#there's a decent chance she won't get eaten by something
tetedurfarm · 5 months
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tweedle dee here made a nest under the front porch steps so now every time i leave or enter my home i get my feet blasted off by lasers
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kaioshin · 6 months
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I do wholeheartedly believe Laios Touden is a sick sick freak.
He's got a decent chance of defeating the dungeon lord but I definitely think this guy has like a hidden room in his spacious melini apartment that he slips into quietly each night and it is just filled with tiny little doll replicas of all the monsters he’s ever read about in his little guide and he puppets them around and mimicks their noises and shit. and sometimes he’ll send Kuro pictures of his little kobold dolls with a cube of meat or something and forget to sign the letter and pair it with like “There will always be a place for you in our party.” and then the following day Kuro will find him at the guild hall and go, “I can smell you on this,” and Laios will play it completely straight and sincere but there is this calculating almost eager look in his eyes that unsettles Kuro. and the next time Laios is in the dungeon having a little soiree with all his monsters, his beloved beloved monsters, maybe an orc will accidentally get lost on his way to one of the dungeon's randomly generated bathrooms and find that little guidebook and see all those drawings and his throat will hitch with horror. And before he can alert his clan to grab their weapons a dark silhouette will appear in the doorway and Laios looks sort of resigned when he says, “I promise I won't actually eat you” and the orc will try and pretend that it's cool, it's eat-or-be-eaten anyway but they both know better. and Laios will go (the look in his eyes back again) “We both know Marcille would kill me if she knew, right?” and he’ll grin very suddenly and the orc will laugh along very nervously and leave the room and eat some brioche Senshi made and when the evening is over he will rush over to his secret route to the fifth floor and frantically scramble through the tentacles but over the cobbles on the beautiful beautiful stairs there is the sound of footsteps. and tears are running down the orc's cheeks but he can’t say a word and Laios, emerging from the shadows in a frog suit, will gently touch him on the shoulder and say, “I have a spare if you want it” and the orc will try to refuse but they both know it’s futile. and, halfway through the climb, Laios will smile and say, “I always wanted to taste orc sweat” and then perfectly jump after his sword that just started freaking out and flying for some reason, wiping off his rabbit-proof armor, while the orc accidentally triggers a trap Chilchuck wasn't there to disable, bursting into flames
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and-claudia · 1 month
Against All Odds pt. 11 (Joel Miller x fem! reader)
General Warnings for later on: The main story will have an age gap between Joel and the reader (Reader will be 25 once we get to the main storyline), this will also be your warning that it will eventually be an x pregnant reader (if that’s not your jam, I’m sorry) there is also going to be more graphic/trigger parts later on so please always to be sure to read the warnings BEFORE reading. This story will also be 18+ and TO BE ON THE TAGLIST YOU CAN NOT BE AN AGELESS BLOG (i do actually check that) also there first hand full of parts are all prologue so Joel won’t actually be in it for a bit
warnings for this part: SMUT (+18) (I felt like yall had been starved long enough) PinV, unprotected sex (not that this matters anymore), Nudity, mentions of hunting/killing animals (that is separate from the smut just so we're clear...)
word count: 2700+
gif not mine
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It was painfully quiet as we walked. I desperately wanted to ask if Ellie was okay, but I knew she wasn't. I also didn't want to force her to talk. So, I let her be for now. Hopefully she'd come to me when she was ready to talk about it. 
I looked up into the sky to see where the sun was. Since I didn't have a watch, it was my best guide to what time it was. Right now, it was right overhead, noonish if not past it. We had been walking for a long time, and no one had eaten before we began. I knew, even if no one wanted to, we'd have to eat something soon just to have the energy to keep going.
"He-Hey, maybe we should stop for a bit, eat a little something. Keep our energy up until we stop for the night?" I suggested. 
It honestly sounded like I was shouting because of how quiet it had been. 
"That's probably a good idea." Joel said. 
"Not hungry." Ellie said, turning around to look at us. 
"You need to eat something." Joel said. 
"Yeah, just a little bit. Okay?" I said gently. 
She sighed but nodded. 
We found a shaded spot and sat down. I took the opportunity to loosen my bootstraps as Joel got the food out. It was running low, and I knew it, especially when Joel barely took any for himself. He probably thought I didn't notice, but I did.
"Take your own advice. You need to eat too, Joel." I said. 
"I'll be okay." He said. 
"No... I hate to be that person, but even if we ration what we have left, we will be out of food within what three days at best. What are we going to do when we run out?" I asked seriously. 
"Hunt." Joel said simply, "There will be rabbits and squirrels along the way. Easy enough to shoot, not too hard to skin. We'll survive."  
I only nodded. The idea of eating a squirrel definitely made my stomach do a flip, I could handle rabbit easily, but a squirrel would be pushing it. Although I knew I wouldn't have an option when it came down to it. 
"How clean do you think creeks are 'round here?" I asked. 
"Decently. Hasn't been human activity for a good while to pollute them. They'll be clean enough to rinse the grime off, for sure. Those spare clothes still in your bag?" Joel asked and I nodded. 
"Won't be clean clean, but at least the ones we're wearing can be cleaner. But it will eventually get too cold to do that. But hopefully we'll make it Wyoming before that." Joel said. 
I nodded. 
"I don't know about y'all, but I suggest we find one of those creeks before we stop for the night. I'd like a chance to get the dirt and sweat off me." I said. 
"I agree." Ellie finally chimed in. 
“Alright. I’ll scout one out where we can stop for the night as well. But we’ll have to take shifts. No one wants to be caught by others out here alone and… you know…” Joel trailed off. 
“Okay, well, if Ellie is comfortable with it, I can keep an eye out while she rinses off, and you can set up our camp for the night. Then she and I can switch, or you can come keep a look out for me, and then I can watch for you.” I suggested. 
I figured it would be best for me to be on the lookout for both of them, which would make things a hell of a lot less awkward for everyone. 
“I’m fine with that. Just as long as you two promise not to have sex while you two are being lookouts for one another.” Ellie said. 
I rolled my eyes in amusement as Joel shook his head. 
We finished up our food before getting ready to leave. I was grateful that this time, the walk wasn’t silent. 
“Since we’re gonna have to hunt from now on, will you show me how to use the rifle?” Ellie asked. 
“I’ll think about it. Why don’t we start with trappin’ first? It’ll help us conserve our ammo.” Joel said. 
I honestly hadn’t thought about that. All of our resources were severely limited now. Food, water, ammo, shelter. Everything was going to be in short supply. And winter was fast approaching. 
“Should we try to set a goal for each day on how far we want to get? No offense, but I don’t want to still be walking nine months pregnant.” I joked, though I was serious. 
“I was planning on taking it day by day. None of us were preparing for this, so we won’t be able to go nonstop for days on end. Figured we could try traveling for a day or two, then rest and continue on like that. It’ll hopefully keep us from getting burnt out.” Joel explained. 
“Not a bad idea.” I agreed. 
Eventually, the sun was beginning to set, so Joel took us deeper into some woods and found where the creek was. I was actually surprised at how clean it looked. After ensuring that the surrounding area was, in fact, clear of any people or Infected, Joel informed us that he’d go off a good ways to set up our camp for the night while we took our turns using the creek to rinse off. 
I let Ellie go first. I found her clothes in my bag and laid them on a rock for her for when she was finished. I let her take her time and didn’t rush her. I kept my eyes on the treeline, watching for any movement. 
“Want me to get an area set up to hang our old clothes to dry at camp?” She asked, walking up wearing the new clothes. 
