#there’s a lotta bad about the south but so much good. god i love the south.
useramor · 9 months
i grew up in texas and i don’t live there anymore but just. well. i miss the texan sunsets and the sweet tea and days so hot i felt like i was dying and i miss lake days and rivers and picnics and i miss tailgate parties and football games that i’d go to just to laugh with my friends and cheer when burnt orange scored even though i never understood a damn thing about the game and i miss the middle aged women who called me sugar and the large men with kind smiles who would walk into any room with a hey y’all and god i miss y’all and i miss tacos and barbecue and stopping at buc-ees on my way home from every choir competition and i miss driving to whataburger just to eat in the parking lot and panic when i accidentally get ketchup on the leather seats of my best friend’s mom’s minivan and i miss looking up at the sky and being able to point out whole constellations because i live in a city now and can’t remember the last time i looked up and saw anything but dull midnight blue. i hated texas when i was growing up all i wanted was to leave and never come back but oh. texas, i love you. i love you i love you i love you.
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msweebyness · 8 months
MiracOlympus- Recess Deities
Here they aaaare! The last round of deities! The Recess class! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Austin T:
God of peace and harmony
Can diffuse a conflict just by walking in the room
Leads de-stressing activities on Olympus
He and Kagami have a love-hate kind of friendship
Only person who can get Jean to rest when they’re in “show mode”
Austin B:
God of memory and recollection
Remembers everything from the moment he was born
Will gladly remind you of a time you screwed up if you’re getting a big head
Integral part of the gossip squad
Austin Q :
God of rivers and freshwater
Prefers to spend most of his time in the water
Gets pissed if mortals dump trash in the river
Helps Ondine keep Kim from doing crazy shit
One of the snarkiest gods
Austin A:
God of splendor and finery
His style is always ON POINT
Never seen anywhere without bling
Will tell you if something looks bad on you
King of makeovers
Deity of luck and good fortune
Has never lost a game, ever
LOVES making bets and wagers, and never loses
Four leaf clovers where she walks
Still a huge prankster
Oh yeah, he's blind
Deity of destiny and inevitability
If they want something to happen, it will
Seems to see five steps ahead
“I told you so” is a bit of a catchphrase
Still super athletic
God of knowledge and intellect
Can name facts about any subject off the top of his head
Always carrying at least eight books
Tends to ramble a bit when he’s interested in a topic
Brainy squad with Max and Anais
Goddess of the battlefield and courage
Never backs down from a fight
Has a powerful war cry that can ignite fighting spirit in anyone
Blesses soldiers who die honorably
Besties with Kagami, they spar all the time
Muse of hymns and choral song
Voice powerful enough to stop hearts
Surprisingly shy, but commands attention when performing
Loves listening to and writing stories about heroes
Peacekeeper among her siblings
Muse of dance
Toughest and most graceful muse at the same time
Can dance flawlessly in any style
Can teach ANYONE to dance
Will deck you if you mess with any of his siblings
Deity of education
Official tutor of Olympus, with help from the brain squad
Takes maintaining schools on Earth VERY seriously
Believes everyone deserves to learn
Still meticulous about everything
Goddess of the South wind and the rains
Snarkiest of all the winds, and very blunt
Usually has a small rain cloud
Can kick up a downpour when pissed
Likes to float upside down, and has wings like an albatross
Goddess of youth and youthful spirit
Has so much energy, it’s ridiculous
Always looking for something new to try
VERY protective of children
Makes and serves the nectar on Olympus
Deity of rumor and infamy
Knows everything, about everyone, everywhere
Kind of impossible to keep a secret from zir
But surprisingly good at keeping them
Commander of the gossip squad
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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S3 E11: Mystery Spot
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Okay just wanted to say that I actually live - well, not in Broward county, but in a neighboring county. And I was honestly disappointed that there's not a real Mystery Spot (at least not one on Google maps) bc I love tacky shit like that. One of my fondest memories is when I went to Roswell, NM and got to check out the dumb alien museum there. Fucking hilarious, man.
It's South Florida, you can find much more realistic shark heads than that around here
Dean Death Counter starts now! DDC: 1
"Yesterday was Tuesday, right? But today is Tuesday, too!" Iconic
DDC: 2
Dean comments like that contribute to people assuming you and Sam are a gay couple
"Did it look cool, like in the movies?" Jdjsnsnsnsbs Dean pls
Yikes the desk is just..... horrific. DDC: 3
And here we go into the Dean Death Montage! At the end, our DDC is... 8 confirmed deaths.
Sam says he's been through 99 Tuesdays though, so we'll just jump the counter up. Also, jfc, over 3 months of this shit? Yikes.
How long did they rehearse the talking in unison scene lmao
DDC: 100
So wait how did Dean eat it that day? Or did Gabe just fast forward to the "next" morning when he realized Sam figured him out
The shit-eating grin on Gabriel's face when he reveals himself to the Winchesters is SO GOOD I love this little jerk
Hughey Lewis and the News doesn't suck, Dean, come on.
"I lost count" okay so were there more days between when Sam said it was the 100th Tuesday and when they caught up with the Trickster or is he being facetious bc by my count he had exactly 102 Tuesdays
DDC: 103 (?)
Ah, here we go, Dark Side Sam
Controversial opinion but I do like this side of Sam. I think this short montage makes Sam more 3 dimensional than the previous 2 and a half seasons combined. We've seen Dean without Sam - now we're finally seeing Sam without Dean, and not by choice! It's actually more palatable than his endless anger over Jessica during s1 bc we care about Dean, too, so we can understand better where he's coming from.
-brushes teeth angrily-
-in a low, threatening tone- "You want your brother back so bad? Fine." I think we have another tagline here
That brief moment where Sam isn't confident that Bobby wasn't Bobby is mildly horrifying
"Even if I could -" "You can!" "True." Okay see here's where I feel like it should have been more obvious that Gabriel wasn't actually a Trickster - Bobby called them demigods. Can demigods really ignore that many rules? I mean, taking Sam back 6 months and reviving Dean for well over the hundredth time - that must take a lot of power. Even more than what Bobby insinuated Tricksters have. And when the boys have run into pagan gods before, they were honestly kind of weak? The scarecrow was pretty creepy, and the solstice pagans were fucked up, but they never changed reality like Gabriel does. Honestly i think the boys really should have been questioning just what, exactly, the 'Trickster' was starting here.
I wonder if Gabriel wanted Sam to stop saving Dean bc he was trying to spare them the heartbreak down the road of one saying yes before the other, or if he really thought that if Dean died early, the apocalypse wouldn't happen. I mean, he's been cut off from Heaven for centuries, so maybe he missed the memo that the angels wanted Dean to go to Hell.
"He's my brother." "...yep." Whole lotta feeling packed into one word when you know who the Trickster really is. Yep, he's your brother. And he's not gonna do anything but hurt you, because that's what brothers do.
Also, okay, wait, Gabriel implied that Dean's been in Hell for 6 months at this point. Either he's telling the truth, and Dean is somehow stronger this time around and doesn't break as quickly, or he's lying and he stashed Dean's soul elsewhere - possibly since the first Tuesday, even. Hmm...
....does Dean ever find out about those six months?? Probably not :/
"Mystery Spot" final thoughts: can you tell I love this episode? It's just so ripe for meta opportunities! And, of course, i love all the Trickster episodes just. So much.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
the ot4 with the 'Trouble' prompt please
I went with SFW for this one! Barclay’s design is based on a Whale Shark, Indrid’s on a Bat Ray.
Joseph Stern, for servant of her majesty's royal navy, is absolutely and irrevocably fucked. 
He’s chained to a sunken tree in a bayou somewhere off the south eastern coast of North America. Its getting dark. And he has identified no fewer than four ways he might perish here. 
One: Exposure to searing heat
Two: Dehydration or starvation
Three: Alligators, which he has sight at least one of on the banks of a nearby river. 
Four: Sharks, sea monsters, or other horrors of the deep. 
He won’t drown; high tide’s come and gone once already and while the waves rose up to his throat, they did not cover his head.
This is all Captain Haye’s fault.
Their ship was transporting a woman, one Madeline Cobb, who Haye’s believed had information on a cache of gold to rival El Dorado. Stern shares his suspicion that the woman is concealing something. But he thinks hauling her from her Inn and holding her prisoner was not the right course of action. 
Hayes, unwilling to release Cobb or sail too far form where she may be hiding...whatever she’s hiding, had them going practically in circles, the men increasingly lobbying for a return to port and New Orleans. Worse, Hayes became convinced there were spies on board, working to free Cobb and keep the crew from finding its quarry. 
He settled on one of the first culprits being the cook they’d just taken on, Barclay. That Barclay was gentle as an old housecat and showed no signs of being known to Cobb other than delivering her meals, did not matter to Hayes. Stern argued as much, pointed out that there was no evidence of treachery, merely bad luck and incompetence.
(He omitted the part where he’d snuck into the galley more than a few nights; first to talk, or for a safe place to order his thoughts under a kind gaze, and later for a handful of kisses).
Barclay had simply smiled at him, told him it was alright; he’d rather Hayes throw him overboard than some other innocent soul. Then down he’d gone, Stern watching until no trace of him could be seen beneath the water, knuckles white against the wooden rail. 
He once again voiced his displeasure to Hayes, who accused him of trying to mutiny. In spite of his protests, none of the men came to his defense. He was not as hated as Hayes, but he was still an officer and therefore not well liked. 
So here he stands, marooned at the mouth of a coastal river, stripped down to his trousers, skin burnt and stinging from where salt water found the gashes left by the lash.
Off to his left, he spies two shadows in the water. Large, fast moving shadows. A fin, definitely not that of a dolphin, breaks the water. 
It is not his preferred death, by teeth and strong jaws, but in some ways it is preferable to the prolonged suffering of starvation and thirst. 
The fin is no more than few feet away, and the front half of the beast breaches the waves. 
It has a mans face, of that much he is sure. But it can be nothing other than delirium that explains whose face it is.
“Barclay.” His voice is mournful, cracked.
“Uh huh.” The merman swims to him, spotted grey tail just visible in the dark, hand brushing Stern’s side, “don’t worry, baby, I’ll get you free.”
He humors his imagination, “Of course you would try, but how…” He blinks as the world flickers and then Barclay is standing, tail long gone, modesty preserved only by a wrap of dark fabric. He reaches up, snapping the chains in two and Stern collapses, struggles to steady himself before hitting the water. Bu he doesn’t have to; strong arms pull him against  broad chest. 
“I..I’m not hallucinating am I?”
“Nope. Joseph, god, I’m so glad I found you.” As the large hand strokes his hair, he spies the second shadow in the water, once again too close from comfort. 
“Barclay we, we should make for shore, there’s something coming.”
“Hm? Oh, no, that’s just Indrid.”
A second merman emerges, turning smoothly onto his back to regard them. His upper body is lean and angular, his hair pale, and in place of a classic tail he has wide, black wings like those of ray starting at his hips, tapering down to a narrower tail. 
“Indrid Cold, a pleasure to meet you, Joseph Stern.” He flaps in a wide circle around them, “You see, Barclay, I told you we would find him here.”
“It’s not that I doubted you, just, god, god I’m glad to see you alive.” The embrace is almost painful against his raw skin, but Stern can’t find the energy or desire to care. 
“And I you. That still doesn’t explain how you’re one, not dead and two, a merman.”
“All in good time,” Indrid answers in Barclay’s place, “right now, my dear, we should retreat somewhere safe. Would you prefer to carry him, or shall I retrieve a boat?”
“Do you mind?” Barclay asks gently.
“Not at all. And I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t imagined it.”
Barclay kisses the top of his head, scoops him up into his arms as if he weighs nothing. It doesn’t take much walking before they reach shallower water and then the shore. Indrid stays in the water as they proceed up-river, his unusual form allowing him to swim alongside them in the shallow portions. 
When they arrive at a small, yet well kept, house, Barclay opens the door and sets Stern on a bed. 
“You sure he won’t mind?” This he calls out to Indrid, still in the water.
“I am quite certain. This is Duck we’re talking about, remember?”
“A duck?” Stern’s vision is fading, the toll on his body finally registering.
A laugh, “No, ‘Duck’ is the guy who owns this house. You’ll meet him tomorrow. Here, drink this.” 
Cool, fresh water passes his lips, and even as he swallows he feels himself slipping into sleep.
The first thing Stern sees when he awakes is an unfamiliar man placing ups on a nearby table. He doesn’t see Stern is up, and so is humming to himself, off-key yet charming. His eyes are two different colors, and while he looks as strong as Barclay, he’s shorter and more fat sits atop the muscles. Unbidden, Sterns mind offers up the thought of what it would be like to be pressed between this man and Barclay atop the covers.
Too many nights at sea have made him desperate for the human touch, it seems. 
“Mornin’” The man is looking at him, smile friendly, “you must be Joe, er Joseph.”
“Joe is fine.” The casual name is welcome after months of being addressed so formally. And the way it sounds in the other man’s mouth is natural, as if he’s known Stern years.
“You must be Duck?” He sits up carefully, head still light from the ordeal of yesterday. 
“Yep. This here’s my place. Or, uh, really our place. Mine and Indrid’s. Barclay stays with us sometimes, sometimes he lives at the Inn nearby, since he’s Mama’s cook aw fuck, I mean uh, he’s, he ain’t ever seen her before, or me, uhhhh. Fuck.” His shoulders sag as he finishes the terrible lie. 
“It is alright, my love, I suspect Joseph does not intend on returning to Captain Haye’s.” Indrid walks in from the porch, his human form as lean and angular as his mer one. Red eyeglasses perch on his nose, and he’s more heavily clothed than Duck.
“Not a chance. Captain Hayes is a sadist and a madman and I never wish to see him again.”
Indrid grins wide, “Excellent. Now, let’s have a look at your injuries.” Indrid grabs a tin of salve from a shelf, “Because I see you are about to ask, Barclay will be back shortly with the ingredients for more of this, since it will take some time for you to heal.”  Indrid sits down behind him, deft fingers soothing the cuts and sunburned skin.
