#there was also Odell/Jarvis… man
kdsburneraccount · 2 years
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Gay (positive)
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striveattemptfail · 4 years
Football Vs. Husband: Which Do You Know Better? | Zimbits ft. Tater, G, 1.8k
Summary: Bitty gets quizzed on two of his favourite things: Jack and...... football?
Based on the Buzzfeed video of the same name. Takes place sometime in Sept-Oct 2019. Minor spoilers for 4.25 Faber and 4.26 Check, Please! (If you can call em spoilers LOL.)
Read on Ao3
A/N: Fun fact: At the time I wrote this (2017), it was set in the “future” (2019), but now that year is literally the past for us hahahahahahskfjasldfjasldfjklaskdfj. In the fic summary I say “minor spoilers” because what I originally wrote as wish fulfillment in 2017 became canon in 2020.
Anyway, this is a near verbatim copy of Ned Fulmer getting quizzed on his wife vs football—like fr some of the dialogue is exactly the same LOL. Thanks to @smol0ctopus​ for the beta and the omg stream! please server for advice!<3 Any other mistakes are mine.
YouTube transcript of Football Vs. Husband (Check, Please! #151: A Falconers Special!) [Descriptive captions by biittyyreciipees, airhockeycanbeviolent, and f4lcsboy: Check, Please! Captioning Team]
Eric Hey, y’all! Didja miss me? Because I sure did miss you! Now, today’s video is a lil special. Y’all’ll see that I’ve got myself some lovely guests here from Providence’s own Falconers team. (gestures towards Jack and Tater) Say hi guys!
Tater (waves) Hi!
Jack (single nod, smiles) Hello.
Eric I’ve got here regular guest and my husband, Jack Zimermann, and his teammate, Alexei Mashkov—
Tater But you call me Tater!
Eric (laughs) But we call him Tater! Tater, why don’t you explain what’ll happen here today?
Tater Is collaboration with Falcs TV! We had special tournament to see if players knows their SOAPs more than favorite thing.
ONSCREEN CAPTION SOAPs = Significant Others And Partners, for all y’all non-hockey fans out there! Click here (highlighted annotation inserted) to watch the tournament on the Falconer’s official website or check this video’s description!
Eric I had me such a great time over on Falcs TV with Jack that I wanted to share the fun with y’all here!
Tater (nods) Zimmboni crush everyone in tournament!
ONSCREEN CAPTION “Zimmboni” is Jack’s hockey nickname, like “Tater” is for Alexei. Everyone on the team has one! In fact, I have one too: Bitty! But Alexei likes to call me “B”.
Jack (shrugs, gives small smile) I know history. I know my husband.
Eric (laughs, blushes)
Tater Now, is time to see if B know Zimmboni just as much!
Eric I’m feelin’ pretty confident that I do. What do you think, sweetpea?
Jack I think Bits knows me better than myself, to be honest.
Eric Jack! (blushing again)
Tater Yes, yes, is very cute! But I’m want to ask questions now, yes?
Eric (turns to camera) Now, I tried to get ‘em to quiz me on baking—because y’all and your mama know that I love it—but Jack here insisted that I get asked about football instead.
Jack Baking’s too easy. I figured you’d appreciate the challenge. You know a lot about American football, eh?
Eric (rolls eyes) “American football”—I know y’all in Canada just call it football too! Now, I’d argue, but that’ll take up the rest of this video, so I guess it’s time to get to the quiz!
Tater Yes!
(video transition with dramatic music)
Tater (holds up stack of cards in hands) Here, I’m hold questions about NFL and college football, plus questions about Zimmboni for B to answer. Like during Falcs’ tournament, I’m ask SOAP about their favorite subject first, then ask about their partner. B, is ready?
Eric As I’ll ever be!
Jack Gonna crush it, Bits.
Eric Let’s hope so, sweetheart.
Tater Will be good, B, I’m sure! Question one, name five offensive positions in the NFL.
Eric Lord, how easy—quarterback, running back, wide receiver, offensive tackle, tight end.
Tater See, B! You be fine! Name five of Zimmboni’s favourite foods.
Eric Ooh, alright. So PB&J sandwiches, chicken tenders... scrambled eggs, uh, cassoulet... (Caption Note: French food pronunciation is not butchered, because food)
Tater One more, B.
Eric Hm, let’s see—
Tater (snickers) Remember this easiest question in stack.
Eric Oh, hush, you.
Jack Bits? Maybe a dessert?
Eric (hits head with base of palm) Oh, goodness me, right! Maple sugar crusted apple pie.
Tater (nods) Yes. Okay, how many minutes in football quarter?
ONSCREEN CAPTION Answer: Quarters in the NFL and NCAA football are 15 minutes.
Eric 15 minutes.
Tater How long is Zimmboni’s pre-game ritual?
ONSCREEN CAPTION Answer: 15 minutes max. Like all athletes, hockey players have specific rituals before their games.
Eric About thirty minutes?
Tater (whooping laughter) 15 minutes, max.
Jack (laughs)
Eric (gasps, shakes head) That is not true, that can not be true! Honey, I’ve seen you take 15 minutes making your pre-game PBJ sandwiches. (scoffs)
Jack (makes a face)
Tater Sorry, B. Must give big zero for that question.
Eric (rolls eyes) Hmph!
Tater B, you get 20 seconds—name as many starting quarterbacks in the NFL as possible. Ready, set, go!
Eric Matt Ryan, Aaron Rodgers, Josh Allen, Philip Rivers, Tom Brady—ugh—Baker Mayfield, Derek Carr, Carson Palmer.
Tater Have 10 seconds, name as many as Zimmboni’s lineys when he finally move to first line.
ONSCREEN CAPTION Lineys = Hockey linemates. Fun fact: Jack moved from third to first line during his first season in the Falcs back in 2015!
Eric (opens mouth)
Tater But! Must name them by nickname!
Eric (single nod, determined expression)
Tater Okay? Ready, set, go!
Eric Alright so excluding Jack, that’ll be you, Tater, then we got Marty, Thirdy, Guy, and Snowy if you count the goalies!
Tater (solemnly nods) Always count goalies!
Eric Then that’s five for five. Gettin’ a lil easy there!
Tater Haha! Okay, who are on cover of Sports Illustrated for this season’s NFL and college previews?
ONSCREEN CAPTION Answer: Jarvis Landry and Odell Beckham Jr. were on the cover for the NFL preview. Trevor Lawrence was on the cover for the college preview.
Eric Oh, Coach and I were just talkin’ about this! I know the NFL preview was Odell Beckham Jr. and Jarvis Landry, but the college preview... (brief pause, placing chin on fist contemplatively) I think it’s Trevor Lawrence?
Tater Correct! What magazine cover did Zimmboni appear on first?
ONSCREEN CAPTION Answer: Trick question! Jack’s first ever appearance on a magazine cover was not as a hockey player. He first appeared on People Magazine as a baby with his parents, Robert “Bad bob” Zimmermann and Alicia Zimmermann.
Eric Can I ask a question?
Tater ...no.
Eric Well, shoot, alright. If you mean his first cover as an athlete, I’ll say Sports Illustrated, but if you mean his first one ever I think it’s People Magazine when he was a baby.
Tater (censored beep) Wow!
Jack (raises eyebrows) You remember that?
Eric Well, you told me! And Alicia did show me when we visited for Christmas one year. (smug smirk)
Jack (covers face in hand, exasperated sigh) Of course she did.
Tater Next question! How many Super Bowl rings does Tom Brady have?
Eric Oh goodness. I think it’s five?
Tater Six!
Eric What?
Tater Is six!
Eric (groans) Of course it’s six. Whatever, it’s fine, I try not to think about Tom Brady anyway. I don’t mind getting this one wrong. In fact, I’m kinda glad because I certainly don’t care for the man. Like, who—
Jack Bits. We’re in the middle of a game right now?
Eric (blushes) Oh, right.
Tater It’s alright, B, haha. But we move on with game now, yes? (single nod) Now, how many rings Zimmboni normally wear?
Eric One! He usually just wears his wedding ring, but today he’s got his 2016 Stanley ring! Wanna show it off, honey?
Jack (sheepishly holds up hands to show the two rings)
ONSCREEN CAPTION Fun fact: The team who wins the Stanley Cup get matching rings. Jack got his first one when the Falcs won the Cup in 2016!
Tater Is tough one now: How many times have the Atlanta Falcons made the playoffs?
Eric (sighs) Oh Lordy, that's hard. Alright, so by the time I was born they were at five so— (voice continues in fast forward) —they did in ‘98, then... ‘02? After was 2004, not 2005, or ‘06... so the next one was 2008. Then there was that streak from 2010 to 2012. Then the next one was 2016, and then ‘17. Not ‘18 and ‘19. So that’s... (begins to count on fingers)
Tater (back to regular speed, looking impressed) You have answer, B?
Eric I'm gonna go with fourteen as of this year.
Tater (censored beep)!!!
Eric (laughs)
Jack (censored beep), Bittle.
Tater Is amazing! You have both number and years!
Eric I’m Southern, and my daddy’s a football coach. (shrugs) Can’t help it!
Jack (chuckles) This is why I wanted you to answer stuff about the football instead of baking.
Eric (rolls eyes, swats Jack’s arm) Oh, this boy.
Tater Next question! What is most number of times Zimmboni fight in one season?
ONSCREEN CAPTION Answer: 3 fights.
Eric Ooh, shoot. I should know this one too, huh? Okay, so his first season he only got in one fight— (voice continues in fast forward) —and second season was also one, I think. After that, uhh, I think he finally got in two. Last year was three maybe? And this season hasn’t even started. But last year? Was it three? I don’t quite—hm.
Tater (back to regular speed) Your answer, B?
Eric I’m gonna go with three fights for last season.
Tater (shaking his head)
Jack What did I say?
Tater (censored beep) Is correct. (huffs) What year did Falcons join the NFL?
Eric Uhhh, oh goodness, I know Coach told me this at some point... (pause) I think it was 1965?
Tater Correct! What year Zimmboni first try skating?
ONSCREEN CAPTION Answer: 1992. Fun fact: Bad Bob had Jack skating as soon as Jack could walk!
Eric Skating, huh? ‘Cause I’ll bet the son of Bad Bob tried on his first skates before he even turned one, huh? (smiles cheekily)
Jack (nudges with elbow, gives Eric a small smile) Not the question.
Eric Oh alright, not the question. Hmm, I know it was before you turned three so, I’ll say... (drawling out answer) nineteen-ninety... two?
Tater (throws cards out of hand, shaking his head) Is correct again!
Eric Oh my god!