We had also decided that rinsing our old clothes would be the best thing since we only had a few outfits each. They obviously wouldn’t be actually clean, but it would be better than just putting dirty clothes back on. 
“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Do you want to wait until I rinse off, or do you want Joel to come keep watch for me?” I aksed. 
“Can Joel? I just need some time alone with my thoughts…” She said, rubbing the back of her neck and not making eye contact. 
“Of course. And Ellie,” She finally looked up at me, “If you want to talk about anything, and I seriously mean anything, I am here, okay? I can’t promise I can fix whatever is happening but I can definitely listen.” I said sincerely. 
“Thank you.” she said quietly and nodded before walking us to where Joel was. 
“You two done already?” He asked as we walked back. 
“No, she’s going to switch with you now so I can rinse off, then you can.” I said, giving him a look not to question it. 
“Okay. Well, let’s go then.” He said, dusting off his hands as he stood up from where he had been hunched over, laying out rocks to make a small fire. I noticed a dead rabbit next to him, meaning he miraculously managed to get us something decent to eat later.. 
“Everything okay?” He asked once we were a good distance away. 
“Yeah, she just wanted some time alone to think, and so I let her.” I explained, and Joel nodded. 
“You want to go first?” He asked once we got back to the creek. 
“Yes, please.” I said, making him sigh through his nose in amusement. 
Joel found himself a spot to sit against a tree while I dug out my clothes and laid them down before stripping out of the ones I had been wearing. As I took my bra off, I let out a sigh of relief. 
“You know, that’s the one thing I didn’t think to grab an extra of…” I said with a sigh. 
“I give it another month or so before that one doesn’t fit anymore.” Joel said from where he sat. 
“Eyes on the trees, bud, not on me.” I teased before walking down to the water. 
I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn’t freezing. It actually felt amazing. The water wasn’t moving fast at all, so I was able to walk out to the middle of the creek, where the water came up to about halfway up my breast. I began using my nails to scrub some of the dirt off my body when I heard a twig snap over by Joel. When I turned to look I was surprised to see him standing up, taking off his boots. 
Silently, I watched as he undid his shirt and took his jeans off. He set his old clothes on the bank by mine so they’d be closer for when it was time to rinse them. When he caught me staring, I raised a questioning eyebrow at him to which he just smirked as he waded into the water. 
“Joel, you're supposed to be keeping watch.” I said, shaking my head, though it was no secret that I wasn’t actually upset by any means.
“It'll be fine. Come're.” He said, grabbing my arm to gently pull me to him. 
A small laugh escaped my lips as I pulled up against him. 
“Hi.” I smiled up at him as he continued to hold me to him. 
“Hi.” He was smiling, too, at this point, a real, genuine smile that I hadn’t seen in a while. 
“So what, now, if someone sneaks up on us, we’ll both be caught off guard and naked?” I joked. 
“I don’t know. I think those would be more than enough to distract anyone.” He said, looking down at my breast. 
I playfully shoved him away. 
“I am supposed to be getting the grime off of me. I suggest you do the same.” I said, turning my back to him. 
He didn’t stay away from me for long. Without warning, he was grabbing my arm again to turn me to him, but this time, I was met by his lips on mine. A small gasp escaped my lips before I melted into it. My hands found their way up around his neck as his traveled down to my lower back. It was as if we couldn’t get close enough to each other. 
As we continued to makeout, his hands slipped lower, passed my ass, and down to the back of my thighs. He pulled one up to his hip, and I knew what he was trying to do. So, I used my other foot that was still down to gently push off the bottom of the creek enough for me to jump and wrap both of my legs around his waist. His kisses traveled away from my lips and down to my neck, which I gladly gave him access to. 
“Shit, Joel, please just fuck me.” I said as he worked on leaving a mark on my collarbone. 
“Way ahead of you, sweet girl.” He said before thrusting up into me. 
I had to actually bite down on my lower lip to keep from moaning out loud. Joel gave me a second to adjust to the feeling of him inside of me. But once he felt my body relax against him, he didn’t hold back. I buried my face into the junction of his neck and shoulder as he thrust up into me relentlessly. I could hear him cursing and saying my name in a breathy voice. I hadn’t even noticed one of his hands gripped my left thigh a little tighter as his other one came down between our bodies and found its way to my clit. 
Admittedly, I am a little ashamed of how sensitive it was. It had been a while since me and him had had sex, and I definitely hadn’t had time to myself recently. However, it seemed like to him no time had passed at all because he knew just how to make me come undone. 
“Fuck, Joel, m’close.” I said. 
“Me too…” “Inside.” Was all I was able to request as my walls tightened around his cock. 
He wasn’t far behind me either as I felt him release. He continued to hold me, not pulling out just yet as we both caught our breaths. Even after he slipped out of me and lowered me down to stand in the water, he continued to hold me against him. I looked up at him to find him already looking down at me. 
“I love you, you know that, right?” He asked, just barely above a whisper. 
“I know. I love you too, Joel.” I whispered back before leaning up to kiss him softly. 
After a few more minutes of just holding onto one another, we eventually knew we’d have to rinse our old clothes and get dressed in the fresh ones. I decided to just leave my bra off for the night to give myself a break. We gathered up everything and began walking back to camp, hand in hand. Once again, we both had smiles on our faces. 
When we got back, I hung both of our wet clothes on the branch Ellie had set up as our makeshift drying rack. Joel went over to start skinning and preparing the rabbit to be cooked. As I was hanging the last of the clothes, Ellie came up to me. 
“You two disgust me.” She said. 
I knew there was no way she heard us, so how’d she know? 
“What are you talking about?” I asked, playing dumb. 
“Look, I may not understand men, but I am pretty sure there’s only one thing that can get a man as grumpy as him to get him sliming like that.” She said, nodding over to where Joel was sitting, working with a smile still on his face.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Ellie. Now, help me with the water canteens.” I said, walking over to grab them. 
Ellie caught my wrist, making me stop short. 
“What’s that? Hm?” She questioned, pointing to where the collar of the flannel I put on didn’t quite cover the mark Joel had left there. 
I could feel my cheeks heating up, “Damnit, Joel!” I said, loud enough for him to hear and look up. 
“Y’all are nasty.” Ellie said in disgust, but I could tell she was trying not to laugh along with us. 
“You’ll understand when you’re older.” I teased. 
She shook her head, “Like hell I will.” She shot back, “Let’s just go fill up the water.” 
We both grabbed the canteens and walked back down to the creek. 
“Wait… I don’t want to drink from the sex creek. That’s gross.” She said, scrunching up her nose at the thought of it. 
“Don’t worry, the water is constantly moving. Besides, we were downstream.” I teased know that she definitely didn’t want to know the details. 
“I mean, if it puts him in a better mood for a while… just keep it far, far, away from me.” She teased back. 
We finished getting the water and headed back to where Joel had finished skinning the rabbit and was getting ready to cook it. I was pleasantly surprised at the taste. It was definitely far better than the shit we used to get given in the QZ. 
“I say tomorrow let's turn more North, get up into Nebraska, then start West again.” Joel said, causing Ellie and I to nod. 
I let out a yawn. 
“I don’t know about you two, but I am beat.” I said, stretching slightly. 
“I bet you are.” Ellie teased, causing me to roll my eyes. 
“Whatever.” I shook my head and stood up, “I can take a watch shift later if one of you wants to take one now.” 
“I’m not too tired yet, so I am going to stay up for a bit.” Ellie said, and I only nodded at her decision. 
