#there’s just no way y’all are hiding something aren’t you 😭
roseofcards90 · 6 months
Watch the deep cover mv pull the biggest uno reverse card and go all sympathetic on Kotoko because there’s just no way 😭 they’re making her look really bad rn so that’s why I’m having doubts and that it can’t be so simple as “Kotoko has a savior complex and is acting like a child having a temper tantrum rn so we have to have the audience vote her guilty so she’ll stop lmao”
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carefulfears · 11 months
And my girl Scully figured out that Diana and Phoebe were abusive to him and that’s why she was ready to disintegrate them with whenever they breathed Mulder’s air iktr. (Also to me that’s part of the reason Mulder was oblivious and defended them, people who are in abusive relationships are not always aware of it)
YUPP you’re literally dead right, anon, in my opinion. it really bugs me when people talk shit about mulder for “trusting” both phoebe and diana, as though that’s not like…the only thing he’s been taught to do.
i’ve been thinking a lot about the difference between scully’s reactions to phoebe vs. diana. when phoebe showed up, scully had only known mulder for a few weeks. and still she knew almost instantly that something wasn’t right.
i didn’t notice until i rewatched fire the way that she never leaves him alone with her. if mulder and phoebe are working on something, you can see scully. against the wall, peeking around the door, pacing in the hallway. he tells her that she’s “off the hook,” that he’s not going to “put her through this” with “phoebe’s little mind games,” and she takes it upon herself to investigate phoebe’s case herself, until she solves it and phoebe can go the fuck home.
girlbosses catch serial murderers singlehandedly to get their best friend’s shitty ex away from them.
when phoebe was around, scully is passive aggressive as hell. constantly hanging around and making little quips and mocking her accent.
when diana shows up? five years later? she’s just aggressive.
she said nah, we aren’t doing this again 😭😭
(one of my favorite scully moments is when she snaps “and not just because i think that woman is a….well, you know what i think that woman is” and mulder is just like “no you hide your feelings sooo well” lmfao)
i really do think meeting phoebe so early in their partnership informs a lot about the way scully reacts to his exposure and relationship to other people throughout the series. she really doesn’t trust a soul around him.
i always think of this line from madness by kittenscully (a post-syzygy fic, addressing the detective white incident):
“A surge of righteous indignation at the notion makes her sit up straighter, and she bites her tongue to avoid a very unpleasant comment from slipping out. As always, she thinks of Phoebe, of his wide, trusting eyes.”
diana was scary levels of manipulative and violating. but diana loved mulder, scully knew that and used that to plead with her in the end.
phoebe didn’t care about anything but playing with fire. she got off on scaring him, crossed state lines just to fuck with his head and hurt him, just like in their relationship a decade earlier. mulder knew this, he knew from the start what she was doing and what she wanted, and he helped her anyway. he praised her anyway. he connected with her and invested in her anyway.
y’all know i’m always thinking about the script note about phoebe’s coldness “eliciting some old need in him to have her affection.”
by the time diana came back around, scully had sat on the floor of a hotel and watched phoebe smile and shake hands with bureaucrats while mulder couldn’t breathe.
scully had stood in the next room when his questions to his mother got him little more than a slap to the face.
it’s different with diana because there’s a lot more history and connection there, and because at that point there is heartbreak and jealousy on scully’s side (when phoebe was in town, she hung around in doorways. when diana reaches for mulder’s hand, she turns around and holds back tears in the car.)
it’s a difficult position for both of them. he doesn’t know how to do anything but appease and trust and be loyal, to help whoever asks. he doesn’t care if it hurts him, he’s been groomed his whole life for that, to feel like he deserves it.
it makes scully crazy. he’s her best friend. she can’t believe anyone would look at that kind of softhearted hope and want to exploit it or crush it, rather than look up to it, follow it, nurture it.
and it hurts!! it hurts to watch him fall back into these traps, and especially with diana, it hurts to feel that your input and relationship doesn’t matter enough to have influence. to not be listened to, to feel like you’re not being chosen.
she doesn’t know that he went to search diana’s apartment after she told him not to trust her. she just heard, “i know her. you don’t. scully, you’re reaching.” and watched him leave.
it’s just this perfect crossroads of each of their most vulnerable spots. scully wants to protect him, always, and she also wants to be chosen.
mulder has to stand by his allegiances, to seek ‘affection’ in cruelty, to play his role in the larger scheme. this is what CSM knew when he recruited diana into the conspiracy, and he knows because he “created” it.
you can’t judge either of them, they’re both following their natures, and furthering the narrative they were chosen for.
