#there’s video / photographic evidence of it too!!! and i finally got to take a pic of me in my cap and gown with my mentor / colleague
pepprs · 1 year
guys i got to be part of the faculty and staff processional at convocation and finally walk in the arena wearing my cap and gown and make up for not getting to graduate in person 😭😭😭😭💗💗💗💗 it was so meaningful to me lol i cried 3 times i was so so happy to be there
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livingcorner · 3 years
Hatton Garden Heist leader ‘found sick pics of Tory child abuser’ in 1971 raid
Hatton Gardens heist boss Brian Reader was horrified when his gang broke into a bank vault and found sickening photos of a leading politician abusing children.
But the notorious crook was shocked further when the thieves left the pictures for police to find – only for the Tory Cabinet minister’s crimes to be hushed up.
You're reading: Hatton Garden Heist leader ‘found sick pics of Tory child abuser’ in 1971 raid
Reader, known as The Guv’nor, is facing jail for planning last year’s £14million Hatton Garden raid and claims about his previous high-profile break-in can now be revealed for the first time.
Lloyds Bank on the corner of Baker Street and Marylebone Road, London where the vault of the bank holding safe deposit boxes was broken into on the night of 11 September 1971 (
Image: Mirrorpix)
The images are said to have been found stashed in a safety deposit box in 1971 when the gang tunnelled into a branch of Lloyds in Baker Street, Central London, and escaped with a £3million haul.
A close confidant of 76-year-old career criminal Reader said: “It was a shock for them when they found photographs of a famous ­politician abusing children.
“The gang were disgusted and left them lying on the floor of the vault for the police to find but nothing was ever done.”
Daniel Mays Jason Statham in 2008 movie The Bank Job, which was based on the 1971 raid
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The Government of the time allegedly forced the press to stop reporting on the burglary as a matter of national security amid allegations raunchy photos of the late Princess Margaret were found in another safety deposit box in the vault.
But the latest claims, revealed to the Daily Mirror, are more disturbing and further evidence of the Establishment cover-up of powerful paedophiles.
We are not naming the politician, who has since died and was never publicly linked to allegations of child sexual abuse.
Read more: What Is A Victory Garden – Learn How To Start A Victory Garden
But we have passed details to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, which is set to examine claims against Labour peer Lord Janner, who died before facing trial for child sexual abuse, and Lib Dem MP Cyril Smith, whose paedophilia was exposed after his death.
Inquiry chairman Judge Goddard said in November: “We will conduct an objective fact-finding inquiry into allegations of abuse by people of public prominence associated with Westminster.
Princess Margaret and Lord Snowdon Antony Armstrong Jones (
Image: Mirrorpix)
“The investigation will focus on high-profile allegations of child sexual abuse involving current or former Members of Parliament, senior civil servants, Government advisers, and members of the intelligence and security agencies.
“It will consider allegations of cover-up and conspiracy and will review the adequacy of law enforcement responses to these allegations.”
If the images found by Reader had been made public at the time, it would have caused a massive ­political scandal.
In 1971, he was beginning a criminal career spanning five decades which would involve him in raids worth more than £150million and make him Britain’s biggest thief.
His gang had spent months planning the Baker Street job.
They rented a leather goods shop, two doors up from the bank, and then tunnelled 40ft from the shop ­basement into the vaults.
Brian Reader and his late wife Lynne having dinner with friends in Paris in 1970
Once inside, they ransacked 268 safety deposit boxes – nearly four times the 73 opened by the Hatton Garden gang.
The source said: “Brian was not well when he did Baker Street because he was only a few months out of hospital after falling on his head on another job.
“But he has great stamina and wasn’t going to miss the chance of pulling off Britain’s biggest ever burglary.”
The raid remains the largest in British history despite claims Hatton Garden was larger.
In today’s money the £3million stolen would be equivalent to about £41million.
Four men were convicted of the crime, including photographer Tony Gavin, and were jailed for up to 12 years, but Reader escaped prosecution.
Brian Reader who had pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit burglary over the raid at Hatton Garden Safety Deposit (
Image: Getty)
A second source, a gang member, previously told the Mirror in 2008 that child pornography was found in the vaults but did not give further details.
He said: “We were disgusted and left it in their open boxes so police could trace the owners.
We didn’t want to take anything that might give us extra trouble. All we wanted was cash and jewels.”
At the time of the raid, Princess Margaret’s marriage to Antony Armstrong-Jones, Earl of Snowdon, was in its final stages.
In the 60s and 70s the Queen’s sister was known to party hard on the Caribbean island of Mustique, where she was pictured with lover Roddy Llewellyn, a landscape gardener 17 years her junior.
Read more: The 13 Best Ways to Utilize Chili Peppers • The Chili Life
‘Basil’ on the second floor at Hatton Garden on day one of the robbery (
Image: PA)
She is said to have taken snaps of male friends frolicking naked but it is not known if any were ever taken of her.
The ex-raider would only say: “I can’t talk about that.”
Describing preparations for the break-in, the crook added: “Before we got started, myself and an accomplice dressed up in bowler hats and pinstripes and went into the bank.
“We were able to measure out the distance from the wall to the vault using an umbrella so we could calculate how far we needed to tunnel and didn’t end up popping up in the wrong place.”
Killer Michael X (
Image: Getty)
They tunnelled under the Chicken Inn restaurant next to the bank and used explosives to blast through 3ft of ­reinforced concrete.
The concrete was not wired to the alarm system as it was thought to be impenetrable. Eight tons of rubble were excavated and left behind.
The raider said: “When we finally came up I was unable to fit through the hole and could only stick my head in. But others got in and grabbed the boxes.”
Reader was too sick to help with the drilling but was among those who got into the vault to force open the boxes.
The first source said: “He was very good at opening them and soon the vault was piled high with empty boxes.”
One of the boxes belonged to Michael X, a drug dealer and Black Power leader who was convicted of murder and hanged in Trinidad in 1975.
The story of the break-in was made into 2008 film The Bank Job, starring Jason Statham and Daniel Mays.
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/hatton-garden-heist-leader-found-sick-pics-of-tory-child-abuser-in-1971-raid/
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ana-deaky · 4 years
It’s The Little Things || Joe Mazzello x Reader
What started out as a discussion between me and @amethyst-serenade on how cute Joe is, blown out into this story/HC, I honestly don’t know what this is. It’s definitely fluffy, now that I’m sure. Hope you guys enjoy our work!!
Words: 2393
No warnings whatsoever
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Oh without a doubt! He's gonna be an amazing father and his kids will be adorable and lovable just like him.
Imagine him with his firstborn (especially if it's a girl) holding them in his arms and the absolute adoration on his face ♥️
It would start when you tell him you're pregnant. He'd be beside you (crying a little), kissing and hugging you, and your belly and telling "I'm gonna be a dad. We're gonna be parents."
Even when before you start showing, his hands will be on the belly, secretly protecting his kid. Involuntarily yelling "excuse me" and "coming through" when the two of you walk through crowds. And randomly talking to the baby, reading to the baby at night. And when he goes on a shoot while you're pregnant and he calls and he says "put the phone on speaker, I wanna talk to the baby" and talks about the day.
