#there was also a part where Bridgette and Marinette talked with each other as cousins but I decided to cut that bc i didn't really like it
thepersialionheart · 1 year
I've been thinking about what one of my next fics should be- actually I've already chosen what the next one is but I'm planning it to be short so I'm wondering what I should write after. This is for Miraculous Ladybug btw:
1. Actor au- Marinette is a rookie actor and Adrien is pretty well known but the director (master fu) sees Marinette as the perfect person for his main role or something along those lines.
2. Gaming/ esports au- I really like e-sport type of dramas, comics etc. Probably because I really like playing games. I was thinking maybe either Adrien is the captain of an e-sports group (kind of like one of my fave Chinese dramas Falling into your smile) or maybe it could be the other way around and Adrien is the one who is scouted. Another idea I had was that Marinette was part of the group who made a pretty popular game- her roles being co designer and beta tester- and she is a legendary player in the game. Adrien just so happens to be another legendary player and they have known each other online for ages but not offline. It just so happens that Adrien hears Marinette talking about the game one day. Not gonna lie, out of the two, I'm kind of leaning to the second gaming idea.
3. Childhood friends au- where they drift apart due to circumstances but by chance Marinette meets Gabriel one day and he asks her to help him bring Adrien back to his old self whilst also become his protégé so she can be the designer for Gabriel one day- obviously in this Gabriel is nice.
4. Another fantasy au- this time a more western type dnd feel (because the current fantasy au im writing has a more Eastern feel to it) where Marinette is a witch and Adrien is the Prince and they go on an adventure to look for something.
5. Revenge au- Gabriel is the reason Marinette's parents died and so she wants revenge.
6. Time reset- in which Felix used to be Chat Noir but when Bridgette died he wished for time to reset and decided he would be nowhere near the miraculous. That is until he realises that his cousin is the new owner of the cat miraculous and he decides that maybe he should do something about it.
OK I'll only list these up for now because they are the ones I most want to write but don't know when I would be able to because I write slowly, especially when I have other things to do.
Anyways please choose which one you think you would like to see the most because it may motivate me to write that certain trope more. Though currently I'm leaning towards the gaming au. It might change in a few months time.
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Drop of Paradise - Part Three
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Note: Thanks to @dargeon-lissa for helping me with French in the last part.
Multicultural week was an annual thing at François-Dupont, Lila learned from Nino. Doing a presentation was optional, and since it happened every year, most of the kids their age who had a culture worth sharing and were interested in sharing it had done it already.
When Lila asked Ms. Bustier about it, she told Lila that there were going to be fifteen presentations this year. Four each on the first three days of the week, three on Thursday, and then on Friday they would all take a test on what they had learned to make sure they’d been paying attention. Not an important test, she reassured Lila; it was just to make sure the students had taken the week and the opportunity to learn seriously instead of goofing off. Surely someone as well-traveled as Lila would have no difficulty passing the test with flying colors.
From Alya, Lila learned that most of the presentations would be given by students in year six who had just started attending François-Dupont this year. Alya herself had thought about doing a presentation on Martinique, but had ultimately decided against giving herself more work to do when she already had all of her regular homework, her work on the Ladyblog, her babysitter duties with her younger sisters, and her dates with Nino. However, their very own class representative and Alya’s best friend was going to be giving the last presentation of the week after lunch on Thursday.
Apparently Marinette’s presentation was set to be the last one and the only one after lunch on Thursday because the school had decided it would generate much more interest than all of the other presentations. They didn’t want Marinette to accidentally upstage anyone, or rather, Marinette didn’t want to accidentally upstage anyone, and so she had offered to go last. And of course, her presentation was set to be longer than anyone else’s because the school wanted there to be enough time for as many questions as possible to be answered.
Lila would be infuriated about it all if she wasn’t so smart. Fortunately, though, Lila was nothing if not resourceful, intelligent, and clever, so she recognized the situation for the perfect opportunity that it was. Come lunchtime on Thursday, she found herself smirking as she watched Marinette bolt out of the classroom the very instant the bell rang.
