#thank u for sending <3
thessence · 1 month
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@absolventiia sent : ❣ // rhiatt | send me ❣ for 3 pros & 3 cons of dating my muse!
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pros of dating rhiatt :
♥ wealthy & generous. eager to spoil the one they love if you're into it. is a pretty great gifter when it comes to their partner because they are 👇
♥ a fantastic listener & loves to do so. is absolutely the person that you can tell your entire day to & they will be actively listening with follow-up comments & questions. they love to be in the know of what their partner is doing / has done in their time apart. loves to include themself in their partner's daily life & expects the same in return.
♥ a whole ass freak in the sheets very caring and wants to make sure that you know you're valued in their heart , both as a part of the relationship and as an individual.
cons of dating rhiatt :
❌ generous with their funds , but selfish with their vulnerability. they tend to be pretty reserved & dismissive about their family , are very independent & doesn't like asking for help at all , to the point they would rather fail 10 times to get it right on the 11th try instead of just asking for help & getting it right the first or second time.
❌ they would rather avoid confrontation but if met with it , have trouble controlling their emotions. they definitely try their best , but they are fiesty & if they think their partner is being rude or inattentive in any way , they won't mince words.
❌ rhiatt has amassed a huge following & platform on social media , specifically on youtube & tiktok , & not only gets recognized in public sometimes , but does share parts of their normal life to their fans. to people who prefer complete privacy / are very introverted , this might be a deal breaker in dating rhiatt. rhiatt does understand this & will usually always ask consent before including their partner in any content , but they may slip up & forget or it may be something accidental , like in the middle of a live stream , so rhiatt's partner would have to come to terms with this or be upfront about their feelings from the beginning.
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quigzahhutt · 2 months
For word ask game: hold ~
wow I only had 2 occurrences of 'hold' in any of my WIPs
from my (still untitled) LiLo fic :)
When Logan walks out to take the top step, he clasps hands with Liam, holds on a little harder than normal; grip confident and assured for a change– it made Liam’s palm burn and his chest swell in pride, envy, lust– all of it culminating at the tips of his fingers as they brush the soft flesh of Logan’s hand for a second too long.
from the word WIP ask game :3
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saintbleeding · 1 year
I’m almost scared to ask, but 3) for the ask game.
3: screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i mean honestly. i think there's something quite insidious about some of the discourse surrounding the web/discussion and portrayal of addiction for several reasons (and to be clear, im talking about the brand of discourse that implies that knowledge/firsthand experience with addiction is a prerequisite to portraying it in a piece of media). i think to suggest that someone Must Have lived something to be Allowed to write/create on it is just. borderline nonsensical on its face, although, yes, obviously portrayals of a Bunch of different issues should be treated with care.
i think people should be trusted to be the expert on their own knowledge and experience, and accordingly, if someone has not portrayed something in a way that is tokenising, trivialising, or otherwise disrespectful, then it's immaterial whether or not the creator in question has or has not lived through something directly
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lovekindled · 1 year
how long has it been since you’ve slept ? for travis
“ what do you care? ” underlaying, seething resentment was the only way he'd been able to communicate with others lately. his brother's death had brought forth a regression of sorts, softened edges throughout the months now back to being as sharp as they were when the plane crashed. it didn't help that they were back to square one, the cabin burnt to the ground alongside every foundation they built. despite the detriment of losing their only shelter, having his thoughts occupied with the survival of the team was the only thing helping him keep his sanity. this is what javi would've wanted, he reluctantly reminds himself. the wilderness will help us as long as we give it what it wants. “ it's not like there's much time to sleep. unless you want to freeze to death? ” travis doesn't wait for an answer, already turning around in the opposite direction, continuing his search for wood, wanting to put as much distance between himself and the girls as possible. he can barely look them in the eye most times, but their sight is not as wretched as his own reflection, distorted and unrecognizable whenever he's able to catch a glimpse in the icy water. how could anyone sleep carrying that sort of guilt around?
