#there's an outlast blog following me
charcoalstardust · 1 year
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hi i'm still writing more than drawing for a bit take this in the meantime
ONE of these things is NOT like the others
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laughingbrand · 2 months
Looking for art buddies/Introduction
Hello, my name is Brandy, and welcome to my blog! I'm a 20+ art major who has fallen outta my passion for art over the last few years and wants an excuse to get back into it. So, I figured I might as well give Tumblr a try again and see where it goes! My main account is @brandywyne so if you get a follow from that it's me lol I dunno how to follow from side blogs. I'd love to make some friends on here again and just have a good time and maybe get some art practice here and there. I'm probably going to mainly post fanfiction/fanart for a while as I get back into the swing of things. Might have art requests open too? Haven't decided yet. Though if you like/do any of the following, please leave a note/reblog/like so we can chat! Biggest interests to smallest: ☠ World Building (!!!) ☠ OCS (I love making fanart of OCs, please let me know if you aren't okay with that!) ☠ One Piece (Big Kid Pirates fan) ☠ Creepypasta (I was an OG back in 2012 era Pasta community) ☠ Sketching/drawing/art (any medium is cool!) ☠ Summoner's War Sky Arena ☠ Markiplier fan (Been a fan for about 10 years now) ☠ Music ☠ Headcanons ☠ Horror (games/movies/stories/etc) ☠ Fanfiction/stories ☠ Monsters/teratophillia ☠ Journaling ☠ I used to be in a lot of older fandoms like Homestuck, MLP, Ninjago, SVTFOE, OFF, RPG games, Villainous, New Vegas, Skyrim, DC Comics, Outlast, Evil Within, Samurai Jack, MHA, Hazbin Hotel, and a few others too. Not as big these days but some I still have a mild interest in. Feel free to ask! NSFW Stuff: I'm fine with general NSFW stuff for writing and art, but because of that I do want to mention the following:
Please do NOT interact if you're a/into: Underage/minor (18+ only please. I'm a little too old to be friends with kids.), pedophile, bestiality, lolicon/shota, incest, age regression, pet play, feeder/vore/inflation, basically anything you'd find on the front page of Deviantart if you catch my drift. (Edited post to include more info)
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0fflimits · 3 months
Errrr intro and things
Call me offlimits or THE , i draw stuff sometimes , im in a lot of fandoms ,current hyperfix : kinitoPET , minecraft , osc ,
Tags: kinitopet , minecraft
BATIM , OUTLAST side blogs.
im autistic ,not a minor !!, I have an amazing partner who i love very much!!! @soullessseraphim (if ur reading this hiii i love youuuu i love u alotttt huieiehueiiei) he draws aswell and is very talented , i recommend checking his blog out!!! :D
im fine with note spam !! U can fill my notes on as many posts or as much as u want ,go ham ! Just dont spam me a ton on messages or asks /lh
I speak eng and esp ,you can ask me stuff anytime about my art or smth , or make art requests about characters/media i post about !! tell me how u want me to draw them and i might do it, i struggle with ideas ahhh ,if ur not sure if i like something u can always ask ofc , i may not reply sometimes if i dont know what to say or am just busy /nm ( but feel free to ask me multiple things even if i did/didn’t do ur previous asks!!, just dont spam my asks a ton like i said above, )
im not good with tumblr nor human interaction but any reblog comment like follow etc is very much appreciated (to the ppl who reblog my art with comments on it with tags GAGAGAGA IM SHAKIN U BY THE SHOULDERS HHHRRHRRHRRHRGRGR/POS )
u can use my art as headers or pfp !! credit is appreciated but not obligated , dont repost my art without my permission , link it or reblog it instead ! Im perfectly okay with personal usage of my art (background, wallpaper etc etc,, ) ,u can even edit it to ur liking ! No need to ask :D ( just dont do offensive/disgusting crap with it like racism , homofobia ,etc , dont ever use my art for shit like that even if its for ur own usage,)
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disabledautisticgreen · 5 months
Hi. I'm autistic and multiply disabled in a few other ways. I want to make a post to ask for other autistic people to see so maybe i can have some people to talk with. This is a side blog though so i might not be able to follow back. My main blog has swearing and i reblog horror game stuff and sometimes suggestive content. I know some people don't want to see that.
