushed over and put a hand over Joel’s, shaking her head.
“Stay on guard, but let’s hear them out. We only know that Fwhip and Sausage were the masterminds behind this. But if they are here for trouble, we’ll make sure they regret it,” Lizzie said, tone going dark at the end of her statement. Joel hesitated for a moment or two, but dropped his hand from his sword with a frustrated sigh. He and Lizzie did, however, stand protectively in front of Jimmy and Katherine as Gem, Pearl, and Scott came to a landing in front of them. Jimmy let go of Katherine, but she didn’t go far, taking his hand and gripping it tightly.
“I know we’re not high on your list of people to see, but hear us out. We didn’t know that Fwhip was going to take such… drastic measures,” Pearl explained, hands up placatingly as her wings fluttered anxiously.
“But you did know Fwhip was up to something,” Joel countered.
“We knew he wasn’t super happy about the House Blossom Alliance, but we thought that he would just pull a harmless prank or pick a fight with Jimmy or something. Not destroy Katherine’s castle,” Gem continued, Pearl nodding along with her. Scott stayed suspiciously quiet, and Jimmy’s mouth settled into a firm line as he let go of Katherine’s hand.
“But Scott knew. Didn’t you,” he accused, glaring at Scott. His expression immediately turned guilty, and that was all the confirmation Jimmy needed.
“I wanted to tell you, really! But-”
“But you kissed me instead of telling me or ANYONE about Fwhip’s plan!” Jimmy shouted, stepping forward and gesturing angrily, that cold numb feeling from before now replaced with molten fury. Lizzie gasped, drawing her sword and fully intending to lunge at Scott, but Joel quickly scrambled over to hold her back.
“Joel, let go of me, I need to give Scott a piece of my mind for taking advantage of our sweet swamp boy’s heart!” Lizzie fumed, straining against Joel’s hold. Joel glared at Scott, but his grip on Lizzie didn’t let up.
“Scott, you better have an explanation for this, or I will let my wife loose on you,” Joel warned. Scott actually looked a little terrified, and part of Jimmy hated the fact that he was relieved at that.
“I should have warned people about the TNT, I know. I just- it was stupid of me to hope that Fwhip was going to change his mind. And I was going to tell Jimmy, but then I saw Fwhip in the distance, and he had his crossbow aimed at him. I- I figured that Fwhip wouldn’t take the shot if it meant hitting me too. So that’s why I kissed Jimmy, and by that point it was too late to warn anyone,” Scott explained, his expression pleading and apologetic. Joel and Lizzie seemed to accept his explanation, as Joel let go of Lizzie and she sheathed her sword- but they both still glared at him. And Jimmy wanted to believe him, wanted to say he forgave Scott and rush back into his arms again- but there was something else that bothered him.
“What did Fwhip mean, when he said something about ‘playing the part?’” Jimmy asked, absolutely terrified of the answer but needing to know the truth anyway. Scott swallowed nervously, expression overcome with guilt once more.
“Fwhip told me to keep an eye on you, make sure you wouldn’t be a problem. It wasn’t just Katherine goading me into being nice that kept me coming to your empire, at first. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t-”
“Leave,” Jimmy growled, having enough of Scott’s excuses. Scott flinched at Jimmy’s tone. Good, it was about time people stopped seeing him as the sweet swamp boy or the friendly Codfather. He was done being pushed around, done being used and tossed aside.
“Jimmy, please- believe me, I really do care-”
“I don’t wanna hear it! I’m sick of your lies and manipulation! I never want you to set foot in the Cod Empire again, if I ever even SEE you again I will make sure you regret it,” Jimmy shouted, the words fracturing his heart into a million pieces. But he couldn’t afford to trust Scott ever again.
“Jimmy…” Scott trailed off, any fight finally leaving him as his wings drooped. His gaze shifted between Jimmy’s angry glare, the tears on Katherine’s face, the glares from Lizzie and Joel, and the sympathetic and apologetic expressions on Gem and Pearl’s faces. He looked back at Jimmy one last time, eyes glassy- before taking off into the night sky. Jimmy couldn’t even watch him leave.
