#there's only one or two blogs left active from those who I first started following
merigoldaround · 1 year
I miss Jimin. It's been a month without Face era (approximately).
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askdiscordwhooves · 9 months
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Ask Discord Whooves has come to its conclusion, and that means the posts below this point contain major spoilers for the story! This post will also have the author's final comments below a 'read more' to avoid spoilers. In this commentary, I will talk about new details about the story, such as what the future looks like in this universe and clearing up some lore.
If you wish to read from the beginning, you can start from the first page here!
Or, if you were in the middle of reading and wish to start where you left off, go to the table of contents here!
Also for consideration, you can read the prequel blog @lovestruck-derpy and the side blog @askthetimemaster to get more insight on the story. It is recommended you read Lovestruck Derpy first, then Ask The Time Master after you've read Discord Whooves.
Other side blogs involved in the story that can be read after everything else for a little more insight are as follows:
@tantamount-time-turner @torchwoodv @valtavia
Thank you for being interested in the story, I hope you enjoy your read!
It would be appreciated if people who have read the blog to its end read this post and give their input on the overall story via comment or reblog, or sending the author @jitterbugjive a comment via ask or submission.
Surprise, everyone! Coach is The Doctor's next life!
This was the original plan from the very start of when I made Coach. Look, here's some proof, the plush I had commissioned of him has a cutie mark!
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For those who don't know who (Pony) Coach is, you can read a bunch of asks sent to him here and get to know him, and for those who do know him you can re-read with context:
[Coach at The-Character-Lounge]
Now, I know I've moved on and made Coach a human and his own character for my current main project, My Magic Grandpa, but that was because I loved him as a character so much that I couldn't just end him after Discord Whooves.
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He and his Granddaughter Suzie have paranormal fantasy adventures in the 90s starting in Oregon. You can read the comic which has been updating for 4 years here: http://www.mymagicgrandpa.com OR http://www.mymagicgrandpa.net for better phone viewing.
If you want more Doctor Whooves content from me, consider following the youtube series "Doctor Whooves and Assistant", where I am the head writer and voice actor for Derpy. It is still active and hopefully will be for quite some time.
I also want people to know about three more of my original projects,”Bedeviled Dotty” ( @bedeviled-dotty), “Once Upon a Calamity” ( @nightmaretales) and “WTF? I’m a Magical Girl’s Familiar?!” (@magicalgirlsfamiliar) Two of which I want to start updating in 2024 and one that's been updating for a few years now.
OUAC has been around for a very long time, it’s a collection of familiar but twisted fairy tales and it has been on hiatus for years because of my other projects taking priority. I'm excited to be bringing it back.
WTF?MGF meanwhile is an adult dark comedy magical girl comic combined with an apocalyptic outbreak scenario. Its pilot will launch in January of 2024 and the comic will begin properly in 2025.
“Bedeviled Dotty” has been going for a few years now, and is a story about a magical anthro rabbit who makes a deal with a kitsune in order to obtain the love of her professor.
I highly encourage people to check them out!
Now about The Doctor version of Coach! When he first regenerated, he was ecstatic to have a small nose!
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Not only that but he had a new appreciation for life and took on a life to the fullest attitude. He also cast away the identity of 'The Doctor', letting himself become his own as 'Coach' because he considers himself a referee to the universe and a sort of life coach to whoever he encounters. (Those that can stand him of course) He loves interacting with others, but he can be impatient and snippy at times and quite pushy without meaning to. He also has a hard time reading others' emotions, and can only think in context of how he would feel. This is because in this life he has something akin to ASD that he's unaware of, and it's a huge challenge for him because of how much he wants to help and entertain others.
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He likes to use sports words and phrases in his vocabulary, which would be his quirk. He also collects sports equipment and uses them for experiments and inventions, though he doesn't really like sports themselves.
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One of the last things Derpy said to him before she died was that she had no regrets, and neither should he. So in his next life, as Coach, he took this very seriously and is always moving forward with no regrets. This can make him seem heartless at times because of how easily he leaves things behind, but he always needs to be on the move and needs to change things up because he's teaming with chaos magic.
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That's right, the chaos energy stayed with him, but it manifested in a more controllable form because he became a unicorn. He can't use normal unicorn spells, a lot of his magic has a mind of its own. It will often do as asked, but it will do it in random ways. 'Open a locked door' for example could mean unlocking the door, or turning the door into popcorn. One of his first magic mishaps was transmogrifying his sonic screwdriver into a golf club. It still functions the same, just has a different shape now.
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Coach spent about 60 years exploring on his own and taking on temporary companions that he'd keep a distance from so chances of anything bad happening to them would be less. But he eventually longs to see his Grandaughter, Tootsie Flute, and wants to take her on adventures with him, feeling like it would be a good do-over from the old Doctor's life. He fondly calls her Suzie because of reminiscing about the memories of Susan from the 1st Doctor days. While Suzie is often exasperated with him, she is also fascinated with him and the things he shows her. She has to keep their adventures a secret though, because Coach is scared to face his old family again and disappoint them. He doesn't want to see them without being able to understand them any more, it would break his hearts.
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In order to take Suzie on adventures with him, they find a rogue changeling to replace her at home.
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Speaking of changelings, he keeps in contact with [Tantamount Doctor], who has since started his own hive and is now a Royal. He gets much adored offerings of cheese from Coach.
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The Doctor also never really felt like there was a right time to approach The Master’s daughter, Eighth Note. He kept feeling like it would ruin her otherwise good life to introduce her to time and space like that. She grew up to be a nurse in a maternity ward, her beautiful voice soothing babies as she would sing to them. Perhaps she has a little hypnotic influence from her father?
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But Coach meanwhile with his no regrets attitude charged right in to take her on as a temporary companion to show her the ropes of being a Time Lord and having a TARDIS of her own. Needless to say, she’s trouble for Coach, as she can be a huge tease and she enjoys flustering the poor guy who just doesn’t want the Master to come back from the grave to kill him. It’s all in good fun for her and never serious, though, so nothing of an intimate nature really happens between them.
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Finally, whenever Coach regenerated which wouldn't be for a long time, it would be because the chaos magic would become too unstable and the only way he can stay alive is to regenerate into a draconequus. Which gives us -drumroll-
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Pandemonium is on the chaotic good alignment and he finds a way to bring back Gallopfrey and allow the true pony Doctor and Master to exist. He playfully antagonizes them and tries to keep them on a good path as best he can.
And that's pretty much how the whole thing ends!
When I started Discord Whooves, I was in a pretty dark place. I was bitter, angry, feeling like I had to fill peoples' expectations without really having anything special of my own. Discord Whooves started as a vent blog because A. The Brony fandom's constant pressure on me as a well known voice actor for Derpy, which made me bitter about her, B. Because I was upset I was getting known more for my voice than my main talent, drawing, on top of feeling dysphoric about my feminine voice, and C. The expectations that were on me reflected on how I acted, and I wanted to do something dark without my old name attached to it to prove I could do something interesting besides PG rated radio plays. I gained a lot more popularity than I thought I ever would, and had so much support, and as JitterbugJive I got to be myself without any expectations. It helped me come out eventually not only as BaldDumboRat, but as a transgender male.
Popularity sadly got to my head, it caused a lot of stress and a lot of outbursts and when I started my mod blog I was a very calm person who brushed things off. But more and more people started to pick fights with me and I felt the need to defend myself. This was also during a time I made another vent blog that was for dealing with the abuse I'd been through in the past, so I was facing a lot of demons at the time and could be triggered easily.
And then I had my bi-polar manic episode that made me literally insane for months, which threw me in to a year long depression that destroyed my art for a good while (It looked really really awful during that time, a lot of people noticed it) but the good thing about it was that it got me in touch with a therapist and got me diagnosed not only bi-polar 1 but PTSD, which was a shock to me but it made a lot of sense. I got a PTSD service dog, anxiety medication, bi-polar medication, and while the year of depression sucked I slowly got to pull myself back together and reflect on who I'd been. With anxiety meds I wasn't getting as angry any more, and therapy was helping me properly cope with the past and with the popularity issues. I wanted to be a better person, and I became one.
I even decided to take on a career path where I could help other people like me and like Discord Doctor, becoming a peer wellness specialist to help those experiencing mental illness and addiction. I use my own experiences to connect with them, give them hope, and show them they are not alone and there are people who do understand what they're going through who will help them. The training I went through ended up changing a lot of aspects of how Discord Whooves was treated moving forward, giving him a more realistic journey and showing people a very true message of hope and recovery. And the only reason I'm where I am now is because of experiencing that first psychotic episode that made me reach out for help.
I had two psychotic episodes in the span of Discord Whooves’ run, and they gave me a first hand experience of what it’s like to completely lose control of your own actions. I hurt people, I caused a lot of damage, and I had to face the consequences of those actions. And because of this, I had personal knowledge of what it’s like to come out of such a horrible state, and all the guilt and fear that comes with it. The Doctor’s journey suddenly became so much more personal to me, because I’d been there. And his journey of recovery is to show that despite everything, there’s still hope. Recovery is possible.
Something else my mania did was lead me to the idea of My Magic Grandpa, because my head came up with so many crazy ideas that I wanted to use and I was looking for a lot of inspiration during my depression that it all started coming together. And thus Coach and Suzie evolved into humans in their own story, because I didn't entirely want Discord Whooves to end where Coach and Suzie only just begins. And now they can continue on in their own way, in my own way, and I can let go of a blog about depression and anger and instead make a story about growth and inspiration.
In a way, it's like I regenerated with The Doctor, and I hope people can appreciate that and continue to support me.
I want to thank all the people who have worked with me on this project, be it for crossover, to contribute guest art, to Warden and Lauren and a handful of other people who helped me write the story and brought fantastic characters into it. I couldn’t have gotten this far without you, and the story would be in a much worse place now if it weren’t for everyone’s help.
Thank you all for staying with me on this 12 year journey. Looking back, I've made some dumb mistakes, but I learned a lot from them and your dedication helped me stick to my guns and end my first large scale project! It hit some bumps but dammit I made it happen and I am so happy I did! Now I hope people will check out my other projects that were linked above. I will still produce pony content on @the-character-lounge on occasion when I have the time and motivation.
I want to continue to bring everyone compelling stories that will tug at their emotions, and I don't plan on disappearing. So if you want to continue this journey with me, to see what Coach and Suzie have evolved into, please give my other works a follow!
Thank you, everyone! Your comments on this post in particular would be greatly appreciated! What did you think of the story as a whole? What do you think of Coach being the Doctor’s new life? Are there things you were expecting or wished would be different? How would you have ended the story? Did you enjoy the finale? Did you have a theory that Coach was The Doctor? Who was your favorite character? Favorite moment? Least favorite moment? I want to know! Please talk about it!
