#there is the starter for u pal
pebblysand · 7 months
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chapter: i. out of sand (baby girl)
wordcount: 10, 157
playlist: notes here
castles FAQ: here
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g e n e r a l t h o u g h t s:
I felt very emotional, beginning this chapter. There is a sense of finality in this project that I hadn't quite grasped before. This is - in all probability - the last time I read this fic. This is the last time I read this chapter. A chapter I have read dozens of times in the past few years - every time I was stuck, every time I needed to 'get back in.' Most of these paragraphs roll off the tip of my tongue when I read them out loud, because I've seen them so many times. And, I know that for you, reading this, this might not be the last time. Because you will go back, re-read this fic as many times as you like for as long as the internet exists. But I won't. That's not how my brain works, and I need to put projects behind me. To make room for new ones. And, so there is a sense of excitement, yes, reaching the end, but also a sense of grief.
If everything goes well, and if I do post the last chapter when I intend to, castles will have been four years of my life, almost to the day. COVID came and went, so did a couple of jobs, a relationship, a parent. I recently listened to an interview from Alexandre Astier where he described meeting someone in a supermarket once, who asked for an autograph for her husband. 'Ah, he's a massive fan,' she said. 'Though, to be honest, I never got into your work myself.' He was talking about how, for 'normal' people, people who aren't artists, someone else's art is just that: something that you like or don't like. But, for us, it's a part of ourselves. It's thousands of hours of work. And, sometimes, I wonder what castles says about me. What these thousands of hours have come down to. If I die tomorrow, which I hope I do not, this is one the things that I will leave behind me. And, so: what does it say about me? I mean: beyond the politics and the feminism and the quirky little interests. I mean: me, as a person. What do castles readers know about me? I'm not sure I even want to know.
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t h e r e - r e a d:
I really enjoyed re-reading this chapter. It's funny to me how for you guys, depending on when you started the fic, you might have read multiple versions of this. I didn't make any big changes, nothing massive, but I did add a couple of scenes/lines here and there throughout the years, I'm curious to see whether you will notice.
in terms of the chapter itself, i think one of the things i like most about it is how it flows. it has that very distinctive castles prose to it, with the timeline that moves back and forth, the run-on sentences, the spiralling in and out of scenes. i recently got a comment on ff.net (lol) that said the chapter was messy and unreadable. and i think in a way, i like that. because frankly, if that bothers you in chapter 1, then you're probably not the right person for this fic, you know? i think chapter one serves its function well. a first chapter is supposed to be an intro, a taste of what you will read next, and i think it is perfect in that. it introduces the plot, the dynamic between the characters. it's long enough to signal that this isn't a fic where you'll read fifteen chapters in half an hour. i think you can read chapter one and tell if this is a fic you'll enjoy or not. and, that's what i want, really. that's what a first chapter should do.
having said that, i think there are two things i want to specifically dive into.
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t h e h y p o:
early in the writing of castles, i used to get a lot of criticism about my version of post-war harry and ginny. particularly, there seems to be a subsection of the hinny-shipping crowd that basically thinks that harry and ginny would just meet after the war, scream at each other (or, that at least, ginny would be angry at harry for leaving her behind), kiss and make up, and pour their hearts out to each other about past events. specifically, these people believe that ginny is very good at weeding secrets out of harry, at getting him to talk, and thus the events of castles are not canon compliant with both of these characters.
i feel like objectively, it's not really my place to say whether that's correct. i think multiple versions of the same thing can be 'correct' depending on how you write them. but, if that's what floats your boat, if you have a very strong headcanon about this, then fine - by all means, go read something else (again, that's also the point of chapter 1). but i think this hypothesis sort of stuck in my head for a while, in light of the comments i was getting, because i couldn't help but wonder if that version of things isn't simply an idealised version of reality.
because, to read the books strictly: 1) ginny's anger at harry isn't obvious. you could argue it is there but she's actually quite calm in the break up scene. i am not sure she is that angry with him, especially when you think that she's just been through a war, lost a brother, etc. i think ginny is someone who knows there is a time and place for anger, and who is also incredibly strong and resilient. she still kisses him even after the break-up, after he's clearly decided to leave her behind , so i'm not sure she would lash out in these circumstances. additionally, 2) there's actually not that much evidence that harry and ginny talk to each other - ever. they're a hot and heavy thing, but they don't share much emotional stuff on screen. you can interpret the 'sunlit days' however you want, in the absence of further information, but it's not a given that ginny ever shares anything of importance about her past or her traumas, like what happened with tom. the one scene everyone always points to is the 'lucky you' scene, but that's a mutual understanding more than it is a conversation. she actually never mentions anything beyond very utilitarian details meant to help harry realise he's not being possessed. and, harry never canonically tells ginny about anything of importance in his life either.
and so what all of these comments drove me to do, a few months ago (i think i added this in september 2023) was to link that to the theme of those early chapters of castles. because one of the key elements of chapters 1-3, specifically, is this idea of the lifeline. of the way harry and ginny have spent months, at this point, idealising each other, idealising their reunion, for it to later come crashing down on them. and so i thought i would use the opportunity of chapter one to 1) try and address the 'criticism' above, and 2) make it fit within the world of castles. it led to this:
In his head, their reunion would have been something sweet, like her lips moving against his, the taste of the raspberry-flavoured lip balm she used to wear the year before. He would have confessed to all of his sins, to almost dying, to Hallows and Horcruxes, to the fear and the nightmares, to leaving her behind. ‘I’m sorry,’ he would have said. ‘I am so, so sorry.’  And, he would have tried to explain like he did last year, that all he ever wanted was to protect her, to keep her safe, and she would have yelled. Shouted at the top of her lungs in a rapid succession of angry jabs about what an arsehole he was. ‘I can take care of myself!’ she would have thrown back. ‘You left me!’  He would have looked to his feet. With time, he hopes that they would have fixed it. In reality, though, Ginny Weasley hands him a toothbrush that morning, as he sits back on his heels. Her stare digs holes into the side of his face and he wonders if, had he been Hermione or Luna (had he been a friend, still), she would have cajoled him. Handed him a wet towel for his forehead. Instead, she closes the door behind her on her way out. ‘You should shower,’ she says.
i love the sort of whiplash effect this scenes gives, of the fantasy v. post-war reality, which is obviously a massive theme in castles. and i also love the way it subtly signals that ginny might have changed (just like he has) throughout the war. because, obviously, she has, and we later find out why.