“We truly are sorry for everything that happened. We know it doesn’t make up for it… but we wish you the best, Codfather and allies,” Gem said softly, before taking off into the sky as well. Pearl gave them a weak smile before following Gem. Jimmy waited until he could no longer see either of them in the sky, and finally let himself cry, falling to his knees as ugly sobs wrenched their way out of his throat. Lizzie scrambled to his side, pulling him into a hug and letting Jimmy cry into her shoulder.
“It’s okay, let it out. I’ve got you,” she soothed.
“He tricked me. And like a fool I fell for it, I fell for him,” Jimmy said between sobs, desperately clutching at Lizzie. Joel came over to kneel at their side, pulling both of them into his arms and rubbing Jimmy’s back. Katherine joined the hug pile too, on the opposite side of Joel. Jimmy wasn’t sure how long the three of them all stayed there with him, but they all held him until he finally had no tears left to cry.
After Jimmy had finished crying, Lizzie gently prodded him into changing, insisting that he would feel better in his normal clothes. She was right, and a lot of the tension drained from his shoulders once his trusty cod head was back on his head. From there, Lizzie and Joel brought him and Katherine to Lizzie’s empire, saying that Katherine could stay in the embassy she built, and that neither of them wanted either one to be alone at the moment. Katherine and Jimmy didn’t argue, neither of them wanted to be alone either. So they ended up huddled together in Katherine’s embassy, a borrowed blanket from Lizzie over both of their shoulders. Lizzie stayed with them and made sure they were comfortable, while Joel flew to Pixandria to update Pixl on everything that had happened.
“This is all my fault,” Katherine said numbly, after a long silence. Jimmy and Lizzie looked at her in confusion.
“It’s really not, you didn’t blow up your own castle, after all,” Lizzie pointed out. Katherine smiled weakly, shaking her head.
“But none of this would have happened if I didn’t insist on making friends with everyone. Everyone would have been fine if I just stayed out of it and stopped trying to bring people together,” Katherine said, voice watery.
“Katherine, if you hadn’t tried to bring us all together, I’m sure much worse would have happened. Who knows how many empires would have been destroyed if it wasn’t for you,” Jimmy countered softly. Katherine let out a small sob, hand clasping over her mouth as she tried to collect herself.
“But if I hadn’t started those meetings, pushed you and Scott to be nice to each other- then you wouldn’t have to be feeling this way,” Katherine said, voice as fragile as glass when she dropped her hand from her mouth. Jimmy shifted to face her, gently gripping her shoulders and looking Katherine in the eyes.
“Katherine, listen to me. My- my heartbreak is not your fault. None of what is happening is your fault. If anyone’s to blame, it’s Fwhip. You hear me?” Jimmy asked, voice gentle but no less serious. Katherine’s eyes went wide.
“You’re heartbroken?” she asked in a shallow gasp. Jimmy gave her a sad smile, throat growing tight as he felt his eyes watering again- funny, he thought he had run out of tears.
“I learned what love was, only for it to get crushed barely a day or two after. So… yeah. I think I am. But that still doesn’t make it your fault,” Jimmy said, tone forlorn before it turned gentle and serious once more. Katherine let out a shaky sigh, nodding her head.
“Okay. Okay. I’m still sorry you’re feeling this way, though,” Katherine said softly. Jimmy just smiled, pulling Katherine into a hug.
“So what’s our next step? Plotting our revenge on Fwhip?” Lizzie asked, and Jimmy couldn’t help but chuckle at her casual ruthlessness.
“I think before we do anything revenge-related, we should help Katherine rebuild her castle,” Jimmy replied, frankly not wanting to think about getting revenge on Fwhip, because that would likely lead to getting revenge on Scott as well. And Jimmy definitely didn’t want to think about Scott at the moment.
“I don’t know if you’re the best person to help me build,” Katherine teased lightly. Jimmy gave her a weak smile in response.
“I think I’ll be able to manage if you’re guiding me,” he replied softly.
“I would definitely appreciate the help,” she said with a smile, and it was the first time Jimmy had seen her smile, truly smile since the ball.