And he'd be showing everyone the ultrasound pic! And when you're having a movie night, he'd either have his hand or his head on your belly, constantly snuggling into you. And he'll tell anyone who'll listen that his beautiful wife is expecting your first child. And during the movie, if anybody cusses, Joe would put his hands on the sides of the belly and he'd say "too early for that" jokingly.
Oh Joe won't be able to hold it in for the first trimester. The day the second trimester hits, the ultrasound will be on his page and he'll share an entire paragraph about the baby and his incredible wife.
And obviously help throw the best damn dramatic Baby Gender Reveal Party ever!! YES! It's a girl!!
The moment he feels the baby kick over your belly, god, here comes the water works AGAIN!! His hands will be literally glued to your belly until he feels her kick again.
And the day comes when little Ms. Mazzello is ready to make her grand entrance into the world and you bet your ass, Mr. Mazzello has had the hospital bag and ready to go right after the baby shower.
And there she was, Ella Virginia Mazzello, the absolute adoration in his face as he watched his little girl in a tiny bundle on her mom's chest.
His face would be all lit up when he finally holds his baby girl, he's looking at his baby girl, all teary eyed and you could see his love for the baby in his eyes. And he'll literally worship the mother of his more than adorable baby, the love of his life and love her like anything.
He'd be loving and considerate, and would make sure his wife is happy and comfortable. And he tries his best to for you to let him dress the baby in the Yankees onesie he got for her. Well he knows how that's gonna end up.
Let us assume the fact that Ben has a baby boy around that time and Gwil makes a joke "that's your future boyfriend" when the boys visit the new mother and baby at Joe's home and Joe whispers to the baby, pretty audibly, "No dating for you until 16, young lady"
And on one day when the Yankees are playing, he'll be wearing a Yankees tshirt and dresses the baby in the Yankees onesie that he specifically got for her, and seats her on his lap, he'll post that picture captioned "Just two Yankees fans hangin' out"
His phone memory will be filled up with all of Ella's pictures, videos of her bouncing up and down on her father's lap to one of those Beatles songs from her dad's collection and obviously in her Halloween costume, that's right, Joe dresses up his little girl in a baby Raptor costume.
And all the boys would give him shit for it but Lucy would think it's the most adorable thing ever and tell you how lucky you are to have a husband like that.
As his little girl grows up, he'll help her host tea parties and he'd take her on daddy-daughter dates so he can show her how a REAL man should treat her.
Joe would make sure his little girl don't take no crap!
Second time along, during their second gender reveal, they find they're having a baby boy and he'll go crazy raising his hands and jumping up and down "we're having a boy, our lil baseball player is here."
He'd be going on and on and ON about having a firstborn son to carry on the family name.
He'd DEFINITELY get him a raptor onesie first and practically beg to organise play dates with Gwil & Dana's little girl and Rami and Lucy's twins (we haven't forgotten Ben's kids)
And Joe's baby girl, he'll definitely be by her side when his baby boy is too little so that she don't feel left out or anything.
And Mother's Day,
The boys would all get together and plan something special for the ladies so they don't have to lift a finger. Starting with breakfast in bed (that Joe made with help from the kids), well you woke up to your little girl's giggles from outside the door and in comes your lovely husband with your baby boy in the baby carrier and Ella.
The boys would have booked the girls in for a spa day and he'll organise daddy-daycare with the boys. Then you'd all go to Rami & Lucy's place for dinner, which of course, the dads are making while the girls hangout with the kids. And then comes a bab(ies)y-mommy photoshoot and everything.
But Joe would find you when the baby's hungry because 'that's the one thing I can't do, sorry!' He'll be so dramatic saying "My nipples are useless."
Under the starry skies, the boys and their wives and babies, pictures perfect.
Ooh and the kids, well the boys will set up tents for them to camp in the backyard. And they'll sit around and tell stories of dragons and pirates and wizards; and let their imaginations run wild.
Imagine Gwil telling all these amazing stories with his soothing accent, doing all the voices and making the kids laugh while the rest of you are enjoying a beer or a glass of wine under the fairy lights hanging in the trees. And later, when he gets an acoustic guitar and break into a song and all the boys sing along.
And after the kids are down, all of you reminisce about the time when they did BoRhap and all the fun you guys had during press tours and birthdays and holidays.
And Joe tells about the adventures in Japan for the press tour when the translators were finding it hard to keep up with the boys. And Ben's like "Sorry I missed it!"
"But Cardboard Ben did" and that's when they remember Ben Cardy after an awful long time
Then Gwil and Joe explain the terrible night that Cardy B was in jail. Meanwhile you and the girls look at each other like "Boys!" 🙄
And Lucy takes out Joe's YouTube page and shows all the videos. And they all give him shit for doing 'Milk' and you be like "He still got the occasional screams."
Then Rami says "so THAT'S your bedroom secret, Joe?" And Joe's like "Well, we've got two kids so it must be working!" And you shove at his arm to keep him quiet saying "Joseph!"
"That's nothing",  Lucy says with a grin "Rami sings to me". And Rami covers his face with his hands and Ben shoves his arm. "Gwil goes "Huzzah" everytime he's done", says Dana from a corner. Ben gives Olivia a warning look, and Olivia says "Ben tells me to call him Skywalker to get him in the mood" and Joe laughs.
"So we all have weird quirks, cheers to that", says Joe and takes a drink and you go like eww
"That's why were friends", says Gwil. "Joe and I are more like brothers' says Rami, "We've seen each other shirtless in The Pacific". "And other things" says Ben. Lucy rolls her eyes and you two give each other a look.
"Here we go again" says Gwil and turns to you to ask "Has he tried to make the kids watch The Pacific yet?"
"Well it's not my fault. That the scene was TOO GOOD, y'know", says Joe winking, "besides you enjoy it as much as I do" says Joe to you.
"Several times. Barely made it halfway through the first episode before Ella said she was bored. He then tried with Joey until I reminded him that the baby is, in fact, still a baby. But when WE watch it, Joe always seems really interested in THAT sex scene", you said. "Joseph!" Lucy gasps
"Attaboy!" Rami chuckles and pats Joe on his back.
"How come you guys never watched it with me?", Ben asks. "We should do a "The Pacific" watch party one day", Rami announces and Joe toasts, "To the watchparty!"
"Oh she hesitated! That means it's true!" says Ben. "No wonder you've got two kids" Gwil grins.
"You watched it too!" says Dana. "Only because Rami and Joe wouldn't shut up about it and brought it up in EVERY interview we did!" says Gwil.
Just as Joe does the toast, your daughter comes out in her favourite unicorn pyjamas. "Daddy, I need to pee". Joe looks over at you. Rami and Lucy giggle. "She did call Daddy, didn't she?", you gave a look to Joe and he says "Come here" he says and picks up his daughter and off he goes. "She walks right?", Dana asks. "Don't even get me started with that.", you told.
"Always knew he'd go all gooey over his little girl." Ben says, lighting a cigarette. "She's definitely daddy's princess", you sigh. "Does he have tea parties with her?" Olivia asks. "He does, but uh" you hesitate just as Joe comes back, "Liv wants to know about your latest tea party"
"Oh what can I say Ella loves tea parties as much as I do. It's incredible and so much fun, you know" he says. "And this one here", he gestures to you, "is kinda jealous of us spending all the time together."