She was in a hurry to get home and make sure everything was ready for her upcoming presentation, no doubt. Lila had been keeping an eye on her all week, and it was clear that Marinette had spent most of the time preparing. She was trying so hard to ensure that her presentation would be as close to perfect as it could possibly get. How sad, then, that all of her hard work would be for nothing, because by the time Marinette returned to school, all of her beloved friends would be exactly where Lila wanted them.
Lila carefully schooled her features to replace the smirk on her face with an innocent smile as she collected her lunch tray and headed over to the table where the rest of her classmates were gathered. The seat next to Alya, the place where Marinette usually sat, was vacant. Lila happily took it.
“Yeah, it’s been, like, two weeks,” Alix was saying. She nodded at Lila in acknowledgement when she sat down. “I don’t know why it’s taking so long.”
“I think her cousin is visiting,” Rose said. “We saw her enter the bakery on Saturday when we were getting snacks for our impromptu band practice. Maybe that’s why?”
“Are you guys talking about Marinette?” Lila asked.
“Yeah,” Alix replied. “She said she’d make me some pajama shorts since summer is coming up, but it’s been like two weeks since then. I should probably just buy some, but I don’t want to spend money if I don’t have to.”
“Ask her about it,” Alya suggested. “She could have forgotten about it. That girl is so forgetful. It’s ridiculous.” Alya rolled her eyes playfully.
“She’s also been working on her presentation for multicultural week,” Nino said. “And if her cousin is visiting, she might just be busy.”
“Still,” Lila interjected. “It isn’t fair for Marinette to keep Alix waiting when she promised she’d make her the shorts.”
“Mmph,” Alix grunted. “I’ll just ask her about it after lunch.”
“After her presentation, you mean,” Alya said. “I wonder what it’s about, anyway? The school has been strangely secretive about it, and Marinette’s been ‘too busy’ all week to give me any details.” Alya rolled her eyes again, significantly less playfully.
“I think they’re trying to surprise us with it,” Juleka mumbled, and Lila internally scowled at her. Ugh, mumbling.
“Surprise us?” Nathaniel repeated. “Why would they want to surprise us?”
“They probably want to make multicultural week as engaging as possible,” Lila said. “I mean, hearing about those places first hand is probably the best way to learn about what they’re like in real life. Excluding actually going there, of course.”
“So you’ll have absolutely no problem on the test, Lila,” Rose said.
Lila flipped her hair over her shoulder gracefully. “Of course not.”
“Mmh,” Alya hummed, frowning. “But what about Marinette’s presentation will surprise us?”
“Oh, I know the answer to that,” Lila said. Everyone’s attention focused on her, and she basked in it for a moment before getting back to the task at hand. “I accidentally overheard Ms. Bustier talking with another teacher this morning. Marinette’s presentation is going to be about Eden.”
Alya choked on the water she was drinking. “Eden?!”
Lila shrugged. “That’s what I heard, anyway.”
“Statistically, there’s a 91% chance Lila is correct,” Max said, and Lila had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. He was always rattling on and on about his stupid statistics. It was so annoying. “They’ve been working their way east, so to speak. From the Americas to Africa to Europe and today Asia. Additionally, Alya is correct. Ms. Bustier and the other teachers have been oddly close-lipped about the last presentation. It is quite likely that they’re trying to surprise us with something special. An opportunity to learn about the most reclusive city in the world certainly qualifies.”
“That’s awesome!” Kim exclaimed loudly.
“It’s definitely a lot cooler than what they did for last year’s multicultural week,” Nino agreed.
Alya, however, was frowning. “I didn’t know Marinette was from Eden. Why wouldn’t she tell me? Aren’t I her best friend?”
Lila took on a sympathetic look and reached out to pat Alya’s arm. “Oh, Alya. If it’s any consolation, I don’t think Marinette is actually from Eden.”
A pause. Alya blinked. “What?”