(high pitched sound as Eric fist pumps the air)
Jack (laughs, bringing an arm around Eric before kissing his cheek)
Tater B, I'm frustrate to say you know Zimmboni as much as you know football.
ONSCREEN CAPTION FINAL SCORE: Football = 6, Husband = 6. T I E ! ! !
Jack Knew it. Told you so, Bits.
Eric That sounds like a chirp, and I will not have that on my vlog, Mr. Zimmermann. So with that, I guess we’re done! (looks towards camera, claps once) Well, that about does it for today’s video! Thank you so much to my special guests, Providence Falconers’ Jack Zimermann and Alexei Mashkov, for joining me today. (gestures towards Jack and Tater)
Tater (nods with a wide smile) Thanks for having us, B!
Jack (smiles and nods) Always great to be here.
Eric Be sure to check out the Falcs TV videos too! Link in the description or right over here! (points to space, highlighted annotation inserted) And thanks for tuning in! Next week, I’ll have a new video for y’all on the best ways to add protein to your favourite sandwiches.
(Eric, Jack, and Tater wave at the camera)
Eric Bye, y’all! See ya next time!
(More notes on Ao3.)
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luxuryt-shirt · 4 years
Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt
Once upon a time, I rented a Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt . from some Kashmiri guys in Delhi. I don’t believe in spooks, but I had a couple of creepy experiences there. When I told them about it, they regaled with stories from Srinagar and the mountains for near an hour. Really, really great stuff. From all the years I’ve spent in India, I’ve got to admit: nobody does ghost stories better. In the United States, people will tell a tale about seeing a shadow gliding on the wall or hearing footsteps on the stairs; in India, the fuckers will tell you about how the time they had tea and a night-long chat with somebody they found out was dead the next day. Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's My grandfather told me a story about how he went out of the house one night after a fight with a grandma Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt . It was about midnight & he walked very far & sat beneath a tree. A man also arrived in sometime & asked him for a beedi (Indian cigarette) or Grandpa didn’t have it. Dude asked it for like 3 or 4 times getting more insistent with each refusal. Finally, when grandpa explained that he didn’t have anything with him dude just vanished in thin air. Just like that. Nope, at least I never heard anything about her from anyone else. That’s probably because no one else strayed into those woods.As per my granddad, there are other paranormal experiences common to many people in the village though. I referred to the broad spectrum of ‘urban legends’ as that’s the most commonly used phrase. Also, I Googled it right now and it sounds really creepy! I know, it was a poorly intended pun. There are a lot more of creepy stories that all our grandparents enjoy to tell. The point of it all isn’t about believing them or them being real but the amazing way they narrate them!  I was gonna give you some credit and assume you were around 17 or 18 but I saw a comment that said you were in your 20s. What the fuck dude? I don’t like Queen but I also don’t give a shit that people do like them. Hopefully, you’ll get there one day.  Someone not liking something means they are a virgin. I’m not a virgin, just to clear that up. I don’t honestly care if someone likes Queen, it’s just fun to see what bullshit Queen fans spew. The Queen fanbase is so fucking toxic. You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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tshirttrend · 4 years
Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt
Once upon a time, I rented a Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt . from some Kashmiri guys in Delhi. I don’t believe in spooks, but I had a couple of creepy experiences there. When I told them about it, they regaled with stories from Srinagar and the mountains for near an hour. Really, really great stuff. From all the years I’ve spent in India, I’ve got to admit: nobody does ghost stories better. In the United States, people will tell a tale about seeing a shadow gliding on the wall or hearing footsteps on the stairs; in India, the fuckers will tell you about how the time they had tea and a night-long chat with somebody they found out was dead the next day. Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's My grandfather told me a story about how he went out of the house one night after a fight with a grandma Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt . It was about midnight & he walked very far & sat beneath a tree. A man also arrived in sometime & asked him for a beedi (Indian cigarette) or Grandpa didn’t have it. Dude asked it for like 3 or 4 times getting more insistent with each refusal. Finally, when grandpa explained that he didn’t have anything with him dude just vanished in thin air. Just like that. Nope, at least I never heard anything about her from anyone else. That’s probably because no one else strayed into those woods.As per my granddad, there are other paranormal experiences common to many people in the village though. I referred to the broad spectrum of ‘urban legends’ as that’s the most commonly used phrase. Also, I Googled it right now and it sounds really creepy! I know, it was a poorly intended pun. There are a lot more of creepy stories that all our grandparents enjoy to tell. The point of it all isn’t about believing them or them being real but the amazing way they narrate them!  I was gonna give you some credit and assume you were around 17 or 18 but I saw a comment that said you were in your 20s. What the fuck dude? I don’t like Queen but I also don’t give a shit that people do like them. Hopefully, you’ll get there one day.  Someone not liking something means they are a virgin. I’m not a virgin, just to clear that up. I don’t honestly care if someone likes Queen, it’s just fun to see what bullshit Queen fans spew. The Queen fanbase is so fucking toxic. You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
0 notes
Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt
Once upon a time, I rented a Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt . from some Kashmiri guys in Delhi. I don’t believe in spooks, but I had a couple of creepy experiences there. When I told them about it, they regaled with stories from Srinagar and the mountains for near an hour. Really, really great stuff. From all the years I’ve spent in India, I’ve got to admit: nobody does ghost stories better. In the United States, people will tell a tale about seeing a shadow gliding on the wall or hearing footsteps on the stairs; in India, the fuckers will tell you about how the time they had tea and a night-long chat with somebody they found out was dead the next day. Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt, hoodie, sweater, longsleeve and ladies t-shirt
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Classic Men's My grandfather told me a story about how he went out of the house one night after a fight with a grandma Mayfield Odell Jarvis Cleveland Football Squad Goals T-Shirt . It was about midnight & he walked very far & sat beneath a tree. A man also arrived in sometime & asked him for a beedi (Indian cigarette) or Grandpa didn’t have it. Dude asked it for like 3 or 4 times getting more insistent with each refusal. Finally, when grandpa explained that he didn’t have anything with him dude just vanished in thin air. Just like that. Nope, at least I never heard anything about her from anyone else. That’s probably because no one else strayed into those woods.As per my granddad, there are other paranormal experiences common to many people in the village though. I referred to the broad spectrum of ‘urban legends’ as that’s the most commonly used phrase. Also, I Googled it right now and it sounds really creepy! I know, it was a poorly intended pun. There are a lot more of creepy stories that all our grandparents enjoy to tell. The point of it all isn’t about believing them or them being real but the amazing way they narrate them!  I was gonna give you some credit and assume you were around 17 or 18 but I saw a comment that said you were in your 20s. What the fuck dude? I don’t like Queen but I also don’t give a shit that people do like them. Hopefully, you’ll get there one day.  Someone not liking something means they are a virgin. I’m not a virgin, just to clear that up. I don’t honestly care if someone likes Queen, it’s just fun to see what bullshit Queen fans spew. The Queen fanbase is so fucking toxic. You Can See More Product: https://luxuryt-shirt.com/product-category/trending/ Read the full article
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wsmith215 · 4 years
Going Solo The younger Ajayi on the Cleveland Browns, brother Jay, and Nigerians in the NFL
Solomon Ajayi may be a Cleveland Browns player now, but he came very close to not being selected by any team this year after going undrafted, and tells ESPN it was one of the more nerve-wracking experiences of his life.
The younger brother of free agent running back Jay Ajayi, ‘Solo’ watched his name slip down, down, down the virtual board until it was no longer on it, after being unable to show off his skills at a pro day due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Coming off a small program at Liberty, Ajayi did not hold out much hope of getting drafted early, but he at least thought he’d be in the top 254 names called. When he wasn’t, he had to wait.
He tells ESPN: “It was really nerve-wracking because I didn’t know what was going to happen, if I was going to get picked up or how it was going to work out.
“But I just kept faith because I was back home with my family and we were just staying positive, being around each other and I was lucky enough Cleveland said they wanted to sign me so I thank God for the opportunity.”
Solo Ajayi is hoping to add another Super Bowl ring to the family name, but first he must crack the Browns’ 53-man roster after being an undrafted pick. James Gilbert/Getty Images
But the fight is by no means over. His next battle is to force his way into the Browns’ 53-man roster, and it is a contest the young linebacker has already primed himself for.
He adds: “I think I have to work extremely really hard, I don’t want to view it as I got signed or I got picked by the team and the work is finished.
“I feel like now the work really has to ramp up more and I have to work harder than I have ever done before. I have to really dive into the play book and make sure I know everything team-wise.
“Once I get up there [to Cleveland], I have to make a good impression out there on all the coaches. It’s a grind, especially with all the stuff going on right now, I just have to make sure I stay active.
“Corona’s shutting a lot stuff down lately and I’m just finding different ways to just get work in. It’s going to be a challenge to make the 53-man roster but I’m definitely up for it.”
It does help that he has a Super Bowl ring-wearer in the family to learn from. Big brother Jay has already set some high standards by winning a ring with the Philadelphia Eagles in 2017, Solo says: “He definitely set the bar high in his first three years in the NFL.
“In his second year he had the Pro Bowl and in his third year he was Super Bowl champion. He has definitely given me something to chase for my career.
“I’m excited that he did and I can’t wait to get mine so we can have two Super Bowl rings in the family.”
Solomon Ajayi credits his brother Jay Ajayi for giving the Ajayi name status in NFL after winning SB LII with the Eagles.
Jay’s influence has been immense in shaping Solomon’s football career, he adds: “He is the one that got me into football. He was the first that played football in my family so he was the one who introduced it to me.
“Every step of the way, I have looked up to him and his process. Growing up with him and seeing go from high school to college and to the NFL gives me hope and helps me see how possible it is, how achievable it is and I just have to keep working hard.
“Everything he has and all he has accomplished motivates me and tells me my brother is working hard so I have to work hard too. I look forward to the day I will see him on the field in the NFL.”
The younger Ajayi, who was born in the U.K. to Nigerian parents [as opposed to Jay, who was born in London], will have a few Nigerian ‘brothers’ in the Browns dressing room too, to help him along.
Ajayi was one of 11 Nigeria-connected players picked up this year, the highest tally for a draft ever. Over the years, the Browns have sported nine Nigerian players, the most of any team.
Of his connection to the African powerhouse, Ajayi says: “Being Nigerians, we have a certain pride in our country and where we come from so I’m glad this is the biggest draft [for us] right now and I’m glad to be a part of it.
“I’m glad to be helping build American football in Nigeria and hopefully getting more people to come and play because it is obvious that Nigerians are very talented… to keep building the rapport with Nigerians in the NFL and keep watching it grow, year on year.”