My other autistic friends don't....really get it or don't respond to me talking about things beyond the really basic autism stuff like "ohh neurotypical society is hard" "masking is hard" nobody responds when i talk about meltdowns or difficulty making words or my aac board
I would prefer other autistic adults because as much as i dont have any mean feelings towards kids it doesnt feel right or normal to be over 25 years old and seeking support from kids
Also people of all differnet support needs and autism levels can interact just please be the type of person who understands autism is a disorder and is a disability and don't spread aspie supremacist beliefs please.
If you want to know, my special interests and hyperfixations are Pokémon, Final Fantasy 14, The Magnus Archives, Outlast, Shin Megami Tensei games, Forgotten Realms / D&D, Splatoon, Silent Hill, marine biology, the MILGRAM project series, and Sonic the Hedgehog games
If you read this far thank you
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demcnsinmymind · 5 months
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
💻 ― excellent writing
🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑻-𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑨𝑾𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺.  (  send in one or more of these symbols for me to pick one blogor multiple i wanna shout out that i think fit well into the category. explanations optional.  ) | OPEN!
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
(looking through my following list I notice that I don't follow many canons lmao)
You obv. Seriously, I love how you don't shy away from the fact that Klaus is a terrible asshole, can and will be a ruthless monster who's not exactly right in the head. You don't soften the character and improve on things that canon messed up and that honestly make more sense in your divergences, and I think that's awesome!
@walriding and @mslangermann it's been eons since I played the Outlast games and don't remember every last canon fact in detail, but the care, lore, headcanons, aesthetics and just overall vibe that those two have put in their characters is just top notch and all I accept as canon, honestly haha. Just the way they keep true to the worlds and characters while adding to them so much is just *chef's kiss* @thatslayer Because boy can you just hear Faith in that writing. Keeps me and the boy completely on our toes and unable to anticipate what comes next but all in the best way. Also the sheer amount of years, writing and effort and love that has been put into Faith, just...admirable! @bitchheroine For also staying true to canon Meg while greatly adding to the general vibe and depth of the character, be that with sheer badassery and vulnerability. You see this Meg and you just want to hang out with her in a bar and chat about both the 'good side' and the 'bad side' kinda being shit birds, while also being aware of the danger she can pose, just like in canon. Also bonus points for being so friendly and excited about our threads OOC! Just a joy to see on the dash.
@innerwar couldn't ever forget to put Tommy on here. I'm not much one for following multimuses most of the time, but we've been going back years now, and it's honestly just such a joy to see how much love and attention to detail the vast selection of canons get here! Really don't know how he pulls it off to stay so faithful to so many canons at once, but this blog got it going!
💻 ― excellent writing
@shellcrack just writes me into a corner each time I get a reply. Just the way the visuals, scenes, and headspaces are set is so beautiful and tangable. And the general lore, vibe and idea behind the character really comes through in the replies, absolutely amazing.
same goes for @sprnkles - especially with the focus on how different each character is, it really shines through in every reply, the way the characters think and speak is so distinct and unique, constantly floored by that writing! Entirely beautiful.
@kxllerblond I can hear and see the monotone mildly bothered boredom in that writing, and I don't mean that in a negative way, but as praise. The way each reply and writing is just ...so Clark and representative of all the lore and care that has been put into this character is just crazy. I also can never appreciate enough how arachno manages to say twice as much with much more elegance in half the word count compared to me haha
tbh basically just all of my mutuals haha
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sxnburst · 3 months
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NAME: Jade AGE / AGE GROUP: 32 or something. PRONOUNS: She/they, but honestly I don't really care TIMEZONE: Uh, I don't know....is it like GMT or something? It's the same zone as NY I think LOL. WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: South Korea. Currently VA. CHARACTERS IN THE GROUP: Shit. Uh. This blog and.....
@rxsurgcnt @heclingmuzik @daxned @ostentumm @anghexescu @uwps001 @cladinivcry @mirrcd @hcrpyiia @hanabisays @fcxrcin
They're all OCS and very near and dear to my heart. I know it's a lot of them, but please...PLEASE if you can show them some love.
So I've been around for a while. I was around in 2014 or 2015 during the other group and when Isola came to be back in 2018, I followed. A friend of mine actually was the one to introduce me back in 2014 to the group and I liked it. Before then, I was rping on Skype, Myspace, and some others I forgot. I also used to RP in real life with said friend as well. Damn, so I've been LARPING since grade school and then started writing them out in middle school. Anyway, I'm always looking to better my writing skills and grammar. You'll see me sometime in the Discord group chat asking questions ^^;.