“Me too. Go get some rest.” Joel said. 
I bid them both a goodnight before walking off to find somewhere half-decent to sleep. 
Ellie’s PoV 
Once I was sure Yn was out of earshot, I turned to Joel. 
“I want to talk about what happens after we find your brother in Wyoming.” I said seriously. 
sorry this one was a bit shorter... also this is your warning that I am devating from the events in the show...
@catsareawesomek @harriedandharassed @keileighr @summerchicken @letsdisneythings @mrsyixingunicorn10 @theoraekenslover @xmistress-bunny @cherrycosmos392 @yasmin123123
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notmaplemable · 2 years
I missed a space while typing the phrase "A Ranged Option" and wrote 'ARAnged option" Which feels like it could be something, but I can't figure it out so I'm giving this potentially cursed idea to you.
Jaune: I'm thinking about getting a gun-
Summer, a weapons expert: Ara Ara~
Weapons of Summer Love Part 1
Jaune: How's it looking Ren?
Ren: *Via scroll* Not great. The tower is mostly destroyed and grimm are swarming around the petrified Wyvern.
Jaune: No chance of getting close?
Ren: We got a few veteran huntsmen to agree to escort us to the tower to look for Pyrrha's weapons. Said they understood wanting to recover the weapons of a lost teammate.
Jaune: But not to get our hopes up?
Ren: ...Correct.
Jaune: Right... Try to stay as safe as you can. Both of you. If things start looking too hairy-
Ren: We'll retreat if we feel it's necessary.
Jaune: Thanks Ren. I-I'm sorry that I can't be out there with you guys.
Ren: With Ruby in the condition she is, and Yang... We understand that you need to be there for them.
Jaune: ...I'll see you both soon. *Ends call*
Jaune: *Puts his scroll away, walks into Ruby's room, sits down on a chair next to a still unconscious Ruby's red*
Jaune: Sorry Ruby, I had to step out a second to talk to Ren.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Ren and Nora are going to go up with some other huntsmen to try to find Pyrrha's weapons and some of her armor. Since apparently she... well I guess you would know. Since you saw her when she...
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I'm sorry Ruby. If I was just stronger, you wouldn't have had to see that... Pyrrha would still be here... Yang wouldn't have... *Sighs*
Summer: *Standing in the doorway* Jaune?
Jaune: Oh! Sorry Ms. Rose. I didn't see your there.
Summer: Hmm, well I'm done with lunch if you want any.
Jaune: I don't think I'm hungry.
Summer: You haven't eaten anything since you got here Jaune. Come down and eat.
Jaune: I'm fine, really.
Summer: You got here three day ago. Now, come down and eat before I drag your butt down to the kitchen.
Jaune: ...You'd really do that?
Summer: Follow me and you won't have to find out.
Jaune: *Chuckles* Okay... I guess I could eat a little.
Summer: Good.
***Later in the kitchen***
Summer: *Eating quietly at the kitchen table, watching Jaune*
Jaune: *Moving his food around with a fork*
Summer: So, how are your parents doing? It's been awhile since I got to talk with Blanche.
Jaune: I don't know... I haven't talked to them since I left for Beacon.
Summer: You haven't talked with your parents for nearly a year?
Jaune: Guess not.
Summer: You should call them then. At least send a letter.
Jaune: ...What would I even tell them? That I got one of team killed and need them to come pick me up.
Summer: That you were in Vale when the fall occurred. You're safe, but you lost one of your friends and that you're staying somewhere safe while everything is sorted out.
Jaune: ...Right.
Summer: But I think there's something else on your mind, isn't there?
Jaune: ...
Summer: I know you send your friends, Ren and Nora, up to find Pyrrha's weapons and armor.
Jaune: How do you know?
Summer: I heard your call earlier.
Jaune: Oh.
Summer: And Qrow is one of the huntsmen going up with them. He told me.
Jaune: ...
Summer: What do you plan on doing with them after you recover them?
Jaune: ...I was thinking of using some parts to upgrade Crocea Mors and my armor. Give her circlet to Yang. Hopefully send something back to her parents after the travel restrictions are lifted.
Summer: *Nods* Anything else?
Jaune: ...I might also be considering some sort of ranged option, and since Ruby mentioned that you were a weapons expert, I was hoping that maybe you could give me some tips.
Summer: Hmm, well since you're kind of brick wall fighter, hard to break through your defenses but not the fastest, I'd say you'd want to get a weapon with some decent range. Probably not a full sniper like Ruby and I, but something that would be effective at medium and short ranges. Something you could switch to and from quickly so you can ready your shield to block oncoming attacks. Assuming you want to keep using Crocea Mors as your primary weapon.
Jaune: Umm, yeah I do, but-
Summer: We could also add some modifications to your shield so that you can use it as a bipod, which should add some extra stability for shots at range.
Jaune: Ms. Rose I-
Summer: You'd also need to be able to operate the weapon with one hand in that case. So not bold action, pump action, or lever action weapons. Semi-automatic or automatic would be best.
Jaune: ...
Summer: I think either a shotgun or a carbine would be your best choice.
Jaune: ...Okay... There's a small problem though.
Summer: Yeah?
Jaune: I've never actually fired a gun.
Summer: No problem. We have a firing range in the back yard.
Jaune: Of course you do.
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cecexwrites · 4 months
Just One Night
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(I was supposed to do a whole bingo card and ended up melting into a useless puddle but I got about halfway through this and I needed to finish it and tbh I'll probably finish the whole card slowly but surely)
May the odds be ever in your favor, Tomorrow The 74th Annual Hunger Games begin, and tomorrow the mentors are all heading out to watch as their tributes are chosen. But tonight is for partying, and when Eulalia Golding is given the key card for her assignment for the night- she finds herself in the room of someone most unexpected
18+ below the cut. Below here there be smut
"Alright, who is here that I should keep an eye out for?" Eulalia tucked her lip gloss into the little bag hanging from her wrist, her eyes scanning the crowd, looking for anyone who would be considered important and worth her time. 
"Several game makers are here, it'd be good to have them on our side for the next games," Thane answered, his golden brown hair was perfectly coiffed, and his deep purple tux was flawless. He was the perfect temporary arm candy, there and handsome until he was no longer needed. 
"Okay." Eulalia nodded. She was getting a new set of tributes this year. Unfortunately, she'd yet to train a champion to take her place. Part of her felt bad about that. Part of her was sure she was saving them from an even worse fate. 
"There are also a large number of Victors here tonight," Thane commented. "The quarter quell is coming next year. No one knows what to expect. I think a lot of Victors want to stay close, they want to listen for any clues."
"Good luck to them. I've done everything in my power to get the game makers to spill and those lips are locked tighter than Snows a-"
"President Snow." Thane interrupted her, giving the man in question a wide grin. He reached out and shook the man's hand. He was old but his grip was strong. Eulalia offered him her hand and he kissed the back. Thane's stomach turned at the gesture. 
"Miss Golding, lovely to see you here. When I asked Mr. Hawksley if you'd be attending, he was- unsure." Snow narrowed his eyes at the two. 
"That was my uncertainty." Eulalia shook her head. "I wasn't feeling well, But it cleared up before it was time to go."
"Lucky us." Snow looked her up and down slowly. "Well, enjoy the party." He drawled, then walked past her. 
