#there was something about tsubomi in the manga right? interesting that they left that out. unless im remembering wrong
eshithepetty · 2 years
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What did he hear.... (if he heard anything at all)
[ID: Screenshots of Takenaka and Mob from Mob Psycho 100: First is Takenaka facing forwards, looking to an off screen Mob with a disgruntled expression, saying "Who the hell do you think you are? like you know how I feel."; Second is a closeup of Mob's face, as he replies "This is how I feel, though."; Third is a shot of both of them from the side, looking towards each other with neutral expressions; Then, the same shot, only Takenaka's expression shifts, his brows furrowing and head tilting. And fifth is a close up of Takenaka's expression, now looking conflicted, and slightly emotional. End ID.]
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katyatalks · 4 years
PASH! ILLUSTRATION FILE 2017 (January 2017) - Character Designer Kameda & Director Tachikawa - Character Design Notes
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Here’s Director Tachikawa & Character Designer Kameda’s notes on a few Mob Psycho character designs from PASH! ILLUSTRATION FILE 2017 (January 2017). Includes a bunch of interesting info including Reigen’s shoujo manga love interest roots, Ritsu’s hair changes, and Teru’s connection with Neon Genesis Evangelion. Characters covered; Kageyama Shigeo, Reigen Arataka, Dimple, Kageyama Ritsu, Onigawara Tenga, Hanazawa Teruki, Mezato Ichi, Kurata Tome, Tsubomi, Gouda Musashi, Kamuro Shinji, Suzuki Shou.
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Tachikawa; “Deciding how big to make Mob’s irises was something that often caused a bit of trouble. There were plenty of times where I’d look at him on paper, or I’d draw him and think that his irises were an OK size, but then actually looking at him animated they’d be too small and a little scary...”
Kameda; “I’ve become aware that when I draw him, I make his irises not too small, but so that they reach about half-way down the whites of his eyes. I think Mob’s face around volume 9, 10 of the manga is really good!”
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Kameda; “I paid attention to the way he stands, so that just by looking at his silhouette his character would stand out. In contrast to Mob-kun’s spaced-out standing pose, Reigen exudes confidence. I pay attention to the line his body follows, so that it resembles an S shape. I imagine Marmalade Boy’s Matsuura Yuu-kun, and apply that coolness to Reigen.”
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Tachikawa; “Sakurai-san’s performance as him is also great. There’s a slight shadiness to his voice, so to say…”
Kameda; “It gives Reigen this handsome vibe (laughs).”
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Kameda; “I wanted his form to sway in the anime, so I drew him like a fireball with his edges spinning clockwise. Actually, the way his edges move differs depending on the episode; in some, it’s an anti-clockwise spin, and in others it’s a movement from both sides that spits off at the top, and so on (laughs). Also, when he possesses the security guard, he has wrinkles under his eyes. Without those lines, he’s too fresh-faced. He’s the sole adult within this work * - I’m also conscious of that.”
Tachikawa; “I’m glad that Ootsuka-san’s cool voice was able to add a liveliness to this work. I wanted there to be some weight when he plays the funnyman.”
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Tachikawa; “The volume of his hair proves a struggle.”
Kameda; “Actually, when I draw him, I have two ways of doing so. From episodes 1 to 8 I gave his hair a big volume and made the ends pointy, but episode 9 onwards he rounds out a little. When he reconciles with Mob-kun and the darkness in him fades, the spikiness of his hair also decreases (laughs). I kept that a secret. So this amusement park art takes place during a time in which Mob-kun and Ritsu-kun have reconciled.”
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Tachikawa; “So, when you look at Ritsu’s hair, you can see how he’s doing mentally (laughs).”
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Kameda; “What stands out in his design is the plaster on his left cheek. I proposed his design should have something that identifies Onigawara as some king of the punks. In the manga, he only has the plaster when he first appears, and following that it’s typically gone, but I think the plaster is good in that it gives him this delinquent vibe.”
Tachikawa; “Also, he has eye bags and two lines there.”
Kameda; “Yes. Much like the manga, I gave him those two lines.”
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Kameda; “When I draw Teru’s hair, I imagine Neon Genesis Evangelion’s Nagisa Kaworu-kun, & I give it that kind of square silhouette. What also stands out in his design is the way that bundle of hair jumps at his parting. Also, when his hair is at 150%, I have the ends of his hair be a little wriggly. Seems like plenty of our staff thought that drawing that ‘bundle of hair’ feeling was difficult.”