I love making OCs, whether it's on my own or making an OC with other people! I've been blessed to make OCs with so many here and I hope to continue making more. Thanks, Lethe, Lumine, and Jan! You guys rock <3
(Just waiting for more slots //fricker emoji)
I like anime, though I've been watching more Kdramas and just YouTube and shit. Thanks to my partner who's been watching Kdrama with me, I get to introduce all kinds of flavors so I hope she likes it 👀. If we're Discord buddies, you may catch me playing SIMS a lot and while I play SIMS quite a bit, I am also interested in other games such as:
Final Fantasies (I haven't played them all but I have some favorites), Left Four Dead, Beyond Two Souls or any games that are similar to that, Life Is Strange, The Last of Us, and much more. I can play spooky games like Outlast 1 & 2 but I get easily spooked and am a Whimp. might be fun to watch me play these gamers cuz you'll laugh I guess. Resident Evils are good too.......I need to play the game that my partner got me. Whoops. So many games to play and only currently one on my mind. Sims 4.
Okay, I think I did good? I think that's it? ANYWAY, you can catch me on Discord. You can ask for it or IM me on one of my blogs listed above. I tend to blog hop a lot so I may come across it :D
OH and please look at my entire world!
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froggyrights · 2 years
Hi everyone! Since a couple people were interested I made a small blog recommendations list 🌟
These are all people I personally love to see on my dash! Specifically those i know well enough to comment on or people I like that I haven't seen on many other follow lists floating around.
If you enjoy following me you'll probably like these people's blogs as well.
Mostly Dream SMP content:
@carpedzem my c!dnf partner in crime!! also an amaazing artist and good lore posts!
@elliotl beloved dreblr member, general Good & Nice presence and good c!dream posts!
@cdiskduoisms I would trust his opinions on discduo with my LIFE. Writes so many incredible dsmp fics you neeed to check them out
@dorito-with-no-weakness both based c!dream & dsmp stuff and fun other mcyt posts!
@call-me-apple also dreblr! every apple Post I see I go woah. thats based. Recommend.
@kiuda her c!dream headcanons make me So sad. Posts analysis and cc content too!
@rutadales there's no one whose c!foolish analysis i trust more! Also a lot of c!dream, cool art and general mcyt content.
@simplepotatofarmer such a cool blogger! posts awesome c!Techno & c!rivals stuff and posts about their chickens (!!) There's no negatives here
@bigbaras recently started posting their c!dream and dsmp art on here and wow. Woooooww. Wow.
@foolsocracy posts dsmp stuff! Makes aweesome art like their c!Sam design is everything 2 me
@cgogs one of the like 6 other cdnfers on this site woo 🥳 I'd mention him just for that but she also has awesome analysis abt cclingy and cawesamponk
@yumgrapejuice I'm a huge fan of grapes endersmile fics!! Also blogs about c & cc dream :)
@kenjo-arts posts so much cool c!dream and dsmp art!!
@theminecraftbox can't rec dsmp blogs without mentioning their blog ! Has the best c!prisontrio analysis on the website for suure
Mostly CC content:
@dteamtogether pandasblr! Posts mainly sapnap & dtqk+!! Blaze is awesome follow him neoooww
@dtqkplus the url says enough right? Also reblogs tommy and wilbur stuff, if there's a good post I'll probably see it on their blog
@catboydweam all sorts of c & cc dream stuff! Also talented fic writer!!
@dnferisms posts general dtqk+ content, definitely a fun addition to your dash!
@alien-girl-21 mix of mcyt and general fun posts. My go to for updates on what Quackity has been up to on Karmaland!
@gnfghibli dteamblr and some other mcyt comtent, really fun to follow
@respiteresponse posts suuuch wonderful mcyt/dsmp art!! Mainly dteam and tina from what I've seen, it's awesome
@calamitydaze posts general dtqk content and also makes the most heartwrenching dsmp webweaves ever. Such good c!Quackity & c!fiance opinions too
@f4c3 literally a dteamblr staple. Where would we all be without f4c3. Has been here for ages & will outlast us all
@tinogie posts mainly abt dtqk+, always has something fun/interesting/cursed going on in their askbox. Also very talented dnf fic writer!
@foolishgamersbf my favorite foolish gamers enjoyer!! Posts abt foosh and tina mostly, runs @tooshdaily as well!
@sappymix1 dteam main, posts tons of mcyt stuff, very fun to follow!!!
