#there's: what broke the connection (fucking crypt scene)
trenchcoatimpala · 2 years
Favourite destiel scene
I cannot possibly choose. But if I have to then it's probably gonna have to be the confession.
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reyolfx · 2 months
bro ok lemme get this this straight (or, y'know)
i'm literally just about to yap my way through 8x18 so spoilers ig if you're somehow like me and JUST getting to this shit in 2024
we have this set up for megstiel, they have this chemistry, they reference the "pizza man" and honestly make it seem like it was a lot more than just that one kiss we saw, she even calls cas her unicorn, paralleling herself and cas to amelia and sam
but cas has been brainwashed and is beating the shit out of dean while trying to fight against it in naomi's office which is lit with the infamous bi lighting
dean is on his damn knees, begging cas, tells cas he needs him, and cas overpowers the brainwashing
it is not filmed or scripted in a way that makes it seem like it has absolutely anything to do with ANYONE but dean. not sam, not meg, just dean
so they set up that meg is like basically in love with cas??? or whatever the demon version of love is. and then they kill her off (whole other issue but i am so sick of watching all the women[-presenting beings] get called misogynistic terms, beaten up, and killed, tbh it's really pissing me off - same with black characters and other characters of colour like wow) and have cas break through his lobotomization because of dean, then heal him with a hand cupped to his face, bi fuckin lighting, and then claim he doesn't know what "broke the connection".
what the actual fuck are we supposed to take from this lmao
think i'm just typing it out to try to make sense of it in my head like ok don't get me wrong i get why everyone is obsessed with the crypt scene, wowee, but having it in the same episode as meg basically saying she loves cas? cas shows some fondness and maybe even a bit of interest in her flirting but it's veeeeeery CLEARLY not her that breaks naomi's hold on him.
i feel so torn on this because on the one hand it feels like another example of how when your show is so sexist that you kill off every female character then yeah of course we're gonna read the men as queer when they do everything for each other
but then also the bi lighting was obviously so intentional and the "i need you" and ugh
supernatural you will always make me wanna scratch my brain out i guess
sexist, racist, homophobic ass show with the most beautiful, heart wrenching queer love story of ever, somehow both accidental AND on purpose.
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tsurangaconundrum · 3 years
top 5 moments that i am inserting a chaste destiel cheek kiss into
5. post fanfiction gap. when cas is getting out of the car at the gas n sip dean gives him a little cheek kiss and drives away
4. post crypt scene. just before cas flies off. i don’t know what broke the connection. kiss on the cheek he just healed. dean flinches. i have to keep it safe from you. gone. 
3. s11 finale i could go with you. no. the hug. dean kisses cas’ cheek. fucks off to die
2. s12 when they meet again in the bunker. mary is staring at them. 
1. thee despair. cas leans in close. soft cheek kiss. whisper i love you into his ear
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Hello there. I have a question (more like a thesis): What would have happened if Cas told the Truth anywhere between season 7 and 15? Do you think it would have had the same impact on Dean? Logically speaking Cas could have told him anytime.
Oh gosh, yes. I mean Dean’s reaction in season 15 is still the best it could have been really :P He was in the best place and most accepting of himself and he still had a BSOD for a moment and then Cas had to shove him away so he could go die... (Assuming you take the on screen boring presentation of what happened as canon and not throw in the reciprocation, tears, pull in for a kiss, etc that we know exists either in our hearts or on Jackles’ phone.)
I’ve been thinking about this and the parameters we’d have to apply if we were gonna get something like the show being self-healing back to its self as we know it but we were allowed a confession. Also the show has to be as punishing as ever. So these are my personal theses on each season... 