Cleveland Browns linebacker Solomon Ajayi speaks about how the New York Giants’ Osi Umenyiora influenced him.
Aside from David Njoku on the Browns, with whom Ajayi shares the Nigeria connection, he’s not unfamiliar with many of his team-mates, thanks to visiting the Pro Bowl with Jay.
He says: “I had the luxury to meet a couple of the players, I met [Odell] Beckham at the Pro Bowl in 2017, also a couple of players that play for the Browns like David Njoku, they were in Miami when I was trying for the drafts.
“I have been pretty familiar with them and I’m very excited to meet a lot of players on the team. I feel like they’re one of the most talented players in the NFL. Guys like Beckham, [Jarvis] Landry, [Baker] Mayfield. It will be very exciting to play with the team.”
He has high hopes for the Browns this coming season, despite their somewhat disappointing 2019, saying: “I think we’re going all the way. I have complete confidence in the team.
“We have a lot of talent but we just have to be ready to work. With everything going on in the world, it’s making it shaky with sports but the new regime we have coming in, with the general manager and the coaching staff, I feel they are the right set of people to help turn things around and get us as far as we want to go.”
Ultimately though, he wants to show fans that the Browns made the right call, and that the 254 names called ahead of him are not superior by default.
He adds: “I’m used to being under recruited and not being on everyone’s radar. I see it as a chip on my shoulder and I don’t really care how I get in there.
“You put me next to your first rounder and I’m going to show out. I have confidence in myself, I know I can be a game changer for any team and I glad to be who I am.
“I’m just excited to go out on the field and prove them right to they have taken a chance on me.”
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The post Going Solo The younger Ajayi on the Cleveland Browns, brother Jay, and Nigerians in the NFL appeared first on The Bleak Report.
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Fox news Breaking: Browns set to hire Stefanski as HC - NFL.com
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Fox news
After which there became none.
The supreme team left in the NFL landscape searching for to gain a head coach has found its man in a well-identified candidate.
The Cleveland Browns beget employed Vikings offensive coordinator Kevin Stefanski as their silent head coach, NFL Network Insider Ian Rapoport reported Sunday morning. The team later made the news legit.
"We are happy to welcome Kevin as the next head coach of the Cleveland Browns," Dee and Jimmy Haslam mentioned in an announcement. "We had been searching for to gain a sturdy leader of this soccer team, a extremely gleaming coach with a excessive soccer IQ, who might perchance well also set aside a sturdy working out of what he anticipated of his avid gamers, take hang of them guilty and confidently navigate the challenges and opportunities that indicate themselves for the length of a season. Kevin exemplifies these qualities and more.
A day after the Vikings season ended, their offensive coordinator is getting a silent foundation as the Browns' 18th plump-time coach in franchise legend.
"I if fact be told if fact be told feel love I grew as a coach there, and they allowed me to develop, which became excellent," Stefanski mentioned in an announcement. "I honest type of chased this ingredient and here is the place it landed excellent now. I might perchance well not be happier that I'm here to abet this franchise."
Last season, Stefanski became considered as the runner-as a lot as the job bestowed upon Freddie Kitchens. Kitchens became fired after honest one season and Stefanski is now taking his home.
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Following Kitchens' firing, the Browns and customary manager John Dorsey parted ways, so upon Stefanski's hiring, discovering the next GM is paramount in Cleveland. Cleveland has already requested interviews with Colts assistant customary manager and Eagles vp of soccer operations Andrew Berry, while Rapoport added the Browns might perchance well also stare at Vikings assistant GM George Paton.
Though the Browns fired Kitchens on the closing Sunday of the season, they had been the closing team to beget their coaching vacancy after a prolonged search that encompassed when it comes to two weeks and eight interviews.
In the chilly aftermath of a 6-10 showing of a 2019 season, Kitchens became brushed off. As it became Kitchens' first job as a head coach, the conclusion amongst many became the Browns' subsequent leader along the sidelines would be one with head-coaching ride.
The 37-yr-vulnerable Stefanski would not provide that, though, as he'll venture out of the Skol confines for the first time in his NFL tenure, having started as an assistant to the head coach in Minnesota in 2006. Since then he's been a tight ends, operating backs and quarterbacks coach ahead of taking on as offensive coordinator in 2018.
Though he misplaced out to Kitchens a season up to now in the Browns' search, he left an enduring affect with Paul DePodesta. DePodesta, the Browns chief system officer who became heading the coaching search, had an edge transferring into to this yr's search, NFL Network's Tom Pelissero reported, and got the job.
Forty-Niners defensive coordinator Robert Saleh became considered as one other top contender for the job and had a sturdy interview, Pelissero reported, but misplaced out. It became the opposite of Saturday's destiny on the field as Stefanski's Vikings offense became corralled by Saleh's 49ers protection.
Other fallout, as Rapoport added, from Stefanski's hiring will most seemingly be that Patriots offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels (one other presumed top pick for the Browns' job) will stay in Fresh England below Bill Belichick. Minnesota will also want a silent offensive coordinator, but Gary Kubiak is there as assistant head coach and offensive guide.
Given the job as offensive coordinator in an intervening time means in direction of the discontinue of the 2018 season, Stefanski held on to the job via 2019 as the Vikings had the No. 8 scoring offense.
Engaging on from the likes of Kirk Cousins, Adam Thielen, Stefon Diggs and Dalvin Cook dinner, Stefanski will pick over a Browns roster brimming with offensive skill coupled with unfulfilled doable from this previous yr's disappointing showing.
Wide receivers Jarvis Landry and Odell Beckham, operating abet Nick Chubb and quarterback Baker Mayfield all stay wide awake for Stefanski.
A day after strolling a long way from a Vikings loss, Stefanski has gained the Browns job.
Including intervening time coach Gregg Williams, Stefanski is determined to be the fourth Cleveland coach in three seasons when 2020 kicks off.
One more silent morning time is upon Cleveland as the closing coaching search in the NFL has concluded and the Browns beget found their most fresh subsequent coach.
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Dec. 25, 2019: 2019
Travis Blankenship, 92
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Mr. Travis Edward Blankenship, age 92 of Ferguson, passed away peacefully Saturday, December 21, 2019 at his home surrounded by his                                 Funeral services were December 24, at Dunkirk Methodist Church with Rev. Kenny Bumgarner, Rev. Mark Revill and Sister Louella Marley officiating. Burial was in Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church cemetery.  
           Mr. Blankenship was born July 16, 1927 in Wilkes County to Philo Hall Blankenship and Josephine Ann Groce. He retired from furniture manufacturing. Mr. Blankenship was a member of Dunkirk United Methodist Church.
           In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; Mildred Marie McNeil Blankenship, a son in law; Stephen Ayers and a daughter in law; Teresa Blankenship.
           He is survived by two daughters; Grace Dean Greene and husband Alfred and Ann Marie Ayers, four sons; Gary Edward Blankenship and wife Connie, Paul Travis Blankenship and wife Tina, Larry Dale Blankenship and Timothy Clark Blankenship, seven grandchildren; Chad Blankenship, Michael Blankenship, Brian Blankenship, Bradley Blankenship, Drew Blankenship, April Blankenship Shepherd and Adam Blankenship, thirteen great grandchildren; Laken Blankenship, Dalton Blankenship, Amelia Blankenship, Zaylee Blankenship, Gavin Blankenship, Ben Blankenship, Charlotte Blankenship, Zeb Shepherd, Cooper Shepherd, Kember Blankenship, Katlyn Blankenship George, Kason Shepherd and Carson Travis Blankenship, a great- great grandson; Travis Brian Blankenship, two sisters; Margie Faye Mull of Indiana and Shelby Jean Blankenship of Wilkesboro and a brother; Ralph Blankenship of Deep Gap.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Dunkirk Methodist Church c/o Kenny Bumgarner 162 East Greencrest Drive Millers Creek, NC 28651.
           Special Thanks to Louella Marley and Medi Home Hospice and all our friends for their love and support.
 Jack Ledford, 78
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Mr. Jack Monroe Ledford, age 78 of North Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, December 20. 2019 at State Employees Credit Union Hospice Home in Yadkinville.
           Funeral services were  December 22,   at Baptist Home Baptist Church with  Rev. David Jones, Rev. Dan Keistler and Mr. Randy Gambill officiating. Burial will be in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
           Mr. Ledford was born February 25, 1941 in Clay County to Bayse Thomas Ledford and Myrtle Cody Ledford. He was the Founder of Jack Ledford Concrete. Mr. Ledford was a member of Baptist Home Baptist Church.
           In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife; Barbara Ledford and a sister; Marilyn Ledford.
           He is survived by two daughters; Annette Gambill and husband Randy of Wilkesboro and Natalie Eller and husband Glenn of North Wilkesboro, a son; Jack Ledford, Jr.  and wife Misty of Wilkesboro, six grandchildren; Eric Gambill, Adam Gambill, Ashton Ledford, Riley Ledford, Carson Ledford and Ansley Jarvis, three sisters; Carol Ledford of North Wilkesboro, Juanita Cates and husband Randy of Durham and Barbara Wilcox and husband Bobbie of Wilkesboro and two brothers; David Ledford and wife Vickie of North Wilkesboro and Daniel Ledford of North Wilkesboro.
           In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to SECU Hospice Home 243 North Lee Street Yadkinville, NC 27055.
 Electa Johnson, 98
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Miss Electa Marie Johnson, age 98 of North Wilkesboro passed away Friday, December 20, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.
           A Private Funeral Service with Rev. Mark Rupard officiating will be held.
 Miss Johnson was born March 31, 1921 in Wilkes County to William Monroe and Sarah Ila Gregory Johnson. Miss, Johnson retired from CenturyLink-Sprint and was a member of Mountain View Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro.
           In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two sisters; Cordie Gregory and Flossie Mathis and six brothers; Blum, Carl, Claude, Gordon, Fonse and Richard Johnson.
           She is survived by several nieces and nephews.
           In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to, Mountain View Baptist Church, PO Box 834, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
Kyle Stanley,  86
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Kyle Stanley, age 86, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Friday, December 20, 2019 in Statesville. Mr. Stanley was born September 4, 1933 in Wilkes County to Kelsey and Ollie Jane Kilby
Stanley. He was saved and a member of Bethel Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his parents, and wife; Onie Mae Shumate Stanley, infant daughter; Glenda Stanley, several brother and sisters.
           Mr. Stanley is survived by his son; Ronnie Stanley and wife, Dawn, of North Wilkesboro, granddaughters; Shana Dollar, and husband, Robert, of North Wilkesboro, and Melissa McGinty of North Wilkesboro, great-grandsons; Robbie Dollar, Rylan Dollar and Grayson McGinty of North Wilkesboro, two sisters; Roxie Johnson of Winston-Salem and Evon Holder of Hays, special friends; Teresa and Karen, and several nieces and nephews.