“Then I’ll help, mediocre building skills or not,” Jimmy insisted, glad to have something to look forward to so he could think about anything other than Scott. He was done with him, no matter what his traitorous heart thought about his sunshine smile, his laugh of gold, or those icy blue eyes that contradicted them both. So much about Scott felt like a contradiction, now. He snarled and teased and jabbed, but there was a hidden fondness too, or at least it seemed like there was. Jimmy wasn’t sure if it was ever real to begin with. Then there was how he sided with Fwhip, even though Katherine was his true ally, a business partner too. Nothing made sense, and Jimmy wondered if he should have let Scott explain- no. Jimmy was never going to give Scott a chance to use that silver tongue on him again, paired with a smile that was only gold-plated. He wouldn’t be hurt again.
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mrneighbourlove · 6 years
Negotiations in a Fiery Alliance: Ch 5. Powerful Fiery Union
Zannah took a breath as she cracked her neck, feeling drained from the meeting. One of Annuciata’s brothers made a pass at her as she first entered her room. She had to put on a pretty face and explain she just wasn’t interested at the time being for any tours.
Getting herself ready, she had one of the palace servants escort her to the Queen. With a knock at the door, the maid gave a bow. “My Queen. Emperor Zannah wishes to attend the spa session with you.”
"Very well, let her in." Queen Annuciata responded from inside the spa room. She was sitting in the pool, full of steaming water, relaxing with her long hair in an up-do. The hot water did wonders for her sore muscles and feet from the high heels. "And attend to her needs."
Zannah had her clothes taken and folded nicely. Using a towel to cover herself, she dipped into the pool, the water sizzling at her touch as she adjusted the water perfectly to her needs. Throwing the towel away for the maids to take away, she sat a meter away from the Queen. “This is nice.”
"It's the best part of the day, when I come in here, and I can relax." Annuciata sighed as she took a sip of juice from the platter the servant offered. "A little time for me, myself and I... and present company included."
"I can only hope that I can come close to one tenth of greatness of yourself in your spare time." Zannah rolled her shoulders and held her head back. "One of your brothers thought it would be cute to show me his tower. Is that code for something?"
"Let me guess, it was Dario, wasn't it?" Annuciata snickered, knowing that her twin brothers were always up to something with the visiting royal women. "If they cannot rule here, I suppose they're setting their sights elsewhere."
"Shame for them I'd find their 'towers' brittle and frail~"
"Prefer women to men, Empress?" Annuciata removed one of the cucumbers from her eyelids to look at Zannah. "Can't say I blame you."
"This worlds history has been dominated by strong, wise, powerful woman. Many who had to fight against monstrous men. And let's be honest. Men covet woman because we are fine and beautiful. Why can't I have some of that as well I say."
"You have a point, Empress." Annuciata motioned for the servants to offer the Empress a drink. "Dario and Enzio fancy you because you are both fine and beautiful... and you have a kingdom." The queen then inquired of Zannah. "Though I am curious, Empress, as to why you've never found a man to control? Or is it because all the handsome ones like Kahli have been taken?"
"Because I don't desire a man. And my kingdom does not require one. The most pressure I ever received was to have a child. I did so. Having a lover can help build power, but that is not the reason to have one, or my desire to have one." The Empress took her drink and swallowed the succulence of the beverage. "Men like Kahli make excellent instruments to fight for your will."
"I cannot help but wonder how the young sister of Queen Zarazu's managed to catch Kahli, especially since he's a rarity with that kind of power." Annuciata slid the tray of cucumbers over to Zannah, in case she wanted a couple to rest upon her face. "Either way, plenty of fish in the sea, but how to know which is right for me? Things are so much easier and sensible with a woman anyhow. Do you currently have a lover?"
"I do not Queen Annuciata." Zannah slowly took bite of one of the cucumbers. "You ever friends with Princess RInku?"
"I've met her on a few occasions, but we are not necessarily known." Annuciata shrugged lightly as she sunk into the water up to her shoulders. "We're cordial to each other due to her status of princess, though we're not very close friends."
"She was the only person I viewed as potential lover. I didn't work out do to the war, but I think we had a spark. I spark that died due to our responsibilities after the war ended. So she set my standards. Power, courage, and beauty." Zannah gave a light laugh. "Of course, I was sixteen at the time, so how would I know if I was looking at the most beautiful woman in front of me or not."