“He can see the future.” Duck says as if it’s the most normal thing in the world, grabbing a kettle from the stove “coffee? Or do you, uh, prefer tea?”
“Coffee is fine. OW!”
“Apologies, that cut is a little deeper. In fact...Duck, my love, I believe he needs stitches.”
Ten minutes later, Stern’s back is still stinging, but is sewn up. Indrid had offered his hand for comfort, and even as Duck finishes cleaning up the cuts, Stern hasn’t released it. Indrid seems in no hurry to do so.
“Morning.” Barclay appears in the door, a basket in either hand, “found what you asked for, Indrid, and some berries and wild garlic too. Figure I can use that for dinner.” As soon as the baskets are set down, Barclay is kneeling in front of Stern, kissing him softly, careful not to set his hands anywhere too burnt.
“Glad to see you awake, handsome. These two treating you okay?”
“Hmph” Indrid crosses his arms in mock indignation, “how dare you impugn my manners, let alone Ducks. He’s a good southern boy, after all.”
“Indrid, I once watched you ignore a guest for an hour solid.”
“I was distracted  by some futures! Speaking of which, I ought to be off. There is a fishing vessel that will likely appreciate being warned away from a patch of reef that will tear its hull.” He leans across Stern to kiss Barclay briefly, then stands along with Duck to kiss him. Makes it too the door only for Duck to pull him into a much firmer kiss. Then there’s an elegant splash, and Duck turns back to them with a sigh.
“They were married a few months ago.” Barclay offers as explanation.
“I see….but, Indrid kissed you as well.”
“Oh. Yeah. Uh” Barclay scratches his short beard nervously, “Indrid and I were lovers a long time ago. When he turned up in these parts again after some years away, he only had eyes for Duck.”
“Even if he was shy about it. Had me a little creeped out at the beginnin, especially when he showed me his mer form without warnin.” Duck pours Barclay a mug of tea and hands it to him. 
“But eventually Indrid asked if I wanted to be with him again, even if it wasn’t real formal. So that’s what I did.”
“And it didn’t bother you?” He looks at Duck, who shrugs.
“Hey, Barclay’s a big fella; he’s got a lotta love to give. So do I, for that matter, and so does Indrid. Lovin’ one person don’t mean you can’t love another just as much, even if it looks a little different each time.”
“I see.” Stern takes the water Barclay offers him, afraid to meet his eyes.
“If, uh, if it bothers you, Indrid and I can break things off. He told me last night he woudln’t be upset if that was the price for you and me  being together. Said he hadn’t seen me as happy as I am when I look at you in a long time.”
That makes him look up, and Barclay is gazing at him with a gentle affection, the kind he thought he’d forfeited years ago. 
“I make you that happy.”
“‘Happy’ barely even describes it.” Barclay kisses him again, nuzzles his cheek before pulling back.
“I...I’m alright if you wish to continue that relationship.” He aims for a kiss, misses due to lightheadedness, and lands it on Barclay’s nose.
A deep chuckle, then “We can figure out details later, okay? I gotta go fish.” He stands, grabbing a pail, “back soon.” Then he blows Stern a kiss and is gone. Stern waits for the splash before laying down, being upright too much for his tired frame. 
“Here” Duck saunters over, munching on the fruit Barclay brought back, “gotta get some food into you. Be a shame for that body to turn all skin and bones.”
“Thank you.” Stern takes a handful and then, about ten minutes later, discovers he has eaten the entire basket. 
“You, uh, you gotta little” Duck is trying not to laugh as he makes a circle around his mouth with a finger. Stern wipes his mouth, succeeds only in smearing purple across his cheek, and Duck breaks, hiccuping giggles escaping him, the sound making Stern laugh in return.
“Good lord, only a day or so out of the navy and I’ve lost all decency.” Stern smirks. 
“From what Barclay said, sounds more like tyranny than decency that they run on.”
“He may be right. I was raised to follow orders; no one ever warns you what you are to do if the orders strike you as wrong.”
“Say ‘fuck it,’ in my experience.”
“I was hardly so vulgar and you can see where that landed me. Then again. Seeing the shock on Haye’s face when I argued with him was truly a pleasing sight. I can be stubborn when I wish to; perhaps I should have done so sooner.”
“Here’s to bein’ stubborn” Duck lifts his cup and Stern weakly clinks his water glass against it, “we oughta get you bath, both for the juice and the sand you still probably got in places. I’ll draw it up and help you in it.”
“No interest in keeping me company?” The salacious tone slips out before he can catch it.
“No, uh, fuck, not, not at, fuck, all.”
“Now you see why I ain’t one of the ones they sent on the ship to keep an eye on Mama.”
“What?” Stern sets the glass down with a thunk.
“Barclay and a few others on board really do know her. Not that she can’t get loose herself, but we wanted her to have back-up. This ain’t the first time someone’s come pokin around lookin for fuckin’ El Dorado or some shit and we had to deal with ‘em. Ain’t even all that much worth seekin out; some of the mers got real powerful magic, and there are some piles of lost treasure. But nothin like that Hayes fellas was imagining.”
“Are you all mermaids?”
“Nope. Me, Mama, and few others are human including Ned and Boyd-”
“Chicane and Mosche? The ones who signed on our ship?”
“I thought they seemed suspicious, though I had not intention of telling Hayes.”
“ I wouldn’t trust either of ‘em further than I could throw ‘em, but sometimes the fact they’re damn good liars comes in real handy. C’mon.” He helps Stern up, leads him to a washtub out back near a pump, “you ain’t the only one of us to fall for a mer neither. I got Indrid, and my friend Aubrey is married to a mermaid called Dani.”
“Fascinating” Stern gingerly undoes his trousers, looks up to see Duck covering his eyes.
“Just bein’ polite. Now” fingers part and a green eye peeks through them, “let’s get you clean.
Stern heals little by little, looked after by the three men and the odd visitor. He learns that some mers take it upon themselves to learn how to transform into humans, that Hayes is still sailing aimlessly around the coast, and that sleeping beside Barclay is a thousand times better than he dreamed. 
He tidies the house in the mornings, Barclay either working or fishing, Indrid asleep or off on some mysterious errand, and Duck preparing to go to work in town (an arborist by trade, a fact that surprises Stern not at all, given how easily he talks about trees). Reads with his feet in Indrid’s lap in the afternoons, helps Barclay make dinner in the evening.
It doesn’t escape him, they way Duck smiles at him after he tells a horrible joke that the shorter man laughs at anyway. The way Indrid’s fingers linger on his skin when he hands him something, the way he’ll idly run his hands along Sterns arm or leg if they’re sitting side by side. 
The two still give Stern and Barclay space and privacy, but he can’t help feeling that there are times he wants them in bed as Barclay eagerly and lovingly fucks him. 
Barclay, of course, makes no secret of his feelings. He kisses Stern good morning and goodnight, cooks him elaborate meals, brings him flowers from the banks and bright shells from depths (Duck shows him how to make a box to hold the gifts from the sea, opening his own, one that once held cigars, to reveal all manner of tokens from Indrid).
But as he heals, Barclay asks on several occasions if he intends to stay, the question always nervous and hopeful. Stern keeps demurring. He’s considered dead, will be reported as such to any who knew him back home. But he’s a foreigner here, in more ways than one, fears he has no permanent place in this patch of the world, even though he’s certain Barclay would gladly make a home with him. 
Today such worries are far away, the four of them swimming in a clear, well-hidden lake. Duck, droplets still glinting in his dark hair, lays on his belly on a rock in the water. Indrid flaps lazily between them as Barclay gives chase to Stern. He’s asked him to, wanting to build back the strength and speed he lost while healing. 
“Gotcha” a smooth tail bumps his legs as Barclay embraces him from behind, “if I were a real shark, you’d be dinner.”
“Good thing you’re tame.” Stern splashes him soundly and he splutters, letting the human go. As he swims away, laughing, black wings envelop his waist and legs as Indrid surfaces, face inches from his own and arms draped over his shoulders
“Indeed. Such a tender creature as yourself would make quite a treat to ones like me.”
“Rays don’t eat people Indrid!” Duck calls from the rock, not even looking up. 
“Come now, my sweet, look at him. So enticing” the wings press him closer, “just waiting to be devoured. Wouldn’t you agree?” This he directs at Stern, who nods breathlessly and leans in for what he assumes is a kiss. 
Sharp teeth find his neck, nipping and sucking hungrily. He gasps, moans so loudly they can hear him in the city. 
“Was that alright?” Indrid pulls back, and Stern can’t tell if the question is meant for him or Barclay, who is watching them with widening pupils. 
“Lord, yes.” He whispers.
“Uh huh.” Barclay swims behind Indrid, kissing his neck before gliding over to Stern. Indrid leans in, and this time it’s the expected kiss, briny and sweet. Indrid lets out a soft laugh when Stern whines for another but gives it readily, spreading his fins to guide them through the water, the human finding he feels perfectly safe with his eyes shut. When he blinks them open, Duck is staring down at him. He’s about to open his mouth to ask a question when Indrid darts up to capture Duck’s lips.
“We talked about it this mornin’, Indrid and me.” Duck sighs happily, goofy smile directed Indrid’ way. 
“We were going to talk to you both tonight, but I could not resist a moment ago.” Indrid says sheepishly, “I have discovered just why Barclay has been so elated the last few weeks. Duck has as well.”
“You...it’s really alright with all of you?”
“That’s putting it mildly.” Barclay’s tail runs up and down his legs, “if you’re all okay with it, I couldn’t be happier.”
“What do you say, Joe? Ready to give up sailin the seven seas and stay with us awhile?”
Stern nestles against Indrid, Barclay’s tail still teasing his ankles, and cups Duck’s cheek.
“You know, Duck, I can’t think of anything I’d like more.”
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queen-boo · 4 years
Tagged by @ladadee195 and @iocococo! Thank you so much friends!
Rules: answer some questions and tag the bloggers you want to know better
Name: Jayne (but I try to avoid using it online as much as possible lol!)
Nicknames: God too many. Jayneybop, bops, Gin, Boo, B, Bucket, Squish... Only some of those have context hahaha. 
Gender: Female??? Questioning though, there’s a whole lotta self-discovery going on these days. 
Sexuality: Bisexual. 
Height: 5′0″
Language: English
Nationality: British 
Current time: 22:12
Favourite season: AUTUMN! Spooky time! Pumpkin spice. Crunchy leaves. Rain. I like autumn.
Favourite scent: Oof I had to really think about this. Lavender I think, Vanilla. Baking, I bake a lot so I always like the smell of bread or cakes baking.  
Favourite colour: Pastels. I love pastel colours, light purples, greens, blues. I am all about soft colours. 
Favourite animals: Legally you should not be allowed to make me chose a favourite animal. I intern in zoos/aquariums. I love every animal. Every one. But if I had to choose I’m gonna give a shout out to the forgotten guys, I love bees. I love sharks. I love cephalopods (but especially cuttlefish omg). Froggies and toads. BIRDS. I love birds of prey, we have one specific species here called a red kite and they’re beautiful. I also have a surrogate child at my zoo atm, a little rainbow lorikeet we’re hand rearing and I got to name him and I adore him (his name is Vince).
Favourite fictional characters: I’ll get the obvious ones out of the way. Howard Moon and Vince Noir -- they’re just so silly and yet sincere. Young minds, beautiful souls. So much fun, literally to halves of one whole idiot. 
Then we’ve got my other fandom loves; Sherlock Holmes, in any variation would can find him. I love every singe version, and of course where Sherlock Holmes goes, so does Dr. John Watson-- even in my heart. 
I love Crowley from Good Omens, have adored him and his representation of the good and bad in people (and obvs Aziraphale too) since I was about eighteen and read the book for the first time. 
Normal amount of sleep: I typically peak at about five hours. I have chronic insomnia, and therefore sleep and I have a love hate relationship. Most nights will find me awake until 6/7am and then I will either sleep until about 10 or I’m awake again at 8. If I have a really bad spate of sleeplessness I can be awake for 24-30hours at once and then I’ll crash for like 14 hours ahahaha. But that’s really really rare. (I was once awake for about 43hours and I lost my damn mind). So usually I’ll have about 4/5 hours sleep a night. 
Number of blankets you sleep with: Just the one!
Dogs or cats: I own both, and I adore my puppies, but I’m such a cat person. I live a bit of a busy lifestyle for dogs, I think
Dream trip: I sorta already had it? I went to south africa last year and volunteered on a game reserve. For weeks I was out there helping anti-poaching efforts and volunteering in the orphan cetres and with the born free foundation to help rehabilitate animals to be released into the wild. Currently saving to go back, really, so maybe that? Or, aside from that, I’d love to go to Texas in the US. Specifically Austin (and I hopefully will next year)
Dream job: Oof so many answers to this. I spent a brief periso of my life as a professional actor and I adored it, but because of life circumstances had to come home and found myself on the path of animal care so... I would love to be a full time performer. I would love to work with animals full time. I’d love to be a published author too hahah-- I don’t know, just randomise it and pick one for me. 
Followers: 386-- Wow how did that happen I like never post on my main hahah!
Blog established: like 2012. I’ve been here a long ass time, cycled through so many fandoms and looks and usernames too.  