           Funeral services are private.
           Memorials may be made to, American Cancer Society, c/o Annette Battle, Relay for Life, PO Box 9, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
           Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Michael Cifaldo, 54
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Mr. Michael Anthony Cifaldo better known as "Waldo", age 54 of North Wilkesboro passed away Thursday, December 19, 2019.
           Memorial services were December 23,  at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Mr. Chuck Wagoner officiating.  
           Mr. Cifaldo was born November 4, 1965 in York, PA to John and Laura Corine Smith Cifaldo.  
           He was preceded in death by his mother.
           He is survived by his wife; Amy Michelle Brown Cifaldo of North Wilkesboro, one daughter; Kaitlyn Hickman and husband Philip of Millers Creek, one son; Kyle Allen Cifaldo of Weaverville, grandson; Zeb Hickman, his father; John Cifaldo and his step-mother Ruby of Churchville, MD, three sisters; Deborah Sheets of Hays, Cynthia Cifaldo of North Wilkesboro, step-sister; Melody Johnson and husband; Steve of Fort Mill, SC, four brothers; John Allen Cifaldo and wife Diane of Dallastown, PA,  Edward Angelo Cifaldo and wife Tina of Winsor, PA, Jason Leiphart of York, PA, Christopher John Cifaldo of Baltimore, MD, five step-brothers; Willie Chavis and wife Tammy of Rowland, NC, Mark Chavis and wife Mary of Street, MD, Christopher Chavis and wife Diane of Jarrettsville, MD, Jefffery Oxendine and wife Denise of Fallston, MD and Joseph Oxendine and wife Brandy of Rowland, NC.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, PO Box 9, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
  Tyler Anderson, 24
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Mr. Tyler Flake Anderson, 24, of Boomer, was received into the arms of Jesus on Thursday, December 19, 2019.
           Tyler was born on June 16, 1995 in Wilkes County to Robert David Anderson and Penny Gaye Weber.
           Tyler was an attendee of Pleasant Home Baptist Church.
           Tyler was an outdoors man he enjoyed wrestling, RC car racing and cheering for the Panthers.  
           Tyler is preceded in death by his mother, Penny Gaye Weber; grandfather, Flake Weber; grandmother, Linda Anderson; Uncle, Harless Moore
           Tyler is survived by father, Robert Anderson of N.Wilkesboro; brother, Zachary Anderson (Anne) of Boomer; grandmother, Margie Weber of N.Wilkesboro; nieces, Catherine Anderson, Leigha Nixon; nephew, Dylan Gilligan; aunts, Vickie  Mikeal (Kenneth ) of Wilkesboro , Laura Weber of N.Wilkesboro and many cousins.  
           Funeral was  December 23,  at Pleasant Home Baptist Church.  Burial   followed  at Foundation Church on Edgewood Rd.  
           Pastor Jason Bumgarner and Rev. Donnie Shumatewere officiating.
           In addition to flowers memorial donations may be given to Pleasant Home Baptist Church, 735 Pleasant Home Church Rd, Millers Creek, NC 28651
           Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Anderson Family.
 Gaither Lane,  89
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Gaither Lane, age 89, of Millers Creek, passed away Wednesday, December 18, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. He was born January 22, 1930 in Wilkes County to Dora Lane. Mr. Lane loved to take walks, he  also enjoyed visiting with neighbors.
           Gaither was preceded in death by his mother; brother, Odell Lane and sisters, June Lane Wagoner, Mae Lane.
           Surviving are several nieces and nephews.
           Funeral service was December 20,  at Miller Funeral Chapel with eulogy by Steve Johnson. Burial followed in Mountlawn Memorial Park.  
           Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
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junker-town · 4 years
5 NFL teams that could break a long Super Bowl drought next
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Photo by Peter G. Aiken/Getty Images
The Chiefs cut their drought at 50 years. Other teams would love to be next.
Fifty years came and went between Super Bowl parades in the streets of Kansas City, but the Chiefs did it. They broke an NFL championship drought that lasted longer than six different teams (the Ravens, Texans, Jaguars, Panthers, Buccaneers, and Seahawks) have been professional franchises.
While parity may be a product of the NFL’s salary cap era, the league remains a land of haves and have-nots. Twelve of the league’s 32 teams (37.5 percent!) have never won a Super Bowl. Four of those teams — the Lions, Browns, Jaguars, and Texans — have never even gotten there.
But the 2019 season was a changing of the guard, and 2020 could bring more of the same. Here are the most likely teams to break their long Super Bowl droughts next season.
1. Tennessee Titans
Last Super Bowl appearance: 2000 Last Super Bowl win: never
Tennessee, 9-7 in each of its past four seasons, made a Cinderella run through the AFC playoff bracket this winter. The Titans ousted the reigning NFL champions (New England) and the team with the league’s top record (Baltimore) before their run came to an end in Kansas City. This offseason, several moving parts could set their postseason ceiling.
Ryan Tannehill and Derrick Henry, the two most important pieces of their surge from a 2-4 record to AFC finalist, are both slated to be free agents in 2020. While Tannehill seems like an obvious candidate to be franchise-tagged, figuring out what to do with Henry — an old-school heavy-use bulldozer of a tailback who doesn’t catch many passes — will be a tougher decision. The team will also have to make some upgrades to a defense that ranked 16th in efficiency.
Ultimately, Tennessee’s Super Bowl hopes may boil down to whether or not you believe Tannehill’s breakthrough 2019 is sustainable. Can he be the quarterback who wound up leading the league in passer rating last fall? Or will he revert back to his Dolphins form of “kinda/sorta good enough” like he did late in the postseason?
2. Minnesota Vikings
Last Super Bowl appearance: 1977 Last Super Bowl win: never
Speaking of quarterbacks with good numbers and an inherent lack of trust, here’s Kirk Cousins! Statistically, Cousins is coming off his best season as a pro for a 10-6 team. He finished among the NFL’s top six quarterbacks in:
completion rate (69.1 percent)
touchdown rate (5.9 percent)
adjusted yards per pass (8.7)
and passer rating (107.4)
And it didn’t really matter! The Vikings went just 1-4 against playoff teams during the regular season before upsetting the Saints in the Wild Card Round (thanks, in part, to two great Cousins throws). That overtime win that gave way to a lifeless 27-10 loss to eventual NFC champs San Francisco.
The good news is most of the key members of that 10-win team will be back in 2020. Cousins is entering the final year of a fully guaranteed three-year, $84 million deal, so the pressure will be on him to exceed expectations once more before potentially hitting free agency. He’ll still have Stefon Diggs and Adam Thielen (who missed extended time in 2019 due to injuries) to throw to, and Dalvin Cook to lighten his load out of the backfield.
Some sacrifices may have to be made on the other side of the ball. Everson Griffen was still a monster in his age-31 season, recording 9.5 sacks and 27 QB hits between 17 regular season and playoff games, but he’ll be a free agent for a team that currently has ... NEGATIVE-$12 MILLION IN CAP SPACE — WHAT? HOW?
That’s gonna make it hard to improve in 2020. The Vikings better hope general manager Rick Spielman drafts well this spring.
3. Buffalo Bills
Last Super Bowl appearance: 1994 Last Super Bowl win: never
The Bills have a Super Bowl-caliber defense. The question is whether Josh Allen can continue to grow into a Super Bowl-caliber quarterback.
He’s shown signs of living up to his top-10 draft status. The big-armed Wyoming grad improved across the board in his second season in the NFL, cutting his interception rate nearly in half thanks to markedly better decision-making downfield. He was still much more effective as a triple-threat play-breaker than a troop-rallying quarterback, and that hampered Buffalo in 2019. Allen needed 46 passes to throw for 264 yards in a loss to the Texans in his first postseason start.
Budding stars like Tre’Davious White, Tremaine Edmunds, and Ed Oliver will keep the Bills in a playoff orbit. Allen can push them further if he can continue this upward trajectory — though a little more receiving help might provide the extra boost that unlocks his potential.
4. Cleveland Browns
Last Super Bowl appearance: never Last Super Bowl win: never
Remember when we were really excited about the Browns? They were the preseason favorites to win the AFC North! Then, as they have each of the past 12 years, they wrapped up another disappointing season with a losing record.
The 1964 NFL champions have a strong collection of raw talent that was less than the sum of its parts under since-deposed head coach Freddie Kitchens. Team owner Jimmy Haslam hired offensive coordinator Kevin Stefanski away from the Vikings to replace Kitchens, upgrading his WR/RB combo from Thielen/Diggs/Cook to Odell Beckham Jr., Jarvis Landry, and Nick Chubb. His first task will be to fix Baker Mayfield, who backslid after a strong finish to his rookie campaign.
Turning the defense into a stable unit will be another concern for Stefanski. Players like Joe Schobert, Larry Ogunjobi, Denzel Ward, and Myles Garrett (assuming he returns from his indefinite suspension for bonking Mason Rudolph on the head) give the Browns a solid young core to build around. With a high draft slot in 2020 and nearly $50 million in spending room this offseason, there’s plenty of room for hope in Cleveland again.
5. Atlanta Falcons
Last Super Bowl appearance: oh man, you guys sure you’re ready to talk about that? Last Super Bowl win: never
There were only a handful of candidates to fill out this last spot. The Falcons, Bengals, Cardinals, Lions, Chargers, and Jets have all been around for at least 50 years. Only the Jets have won a Super Bowl — 51 years ago. LA would have been an OK choice here, but with Philip Rivers’ future suddenly in flux, who knows what the Chargers will do next. Instead, let’s go with the team that finished 2019 on a 6-2 heater that saved head coach Dan Quinn’s job.
The Falcons bring a reliable former MVP quarterback to the table. Matt Ryan, who may never reach his 2016 heights ever again, still threw the ball more than anyone else in the league in 2019 (and, in a related note, got sacked more than anyone but Kyler Murray). He gets to throw to one of the league’s top WR tandems in Julio Jones and Calvin Ridley, though Pro Bowl tight end Austin Hooper may be out the door since he’s due a massive raise this offseason.
Atlanta will need to fix its disappointing defense while walking the tightrope of extremely limited salary cap space — only three teams in the NFL are slated to have less to spend this spring. The Falcons weren’t very efficient on either side of the ball last season and don’t really have much room to add help outside of the draft. Their late rally moved them up to second place in the NFC South, too. That means instead of facing a lineup of Washington, Detroit, and Arizona in 2020, they’ll get the Cowboys, Vikings, and Seahawks.
