melanieestrella7 · 2 years
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Now finally guys! 1/2 part of the best pictures I took on the When We Were Young Festival at Las Vegas!! I was really excited to post this and I know It took me too long, but soon or late you'll see the vlog on my channel. I still can believe it I was able to go, and I haven't post my actual favorite moment at the event!🤟 Btw, I really looved the band Meet Me At The Altar, these girls really ROCK! and the lead singer has really amazing vocals, you should check it out!!🖤✨️🤟 . . . #whenwewereyoung #whenwewereyoungfestival #WWWY #wwwyfest #alternative #emo #scene #meetmeatthealtar #thereadyset (en When We Were Young Music Festival) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkeOPTbSkWR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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noparallels · 2 years
purely for archival purposes
archiving twitlongers from shows
21st Aug 2010
thanks to @travisrclark & @wethekings, @thereadyset & @ARTTM for making the best day of my summer. <3 Thursday August 19, 2010. (: Okay so me & my friends Aria, Madison & Erica) woke up at like six a.m., got ready & all that crap, then arrived to the parking lot at around 8:15ish. We met up with our friend Trey & we were like 7th in line to get into the entrance area. We met this really cool dude named Sean in line. Anyways, we waited there till 9:45, then security let us go to the front to wait outside the gates. So we did, and we were first in one of them. Aria's mom brought us Sonic, and then this girl behind us named Heather asked if we wanted to play ninja, so we did & we all started talking. They let us into the park, & so Heather ran with us to get our tickets. (we were 3rd to get them, btw.) Then Heather & her sister went and got in line. Aria & I went at sat in the area to get into the rest of the park so we could go get Starburst. Madison lost her pass, so her, Erica, & Trey went looking for that. Then they met up with us (they couldn't find it) and we sat there conversing with people. They let us through, and we ran like wild beasts to Candy Storm, only to grab Starbursts & find out that it wasn't Starburst sponsered so we couldn't get VIP. (like WTF man!) & there's a long story as to why we were mad because of that. Then, we went to go ride the Superman. After that, we went searching for Heather & her sister, but we couldn't find them so we went to Studio 6F. We just chilled in there, then we went outside & saw Heather's sister Tonii, who told us where they were first in line & said that we were with them. Erica & Trey went to the water park while Aria, Madison & I got in line for the Boomerang. As we were going up on the coaster, I screamed 'I SEE JORDAN!' (cause I saw him on the stage.) & Madison FLIPS OUT. She starts screaming like a maniac and when she sees him, she goes even crazier. :b We get off and go to sit in line with Tonii. We get there & she says she can stay there, that we can go off and ride rides again. But then she says that Jordan hid a ticket somewhere in the park & if you find it, you get to ride any ride with him. So right beside the gate we were waiting at, was this big patch of like grass (that didn't say was off-limince) so Madison & I venture over there & (SF is so stupid) there's like this 3 foot gate that I could TOTALLY jump over & just run up to the stage, and then there was actually a fence. So we pushed against the fence to where we could see A Rocket ot the Moon doing soundcheck. Aria came over and we were just singing 'Magic' along with Nick. Then Eric looked at us & during the duration of being over there, waved to us 4 times. Like 20 minutes later when they were done with soundcheck, Eric starts walking over to where we're standing. "Hey," he says to us. "What's up, dude?" I ask him. "I'm just gonna go ride some rides before we have to play." Then Madison says, sarcastically, "Well thanks for inviting us!" & Eric's like "You guys can come ride with us if y'all want," and then he hops the gate. So of course we're like "Okay!" and we follow after him. Then while Eric's taking pictures with fans, Erica & Trey join us and we all walk to the Boomerang. We start talking about the juice he's drinking and how it's good. We get in line, & right as Eric walks through the bar thing, the guy cuts us off. So we're like WTF MAN. Then we got in and watched him ride it. We couldn't stop laughing at the face he was making. He got off, & then we rode it (I sat in the seat he was sitting in, nbd.) After we were done, us 5 were walking back when we soptted the Mix 96.1 tent. Erica and Trey went back to the line but Madison, Aria & I stayed & chatted with the guy there. He said they were giving out goodies at 3:00 (which was 10 minutes till then) and we said we'd wait there till it was time. He said that if