#there's like 4 different people with a deer motif
gachagon · 8 months
I watched the last two episodes of Hazbin Hotel and they were pretty alright, I enjoyed them. Obviously the pacing is awful though because we only had 8 episodes to really get to the end, but for what its worth I think they managed to do their best in telling their story.
I can't really blame anyone but the ones who greenlit the show in the first place for that episode number though, lord knows indie animation is thankful enough to get 1 season these days. I hope in season 2 the animation gets better because it is very rough here. Even in that fight/dance sequence with Vaggie and the overlord lady, you can really tell they were being held back a lot and had to just make do with whatever budget they'd been given.
My earlier gripes about how the show handles addiction, sexual assault, and abuse still stand. I think how it portrays those things is tacky, and the show doesn't get a pass just because it was "brave" enough to just outwardly show those things "without holding back". I also don't think the show being 18+ and being set in hell gives it an excuse to just treat these sensitive subjects however it feels. I really hope the fanbase learns to just accept criticism of the show in the future because it's been really annoying having people call you horrible names just because you have valid opinions about a cartoon.
I still think Alastor "being black" is an after thought that came to the creator after people rightfully pointed out how that character doesn't fit at all with the culture she's appropriating, or how he clearly has motifs and themes from a different religion all together (I mean he's quite literally a "deer demon", able to change his form, eating rotten flesh on his downtime, it's giving "white ladies version of a wendigo" very much and not "Creole man from Louisiana who practices "Voodoo Hoodoo" whatever the fuck that means) The creator of the show has some good ideas, but really needs to learn to just be quiet at times instead of opening her mouth to say more dumb shit.
I think the sex jokes and vulgarity were not toned down even near the end, i really think they need better comedy writers on their staff team. It's unbearable to hear the same "haha sex joke" for the millionth time over the course of 8 episodes. Get different jokes at least please, sex can only be "hilarious" for so long. I find the comedy is at its strongest when its relying more on the over all personalities of the cast than who they're sleeping with or how many "parts" they have or what they do in bed etc.
The music is good, it's hit or miss sometimes but i definitely like a lot of the songs and the cast is really talented so they're carrying it. Is it "broadway" material? Absolutely not. But its good for what it is.
All in all, i didn't entirely hate it I guess? I liked it near the end, I hated those first 4 episodes and if they're gonna continue on with the same problems season 1 has, I really don't see this show going on for very long (especially not when the one in charge of it all plugs her ears to anyone criticizing it) I will tune in for season 2 because the ending has me a little intrigued, the show does shine when it's focused on the plot and not when it wants to fumble complicated themes and messages. I do want to see how they'll end this or where they'll take it etc.
So yeah that was Hazbin Hotel. It could use some work, like a lot of it. Meh.
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tanuki-kimono · 3 years
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Super cool hanafuda (”flower cards”) + ryuusui (stream) yukata (seen on), paired with a Rumirock obi. 
I believe I’ve never touched Hanafuda cards here, so buckle up for a long post ;)
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Hanafuda is a card game with 12 different suits of 4 cards. Each suit is linked to a lunar month through symbols, all inspired by classical culture (months where later matched to Western calendar hence why some symbols seem off).
Please note that in the list below, I’ll use ‘meaning’ in the broad sense as following symbols often have many overlaping significations:
睦月 Mutsuki  (1st lunar month) / January => Symbols: matsu (pine), tsuru (crane), hi (sun), ‘akayoroshi’ tanzaku (paper strip, with auspicious あ(か)よろし meaning lit. ‘red is good’ = ‘really wonderful’) => Meaning: eternity, happy/new beginnings as January is the New year month
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如月 Kisaragi (2nd lunar month) / February => Symbols: ume (plum blossoms), uguisu (bush warbler), ‘akayoroshi’ tanzaku (paper strip, with auspicious あ(か)よろし lit. ‘red is good’ = ‘really wonderful’) => Meaning: beginning of spring, well read people (especially refers to Michizane/Tenjin), a match made in heaven As a side note, plum branches rising to the sky is an auspicious motif known as yariume/“spear plums” or tachibai/“rising plums 
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弥生 Yayoi (3rd lunar month) / March => Symbols: sakura (cherry blossoms), hanamimaku (curtain, here cherry blossoms viewing parties), ‘Miyoshino” tanzaku (paper strip, Yoshino is a place famous for its sakura) => Meaning: beautiful yet fleeting life (like the delicate sakura blossoms)
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卯月 Uzuki (4th lunar month) / April => Symbols: fuji (wisteria), hototogisu (cuckoo), red tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: coming of summer, beautiful yet fleeting life (cuckoo sometimes symbolize mourning souls). Fuji could also refers to famous episodes of the Tale of Genji. As a side note, cuckoo also stands for patience in Japan, probably because of the zen charade known as “If the bird doesn’t sing..”
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皐月Satsuki (5th lunar month) / May => Symbols: kakitsubata (iris), yatsuhashi (zigzag bridge​), red tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: deep and nostalgic love, inspired by famous poetical scenery from the Tales of Ise (motif is present in many paintings like this screen by Korin). Iris are also a symbol of strenght as seen in Tango no sekku festival
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水無月 Minazuki (6th lunar month) / June => Symbols: botan (peony), cho (butterfly), purple tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: road to heaven (symbols came be found in noh piece ‘Shakkyo’ and Kabuki one ‘Kagamijishi’), butterflies often stand as a symbol for spirits or souls
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文月 Fumizuki (7th lunar month) / July => Symbols: hagi (clover), shishi/inoshishi (boar), red tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: coming of autumn, the strong needing the meek (a variation of tiger in the bamboo grove motif)
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葉月 Hazuki (8th lunar month) / August => Symbols: susuki (pampa grass), kari (wild geese), full moon (meigestu) => Meaning: moon/harvest festival (tsukimi), deep nostalgia as year goes by (nature will soon be asleep as winter will follow autumn)
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長月 Nagatsuki (9th lunar month) / September => Symbols: kiku (chrysanthemum), sakazuki (sake cup, with kotobuki/‘long life’ kanji), purple tanzaku (paper strip) => Meaning: long life, immortality. In ancient japan, it was customary to drink chrysanthmum wine during Chouyou no en festival as a wish for long life (people also used to drink/use as medicine dew collected on mums leaves and flowers). As a side note, objets flowing in a stream (like sake cups) were once used as timer during poetry competitions.
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神無月 Kannazuki (10th lunar month) / October => Symbols: momiji (maple), shika (deer) => Meaning: momijigari (hanami autumn twin) parties and as March card = beautiful yet fleeting life. Shika deers also have deep auspicious connotation as they are messengers of the gods in Shinto
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霜月 Shimotsuki (11th lunar month) / November => Symbols: yanagi (willow), Ono no Michikaze and a frog, tsubame (swallow), Inazuma (thunder, wildcard sometimes bare and nicknamed “onifuda”/demon card) => Meaning: this card is always the most puzzling one for me, as in kimono fashion yanagi+tsubame are not truly a November motifs ^^; But here, the most important symbol (most often only present as an umbrella!) is a driving rain under which willows dance. Poet Ono no Michikaze, walking by a riverside in that awful weather, spots a struggling frog. After many efforts, the frog finally succeeds jumping in a willow - inspiring Michikaze. This suits hence symbolizes diligence and determination. As a side note, nure tsubame (lit. “wet sparrows”) symbolize lovers - especially star-crossed ones
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師走 Shiwasu (12th lunar month) / December => Symbols: kiri (paulownia), houou (phoenix) => Meaning: longevity, life circle (“beginning to the end”), power.  Legends say phoenix can only nest in paulownia trees
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I won’t go into details as to how to play with hanafuda as 1) I am terrible with cards games, and 2) I learned koi-koi rules only thanks to the Ryu ga gotoku/Yakuza video games xD (amazing game serie, if you don’t know about them, go play!!! They have been re-released not long ago)
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
The Music of Faustsele: Closing Statement
Intro | Previous
I want to start my closing statement for this whole series by showing the breakdown of where all these songs came from.
Kenshi Yonezu has released five albums under his real name. Those albums are: -diorama: a concept album about a desert town on the back of a catfish which is later flooded by rain and seemingly abandoned. A consistent theme throughout the songs is that everyone in the town is not living their best life. -YANKEE: an album that has a running theme of "curses" as stated in interviews with Yonezu. -Bremen: an album inspired by the fairy tale of "Town Musicians of Bremen" and with contrasting songs that interact like light and dark (Yonezu's example is "Metronome" being a goodbye while "Blue Jasmine" is a frank love song). -BOOTLEG: an album that seems to have a theme of "connectedness." Yonezu has also commented that many of the songs are him playing with the concepts of originality and homage (as several are songs written for other media or are inspired by other music genres). -STRAY SHEEP: an album with the motif of a crystal, the idea being that of damaged things still being beautiful as gems are cut (thus damaged) when used by humans.
Some of the songs come from Yonezu's singles. One song was released outside of an album and single. Now to see which songs in each ship playlist came from where.
Eine Kleine (YANKEE album) Flowerwall (Bremen album) Orion (BOOTLEG album) Spring Thunder (BOOTLEG album) Sight for Sore Eyes (YANKEE album) Lemon (STRAY SHEEP album) Donut Hole (YANKEE album) Melancholy Kitchen (YANKEE album) Love (exclusive release with Yonezu’s book “Monster Encyclopedia”) WOODEN DOLL (YANKEE album) 5 - YANKEE, 1 - Bremen, 2 - Bootleg, 1 - STRAY SHEEP, 1 - non-album exclusive
Remember how the motif of the YANKEE album was "curses." Not my intention but I find it interesting how Josele, who is literally cursed, takes most of her songs from an album centered on that theme.
Jade Wolf ("orion" single) Placebo (STRAY SHEEP album) Canary (STRAY SHEEP album) Fireworks (BOOTLEG album) Night Bugs on a Rainy Street (Bremen album) Spot the Difference (STRAY SHEEP album) Monster's March (BOOTLEG album) Spirit of the Sea (STRAY SHEEP album) 1 - Bremen, 2 - Bootleg, 4 - STRAY SHEEP, 1 - non-album exclusive
Morgen's songs mostly coming from STRAY SHEEP is fitting as he is the black sheep of the family, strayed from their devil practices. He's also like a gem, hurt by his family's secret but still able to shine brilliantly.
Headless Cuckoo (diorama album) Cinderella Gray (Bremen album) Love and Fever (diorama album) Mirage Song (Bremen album) Vivi (diorama album) Metronome (Bremen album) Paper Flower ("Lemon" single) Santa Maria (YANKEE album) Sunflower (STRAY SHEEP album) Pale Blue ("Pale Blue" single) Horse and Deer (STRAY SHEEP album) Nighthawks (BOOTLEG album) Blue Jasmine (Bremen album) 3 - diorama, 1 - YANKEE, 4 - Bremen, 1 - Bootleg, 2 - STRAY SHEEP, 2 - non-album exclusives
It's appropriate that Nacht is the only one to have songs from "diorama" since those songs are about people being miserable and Nacht is just... really sad. In the end, he has one more song from Bremen, which is an amazing coincidence given his devils' inspiration.
And here is the final percentage breakdown of how many songs came from each source.
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By one song, STRAY SHEEP has the biggest presence with Bremen and YANKEE tied for second.
With that now done, let me share my final closing thoughts...
I'll admit that some of the song connections stretch a little. Not every word fits but that'd be impossible to get as the songs weren't written for my ships in mind.
And I know it looks like Nacsele is favored above Morgsele in the amount of songs, but Yonezu has a lot more songs which address feelings of loss, sadness, frustration which lends better to Nacht's perspective. I could definitely expand Morgen's playlist by looking at songs beyond Yonezu's work but who knows when that might happen.
I really love Kenshi Yonezu's work. I was listening to his songs on loop long before I ever found the translations of the songs and was able to connect them to my ships. And now that I've made those connections, I love Yonezu's work and my ships even more.
Nacht and Morgen are my favorite characters in Black Clover. Not just because they're handsome. What I really love about them is their themes, together and apart. Morgen is a character about kindness for the sake of itself and how a good person can inspire others (what Morgen did for Yami). Nacht's story is about redemption, forgiveness towards oneself, and the importance of honest communication (something he lacked with both Morgen and Yami). And together, they tell a story about unconditional love (despite their differences, they were family who loved each other) and what it means to be good, whether it is something innate and can't be sullied or something that can be learned after mistakes are made.
Josele is an oc of mine who've I put so much time and love into. She's one of a few ocs who I've really put through the wringer before putting her on the path to healing and a happy ending. Her character and journey is about the importance of emotions (obviously) and connections to other people. Cutting herself off from others is what led to her curse and it's by making connections with the Black Bulls that she's able to be herself again. I want to explore how she interacts with the Bulls in the future because most of the content about Josele is also in relation to the Fausts. But as this project shows, they're kind of a major factor in her life. Josele is probably my best and favorite oc because there's just a lot going on with her.
When it comes to Yonezu's work, I'd definitely call it my comfort music. Despite so many of the songs having melancholy or dark themes, others have loving and hopeful themes. I listen to Yonezu's music and I'm reminded that other people have feelings of being insufficient or disconnected from the rest of the world but also that connections exist and there are things of beauty. Even though I've heard them so many times, I still tear up at some of them. Because the emotions expressed and the stories told touch my heart. And they've become even more special to me now that I've been able to connect them with something in my fandom experience.
