#there's a reason that i have reblogged that gifset several times
seventh-district · 7 months
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Glynis Johns (Mary Poppins, The Court Jester)—LISTEN, I'd let that woman's voice with all its gravely hoarseness (positive) wash over me all goddamn day, but if that's not enough she managed to play the straight woman to Danny Kaye's jester, all with her cleavage so plunging it might as well have been catapulted into the ocean right after Basil Rathbone
Meena Kumari (Sharada, Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai, Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam)— Meena Kumari was Indian actress and poet, regarded as the "Tragedy Queen of Bollywood" due to her legendary performances in emotionally charged roles. Using words from her biographer: "She had many dimensions — she read poetry, had many literary friends, [and] aspired to the higher life." Meena had an incredibly difficult life, and translated this pain into her volatile acting performances. She is an artist beloved and revered by her fans.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Glynis Johns:
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She walks the line between sexy and cute. Her best role for me is in "The Court Jester as Maid Jean. She's fantastic as the soft but tough captain of the outlaw band and she looks stunning in every gown she wears throughout the film. And of course we can't forget her iconic turn as the suffragette mother, Mrs. Banks, in Mary Poppins! Also shoutout to her distinctive and beautiful voice, kind of smoky and husky. Extremely hot and set her apart from many of her peers."
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"She was amazing in Mary Poppins (the Suffragette song is severely underrated) and apparently she was Welsh? National pride! And she advocated for arts funding in Wales, which is very cool. Also, she died recently (RIP) making her one of the last survivors of the Golden Age of Hollywood, according to Wikipedia. Also also, she just has a cheeky energy I like? And her eyes are beautiful!"
"She had this wonderful wit and charm to her no matter the role and the most distinctive, striking voice!"
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"I mean, incredibly beautiful and talented, can do drama can do comedy. And she was a mermaid."
"Like Bette Davis she has eyes to die for. Unlike Bette Davis you felt comforted by them, even when she was batting her eyelashes at you. Would glady go to Downing Street with her and throw things at the Prime minister"
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"Listen, listen. I was raised on Mary Poppins and "Votes for women! (step in time)" single-handedly taught me how to be a feminist. Also The Court Jester is one of my favourite movies of all time and she is UNBELIEVABLY gorgeous, charismatic, funny, and clever in it. She knocks several men out. Absolute icon."
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"I love Glynis Johns. Most of the reason is The Court Jester where she's a sensible and capable foil to whatever what going on with Danny Kaye at the time. She was also the first star I based an OC on. An OC that I still have to this day! Anyway here have some YouTube links love u bye"
Mermaid clip:
Court Jester (sharing a bed trope):
Court Jester (seducing the king):
"VOTES FOR WOMEN! Well, votes for this woman. Please."
Meena Kumari:
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Gifset 1
Gifset 2
Gifset 3
Gifset 4
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sandraharissa · 2 months
The extremely stupid thing about the whole arcane leaks situation is that nobody wins. nobody likes this, nobody wanted this.
ppl who watch them will have a spoiled experience cos apparently the episodes are not finished, apparently there are "burnt-in time stamps, a “For Internal Use” watermark, and annotations for music and sound effects.", so there's no finished music or sound effects in those eps?? And in order to not be an asshole they're forced to not talk about the eps with anyone but like, their friends or mom, so the old-fashioned style xd. but they can't interact with the fandom, can't reblog fanart with the new designs for the characters, can't reblog meta with stuff other ppl noticed etc. they're forced to go through the experience completely alone. in 3 months time when everybody else watches it the events/revelations from the first 5 eps won't be as exciting to them anymore. Cos yeah they only get to watch the first 5 eps and then they still have to wait 3 more months to watch the rest, creating this effect of being forced to pause a story in a middle, like a forced cliffhanger. I imagine most ppl who watch them only do so for the sake of guaranteeing that they can't be spoiled (that's the only reason why I'd be tempted to do it).
on the other hand the great majority of ppl who won't watch the eps are at high risk of major spoilers. this turn of events also completely killed my enthusiasm for speculation cos it's not really fun to speculate anymore, if I wanted to know for certain I technically could 'educate myself'. like the ep is already essentially out and there are ppl who have seen it, they may be reading (or worse, responding) to my speculation. why am I speculating about eps that are out that I could just watch and find out for certain? it also makes me want to completely avoid the arcane tag until the show comes out properly. this has the potential to completely kill this fandom that was already pretty quiet. there's already several accounts that I recognise from my notes and tags that completely dropped off. and many others like me will be reluctant to interact with anyone who isn't already a trusted account/mutual.
I'll probs still post and reblog stuff that ppl I follow reblogged but even that's risky cos I already got a tag on one of my gifsets that talked about wanting more of these characters and how it drives them insane that more content IS out there but they can't watch it. If anyone says smth like 'oh, you don't even know' or smth like that in response to a post/reblog of mine you're immediately blocked.