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ousama · 1 year
ok im going to try and address the callout in the best way that i can now that im fully medicated and in the right mindspace. i will go over every part of it to be as concise as possible!
let me state right now this post is not to garner pity. i am not asking for apologies. i am not asking people to refollow me if they are uncomfortable. if i make you uncomfortable please put your mental health first for the both of us
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ok lets start with this! over a year ago i sent people fake gore. this is fact. those people were pedophiles and fascists. you are allowed to have the opinion its wrong for me to send anyone gore but i want to make clear i only targeted genuinely dangerous individuals. i am a grown adult as well! that is true. but i do think there's quite a difference in the maturity of an unmedicated 20 year old who had been, if most of my long time followers recall, recovering from a literal cult. and a now 22 year old who is fully medicated and has a job. i have matured and changed i think
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this was in regards to i believe that how intimidating am i ask meme? though i mentioned gore here i am noting again i had actually stopped sending gore by this point in my life. I do still send fascists their IP addresses to scare them into deleting. I understand i can block, report and warn others but quite frankly. Staff does not care about the fascist problem. blocking and reporting does not do shit on this website and i believe personally its best to take it into my own hands especially when, in my experience, i have a 90% success rate in getting them to deactivate via just mentioning the town they live in
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im. not sure why this image is included quite frankly but ill try my best to address it. The person messaging has been harassing me for about a week including misgendering me and using ableist language against a developmentally delayed individual. This is the kill yourself website. I did not think replying with a blingee would be an issue. They mentioned gore only because my carrd says if you stealth follow and are a pedophile or other brand of freak ill send you gore . my carrd is not updated and that has been there for about two years. it is not accurate to what i do now.
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this is me explaining that^ also included in the callout. don't know what to say here as im clearly acknowledging it.
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same person harassing me doubling down on the fact my carrd outdatedly mentions gore. I answer honestly, because again id only ever used horror movie screenshots. To Fascists And Pedophiles.
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im not elaborating this is my post. it explains itself but its added here as it was in the callout
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now we get to malistaire. i will say right now. I have nothing against malistaire personally. i also cannot check their tumblr so will default to they them. if these are the wrong pronouns i apologize but i quite literally cannot confirm.
Malistaire does have a history with our group. we are a friend group called the overdosis group chat. other members may dislike malistaire. that is not my problem quite frankly. i do not hold any ill will or intentions toward them. as you can see in both screenshots. Neither Discord Message Is From Me. I have NO obligation to take responsibility for other people in a shared server especially when i am one of the least active members. I believe the first message was prompted by malistaires old blog having a post that implied our group might be stalking them. we were not. as far as i know they left the server due to personal drama with one member. the second dm is also not me. my name is not liv, you may notice. i am not responsible for this. adding it to a post about me is pointless at least and misinformation at most.
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they go on to list other members. which is irrelevant to a post about me. but i find the comment about the groups name most interesting because
Malistaire Was An Original Member Of The Group. They Had Joined The Server Twice Actually.
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they were aware of the suicide note (of a racist, mind you) and even joked about it in the server. They do not mention this at all on the callout.
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they also partook in sending death threats. alongside us.
im out of image space i will continue this in a reblog. please do not reblog this post in its current state.
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oldeazeroth · 1 year
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I was hearing a lot about the Hardcore WoW challenge & decided to give it a try. I wanted to share some of my thoughts here because I think some of the people who follow this blog might enjoy the experience as well! The post ended up being kind of long so please feel free to ignore if you’re not interested.
For those who don’t know, Hardcore Classic is a fan-made game mode in the same spirit as an ironman challenge. There are several rules but the main ones are 1) character death is permanent 2) you cannot ask for help or group with others (outside of very specific circumstances), and 3) you cannot trade, mail, or use the AH. Everything you use must be found in the world, crafted by you, or bought from a vendor. There is an addon that can be downloaded to verify your run. It can be played on any server, but many people chose to play on the public WoW servers that fans have adopted for the challenge, because you can only complete dungeons and raids with other HC players under the HC rules. More info can be found here - https://classichc.net/
At first I thought it sounded nuts, but gave it a shot because I had nothing to lose. I created a character with the exact same class/race as my first WoW character (I was even able to snag the same name), and as I spawned into Mulgore I almost immediately understood the appeal. There were so many other players around doing the same challenge. The game felt shockingly alive because of how active the server was. But what was really amazing was how the hardcore restrictions changed the way I experienced the game & took me back to the first time I ever played.
I have a distinct memory from my first character, a Tauren Druid, and leaving Mulgore for the first time to make the trek to Crossroads through Camp Taurajo. That walk felt so intimidating, seeing level ?? thunder lizards standing off the side of the road. I feel like I probably held my breath until I finally made it to Crossroads. Today, if I were to create a new Tauren on a classic era server, though I would have to make that same walk, I would not feel that fear because the game no longer has that same mystery for me . The thunder lizards are only level 20, and if I die, it’s no big deal to corpse run and try again. But under the Hardcore ruleset, that’s not an option. If I die, that’s it. I found myself making that run with the same level of caution that I gave it during my first ever playthrough, keeping my eyes peeled off both sides of the road. And feeling safe when I finally got to Crossroads. That alone was an amazing feeling to experience again!
As I started to level up in the Barrens, I reached a point where the quests were starting to out level me and decided to make the trek to Silverpine to continue. I was level 13, making my way to the Sepulcher. I was nearly there, and went off path to gather some herbs. Out of nowhere, a Son of Arugal, a level ?? elite, appeared. It was over before I could react and I felt so defeated.
A few days later, I got the motivation to delete the character and begin again. Another Tauren Druid. I leveled my way back to the same point where I left off in the Barrens and thought, either I can play it safe here and grind a level or two, or I can head to Silverpine again and be on my guard this time. I opted for Silverpine to prove to myself I could do it. I got there and completed some quests, constantly watching my back the whole time. As I walk towards a cave I saw him in the distance once again, the Son of Arugal. I noped out of there immediately, ran halfway across the zone and grinded out the few bars I had left to level. As soon as I dinged, I hearthed out of Silverpine for good. It left me excited though, that I was able to face Silverpine once again & learn from my mistake the first time. It was not only exciting to navigate around it, but it made the zones themselves feel like unique places once again, each with their own obstacles & traps.
I’m only level 14 now, and I’m realizing every zone from here on out will likely have it’s own Son of Arugal lurking in the shadows. I doubt I will make it to 60 because I don’t have a ton of underlying knowledge about the world, but for the time being the experience so far has been worth the time. It’ll be painful when my character inevitably dies but at that point I’ll feel okay putting away hardcore mode for a bit.
I don’t intend on writing posts like this in the future, but wanted to share because I know there are so many people who feel nostalgic about the game. This game mode really has the potential to bring some of those feelings back into the game, and at least for the time being, the servers are well populated and feel just as alive as they did back then. Anyway, thanks for reading!
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dedalvs · 2 years
Hi, welcome back to Tumblr! Your Trigdasleng posts back in the day were fascinating, even though I never watched the show they're from. Keep on keepin' on.
Thank you! It's good to be back, and this is as good a place as any to talk about why I'm here and what I'm doing.
First, I left Tumblr when many others did when they instituted their infamous "female-presenting nipple" policy. It's not as if my Tumblr was ever a nsfw blog, or as if I had any female-presenting nipples, but I felt it was the wrong response to the difficult situation they'd been put in. It was something that hurt a lot of people who had a lot less of a voice and not much of a platform, and so I felt it was my responsibility to use the platform I had to take a stand, even if ultimately it didn't change anything.
As it happens, years later, Tumblr has finally reversed the policy (well done, @staff!). Tumblr may not be the wild west it used to be, but at least they aren't targeting anyone presenting a specific gender unfairly. I've missed my time away, and the people I got to know here, so I'm happy to be back!
As I see it, I'll probably be reblogging stuff less here, even though that's how I made my name way back when, and instead responding mostly to asks in my inbox.
To give myself a fresh start, I have deleted all 3,999 of my asks. I'm starting fresh—with this one, which was the first! My inbox got too overwhelming, so this was needed.
To answer some questions some may have, if you haven't followed me elsewhere recently:
I'm most active on Instagram, where I am @athdavrazar.
I have a YouTube series with partner and significant other Jessie Sams, who is @quothalinguist on Instagram. That series is called LangTime Studio, and we create a language from scratch together live on camera (we work on two hours a week every Thursday at 2 p.m. Pacific).
Jessie and I work together almost exclusively now, and we've done work on Freeform's Motherland: Fort Salem (which I hope you loved, Tumblr!), Peacock's Vampire Academy, the second season of Shadow and Bone (forthcoming), Amazon's Paper Girls (though you can blink and miss our stuff), and the second Dune film.
I worked on HBO's House of the Dragon, and got to create a writing system for High Valyrian, which I'm very excited about.
I created the Sangheili language for Paramount+'s Halo with Carl Buck, who is on Instagram as @tlacamazatl (he's on Tumblr as @tlacamazatl too!). We are presently working on season 2.
I worked with Christian Thalmann on Shadow and Bone seasons 1 and 2. The breakdown is this: Christian and I jointly created the Fjerdan language; I created the Ravkan language and orthography as well as the Kerch and Zemeni orthographies exclusively; Jessie Sams and I created the Shu and Zemeni languages jointly; Christian created the Shu orthography. I can't wait for you to hear and see our work in season 2!
Yes, I left Twitter (quite a bit ago). I'm now more active on Discord, where I'm on a few servers.
I created a wiki for all my languages, and am unevenly working on all of them, and some languages have a team of people working on them (in particular High Valyrian).
Despite being double-vaxxed and getting not one, not two, but three boosters, I got Covid in June, and that PoS hasn't completely left me alone since. (Note: I'd only had one booster before I got it; two have come since then, including the new one, which will hopefully be the last!)
I am traveling again, so I hope to announce those here when they happen.
If there's anything I missed, you let me know. I look forward to answering asks again, and joining in the general silliness of Tumblr! <3
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An Update on the Status of My A03 Fics!
Hihi! I have no idea if anyone who follows this blog reads any of my fics on AO3, but if you do, then you might like to know what the heck is going on with my fics, and why I haven't posted any updates in over six months.
First of all, I am alive! I wrote a lot of fics in the summer of 2022 when I had just gotten active in a fan server on Discord where there was a lot of encouragement to write fanfiction. In the spring of 2023, I started a medical assistantship course, and in order to keep myself focused in class, I turned off notifications for the server. And then I just kind of...didn't turn them back on???? In my defense, I was intimidated by the amount of time it would take for me to backread everything I missed, and that eventually snowballed into me just no longer looking at that server. I should honestly become active in it again, because it did a lot for my writing productivity. I also have a lot of hobbies both in real life and on my computer, and those take up a lot of my time as well. So that's why I didn't post much last year and haven't posted anything yet this year.
But I want to let you all know, that I do fully intend to complete the fanfics I have already started on AO3, and I do intend to write the sequels I promised a year and a half ago.
So without further ado, here is a status report on the incomplete fics and series I have on my AO3:
How to Live With Fire: One of my most popular fics! I have two sequels planned, and a rough idea of what I want to happen in each of them. Both of them are probably going to be only a few chapters long. The delay on this one is mostly on Part 2, since Part 2 has only the vaguest ideas of what I want to do with it (how Mortarion and Vulkan become a longterm couple, and how their legions react to this change). The trouble with this one is, I haven't read any Salamanders novels, let alone ones that take place during the Horus Heresy. I think I will at least have to read Deathfire for this one. I am praying that I don't have to read Vulkan Lives, since I understand that one has less tasty Salamanders content than I would like, and way more John Grammaticus than I find tasteful. But I will still try Deathfire at the very least, if I can find a physical copy at the library or a used bookstore or something.
A Matter of Trust: Another one that's going to end up being a trilogy. I have figured out what happens, now I just need to read the Plague Wars trilogy, because those events are going to be kind of important to the rest of the plot. Again, I'd like to read physical copies of the books so that I can flip through them easily. I'm going to see if I can find copies of the first two novels through the local libraries. Fingers crossed!