"Young love is so innocent and so pure, I remember those days." Annuciata sighed as she thought back on the memories. "I used to have this crush on stable boy when I was thirteen. He was nearing eighteen. So handsome, so tall, so charming... until he became a guard, and his personality shifted. No longer was he the nice boy I fell for, but a condescending jerk to those who worked under him. Men."
“Well, someone close to me that I admired tried to make me his concubine when he had newfound power go to his head.” Zannah took a sip of her wine, eying over the Queen. It was a shame the water and the steam covered her features. “How’s your joints feeling?”
"I stand by my statement of why buy the whole pig if you can just get the sausage for free." Annuciata picked off her cucumbers to look at the Empress. "Some old hurts will never disappear, Empress, leaving scars for life. Though the warmth of the spa manages to ease them away... well, some of them."
“No... they never will.” Zannah cleared her mind and focused on the Queen. “I’m guessing you’ve never had a Hasai massage before, have you?”
"No, I have not." Annuciata sounded intrigued. "Is it some sort of specialty in your empire?"
“The Skurge tribe, given their fiery abilities, have the talent to heal and soften the muscles with just a touch. I am not only not an exception to this, but a master of the art. Would you trust and give this Empress the honour of demonstrating?”
"A demonstration sounds like a slice of heaven, Empress." Annuciata agreed to the massage, scooting over closer to Zannah. "My neck is always tense. I feel like when I'm on the throne, I cannot move unless it's with all the grace of a doll."
Zannah brushed her thighs against the Queen's, a warmth already filling her. "Be sure to relax."
Getting behind Annuciata, Zannah began her work, her hands starting below the Queen's shoulders. The warmth Annuciata felt from just holding hands the night before was magnified immensely now. The Empress applied pressure with her palms as she began her work. "If you want to sit on my lap, or get out of the pool, I can position closer if you'd like."
"Hrm-mmmhhh..." Annuciata had been reduced to mere little mumbles by the intense warmth spreading throughout her body. It felt so wonderful to be rid of all the aches. Keeping proper posture was important, though sometimes, Annuciata wondered if it was really necessary to wear such a heavy crown. Maybe she could have some of the jewels taken out and switched with fakes to reduce the weight. For now, all she wanted was to enjoy this massage. "Whatever's... mmm... easier for you..."
Zannah lifted the Queen rather easily onto her lap by picking her up from the waist. Continuing, she went down Annuciata's back. Her bare bottom against the Empress thighs felt great. And at this close, Annuciata was sure she could feel abs if she pressed closely enough with her back.
"Oh wow." Annuciata was definitely surprised when Zannah lifted her so easily. "Mmm... you're pretty built for a lady..." The Queen of Danjur was like putty in the Empress' hands. "Not a lot of those around these parts."
"The Hasai are a warrior race at heart. I'm no exception. I was forced to train as a child, so if I stopped now, all that hard work would turn to fat. I wish I had a body like you Annuciata. So petite. So smooth..." The Empress rubbed the Queen's neck, rubbing out her last kinks. With a smooth swift motion, she gave Annuciata a crack of the neck, and with a pop, she felt fantastic.
"OH!" Annuciata jolted slightly when she felt her bones shift slightly. It felt... wonderful. The tension was gone, the aches disappeared, and the Queen felt like she could actually move again without the stiffness in her body. "That was... are you sure it wasn't magic?"
"Part of it was, but most of it is just knowing the nervous system of the human body." Zannah's hands lay on the Queen's stomach, her heat still filling the Queen. "You should be good for three weeks of full free motion."
"You're like a fireplace, Empress." Annuciata was still not used to being touched so freely, jumping a little at Zannah's hands. "I feel like I can do my ballet without wincing now."
"Tell me more about what you think you can do? I want to hear your imagination."
"I took ballet as a little girl and wanted nothing more than to fly like the beautiful swans outside in my pond." Annuciata stretched her limbs. "Although I lacked wings, I still felt like I could soar when I took those leaps..." She looked over her shoulder at the Empress. "Thank you."