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Tachikawa; “There were also people who made the ends of his hair bounce cleanly.”
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Kameda; “She’s cute.”
Tachikawa; “That’s right. I also love her.”
Kameda; “When I drew her, I did so with the impression that she’s one who’s got her eyes open. She is sharp sighted, after all.”
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Kameda; “Tome-san strikes me as a character who pulls a lot of blank faces.”
Tachikawa; “She appears in this amusement park art… and yet she seems bored, doesn’t she.”
Kameda; “She’s at an amusement park, and yet, she’s playing a video game (laughs).”
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Tachikawa; “Tsubomi’s anime design is completely different to how it is in the manga.”
Kameda; “She’s /the/ bishoujo. However, with each character in the Mob Psycho 100 manga they have distinct lines that mark their upper and lower eyelids, so I drew the anime’s Tsubomi while respecting that rule.”
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Tachikawa; “I feel I really put my all into drawing Gouda.”
Kameda; “He’s got plenty of special aspects to his design such as his faux hawk and centipede eyebrows, but contrary to expectations he’s difficult to draw. I tend to give him droopy eyes…”
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Tachikawa; “Onigawara has them too, but I think Kamuro’s eyebags are his special feature.”
Kameda; “I agree.”
Tachikawa; “I suppose those lines under his eyes that go toward his cheeks are also a feature.”
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Tachikawa; “Shou distinctly has pupils, so when you compare him to the others characters he looks a little different.”
Kameda; “Definitely! Since he has pupils, he’s the only character who looks like a foreigner.”
* Cast have taken digs at Reigen being an adult ‘only in age’ before
Originally posted on twitter here.
The interview that comes with these notes was translated by Kaga, here.
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teruteruki · 5 years
MP100 Analysis: Teru’s Sexuality
(Honestly, “Teru’s Sexuality” isn’t what I really wanted to title this, but it was the simplest one I could think of. This analysis mostly focus on Teruki’s feelings for Kageyama and his gay coding. So I guess the extended title would be “MP100 Analysis: Teruki’s Romantic Orientation and His Feelings Towards Mob,” but that one doesn’t roll off the tongue as well.)
Okay, well, it took me a week to prepare for this, but here it is! I apologize for the long wait. Here are some ground rules:
1. I will only be using manga pictures. I am aware of the official art and the anime adding extra scenes. However, the canoncity (canonness?) of such material could be debated since it’s not the source material, but instead derived from it. I don’t want to face debates on me using faulty evidence.
2. Since I am using the manga, there will be HEAVY manga spoilers. Not slight such as “oh, Teru oogles Mob during this arc,” but MAJOR things such as screencaps of the last few arcs. If you’re okay with that, then good! But if you haven’t read the manga, I highly suggest you do that first. (AND that you read it from the beginning!)
3. While I am doing this because I personally believe Teru is gay, please do not take this post as fact/canon. I don’t want this to cause any drama in the fandom. It’s all for fun after all! And on that note, I don’t mind seeing everyone else’s takes on this.
4. As I was writing this I realized that I used “Kageyama” instead of “Mob.” So just to specify: “Kageyama” only refers to Shigeo. “Ritsu” is, well, Ritsu.
With that out of the way, the analysis is under the cut!
I’m planning to cover all aspects of why I believe Teru is gay. For that reason, I’ll be splitting things up into sections. (Otherwise, it’d just be one big jumble of words.) First section
After Teru’s first defeat, we can clearly see that he’s fixated on Kageyama. Which...in itself is peculiar. He loses a fight to some amazing psychic, has a fever for 3 days, and yet is immediately able to look past it? Hmm...
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He has almost immediately adopted Kageyama’s ideals and is even trying to act on them. As soon as he sees Ritsu, he steps in and tries to change the other’s mindset. Just like Kageyama did for him.
There’s also the image of the shining light in the dark. I believe this is a metaphor for Kageyama. It’s clear that Teruki holds him to higher expectations than, really, anyone else, and would definitely see him as a “light,” so to say. This especially works considering Teruki’s speech about “being the light vs being in the light” from when we first met him.
This is a good display of Teruki is already fixated on Kageyama despite not seeing him again.
Then, there is the Ritsu kidnapping arc.