Working on this project has been kind of a journey for me. At first, I was content just knowing for myself how these songs suited my ships. I think a part of me was also a little defensive, too. Like, I was afraid that if I talked about Yonezu's music on my blog, then the safety/comfort I got from the songs would be diminished. I felt as if others knowing about Yonezu's work would mean they were taking it away from me. I quickly realized I was being stupid, but I didn't think I could pull off a project of this size. Thankfully, with some encouragement from a friend, I went through with making this project. To just ramble about why these songs suit my ships. To let people know about an artist that I love so much. Sometimes I hit writer's block, unable to put my thoughts on the screen, or I just didn't have the energy to form coherent thoughts. I kind of think my thoughts as I've written them still aren't perfectly comprehensive and there's a lot of repetition but that's how it turned out.
Ultimately, this is my comfort music and my comfort ships brought together by my passion for both. I'll probably never do a big project like this ever again because... I just get that feeling.
If you read the series (as a whole or just part of it), thank you for your time. If you didn't, then I'm wondering why you're reading this post.
Anyways, thank you for your time and for indulging my brain rot.
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fictionpenned · 3 years
Tagged by @picnokinesis!!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors! 1. Let Her Run (Doctor Who, March 2021) Stars glitter not only in the sky, but in the Doctor's eyes. 2. I’m Sorry (She-Ra, March 2021) The past still haunts Catra.   3. Best Served Hot (Doctor Who, March 2021) The vast majority of the regulars at the coffeeshop have a set routine. 4. Swept Up In Each Other (10 Things I Hate About You, March 2021) Kat never thought that she would miss Seattle. 5. Against Time Itself (Doctor Who, March 2021) Heat radiates from Rose's skin in waves.  6. Marriage Vows (NBC Hannibal, March 2021) Bedelia lazes on the chaise lounge like a lioness patiently waiting for nightfall. 7. A Change In The Weather (Hunger Games, March 2021) Katniss despises this house. 8. On The Hook (Doctor Who, March 2021) The Doctor has been texting. 9. Stranger Still (Bridgerton, February 2021) The ball is noisy and near-overwhelming in its spectacle.  10. The Stars Between (House M.D. & Firefly, February 2021) The view from the pilot's chair consists of only stars and darkness and space dust. 11. Insatiable Cruelty (A Gentleman’s Guide To Love & Murder, February 2021) “Phoebe, darling." 12. Dreams Diverged (Bridgerton, February 2021) Daphne and Eloise are both idealists, though they wear the mantle in incredibly different ways.  13. Unrecognizable (Doctor Who, February 2021) Like most Time Lords, the Master is not fond of traveling via vortex manipulator. 14. Planned Scandals (Game of Thrones & Bridgerton, January 2021) Olenna hears Lady Danbury approaching long before she sees her. 15. A Seduction (Star Wars, January 2021) Joining the dark side is not a sudden turn or a downward fall. 16. The Wonder of The Universe (Doctor Who, January 2021)  Falling down the rabbit hole felt like a tiny thing at first.  17. A Little Bit Of Meddling (Doctor Who, January 2021)  A small fire roars in the hearth, throwing affectionate heat and shifting shadows across the dimly lit room. 18. The Art Of Flying (A Court of Thorns and Roses, January 2021)  Feyre has yet to master the art of shapeshifting.  19. Raised For War (She-Ra, January 2021)  Though battle is an unimaginable prospect for most people, Adora and Catra were born to it, trained for it, forged to be weapons of the highest order.  20. Fending Off Nightmares (The X-Files, January 2021)  Exhaustion circles Agents Mulder and Scully like a vulture awaiting the moment when an injured deer finally expires.  Observations:  I think the biggest takeaway from this is that my openers are not complicated. They’re not overly dramatic. They’re not the attention-grabbing hooks that you’re taught to use in school. When I was younger, I really latched onto the idea that the first sentence of a story had to be this big, dramatic set piece, and that if the reader wasn’t immediately dragged into action, then they wouldn’t care, but my understanding of first sentences has evolved significantly. I no longer see them as a hook with which you drag the reader in. They’re like a handshake or that first step over the threshold when you’re entering a stranger or acquaintance’s home for the first time. It’s about introducing you to a vibe, more than anything. Sometimes, that vibe comes in the form of how a character is relating to a situation (eg, Katniss despising the house), sometimes it comes in the form of worldbuilding (eg, Catra and Adora being born into and raised for war), sometimes it’s putting pieces into place for an encounter in the first scene (eg, Bedelia lounging), and sometimes it’s the introduction of an aesthetic or a motif (eg, stars in the Doctor’s eyes). My other primary takeaway is that so many of my first lines aren’t intended to be read in isolation. I write lyrically, so my sentences tend to flow into each other and build, and taking them out of context dulls the impact a lot. Probably the best example of this is the opening of “A Seduction.” The first line is “Joining the dark side is not a sudden turn or a downward fall.” When read in isolation, it’s fine. Like, it’s serviceable, but it’s only part of the opening thought. When you take it in whole though, it becomes:  Joining the dark side is not a sudden turn or a downward fall. It's an intimate courtship -- one step forward and two steps backwards -- a dance so slow that at first, you hardly realize that you're doing it. It is a seduction. And that is the way it’s meant to be read. It gives a clearer picture, and the impact is in that third sentence. It’s a trio, not a solo act.  My Favourite:  Stars glitter not only in the sky, but in the Doctor's eyes. Idk fam, it’s just pretty. I like pretty things.  Tagging:  I don’t know who has and hasn’t done this yet, so if you see this post and you want to do the thing, consider yourself tagged!
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mahou-queen · 4 years
♡52 Weeks of Lolita Questionnaire♡
In a recent Lovely Lor video, Lor answered questions from Loliprompts’ questionnaire “52 weeks of lolita”. It seems like a fun list of questions and I thought I would answer them too~ ♡
1. What is your favorite brand, and why? What’s its history? ♡  I guess my favorite brand would have to be Angelic Pretty. I love a lot of other brands, but the majority of dresses in my wish list right now are Angelic Pretty. As for their history? I don’t really know haha, I guess I should research that a bit.
2. How would you describe lolita fashion to a curious person you met in passing? ♡ I always just say I am apart of a fashion club? People don’t generally require more than that but if they did I would probably tell them that it’s an alternative fashion based on Victorian fashion and we have a fashion club and we get dressed up and meet for tea and stuff.
3. What style do you think is the most underrated, and why? ♡ qi and wa lolita. I almost never see them, or see interest in them which is a shame because there are some really beautiful dresses out there that are suited for these styles.
4. What does the phrase “lolita lifestyle” mean to you, and do you, or would you like to, adhere to it? ♡ lolita lifestyle is when you try to bring lolita or lolita-esque aesthetics into every aspect of your life. Maybe wearing lolita every or most days, and having a very “loliable” home/room. I could never be a lifestyler because I have other fashion interests. Also lolita is not appropriate at my workplace.
5. What do you think constitutes lolita etiquette or good manners? ♡ I don’t believe there is any “lolita etiquette” I think you should just be yourself. Good manner are good manners, don’t be rude to your comm members, don’t dance on the tables at a tea party. But that’s just commonsense I don’t think there is a way to behave that is lolita.
6. Does your style change with the seasons, or do you dress the same and try to bear the cold/heat? ♡ I try, but admittedly I am awful at it. I try to keep berets in the cooler months, as well as long sleeves. BUT I’m a sucker for ankle socks and I wear them all year despite the cold and I do freeze my legs off at winter meets. 
7. Do you have a fashion role-model? What do you admire most about them? ♡ I actually have several! I will list them and their instagrams here: sleepyriri  - Her coords are so dreamy looking, very light floaty aesthetic which I love. She also has her own lolita brand! Le_verger_sucre - Her coords are so pink and princess-y. I find myself sharing her photos a lot. Fannyrosie - the classic lolita queen. Need I say more? Tokimeki.bunny - I love the cuteness of her coords. They always have a lot of extra elements and are so well balanced. She’s also really good at coordinating printed tights which I am awful at. Tsumikko - Lavender QUEEN! I love her use of aprons, layering, and color balancing. Very light, floaty vibes.  Milkcircus - Print QUEEN. Her use of prints and patterns absolutely inspires me. Coords are always very multi-dimensional  Cursed.Kaiser - They’re coords are honestly so cool, there’s a kind of drama in them that I really like. Darkxdelirium - She almost made me want honey cake with her impeccable coording skills. 
8. What are the top 10 things you love most about lolita? Can you also compile a list of things you hate? ♡ I don’t think I can come up with 10 but I’ll do my best. ♡ Loves: The community aspect, the ability to reclaim my femininity through lolita, the creativity that goes into building coords, crafting to make one of a kind pieces, being able to feel beautiful without being “sexy”, having a hobby to focus on when I need something to escape to.
♡ Hates: Second-hand market price fluctuation, brands still releasing dresses with a max 96cm bust, buying petticoats, storing my stuff (especially purses), brands who charge astronomical prices for low quality materials (AP purses, Q-pot jewelry, etc).
9. How strict are you in applying the rules to yourself? To others? ♡  I am pretty strict on myself. For a long time I was terrified to be seen as ita. I was even afraid to wear bodyline for fear of being ”ita” even though my coord was good. These days I am less strict on myself and worry much less about these things, but I still struggle to get out of the strict mindset from time to time. others? I love experimentation even if I am afraid to do so so I am really not too strict on others, if it works, it works, and I am not going to criticize anyone. 
10. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever incorporated into a coord, or the weirdest material you’ve ever worn? ♡ The weirdest thing I think I have ever worn in a coord were a pair of korilakkuma bell earrings. As you can imagine, bells on your ears? not great.
11. What’s the story behind your discovery of lolita fashion? ♡ When I was a senior in high school, a new girl started attending my school. She wore fairy kei and sweet lolita to school. We became friends through art class and eventually she ended up teaching me about the fashion. She sold me my first dress, and later my first brand piece. I am really glad to have met her and to have been exposed to lolita. You can follow her on instagram here
12. What is the one item that you’ve owned the longest? ♡ I still own my very first dress I got in 2012. Bodyline Squirrel Party. However, I am planning to sell it since I’ve worn it in everyway I can think of.
13. Do you think lolita is only about clothes, or does it also encompass a certain attitude or mindset? ♡ Lolita is about the fashion. All kinds of people are lolitas and they like it or wear it for different reasons. 
14. Have you ever decorated a room or other space (car?) with lolita aesthetics in mind? ♡ My old bedroom used to be very “kawaii”. I love pink so my car stuff, my desk, as much as I can get away with, is pink. 
15. Is it possible to be too obsessed with lolita? ♡ If lolita is interfering with your ability to pay your bills, or to be happy, or to focus on school or work or family then you should probably pull back. Some people do get very absorbed by things and in those cases it can become too much.
16. What are you favorite and least favorite trends? Do you think it’s important to follow them, or to do as you like regardless of them? ♡ My favorite trend ever is the chiffon half blouse. So comfortable, affordable, light, cute, and much more size inclusive. Least favorite trend? mis-matched shoes from the 2010 era. I like my shoes to get equal wear. I think these days more than ever, you can really just do whatever you want. Wear the fashion is right now is like anything goes which I think is great,
17. How do you define “lolita cosplay” and how do you feel about it? ♡ Lolita cosplay is stupid. sorry
18. Are there other fashions that you wear regularly, or are you an everyday lolita? ♡ I don't wear other street fashions anymore. I used to wear fairy kei and himekaji but these days I just dress regular outside of lolita.
19. Do you look for bargains to save as much money as possible, or are you willing to make sacrifices for high-quality products? ♡ I try to find the best prices when applicable but if I am in love with something I’ll do what I have to do.
20. When was the last time you wore lolita, and what did you do that day? If you wear it daily, when was the last time you went OTT or extra-fancy? ♡ The last time I wore lolita was in April lmao. For a virtual meet-up with my comm.
21. If you were to combine lolita fashion with an unrelated style or theme, what would your new creation be? ♡uhhhh I honestly have no idea at all. 
22. What is your favorite accessory, and why is it your favorite? ♡ I have 2, 2-way bow clips from back when bodyline had a massive “sundries” section. They're no longer available and haven't been for a long time. I am really glad I got them, I wish I had bought more sundries when that section was still there.
23. What’s your favorite online lolita community or forum? Are there any that you avoid?  ♡ I don’t have a favorite tbh. I have never been on 4chan and I never will be.
24. What is your favorite theme (e.g. school loli, pirate loli, nurse loli) or motif (e.g. deer, music notes, stars/constellations)? ♡ black and gold stars! Valentines day! fruits! gingham!
25. Is there any music that you associate with lolita? ♡ orange caramel lol
26. Will you ever be too old for lolita? ♡  never
27. Do you enjoy sewing? Why or why not? ♡ I don’t know how to sew :(
28. How does your location affect your involvement in the local lolita community? Would you like to move elsewhere to be closer, or perhaps farther away? ♡ I drive about 1.5 hours for meetups because that’s the closest active comm. I do not mind so much. I’d like to maybe be closer.