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s e x a n d f u n e r a l s:
i cannot express how attached i am to that scene, and to that line in particular. i think there's a number of reasons for this:
first, it's the line that basically motivated me to start castles for real in 2020. i have said this before in other posts but i started drafting some sort of post-war hinny fic as early as 2007. i never finished anything, then when i was 17 (2010), i did a re-read and actually drafted something new. then dropped it again. and, that file transferred from laptop to laptop, from file to file for ten years without me touching it much. until covid came and i was looking through my drive, and i tenderly read what 17-year-old me had written back then, including this 'first time' sex scene which, to be honest, has mostly remained untouched in the final version of this. and, i remember finding it, reading it, and thinking the rest of what i had written was a bit cringe, but that one scene seemed to work. and then, i got to the (now famous) line: to him, the spring of '98 is about sex and funerals, and thought fuck, that's a good line. like, a really good line. and i didn't want to let it go to waste. and, so, four years later, here we are.
i think that line is a very good symbol of what this story is about. 'sex and funerals' - it's a metaphor for how life is about the good and the bad things. that they co-exist as one single entity, and that the beauty of what we do, of the way we live, resides somewhere in between. it's why i chose it as the summary back then, and why it is still the summary now. i really built the entire fic around that line. so, yeah, 17-year-old jo, you already had something going for you, darling.
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l a s t l y:
a thought i had while re-reading (and please don't come at me for this), is that... this could have been a one-shot. like, it really could have. i finished chapter 1 and there's a sort of finality to it, isn't there? like, i'm glad i continued this fic, but part of me thinks that all i've been trying to say in the past four years actually is in this chapter. obviously, not as detailed or subtle, but it's there, you know? it could have been a one-shot, lmao.
but anyway, i'm curious, did you guys enjoy your re-read? did you notice the changes i made throughout the years? did you enjoy them? feel free to send me an ask or join the discord server to discuss. i'm so excited to get this discussion started and hear your thoughts!
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miikpal · 5 months
Heya, Milk! You got any advice for somebody who wants to start taking commissions but doesnt know where to start? I been drawing for a while (about 10 years), but I never tried selling my art before. It's kinda scary. I don't need a lot of money right now, so it's not urgent, ive just heard people say it's good experience. Is it worth trying at all rn? Sorry if you answered something like this before
no worries!! i dont think anyones asked me about this stuff before tbh... im in a similiar boat where i dont really do these out of necessity lol its definitely worth it!! if u thought about it even briefly its worth it to try
its been a hot minute since ive first started taking comms but i guess these would do for starters:
- your following might affect comm interest - i would only get very sporadic ones for the longest time unless i undersold (DO NOT DO THIS GET UR MONEYS WORTH) so dont get discouraged at first is what im saying. get ur pals to promo the announcement posts and put urself out there and eventually someone will get interested
- you can start small and lowkey. if u wanna just dip your toes in the commissions water before doing full blown pieces its absolutely ok to start with doodle or sketch comms. they tend to be cheaper and attract client bases that way anyway - so its a win win! low stakes and you can slowly figure out what works for you
- for the love of god make a TOS. having a document of things that are and arent allowed that u can point at whenever somebody tries to pull a fast one on you is a lifesaver. mines really thorough but i like to cover all the bases
- pretty much at every step where youd think 'going back to fix something after this part would be a pain in the ass' stop and send the progress to ur client and ask if anythings off or needs fixing before you keep going. better safe than sorry. in general be communicative and upfront about any info with ur commissioner - its a nice thing to do and will make both of ur lives easier!
- make sure ur comm post includes clear examples of the kind of art u can offer - this is gonna be the forefront that attracts ppls attention! they should know what theyll be getting
- set up a comm only email or a google form for taking in comms its. much easier to keep track of things this way. actual communication can go somewhere else but its good to have a single place just for the actual initial inquiries etc.
I RAN MY MOUTH LOL. if u have other specific questions feel free to ask for a follow up i suppose!! these are just the ones i wish i thought of when i first started. i hope ur commissions journey goes well, im rooting for ya !!!!!!!
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strawbrryrush · 8 months
I'm mobile, but here is my hidden valentines event starter and plotting call!! Imma limit it 3 request per mun pls, and a limit of 4 per muse so I don't cry. Anyways i hope this isn't too bad- but I'm FAR behind oops ♡♡
Elena Gilbert - going with elijah mikaleson- will be trying to get into this man's suit.. and will be drinking her aunt has no humanity on and is spooking her let her live. 0/4
Eric Northman- going with faye chamberlain- going to judge this event- clearly his club could do it better.- will be woofing and acting a fool for his wife- or fiance ?? Whatever he's committed. 0/4
Homura Akemi- going with madoka kaname! Homura; after the maze deserves a break.. and to have fun and dance with her ?? Girlfriend, she doesn't know what they are but knows madoka looks stunning - and she has butterflies. Bonus points if u get her tipsy it'd be funny. 0/4
jinx - going with stu macher! Not a shock- will probably be wreaking havoc and enjoying what the place has to offer.. im always down for jinx angst if anyone's offering :)) 0/4
nami - going with sanji!! Will be scoping the place out for some thievery - maybe don't tell sanji but come on it'll be a great investment !! Also low-key probably gonna be keeping an eye on the rest of the straw hats- they're idiots but she cares for them. 0/4
richard gecko - going with aerith! She's gorgeous he wants to eat his girlfriend up- will be enjoying his time with her. But also richie can use every and any plot please PLEASEE PLEASEEE lmk what u wanna do let's!! 0/4
Tifa lockhart- blind date with cassie ! Will be trying to have a good time- looking gorgeous while doing so. Why not get tifa tipsy it'd be fun! 0/4
lip gallagher,- going with rikki.. let's be real these kind of parties aren't really his thing- he's trying to live a life of sobriety so no drinks for him or I'll throw hands >:[ jk jk but he's trying to have a good time - even if he feels out of place. Let's make some friends!! 0/4
mabel pines,- in need of a date if any one wants to plot that! She's a sweetheart who will start a drinking game and lose and be plastered - come on it'll be fun.. imagine drunken kisses and waking up like what happened ?? 0/4
martha hatter - sunshine baby- in need of a date again if you wanna try anything lmk!! A true hopeless romantic will dance with your muse and make sure they're safe ! 0/4
nezuko kamado,- going with evie ! Her first masquerade party I can feel she's gonna be nervous, but will have fun or try to!! 0/4
harriet hufflepuff, - going with lily ! Eyes only on her girlfriend and she doesn't really do parties so they'll be ?? Awkward but lily does bring the best out of them who knows. 0/4
amber freeman , - going with Tara! A party girl at heart is gonna love this! Will try to be on her best behavior she doesn't wanna lose her gf buuut it's such a great opportunity for some stabby stab.. but alas she'll be good or try. 0/4