Season 7 the confession would have to be after Cas comes back, and everything in 7x17 that looked like Dean was jealous of Daphne and Meg textually was meant to be read that way in the set up for the confession. To make it the most painful obviously we still get Cas exactly as he was all through to the end of the season and he never really says anything too different but then right when they’re having the “cursed or not” discussion he’d bust out of nowhere that he supposes it is inevitable Dean would talk him into going on this dangerous mission to get Dick because obviously Cas loves him. And Dean, who is in a weirdly zen sort of place in the remaining minutes of season 7 after Bobby’s send off and final words that helped him go make up with Cas, is in a similarly season 15 oddly okay spot, mental health wise. At least. COMPARED TO ALL THE REST OF SEASON 7. But I still personally have always read it as a genuinely good place for him that could have endured much longer if not for *gestures everything that happened after stabbing Dick* and obviously making up with Cas was step one and a huge part of his process. 
(idk if you’ve noticed but 7x23 pretty much has no Sam and Dean interaction after Bobby’s send off, and their last good broments are really scarce; it feels sort of natural for abrupt calamity and no time for teary farewells in a season with a strong commentary on grief, which also hyperfocuses the attention on Dean n Cas there.)
So I think Dean would maybe be stunned but maybe quirk a sceptical smile like “He can’t mean it like that and anyway he’s currently coo-coo, this doesn’t mean anything hahaha oh Cas :)))” and then idk shake his head and move the story on and Cas just turns one longing look after him like “dammit that didn’t work out like planned” 
Anyway then the exact plot beats of 7x23 follow, exactly as seen on your screens, but we’re left going into season 8 and Carver era with Dean far far more messed up about Cas and it can force clarification in 8x02 in Purgatory where Cas is entirely adamant he meant what he meant and furious at Dean for being mad at him and Dean’s mad at Cas for all the season 8 reasons so they continue angsting at each other but Benny’s reaction shots are just 10x funnier. This is followed by Dean’s reciprocation of “I love you” instead of “I need you” in the crypt scene in 8x17 and from there honestly it’s been built up into canon in such a way that the emotional arc of the show has to go off the wheels and I can’t keep to the self-healing model to continue following the “real” plot and contain this much raw power.
Coincidentally, if the first confession is in season 8, it would be “what broke the connection” after a season 8 where nothing was different up until that point. Cas flaps off while Dean is still processing that the answer was “You. I love you.” and Dean is left yelling at the empty crypt like “What the hell, Cas?!” 
Then he’s as mad at him as he was in canon except instead of being borderline a really bad overreaction into his anger phase which we have to weather as miserable fans tethered to this ship who know sometimes Dean gets mad and yells at Cas for no reason, he’s reacting proportionately. It’s always seemed like 8x22 only makes sense if Dean is furious at Cas for confessing and fleeing except, obviously, in our “”real”” canon, it can only be like Cas confessed and Dean took it that way and also felt embarrassed how far he went with his own feelings only for Cas to run. 
This would make the bar scene with the cupids in 8x23 make a lot more sense too, and after they get the cupid bow Dean’s going to turn to Cas and give him a nervous smile, and then - Naomi flaps in like she does and distracts them away from reciprocation. 
I think this one could go long - maybe even season 13 Cas being dead and Dean being like “FUCK I never got a chance to work things out with him” and 13x06 onwards is where we get any actual work on the ship, because Carver era was so determined to be emotionally gruelling and unsatisfying and relentless from one issue to the next. And the confessions are so bound up specifically in the moments of miscommunication or failed attempts, cut off conversations etc that whether Destiel is canon or not, they’re never gonna get to talk it out under those conditions. Cas is only explicitly the grieving wife and jealous ex to Crowley’s smug take over of Dean’s affections rather than subtextually. 