Reason for my url: I just changed it recently. I was Crazy-mad-insane but I wanted it to match my AO3 because I’m starting to get more interaction from fics and decided it was time to be consistent haha/ But it’s as simple as I have the nickname Boo (because I always play that character in mariokart/Marioparty and they’re my favourite Mario character full stop) and you know, I’m a queen lol
Random fact: I literally have no idea what to put here so I’ll put a funny lil’ tale about one time I accidentally brought a poison dart frog home from the zoo I work in because another intern left the lid open on the tank and a bunch of the babies escaped--and we thought we got them all until I got home and found one of the little guys hanging out in my uniform pocket. (luckily when poison dart frogs are bred in captivity they are no longer poisonous so I just had to keep him in a lil box until I could take him home)
Tagging @kateyboosh @cronchy-saboo @un1c0rntea and @silentorator if you guys fancy it!! <3
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falselyprofound · 5 years
y’know what i’m just gonna ramble a little more about this fic because a) i really liked it and b) i have been stressing over uni work for almost ten hours now and if i don’t take a mental break my brain will probably explode
god. In A Strange Land feels like the author looked into a parallel dimension where season three didn’t revolve around Russians or the Mind Flayer, and just decided to write a transcript of the show down for those of us stuck on this plane of existence. Like... yeah, the pacing’s a little off in some places, sure. Some of the earlier chapters don’t give you a whole lotta breathing room, which makes things seem grimmer than the show. Apparently there were several weeks inbetween steve getting fucked up at the party, steve getting his shit kicked by billy at the quarry, and steve getting his shit kicked by the aboleth, but it’s squeezed into the span of a few chapters so it kiiiiinda feels like the world’s worst trauma conga line at times.
It’s nice that there’s no filler and that everything has a purpose, but things going south is less impactful when it’s a slow + steady decline and not dropping like a horse off a cliff. (...or maybe I was just hoping for a bit more fluff from my ao3. or i need to stop binge-reading longfics, and actually let chapters sink in for a while before moving onto the next. but anyway.)
There’s also the plot twist about Six that doesn’t quite mesh with the rest of the story. Sure, it doesn’t detract from it, but it also doesn’t impact the narrative in any way other than giving Hopper more shit to stress about behind the scenes. I’m honestly not sure why it was included, since she never comes back... But anyway; everything else about the fic is so damn good it more than compensates for its flaws.
the amount of reincorporation the author uses in this fic is absolutely astounding. Mike sabotaging Steve’s dnd character. Dustin trying to play video games on Mr. Harrington’s computer. Basically any of Steve’s (mundane) nightmares, including the thing about the sock. Bob being in the AV club with Scott... everything seems like a minor character-building detail, until it inevitably comes back to either save the day, signal just how much they’ve changed in the last two months, or utterly fuck someone over.
Like... Max describes the sound of Billy’s car as “a thunderstorm that rains douchebags”, which in itself is a hilarious line. But then six chapters later, Dustin’s alone and in over his head and he thinks he hears thunder off in the distance and you go oh. oh no. and the chapter ends there and you know exactly how bad things are gonna get.
(speaking of which, there’s no redemption arc for billy and it’s magnificent. he was easily one of the more frightening parts of the fic for me -- particularly as the author plays up his love of violence over... whatever uncomfortable, unnecessary, vaguely rapey themes he had going for him in season 3. Plus, seeing him a) get away with his shit for so long and b) be an asshole mostly of his own violition means that dustin literally setting him on fire, knocking him the fuck out with steve’s hairspray, and then locking him in the boot of his car? cathartic as hell. poetic cinema. 10/10.)
it also does a damn good job of representing the 80′s in more ways than just pop culture references. there’s more than a few instances in the fic where i had to stop and go oh yeah. they don’t have the internet in 1985, do they.
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(case in point.)
honestly if i posted a screenshot of every line of dialog that either made me laugh or go “oh shit”, we’d be here all day. so i’m just gonna say that I really love the aboleth as a villain, i really love how every character gets at least one POV scene and a moment to shine, and i really love all the moments where the characters are faced with unspeakable horrors yet worry about something totally mundane. like max getting stuck in the Inbetween.
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or mike, realizing how similar his life is to his dnd campaigns
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or dustin & mr. clarke.
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god, why isn’t mr clarke in the show more.
(ok i should probably get back to work now, but i just wanna cap this post off by saying that the absolute biggest mood of the fic... is that the author admits they wrote it with the sole purpose of justifying steve’s car. that is such a minor detail to write a 180k-word semi-au for and i fucking love it.)
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hi there can you write some canon ralbert angst? I love your writing btw it always makes my day
holy freaking gosh this took for actual ever
it was gonna be longer but it’s already pretty damn long and I’m tired
if anyone likes it enough (excluding you twitch) I do have enough planned for a part 2
this is the bridge hypothermia thing btw
ship: ralbert
genre: hurt comfort angst
warnings: like a .2 second suicide mention, but it’s a misunderstanding do, hypothermia, someone falling off a bridge, uhh snow ? idrk 
word count: 3377 yike
editing: ish
Albert paced back and forth across the common room of the lodging house. Race should have been home from selling an hour ago. Normally, Albert wouldn’t be worried - Race could hold his own in most situations. But, Albert just had a feeling that something bad had happened. And it had just started snowing.
“Jack, please,” Albert begged for the third time. “Let me go look for him. Or send someone out. He doesn’t have a good jacket and it’s starting to snow.”
Jack sighed. He had gathered all of the important Manhattan Newsies in the common room because Spot and some of his boys were supposed to be coming over to have a meeting about border disputes with Queens. Albert could see that Jack was torn. It was odd that Race hadn’t come back yet and they did need him for the meeting since he was second in command. But at the same time he couldn’t send out Mush or Specs to go look for him cause they were needed for the meeting and he couldn’t risk sending out the younger boys because they might get lost or freeze.
“Alright,” Jack finally said. “Race is more important than any meeting with Brooklyn. Specs and JoJo you go west, Mush and Finch you go north, Davey and Blink go south and Al and I will go east. No one stay out for more than an hour, okay?”
Everyone nodded, grabbing their jackets and extra socks for their hands before splitting off in their designated directions.
Albert and Jack searched as far as the bridge. Every second that they searched contributed to Albert’s general anxiety about Race. Where was he? Was he bleeding out in an alley? Was he freezing to death? Was he safely back at the lodge?
“Al, we gotta go back,” Jack said after they looked in the same alley for the third time. “We’ve looked everywhere and it’s getting late.”
“Jack, we have to keep going,” Albert begged. “He could be out there, I can’t leave him.”
“Let’s go back to the lodge and reconvene,” Jack said gently, placing his arm around Albert’s shoulders. “Maybe one of the other boys found him.”
Albert gave a weak nod and allowed himself to be steered toward the lodge.
Race was not at the lodge, nor had any other the other boys found him. Albert pulled his knees into his chest as he watched the other boys talk about what they should do next. He wasn’t really listening to what anyone was saying though. His mind was whirring. Where could Race be? Why hadn’t he come home yet? Albert was going to kill him if he wasn’t already dead.
It was around midnight when there was a knock at the lodging house door. Albert’s head snapped up. Race?
Jack opened the lodging house door to reveal, not Race, but Checks, Spot’s second in command.
Jack narrowed his eyes. “Whatrya doin here, Checks? The meetin was supposed to be 2 hours ago. And it’s late and it’s snowing.”
Checks rolled her eyes, stepping inside and pulling off her cap, shaking the show out of her hair. “Spot says he’s sorry about the meeting, but I’m here on other terms.”
“Which might be…?” Jack raised his eyebrows. “What could possibly be so important at midnight for you to trek here all the way from Brooklyn in the snow?”
“If ya stopped runnin your trap for a minute I could tell you,” Checks said, rather annoyed. “Do we got an Albert Dasilva here?”
Albert sprung up from the couch. “Yeah.”
“I need ya to come with me,” she said simply, “back to Brooklyn.”
“An why is that, exactly?” Jack asked before Albert could respond. “Cause we’re dealing with a bit of a situation here right now and I don’t think Al is up for dealin with any Brooklyn business. Heck, he ain’t even one uh the leaders. An I’m not letting him make the trek to brooklyn at midnight in the snow.”
Checks rolled her eyes. “Lemme guess, this little ‘situation’ uh yours is about Race not comin back, right?”
Albert felt his fist tighten at his side. How dare she make light of Race not coming back? He could be dead or frozen somewhere.
Jack beat him to it. “Listen, Checks, I don’t know how things work in Brooklyn, but here in Manhattan, we stick together. An how didja even know Race was missing?”
“Well first of all, he’s the only one that ain’t here right now,” Checks said, surveying the room. “An, Spot pulled him outta the east river 3 hours ago.”
Albert’s knees gave out from under him and he collapsed back on the couch, in too much shock to even cry. He knew something had happened. Why had Race even been in the East River? Was he okay? It was cold out and the water was even colder, not to mention the freaking snow. There was a good chance Race would die of cold exposure, if he wasn’t already dead.
In the midst of his panic, Albert felt someone, probably Mush, put an arm around him and begin to whisper reassurances. Albert almost yanked away, but then he heard what Mush was saying.
“Albert, hey, hey, it’s okay. Shhhhh. Listen to me. Checks just said Race isn’t dead. They’ve got him at the brooklyn lodging house. Spot got him there in time. They’re keeping him warm, but it's too early to tell. Spot wants you there tonight, just in case, okay?”
Albert looked up at Mush blankly.
“Race needs you,” Mush said gently. “You gotta go with Checks.”
“Okay,” Albert whispered, standing shakily and grabbing his jacket.
“Here, Al,” Finch threw his spare jacket at him. “It’s cold out there and we don't need someone else freezing.”
“Thanks, Finch.” Albert pulled Finch’s jacket on on top of his own, pulled on his hat and put his extra socks over his hands.
“Oh, Spot said to bring Race any warmer clothes if he’s got em,” Checks spoke up. “The spares we got ain’t really that great.”
“I got it,” JoJo said, climbing up the stairs to Race’s bunk. He returned a few minutes later with a pape bag filled with Race’s extra clothes and handed it to Albert.
“I’ll be by in the morning to check on you guys,” Jack said, clapping Albert on the back. “Don't let him try anything stupid ya hear? He ain’t allowed back here until he can walk across the bridge by himself.”
Albert let out a weak chuckle. “Will do.” Then, he followed Checks out into the cold.
By the time Albert and Checks reached the Brooklyn lodging house the snow was coming down thick and heavy. Albert was shivering despite his extra jacket and he kept having to blink away the snow that was collecting on his eyelashes.
Checks pulled open the door to the lodging house and ushered Albert inside quickly. Inside, the common room was empty except for a bed that someone had pulled near the fireplace. From where Albert was standing it looked like there were two people laying in the bed, one holding the other tightly.
At the sound of the door opening one of the people got up from the bed, carefully tucking the blanket around the other before walking over to greet Albert and Checks.
Albert was only half surprised to see Spot. He looked tired, disheveled even, and he was wearing a long sleeve shirt with a tear in the sleeve.
“Good, you made it,” Spot sighed before turning to Checks. “You're in charge until further notice.”
Checks gave him a curt nod. “Make sure you get some sleep.”
Spot rolled his eyes and gave Checks a gentle push toward the stairs. “Go to bed, Checks, you gotta lotta stuff to do in the morning.”
Spot waited until Checks disappeared upstairs to turn to Albert. “I’m so glad you’re here,” he said, walking back toward the bed and motioning for Albert to follow. “I was gonna wait until morning to send someone to come grab you but I figured you lot would be worried. And it’s still kinda touch and go.”
Albert swallowed hard. “What happened exactly?”
“I don’t know,” Spot sighed. “I was heading to Hattan with Checks for the meeting with you lot when I see someone fall off the bridge. I didn’t even realize it was Race until I pulled him out uh the water.” Spot sat down on the edge of the bed., placing his hand on the person’s head who was laying in the bed.
It took Albert half a second to realize that Race was the person who was laying next to Spot. He almost didn’t recognize him under all the blankets. Race’s skin was pale and some spots had splotchy red patches, his eyes were closed and his lips were slightly blueish. Spot had covered his head with a blue knit hat and the blankets were pulled up to his neck. It broke Albert’s heart to see him so weak and vulnerable.
“He jumped off the bridge?” Albert whispered uncertainly, not taking his eyes off Race. He couldn’t believe that Race would do something like that, Why hadn’t he talked to him?
Spots eyes went wide and he put a hand on Albert’s knee. “No, no, he didn't jump. He was looking at the view and someone bumped into him pretty hard and he lost his balance and fell over the edge. It’s a miracle the fall didn't kill him.”
Albert closed his eyes. At least he hadn’t done it on purpose. And thank god Spot had seen it and was able to rescue him. Race couldn’t swim. Albert didn't want to imagine him floundering around in the water, hoping to be rescued.
“Thank you, for pulling him out,” Albert said gratefully. “I don't know what I would do without him.”
“Well, he ain’t off the hook yet,” Spot said. “He was only in the water for maybe 3 minutes tops but he was unconscious when I pulled him out. Still breathing, though. Whacked him on the back several times until he woke up and started coughing. He passed out again on the way back to the lodge. And then, of course, it started to snow on top of that. Poor kid was so cold he wasn’t even shivering anymore. Luckily, I’ve dealt with this kinda situation before so I knew what to do, but if he doesn’t wake up real soon I ain’t too sure if he’s gonna make it.”
Albert looked down at Race’s face, which was blurring slightly due to the tears in his eyes. “Has he woken up at all?”
Spot made a face. “Twice, just for a few seconds. Both times he seemed generally dazed and asked multiple times where he was and what had happened. He didn't really seem to recognize me. I think the cold messed with his brain a little.”
Albert tried not to cry as he stared at Race, looking utterly helpless and small under his mountain of blankets. What would happen if he didn't make it? How would he keep going?
“Did you bring clothes for him?” Spot asked, noting the paper bag Albert was carrying.
Albert nodded, pulling the bag off and placing it on the bed. Inside JoJo had put Race’s thickest undershirt, a pair of knit pants that he was fairly certain belonged to Finch, his own thick flannel shirt and four pairs of mismatched socks. Underneath that there was Race’s quilt from his bed at the lodge - one of the few possessions he had left from the time before he was a newsie - his deck of cards and one of his cigars. Albert smiled, leaving the cards and the cigar in the bag for when - if - Race woke up.
Spot gently removed the blankets from Race and sat him up gingerly, using his shoulder to support Race’s head which had lolled to the side. He removed the threadbare shirt and pants that Race had been wearing with ease, careful not to move his arms and legs too much to prevent any more heat loss. “Hand me that flannel, will ya?”