Yeah, the Falcons might not be a playoff team next year.
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Position rankings, sleepers, bargains, breakouts and potential busts (06/28/2017)
The 2017 Fantasy Football season is just around the corner. Join SEC Country as we dive into position rankings for quarterbacks, running backs, wide receivers, tight ends kickers and defenses.
We’ll also take a look at sleepers, bargain, breakouts and potential busts for your upcoming fantasy draft.
You can find consensus rankings from over 40 industry experts at Fantasy Pros, get the latest rankings from ESPN expert Matthew Berry and weigh the opinions of the Yahoo! Sports Fantasy experts all for free.
Here’s a look at our rankings, which are for a non-PPR, standard scoring format:
2017 Fantasy Football: Quarterback (QB) rankings
RANKPLAYERTEAMBYE1Aaron RodgersGB82Tom BradyNE93Drew BreesNO54Ben RoethlisbergerPIT95Andrew LuckIND116Matt RyanATL57Russell WilsonSEA68Cam NewtonCAR119Kirk CousinsWAS510Derek CarrOAK1011Dak PrescottDAL612Jameis WinstonTB1113Philip RiversLAC914Eli ManningNYG815Carson PalmerARI816Marcus MariotaTEN817Matthew StaffordDET718Carson WentzPHI1019Andy DaltonCIN620Joe FlaccoBAL1021Tyrod TaylorBUF622Blake BortlesJAC823Mike GlennonCHI924Ryan TannehillMIA1125Deshaun WatsonHOU726Alex SmithKC1027Sam BradfordMIN928Brian HoyerSF1129Cody KesslerCLE930Jared GoffLAR8
2017 Fantasy Football: Running Back (RB) rankings
RANKPLAYERTEAMBYE1Le’Veon BellPIT92David JohnsonARI83Ezekiel ElliottDAL64LeSean McCoyBUF65DeMarco MurrayTEN86Jordan HowardCHI97Melvin GordonLAC98Devonta FreemanATL59Lamar MillerHOU710Leonard FournetteJAC811Todd GurleyLAR812Jay AjayiMIA1113Mark IngramNO514Isaiah CrowellCLE915Marshawn LynchOAK1016LeGarrette BlountPHI1017Carlos HydeSF1118Eddie LacySEA619Christian McCaffreyCAR1120Spencer WareKC1021Rob KelleyWAS522C.J. AndersonDEN523Ty MontgomeryGB824Doug MartinTB1125Dalvin CookMIN926Frank GoreIND1127Tevin ColemanATL528Adrian PetersonNO529Ameer AbdullahDET730Jonathan StewartCAR11
2017 Fantasy Football: Wide Receiver (WR) rankings
RANKPLAYERTEAMBYE1Antonio BrownPIT92Julio JonesATL53Odell Beckham Jr.NYG84Mike EvansTB115A.J. GreenCIN66Jordy NelsonGB87Dez BryantDAL68T.Y. HiltonIND119Amari CooperOAK1010Demaryius ThomasDEN511Alshon JefferyPHI1012Keenan AllenLAC913Michael ThomasNO514Brandon MarshallNYG815Brandin CooksNE916Doug BaldwinSEA617DeAndre HopkinsHOU718Terrelle PryorWAS519Davante AdamsGB820Michael CrabtreeOAK1021Allen RobinsonJAC822Sammy WatkinsBUF623Golden TateDET724Larry FitzgeraldARI825Stefon DiggsMIN926Jeremy MaclinBAL1027Tyreek HillKC1028Jordan MatthewsPHI1029Julian EdelmanNE930Jarvis LandryMIA11
2017 Fantasy Football: Tight End (TE) rankings
RANKPLAYERTEAMBYE1Rob GronkowskiNE92Jordan ReedWAS53Travis KelceKC104Greg OlsenCAR115Delanie WalkerTEN86Jimmy GrahamSEA67Tyler EifertCIN68Hunter HenryLAC99Zach ErtzPHI1010Kyle RudolphMIN911O.J. HowardTB1112Zach MillerCHI913Jack DoyleIND1114C.J. FiedorowiczHOU715Cameron BrateTB1116Julius ThomasMIA1117Evan EngramNYG818Eric EbronDET719Martellus BennettGB820Jason WittenDAL6
2017 Fantasy Football: Kicker (K) rankings
RANKPLAYERTEAMBYE1Stephen GostkowskiNE92Justin TuckerBAL103Mason CrosbyGB84Dan BaileyDAL65Matt BryantATL56Adam VinatieriIND117Matt PraterDET78Sebastian JanikowskiOAK109Steven HauschkaBUF610Cairo SantosKC1011Chris BoswellPIT912Graham GanoCAR1113Chandler CatanzaroARI1114Brandon McManusDEN515Nick NovakHOU7
2017 Fantasy Football: Defense/Special Teams (D/ST) rankings
2017 Fantasy Football: Bargain players
The 10 best values for your fantasy draft this season, per NFL.com’s Michael Fabiano:
1. Golden Tate, WR, Detroit Lions 2. Ameer Abdullah, RB, Detroit Lions 3. Larry Fitzgerald, WR, Arizona Cardinals 4. Frank Gore, RB, Indianapolis Colts 5. Doug Martin, RB, Tampa Bay Buccaneers 6. Pierre Garcon, WR, San Francisco 49ers 7. Adrian Peterson, RB, New Orleans Saints 8. Cam Newton, QB, Carolina Panthers 9. Tyrod Taylor, QB, Buffalo Bills 10. Andy Dalton, QB, Cincinnati Bengals
2017 Fantasy Football: Sleeper players
The 10 best sleepers for your fantasy draft this season, per NFL.com’s Michael Fabiano:
1. Martavis Bryant, WR, Pittsburgh Steelers 2. Willie Snead, RB, New Orleans Saints: 3. Samaje Perine, RB, Washington Redskins 4. Kareem Hunt, RB, Kansas City Chiefs 5. Kenneth Dixon, RB, Baltimore Ravens 6. Cameron Meredith, WR, Chicago Bears 7. Corey Coleman, WR, Cleveland Browns 8. Quincy Enunwa, WR, New York Jets 9. DeVante Parker, WR, Miami Dolphins 10. Carson Wentz, QB, Philadelphia Eagles
2017 Fantasy Football: Breakout players
The 10 best breakout players for your fantasy draft this season, per NFL.com’s Michael Fabiano:
1. Leonard Fournette, RB, Jacksonville Jaguars 2. Christian McCaffrey, RB, Carolina Panthers 3. Isaiah Crowell, RB, Cleveland Browns 4. Dalvin Cook, RB, Minnesota Vikings 5. Joe Mixon, RB, Cincinnati Bengals 6. Terrelle Pryor, WR, Washington Redskins 7. Tyreek Hill, WR, Kansas City Chiefs 8. Sammy Watkins, WR, Buffalo Bills 9. Bilal Powell, RB, New York Jets 10. Stefon Diggs, WR, Minnesota Vikings
2017 Fantasy Football: Potential busts
The 10 players who could bust your fantasy draft this season, per NFL.com’s Michael Fabiano:
1. Alshon Jeffery, WR, Philadelphia Eagles 2. Keenan Allen, WR, Los Angeles Chargers 3. Eddie Lacy, RB, Seattle Seahawks 4. Mark Ingram, RB, New Orleans Saints 5. Davante Adams, WR, Green Bay Packers 6. Julian Edelman, WR, New England Patriots 7. Brandon Marshall, WR, New York Giants 8. Jeremy Hill, RB, Cincinnati Bengals 9. Latavius Murray, RB, Minnesota Vikings 10. O.J. Howard, TE, Tampa Bay Buccaneers
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New from Kevin Wozniak on Kevflix: 2020 NFL Mock Draft – Movie Edition
Kevflix has always been a website about movies, with the occasional dabble into some T.V..  But my first love before getting into writing about movies was sports and it is something I am still very passionate about.  Since I can remember, I’ve always loved sports.  I have my favorites to play and watch, but I don’t discriminate against any sport.  Whether something as popular as basketball or a sport so random it might not even be classified as a sport, I’ll watch it and try to play it all.
This week, the 2020 NFL Draft is taking place, though it won’t be the event that it has been in past years thanks to COVID-19.  I love watching the NFL and the NFL Draft is always a big day for the sport.
In honor of the draft, I am going to do a mock draft of the first ten picks of the 2020 draft.  Then, using my knowledge of each team, along with some real 2020 NFL mock drafts to see what the teams need, I am going to draft them a player from a football movie that would actually make an impact on their team and one that I could realistically see the team drafting if they were real.
For a football movie to be eligible, the movie must be fiction, so sorry Remember the Titans, The Express, and Friday Night Lights.  All fictional movie character are eligible, even if they were in high school, prison, or are older than draft picks would usually be.
Those are the rules.  Here is the 2020 NFL Draft – Movie Edition.
The Cincinnati Bengals select…
The Bengals are a bit of a mess right now.  They haven’t been able to trade Andy Dalton this off-season, yet they have a strong running game with Joe Mixon, a stud wide receiver in A.J. Green, and good number two and three receivers in Tyler Boyd and John Ross III, so the offense could be solid under the right play calling.  Bobby Boucher is a bonafide stud.  A hard-hitting, well-hydrated linebacker that will elevate the defense to a new level and take some of the pressure off the offense .  Though Cincinnati is a long way from the Louisiana swamp where Boucher grew up, I’m sure his Momma wouldn’t mind a change of scenery, especially when her boy has All-Pro talent.
The Washington Redskins select…
The Redskins are an absolute nightmare on offense.  Will Dwayne Haskins pan out as a starting quarterback?  The backfield is all over the place and their wide receivers aren’t any better.  So rather than add another young offensive player to a messy situation, the Redskins sad defense will get an immediate upgrade in Luther “Shark” Lavay.  He’ll add an intensity and power to a Redskins defense and give other divisional quarterbacks Dak Prescott, Carson Wentz, and Daniel Jones some real trouble during the season.  Lavay has Hall of Fame potential.
The Detroit Lions select…
Becky might be the best overall player in the draft.  She can play both sides of the ball and is a beast on both ends.  The Lions would love to pick “Icebox” here.  On the defensive end, she’ll make a huge impact on a defense that has been known to give up a lot of points.  On the offensive side, the Lions run game has been injury-prone and unreliable, so “Icebox” has the potential to be a major player for Matt Stafford.  In a brutal NFC North, “Icebox” would be a force to be reckoned with.