29. Does your sleepwear resemble lolita at all? ♡  not at all. I sleep in oversized t-shirts
30. Can you admit to any unpopular opinions regarding lolita? ♡ I hate peeking bloomers. I’m sorry :(
31. How do you feel about Visual kei or Jrock, and do you feel it’s related to lolita, or not? ♡ Love it, and absolutely. Visual Kei is like lolitas relative. 
32. Whether or not you wear them (looking at you, Ouji), do you prefer the look of skirts, JSKs, and OPs with or without prints? ♡ I like both, but these days I am appreciating non-printed items more.
33. How has your style evolved over time? ♡ It hasn't really, just gotten more refined. 
34. If applicable, what other communities do you belong to? What other identities do you adopt? ♡ I’m queer, so the LGBTQ community is important to me.
35. What are your favorite shoes to wear with your style, or what’s your dream pair? ♡ I love heels. I do not like flat shoes because I like to elongate my legs. I don’t have a dream pair.
36. Would you, or have you ever, dressed your pets in lolita? ♡ lol I’d try but I don't think it would work.
37. How do you feel about people who wear lolita for Halloween? Does it depend on whether that person is already a lolita? ♡ Wearing lolita for Halloween as a lolita is fine, but wearing it as a costume is kind of meh.
38. Excluding fashion shows, what’s the most amount of outfits you’ve ever worn in a day? ♡ just 1 haha
39. What’s your worst lolita horror story? ♡  I don’t really have any. I one time went with some of my college friends to a con and I left my dorm building in full sweet early in the morning. I was afraid my dormmates would see me cause I did not want to explain but luckily no one was awake and I made it to the van unscathed. 
40. Do you like sweets? If so, what’s your favorite dessert? ♡ I love angel food cake 
41. Do you have any beauty products, health routines, or special diet to keep you at your best? ♡ I take co-q-10 for my eczema, I like laneige lip sleeping mask, especially in the winter.
42. What were the best and worst meetups you’ve hosted? If you haven’t hosted, would you like to someday? ♡ I wanted to host a garden meet this summer but covid ruined that. Maybe next year.
43. Who is your favorite artist? If not famous for lolita art, do you think they have lolita appeal? ♡ I love a lot of artists, some of them I think are lolita-adjacent because their style is kawaii. I’ll list some here: jisaaaa!  ubokhee MISOART_ meowwniz gojio_ hanavbara Fancy Surprise Arcade Healer Yurie Sekiya and many many more. Go stalk my following on instagram for lots of kawaii artists.
44. How do you feel about wigs? Do you wear any, or style your natural hair? ♡ I used to wear wigs, but my hair is too long now so I use my natural hair with fake bangs.
45. What’s your favorite animal motif? ♡ bears?
46. Have you ever visited a brand’s shop/boutique? If so, what was your reaction? If not, what shop would you most like to visit? ♡ I want to visit AP San Francisco 
47. Do you think posting photos of your coord online is a crucial part of belonging to the community? ♡ YES, it’s how we all stay connected and inspired 
48. How has the lolita community changed since you became a part of it? Where do you see lolita heading in the future in terms of community and networking? ♡ I think it’s become way more accepting and accessible. When I got into lolita there were virtually no legit resellers, the community was entirely on livejournal, buying second hand was a nightmare. Buying anything! was a nightmare. There was so much stress around looking “ita”, and the superiority of brand. These days its just not like that. So much amazing taobao brands have really helped even the field for lolita. We have so much more access to the clothes, the community, everything. It’s great. I only see it getting better as years go on.
49. What advice would you give someone who is nervous about starting lolita? Or do you think they should learn their own lessons? ♡ I think too many lolitas today rely on seasoned lolitas to tell them everything. I would say, go watch lovely lor, read @lolita-tips and look at other peoples coordinates. Lolita Tips tumblr taught me basically everything I know back in the day and it a wealth of info and concrit. Part of what makes the lolita journey so great is the research, the learning, the mistakes. You don’t wanna be like someone else, you wanna be you. So you really need to do the work yourself so you can put your personal flair into the fashion. That’s when it’s at its best. 
50. What’s your dream dress/garment? Is it a faraway goal or have you obtained it? ♡ My dream dress was AP sweetie violet jsk in lavender. Which I got in 2019. My new dream dress is AP rose tea garden jsk in navy. It’ll probably be a while before I can afford to buy one.
51. How do you feel about the stereotype that lolitas are full of drama? What’s the worst drama you’ve ever witnessed or been involved in? ♡ I think any and all groups of people are bound to have drama. I don’t believe that’s specific to lolita at all. I personally have not been involved in any lolita drama.
52. Are you loyal to any particular makeup brands? ♡ I am very particular about my makeup because I do not like to use certain ingredients. I really like Pacifica. But I also like some Korean brands like The Saem, MISSHA, and TonyMoly.
This was super long but I had fun answering all the questions. Have you done this questionnaire? I’d love to see your answers~
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missorgana · 5 years
art’s in the detail
pairing: finn/poe dameron
fandom: star wars (sequel trilogy)
rating: general
word count: 3550
warning: swearing
summary: Finn might just be the model Poe's been looking for. (artist!poe au)
(i have now officially started on a project i’ve been wanting to do for a while, and this is the first fic of many! u can read about the series here if u want. as always thank you @nevillelongsbottom for helping me out ilysm. hope you enjoy this??!)
read on ao3
On the many canvases, on the walls and scattered on the floor and on the easel in front of him, it’s all people.
It’s Poe’s favorite motif to paint.
He supposes it’s the unpredictable, unstoppable movement he finds appealing.
Or maybe he just likes to look at faces. He can look at a person’s face for hours if they’d let him.
He realises that might sound a bit weird.
Jess shrugs it off when he voices this concern to her.
She usually comes around his place in the weekends, at lunchtime, without ringing the bell, cause she’s known where he keeps the spare key ever since he moved in 4 years ago.
She laughs upon seeing him, always teasing his ‘poker painting face’, but lets him work in peace.
Poe feels her presence behind him, quietly watching the canvas.
“Someone you know?” Jess asks him today, sipping her coffee. She’s brought one for him as well, which he’ll drink in a minute, or five, he just needs to finish this first.
“I saw her in the street,” he tells her, not shifting his gaze, “So this is purely from memory. I wish I had a model.”
Now Poe’s worked with a couple of models in the past, but the problem is that he’s not that great at reaching out to people, which is why Jess might as well be his manager at this point.
She’s found models for him, god bless her, but most of them were professionals.
He’s assured Jess a million times that there’s nothing wrong with professionals, obviously.
They’re trained. Sometimes too trained for Poe’s vision, though.
He once asked this woman, an old high school friend of Jessika’s, if he remembers correctly, to think of when she was most angry in her life, and channel that.
She had looked at him like he was insane.
“You can get one. I’ve gotten you several ones.” Jess answers him. There’s a quiet snark in her voice, but it��s the same old discussion as always.
Poe finally puts the brush down, turns around to look at his best friend, “I know, I mean-” he shakes his head at himself, “Sorry.”
Jess smiles at him fondly.
“I just want something more real. Not that models aren’t real. But someone who hasn’t been trained. Someone… raw.” he explains, finishing it off with a dramatic shrug.
She crosses her arms in front of her, “So. You want someone who’s not a model. Why don’t you approach one of those people you see on the street?”
Jess takes another sip of her cup, nodding her head towards his current project, and Poe’s eyes widen.
“Are you crazy? I can’t just approach strangers.”
“I approach strangers.”
“That’s online.”
“Is there a difference?”
Poe struggles to find an argument, sighing defeatedly, smiling despite Jess’ victorious laughter.
“You’re impossible.”
“You tell me that every day.” he answers her, shaking his head at her fondly.
Jess simply nods and clicks her tongue.
Then, after a glance at her wristwatch, straightens up a tiny bit. She always does that when she wants him to go out with her.
“May I lure you out of your cave to have lunch with me?” she questions, already moving towards the door.
And as much as Poe doesn’t feel like going through crowds today, he stands up and searches for his coat. He supposes other human interaction besides his best friend will be good for him.
Jess beams, as always, claps her hands in victory, and Poe laughs at her, “It’s not like I have a choice, do I?”
“Of course you do,” she says while holding the door for him, “It’s a mere suggestion.”
“I could just order takeout, you know.”
“You always order the same. You know a varied diet is important.”
Poe raises his eyebrow at her, “Didn’t know you cared about my health so much.”
She slaps his arm half heartedly, despite being used to his teasing she still seems upset but not really, scoffs at him, “Shush! I’m paying anyway. Will you let me do something nice for you, please?”
After locking up, Poe turns to her and kisses her cheek, proceeding down the stairs, “I feel like I should be the one asking you that.”
He spots her shrugging at that statement out of the corner of his eye, checking her phone, then linking her arm in his.
“I’m choosing the place.”
“Of course.”
Jess had seemingly already decided on a cafe beforehand, and no matter where they went, she always knew where the best table was, even when she claimed she’d never been there.
The table she’s chosen today has perfect view of the door and who comes in, as well as a floor-to-ceiling window to look out.
“The usual?” she asks him, already half on her way to order.
He has to hold in his laugh, simply nodding, “Surprised you remember.”
Jess turns around and sticks her tongue out at him, and he returns the favor, of course.
Oh, they’re very mature.
Poe resorts to doing what he always does, people watching.
He hears his nagging voice saying he’s creepy, but he can admire people from afar, right?
The bustling is just interesting.
He sometimes wonders what’s going on in other people’s heads.
Is the woman with the baby on her lap a single mother, or is her partner on the phone? Is she going through a divorce?
What’s the bundle of teenagers joking about?
Is the cashier with an exhausted look on their face waiting for an answer to their university application?
It’s funny, how everyone’s tied up in their own thing, the whole world revolving about themselves in the moment.
Poe’s at least felt that way before, especially when he’s painting.
A bell rings, signifying the door’s opening, and he turns his head in curiosity to observe who’s coming in.
And well, let’s just say if Poe wasn’t sitting down, he would’ve stopped in his tracks.
He sees beautiful people everyday, sure.
But something about the man now inside the café isn’t like anyone he’s seen before, and he figures he has to stop himself from gaping.
This man’s breathtaking.
From Poe’s location, he can only see him in profile, but man, he’s a sucker for a jawline like his.
The man stops in his tracks for a minute, presumably looking at the menu, restlessly fiddling his hands in his jeans pockets.
He taps his foot a couple times.
His clothes hug his figure, his dark complexion complimented by an orange jacket. Though he hasn’t tucked his shirt in, Poe notices.
His eyelashes flutter, he licks his lips.
His lips are so full.
Alright, that’s enough, Poe decides, turning his gaze away and anxiously waiting for Jess’ return.
And as hoped, she returns, placing a sign with a number in front of him.
“They said it’s going to be 10 minutes, 15 at the most.” Jess tells him, flickering through a magazine Poe assumes she grabbed from the rack at the counter.
“Great.” he answers half heartedly.
Don’t look at him again, Dameron, he tells himself, and he tries incredibly hard to listen to himself.
Now Jess looks up, and she frowns, “You okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Don’t answer my question with a question.”
Poe laughs it off weirdly but he already knows she’s suspicious.
He just has to look, he wishes he didn’t, but can you blame him?
The man’s at the counter ordering now, and he’s just intriguing. Poe’s not even sure he knows why, other than being the most gorgeous person he’s ever seen, of course.
Maybe it’s the colorful patches on his jacket, or the scar on his neck, or the tapping of his fingers on his leg.
Overthinking is not helpful, Poe’s brain tells him.
When Jess turns around in her chair, he knows he’s doomed.
“Oh, I just knew you would stare at someone!” she says, turning back, smirking like she just won a bet.
“Wha- I- Sh! You’re making me sound like a stalker.”
She blinks, tilts her head. She’s thinking he’s overdramatic, he can tell without her even opening her mouth.
Poe just knows that demeanor too well.
“Think he’d be a good subject to paint?” Jess questions, and he has to sigh a little, nodding, “Maybe.”
And without another word, his best friend stands up.
Oh no.
Poe can already tell where she’s headed.
He’s restless.
He fiddles with the paintbrushes, cleans them even though he already did that an hour ago, paces, switches out a canvas for the fifth time.
If this goes bad, it’s on Jess’ shoulders, Poe decides.
How she managed to talk him into this, he has no idea.
When she ruthlessly walked up the mystery man in the café three days ago, Poe wanted to protest louder, but remembering they were in public didn’t let him do much.
He observed her introducing herself, they shake hands, okay, great.
Jess talks. Jess points at Poe, oh god, no.
The man looks at him and he freezes on the spot like a deer in headlights.
The man nods.
Then, a polite smile. Acknowledging wave.
Okay, well, that’s not terrible. Poe waves back, of course, cause he doesn’t want to appear rude.
And when Jess returned, she did so with a phone number and a day where a paint session could take place.
Honestly, Poe doesn’t know whether to love or hate her right now.
The man from the café - Finn, his name is, it’s amazing and satisfying to get a name on that face, and Poe has to smile to himself.
He’s incredibly anxious about this.
He’s also glad Jess had the guts to talk to him. Mostly. When he’s not pissed and wishes he didn’t go out with her because he’s incredibly embarrassed about the whole ordeal.