misa amane ,- in need of a date is a gothic baddie - will probably feel like she's making aly jealous but lbr KSLSLS she isn't but give this girl a time to let loose !! 0/4
marceline - in need of a date. A vampire Rockstar, a baddie, Will make this the funnest date ever 0/4
elaine st john, - going with henri.. going to be reserved - unless she gets hungry.. plenty of options u know - what's a little blood break. 0/4
harley quinn, -unsure of her date status! Pure chaos as usual- will be getting wasted and messing around. 0/4
edward elric,- went with ling as pals no homo! He's gonna stick out like a sore thumb - the coat stays on >:[ ur lucky he put on a suit.. it 100 percent ill fitted and is too baggy on his legs, but sh; he will be a grump. He doesn't want to be here.. but alas he's here and no short jokes unless u wanna lose ur knee caps.. or ur ankles 0/4
knives chau, - in need of a date.. legit give her a fun and pure time. 0/4
princess peach- in need of a date.. will be having fun! 0/4
Yor forger - going with shanks! Dressed like a goddess- kind of nervous but once she drinks.. it's signing up for disaster - will probably break some things on accident because she doesn't know her own strength. 0/4
Himi , - in need of a date.. a legit fiery sunshine - give her a nice date night ! 0/4
tabitha haworthe ,- in need of a date ! Will be fun! Ur muse will learn horror movie facts! 0/4
azula, -in need of a date is horribly jealous that Cindy has a date that isn't her.. but wont admit it might accidentally light a curtain aflame.. idk it'll be fun 0/4
isabelle, - needs a date- my baby girl is so cute needed a break from work.. maybe get her tipsy 0/4
draculaura , - needs a date... a vegan vampire who's the sweetest I swear she'll make a great date!! Tho she might catch feelings a little fast- shes a hopeless romantic like that. 0/4
Samantha giddings,- blind date with Zola!! Going to feel ridiculous she even did a blind date but will make the most of it!! 0/4
beth greene - blind date with Melissa! Pure pure angel- I don't think she's ever been to a dance before- deserves a wonderful time 0/4
Calcifer- going with drizella! U can't miss them he's in a red suit- will have a lit time.. punns idk 0/4
Carmy'- going with Sydney! Thankfully so he doesn't do fancy parties - he's stressed- count how many smoke breaks he's take.. u already lost count - will be confused on why he thinks sydney looks gorgeous but like all his emotions that shall be bottled up. 0/4
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ghost-of-a-system · 7 months
hllo i am here to bother you (for help if ur not busy(
i used to think i had osdd, went on reddit, convinced myself i was faking, came here to tell people that sometimes u r wronf ab ur diagnosis then i listed all the "fake" symptoms i had and everyone was doggin on me n told me 2 do research. i DID but am still confused so i thought i would come to someone who looks like they kno what theyre talking about. cus i dont 'feel' like a diff person really in the moment evr i jus look back n go 'yeah that was not me'. but my opinions n sexuality never change anyways help.
hello! for starters, the only way someone is faking anything is if they are purposefully and consciously telling themselves or others that they are experiencing xyz without actually being truthful. but mistakes do happen and you are correct in saying that there is always the possibility people are wrong about their suspicions/self-diagnoses, obviously.
of course, we are no medical professionals or experts; we're just a couple of gals and pals yapping about our experiences! i will still offer the advice i can, but take it with a grain of salt compared to any actual medical professionals.
a while ago we made this response to being asked for pointers on identifying if one is a system. i think you might find it helpful if seeking advice like this from us. i will be referencing content from this post here!
OSDD1 is a little tricky due to its frequently used sub-categories, OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b. from what we know and have researched, it is not required that you fall under one or the other, and that those are just the two most commonly seen "types". on the surface of what you have described, i think that you would benefit from researching into OSDD-1a. individuals with OSDD-1a generally meet DID criteria however lack the presence of distinct alters. i find this page incredibly helpful when it comes to understanding OSDD-1a (third paragraph), although we do not have it and cannot entirely verify its accuracy. i have seen it mostly implied that individuals with OSDD-1a do experience amnesia and memory blackouts, which you did not mention experiencing in your ask. however, again, this is just a sub-category of OSDD1 and i believe it is not required to perfectly fit it. i just think that researching into OSDD-1a may find you the best results for some of the things you describe! of course, this is NOT me telling you that you for sure have it.
we say this in our original post we linked about questioning being a system, but it is very very so very important to also research into other disorders that have overlapping symptoms with OSDD1. a few of these are listed in the link i shared about OSDD-1a, in the fourth paragraph, but i suggest you also do separate research into what has overlapping symptoms, and then individually look into those results.
these are just our thoughts. if you would like to reach out further with any more context or questions, feel free to shoot us another ask or message. /nf
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nintendouniverse2023 · 7 months
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"10 years after the "Hour of Joy" at Playtime co, Former staff member "Angel Chelsen" has then task to find survivors only to Team u; with Allies, encounter the Monstrous Toys and Soon to be The Prototype."
For starters, I didn't play Poppy Playtime myself but I did watch videos about it. FOr the player, I thought of giving him the name of Angel Chelsen the guy who once worked back that Playtime co and one of the many former employees who survied the Hour of Joy cause he want aware of because he got the day off for the day until he got a phone call saying to find a new job. Now in his early to mid 30s, He returned to face off.
Angel along with his new pal, Poppy would need some help some friends which would probably.
It was also the first time drawing Huggy Wuggy, Mommy Long Legs and Boxy Boo where I drew them in their vicious carnage state and dark eye circles knowing their mentially ill from the explements.
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kafus · 1 year
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i have a trio of ingame faves that accidentally developed over time, my dragonite named titan is the oldest pokémon in my modern games. he's from my champion team in fire red, and was the only member of that team that ever got transferred up to gen 4 & beyond before my cartridge got stolen.
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this is mr deathy, the giratina i caught in platinum in the middle of class when me & a friend were racing the game. [also that pic was taken with the help of my DS action replay that i use to clone or rename mons before transfer.] i won the race & turned him into my ribbon master. and turned out to be a perfect pick because i hate battle towers & mr deathy couldn't take part in those anyway.
i even have some headcanony "lore" about mr deathy's OT because i had to erase that file instead of diamond due to diamond being tied to pokémon ranch so the Official Mr Deathy Lore is that hayley killed his OT, LMAO
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the master rank ribbon is really important because a friend of mine got that for me.
the metagross is the event metagross from ORAS. it upsets me that i can't name event mons, but i call them iridium. i probably used them more than my actual starter throughout the game, and i can always re-see all 3 of their evolutionary stages during the credits segment of my alpha sapphire file. for YEARS all 3 of those pokémon stayed in my party in that game and basically became inseparable. in my headcanon they are best friends.
