#there’s something here
seekaster · 3 months
God the fact that it was Fabian and Gorgug specifically that had that revelation of Kristen’s miracle work is sending me into a tailspin
There’s just something inexplicable and unspoken connecting these three together (that has nothing to do with them being my favorites uh nope) , like, how both Gorgug and Kristen died at the beginning of freshman year, in front of Fabian (twice no less, in Kristen’s case) who to me always seemed uniquely affected by it.
Something about death and resurrections, dark forests and falling, I run up to him, parents loving you too much and never enough, do you remember the first time you watched someone die, legacies and expectations, being the protectors and needing to be protected, keep going, losing and finding yourself again…
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blondepw · 5 months
i cant quite explain it but they’re all cousins
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cerealforkart · 6 months
There’s something to Lark wanting to be hated in the church of the doodler, and there’s something to Sparrow wanting to be forgiven with code purple, and there’s something to both of these situations and desires contrasting with each other that I can’t quite figure out in words but it’s been on my mind
Do you think Henry is as upset with Lark as he is with Sparrow? Because I don’t think he is
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hawkinsp0st · 2 years
i can’t nail down a specific theory or pattern here, but hear me out:
i find it really interesting that vecna seems to strike at times when will, specifically, is suffering or in his feelings bc of his love for mike. double date with lumax that mike was late to bc he was kissing el? will feels vecna. el and mike ditch the rest of the group when they’re on their way to talk to suzie? will feels vecna. it’s not my fault you don’t like girls? they don’t even get time to make up bc “he’s back,” vecna deadass comes back during will’s breakdown, destroying castle byers. in the closet (at rink o mania)? vecna kills fred. will hears mike say ily to el? vecna kills max. like, pretty much at that exact moment.
(chrissy and patrick’s deaths seem to be the only exceptions to this in s3/4, but i believe that’s just bc these 2 deaths are meant to correlate emotionally with el and help us focus on el’s story. chrissy is killed on the day el is humiliated by angela. patrick dies when el is in NINA with blood on her hands thinking she killed everybody, almost dying of a heart attack.)
i also noticed that when things are really good between mike and will, that’s when vecna loses. s1, mike is fighting for will like hell and they save him from the upside down. mike & will are closer than ever in s2 and the byers are able to exorcise the MF from will (with mike’s help the whole season). byler makes up and has that cute flirty moment at the end of s3 and then we have a whole vecna-free year for our gang lmao. 4x4 they have that incredibly flirty “it’s not the same without you” scene, and then max is able to escape from vecna. 4x8 we have the painting/van scene where mike and will start to rebuild emotional intimacy and throw heart eyes at each other, and our heroes are in an excellent spot that whole episode. it’s almost as if, as they get closer to each other, they’re weakening him.
(i might not be onto anything here and it could just be the rhythm of the story………but……..)
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spacephrasing · 8 months
lanarcher red/blue motif something something zara x lana red/blue motif something
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 22 days
Shuichis always given me art snob vibes, like he got taken to art museums a lot when he was a little kid and picked up his parents rich person art taste
Really? I don’t get the same impression at all… he seems to be too nervous and people pleasing to be pretentious about his tastes. Though that might just be because the image of him being a bit of a nerd is so thoroughly ingrained in my head.
It might also be because I headcanon that shuichi travelled with his parents to the states and wherever else for acting jobs and even worked as a child actor when he was young, but because he never liked it once he was old enough to be heard that he wanted to quit, they more or less dumped him with his aunt and uncle and kept doing their acting work. So in my mind he never got to be old enough around his parents to really appreciate any expensive tastes they might have
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the9thghost · 2 years
Thinkin about how Wu took Morro in off the streets, treated him like his own child, watched him train day after day only to have to tell him he wan’t the Green Ninja and then watched him run off and get himself killed still trying to prove himself,
Then Wu took Lloyd in off the streets, treated him like his own child, find out this little green goblin was destined to be the great ninja Morro had tried so hard to be, then watch Lloyd try to avoid it at all costs
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kc5rings · 10 months
Steeples fingers
Jessica coming back to the landship post her training montage and she hooks up with Doberman
Doberman having a moment when she realizes her former pupil is now a brick wall
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night-ah-ahks · 10 months
hey guys remember the manager’s kid au with forever and the duck?
remember how forever said quackity was his family?
do we all see how scared quackity is of the duck
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starbuck · 2 years
i’m trying to say something coherent about Breaking Bad, but it just keeps sounding like “we live in a society.”
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bokkerijder · 5 months
pro-AI in the sense of "they taught a bread scanning computer to recognize cancer cells" etc etc
against AI in the sense of "we stole artwork from hundreds to thousands of artists, didn't credit them and didn't financially compensate them"
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cerealforkart · 9 months
There are characters you would never suspect making out in the little scenarios on my notes app
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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License to Kitty.
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zytes · 6 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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cronenfag · 2 months
as far as i'm concerned all gore is necessary
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pigswithwings · 3 months
above all else a trans woman is a person. above all else a trans women is a woman who goes to the same grocery store as you and buys fruits in the same grocery cart as you and goes home and eats her dinner the same as you. above all else a trans woman is a woman who dresses like you do and talks the same way you do. above all else a trans woman is a woman who wants to be cared about the same way you want to be cared about and a trans woman is a woman who makes friends the same way you make friends. above all else you should care about trans women because they are people. treat her as such.
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