Albert wordlessly handed Spot JoJo’s flannel shirt and watched as he slipped it over Race’s slightly red skin, buttoning it up carefully.
“I’m gonna need your help with the pants, okay?”
Albert nodded, gently lifting Race’s legs one at a time and slipping them into the legs of Finch’s pants, wincing when his hand touched Race’s ice cold skin. Then, as per Spot’s instruction, he covered Race’s bare feet with two pairs of socks and his hands, which were red and cracked from the cold and selling outside, with the other two pairs.
Spot laid Race back down with obvious care before pulling the two blankets back over him. Albert placed Race’s blanket from the lodge on top.
Spot hopped off the bed. “I’m going to give you two some time together. I’ll be just upstairs cleaning up if you need me.”
“Thanks, Spot,” Albert whispered.
“You should probably get under the blankets with him, ya know, warm him back up using your body heat. That’s what I was doing before ya got here, seems to be helping, especially skin to skin,” Spot said. “Just don't rub him too hard or move him too much, an make sure the fire doesn't go out. An come get me if he really wakes up, still need ta get somethin warm in him.”
Albert nodded, unbuttoning his own flannel shirt and removing his undershirt as Spot climbed upstairs. Once under the covers, Albert undid the buttons on Race’s shirt and gently pressed his warm chest to Race’s freezing one, winding one arm around his upper back and using the other to carefully press Race’s head into his shoulder.
“What am I gonna do with you Tonio?” Albert sighed, pressing a gentle kiss to Race’s temple. “You can’t scare me like this.” Silent tears fell onto Race’s shoulder.
After about 10 minutes, Albert heard a faint moan escape Race’s lips. His stomach flipped. Maybe Race would be okay. “Shhhh,” he whispered soothingly. “You’re okay.”
Race let out another slightly louder moan and tensed under Albert’s soft hold. “Don't worry, baby, I’m not gonna hurt you,” Albert reminded him.
Race pulled back from Albert slightly, a shiver rippling throughout his thin body as he cracked his uncharacteristically dull blue eyes open. Albert was so relieved to see the eyes that he had fallen in love with that he almost cried in relief. Race, however, looked confused.
“Who’re you?” He slurred quietly, trying to wiggle out of Alberts loose grip. “Where’m I? Wha’ ‘append?”
Albert vaguely remembered Spot saying something about Race having trouble remembering things. A few tears dripped from his eyes. Was this going to be permanent? “It’s me, Race,” Albert said gently. “You know me.”
“I do?” Race tried to move further from Albert.
“Yes, yes you do, you just don't remember me right now,” Albert mumbled. “An stop moving, you’re really weak and I don't need you hurting yourself right now.”
“Bu’ I don’ know you,” Race said again, his voice barely a whisper.
“Shhhh, yes you do Tonio, just think, use that brain of yours,” Albert murmured, placing a hand on Race’s forehead. Still cold, but not nearly as bad as before. Albert began to gently stroke Race’s cheek, which he usually did to calm Race’s nerves and ground him.
At his touch, recognition flashed across Race’s face and he smiled slightly. “Albie?”
“Yes, baby, its me. See? I knew you could do it.” Albert gently pulled Race back into his chest. “You’re safe. You fell off the Brooklyn bridge, nearly drowned. Spot brought you back to the Brooklyn Lodging House.”
“Spo’?” Race mumbled into Albert’s neck.
“Yes, Spot Conlon, your friend. He’s the king of Brooklyn.” It was a little worrying that Race was this disoriented, but at least he was awake and talking.
“‘M friends wit’ th’ king o’ Brooklyn?” Race giggled weakly.
“Yes,” Albert soothed. “He’s just upstairs. Very worried about you, just like me.” Race made a pleased noise. “How are you feeling baby?”
“Cold,” Race whispered, “an’ tired.”
“Think you can stay awake a little longer for me?” Albert asked.
“Think so,” Race mumbled.
“Good, cause-” Albert was cut off by Spot creaking down the stairs.
“I heard voices,” Spot called softly. “Is he awake?”
“Yeah,” Albert responded.
Race curled further into Albert’s chest. “Who’s tha’?”
“Shhh, it’s just Spot,” Albert reassured him. Then he turned to Spot. “He doesn’t remember you.”
Spot furrowed his eyebrows. “That’s not good. Does he know who you are?”
Albert nodded slowly. “Took him a few minutes, though.”
Spot lay down on Race’s other side and Race pressed closer to Albert, whining slightly. “Hey, Tonio, it’s okay, it’s just Spot. He’s not gonna hurt you.”
“Ar’ya sure?” Race slurred, moving his head to look up at Albert. His blue eyes looked scared.
“I’m sure,” Albert reassured him, releasing his hold on him slightly so he could look at Spot.
“Hey there Racer,” Spot said softly. “Glad you’re doing better.”
“Albie says yer Spo’.” Race looked up at Spot with confusion.
“I am,” Spot smirked. “How’re you feeling?”
Race groaned. “Why does e’ryon’ care ‘bout how ‘m feelin’? ‘M fine, ‘m jus’ cold ‘nd tired.”
“Race, you fell off the Brooklyn bridge, of course we’re worried about you,” Spot sighed. Even in his weakened, semi conscious state, Race still managed to act like he was fine. “Think you’ll be able to hold down some liquid for me? That should help warm you up.”
“How d’ I know y’ain’t tryna poison me?” Race scowled.
“Race, I would never,” Spot assured him, “you know that.”
“No, I don’,” Race countered. “I don’ even know you.”
Spot sighed. “Yes you do, Racer. You just don’t remember.”
“Pro’e ‘t.”
Albert let out a laugh. At least they knew Race was at least somewhat okay since he was acting like his usual self.
“Well, remember your first day of sellin at the Sheepshead?” Spot asked. “I nearly decked ya for sellin on Brooklyn turf and ya had the nerve to curse me out.”
Race screwed up his face in concentration. “...no?”
“Yer such an idiot,” Spot sighed lightly slapping Race on the head. Albert readied himself to comfort Race. He knew that Spot did that to him all the time, but surely Race wouldn’t react well to a stranger hitting him.
Instead of curling away from Spot though, Race began to smile. “Spottie?”
Spot let out a groan. “Oh so you remember that I hit ya every time ya do somethin stupid, but not when we first met?” He said with fake annoyance. “You cuddle with your boyfriend, I’m gonna get ya somethin warm to drink.”
Race fell back into Albert’s chest. “I r’memba Spo’ now.”
“I’m glad,” Albert kissed his forehead lightly. Still cold. He ignored the sinking feeling in his stomach. If Race didn’t warm up soon, he might not make it through the night. “You feeling any warmer?”
“Lil’ bi’,” Race’s eyelids were drooping, which Albert knew wasn’t a good sign. “Can I take a na’?”
“Not yet,” Albert mumbled. “I need ya to stay awake until Spot gets back cause he’s gettin you somethin to drink.”
Race yawned. “‘m real t’rd Albie.”
“I know you’re tired, baby,” Albert cooed. “But I need you to stay awake for a little longer, okay? Why don’t you tell me how much you love me?”
“Tha’s e’sy.” Race was slurring his words so badly now that Albert could hardly understand him. “Ah lo’be ya so mu’h Albie. Yer th’ be’t. Ya came ‘ere allahth’ way fro’ ha’an jus’ fir me. An’ ya takin’ care uh me an’ bein’ real swee’ an’ gen’le an’ wo’ied ‘bout me. An’ yer ‘oldin’ me an’ tryna keep me ‘arm an’ safe an’ I jus’ lo’be ya so muc’, I wanna be witcha fireva’.”
Albert listened to Race ramble, gently rubbing small circles right below the brim of his hat. “Forever now, huh? Forever is a long time.”
Race pulled away and gave Albert a warm smile. “Not w’en ‘m wit you.”
surprise no one died !!!
this didn’t actually come out at all like I wanted it to and the beginning is really bad welp
spot deserves a medal
also what do we think of checks?
feedback is always appreciated hmu to be on the tag list
tag list
tag list@fairly-awkward-trashcan@well-the-kids-do-too@racetrackcook@bouncyscreamingnewsboys@ughwaitwhat@aw-jus-let-em-try@ben-cook-can-cook@the-woild-is-my-what-now@elmer-s-s0cks@voice-foundshoe-lost@galaxy-trees13@stopthe-presses@ridin-in-style@pinecovewoods@imjusttheoutgoingsidekick@i-got-no-clue-what-im-doing@bencookisagod@be-more-chill-evan-hansen@hellasoulless@stellar-alpaca@saxoph-ella@smolcanadiangirl idk why this one won’t tag@disney-princess-sized@the-kool-aid-man-is-real@the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog@insane-tomato@so-up-rolls-a-riot-van@spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn@have-we-got-news-for-you
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lbat1901 · 5 years
2019 Review
I’ve never posted an end year review on Tumblr. I only post on either Facebook and DA, buuuuut it’s time for a change.
Also I couldn’t decide whether or not to separate it into two parts. I decided to say f**k it and post the whole thing.
Anyway, welcome to the first ever year end review where I recap 2019. Just a side note, I am doing this so you won’t have to. Also there a lot of ranting in this.
Quick thing to know is that I can become very brutal when comes to ranting. Trust me they’re not pretty. Oh and I tend write these things like at either towards the end of June and mid July about the stuff that just happened before coming back to it in late October and early November while adding even more information. That’s how things work.
Anyway with that out of the way, I present to you, Lbat1901’s review of 2019 broadcasted worldwide on this day of December 31st (or either the 1st of January and/or December 30th depending on your timezone).
2018 was a good year despite a few thing here and there. Now 2019 was a tad bit better but we lost the OG actor of Chewbacca from Star Wars. Well this isn’t a bad thing, there’s another actor to play the part.
If deaths weren’t always there to make a year bad, then it would be a person’s own downfall. I’m talking about the downfall of the one and only ProJared. Oh god….when I heard the news that he and his wife were filing for a divorce, it wasn’t good at all. Well it was bad at first, but it got worse when his ex-wife stated that he cheated on her. That took me by surprise, but I was all like: “Ah well. Things can’t get any worse than that, right?”. Unfortunately things did got much much worse.
ProJared was reported for doing some sexual activity on Tumblr. He actually DMed a minor and said some explicit stuff to them. Oh boy….that was a shocker. Due to this, everyone and his fans couldn’t find it in their hearts to forgive him. By the way ProJared at the time reached the milestone of 1,000,000 subscribers. That…later went down. A couple of months later, ProJared posted an apology on Twitter which didn’t make any sense. In reality doing that kind of stuff like that could land you in some legal troubles and you won’t be able to recover from it.
It really sucks and it hurts me a lot when it should be considered that ProJared is one of my favorite gaming channels on YouTube and one of my inspirations for all that sweet comedy gold. His videos are so good along his random commentary and jokes. Plus him working together with PeanutButterGamer, another YouTuber that I like, gave out some great positive vibes of collaboration. It’s going to take me a very long time to get over this and find it in my heart to accept his apology, but for now, I’m taking a break from ProJared.
…Aye I’m just kidding! It turns out that in late August, he uploaded a video explaining what really happened which means I can forgive him. I rate ProJared’s explanation video: “a fixed reputation out of 10.”
Another thing that happened was the suicide of another well known YouTuber that I like, that goes by the name of Etika. You see Etika is known for his reaction video especially when it comes to stuff like Nintendo such as Smash Bros. His DLC reveal reactions were priceless and hilarious. At the time, I never knew he had mental issues since it wasn’t clear onto why he always acts up giving off this destructive behavior. I’ve always believed that he did this for to be funny, but now I look back at it, his reactions were a bit too much. Shockingly before his death, he was went to some mental place and even came out from suffering from depression.
Soon afterwards, his family and his fans all reached out to him, but Etika pushed them all to the side. After that, he released a video saying how sorry his was shortly before he took his own life out. When I first heard about it from IGN, I didn’t believe it. But after awhile it turned out to be true. Etika really did killed himself.
I’ll say this once: killing yourself isn’t an option. Sure it maybe a solution to end your problems but in reality it makes everyone around you fall in deep despair. This is coming from a person who had depression in the past along with some forms of PTSD and schizophrenia. If you’re suffering from depression don’t turn down help. There’s always a light at the end of tunnel waiting for you to go towards it. Don’t stop waking to it. And Etika if you’re reading this, from wherever you might be, I hope you’re doing better than you were before since your now considered to be free from your troubles. All of us are going to see you again. Even though I haven’t meant you in person, you’re still a cool guy to me. Stay awesome.
Okay enough of the heavy feels. You all know what’s coming up next. It’s the part where I rant about the things that have happened this year. And hey, new people, you get to have a front row seat for this. The ranting part always gets my reviews a whole lotta views, making them somewhat popular. Here we go!
Alright…I’ll get this part out the way. Is it just me or was it that January 2019 was a very painful month to get through? No? If you’re living in a part where it’s warm everyday for the full entire year, good for you. You don’t have to suffer. But….can we like trade places? I want 90 degree weather all year long. Why you such lucky things. January, according to parts of the world that snow, is considered to be one of the slowest yet worst months of the year. Plus it doesn’t help that fact that it’s still winter and it’s the first month. I have always believed that January is a very slow month, but January 2019….oh my lord, it was brutally slow. Also January is also known to be the month of severe depression since nobody can hold onto their New Year resolution.
January 2019 felt like a drag. Plus I was still lingering to some of my depression after trying to recover from it after November 2018. It was a really bad time for me even though November is usually fast, but it felt I was being stabbed repeatedly. January 2019 was no different. Oh and don’t come to me stating that February comes after January and that it’s a fast month. That is true, but 2019 had to drug up February with depression pills making that a month of total despair. At least once it hit March 2019 things got better and much smoother.
January and February 2019, umm…what the f**k happened to you? January, I don’t expect anything magical about you, but February 2019, my god, you were supposed to be a better month. You had one job and failed at it that’s for sure.