The season 9 confession... I feel like we’d come perilously close to the Monkey Paw curse we once envisioned of Buckleming making it canon because they love jumping the gun on plot points and making them too obvious. So the end of 9x03, Cas is really blatantly angling to come in with a big “Hey I’m human can I live in the Bunker look at me I learned to do The Sex can we do it now” kind of vibe. All the enthusiasm he was giving to eating that burrito in the background while “Zeke” was trying to get him kicked out, but with lusting over Dean :P 
If we avoid that we can leap to Mr Bobo Berens and his first episode, and have this thing handled by a pro, as it’s already very much about Cas as a homeless queer man with a bad ex he still loves rolling into town where he’s just trying to make a new life and play straight - I mean human - for his own survival. I suspect the confrontation with Iphraim would make it really obvious that Cas didn’t just want to live as a human but had an eye for living as a human with Dean, and then he’d attempt a confession right before Dean would accidentally talk over, like, the L in “love” honestly, to tell him that sorry things do still stand that you can’t come back with me. Leaves Cas utterly devastated but Dean is none the wiser and he drives off and Cas pines piningly at the pine trees in his Gas n Sip. 
Again the end of season probably would force the real confession, since there’s a ready made moment in 9x22 where Hannah tries to force Cas to kill Dean and he gives it all up for one man. Cas can just lower that knife and be like, “No, I love him,” talking to his shoes and Hannah rather than meeting Dean’s eyes. Mark of Cain Dean is fuuuucked up at that point but we still get the moment where Dean carries Cas’s bag into the bunker and sits down with him and tries to care about his health and now also this confession. Sussing out what the heck is up with Cas, and maybe he looks like he’s playing it cool and is still so messed up but Cas is vulnerable, and finally Dean starts to reach across the library table for his hand, and it’s a moment where maybe things could have started to go better for them...... Cue Gadreel walking into the library, Dean going feral, blah blah demon!Dean, blah blah explicitly stated Drowley, blah blah muuuch healing and Cas giving Dean a wide berth for a lil while. Though, in this scenario, 10x22 is far worse but has the reverse crypt scene moment, so Dean can be more obviously unable to kill Cas because he loves him, and then he walks out, followed by season 11 and Cas being returned to them. Unfortunately. Yep. Another finger curls on the Monkey Paw... 11x03 by Buckleming would absolutely be where Destiel goes undeniably canon as it is their first real interactions post Mark of Cain. Our only consolation - directed by Jensen Ackles.
Season 10 confession, hm. Poor Cas. He has the option of 10x03, of confessing and then immediately apologising and walking off to handle stuff with Hannah (thanks Buckleming!) or the Burger Date, where Dean may be slightly less stunned stupid but still likely to laugh it off and not believe it. There’s not much heavy tension between them most of the season so it’s possible that the only time Cas would really get is to confess in 10x22 while telling Dean that he would have to watch him murder the world, and that would suck because I love you. At which point the story dictates that Dean beats Cas to paste so it’s a very bad look. Season 10 destiel confession is the worst. 
Season 11 may be better because Cas has options to be jealous of Crowley and Dean’s connection to Amara multiple times and then Casifer happens and that can really play up things in a season where a confession is coming. 
I think the Beer Run in 11x23 might be the only viable place, where Dean grabs Cas and takes him out for that drive for last drinks before the end of the world. Cas gets the “you’re our brother” thing and just lays into Dean with the certainty of someone who knows this is it - now or nothing - with “You know that’s crap, Dean. You wait until the end of the world and you can’t even say it. Well I can; I love you.” 
Cue awkward tension, well-placed interrupting Moose, and then the world very much not ending so that when Dean n Cas hug and kiss in front of Mary in 12x01. Well. There’s even more explaining to do to her. Since we’ve made it to Dabb era, I believe any confessions from this point onwards can just slot into the show as we got it from there since it’s entirely compatible to start season 12 assuming Dean n Cas are literally married and never be contradicted by the text in their behaviour. But since we’ve had canon Destiel since whenever, obviously the final episodes are good instead of. That.