Until the Bitter End: Ohhhh, this one's gonna make me cry...this one is mostly hinging on me rereading The Buried Dagger and taking notes. Much lower barrier for entry for this one, since I've read it so often that I mostly remember where to find the events I'm looking for.
Lantern and the Child: This one is going to have like, a billion chapters. It's going to become episodic for a while, but I'm looking forward to it. In this case, it's a case of figuring out which characters I want to introduce. The idea of it being episodic is kind of exciting for me, because it feels like it will be a fun thing to do, and because it goes along with a writing conceit that my co-creator and I have for this AU, that it's the events of a theoretical (very dark) Pokemon anime.
This Once Nearly Was Mine: This one should literally be the easiest one to complete, I am ashamed that I haven't finished it. There's only one chapter left, and I don't even have to come up with all of the events. Again, this one is going to dip into Horus Heresy events that I haven't actually read, but I think I've heard enough from osmosis that I can skip most of it. I just need to, y'know, actually sit down and fucking write it.
Deep's Embrace: I've got an outline! And I've even got some scenes written out! As I type this post, I am preparing to submit chapter 2. I'm having a lot of fun with this fic, as you could probably all tell.
Anyway, that's basically it for now. If you have any questions, please let me know! And if you have any friends who you know enjoy my fics but aren't following me or aren't on Tumblr, please link them to this post so that they know just what the hell is going on with me.
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blu3haw4 · 7 months
First Line Game
Tagged by @lexa-griffins
rules: don't reblog the first one, make a new post! look at the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any!
1) Famous AU (I remember posting it for clextober 2023, but I can't find it there or in my blog)
As per routine for the past several months, the group of musicians signed with arkadia Music's made their way into the hall of the hotel as they each finished their own interviews, every room on this floor was reserved for their pre-concert activities, and soon they would be leaving to the venue.
2) I'd like to be a bear this Halloween (clextober 2022)
She was almost falling asleep; her head dropping slightly every other minute before she could react and lift it back up. It had been a long while since she's dropped her book on the table, giving up on being able to understand the words she was reading.
3) Loved your Parting Gift (dead people are my favorite) (Clextober 2022)
The slightly salty scent of the only substance that could ever satiate her hunger filled her nostrils as she walked into her apartment, before she could manage a hold of her -un- natural instincts she was launching forward into her kitchen, following the smell and quickly sinking her fangs on the flesh on display of the body laying on her counter.
4) Thieve's Crew (Clexaweek 2022)
"You got her, Reyes?" The head of the team, Lexa Woods, self and socially proclaimed 'The Commander' asked as she leaned over her hacker's shoulder, with a hand in the van's wall over the screens and the other in the back of chair. She knew the latina had her, but she was wanting for her to show her where she could see.
5) BUILD Series NYU - Horizon Hukop Season One (Clexaweek 2022)
“Hey hey hey! Here we are at build NYC, everyone please welcome these are Lexa Woods and Clarke Griffin, who play Commander Alicia Clark and Queen Elyza Lexlands, two fabulous powerful women, out of many, I must add, on the sensational newly controversial show Horizon Hukop"
6) Guess we'll have to work it out (Clexaweek 2022)
It had been a very long week; with unhappy clients who had no idea what they were talking about, with her boss scolding her for those clients who complained about her incapacity to produce their unexplainable ideas they couldn't even picture themselves. Llexa was tired, and more than she would care to admit for sure.
7) Horizon Hukop - Sneak Peak II (Clexaweek 2022)
"And as I've been telling you for the past six years, I do not need a partner to rule by my side!" The Queen of Skykru exclaimed trying her hardest to keep her voice at the proper tone for this meeting with the clan's council, while also making sure there was no room for argument. She's been through this enough times to know that one small leak of her composure was all some of the eldest members needed to attack her.
8) Don't give up (Clexaweek 2022)
"Fuck!" Having met the other woman not more than a couple day ago shouldn't make the out burst surprising -at least considering that anyone as little prepared as they were would probably react the same- however the exasperated way in which the stoic, always calm biologist -who hasn't shown a glint of pother in her demeanor since the second they met- grunts angrily as she once again tries to climb the wall of ice they fell through about an hour ago, confuses her more than she would care to admit.
9) Horizon Hukop - Sneak Peak I (Clexaweek 2022)
"I told you; she's not a problem!" "She knows too much" the Commander declares as an explanation she didn't consider she needed to give, she turned away from the Queen and left her war paint on the war table "she disagrees with us" she continued "not to mention she's not even unhappy, she's angry at our decision"
10) LexaClarke (Clexaweek 2021)
Lexa has been struggling with telling her girlfriend about her powers ever since they started dating four years ago, she also would be lying is she said she never considered before, when she and Clarke were only friends. But it was complicated, it wasn't every day that you met someone with powers, and even if it was more common that one would think, it was definitely not common to meet someone who could quite literally control your mind.
Tagging: @eternalreignblog @ecfandom if you guys want, I think every other writer I follow has already been tagged, but feel free to do your own and say I tagged you (;
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toseeclearly · 1 year
i deleted everything by accident
I deleted everything by accident, and now I am grieving.
It's not that these things were important, technically. I deleted a tumblr I barely used or looked at; a place where I would start to write a post, get cold feet, and then leave it in the drafts until I no longer wanted to do anything with it. That's all it was, a graveyard to things I was never going to complete, ideas I'd given up on, plans I never followed through with.
But still, the day they rip the memorial down is still sad, and you'll forever walk by that lamp post and remember that, at one point, there were flowers here.
So I guess I just... use this how I used to use the internet: like a diary. I was once a dedicated blogger, back in the days when being a "blogger" had some sort of caché (I think if you said that now, someone would assume you were using some sort of throwback term, like asking aloud if anyone knew of a video store they could check out. Are there any video stores left? I don't know, and I don't feel like googling right now). I wanted to be a writer, a blogger, I wanted to be like all the cool teens I followed who had custom webpages with sections where they'd post about their thoughts and other sections for cool things they did with their friends. I wanted to be their friend and be posted on their cool blog! But this was the early 2000s, where the only way to contact these people was to either stalk a forum they might be on, or email them directly, and both of those always felt unappealing. So instead, I wrote about my life and my friends, read my friends blogs, hoped to be cool enough to be included. Hundreds of posts, stories and essays and quiz results and absolutely atrocious poetry, we wrote so much, I wrote so much. And all of it is gone, now. Blogs long deleted, websites no longer active, everything lost to digital decay. Or, if you're me, you delete your tumblr by accident while massively tired and only realise too late what you've done. More decay, more insignificant pieces of the web burned away. I'm the only one who cares, but that's fine. I can... rebuild. Or just use this space for my own terrible navel gazing.
I write a lot. I have a fair amount of published work, but I also write a lot that never sees the light of day (and probably never should, mostly for quality control issues). I spent a lot of nights writing Parkdale Haunt, a lot of very late evenings hammering out page after page after page until my eyes hurt and my brain was trying to escape my skull, but it felt good. It was a good time. There's several episodes where I wrote the first draft in a complete haze, like when you're running a marathon (NOTE: I have never run a marathon, but like, stick with me here, I'm just extrapolating from my time as a long distance runner) (SECOND NOTE: I hated long distance running and quit to focus on sprinting and hurdling, which I loved, because sprinting is designed for people who want all their endorphins RIGHT NOW and hurdling is designed for masochists, and the 400m hurdles is the perfect race if you just want to punish yourself for any feeling of hubris that you've ever had in your entire curséd life) and you're just zoning out and pushing through any thought you might have that says hey man, what if you just - oh, I don't know - lied down on that patch of grass over there? Yeah, that would be sick as fuck. Writing feels like that for me sometimes, like hey, wouldn't it be nice to just go to bed? Yeah, bed is good. But then I would look down and there'd be 15 pages in front of me, and I'd feel... great. And also exhausted and vaguely headachy, but great. Then I would just spam Emily and/or Ian with screenshots of scenes at random times. Being in my vicinity means you're getting unhinged screenshots at some point.
So I've been writing again. I've got two scripts going for a new show, here's to hoping it works out. And I guess I can write here when I need/want to procrastinate. I don't have much of a footprint left after I threw my fucking shoes in the ocean.
All this has done is made me miss hurdling.
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mayxthexforce · 1 year
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz
♚ How many people don't like you?
⚜ How many people do you not like?
✮ Have you managed to stay away from drama?
☄ Have you ever been in the middle of drama?
☯ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
☼ How long do you stay mad?
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
the salty af munday meme
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
Make me believe (or straight up admit) that they're only interacting with me because they (the mun) find my muse/the trope-plot sexually appealing. I'm a roleplay blog, not an onlyfans account.
♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
Having someone who I followed and roleplayed with steal a plot and starter of mine almost word for word to use for their own ship and act like nothing happened.
♦ What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
When I was active in discord roleplay servers (back in the days of Overwatch), two of those servers fell apart because of infighting between two people that turned into infighting between like 10 people because the first two people tried to force everyone else to pick sides. I left.
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz
Only that one time someone stole our plot, at least that I know of...
♚ How many people don't like you?
In general? probably a healthy amount. In the RPC? I have no idea.
⚜ How many people do you not like?
Never thought to count them, I also can't think of any off the top of my head. I don't really bother disliking people, just disagree and move on or work to coexist with minimal to no interaction.
✮ Have you managed to stay away from drama?
Sunday anon hasn't come back in a while so, I'll say yes 😂 thank god
☄ Have you ever been in the middle of drama?
Overwatch fandom aside, apparently my muses (Sabé and Luke specifically) are sluts and I only reblog smut.
☯ Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
I want to say yes. I consider myself someone who can tell a friend 'hey, you should take the L on this one' when a situation is getting out of hand and getting nowhere.
☼ How long do you stay mad?
Not that long. I'm a momentary anger person, sooner than later I just start finding the situation ridiculous and amusing.
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
Formatting where the reply is just a huge block of text, especially when it's small text. I don't even have any eyesight issues (no need for glasses, nothing) and that shit is impossible to read.
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maygic · 2 years
how many years have I been writing?
I started my anime otaku sideblog 8-9 years ago. this main blog, on the other hand, has been running since 2008. there’s a long history to these two blogs, and I've been proudly running it since I was a teenager until now.
even if I was treating my blogs as if I was talking to someone, a group of people, I didn’t actively seek for audience back then. I still don’t–on Tumblr, at least. I was happy enough to receive a single note; I was happy enough to receive the only message on my inbox saying that they liked my writing. it was 2011-2012; I was younger, unsure of what the world outside had to offer—but, in a way, I had some more resilience as to how others perceived me.
I don’t have it—or I don’t have enough of it, today.
I used to be active on this blog. when the great Tumblr purge occurred, I had to switch back to Twitter, among many others, but the transition was rather smooth because it occurred the same time I started losing interest with the two fandoms that started it all. my first Twitter account is as old as my main blog, which I run for a different purpose: if Twitter is the mask I put in front of my friends, then Tumblr is where I come clean. it’s a diary I leave out in the open.