"You told him you weren't sure?" Eulalia asked. She'd had the dress for this party picked out for weeks. It was a rather elaborate dress, with a sweeping pearl-colored silk skirt. the top was more structured, as it was made up of golden flowers and branches, leaving more of her skin revealed than not. One wrong move, it seemed, and she'd be exposed to the whole room. But thanks to a lot of tape, there was no chance of that happening. 
"I had a feeling." He shrugged. "That if I didn't admit that you'd be there then perhaps he wouldn't have enough time to set up an appointment for you after the party. Perhaps, just perhaps, you could get home at a decent hour. We have work to do tomorrow." Thane reminded her, the two of them making their way to the refreshments. 
Eulalia eyed the table hungrily, she hadn't eaten much that day- she couldn't risk the bloating, not in a dress like this. And that held true, in addition to the fact that if Snow did find her a client for the night, she just found it was easier to handle on an empty stomach. 
"Are you hungry?" Thane asked, though he very much knew her reasoning for not eating. "I'm sure we can find you something that won't... sit heavy." Eulalia watched as a woman with purple hair, coiffed to look like a swan, loaded up a plate with food. She was talking with her companion, a man with painted orange skin, about the pills that made her sick, so she could make room for more food. 
"Tomorrow I deserve a lavish breakfast." Eulalia decided, lifting her chin up. "Tonight I will be fine."
"You almost sounded believable, princess." A third voice joined the conversation. A man slipped by them, close enough that the satin of his black shirt brushed her fingertips. 
Adler Cresswell. He was the mentor for District Eight, he had been for nearly Eulalia's entire life. His golden blonde curls were cropped fairly close to his head at the moment. He was always at his cleanest right before the games started. When he got a look at who he'd be sending to the slaughter, he often gave up on himself until a few weeks after the games ended. 
Eulalia watched him as he grabbed a plate and started to load it up. He wore a satin shirt, tucked into his matching black pants. The sleeves of the shirt were rolled up to his elbows, revealing forearms corded with muscle, and his hands, the fingers long and thin. 
"See something you like?" He asked, teasing. She jerked out of her daydream and flushed, shaking her head. 
"Of course not." she stammered. 
"Of course not." He repeated. He put a pile of various foods on his plate and walked back over, he plucked a berry from the plate and held it up. "Try it." He encouraged. She started to reach up but he shook his head. Eulalia's heart pounded as she opened her mouth and he placed the berry on her tongue. She closed her lips, just barely avoiding the tips of his fingers. 
The berry was perfectly ripe, sweet, and juicy, it burst on her tongue and she couldn't stop herself from closing her eyes and releasing a soft moan. 
"That's a good girl." Adler grinned. "Eat something, Golding, you're skin and bones." He commented, eyeing her up and down, much like Snow did, but somehow, when Adler did it, it didn't feel as icky. It felt like he was interested in her- not in what she could do for him. He slipped past them and Eulalia swallowed hard. 
"Lalia?" Thane bumped her gently with his hip. "Everything okay?"
"Yes, of course, everything is fine." Eulalia smiled at him and went to the table, picking up a plate. Thane quirked an eyebrow, turning his head to watch as the District 8 Mentor walked out to the balcony, it was a chilly night, and he was going out there to be left alone. 
"I never realized how amazing the food was at these parties," Eulalia muttered around a mouthful of fruit. She couldn't talk herself into the true indulgences, but the fruit was all perfectly ripe and sweet and amazing. She picked up a berry from her plate and held it out to Thane, he leaned in and bit into it, leaving the leafy green bit in her hands. She smiled at him and dropped the discard on the plate. When the two of them had made it through the small pile of fruit, He started to lead her out to the dance floor, only to be interrupted by Snow. 
"Miss Golding, it seems your presence has been requested." Eulalia's shoulders tensed up. Thane's hand was on her back and he felt every muscle in her back tighten. 
"Is that so?" She asked, her voice as tight as her muscles. 
"It is. A surprising... candidate to say the least." Snow handed over a card to her and she handed it to Thane, who slipped it into his jacket pocket. Snow's eyes narrowed at the pair. "You know, Miss Golding, you are an adult now, you no longer need a... handler."
"He's less a handler and more a friend at this point." Eulalia ducked her head down and let Thane lead her to the dance floor, but they didn't stop there, they kept walking through the floor and out the doors. 
Snow didn't always work face-to-face with victors when he used them, sold them. He saved that for the ones who made him the most money. A lot of Victors from District One and a few scattered through other districts. Fennick, for example, was one of his 'Special projects' But he got the luxury of getting away from it in his own district sometimes. 
Eulalia found that going back to District One was just as awful as staying in the Capitol. 
"I can't cry." She commented, tilting her head back. "I can't, I haven't in years so why-" Because she had been so sure it wouldn't happen this time, because of the way Snow had talked earlier- most of the men picked their toys in the days before the party so they could dress them up, or attach them to their arm for the night as if they weren't forced to be there. She'd spent all night with Thane, she'd been allowed to wear the dress she'd been so excited for. Now it was going to lay crumpled on some man's floor. 
"You can. Makeup can be fixed, Lalia." Thane reminded her. 
"What room is it?" Eulalia asked. Thane dug in his pocket for the card. 
"808." He answered. 
"Let's go, perhaps we can scope out the room before he gets there." She turned on her heel, steeling her resolve, and stormed into the building, past the party, and into the lift. Thane got in alongside her, pressing the button for floor eight. 
Each floor was designed to 'look' like the district of the same number. But it was a much more glamorous, completely false version. No one actually wanted to stay in District Twelve, but they loved the way the darkened hallways looked like mine shafts, how the walls glittered with gold and gems that the real District Twelve never had. They were coal mines, but that wasn't as pretty. 
The floor for District Eight was just as falsely glamorous, with silk and satin lining the walls, with gold embroidery decorating the doors as their room numbers. 802 804 806. Thane stepped in front of Eulalia, running the key card and opening the door. They didn't know who this was, they'd had no chance to look into him or his past Thane hated that. But the room was dark. 
"Oh good, we did beat him here." Thane mused, stepping into the room. He reached out for the light, but came up empty. "Where in the hell-" He finally found the light and he slapped it on, the two of them jumping when they realized there was someone in the room after all. 
"Adler?" Eulalia's heart sank as she felt the betrayal. It was incredibly rare for a victor to request another victor but it wasn't unheard of. He wouldn't be her first. But somehow, because of his comments earlier, it felt like even more of a betrayal. 
"The one and only." Adler sat in a chair in the corner, by the window that overlooked the city. "This floor is god awful. Do they put you on the first floor?" He asked. 
"I have an apartment in town, but I often end up on whatever floor my client is on." She struggled to keep the disdain out of her voice. "Thane you can-" She started to move out of the way. Thane had a murderous look on his face but she shook her head. "Go." the last thing she wanted was for him to get in trouble. 
"No, Hawksley, it's fine, you can stay if you'd like." Their heads jerked to face him in unison. "I didn't hire you to bang you, Golding" Adler stood. "Armitage was putting in his bid and I don't like that prick, so I outbid him just to make sure he couldn't have you." He held a glass of something in his hand- a brown liquor of some kind. 
"You did?" Eulalia's eyes widened a bit as he came closer. 
"I did. You should probably stay for a bit, but you're safe from me, sweetheart. I prefer my partners to be actually willing." There was a knock at the door and while Eulalia jumped, Adler just pulled it open and gestured for the person to come in. It was an Avox who pushed a cart full of food. Just the smell set her mouth watering. 