DO NOT APOLOGIZE FOR THE TEXT WALL THE MORE DETAILS THE BETTER. i'm obsessed with how all three of these guys are from completely different games and yet are Besties. like most of my pokemon that are my favorites or that i associate with each other come from the same file + i don't do a lot of transferring (except for rms) so the only thing i can think of with me that's similar is my ribbon masters being friends in my head but even then they have like... cliques based on what game they're from i guess. that's very unique and Cool
I'M SORRY ABT UR FIRERED CARTRIDGE OMG all of my original pokemon are gone forever because as a kid i replayed leafgreen over and over to death which means my original save was wiped over many times. by the time diamond and pearl came out and i unlocked pal park i did start transferring pokemon but due to losing my diamond and platinum as a child due to various reasons a lot of those transferred pokemon have been lost regardless. but i have a level 100 charizard from when i did a solo run of leafgreen on a whim when i was like 8 years old or something in my pokemon home and it's cool to have him, i'm pretty sure he's my oldest pokemon :) i'm glad you have an old pokemon from gen 3 too!! even though u could only rescue the one
also mr deathy is a great name and he has a great backstory. that's awesome bdsfjfsdj AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE PICTURE!! i've literally done the same thing with all my rms, they're cloned in their origin gen before transfer, usually with glitches if possible but occasionally with external devices. i even have similar pictures lol
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and that's really neat i don't think i've ever used an event pokemon for an actual playthrough... if only iridium was from gen 4, in gen 4 the name rater only checks if the TID matches, not even the SID or name, and also doesn't check the event flag, so you can rng manipulate the same visible TID as the pokemon, trade it to that file, and rename event pokemon that way LOOOL but alas. still though that's awesome they are iridium in our hearts
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doomshroomed · 1 year
Have to drop some ask game questions for Domi!! Ewe is so sweet i love her sm <3
1. Are they from Sandrock? If not, where were they born? 3. Which city state would they most like to visit, and why? 6. What’s their opinion on the Church of the Light? 10. What’s their house like? Is it well decorated? Do they take pride in their home or let it get messy? 19. What’s their favourite season? 24. Free space! Feel free to ramble about anything regarding them you can think of :>
HI THANK YOU SO MUCH 🥺 i love these questions
1. Are they from Sandrock? If not, where were they born? Domi was born in Highwind! She follows the builder blueprint (hehe) pretty closely so she moved to Sandrock as a builder :)
3. Which city state would they most like to visit, and why? Tallsky! It sounds beautiful for starters but also Mi-an is from there… it’d love to visit her family someday.
6. What’s their opinion on the Church of the Light? Ewe’s pretty apathetic for the most part. On one hand ewe can understand the fear it stems from and the desire to stay away from the dangerous technology that brought about the downfall of the world centuries ago, but on the other hand it might not hurt to explore it in a safe way.
10. What’s their house like? Is it well decorated? Do they take pride in their home or let it get messy? (ok ingame her house is a bit all over the place bc im lazy so im just going to answer this how it Would be in an ideal world <3) It’s fairly minimalistic and simple but with cute ornaments strewn about! She treasures any and all gifts and loves to decorate with them. Things do tend to get a little messy as she’s always busy and often forgets to take care of herself, nevermind her home, but it’s a well-loved space.
19. What’s their favourite season? Spring! It doesn’t do well in the freezing cold but summer is too hot for it (especially summer in Sandrock). Sandrock’s spring is a nice temperature :) 
24. Free space! Feel free to ramble about anything regarding them you can think of :> (typing this after i answered I kinda just rattled off some fun facts/elaborated on things i stuck on her builder sheet but >:) hehe THANK U..)
Domi frequents Fang’s clinic as ewe suffers from bad stress headaches. It’s something that ewe just has to live with and ewe refuses to let it get in the way of ewe’s job. Ewe always has ibuprofen on hand incase a headache hits while ewe’s out and about.
She has autism (bc i also have autism so all my ocs are autistic by default <3) and goes nonverbal occasionally! It’s usually brought on by dealing with too many people at once but sometimes it just happens. She tries to avoid people in order to let herself recharge but if she has to run errands she’ll bring a notepad and pen with her so she can write to talk :) Her Sandrock pals are all used to this (especially fang you cannot tell me that man does not have autism and doesnt also go nonverbal. he totally gets it) and are accommodating!
It writes poetry in the evening to wind down before it sleeps. It’s shy about sharing it with anyone but it’s written Mi-an, Nia and Heidi love letters with poetry in them so they’ve seen them :)
Speaking of women. I know we don’t have Nia in Sandrock yet but Domi’s endgame is polydating Mi-an, Nia and Heidi! Mi-an and Nia live with ewe and are also dating each other (i think they’d be cute) while Domi is dating Heidi by herself :) I also know this won’t be possible ingame but I’m quietly hoping someone makes a polymod 🤞
Domi’s Nemo is named Muffin! She also has a Palomino horse named Vanilla and a white horse named Marshmallow (i think i had to name it smth like mallow ingame bc marshmallow wouldnt fit but its meant to be called marshmallow hehe). I would really like her to have a goat as well…pwease Pathea🥺
It’s weirdly lucky and the four leaf clover necklace is one of its most treasured accessories!
Domi and Nia had a mutual crush on each other for years but never addressed it until Domi moved to Sandrock and realised just how much ewe missed her. Ewe then fell in love with Mi-an and Heidi too and things got confusing but everything was discussed and they’re cool with ewe being poly <3 Mi-an also fell in love with Nia so she got Two !!! girlfriends #lovewins
Domi looooooooooves Logan (platonically. she is a lesbian) they’re besties and really close. When he asked her to take care of Andy she practically adopted the little guy (she loves andy a lot too btw).  I don’t have anything else to add yet since he’s not in town but it felt important to mention
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  you...  must  be  a  friend  of  aisling’s,  right?  sorry,  i  don’t  mean  to  be  rude,  i’m  just  kinda  new  here.  i’m  gabriela.  “          her  hand  extends  hesitantly,  a  practiced  motion  that  doesn’t  quite  have  the  opportunity  to  feel  natural  just  yet.  it’s  been  a  week  since  she  came  to  live  here.  eight  days,  technically,  but  who’s  counting?  and  considering  the  first  five  days  were  spent  in  a  blur  of  endless  meetings,  appointments,  exams  and  skype  calls,  she  thinks  she  ought  to  be  given  a  little  leeway  in  terms  of  familiarity  just  yet.  but  aisling  did  mention  that  some  friends  of  the  family  would  be  joining  them  tonight...  and  she  trusts  these  people  more  than  she  expected  herself  to  be  capable  of.  so  surely  that  must  mean  that  any  friend  of  the  family  can  be  considered  a  friend  of  hers.  right?  it  isn’t  until  a  snowflake  drifts  in  towards  the  doorway,  landing  in  the  stranger’s  black  hair,  that  she  realizes  just  how  rude  she’s  being  to  her  new  potential  pal.           “  oh!  god,  i’m  sorry,  come  on  in!  the  heating  is  on,  and  richard  is  setting  up  a  fire  in  the  living  room,  if  you  wanna  go  in  there?  aisling’s  on  the  balcony,  it’s  just  down  the  hallway  and  through  the  last  room  on  the  left.  or,  if  you  prefer,  i  can  go  let  her  know  you’re  here?  “
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@namcre​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter! ( and if u want namor to go mingling, i’ll put the locations of the other muses in the tags! )
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hazbinned · 2 months
Plotted starter for @angie-long-legs ! - Verse: Clipped Wings
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"Angel! CON-GRAT-U-LATIONS, old pal!"