Thing is, he can definitely approach someone when it comes to flirting, usually, but work related? Not so much.
And this doesn’t involve flirting, he reminds himself.
He’s never been this nervous before, then again, he doesn’t think he’s ever been this attracted to someone, at least in the moment, as much as to Finn.
God, he’s a wreck.
Poe’s surprised it didn’t take much convincing for someone to let a stranger paint them.
He hopes he looks trustworthy, or maybe Finn’s just as anxious as he is.
Maybe Finn won’t show up, having second thoughts, but when that came to his mind Poe hears the doorbell.
He shakes himself out of it.
Check his hair in the mirror, because, well, it can’t hurt to try, can it?
He buzzes him in when hearing a rich voice, perhaps an octave lower than his own, saying, “It’s Finn.”
Poe has to adjust his shirt for the twentieth time.
Should he have the top button fixed or not? He has no idea right now.
Suddenly, Finn appears in front of him.
Is Poe sweating?
Finn’s wearing a dark blue button up today, with constellations on it, and he’s giving Poe a smile similar to the one last time they saw each other.
“Hey! It’s Poe Dameron, right?”
Hand’s stretched out to him, he takes it in his, of course, and Jesus, is his hand that soft or is it a figment of Poe’s imagination?
“In the flesh,” he manages to say, telling himself to stop staring, otherwise this will get weird very fast. “Uhm, uh, come on in!”
Finn glances around the flat while leaving his jacket and shoes behind, stretching his arms a couple times.
Dameron, get yourself together.
“This is a nice place.” Finn says, smile turning a bit softer than the initial, neutral one.
Poe shakes his as a reflex and Finn raises an eyebrow, “For real, I like it.”
“Oh, god! Sorry. I mean, it’s nice for the price.” he answers him, trying to find a way of standing that doesn’t look awkward, “I only cared about the location, at the time.”
The other man looks like he wants to laugh, but doesn’t.
His eyes turn to the window, the view of the bustling city life just below.
“I see what you mean.”
Poe nods. Looks down on the floor. He feels incredibly ridiculous.
“So!” he finds himself saying, voice a bit too loud for the occasion, trying to appear cheerful, “I, well, I assume Jess told you that I paint.”
Finn snickers now, nods, “She did. Told me you were in need of a model, so. Here I am.”
Poe has to nervously smile back at him, he just has to.
“I’m very grateful. I just- thank you. I didn’t want to seem weird, Jess approaches people way better than I do.” he explains, flicking a brush in his hand. “I tried to stop her, really.”
Finn shrugs.
He’s already settling in the chair Poe’s placed in front of the easel, ready to be painted.
He opted for one from the kitchen, one with the possibility of leaning back, as opposed to the stool he uses himself.
“You don’t seem weird, man, don’t worry. Not yet, anyway.” 
Finn smiles like he told a joke, Poe scoffs. God, less staring, more painting, already.
“Can I get you water, or something, before we start?”
“Nah, thanks but I’m good, really.” he replies Poe, adding the last word as a reassurance.
“Ready when you are.”
It’s going quite well, actually.
Poe’s afraid he’s going to jinx it, but he has to admit that, at this time.
Two hours of painting while Finn settled into the model role, resulted in a well deserved break, he reckons.
He assured him they could schedule another time, really, he didn’t want to take up more of his time, but Finn insisted he had no other plans today.
After a mutual decision of ordering pizza, they settled in the kitchen, with a semi awkward silence, and god, how he wishes he could spout out a pickup line and everything would work out.
Poe feels unprofessional.
This is rather unprofessional, though, this ordeal.
Finn’s giving him these smiles and he wonders if he’s as nervous as himself.
It’s oddly enough when they return to work that a conversation is sparked. Poe supposes they got all the nerves out of the way until now.
Most of them, anyway.
“Could I ask something weird of you?”
Finn gives him a curious look, “Sure.”
“Tell me your most embarrassing experience ever.”
Poe looks at his work so far. He has to capture Finn’s eyes exactly right.
And the soft curves of his figure, he definitely got them, just needs a little fixing up so it’s perfectly precise.
There's something incredibly refreshing about his awkwardness, maybe that's what real is, Poe wonders.
He’s having a hard time not looking at Finn’s hands.
This man might be driving him insane.
Finn looks surprised at the request.
Poe fears this might be turn out how all these sessions go, the model is weirded out and the piece is never finished because he doesn’t get quite what he wants, but, “Promise you won’t think I’m stupid.”
He blinks a couple times at Finn’s words.
“Promise. I- I’d never think that.”
He shrugs, looking sort of nervous again, but continues, “So I’d made myself a cup of coffee, as I do every morning, but I trip over one of my plants.”
A laugh he’s seemingly struggling to hold in appears out of Finn’s mouth, and Poe can’t help but laugh as well.
“I- well, that resulted in the cup smashing. Coffee all over the floor. Somehow, I managed to land on a shard with my neck.”
Now Poe really has to laugh, but he feels bad, glad Finn’s laughing at just as much, though.
That sounds ridiculous. Not exactly what he had expected.
But he weirdly thinks back to when he first saw Finn in all of his glory, seeing the scar and wondering.
Yet another little thing to learn.
“Were your family there to see this magnificent event play out?” Poe finds himself asking, still rather surprised by it.
His model visibly cringes, “Oh, god, no, thank god. Living alone has the perk of that.”
“But nobody saw you, then?”
“Doesn’t mean it’s not embarrassing. I know it happened. I’ll never forget.”
Finn jokingly shudders at that, and fuck, there’s apparently nothing that can make him not attractive.
Poe’s quick to memorize that big smile on his face, the warmth of his laugh, sort of hiccupping, he thinks he’s got his smile done, almost.
And then, because it all seems a bit more relaxed now, Poe decides to be bold.
“Would you mind me coming closer? To sketch some facial details, that is.”
Just like before, when he thinks he might’ve screwed it up, Finn shakes his head, “Be my guest.”
He obliges.
When Poe moves away from the canvas, grabbing a sketchbook and pencil, getting up in the only slightly taller man’s space, Finn takes just that one inch closer that Poe’s surely gonna start freaking out.
Their thighs are touching.
He turns quiet, focusing on the pencil, but it’s when he has to look right up at Finn’s face every fifteen second.
Surely, Finn’s noticing his reappearing nerves by now.
Is he doing this on purpose? He can’t be, can he?
Poe wishes he knew what’s going on in this man’s brain.
Fuck him and his perfect looks and his perfect smile and his perfect voice.
“You know,” Finn’s voice sounds, and Poe blinks up at him, flicks the pencil because he doesn’t know what else to distract himself with, honestly, “Your art’s so interesting. Peculiar.”
He scoffs.
“You have to stop complimenting me, I’m not all that great.” Poe states. He really hopes he’s not blushing.
The compliments are wonderful for his ego right now, and the voice telling that, maybe, Finn’s interested in him too, but it’s also making him incredibly shy.
“I think you are,” Finn laughs, softer than before. “Faces are your thing, I’m guessing.”
Poe just has to shrug.
He wishes he could say something smart now. Interesting. Instead, he can’t help but act on his instincts, about the vibe that’s going through the room at the moment.
“Can I… Can I ask you something?”
And Finn looks at him, really looks at him for what feels like ages, until he answers, “You already did, twice.”
“I know. Okay, I need to know that I’m not taking this out of proportion, alright?”
He nods. His smile seems ever the more encouraging.
Finn’s knee graces his, goddammit.
“You live alone?”
“But you have a partner?”
“So you’re single?”
“You’re straight?”
Poe has to stop for a moment.
It’s his turn to look at the other man for God knows how long. Well, he expected a yes there, but this is way more than he could hope for.
This doesn’t mean he’s interested, of course, surely, he’s not, but Poe can’t quit now, can he?
“Do you actually like my art?”
“Of course I do.”
“I don’t lie to people I like, Poe.”
Oh my god, the voice in his mind has to shut up now.
Poe feels like there’s been an explosion. Poe Dameron no longer computes.
There’s no signs of it being a surreal practical joke on Finn’s face, in fact, he looks down in his lap.
He’s blushing.
“Shit. I mean, that doesn’t sound very smooth, I’m sorry.” he laughs at himself, scratching his neck.
When did Poe’s flat get so fucking hot? He can’t breathe in here. He fiddles with the paper pad.
What’s he supposed to do now, then?
Poe never thought he would feel like the lead in one of those romantic films, ever, in his life.
Not in his cards by a long shot.
But, apparently, he thought wrong.
“You like me?”
“You found me attractive when you first saw me?”
“Is that why you agreed to this?”
“I-,” Finn seems so nervous now, not knowing what to do with his hands, but still keeping his legs almost entangled with Poe’s at this point, “Yeah.”
So he shuts his mouth.
Poe just has to nod. Standing up, moving back to the easel, discarding the materials nearby.
And Finn’s up like lightning, doesn’t move closer, but staggers through, “Fuck, I, sorry, this is- I probably made this so awkward.”
God, he’s so pretty.
He’s the prettiest person Poe’s ever laid eyes on.
Bless Jess and her ruthlessness, she deserves a drink next time she comes around, he decides.
“No, it’s getting late, natural lighting’s leaving. Fitting time to stop.”
Finn almost has the look of someone on the edge of a breakdown, he’s swearing at himself, apologising, but Poe interrupts him once more, “It’s a fitting time for you to take me out for dinner.”
He looks at him with big eyes.
God, Finn can take him right now and ruin him if he wants to, Poe doesn’t care anymore.
“If you like, that is.” he adds for good measure, because at this point Finn seems just as confused with all of this as himself.
Finn almost immediately calms down again.
He looks incredibly soft right now.
That smile, fuck, Poe needs fifty years in order to capture that perfectly, he reckons.
“Sounds perfect.”
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disregardcanon · 5 years
A decade in fanfiction
The meme template was made by me myself and I! Please, if you’re interested go ahead and do it! I would love to see other people reflecting on their writing right along with me :) 
Where can we read your fic? Please give us a link so that we can check these stories out!
my early fics can be read on my ffn The Ficsmith 
on ao3, my pseuds are sunkelles and fullmetal anime
I also have lots of short things here on tumblr. i would try searching a favorite fandom of yours and au on my blog and something might pop up. 
How many words of fanfiction have you written this decade?
On ao3, I have posted  1,031,824 words. I would bet that I posted 40k on ffn before i started posting concurrently to my ao3, and that i’ve posted maybe 80k of stuff just to tumblr? If I estimate that way and don’t think about unfinished works and wips, I’d say 1,151,824 words thereabouts. 
How many stories have you written?
I’ve posted 338 stories to ao3. I am not going to go do the math to add on my stories from ffn as well. 
Have you written on multiple websites? If so, which website is your favorite and why?
ao3 is my favorite website for fic because it’s just so EASY to search through, post to, and get your stats from. plus it’s very visually appealing. 
Have you used multiple pen names? If so, list them and tell us the story behind the name
on ffn, i used a lot of pen names over the years, but i only remember 3 of them 
1. thee sun. this was my first pen name on the internet and it was because back then, my friends and i had series of nicknames going where we were each a part of the solar system. one of my friends suggested that i should be the sun because i was happy and bouncy and the friend group “orbited” around me. it wasn’t really accurate then or now, but sun ended up sticking. 
2. sunless skies was my emo change to that pseud 
3. the ficsmith is my current name there as i thought the word “wordsmith” was badass and decided that ficsmith sounded very, very cool 
on ao3, my primary pseud has always been “sunkelles”. half of it’s the old nickname and half of it’s another nickname i won’t get into. it’s a very personal handle for me that i love dearly 
my second pseud is fullmetal anime, my anime pseud. fullmetal alchemist was one of my first anime when my old roommate got me onto my weeb phase in my twenties, and i thought that sounded too badass to pass up. 
What is the first story you posted this decade?
I Will Never Leave You Alone: this is a percy jackson fic set after the lost hero. It was my imaging of how the meeting in son of neptune might go if percy didn’t get his memories back. it’s bad, but it was my first attempt at fanfiction. i think that it could have been a lot worse. 
What is the last story that you posted this decade?
Not Willing to Wait for it: this is a tangled the series fic about cassandra. it’s not really my favorite thing i’ve ever written, but it’s not a terrible thing to end the decade on either. 
What is the longest story that you have wrote this decade?  
The Poetry of Time and Space: this is a pipabeth fic with annabeth as the doctor and piper mclean as rose tyler fic that i wrote back in 2013 at the urging of my first internet friend. coming in at 27,842 words, it’s the longest fic i have ever written. 
while i wouldn’t call it some of my best work, i’m still fairly proud of the thing. writing it helped me make a friend (even if we don’t keep in touch anymore), it helped me find some cool poetry, and i did a lot of fun historical research for it! 
i learned a loooottt about the history of spain for this fic and it was really cool. 
What is the shortest?
A Good Listener coming in at 192 words, this pipabeth fic is at the polar opposite end of the spectrum. 2013 was a wild year, my dudes. 
What’s your favorite?
I think that choosing a “favorite” would probably be too hard, but the one that I come back to the most is Over the Shadowy Hills. This fic could have been just good, but my friend was like. girl. you need to sort your shit out. and then i deleted it, worked on it with her help, and fixed it into something that i can still be really proud of. I’m glad that I decided to stick with it and give this fic the time and attention that it needed. 