“I doubt Marinette herself is from Eden,” Lila reiterated. “I mean, think about it. Eden revealed itself a few weeks ago, and Marinette is suddenly doing a presentation on it? It seems pretty unlikely.”
Alya frowned again. “Yeah, it does seem pretty unlikely. But would Marinette lie about something like that?”
“Hmm,” Lila hummed, cocking her head. “She’s probably not lying, per say. Just stretching the truth. It’s probably something like her great, great, great, great grandfather is from Eden, and she’s taking advantage of the recent reveal to make her presentation exciting and relevant.”
Alya thought about that for a couple seconds, and then nodded decisively. “You’re right. Marinette would have told me she was from Eden if she really was.”
“Exactly,” Lila said, stifling an eye roll. For a self-described hard hitting investigative journalist, Alya was super easy to play. “And, honestly, that’s why I’m kind of worried.”
A pause. The class stared at her.
“Huh?” Myléne murmured. She was almost as bad as Juleka. “Why are you worried?”
“It’s just,” Lila cast her eyes down like she was feeling shy. “We’re going to take a test tomorrow about everything we’ve learned this week, right? But I doubt Marinette really knows very much about Eden, so I’m worried about you guys. If Marinette gives you all faulty information about Eden you could fail the test. That would be terrible!”
The class took a few moments to process that. Lila eyed Rose and Juleka rather impatiently, waiting for one of them to speak up.
After several seconds too long of silence, it was actually Max who spoke up first, not Rose or Juleka. “Failing one portion of the test would not cause instant failure, but it could severely affect our grades. However, I see no other alternative. Most of the information online is speculative or entirely made up. We currently have no better source of information on Eden than Marinette.”
Lila’s eyes drifted over to Rose and Juleka again, but again neither of them spoke up. Honestly, must she do everything herself?
“Actually,” Lila said. “I could help you guys out. I mean, if you want me to. I spent a whole year volunteering there some time ago, so I know all about Eden and its culture.”
“That’s right!” Rose finally exclaimed. “Lila even helped me start writing a song about Eden on Saturday!”
Juleka nodded. “Yeah.”
“Whoa, seriously?” Alix asked.
“Yup!” Rose chirped, saving Lila the effort of having to do it herself.
“That’s so cool,” Nathaniel said. “I can’t wait to hear it.”
“We can’t wait to play it!” Rose exclaimed, looping an arm around Juleka’s shoulders and putting her other hand on Ivan’s arm. Both Ivan and Juleka gave their versions of a smile, which were hardly worth the title in Lila’s opinion. Apparently “goth” and “socially adept” were mutually exclusive at François-Dupont.
“I want to hear it too!” Kim shouted, and Lila scowled before quickly wiping the expression from her face. They were getting off track.
“Right,” Lila said, loud enough for everyone at the table to hear her. “So if you guys need someone to teach you about Eden, I’d be happy to do it!”
“Really?” Myléne squeaked out.
“That’d be awesome!” Sabrina exclaimed, and Lila grinned viciously when she didn’t see Chloe anywhere in the area. “Please, oh please tell us about Eden, Lila!”
“Yeah, please tell us about it,” Nathaniel agreed.
Lila schooled her face into a hesitant look. She noticeably glanced at a nearby clock. “I really would love too, but I don’t know if I can tell you guys everything you might need to know before lunch is over. I have no idea what questions will be on the test, and there’s so much to say about Eden!” Lila paused for a moment, giving it time, before dramatically perking up. “Actually, I just thought of something!”
“What’s that?” Nino asked.
“They’re not actually taking attendance this week, right?” Lila pointed out. “The school just wants to make sure you know the material. That’s why there’s a test at the end of the week, right?”
“So we could skip for the rest of today and learn what we need to from you instead,” Alix said, saving Lila the effort.
“Exactly!” Lila chirped. “And we could all go out for ice cream while I tell you guys all about Eden. It would be much more fun than sticking around for another presentation, anyway.”
Kim nodded enthusiastically. “Totally!”
Max hesitated, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Getting information from a direct source is likely to be more educational.”