"You pinky promised me that you wouldn't show it to anyone" says Joe trying to grab your phone. "Oh its them", you said. "Yes it's us. Also pinky promise? How old are you guys?", Gwil asked.
"Yeah, Joe left me for a younger woman", you grin, sipping your wine. "You bastard!" Gwil gasps.
"And yet I have photographic evidence of you wearing a flower crown" you add. "Show us!", says Ben.
"That's just the start of it, Gwil", you wink, "so we have a choice between the flower crown, the fairy wings or the unicorn headband". Ben chokes on his cigarette and the girls laugh.
"You're a man of many hidden talents, Joe", Rami smirks.
"In my defense, I take pinky promises very very seriously", Joe said as the group passed the phone around, "Also I looked good in every one of those pictures"
"Y/N, tell them", Joe said. You roll your eyes. "He looks good in every one of those pictures", you said, adding to Dana "otherwise he'll sulk for the rest of the night." Dana giggles.
"Speaking of onesies, Joe wanted to get BoRhap themed outfits for the kids.", you said. "Thats so thoughtful, Joe", Lucy said. "Hold on, next time?", Ben grinned, "You guys wanna have more kids?"
"Did you get that onesie that we sent you for the baby?" Ben asked. "We did", you confirm "and it fits perfectly. Though El almost threw a tantrum when she saw her baby brother dressed as a raptor."
"Well Joe has already bought a Yankees one, so Ben had to compromise", said Rami. "Joe made me pinky promise that we HAD to buy the Yankees onesie first", you grin. "I wanted that for the baby's "homecoming" outfit, but she didn't allow it. Both times. Better luck next time, right?" Joe said.
'It's Joey's first Christmas. They're growing up so fast. I remember like it was yesterday that I told Joe that I was pregnant with El. Now here we are", and you were interrupted by a baby crying through one of the monitors. All of you scramble around to check which one was active. And found out it was yours, "Is he hearing all this? I'm gonna go check on him", you said and walked away.
"Oh he's already advised me of this, on the wedding night", you shrugged. "Pretty sure we conceived lil Joey at your place, Gwil", Joe grins, making Gwil sputter on his beer. You swatted his arm, "Joe!!".
"And I assume you've already found these outfits for the kids?" Olivia asked.
"It's a work in progress. It should be ready by the time of our Disney trip, hopefully", Joe said.
You sat in the rocking chair with Joey in your arms, singing to him softly, looking deep into his hazel eyes, stroking his cheek with your finger.
"I remember when you told us that Y/N was pregnant again", said Lucy, "You couldn't wait give give El a baby brother or sister."
"That's what you meant when you said you were busy, huh"' Rami winked. "We thought it was time, you know, El became a big sister."
"Gosh, I feel bad for not saying goodnight to everyone", you yawned "I didn't realise how tired I was.". You watched as the baby snuggled into the pastel green blanket, sound asleep.
You felt the baby lifted off your arms and opened your eyes, your fingers tightening on the baby "Shhhh its okay, it's me. I got him.", said Joe as he took the baby in his arm and laid him down on the bassinet right by the bedside. "Aren't you supposed to be downstairs?", you asked sleepy
"I knew you'd have dozed off with the baby when you didn't show up and everybody was tired after the long night. Probably asleep by now", Joe said, "Come let's go to sleep."
'C'mon now, in you get', Joe said pulling the duvet aside and you got in and he behind you. His strong arms wrapped around you after he pulled the blanket over the both of you. You nuzzled into his neck. Joe kissed the top of your head. As the two of you dozed off.
Tags: @amethyst-serenade @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @mazzell-ro @thosequeenboys @detectivecutiepantsandhisbabyfox @brinteylovesaliens @hellysthings
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huntertales · 5 years
Part Three: The Things We Do For Our Kids. (Freaks and Geeks S08E18)
Episode Summary: The reader and the Winchester brothers investigate a recent set of murders that appear to be caused by a vampire, and are surprised to learn that teenage hunter Krissy Chambers is involved. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 4,150.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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A little after the kids headed off to school and Victor headed off to do some errands around town from what you heard him say before leaving, you decided to explore around the place to waste some time. There wasn't much to see, the place looked like any other house you been in. You made your way over to the mantle to see the family was already making memories for years to come, however many they had left from the way they were living their life. You felt a smile tug at the end of your lips seeing the three teens looking happy together. 
You had to at least admit they worked well together as a team. If they really wanted to become hunters and devote their lives to making the world a better place, you and the boys couldn't stop them. But that was after they were legal adults and finished high school. Right now they were impressionable teenagers trying to work through the grief they were feeling. And their guardian was giving you all sorts of strange vibes that wasn't settling well in your stomach. You didn’t care what Victor said, there was no such thing as the perfect hunter. 
All of you were the same way; individuals either dragged or brainwashed into this lifestyle with your set of skills that kept you alive and killed all sorts of monsters. Didn't matter how smart and fast you were, it all depended on how a person handled danger when it came running in your direction. And not even the strongest of hunters was immune to the darker side of this lifestyle. From lost lives to the horrible things you had to do in order to survive. You grabbed a photograph from the mantle of the teenagers looking happy on a sunny afternoon. They seemed happy, like a group of friends just hanging out. You didn't want these kids to experience the things you did just yet. You didn't want these kids to experience all of this just yet. 
You looked over your shoulder when you heard the front door open to see who it was, expecting it to be Victor. But you were surprised to see it was the three teens, who should have been in their first period from the time on the clock. "Hey. What happened to school?"
“Victor pulled us out.” Aiden told you.
“Why?” You asked, wondering why the sudden change in plans. 
"'Cause we've found another target." Victor came out from the kitchen with a folder in his hand, the mention of a new addition to the case summoned Sam from another part of the house. The both of you exchanged a slightly concerned look and gathered around, Sam asked who the man found. "The vamp that killed Krissy's dad. You ready?" 
You glanced over to see Krissy’s first reaction of finally tracking down the monster responsible for the death of her father. This was something every hunter dreamed about. Revenge was ripe for the taking. Something was starting to smell rotten. “Okay.” Victor opened up the file and pulled out a black and white screen shot of what appeared to be a young woman walking across the way. “Pulled this from a security camera at a nearby gas station.” 
“Wait,” Sam seemed to having the same amount of skepticism about the information Victor was giving all of you. “how do we know this is definitely her?”
“Police sketch, victim’s accounts,” Victor pulled out a sketch of the female that vaguely matched the one in the photograph along with an official report of the events in black and white. But what sold Krissy on this girl being her father’s killer was another closer shot he pulled out. “And this.”
Victor pointed at something the girl was wearing, which turned out to be necklace from the looks of it. Kirssy reached out and grabbed the photograph from the table to get a better look. She felt a sense of familiarity come over her at the sight of the piece of jewelry. “My dad’s necklace. My mom gave it to him on their anniversary.” 
Sam found himself unable to be convinced these photographs or the evidence Victor provided was the real deal. He grabbed another picture to get himself a better look. You leaned over slightly to examine it yourself, which you noticed a tiny detail that didn't match over pictures you seen of this kind. Sam mentioned his concerns. "Are you sure this is a video surveillance pic?"