The New York Giants select…
The Giants are young with a lot of potential.  Daniel Jones is now quarterback and he has a beast of a running back behind him in Saquan Barkley.  Jones’ receiving core is a bit suspect, however.  Golden Tate is really solid, but Sterling Shepard is having trouble with concussions and Darius Slayton is too young and raw to know if he’s legit or not.  Though he has some off-the-field issues, Deacon Moss would immediately become Jones’ number one target and has the potential to be a Michael Irvin-esque talent (*wink wink*).
The Miami Dolphins select…
Miami has a lot of young talent on the offensive end.  The signing of Jordan Howard gives them a solid backfield and they have good young receivers.  They need someone to throw them the ball and unfortunately Ryan Fitzpatrick isn’t the man to do it.  “Steamin’” Willie Beamon is a little rough around the edges, but his upside is huge.  He has a cannon and can run.  Also, Beamon would thrive in the South Beach lifestyle.  Defense is still questionable, but Beamon has the potential to turn this team around in a now Brady-less AFC East.
The Los Angeles Chargers select…
    SHANE FALCO, QUARTERBACK (The Replacements)
The loss of Phillip Rivers has put the Chargers in an interesting position.  They have a lot of talented players on both sides of the ball, especially on offense.  But is Tyrod Taylor the way they want to go?  Shane Falco, though a bit old for a draft pick, would be a great pick here.  Draft him here and you’ll have a veteran running your offense who can get the ball to Keenan Allen and dump it off to Austin Eckler.  They could then look to draft a younger quarterback later in the draft, like a John Mox (Varsity Blues) to learn under Falco and have a stud quarterback for the future.
The Carolina Panthers select…
    JOEY BATTLE, LINEBACKER (The Longest Yard)
The surprising retirement of All-Pro linebacker Luke Kuechly shocked the Panthers organization this offseason and left a big whole on the defensive side.  Luckily for the Panthers, there is a great pick waiting for them at seven.  Joey Battle, like Deacon Moss, might have some off the field issues, but the combination of size, speed, and aggression will make him a perfect replacement for Kuechly in a loaded NFC South.
The Arizona Cardinals select…
Getting Deandre Hopkins was a huge move for the Cardinals and really improved an already exciting and talented offense.  Though they should focus on getting help for their young quarterback Kyler Murray, Mack is the kind of player that will elevate the Cardinal defense to a whole new level.  The Ohio State product is fast, tough, incredibly smart, and the kind of player you can build your defense around.  The NFC West is a tough division with San Francisco, Seattle, and Los Angeles, but with Mack on defense and this high-power offense, the Cardinals could be a sleeper contender sooner than we think.
The Jacksonville Jaguars select…
Picking Maggett here might sound surprising, as the Jaguars already have a pretty good running back in Leonard Fournette.  Fournette has had issues staying healthy since being in the league and without him, the Jags offense becomes anemic and depressing, especially with an unproven receiving core.  Maggett has a ceiling to be the next Christian McCaffrey.  He’s a little smaller than McCaffrey, but Meggett is a crafty, speedy runner who could also double as a receiver for Garner Minshew.  He’d also play well alongside a healthy Fournette, as the two could become the most dynamic backfield in the NFL.
The Cleveland Browns select…
On paper, the Cleveland Browns have a stud offense: Nick Chubb and Kareem Hunt in the backfield, Odell Beckham Jr. and Jarvis Landry at wide receiver, the huge addition of Austin Hooper at tight end, this is an offense that should destroy defenses this year.  The biggest question mark on the offense is quarterback Baker Mayfield.  However, if you give him protection, which Billy Bob would most certainly do and do very well, Mayfield could have a Pro-Bowl year.  Concussions could shorten his career, however, so the Browns will have to be super cautious with him.  But he’s worth the gamble for one of the best offenses in the NFL.
BRIAN MURPHY, TIGHT END (The Replacements)
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fanpov-blog · 5 years
Most Interesting Teams Entering the Next NFL Season
Arizona Cardinals
This whole thing could go so many ways because of so many question marks. They hired a coach with a losing record from Texas Tech who got fired by his college team. That same coach had the team draft a 5'10" QB with blazing speed and a great arm who some say will be great and some say won't make it. They drafted some receivers and defensive players, but they didn't really attempt to solve the offensive line issue that was possibly the worst in the league last season. With all of this happening in Arizona, there are 2 scenarios that could go down. Scenario 1: The Cardinals and Kyler Murray have a RGIII type of first year with their new QB. Kliff Kingsbury's offense is lighting up the league and scoring points on any defense, and no one can figure it out. Kyler is running around throwing dimes, eluding pressure so well that any offensive line issues are irrelevant. The group of receivers is among the best in the league, with David Johnson back to his old form as an elite bell cow RB. With an offense so high scoring, it doesn't even  matter how well the defense plays, and they now have a chance to make the playoffs, as the Arizona Cardinals have surpassed everyones expectations. Scenario 2: Well, that sucked. Kliff Kingsbury proved that he was just yet another failure of a college coach moving to the NFL. Kyler Murray couldn't go anywhere without getting annhilated by pressure coming from every which way, and had one of the worst seasons by a first overall QB you could imagine. None of the receivers could get open all season, and David Johnson takes yet another step back, not able to get back to what he once was.  The defense is on the field so often that they get beat to a pulp every week. Another year as the worst team in the league, making everyone in that organization look clueless. It really could go either way, and maybe a little bit in between the two. Which one do you see happening?
Pittsburgh Steelers
Every year for the past few season the Steelers were viewed as serious Super Bowl contenders during the offseason, all because of their combo of a Hall of Fame QB, and arguably the top WR and RB in the entire league. After the biggest mess of a season you could possibly imagine, Leveon Bell is now on the Jets and Antonio Brown is now on the Raiders. JuJu Smith Schuster and James Connor still remain, but we have yet to see how well this team can do when it is counting on these two alone. Many people believe this team will be just fine, because they still have the great Big Ben behind center to still carry the team. I wouldn't be so sure about that. I'm not saying Ben can't carry this team to a great season, but I'm also not going to say I'm confident that he will. Think about it. This team couldn't even make it the distance with the best WR1 and RB1 combo in the league. What makes people think it's going to get better with them gone? It hard to see the Steelers actually being a losing team, but its also hard to see this team be more successful than it was before. 
Baltimore Ravens
The Ravens were an absolute rollercoaster last year. To begin the year it looked like Joe Flacco was about to make them good again, then he started losing and got hurt, handing over a team with very little chance to make the playoffs to a raw rookie QB in Lamar Jackson with about half the season to go. All of the sudden the Ravens went from the most pass heavy team in the league to the most run heavy team we've seen in a long time and no one could figure out Lamar Jackson. After a stunning finish to the season, the Ravens won their division and made the playoffs. They were facing a Chargers team that they had beat just a few weeks before. The thing about this game was that it was the fist time a team was going to be able to play against this Lamar Jackson offense for the second time, and possibly be able to figure this thing out, and it really seemed as if that was the case. The Ravens offense could do nothing against the scheme that Los Angeles put out there to stop them, and their amazing season ended that day on Wild Card weekend. The reason I bring this up is that I'm wondering if this is what the whole season will be like for the Ravens. Will all the teams know how to put an end to this unique offense now, or will a more experienced Lamar Jackson with more weapons develop more of a passing game and become unstoppable? Nobody knows, and that's what makes them so unpredictable.
Cleveland Browns
And now for the 3rd straight AFC North team to make this list, here is the most talked about team in the NFL right now, the Cleveland Browns. For the first time in a LONG time, the expectations are high for this squad. Baker Mayfield had arguably the best rookie season for a QB ever, he has the all-star receiving duo of Jarvis Landry and Odell Beckham Jr, with two great young RBs in Nick Chubb and Kareem Hunt. Weapons are everywhere on this offense, and the defense that struggled at times last year also added some pieces. Now, the guy that started last year as the team's RB coach is their Head Coach. Freddie Kitchens made this team do a complete U-turn when he took over play calling mid way through last year, giving him this chance right now. If I'm being honest, there doesn't really seem to be any reason this team doesn't succeed, other than the fact that they're the Browns, and they haven't been able to in so long. It is easily playoffs or bust, and that puts so much pressure on this team, the type of pressure that could be harmful to success. The show that everyone is watching this season is the one on how the Browns are doing, and if they will finally make the turn to success, or end up as the same old Browns. 
Oakland Raiders
This is a team that got thrown together with a bunch of random guys out of nowhere this offseason, and I have no idea what to think about it. On paper, this team looks pretty good after all of these moves. Derek Carr has proved he can succeed with a good team, and he now has Antonio Brown from Pittsburgh, Tyrell Williams from Los Angeles, they drafted Josh Jacobs to be a "feature back" as Jon Gruden said, and brought in names like Trent Brown and Lamarcus Joyner. That isn't all, and you can find all of their offseason moves here. Trust me, it's crazy. Now, there can be the argument that a team of random guys that are just thrown together can't succeed right away, but we all saw the Rams make it to the big game last year after doing the same thing, just with a few less players. If these guys are coached well, which you would expect out of Jon Gruden, if Mike Mayock the draft expert drafted all of the right guys, and if Derek Carr can play like the franchise man people are acting like he is, the Raiders could be surprisingly successful. This could all also blow up. These players could be poorly coached and not get along, and the draft picks could be busts and prove that a draft expert isn't cut out to make real decisions in the league. Or maybe neither of those things are true, but Derek Carr plays poorly and they don't win games. There are a lot of things that have to happen for them to succeed, and there are many things that could go wrong and ruin this whole season for the Raiders, but you never know which way it will go, but we will by January. 
New York Jets
Yet another team that we are just so used to seeing lose lately that imaging them winning is almost hard. Luckily for Jets fans though, they have a lot of the pieces in place to help them win games. Everyone around the league seems to think that Sam Darnold is going to be a franchise QB in this league, and that is always the most crucial part to a successful team. Now you bring in Leveon Bell to help carry that offense, and put him alongside an average receiving core, he can be the safety blanket Darnold needs. You also have names like CJ Mosley and Quinnen Williams on defense that could completely turn around that side of the ball. Head coach Adam Gase is know for his offensive expertise, and if he can put something in place to help this team score points, the sky is the limit, giving them the chance to be the next worst to first team in the league. What I think it is going to come down to for this team is making plays at the end of the close games. 1 win and 1 loss is a big deal in a 16 game NFL season, and most games are going to be close games. If the Jets finish off most of their close games with wins, they could be 10-6. They could also do exactly the opposite and end up 6-10. That's the difference from everyone saying this is the next great team, and everyone claiming Sam Darnold is a bust and they paid Leveon Bell too much money. 