“And way less boring!” Kim shouted, slamming his hands down on the table and jostling everyone’s food. Lila hid her irritation with a well-practiced plastic smile.
Alya hummed loudly, drawing everyone’s attention. She tilted her head. “I can’t deny that a direct source is undoubtedly superior, but what about Marinette’s presentation? She’s been working pretty hard on it.”
Lila frowned. “Are you saying Marinette would want all of us to fail just so we’d see her presentation?”
Alya’s eyes widened. “No! Of course not.”
“Right.” Lila nodded. “Marinette isn’t that kind of person. She won’t care about a silly presentation if it means all of us will be better off. That’s just the kind of friend she is. She’s so helpful, even if she is clumsy and forgetful.”
“That’s right,” Alya agreed.
A grin overtook Lila’s face. “Yeah. So I’m sure she won’t mind you guys skipping out. It’s just a pity she won’t be able to come with us since she has to give her presentation. But maybe I can write up some notes later tonight and send them to her to make sure she doesn’t fail either.”
“That’s so nice of you, Lila!” Sabrina praised.
Lila preened. “Thanks Sabrina! It might hurt my wrists to type that much, but I don’t want Marinette to fail either.”
“What about Adrien?” Nino asked, adjusting his hat. “We can’t leave him out of the loop.”
Lila nodded. “Of course not! I was thinking that we should wait here and see if he arrives early for lunch, and if not, one of you could wait for him and lead him to the rest of us when he arrives. I don’t want to leave him out, and I’m sure Adrien will appreciate a day out with his friends. It’s a real shame his father restricts him to the house so much.”
“Oh yeah,” Nino muttered. “That dude needs to take a chill pill. Or a dozen.”
“But today Adrien might be able to spend a whole afternoon hanging out with his friends,” Lila said. “I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
“Totally,” Nino agreed. Lila could see he was completely on board now. They all were. She smiled gleefully.
All week long, Lila had kept an eye on Marinette. In between presentations, all she’d done was help her classmates or work on her own presentation. Both were clearly very important to her.
So for her classmates to miss the presentation she’d worked oh so hard on? That would definitely hurt her. And when she was hurt, she was volatile. Easily manipulated. Most people were.
Any way Marinette reacted, Lila had a plan. Angry? It would be child’s play to make Marinette look like a bully. Sad? How could she be upset at the class for wanting to get good grades? Distant? Being passive aggressive is so cruel and manipulative.
And if she got akumatized? Oh, if she got akumatized, Lila would hit the jackpot. Marinette would almost certainly come after her as an akuma, and Ladybug would surely protect her. Lila could reaffirm her claim to the class about being Ladybug’s best friend, and she could pretend to be scared of Marinette afterwards. Every interaction with Marinette from them on would end with Lila on top without her having to utter a single word. All she would have to do is look terrified and everyone would jump to her defense.
If Marinette was akumatized, Lila would be in the perfect position to eliminate Marinette as a problem. Her false trauma would mean she and Marinette needed to be kept apart. And that opened up a world of possibilities.
She and Marinette couldn’t possibly be in the same class anymore if Lila started trembling every time she set eyes on her. The school would be forced to separate them. The issue would be taken to the principal, and that money-grubbing suck up would obviously choose Lila over Marinette because Lila’s mother was actually important. At the least, Marinette would transfer to another class and away from all of her precious friends. At best, Marinette would be expelled from François-Dupont.
Their classmates would also be forced to choose between Marinette and Lila, and they would choose Lila. Who would side with the aggressor as opposed to the victim, after all? And when Lila had everyone else on her side, Adrien would be hers too. He valued his friendships too much to give the majority of them up for one girl who could barely get a sentence out around him, and he was terrified of rejection from his peers.
Yes, Lila wanted Marinette to get akumatized. She could make everything work out perfectly once she was. And she would be. Lila would make sure of that.