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cleolinda · 6 months
Weekend Links, March 17, 2024
My posts
We have had another Trespasser Weirdness Incident at my house, so. Suffice it to say that the Hot & Vintage Movie Women tournament is my primary coping mechanism at this point, and bless @hotvintagepoll for all their work. All 257 polls are up, although many of them have already closed on a rolling basis these last two weeks. Hedy Lamarr vs Sonja Henie was the very last one, and it is a blowout like I have not seen since the time I asked if people throw away their movie theater trash. I think round 2 starts a week from Monday? I would like to apologize for reblogging every single poll, except that I’m not the least bit sorry. 
I posted propaganda several times--sometimes just because a contestant didn’t have much and I wanted to chip in (still in play: Juanita Moore and Martha Sleeper). But I also showed up specifically for Norma Shearer, Claire Bloom, Tallulah Bankhead, Deborah Kerr, a little bit for Joan Fontaine (poll here), Julie Christie (on my mom’s behalf), Gene Tierney, Paulette Goddard, and Ava Gardner. My loyalties will shift as we see who progresses, but I'm wearing the Ava jersey at this point.
Reblogs of interest
A couple of serious links:
The Jewish filmmakers who won an Oscar for The Zone of Interest, a Holocaust film, used their speech time to condemn what’s happening in Gaza. (It helps to read the quote as “as men who refute {their Jewishness and the Holocaust} being used as justification.” “Refute their Jewishness” jumps out weirdly at first glance and confused people.)
I can’t tell if the JKR defender/Holocaust denier in this ask knows they’re lying or just really didn’t know that transgender health books and surgery did, in fact, exist, and that the Nazis targeted them. If you need photographic evidence for future discussions, here you are. Side note: Don't believe everything your favorite childhood author tells you.
Posts that are not serious links or hot lady polls:
Of course, this week we celebrated the Ides of March. (Happy birthday to... Chocolate Guy Amaury Guichon??) Featuring:
Southern Mark Antony
If Mark Antony was Gen Z
“Oh not you as well, Brutus!”
Also, happy birthday this fine St. Patrick’s Day to Hozier, who was on the Wiggles once, and has a new EP coming out this Friday. Please join me in not being the least bit normal about it. 
The bredlik that the Fairy vs. Walrus debate needed
“Started tone matching my Iraqi corner store guy,” bless everyone involved
A fanfic summary that will hit you like a brick to the face
“Intrigue, Ink, and Drama Grip the Fountain Pen Community”
The Arthur Conan Doyle approach to fic comments
The Kate Middleton Mysteries (”The extent to which this is not Philip Marlowe’s problem is unbelievable”)
Noted power couple/chaos elementals Merchant Ivory
Help improving color in your art
Doggust 2023: the art of Jonathan Wesslund  
Honestly the best part of “I’m Just Ken” at the Oscars for me is Margot Robbie fighting for her life not to laugh
This domino project is honestly really upsetting to me, lmao (THE TIME IT MUST HAVE TAKEN!!)
Death: the bees told her
Puma chirps
A seal’s relaxing ice bath
The sacred texts
The reason we celebrate the Ides of March on Tumblr
Happy birthday to the Old as Balls gifset
A cat’s dating profile
Personal tag of the week
pixel art, because there are some incredible artists on here.
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wiseabsol · 16 days
So going into Arcane what were you expecting and what were your thoughts as you were watching it?
Since it's nearly time for season two, I should probably get around to answering this!
So I'd seen a few gifsets of Vi and Caitlyn and their gay relationship; a couple of Mel, her mother, and the girl from the old regime; and one glimpse of the BDSM Yordle. I knew that the animation and music were jaw-dropping and being compared to Into the Spiderverse. I knew that it was based on the League of Legends franchise, which was a title I recognized, but knew nothing about. And I had a sense that this was a series I was going to enthusiastically binge, both because of the above relationship, and because the people I saw reblogging gifsets for it have excellent taste.
None of this prepared me for the actual experience of watching Arcane. We get that first scene of the massacre on the bridge, where the police are gunning down people who are, essentially, poor civilians who are fighting against the upper class that is oppressing them - an upper class that doesn't even notice what just happened. The show hammers that point home across season one: the upper class citizens of Piltover either have no idea how the people of the Undercity are suffering, or if they do know, they largely do not care. Why would they? They're the ones benefiting from exploitative labor practices and the lopsided distribution of wealth.
One of the most refreshing turns late in the series, for me, was the Council realizing how badly they'd failed the most vulnerable of their people, and deciding that they had no right to rule over them as a result. Recognizing the Nation of Zaun as independent and giving them access to huge economic advantages was, in a sense, an act of reparation. In a different, softer show, there would have instead been a montage of the rich realizing the errors of their ways and sharing their goods with the poor, and bringing children up "out of the slums." And it would have felt saccharine and insincere as a result, because that isn't how class conflict is resolved in the real world.