“It’s her!” Krissy suddenly snapped at the man. 
You knew she was fueled by the idea that this person she was staring at—wearing her father's necklace--was the person responsible. It was all there in black and white. You didn't have time to change her mind about investigating further into this when you heard your phone ring. Excusing yourself when you saw that it was Dean checking up, you answered and wandered off to another part of the house for a private conversation. 
"How'd it go with the girl?" You asked him wandering through the kitchen and to another place to distance yourself from the group.
“Strange. Might be that the vampire wasn’t lying. He was fresh made within the month,” Dean said, giving you details that didn’t add up to the things you already knew. “but Josephine’s family was murdered three months ago.” 
“So, who killed them?” You wondered.
“I don’t know. I’d like to talk to whoever’s driving that blue van. Other than that,” Dean said, he didn’t have much of anything else to tell you that helped figure out who was responsible. “What about you and Sam?”
“Something’s up. Victor says he has a surveillance photo of the vampire that killed Krissy’s father. But, Dean…” You glanced over your shoulder as you dropped your voice to a whisper so no one heard what you were about to say. “I’m not so sure.” 
“Why’s that?” Dean asked you.
“There’s no time stamp on it.” You said, the little detail was making you feel like there was ever so slightly off about the evidence where Victor got it from. 
“Okay.” Dean said, listening to your suspicions. “So you think he’s lying?” 
“Well, that,” You admitted it was the first guess that crossed your mind. “Or he’s just wrong. It’s hard to say.” 
“Yeah, I never trust a guy who wears a sweater.” Dean’s humor made a chuckle escape your mouth as you glanced over at Victor to see he was talking, probably making some plan to get this hunt started. "You want me to head back there?"
“No, no. I’m good. Sammy and I can take care of this.” You reassured the older man. “We’re gonna do some more digging.”
"All right." Dean said. "I'm gonna talk to the hotel clerk, see what he knows." 
You ended the call shortly after that, deciding to take a better look at those security photos to see if they were in fact the real deal. You glanced out the window you had been standing next to during the rest of the duration of the call. It all seemed like another peaceful and quiet morning, until you spotted a van parked across the street—in a shade of blue. You pushed back the curtain to take a better look for yourself. While the car seemed to be empty, you had a feeling the driver was around somewhere close by. 
You didn't waste a second heading back to the dining room where you remembered everybody else was. The only people left were Sam and Victor, the three teens were nowhere to be found. You let out a faint sigh from the possible trouble they were getting themselves into. "Where did everybody go?"
“Tracking that vamp.” Victor told you, making you feel unsure if that was a blessing or a curse for the predicament you were in. 
“Well, I think we’ve got a problem a lot closer to home. Look at this.” You said. The three of you headed back to the window where you had been just standing to show the men what you had discovered. “See that blue van? Dean saw it outside the hotel yesterday. We think he’s working with the vampire we killed.”
“Looks like we’re going hunting.” Victor said. 
You didn’t waste a second in finding where you placed your machete, Sam doing the same. Victor armed himself with a gun for any precaution if something went wrong before all of you headed towards the van. Groups were stronger in numbers. Sam lead while you followed behind, Victor trailed in the back. You and the younger Winchester approached the van to see the drivers side windows were rolled down, Sam inspected the inside to see if he could find anyone hiding in the back. But there was no one in sight. Which meant the vampire was on foot. Where to? That’s what you needed to find out before it was too late. 
The three of you decided to check the neighborhood and through the quiet park just a few minutes walk from the house. Luckily for you there was nobody in sight, everyone was either at work or school. Sam decided to split up with you and Victor, taking one area of the woodsy park while you took the other. It seemed like a decent idea at the time. The other hunter hadn't given you much of a reason to distrust him. Other than providing some faulty information that didn’t seem like it made sense of why he would have pulled such an ammature move. You tried to tell yourself you were being too harsh on the man. But your gut told you otherwise. It told you to keep him at a distance and never take your eyes off of him. 
You had been doing just that, following behind the hunter you had only met just the other day. Who had given you almost no indication that he meant any harm. He just wanted to do what was best for his kids that he was looking over. Make sure that they had a better life and hunting experience than he had. And he’d do anything to make sure nothing got in his way. It was the sound of a twig snapping in the distance behind you that caught you off guard and took your eyes off of Victor for one second. And it was the one second that all he needed to get his way of sealing the teenager’s path in hunting for good. 
You needed to crack a few eggs to make an omelet, in Victor’s case it was a rough whack to the back of the head that sent you dropping to the grass, knocked out cold for the next part of the plan. Sam would be facing the same fate as well. Victor didn’t feel the least bit bad at what he was doing. Parents do drastic things all the time to give their children a better and brighter future. And who better to send the message he was trying to get across than with a couple of hunters who made life harder for others. Victor was doing the world a favor. 
+ + +
You had to admit you were starting to get nervous about the idea of parenthood and raising a child. If you took away the hunting and supernatural, there was so much that you were left to think about. You weren't dreading the sleepless nights of feeding and a fussy baby. Endless diapers and laundry that needed to be done. You were nervous about the fact that you were going to be bringing a brand new life into this world. You were going to be responsible for raising another person to make sure they grew up to have the right morals. Make sure they were kind and understanding. Most important of all is that they were loved. 
If there was anything you knew about the parents who raised you...it was about choice. Letting your child decide their own future was what scared most parents. You wanted your child to be successful and happy. But you also wanted them safe, pick something you knew they were good at. Your mother wanted you to be sheltered as possible and live a normal life, she never had. John wanted his boys to always be ready for danger. In Victor's case, he wanted to raise the best generation of hunters by molding them from the ground up. He gave the teeangers a sad backstory and everything to give them motive along with a strong bond. 
You slowly felt yourself coming back to consciousness after being taken off guard by Victor. The prick was sitting on the couch to greet the both of you when you awoke. You were immediately overtaken with anger at the mere sight of his face. Much as you wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine, you couldn't do much more than sit back in the dining room chair with your wrists tied to the arm rests. You moved your glare away from Victor and towards his friend standing on the other side of the room. 
“Good. You’re both awake. We don’t have much time.” Victor said, pushing himself up to his feet. Sam didn't seem to like the sound of what the man was saying, leading him to ask what else was part of his big plan. You had a feeling it didn't involve letting you and Sam go when he flipped over an end table, sending the contents on it to go crashing to the ground. "Picture this. The kids arrive home victorious, only to find Sam dead in their living room. Y/N clinging to life. It seems that the nest of vampires they were hunting were seeking revenge..." Victor told you and Sam about his brilliant idea, all while turning over the coffee table to add more to the story to make it believable. You felt your fingers slowly curl into a fist. "And killed you both. Thus, inspiring them to hunt even more. Not letting any sort of distraction stop them. I’m sorry, guys. I can’t have anyone poisoning my kids’ minds.”
“Other than yourself, that is.” You called him out on his own behavior, not falling for the little act he was putting on to fool himself at what he was doing. You slowly shook your head at what you were learning about him, what things he would do in order to make a couple of better hunters. “I knew there was something off about you the moment I met you.” 