This year’s review would like to take the attention and put it on Venezuela for once. During the first half of the year, many countries around the world has talked about the crisis in Venezuela. Venezuela is known to be a country in South America to have an oil industry which helps the country be successful. The current president is Nicolás Maduro and let’s be honest here, he’s a horrible person. Why? It’s because all of the things that he has done were quite questionable and he has said some controversial things mostly being related to storages. So far there has been several riots, people getting killed in some of those riots, nobody can get any food or medication due to power outages. It continues to get worse as time goes by. Most Venezuelans fled the country because it becoming a sh*thole and I don’t blame them. I would be fleeing from the country too if I can’t get anything. As I said before, countries around the world have been talking about the issues happening in Venezuela. There are some countries that support Maduro while other countries such as the US supports Juan Guaidó who vows to oppose Maduro. This kinda triggers the 2019 presidential crisis in Venezuela; however Guaidó has been given support by 54 countries as of June 2019. Although there is some competition, nobody should be getting in the way since this is Venezuela’s fight and it’s basically their freedom of speech. They must fight the powers that be.
What’s coming up next is something that I refuse to ignore. Article 13 getting passed. You heard that right folks, they did it. They actually f**king did it. In March 2019, the EU were having a debation on whenever or not to pass Article 13. If you don’t know, the EU created a whole bunch of rules for each country in Europe to follow. Some are good and some are just plain stupid. Article 13 is kinda like Europe’s version of Net Neutrality…only if it were on steroids. Article 13 has some tight restrictions but the most controversial thing to come from is that it kills off anything that has to do with copyright. Anything like music, video games, and of course memes won’t exist and guess what? Those motherf**kers in the EU actually said “f**k it!” and let the thing pass and all thanks to this lovely son of a b*ch, Axel Voss
*sighs heavily*
Axel Voss…why? Why? Just why? Why would you say yes? Months before the voting in March, you were supposed to be hope. I trusted your word. I thought you knew what to say, but you had to say the complete opposite. And do you want to know what my reaction is? Do you really want to see it? Oh I’ll give it you you. Here is goes. All I have to say is….wow, you really f**ked everything up big time and here’s my message towards you all:
F**k the EU! F**k Article 13! F**k everyone who allowed to let this thing get approved and have it take effect two years later! And finally, f**k you Axel Voss! F**k you all! I hope all you will burn in hell for this.
Now it’s time for the star of the show and the main topic I talk about every year, Trump.
Oh my where I do even begin? 2019 was the year on how low Trump can go as a president and as a person. Well he already is low.
I know that there’s a huge like and dislike ratio with this man. If you support Trump and would like to dismantle any argument that I make that is totally against everything he says and does, then that’s great! Now do me favor: GO F**K YOURSELF!!!
I had enough of this man and I am sick of this nonsense! Hell I’ve been sick of it already. He’s done way too much and he’s been tripping all over the place as well.
Why are there still people out there supporting this guy? Like seriously, what is wrong with you people?
I have a feeling that you’re going to say this: “What makes him bad to you? He basically done a lot in the past three years. He lowered my taxes so I won’t have to pay that much”.
Um excuse me? Does it look I f**king care if you don’t have to pay that much for taxes? Abso-f**king-lutely not. I don’t give a sh*t if you’re paying less in taxes along with telling me that it’s raining tacos. Must I remind you that this man ordered a government shutdown for the first part of the year which, bear in mind, lasted 30 days all because he wanted a wall to be built between the Mexican and American borders? Let’s not forget that the president of Mexico already said no to paying that wall.
So yeah, Trump was throwing a tantrum over it. Why not you just build a wall of Legos? It’s cheaper.
The more I think about this, the more I pay attention to the audience in Trump’s rallies. What do I see, I hear you ask? Nothing but basic white people and that’s exactly my point. In most of Trump’s rallies, you don’t see any black, Hispanic, Asian, or Somalian people in the stands. That’s because would they support Trump? All you see is just white people and the majority of them have blonde hair and blue eyes.
They’re not just any white people, they are the ones with the guns, Trump hats, the pick up truck, and the Confederate flag. They are also known as those die hard rednecks that love to spread hatred and racism. I do have to admit that I love rednecks with their Southern accents and charm (expect for the racism), but not the rednecks that love an orangutan that cares about himself and money.
This orangutan is also businessman who seems to have an obsession on running a business to the ground which is exactly what he’s doing to America. Plus he doesn’t think that global warming is real. Uh huh, you might want to tell that to California and its many wildfires, the farmers who had so much rainfall this year and can’t sell their crops due to tariffs, and pretty much to the entire world or you can just act like an idiot which leads into me calling you, and say it with me, a whiny little b*ch.
Oh Trump honey, you and you’re little friends are in so much trouble when it hits January because you’ve got impeached and you were basically whining on Twitter about it. All I heard was doom and gloom and the sounds of a baby crying. Awww….does little Trump want his nappy wampy? Might as well tell your queen Mike Pence that you need one, because you’re losing this chess game.
I can’t get the image of Trump showing off a map on where Hurricane Dorian was going to hit out of my head. He may got the part on where it was going to hit Florida right, but he pointed out that it was going to hit Alabama. Technically that map was outdated and Hurricane Dorian didn’t hit Alabama, but he didn’t say that he was wrong. Instead he just circles on where the hurricane was going to hit with a white sharpie and had a proud look on his face saying “Look what I did, daddy. I’m smart”. He pretty much made the entire state of Alabama fall into a panic.
He was so proud of himself that he phone called his best friend Putin about it. I swear that Putin has something on him and the reason why he wanted Trump to win is so that he can get Trump to do whatever he wants. Trump is basically Putin’s b*ch.
Plus Putin rewrote the Russian constitution which Trump doesn’t even seem to care about America’s own constitution at all. Even his own party members don’t care about it. They seem to care about the 2nd amendment more and it’s a dying shame that all of them will be voted out of office when 2020 hits. Can’t wait for it.
Unfortunately, when there’s a new president, there’s going to be a lot to fix since no one trusts America anymore since Trump ruined everything especially getting out of that deal with Iran. That had to be the most dumbest thing that he’s ever done. Big mistake, Trump.
All he did was claim that Obama gave them money? No he didn’t. The agreement was to see what America was giving to Iran along with unfreezing their money just so they feed their people. But no, blame everything on Obama because why not.
Honestly the current Republican party blame things that happened on former presidents and the Democrats. People also say that the Democrats have gone way too far onto the left, but here’s the thing, the Republicans were the party that actually had the balls of steel, but now they’ve gone completely off the rails allowing their own president to break the constitution just get information on a political rival from a foreign leader which is a violation and illegal. Do the Republicans seem to care about rules being broken? Of course not. What are these people on exactly? Dope? I would sure love to have some of that just so I won’t have to deal with crap.
Most of my year end reviews on what Trump did is hard. Why? It’s because he doesn’t know when to keep his mouth shut. Again, why is there people out there who support this man? He’s a crook. You might argue with me that he’s a businessman. And? You’re point is? Listen, how can he be a businessman when filed for bankruptcy several times? That’s not a good businessman, that’s a bad one. When are you people going to get that through your thick skulls?
Can you imagine if it were Obama doing the crap that Trump had some so far? Oh god, the Republicans would have his head. The Republicans now? Nah, they don’t want to bother since they don’t want to lose their power. Ahh….that’s too bad, you’re going to be losing that during the senate trail next year.
Speaking of Alabama, they were the first state to pass an anti abortion law, but guess what? Women don’t know if their pregnant in six weeks so why bother. Oh wait, I keep forgetting that the American government is being run by old white men that like taking a giant step back in time where woman didn’t have any rights. Back in the 1960s, doctors wouldn’t tell women about their health but only told it to their husbands. Yeah that’s right, women weren’t treated as as people and it was pretty messed up. Now a few decades before that time period, women couldn’t walk around unless they were with their husbands. Can you imagine that being written in law in this current time period? It would be f**ked up even though it was back then and it still exist in other countries to this day. What’s even worse is that women weren’t taught how to read or weren’t sent to school. That was centuries ago mind you.
2020 is going to be the start of whole new decade. The 2010s weren’t that bad, but it was till the near end were it got bad. 2020 is going to be the year of adios Trump.
Anyway, this has been Lbat1901 reporting last time in 2019. See you in 2020.
0 notes
rwbyremnants · 7 years
THIS CHAPTER: Morning wood, sleepy through-clothes handjob, mom awkwardness, footsie.
=Chapter 6
When Yang awoke the next morning, it was after another fitful night’s sleep, full of dreams about Ruby. They were gloriously not safe for work. For a moment, she simply snuggled in and metaphorically rolled around in the memories, probably way too happy for her own good.
Then it started to sink in as she became more awake. She shouldn’t have this big of a crush on her half-sister. Her little half-sister; even if she was of age, she was still younger than her and therefore her responsibility to protect and ensure that nothing bad happened to her. The fact that they were equally disgusting didn’t make Yang any less obligated.
She had been laying there for a while, trying to purge the thoughts so she could hopefully drift off again, when there was a little knock. It was soft, like a cat bumping its nose against the door.
Of course it was her. Neither her father nor step-mother ever seemed to get the chance to try waking her up, since Ruby volunteered every time. Rolling her eyes, she groaned out, “Go away.”
“Are you decent?”
“Mhhh…” Rubbing her face, she said, “Yeah, yeah.”
After a brief pause, the voice asked, “Do you really want me to go away?”
More guilt. Rolling her eyes, she had to call out, “No, but I’m tired.”
The door creaked open. Ruby was still dressed in her pyjamas, though they looked more rumpled and so did her hair. Closing the door softly behind herself, she tiptoed across the room to stand by the bed.
“Mom’s making waffles and bacon. She just started, though.” After a few seconds, she nudged the lump that was Yang with her wrist. “Want me to help you get out of bed?”
“Nooo,” she groaned as she squeezed her eyes shut. “I wanna sleep…”
“Let me in.” When she nudged again, Yang grunted and rolled her eyes, nipping the blanket up so Ruby could slide into the bed next to her. “Mmm, it’s so warm in here!”
“Yeah, and probably sweaty.”
Rolling over to face away from Yang, she whispered, “Yeah. I don’t mind, though; it still smells pretty clean. Like… clean-sweat.”
“Okay,” she snorted as she turned to curl around Ruby. Which she perhaps shouldn’t have done.
“O-oh! You’re… again this morning, huh?”
“Yeah. Sorry, I… it’s just how I wake up a lot of the time. Sorry.” Swallowing and feeling her mind clarify, she realised that she should have kept her hips back a little further but it was too late now. “You wanna switch? You could spoon me.”
“No, it’s fine.” She wiggled a little, then licked her lips as she said over her shoulder, “Is that okay?”
Nodding, Yang let Ruby settle against her. It definitely was going to keep her morning wood at firm attention, but her sister felt comfortable enough in her arms that she didn’t mind. They didn’t have to do anything just because she was “awake”.
“This is so nice…” Her sister sighed, reaching down to play her hands over Yang’s.
“Yeah, real nice with me like this. Must be super comfortable to get jabbed in the butt.”
Giggling, Ruby whispered, “That part’s just extra fun. But yeah, I… I don’t mind at all, I told you that.”
“Oh, I know, I didn’t forget - like I could. Just hard for me to believe is all.” Then she decided to lighten the mood. “Get it? Hard for me to believe?”
While Ruby was groaning at the pun, Yang laughed and snuggled in closer. If they were going to have an atypical relationship like this, maybe they should start joking about it a little. Better than hating their lives with a passion the way she felt like doing already.
“You’re a dork.” Then she went on, “So today, I thought we could go out again. Um… maybe pick up some stuff from the store, have a picnic on the beach? Or if you’re tired of the beach, we could do the movies like you said.”
“Both? Both is good.” Without thinking, she added, “Kinda wanna take you out to dinner.”
After a heartbeat, Ruby whispered, “I… I would really love that. Are you sure, though?”
“What? Oh… oh shit, yeah, that would be pretty conspicuous! God, I’m so stupid,” she hissed at herself.
“Not stupid. I’m into it, we’ll… sometime before you have to leave, we can go across town, find a place none of us usually go. Be us, be… whatever it is we could be when we’re not in this house.”
That was awfully specific, and had specific implications. Swallowing hard, she whispered, “What even is that? I just… just think we shouldn’t pretend we could do that, I mean, I don’t want to ruin your life.”
“But we can,” Ruby whispered as she rolled over to look at Yang properly. “I know you’re worried, and I get why you would be. But I think… I think I want to find out what it could be like. With you.”
“Ruby… you’re talking like this can be… like we could be…”
Her cheeks were flushed, and she bit her lip for a moment as her wide, silvery eyes gazed up into Yang’s, full of affection and trust, and even a little need. “What else would you call it?”
They were going to kiss. It was inevitable; either Yang had to do something immediately, or she was going to make out with her half-sister.
So she rolled onto her back. “I don’t know! Okay? But… I don’t hate it, even while it makes me crazy. I just… don’t want to call it anything because I’m afraid it’ll make us even weirder together.”
“What’s so wrong with that?” she asked, automatically curling around Yang’s side, a hand resting on her stomach and a leg draped over hers.
“What’s so wrong? Think about it. Everybody says that… that if we’re related, it’s wrong, and… and once we start doing stuff, we can’t take it back. That’s part of our lives forever.”
“But I don’t care.” When Yang didn’t answer, she reached up to turn her face toward her. “Hey. You think I haven’t been thinking about this? I have. I’m not just some dumb lovesick puppy.”
Frowning, she whispered, “I didn’t say you were. I just… I don’t want to hurt you, Ruby. I love you too much.” Even though it was weird to say, the instant it came out she knew it was true.
“And I love you. Feeling like this… I couldn’t pretend it’s not what we both think it is if I tried. And I don’t wanna try! The first day, I wasn’t sure, but by the end of last night… I knew. You’re who I want to be with.”
“But… we could never get married. It would be illegal.” Saying that made everything a little too real to Yang, and she slammed her eyes shut to ward off tears. “Shit… shit. Shit shit shit shit SHIT.”