"Thanks," Adler commented to the Avox as they bowed their head and hurried out of the room. "Like I said, Hawksley, you're welcome to stay. I don't know how closely they watch you two, but I'm sure no one would be shocked at the revelation that you two are fucking."
Eulalia had been through a lot in her life, but nothing had made her clutch her non-existent pearls the way that suggestion did. 
"Watch your mouth, Cresswell," Thane warned. "Eulalia and I have never-"
"Really?" Adler quirked an eyebrow. "That explains the looks. So what, you just escort her to-"
"I said. Watch. Your. Mouth. Come on, Lalia, I don't think him being a quick finisher would be a shock to anyone either." Thane turned to go, but stopped when he realized Eulalia hadn't moved, 
"If we leave too soon- Snow will just book another one." She pointed out. She'd learned the hard way. She had once drugged a client and went to leave, but was intercepted by Snow who happily found her a second for the night. Also, the food looked and smelled amazing. Her stomach growled loudly and Thane sighed. 
"Fine." He unbuttoned and removed his jacket, taking it off and hanging it up, then he began unbuttoning his shirt. 
"What are you-" Eulalia's eyes widened. 
"You can't sit or get comfortable in that dress."
"I have extra shirts she can wear." Adler offered. 
"No." The idea of Eulalia in another man's clothes bothered him more than he cared to admit. Thane got his shirt off- he was wearing an undershirt, so he wasn't fully half-naked in front of them. He held the shirt out to her and she took it, hurrying off to the bathroom to take off the dress. 
"Green is a good color on you, Thane." Adler opened a few of the cloches that covered the food. He'd gotten a ton of different options. "The cost is being covered by someone else, might as well overindulge." He shrugged. 
"I'm not green," Thane argued, walking over and grabbing a handful of fried potatoes, tossing one in his mouth. 
"You're undressing in my hotel room to stop that woman from wearing a shirt out of my closet." Adler pointed out, picking up one of the plates and going to sit back down in the chair by the windows. 
"I'm not- It's not like that." Thane stammered. 
"Oh, I'm not bothered. I rather like half-dressed men in my hotel room- fully undressed it better but I will take what I can get." Adler shrugged. Thane was left- again- speechless. The bathroom door opened and Eulalia walked out, she'd changed out of the dress and had taken her overly complicated hair down as well as removing her makeup. There were still some bits of hair that were hard with hair spray but this was the most undone that she'd let anyone other than Thane and Orin see her in years. 
"Here." Thane picked up one of the plates and held it out to her, he knew what she liked, and even when she was indulging she never let herself go too wild with it. He did sneak a few little treats onto the plate. if they were there, and no one mentioned them, then she'd let herself enjoy them. 
"Thank you." Eulalia took the plate and hopped over to the bed, hopping on. Thane made up his own plate and turned. Eulalia was happily eating, her focus on the plate on the bed in front of her. Adler, however, was silent, unmoving, his gaze on Eulalia. 
Thane didn't say anything. He could understand it. The first time he met Eulalia Golding, as young as she was, she understood the importance of public perception. She kept the facade up for him for a ridiculously long time. She wouldn't let him come over to the apartment that had been rented for her too early, because she needed time to get up, do her hair and make-up, and make sure she was dressed and ready to go. 
So the first time he saw her without all of that, the first time he got to see the Eulalia that was underneath it all- it had been blindsiding and now that she was grown- it was somehow breathtaking. Her beauty wasn't dependent upon all the bullshit. 
Thane sat in the other chair, next to Adler's and he started to eat. 
"Thank you, Adler," Eulalia commented. She had already gotten through a good bit of her food and was pushing the rest around idly. "I can't stand Armitage." She picked up a potato and bit into it. Her eyes closed as it melted in her mouth. She didn't let herself eat a lot of potatoes but damn she loved them. 
Adler got up and snatched her plate. 
So the first time he saw her without all of that, the first time he got to see the Eulalia that was underneath it all- it had been blindsiding and now that she was grown- it was somehow breathtaking. Her beauty wasn't dependent upon all the bullshit.
Thane sat in the other chair, next to Adler's and he started to eat.
"Thank you, Adler," Eulalia commented. She had already gotten through a good bit of her food and was pushing the rest around idly. "I can't stand Armitage." She picked up a potato and bit into it. Her eyes closed as it melted in her mouth. She didn't let herself eat a lot of potatoes but damn she loved them.
Adler got up and snatched her plate.
"You're welcome." He answered, adding more potatoes and bringing it back, putting the plate down in front of her. Eulalia glanced at Thane, but his eyes were on Adler. "Like I said- I want my partners," his eyes darted between the two of them, "Willing." He plopped back down and propped one foot up on the bed. Eulalia looked thoughtful, working out what he'd meant, what his eyes had said that his lips hadn't.
Slowly but surely it hit her. She straightened, her eyes widening.
"Adler- are you..." She trailed off.
"I'm whatever I want to be, Golding." He commented, shrugging. "Usually. Around here it's hard to keep it that way." He admitted. "I never understood why you chose to live here."
Eulalia surprised him by letting out a bitter laugh.
"I've never been allowed to choose anything in my life."
"What?" Even Thane was shocked by that one.
"You heard me." Eulalia shrugged, unwilling to say it again. As if Snow or someone else might appear out of nowhere and punish her- or worse, Thane- because she dared to speak up.
"Lalia." Thane's voice was gentle. She shrugged.
"It's fine. I knew when I was a kid what was going to happen... well... not all of it." She admitted. She'd been completely floored when she found out that winning the games didn't lead to freedom. It led to more shackles. She glanced up when no one spoke up and found Thane staring at her while Adler was back to eating, finishing up the food he had on his plate.
"Then it sounds, Golding like you should probably start making your own decisions." Adler dropped his fork and leaned back, finally looking at her.
Eulalia caught her lip between her teeth, looking thoughtful.
"That's enough." Thane stood and took the plates from Adler and Eulalia, taking them to the room service cart. He sorted through what was left on the tray, putting it all on one serving platter and moving it to the table by the door, and then he pushed the cart out of the room to be taken away.
When he turned around Eulalia was standing, her gaze flicking back and forth between Thane and Adler.
"Lalia." Her hands moved to the buttons of her shirt. Adler was leaning forward, his elbows resting on his knees. His eyes had a hungry glint to them.
"Sit, Thane." She ordered, nodding at the chair, she unbuttoned the first button. He didn't move, but he also didn't try to say anything to stop her as she did the same to the second button- the third-
The shirt had eight buttons, she'd only buttoned six of them. Thane's mind screamed at him to stop her, to protect her but deep down he knew- she wanted this, She didn't want him stepping in and telling her what to do.
Adler quirked an eyebrow but remained silent as she let the shirt fall from her shoulders. The soft as clouds material pooled at her feet and she bit her lip, for the first time in a very long time, she looked unsure of herself. Adler stood up, closing the space between them. He placed one hand on her hip, leaning in to kiss her.
Thane's hand balled into a fist, but he didn't feel the urge to punch Adler in the face- no. Instead, he felt a stirring, his cock twitching, coming to life in his pants.
Adler broke the kiss and turned his head to look at Thane. He held a hand out, gesturing for him to join. Thane, however, looked to Eulalia for permission. If she wanted him to walk out right now, he'd do it for her. She gave a small nod, gesturing with her own hand to come closer.
He crossed the room and up close he could see she seemed a bit lust drunk but when Adler's hand gripped the back of his neck, pulling him down, he didn't stop himself from kissing her. The soft kiss quickly turned to something rougher, the bruising kiss letting out years of tension. Adler let it go on, then used his grip on Thane's neck to break the kiss, pulling the other man in to kiss him.