@miraculous-of-salt, @plushbookworm, @reyna-avila-ramirez-alreanaldo, @captainmac6, @unmaskedagain, @crazylittlemunchkin, @mochinek0, @diamondheart31, @schrodingers25, @northernbluetongue, @heaven428, @starberry-mina
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MLDC Pokemon Au Characters: Champion Felix Team
(Note that this takes place in the Kalos region but all the pokemon from each gen 1-8 is here plus this is different class au where Mari is with Mendeliev from the beginning of the show and kwamis don’t exist but BURST power does)
Champion Felix Etienne Durand of the Kalos Region: A world famous actor, plus part time model and full time activist, despite being aloof and difficult to talk with, constantly shoving a hand upon cameras being in his face with a deadpan expression. However beneath his cold exterior lies a quite soft spot for trainers that show talent and is quite protective of those he considers to be “friends” including his own pokemon. Yep he has friends but also his region. He is very regal, prim and proper like most champions but is also surprisingly cunning, crafty and sneaky, willing to salt on anyone who dares get on his bad side. Free time you can find him in cafes, reading anything or practicing magic tricks.  is nicknamed mister grumpy pants by Jagged and Ice King?prince due to his use of ice type moves and pokemon 
Main partner is Gallade named Galahad , who he can Mega evolve but refuses to do so all the time, only when the time is right. He makes sure Felix isn’t too distant or rude or dismissive until the person deserves it and Felix is internally grateful for that even if it doesn’t look like it. Don’t worry, Galahad knows though psychic mind reading and their bond is so deep that Felix can command him through movements without speaking!! He is like a gentleman, very much into respect and chivalry but also very loyal to Felix
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P Team is based off Diantha’s and fairytale/movie genres
Gallade: based off the white knight part of Felix, is actually quite protective of those he cares for even if he has trouble showing it, also all of his team is base off an movie genre and fairytale, Galahad being the knight and romantic lead, found him as a Ralts and protected him from a Druddigon, now has a best friend since Ralts can detect emotions and despite his icy glare and closed off attitude, senses loneliness as a result from his abusive, isolated childhood and ended up running away together, is his closest companion and based on the knight/romantic lead since Felix is always portrayed as the lead
Dragapult: Tristan,obviously, the dragon of the fairytale and has a personality similar to Plagg and the most similar in appearance quite lazy and mischievous, always pulling pranks with Morgana, Felix’s XL Gourgeist being besties with her, also in the horror genre with her, decided to join Felix whether he liked it or not, seeing as he couldn’t scare him so easily after Felix hear rumors of a ghost causing chaos and trouble in Route 14 and wanted to debunk it, plus he needs a puesdo-legendary like many champions and the quiet mysterious personality fits him, Felix secretly adores him and his mini children, a soft spot
Aurorus: Guinevere was with Launcelot when they were both discovered together as fossils and when revived, just kept each other company and whenever one was going to be taken, the other (mostly Launcelot) would throw a fit, attack fellow pokemon and scientists and basically destroy everything, Amaura would just freeze everything and make the room cold so Felix saw a bit of himself in them and took both of them, she is the only one who can calm Tyrantrum down despite a type disadvantage and Felix enjoys her personality and her being the queen plus dino movies
Tyrantrum: Launcelot is his name, he represents the king being a king like pokemon in the old ages and fits old fossil movies like Jurassic Park and Land Before Time plus those natural geographic documentaries, like with Guinevere was found together and refused to leave each other as an Amaura and Tyrunt since they only had each other so Felix took them since he made more of a mess and was difficult plus Felix was reminded of his friendship with Bridgette, Marinette’s cousin, may look and act tough and scary, he is but also is very touch starved, loves cuddles and pets from Felix
Gourgeist XL: Like Dragapult, Vortigen simply followed Felix around since he ignored his ghostly moans and proceed to prank and scare his teammates (earning Tristan’s respect) so he made a deal with him that if he could try and scare him as he’s hard to be afraid then he’ll leave them all alone, he failed but decided to stay by throwing a pokeball at Felix’s face unlike Tristan who simply caught himself and woke Felix by sitting sat on his chest as a Pumpkaboo, is best friends with Tristan over being unable to terrify their trainer and enjoying watching the gardens grow and helps out, he appreciates that