What story do you feel was your biggest challenge?
I don’t have a fic in particular I would say is my biggest challenge, but one challenge has been the growing pains of becoming a better writer. I’ve moved into a point where I need to tell more thorough, longer stories, but I also don’t have the time needed to do that at the moment and my desire for instant validation is fighting against my desires to not do work and be a better writer. 
I know that right now I’m growing as a writer, but I’m not exactly sure what direction I’m growing in and how to deal with it. 
Which story was your most creative?
All Katz Go to Heaven is certainly an idea that no one but me would have come up with XD the premise is “all of hannibal’s victims from the show hannibal die and are reincarnated in brooklyn 99″ 
Which story do you think demonstrates the greatest growth?
I think that Paint a New Horizon demonstrates a lot of my progress as a writer. 
1. coming in at 23k, it’s one of my longest fics ever 
2. it has some of my best visual descriptions ever, as i decided to write sansa as a painter and it make visual descriptions a FAR bigger part of the story than they normally are when i write 
3. it handles dark subject matter, but i feel like i go into well. i’ve found myself dwelling in this universe a LOT, and i think that i might actually go back and write more of it over this next semester or summer because i just. like being in it. even though it was dark, it was also homey and lively and interesting, you know? 
4. it’s the best romance i’ve written this year, hands down. 
Here, have a snippet 
She dared a glance forward and met Margaery’s eyes- a deep, chocolate brown. They were warm and inviting and Margaery’s little curly bangs framed her face like a heart. Margaery’s head went over the back of the booth and it seemed to almost be floating against the flowery wallpaper. It looked like Margaery was lying out in a field of flowers- the Maiden gazing up at the clouds and trying to make shapes of them.
She could imagine Margaery telling her that this one is a flower, like Tyrell, and this one’s a deer, like Baratheon, and this one’s a dick, like Joffrey. She giggled nervously again and felt her cheeks flush. She’d never felt this giddy and unsteady in her whole life.
“Are you alright, Sansa?” Margaery asked cautiously. She reached across the table and laid a hand over Sansa’s own. The touch was warm and tender, and Sansa felt the blush from her toes to the tip of her head.
“I’m perfect!” Sansa nearly screeched. Margaery laughed at that, but her look was kind.
“Yes, darling,” she said with a smile that was wide and fond, “I think that you are.”
Lesbian. The word wasn’t supposed to fill her with such a warm, hopeful feeling, was it? She wiggled awkwardly in her chair, trying to get situated and stop feeling so silly and excited and vulnerable, but it didn’t fix anything. She felt Margaery’s leg brush against hers under the table. It sent a jolt through her.
Sansa took a shaky breath. She thought to herself that there might be something to that.
Tell us about your writing process.
my writing process is quite frankly all over the board. sometimes, i’ll sit down and just hammer out a fic start to finish in one sitting, but when i don’t do that i’ll make the thing come together in patchwork. i’ll normally start with some vivid pieces of dialogue that i want to write and then i’ll figure out where i’m going and how. often, since i write in a nonlinear fashion i might end up having to change what i’ve written for the middle or the end, but when i get there and it doesn’t feel right for what i ended up writing, i always decide that i’m better off with what feels more natural. 
Tell us about how you come up with fic titles.
I have 3 different systems for determining fic tiles 
1. come up with a cool title to write a fic around. i wrote Chasing Annabeth solely because i thought that would be badass title 
2. try to find something external to the story, like a saying, a lyric or quote, that works with the message or mood of the story. for If You Believe in Me (I’ll Still Believe), I realized that both Memoria by Nirvana and Holland Road by Mumford and Sons shared a distinct feel with what I was doing with the fic, so I went through the lines of both and identified some possible titles. 
Then, I decided that the line “if you believe in me I’ll still believe” felt the most right. I thought that it best conveyed how much Jeyne believing that Theon could become better again contributed to him actually going through with it, whereas some of the other options didn’t have either the external influence or faint hope that I felt the fic deserved. 
3. find something from the fic itself or the source material! often times, i’ll end up with a motif in the fic that makes a perfect title, or i’ll have something to draw on from the source material. this feels different from the 2nd option because whereas that first one is going outside the world of the fic, this 3rd one is going inside the world of the fic. 
Have you ever used an epigraph? Tell us about your reasoning.
I use epigraphs for the same reason that I use outside sources for fic titles. While sometimes I have that lyric or quote in mind while I am writing the fic, like Washing Machine Heart, sometimes you get to the end of writing and realize that you’ve created something that would be enhanced if you were to have your readers mulling over the theme brought up in a song while they’re reading, like Unfinished Business. 
I don’t know, these are probably the reasons that ANYONE uses epigraphs, but it’s cool to see other people’s thought process. 
What are some of your favorite lines that you’ve ever written?
Here’s a few of my favorite exchanges from my older or more underrated fics!
She swallows the spit that has started to pool in her mouth and continues, "We'll all end up dying and meeting the void face to face and blah blah fucking blah, but the thing is that's tomorrow. This is today. You remember Thalia, so she matters. And you matter because you're alive. Your heart's still beating. You can still do shit. See shit. Be the shit. Annabeth Chase, you can still do anything."
Chasing Annabeth (2013)
Annabeth tsks as she laughs, “You’ve always got to steal the attention for yourself, don’t you?”
Piper laughs and then pretends to glare, “Borrow. I borrow things.”
“Borrowing BMWs is still frowned upon, my friend,” Annabeth says and then everything is back to normal. The future is forgotten, if only for a moment in the company of a friend.
The Fates Smiled (2014) 
“I guess,” Arya mutters, and she walks straight over to the trash. She pops the lid, and dumps the enormous plastic cock unceremoniously into it. Then she lets the lid close. She and Shireen look to the trash can in horror.
“Do you think that we should burn it?” Shireen asks.
She pauses a moment before she adds, “I’m afraid it’s going to attack us in our sleep.” Arya bursts out into laughter.
“I can hear the news anchors already,” Arya says, “women murdered in sleep by haunted dildo.” The Kids Are Alright (2015) 
"I think huckleberry just came out too," Maya stage-whispers back, "two gays for the price of one."
"Bi one get one free," Riley says with a shit-eating grin 
A Guide to Coming Out (2015) 
"Do I look like a man with a plan to you?" He tries to look as crazy as he can. Rachel isn't buying it. "You impersonated a member of the mayor's honor guard, you predetermined and informed us of every victim before you killed them. You're a planner, Joker. You're even a good one." The Joker shrugs. "I'm not a schemer, though. Don't hang my hat on whether or not things work out." In that moment, Rachel understands this man. Rachel understands why he does the things that he does, even though she thinks that he's the scum of the earth. "You wanted to let us know all our plans would fall apart. You wanted chaos." "You're a smart woman, Ms. Dawes," The Joker says, cracking a smile, "you know what I did to you and your boy toy was nothing personal. It was just to turn the schemer's plans on their toes.
The City of Bats and Clowns (2016) 
Zatanna crosses her arms over her chest as she leans against Bruce’s black SUV. The “parking lot” at this camp is a glorified field of grass. It rained last night, and there are muddy ruts left all throughout the field and little muddy puddles scattered everywhere. It’s disgusting and rundown and everywhere that Zatanna doesn’t want to spend three weeks of her summer.
“I don’t want to go to this stupid camp.” Endless Summer (2017) 
Rose feels a twist in her gut. This might be worse than finding out he wanted to desert. This is knowing the reasons behind it, having to see him as human in his mistakes and understand why he made them.
Oh how heroes fall and then stumble back up again.
The Spark That Will Light the Fire (2017)
Sloth is all the memories you have and never asked for, all the feelings you don't know what to do with.
Sloth is your feelings towards two boys who aren't your sons- can't be- because you never wanted them in the first place.
You never asked for this, to be born half-formed and hungry. To be born somewhere between not caring and caring too much, to just go along with what you were told because you don't care enough not to.
You never asked for those two boys to look at you the way they do, like you're something hideous and beautiful all at once. Like you're their sin to bury, their damsel to save. All you've ever wanted is for it all to stop.
The Seven Deadly Almost People (2018) 
What are you favorite characters to write. 
I don’t really have “favorite” characters to write because I bounce around so often. I’ll have a new favorite next year, but my favorite me character that I wrote THIS year was Dabi. 
Which story was the most fun to write.
Out of all the stories I’ve written, Dicks in the Wind comes to mind as being the most fun. The soulmate au where whatever your soulmate draws on their skin appearing on yours might not be my all time favorite, but the idea of spitefully drawing dicks on your own face to spite the soulmate who hurt you while also hurting yourself is both really fun but also really interesting? I really liked getting to explore the implications of that idea, the humor, Sabine’s relationship with Kanan, and the possibility of a reconciliation between her and Ketsu. 
If you use ao3, tell us about your fics with the most
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If you could have written one story this decade that you didn’t get around to, what would this have been?
There’s lot of fics that I wish I would have gotten written this decade. I think that if I could have written ONE fic that I didn’t get around to this decade, though, I would have turned my tucker turns ed into a chimera instead of nina tumblr post into a real fic. 
Do you write original fiction as well?
Sometimes! I don’t write it as much as I’d like, but I’ve written some short stories and I have some longer wips. 
Did you ever do nanowrimo this decade? If so, tell us about your projects.
I tried nanowrimo in both 2017 and 2018. My 2017 was a story idea about magic pirates. My 2018 was a story based on a fic idea I had where ed HAD created al like al thought he did in fma 03 for a while. it would feature prominent relationships with characters inspired by winry, wrath, and lust. both of these have about 15k to their name. 
What have you learned writing in the past decade?
I’ve learned a lot about myself as a person. For better or for worse, the easiest way to get to know me would be to go through my ao3 and just start reading. 
I also feel like I’ve learned that I CAN be a writer. While I have a long way to go if I ever want to become any good at original fiction and develop a thick enough skin to get it worked up to publishing shape, I know that I have the skills to at least give it a try.  If I don’t, I’ll always have these stories that I hold closely to my heart and this hobby that’s brought me a lot of joy. 
What are your writing goals going forward?
At the moment, I’m not entirely sure. I feel a little bit like I’ve stagnated and I need to figure out a way forward, but I’m not entirely sure what that way forward IS. I think that the way forward is longer projects (maybe even more original fiction) but I’m going to need to figure out a way to not devote all my mental energy to these projects at a time and also not let them wither and die. 
In the past, I’ve only been able to do proper, well written long fics when I had a LONG time to dedicate to getting the thing done. Like, days and days off that I could devote multiple hours to the writing project. In the future, I don’t think I’ll have that. I just need to find a way to not get SO into it that I can’t do anything else, but also maintain the energy and drive to keep coming back to it. 
Tell us about what aspect of your writing makes you the most proud.
I feel like I excel at word choice. People frequently comment on my fics that there’s something about the wording that just FLOWS, and I would have to agree. I feel like I’m good at choosing words that both sound good and hit emotionally. 
Tell us anything else that you’d like! This is your reflection post, so end on whatever bang you would like!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me over these past nine years! I haven’t been on tumblr for this whole time (i’ve only been here since 2012), but i grown a lot, both as a person and a writer, over this decade.
if you had told me when i wrote my first fanfiction that by the end of the decade i would write the order of the phoenix more than 5 times over in fanfiction, i would never have believed you. 
not every fic that i wrote was fantastic, but every fic that i wrote was MINE, and it’s a memory that i get to come back to when i’m feeling sad or lonely or like i can’t do something. so, thank you fanfiction, for always being there for me. even if you might be there for me a little too much XD
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ganatunes · 5 years
Rangoli Designs Diwali 2019: 20 Latest, Unique And Best Designs For Rangoli
Diwali 2019 is near and it’s time to create some special Rangoli Designs for our loved ones. Well, it is interesting to see when people in different parts of India create special Rangoli designs, according to their culture and traditions.
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Well, Rangoli which is usually created with materials such as dry flour, colored sand, and flower petals are basically made during Diwali,  Pongal, Onam, and Tihar. Further, Rangoli designs also symbolize the victory of light over dark. mp4 mania.in
What is the Significance of Rangoli Design on Diwali?
Rangoli Designing is one of those popular art forms, which is practiced by Indian families during auspicious occasions. The term, “Rangoli” usually refers to different layers of colors. While Rangoli designs are basically drawn on the ground with sand, white powder, chalk, pagalworld mp3 song
Meanwhile, different kinds of colors, glitter, and flowers are filled in the designs to make it look more appealing. Being a sign of creativity, Rangoli Designs are drawn at the entrance of the house for greeting god.