@georgelore one of the first dteamblr blogs I followed in like 2021 and never regretted my decision, just posts good mcyt content
Also honorable mention to Leo @hoshogie who doesn't post mcyt content but you should follow xem anyway thank you👍
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annihilatius · 5 months
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✦ ☈ Welcome to my blog where I document my descent into mental insanity. If you forced me to give this blog a label I'd say it's fandom-centric, I post about Bioshock nearly all of the time (which I'm sure you expected but I'm just letting you know what you're getting into) but I post a lot of other stuff too. I try to stay away from intra-community discourse or general negative topics because it just makes me upset, and this blog is meant to be a form of escapism from my problems not a reminder of them. But of course I don't entirely ignore those things, so watch out for that if you don't wanna see it either. There are people I don't want interacting with me but DNIs are pointless so I'll just block you if I don't like you, and you'll know if I don't like you
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✮ ⚣ I am not taking commissions right now for multiple reasons. I would be open to art trades if you're a friend, and if I wanted to do drawing requests I would make a post about it, don't just send me asks requesting me to draw stuff without any incentive especially if I don't know you. If you're going to send me asks at all Please ask me about my Minerva's Den rewite... Or anything related to Bioshock. Stares at you....
✦ 🦇 On stuff I actually like, you can just check my highlighted tags to see what I'm most into at the moment but there are more that I don't post often so I feel like I should address all of them at once. In fictional media, I like Bioshock (current hyperfixation), Pokemon (current special interest), Resident Evil but I don't really consider myself to be apart of the fandom for multiple reasons, Outlast, Amnesia, Fran Bow and Nexomon which I used to be hyperfixated on So Badly but I'm not into really at all anymore 💔. I used to also have a special interest on the Titanic (the actual ship not the movie), even though I'm not the most educated person ever about it I still do love ocean liners a lot and it can re-occur. My brain for some reason is incapable of being hyperfixated on more than one thing at a time and it can change suddenly, so I apologize if you followed me for one specific fandom/characters in a fandom and then I got hyperfixated on something else
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✮ ⚣ Tag navigation! #v.txt < orginal text posts #v.jpg < finished art #v.png < wip art #Asks?!?! < asks #Pinned post < current or previous pinned posts #Vincent's Minerva's Den rewrite < what it says on the tin #My ocs < my ocs for my own original story, but I haven't been working on them recently #BS ocs < Bioshock specific ocs #Scuffed game reviews tag < serious game reviews (haven't used in a while though) #❤ < my favourite posts (reblogs)
✦ ☈ Last updated: 17/6/24 (DD/MM/YY)
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heckyeahponyscans · 7 months
In my search for info about the Oldsmobile ad campaign, I came across this blog post:
The story of “not your father’s Oldsmobile.” Or how some really bad advertising changed the culture forever!
October 14, 2008
Time for a story boys and girls. It’s a tale that requires we go back 20 years, before copywriters had Macs, before email, before I lost my hair. This story harkens back to a day when Oldsmobiles roamed the earth. And their commercials filled the airwaves. I should know; I made some of them. Including the campaign that served as Olds’ final and famous (infamous?) death gasp: “Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile.”
 Dad’s was better.
The line has become a pop culture catch phrase, in the same ilk –albeit attached to worse advertising-as “Got Milk?”  Both slogans have been co-opted literally hundreds of times, far outlasting their original intent. Try reading your morning paper and not finding a variation on either line. For example, about a candidate: “This is not your father’s Democrat.”  About a technological innovation: “This is not your mother’s sewing machine.” And so on. Sadly enough, more Americans are familiar with the Olds’ slogan than of Shakespeare’s finest sonnets. Way more.
A soft-spoken creative director by the name of Joel Machak wrote that famous line. I actually came up with the campaign’s tag: “The New Generation of Olds.” Both pieces were intended as lyrics. That’s right, a jingle! As a matter of fact, I was brought in to help Joel come up with the refrain. The piece went together as follows (sing along):
       This is not your father’s Oldsmobile…This is the new generation of Olds.
Pretty spiffy, eh? The word “generation” was key. If you recall, each commercial featured a celebrity and one of his or her offspring. This is why the campaign is so damn silly. Outside of a morbid fascination with ogling Ringo Starr’s purple-haired daughter or Dave Brubeck’s motley looking brothers, placing the kin of “B” and “C” celebrities on camera was pure folly. Though I will concede we anticipated Reality TV by 10 years! If you do nothing else today, go to the above link. Trust me.
Where’s my Cutlass Supreme?