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Teruki tries to come along when Kageyama is planning to save his brother. You could argue that it’s only because Kageyama didn’t have a plan ready, but that begs the question as to why Teru should care so much. He has met Ritsu once and said interaction wasn’t exactly under good intentions. This is simply Teru taking an interest in the things Kageyama cares about.
However, there is also his “explanation” for coming along.
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But we all know that Teru doesn’t need Kageyama’s help to defeat a group of Claw members. He did it before when he was younger and less experienced. What would stop him from doing it now?
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There is also the fact that after Dimple pointed out that Teruki’s help wasn’t much, Teru then went out of his way to refuse financial support among other things. He wanted to do this with Kageyama alone. That’s something that, easily, could be interpreted as an attempt to impress the other.
Teruki has also gone out of his way to track down/talk to Kageyama several times.
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The first time there was a viable excuse - he needed to talk to Kageyama about the “fake White T Poison.” However, the other two times he simply wanted to be around Kageyama.
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(During this scene, Kageyama was going out shopping. Nothing exactly was wrong, Teru just decided to talk to him.)
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(At this time, Teru seemed to simply pick Kageyama out from a crowd again, and partly because the boy was upset. Which - if not due to Teru’s “need” to be close to Kageyama - is due to another point I have.)
Teru is needlessly protective of Kageyama. Both physically and emotionally.
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When Kageyama was panicking over Ritsu’s kidnapping, Teruki didn’t just let him go. But why? Kageyama is one of the strongest psychics he knows. He could most definitely just take down claw with the amount of power he has. Surely the “structure” doesn’t matter.
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He also goes out of his way to stick to what Kageyama wants, and even Dimple says that it’s thoughtful. And as we all know, Teru is great at plans and strategy. If he wanted to, he could devise a plan on his own. The only reasons for him letting Kageyama takeover is to: make him happy, see more of his talent, and to make sure Teru sticks to his ideals. 
 It also speaks to how much Teruki has changed from the beginning. He used to insist that he was the main character, and now here he is, following behind instead of taking the lead. Amazing how just one guy could change him so much.
Teruki continues to take Kageyama’s feelings into account during the entire kidnapping arc. He does it to the point where it slightly inhibits their chances of escape.
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Having three psychics to take on the Claw members would help tremendously, but immediately after seeing Kageyama’s worried expression, he backtracks and says they can fight without Ritsu.
And then, after seeing Kageyama unconscious, he starts to panic.
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Part of this panic can be explained by Teruki’s shock. He sees Kageyama as some impossible opponent, so the assumption that a Claw member was able to defeat him is possibly earth-shattering. However, that doesn’t exactly explain the clear, genuine relief Teru shows when Kageyama wakes up.
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Part of it must be his protectiveness.
Then, during the World Domination arc, Teru actually pleads for Kageyama to turn out alright.
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And lastly, during the Final arc, he outright says that he can and will protect Kageyama. (Not to mention that this was after an attempt to comfort Kageyama, because Teru knew something was wrong.)
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At the very least, it’s easy to see that Teru cares about Kageyama.
A weird subtitle, I know, but I’m referring to how Teruki reacts differently to things concerning Kageyama than to anything else. A good example of this is when Ritsu started to cry. Teru didn’t react at all. He was uninterested, really.
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But earlier, when Ritsu and Kageyama were reconciling, he looked blatantly happy.
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Same for when Kageyama first woke up. (Posted earlier.)
There was a similar occurrence when they first infiltrated Claw, as well. Teruki was distracted with staring at Kageyama and didn’t notice an enemy until the guy was only a few feet behind him.
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And then there’s the time Kageyama mentioned he was getting popular. Teruki’s reaction is vastly different from Ritsu’s.
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Ritsu straight up cries tears of joy. He’s happy that his brother is finally getting the recognition he deserves.
But Teruki visibly stops. You could claim it’s because he knows Kageyama isn’t actually popular, but there’s no way to be sure. He hasn’t seen what Kageyama’s school life is like, so he wouldn’t know if girls are actually staring or not. If anything, he believes what Kageyama is saying and seems slighty disappointed.
(He then proceeds to say Kageyama is handsome. Do I even need to touch on that?)
And then we head into the Divine Tree arc. Ironically, I think Teruki’s true feelings shine the most while he’s under hypnosis.
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Right off the bat, we know its Teruki’s true feelings because Dimple tells us so. And Dimple has no reason to lie. That’s what this arc is about - 100% truth.