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Further, design depictions can change as they portray folklore, traditions, along with practices which are unique to each area. Moreover, there are two different ways of making a Rangoli which includes, dry and wet worldfree4u2019
During the festival of Diwali, women decorate the entrance of their houses early in the morning for the prosperity and happiness of their children and family. It is said that Rangoli Designs symbolizes the welcoming of the guests at home.  Further, we have always heard the word  ‘Athithi Devo Bhava’, which means that “the guest is equivalent to God”. djmaza collection
Meanwhile, here, we are sharing top 20 Rangoli designs for Diwali which will help you in gaining admiration from your friends and relatives, Check it out:-
1. You must check out this beautiful Rangoli Design for Diwali 2019. Well, Ganesha drawing is this rangoli looks beautiful, isn’t it? bestwap.in movies
2. Diwali is the festival of lights and guesses what this rangoli design with the symbol “ॐ” looks so beautiful. chhath puja 2019 songs mp3 download
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3. We know that you want to make your friends jealous of your Diwali plans. Well, creating an awesome Rangoli Design like in the picture below is another fantastic idea to accomplish your objectives. www.pagalworld.com 2019 song
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4. Here, we would like to share another beautiful Rangoli design which includes Pink, violet colors along with a Swastika symbol. mymp3song2019
5. A special way to greet everyone, “Happy Diwali” is by creating a colorful Rangoli.
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6. It’s time to execute your math skills in Rangoli Designing by creating a geometrical rangoli design. filmy wap.com
7.  Here, we would like to share a special Rangoli design for making your Diwali celebration special. mp3 juice. cc
8. It’s time to get out of the traditional Rangoli Designs this year and try something new. Well, the rangoli design is made of several colors which include pink, blue, purple and green. pagalworld mp3 song download
9. While this Rangoli design is suitable for the ones who lack the time and have less experience in the art-making rangolis. Well, it has multiple shades of the same color which enhances the Rangoli look. mp3 juice cc con
10. The special thing about this Rangoli Design is that it has lord Ganesha, on a bright red backdrop with artistic designs. pagalworld songs download
11. This is an interesting Rangoli design which has lots of diyas to get one in a festive mood. filmywap punjabi movies 2019 download
12. What can be better than a flower Rangoli during Diwali which has a large number of colors ranging from yellow, orange,  violet, white,  and red? filmywap
13.  This is a unique rangoli design which has a large number of diyas which are made of different size. pagalworld.com music
14, This rangoli design is an incredible mix of soft curves and straight lines along with diyas which are highlighted in pink. bestwap movie 2019 download free
15. This rangoli design which is made of mango motifs and with different shades of orange, purple, blue, and yellow is easily one of the best designs
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16. This colorful Rangoli Design with lots of diyas is easily one of the special Rangoli Designs of 2019. mp4 mania hollywood movies download
17. For those who like contemporary and festive rangoli designs, Kundan-style new modern rangolis are best for them. mp4 mania movies
18. It’s time to transform our passion towards social media into creation. This Diwali, you must try to make some special form of Rangoli Designs like a social media theme rangoli design.
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19.  The peacock rangoli designs are always in the trend in Diwali. you can create a unique rangoli design with the colors of our National flag. bestwap all movies download
20. Let’s end with a beautiful rangoli design which includes a deer, with colorful foliage around it.  bhojpuri mp3 2019 downlaod
Well, that was our top 20 Indian Rangoli designs list. Meanwhile, we hope that you all might have loved these Rangoli designs or enjoy doing them in your home and make it colorful.  chhath geet 2019 mp3 download
So, this Diwali, make your home colorful with these Rangoli Designs.
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Keep following  Ganatunes on Facebook for more Rangoli Designs
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7 Things You Probably Didn't Learn about celebration.
10 Gorgeous Factors We Cannot Assist However Love celebration.
The Christmas Eve undoubtedly has ended however not the mood of event and also leisure The year has actually come to an end and has yet to unfold a variety of shocks that the New Year is bringing along it. The lavish celebrations, the twelve o'clock at night sun, the sparkling wine containers and also the loud music are still barking in the clubs in addition to in our hearts. Are you dressing your child as a ghoul or witch to go technique or dealing with, or for a Halloween party supplies miami (read here) you have planned for Halloween evening, or due to the fact that the kid has an invite to a good friend's residence. Hey there Cat makes its way into card as well as party shops around the country as well as beyond. New York is greater than likely one of the most preferred city when it pertains to discussing major league teams. Given that John Deere has an unique color design, embellishing for the party wont be hard in any way. It will certainly be his first pajama party birthday party and I was wondering how you can make it great and also fun! While mommies of brides are frequently ousted from the wedding celebration planning (and also specifically bachelorette celebration planning) processes, they could still give valuable understandings into their little girls' character as well as secret desires for this occasion. If they absolutely work hard, established and qualified people could achieve terrific success in the dynamic location just like New York City. Games such as Two Facts and a Lie and also Truth or Dare are classic games for a Prom celebration as well as most of the time, are peaceful very easy to play as well as are relatively safe. The murder secret is great to play as a halloween parlor game due to the fact that the readily available themes such as gangsters or '50's lend themselves extremely well to costumes. An invitation should be sent 4 weeks ahead of time so that you can get the remarks early and grab to know that isn't really going to the celebration. You may also discover even more motifs in many of the initial communion party supplies internet sites. This year guarantees to be no different from years past on Halloween in Austin, and several of the tasks supplied by the City of Austin sound practically as much fun as 6th Street, or possibly much more fun. Relying on the number of youngsters you anticipate at your event, this might not be most inexpensive course, however if you're seeking the least amount of problem, holding your paintball celebration at an industrial area is the means to go. Negative aspects include handling the hours of the facility, and choosing the packages they offer. Roaring 20s banners together with other roaring 20s celebration supplies could be built from card stock paper making use of various 20s signs. So, when those discussions come up in a party setting, I discover myself wanting to howl. Se c' è qualcosa che non avete, decidete all' ultimo minuto di partecipare e siete a mani vuote non preoccupatevi, ve lo procureremo noi oppure qualche altro partecipante del craft celebration.
The current Fad In event.
This will offer the person holding the party the possibility to earn certain all the things planned for have actually been picked up or will be attended to quickly. Disco Illumination: I am really lucky to have published on Facebook that I was having the party as well as had a pal supply me using his DISCO lights and also props. Party banners: To make an excellent event banner, the person hosting could cut out aqua or pink blue poodles from card supply and also tie them with each other using string to produce adorable party hosts will certainly find that punching openings in the corners of the banners will certainly permit the banners to hold string as well as hang appropriately.
10 Points You Possibly Really did not Learn about event.
Since the initial Holy Communion is performed when the youngster is young the motif for the party must incorporate elements for both the adults as well as the children. Spongebob Party-If a sponge bob birthday party is exactly what you desire, after that plunk like a fish ... Sponge bob, Patrick and also Squid ward expect in order to help turn these birthday celebration celebration concepts right into Krabby Patty Bait! Have celebration visitors dance to a few of the well-known dances of the day such as the Charleston, Foxtrot, The Waltz, and also Fleahop and a lot more. So do on your own a support as well as see to it your child obtains a genuinely memorable occasion made additional unique with these fantastic celebration materials. Planning a party may seem a little bit frustrating, yet with a little mindful preparation and great deals of creativity you can turn out an event that any kind of new graduate would certainly like. In short, for a new way to invite New Year, this is the ideal city to head to. Dancing on the beach in the most effective beats of DJ, under the stars, and also around the spitters of fire. It takes a particular person to love it. Everyone below appears to do whatever- acing an examination, mosting likely to an internship, working on a nonprofit project, after that investing the entire evening at a party or listening to music midtown, just to get up early the next morning to run in the park or play on a sporting activities team. There are tons of music ideas offered relying on what kind of party you are having. Event prefers have rather a background going back to what is thought has to do with sixteenth century Europe, although handing out supports can not be traced back precisely.
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Most Reliable Ways To Overcome event's Problem.
The Tale Of celebration Has Simply Gone Viral!
Throw a Maritime celebration of enjoyable and also experience with a lot of Nautical Event Gamings and also activities for all party visitors to play. This is one of one of the most essential aspects of celebration planning and also it is just what will make your searching for your event much, much easier. If the bride is a wild event goer but really feels confusion about inviting the groom's young women about such a party - no problem, make the two-part bachelorette party! Celebration favors suggest affection as well as thanks when provided by the host of an event. Yet exactly what I appear to be learning right here is that most typical adults are not buying their party products from an alcohol shop. Il luogo del party è un area gestito dalla nostra MiamaCreazioni e da suo marito. You will discover all the centers in the Philly party limo that you would generally locate in an exotic club. There are a wide variety of event and also event rooms available, ranging from sleek, modern-day metropolitan areas to rural outdoor setups. This will provide youngsters a great chance to contribute to the event ambience while expressing their creative side. Cover meat with water, offer a boil, minimize warmth and simmer until done (regarding 2 hrs). Long after the event is finished they will certainly be having fun with John Deere event favors as well as remembering the enjoyable they had in your party. The trivia game could be held as component of a costume party or as the piece de resistance. Acquisition some balloons and also crepe paper, as well as enhance your house with countless event materials. Distributing event favors has actually been a tradition, but the origin is not known to any type of one. If you choose to throw a motif based birthday celebration event, after that decors, food, entertainment, activities along with celebration outfit up code are just a couple of points that you should remember. The multicultural Canadian city of Toronto now has a population of greater than three million and also the most ethnically diverse society worldwide. Give your visitors a party favor that howls summer such as a beach ball bottle stopper or a Hawaiian tee shirt picture framework - women or guys wish to obtain these supports. Including an image of the scene-setter backdrop I'll be making use of, an example of the Astroturf, and also perhaps a synthetic blossom or more illustrates exactly how I plan to transform my celebration space right into an indoor garden. Web sites that use deep discount rates will additionally be an exceptional place to locate the utmost Christmas celebration outfit. Invitations: Send out Easter themed celebration invites well before the Easter event set up day. Graduation party: For a graduation celebration little event favor tokens can be considered that have the day of the college graduation event. With Google search as well as words of mouth you could locate birthday event hosts, illusionists or business that will give bounce residences, stroking zoos as well as such. Main dishes that you prepare ahead of time could be premium concoctions you could prepare at your recreation anywhere from one to three days prior to event day as well as which benefit from waiting in the refrigerator before being served.
All You Had to Find out about party.
15 Concerns Concerning celebration You Need to Address Honestly.
Dispersing event prefers in crucial events like marriage events, baby showers and also Xmas parties has actually become a practice. For instance, party city chicago (super fast reply) prefers for a lady's celebration most likely will vary from those for a child's event. Visitors were welcomed by a celebration sign that I had and made created under $20, It will certainly likewise serve for various other events which is an included benefit. The bachelorette party can be good or merely wild as well as rowdy, depending on the bride's preferences as well as convenience degree. These four sections stand for the 4 continuing to be aspects of an effective party: Invites, Food and also Drink, Activities, and Special Touches. Check as lots of things as you can off your list early, so you will have to do as low as feasible the day before or on the day of your celebration. The supper party is all about appreciating on your own and also delighting in the company of your close friends. As soon as you have picked the celebration invites that are required, you could specify the quantity that you want. You should discover some suggestions related to events that help you to choose the very best supplies as well as motif that put everyone in a festive state of mind. Plus, she creatively supplies details on free party games celebration planning freebies and celebration products, favors, decorations. Individuals could collect to earn their own visor to put on throughout the celebration. Instances: infant images at his birthday celebration event or a pedestrian at his retired life Anything to do with underwear, sex or incontinence-- absolutely anything. The diversity of New york city City restaurants mirrors the fact that the city is a crucible of different cultures. There are constantly people at the party you have to listen to, and I do not mind hearing others, however after awhile you may just wish to get away from that. The initial giving in the celebration was won is to make sure that North Ireland will certainly not have some special standing post-Brexit, implying no bargain which would certainly see the country maintain one foot in the EU-- a move the unionists think can be seen as a decoupling of North Ireland from the U.K When it comes to talking concerning major league teams, New York is much more compared to most likely the most popular city. Since John Deere has a distinct color design, embellishing for the event wont be hard in all. It will be his first sleepover birthday event as well as I was asking yourself the best ways to make it cool as well as fun!
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Seven Things You Probably Really did not Know About party.
7 Massive Influences Of party.
Records about the police's involvement in the Hillsborough misfortune, the actions of Jimmy Savile and also Lance Armstrong are bringing the truth of each to the surface area, raising questions regarding their integrity. Your John Deere party support box consists of an entire range of unbelievable things that youngsters will adore like a John Deere note pad and also crayon collection, an elegant lavish animal, a sticker sheet, a blowout, an adorable as corn squirt er as well as the recyclable tractor subject support box. The Dual Bubble Gumball Device is perfect for your child's birthday celebration party as children would like the confectionery. We really hope the few suggestions over helps you begin to produce the Sweet 16 party that dreams are constructed from. Most notably, enjoy. Working with event clowns for your child's birthday event might be the emphasize of your youngster's celebration. Kid's Birthday celebration party: For a boy's birthday celebration fill up a blue present bag with one more shade of blue tissue paper and add toy automobiles, trucks and toy soldiers. If you bring a game to the next celebration you go to- you could be the one to launch a blast! Visitors were welcomed by a celebration indicator that I had and designed produced under $20, It will certainly likewise be useful for various other events which is an included perk. The bachelorette celebration could be great or just wild and mischievous, depending on the new bride's choices as well as convenience degree. The very first party was for 45 of my associates and the adhering to week I hosted another celebration for 45 of my closest friends. As the majority of people know, a senior prom is an extremely unique celebration as well as as a result having interactive Prom parlor game as well as printable activities for the visitors will make it extremely unique. Throwing a Wedding shower theme event could be a blast, and this is an occasion where you could have a wonderful grown-up interest motif celebration going on. This is something that women have the ability to do and also have enjoyable with as lengthy as there are no males in your home or around the party area. Preparation your Super Dish party will take a while, however in the end it will certainly be well worth the initiative. Carries an extensive option of Sugary food 16 celebration favors as well as decorations specifically designed for the Dessert 16 party. For a bachelorette event, you might intend to provide penis popsicles as a prize to the victor or condoms as well as blindfolds as party prefers. Safety and security goggles or masks can be provided as event prefers along with other crazy researcher outfit gear as well as garments. When you see your own creativity being taken pleasure in by the youngsters you will boast of all your event intending efforts. Near our home we have an arts center that does birthday celebration celebrations where the celebration goers make a project from different shapes that they glue into a piece of foam core, or throw a pot on the potter's wheel. Celebration favors for birthday celebration celebrations are available as various colored party favor boxes and also are not high valued.
celebration Will certainly Make You Tons Of Cash. Right here's Exactly how!