Adler hadn't known he was bi before coming to the Capitol. He didn't have the vocabulary to know such a thing when he lived in District Eight, but he did know from a young age that he looked at men in the same way he did women. He thought he was a sexual deviant- he knew gay people and he knew straight people but to like both?
When he won his games and he had to deal with the tastes of the people here he started to realize- though he couldn't fucking stand the people in The Capitol- that maybe they had something going with not caring as much about the gender of their lover.
Which was why he was able to kiss Thane without any reservation. He could tell by the looks on both Thane and Eulalia's faces that neither of them expected this to happen. He expertly unbuttoned Thane's fly, tugging the zipper down.
"get them off." He ordered, referring to the pants. Thane nodded and stepped back, kicking off his shoes and tugging his pants down around his ankles, he stepped fully out of them and Adler went to the chair, holding Eulalia's hand so she would follow him there. He sat, propping her up on his lap.
"Keep going." He gestured when Thane paused. He pulled his undershirt over his head, tossing it over by his abandoned pants. Eulalia's tongue darted out to wet her lips, Adler's hand moved between her legs, his fingers slowly running up and down her slit. 
"You're soaked, darling, do you see something you like?" He asked, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. She nodded, her mouth moving soundlessly for a moment before she found her voice. 
"Y-yes, Yes I do." She nodded rapidly. Her heart racing. 
"You're still too dressed, Thane, keep going," Adler ordered, his fingers were working Eulalia but his eyes were on Thane, just as much lust in his gaze as there was in hers. Thane found he liked the attention, his fingers hooking into the waistband of his boxer briefs, taking his time to slowly lower them. His cock strained against the fabric, desperate to be let free. When he got them down low enough, his cock bobbed to life, the boxers falling to his ankles. 
"Oh-" Eulalia gasped seeing his size. She'd known he wasn't small, she'd been around him almost twenty-four-seven since she won her games, she had seen little hints and ghosts of what was hiding behind the well-tailored pants but she couldn't have imagined this. 
Adler slipped two fingers into her, her pussy taking them easily with how wet she was. He slid them in and out slowly, gesturing, with his other hand for Thane to come closer. The man didn't think twice about it, crossing the small space between them and kneeling down. 
"See how fucking soaked she is, Thane? And it's all for you."
"Not all of it." Thane denied, glancing up at Adler, his meaning clear. Adler smirked in response. 
"Spread your legs, Eulalia." He ordered and she did just that. "How long have you wanted a taste of that sweet pussy, Thane? How long have you dreamed about it." Thane's cheeks went pink at the suggestion, knowing that it was very much true. 
"Thane." Eulalia's voice was low, almost questioning. 
"A while." He admitted. "A couple of years." He glanced up at her face, she seemed shocked- but not mad. He was just glad she wasn't mad at him. She lived in a world where everyone was using her. Where just about everyone was out to sleep with her or take something from her. He didn't want to be one of those people. His attraction to her went so much deeper than her looks. She was beautiful no doubt, but she was also brilliant and funny and he had spent just about every waking moment with her for years and he wanted to keep doing it until the day one of them died. 
"Do it." She ordered. He dug his nails into his thighs to keep himself from just diving directly between her legs. 
"Do it, Thane, please." She spread her legs wider and that was all the invitation he needed. Thane moved forward, finally burying his face between her legs. 
She was as divine as he imagined, her pussy was sweet and warm, soft like velvet. She moaned, her hips rolling up to meet his tongue and he knew- this was dangerous. He was going to end up addicted. He gripped her hips, holding her there as he continued his feast. 
He glanced up and Eulalia and Adler were kissing. Her hand moved down next to Thane's head, over the very obvious bulge in Adler's trousers. Thane ate with fervor, further driven by her unbuttoning and unzipping Adler's fly, her hand slipping down into his pants. 
"Take it out." He paused his meal just long enough to utter the words. She broke the kiss to look at him and he gave a single nod before going back to it. Eulalia did as she was told, freeing Adler's cock from his pants and fuck- Thane found he was just as hungry for that. Her hand moved up and down Adler's thick cock- he wasn't quite as long as Thane, but he seemed to be thicker. Her hand definitely couldn't close all the way around it. Thane moved from her pussy to lick along the underside of Adler's cock until Eulalia's hand got in the way. 
One look up at the man told Thane that he hadn't been expecting that, his eyes were partially closed. 
"That's a good boy." Adler encouraged. Thane helped Eulalia with the hand job, his hand could properly close around the circumference of Adler's cock and their hands together moved in sync while he went back to eating Eulalia out. 
His work was soon rewarded by her thigh muscles tensing, the one hand he still had on her hip held tighter as she tried to break free. She let out a cry of pleasure, her back arching up as she came, her grip on Adler's cock tightened the slightest bit- not enough to hurt him but just enough for him to feel the difference. 
"Fuck-" He groaned. She didn't pull her hand away even as she rode out the orgasm her legs shaking with the effort to stay properly open. Adler reached down, stopping their work on his cock. "On the bed, Eulalia, on your hands and knees. I want to see what you can do with that pretty mouth of yours." He got her up off his lap- on his pants there was an obvious wet spot from where she'd literally dripped down- He didn't give it a second glance, Carefully moving Thane out of the way as well so he could stand, removing the pants anyway. As well as his shirt. He hadn't been wearing anything under all of that, leaving him fully naked in front of them. 
Eulalia- as if just remembering what he said- hopped up and headed for the bed. She climbed up, moving until she was at the end where Adler stood, waiting for her. 
"Fuck." Thane moved so he was behind her, getting a proper look at her ass, at her cunt still glistening. As Eulalia took Adler's cock into her mouth, starting with just the tip and working her way up to more, Thane climbed up onto the bed behind her. He tapped her leg and she moved her legs further apart without question. He watched as she worked Adler, positioning his cock at her entrance. However, she decided he was taking far too long, pushing back, the head popping into her with ease. With that permission, he thrust forward, she was tight but she was able to take almost every inch on the first try. She groaned around the other man's cock, her eyes rolling back. 
Adler reached out, gripping her hair and thrusting his hips forward, forcing a few inches down her throat, when that didn't gag her he smirked, exchanging a look with Thane. 
Thane nodded and the two began a rhythm, in at the same time, out at the same time, impaling her mouth and her cunt again and again, She whimpered, her nails digging into the comforter, but she gave no signs of distress, nothing to indicate that she wanted to stop. If anything it seemed she wanted more, one hand letting go of the comforter to move between her legs. 
"Pull out," Thane ordered. Adler frowned but did so, as did Thane. 
"No," Eulalia whined. Thane flipped her onto her back, helping her move up so her head was hanging over the side of the bed. She opened her mouth again and he went right back to fucking her throat. Thane adjusted her hips and began to thrust into her, one arm held her hips up for the angle he wanted, and the other moved to her clit, teasing her. 
At the other end, Adler was toying with her nipples, pinching and tugging on one and then the other, light slaps to her breasts that left her milky white skin a harsh pink color- the contrast was intoxicating. 
Experimentally- Thane slapped her clit and she cried out, her cunt squeezing him tight. She might not have had use of her voice but she didn't let that stop her from being vocal as she came, her nails now digging into Adler's thigh. He pumped harder and faster until he knew he couldn't hold out any longer, pulling out fully, he fucked his own hand until he was cumming, the thick translucent white ropes coating her chest and neck. 