The very first spot was for the “totally redesigned Cutlass Supreme.” The protagonist for this commercial was none other than William Shatner, appearing as; you guessed it, Captain Kirk! Riding shotgun was his lovely college-aged daughter, Melanie Shatner. A middling actress, she was pretty darn cute. She also was well endowed. And this became problematic given her wardrobe and where we were shooting. It gets damn cold in the Palm Desert at night. The diaphanous gown provided Melanie was meant to be futuristic a la Star Trek, but it did nothing to warm her up. Subsequently, her nipples went completely rigid, sticking up like Spock’s ears.
beam me up, Scotty!
While this may sound lurid and comical now, at the time (3 AM) it was a “situation.” Imagine the middle-aged suit from GM, replete in a satin Oldsmobile Racing Team jacket, making his way over to the director. “Excuse me, but we can see her nipples!”  Given we’d already shot scenes of Melanie in the gown, a wardrobe change was not possible. The solution? Duct tape. And thus her cleavage had a silver lining.
The other moment I’ll never forget was a captured piece of dialogue (unscripted) between William and his daughter. Between takes, they were side by side in the white Cutlass. Unbeknown to either, the mic was still on. Listening to Captain Kirk school his daughter about the virtues of pep and sleeping pills as a key to nighttime shooting was priceless. What a Dad. What a cad. In a way, it preceded his Emmy-winning turn as Danny Crane by some 20 years.
I know this is trifling gossip, and long past its vintage. But like everyone else, I’m beaten down from our grim economy and an evermore-depressing election. Not to mention the woes of Chicago’s sports franchises… When I was new I used to love listening to the old-timers tell bawdy stories from their shoots. Now that I have a few under my belt, I figured we could all use a respite.
As a post-script: in 2021 the writer returned to his blog after fifteen years away. He explained that he had dropped out of the advertising biz and become a substance abuse counselor. He began work just as Covid broke out. Wow! I find that inspiring! He also has a Youtube channel devoted to his aquarium hobby, check it out here!
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zsatuka · 1 month
Intro thing
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Hi I go by Zsat....I'm a minor and I use they/them pronouns. The stuff I mainly post is just fanart and sometimes I ramble about stuff I dislike. I'm more active on insta so if you actually like my art then follow me there, it's the same name as here: zsatuka
☆Current hyperfixations☆
Clone High
The Vampire Dies in No Time
Bendy and the Ink Machine
OC x Canon haters
NSFW/G0re blogs
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8-bit-fanfic · 2 months
New Fanfic Writer -- Intro
Hello! My name is Gray, I am a DID system and a writer!
Main blog: @8bitgarden-sys
Facts about me:
90+ alters as of mid April 2024
contemporary, low fantasy, urban fantasy, supernatural, contemporary with a spice of another genre, romance, post apocalyptic, often queer
Some fictives we have in the system: Benji (Virgil) Sanders, Roman Sanders, Anna from Frozen, and Bingo from Bluey lol
I LOOOOOOVE hurt/comfort or angst with a happy ending, it's my favorite
I might do whump? there will be warnings if I do. I used to, don't know if it's my thing anymore lmao.
Fandoms I will write for:
sanders sides my beloved
the good place
minecraft (ocs)
outlast my beloved
stardew valley
avatar the last airbender
fallout 3 (ocs)
dungeons & dragons (ocs)
My best friend's account is @super-mario-somethings so go follow them too!
Edit: i'd like to keep this blog sfw! at least for now, if i find myself writing smut i'll make a new blog for it :)
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iightbringer · 2 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝓲. ︱ introduction.
hello all, thank you for taking the time to read this silly little blog intro!  my name is lucifer and you may use any pronouns you feel fit for me, i’m not picky in the least. i am nineteen, going on twenty this year and a proud virgin— i mean .. virgo. i’m terrible at writing bio’s, so here’s just a few things to know about me — i come from a land down unda, i sow chaos, confusion and mild amounts of concern in the hearts of everyone i meet and oh, did i mention how much i fucking love frogs? like, i can’t get enough of those funky little guys. that muppet has inexplicably and irreparably ruined me. and now, moving right along with a word from our sponsor, who just so happens to be the most beautiful, amazing girl in the entire world — my darling girlfriend! love you, boo <3
❝⠀⠀ hi. i'm lucifer's 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉 &. today i'm here 2 talk abt the one nd the only: lucifer. first, they vvv friendly. it's almost scary bc who tf is that nice. well i have news for u. they are. i'm still shy to approach them even if we're tgt bc they like. rly talented. they modest asf but they're rly good at everything they do. esp writing. nd art. like girl i can't even begin to tell u. u hve to see for yourself. also: charming. so playful but in endearing way. and. that dumbass never fails to make me smile. 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭: so. protective. their loyalty is absolutely. shocking. nd they dn't just give that away. next slide: observant. and so focused on details &. ideas. constantly thinking abt smth. seeing them brainstorm or voice their opinion will never not be fascinating. furthermore: they genuine &. best believe they'll keep it 𝟏𝟎𝟎 w u. they dn't play w bs yk. it took a lot for me to understand they hve good intentions. they're good to me, &. they treat me so well. but now ik it's bc they truly love me. to close: i'm not the type to say sappy things. even tho that's all i did. but meeting them would be so worth it. it was for me. but u better not hurt them. or i'll hve a nice chat with u. anyway. ty for reading this far. if u need me, i'll be busy planning lucifer's demise. farewell.⠀⠀❞
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ signed, 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆. ⠀⠀⠀
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝓲𝓲. ︱ interests.
  ⠀⠀⠀these are the things i enjoy doing⠀…
★ ⠀⠀writing. cosplaying. crafting. roleplaying. drawing. gardening. painting. gaming. singing (badly).
  ⠀⠀⠀and these are a few of my favourite things⠀…
★ ⠀⠀horror movies. fizzy drinks. the colour white. jensen ackles. stuffed animals. religious imagery. vintage music. zombies. andrew scott. musical theatre. mod fashion. imagine dragons. aussie representation. theology. gore. trixie mattel. rainbows. mental stability. pokemon. cats. shopping. crime shows.
  ⠀⠀⠀shows i’m into ⠀…
★ ⠀⠀house m.d. supernatural. the walking dead⁺. banshee. you. hannibal. dexter. sherlock. american horror story⁺. criminal minds. scream queens. lucifer. squid game. the boys. the last of us. hazbin hotel. fallout.
  ⠀⠀⠀games i’ve played ⠀…
★ ⠀⠀bioshock⁺. mass effect. resident evil⁺. outlast. beyond: two souls. telltales the walking dead⁺. undertale. alice: madness returns. the quarry. detroit: become human. baldurs gate 3. batman: the telltale series⁺. heavy rain. alien: isolation. we happy few⁺. the last of us. until dawn. death stranding. corpse party.
and for a comprehensive list of horror movies i’ve seen, click here. 
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀𝓲𝓲𝓲. ︱ information.
if you’re interested in a roleplay with me, please do feel free to send me a message and i’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. i do not & will not roleplay with anyone under the age of eighteen.
  ⠀⠀⠀ do not follow this account if you ⠀…
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ are sexist, any sort of phobic, racist, etc. 
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ promote/post about drugs, alcohol or smoking oorp.
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀— ⠀⠀⠀ are a nsfw blog or frequently post nsfw content.
and i think that’s all, folks. thanks for stopping by and have a lovely day, wherever you are. peace!
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thetrashbois · 3 months
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Hey! I'm Spooky! I'm 25 years old, and use she/they pronouns.
I've had this blog for a very long time but it's been very on and off being used, And yet I keep coming back 👉👉
This blog is my vibing place for my self shipping! This can go anywhere from just reblogging my blorbos, to me actually making stuff! Mainly art and writing!
This blog is 18+ only. No minors. I like to keep all my content for this on one blog so that includes more sinful content. Though it will be tagged accordingly if you don't wanna see it! (Tags at bottom!)
I tend to switch around a lot to different fandoms and interests. It's rare I'll stop liking a fandom or character though. I have many Blorbos and the number only grows uwu
I have a lot of mental health stuff going and self shipping is a big coping mechanism for me. ✌️
I'm a system! I don't really plan to talk about it much on this blog, but on the off chance it comes up I'll say it ™️
I have two amazing partners, @calamari-minecraft-corner and @angelover44 . ❤️
My main is @spooookyqueen, I follow from there!
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I'm not gonna do a full DNI this time cause I don't have the braincells, and people don't always respect them anyway, but I will set a few ground rules.
Obviously any basic DNI stuff would apply.
I wanna keep discourse of any kind off here for the most part, it stresses me out and if im gonna talk about that sort of thing it would be on my main and not my self shipping blog.
For the most part everyone is welcome here, just don't be an ass or just straight up make me or anyone uncomfortable.