Season 12... Going to have to go with the first sniff of true canon coming in Lily Sunder with just a few lines leaning even further in the Cas’s Angel Family Are Homophobic Assholes metaphor, leaving Cas’s relationship with Dean even more live wire exposed. Followed by The Mixtape Scene where Cas is going to confess to Dean and get him startled up out of his seat, accidentally knocking the mixtape to the floor and for a moment it’s like, did he throw it is he mad? but then he’s smooching Cas, fade to black, return to scheduled programming but the whole line about Cas stealing the Colt from under Dean’s pillow makes fuckin sense, as well as the fall out argument and how mad Dean was at Cas followed by how devastated he was at Cas’s death. This just means Dabb era continues as planned except we get a kiss in 13x06 under that big glowy cross, and some more smooching here and there when things are good from then on. 
Season 13... Hm. Cas has to do the confessing and I don’t think he’d throw that at Dean on return from death so unlike if Dean was the one who was being made to confess obviously the aforementioned glowy cross scene obviously would be it for him... Cas could keep that bottled up much longer, especially as he has so much to do with Jack this season. It’s entirely possible we go through the whole season and then Cas lobs it at Dean as a final card when he’s making his Michael decision and we actually see the scene that we didn’t get, where Cas has to watch Dean getting possessed. Except Dean is like, tearful and furious like why would you tell me that now, and anyway i’m doing this for you as well dumbass but fuck you but also how dare you anyway I need to be an archangel now and save our - your - son, bye. Cue Cas sitting there not just in total horror at what happened but also kicking himself for fucking up the moment :P I guess this way at least we can have that moment where Dean is un-Michaeled and tells Cas he’s going to shower and finger guns at him, and now we can have Cas wordlessly and furiously follow him. 
Season 14, we get Cas at Rocky’s bar confessing to Dean while figment!Pamela cheers the whole thing on. If there was EVER a time to use the power of love to snap Dean out of it, Cas upsetting his cosy routine with “this isn’t real, I’M NOT HERE IN YOUR FANTASY” is absolutely the time to pull a reverse crypt scene which has such low stakes in terms of neither of them needing to punch each other when Michael is an external aggressor.
My ONLY issue with this is that Sam has to witness the whole thing and we would get reaction shots and I am a weak mortal who will start cackling at them when I’m supposed to be having the transcendent moment of canon and the whole thing would be ruined just because of the way Jared gurns when doing reactions to dean n cas interacting. Wow thanks. Thanks a lot. 
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omniscientoranges · 4 years
How to explain this. The crypt scene in goodbye stranger is the culmination of classic destiel.
This is because 1) after it, Dean starts to push Cas away (he's angry with him for leaving with the angel tablet "you didn't trust me? You didn't trust me?", less than 10 episodes later he kicks him out of the bunker without trying to find an alternative, then it's the mark of cain and everything after that). They do have soft moments after of course, but there's just something fundamentally different about their interactions after the crypt scene for me. Like there's something hanging over them - which is, obviously, we need you I need you what broke the connection but they don't TALK about it it just SITS there UNSAID for YEARS. And then they don't even talk about Cas' brainwashing which is such a huge thing for him like it's actually canonical that he and the other angels have been lobotimized since the jump start of eternity ("you were there you just don't remember it") but we never see Cas and Dean talk about that because to talk about it might lead to bringing up the elephant in the room "I need you" so they just! Don't! And literally 2 fucking seasons later they do the crypt scene again! Except it's reversed!! And then they don't talk about THAT beyond a passing mention EITHER!!!
And 2) it is because (I know this is how life works) but everything leads right up to that moment. Everything in s4 with Dean needing Cas to trust him and ultimately fall for him because if he didn't they couldn't save Sam from killing Lilith. Dean needing Cas to stick around in s5 because they still had to stop the apocalypse together but also because he genuinely likes him and "this is the most fun I've had in years, and you're not very fun." In s6 Dean needing/begging Cas to trust him and not go through with his purgatory plan. In s7 Dean missing Cas so much he keeps his goddamn trenchcoat because he needs a reminder of him, needs something that smells like him and feels like him and is him because it's all he has left. In s8 Dean not leaving purgatory because, when it comes down to it, he'd rather spend eternity chasing after Cas than live in a dimension he's not in. And 10 episodes after he gets Cas back he's on his knees about to be killed by one of the only people he's ever needed, maybe the only person he's ever let himself want, so if this is his last chance then he has to say it.