In a way, the show also suggests that Vander was wrong to give up his fight. While his reasons made perfect sense - he'd watched too many of his people die for seemingly nothing - his complacency and his compromises also meant that nothing would change for his community and children. It was only when Enforcers started dying that Piltover sat up and started paying attention, because finally, this fight was effecting them. Most stories would insist that violence - that war - won't solve anything. Arcane points out that this isn't true - that sometimes violence is necessary to enact change - while not flinching away from showing the pain, trauma, and loss that also results from it. The moment where Vander asks Vi if she's willing to lose her siblings for her war is a poignant one. It's true. She should consider what she will lose if she goes to war. At the same time, in a world as dark as hers, there is every chance she would lose them anyway.
Heimerdinger was also shown to be wrong at several points. Magic in itself isn't dangerous - the Hexgates and the working class tools the boys invent shows that. Magic only becomes dangerous when people decide to turn it into a weapon - and would they have felt the need to do that, had circumstances in Piltover not been so bad? The Council, led by Heimerdinger, could have addressed the class division decades, if not centuries sooner. If they'd done that, tensions would have never ignited. But instead they were complacent in the face of suffering and then were surprised when that backfired on them.
The show doesn't try to paint the Enforcers as a force for good in the city, either. The closest it ever gets to that are with Grayson and Caitlyn, who are then betrayed by members of their own unit for their trouble (which happens in our society, too - those who go into the police force hoping to change it from the inside never manage to). We're shown how this society is failing on an institutional level, in ways that reflect the failings of our own.
Other highlights for me included, of course, the animation and the music. The animation was vibrant, creative, and had a real sense of weight in the fight scenes. I winced at points from how heavy the hits felt! The songs made for the show were also entrancing, pumping us up and breaking our hearts at different turns. "What Could Have Been" by Sting is engraved into my soul now, being in my top five favorite songs of all time.
Then of course there are the characters and their relationships. Vi and Jinx's relationship is devastating, especially during that final confrontation (which was the tensest scene I've watched in years - the jump scare with the platter got me!). Silco and Jinx's father-daughter bond similarly hurt me, especially when Silco came to understand Vander's perspective as a result. Vi and Caitlyn's relationship, in contrast, was so soft, sincere, and obviously queer that I was taken aback by it, but in a good way. I thought the writers were just teasing their audience, but no, it was clear that those two were falling in love and Jinx felt threatened by it. Mel's relationship with her mother also hit me hard, and the whole Mel, Jayce, and Viktor triangle was fascinating to watch play out.
I loved Mel's political focus, Jayce being the world's geekiest himbo, and Viktor pointing out, consistently, the hypocrisy of the people he's working with. I loved Vi's devotion to her sister and Caitlyn's determination to do the right thing, even though it meant breaking the law. And Jinx - god, she wrecked my heart with her insecurity and instability. Her line, "I thought maybe you could love me like you used to" gutted me. Every single character is driven by understandable personal desires, with many of them striving to make their world a better place. Unfortunately, since no one can agree on what that world looks like, a tragedy unfolds instead. They get so close to achieving peace...only for it to be snatched away. I literally screamed at my television screen as those last seconds played out.
Arcane season one is genuinely one of the best written stories and tragedies that I've ever experienced. I am both excited for and petrified at the thought of what season two - the last season for these characters - will bring. If it's even half as good as season one, it will be a treasure I'll happily watch over and over again.
Now if you excuse me, I need to start a rewatch in preparation for November!
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blue-da-ba-dee · 1 year
Am feeling particularly emotional today for whatever reason. In all honesty, I've felt pretty off these past several weeks. In the way where nothing's really wrong but something just doesn't feel right, ya know?
Anyways, I almost thought about deactivating a few times. I kept wrestling with the thought. And just when I thought I'd made up my mind, that yes, I want to leave I kept stopping, my finger hovering above the button. I just couldn't. I can't. I don't want to. I thought about how many of you I've come to know (no matter the capacity) because of this place and the thought of not interacting with whether by asks or dm's or liking/reblogging posts as a silent way of communication made me sad. It truly makes my day seeing your posts across my dash, whether they make me laugh or give information I didn't know before or the always wonderful gifsets. Some of us have been moots for so long now (which if you're still here with me after all this time, I'm so sorry my blog isn't what it used to be 😭). Others I'm still getting to know, but I care for each of you just the same. You're all so kind and sweet and honestly, much too cool for me. I appreciate you so much more than I can really say. I truly do wish you all the best that life has to offer💙
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@andreethier @mortirolo @marie98989898 @an-ivy-covered-summer @justrandomshitsstuff @danhalen @callmemoonlight123 @most-metal-ever @lankinen @emietook @parmerjohn @thinkazul @caminozul @useyourcoco @pitchburgh @gasdrawlsss @enriquehndz @half--agony--half--hope @kershaws @himbeaux-on-ice @colonel-clucker @oopsabird @ur-bi-southern-queen @chuckduhdude @fangirlsuperhero
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aceofwhump · 13 days
Hi Ace. How are you? I was wondering what are your plans for September and October on Tumblr? Any theme posts? More whump from different movies/tv shows?
Can't wait to see what you have planned.
A big, cozy hug to warm you on the upcoming cold months. Xoxo
Hi hi!! Oh my gosh I have so many plans. So many.