“Shhh,” Ruby soothed her, kissing her neck. It only made Yang flinch. “No, don’t be upset; it’s okay! I, um… I did a little googling last night. There’s a lotta stories out there of siblings who get separated at birth or something, they grow up far away, and then when they meet… they fall in love. There’s a term for it.”
“There’s a term just for hooking up with your sister? I thought it was called ‘living in the South’.”
The younger sister rolled her eyes, pulling Yang as close as she could. This time, Yang could feel a hip pushing down against the tent in her pants, but neither of them mentioned it. “No, it’s called ‘genetic sexual attraction.’ Like, if you grow up with family, you won’t think they’re attractive. That’s why most brothers and sisters don’t do stuff like this; they get used to each other and think of each other as ‘family’ and that’s it. But if you’re in different houses, and then you meet when you’re an adult… it can happen. Some of those science guys say it’s actually more likely to happen than with a stranger; you feel something familiar in that long-lost brother or sister, and you want it. Either just emotionally, or… in this way.”
For some reason, this wasn’t something Yang had been expecting to hear. Ruby had felt so strongly about this that she had already done research? She was both horrified and impressed. Mostly the second part, the longer she thought about it.
“Whoa… are you for real with this? Like, it’s not just me?”
“Us. Not you, us; I told you, it’s me, too.”
“Well, yeah, but… I thought it was only sick, twisted people who would want to…” Instead of what she had been going to say, she changed it to, “Who would be okay with their half-sister twerking on their junk.”
“Nope,” Ruby giggled, clearly bemused by the phrasing. “Happens sometimes. And like, obviously if I was your parent, or vice versa, it wouldn’t be okay. Since one of us would be in charge of the other one; it’s a whole ‘power imbalance’ thingy. But we’re both adults, we both like each other this way, so… who cares? It’s nobody else’s business.”
That really was something to think about. Maybe she wasn’t actually sick? It would be a relief if there was any truth to it. Yang took that little grain of hope into her heart, silently cherishing it.
However, all she said was, “Huh… wow, learn something new every day.”
“Yep,” she breathed, kissing Yang’s neck again. This time, it earned a shiver. “You okay?”
Instead of answering directly, Yang asked, “Why are you the parent?”
“You said if you were my parent. Like, I’m older, shouldn’t your little scenario be the other way around?”
At that, Ruby smirked and whispered, “Why? Wanna be my daddy?”
“NOPE!” Yang burst out, wide-eyed. “Holy shit, WOW, that’s… okay, we already have enough problems, don’t add that one on top of the rest!”
Cackling madly, she wrapped herself more tightly around Yang as she continued sputtering and feeling embarrassed. When they had both calmed a little, she left yet another kiss on Yang’s neck, earning a sigh and an arm wrapping around her back.
“I was kidding,” she finally whispered. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay, I guess.” Sighing, she tried to let herself relax, hard as it was. In more ways than one.
“Wow, you’re really ready to go down there,” Ruby commented, grinding her hip a little against Yang so she would know what she meant. As if it were necessary. “Mmm…”
“Cut it out.” But Ruby didn’t; not right away. A little groan of frustration floated out of her throat as she felt the warmth pressing down against her, moving up and down and making thrills of pleasure shoot through her form.
As Ruby’s hand petted the far side of her neck, she whispered, “Is this what it wants?”
“Y-yeah,” she breathed. “But you should… probably not…”
“Probably.” When Yang whimpered, she frowned and stilled. “Sorry. I know this is still really weird, and weirder for you. I’m just… I really wanna make you feel good.”
“You do. But this is too close to… us really doing… y-you know.”
At that, she did slide off Yang’s body a little. At the same time, however… her hand drifted down to grip it through the fabric of her pants.
“So huge!” she hissed. “I don’t know how you walk around with one of these all the time!”
“It’s not like this all the time!” Biting her lip, she weathered Ruby stroking it and feeling around for its shape for a moment. “C-could you maybe not?!”
“But I like it,” she whispered with a pout. Another stroke; this time, Yang didn’t protest. “I’ll quit if you really want me to, but…” Her hand went down to the base of the shaft, then up to the tip again. “It’s warm… even through your clothes…”
Yang couldn’t speak. She could only lay there in shock and amazement as Ruby stroked her, began to get more confident with her movements. Every once in awhile, one of them would look at the other’s face, and occasionally it would be at the same time. Now, Ruby’s expression was mostly one of detached interest as she began to get her off; not smiling, not afraid or disgusted. Just fascinated by the process.
The longer it went on, the more Yang knew that she couldn’t hold back. It had been enough time since she splooged into her underwear the day before, and she wanted this with Ruby so bad it burned the back of her throat, even if she hated herself for wanting it. She’d be done in minutes.
“It’s okay,” Ruby whispered when Yang began to pant and buck her hips slightly. That was all she said; a small reassurance. She also noticed Ruby wasn’t trying to kiss her or say a lot of romantic things; they both knew this wasn’t easy for them, especially Yang.
After a few minutes, Yang’s whisper of “Faster” prompted Ruby to pick up speed, and that really got Yang flailing in the sheets. An arm tightened around Yang’s back to hold her steady as Ruby’s rapidly-learning hand brought her closer and closer to a finish that she could never have predicted.
“Yes,” Ruby urged as softly as she could. “Let it happen. I want you to.”
Seconds later, she was spurting into her underwear. It was so thick and hot that she knew it wouldn’t take long to start soaking through, and she wanted to warn Ruby, but she couldn’t seem to talk. Therefore, eventually…
“O-oh… I feel it! It’s warm and wet…” Giggling, Ruby pinched the tip of Yang’s dick and she winced, letting out a shaky gasp of mingled pain and pleasure. “Oh, sorry!”
“N-nah… it’s… fine, you… you didn’t…” Licking her lips, she allowed herself a weary smile. “That was incredible…”
Grinning from ear to ear, Ruby leaned in and kissed Yang’s cheek. Still respecting her wishes as much as she could. “I’m glad. I had a lot of fun helping you, too; watching you like that was… I don’t know, I don’t have a word for it. Awesome, though.”
“I can’t believe… you did that,” Yang muttered weakly, eyes glazed over and throat feeling dry now. “Where the hell did you learn how to give a handjob?!”
“I didn’t!” she squeaked. “Was that what I did? I… just knew that’s how guys do it for themselves - again, not that you’re a guy but that’s all the information I had, and since last night that’s what I guessed you did for yourself, I kinda… figured I’d try it?”
Finally calming down a bit more, she shook her head and leaned over to give Ruby a kiss on the cheek this time. Her hormones and good mood made her want to do more than that, but she talked herself down to that small show of appreciation.
“You didn’t just try, you nailed it, Ruby. Seriously… damn.”
That got the girl laughing giddily, biting her lip and flushing with pleasure. It seemed that up until that moment, she really had been worried about doing it wrong, or maybe even hurting her. So Yang began to tickle her, hoping that would show her that she really didn’t mind in the very slightest.
“AH!” Ruby burst out between laughter. “Stahahahaaaap! NO!”
“Hey, I just want to see you feel as good as I felt!” Yang teased, running her hands up and down her sides as she flailed. At that point, she only wanted to see a grinning Ruby all the time; she didn’t care about whether or not she climaxed ever again. It was all about the giggling brunette with the little red stripe in the front.
“I ain’t your uncle! Try something else, ya little-”
A knock at the door interrupted them. They both halted, though they were still panting and breathing hard. Exchanging a glance of terror, Ruby called out in a strained voice, “What?” before Yang could stop her.
“What are you girls doing?” Summer laughed as she pushed the door open. Luckily, she seemed to have heard Ruby laughing, because the sight of the two of them, wrapped up in blankets and arms around each other, sweating with shining red faces, didn’t raise her suspicions.
“What does it look like?” Ruby giggled breathlessly. “I… I’m trying to get Yang out of bed, and she tickled me!”
For a moment, Ruby’s mother simply stood there in her jean-capris and pastel blouse, half-smirking at them with a hand on her hip. Then, to Yang’s absolute horror, she walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to her daughter, reaching up toward Yang’s face.
“You not feeling well?” she asked as she pet over her forehead. “Good God, you’re burning up and soaked in sweat!”
“She’s been… really winding me up,” Yang flung at Ruby through gritted teeth. Ruby had the good sense to look a little ashamed of herself, though she mostly looked resigned to waiting this out.
The hand slid around to her cheek, and Yang fought the instinct to flinch away or gulp, or even to lean into the hand; anything might give them away. But the hand was soft, comforting; she decided to focus on that.
“Do you want me to chase her out with a broom?”
“Mom,” Ruby snorted. But when she caught Yang’s mutinous look, she squeaked, “Don’t chase me with a broom, come on! I didn’t do anything!”
“Sure, suuuure,” Yang drawled, nudging Ruby in the ribs. She knew normally, she would sit up to help assure her stepmother that she was going to be fine and would start getting out of bed… but she couldn’t without revealing the mess that was in her pants. At the very least, some of that telltale scent would rise up if the blankets were removed.
“Seriously, are you alright, sweetie?”
Sighing, Yang tried to meet her eyes and smile. It probably came out a little awkward, but at least she did it. “Yeah, fine. And so is Ruby; we were just messing around, no big deal.” Oh, but if she only knew the truth…
“Glad to hear that,” she sighed, patting her cheek before turning to her daughter. “Leave Yang alone and let her get ready in peace. I’m glad you two are getting along, but don’t be all up in her grill.”
As Ruby began to carefully extract herself from the sheets without moving them too much, she rolled her eyes and groaned, “Moooom, why do you have to say things like that? You sound hella laaaaame…”
“Well, I think I sound hella rad.” But she didn’t waste more time on that topic, instead patting Ruby on the butt to get her to walk out of the room faster. As she turned around and began to back out of the room, pulling the door behind her, she smiled warmly at Yang and whispered, “Take your time, sweetie, but you might have to nuke your waffles if you take too much longer.”
“No problem. Th-thanks.”
Now that Yang was alone, she had a whole new reason to feel guilty. The last thing she ever wanted was to have a huge load in her sweats, Ruby having just made that happen, when Ruby’s mom came in! Though she tried to keep thinking of it the way Ruby had stated it, that they were the only two who got a say in this, it was stupid to think Taiyang and Summer weren’t also going to be affected by it if this ever became public knowledge.
But Ruby loved her. They were in love; they both seemed to understand that was the case, even if they were scared of admitting the full scope of that truth. She was still resisting and thought that was the smartest plan, but in less than twenty-four hours, they had gone from barely talking to a handjob. How much longer would it realistically take before…
No, she refused to think that far ahead. It wasn’t just stupid, it might influence her decisions. No matter what, her top priority was to treat Ruby as she deserved to be treated.
Breakfast was easy and calm. Dad had already gone into work by the time she changed her underwear and made it down there, so they had a quiet girls-only affair, Ruby finishing up her waffles and mostly just sipping juice while Yang ate and Summer cleaned up. They chatted about nothing of importance, just comparing notes and previous days.
Yang felt a lot of relief that Summer didn’t seem to notice just how close she came to finding out too much. The woman was too nice, and she didn’t want her caught in the middle of their torrid “love affair”, if that’s what you could call it. Time would only tell if they went any further down that rabbit hole or not.
Their trip to the supermarket was fun and lighthearted, and they even both wandered off to get a few things on their own. Passing the pharmacy reminded Yang to renew her prescription of hormones when she got back home; she had plenty to last her through the vacation, but she didn’t want to be caught off-guard when the Fall semester started up.
The picnic on the beach was too much fun. This time, they just spread a big blanket out and sat on it, making their way through fresh fruit, bread and cheese. Ruby wanted to take a bunch of selfies of the two of them together, and most of them were G-rated… but one or two started to look a little coupley. When Yang asked her to delete them, she frowned, but did it anyway; they both understood that it was smarter than leaving them on her camera roll.
Once in the movie theater, Ruby wasted absolutely no time snuggling in against her side, even before the opening credits were over. Yang found it hard to mind, and they leaned back to relax as they watched.
About twenty minutes into the movie, Yang noticed Ruby’s sandal-less foot raising up to block her view of the screen. After a second or two, she glanced over at the brunette.
“What, what? What are you doing?”
“Distracting you,” Ruby whispered back with a huge grin as she settled back down again, ankles crossed on the back of the seat in front of her.
“Well, quit it, I’m trying to watch this movie we paid for,” she snorted, squeezing Ruby a little tighter. That was the most she could bring herself to punish her.
When it happened again a few minutes later, Yang rolled her eyes. “Whyyyy?”
“Because, you keep looking at my toes!”
“Looking at- I’m watching the movie! Your toes just happen to be in the way!”
The tone was very disbelieving as she answered, “Suuuuure. I still think you have a thing.”
“I do not,” she grunted, poking Ruby’s side. The girl squirmed and tried not to laugh aloud, and they went back to watching. However…
‘Damn it, she got in my head,’ Yang thought as she watched Ruby’s big toe wiggle back and forth very slightly. They were cute, as far as feet went. Yang never really spent any time thinking about that particular subject, other than how smelly shoes could get if they were never washed.
Probably, it had a lot more to do with them belonging to Ruby than anything else. Everything about her was adorable.
Minutes later, Ruby moved again… and this time, she slid her foot across the top of the next seat until it was touching Yang’s. With a little effort, she managed to hook her pinky toe around the other.
“Wh-what are you trying to do, exactly?”
“I don’t know,” Ruby admitted. “Play footsie? Am I winning?”
“How should I know?” Yang laughed. For some reason, that was even cuter than anything else, and she completely stopped paying attention to the movie to look down at her half-sister’s flawless features, the impish little grin floating around on her lips. She was too sweet to be allowed.
“What?” Ruby was the one to ask it yet again.
“You’re my favourite,” Yang breathed out of nowhere.
“Yeah?” That seemed to be reason enough. Leaning up and over, Ruby stole a tiny kiss from Yang’s lips. It only lasted a half-second, but it was real, lip-on-lip contact.