(until scully stands in front of diana and begs, “i just want you to think…stand there in front of me, look me in the eye”…and breaks the whole thing down.)
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cxhleel108 · 6 months
S7 Thots for this week: YAWN!
(Considered not even doing one cuz this shit was so lame but I know y’all love when I be dragging tf outta this game so I’m doing it for you🫶🏽)
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• Let’s start with the fact that they didn’t even try to hide the fact that Ivy and Hamish were the special guests this year…girl.
• I’m so happy for the 0.0001% of people that asked for this.
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• Babe it’s not a surprise if I already know what you’re finna do but yay!
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• Yeah I’m sad that she’s gone too…sad that she's gone and you aren’t🙁
• No new sleepwear…ok.
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• Aka these bitches was too lazy to come up with SOMETHING ELSE for our last night in the villa.
• No new outfits for our last date either…ok!
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• Yes bitch stay on his neck for that cuz he know he was wrong!
• Once again Bryson, you’re calling what you’re finna do a surprise when it’s not that.
• Wow! We actually got a choice for what we wanted to end our date with…that’s a first.
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• Wait that confirms that Uma’s a Beyoncé fan uggghh that’s why she’s my girl fr.
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• These two dresses are the only ones that deserve a mention because the prom outfit options this year…I actually wanna cry.
• Like girl the fucking pink dress- whatever let’s move on.
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• Whoever tried to fuck over Bryson by making his blazer look awkward asf just know that you and I got beef now. Don’t play my man!
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• Girl…be so for real😭😭😭
• Why are we playing “Who’s Most Likely To” in the middle of the finale???
• Why tf do I have to be the loudest snorer? Oh you bitches got both me and Tanya all the way fucked up!
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• You know what Willow…I’ve spent basically the entirety of this season getting on yo ass and while it was very funny and entertaining I’m a nice person and I like to give grace. So, Imma let it slide.
• I was finding it so hard to take Alex’s declaration serious only because I feel like I’m the only one that remembers how he tried to get at us. Oh but now all of sudden Uma’s the love of his life and he wanna go exclusive? Yeah, sure.
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• Sorry, I know I said I’d stop but come on let’s at least be honest.
• Travis not even looking at her and looking at us…yeah they’re done for as soon as we leave.
• Surprised Bonnie didn’t make her love declaration all about us. Period, growth!
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• He’s literally finna ask us to be his girlfriend why do we need to do this??? Fusebox, I see the funds really aren’t funding anymore.
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• Well duh! Y'all don't even stick to the idea of you.
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• Oh here she go already starting shit💀💀💀
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• Chile at this point break up like my god.
• Why Ivy lowkey more bearable here than she ever was last season?
• Bryson saying he would block all them groupie bitches for me omg y’all he really loves me🥹
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• This nigga💀
• I will say…Ivy and Ham-hock are definitely perfect for each other.
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• Yeahhhh considering how this season went I can guarantee that the drama will in fact not be serious at all.
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honestly i’d like to say something. ppl may get mad but so be it. that unique blog always gave me terrible vibes. the way she spoke set off alarms. and tbh, this is exactly what another blog tried to talk about the other week, but the blogs shooed her away. that’s the problem. can anons be hell? of course but can we please stop sliding over blogs now. all the anons and blogs seem to have this issue. only like 3 blogs are truly trustworthy. at some point we have to ask ourselves, if someone is living their dream life, how do they have time for this? the drama? the constant “now im taking a break” or “im logging off” but getting back on the next day or a second later. the constant jumping on others because they disagree. i see blogs being sad about what they have been called, but those blogs were involved with bullying and calling that other blog who simply questioned the community. her name was justsleepx or something. remember how she got called a cunt and other names by some popular bloggers? remember how the blogs spiraled? (that situation showed you guys who to trust btw but y’all aren’t hearing me. nobody ever does until they finally blow tf up in your face, like unique did :) remember how unique chimed in the justsleeping situation??? i’ve been here time and time again when i know a blogger is problematic and i am always right. unique is not the only blogger who is problematic and not living the way they claim. these bloggers show it themselves but some of you are so damn lost. you guys couldn’t even notice how much of a problem unique was and people were ready to believe the bs excuse, apology, or whatever she delivered. blogs and anons are so out of touch with common sense. idk why. 