I want to gif all the many lovely requests people have sent in. That's a priority for me. Some I've had for months and haven't gotten to yet and I feel bad about that so I want to do that.
I want to try and make some gifsets for Whumptober. I was gonna try and so an Ashmore twin theme for this years whumptober but honestly I've been rewatching Hawaii Five-0 and a lot of the prompts happen in the show and now I want to make it Five-0 themed lol. Not sure how many I'll get made but I want to at least do a few. And I'm gonna do an Ashmore twin themed prompt month at some point. Cause that was a great idea given to me and it would be so fun and I'm gonna do it at some point.
I have a long list of whumps I want to gif including several things I've already got the screencaps for. Like Almost Paradise, Damsel, Delicious in Dungeon, 15th Doctor whump, Murdoch Mysteries, Masters of the Air, some 9-1-1 whumps from last season, Lucas Bouchard getting shot in When Calls the Heart, some other Hallmark movie things, and muuuuuch more.
There are also some theme posts I didn't get done in time for my Gifathon so I want to make those. Like, period drama whump, favorite relationship whumpee/caretaker, villains. Things like that.
Basically I need time to gif lol! My to gif list is SOOOOOO LONG!!
Some other things I'd like to do:
finish the epilogue to my Cursed fanfic
write some of the many whumpy ficlets I've got floating around in my brain for various tv shows
I have an idea to do some whump this or thats but not as polls because I want to encourage people to reblog and answer them. Like, I want people to choose their favorite and then reblog and tell me why it's their fav. A reason to let people just go on a fun rant about their favorite tropes.
I also need to clean out my likes cause I got a lot of whumpy posts in there I keep meaning to reblog
So that's my plans and hopes for like the rest of the year lol. Don't know how much I'll get to but I'm gonna try!
And thank you for the warm hug! Much appreciated and sending one right back! The chilly months are here and I am very very happy about that. Now if only these 90F degree days would go away. This is my curl up with a hot chocolate and a sweater and watch spooky movie season. Can't do that when it's hot as crap lol.
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actualwifestacey · 2 years
I think people who believe in this 4chan/kiwifarms/lolcow/whatever else conspiracy surrounding satoryuga and the girls in the fandom who have openly supported her (like stacaesar) need to ask themselves: which makes more sense - queer people in the toku fandom were angry they got blocked by the most popular sentai gif maker and fled to their discord to get people to harass and dox her OR kiwifarms decided to harass and dox a completely unknown outside of the fandom South Korean woman just for fun?
The reuploader who had started all this (thea-nymo) had mentioned in an ask that they were part of the most popular toku lgbt+ discord which is where they learned they weren't the only one blocked by her. Guess who else was part of that server? ME! And what anybody who doesn't know is that people on that discord who follow satoryuga were constantly complaining about her - she doesn't gif fight scenes, she doesn't understand anything, she's always being white-knighted, she needs to learn English, she doesn't gif women enough, she's a fujoshi, i hate her positivity, she's annoying telling people to do yoga, she needs to stop posting photos of her stupid stacy doll, ect ect day in day out every single time she posted, someone on the discord had a problem with it and would post screenshots of whatever it was they were annoyed about, which would make people there who don't even use tumblr echo the same sentiments because if your friend has a problem with this person they clearly have a reason so you also will hate this person and make fun of her translated English. Casual racism and xenophobia woohoo.
It also needs to known that that server which had almost 300 people in it no longer exists because discord banned it a few months back - because one of the moderators had been raided by the police for being in posession of ch*ld p*rn. The main user on here who had started the original "this is definitely kiwifarms doing this!" sentiment, who then also accused satoryuga of doing all this to herself, who also then tried to say satoryuga didn't even exist and this was all a psyop, was also caught in 4k via screenshots as having told several women and underage girls they deserved to get raped and chopped up and other violent things simply because they had been defending satoryuga in some kind of way. There are others who were also shown to have been in some way involved in harassing both satoryuga and stacaesar - so it's completely delusional to act like no one in the fandom would ever do such a thing, when it's been made very clear that there are people on here who would and are continuing to do such a thing.
Consider how many people in the fandom have begun to ostracize stacaesar, people who would reblog her toku gifsets whenever she posted them suddenly won't touch her posts with a 10ft pole after seeing the harassment she's been getting, or perhaps rather after seeing her defend herself against the harassment she's been getting. Is this also kiwifarms doing? Is this imaginary kiwifarms who is invested in the freaking tokusatsu fandom making people continue to interact with predators in the fandom while also forcing people to not interact with an underage victim of violent rape and death threats who is literally just defending a South Korean woman who was doxxed and assaulted?
So, again: which makes more sense? That people here on tumblr, in our fandom (some of which have already been exposed as having been involved!) were angry that they got blocked by satoryuga because they had been anonymously or un-anonymously sexually harassing her in her inbox which caused them to get their friends to start a harassment campaign with the end result being physical assault OR again… that kiwifarms decided to harass and dox a completely unknown outside of the fandom South Korean woman just for fun?