I do on occasion post darker topics here, especially given I like a lot of evil or fake characters. I don't not support anything of the sort irl. This obviously does not include the obvious no-nos.
Anything with dark content will be tagged accordingly. If anyone needs me to add more tags I will gladly do so. And if I forget, please don't hesitate to let me know. (Just don't be rude about it)
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I can't promise any form of logic for when I post and what I post. My ADHD makes me a bit all over sometimes so there's no schedule or anything. Sometimes I might not post for a long time, it's really just up to what I see, feel up to.
Asks are always open! Just don't be rude or disrespectful is all I ask. I am just vibing here after all.
I'm not above blocking if y'all can't behave though.
I have many silly aus and such. Sometimes crossovers. What one with a small brain might call "cringe"
Jokes on your cringe culture is dead though and I killed it 💜
FR tho, Were all just having fun here 👉👉
Also sorry for any spelling/grammar issues on here or on any other post of mine, I struggle a lot sometimes with my ADHD since my brain tends to be faster than my hands. And if I don't type quick enough I tend to lose my thoughts
Main Tags I use below, Will add F/O Tags as I go ✌️
General Tags
#Cala my beloved Posts involving @calamari-minecraft-corner
#Katlyn my beloved Posts involved @angelover44
#Suggestive Not quite going into sexual territory but the implication is there
#Sinful Mature content, namely the sexual sort
#My Memes
#My Edits
#My Art
#My Writing
Blorbo Tags
#Wesker or #Albert Wesker Albert Wesker from the Resident Evil franchise & Dead By Daylight
#Eddie or #Eddie Gluskin Eddie Gluskin from Outlast: Whistleblower
#Darkiplier Darkiplier from Markiplier's Ego Videos (Or as I call them the Markiplier Cinematic Universe)
#Damien or #Mayor Damien Damien from Markiplier's Ego Videos (Or as I call them the Markiplier Cinematic Universe)
#Celine or #Seer Celine Celine from Markiplier's Ego Videos (Or as I call them the Markiplier Cinematic Universe)
#Astarion or #Astarion Ancunín Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3
#Gale or #Gale Dekarios Gale Dekarios from Baldur's Gate 3
#Raphael Raphael from Baldur's Gate 3
#Miguel or #Miguel O'Hara Miguel from the Spider-Verse Movies
#Spot, #The Spot, or #Johnathon Ohnn Johnathon Ohnn/The Spot from the Spider-Verse Movies
#Vox Vox From Hazbin Hotel
#Lucifer or #Lucifer Morningstar Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel
Will add more as I go, anyway, thanks for reading ✌️
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evilbonehag · 5 months
Outlast AU: Normal Fucking People! EdVal friendship stupidity lets go-
(Warning for mentions of sexual assault for backstory reasons yk)
(Normal Fucking People is what I’ve lovingly named my slice of life Outlast AU where all the characters are haunt actors who scare people for a living)
• They bonded initially over loving horror and performance- they share details about their characters to each other that no one else knows. Their work at the Mount Massive/Temple Gate haunts originally got them talking and now they each realize how deeply their own lives and traumas affect the characters they play
• the weird kind of friendship where one of them is extremely put together and the other is always a fucking mess so it almost seems unfair (but it switches constantly because Eddie may be a homeowner but despite Val never having any money she is usually on the listening end when he’s got something to vent about and this is Often)
• Give the rancid vibes of a toxic couple (Constant gross pet names from Eddie, constant innuendos from Val, she likes to sit on his lap at parties and it weirds people out, they’re always hanging out and talking shit about people they hate etc etc)
• Really though, they’re each healing in their own way, its just a LOT. Val escaped an abusive Christian upbringing, Eddie has cpstd from childhood sexual abuse and they’ve each lived for 30-40 years and are JUST NOW trying to undo it all
• seriously Eddie didn’t even admit to himself that he was gay until a few months ago. Val suspected the whole time and definitely poked him about it and BOY would he get upset.
• meanwhile Eddie is a terrible great wingman for Val who is currently dealing with her giant gay crush on Marta. he’s just trying to learn how to not be overtly terrifying to be around (Hes WEIRDLY friendly. Marta hates this.)
• Eddie used to be visibly uncomfortable with being seen with Val in public in her goth-satanist-punk-what-have-you getup but they found the solution was not, in fact, to get Val to tone it down, but to get Eddie into wearing vintage. So now they’re getting into looking weird in public together, slowly but surely, and they’re quite the pair
•Eddie follows Val’s blog but he doesn’t have the attention span to Read All of That (Val writes essay-length blog posts and journals for fun, mostly about horror, sexuality, religion, human beings, etc.)