Adler stepped back so Eulalia could sit up a little better as one- two- three more pumps and-
"Don't pull out," Eulalia demanded. "You know I'm on birth control and- please." She begged. Thane didn't need her to ask him twice, he kept going until he was filling her up, he'd dreamt about this for so damn long- he could even pinpoint the day he realized it. It had been a few weeks after her nineteenth birthday. She'd been on the market for over a year at that point and had been ranting to him about it, about the kinds of people who hired her. 
She'd straddled his lap, smelling of vanilla and the sweet scent of the whiskey she'd taken a liking to, grinding herself down on him. He hadn't done anything because he knew she was drunk but that was the day he realized how fucking attracted to her he was. 
And now with that coming to a head, he dumped enough cum into her that when he pulled out, it was leaking down out of her cunt and onto the hotel bedding. 
"Eulalia." He let himself fall back onto his ass, watching her. She looked incredible, his cum dripping out of her, her chest covered in Adler's. She was still a bit drunk on her lust, her eyes glassy, her chest heaving. Adler smirked and squatted down so that he was level with her head. 
"Are you okay, princess?" He asked. She nodded slowly. 
"I- I've never... felt like that before. That was more than just an orgasm." She insisted. She'd cum before- it wasn't terribly often but with the partners she chose it usually happened. But nothing had ever been like that before. She was fully sure she'd had an out-of-body experience.
Adler chuckled and walked around the bed, heading for the bathroom. 
"Don't move." He told them, coming back with some warm, wet cloths. 
"You're staying at the same building as the rest of us for training... right?" Eulalia asked Adler, normally she traveled back and forth between her apartment and the facility for the games but this year- if he was going to be there then maybe, just maybe, she would stay in her rooms there. 
"Yeah." He answered shortly, cleaning up her chest. 
"Good." Eulalia nodded and let her head fall back to the bed as the two men cleaned her up. 
Tomorrow was going to be rough, between travel and getting a good look at the two tributes she was sending to die, but tonight, she was going to enjoy the time she had.
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oceangirl24 · 5 months
Happily Ever After...Almost
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The mood the next morning was subdued, for as much as the trio wanted to get home and relax before heading back to school, none of them wanted to leave Lancaster and the anonymity it provided.
No one wanted to return to pretending they weren't a family.
Breakfast was lackluster compared to the days before. As much of the leftover food was eaten as possible before cleaning and packing up. Once the truck was loaded and they were about to get in, Shawn had a sudden burst of anxiety about leaving.
What made it worse was that both Jon and Audrey had the same sense of foreboding.
Shawn stood several feet away from the truck, hugging himself. "I think we should go to Mama's and skip the apartment," he said somberly.
"I can't," Jon said as he tossed Audrey's hair and cosmetics bags into the back of the cab of the truck. "George is supposed to call this afternoon and I told him I'd be home by noon."
"So?" he said grumpily, not happy that Jon made plans that put them on a specific timetable without telling him. "A lot of unexpected things happen when you go outta town. Make somethin' up."
Jon shot him a disgruntled look as he walked around to the driver's side. "I'm already makin' a lot of stuff up," he huffed. "I don't wanna add anything else. But maybe I can drop you and Aud off at her place and go back on my own."
"Oh, no," Audrey said as she shut the door to the cabin behind her. "We have to go back to school tomorrow and separate until you can talk to Mr. Feeny about us. I don't want to split up early."
"Yeah," Shawn gnawed on the skin around his thumb and refused to move. "I don't wanna split up either. We need to stay together."
Jon opened the truck door, then turned around and leaned against it. "Well, look, let's go back to apartment and as soon as George calls we'll go to Aud's, spend the night. We won't even unpack the truck."
"Yeah, I guess." Shawn shifted uneasily. It was a good plan. A decent compromise. He had no reason not to go along with it.
But something in him resisted the idea completely.
"It'll work out. We'll be okay," Jon said with more confidence than he felt. He couldn't understand the foreboding that hung over the truck. "I was kind of hopin' I could talk to George about us this afternoon. Get it out of the way."
Audrey and Shawn exchanged apprehensive looks, then stared silently back at him.
"Well, the guardianship papers will be signed next weekend so we should get that done as soon as possible," he explained.
"Yeah. You're right." Audrey gave Shawn's arm a squeeze and nodded towards the truck. "Everything will be fine."
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Shawn looked down at his plans, then closed his notepad and stared out of the window again. The sense of foreboding grew as they entered the Philadelphia city limits.
Audrey sensed this and Shawn and Jon's growing discomfort, so she distracted them by getting them wound up over the Rangers' offseason foray into the playoffs they just barely made. Both happily took the distraction, loudly complaining and chirping each other to the point that by the time they made it into the building, the emotion of the friendly teasing had overridden the intense anxiety.
As the little family made their way to Jon's apartment, each one tried to reassure themselves they were just feeling depressed after the weekend because it didn't make sense that anything would be wrong at home.
Audrey was sure her feelings were also caused by her resistance to pretend she was just Jon's student teacher again. It was different with Shawn, as he was often, jokingly, called her son by other faculty members. But she hated having to watch Jon get hit on and say nothing.
At least he wasn't dating anymore.
Shawn's concern was that someone would be waiting for them in the apartment. His guess was it would be either Mr. Feeny who got their whereabouts out of Mr. Williams or Chet who showed up and decided to take over the apartment.
He didn't want it to be either one.  He hoped Jon would have the chance to talk to Mr. Feeny before they got caught.
Jon could find no logical reason for his feelings. He figured, at the very worst, they'd find Eli camped out on the couch because he couldn't get past Mrs. Dubchek and her advances.  He really should have told Eli he was going to be out of town over the weekend. While Eli would give him a hard time, George was the one he really needed to talk to about what was going on.  The sooner the better, as it occurred to him just how quickly the week would pass, and it would be Saturday again and the paperwork that he'd been holding onto for so long would be signed.
By both him and Audrey.
He couldn't wait to see Shawn's face when he realized he was getting two legal guardians.
As soon as he got the apartment door unlocked, he caught Audrey by the waist and Shawn by the shoulders. Hugging them close, he pushed the door open with his foot.  Laughing, they awkwardly struggled through the narrow space together, angling Audrey in first while he and Shawn briefly got stuck in the doorway. The whole thing struck them as ridiculously funny as they fought to maintain their footing as they entered their home.
Tears clouded their vision, and it took a few minutes for their sight to clear. When it did, the trio froze in horror, unable to move.
None of them could process the scene in front of them.
Someone was waiting for them.
But it wasn't Eli camped out on the sofa.
Or Mr. Feeny and his disapproval.
It was Katherine.