Then she settled in again and pretended like nothing had happened. They spent the rest of the movie like that, pinky toes locked and arms around each other, watching low-grade carnage flash across the screen. Simply enjoying that nearness. Yang wouldn’t have traded it for the entire world.
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Day 18: Courtship.
Buckle up because Luke has a load of feelings about their characters.
Darva Lavellan: 
I made a playlist of their OTP songs: X
Romanced Dorian of course. I knew I was gonna romance him even before I played the game. It was probably one of my big motivations for playing the game in the first place. (This might also be vaguely messy due to my own weird feelings of romance and such.)
I could have an entire thirty day meme dedicated to the two of them and their relationship and it wouldn’t be enough.
I think Darva had no clue the mess he was getting himself into when they first walked into the Redcliffe Chantry. I think he was confused by the sender of the message rather than the contents of it. Of course he knew he was in danger just from the whole vibe of Alexius and the whole messy time rifts going around. But I think he thought of Dorian as a bit of a tit at first; like he’s a bit pompous, but not like an ass like Solas. But, he did have valuable information to give them a hand. They wouldn’t have been able to get the mages or be saved from that nasty future without Dorian’s help. Darva has a lot of respect for him, especially after getting to know him better and why he’s in the south and with the Inquisition.
He has the courage to leave everything behind and try to make his homeland better because it needs to change. He loves it so much that he can’t let it fall apart or fall to the Venatori or Corypheus. Darva thinks that’s some serious ass shit and god he has some respect for that.
But also he’s like really attracted to him at the same time. Like just listening to him talk in Haven and on their journeys, it’s like: “I’m really, really attracted to him holy shit.”
But like he doesn’t want to be presumptuous since he doesn’t know and doesn’t want to be that person. But, I think he still casually flirts. Like a compliment here, a little something here. He can’t let himself get all doe-eyed though. He’s got a lot of insecurities and gross feelings about himself that he knows Dorian won’t want. Plus, all the duty stuff.
Which is only compounded by him being named Inquisitor and he’s suddenly in charge of everything in name. He’s got this reputation to live up to despite that he hates it. Still, he finds himself slipping up and not being entirely rejected.
Like, oh spending long hours in the library talking and joking back and forth isn’t a bad thing. The quiet talks, pressed back to back while taking watch at camp late at night. Familiar touches like: I’m touching your back to let you know i’m walking behind you (maybe my hand lingers too long), or a reassuring squeeze of the shoulder (and I’m slow to pull my hand away).
He’s never outright rejected and he even swears it’s gently reciprocated. It’s stumbling and he swears there isn’t something there, but he knows there is something there. Still, he can’t be too presumptuous and assuming.
Then Last Resort of Good Men happens and that’s a whole lotta reassurance and he’s not assuming and like there could be something between them.
Then panic sets in and Darva withdraws into a pile of insecurity and bad self esteem. It could be perfect and like holy shit good stuff, but he’s this big important figure for everyone; like a holy figure. But that all pales in comparison to his own shitty opinion of himself and his body. Like he won’t be what he wants like the people Darva loved before.
Then it’s Here Lies the Abyss and all the bad thoughts that he’d forgotten come racing back with the Nightmare and it crushes his already piss poor self esteem even more. But Dorian is there, asking him if he’s alright and of course he isn’t, but the thought counts. He can’t make the bad thoughts go away, but he can be there for him to try and make him feel better.
(Their relationship gets more physical after a trip to some mysterious elvhen ruins where the two of them get stuck in some cave after magic trips over the magic in the ruins and it goes haywire. Aka Luke is a sucker for the troupe of getting stuck in a small closet like space together.)
It’s not a really committed thing until Darva gets Dorian his amulet back. He didn’t have to get it for him, but he didn’t have to help him so much when things get all stressful. They don’t have to do these things for each other, but they do because that’s what caring for someone is like and Darva thinks maybe that’s what love is.
I think he falls in love slowly with a lot of stumbling along the way. (It’s a lot of stumbling and failing on both their parts). It’s a lot of maybe this is what love is, or maybe that’s what this feeling is. Like wanting to keep him safe at any cost is what love is like. He knew he loved him long before he actually said it.
I don’t think he really has a moment where he just realizes all of a sudden that he’s in love with Dorian. It’s just a collection of moments.
He says it not long after the ball in Halamshiral in his quarters one morning. He didn’t really mean to, it just happened.
(And ofc it’s reciprocated and Darva just cries because he’s been given something so utterly wonderful and it’s one of the things that has actually gone right in his life and he loves it so much.)
Their relationship has it bumps and it’s difficult points, but they stay together. Even with the two years between the death of Corypheus and the Exalted Council when they don’t have much contact beyond letters. God, even after the Council when everything is utterly awful; they still hold tightly to each other. If no one else is going to have their backs, they’ll take care of each other.
Eth Tabris:  
(I told myself I wouldn’t freaking fall for  freaking Alistair, but holy shit I fell hard.)
I made an OTP playlist for them too: X
I think it’s a bit of accidental catching feelings that won’t go away and fucking shit i love this fucking dork holy hell for Eth. I think it starts more as a friendship and a kinship that neither feel with anyone else. Like they’re the youngest in the group, the only two Grey Wardens and the rest of them look to the two of them for direction.
They also have a similar sense of humor and she’s willing to go along with his sense of redirecting via humor until he actually wants to talk about what’s bothering him a lot.
With the whole Goldanna mess, she’s like:
“I don’t get family being shitty to family and that was a big ole loss for her. But I know a few things about finding a family and you got one with us. We’re all messy n stuff, but we’re here for you. I’m here for you n shit. You need a shoulder to cry on or you need someone’s ass kicked? I got you.”
I think it takes her a while to recognize that some of the things she says and the feelings she has are romantic. Like Morrigan is all like: “You’ve been smiling for hours since you talked to him and it’s sickeningly romantic.” “Wait, it’s romantic?” “Disgustingly romantic.” And then her brain just short circuits because HOLY Fuck. (On account of her being demiromantic and demisexual.) It hits her all of a sudden and it’s like when you forget something obviously staring you in the face.
I think that’s kinda when she knows she’s in love and HOLY SHIT. It’s all good until the Landsmeet stuff and the throne is questionable. She doesn’t want to lose him to the throne; she can’t protect him herself if he’s not with her. Plus, she figures Anora has been ruling the country for this long and the last thing Ferelden needs right now is a drastic change of leadership. So it’s partially selfishness and politics.
It’s all good until Riordan drops the ball on them that one of them will have to die to kill the Archdemon. And without much thinking she’s volunteering herself. She can make that sacrifice to keep everyone safe, including keeping her love safe. It’s not like she feels that her affections are worthless in the face of duty. She’s willing to sacrifice everything to ensure their safety.
She says no to Morrigan’s deal. It feels like cheating to her; she can sacrifice herself to solve the issue without dragging an unborn life into the mess. She sees a clear solution to the problem and she isn’t hearing anything from Morrigan to divert from that path.
I think he knows what she’s going to do when she leaves him at the gates. He knows what she’s going to do and he can only watch her leave without him. She knows if she brought him, he would take that blow for her and she can’t have that. She can lose him, but she can’t lose him. (No one said her logic was particularly strong when things were going to shit.)
She knows their love would’ve lasted if she hadn’t given herself up. They would’ve spent what time they had together and it would’ve been good. She leaves her wedding ring with Arl Eamon the night before the battle to give to Alistair when it’s all over. It’s something of a symbol of the promise they would’ve given to each other.
With Awakening AU, she’s a disaster. She won’t talk about what happened that day. She doesn’t tell any stories, she refuses to talk about. She won’t talk about Alistair at all. It’s too painful for her to even think about.
Even in Inquisition, she won’t talk about it much at all. Ten years and she only briefly talks about what happened and her relationship. It’s a very sore subject. She’s with the Inquisition rather than looking for a cure for the Blight is because what would’ve made it worthwhile died with the Fifth Blight. She sees no reason to find one and if that’s selfish, she doesn’t care. She’s had enough.
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pr · 5 years
I was tagged by @twothirtyams
FINALLY got around to it HERE:
Nickname(s): Energizer Bonnie. Bon Bon. Bon. The Bonster. Babe (Jake literally has called me Bonnie less than 20 times akdjakanan).
Gender: Lady gal. Tbh I would be agender because I just don't care but along that same vein I just don't care enough to explain that all the time/insist on pronouns. So. Respect to y'all who do. ✌
Height: 5′6″ (I'm the tallest woman in me or Jake's families but also like. Why am I not 5'11"+ akdjakajaj Kaylor's impact….)
Time: 5:47p CST
Where I'm from: Dallas, Texas. (I would specify the suburb but nobody outside DFW seems to kno lol.) Living in Austin, Texas for 21 more days though...
Hogwarts house: SLYTHERIN. Through and through. When I took the quiz at like 15 and got put in the opposite of Gryffindor I cried. But like. Now, I cannot imagine ever not identifying with everything about Slytherin. The ~dark side~ has never ever been appealing to me - I didn't even have an "emo phase" (I thought MCR was scary even) lol but. Ambition and cunning? Hell. Yes. Also Merlin was a Slytherin so. Dab.
Favorite show: Parks and Recreation has taken the top spot for yeeeears - but now it is tied with Crazy Ex Girlfriend. (I base a lot of my identity on kinned TV characters akdjakaj but ANYway.) 30 Rock close 2nd. Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul are 3rd, shockingly. Bojack Horseman an unfortunate 4th but I kin Bojack in a negative way. Always, ALWAYS stan Avatar: The Last Airbender at #5. I have too many to list tbh lol so just check my TV tag.
Favorite animal: So preface: I only like female animals. Akdjakaja. JUDGE me as you WILL. BUT. Other than hyenas, female animals don't RAPE. SO! ANYWAY! Bunnies at a hard #1!!!! 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰 Alligators, sharks, dolphins, elephants, horses/ponies, cows, pigs (lotta livestock akdjakajaba), cats, opossums, cheetahs, big cats in general, GIRAFFES (KK……) - I love animals a lot (from a sanitary distance akdjakajaj)
Favorite band/artist: I will not even count the obvious answer because that isn't fair. Other than her: Paramore/Hayley Williams, Ariana Grande, Lorde, Hayley Kiyoko, Halsey, Bastille, Troye Sivan, Harry Styles/One Direction, Rush (hate you Jake…), the cast of Hamilton and Crazy Ex Girlfriend.
...you can't judge me.
Song stuck in my head: Well I'm currently listening to Kung Fu Fighting akdjakaj but other than that Love Kernels has been stuck in my head for OVER A WEEK!!!!
Last movie I saw: Uhhh….tbh I really do not watch enough movies??? Honestly, it might have been Endgame?? God I am sad akdjakakja. Watched Crazy Ex Girlfriend 3× since June tho akdjakana
Last thing I Googled: murphy texas fourth of july concert
Other blogs: I've got a SHIT ton of saved URLs, but other than my temp hiatus blog @kaylor and its side blog @marvelousmidgesusie nah. Too much effort.
Do I get asks:Absolutely not. Never have never will akdjakajaj I'm good with it now.
Why this URL: Not to be like. Dramatic. But. After getting a canon URL previously and receiving 0 validation from it, I started this blog under the guise of like. Having just...a fun URL I can change whenever just to enjoy. So, when the lyrics were leaked, I jumped on this bitch because it was fun! And I'll probably change it again once Lover releases.
Number of blankets: Oh my God. Over 10. Too many.
Followers: Little over 125 I think.
Following: Idk. Maybe 200?
Average amount of sleep: I have been working pretty hard to make it at LEAST 8 - but that never fucking happens aidhakan 7-6 usually and it makes me MISERABLE.
Lucky number: 187, and any combination thereof. I know. Weird. But. On birthday turning from 7 to 8, July 18th (7/18), I decided that was the best day of my life, and that was my number. Do I remember anything about that birthday? Absolutely not. But. The number stuck. It shows up in my life a lot. From random (187 on a bus or on a utilities panel driving by), to mildly interesting (my license plate just has 718 or reblogging/liking things that equal combos of the numbers a lot), to really freakin' weird (the number my mom has had for almost 30 years ends with 0718, my Jake's birthday just happens to be August 17th 8/17). So. Idk. I just wike it.
What am I wearing: Tee from a coffee shop, A&M workout shorts, sports bra, crap underwear, and my heart on my sleeve.
Dream job: For my entire life, it was working in film, most recently being an editor. But within the last few months, in a dramatic turn of events, my ideal job would be doing what @tree-paine does: being the publicist of clientele in media, music, film, sports, maybe even politics. Idk.
Dream trips: Jake and I have an elaborate dream of traveling down the Alps from Frankford to Austria to Switzerland to Mulan and ending in Verona. Additionally, I am desperate to take Jake to NYC, LA, Boston, and San Fran. Would love to visit almost every hotspot in the US (Chicago, Atlanta, NOLA, Southwest, Pacific Northwest, Disneyworld, Colorado, Alaska, etc). Also VANCOUVER, lots of East Asia, lots of Europe, Giza, Jerusalem, South Africa - but I have literally never been out of the country and am TERRIFIED of flying let alone over the OCEAN. UM. I just want to be well traveled man lmao.
Favorite food: LOTTA shit I am NOT picky, but tops for sure: cinnamon rolls, cheeseburgers, pizza, mac n cheese, blueberries, pasta in general, sushi, and Jake's aglio e olio/veggie nachos.
Instruments I play: Lol. As if. I spent almost $300 on a keyboard but have been too depressed to try. Maybe someday. Have also been dying to sing for 23 years…
Eye color: Very, VERY light blue. Whenever I am in public, people lose their SHIT on the daily when they see my eyes. But for me like. Blue eyes be creepy. Lmao. I really want green/hazel eyes but like. W/e. So it goes.