😭 so yea, we see unique is not who she says she is. isn’t she one blogger that everyone worshipped? so what will it take for you guys (speaking in general) to stop placing your trust and everything in these bloggers? will they all have be exposed or will everyone finally gain some sense. LMAO and we have to be real here, there are some more questionable blogs but i’m not here to expose. i hope everyone pulls it together but is this community even a safe space?? i mean really. i even made my own blog then deleted this week bc it’s like, tf will this do for me besides make my life worse? 💀 beware of the blogs being in drama constantly. beware of the blogs who are up here all the damn time. beware of the blogs period because we do not know these people. you take what may resonate and you fucking go. how many more “scandals” do we need for bloggers and anons to stop being dumb like this? people love tough love. well here’s some real shit for you. any one of these blogs could be just as full of shit as unique, the important thing is yourself. it’s too many blogs and anons spiraling. it’s too much bs. i just want this to be everyones final push, stop just believing these blogs. they are random strangers. sure success stories can be motivating but man, you can need your own story. you’ll get there. some light and truth is needed in this community and you’ll never get it with blogs hiding their hands as if they are just right and should be believed. you’ll never get it with anons fueling shit or not having proper manners (blogs too). i’m still seeing bloggers complain and anons but y’all are the ones who contribute to bs. let’s be real FINALLY 👁️👄👁️ you are the only blogger i see calling unique out properly. the rest are just lacking some sense LMAO. let today be the fucking change. get y’alls shit together. no way anyone is living their dream life but up here acting stupid and have time for drama every chance they get. i’ll leave on that note. hopefully i can get my loser ass out of this community once and for all. i’d like to recommend some blogs but i don’t want problematic ass anons or bloggers getting near them. i have to gatekeep 😔 just find your way and let the drama drop dead. don’t let what i say anger you, please let it just influence us to be better. #happymanifesting
Happy manifesting ! And literally everything you said was facts to the max. Regardless of everything you have access to your desired life no matter how many people lie or ruin this community. It has nothing to do with your journey and desires and no matter what happens or “who” just remember you’re god and keep going on. No god is phased by any short comings in the community and you already have the power by yourself alone to have everything you want in this world and “others” for my shifters 💓
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elevatormusic · 9 months
my first reaction with zero context: only friends ep 6
i’m sorry. do y’all actually eat apples that aren’t green? the others are so gross
bc you are a cheater
quit sleeping with boston maybe? idk that’s just me
oh that group project about to be awkward af
they’re way ahead of you my guy
i mean boston is a dick but he does have a point
i would be so scared to wear those hoops doing that
tell him nick
if he knows it was fucked why doesn’t he apologize first of all
choke him
babes back!!!!
do they not have NDAs in thailand? real question
i want him to
oh my mans is open open with his mom okay damn
we are at that point
the two tall fuckers are back together baby
why are you saying hi like you didn’t do the shit you did to him
y’all can def avoid each other
hit him again
now kiss
what was that for??
dude just answer him
you didn’t even get out of it he’s gonna know
ha those bitches look dumb af
ngl they’re lowkey boring to watch without him sleeping with someone else
sand what are you up to exactly? no way ray stops liking mew after this
i beg of you to stop hiding your feelings *i say as if i don’t do the same thing*
kinda funny that if someone else said that to ray he probably would’ve started a fight
not there????
but i called it was gonna be sand that told ray about ton and top
okay i love that they’re about to get what they deserve but also you just threw nick under the bus but also nick shouldn’t have done that so yes
sand is full on fuck relationships i just want to destroy this one man
he met his dad??
stop making that face you’re so obvious
oh going to ton first interesting
don’t let him manipulate you
how would that make him like you😭
at least say something that makes sense
*laughs* tell him ray please
not for long
tell. him.
i thought he was about to pull out a ring lmaoo
oh he’s trying
wait wash your hands first
let’s not y’all are toxic
where did sand come from😭
mans said why is this fool touching my mic
he looks so uncomfortable sir you got yourself into that
he’s about to be so toxic please
oh going for the lesbians too?? what did they do to you?
tell me why sand is the only one that went to stop him oh my god they all want the tea so bad
babe he’s been sleeping with you tho
honestly he should’ve decked him
sir i don’t think you understand what “caring and loving” means
why’d he yell at him tho lmao
okay well now you gotta tell him
just say it dammit
you just made a full out of yourself without saying what you were supposed to say
you really don’t deserve sand my god
fellow human😭😭😭😭😭
sand the only one that has morals. mans said idc if you get yourself killed but you ain’t getting others
call the cops??
he just called him a whore i’m so sorry who??? 👁️👄👁️
i’m so serious call the cops
don’t chase him you’re gonna get run over
nick leave
no he’s not💀
you lying piece of shit
well they were in a car
that’s what you took out of that??
hold on why did ray do that whole boston tea party if he already told mew?
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