A 1950s style event can be as eccentric or as tame as you want it to be. Let your retro creativity flare and obtain the party started! Don't ever forget that the key function of a bachelorette event is to offer an opportunity for the bride-to-be to relax as well as decompress. If the party is arranged for a girl, she can be decorated with her first communion jewelery, whereas when it comes to kids, they can use a neat black suit with a tie or a bow. What makes a Xmas party city nyc - more.. - various from any other celebration is the celebration- particular foods and beautiful designs. The following step is the waiting duration while your event invitations are being published for you. Rather than viewing the video game at home sitting on your own, you can invite all your best friends or finest sporting activities follower buddies over as well as have a party. 4 Katyusha rockets pounded into the north seaside city of Naharia Thursday morning, among them landing straight on an elderly people' center. If you want to have a pool party in the summer season, find an indoor pool as well as hold your celebration there. Consequently, these games are typically made to be had fun with a selection of guests throughout the celebration area making them optimal ready a Senior prom party. The purpose of offering tapas is to keep the conversation streaming and also it normally served over a number of hours. If you want to make your youngster's birthday party as enjoyable and also remarkable as just what your kid imagine, get the very best celebration clown in the area as well as you will definitely obtain great deals of satisfied faces in the celebration. Really feel cost-free to add these to the comment area listed below if you have any inquiries or comments concerning the above event concepts. Social people below can be quite assertive when it involves wanting you to obtain included, as well as most likely to the event. Consequently, having some wonderful half time tasks planned ahead of time will certainly make your Super Dish event extremely enjoyable. To begin a long evening, you could have a superb supper at one of the very best New york city City restaurants.
15 Typical Myths About party.
Il secondo Craft Party di Milano si è concluso ormai da un po', finalmente ecco il resoconto! When the celebration ends, have the players made a note of who they believe is the prohibition representative by electing on index cards. For the most part a Senior prom party is the best time for playing great interactive video games such as Fact or Dare and also 2 Facts and a Lie.
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silketrouette4-blog · 7 years
7 Ways To Inform You're Experiencing An Obession With celebration.
5 Uncertainties You Ought to Clarify Concerning celebration.
Exactly how Will certainly celebration Be In The Future.
The 2017 Top Party Schools position is based on student reviews as well as night life statistics. It was an enjoyable celebration to strategy and also the kids liked it. Value you dropping in and for your sweet comments! Il resto ve lo procureremo noi, oppure qualche altro partecipante del craft party. The kids enjoyed the celebration yet you truly might take these suggestions and make an enjoyable grown-up party too:-RRB- Appreciate the check out as well as for your sweet comments! The complying with are some guidelines to get the kid birthday event preparation began. You need to look for ideal location all over the world making your event something attractive and also remarkable. The professors are great at their tasks, as well as are constantly available for workplace hours and also are welcoming of in-class discussion of subjects. It is a party at which the existence of closest buddies is the crucial to the general state of mind and also design - so if you are investing a day in the bride-to-be and also a day spa unexpectedly suggests proceeding the party in a regional bar, do not enter despair! There are a lot of party concepts that can be taken from the online first communion event products stores, specifically if you have no concept the best ways to deal with organizing such event. Listed below you can locate 10 topics that will certainly fit any type of kind as well as extent of event that you are about to arrange. These 4 areas stand for the four continuing to be elements of an effective event: Invitations, Food as well as Drink, Activities, as well as Unique Touches. Examine as lots of items as you can off your checklist early, so you will certainly have to do as little as feasible the day prior to or on the day of your party. Your John Deere event support box consists of a whole variety of impressive stuff that children will certainly adore like a John Deere notepad as well as pastel collection, a classy lush pet, a sticker label sheet, a blowout, a cute as corn squirt emergency room as well as the multiple-use tractor subject support box.
How To Learn About party In Just 10 Days.
There are a variety of candle light birthday celebration event prefers in shapes like cup cakes, butter cakes, and ice cream cones. Your guests can place an image from an additional picture or the party as well as location it on the tree. Today, the softhearted crooner continues to stray the globe with melancholic pop anthems and also complimentary hugs for all the party city promo code (look at this site) people. When you discuss the party to individuals, include a note on the invitation as well as obtain the word out. Locating the right event clown for your child's birthday event could really be testing as a result of your standards. Gorging on junk dancing, food and also alcohol consumption alcohol is one way of taking pleasure in a bachelorette event yet a different concept may be a relaxing trip to the spa. Simply pick from several of the several Mickey Mouse celebration supplies available in order to help you finish the complete theme. Making an Under the Sea event supplies listing should be one of the initial steps to planning a celebration and it need to consist of numerous event materials that include decors such as coverings, corals reefs and fish. Somebody is constantly handy throughout functioning hrs to address inquiries as well as reduce worries. Plainly before going you must investigate about various clubs in the city and learn the ones that finest fit your spending plan and also needs. Tossing a Wedding Shower motif event celebration is an excellent point in between ladies and when you do it, you will certainly recognize exactly what I imply from all the fun and also laughter walking around. Regardless of the sort of party the basics of excellent celebration decoration usually continue to be the very same. They will be able to inform you fun ways to advertise esprit de corps as well as what kind of ambiance they are getting out of the celebration. To make sure everybody has a chance to win party favors, ask numerous choice inquiries to event visitors. These Super Dish themed parlor game will provide the opportunity to engage as a group while playing excellent half time games. One more occasion that you will absolutely want party favors for is a wedding anniversary celebration. If you could bring a theme of the occasion for which you are throwing your event, then it actually will be excellent incident and all will be valuing the style and together with that your style based event. Black lighting is an additional cheery aspect that includes much to the ambience of your event. You could have the event yourself and also tell everyone that is going that it is an underwear or pajama celebration! Not only that, yet having a motif additionally indicates that you can enhance your event venue and also strategy your food and also treats within the theme, producing a much more amazing overall effect!
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summerlipscomb-blog · 7 years
5 Points You Should Learn about party Today.
Learning event Is Easy Whatsoever! You Just Required A Terrific Teacher!
Regardless of what the event is that you and your guests are commemorating, organizing a dinner celebration takes preparation and organization. Picture having a party without plan, you'll most definitely do not like just what is going to take place. You can ultimately deliver all these event likes to your visitors' snail mail address. Or a distinct styled celebration sending the partygoers back in its background could be the admission, especially when the social gathering is truly a special birthday celebration. Economical birthday celebration celebration favors from Buy Wedding Favors Online are suitable for a 60th birthday celebration or a 16th birthday. If you reveal some of your secret strategies than seeing your pal ashamed and desiring the celebration to finish as soon as possible, it will certainly be much a lot more fun. To achieve this goal it is imperative to examine the background of the firm you want establish whether a firm is party city hours austin (http://fitnessuitdaging.info) to the lease is in excellent relations with organizations such as the Bbb and the American Organization for the lease. Give on your own a break to a sexy make over this season and also make waves at your next party. Both groups will enjoy their little ghost Halloween celebration decorations that function as party favors. Conserving cash on invites, designs and event prefers could be as straightforward as acquiring beforehand or doing off-season. Venture out your best Christmas sweater, your favorite event outfit, or your shiniest cufflinks, since it's going to be a cheery season. The even more you center the business event around your staff members the extra successful the event will certainly be. Dinner event ideas can be effectively performed if very carefully prepared; and if you have been providing dinner parties with the same food and party motif, it has to do with time to attempt something amazing to thrill your visitor or better yet, surprise them with a Thai supper party. Your John Deere party favor box consists of a whole range of unbelievable stuff that children will love like a John Deere notepad and crayon set, a stylish luxurious pet, a sticker sheet, a blowout, a charming as corn squirt emergency room as well as the reusable tractor subject support box.
How event Could Relieve Your Discomfort.
Learn From These Mistakes Before You Find out party.
Fans of real-time music will more than happy to find that new staged productions are released each week in Melbourne, and these range from abstract performances done by artists that live in the city to conventional performances by big-name entertainers. . You need not constantly printing the invites pertaining to 30th event, if you are having a celebration for friends as well as household Then again, if you are planning to throw a substantial bash subsequently either print or obtain hand-crafted celebration invite calling card. You can have the event at a friend's residence or in an expensive tearoom if you want to delight. In regards to cost, it is determined by the number of hrs for the rental, sort of photos, as well as different other basics which one desires. The city is absolutely remarkable ... you can discover anything there, specifically when it comes to songs! Along with wall surface danglings, other party decorations could be made use of to enhance the event location. Learn more about the Boston Tea Party and the American Transformation without leaving the classroom! The emphasize of your Dora the Explorer event, though, will primarily likely be your parlor game. They can also have their image taken with there very hero and be able to show everyone at institution that Crawler Guy really went to their celebration. Alice in Paradise Celebration - This event is based on the tale of Alice in Wonderland, so hats should be an accessory for all those that will certainly participate in the event. This will certainly permit the celebration to have a flow and also assist individuals distribute from one area to another. So if your kid loves Spiderman, you could enhance the celebration with all type of themed pieces like streamers, centerpieces and lifesize posters. Consist of a note on the invite and also get words out when you mention the event to people. Discovering the best celebration clown for your youngster's birthday event can truly be challenging because of your standards. Making a pig of on junk drinking, food as well as dance alcohol is one way of appreciating a bachelorette event however a different idea may be a relaxing journey to the spa. Invitations will certainly need to be sent out out regarding 2 to 4 weeks prior to the event day to offer the visitors time to reply to the event invites as well as recognize beforehand what's going on. The design on the welcomes ought to be related to style of the celebration as well as say something like 'Come Take pleasure in the 20's' or 'Thanks for visiting the 20s' are a number of choices. Rooftop Living Soirée: It's 5:00 somewhere, and if you're in Barcelona, you must be discovering yourself at one of its many roof balcony bars throughout the city. Likely the commonest technique is to earn certain everybody obtains something, however saving 2 genuinely good wedding shower party favors as game rewards.
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Dusseldorf and Amsterdam
We’re heading to Amsterdam for our free time over the german holiday. This means we’ll have to navigate the tram, bus, and train station without the professor this time. Im worried about being able to use the bathroom during this trip because we have a tight schedule for 4 hours.
Yesterday we saw the pink castle or Pleasure Castle. It was built for Charles Theodore and his wife Elizabeth Augusta, who only actually stayed there for 2 nights. The estate was like a Barbie princess mansion built in baroque style with the original garden design still intact and persevered for its botanical and historical nature. Because of this, it is more of a living art peice than a public park. Visiting here allowed us to compare the English garden style (1800’s) with baroque style garden (1700’s).
The main differences are that the baroque is very geometric and rigidly decorated with trimmed hedges and symmetry. It is designed with a main axis and tertiary winding paths as opposed to the English garden which is designed as a sprawling landscape that emphasizes views of an expansive open landscape.
The baroque style is highlighted by its uses such as hunting grounds and orangeries. When the king and his men went hunting, they wanted long corridors that lead to open clearings so that when a deer walked by they could shoot it down from the end of the corridor. Because of this a portion is designed with radial symmetry and long pathways. In the orangerie, the garden is designed with repeating shapes and is like an orchard for orange trees in large pots.
I enjoy both styles, but I think I prefer for the English garden style for its painting-like atmosphere and free flowing design.
We just came back from Amsterdam, and I have to say my taste in style has probably changed. I have a new appreciation for geometric designs after visiting Vonderpark or Wonderpark and stepping out from a dark grove of trees into a rose garden planted in hexagons. I thought the English garden reminded me of Alice and Wonderland but boy did this rose garden so the trick! It was so beautiful I have begun noticing trimmed hedges with bright flowers more now.
In general, Amsterdam is a beautiful city though and is probably my favorite place iv been. Unfortunately I don’t have pictures that do it justice. But what I remember are the canals, with streets lining either side and tall slender m dutch style buildings that look like they were all constructed for the illusion of height. I later found out that past the science museum the buildings suddenly become more modern, but the area of the hostel we stayed in certainly looked like one unified time period which was very cool since most places Iv been are a mix of old and new.