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andthebubbles · 2 years
yay i finished Crashing! eps 3-6:
okay so the biggest arsehole is anthony actually (like dude just grow some balls and break up with kate and get together with lulu, and also, grow up)
i thinkkkk sam had some ~character growth. the hospital scene with fred (the last one) was very cute. but if they had a second series i guess they would’ve dealt with sam properly acknowledging he likes guys too
the colin and melody storyline was.... wut? i’m not sure what either of them wanted throughout the show, but by the last ep they seem to have settled on... something. something that doesn’t have a label. that’s fine, it just took me a while to get my head around it, because their relationship went through so many ups and downs and twists and turns that i’m just like, ???
there was that moment in ep 5 after the big fight where sam’s standing alone in the big room/common area thing and i think he had a Think. sorta like, from then on, he’s still an arsehole on the outside but he... kinda learnt that his actions have consequences? and he has a real potential to be really sweet with fred privately from now on/show small flashes of it (but increasingly more)??? idk
i watched the sam and will kiss a few days ago already, and i watched it ... three times in one night... lol... and i also watched the fight/hospital vote scene a few times already, so that’s why i’m not commenting on it now. but it was ohhh so satisfying to get rid of will. also, sam’s jealous looks are *chef’s kiss*. and btw the vodka stuff he did with kate (i forgot the actual word for it lol) was actually hot, so, i’m gonna try find that gifset again of that moment and reblog it
btw the sam and will kiss and the hospital vote scenes are probably my favourite two scenes in the entire thing. and i do like the sam storyline best. duh. for several reasons. but i like to think that it was the best storyline................ but i’m not sure lol. i suppose the kate/anthony and anthony/lulu stuff was............ good? certainly lulu’s actor (yes i know her name i just cbb typing it) was really good, which probably helped carry that whole thing
yes i know this is a rambly mess
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schnaf · 2 years
@loveyouhomex tagged me, thank you ♥
1. Why did you choose your url?
short version: i used it on another site before. long version: one time, when i was really bored at school, i doodled some animals and everything felt normal, but then i realized the animal i doodled wasn't a regular animal but a sheep - snail hybrid - a schnaf in german, if you will. a few days later, i decided to make a new account on my first (and up to that point only) fanfic site because after one year, i felt like i needed a new start. but it felt rather temporary - i left the old account after not that long either and i thought i'd stay on the new account even shorter. so i just picked a random name - the animal i came up with a few days before. joke's on me, it became my identity.
2. Any side blogs?
yeah, i have a football side blog where i posted pics i took at matches, i have a side blog for a former fandom but i lost interest in it as soon as i created the side blog so... sorry, no new side blogs for fandom, i'm a one blog mess once again ♥ also several shared blogs for projects and stuff
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
i deserve senior discount and stuff, it's been a bit over 11 years now
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i once used a word, then i used q, then i decided to just let people know EVERYTHING is on queue here. also if i'm actually online and posting... no i'm not ♥
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
a friend of mine had tumblr and she always sent me posts of cute animals and footballers and one day i was like "ah imma join the source" - again, it didn't feel like a big decision and i didn't think it'd last that long
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's a screenshot from this video
gaon was insane for this. that's all.
7. Why did you choose your header?
it's from the hair cut mv and it's just such a peak scene....... THE VIBES THE COLORS the two pretty bois hehe. added bonus is gaon's "welcome" but well, couldn't put that into a gif.
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
it's a sernando gifset 😭😭 a friend back then was like "oh there was a sernando moment right now" so i looked it up immediately and was like "you know what? imma make a gifset right away" and it still gets notes nowaday, even though it was such a short moment and rather low effort
9. How many mutuals do you have?
almost all the people i follow are mutuals, that's very nice ♥
10. How many followers do you have?
quite a bunch ♥
11. How many people do you follow?
a few less than follow me
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
have i ever not made a shit post
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
too often
14. Did you ever have a fight / argument with another blog?
👀 why would i, the most peaceful person on this webbed site, have an argument, let alone a fight, with someone on here. so yeah the answer is yes
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog posts’?
the good old "reblog this or you're a shitty person" stuff sucked, but it almost died out? it got a little revival through the polls tho. currently, there are those instructions how to be a good blogger and how to avoid looking like a bot and it's like reblog stuff!!!! and oof. i mean it's valid but it's pretty annoying. also i don't want people to reblog stuff bcs they feel like they have to - they should do it on their own will. for example, sometimes, i feel like network people only reblog each others post and compliment each other because they have to (or feel like they have to) and oof that's pretty annoying. but 🐸☕
16. Do you like tag games?
it may not look like it because it takes me such a long time to answer them, but there's a reason why i keep them in my likes and answer them even after a long time ♥ so yesss!
17. Do you like ask games?
same as above!