Read the Rest:
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rimouskis · 2 years
Hey! So there is a slight chance I could end up In Pittsburgh next year. As a resident, do you like living there? What are some of its selling points? (Some context: I’ve lived in or near every single big city on the northeast coast, from DC to Boston, so I’m used to cities. I’ve heard great things about living in Pittsburgh, so I’m curious about your perspective!)
oh hey! very cool, potential welcome to you, and I heartily recommend the city.
but: if you've lived in every big city in the east, pittsburgh is going to.... uh, not be like that! at all, haha. if you're looking for city living, I don't think you're going to find that in its purest form here.
my context is that I've actually not traveled the east very much; I've only been to DC and NYC. Neither feels remotely like PGH. actually-big cities like NYC, Chicago... probably Boston, though I've never been... they're cities, you know? they feel like it. they've got concrete jungle energy.
pittsburgh very much does not. pittsburgh, frankly, doesn't feel like a city to me, even though it has all the amenities of a city—we've got theaters and concerts and summers here are a total blast. pittsburgh feels like an oversized town in a lot of ways.
part of that is the geography and what it's done to the city as it has developed. the neighborhoods here are often really broken up by the topography. the hills and forested parts of the city still feel a little wild. some neighborhoods feel like they shouldn't be habitable at all because of how steep they are, lol (the very existence of rialto street feels Wrong to me). panther hollow being smack dab in the city speaks to that: we have a fucking ravine in the middle of this place!! I've seen so much wildlife here that I just haven't in other "urban" areas.
the other, bigger part of pittsburgh not feeling like a big city is the populace. you have a LOT of lifers here. did you know pittsburgh has the oldest population of any metro area in the USA? people are born here and they die here, haha. I know some of the local young people really don't like it (like, imagine all the people from your high school went to your college and then stayed in the same city after they graduated), but I find it to be really novel.
one of my old coworkers was born on the south side slopes and then moved to mt. washington as an adult. she's just never left the city, and that means I can literally play seven-degrees-of-[her name] with her because if I mention, like, anyone with roots in the city, it feels like there's an 80% chance she's going to know them or one of their relatives 😅 that's so fun to me! you can carve out individual pockets everywhere, and don't get me wrong, I don't have that kind of connectivity, but it's something that's possible here that doesn't feel possible in other cities and it gives it a very particular.... flavor.
that's part of the unique culture around pittsburgh that I'm very fond of. it was (is) a really good city to be a young person in, because it's big enough where there's stuff to do, buuuuut it's small enough that you won't feel eaten alive like you might in NYC. and while there are sooo many locals who are still local, there's a decent amount of transplants like myself too, so it's not like you'll be an outsider or anything.
I've also found really good people here. I like pittsburghers. they're pretty salt-of-the-earth (.... coal-of-the-earth? too soon?) and the culture is, like, very palatable to my midwestern sensibilities. if you're an east coaster you might find people a little too chatty or personable, but I'm used to it haha.
as for the living experience, I think it's pretty fabulous. winters get a bit grim (it's so GRAY here and people drive like MANIACS) but fall is very nice and summers in pittsburgh are just unparalleled. perfect weather—not too hot but not cold—and so so much to do. there's a ton of culture that happens, we love street festivals and art markets and night markets and each neighborhood does their own little twist on stuff. it's my favorite time of year, and there's also plenty of nature nearby. falling water is close by and I love it, and ohiopyle state park has good hiking. the cost of living can't be beat, too. I pay less in rent than both my siblings who live in another state, and I have a bigger living space. I was able to live really comfortably here when I made very little money. it's a great amount of flexibility, and you're not too far away from bigger cities if you want; the drive to DC is like 4 hours.
and, finally: if you're a pens fan, well. this IS the place to be! getting easier access to games has been such a blast. it's a fun life to live.
I will also say there are downsides. I'm from a blue state and I was honestly not ready for how red/conservative this area gets when you leave the bounds of pittsburgh proper. like, it goes pretty red pretty fast. that makes me uncomfortable, honestly, but that's the cost of living here. there was also a report put out a few years back that showed white residents in the city had "average or above-average standards of livability", but for black men it was "less livable" and for black women it was even LESS livable. there's some pretty serious segregation in terms of neighborhoods and the city is, on the whole, incredibly white. it isn't a very diverse place, which is of course a huge negative, and the city hasn't done the best job in making itself more livable for its black population. I think that's worth mentioning, especially if you're a person of color. pennslyvania is... well, this part of pennsylvania is very much part of the rust belt, and that shows in charming ways (old infrastructure and buildings) and horrible ways (systemic racism).
in sum: pittsburgh has been really, really great for me. I've met some wonderful people here, I've learned how to be an adult here, and I've really built a comfortable life here. that's involved a fair bit of privilege, though, so when I say I love pittsburgh, I'm aware that comes with asterisks.
if you have more questions, please reach out! you're actually not the first person who's considering a move to pittsburgh, and I really enjoy being an ambassador to the city :)
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That time a sugar glider mauled me
When I was young(ish), my family met another family who owned sugar gliders. This encounter was a chance one--they were hosting a garage sale, their sugar gliders were in a cage outside and climbing around.
Of course, me being me, the moment I saw the creatures my garage sale dreams were forgotten in favor of learning everything I could.
About five hours and many serious conversations later, we'd purchased two sugar gliders, met the lovely family who bred them and of course, acquired a suitable cage & all the supplies we'd need to care for them. (Never mind the actual garage stuff for sale).
So on that day, we drove home, my mom holding the little sugar gliders in a smaller carrying cage on her lap. They were squeaking.
We were all in love.
Fast forward a week. Sugar gliders are finicky animals. They must be carried (or worn) by their Principal in a small cloth pouch that hangs around your neck and stays under your shirt so the glider can smell your scent. This is a process called 'bonding', and it makes it so the gliders won't attempt to kill you, bite you or crab at you because they doesn't know you.
Rather, you can (eventually) hold them & pet them once they've been trained.
The garage sale family/glider breeders informed us that this process would last about two weeks. We had to get bonding pouches. However, based on the advice of the family, who made their own bonding pouches, we could easily make two ourselves.
My mom and I, being the crafty sorts, took to this idea and hand-sewed our own pouches. It. Took. Six. Hours.
The finished products seemed like they would be reliable. The pouches were a little crooked (in the way The Godfather was a little bit of a criminal), but, as my mom said, it's not like the sugar gliders would feel the difference.
With this foolish thought, I ended up wearing my pouch outside a week later, (glider within), to take something to my dad, who was doing yard work.
I wonder if you can guess what happened next.
My sugar glider found a small gap (or perhaps, had been gnawing at our sewing handiwork for a few days) & made a decently-sized escape hatch to wiggle through. Upon hearing birdsong and smelling the outdoors, she decided to make her great escape.
Imagine my surprise at feeling something tickle my shoulder while I stood in the grass, then turning and seeing my sugar glider.
A moment ticked by. Time slowed down. My glider launched herself at the lawn mover in slow motion.
I reacted instantaneously but only managed to batt her away from the mower. She ended up on the grass behind it--and, freedom in her sights, started running for the nearest tree. Visions of losing her in my mind, I knew if I didn't catch her in approximately 0.5 seconds, she'd end up being eaten by an owl.
I lunged over the mower, slid like a baseball player and pounced on her. She didn't like this and started biting. Before i knew it, my hands were both covered in blood as she kept going, even when I stood up.
As much as it hurt, I had other priorities. One-handed, I grasped her as I attempted to inspect the bag. Finding the hole, I pinched it shut, thrust her in, extricated my fingers from her teeth and zipped it closed.
Then, and only then, I allowed myself to screech, "OWWWWW!"
(My dad, I should note, had headphones in this whole time, and though he saw me, was not inclined to help as he believed the creature was my responsibility.)
The glider was safe. I, as the Principal, was pleased.
My mother, once told, was relieved and congratulated me on my heroics. New pouches were ordered off Etsy. My hand was bandaged.
The gliders thrived for a few great years, then passed away. They will be missed, especially my little spitfire, who eventually calmed into our bond and even let me pet and do tricks with her. I think some part of her was grateful she hadn't been killed by a lawn mover.
Maybe she was disappointed she'd never tasted freedom. But her life was good.
Nonetheless, my hand didn't heal for two weeks after that and I still have one scar. I think of her whenever I see it.
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