San Francisco 49ers
This was the team that could've been last season, but everything fell apart before they ever got the chance. Jerrick McKinnon didn't even make it to the regular season before he tore his ACL, and just a few weeks in, their franchise QB Jimmy Garoppolo had the same fate. Meanwhile, with them gone, the team continued to be one of the best rushing teams in the league, and their TE George Kittle had possibly the best season ever at his position. Dante Pettis had a solid season last year, and now the 49ers are bringing in more young power at WR. With all of those weapons and a backfield that features Jerrick McKinnon and Tevin Coleman, the offense should light it up if Jimmy G is the guy he's being paid like he is. Now on defense, they just drafted Nick Bosa and made that D-line scary. With a great D-line, a defense can be completely rejuvenated. We never got to see what this team was going to be like with all of their pieces last year, and now they went out and added even more. It was already interesting last year, and it just got even better for 49ers fans. For more, visit fanpointofview.com What do you think is the most interesting storyline for a team heading into this season
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buddyrabrahams · 5 years
10 best moves from a wild NFL offseason
The 2019 NFL offseason got off to a fast start and has featured many trades, signings, and players being released. Some of the moves could shift the control of power across the league.
But which teams did best? Which teams positioned themselves for a run at the Super Bowl? Which free agents landed in a location where they can excel or take the next step in their respective careers?
Here’s a look at the 10 best moves, for both player and team, from what has been a wild offseason.
10. Lions sign Trey Flowers
The Lions have suddenly found a niche in developing pass rushers, but perhaps none are as talented as the newly signed Trey Flowers. After years learning under Bill Belichick, Flowers will now reunite with another man who helped develop him, head coach Matt Patricia. And the defensive-minded Patricia appears to have a very specific role in mind for the Flowers, which should allow the edge rusher to improve upon his sack numbers, possibly even leading to double-digit sacks for the first time in his career. Beyond just that, Flowers provides Detroit a top-end edge rusher who will open up opportunities for other defenders, likely increasing pass rush production across the board.
9. Colts re-sign Pierre Desir
There are just some players you know are going to turn into something special, and right now, cornerback Pierre Desir is one of those players. Entering free agency, Desir was expected to be a highly-desired target. The Colts managed to get him back on a three-year deal, essentially cementing their No. 1 corner in place for the foreseeable future. And the best news? Desir is only just getting started. Not only did Desir post a career-high Pro Football Focus grade (77.5) in 2018, but he was also their third-highest graded cornerback against the run and one of the best tackling cornerbacks in football. An all-around player entering his prime, Desir may soon be considered among the best CBs in the NFL.
8. Ravens add Mark Ingram
The Ravens have committed themselves to being a defensive heavy, run-first team by going with Lamar Jackson at quarterback, which is why the addition of Mark Ingram is so critical. After struggling through much of his rookie contract with the Saints, Ingram eventually found his place as a rotational back for New Orleans, splitting time with Alvin Kamara and others. He eclipsed 1,000 yards in both 2016 and 2017 before being limited to just 12 games a season ago. But those numbers, and his near 5.0-yard per carry average in recent seasons, are what Baltimore should expect from Ingram in 2019. He will assume the role of their No. 1 back but will likely be spelled on third down, keeping his legs fresh for the fourth quarter. Coupled with Jackson’s speed and propensity to take off, the presence of Ingram should help make opposing defenses more one-dimensional.
7. Eagles trade for Jordan Howard
The Eagles have cycled through nearly a dozen running backs since 2015, and not one has even sniffed 1,000 yards. It’s been a consistent weakness for the team offensively, allowing defenses to focus heavily on rushing the passer and dropping extra help into coverage. In an effort to combat that, Philadelphia made a bold move, acquiring Jordan Howard from the Chicago Bears. Howard fell just shy of 1,000 yards a season ago, which would have been the third consecutive season in which he eclipsed that mark. But even with the down season, Howard would have led the Eagles in rushing, which is precisely what they expect in 2019 and beyond. It adds a piece the team has been desperately missing and will allow some of the pressure to be taken off of Carson Wentz’s shoulders.
6. Redskins sign Landon Collins
The Redskins reset the safety market when they handed a massive deal to Landon Collins shortly after free agency began. While some were quick to criticize the financials, there’s no denying the sort of talent Washington is getting. In 2016, Collins was firmly in the running for NFL Defensive Player of the Year, ultimately losing out to Khalil Mack, and that type of production remains bottled up in the veteran safety. In recent years, he’s been hit with the “box safety” label, but much of that has stemmed from lacking talent around him. With the Redskins, he’ll play and excel as a strong safety, but in the event he’s called upon to step up in coverage, Collins is more than capable. He’s a game-changer, a defensive anchor, and a leader who will help bring Washington’s defense to the next level.
5. Vikings re-sign Anthony Barr
The Vikings very nearly lost linebacker Anthony Barr, who opened free agency having agreed to a deal with the New York Jets. However, Barr reneged on that agreement and instead, opted to return to Minnesota in 2019. That was great news for the Vikings, who now get back the centerpiece of their defense and a player who has gone to the Pro Bowl four consecutive times. An all-around linebacker who can make plays in space, drop into coverage, rush the passer and play the run, Barr is already one of the better defenders in the game and is only ascending. With his financial future now in place, Barr should be able to relax and focus solely on football in 2019, which will mean big things for a Vikings team looking to get back into contention.
4. Raiders trade for Antonio Brown, sign Tyrell Williams
When Raiders coach Jon Gruden made the decision to stick with Derek Carr as his quarterback, it was obvious the team needed to add wide receiver talent to help supplement him. Mission accomplished. Oakland pulled off a quality trade, acquiring Antonio Brown from the Pittsburgh Steelers for peanuts and then later signed the vastly under-rated Tyrell Williams. Brown, arguably one of the league’s premiere receivers, is a near lock to eclipse 1,200 yards and double-digit touchdowns, which will only be aided by the presence of Williams. A former 1,000-yard receiver himself, Williams now steps into the No. 2 role and can expect more favorable matchups as defenses gravitate towards Brown.
3. Jets sign Le’Veon Bell
The Jets are gearing up for something big a year after selecting quarterback Sam Darnold in Round 1, and now they’ve provided their young signal caller with one of the most explosive all-around weapons in football by signing Le’Veon Bell. On fresh legs after sitting out a season, Bell will return to the field healthy and with a massive chip on his shoulder. He will immediately become the focal point of New York’s offense, taking a load off Darnold by both serving as a bell cow back and a safety valve out of the backfield. The added level of comfort for Darnold will only serve to improve his game, while Bell will provide an offensive spark, potentially tallying upwards of 2,000 total yards from scrimmage.
2. Browns trade for Odell Beckham Jr., Olivier Vernon
The Browns’ acquisition of Odell Beckham Jr. has been beaten like a dead horse, but the impact he’ll have in their offense can not be overstated. Not only does Beckham given Cleveland a true No. 1, his presence will open up additional opportunities for Jarvis Landry, David Njoku, Nick Chubb and, eventually, Kareem Hunt. However, what’s often lost in the excitement of Beckham’s arrival is the presence Olivier Vernon will have on the field. Lining up across from Myles Garrett, Vernon will feast on one-on-one matchups, which he rarely had in New York. So not only did the Browns shore up their offense, they also added a quality book-end to their defensive line.
1. Jaguars sign Nick Foles
It was just a few short years ago that the Jacksonville Jaguars were Super Bowl contenders, but ultimately fell short as the result of sub par quarterback play. And while last year was a campaign they’d like to wipe from their reality, the fact remains: Jacksonville isn’t far off from being back in the thick of things. It’s for that reason the addition of quarterback Nick Foles looms so large. In addition to experience and a Super Bowl pedigree, Foles brings the Jaguars’ locker-room some much-needed leadership and order. Both on and off the field, Foles should be able to rally his troops and help lead the charge toward stability, giving Jacksonville a rock under center for years to come.
from Larry Brown Sports http://bit.ly/2Z07neL
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junker-town · 4 years
Keep updated with the latest NFL coach firings right here
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Ken Blaze-USA TODAY Sports
Who’s staying? Who’s going? And wither Ron Rivera?
The 2019 offseason was a rough one for NFL head coaches. Eight teams — a quarter of the league — went looking for new playcallers to replace inexperienced and veteran coaches alike.
The 2020 offseason probably won’t see as much turnover, but the coaching wheel started turning midseason. Washington showed Jay Gruden the door in October, while Carolina waited another eight weeks before canning Ron Rivera despite his 76-63-1 career record. More big names will follow — but they won’t include Adam Gase, Matt Patricia, or Dan Quinn.
Who is on the move? Here are the coaches and general managers who’ll be searching for new jobs this winter.
Head coaches who are gone
Pat Shurmur, Giants
Giants record: 9-23
Playoff record: 0-0
How’d they get here: Perhaps the only stat you need to know about Shurmur’s tenure in New York is that it ended with the same exact 9-23 record that got him fired in Cleveland seven years earlier. The veteran assistant was hired by the Giants to oversee the team’s transition from the Eli Manning era. While 2019 top draft pick Daniel Jones showed flashes of brilliance behind center this fall — he’s one of three rookies in NFL history to have three games with four or more touchdown passes — it wasn’t enough to keep his club from a 4-12 campaign.
The Giants ranked just 23rd in offensive efficiency, per DVOA, and fell to 27th on the defensive side of the ball thanks to a unit that allowed more than 28 points per game. That left little help for Jones, whose growth may have been ultimately stunted by a shoddy offensive line, a perpetually-hurt receiving corps, and a subpar season from Saquon Barkley, who dealt with injuries of his own throughout the year.
The end result was a team that failed to beat anyone who finished 2019 with a winning record. That was all owner John Mara needed to see from Shurmur, who’ll likely return to the offensive coordinator/quarterbacks coach ranks after his latest failed stint at a top job.
What’s next: The Giants need a head coach who can enhance all of Jones’ positive attributes while sorting out the problems that ultimately doomed his freshman campaign — namely the 17 fumbles the marred his 2019. Jones and Barkley are a solid young duo around which a new coach could build, but there are plenty of other problems that need to be addressed in northern New Jersey before this club looks like a contender again.
New York will also have to make a decision regarding general manager Dave Gettleman. While his decision to swing for the fences and draft Jones (mostly) paid off, his other high profile acquisitions — namely left tackle/turnstile Nate Solder — have yet to provide ballast to the Giants’ sinking ship. Shurmur inherited a bad team in 2018. Whomever takes over for him in 2020 will take over a roster that isn’t much better.