“I don’t need to justify my actions to you two or his self-righteous ass of a brother!” Victor defended himself against your judgement of what he thought was the right thing to do. 
“You mean like why you’re working with a vampire?” Sam asked the man. “So what’s he get out of this? Free roaming rights?” 
“We are at war—a war that we are losing. That leviathan fiasco was a wake-up call. We have to do what we can to survive. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand, Sam. You’re not a father. And Y/N, well...I’m doing the world a favor. Don't think we all know about what you are. Something like you should never bring a child into this world. It'd only bring more destruction. Neither one of you know what it's like to hear the cries of your children dying. But now I have a second chance to make it alright," Victor was telling himself anything he needed to make the excuse of being apart of at least a half dozen murders for the better good. The seething glare coming from you and Sam's lack of sympathy told Victor he wasn't moving the crowd. It took all of your willpower not to spit in his face when he came forward to the both of you. "to create the next generation of hunters—stronger, faster, smarter." 
Victor's brillant plan of staging a home invasion was quickly foiled by the sound of the front door opening followed by Dean's voice announcing him and the kids were home. Dean only made it to the living room before he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of a gun being pointed in his direction, Victor at the other end of it. The three teenagers were welcome to the sight of a few tables flipped over and a stranger in their house, all while you and Sam were tied up. You shrug your shoulders when Dean looked in your direction as to figuring out what the hell was going on here. You had a feeling it wasn't going to take very long for the truth to come out. 
“What is going on here?” Josephine cautiously asked. 
“These three are not to be trusted.” Victor warned the teenagers he'd been looking after for the past few months, presuming they would trust him more than a couple of people they just met the other night. "They're trying to destroy us." 
“Do you know this vamp, Victor?” Aiden asked. 
“Of course he does. Tell me, Vic.” You spoke up without a moment’s heistance to rat out the old man. “Tell them all about how you’re working together.” 
"Is that true?" The kid asked him, growing nervous as to who to believe. 
Victor was silent for a long moment before admitting defeat, "It's complicated." 
"No, actually, it's not." Dean said. "See, blue van here's been turning fresh vamps and setting them up for you kids as easy kills."
"But why?" Josephine asked.
“Because they didn’t kill our families, did they?” Krissy was starting to put the pieces together for herself, quickly figuring out who was the real enemy here as she started to approach Victor. 
"Then who did?" Josephine questioned the older man, demanding to know the truth. 
“I did. And they all screamed...and begged for mercy, especially the little ones.” The vampire couldn't help himself at admitting all the gory details about his feasts, the ends of his lips stretching into a pleasured smirk at the sight of the teeanger's horrifed faces.
“Enough, Seth!” Victor shouted at the vampire. He focused his attention back on the teeangers to explain himself better on his drasti actions. “You have to understand. I saw a way to make the future better. But to get there, I had to do something hard.”
“He killed them off your orders?” Krissy asked, hoping what she was saying was just a wild guess she was taking in the dark. Only it was the bitter truth. Victor ruined their lives, broke all of their hopes and dreams into tiny pieces. But he built them back up, made them stronger. 
“You needed motivation. I scouted each and every one of you. And knew it was the only way to get you to hunt.” Victor went into more detail about his brilliant plan that sounded more cynical when he said it out loud. Aiden’s voice broke when he realized the price for all of it to happen was the slaughtering of their families. “I know their deaths are tragic. But think of all the future lives that will now be saved because you are now together.”
“So, these fake vampires were just a way for you to train us and fill our heads with lies?!”
“Don’t you see? This is bigger than all of us. We have to learn to put things in perspective.” Victor showed the kids that he didn't want to hurt them anymore when he gently tossed his gun down to the couch, making him defenseless. "Come with me. We can get past this.”
Krissy pretended to think about it for a moment as she took a few steps forward to the man. She turned her head to look at her family, wondering what all of them wanted to do. It was clear Aiden and Josephine were happy with the idea of putting a bullet in between Victor’s eyes than trust another word that came out of his mouth. She slowly shook her head, as if silently giving Victor his answer. He let out a sigh, having a feeling it might come to this. If they weren’t going to behave like good kids, then Victor decided a punishment was needed. 
Without warning, the vampire grabbed Aiden who was closest, making Dean quickly draw out his gun and pointed it directly at the monster. Victor announced the three of them were leaving, Krissy wasn’t afraid of the man. She told him that wasn’t happening. 
“I taught you everything you know.” Victor told the young woman. “Don’t make me hurt you.” 
Victor forgot that Krissy was born into this lifestyle, her real father was a hunter who taught her a few tricks to keep herself safe. And work together with others as a team. Josephine pulled out a knife from her side and attacked Victor, pushing him out of the way while Krissy grabbed her dart gun filled with dead man's blood and straight in the vampire’s eye. She lodged another one that was the lethal one that sent his body dropping to the ground. When the creature was out of the way, it was time to take care of the real monster. Krissy grabbed a real gun and pointed it straight at Victor. 
“Krissy, don’t.” Dean warned the girl.  
She didn’t listen to him. You watched as she began walking forward to him with her weapon pointed at him, with a look in her eye you were all too familiar with. “If we want revenge for our families’ deaths, he gives it to us!”
“We don’t kill people.” Dean told her. Krissy wasn’t listening. “You don’t kill people.”
“He’s not a person.” Krissy corrected him. “He’s a monster.”
“Krissy, this ends badly, no matter what we do. Killing him isn’t going to bring back your family. It isn’t going to make you feel any better.” You told her the truth, no matter how much of a bitter pill it was going to be. “You’re only going to be bad as him.” 
She listened to what you had to say, thinking they over for a moment before she put her finger on the trigger, making it seem like she was about to put a bullet in the man’s head. The man she called a father figure, who was nothing more than a coward down on his knees in front of her. “This is for my dad.” She pulled the trigger, making everyone flinch for the expected bang that was to follow. But all you heard was the click of the revolver. The gun was empty, but Victor felt as if he was shot. “For Josephine’s family,” Another shot. “For Aiden.” She pulled the trigger, one last time. “For me.”
Death was an easy punishment anyone to hand out when they deserved it. And much as you wanted to see Victor suffer the way he forced these innocent kids, it wasn't the proper treatment he deserved. And Krissy realized that. She shoved a hand inside her pocket and took out a handful of bullets, dropping them over Victor, who was now curled up on the floor in distraught. Maybe at the reality of what he had done. Or his entire plan had backfired in his face. All of his hard work had dwindled down to nothing. 
“So,” Aiden spoke up, not sure how he felt himself about this plan. He thought Victor was getting off too easy from what the horrible things he’d done to them. “We’re just gonna let him live?”
“Yeah. All alone, with himself. No family. No friends. Ask me, that’s not much of anything.” Krissy said. She had to admit she was more pleased with the punishment Victor was given. 
People make their own hell. You are your own worst enemy. Anything you did to Victor was nothing what he was capable of. You were happy with the idea of locking him up somewhere in solitude and forcing him to spend the rest of his life torturing himself. And at the end of his pathetic life you knew what was waiting for him, an eternity of more misery. He’d never children and wife he loved so much ever again. 