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It was Alastor— victor of the day. His years' long battle with Vox (and the rest of the Vees, by proxy) had come to a grinding conclusion early that morning; Alastor miraculously victorious, to the disbelief (and dismay) of many.
How had he done it? How had the Radio Demon single-handedly toppled the Vees, three of the most powerful Overlords in all Hell? The answer was something only he knew— powers borrowed from the one who owned him. In true Alastor fashion, he was adamantly denying all inquiries on the topic, and when he was not in the mood for denial, he opted for dismissal instead. All that was needed was chuckle and a vague quip of a response that would pry the paparazzi off his tail; "Oho! Just doing what I do best!"
... And so on, and so forth.
Velvette had been first. And then Valentino. And then Vox. Should he spare them, or broadcast their screams on his radio show? It was something Alastor had fantasized about for years, especially pertaining to the two men of the group... but now that he was actually able to do so, he felt himself being held back. The tug of guilt at his chest, or something like that-- primarily at the prospect of torturing Vox if Vox was already down and out. Which he was.
After Alastor had defeated the Vees, he had taken their souls (he had threatened to kill them, but the threat was empty. Luckily, they were too worn down to figure that out). It was a safety-measure, in all honesty: while he deliberated on what to do with them, they would be his. If he actually decided to kill them, then he could do that (this was the second idea he had considered and pulled away from— he had access to Angelic weaponry via the gun of the defeated Valentino, but the thought of bringing about a permanent end to his once-friend, Vox, had burrowed its claws into him and again saved Vox from that fate. The others were safe, too, because he could not put that kind of grief upon Vox— to spare him but snuff the lights of his life partner as well as his boyfriend would be a new kind of cruel.) Alastor couldn't do it.
He feared he was getting soft.
That lead him to the following hours, in which he mulled over what to do with them. Hell would riot if he did away with television as a medium, so Vox could be useful within his own sector, just demoted while someone else oversaw the programming— perhaps he would have Vox and Vox's assistant swap jobs. There was a certain comedy to that, and the assistant seemed like the kind of person who would allow Alastor to provide input into what should and should not be aired. Maybe they could bring some tact back into the elegance-starved field of entertainment.
Velvette, whom Alastor had the least anger towards, could continue to oversee the fashion end of things without her Overlord status. He would push for a vintage flavor in trends, but he felt little need to touch on it otherwise.
She was the expert there.
That left only the elephant (say, moth?) in the room— Valentino. Scum like Valentino tainted Alastor's mouth with a particular flavor of sour that even Vox's frivolous obnoxiousness could not touch, which did have Alastor circling back around to the notion of murder... but he came to the same conclusion as before, in spite of himself.
He loathed how much Vox cared for the lust-crazed Overlord, but he would not hurt the television demon in such a personal way. Even if Vox deserved punishment, he did not deserve that. Neither did Velvette.
Alastor was no stranger to loss.
What, then, could he do with the pathetic insect he held on a leash? Some thinking had lead him to an idea that he was surprised he hadn't conjured up earlier (too excited by his victory and the overwhelming amount of change he could inflict, was he): he could pass Valentino down to Angel Dust. It was perfectly karmic; without promoting the spider to Overlord, bestow unto him the soul of the one who had drowned his afterlife in such poison.
Cut to the now: it was evening. Alastor had instructed Valentino to dial Angel's number at his behest, and then he had seized the phone, and purred into it requesting that Angel hurry to the Penthouse. Sure enough, the surprised star had shown, wide eyed and confused, but curious.
Alastor was his ally, after all.
Angel believed he could trust him.
The stag had invited the arachnid inside and explained this part of the situation (if Angel had been watching the news, he would certainly know of everything else!)— Valentino lingering in silence behind them the whole of the time. There was something horrible radiating from his vicinity; anger, fear, loss, maybe even shame-- an amalgamation of negative emotions, all mashed together in an aura powerful enough to taint the moods of everyone around him.
But not Alastor's.
Alastor was pleased.
What would happen was this: Angel Dust would be given charge of Valentino's industry, because Alastor did not want to face the wrath of millions of angry sinners should he wipe the genre clean.
He also did not want to touch the industry with a ten-foot pole.
On top of that, Angel Dust would be given charge of Valentino himself.
Presently, they were in the final act; Alastor handed Valentino's contract off to Angel, and then the leash that had been wrapped around his palm. Red eyes widened as the chain changed colors— Val truly was Angel's now.
Hilarious. Oh, the Radio Demon wanted nothing more than to tip his head back and cackle in delight at the poetic justice of it all.
So he did!
"Oh– Oh, I should be going!" Alastor finally managed, wiping a tear from his eye. "I have a lot of work to do, things to sort out... hm. You know!"
Black tendrils warped their way out of the ground, a sure sign that he was leaving before either of them could get another word in wayside— but that didn't mean he wasn't going to!
"My, this must feel like a FEVER DREAM to you!"
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It was unclear whether he was talking to Angel or to Valentino.
And there was not a trace of him left for them to ask.
Uncomfortable, chilling silence settled in, Val and Angel alone together now. Valentino swayed a little bit, avoiding eye contact with Angel in favor of glaring daggers at the floor— it wouldn't have kept Angel from noticing his scuffed-up state, though.
The moth's fur was unkempt and crusted with blood, and his one intact antenna could no longer bear that title (though it was still in better condition than its charred-looking companion). The brim of his hat had nicks taken out of it, like on a cat's ear, and his wings (which he still wore as a coat), were bruised and scratched up. The right lens of his heart-shaped glasses was completely missing, granting him a view no longer tinted by rose. There were faint streaks of pink that ran from his eyes to the base of his chin. Other than surface-level things, though, Valentino seemed fine; most of this trepidation coming from a compromised emotional state.
He stood there, stewing for a few moments longer, and pressed his teeth together. This was the worst day of his afterlife by far— but maybe it was just a dream.
So, he pinched himself. And winced.
It was not a dream. It was real, and he was just experiencing a suffocating disconnect in regard to everything around him.
One of them had to break the silence first-- because even in Valentino's agonized state, he couldn't stand it. If Angel wasn't going to do it, he would take it upon himself.
Val thrust himself back into reality by way of anger. Pink eyes glowed red behind broken glasses, sharp teeth reflected the warped light of damaged bulbs— he loomed over Angel, three hands extended like claws on all sides of him while one on the bottom reached out to grab the chain.
Never again, he'd promised himself, decades ago.
"Let me go, Amorcito..." Pheromone-dyed spit trickled down his jaw. "Or I will escape you."
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2starsmoved · 1 year
hey pals im gonna get to other replies and starters tomorrow. what happened tonight really tired me out. but i love u guys and i really appreciate everyone giving me a chance and writing w me and my babies
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bravest · 1 year
@blamurdered​   is   a   real   critic .     /     starter   call .