I repurposed an old private Twitter account for fangirling. for the first few years, I followed a few people, but I mainly talked to myself the way I do with Tumblr. I have mutuals, but even then, I rarely interact with them unless necessary. I’m happy in my own space, drawing bad doodles of my ships and sharing my headcanon to an empty wall, with no one replying.
up until a few years ago, this is what I used to be: I wasn’t afraid to be a bad writer, I just wanted to write.
moving platform to Twitter is where things began to go downhill. it’s a disease that I think almost everyone on social media can relate to: you start to feel like you’re never satisfied with yourself, and especially, the things you create.
back in 2018, I posted my first fic. it was a multi-chaptered fic, and although it was far from perfect, it was my pride and joy. it garnered a small following, and I was content with what I received.
but as I moved to Twitter and began to posting my AUs and promoting my fics in the platform, I started to feel that my writing is not good enough. I started to compare myself with others—I feel jealous of those who speak English as their first language, not having to constantly check the dictionary because you know what words to use. I feel even more jealous—and ashamed—with fellow ESLs because they can write fics in English so well despite it not being their mother tongue. I feel jealous of fellow writers in my native language who managed to get a thousand likes for their AU on Twitter so effortlessly because I struggled getting 500. I feel jealous with how hardworking people can be to write good stories and with how readers flocked in, excited to read their works.
I feel upset whenever I check in to my AO3 account to find only a few people left comments and kudos instead of being content with what I’ve received. ugly thoughts began to seep into my mind: are people not excited to read my works? do they read them but find them not good enough to comment on? do people just see the link to my fics with pretty headers I made in Canva, and think that it’s not worth their time? in a span of a few months writing for this fandom, I grew very self-conscious, and I tried to brush it off until it became too noticeable and I could no longer lie with myself.  
and that’s when I accepted the truth: I’ve since stopped writing for fun and began writing to please. even if I love the source material that I’m writing, I still ended up hurting because I tried to write something that people like and I beat myself up when it turned out not to be the case. I’ve tried talking to friends, stepping back from writing, from the community, from the source material that led into all of this—and it still wasn’t enough. I go on circles of self-loathing and self-pity (hell, even this whole post is so self-absorbed, in a way) and an impostor syndrome–something I never thought I would ever have.
in the end, the one hobby I loved, the one that saved me multiple times, turned into something that I should avoid to save myself.
when 13 year old me signed up to this account, all she wanted to do was find cute layouts for her blog and write about funny occurrences in her life. today me is just so desperate for readers.
and that’s not even the worst outcome, because I ended up unable to stomach fics from the same tag. I couldn’t read fics that other writers worked so hard to write because their fics are good and are more praised than mine. I compare my works to everyone, even mutuals, and I read too much into things when I see the same user who left a short comment on my fics left a longer, comprehensive comment to others’, thinking they don’t like my fics enough. my insecurities became apparent, and it made me an awful person.
hell, I even went back and forth reediting this post because I feel like it’s not good enough.  
now what is my point in writing all of this, you ask? all I’m saying is that, as I enter this year, I just want to heal. I’m well aware that it’s not anybody’s fault that I don’t write as good as the others. it’s not anybody’s fault that people have preferences and they don’t like my works enough like they do with other writers. it’s all on me.
I don’t regret everything that happened, though, because writing and content creating has taken me places, once upon a time. it brought me friends that I hold dear, and it still saved me, in a way. it’s the one hobby that shaped my youth a lot. I’m proud of my progress and everything I’ve written—finished or not.
but lately I realized: I need a break.
I need to put down my pen and leave it for a while. parting ways with something you love, no matter how short, is not going to be easy. but it’s necessary, or so I’d like to think, until I can make peace with myself. but I promised myself that this is not indefinite, that one day I’ll return with stories to tell.
if anyone is reading this, I hope no one will have to go through the ordeal I’m going through. and I hope you find happiness—even in the bleakest of days.
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sageywritings · 1 year
Home Turf
After what she would call a productive few weeks, Sienna returns home. And besides the barrage of memories, she’s faced with faces both familiar and new.
A loooooong overdue follow-up to the post-fall of Beacon storyline I started years ago at this point. Major shoutout to all of my friends who allow me to use their characters and show me more patience than I probably deserve. Thank you for being a big reason I write. Hope you enjoy, and read Home Invasion and Back to the Streets before this if you haven’t! (check the main blog) 
Auburn Vulpes (mention of Dash Ospreay) belongs to me
Sienna Umberon and Amber Himmel (mention of Riley Currant) belong to @gruntnuker-rwby
Mention of Alex Umberon belongs to @wetsliceofbread
Rin Aozora (mentions of Hikari Izumi) belong to @solar-moon-byul
The desert sand and unchecked factory activity in the air overwhelmed Sienna’s senses with familiarity. She was too accustomed to hearing the alleyways bustling with the usual gang deal that was just waiting to break down. She could vividly remember her brother trying to get her out of those situations. But even with Alex trying to pacify her flames, he couldn’t stop her from learning the streets’ tricks and trades. A smile crept across her face as she remembered using some of those tricks at Beacon, especially on Dash. His arrogance was always just begging for a taste of comeuppance. The only difference was that it was usually Riley that had to cool her flames. The smile quickly faded.
“Like they’d take me back now…”
Sienna stood in front of a corner store, leaning on the wall with head down and arms folded. Her White Fang mask was in her pocket, a plain black hoodie doing the job of hiding her identity instead. After the raid on the Ospreay facility at Izolim, the higher ups granted her some time in Vacuo for what she justified as “scouting purposes”. In reality, she wanted to take the time to get out of the White Fang uniform and take in her old home for the first time in what felt like forever. 
To her left was the Sunshine Estates, a suburban neighborhood built by foriegn dust companies to house their workforce. But, as the natural resources were drained, and the “investors” pulled out, it had been long left abandoned - apart from the gangs that were willing to bribe the guards for access. Downtown was on her right, with Shade Academy towering over everything as the only source of control in the kingdom. Nothing was there to stop the flooding memories. The nights in the JASR dorm she spent keeping the girls awake until 3 AM sharing stories. Seeing them for the last time the night Beacon fell. Standing over a bruised and bloodied Ospreay backed by her squadron. Happiness, sorrow, pride. It rushed her all at once.
Sienna knew she was flawed. Just like Vacuo. But that’s what made Vacuo so special. It made it home. A home that would accept her. A home where if you could survive, you are welcome. She could take comfort in that at least. It’s the place that taught her how to handle anything thrown at her. Including a man almost knocking her off her feet as he raced down the street in a crazed rush.
“The fuck is the hurry?” she said to herself, glaring his direction upon jolting back to reality. Two more ran past, one on each side of her. Both were faunus females who looked like they were in hot pursuit of the man. She zeroed in on the one of the left: wavy brown locks whipping in the wind, fox ears, black leather jacket, chain dangling from her right hand. Sienna’s eyes widened.
“Again? Damn, Bubblegum, what the hell?” Auburn’s voice was an exasperated sigh at reading yet another headline of White Fang activity. Seeing her team leader’s family name as the center of critical media reports was nothing new to her. It almost always solicited from him the same rant of how he was innocent, powerless to stop his company’s ways. Auburn always tried to distance herself from his talk, not wanting to create more friction within their team than their clashing personalities already caused. But for the first time, the news reports about Dash brought sympathy out of Auburn rather than rage.
“I never wanted this. Maybe it coulda been different if I had stood with you. Like I’m supposed to.”
“Hey, I’m... really sorry about your friend. He might’ve been an ass but that’s just not right.”
The voice didn’t serve to snap Auburn out of her haze, but instead to easefully goad her out of it with a genuinely caring tone. She turned around to face the speaker: a husky faunus that stood a few inches taller than her with a mess of black and white hair tied into a ponytail. Heterochromatic eyes looked at Auburn with as much concern as they could offer. 
“Thanks, Rin,” Auburn said softly. 
“The White Fang have always been too shady to be trusted, and now everyone knows. You know I got your back. Us faunus gotta stick together right?” Auburn let out a chuckle.
“Yeah, you’re definitely a good fit for the Leash.” Rin proudly straightened her jacket and fixed the collar around her neck before giving her new “boss” a silly smile and a thumbs up.
“I’m just surprised that you and the others let me join. Must be weird considering we had really just met,” Rin said on a more serious note despite maintaining her smile.
“We don’t turn anyone that’s willing to help. They were especially on board after I told them about what you did at Vytal.” It felt like everyone at the Amity Colosseum knew about Rin Aozora.
It was only because of Sapphire that they had met in the first place. After facing off against Haven’s Team SPHR in the first round of the tournament, she couldn’t resist the opportunity to meet such a beautifully named team. She eventually turned her focus to getting to know their team leader Shiina, leaving Auburn to meet two of its other members, Rin and Hikari. Off the bat, she could tell the two were an inseparable duo. One would pick up and play with the other’s little habits and quirks. Their communication was the best it could be, especially considering Hikari was mute.
While Hikari was off taking pictures of the arena, Auburn got to know the girl under the husky ears a bit better. How she met Shiina before their time at Haven. How comfortable she was having spent the whole day with a group of faunus. And most importantly, the lengths she’d take to protect Hikari. Which became to evident to Auburn very quickly.
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue? Say something!” The loud, burly voice snapped both of them to see Hikari backed into a corner, shying away from someone harassing her. Auburn never quite learned the exact details, or anything else the bully said. She only watched and served as unnecessary backup as Rin marched forward, turned the guy around by his shoulders, and nailed him with a rattling uppercut that sent him crashing into a concessions stand. Most of the crowd erupted into cheers, but Auburn was the first to congratulate Rin with her signature rock horns. 
After the dust had settled at the Battle of Beacon, Auburn’s teammates were split up. Sapphire was seperated during the battle, Dash was forced by his family to retreat back to Atlas, and Solomon was placed on a team tasked with repairing the CCT. She stayed on campus as long as she could, even refusing the local huntsmen when they tried relocating her to the Vale refugee site. But, nothing could keep even part of her team together. She hated the idea of admitting defeat, but with nothing and no one left for her at Beacon, the only logical place Auburn felt she could go was home. However, the moment she decided on getting a plane ticket back to Vacuo, she found Rin. She told the SPHR member about her plans, and Rin almost immediately asked to join her, to Auburn’s shock. Rin wanted to see new places, and she figured what better time than now. So, Auburn took her in and brought her into the Leash.
“Hey Snowdog,” Auburn said. “I never did ask. Why didn’t Hikari come with you?” Rin’s expression almost instantly sombered and her eyes darted down to her feet.
“Hikari… always thought she was holding me back. She always thought because she was mute she was always a problem, a burden.” Rin’s eyes downcast to her scroll. She was met with a picture of her and Hikari at the top of Haven Tower, the moonlight illuminating their warm embrace. “When I offered to cover her plane ticket and everything, she still refused. She was so scared she even tried to break up with me. I flat out didn’t allow that.”
“So long distance? Must be hard, even with normally functioning comms,” Auburn said. “My nerd’s working his wizardry I’m sure.”
“I’ve been trying to learn as much sign language as I can. That way she doesn’t have to spend so much time writing down her words and showing me.”
“Wow. I’m so sorry,” Auburn said with ears flattened. She wasn’t even certain why she was apologizing. She just knew in her heart that Rin would not let her relationship disappear, all but confirmed by the husky faunus’ gung-ho thumbs up. Before the Leash duo could share any more, their attention was brought to a cry coming from around the corner. One peek to its origin saw a man waving a stack of lien over a small boy, the latter clutching his squirrel tail to his chest.
“C’mon, whattya need this for? Rats just scrounge for food, don’t they?” the man gruffly guffawed.
“Hey!” Rin yelled, wasting little time in making their presence known. “I know I’m new here but if you’re scared of a little squirrel I don’t think Vacuo is the place for you”
“Really? This again, Lucky? Didn’t learn your lesson last time?” Auburn chimed in.