⁽  ⠀  ♡  ⠀  ⁾ ⠀  morbid curiosity   ,   accepting.
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ambivartence · 9 months
Wolf by Exo & Wolfgang by Stray Kids!
hahaha i see what u did there! i love both and exo wolf is so iconic, but i became a stay right after kingdom so wolfgang holds a lot of precious memories for me, especially seeing their ot8 performance of it when hyunjin finally came back <3
> send me 2 songs and i'll tell you which one i prefer <
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professor-glasses · 1 year
Send !! to learn about an OC
I had two main choices for this, one an old OC who I have a decent amount of established information for and another a new OC who I know nothing about but who's knocking around in my head. Based on impulse and what I feel like drawing lately, I've chosen the latter.
So, I will introduce Mysta. That was originally just going to be a placeholder name but I think I'm keeping it now. I really don't know very much about Mysta. I have a vibe for her and that's about it.
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(speed drawing for this ask. will add some older pictures below)
She's supposed to be villain-adjacent. She's aligned with some kind of lowkey (or not lowkey) cosmic horror presence called the Shadow (no, not the Drawn to Life one, although I can't deny that's probably influence in there somewhere. it's from a fandomless verse I'm in the process of concocting for Svern's rp blog, so it's technically cousin to PokeRanger Shadows of Almia/the Shadow Crystal specifically.)
I wanted her to have a cool and imposing presence, and theme her appearance on purple (and black, due to reasons). Her outfit design is Not finalised yet, because clothes pain me. She's 6ft tall.
That's all I got right now. In the past, it's usually taken me at least 3 years to grow an OC into something more complete than "here's a vague idea, vibe and a design", so wish me luck with that.
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Sappy vampire headcanons:
• Armand buys or makes a new bookmark for Louis every year on the anniversary of them setting up a home at Trinity Gate. A Green hand embossed, by himself, leather one was the gift this year
• Knowing Armands habit of 'borrowing' clothing from his SO's Louis sometimes buys two of anything, and wears one enough to pick up his scent so his beau can use it for comfort purposes.
first of all YES i love that because y'know what? Louis is one of those people who will try to read approximately 17 books simultaneously so i'm certain he'd use every single bookmark given to him. He goes through different phases and cravings each evening, and he likes to make comparative notes across different authors as if he's planning on writing up an essay on the subject, so having differently colored bookmarks also helps him sorta separate/organize (green bookmarks are for classic lit, purple bookmarks for his copies in French, gold for books that were given to him by friends/lovers).
Also listen you KNOW clothes swapping is one of my FAVE tropes and armand looks so BEAUTIFUL in louis' sweaters. Unfortunately louis can't do the same without stretching out the shoulders in all of armand's good shirts, but that's okay, he's more than happy to just share what he has (bonus points for lestat swinging by trinity gate on a whim and immediately clocking louis' sweater on armand LOL)
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passiveagressivepoet · 11 months
7 and 21!
7. have any tattoos? yes i do! i have six (and want a million more)
21. what i love most about myself? oooof… i suck at this but i would say that i’m pretty damn smart
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staronline · 10 months
꩜ dear , @onlinelover
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            “  you're  my  only  compass  .  .  i  might  get  lost  without  you.  ”
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redheadarcher · 1 year
Dream birthday party?
as a kid, her dream birthday party would be a dinosaur themed one. or a lion king themed one because that was like 2 things she really loved as a kid and she’d have a lot of fun with those. 
right now, i guess she’d just want a calm day she could enjoy with both her parents at home and not in a mission ( bc i’m sure they’ve missed at least a few over the years and scarlett understands why, but still hurts a little. and she can also be sent in a mission so, there's that too ), and having her friends over to just spend the day with her and have lots of pizza, games, conversations, fun and all that normal stuff.  a birthday she could spend traveling to some place she chooses to be it’s also on the list
i don’t se her being a huge party girl, you know ? so since she was young she’d prefer to keep things small and just for people she loves rather than throwing big parties.