BUT 4) for Cas - no one's ever needed him. Not the way Dean means it when he says it, and not the way he knows he needs Dean right back. People have needed him in battle, as a soilder, as a means to an end. No one has ever needed him in life, as a friend, as family. "You're family, we need you, I need you" is exactly the words Cas had to hear because he's never heard them!! Because he's never thought he would hear them!! Especially from Dean.
Oh and point 5) (and the most important point) is because it makes my heart race in a similar but less severe way to the confession scene in 15x18 (which is the culmination of modern destiel and overall destiel).
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destieldisaster · 4 years
08x17 - Goodbye Stranger
MotW: Naomi making Cas almost kill Dean, Crowley and his demons
Any Cas? Yesssss
Oh god no, I know where this is I know WHAT this is
Oh Cas, what did they do to you 😭
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Yeah, Sam's not the best at hiding that he's coughing up blood
"If he's so sketchy then why were you praying to him" okay but that says SO MUCH. As much as Dean's insticts tell him not to trust Cas, he still wants him around, wants to talk to him
Also :')
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Meg 😭
"Hi, I'm Meg, I'm a demon"
"Well, this is news to me as well" oh Cas sweetie
"I am aware of how to do that" Caaaaaas 💙
This whole exchange with Meg is so sweet
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"I'm just me" 🥺
Saying he remembers everything 😭
The pizza man is a good memory 😳
"You're damaged in ways even I can't heal" daaaaaamn
Oh god oh god, they're in the crypt, oh god I'm not ready
"He's a good man" 😭
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"I won't hurt Dean" 😭😭😭
Thank god he names Naomi. Thank god Dean know this isn't him
Fuck fuck fuck her reminding Cas of the death he's caused
"This isn't you"
"Cas, it's me, we're family"
"We need you, I need you"
That whole scene oh my god, he chose him them, of course he did 😭
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He's so sorry. God, like he didn't have enough guilt in him already 😭
Her unicorn 🥺 Fine, Megstiel gets some rights
"What broke the connection?" YOU DID DEAN
"And from you" maaan, I get it, I do, but I hate that he just disappears right away, I hate it
Crowley and Naomi fucked. Well. That's gonna live in my mind rent free
"Tart stole my move" :')
No Sam, he broke through and THEN touched the tablet. It was love, it's always love
Dean making a LotR reference, the BEST LotR reference
Man, that song though..
Cas on the bus, I..
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luminous-grace · 6 years
Listen. If the spn writers didn’t want us “reading into” (big sarcasm) Dean and Cas’s relationship they they would not have 1) had Cas be brainwashed and refuse to go back to Dean in order to keep him safe 2) have had Naomi specifically tell Dean that she knows how much he’s been pining for Cas to come back 3) have had Naomi brainwash Cas to specifically kill Dean and only Dean, no one else, over and over thousands of times 4) and dear god they would not have made the crypt scene Like That™. Sublist of crypt scene:
Cas beating Dean within an inch of his life
Dean refusing to fight back even once
The rapid cuts between Cas beating Dean to a pulp and Cas in heaven, crying and begging Naomi to let him stop
The scripted “i love you” that got cut last second and changed to ‘i need you’
Cas breaking out of his brainwashing all on his own before he touched the angel tablet
Dean, sitting there as Cas (seemingly) goes in for a kill shot before healing him, again refusing to fight back
Dean finally asking “what broke the connection?” and Cas literally looking at him and then flying away without answering
Like, pardon my language, but what the fuck. We’re seriously supposed to buy that???
All I’m saying is that all plausible deniability went out the window after Goodbye Stranger.