• Val is really well read and really good at talking. She has been able to get Eddie to listen to her musings very often when they smoke together
• it took Val a surprising amount of effort to get Eddie to be okay with getting high and he was a huge baby about it the first time they tried
• Eddie’s transition from “Can you please leave the spiked dog collar at home” to “Your tights need more holes in them, let me get the scissors-”
• Eddie has an oldies/musical theatre playlist for the car but Val hates upbeat showtunes more than anything. Eddie gives her rides everywhere so he’s been making it a challenge to find her something she’d like (“If I can imagine a kick-line to it, it’s trash, Ed”)
• The amount of crying and screaming these two do around each other. There was a period of their friendship where they were consistently talking each other down from things. Val is still grappling with shame around sexuality despite outwardly being very sex-positive, and Eddie has so much trouble trusting people and releasing control for fear of being assaulted again. They’re okay with being very raw and unfiltered around each other in ways they can’t be with anyone else
• “Did you see Rick at the haunt last night?”
“Fuck Rick.”
“Yeah, fuck Rick.”
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mothergooseberry · 5 months
1. I am primarily here for crossovers. I've had bad experiences in the Outlast fandom in the past, due to clique behavior and ableism. There are several people still active in the fandom that I'd prefer not to see on my dash, and who I'd prefer not see me on their dash. So, if you're someone who interacts with those people, I likely won't be following back for my own comfort.
2 This blog will contain heavily triggering content, particularly in regards to child abuse and sexual assault. Phyllis (Mother Gooseberry) was physically, emotionally, and sexually abused by her father (Dr. Futterman,) her entire life; after his death, she developed Dissociative Identity Disorder from the trauma. Her father is her only altar and she speaks for him via a hand puppet.
Canonically, she is constantly having this puppet speak to her the way her father did, degrading her and calling her things like a bitch and a clumsy slut. I generally headcanon that this Dr. Futterman persona comes out more when she's under stress- which she constantly is during trials. In threads outside of her main verse, he'll likely be less present.
3 I reserve the right to drop threads if they aren’t working out. However, don’t assume that means I don’t want to write with you at all. We can always start a new thread and take things in a different direction.
4 My replies may not be as frequent as you’d like; I work a full time job. I’ll usually be around more on my days off. Don’t be afraid to shoot me a message making sure I know it’s my turn or asking when I might be able to reply! I’m definitely fine with reminders, just not demands that I do it right this second.
5 I am 28. I would prefer not to write with anyone under 21.
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tiny-space-robot · 8 months
okay, i do understand about liking irredeemable characters. i too find a lot of them very interesting and yeah, even attractive. but at the same time, do you see how making posts like that, about those two at least, kind of crosses a line? i mean eddie gluskin has been uwu'd by the fandom for years and a lot of us are used to that, but a character like loutermilch is sort of beyond romanticization. i mean he's a pedophile, his entire character is defined by that. it's just a bit jarring to be following the outlast tags and see a post pop up calling him hot when, for most of us, he evokes a feeling of disgust and for some of us, he's genuinely triggering. i think eddie's abuse gets overlooked because it's so ridiculous and over-the-top, but loutermilch's arc deals with a very real phenomenon (child sexual abuse), which crosses a line for a lot of folks. i just feel like "reminding" everyone that he's hot or whatever just feels very weird.
mh hm, ye, of course-
lets overlook the crusty a** mysogynist r*pist because the mutilation of body parts is "over the top"
but no, I get it, I get what you mean
but see, the thing is- I never once said "these two characters are innocent babies and if you don´t agree with me youre a bad person"
I literally ONLY said that they are "hot", the MOST surface level angle to see a character!
and what does the title of my blog say? "I love old men and juice boxes"
have you people ever once considered that I may just be a little weirdo who gets off on the looks of old men??
and what are father loutermilch and dr wernicke? OLD. MEN.
I literally just find loutermilch hot because he´s a half bald, skinny b*tch with massive issues, sleek clothes a hot, throaty laugh/voice and a genuinely horrifying demon form
that is the issue with you people- you take EVERYTHING way too personally and literally!
if you can´t get over the fact that there are people out there with different opinions to you (and personal reasons for those opinions) maybe the internet isn´t the best place for you, now is it?
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