Freddie Kitchens, Browns
Browns record: 6-10
Playoff record: 0-0
How’d they get here: Cleveland knew it was taking a risk when it hired Kitchens. He had never been more than an interim coordinator at any level of football in his two decades as an assistant, and that came over a successful eight-game stint that closed out the Browns’ 2018 season.
That was enough to convince owner Jimmy Haslam to roll the dice and promote from within, but Kitchens was unable to handle his new title. Despite lofty expectations, Cleveland got off to a worse start in 2019 (2-6) than it did in 2018 before Hue Jackson’s firing (2-5-1). Baker Mayfield regressed badly in the process, even with the addition of Odell Beckham Jr. Shoddy blocking, questionable decision-making, and undisciplined play doomed the Browns to mediocrity. The end result? Cleveland’s 12th straight losing season.
What’s next: On paper, the Browns have one of the most appealing rosters in football. Mayfield, Beckham, Jarvis Landry, Nick Chubb, and a healthy David Njoku give them one of the league’s strongest starting lineups of skill players. Myles Garrett was a Defensive Player of the Year candidate before whacking Mason Rudolph with his own helmet (his status for 2020 is still yet to be determined). Other players like Larry Ogunjobi, Joe Schobert, and Olivier Vernon could make up the backbone of an intimidating unit.
Alas, this is still the Browns. Anything that can go wrong does go wrong — and no coach has been able to escape that legacy since the franchise’s reintroduction to the NFL in 1999.
Ron Rivera, Panthers
Panthers record: 76-63-1
Playoff record: 3-4 (one Super Bowl appearance, 0 wins)
How’d they get here: David Tepper waited more than a year to rebuild the Panthers in his image after purchasing the franchise in 2017. That included firing Rivera following an uneven start that’s doomed Carolina to its first back-to-back losing seasons since 2012.
Rivera stuck around after injuries to Cam Newton derailed his 2018 season, only to see another injury to his former MVP quarterback sidetrack 2019. He groomed second-year passer Kyle Allen into an above-average passer, but that success was fleeting as Carolina went from 0-2 to 4-2 and then the 5-7 start that precipitated Rivera’s ouster.
What’s next: Tepper held an hour-long town hall meeting after Rivera’s firing to discuss his plans for the team going forward. It sounds like he’s interested in someone built from the Sean McVay mold:
The new Carolina Panthers head coach will likely be... - An offensive-minded coach - Who loves analytics - And is fine with an arranged marriage with GM/assistant GM - But may not have an answer on his QB when he takes the jobhttps://t.co/hTShURAevu
— Jonathan Jones (@jjones9) December 4, 2019
That new coach will have to figure out what to do at quarterback. That could mean with Newton — who’s suddenly become injury prone after turning 30 and could be released or traded with $2 million in dead cap behind — or a QB room otherwise built around Allen and Will Grier.
Rivera didn’t take long to land on his feet. He’s expected to become Washington’s next head coach.
Jay Gruden, Washington
Washington record: 35-49-1
Playoff record: 0-1 (0 Super Bowl appearances)
How’d they get here: Gruden managed to keep Washington mediocre despite years of roster mismanagement from his higher-ups. The former offensive coordinator followed Kirk Cousins out of the nation’s capital less than two years later after an 0-5 start in 2019. Gruden’s calling card was the ability to field an entirely forgettable team for the bulk of his Washington career; between 2015 and 2018 he never won more than nine games or lost more than seven.
What’s next: Washington is now in need of a nurturer who can turn Dwayne Haskins into the homegrown quarterback the franchise once hoped Cousins would be. While the rookie passer improved as the season went along, he was still the catalyst behind one of the league’s least efficient offenses, and it appears stalwart left tackle Trent Williams won’t be return to the team to keep him upright.
Washington’s head coach position may be the least appealing job in the NFL. It’s been 14 years since the team won a postseason game. Haskins and fellow 2019 draftee Terry McLaurin have made up a promising 1-2 punch to build from, but there’s not a lot of talent on this roster. More may be on the way — especially with a top-five pick looming — but keeping talented players both on the roster and healthy have never been a specialty under Dan Snyder.
The club’s top option, per reports, is Rivera.
General managers who are out
Bruce Allen, Washington
Washington record: 45-83
Playoff record: 0-1 (zero Super Bowl appearances)
How’d they get here: Gruden’s firing game way to Allen’s ouster months later. Although not yet official, reports about the longtime GM’s removal began to swirl in advance of his team’s final game of the season.
Allen’s inability to keep Washington stocked with talent played a major role in the team’s lack of playoff success in his eight years (2010-14, 2017-19) at the helm.
Allen was also the man in charge of the roster when Kirk Cousins played out his second year of the franchise tag and bolted to Minnesota. The former GM’s exit strategy was to trade for 34-year-old QB Alex Smith. Smith was merely average before a broken leg took him off the field (and continues to threaten his career), leaving Allen to rumble through a disappointing 2019 with Case Keenum, Colt McCoy, and rookie Dwayne Haskins in a 3-13 campaign.
What’s next: Owner Dan Snyder may be eager to promote from within.
Mentioned the internal candidates to replace Bruce yesterday in our story are Schaffer, Kyle Smith and Doug Williams. Could see a re-shuffle in responsibilities for all three. https://t.co/78G02pQFYz
— Craig Hoffman (@CraigHoffman) December 29, 2019
Anyone capable of transforming this club into a playoff team would be in consideration for executive of the year honors.
Declared safe for 2020
Adam Gase, Jets
Gase’s first season in New York saw flashes of potential amidst a backdrop of darkness. Sam Darnold made modest improvements in his second year as a pro, but while the Jets have improved in the standings, they’re still leaps and bounds from contention.
The Jets found a way to lose to both the Jets and Bengals this season, but that wasn’t enough to convince team owner Christopher Johnson to cut Gase loose after one season.
Matt Patricia, Lions
Patricia’s hopeful start fell to pieces following Matthew Stafford’s season-ending back injury (and the team’s curious decision to trade secondary linchpin Quandre Diggs to Seattle). A 2-0-1 start crumbled into a 1-12 finish to push Detroit out of the playoff race and toward the top of the 2020 NFL Draft order.
One of Detroit’s biggest problems under Patricia has been a deficient defense. He and general manager Bob Quinn will return for 2020, but they’ll have a short leash if they can’t show explicit improvement next fall.
Dan Quinn, Falcons
Quinn turned up the heat on his own position after getting Atlanta out to a 1-7 start. Then the Falcons put together a 6-2 stretch that included wins over the Saints and 49ers to convince team owner Arthur Blank to keep Quinn and general manager Thomas Dimitroff in town.
Former Buccaneers head coach Raheem Morris will take over defensive coordinator duties, a move Blank hopes will upgrade the league’s 22nd-ranked scoring defense.
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investmart007 · 6 years
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. | Mayfield and Barkley show the goods, Browns beat Giants
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/tOrHTA
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. | Mayfield and Barkley show the goods, Browns beat Giants
EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — If first indications are accurate, the Cleveland Browns and New York Giants hit it right in taking Baker Mayfield and Saquon Barkley with the top two picks in the NFL draft.
Mayfield threw two touchdowns in two-plus quarters and Barkley ripped off a dazzling 39-yard run on the opening play from scrimmage as the Browns beat the Giants 20-10 on Thursday night.
“I’m aware that it was the first game and in that respect, it’s not so bad,” Mayfield said after showing why the Browns made him the top pick.
Replacing starting quarterback Tyrod Taylor late in the first quarter, Mayfield hit 11 of 20 passes for 212 yards, didn’t turn the ball over and converted two fourth-down plays with his feet.
“I thought he did some good things out there,” Cleveland coach Hue Jackson said. “I’m honestly not surprised by anything Baker does. This was his first opportunity and he’ll grow from it.”
The Heisman Trophy winner from Oklahoma found tight end David Njoku on a 10-yard TD pass to cap a 14-play, 72-yard drive on his second series. He finished his debut with a completion on a 54-yard slant and run to fellow rookie Antonio Callaway .
Taylor, expected to be coach Jackson’s starter as Mayfield learns this season, hit all five of his passes in two series, including a 36-yard touchdown pass to Njoku , a New Jersey native.
Barkley electrified the fans at MetLife Stadium, taking a handoff from Eli Manning on his first NFL touch and turning on the jets on a 39-yard jaunt down the sideline in front of the Giants’ bench. It set up a 42-yard field goal by Aldrick Rosas.
“I loved his first run,” Giants coach Pat Shurmur said of the Penn State halfback. “If only they all could be like that. You could see, it wasn’t too big for him.”
Barkley scoffed at the idea he made something out of nothing on the play. There was a hole, he said.
“Everybody talks about the speed difference in the NFL, but to see you still have that burst and you can get to that line of scrimmage like that and create space; I just have to find a way to gain even more yards than that,” said Barkley, who finished with 43 yards on five carries.
Jalen Simmons scored on 5-yard third-quarter run for the Giants’ other score. It came three plays after C.J. Board fumbled a punt return and Zak DeOssie recovered at the Browns 16.
Manning played two series and hit 4 of 7 passes for 26 yards. Star receiver Odell Beckham Jr., returning from major ankle surgery, dressed but was held out by Pat Shurmur, who is trying to rebuild the Giants after a 3-13 season.
The Browns went 0-16 last season after winning their four preseason games.
CALLAWAY: The troubled fourth-round pick played despite being cited for marijuana possession and driving with a suspended license. Police also found bullets and a gun part in his car this week. He had three catches for 87 yards, including a diving 24-yarder that the Browns successfully challenged after it was ruled incomplete on the field.
NATIONAL ANTHEM: There were no demonstrations. Giants DE Olivier Vernon and S Michael Thomas, who both knelt during the anthem last season, each stood.
DEZ BRYANT: — The Browns have had interest in free agent receiver Dez Bryant, and the former Cowboy tweeted during the game he was coming to visit GM John Dorsey. The Browns may not need him. Free agent signee Jarvis Landry had two catches for 36 yards in very limited action. Callaway added 87 yards and third-year pro Rashard Higgins looked good with four receptions for 66 yards.
GIANTS WOES: This looked a lot like the Giants of last year. Except for the opening play, the offensive line struggled, particularly protecting the quarterbacks, although the run game generated 134 yards on 23 carries. … The new 3-4 defense stopped the run but gave up too many big passing plays. … Second-string QB Davis Webb struggled, going 9 of 22 for 70 yards. “He was a little too amped,” Shurmur said.
NEXT UP: Browns: Host Buffalo Bills on Aug. 16. Giants: At Detroit Lions on Aug. 16.
By TOM CANAVAN , Associated Press
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