"I can see it. You're beautiful." As Annuciata turned to her, and kept her gaze on the Empress, Zannah slowly leaned in to kiss her lips.
Annuciata quickly pulled in Zannah for a deep kiss.
"... by the goddesses, I've wanted to do that since I first saw you."
"I'm glad you feel that way." Zannah returned the kiss again, moving a hand to rub Annuciata's thigh, the other holding her hand.
"Don't get me wrong, I like men, but women are so much better." Annuciata tangled her hands in Zannah's hair. "You are so much better. A literal goddess of fire just waltzed into my kingdom and like hell I'm letting you go."
"You've been witty, charming, and intelligent in what I've seen from you. And you understand power. You've fit all my standards." Zannah turned Annuciata to face her, aggressively gripping at her breasts under the water, kissing her deep again. A burning heat was burning in the Empress, the factory of love at work. When Hasai found a mate, a true mate, they bonded for life. Zannah knew that these were early signs of that. Despite the potential political danger, she didn't stop.
"Excuse my language, Empress, but I want to fuck." Annuciata placed a single finger on Zannah's lips, giving a soft gasp as those hands squeezed her breasts. "So shush with the talk for now, and let me just hear those moans." Without giving Zannah a chance to protest, Annuciata pushed the Empress onto the ledge and opened her legs. Then, she lowered her mouth to lick at Zannah's clit.
Zannah's body was dripping wet, but Annuciata was making her body simmer, with actual steam sizzling the water off her body. Zannah started to pant as the Queen went low against her clit.
Annuciata ran her hands down Zannah's legs, and then back up to her thighs. Her fingers spread open Zannah's folds and her tongue dove inside the empress' hot insides. It was almost like a drug, this heat filling her from inside out, like there was a fire inside of body. Was it part of Zannah's magic? Or was it just a mutual connection?
Zannah gritted her teeth, her walls squeezing on the tongue. Placing a hand on Annuciata's head, she felt her majestic hair, and pushed her to go deeper. "S-such technique."
"Hrmmm-mmm." Annuciata lifted her mouth off of Zannah's intimate parts with a grin. Her tongue swirled around the outer parts of her mouth, almost like she was making sure to get all of the empress' taste. "And? Do you want more?"
"Yes. In fact, I demand more." Zannah massaged her smaller breasts, licking her lips in anticipation. "I could make love to you on the floor, on a bed, or anywhere else you desire."
"As long as you don't melt me into a pile of goo, Danjur needs it's queen in one piece." Annuciata purred at the empress. "What is your preference? I'll make sure we won't be disturbed."
Zannah scooped Annuicata out of the tub and pushed her onto the bare floor, holding her down by the wrists. "Let's get a little savage~"
With another purr, Zannah kissed Annuicata again, lathering her tongue with the Queens own.
"Define 'savage', Zannah, I'd like to see what you really think of the word." Annuciata wrapped her legs around Zannah's waist. "And don't give me a textbook answer."
"Tell me, what's your tolerance for pain?" Zannah trailed her hand to the back of Annuciata's neck to hold her steady.
"Did you take a good look at my feet?" Annuciata had horrid looking toes and bruised feet due to the intense strain of ballet dancing. Even some toenails were gone, having been ripped or broken off during dancing. Most of her toes and a few bones in her feet had been broken due to the repeated training. "Ballet is not for the faint of heart, you know."
Zannah took her hand so Annuciata could feel a scar on her lower back. "Feel that? Wounds from the war. I also have some scars under my hair... dig into it. Make them feel something again."
"So a little twinge gets you going?" Annuciata wrapped her fingers into Zannah's hair once more and lightly scrapped them into her skull. "Maybe a little..." She took her teeth and bit into Zannah's neck, giving her a hickey. "Love bite?"
"Hmmm, that's good. Tell me how you like fire~" Zannah's hands warmed up, and Annuicita felt a hot smack on her breast like a heated poker. It didn't leave any marks, but she felt the heat none the less.
"OH!" Annuciata did jump slightly at the intense heat, however, the tingle of pain disappeared as soon as it came. "Fire is passionate, illuminating, and dangerous... you get too close, you get burnt. Yet, you get close enough... you get such a lovely warmth."