Krissy didn’t want to waste anymore of her energy on Victor after all that he did, she wanted to save the vampire she had nearly killed. All of you turned your back on Victor to more important matters. But just mere moments is what the man needed to escape the punishment of facing the rest of his life facing his guilt and grief. Instead, he grabbed a gun from the holster he had around his ankle, putting a bullet in his brain and splattering his blood all over the wall. You let out a frustrated sigh when you saw his limp body hit the ground.
[Next Part]
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annashipper · 7 years
Oddball Anon
Hi Anna,
I’m submitting this because I have some real legit questions on the many twitter and Facebook sightings over the last 2-3 years. I’m someone who thinks the kids are real (we can agree to disagree), but there always tends to be some odd ball anecdote included with the sighting. I personally find it odd that there’s been 4-5 times where only one of the children were along. It’s understandable if one of the kids was back at home being watched by a nanny, a time or two, but how many times does this happen? Who goes out to eat with their family and leaves one of their kids at home multiple times especially when they are very young?
These oddities of some of the sightings will tend to make people believe these are made up. People have the right to make their own conclusions on things. But, here is where my questions come into play. There have been many(maybe over a hundred??) of different social media pictures and sightings of Ben with Soph and the kids over the last couple of years, are they ALL false and made up? I am not naive and I know that PR does push things on social media, there are fake accounts, and that there always are fake celebrity encounters or stories on the web. I do agree that the nanny fans can make up crap as well (some are very obvious). But, there are twitter accounts that have no sign of being a Cumberbatch fan or no relation to media/journalism/PR, how are they a lying nan? And IF all these occurrences are truly set-up/false, is it a couple of nans making multiple accounts? A big spiderweb of a conspiracy? PR paying a boat load of money to multiple people? Is this all possible? A mixture of true events and made up stories?
This submission is not to be mean to you or to squash the reasoning why you and other skeptics are suspicious over these sightings. I too believe some of the sightings have some weirdness to them and have my own suspicions. But, as you question things, I think it’s okay to have honest questions to how it’s possible all these sightings have been all fake over a couple of years. My questioning was spurred with the latest vegan dinner story on Facebook, the person was serving Ben at a restaurant. The mention of, “my husband is vegan” was laughable, but then I thought, is this server a nanny fan or just a random Joe?
If you post/answer this submit, thank you.
Hi Oddball Anon and welcome in our midst!  I took the liberty of naming you, but if you don’t like your Anon name, let me know and I’ll alter it for your next submission.
Yours is a very pertinent question and one that I keep asking myself whenever I feel my tinfoil hat has grown a bit too tight for my sanity.  
Fortunately, it’s also a question that keeps getting answered for us (with a bit of time delay involved), and the answer is always the same:  we’re being baited through and through.
Let’s take a look at the social media family sightings from this summer for instance (I don’t have my USB with the timeline and pictorial evidence with me today, so I might miss some sightings)
Back at the start of June, Ben was spotted in Spain along with Weirdo and one of the pillows (we still don’t know which one of the two) on a (family?) holiday.  The sighting came complete with a picture of Ben sitting alone at the table of a restaurant perusing the menu.  No sign of Weirdo or either pillow or any baby paraphernalia surrounding him.  Fair enough, I can understand why someone would focus on Ben taking a picture...  Now, I didn’t follow all of the fanfiction surrounding that sighting cause I was on holiday at the time, but what I do know is the person who spotted him and took the picture turned out to be the sister of a Nan and there were some details they were both fuzzy on regarding Weirdo and the pillow.  The local press seemed to pick up the sighting and started reporting on Ben taking a family vacation in Spain and eventually we even got papped pics of Ben and... Adam strolling along a pier.  The pictures from that pap walk weren’t nearly as cropped as the restaurant pic was of course, and funnily enough, there was no sign of a brunette or a baby anywhere near Ben and Adam.  What’s more, it is speculated that Ben and Adam were looking into filming locations they could use for the Melrose series.  Make of that what you will...
In July, Ben was filming his parts for Avengers in Atlanta.  Interestingly, we got a whole lot of pictures of Ben from his time there.  Going to a baseball game (alone), celebrating the 4th of July (with RDJ and friends), going to the aquarium and taking selfies with pengwings, filming, taking selfies with fans, etc.  We even got quite a few mentions of family sightings on social media.  From seemingly random accounts.  Just the type of thing that would seem believable if the sightings at the aquarium weren’t debunked (Ben reportedly took a “backstage” tour of the aquarium, and some people mentioned he was joined by Weirdo pushing a pram, but it turns out prams are not allowed on this particular “backstage” tour) or didn’t sound outright ridiculous (bicycle riding in the sweltering heat to go to brunch with one *why is it always one??* of the pillows in tow that was mentioned as an afterthought after we started questioning whether either of the pillows was present and debunking the sighting / mocking the lack of pictorial evidence).  It later turned out that Weirdo was in London at the time, attending a Letters Live reading.  I’d just like to take this opportunity to ask the Intern reading these blogs to thank Byng for that lovely (blurry) shot of Weirdo in the audience.
In August, Ben read at the Wilderness Festival.  He was photographed looking very casual with colleagues prior to his going on stage on the first night, he reportedly went to a party in the meadow later on, he read again the following day, we got a plethora of pictures as well as video footage of a brunette that may or may not have been Weirdo at the Festival on the second day, we had a radio host ask Ben if Wanda was babysitting (to which he replied in the affirmative), but we never got a clear pic of the brunette that may or may not have been Weirdo’s face.  Interestingly enough, the festival seemed to be (literally) crawling with babies and it turns out that quite a few people took their babies and toddlers to the LL performance, but no one mentioned seeing Pilo or Pilo 2.0 anywhere near the venue.  Probably because there were no Nans there...
In mid August, we finally got to see Pilo 2.0′s face in high resolution, spread all over the pages of German tabloids.  In what turned out to be a pap op extravaganza, we first got baited through the Fail with a pic of Ben properly enjoying an ice cream cone, then the pic was pulled from the Fail to be replaced by a stock photo of Ben in costume for Sherlock (quite interesting, considering the Fail had already paid for the rights to the pics and presumably had first pick over the baby photos, which would have generated the most clicks for them.  Pictures they paid for but never ran either in print or digitally on their site).  Anyway, that was quite obviously a set up pap op that turned out as ridiculous as one would expect from the people who also gave us the christening pap walk at the IOW in 2015.
And the list goes on and on and on.
The point I’m trying to make, in a very jumbled up way, is that social media sightings can not be trusted.  Not when they come from Nans who have an agenda to push, and certainly not when they’ve been debunked more often than not by pictorial evidence turning up after the fact.
That’s why I keep asking for pictures in order to trust a sighting and that’s why I dismiss so many of the sightings without even considering them plausible.
Obviously set up (and proved paid-for) pap walks don't count as far as I’m concerned.  Precisely because both of the pillows involved in this showmance only seem to appear to true believers and paparazzi; and even that only seems to happen when DaddyBatch needs to promote the Family Of the Year image.