18. Which of your tumblr mutuals is tumblr famous?
you shouldn't be famous on tumblr
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i heard they're all on tumblr, that's pretty embarrassing, so... no ://
20. Tags
@jcamilov06, @blacks-phoenix, @sunshine304, @ker-sunshine, @eyes-of-simha, @xjungsu, @todaviia, @manuelmueller, @chipsyio and @jorzuela - do itttt ♥
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besidesitstoowarm · 2 years
"Doomsday" thoughts
i'm realizing i forgot to mention my WIFE freema agyeman in last episode. i'm so sorry baby. i can't wait for s3
anyway this episode fucks severely and kind of reminds me that a lot of diehard ten/rose shippers don't like. GET what makes them work, bc they don't get what makes rose work. i think i've said it before that not only do moffat haters not understand his era, but davies lovers often don't even really like it for the right reasons. or like, reasons that are based on the text instead of the tumblr interpretation of the text. this isn't to disparage davies likers or ten/rose shippers or whatever, just make sure you're remembering the episodes as they happened and not as 1080p gifsets you reblogged 8y ago
anyway! this was a great finale to s2 and to the rose era in general (i'll make a season retrospective w more detail). it's just some goddamn great doctor who, davies is masterful at weaving deep and impactful character work into the classic balls-to-the-wall insane doctor who shenanigans. let's explore, shall we
i love the idea behind the "genesis ark" like tell me that doesn't sound like something that already exists in dw canon. calling back to needing rose's touch bc humanity– the human ability/desire/habit of crossing boundaries, inherently filling every space, colonizing to be less generous– has a power to it. the bit as well about "cybermen will remove sex and class and race and creed" is a critique of centrism bc our differences make us human! they're beautiful! the great equalizer is horrific, imposed violence
i'm sorry if this seems homophobic but i don't think a straight person could have possibly written the dalek-cybermen interactions in this episode. "the daleks have no concept of elegance" "this is obvious" sorry it's just pure cuntiness on a level i have never seen a cishet achieve. i'm not stereotyping davies as just "sassy" or whatever he's deeply talented in all facets but bitchiness is indeed one of those facets
continuing the anti-establishment theme, yvonne walking into the cybermen hell saying "oh god, i did my duty" is deeply telling. the cyberman she becomes crying an oil-slick tear and fighting back saying "i did it for queen and country" is kind of sad and kind of horrifying. it's about the layers
rose gets to flex w the daleks by telling them what she did as bad wolf. "i met the emperor....and turned him into dust" yes!! yes!! get their asses baby!! "both sides had secrets" all the time war seeding is so tasteful and delicious. it works as both bread-crumbing info that will be revealed eventually and as background worldbuilding should they decide to never get into the nitty-gritty. they obviously do in "the end of time" for one and then eventually the 50th but davies plays it just subtle enough that if they never did get deeper into it, i don't think it would have felt like a cocktease
i love the pete-jackie stuff sorry. i love stories about people finding/refinding/etc love in their 40s. they're not the version of each other that they each know but they're close enough and they do love each other. their big hug made me emotional
and of course. the ending. what is there to say about the ending that hasn't been said a hundred million times already. murray gold is a fantastic composer and he CRUSHES it. the fact that ten was ready to sacrifice rose without her consent (which he will later do to donna! themes!), the fact that she fought the narrative and refused until tragedy took over, as it inevitably must. bad wolf bay. "i love you" "rose tyler, –" as tears drip down his face. oh i am just so sick. they were codependent and unhealthy but you really can't deny how much they cared for each other, and even tho i KNOW they meet up again and get their "happy" endings i just. oh it hit. phenomenal acting on both parts, incredible score, oh it just destroys me. a beautiful end for the season and for rose
side note, i did not recall that "runaway bride" was the next story. i totally forgot that we get the season-long gap before seeing donna again. i can't wait to get back to donna, she brings out the best in ten (being divorced and a pathetic wet beast)
season retrospective up soon!
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golden-jeon-jungkook · 5 months
Is it possible that that blog just has a glitch? Because I've never been able to click on their blog or reblog directly, and I didn't realise it's because I'm blocked, but I've never interacted with them before.
Are you talking about that person who was mentioned in my previous asks? I wanted to believe it was a glitch or something. But now I think it's unlikely. There are several people who have experienced this as it turned out. I only reblogged gifsets from that blog before and nothing more. Maybe she thought I didn't give her enough attention. I have no idea. Besides, I didn't post much lately, so... It seems this person just blocks people without any valid reason. I think that this is odd because the fan community should stick together and support each other. I can't interact with posts from that blog. An error pops up. And if I click on a blog, it says it does not exist. It is actually the first time I have encountered something like this.
I'm sorry that happened to you too. If that person doesn't want our support than let's just forget about her.
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jennawynn · 9 months
Chronotrek Diversion: The Expanse
On a new post for reasons, but a response to @jbk405!
I really enjoyed most of the Expanse. By the end of it, I found myself thinking in Belter Creole unwittingly and I dove head first into hyperfixation territory. In fact, the spree of reblogs I did a week ago or so was a result of me combing through the tumblr tag looking for meta and gifsets only to be very disappointed by the amount available. It's a shame it isn't more popular here.
There were excellent characters and world-building and it was exactly what I was looking for to base my idea of a sci-fi TTRPG in, and happily the Green Ronin RPG looks to be just as suitable. The Star Trek RPG seemed _too_ light.