Hair color: Naturally this dark, awful shade of ash blonde. But I've been coloring my hair since middle school, and for the past 5 or so years it has been a natural ginger copper. I dye my brows too, people think it's really because I am such a cracker ass white gal akdjakanakan
Aesthetic: Check my "aesthetic" tag lol. Idk. Peach/salmon tones. Farm animals. Florals. Dresses with sneakers. Women. Taylor Swift lyrics over pastel backgrounds akdjakaj. BUNNIES. Shots with a lot of negative space. Mornings and coffee and eggs and pancakes. Waking up next to Jake. Texas hill country. Cowboy boots worn right. Snow. Christmas. Idk. Just like. Look at the "moodboards" tag too akdjakaj.
Languages I speak: English, do you see my lily white ass akdjakajaj. I can speak Spanglish well enough to get through a transaction or vaguely pick up words but that is IT. Would love to know Cherokee, Korean, German, and whatever the hell Australians are saying tho.
Most iconic song: One time, I had a dream that I wrote my senior thesis on why the song "Red" was on the level of modern icon/classic as songs "Don't Stop Believin'", "Livin' On A Prayer", "Smoke On The Water", etc. I was insistent the opening notes were on the same level as "Immigrant Song" aodaajakaja. And I was SO passionate about it I WOKE UP CRYING AKDHALAJAKKAAJ.
OTHER than that, this is 100% subjective and to me personally but: Tim McGraw because those opening notes are just nostalgic as hell; Out of the Woods because when that leaked I was just starting to get back into TS and I put on my headphones and covered myself in a blanket and closed my eyes to be fully into it and oh my God...it was immersive, I will never forget that feeling; IV Sweatpants by Childish Gambino, because it was the MOST PLAYED SONG OF 2018 on our Spotify akdjakajaj; My Shot/Wait For It from Hamilton because they have both inspired and driven me to feel like I can take on the fucking world; and A Diagnosis from Crazy Ex Girlfriend because it changed my life and I have listened to it more times than I can count.
When I created this account: A few months ago. I am changing my person this year, and starting fresh with how I present my online persona was an important part of that process for me. But I have been on Tumblr on various accounts since 2010/11 lmao.
Best memory: Getting moved to the front row at my first TS concert, the 1989 Tour; so, so many things with Jake, years of memories; getting my bun; reconnecting with Sarah; a lot of SXSW 2018; my 20th birthday.
Best pun: The first thing that comes to mind is a post I reblogged earlier about how Lyra from The Golden Compass does not have a moral compass in the metaphorical sense and I said, "I mean. She has a compass. She quite literally very much has a moral compass." I thought I was funny lol.
Random fact: I finally got diagnosed with BPD! And I've lost 20+lbs this year (getting healthy, it's a good thing)! My closet is color organized by item!
I tag:
@kayspiracy @jake-from-state-farm-school @toastedcoconutchips @vagabonds-and-troubadours @grizzlybairparty @thefuckingstory @pictureofsoph1sticatedgrace @his-dark-memerials @taylorswift
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wtcrs-blog · 7 years
South of the border west of the sun
Once i spent 6 wonderful weeks stydying english in New York. ‘Wonderful’ cause those 6 weeks were mostly not about studying english and not even about New York itself, as i expected it to be, but about people who surrounded me there. One of them was a 15yo Colombian guy who was into reading and writing and who gave me a book which turned a whole bunch of stuff in my life upside-down. Here’s the letter i sent to the guy after reading the book. So, meet and greet, “South of the border west of the sun” by Murakami. 
So, firstly, I guess I need to tell you about my relationship with literature in general. I’ve told you already that I love russian literature and that Murakami is far from being my favorite writer. There’s a simple explanation to all of this: tho I read for pleasure mostly, I like to have a feeling of gaining smth while reading a book, and I feel like ‘gaining’ when I read stuff which is written in kind of a sophisticated way and which has smth more than just a cool plot in it. To make it a bit more clear, imagine reading ‘War and peace’ and some teenage stuff like ‘The fault in our stars’ or ‘The maze runner’ (have no idea if u know these two but the point is that it’s just simple stuff for teenagers). All of these books might have a thrilling plot and you might enjoy reading all three but what’s the difference between ‘War and peace’ and ‘The fault in our stars’? To put it in a simple way: ‘War and peace’ is a real piece of literature with not only a fun plot but with all that language and style stuff because of which we call it classic literature while ‘The fault of our stars’ has nothing except the plot and is so freaking easy to read that you’ll probably read it in one day cause you don’t have to make ANY effort to read it as it’s written with the simplest words, with the simplest style and the simplest language you can imagine. So, what I’m driving at is that I do not like reading simple stuff because I do not feel like gaining anything from reading a thing which does not require any effort to be read.
Getting a bit closer to the subject: I haven’t read much from Murakami (to be more specific: ‘Norwegian wood’, ‘The wind-up bird chronicle’ and a few short stories only) but all the stuff I read was pretty simple. I’m not talking about the meaning here, just about the way all of this stuff is written. Obviously I’m not implying that Murakami’s books are written as ‘The fault of our stars’ is written, for god’s sake no, but anyway Murakami’s style is not that sophisticated. And that’s why I can’t say I liked it much cause here’s the main point of Polina-literature relationships: no matter how much I like the plot, I need to like the style to say that I enjoyed the book. And I haven’t read anything from Murakami about which I could’ve said that I liked the style.
Getting to the point exactly (God bless me here cause I have no idea how to put all of this into words). All of those Polina-literature-relationship things which I’ve just told you about went freaking down and do not work anymore because of your book. It just somehow destroyed all the principles I had.
It’s the first book I’ve read in my life which had nothing similar to what I call ‘a sophisticated style’ but which is surely one of my favorite books now regardless of how it is written. I can’t explain it to myself but anyways it doesn’t matter much I guess. Just real fun to suddenly find out that I’m capable of liking smth that has nothing to do with being sophisticated J
Soooooooooooooooo the book itself. Goddamit Pablo GODDAMIT what’s wrong with the ending? How am I supposed to go on with living my normal life after reading this. I feel the same as I felt when I read your ‘Crisantemo’. I have a couple of interpretations of the ending but I’ll never know which one is correct. And maybe it really should be so cause as you’ve told me once, it’s important what I think of it myself and I should find the meaning which kinda fits my own personality and sometimes it’s not that important to know the correct interpretation cause there’s no correct one. It’s just different for everyone.
1.      The first and the most simple interpretation which came to me first was that Shimamoto committed a suicide. So she’s dead and there is not much to think about actually. But if I stick to this interpretation, I have a whole lotta unanswered questions. For example: what for did Murakami put that episode with Hajime following Shimamoto and then that strange man grasping his elbow and giving him that envelope with money? What for did all of this happen? What’s the meaning of this? Who was the man? What was the money for? And why did it disappear at the end of the book? Why don’t we know anything about Shimamoto’s life? Actually there’s no end to these questions. And if you stick to this interpretation you’ll realize that actually we know NOTHING at all. We don’t know anything about anything except Hajime’s life. Just think about it for a second: how strange it is to know all the details of his life and not to know a single thing about Shimamoto’s life, how strange it is that everything in this book is a question except Hajime’s life. All of it looks like a real bad book written by a random person who has nothing to do with literature: someone just sat down with an idea of a trivial romantic story and started writing. He or she wanted to make the story look like a real book and put so freaking many events and so many characters into the story, but this person is not a writer and he knows nothing about writing, that’s why he was just not capable of leading all of this to the end: he invented all those characters and events but put no meaning into them, gave no answers and all of this led to nothing at the end. Those characters, those events led to nothing, the book could easily exist without them. Practically all books arise a whole lotta questions. You read and you wonder why this or that happened but you always get all the answers at the end. This book doesn’t have a single answer. No answers at all. Is it a good book? Is it even literature? Putting random, meaningless stuff? Looks more like a draft to a book, not a real book. But this is a real book, there’s nothing more except those 250 pages. Just a book with no answers, a book by a real bad writer? No, can’t be so, I thought. I might not like Murakami but I’m not that crazy to refuse acknowledging that he’s a writer with big ‘W’ cause the whole world knows him. It means smth, right? So, then, what’s wrong with this book?
 And at this point I came to the second interpretation.
 2.      He left Shimamoto at the age of 12 and he never saw her again. There was no man and no money. None of this ever happened.
At first I thought it was a pretty stupid way to interpret the ending, but then I found so many things to support this interpretation that I’m pretty sure that’s the right way to explain everything. Well, at least for me it is J
a)      There’s not a single moment in the whole book where it’s said that anyone except Hajime ever saw Shimamoto. We never see anyone talking to her, we never see anyone interacting with her in any other way, we never see Murakami saying that there was someone who even SAW Shimamoto. The only person who saw her was Hajime himself. Even when there were situations when there was no way for people not to interact with her, it didn’t happen. She sat in the bar and she wanted a cocktail. Did she ask the bartender for anything? Do we see the bartender saying anything to her? Never. It was Hajime who talked to bartender for her, it was him who the bartender replied to. Do you remember all those ‘soaked to the skin’ moments? She never took a cab, we never saw her interacting with a cab driver, with a bus driver, we never saw her in any kind of transport at all except for Hajime’s car. She never took a cab though it was raining as hell and she was wearing all those expensive clothes and from her description it was absolutely clear that she was not that kind of woman who would prefer getting all soaked and wet to taking a cab. But she never took one. What about Hajime’s night with her? How she disappeared in the morning, how Hajime could never figure out the way she got back to the city cause it was simply not possible: no cabs, no buses there. Moreover, she was wearing high heels. No way she could get back to the city on foot. It took them hour and a half driving to get there, how much it would’ve taken her to get there on foot, wearing high heels?
b)      The present Shimamoto gave Hajime disappeared with her in the morning. Okay, fine, I totally get the fact of her disappearance, but why would she take the present she gave him? She disappeared herself, she knew she’d never come back, so it was pretty logical to give Hajime something that would remind him of her. And she really did give it to him. But then she just took it back all of a sudden. What the hell.
c)      That money in the envelope which disappeared at the end of the book. How do we even know that envelope ever existed? Did we see Hajime taking the envelope out of that drawer? Ever? Somehow interacting with the envelope? Never. He got the money from that mysterious man, he put it in the drawer and then at the end he found out that the envelope was no longer in the place where he put it. We can’t be sure it ever existed. We can’t even be sure he ever met that man.
d)      Shimamoto’s medicine. (I’ll just put a quote here) ‘I looked at the packet. Nothing was written on it, not the name of the medicine, her name, directions. Strange, I thought, considering that such information is usually provided so you won’t take a medicine by mistake, or so others will know what to do’. Not much of a possibility Shimamoto had such a packet, especially considering that she had a really serious health issue (which is obvious cause she was literally dying in Hajime’s car) and she knew that such an attack (or whatever you call it) could happen to her anywhere at any time and she would need a person next to her to help her take the medicine, so the person needed to know exactly how to do this. Surely it was life and death matter to have all the information written on the package. But the information wasn’t there. Because probably there was no medicine at all.
And if all of this is not like that and I interpret it incorrectly then we need to look for an answer to the good old question which I’ve told you already about: what for did Murakami put all those episodes? What for was there that man and the envelope? What for did we see Hajime thinking about why didn’t the package have any information? And, finally, and most importantly, we need to answer this question: freaking why did Hajime ask himself at the end of each chapter whether what had happened to him REALLY did happened? Freaking why was he always searching for proof, for signs which would show him that he REALLY saw her, that they REALLY had that night, that the envelope was REALLY there? Is it even healthy from mental point of view to always doubt the events happening in your life? Do you ask yourself if you really met me? Do you ever try to find a proof of something that you saw with your own eyes?
 ·        ‘Sometimes I’d think it must have all been a delusion, from start to finish a fantasy I cooked up in my head. …… But it did happen. It really happened. It really did happen’
·        ‘Maybe I had had an illusion, I thought. But this had been no illusion. It really did happen’
·        ‘But once I acknowledged that the envelope had disappeared, its existence and nonexistence traded places in my consciousness. A conviction that the envelope had never actually existed swelled up inside me’
So here we come to a pretty obvious question: what the hell was wrong with Hajime? Was he a schizophrenic or what? Well, we’ll never know for sure, and there’s only a couple of things I came up with to support the idea but they are not very persuasive to be honest.
1.      From the very beginning I got that strange sensation of some kind of abnormality in Hajime’s relationship with the world. Something with his wife, something with his children, I still can’t make it out, but the center of all of this lies here: when it came to leaving everything and going to Shimamoto, he said to himself that he didn’t care about anything except Shimamoto. He clearly made a point that he didn’t care AT ALL about what would happen to his children after he left. How could that be? Not caring about two little daughters? At all? Absolute apathy? I’d get it if he felt it towards his wife but not towards his children. Moreover, he was ready to leave his business which he struggled so much about before, ready to forget about returning the money he lent from his wife’s father. It’s not even that he was ready to leave it all, no, he was ready not to care about it anymore. At all. And here it already looks like an obsession with Shimamoto in sake of which he was ready to throw everything away.
2.      Before I came up with the second interpretation I wondered what is the scene with Izumi suddenly appearing in his life again doing in the book. What’s the meaning? But if we stick to my second interpretation, it would have a meaning. It was some kind of a tipping point. After seeing Izumi, Hajime started getting down to earth and all those Shimamoto stuff, all his memories and illusions started fading away. If it’s not like that, I have no idea why Murakami put this thing into the book.
So, everything adds up, right? Seems like I found an explanation for a lot of things and now the book finally makes sense, a whole lotta sense to be honest, but still there’s something going out of tune here.
Why did Murakami put the scene with Shimamoto telling Hajime about her baby’s death? If Shimamoto was only an illusion, why would Hajime need to imagine such an episode? Why would he need that baby in Shimamoto’s life? What does this baby’s death mean? Why would Murakami even bring the baby, the new character into the book? What is the point here? But here’s something which strikes me even more: literally a paragraph after this episode we saw Shimamoto dying because of some breath problems. What did the baby die of? Breath problems. Is that just a coincidence or am I missing something important?
And here we come to the final point. The last sentence in the book.
‘Until someone came and lightly rested a hand on my shoulder, my thoughts were of the sea’. Who was it? Was it Shimamoto?
 ‘probably is a word you may find south of the border. but never, ever west of the sun’
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