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ozonecologne · 6 years
Hey Maddie, what's your favorite Destiel moment in the show
Hello there!! 
Choosing one favorite DeanCas moment is way too hard – we’ve gotten so many years of interaction between these two at this point and their relationship has changed so much from start to finish. I like the early stage-setting moments when everything was dire and urgent and tense, but I also really like the later season moments where things get tender and easy, camaraderie that exudes love in its purest form. 
So here’s a short list of my most favoritest favorites, narrowed down as much as I could get them:
The First Meeting, 4.01
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The stab that started it all. How can you not love this moment?
“For what it’s worth, I would give anything not to have you do this,” 4.16
This was the first time I really truly saw the emotional side of Castiel. He really feels for Dean in this moment and their connection felt so very real. Castiel has to push Dean into duty, but it pains him, even now. This goes hand-in-hand with the “I was getting too close to the humans in my charge” line.
Castiel chooses his side in the green room, 4.22
One of the most rousing speeches from Dean, I think. I love this moment, and it was so crucial because it established DeanCas as a solid friendship, an alliance with real stakes attached to it. An example of Kripke’s best writing – this scene pitted Dean and Castiel’s fundamental beliefs against each other on a knifepoint, and they reached resolution together, realizing that they believe in the same things. Dean and Castiel have been an unbreakable team since this moment, and that’s why. This dialogue and Castiel’s sacrifice made their partnership meaningful; Castiel really broke into his own right here, became who he needed to be. He fully commits. It’s such a poignant and essential moment for his character, for the series, and for their relationship.
And also noteworthy is this moment, from the same episode. look at how Dean snaps his head up and looks at Castiel like he’s seeing him for the first time when all this goes down. Look at this ridiculous shit:
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Honorable Mention: the entirety of 6.20
But specifically, “And the worst part was Dean, trying so hard to be loyal, with every instinct telling him otherwise.” Also, raking leaves.
Purgatory reunion hug, 8.02
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Dean is so happy to see Castiel again after all this time. He is positively radiant against the gloomy backdrop of Purgatory. HE DIDN’T HAVE TO STAY!!! BUT “I PRAYED TO YOU EVERY NIGHT,” HE SAYS!!! Dean really does have such unwavering loyalty to Castiel it’s absolutely insane. And the pain in Castiel’s face when he has to physically hold himself back, because he knows he cannot go back with Dean and that their reunion puts Dean in danger??? The pining. The longing. I love it.
Sometimes I remember what it was like to watch this moment live and my heart literally starts beating faster.
The crypt scene, 8.17
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Castiel begging Naomi. Dean not fighting back. Dean explicitly admitting his vulnerability for Castiel, calling him family. Castiel overcoming mind control of the strongest kind in return!!! Bye.
Castiel confronts Dean about the Mark of Cain, 10.22
I’m the one who will have to watch you murder the world.
God, that is just. That is such a fucking powerful line. Even when Dean is at his lowest, Castiel doesn’t even consider abandoning him. He makes it clear that no matter what or who Dean becomes, he will remain by his side, fighting for him. He won’t ever leave and he won’t ever let Dean destroy himself in solitude. That’s just devotion at its most intense and left no room for arguing anything other than Dean and Castiel have the most profoundest of bonds. 
Plus, reverse crypt scene. Reciprocity. Mmmmm.
Honorable Mention: Dean goes to face Amara alone, 11.23
The line “I could go with you” while flower petals swirl around the two of them hugging is just way too much for one heart to handle, you feel me? No more “I’ll just wait here then” – we’ve officially graduated to, “Let be with you at the end.” Too aesthetic. (x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x)
Castiel’s “I love you,” 12.12
These were supposed to be Castiel’s final moments and Castiel used what he thought was the last of his breath to tell Dean that he loves him (all of them, right). He’s never said anything like that before and it was absolutely amazing to get a canon “I love you.” I was actually crying. Dean refusing to leave Castiel even if it means death for himself was also a nice touch. 