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random asks // always accepting !
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airshipvalentine · 1 year
1, 4, 11, 42!!
hi eulie!!!!
1: who is/are your comfort character(s)?
my ocs/ttrpg guys first and foremost… specifically the moonlighters they make me so happy
also hollis from taz amnesty :-)
4: which cryptid being do you believe in?
ough truthfully none of them 🥲 i think they are so fun in theory but i can’t say i truly Believe. i do think aliens are real though- i doubt we will make contact in our lifetime but they’re out there!!!! we are not alone i swear.
i do believe that one paper that claims octopi came from space though. for the bit. panspermia forever
11: favorite extracurricular activity?
in terms of like, high school, robotics for sure. i have never felt so much personal fulfillment as winning games at the end of a season. puzzle solving!! optimization!! teamwork!!! learning the game so well you could co-drive in your sleep!!!!!!! i miss it i really do. also volleyball <3 i miss vb
42: an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
mmm tumblr is really the only social media app i use (for better or for worse. Lol.) but my top three are probably discord, pocket casts (for my podcasts), and sudoku 2 (to play while listening to my podcasts)
(from this meme!)
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All Too Well (10 min version) inextricably linked to you
(Also you saying in the car “returning half her weight …. To the store?” about me being confused. HILARIOUS)
There literally couldn't bE a better choice...wow. So caught up in all of it that @themysciranprincessthings had to point out the "first fall of snow" line that has since become one of my favorite favorites. The entire thing is so expansive it's like the only song in existence that has ever said as much as I want it to <3
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formula-red · 2 years
🐍 🐻🦦  <3
🐍 Danger Noodle ➳ Do you ever feel like you’re misunderstood? In what ways? yess all the time, i feel like people always think i'm so serious but i'm really not, i'm very sarcastic and very very dumb/funny once i am comfortable around u ; i also think people find me closed off but i'm just shy and actually happy to talk about literally anything (i'm just too anxious to talk first)
🐻 Mama Bear ➳ Would you consider yourself the “parent” type (whether it be with actual children or your friends)? absolutely, i've always been in charge of the little cousins and am def the mom friend at least emotionally, + i've had to be a parent in my own family basically 😵‍💫 but i think what surprises a lot of the people close to me is that i can't wait to settle down and have a little family someday
🦦 Sea Puppy ➳ What is something that makes you genuinely happy? maybe this is cliche but when other people are happy. like i love seeing my friends laugh or exchanging a smile with someone on the metro or just seeing people enjoying their lives. it just makes me feel good and feel like i'm a part of something bigger y'know? i don't know i just love when people are happy <3
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wildkissed-a · 2 years
“   there’s   something   wrong   with   me.   ”   /   shirley   &   nell.   