I adored every tantrum Avasarala had and every swear word that left her lips. Amos was 100% character, and even Jim "Paladin in a universe that doesn't have paladins" Holden was enjoyable. Camina Drummer just got better and better as time went on.
Queer bonuses: There's a character who is introduced as the child of 8 parents in a MMMMMFFF split, so poly is legal and accepted (though there is heavy implication that it was more for legal/financial reasons than love reasons, it's still a positive). There's a queer woman in an unrequited love situation where it informs several of her decisions but never is treated like it's the worst thing ever or puts the other person in a bad light. The found family themes are strong.
The negatives... the last season is cut short and although they 'tried' to wrap up the main story points, it's not great. It definitely feels like it was a sudden attempt to make the best of a bad situation. Though tbh, I'm not sure I would have really enjoyed that last season (or three) anyway. The stakes kept getting higher and higher with each season through 3 and maybe even 4, and then it felt like it plummeted back down.
I haven't read the books, so I can't say for sure, but it really felt like they should have ended this series with the end of 3 and then used that to launch other shows in the same universe that could then utilize that plot device for various different genres and stories to be told instead of continuing to try to find ways to use the Roci's crew and the MacGuffin. Which, don't get me wrong, love the Roci crew, but there's almost an entire season where none of them are in the same room!
I mentioned it in the last chronotrek post, but this series has the same trope as Mass Effect (and at least one episode of Trek) where there's some ancient, long-dead species that existed and died out and few people know of them, but other than that, it's just humans. It's intensely political. It has has a lot of speculative fiction worldbuilding. I was reading the TTRPG core rulebook at the same time as watching the show, so I might have gotten a bit more lore and such from that than you might just watching the show, but I think it worked well. The logic of the show seemed internally consistent, which is something I usually find to be grating in fantasy and science fiction media.
TLDR: Good enough that I might watch it again in the near future.
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visualtaehyun · 9 months
2023 in review 🏳‍🌈
Tagged by the lovely @btwinlines (here) and @chickenstrangers (here) ✨ Thank you 🙏
>> Post your most popular and/or favorite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
This took a while to assemble because I first needed to track down all my original posts which are strewn across several personal tags because I didn't know at the time I established them that I'd be shitposting, getting back into giffing?? etc.
Still lurking but I took to commenting on Thai BLs on YT a lot. The thoughts needed to go somewhere but I wasn't back on tumblr yet cause I'd been mostly using it for Kpop for several years at that point. My first Thai QL related reblogs are from January 2023 though.
Fun fact: I watched Theory of Love in 2019 after stumbling across OffGun and promptly watching their entire back catalogue lol I even watched a good portion of 3 Will Be Free as it aired but fell off of Thai series entirely and I don't recall why! My only guess is that I was too into Kpop and learning Korean, nerdy proof from vocational training below lol I got back into BL in late summer 2022 via Semantic Error and from there I fell quickly!
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popular: I only posted twice that month! Be My Favorite was one of the reasons I un-lurked and this breakdown of the pronoun talk in ep. 10 was me deciding to start sharing my vibrating-in-my-seat-about-Thai-language energy lol
honorable mentions: Wedding Plan's YiwaMarine were the original reason I stopped lurking because I wanted to make some noise for Thai GL and for this show - hence this ramble of a post was created!
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popular: this Only Friends meme? shitpost? about Cheum being a textbook U-Haul lesbian
honorable mention: this Wedding Plan parallel edit of YiwaMarine / LomNuea / Yiwa&Lom <3 and this post about the food, tongue twister, language in Hidden Agenda ep. 5 because it exemplifies how/what I learn from Thai series and because it's the third show I ever posted about
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popular: an analysis of how the two main couples or two sets of best friends in Naughty Babe (and Cutie Pie) talk to each other
honorable mention: this rant about how the Korean remake of Why R U?, specifically their Fighter, Tutor and Hwa adaptation, frustrated me because it makes no sense if you don't already know the Thai original and this Naughty Babe post about pronouns and names between the two families
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popular: unsurprisingly it's this Only Friends SandRay post aka Phi Bug and Nong Rabbit
honorable mention: this was the month I finally watched La Pluie so there's a few posts where I'm basically talking to myself lol about some subbing choices, among other things. This was also when GMMTV's press con for the upcoming year happened and I got too interested in all the wordplay in the Only Boo! trailer.