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The wording here is something that sticks out. Their relationship, not friendship, not rivalry. In Teru’s eyes, their relationship is either doesn’t fit those labels or is more complicated than that. This makes perfect sense under the premise that Teruki has romantic feelings for Kageyama.
And then, as the arc continues, Teruki keeps putting Kageyama before the Divine Tree.
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The focus of the hypnosis is that everyone will put the Divine Tree first. The Tree is supposed to be important enough to them that, apparently, if Kageyama agreed to be the co-founder, it would instantly give him Tsubomi’s love. And yet here we can see that even though Teru is actively fighting over it, the Tree is still an afterthought when he’s talking.
And when Teru is blasted away, we once again see that Kageyama is his priority.
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Not even hypnosis could stop his strong feelings.
(And at this time I’d like to say that yes, Dimple said Teru felt respect, but there’s no way to be certain about that. The only one that knows what he felt at that time is himself.)
And finally, the notorious panel set during the epilogue.
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Everyone else is seen actively engaging and teasing Kageyama about his crush, but Teruki avoids the conversation. And there is, honestly, no other explanation that makes sense besides Teruki harboring some negative feelings towards the whole Kageyama-Tsubomi circumstance. (We all know it doesn’t take that long to sip some tea.)
This section won’t be as screenshot heavy as the other few. That’s partly because this was a section I thought of while writing this post and also because, well, the only screenshots I’d have would be of Teruki before his change in character. (I would also like to give credit to @terumobwiki. His post gave me a good idea of what to write for this section, and without it, I may have left this part out.)
Before meeting Kageyama, Teruki was living the stereotypical “dream life.” He had a girlfriend, was popular in school, great at sports, etc etc. But we clearly see in his flashback (at least, in the manga) that he isn’t actually happy with all this. When he’s being congratulated on his perfect scores, he looks bored or possibly even depressed. A perfect life isn’t what he actually wants. He was just forcing himself to enjoy it.
And then, after Kageyama comes into his life, Teruki isn’t mentioned to have a girlfriend ever again. Which is definitely interesting, considering we blatantly see that he still has fangirls and gets confessions often. It’s clear throughout the show that he still struggles with pride, too, and yet this other key factor of his past self isn’t there. And, unsurprisingly, he seems to be way happier without a girlfriend.
Conclusion: Teruki is gay and has romantic feelings for Kageyama. The evidence is in all the previously mentioned points. And yes, other characters close to Kageyama have some of these traits, but not all four. For example, Ritsu is protective of Kageyama, but he doesn’t go out of his way to stick by his brother, nor does he change his morals to fit the other’s. 
And if you don’t think this is what a crush is like, think back to the last one you had. Did you not wish to spend more time with that person? Did you not want to show off in front of them, or instead, wanted to watch them more closely? Did you not react differently around them than compared to others?
Case in point.
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princessknightt · 6 years
Why You Should Give Yuri A Chance
So I made a reddit post and I’m just gonna dump all the text here and link it so you lovely folks could give it an upvote ;) I’ll link it first and just lol, do a read more thing under it if you’d rather read it on tumblr.
So I've noticed a lot of lesbians and other wlw don't really read yuri manga or manhwa or manhua. And yes those are all different. Manga is Japanese, manhwa is Korean, and manhua is Chinese. There's also Thai yuri but I'm not sure what their comics are called. I have an idea why wlw don't read them and I'll agree with you gals. Yuri is sexualized and does have a bad reputation. BUT, and here's a huge but, it's definitely getting better. I could go into the history of yuri and why it was low-key, even high-key homophobic or sexist back in the day, but it's definitely getting better. If you only know of yuri from anime, then please throw that idea right in the trash. Yuri manga is different, there's actual lesbian authors and just woman authors in general that save the genre. 
I guess we can call this my Defense of Yuri. First of all, what yuri do people usually see and what's usually popular? It's stuff like Citrus and NTR that are popularized because they were animated. Also Happy Sugar Life and that new Loli Maid anime that's super gross. These manga are not really serious and end up being gross representations of what lesbians are like. And yet it's what's popular, leading people to believe most yuri is like this. This is wrong. There's a lot of yuri that is not fetishized and are published in yuri exclusive magazines such as Comic Yuri Hime or Yuri Shimai or Tsubomi. They also might just be original doujins that aren't officially published.