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“   here’s   an   idea  -  how   about   you   mind   your   own   freaking   business ?   i’m   not   taking   fashion   critique   from   you .   you’ll   never   understand   the   s  S  s t  R u g  g le   of   designing   a   supervillain   fit   because   you’re   a   raccoon .   your   character   design   is   just   a   furry   with   clothes   on .   you’re   on   easy   street ,   pal .   ”
she’s   in   somewhat   of   a   sour   mood .   maybe   it   shows ,   just   a   little ?   
making   a   cool   looking   disguise   for   her   pending   supervillain   career   is   turning   out   to   be   pretty   hard   work -  all   this   sewing   and   stuff .   no   way   the   superheroes   are   doing   this   by   themselves .   they’re   commissioning   the   iconic   outfits   from   actual   seamstresses   and   then   doing   memory   wipe   bullshit ,   she’s   sure   of   it .   yet   here   glitch   is ,   patching   hers   together   by   hand   like   a   sucker .   
hissing   in   abject   annoyance   as   she   pricks   her   finger   yet   again ,   she   momentarily   gives   up   on   the   dress ,   and   glances   back   at   rocket   with   an   impish   grin .
“   wanna   see   the   mask ?   that   was   way   easier .   i   programmed   it’s   facial   recognition   myself .   ”
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pebblysand · 6 months
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chapter: ii. out of ash (ashes twirl)
wordcount: 10, 476
playlist: notes here
castles FAQ: here
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g e n e r a l t h o u g h t s:
for a very long time, this chapter used to be my favourite, and i still hold it in very high regard. i don't know what it is about it, it just feels like ✨vibes✨. it's both incredibly funny at times, and incredibly sad, and i feel like it really exhibits that awkward post-war happy/sad balance that is so important to castles. even if it's no longer my favourite cause i'm not quite sure which is my favourite anymore, i still think chapter 2 has some of my best writing in this fic. i'll go through a few chosen bits below but i feel like it has that general sense of messiness and melancholy that i really like in the early days of this story.
just like with chapter 1, you might notice a few changes i've made along the way, depending on when you read it last. again, i don't think it's anything major but if you do notice, you'll see that i didn't actually delete anything, just moved things around a bit. i think it flows better that way. i also added some stuff - i'm curious to see if you'll spot it. let me know!
having said that, omg, i'd forgot how SLOW the pacing is in this chapter. don't get me wrong, i think it needs to be slow for the purposes of telling the story, but it's very much like: this is them leaving the hotel, this is them having breakfast, this is them testifying - it is very step by step lol. i worry about my pacing in the later chapters, sometimes, but i clearly forgot about this one lol.
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g i n n y:
Generally, reading this just this morning, I couldn't help but feel this raw sense of panic in Ginny, throughout this chapter. I think obviously, it's something that only really makes sense and becomes apparent on re-read, but there's this way you really feel how fucking terrified she is that Harry will find out. I hate to say this, but the way she acts with him, that summer, is almost reminiscent of her "relationship" with Amycus, actually. She is watching his every move, everything he says, everything she says, trying to make sure he doesn't find out. And, I don't think the pretending and the lying comes easy to her, I think it basically tears her apart, but those are skills that she "learnt" with Amycus. Being cued into his every emotion, expertly toying that line between saying too much and too little. She is almost manipulating him, into thinking they have this connection, and that them not talking is the Right thing for them, and it's not really her fault, it's how fear has wired her to function, but I find it chilling.
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h i g h l i g h t s:
A year later, roses bloom once again in the gardens of Ottery St Catchpole and Harry’s still holding her. Some things in life never change, he muses, although, of course, everything else has changed. They’ve both fought in a war that should never have been theirs and one of her brothers has died, leaving the start of the summer to mend itself without them, trapped in a combative attempt to shovel the little hope it has left down their throats. When Harry caresses Ginny’s skin, the summer of ‘98, she’s naked next to him, the both of them tucked in her small, twin bed at The Burrow. They try to be quiet (always, despite the silencing charms they cast) but they each have a side, now, an oddly domestic habit, and after they have sex, Harry often lies with her body wrapped around him, so close that he’s never quite sure where her limbs start and where his end. Her bed’s pushed up against her window - along the skin of his left arm, he feels the morning dew build as the night chill leaves the air; it trickles down the single-glazed glass. They watch the sun rise together - early mornings and milky skies.
I LOVE THIS PARAGRAPH SO MUCH. idk, jokes aside, i think it's one of my favourite things i've ever written. there's a flow to it i really like and i adore the end of "early mornings and milky skies". and i think it's the beginning of this motif that sort of comes back in chapter 17 where the two of them are always touching, comfortable in bed. the chill of early summer mornings and OH I LOVE IT.
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'I'm not a Healer, Harry.'
so, this is actually a line i added in reaction to a) the people in my comments being mad that ginny wasn't weeding secrets out of harry and that being "ooc", and b) a conversation i later had with @btelling. i think there's this misconception in fandom about ginny being a "healer". this idea that she's almost harry's therapist after the war, the only one that can get him talking, etc. and i think firstly, there's very little evidence of that in canon. ginny asks for explanations, often, but she very rarely ever gets them. and secondly, there's this general view of women as healers in general, tending to "sick" men and making them better, which i don't particularly enjoy. so, i guess that was me reacting to all of this.
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They barely swallow any food. For the other two’s sakes, Harry tries to hide the knot in his stomach, can tell that Hermione is anxious enough for the three of them - she keeps tapping an annoying rhythm against the table with the tips of her fingers, doesn’t even seem to realise she’s doing it. Her make-up is minimal, the varnish on her nails a plain but shiny transparent. His mind drifts back to Ginny again, how she always painted her nails in bright colours in school, reds and oranges, and golds, performed complicated charm work on them so that it would stick. ‘If I don’t, it always chips with Quidditch.’
i noticed this on a previous re-read but, i don't think i wrote this intentionally but i love the way harry is so infatuated with ginny in this. like, i think this is one of the moments where the fact that he totally idealises her and is very teenage-infatuated-crazy-about-a-girl really shines through. he literally looks at hermione's nails and is like: oh and by the way GINNY does her nails like this. it's so silly but it really shows how obsessed he is with her, but also how shallow it kind of is. he thinks it's deep, because when you're that age you think you're so deep, but it's actually not.