"Exactly." The Queen suddenly felt Zannah's fingers pour into her womanhood. Pumping her, the Empress forced Annuciata to lick her other hand. "You're a tight little lady. Let's stretch you out."
"E-Easy there," Annuciata took in a sharp inhale. "Tight for a reason, my eager empress. Hasn't been occupied in a while." Nibbling on Zannah's fingers, the queen of Danjur wriggled slightly under the touches.
"Good. More for me than." Zannah continued for a while, pressing her thumb on he lover's clit. "Bite harder."
"Ahh... as you wish, empress." Annuciata had a smug expression as she then bit hard on Zannah's shoulder, close enough to draw blood.
Zannah gave deep moan from the pain, savouring it. When Annuciata licked her shoulder wound, she felt a high like no other from Zannah's divine blood. "Oh yes."
"Oh... oh my..." Annuciata felt like she was on a high. This was a different feeling from drinking too much wine, this was like floating among the clouds. Was she really flying now? It was like flying. This truly was one of her dreams, for sure, this kind of sensation. She wanted more, she never wanted to let go. Snaking her hands down Zannah's back, she slipped one finger into the empress' pussy, wriggling it around.
Zannah gritted her teeth, simply only able to massage Annuciata's body as both woman stood on their knees. "Oh Annuciata~ My dear, you're beautiful."
"Beautiful or savage, Zannah, you tell me, can a woman be both?" Annuciata nudged the Empress onto her back, and eased her way between Zannah's legs. Then nipped really hard on Zannah's inner thigh before turning her attention back to the empress' clit, laving her tongue slowly, teasingly.
"Yes, we can." Zannah groaned, not caring if anyone heard or saw them. This was her and Annuciata's moment. She rubbed her own clit, and Annuciata saw literal electric sparks go between Zannah’s finger tips. "I'm feeling something primal for you."
"Oh? Close?" Annuciata pushed her fingers inside Zannah's passage, moving them in and out, all the while, making sure to keep some attention to Zannah's clit.
Zannah finally opened her mouth, needing to breath through the pressure. Annuciata and her felt the fire burning both inside them. The Empress would never admit it, but she was becoming undone by the Queen. She pulled her close to kiss her passionately to give the Queen of Danjur some pleasure in turn as she continued her handy work down below.
It was not long before the heat rising in Annuciata caused the queen to fill the edge of bliss feeling her senses. So this was what flying was like? Birds were so free, so gifted, and could go anywhere in the world. That's what Annuciata wanted, and right now, she was experiencing it. Yet, her fingers continued to touch and pleasure Zannah.
Zannah felt her most animalistic instincts burn. Sex had always been done with lower beings before. There was no love in it. Perhaps that was why now she felt her mind crackle and burn. Annuciata was no ordinary woman. She was royalty by blood, just like herself. The need to bond could not be denied.
Applying her own fingers to the Queen, both woman pleasured and pumped each other. Finally, Zannah felt she could let go. Her mind and body gave out, and like a bomb, she exploded into a triumphant scream of ecstasy. Her fingers gave Annuciata a shock on her clit as Zannah’s juices flowed down her thighs, her feet buckling.
"I think..." Annuciata was out of breath as she slumped against Zannah. "I finally felt... what flying was like..."
Zannah held her gently by the face, turning her to look at her. The Emperor’s eyes burned with lust and love. “Annuciata. Bond with me.”
"Bond?" Annuciata repeated, unsure of what Zannah meant.
“Bond, be my mate for life”.
"Mate for life?" Annuciata sounded surprised. "Zannah, I... as much as I would like that, you know it's..." She ran a had down her face, sighing sadly. "It's not possible."
"I know the implications. I know the political calculations we'd need to go around." Zannah's golden eyes burned as she lifted Annuciata up to stand with her, holding the Queen close. "This alliance of ours can become much, much more now. And I would burn the world for you. My power is limitless if I were to use its vast potential. And I'd do it for you. As a Hasai, I've chosen you."
The Empress took the hair out of the Queen's face to look at her more clearly.
"Listen... I know I sound crazy, but what we did here was something special. I don't care how slow and calculated we need to take this, but I want you Annuciata. We have the combined power to make a relationship work."