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popular: I still haven't started watching Cooking Crush (too bitter about the uncut situation tbh) but I did write up an explanation of a pun in ep. 1. And because this is the month that I almost exclusively posted about Thai GL - this Love Senior ep. 1 post with various language observations.
honorable mention: This was also the month I suddenly got back into gifmaking, something I had dabbled in throughout several past fandoms (don't- just- don't go looking lmao). Basically no one's watching Wednesday Club? -> a gifset of May as played by Piploy. There's barely a ZeeNuNew fandom to speak of on tumblr? -> a badly thought out ZNN gifset lmao. The video in question doesn't have English subs? -> Love Senior cast and director shenanigans giffed! I haven't made a single gif since btw djsjdhsj
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popular: Pronoun changes, my beloved! Because of course the switch to พี่/น้อง /phi, nong/ in ep. 5 would get me to start rambling posting about Last Twilight lol
honorable mention: I expanded on that when I went back through ep. 1-6 to examine the entire evolution of how MorkDay speak to each other. Also wanna mention this very random post about a meme and Thai song (that I've played endlessly) and that time I hijacked @zimmbzon's doc Jim post to reply to their tags :D
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A very busy year with lots of shows watched, lots of new acquaintances made on here, and a steadily growing understanding of Thai! If the utter devastation I seem to already have caused with that Rung/rainbow Last Twilight post from the other day is any indication of the year ahead, then it sure is gonna be a fun one lmao
I'm honestly not sure who has been tagged yet and who even wants to do this but some no-pressure tags: @ueasking @thegalwhorants @pharawee and, of course, if you read this and wanna play the tag too, feel free to tag me! If any mutuals have already done this, please point me towards your posts too~
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
hey i love your recent ryder gifset but for some reason it makes my tumblr app lagg to hell lmao just thought you'd want to know 💜
Yo, thanks for letting me know! I don't have any clue yet what the best option is to make gifs that they look not like pixels, neither are too big (mine are still under 10MB tho). They could be the cause? Tbh, idk but not to be ruled out. All I can add from observing is I've had a slow tumblr dash (desktop) during the last months as well once I scrolled down my dashboard for far too long (rarely gifs on there) — literally everything turned into slow-motion even editing my drafts (where there are literally no gifs at all) I can sometimes count to 10 when it only should delete a paragraph. Only thing that worked: save, close window, reopen anew. I've only noticed today when the site is up for long (still desktop) the gifs started to go into slow motion. Refreshing helps but it's likely to fall back into getting slower. idk if it is only because of the gifset now because both the mobile app and the desktop tblr versions have several bugs that annoy me to hell since months.
E.g. Desktop just likes to say 'no' when I want to type a "?" from time to time which requires me to refresh my site as well, so it works again. Weirdest shit I ever got on here. Whole post editior is hell bc it saves formatting totally wrong especialyl when I copy paste formatted texts. And the mobile app is totally annoying me lately with constant "could not reblog" sending me 50+ notifications to retry (even if it got posted!). Anyway, I won't post gifs in the near future — so you don't have to fear your dashboard gets slow because of me. ;) (if I was the cause). This was a test post. I keep it in mind if I get ideas tho.
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anastacialy · 2 years
finished wednesday on netflix tonight, so queued gifsets incoming. gonna look sort of hilarious next to all my festive posting, lmao. so be sure to block the tag if you're not interested, and if you are interested in an avid addams family (both the 90's movies and the television show) enjoyer's thoughts, i have a few very-spoilery opinions below the cut!
first of all, i liked it. it wasn't perfect, of course, but i enjoyed it!
it was wild to me to see there were a few people saying it was too violent? i know it used to be cartoon violence, or only reverences to violence, but i felt they delivered fairly well on that front. i was shocked to read some people took the piranha in a swimming pool bit seriously due to the fact that it was piranha... in a swimming pool. i laughed.
on the side of "the addams don't like murder enough" i definitely felt that. there was a slight toothlessness to them that i didn't love, but i do understand the reasoning behind it. by changing genre, it means there have to be stakes, there has to be some sort of line drawn between what is acceptable and what isn't. they did play with this a bit, too, when gomez was accused of murder and morticia said she had never loved him more, that was great. but y'know, the whole proving of their innocence thing was kinda meh. another post pointed out, morticia and gomez probably would have enjoyed that situation a bit more than they were portrayed to, based on theur prior characterizations. but again, i get it in theory. if your big bad guy is a murderer, then having your whole cast be murderers is a little harder to navigate. they took the easy route of "murder fun and interesting in theory, less fun and interesting in practice."
i was a little dissapointed by bianca's screentime, since i feel she deserved more of it. as a lot of people have also pointed out, (though i must clarify i am white, so take my opinion on this matter with a grain of salt) it was a little iffy having several "antagonists" be black, though i did genuinely like all of their characters, and obviously they all became not-antagonists by the end of things. it does also rub me the wrong way that there's a tendency to cast black men as (in this case ex-)cops, and that line from morticia to the mayor felt really tonedeaf, especially without any rebuttal. but again, my opinion on this matter isn't backed up by first-hand experiences, so take it or leave it.
i loved the dynamic between enid and wednesday. i mean, how could you not? i liked wednesday with bianca too, but in terms of shipping i do understand why people are leaning toward enid/wednesday. they got more screentime together, enid's inability to wolf out was the least subtle allegory for queerness i've ever seen, and that hug? hello? more romantic than any interaction with the love triangle guys by far. bianca and wednesday did get some great moments together, though, and again i wish they'd had more time to interact directly.
i have more thoughts but i'm having some trouble articulating them, so i might reblog this with some additions later when i'm more coherent. i love to hear more about what other people thought, though, so i'm excited to keep creeping in the tags tomorrow!
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