“Oh shit!” Without any hesitation, the crook called Lucky bolted down the street. Both Auburn and Rin quickly gave chase, their loud footsteps terrifying the crook into not looking back. He tried to use everything on the sidewalk as an obstacle, throwing newspaper stands, trash cans, even people in their way. But, right as she hurdled a trash can, Auburn found her opening. Pulling her chain whip off of her waist, she cracked it at his legs. It wrapped around one of his ankles and tripped him, forcing him to crash hard into the pavement. Auburn quickly pounced on him and wrenched his arms behind his back until he dropped the lien. That allowed Rin to scoop it up and run off to return it to the boy.
“Fuck, the cops really should start thanking me. You assholes never make it easy,” she said while making her way through the small crowd that had formed. Suddenly, the last person she passed grabbed her by the collar of her jacket and pulled her into an alleyway. As soon as they were out of sight from the street and Auburn could fully realize what was happening, she broke free and elbowed her assailant in the stomach. She spun around with a punch aimed at the head, but the hooded figure ducked.
“Easy, easy, Hellfox,” she said in a instantly recognizable voice that caused Auburn to freeze in her tracks. The hood lowered to reveal the same pierced fox ears and bright blue and green hair that joined Auburn in so many escapades at Beacon.
“Miss me?” She could barely say any more before Auburn wrapped her into a bonecrushing hug. Despite her fellow faunus’ strength, Sienna handled the vice grip well and hugged back. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone soft.”
“Shut up,” Auburn said back upon stepping back and meeting Sienna’s audacity with a light glare. “I get a pass since I haven’t seen my partner in crime for so long. Jade told me you went missing after Beacon, what happened?”
“I did. I… needed some time alone. Take care of things y’know? I would’ve told them, but… it was just too hard. I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye to them. I doubt they even wanna see me.” Her eyes darted down and her ears flattened, but only briefly before Auburn’s fiery response brought her focus back up.
“Bullshit they miss you! They just want you to come home! Wait, that means you haven’t seen them yet?” A slight shock hit Sienna before she softly shook her head. “Then why are you here with me? C’mon let’s get Team JASR back to kicking ass as a unit!” Auburn had no idea where to find Jade, Amber, or Riley. But, it didn’t stop her from grabbing Sienna’s by the wrist in an attempt to lead her to no set destination. However, Sienna didn’t budge.
“We can’t!” she said sharply. Caught off guard, Auburn let go of her.
“Why not?” she asked.
“Because-” she started before her eyes peered over Auburn’s shoulder to see someone approaching. “Because of something I’d rather say in private.”
“Huh?” Auburn said, turning around to see Rin returning. Unsure of who Auburn was talking to, she stayed back, leaning on one of the walls near the entrance of the alleyway. “Rin’s a friend, anything you gotta say will be safe with her.”
“If you’re a friend of Auburn, then you’re chill with me,” Rin said, giving the leader of the Leash a thumbs up. Sienna wouldn’t even meet them with eye contact. 
“Fine,” Sienna said. A certain gravity loomed in her voice, followed by a long pause. Not used to this coming from Sienna, Auburn’s curiosity and worry simultaneously grew. “Auburn, what do you think of the White Fang?” 
“Are you serious?” The brunette fox faunus was slightly taken aback. Given the weird behavior, she didn’t expect it to culminate into that question. She even lightly laughed it off, not taking Sienna seriously. “I think they need to give me my Ospreay back. No one’s allowed to mess with him but me.”
“Oh. So you’re ok with all these atrocities he’s committed to the faunus.”
That knocked the smiles right off of both Auburn and Rin. Sienna finally looked up again, and her eyes held no jokes to be found. Her ears twitched. Rin stepped up until the point where Auburn extended an arm to keep her back.
“He’s not the one calling shots at the head of the company,” Auburn said.
“Yet he just stood by and let it happen! Not even a word on trying to change anything!”
“He can’t exactly say stuff like that when he’s under his dad.”
“And was Daddy stopping him from talking to us at Beacon? Tell me. Did he ever mention a word to you about wanting to change anything?” Auburn’s crimson eyes glanced downward, the pained expression on her face evident of the truth she did not want to admit. “That’s what I thought.  He’s just as guilty as the rest o-”
“What’s your point? You really gonna side with the terrorist organization that’s making us all look bad?” Rin interjected. Sienna’s ears perked up before she turned fully to the husky faunus. She eyed her up and down and her expression of indignation quickly gave way to a grin creeping across her lips. It was like a hunter first spotting their prey.
“You. I remember you. From the Vytal Festival. That was awesome,” Sienna chuckled. It did nothing to calm Rin. “You’re a Vytal legend in my book, and you didn’t even have to win your match. That’s impressive. But you of all people should know why I fight.” She dug into her hoodie and finally revealed her ornately crafted White Fang mask, a Woodland Recon mask modeled after an ursa. “You know why I struggle more than anyone. Lemme ask you this. Your girl, where is she right now?” Rin’s ears lowered and her previously icy glare softened. 
“Rin,” Auburn spoke up with rising concern. “You know Hikari wouldn’t want you to do this.”
"So you don’t know. You’re separated. You understand where I’m coming from then. And what about you, Auburn?" Sienna snapped her attention toward her fellow fox-eared brawler. "You're one of the, if not the strongest Beacon had to offer. You know it, and I know it! But you also know they're never gonna give you the opportunity to prove it. Not as long as people like Ospreay are in your way."
"I can make my own opportunities," Auburn firmly said. But, before she could go on, Rin stepped forward. Trancelike, she approached Sienna, contemplative to the point of not listening. It took a moment for her gaze to leave her feet and focus on the Fang lieutenant. Then, she slowly extended her hand. Sienna smirked. 
“Faunus like you and me, we gotta stick together, right?”
"I knew you'd see what I see. Don't worry, both you and your girlfriend are both welcome with us." However, when Sienna went for the handshake to finalize the deal, Rin's outstretched hand turned into a middle finger right in Sienna's face. Just like that, Rin thieved the smirk off of Sienna. The burst of laughter from Auburn was the only thing masking Sienna's growl.
"So much for sticking together," she grumbled to herself. Before the laughter had even stopped, Sienna suddenly clocked Rin with a hard punch, causing her to stagger back a couple steps. Where Sienna's fighting capabilities and strength had improved since Beacon, her notorious temper did not. Auburn quickly got between them, perhaps for the first time in her life trying to stop a brawl as opposed to instigating it. Rin stared down the former JASR member while holding her jaw. Then, with one quick jolt of her arms, two elbow blades that ran up the length of her arms emerged. Sienna responded in kind by extending her claws.
"Boss. You're not gonna defend this shit, are you?" Rin said to Auburn. Without a word or a moment’s hesitation, Auburn spun on her heel to nail Sienna with the same treatment she gave Rin. Sienna fell to one knee, but was only kept down very briefly. She snarled as Auburn continued.
"That answer your question? You wanna play Fang Sienna? I'll treat you like Fang. And when I'm done, I'm dragging you back to your team to show them you've lost your mind."
"NO!" Sienna lunged for Auburn with her claws right as the Leash leader was reaching for her chain whip once more. Realizing she wasn't going to arm herself in time, Auburn ducked the strike and went to aim a counterpunch at Sienna's stomach. But, Sienna was too quick. A second slash forced Auburn back. Then, the barrage of punches started to come in. Auburn put up her hands in a defensive boxer stance. It could only do so much to defend herself from Sienna’s fiery claws though, her aura was left to absorb the rest of the damage.
Rin took her chance to launch forward and get in Sienna’s face. The first swing had her blade missing Sienna’s chin by only a mere few inches. The next punch connected to the fire-wielder’s gut. Then, Rin began to start raining in punches of her own. A few connected, most didn’t, but they all kept Sienna on the back foot. Then, with her back pressed to the steel of a dumpster, Sienna quickly pounced back. A wayward miss from Rin caused her to be just off-kilter enough for her to slide between the husky faunus’ legs, slashing both knees as she did so. Rin dropped off her feet right into a knee strike from Sienna that caught her right in the nose. 
However, before a fiery claw could follow up, something yanked Sienna back by the wrist. Auburn’s chain had found its way wrapped around it, giving Rin access to nail a strike to grant her some breathing room. Sienna caught Rin’s next punch with her left hand, then caught one from Auburn she saw coming with her peripheral version with her right. With a primal scream, a ball of flame suddenly burst from Sienna briefly engulfing all three girls. It seemed to do just as much damage to Sienna as it did her opponents. But, she was still first to her feet, catching her breath as she eyed Rin laid out on the ground with her aura flickering.
“You two are only proving my point. You’re both so strong and capable. Imagine what we could do if we-”. A war cry from Auburn interrupted her. She turned around just in time for the Hellfox to pick her up and drive her into a spear tackle. They both ended up crashing through the door of the abandoned warehouse next to. The old door splintered and easily gave way as both the fox bruisers landed on a layer of dust coating the floor that had sat undisturbed for years. Auburn barely had a chance to even roll over and gather her surroundings. Sienna was first to her feet again and sprinted over to aim a penalty kick at Auburn’s head. Eyes wide, she rolled out of the way at the last second.
“Cheap shot! And that’s coming from me!” Auburn remarked, still on one knee with whip in hand.
“Says the girl who sucker punched me,” Sienna snapped back. Auburn again flung her whip into action, this time wrapping it around Sienna’s waist. Forcing Sienna to her, she grabbed her and tried to throw her over her shoulders for a suplex. Sienna was able to tuck and rotate her body enough so her head and neck only absorbed some of the damage. Auburn’s next attack was intercepted with a fist of flame, causing her to growl and wince. Sienna shoved her back with her semblance active.
“Commander, where are you?!” Sienna’s ears shot straight up when her earpiece echoed to life.
“Ambushed! I’m in the old Arashi warehouse!”
“Roger. Sending backup your way!” the voice responded.
“Negative! Prepare an evac. We need to get outta here before we attract more attention. Meet me on the roof!”
“Roger that.” Sienna wasted no time in going for the stairs that led her to a series of catwalks once used to survey the manufacturing floor of this building. By this point, Rin had gathered the strength to give chase once more. She locked eyes on Sienna. Then, she detached both of her blades and clasped them together to form a crossbow. As the weapon whirred with transformation noises and loaded, she icily aimed down sights and fired. An arrow caught a direct hit to Sienna’s calf, causing her to stumble to the floor.
“Auuuugh!” she cried in both pain and frustration. Rin fired another couple of bolts. One whizzed past over her shoulder, another pinged off the railing. But, this holdup gave Auburn enough time to catch up. She swept Sienna off her feet again with a constricting bearhug. She desperately tried to kick and squirm free, but Auburn’s chain was around her neck. Auburn wrestled her to her knees as Sienna grabbed at Auburn’s whip with both hands. Her destination, the fire exit that led to the roof, was a tantalizingly close. It was only a straight run of a few dozen yards.
“Do you have any idea how worried Riley and Jade and Amber are? Do you have any idea how much I’ve worried for you?! We all thought you could’ve been dead!” Auburn cinched in her chokehold tighter as her emotions boiled over. Rin had joined her, standing behind as backup.
“They can think I’m dead. I might as well be,” Sienna said amidst her strain.
“Cut the crap, Sienna,” Auburn fired back.