"While we want it to work, there's still some issues we'd have to sort." Annuciata sighed, looking downcast. "We cannot be together because of our kingdoms. You'd have to be in the Kikai Empire, I'd have to be here. I'll have to produce an heir sooner or later. And not to mention, we'd never be able to let anyone know..."
"Annuciata." Zannah gripped the Queen's chin firmly to look back at her. "You are Queen of your nation. Who will stand against you? And I am a God given flesh. Give me your faith, as through me you can find the inner strength to overcome any trial. I have a plan my dear."
"What plan?"
"Give your kingdom a child. Give them a beacon to have faith in the future. Once that is done, put your foot down. You can have anything you set your mind to. As for our kingdoms, we will have an open relationship, building a superpower together between our two nations. Uskar, Labrymma, Al-Daida, Omisha, and even Hyrule wouldn't compare to our combined might. With you by my side, and I at yours, we'd have unlimited power."
"Power yes, but... power is not everything, Zannah." Annuciata held the empress' hand. "There has to be a balance. Too much power, there would be targets on your back and my own. We'd have to be careful, for sure. Danjur will have to be safe and so will the Kikai Empire. We would love each other, but our duty is to our people." She shook her head. "I don't want anything to happen to you. While I know your might in magic and strength far surpasses my own, there are others out there who could possibly take you from me."
"None. No one can kill me. Especially now. With us together, our people will be the greatest on earth. Give me power... but also give me love. Trust me." Zannah gave Annuciata a pillowly kiss on the lips.
"Death finds a way of claiming even those who are immortals, beautiful..." Anncuiata leaned into the soft smooch. "We will have to be a secret for now."
"Why do we need it to be a secret? What are you afraid of?" Zannah pulled the Queen close to her.
"... my brothers." Annuciata frowned. "They'll see it as a weakness to extort. They'll try to use it as an excuse to take away my throne. A woman and another woman cannot produce a child. They'll see me as incompetent and try to sway the council their way. My kingdom would suffer for it... or horrors upon horrors, yours would."
"They are weak. Do not focus your mind on them." Zannah placed her finger tips on the Queen's temples to channel a calming energy into her. The Empress felt a need to make her lover feel safe. "It's not extortion. It's a partnership. You hold their miserable lives in your hands. I could even take them away from your burdened mind if you wished. As for a child, you can find a donor, just as I did. You giving birth you show your little council, but more importantly your people you have a legacy for them. Mark my words, from this point on, I will not allow either of our people to suffer."
"Weak or not, I will have to ensure my brothers do not try to turn my kingdom into a waste." Annuciata then brought up the main concern on her mind. "Even if we did pursue this, Zannah, I cannot let it influence my decisions with other kingdoms. I have to be fair. If I did find a donor for a child or created a scheme to make it appear as the others envisioned, how would we be able to give love to each other? The Kikai Empire is so far away."
Zannah lowered her head. She found herself having to control her temper as she breathed. Her hands caressed up and down the hips of the Queen. "You're making it hard to be in control of my emotions. I suppose that is due to my biology after the love making we did just now. Being 'fair' is what a child uses to have an advantage to stop having those stronger reign over them. Our love does not effect other kingdom's relationships. I'd travel as often as you needed me. And at a call I'd bring you to me. We can make this work, but I need you to have faith in me my darling."
"Faith... I suppose that is why religion is so difficult. It's hard to have faith when all the obstacles are ever present in your path." Annuciata kissed Zannah on the forehead. "Though I believe my faith in you will not change."
"Thank you. I will do what I can to bring us together." Zannah pulled Annuciata in for another kiss. "I'd like to return to your quarters."
"Hrm, my quarters? To stay?" Annuciata jested lightly. "I'll be honest, Zannah, I'm not good at sharing, I've always been a brat that way... might not let you leave."
"And I've always been good at disciplining brats. Be it my brother, my children, and perhaps even you." Zannah trailed a finger under the Queen's neck and pulled her along. "Show me the way my darling~"
"You can try all you want, but I doubt you'll succeed." Annuciata grinned at Zannah. "Come this way, my dear..."
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