The buildings themselves I found very beautiful because I enjoy the style of elongated windows that emphasize slender forms. All the buildings are tall and squeezed together with pointed roof tops, but none of them are skyscrapers. The windows are also longer on the bottom than the top, and some walls project outward a little to give a perspective illusion of added height. The decorative motifs and sculptings were also very beautiful and I found them to be more elegant than the baroque. Another thing that amazed me was that even though there was not much greenery in the city other than Vondel Park, there were still rose bushes and flowers growing out of the tiniest cracks in the pavement along buildings. They were beautiful color pops and livened up an already colorful city. Sometimes it was hard to notice the lack of green because the buildings are already painted so many bright colors.
Another note about the city layout was that the canal was huge, but the pathways small. Not only were the buildings squeezed together, but they were encroaching on the walking space too. At times there was only two feet of space, enough for a single person to walk on before you fell off into the shared bike and car lane or ran into a set of stairs for a building, or a bike rack for the thousands of bikes they had there, or ran into a bollard. A bollard is a 3 foot tall stand that is simply there to restrict movement. It’s almost like a speed bump for people. I have no idea why the streets are so tight, but at least cars and infrequent. Another interesting planning method I saw were cars parked up on 1 foot raised platforms in center lanes in larger streets. I don’t know how the cars actually got up there, but basically it would be a tiny walking lane, the car lane, a platform for parking and trees, another tiny walking lane, and then bike racks before you hit the buildings. They do a good job of doubling up spaces here but at time it can be inconvenient.
All in all, the city is beautiful, with some trailor houses plopped right in the middle of the canal, arching bridges that light up at night, and colorful buildings reminiscent of a past time. Vondel park, which was designed with the Amstel river running through it, changed my mind on designed centered around repeating shapes even though it was only one portion of the entire space. I suppose I haven’t said much describing it, but there’s not much more I can say other than it was a garden of hexagons with roses planted in them. They were just beautiful, so I will try to draw a picture of them since I didn’t take any good representative ones.
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jurgentischler · 7 years
This was a walk with a difference, unlike any other, navigation was as basic as any, the distance wasn’t in any way challenging, and, as for isolation, that too was a complete no, but, as for escapism, they certainly don’t come any better. The music I selected for the blog was historically inaccurate, but, the sound, the mood, the language, the aura it creates, well, from my point of view, was perfect. (Then again, we are in the land of Trolls, paganism, sacrifice and neolithic carved stone symbols, an area so spiritual, the most heathen of pagans can taste it, Stonehenge eat your heart out, so, there is a connection to the wonderful Swedish folk song and from my location, only a few miles north stands an isolated, hidden and secretive valley, Trollers Ghyll, thus, any time difference the historians of whichever ology, choose to curse me with, I challenge them to do it).
What are Cup and Ring carvings? – They are basically symbols (petroglyphs) which have been carved into rocks. Although they appear in other countries, in Britain they are found mainly in the north and Scotland. They are believed to be between 4000 and 5000 years old which places them in the same time period as the construction of Stonehenge, the Neolithic and Bronze Age period.
Wonderful example of cups, cup and ring and channels, carved stone, Ilkley Moor
What to look for:- Cupmarks, these are hollows cut into the surfaces of rocks which can be singular or in groups. Cup and Ring Marks, A central singular cup surrounded by singular or multiple rings. Cups, Rings and Channels, These can be cups and rings with ladders or channel joining them together.
These 3 are the most common in Britain although there are many more designs such as, spiral chambers, cups in rosette patterns, chevron channels, ladders, grid and curl like motifs. After close examination of uneroded carvings, it was deducted that the carvings were pecked into the stone using tools with about a 5mm point with metal, flint or deer antler been the most likely tool used. The only real facts about the carvings meanings are, and will probably remain the only known facts, are, there is no clear picture of their real purpose. There are some clues:- * The carvings are situated close to or incorporated within burial mounds and cairns, there may be a link with burial practices, ancestral connections or the after life. * They are also found on standing stones and close to stone circles, locations believed to have both ritual and religious purposes. * They frequently appear on outcrop rock where there is an uninterupted view over the surrounding terrain, indicating, their locations had been specifically chosen, bearing in mind, at this period of time, most of the terrain was heavily wooded.
This outing was the first of three on this, an area I consider, one of the least understood and most metaphysical locations on the planet. I’m not alone thinking that, I know two people whose ashes are scattered on the moor, both parents of friends who, for whatever reason, asked for their remains to be shed there, so, it makes me wonder, how many others have done the same, what is the attraction and why?
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Located in Panorama Woods, Opposite St. Margarets’ Church, Queens’ Road, Ilkley (GR SE 11475 47288) – The Panorama Stones
The route was simplicity itself, nothing technical or difficult, about 6km in total with a return journey being the reverse of the outward, on a very well-defined, ancient footpath, there are many testing and far more difficult walks in the area, but, on this occasion, that wasn’t the purpose of my visit. I’d come in search of neolithic stone carvings and there became the challenge, finding them. On this occasion, they were all adjacent to the footpath, for reasons I will explain later, but, they’re not all obvious, and, if I was a gambling man, I’d place good money that the majority of walkers are oblivious to the carvings and stroll past unaware of their existence, just as I used to.
From the church I followed the road west for a couple of minutes till I saw the entrance to the moor at Hetchell Ghyll, ascending this overgrown, wild and picturesque ghyll to the, westerly bound, required footpath is a pleasure in itself.
Originally, The Panorama Stones were located half a mile away, on the moorland edge, in the woodland at the rear of the small Intake reservoir, but, they had to be moved to be saved, as 19th century development in their surroundings would have vandalised and destroyed them. Fortunately, in 1890, a Dr. Fletcher Little, purchased them for £10 and, in 1892, in order to save them, had them moved from their natural location to the present one, sadly, during their transportation, the largest stone was broken in two places, fortunately, better them broken and saved, than lost forever. Still, over the years, the combination of weather and vandalism have taken their toll and the carvings are now quite difficult to discern. In total there are 25 cups on the Panorama, 16 surrounded by between 1 and 5 rings, some incomplete, some linked by ladders and parallel grooves joined by perpendicular lines, the ladders are believed to be unique to this and the Barmishaw stone. The smaller stone has about 40 cups with 3 incomplete or eroded rings and some linking grooves. The smallest stone has 12 cups, one of which may have been a partial ring and stone.
Hetchell Ghyll and the ascent from Queens Road to Woodhouse Ridge and the wonderful, carve riddled, required footpath.
Emerging from the woods onto the westward bound footpath, which is also part of the long distance routes of the Millenium Way and the relatively new Dales High Way, it’s like leaving a jungle for a bleak moonscape, maybe an unfair comparison, but the change really is that immediate and instant, there’s no gradual gradient. Bear right, and onward, the second and probably, the most famous stone carving on Ilkley Moor, the world-famous Swastika Stone.
Left to Right:- The fenced and protected Swastika Stone from its high vantage point overlooking Lower Wharfedale, then, the original 4000-5000 year old and severely worn and weathered stone above the Victorian duplicate carved beneath. GR SE 09557 49697.
By far the most famous carved rock in the moor and, still the most mysterious in age, origin and understanding. Completely unique to the British Isles but almost identical to the Camonica Rose in Val Camonica, (Bresica, Italy), which suggests to some, there may be a connection to Roman troops situated at the outpost in Ilkley, which, would cancel the believed date of the original carving. There are enough suggestions to its meaning to drive anybody to the verge of insanity, the bottom line was, and remains, nobody knows. There are 9 cups within and around the 4 curves, with an additional and random curve to the top right with its own cup within. (Well, I’m going to start to add all the random and wild suggestions to their representation, instead, I’m going to offer my own, the 9 cups are there to represent the 9 worlds of Viking Norse mythology with the 10th and outside one representing an expanding outlook! It was carved by the maverick, Soren the Norse as he roamed these lands in search of wild boar and continued his never ending battles against the Trolls from their homeland a few miles away close to Appletreewick, let’s face it, during winter, these parts certainly have the feel of Nifhelm). One there for the many ….ologists to contend with.
Only a few yards away, on the opposite side of the footpath, laid there like dormant stone coffin lids are 2 fallen stone gateposts, not that their carved structures would immediately strike the average passer-by to their original purpose, that is, if the average passer-by should actually observe them, I never had, and, I’m quite a fine representative of the average passer by, one of the gateposts plays host to 2 cup carvings. In my humble
One of 2 gateposts close to each other, this one containing 2 cup carvings, I wonder if they were overturned, would they reveal more?
opinion, these are more confusing than any other carving I’d yet discovered, there is no visible evidence to why the stones are there, there is no visible boundary for the posts to represent, nor are there any visible signs to where they formally stood, but, the carved cups are very visible within one of them.
The 2 cup carvings are clearly visible although any sign of surrounding rings has either eroded away or never existed.
Onward and westerly I continued, next stop, the Anvil Stone, this one, did cause a little self-inflicted confusion. The GPS I was using, is, in my opinion, the best thing since sliced bread, but, it does have a single fault, man, or in my case, me! As long as the GR number is correctly added, it will find a needle in a haystack, or in this case, any stone required, the thing is, you have to ensure the figures added are correct, one error and you could be miles away, and, in this instance, I placed 03 where I should have inserted 30, and, I was about 100 yards out, on a hillside with hundreds of stones scattered around, but, after appearing a complete eccentric loonatic to the young couple sat above me on the hillside, I eventually found the temporarily illusive stone.
The Anvil Stone (SE 0928 4700), no prizes for guessing how it gained its name. It’s a triangular flat slab which perches on the top of other rocks with its point facing north-east. Like others, it’s sat close to the track following the northern edge of Rombald’s Moor above the River Wharfe.
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No question about it, cup and rings on the top of the Anvil Stone
I climbed onto it and looked carefully for any carvings, and, although there were many indents into the surface, if they were originally cups, or cup and rings, then in this case, time, weather and erosion had delivered a particularly harsh blow upon them and it was particularly difficult for me, with my untrained eye, to decipher if they were or had been natural or man-made. Still, a magnificent stone with, space beneath for shelter or, as has been suggested, burial.
Continuing along the footpath, for maybe another couple of hundred yards, I wasn’t counting my footsteps, delivered me to the next famous stone on my journey, The Sepulchre Stone, (SE 0907 4700). Easily recognised by its unusual shape and strata, plus, it’s smaller adjoining stone, this too is home to carvings and a potential shelter beneath, and, as the name suggests, a possible ancient grave, so too does it dominate a prominent view over the valley below.
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The local Trolls named this Soren’s Stone, after their leader, made a solo bid to kill Soren the Norse, King Troll had single-handedly pursued Soren close to this spot, when, after realising the rest of the Trolls had given up the chase, and, it was a one to one, Soren hurled this stone at the defiant Troll, landing it directly on top of it, so, the King of the Trolls remains, to this day, buried beneath, is there a man brave enough to raise the stone and confirm this story, knowing full well, King Troll’s have been known to rise from the dead with the first hint of daylight, well, I for one, have no intention of finding out!
There’s no disputing I wasn’t feeling very pleased with myself, the route took no working out, but the stones, well, they aren’t sign posted so it’s still a pleasant feeling individually identifying them.
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Unusual and unknown (to me), stone, a distinct cup on the surface and a strange seat like structure to its front. I’ve decided, once Soren the Norse, the maverick wanderer, wild boar hunter and Troll destroyer, used this spot to rest and dine after a day’s hunting and, of course, he could keep an eye out over the valley for any trespassing Trolls should they venture from their hidden valley close to Appletreewick.
Five done, (including the gate post), two to do, that meant, continuing along to the Noon Stone and the famous and prominent Doubler Stones, they all seem to have unusual and interesting names, who named them and why were the selected names chosen? Maybe I’d find an answer for the next one, the Noon Stone, another few hundred yards along the track to find it.
The Noon Stone from each compass point, and, a view of the cupped summit, it’s a natural stone and mentioned in Paul Bennetts ‘Old Stones of Elmet. Initially described as the Noon Stone in 1579. It’s been suggested that it may have been used for some form of time keeping, or, as it’s been described as the stone over which the noon-day sun appears. I wonder how well it keeps the time?
The day had been wonderful, not a great distance covered, but, slow due to the interest and discoveries, now came a little more effort, the footpath needed maybe another mile completing prior to reaching my final destination, there was a left turn at the junction known as Windgate Nick prior to about half a mile’s walk to the famous Doublers’.
The Doubler Stones are 2 naturally shaped rocks on the western edge of Rombalds’ Moor above Silsden. Their peculiar shapes are due to the top stone been gritstone standing above the softer and easier eroded sandstone. Both tops have cup carvings with the eastern one has 2 whilst the western one has several cups and 3 deep basins with grooves.
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The western Doubler stone with its 3 deep basins and grooves
So, after spending half an hour or so climbing around and on top of the unusual and quite incredible Doublers, it was time to return on my outward route back to the car. My canine companion, the never tiring Mountain Meg, didn’t seem to mind which way we went, so, after a little self appraisal at achieving my target on the first attempt, the hour or so return walk to the car began. Another successful day in the hills.
Rock Art and the Ilkley Style – Part 1 This was a walk with a difference, unlike any other, navigation was as basic as any, the distance wasn't in any way challenging, and, as for isolation, that too was a complete no, but, as for escapism, they certainly don't come any better.
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