This brings me to my second point. Because the popular yuri titles are fetishized and really just paint yuri in a bad light, people wouldn't want to try diving into the genre. And that's the sad part because there are definitely queer authors who are making really good stuff that just isn't seen and supported enough to become popular. Nakatani Nio's Bloom Into You is a better yuri manga about discovering the MC's sexuality that isn't sexualized and is actually a serious work. It's also getting an anime adaptation so hopefully more people will give anime a chance. It's noteworthy that Nakatani Nio is a woman who, while she may not be queer, she actually understands how women think. That's honestly more important since the fetishized yuri tend to be made by men who have no clue.
So basically what I'm trying to get at is that the popular yuri titles are bad examples of what yuri is and can actually be, I'll list some examples of good yuri manga and a few manhwas and manhuas too. Before we go to the examples and recommendations, I just want to make sure that I reiterate that the popular yuri anime ain't shit and honestly you shouldn't really stream them either. Citrus is literally pseudo-incest, NTR is about cheating, Happy Sugar Life is about a pedophilic yandere, and the Loli Maid anime is pedophilic too. So yeah, just don't bother with them, they were definitely not written with women in mind. What you should do is try and support the queer and/or women authors who produce actual good yuri.
1. Tamen de Gushi by Tan Jiu (Chinese): So this one is one I think a lot of lesbians have actually read but this shit is super cute and about those two high school girls figuring out their feelings for each other. Unfortunately because of China's censorship laws, the author isn't allowed to show any explicit or even overt homosexuality in the story but it's still a really nice slice-of-life.
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2. What Does the Fox Say? by Team Gaiji (Korean): Ah yes, another one that is fairly popular with lesbians I think. It's basically a dramatic romance between two office workers that's also a bit of a love triangle. It's very dramatic, kinda like a kdrama, and it's also very much gay. There's explicit gay content and you get invested in the story easily. (VERY NSFW)
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3. Pulse by Ratana Satis (Thai): This is a more racy story about a heart surgeon and her patient haha. So it's definitely very dramatic but also very gay. Like wow it's gay as fuck. And the story itself is interesting and I got heavily invested in the drama too. (ALSO IT'S NSFW)
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4. Collectors by Nishi Uko (Japanese): So this is a gem following the lives of two women who are avid collectors of things, and their relationship together. This is one of those rare ones where they're already together and it's just navigating their day to day lives in a very mature way. It's really nice.
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5. Wife and Wife by Minamoto Hisanari (Japanese): So this is literally what the title says. It's slice of life with two women who married each other and it's their newlywed life. It's super cute and diabetes inducing and gay.
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6. Bright and Cheery Amnesia by Tamamusi (Japanese): This one is a comedy about the trope where your lover gets amnesia but it's super cute because said lover immediately falls in love with you again. Except with two women and the humor is on point.
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7. Strawberry Shake by Hayashiya Shizuru (Japanese): This is also a comedy, even going so far as a gag comedy about two idols and their love story. It's super funny and cute and one of my favorites because I read this when I was like, 15 and still questioning and it really just made me laugh. It was nice having a romantic comedy with a lesbian couple, er, pining lesbian couple.
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8. Cirque Arachne by Saida Nika (Japanese): This is an interesting story about being in a circus and falling in love there. I'm not really sure how to describe it but it's really good.
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9. The Love Doctor by Chamsae (Korean): This is a story about a college student consulting a "love doctor" about why she can't get a boyfriend (she doesn't actually feel any attraction to guys *hint* *hint*). And the doctor happens to also be gay oh my. But it's a nice drama that was honestly pretty relatable for me because I completely understood where the MC was coming from. And their relationship does get really cute and like all Korean manhwas, it's very reminiscent of a kdrama.
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10. Bloom Into You by Nakatani Nio (Japanese): I already mentioned this story but this is a high school coming of age story. It's navigating the feelings the MC has and how those feelings "bloom." I think it's a very mature take on the typical high school love story and there's even an asexual male side character. I think it was nicely written and you can even buy the printed translated copies if you wanted.
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These are just a few recommendations I have so if this post gets a lot of attention, I can make another post of recs that I think are good reads. You can find sites to read these through googling them and adding manga online or something, but most are found on dynasty reader (google it). Oh right, and also it's important to note whether it's Japanese or not because the Japanese ones are the only ones you read from right to left, the others are left to right. As an additional note, if anyone wants me to do like, a history of yuri or something, I can probably do that because god, I read too much. Or if you want more recs haha.
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