“This world wouldn’t let me be with Riley! Be with any of them! You heard the things your precious team leader Bubblegum said to me and her at Beacon. So I’m fighting for a world that will. And taking some pleasure at getting back at that little shit Ospreay for how she treated her.” Auburn’s eyes of crimson suddenly widened with flared anger. Even though she was first to start a fight, even she had never felt a rage-induced adrenaline rush like this. Everything around them began to cloud.
Sienna scoffed.
“How do you think the Ospreay raid was so successful? They had to have someone that knew the target well. Too well.” Auburn sat there incredulously. She didn’t say anything. “Need me to spell it out for you? I led that mission. I took him prisoner. And I’m making sure he repays the favor for how he treated Riley.” While this was going on, unbeknownst to Auburn thanks to her haze, Sienna’s semblance was kicked into high gear. Auburn’s chain was beginning to melt and twist and warp under Sienna’s grasp.
“Auburn!” Rin’s voice brought Auburn harshly back to reality where she focused in on two armed men clad in White Fang armor bust through the fire exit door. Rin had her crossbow aimed at the two soldiers in return. Then, Auburn’s weapon finally gave way, breaking into several mangled pieces. Sienna elbowed her captor then slashed at her, allowing her to make a break for freedom. The two cronies gave her cover with a hail of gunfire. Acting quickly, instead of pursuing Sienna, she activated her own semblance, Kinetic Armor. An energy overshield formed around her as she rushed to Rin to serve as a bulletproof shield for her. All of the bullets ricocheted off of her, but it kept both her and Rin pinned down long enough for Sienna to disappear into the stairwell. They both chased after her and the other Fang members, but once they reached the roof, there was no sign of anyone. All there was upon first survey was the Vacuo sky beginning to tinge orange for sunset.
“Dammit!” Auburn cursed. She went to the edge of the rooftop and looked down to the street below. The only potential clue left for her was a black SUV speeding southbound. After a moment, she felt a hand touch her shoulder, the same calming hand from earlier.
“Thanks, Auburn. You really saved my tail back there. I really don’t know what to say,” Rin said.
“Don’t gotta say anything. That’s just what faunus sticking together looks like, right?” The pair of newly made partners exchanged smiles then firmly clasped their hands together. It was almost therapeutic to Auburn. A sign of loyalty. Something she valued above all else, something that was in short supply. She was glad to have picked her friends correctly in Rin. Speaking of friends-
A familiar voice coming from the street. One that brought Auburn the same wave of nostalgia Sienna’s did, despite this one being much softer spoken than the other fox’s. She peered down to see a girl with bright orange hair with a cat shaped backpack slung over one shoulder. Another friend she had missed from Beacon in another member of Team JASR, Amber Himmel. 
“Amber!” Auburn called out.
“What are you doing up there?” Auburn’s ears instantly slicked back.
“Amber…” she repeated, this time her voice carrying a weight of disappointment in it. Like it was weighed down by something on her mind she didn’t want to share.
“What’s going on?” Amber said one more time.
“We need to talk.”
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The Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin
Hello! I recently decided that I wanted this blog to be dedicated to anything literature/reading related. Be it fanfiction or actual books that I've read, if I have something to say about it, this is where I'll be posting it. So to kick this off, I wanted to start with my most recent read. There will be spoilers, but they will be clearly marked further down the post and will be under a cut <3
Content warnings: slavery, child slavery, explicit content, apocalyptic scenarios, cannibalism (mentioned), racism against people with magic, actual racism, child murder, one really creepy line, torture, gore
If any of those make you uncomfortable, please do not continue reading.
This is a high fantasy trilogy that takes place on a supercontinent known, ironically, as the Stillness. On this continent, the plate tectonics are incredibly sped up, so every so often there's these things called Seasons. Seasons are the blocking out of the sun for years on end due to ash (similar to how the Earth was after the end-Cretaceous extinction).
In the sky are these giant crystals called obelisks. There are 256 in total, but the only important ones in this story are the onyx, spinel, garnet, amethyst, topaz and sapphire.
In this world, there are 3 "species". 2 of these are humans, but the distinction between them is that orogenes have a special power to draw energy from the Earth's tectonically active areas, and "stills" are regular humans. There's also the Stone Eaters, who are essentially living statues. They're capable of moving through the Earth, have diamond bones/teeth, eat rocks, and are essentially immortal.
Orogenes are kept enslaved by humans, and due to prejudices are essentially only kept alive in order to quell the minor earthquakes throughout the continent. There are two places where orogenes are trained, the Fulcrum in the main city of Yumenes, and the Antarctic Fulcrum in the Antarctics.
Everything from here on out discusses key plot points, only read ahead if you are ok with spoilers
The first book, The Fifth Season, follows three main characters. Essun, Syenite, and Damaya.
Essun is a married middle-aged woman (around 42 at the beginning of this book) with two children. One day she finds the corpse of her son in her living room, her daughter and husband nowhere to be found. Her son was killed by his father for his orogenic powers, which he inherited from her.
Syenite is a woman who lives in the Fulcrum. She gets sent on a mission to the coast with ten-ringer orogene Alabaster, with whom she is also supposed to bear children to pass on their potent orogenic traits. He becomes her mentor, and eventual friend on their journey.
Damaya is a young child who was taken from her abusive family by the Guardian Schaffa to live in the Fulcrum. Guardians keep orogenes from hurting anyone else with their power. She spends the book learning more about her orogeny and beginning to uncover secrets kept for thousands of years.
All of these three characters are revealed to be the same person during different stages of life at the end of the book. Her end goal is also revealed - bring the moon back to earth.
In the second book, The Obelisk Gate, the story is told from the perspectives of Essun and her daughter, Nassun.
Essun comes across a community of stills and orogenes living in a geode called Castrima. In this book, Essun starts to learn more about orogeny, stone eaters, and what exactly causes the Seasons.
Nassun's sections are about her coming to terms with the fact that her dad is terrified of and hates her, and growing to accept her powers as not evil. She also forms a bond with Schaffa, who is left severely changed by something he did to prevent him from dying.
The Stone Sky is the third and final book in this trilogy, and follows Essun, Nassun, and stone eater called Hoa that Essun meets in the first book.
Essun is traveling with the remains of Castrima after being attacked. Her sections in the beginning are once again about life on the road during a Season, but eventually focus on finding out the specifics of what she is meant to do to end the Seasons for good.
Nassun's story is also about travel. She's leaving the community her father took her to with Schaffa, in order to open the Obelisk Gate and end the world. Nassun feels incredibly vengeful towards society because, in her mind, it's the reason her father was incapable of loving her. She changes her mind about what she wants to do a couple more times.
Hoa's sections are written in the first person, and detail his recollection of the events leading up to The Shattering, which was the first Season and the one that caused the most destruction.
Moving on to my personal opinions of this series... I absolutely adored it. I love high fantasy, and I'm a geology major in college right now so I really appreciated this mix of the two. I was so excited when I started reading and found out the magic system was called orogeny, since it's an actual geologic term that refers to a mountain building event (famous ones include the Himalayan orogeny, the Grenville orogeny, and the Acadian orogeny).
I thought the characters were really well written. I love Alabaster so much, and I just think everyone is incredibly fleshed out, and by the end of it I ended up liking Schaffa, who I hated in the first book.
The slavery and oppression storylines were really interesting to read about as well. The node maintainers in particular were horrifying when I understood exactly what they were.
The only thing I wasn't really a fan of was the relationship between Essun and Lerna in books 2 and 3, and that's just a personal preference of mine. When they get together, Essun is roughly 43 years old. Lerna is never given a canonical age, but was a child when Essun arrived in Tirimo in her early-mid 30s. I'm estimating him to be in his mid 20s when the trilogy starts, putting him in his late 20s when they get together. I'm not a huge fan of age gaps that big in that stage of life, but both parties consented and they aren't related, so it isn't that big of a deal.
Please heed the trigger warnings if you intend to read this, because it definitely isn't for everyone.
If you're still here, thank you for listening to my autistic ramblings and I hope you have a lovely day! <3
0 notes
Your delusional theorist and Kaeya detective is BACK from the University basement. (It’s summer break!!!)
I AM ALIVE! (as you could see from my sudden spike in activity)
First of all, I am sorry for being inactive for almoust a year 😳 . I didn’t expect to be left so inactive and cut off from genshin, but Ohhhh, Uni has been roughhh.
I at one point didn’t play genshin for nearly two months, due to how busy I was with Uni and projects. Long enough for genshin to be “I can’t believe my eyes, Welcome back traveler! :D” and give me the Stellar Reunion Returnee Event.
The alignment of my summer brake starting and official announcment of Kaeya’s skin has awakend me from my slumber and I am back in my genshin (Khaenri’ahn) lore and my specialty Kaeya obbsession.
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But recap of my year so far. Even though it’s been rough Uni life has actually been great and I have met sooooo many cool and awsome people and participated in some cool projects and made some of my own video works. I don’t know If I’ll ever share them here, because the school is small enough that I am afraid of people in real life finding out I am behind this blog. Though if my followers are interested in seeing some clips and peeks of my work, I am planning on making a recap of my years work. So if I see interest I am considering posting it for only my followers to see. ;)
Interestingly I’ve found that my little hobby and interest in reading, participating and making of theories to fictional narratives has a pretty positive gain and realation to real life skills. Because through out the year, people in school have pointed out my skill for abstracting and connecting info and forming theories/thoughts regarding a topic. And I didn’t see why it was such a big deal. Then I realized I’ve been practising it this whole time.
So to everyone who loves reading and making theories, don’t let people keep you from doing it, it has real prallels to real life research and fictional narrative is a safe place to practice it! :D
But looking back at the post I left before going to uni, I have, different to my expetations, gotten pretty used to my indipentent life in uni and over all in a different town. So much it’s weird being back at home and I kinda wanna run away to my safe place in my dorm.
Umm also lastly, I got diagnosed with ADHD. (If anyone has some life tips and tips for taking meds, I’d be interested to know them)
This is it for my come back post. I have many drafts waiting to be posted. I’m going to settle into my genshin mindset and then develop those drafts before posting them.
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musea-reviews · 2 years
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Oorlogsmuseum Overloon
(War museum Overloon) ‘’War belongs in a museum''
Location: Overloon, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands Price: 16,50 / veteran 11,50 Duration: 2 - 4 hours Transport: Pretty hard, more about that in the blog Language: signs are Dutch and German. Videos/audio Dutch, German, and English Activities: Moral interactive questions, A LOT of war vehicles, local stories Date of visit: Monday 13 March 2023Website
The War Museum Overloon presents the history of the Second World War. Where you can see how it can be that in five years’ time, more than fifty million people lost their lives, but also how the oppressed people resourcefully coped with restrictions and shortages. And of course with special attention to the Battle of Overloon.
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Getting there
So getting to the museum by public transport is not a very good idea, you have two choices and that is to go to station Boxmeer or station Venray, from here you take bus 82 and get out at stop Museumlaan. HOWEVER, bus 82 only goes once every hour… and like buses are, they usually can also be too late or too early. I went to Venray since Google Maps recommended it, from there I had to take 2 buses, one to Venray centrum and then to that other bus. So I got out to look at what bus I had to take next. Only to find out that was the bus that I just got out of… the bus that just drove away… so I had to wait an hour or walk over there for an hour. If you have good shoes, and it's nice weather the walk is not even a big problem, it was only very windy today. And my shoes made my feet bleed. But I thought I can just ask for band-aids when I get there.