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‘When we get there, it’ll be like the craziest circus you’ve ever been to,’ he speaks, quick, before he runs out of words. There is an urgency to the things that he needs to tell them both, ones that they don’t necessarily want to hear. ‘It’ll be dozens and dozens of people standing in a crowd, clapping and screaming, and wanting a piece of you. They’ll want to thank you, insult you, ask you questions, tell you personal stuff about themselves. They don’t mean anything bad by it, they just don’t really realise you’re a person. The press will be there, too, and they will be flashing their cameras just about five inches from your face to try and get a good shot,’ he adds, raising his hand close to his own cheek, showing them the distance. ‘They’ll want to touch you, have you sign stuff, and they’ll keep talking at you from the moment you step out of that fireplace to the moment you get into the lift. We’ll have an escort of Aurors to try and hold them back but I honestly doubt that they’ll be able to do much. It’ll feel like you’re in the longest tunnel you’ve ever been through and you can’t see the exit. At least, wear that scarf over your head, it’ll hide your face and your eyes from the cameras, protect you a bit. Ron, you can use the hood at the back of your robes.’
i think honestly, this is one of my favourite harry moments in the whole fic. i can't possibly tell you how much time i spent on this paragraph, back then. i see it as one of those post-war moments where harry actually does start growing into his own skin and also where you start being faced with the reality of the post-war world. there's this sort of "bubble," i think, throughout chapters 1&2 where they're all very removed from the outside and inside their little burrow bubble, and that obviously bursts big time, with the commission. there's something very brutal about the way harry speaks that day, and i think it really fits.
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‘Why were we never kids?’
ah, another castles classic line people quote all the time. yuuup. 💔
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That evening, the both of them eat Pad Thai takeaway and sit on the floor in front of the muted hotel telly. They laugh at funny Hogwarts stories of Romilda Vane and crazy things that Harry remembers Luna saying. They drain a few cans of bitter and wait for Ron to come home.
i've always loved this moment loads because it's 1) harry-and-hermione-my-babies!!!! but also 2) it has these trio-codependency vibes that are very present in the early chapters of feeling lost when the three of them aren't together. the way they "wait for Ron to come home" breaks my little heart for them.
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Love in its million different forms, the way Dumbledore preached it. Harry loves Hermione the way he loves Ron, like the boy who introduced him to chocolate frogs and the girl who cried in the loo and faced a troll.
again, trio vibes. love, love, love.
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l a s t l y:
okay, so i love, love, love the rest of this chapter but also i'm having a hard time articulating precise thoughts so i'll leave it at that for now. please do not hesitate to send me asks if there's anything else you'd like me to comment on, though. very excited to hear your thoughts.
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thebestorworstofit · 1 year
hi pals. while the last thing i need is more threads rejecting self control is also one of my favorite pass times to every possible degree sooo here’s a link to one of my starter calls and if you’ve got some 🌶️🌶️ opens you’re itching to get replies anddd here’s a link to a reverse starter call anddd ofc a link to my opens and once again (for the time being bc u kno humans are terrifying) my ims are open for plots or to grab my discord so we can scream about our dummies.
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“So many regions so little time….”
“As if you’ll ever get out of this crater.”
“Oh please,We can get out just fine. Nobody seems to notice the difference between us and the human folk anyways.”
“As if it’s not obvious.”
“Not obvious enough,clearly.”
Based on:Kanto,Japan
‘Game’ name:Red,Blue,Yellow,Green
Events take place in:1996
Regional Gimmick:Form Swap
Starter Types:Fire,Water,Grass
Based on:Kansai,Japan
‘Game’ name:Gold,Silver,Crystal
Events take place in:1999
Regional gimmicks:Hidden Abilities,Egg moves
Starter types:Fire,water,grass
Based on:Kyūshū,Japan
‘Game’ name:Ruby,Sapphire,Emerald
Events take place in:1997
Regional gimmick:Weather Energy
Starter types:Fire,water,grass
Based on:Hokkaido,Japan
‘Game’ name:Diamond,Pearl,platinum
Events take place in:2001
Regional Gimmick:Aura Break
Starter Types:fire,water,grass
Based on:The East coast states
‘Game’ Name:Black,White,Black2,White2
Events take place in:2008,2012
Regional Gimmick:Fusion
Starter types:Fire,water,grass
Based on:France
‘Game’ name:X,Y
Events take place in:2015
Regional Gimmick:Mega evolution
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:Hawai’i
‘Game’ name:Sun,Moon
Events take place in:2018
Regional gimmick:Z-moves
Starter types:Fire,water,Grass
Based on:Britain
‘Game’ name;Sword,shield
Events take place in:2020
Regional gimmick:Dynamax/Gigantimax
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:Spain
‘Game’ name:Scarlet,Violet
Events take place in:2023
Regional Gimmick:Terastylization
Starter types:Fire,water,grass
Based on:Canada
‘Game’ name:Urban,Wild
Events take place in:2025
Regional Gimmick:Awaken armour
Starter types:Fire,water,grass,flying,rock,poison
Based on:Norway
‘Game’ Name:Dusk,Dawn
Events take place in:2016
Regional Gimmick:Reverse Type
Starter types:Grass,fire,water,flying,electric,ground
Based on:Germany
‘Game’ name:Infinity,Oblivion
Events take place in:2005
Regional gimmick:Ultraburst
Starter types:Fire,water,grass,flying,electric,ground
Based on:South Korea
‘Game’ Name:Amethyst,Citrine
Events take place in:2028
Regional Gimmick:Crossbreeding
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:Ireland
‘Game’ name:Order,Chaos
Events take place in:1994
Regional gimmick:Fableaura
Starter types;Fire,water,grass
Based on:Finland
‘Game’ Name:Miracle,Disaster
Events take place in:2003
Regional gimmick:Revival
Starter types:Fire,water,grass,ground,electric,flying
Based on:Poland
‘Game’ Name:War,Peace
Events take place in:1986
Regional gimmick:Summoning
Starter types:Fairy,Fighting,Steel
Based on:Italy
‘Game’ Name:Beryl,Opal
Events take place in:2019
Regional Gimmick:Hiddentype
Starter types:Fire,water,grass
Based on:Russia
‘Game’ name:Frost,Flame
Events take place in:1985
Region gimmick:Primal Forme
Starter types:Fairy,Fighting,Steel
Based on:Iceland
‘Game’ name:Night,Day
Events take place in:2021
Regional gimmick:Legendforme
Starter types:Fire,water,grass,ground,electric,flying
Based on:China
‘Game’ name:Light,Dark
Events take place in:2026
Regional gimmick:Legend Assist
Starter types:Fire,water,grass
Based on:Australia
‘Game’ name:Topaz,Lapis
Events take place in:2013
Regional gimmick:Stat swap
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:Scotland
‘Game’ name:Never,Always
Events take place in:1990
Regional gimmick:Battle stances
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:Western states
‘Game’ name:Victory,Defeat
Events take place in:1987
Regional gimmick:Riding pokemon
Starter types:fire,grass,water
Based on:the midwestern states
‘Game’ name:Arrival,Depature
Events take place in:1993
Regional gimmick:Secret move
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:southern states
‘Game’ name:Hope,Desperation
Events take place in:2022
Regional gimmick:Combo field
Starter types:Fire,grass,water
Based on:Brazil
‘Game’ name:Sugar,Salt
Events takes place in:2006
Regional gimmick:EV training