This was also my most popular coda to date! Good shit, 10/10. 
The mixtape exchange, 12.19
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DO I HONESTLY EVEN NEED TO SAY ANYTHING!!!! The hands!! The speech that follows!! This whole exchange is so tender and so fucki gn ???
Honorable Mention: Dean mourns Castiel, 13.01
Holy shit.
Those are most of mine, I think. It was so tough to narrow it down to just these ones! There are a lot of iconic lines apart from these, so I want to know: what’s YOUR favorite DeanCas moment? Something here, or something I left out?
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What the 12x19 makes me think about
Rewatching the episode, I had an epiphany.
But first:
-How can the angels be so careless? The idea of taking the nephilim’s grace didn’t even cross their mind: they just mant to kill him (But not our Cas)
- Let’s start from Destiel . yeah, not Cas and Dean, but the ship- It’s impossible not to notice it. Everything has been like we exptected to be; Dean was so worried and angry, and asked Cas where the hell he’d been and why he didn’t answer his phone calls.
“While you were striking out in heaven, we had a shot at Dagon. And we lost.” “I know. I received you messages” (“You know it and you didn’t-"… this episode was full of Purgaytory) “Oh, you did - you did receive the messages […] but you were also ignoring us… The hell’s wrong with you, man?” With Dean’s welcome, let’s let Sam think about their story, while Castiel is following his brother. He opens the door and gives him the mixtape, which is not only a way to enter his room but also to say sorry and represents Cas’ way of behaving, but: "It’s a gift. You keep those.” and… was the framing of hands unimportant? I don’t think so. 
THE MIXTAPE, we’re thinking about it too much judging by what I’ve read: I MEAN, Dean Winchester gives Cas a mixtape with his favourite Led Zeppelin’s songs. So, Cas is a person he wants to share everything with. He also has tried with Sam, everybody remembers about the iPod. This fact makes us think about what he had shared with the mermaid and about how John used to impress Mary. And we know what MUSIC means to DEAN. 
And here we have the second dialogue: “I just keep failing. Again and again. When you were taken, I searched for months and I couldn’t find you. And then Kelly escaped on my watch, and I couldn’t find her. And I just wanted…I needed to come back here with a win for you. And for myself” “You think you’re the only one rolling shake eyes here? Me and Sam, we had her.. We had Kelly and we lost her.”
“Right. And if he doesn’t find something? If you run out time, could either of you kill an innocent?” “We will find a better way.” “You mean, we?” (THAT WE) “Yes, dumbass. We.” (THIS ANSWER, then he gets up and CLOSENESS HURTS) “You, me and Sam, we’re just better together. So now that you’re back, let’s go, Team Free Will. Let’s get it done.“ "I’d like that”  ……….
They were so close I thought he would kiss him and I’M NOT KIDDING. Security distance doesn’t exist anymore, and they completely eliminated personal space. 
Then, Dean goes out to have the beer, but Cas keeps staring at the room. I think makeup sex would be perfect here lol. In the meanwhile, Sam has thought about a plan, and Dean accepts immediately. Dean accepts a plan (that is VEEERY theoric and not so plausibile; considering the scene of the tank, this nephilim can’t be controlled) hoping to have Cas with him, hoping to be with them again. He literally runs in order to call him in is room to give him the good news, but Cas has gone away and Dean feels bad about it.
-Let’s analize Kelvin; he tries to make him feel better after what he did to his friends and what that means to Heaven, but Castiel tells him that he doesn’t give a fuck about his reputation. He just wants to keep Sam and Dean out of an innocent’s assassination and I actually cried. Obviously, the plan doesn’t work, but at least he take Kelly away.