 The museum starts with a park in the forest that has hills, bridges, statues, and a playground. This part is free, and I would recommend it if you're around. These whole surroundings for that matter, since it all, has very enjoyable woods. But after I got to the museum I tried talking to the desk lady who quickly dismissed me and pointed at the gate where I could scan my card to get in. usually you get greeted with a ‘’welcome here's a booklet, do you know how the museum works?’’ things like that.
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The beginning was a temporary exposition I believe, but I hope not as it was the most interesting part. It follows the stories of 6 different people and showed off their life and choices. Name em
Besides that, it had small paragraphs about different people and some items that had to do with their stories. A great thing was that they have a lot of listening things, where you could choose the language and listen to the person tell their story.
It also had interactive parts, all in the same theme of ‘’what would you do in this person's situation, A or B’’ then you and maybe other people had to vote by standing left or right, after which the computer would calculate the result. Pretty captivating. And more fun if you go with a group.
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So many old cars
The next part of the museum was a big room full of vehicles, cars, tanks, bikes, boats, airplanes. All are real and used in the war, all with exact information. I'm just not a car guy or anything, so it all looked like a room full of the same thing to me. It also had that typical oil or old car smell, which is not a complaint. They're fore I kinda glanced over this place shortly.
In the middle of that is a round room with a movie playing, the first room shows exactly how the Netherlands was freed, and that at this exactly place was the biggest tank fight in the Netherlands, the whole village was ruined after the fight, but ruined and free. So that’s why this museum is all the way out here. Because this fight was planned they had time to evacuate the citizens of the city, they had to walk to Maastricht, very, very far from here. It made me feel bad for complaining about my 1-hour walk. In the next room, you get to feel what it's like for those citizens in the basement of these churches. It’s a lot of actor children being like ‘’where is my dad, where is my doll, I'm hungry’’ this is nothing new and after 10 minutes of bomb noises and screaming children I was glad I was not stuck in that situation and just had the choice to leave.
All in all, these museums always make you glad that you don’t have to go thou war. Even tho some people are going through it right now.
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Would I pay the price: no, 12 euros would be my max for this museum. 
Would I revisit it: I would revisit it if I take someone with me, it would be more fun that way. And next time I wouldn't take the bus. Who do I recommend it to: tourists, to see the war from a different point of view. I like how inclusive it was with the languages.  Interactive:         3 Educational: 5 Storytelling: 5 Price: 2 Memorable: 3 Total score: 3,6
Most interesting things I learned:
moffenzeef, A contraption of metal wires that removed the storing that the Nazis’s placed on radio waves (so such people couldn’t hear any news from England or the rest of the country. Mof is a Dutch slur for German/Nazis and zeef means sift. Arnolda Huizinga writes in her diary that she bought a moffenzeef on the black market for just 5 Gulden
The Nazis told the people to hand a lot of things in. things like leather, metals, cars, boats, dogs, and horses, they even started stealing church bells to melt into things.
Darkening, after sundown everything had to be dark, no cars, no streetlight, all houses had to put black plastic in front of their windows or use darkening lamps, Philips even stated making a whole set of dark lamps.
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mariolandavid · 2 years
Ko Samui - Pt 1
Nature is frightening. That terror comes in many forms. Hurricanes. Cyclones. Earthquakes and Volcanos. It tears the ground from under us. Rains fire from above. The forces of nature are a horrifying and terrifying force. It can be said at times that Mariola occupies this bracket of natural force. When wronged, when unhappy, you don't want to be the wrong side of it. Sukhothai airport were not so lucky.
"You're an airport. And you don't take card. Well that's embarrassing isn't it"
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Having not forgotten the ludicrous taxi situation on the way into Sukhotai, the airport nowhad the temerity to deny snacks and a diet coke. Why? Because we didn't have cash. Not being able to use a credit card in an airport, by definition an entry point of international currency; where those arriving might not have seen your currency in their lives, should be in the same bracket as Bubonic plague infection. Once a systemic issue. Now rarely mentioned.
Unfortunately no one has told Sukhothai airport this. So here we were, angrily grumbling. Wronged. Frustrated. Bangkok luckily is in the 21st century and therefore find it easy to separate 30 somethings from their money via card transactions. Bonchon was happy to do so; tempting us to pay over the odds for soy garlic wings meal deals. These were semi divine. A nice break from blog writing. I was all in for this layover. Take my Visa and bring me wings.
Even Bangkok construed to ruin this enjoyment by being a little goody goody. That dweeb who turns up at your work softball events, with their small laminated ring binder filled with rules and regulations. Who wrings joy from the world. Who finds the pettiest rules. Enforcing them to a draconian tee. Forcing hapiness from this earth at the expense of order. In this case, I had travelled, with a 150ml deodorant can in hand luggage through the following sets of customs. UK, France, Singapore (twice), Malaysia (3 times), Indonesia (twice), Vietnam (3 times), Cambodia (twice) and, funnily enough, Bagkok..
This time enough was enough. That excess 50ml of deoderant? Punish the interloper. Strip it from him. Leave him stinking on the runway. Into the bin it went.
It was only an hour flight and miraculously I could not sweat for that amount of time. A moment to say God rest your soul Bionsen deodorant, you did your duty.
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Lub'D was a slick modern hostel. It had all the mod cons you were expecting. You could pay on card. Electricity flowed freely through these modern inventions: wires. Plumbing was everywhere. Your key was also a bracelet (okay I'll stop being fascetious, that one was actually quite cool).
Modern, well decked out and only slightly terrifying due to the planes flying 15m over your head, they were somewhat misguided in somewhow not including beer on their happy hour... but we lived. We settled, had a walk down the beach, watched a fire show, ate Prad Ka Prow and I did my best impression of Grandpa Simpson;  the speaker next to me causing me to ever so slightly mishear every single thing Mariola said all night at dinner. I'd regularly parrot back things like "Loose Cat Tweezers??", or "Energy sight hoop?". When I probably knew that's not what she'd said....
A thing we have realised again this trip, is that (surprise surprise) the two of us like organised fun. We crave it. A day without structured activity leads to societal collapse. Like with the bees. Without purpose we just kinda fall away, probably go off to bed and don't come back out again. Knowing this, we started scouring for some stuff to do and found a local ATV tour for the next day. Dusting off our driving thumbs we headed off to our dorm ready to rest.
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Or at least we would have rested if the dorm wasn't filled with ghosts of my past. The bunk opposite me held a lad from Rochdale, the town over from mine growing up (horrible place, nice guy). The bed to the left had a girl finishing her first year of Leeds university. I immediately betrayed my age saying "yeah Trinity shopping centre, it's new you know". Her, obviously baffled, said "oh I didn't think that was new, is it?" to which I had to reply, well yeah no, I mean, it was new 10 years ago when I was at university....
This girl was likely in a womb at that point, waiting for the day she would speak to some old git complaining how the town was different in his day. Ah well. I'm coming to grips with having to speak to children born in the 2000's now who improbably are somehow legal adults. One day I'll get used to and accepting of it. Today I wonder why they aren't in Wimpy after their bowling party. We can all grow.
Morning came and the ATV pickup truck rocked up. Open top, just some rails in the back for protection. We were soon dealing with swirling winds as we tore down the road to the ATVs. What started with "hey this open top vibe is cool" soon became "ah hell, not a highway again" as we clung on for dear life, shielding our eyes from passing debris.
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We arrived and found a Dutch family engaging in minor fraud, passing off what appeared to be a 8 year old boy as "definitely thirteen" so that he was allowed on an ATV. The cheery Australian owner was only happy to oblige, finding a miniscule bike to help this child kill himself. Frankly he did everything short of jerry rigging his own booster seat and we soon set off with the sound of cacophonous V8 engines crashing through the air.
It's a liberating experience thundering through countryside on an ATV. Nothing feels beyond you with those wheels. You feel like you're in a tank. Able to scale logs, sand, dirt, water. Land sea and earth are no barrier to your will. The group forged its own path through the landscape. Mariola and I had succumbed to the latest interne meme song ("It's Corn!") and could be heard, not only by ever other baffled non-plugged in tourist, but also in our videos, singing this weird song remixed about a small American boys love for the grain. It's hard to explain. Sorry to the parents reading this, but it's great and you should love corn. It's got the juice.
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Scouring the countryside for 2 hours, scaling hills, waterfalls and cravasses, we returned to base and headed on our pick-up truck back home the return trip of course coming back in a rain shower (when travelling at the speed we were, this was akin to receiving an eyefull of wet glass 50% of the trip). We wolfed down a mango salad and some Mama noodles and hit up Samui central mall. The supermarket blew my mind. It had a damn robot selling hand sanitiser. If androids tried to sell me skincare, Aloe Vera gel drink, or any other Ponzi scheme I'd probably get it. Avon ladies should just be replaced by Wall-E and the company would probably overtake Google.
Retail therapy done (one phone screen protector & a host of snacks) we returned, freshened up and finished our night watching the fire dancers at Elephant Beach club, (outrageously talented) enjoyed a taste massaman curry at Best Restaurant (fine) before watching the systematic dismantling of fragile male egos in recent history at Ark bar. Two women stood. Towering over the pool table in skin tight clothing. A casual air and a casual devil may care laugh. A loose grip and a dead eye. These girls were monsters. Pool sharks, plain and simple. I've never seen shots like it. They were naming pockets on double cushion shots while the mysterious "male companion" chaperoning these two ladies, hosting a limp and a number of face tattoos, watched on.
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My pool game peaked in 2010 when I was allowed free pre 4pm games and 20p a table after at the Brudenell Social Club. Frankly I've been in inexorable decline since entering the working world and the one day in my life I did 8 ball a guy, I would frame the date on my wall it was such a once in a lifetime occasion. These girls could probably do it in their sleep. We weren't getting suckered into this game. We were content to sit playing match after match of Connect 4 like every other couple in there (after a long day... hell, a long 2-3 months travelling, sometimes you might run out of words for a while..) - silent night over, we turned into bed.
Morning was broken by distressed phone calls. The German girl sharing our room had grossly overslept. To a panic attack level. Imagine having to pack every worldly possession you have. In a hurry, just waking up, while some Thai man who speaks a little english, but not enough to really comfort you, or convince you he's gonna wait for you, while you are tired. Most likely hungover. Possibly still stoned. All the while sweating with fear and anxiety at everything and the world. Yikes, no thanks. We had a lot of time until our boat to Ko Tao because I cannot emotionally or mentally deal with that stress.
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The boat trip to Ko tao was seamless. We got a cab to the port, loaded up with carby snacks and readied for the 2 hour trip. An insanely sociable aussie PE Teacher sat next to me and recounted her moving to Vietnam and Thailand for work, how her girlfriend got her a gig in a line of crypto commercials, how, in frightening detail, she had completely totalled her motorbike in Vietnam and casuallly got it re-skinned in luminscent astral purple (looked rad) and some good spots for diving.
When I say sociable, I mean, hell this girl was friendly. She practically assaulted strangers with conversation. It was amazing, like seeing the tropes of tourretes or something else where the body can't help but react to something with a tic, but harnessed for social interaction. I, being English, am physically incapable of this level of extrovert-ism and calmly observed and reacted when it was polite to do so. You guys carry the flag, I just live in this world.