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talkingtea · 7 years
Feels like y'all are playing devil's advocate. The idea of GG getting engaged to L to quell rumors of him cheating seems a bit much. Were the rumors rampant? Bc I haven't really heard much about them. But it's clear to me that L has had this thing planned out for a while. I mean she's been following the jeweler since Nov & they've been mutuals for months prior to the "proposal".
Are we playing Devil’s advocate? Because frankly we just think game recognizes game. 
Let’s recap shall we? 
In January of 2016 GG and LAT meet up in San Fran. Is it the first time? We don’t know, but given the pattern that LAT establishes soon after we’re going to go with no, they hadn’t physically been each other’s presence before then because there is no photographic evidence to prove it. 
2 weeks later she’s in VC, how do we know this? Because she posts a sneaky picture of him. A few weeks later they’re together again, once more we know this because LAT decided to post a sneak pic from the same bed Grant had posted a picture from the day before. And so set the pattern for  the next six months EVERY. SINGLE. TIME  they were together. She did that for six more months, while he liked sexy pictures of half-naked women and flirted with his costar. But we digress…
Finally out the blue one day in August after months and months of posting sneaky pics and photos that were creepily identical to pictures that Hannah took she finally took a full on, not sneaky picture of Grant. A few hours later he followed by finally posting a photo with her in it that his brother wasn’t present for. But if that wasn’t enough Grant felt it necessary to not only ‘introduce’ LAT to the world but let us all know that he was keeping her forever. Aw, how sweet. A week or two before that he barely acknowledged he knew her but hey, who can question true love, right? 
So not five minutes later LAT got a wild hair up her ass and she felt the need to explain what she did and give us all some helpful exercise tips that nobody asked for. Guess she couldn’t let all of those potential clients new followers go to waste now could she?  Over the next few months GG and LAT were so nauseatingly cute together it was enough to give you a cavity–or ten. At Christmas Grant finally went to see his family and he brought LAT along. There were a few pictures of Hannah they needed to replace while Grant’s grandpa was still around to take them…but again we digress. 
A couple days into the new year Grant leaves twitter like a thief in the night with no explanation whatsoever. 
A few weeks later Grant and LAT celebrate their year anniversary of…something? The first time they met? Their first hook-up? The time where the hammered out the details of their agreement? Their first date? Whatever the case may be it had us in confused. However, in hindsight it does look better  and more legit for a couple that’s been together for a year to get engaged than it does for a couple that’s only been together for 5 or 6 months to get engaged. Just saying. 
Somewhere around this time Grant went on a massive purge of his IG and pretty much chopped over half the people (most of them women, a lot of whom he interacted with regularly) off of his list. Again at the time we had no idea what was going on, but in hindsight it’s all making sense.
A few weeks later was Paley and we got an unrestricted, albeit, brief look at GG and LAT out together in public…well, we did when they both managed to be in the same shot which proved to be difficult since Grant takes his F.lash duties very serious when he’s on the clock and power walked his ass away from LAT so fast it had all of our heads spinning. He rectified it later though because he bought her a choker at Claire’s for 5 dollars. And he went on to do beach photoshoot #53 later that day. They both looked miserable in it, but they were together and two bodies in the photo was probably all that was required. Nobody said they had to look happy. 
A week or so and some change later Grant made the cardinal mistake of posting a photo with Candice. LAT came on immediately after him and posted a picture of his dogs for Dog Day or something. She managed to miss the photo of GG and CP together because she didn’t like it. However, about two hours later magically she saw it and liked it a few minutes later Grant decided to post a photo of the two of them sitting on his couch in Vancouver fully dressed looking like a pair of twins getting ready to go to an outdoor stadium to watch a football game. Grant came across a little too Captain Obvious with that move and people starting calling him and his girl for being threatened by an innocent G.randice photo. 
The next few weeks GG kept it on the D-L when it came to LAT. She wasn’t as obvious as she used to be, but once again she’s incapable of NOT letting it be known that she’s with GG, it’s like a compulsion. So though he was staying mute, we still knew they were together. Fast-forward a few weeks later and it’s Easter weekend. GG and LAT manage to offend all kinds of people with their rapping ‘skills’ but it was still a win of a weekend because GG managed to meet her family. Or at least the ones that manged to get there and see him the one day he was there…
A couple weeks later out of the blue they were engaged. Not only did we get Grant’s announcement but we got a couple of screenshots from GG and LAT facetiming with their friends showing off the ring as she choked him within an inch of his life. To top it off we even got details from their proposal from a close “source” who let us know that Grant went out of his way to create the perfect proposal with flower petals and candelight and romantic music…oh wait, no, that’s not what happened. They were working out on the beach and he proposed in the middle of it–and people say romance is dead. One interesting tidbit shared by the ‘source’ was that LAT moved in with GG the day before. She doesn’t actually live there, and she sees him about much as she always did but we were told but a close, trusted, accurate source that she moved in so it most be true. 
A day later a blind that was CLEARLY about him being a giant IG manwhore dropped…
After that, Grant,  who never managed to actually call LAT his girlfriend was busting at the seams to call her his fiancée (or fiancé as he sometimes spells it, because she’s that man he’s going to marry) and he couldn’t get enough. Until around the time her sidekick Cass posted a video of her mocking singing RHTY which he seemed thrilled about. Equally thrilling was the way she acted at the fan event he dragged her to. We wonder if he’s as impressed with her ability to look at and promptly dismiss the actors that people paid to come see? It was such a good look, and because he brought her reflected especially well on him. 
He’s kept it pretty quiet since then but Grant being Grant couldn’t waste an opportunity to remind people he was engaged just in case some of us forget. Per usual he did the bare minimum with throwing LAT into a post about the Pride jersey, but a reminder is a reminder, right? 
So now here we are. We followed the yellow brick road that has been GG and LAT’s whirlwind courtship and we’ve ended here with rumors of him cheating on her with various women. Is it true? More than likely not but a rumor is a rumor is a rumor and it’s still damaging. And for a celebrity if you catch the wrong type of rumor at the wrong time it could be devastating to your career. 
Now, is a rumor about Grant being a giant manwhore really that big of a deal? No. But given how calculating his ‘love story’ with LAT has been, it certainly doesn’t help that while he’s gushing about his fiancée and playing the part of the lovestruck fool who can’t bear to be apart from his normal, wholesome around the way girl there are rumors floating around that he likes checking out and/or hooking up with half-naked IG models. 
So again, are we really playing Devil’s advocate? Because last we checked calling a spade a spade was just that. Grant has been trying to clean house for months now, but he needs to tighten up on his story-telling skills because his fairy tale romance with LAT isn’t selling like it should. 
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thekuroiookami · 7 years
Hey just saw your asks are open and I'm so happy excited they are!!! I have so much I'd like to request, but for now can I just get either headcannons or small drabbles of Akashi and his s/o using snapchat??? Like does he use snapchat often, keeps streaks with his s/o, post on his story?? I would have asked if you could do all of the GoM but I wasn't sure what your character limit was! Anyways, so happy you're taking asks and I'll be back in the future for many more ^^
Hello yzzy! Thanks for the ask. I have to say I’ve never used Snapchat, so if I didn’t get the spirit of it right, forgive me. And I’ve included the GoM cos why not.