-Kelly is aware that Cas is not able to do what he wanted to do when he broke into the basement and, indeed, he tells her that he would bring her to Heaven. In her opinion, the baby is destined to do great things. They hide in a motel after the truck stops, where Kelly tries to persuade him not to get to such a dark place. Here, they talk and Kelly keeps trying to change his mind, saying that she is destined to give birth, but Castiel answers by explaining that there is no divine plan. A long time ago, he used to believe in it too, but Kelly was a random choice, and that could have happened to anyone. She lets him have a connection with the baby and during that scene we notice a SMILE. Kelly has a vision about Castiel who protects them. The Winchesters come, Dean pulls Castiel against the wall (Not that sense, damn) and we have a flashback in the alley. But Sam makes him notice Kelly is there with them, and they explain the plan to Cas; Kelly doesn’t agree and here everyone reacted like Dean (but… there is a “but” that is coming…)
-While they are making decisions, we have the second moment that seemed superficial, Cas lets Dean throw the keys and Kelly that leaves with the Impala, so it has a sense, lol, and it’s funny. “You asked me who would protect him, guide him when I’m gone. I know now. It’s you.” “Me? That’s…I - I’m not someone that you should put your faith in, Kelly. I couldn’t kill Dagon back there, I lost two of my men, I betrayed my friends, my family!” (!!) They arrive in the playground, they meet a wasted Joshua that is not like the one we had seen the first time, and not only because before he had a black vessel and now he is a white young boy. Supernatural strikes again. But, obviously, Dagon was already there and… probably beating Castiel is funny on set; when she is going to kill him, the Winchesters arrive. Sam tries to distract her with ordinary bullets and Castiel falls on the ground; Dean intervenes with the colt, but won’t enjoy shooting because Dagon takes it and destroys it.
Castiel gets up, having so much of the demon’s pity, he goes to Kelly and tells her to escape, but she takes him by hand and the baby tranfers him his powers. A foreground scene about Cassi-Castiel’s golden eyes… and he SUCCEEDS IN KILLING DAGON (DO YOU SEE WHAT I WANT TO GET AT?) We, Sam and Dean are speechless: CAS??? “What was that?” Then the angel notices Dean’s wound and he heals him VERY slowly, another thing that seems superficial, but it’s the same shot as the moment when Dean returned the mixtape to Castiel. (Amanda, you’re so “Destiel”, I’m going to give you a “Made in Speight”)
“Thank you for coming to fight for us” (Very suspicious) “Are you okay?” (Dean) “I am. I’ve been so lost. I’m not lost anymore. And I know now that this child must be born with all of his power” “You can’t actually mean that” (Sam) while he talks he looks weird and everyone notices it. “Yes. I do. I have faith ” The cherry on top is that he is wasting time, he can’t answer to the questions, but he just must take the child away from everyone; he makes the Winchesters fall asleep and escapes with Kelly.
NOW: The son is just like his father. I don’t know if we can compare them for what concerns evilness, but the nephilim has got the same powers, I don’t know if I’m clear enough. “The Devil doesn’t come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you’ve ever wished for” And it’s also similar to Amara and her way of making wishes of just happiness. For all we know, Kelly didn’t love her job and her sentimental life, she thought it was lousy and she caught this lucky break. A mother “feels” what is better for her baby. The sixth sense.
Castiel had no faith anymore and felt useless, the baby gave him a chance. He made him have faith and really want to fight for a better future. That’s what they both want.
And if we consider Cas/Mary’s mirror, we’ll probably have a chance of having our Mama Winchester again, also when Dean understands what is happening. From what Tumblr made me notice, we’re seeing everything from Dean’s point of view, all this Destiel can just come out from him AND IT IS A LOT, TOO MUCH. Dean is in love . . . . . . With the fallen angel *Has tea with Metatron*
Problems: 1 we know the finale is going to be terrible 2 we know Cas is going to disappear for other episodes 3 we haven’t seen those cosmic consequences yet 4 will we despair again with a new crypt scene? 5 ROWENA? CROWLEY?
PS: I do not know if someone has already written something like that, so I apologize in advance!
Thanks to @flaviacollins for the translation.
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