We parted ways, and all of us were ready to hit up sun, sea and surf that awaited in Ko Tao
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anothanobody · 3 years
Shinichiro Sano X Reader
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Warnings: Dom! Shinichiro, Degradation, Fingering, Angry Sex, Overstimulation, Creampie, Mentions of Cheating, Dacryphilia, Pregnancy Talk
Characters: Sano Shinichiro, Wakasa Imaushi
Word Count: 2.6K
A/N: So, don’t follow this blog lol, this is my ship blog, so you’ll only find anime ships and brainrots, if you want to follow the one i do characters x reader @maissafespace
[Masterpost] - [Masterlist]
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You and Shinichiro met through Imaushi Wakasa, your best friend, childhood friend since first grade and your neighbor. The day you met each other had apparently been the day after Benkei and Imaushi had settled their gang war thanks to him.
You were coming back home after your day at work, holding takeout food that was too much for you and hopefully Wakasa was willing to eat with you, but when the door of the apartment beside yours opened, you were met with an unfamiliar face.
He had a ridiculous haircut, but he had a face like an angel, his eyes were soft and you were immediately drawn to them, while he was a blushing mess, his pale cheeks tinted pink at the sight of you. The two of you got out of the trance by Imaushi’s voice calling for you, after a couple of words you three decided to sit down and enjoy dinner all three together, Shinichiro telling you how they met and how everything had come to that point.
Two years later, seeing him almost everyday, becoming friends, high school ended, and becoming his twentieth rejection, you accepted a date with him.
Officially began dating in the summer of your last year, when he left the gang world to open his shop, let go of that mohawk you hated, and you had to move closer to his house for university, making it way more accessible for him and you to see each other, whenever you wanted.
Days and days were spent alone in your apartment, interrupted often by his siblings, who wholeheartedly loved you, or the guys coming around to fetch your boyfriend for a day to hangout and remember the times together, those days were spent either helping around his grandpa with Mikey and Emma or studying.
As his activity started to be more grounded and busy though, after two years of relationship there was the distance, at least a distance that made the both of you not really available for each other even if you ended up sleeping in the same bed almost everyday.
As he became more focused on the shop while you tried to balance both him and school, you ended up reconnecting more with your friends, spending more time on your phone as all of you organized hang outs and chatted whenever you were free. You did not fault Shinichiro for somehow ending up ignoring you or not paying you as much attention, he was not even twenty trying to keep up a shop from zero, he tried his best to not fall asleep on you after work and it pained you seeing him so tired and exhausted.
A few weeks passed since this pattern of the two of you not really entering each other's spaces had started, he had not realized the way the two of you distanced up until now.
He had decided to take a day off, but your own habit of being on your phone and new normalcy of texting Wakasa, Benkei and Takeomi whenever you had time, really threw him off, the two of you were laying on the couch watching a movie and he could see your phone light up even though it was facing down, when he was just laid on your chest, he heard the laughs and giggles escaping your mouth as you kept texting with somebody.
He was angry after that day, scared as well that you may be falling into the arms of someone else because he had not paid attention to you as much as he thought. He feared to lose you, for four years he envisioned a life with you.
So after that failed day off, he became clingier than usual. That had really caught you off guard but you were really happy about it, making time for you, not falling asleep as soon as he came home to you, more time at his house, more sex.
Your time on your phone had really been reduced but it was still there and it bothered him.
He had enough of it, as you finished your shower, your phone lightened up on the nightstand, he took it with no hesitation and as he looked at the texts, his mind blurred, should he be angry? Should he be sad? He loved you so much that he was willing to look over this, maybe he should just show you he was a better choice, that he is the only man who could satisfy you and make you happy.
Insecurity was settling as well in him, seeing Wakasa call you ‘princess’, wasn’t he his friend? His best friend. He had already been rejected for him, but to lose you to him? He would never accept it.
The bathroom door opened, not letting him go through the rest, but he didn’t have to know, he just had to take you back. He threw your phone in the bed as he stood up, your body was wrapped in a white towel, hair dripping wet, skin glowing, you stood there in confusion as you saw him move so suddenly.
“Shin-” You tried to ask him why he had anger written over his entire face, but his hand had grabbed your jaw, stopping any word from coming out and the second later his lips were pressing harshly against yours.
You did not hesitate to kiss back with the same hunger, one of your hands keeping your towel up while the other dug nails into his shoulder. Squeezing your jaw a bit, making your mouth open more, he slipped his tongue in, rolling your tongue with his, he slightly opened his eyes, seeing you being so taken in the moment.
But in his mind he was doubting, he was questioning himself. Were you imagining Wakasa behind those eyelids? Had he kissed you the way he was doing? Did he have the same desire for you as he did?
And as much as he felt betrayed, he was so hard at the idea of showing you how better he was, wanting to see you completely falling apart under him and let you realize he was the better one, the only one who could make you reach that point.
He slapped your hand away from the towel, letting it fall on the ground, your thighs were squeezing together, the kiss had turned you on like no other, he does not usually impose himself so much, or use much strength, this sudden change had caused your pussy to soak the more he kissed you.
His hand slipping in between your legs, there was the loud sound of the squelching of your pussy, and he did not know where his own attitude came from when words started to fill his mind but were you that much of a whore?
His two fingers curled inside of you as he began to move them at an overwhelming pace, each time hitting that spongy spot inside of you, his hand still holding your head in place, the kiss swallowing down your moans and whimpers.
When he detached himself from your lips, he looked at your state, lips swollen, eyes teary and full of lust, barely opened, cheeks glowing and lips parted.
“Shin, babe let’s get ngh- in bed f-first-” you managed to say, your legs going numb, only his hold on your face keeping you up on your feet, your teeth clenched together as your high approached, your eyes rolling in the back of your head, forehead falling onto his chest, as your pussy clenched around his fingers, juices coming out and your thighs trying to stop his movements in vain.
Both of your hands went to grip and scratch his back at the overstimulation, tears coming out of your eyes, his name being the only thing heard other than your whimpers as he hissed at the weak pain your nails were provoking him.
He stopped, your body completely falling onto him, panting trying to calm down, his arms finally going around your waist to keep you up as your legs were visibly shaking. After a minute, your arms went to rest on his biceps, looking up at him but his expression was stoic, empty of any emotion, making you worry.
“S-Shin, what’s wrong?” You asked cupping his cheek, you felt relief as he leaned into your touch.
He leaned in for a kiss, slowly leading you to the bed as your legs were barely working, your back hitting the soft mattress along with a cold device that you completely ignored. His lips found yours again, in the meantime taking both of your hands in one and holding them up above your head.
Each of the actions he was taking today aroused you, his thigh pressing down on you, making you squirm around at how much you wanted him to move, how much you wanted him inside, he was just teasing too much and you hated it. “Babe, please, I need you p-please.” You meowled out, your hips trying to move, humping him as tears were welling up in your eyes.
“Oh you need me?” You stopped, finally hearing his voice, but nodded as soon as you could, dumbly nodding at him.
“Yes, I need you, Shin. Please, please, please-” You begged him and finally you saw his free hand going to undo the knot of his pants, pushing down to his mid thigh, both his boxers and pants. His cock coming into view, red swollen tip, the curve and veins, you tried to get out of his hold, wanting to take him yourself but he didn’t let you. “Stay down.”
He rubbed the tip leaking of pre cum in between your folds, the lewd sound lost in the room, your breathing was irregular. “Babe-”
He pushed in all in one go, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix. “Fuck-” His moans and grunts were music to your ears. Being inside you felt so good to him and he couldn’t handle the thought that someone else might have experienced this, that anger motivating his thrusts.
Mercilessly rutting into you, you could not think of anything but him. He just had to hear he was the only one from you, that nobody could come close. “Whose pussy is this?”
But the dizziness could barely make you comprehend anything, were you doubting your answer? No, you could barely think. “I asked you a question, you slut.”
You clamped down on him as soon as the remark reached your ears, a moan escaping and embarrassment filling you, as a smirk played on his lips. “I-it’s yours- fuck! Babe it’s yours, I’m yours.”
“You like being called a whore, huh?” He asked leaning beside your ear, his breath hitting your neck. “You just are a fucking whore, aren’t you?” He chuckled darkly, shivers going to your spine, but the next words even if barely conscious caught your off guard.
“Texting my best friend behind my back like a fucking slut.” He sat back up, looking down at your face filled with confusion, but before you could utter a word of denial he turned you around, on your hands and knees and thrusted in you roughly.
His hand went to push your shoulders into the soft white sheets. “Can he make you feel like this? Can he fuck you like I do?” The creaking of the bed, the headboard hitting the wall and the slapping of his balls against your pussy just create so much more chaos at the pleasure he was giving you.
“No, only you, it’s only you, I only want you Shin fuck-” You started to feel that knot in your stomach. “I’m gonna cum babe, Shin, I’m gonna cum, please.”
He let you, you were his baby after all, he would never deny you, whatever you did, he just wanted you forever. “Then cum for me, pretty girl.” And you did, gripping on the sheets, your velvet walls tightening around him as you came, making him halt his movements for a moment, but as your vision went back to normal, and he saw you were catching your breath, he started to go again.
Your sensitivity being too much, your hand went behind resting on his thigh, trying to push him away. “Shin ‘s too much.” You cried and whimpered, your tears soaking the sheets below you, but the pleasure was building up again.
“Take it, maybe if I fuck a baby into you, everyone will see your mine, huh?” The words completely flew over your head, just nodding and humming at whatever he was saying. “Maybe you’ll stop whoring around. I’ll make you the prettiest mommy, you want that?”
You were just going along, but nothing would be better than starting a family with the man you loved. “Yes, I want your kids, please, I want your cum.” The overstimulation got to you again but this time accompanied by him, filling your womb with thick ropes of cum, marking you right from the inside.
Too fucked out of your mind, you barely felt him embracing you before falling asleep and he followed not too long after.
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In the morning, when he woke up, he just wanted to hold you apologize for how he handled you last night and talk about whatever was happening between you and Wakasa, willing to forgive you and just continue like nothing happened. Only, your side of the bed was empty.
He looked around, the bathroom door was open so you weren’t there, he got up on his feet going into the drawer taking a pair of pants and as he approached the door he heard some noises on the other side. He felt relief knowing you didn’t leave.
When he opened the door, his eyes widened in realization and a bit of guilt. All week, his mind was filled with the thought of you having someone else that he had completely forgotten about anything else.
“Surprise!” Everyone cheered from the living room of your apartment.
He saw his friends, the kids, his grandpa and you sitting there. You were sitting in the middle of the couch wearing his clothes with Mikey on your lap as he was holding the cake. He could barely utter a word before everyone started to get up to hug him and congratulate him and then lose themselves in the kitchen ready to eat.
You were the last one, wrapping your arms around his neck, you brought him down to a kiss. “Happy 20th birthday, babe.” You said with a smile, while he could almost cry at the sight. “You forgot your birthday didn’t you?”
“I did, I just- I was thinking about-” He couldn't find the words, you shushed him down. “I know, here.” You said handing him your phone unlocked, he looked at you before starting to go through the chats but stopped as the first thing he saw was a group, ‘Shinichi's birthday’. “I don’t know what exactly you saw, but we all mostly talk about you or make fun of you and we planned today, we have a whole program to go through.” You said with happiness and love in your eyes as your hands caressed the back of his head.
He looked down at you with guilt. “I’m sorry love, and I’m even more sorry for how things went last night.” He said hugging you close to his chest.
You hummed. “I don’t mind last night, it may be the best sex we’ve ever had.” You said making him blush. “But you know Imaushi is like a brother to me and that I love you, so please, don’t ever doubt that.” You said looking at him in his eyes, and he could only see the truth in them.
“I love you Y/N, I love you so much.” He kissed your lips gently, wishing to have you for his entire life beside him as much as you did.
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