Frosmoth: A tiny snow that he found when traveling though Galar in an attempt to get along with Kalos-Galar diplomatic relationships and going a movie shoot, he ended up camping 🏕  ⛺️ with his pokemon and well making curry to feed them a tiny snow ends up with them wanting food and Felix, despite his cold exterior let’s it joins the meal and oops it decides to stay, Vivien is a shy bug but like Felix doesn’t like bad guys or people who refuse to leave her trainer alone and ends up getting friendship points with him to evolve much to his shock and now there are mysterious many Alolan and Galar pokemon in Kalos
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Relationships: Gets along well with Penny Rolling, Sinnoh League Champion and Camilla Hombee, Unova Champion with their studious personalities and enjoy talking with each other about books/myths/lore and swapping stories, few who can take Felix’s distant, closed off personality and actually get him out of his shell/bubble and talk to, Felix even smiles a bit when around Penny and is secretly excited to see her at champion meetings,
Has a love-hate relationship with jagged since he traveled with him and penny, their personalities clash a lot with Felix’ chivalry gentleman like yet very much gives the cold shoulder, polite yet quiet, Jagged the total oppiste: loud, boisterous, gets into people’s faces, love to give each other crap and act terrible to one another but both are terrified of Penny’ wrath since she’s the only one to keep them in line, secretly both are jealous of each other
Wants to protect Marinette and her friends since he failed to protect her cousin and former accoquinâtes since he worked for Interpol as an agent but a mission failed resulted in them and their pokemon being killed, makes him have crushing guilt and trauma, masking of his emotions, is so determined to make sure Mari doesn’t have to go through that and is fond of her as a successor and trains her though is quite envious by the fact that Mari has a huge crush on Chandra
Ali respects him due to his Champion a social status and the fact he would sacrifice everything to protect his citizen and regions, Felix would give him advice on the pressure and knows of Ali’s feelings for Marinette, quietly teasing him much to his embarrassment but like Ali likes to help everyone out 
with Aurore thinks he’s dreamy and cute like a tsundere but also is quite salty that Auroue prefers Chandra over him cause parasol goals , is quite overwhelmed but enjoys by Ondine’s cheerfulness/peppiness and is internally mortified that Jean acts like Jagged but likes his card tricks, listens to Zora cause though she young she has much smart advice
Does not get along with Andre due to corruption and him searching undercover due to employer complainats, Gabriel he can’t get along with since he calls Felix creepy things like he should remain young forever much to his disgust cause Felix wants to grow old, Nadja he hates nosy reporters and how she assumes Felix is in love Gallade and how Marinette was in love with her Greninja, shutted her down, Caline he hates that she keeps gulitripping Marinette int traveling with Chloe and releasing her “dangerous” pokemon like Greninja so he puts a stop to that with Mega Gallade on all of them
Gets along with Dimitrina Mendeliev and Anne-Jeanne Théoxanne du Bocquale cause professors (don’t know who’s Kalos and Anne might be Alola’s and Kalos professor) and Mendeliev tells him everything what’s going on like her pesky coworker refusing to take a hint in leaving her students alone, so like two grumpy parents who will risk their lives for their kids, plus tall gf and smol bf, he meshes well with Anne evn though her hyperactive, doesn’t look before she jumps and sometimes forgets to think things through, loves her happy-go-lucky nature, reminds me a lot of Bridgette where both also have their brave wise moments.
Respects all the other champions, being his fellow coworkers and help each other out though is very intimated and insecure with Darius due to his physique and height (Felix, slender and skinny 6ft, Darius 6′5 and very muscular) but mutual understanding his dragons and power, Marianne and Fu were retired but have everyone’s attention and huge respect since they were the first, oldest, champions where Marianne is now part of penny’s Elite four
Due to not many dude/guy champions, Felix is the closest with Penny, Camilla, sigh Jagged, Ali, Marianne, Fu, plus his successor Marinette and even Chandra, maybe even has a slowburn love with her later on
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