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words   are   met   with   a   look   of   concern,   brows   furrowed   and   mouth   half   open   in   protest.   ‘   there's   nothing   wrong   with   you,   nellie.   ’   it's   not   comforting   or   affirming,   shirley   says   it   like   it's   a   fact.   it   takes   her   a   couple   of   seconds   before   deciding   that   trying   to   fight   nellie   on   that   statement   might   not   be   the   best   course   of   action,   and   not   what   her   little   sister   needs   right   now.   she   always   struggled   with   that,   with   being   kind   and   compassionate   like   their   mother.   shirley   was   always   more   pragmatic,   would   rather   leave   feelings   behind   and   focus   on   the   facts.   features   soften   and   eyes   search   her   sister's   face,   looking   for   any   indication   on   what   might   actually   be   going.   ‘   why   do   you   think   that ?   i   mean   ...   ’   as   she   looks   at   nellie,   shirley   can't   help   but   feel   overwhelmed   with   sadness.   it   really   wasn't   fair,   how   all   of   them   lost   their   mother   (   and   in   a   way,   their   father   )   so   young.   she   wishes   she   could've   done   a   better   job   at   being   an   older   sister   for   nell   and   luke.   ‘   is   —   is   everything   okay   ?   you   know   you   can   talk   to   me.   ’   eleanor   was   always   more   sensitive,   more   delicate   than   the   rest   of   them.   and   shirley   knows   that   she's   dealing   with   a   lot,   but   she   never   wants   her   little   sister   to   feel   like   there's   something   wrong   with   her.   (   @shehung​.   ) 
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greatpain · 5 months
yejide: 🍀💡 maxime: 📚💖 guinevere: 🔪👖
MEMEPROMPT : oc emoji asks
[ 🍀 CLOVER - does YEJIDE believe in luck? are they lucky? ]
kind of? yejide doesn't believe in luck exactly, but they do believe that sometimes things happen for a reason, and that the best thing to do is to just let it happen. he wouldn't attribute the recent mercy things to bad or good luck, but rather just Things That Happened and it was out of their control. they do believe in karma more than they do luck, which is why he tries to do good always to have some of that returned to him, whether that be in the form of good luck or something else. at the end of it they're a math person and luck is just statistics dressed up all pretty so 🤷
[ 💡 LIGHTBULB - is YEJIDE a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it? ]
absolutely no planning in the yejide muyiwa household sorry! she prides herself on being a quick thinker, and quick thinkers can't think quickly if they're always relying on pre-planned things. she much prefers the chaos of just winging it and seeing what happens. yejide claims that their best ideas come from having not planned or thought about doing what they want at all. holidays + birthdays are exceptions to this as she wants to make sure that the person they are celebrating is enjoying their day to the fullest. for celebrations, she goes all out with planning months in advance.
[ 📚 BOOKS - how was MAXIME at school? what is their best subject? what is their worst subject? do they have a favourite subject? ]
i can't lie to you max was a supernerd :( he did incredibly well in studies, consistently ranking the highest in his class, and he only really fell off after the death of his parents, after which he struggled quite a bit. over all, his favorite subjects would be biology + chemistry in high school, & biomedical ethics in university. these were also his best subjects. his worst subject over all was anything to do with economics / finance / etc.
[ 💖 SPARKLING HEART - is MAXIME a subtle or a showy lover? ]
definitely more on the subtle side! he's very generous with his affections because he doesn't see the point in hiding them when life is so fleeting (mind you he got divorced for no fucking reason?) however he has a difficult time showing it, especially outside of the comfort of privacy. he's not excessively fond of public displays of affection. shows love through quality time + acts of service and in relationships will do a lot of acts of service as he likes to feel useful. he may not explicitly say he loves you but you will know, and that goes for both platonic and romantic dynamics.
[ 🔪 KNIFE - how does GUINEVERE react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame? ]
neve's first instinct is to blame herself, especially when she sees it happen, as it did with both her friend & brother. in her mother's case, she blames that on external forces (mercy) because she, in her eyes, had no direct involvement and no influence in changing what happened. neve becomes extremely investigative during these times and will often start isolating herself as she figures it's the best way to 'solve' the 'problem'. spoiler: it isn't.
[ 👖 JEANS - what is GUINEVERE'S go-to outfit? ]
her casual / every-day outfits blend style & comfort! she generally goes for some nice trouser pants and a solid color blouse or turtleneck that works with anything. they also prefer to dress it up sometimes with a statement jacket, coat, or jewelry.
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sens0r · 5 months
☎ for whichever muse u prefer !
[     MEME WEEK       ]    cellphone   headcanons,   prompt
[     STATUS       ]   accepting!
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✦ NAME   .   .   .   annoying ✦ RINGTONE   .   .   . crazy frog ✦ LAST   TEXT   SENT   .   .   .   [    sms 📱 annoying    ]   i know it was you who changed my ringtone, agent.
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