·        At first he had no interest in the app, becausehe was busy, and didn’t really have a use for it. The only reason he knew itexisted was because you once got excited over a snap someone sent and fell intohis lap laughing.
·        That changed when he went on a trip and had tostay apart from you for a few days. You installed the app on his phone insecret, and then one day he woke up to a video of you telling him to wake up. Helikes the little glimpses into your day, and it doesn’t hurt that he canmessage you as well.
·        Since he’s rather obliging, it doesn’t take muchwork on your part to get him to send snaps back. When he does though, it’s likegetting ordinary photos – there’s rarely any text or stickers. Though you’renot complaining, because he looked delicious in that suit.
·        He once sent you a video when you were down. Itwas like he was psychic. He just smiled gently and said “You’re perfect to me.That’s all that counts.” You cursed Snapchat for not letting you keep theseprecious moments forever.
·        That said, he still doesn’t use it often, thoughhe does find it entertaining to watch the GoM’s antics on the group messages. Overall,he likes being an observer more than a participant. He doesn’t bother to updatea story or keep up streaks unless he’s apart from you. In that case, he’ll senda steady stream of dryly humorous yet comforting texts, with occasional snapsof things that catch his eye.
·        Would not know about any app ever if it weren’tfor you and Momoi. Like, phones are just for calling people, right?
·        That said, he quickly catches onto the more risquébenefits of Snapchat when you coerce him into using it. You regretted it almostimmediately. He sauntered off, and when he came back you were blushing like aposy because his shirtless selfie was just so sinful. Aomine was only going toscare you off his back, but he finds this more entertaining. Now you have tolive with him pestering you for similar snaps of you.
·        On a softer note, he likes it when you postphotos of your dates together on your story. He’s pretty possessive, and thisis a good way to declare you off limits. He makes sure to keep an arm aroundyou somehow from now on. It also makes him happy to see you happy with him.
·        Streaks are pretty difficult to achieve withAomine because he tends to ignore all messages when he’s playing basketball.Even worse, he has a habit of replying to all your texts at the most inconvenienttimes. You know from his wicked grin that he does it on purpose.  
·        Will shamelessly screenshot anything of yours helikes. When you ask him about it, he just shrugs and says that he wants to keepyou close. It’s a bit hard to stay offended after that.
·        If there is a photographic form of social mediaout there, Kise will have found it and tried it. It’s not surprising Snapchatis one of those. Kise especially likes the new lenses that let you add sillyexpressions to your face. Kasamatsu is less than pleased.
·        Needless to say, after you started dating, yourinbox is flooded with snaps of Kise in every pose imaginable. They alternatelymake you laugh, shake your head, and cry. You ‘accidentally’ took a screenshotof one of his more attractive pics once. Of course, he got a notification.After that, Kise’s narcissism became near impossible to put up with, and thevolume of selfies increased dramatically.
·        Unusually, he also likes to post snaps of scrumptiouslooking food. You hate him a little bit when you realize he can eat dessertsroutinely and still look the way he does.
·        He’ll never say this, but your Snapchat storywas one of the things that made him fall for you. Your optimism and smile inthe videos kept him going through some bleak days, and now he gets to see youfor real, every day.
Kiseand you have a friendly competition going on where you try to keep snappingeach other without missing a single day. Given Kise’s penchant for sending andreceiving chats, especially when you’re involved, this isn’t very difficult.You realize how long you’ve been together when you see the 100 Day emoji, andsmile to yourself. 
·        Quite enjoys using Snapchat, because he isn’tinvisible, but the evidence never stays up for long either. However, he isn’tabove pranking his friends with the occasional snap where he deliberatelymisdirects them and then sends them reproachful messages about how they didn’tnotice him.
·        A lot of his snaps are, unsurprisingly, ofNigou. Sometimes he reminds you of an overly fond parent recording their childfor posterity, only with self-destructing photos. You often wish he’d post morepictures of himself in his story so you can secretly hoard them.
·        You were the first person to unerringly spotwhere Kuroko was in any video or photo, even if he wasn’t actually in theframe. After teasing him for several days, you finally satisfied his curiosityand explained that you looked for his shadow in the pictures. He might havefallen a little deeper in love with you at that moment.
·        Doesn’t actually voice it out loud, but lovesgetting personal messages from you. It makes him feel cherished, and he likesto bask in the glow of your attention. He’s not very good at reciprocation, butyou understand that he’s not naturally demonstrative. He compensates by beingaffectionate when you meet up IRL.
·        Is actually the one with a strange knack for postingwitty stories. His penchant for deadpan commentary means that everyone visiblybraces themselves when he posts something. You were just glad Vine got taken down, or the world would never recoverfrom the shade he was capable of throwing.  
·        Takao was the one that made his account for him.He tried to take it down (because Shin_chan is an embarrassing username,nanodayo) but had no idea how. Takao was (and still is) the one that posts onhis story, mostly a picture of that day’s lucky item accompanied by hystericallaughter. Everyone started using Midorima’s story as a concise Oha-Asa.
·        When he starts dating you, he takes a littlemore interest in the app because you use it, though not that much. He doesn’t carefor social media in general. But he doesn’t mind sending the occasional snap ofhimself when you ask. These generally make you laugh because he looks so grim.
·        Also uses Snapchat to send you a forecast forthe day, and a suggestion for your lucky item. It makes his day if you textback, and he will be downright euphoric if you send a picture of you with saidlucky item.
·        There was one time Takao sneakily took a snap ofhim emerging from the shower after practice. You almost didn’t recognize himwithout glasses on. Midorima was just confused when you wouldn’t meet his eyesfor the rest of the day. He almost took you to the nurse because you were sored.
         Hisdark secret: someone once recorded a snap of you cheering from the standsduring a game. He may have saved that one because it was so cute, and it mayhave become a sort of good luck charm for him to depend on when he’s notfeeling as confident. But he’ll deny its existence if you ask him about it.“W-why would I have something like that, nanodayo?!”
·        The last person in the group to use, or evencare about Snapchat. It’s so much effort, and less worthwhile than eatingsnacks. Still, it would be even more effort to put up resistance when youinstall it on his phone, so he just grumbles and lets you do it.
·        As a consequence of this indifference, he postsnothing at all. The one time he did post something, it was unintentional. Hepushed a button with his nose when he fell asleep on the couch. You and Himurolaughed for ten minutes straight when you got a blurry mass of purple hair andsmushed cheeks in your inbox.
·        You discover that Snapchat is an effective toolfor motivating Murasakibara. Send a disappearing picture of a dessert – or evenjust chocolate – and he’s suddenly up for anything. You once posted a video ofyou slowly eating ice-cream in a café, threatening to finish it without him. Hemade a 30 minute commute in half that time.
·        He’s not above messing with other people’ssnaps, especially selfies. He takes a sadistic delight in applying terrifyingfilters to Midorima’s face, much to the annoyance of the latter. You are theonly one exempt from this treatment; you’re too adorable to mar with somethinglike that. Also, you’re quite scary when you’re mad.
·        Murasakibara would much rather just cuddle youin person than use some app, but he appreciates your efforts to make him smile.He does smile, but more at your enthusiasm than the snaps. He’s never lonelythanks to you.
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