#there’s a great gg fanvid
autumnrory · 4 years
why must to build a home be used against me it’s been used to make me cry so many times
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thatblackdress · 7 years
Lorelai & Luke | the chain
It’s officially one year since the revival. And two years since I made this video. I haven’t watched this video since uploading it -- surprisingly, I’m still really pleased with the result (the editing build-up in particular) and felt like sharing it again. I only wished I’d had my hands on higher quality video. Happy first AYITL anniversary, everyone.
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trashfordair · 2 years
3, 9, 12?
3. what fic are you emotionally attached to?
this is such a good one oh lord, but like definitely my jenny fic , mostly because im so emotionally attached to jenny as a character, as well as this fic actually being written in a time of my life when things weren’t too great, and writing this was such a healthy way (for me personally) to channel those emotions. that and, i think this is just one of my better ones lol
9. what’s your writing process like?
i actually don’t think i have much of one to be honest haha but the way it usually goes I’d have a song (usually taylor, because of course it’s taylor), or maybe something i read in a book or an article or thinkpiece, and i’d write a single line, sometimes a whole paragraph, then leave that idea in the dust until something inspires me to write it again. sometimes that’s a fanvid, a meta piece here on tumblr (this is very gg specific), an edit i come across, and more often than not, my brain being in sort of a dark place, which is why so many of the things i write end up kinda sad.
12. what’s your perfect environment to write/create?
i like writing in my room, with sort of more ambient lighting, be that my fairy lights or cute little lamps (this feels kinda embarrassing to admit I don’t know why) and im always always playing music while i write. writing is definitely something I only do when I’m alone, because as I’ve mentioned before somewhere on this blog, i have a tendency of projecting my feelings and experiences onto characters, and being alone really gives me sort of free reign to explore these feelings, and if I feel the need to break down in tears at some point, I can!
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talkingtea · 4 years
Just wanted to share this amazingly edited Westallen fanvid that I came across.
It’s a great love story brought to life. CP and GG did that! 🤗
Thanks for sharing! 😘
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Gilmore Girls and Anne with an E for the ask meme!
Gilmore Girls
favorite male character: Luke.
favorite female character: Rory.
least favorite character: Dean.
prettiest character: Rory Leigh Gilmore, human angel.
funniest character: This is such a terrible question to ask for GG! It’s just not fair, because everyone is capable of being so adorable and hilarious! But I’m gonna have to give it to my girl Paris.
favorite season: I think 2 and 5 kinda tie for me.
favorite episode: “Forgiveness and Stuff,” if I had to pick just one. I still have very vivid memories of watching it for the first time when the show was still pretty new to me, and just finding it so riveting.
favorite romantic ship: Luke/Lorelai.
favorite family ship: Emily + Lorelai, because I love pain. (Is it bad that my reaction to the song from the most recent Crazy Ex-Girlfriend was “Someone should make a Lorelai and Emily fanvid to this”??)
favorite friend ship: Rory + Paris, but honestly there are so many great friendships on this show that this is a hard one to pick! Also true of family ships, come to think of it.
worst ship: Rory/The Palladinos’ Choices.
Anne with an E
favorite male character: Matthew. Dear Matthew!
favorite female character: Choosing between Anne Shirley and Marilla Cuthbert may be the actual ruin of me.
least favorite character: I don’t know????
prettiest character: The tree outside Anne’s bedroom window!
funniest character: Anne, bless her.
favorite season: Haven’t really got any choice re: this question yet!
favorite episode: Tightly Knotted to a Similar String.
favorite romantic ship: Aunt Josephine and her wife! :’( Can I, like, have a prequel series about their entire lives together?
favorite family ship: Anne and Marilla.
favorite friend ship: Anne and Diana, of course!!
worst ship: Anne/Grifter Dude With Romantic Hair Who’s Come To Destroy Green Gables???
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