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:Greece
‘Game’ name:Heaven,Hell
Events take place in:2010
Regional gimmick:Status effects
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:South Africa
‘Game’ name:Tradition,Revolution
Events take place in:2014
Regional gimmick:Full fossil revival
Starter types:Grass,fire,rock,ground
Based on:Egypt
‘Game’ name:Mother,Father
Events take place in:2027
Regional gimmick:Evolution swap
Starter types:Poison,grass,ground
Based on:Wales
‘Game’ name:Heal,Hurt
Events take place in:2017
Regional gimmick:Battle items
Starter types:fire,grass,water
Based on:Belgium
‘Game’ name:Obsession,Indifference
Events take place in:1916
Regional gimmick:Signature moves
Starter types:Fire,water,grass,electric,flying,ground
Based on:Mexico
‘Game’ name:Celebration,Mourning
Events take place in:1955
Regional gimmick:Convergent pokemon
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:Austria
‘Game’ name:Conceal,Reveal
Events take place in:1932
Regional gimmick:Bond Boost
Starter types:Fire,water,grass,electric,flying,ground
Based on:Serbia
‘Game’ name:Blood,Spirit
Events take place in:1915
Regional gimmick:Tri-Type
Based on:Bulgaria
‘Game’ name:Sweet,Sour
Events take place in:1944
Regional gimmick:Branched evolution
Starter types:Fighting,fairy,steel
Based on:Romania
‘Game’ name:Mist,Fog
Events take place in:1929
Regional gimmick:Marks/titles
Starter types:Psychic,fighting,dark
Based on:India
‘Game’ name:Ancestor,Descendant
Events take place in:1961
Starter types:Grass,water,fire,rock,steel,flying
Based on:Portugual
‘Game’ name:Solstice,Equinox
Events take place in:2024
Regional gimmick:Berry Usage
Starter types:fire,water,grass
Based on:Sweden
‘Game’ name:Nightfall,Daybreak
Events take place in:1923
Regional gimmick:Combo attacks
Starter types:fire,water,grass,flying,electric,ground
Based on:Bosnia-Herzegovina
‘Game’ name:Ashes,Dust
Events take place in:1914
Regional gimmick:specialized Pokémon
Starter types:fairy,fighting,steel
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regard-luxury · 2 years
Waste Collection
If you’re pals with hardcore people who smoke, vapers, and cigar lovers, you now have straightforward sources. Simply pick the highest recommendations of your friends and you'll set your sights on your goal product. Alternatively, you can pick a suggestion and examine cigars it with a product that you your self have researched on-line. If you’re on the lookout for high-quality Electronic Cigars, you possibly can rely on ePuffer - one of many more well-liked manufacturers of digital cigars and vaporizers.
Please correctly bag objects and place your rubbish again out on your subsequent rubbish collection day. The Citys stable waste assortment bylaw limits the size, kind, quantity, weight, and location of rubbish containers put out for curbside collection on assortment day. While it might by no means totally replicate the sensation of an actual tobacco cigar, electronic cigars will definitely come real shut. The e-liquids and cartridges will offer you the true essence of tobacco, and you could by no means really feel the difference. Nevertheless, if you want to attempt it out for the expertise of tasting an e-cigar, you should! EPuffer has starter choices that you can strive now to see should you just like the experience.
Enter your tackle to find your personalized collection schedule. Never miss a collection day by signing up for email, or cellphone collection day reminders below (click on the “Get a reminder!” button) or by downloading the FREE Coquitlam Curbside Collection App on Google Play or the App Store. The investigation led to the seizure of the Ford F250, the U-Haul trailer and its contents which included cigarettes and cigars. Seafood, regardless cigars of how full of flavor it's, tends to be quite gentle in taste. The cigar you smoke during or after a meal of salmon, lobster, or mussels also needs to be on the light aspect. If you select a cigar that’s filled with flavor and physique, you’re rapidly going to cover up the taste of the seafood.
Security is a precedence for online clients, authorized photograph ID is required for purchase of 18+ gadgets. By entering this retailer you are verifying that you're of authorized age to purchase tobacco in your space. Alternatively use it as a simple call to action with a link to a product or a web page.
He left for Berlin on the age of eighteen to flee army service, moving once more in 1917 to Amsterdam on the occasion of his marriage. In 1932 he moved to Germany to take over a bankrupt cigar manufacturing unit. With newfangled American know-how, it was essentially the most trendy at the time. The energetic and impressive Rottenberg was sure he may bring it again to life, and with newly employed workers of 670 staff, the cigar manufacturing unit was soon again in enterprise. Cut only from the best, just like the tobacco you take pleasure in, this handmade vintage wood box makes a chic gift for when great men smoke cigars together.
Residents should contact their property owner to acquire allotted stickers. Additional waste similar to giant gadgets shall be stickered in accordance with the municipal bylaw. The previous two-stage near-atmospheric stress leach circuit was reconfigured to a one-stage atmospheric leach circuit to permit ore to be leached to the target leach recovery (99.5%). Leach cooling and hydrogen fuel concentration control have been added to cope with the exothermic response and potential for hydrogen to be produced from leaching Cigar Lake high-grade ore. The overflow stories directly to the clarification space, and the underflow is washed in the counter current decantation circuit.
Licence application fees can be paid on-line or by sending a cheque. You can apply for model spanking new business licences or permits on-line or in-person. Find out what objects need to go in your blue box, green cart, leaf and yard or rubbish. Browse four,497 cigars and stars stock photographs and pictures obtainable, or start a brand new search to explore extra stock photos and images. Once your order is placed the order will print out for our staff to create and the processing will begin. As such, we remorse that we can't cancel or modify ANY orders after they've been placed, whatever the time or date the order was placed.
Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola is introduced to the fans while smoking a cigar through the Manchester City FC Victory Parade on May 23, 2022 in... One bullfighting fan smoking a great cigar throughout a bullfight at Las Ventas bullring on March 31, 2019 in Madrid, Spain. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively on your brand. Access the most effective of Getty Images and iStock with our easy subscription plan.
One of the benefits ofdisposable electrical cigars is the value. Compared to vape tube kits, disposable ecigars have lower prices so they can fit your price range. You can find disposable e-cigars which may be obtainable for lower than $20, which isn't too unhealthy contemplating cigars you're getting a cigar experience. When it involves ease of use, an E-Cigar has a easy mechanism, so you won’t have any hassle at all. Additionally, there’s no ignition involved, so that cuts off the risk of fireplace or skin burns.
There are many ways you can add bodily exercise to your wholesome lifestyle, regardless of your age or exercise stage. Physical exercise associated questions will be answered by considered one of HealthLink BC’s qualified train professionals. Please note that we are unable to provide common health data or advice about signs by email. For basic well being data or symptom advice, please call us at8-1-1any time of the day or night time. "We've spent a ton of time, power and money to help make the Tennessee cigar custom what it's," owner Reagan Starner told the Tuscaloosa News.
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