we helped him set up, we got to have whatever we wanted. So we did, & I got A couple of random posters & a notebook, and Aria & Madison got these 'people cookies' that looked very much like dog treats, but the guy said they were for people, so they got them. We walk back and we're watching outisde the gate again & Aria & Madison start spitting the treats out saying they taste terrible. They look at the packaging & see they're made from a dog food company. :b It was so funny. Well then Erica & Trey wanted some water & I had to pee, so Aria & I left to go do that. We saw the rest of ARTTM & Nick waved at me. On our way back, we heard The Ready Set doing soundcheck & then we go to get in line but the girls who were behind us wouldn't let us cause we 'hadn't been waiting there all day.' I was like, 'umm, we tried to but they said we didn't have to.' So I had to get in line behind them. Wutever. We stood there for like 30 minutes, & then the gates opened & the girl who pushed us back got held up by the barricade & everyone like cut in front of her. So we all run and we get front row seats, the closest we can to the VIP area. WHOOP WHOOP. Like 10 minutes later, Aria & I go get merch. Apparently Marisa was trying to get my attention but I didn't see/hear her. :( I got a WTK & TRS shirt. :D We walk back and sit down & start talking to the coolest security guy EVER, Omar. We start talking about the shirts we made & the whole macing situation. Then roughly 30 minutes later, we see Travis R, Andy & Keegan come out & we all get up. Oh my god, Jordan comes out and Madison is SCREAMING SO FUCKING LOUD. He starts singing Ghost of Los Angeles, & I'm like the only one in the area I'm in that actually knows all of the words. They play The Ghost of Los Angeles, Spinnin', More Than Alive, There Are Days & Love Like Woe, in which he walks over to us numerous times & looks each of us in the eyes. Andy looks at Madison & they are making eye contact seriously for like four seconds. Their set was the bomb. We sit down after they're done and like 15 minutes later, my other friend Sydney comes to hang out with us. Then A Rocket to the Moon comes out & starts singing Give A Damn. They play Give A Damn, On Your Side, Baby Blue Eyes, Dakota, Mr. Right & Like We Used To. Justin throws his water bottle at Tonii and the people behind us (who were probably the BIGGEST ARTTM fans ever) are just screaming & Eric smiles & waves at us twice more. We sit back down and I get butterflies in my stomach like crazy. 15 minutes later, I see Hunter sneak his head out of the doorway at the back of the stage & I start freaking out. A couple minutes later, Hunter, Drew & Danny all come out & Travis comes running right after them & I am scremaing louder than Madison was for Jordan. They start playing Skyway Avenue & I'm just singing like there's no tomorrow. They play Skyway Avenue, She Takes Me High, & Heaven Can Wait and I'm just singing my heart out to every song. Then during What You Do To Me, I start crying & my friends notice that, so they all start pointing at me & Travis starts to walk over & I start crying even harder. He slides his sunglasses down a bit to where he can look me in the eyes & he smiles. I'm balling so put my head down on the rail and he throws a pick at me. I look up at him & he's still smiling, & then he walks back. I start crying even more & start hugging all my friends and then start singing again. It was THE most amaing moment of my life. <3 Then Travis got out the acoustic guitar and played We'll Be A Dream & All Again For You, & I almost started crying again during those songs. Travis told us the story behind All Again For You & said how it was the coolest thing he's done as a redhead. Then they covered The Middle by Jimmy Eat World, which was pretty fantastic. They finished thier set off with Check Yes Juliet, The Story of Your Life, & Secret Valentine, which of course I sang every word that my voice could handle. We walked around the park a bit and went back to the stadium cause they all said they would hang out after the show. We went back up to the gate, & Jason came out. Apparently, WTK & ARTTM had already left & Jordan was inside eating. We started talking about random stuff & he was really effing cool. Madison got a picture with him, then Aria & I. He gave us all hugs and said he hoped he'd see us next time they were around. Then we walked to the pick up & left, legs super sore. Madison & Aria spent the night again, but I fell asleep with my pick in my hand & had wonderful dreams. The End. (: Thanks to anyone who read this. :b (this was a total of 8,573 characters!) :o
11th Apr 2011
Okay so everybody wanted EVERY detail so hopefully I don't forget any. We got downtown and we were walking towards the line and Danny came around the corner and Marisa almost plowed him down. And he just gave her "the look." And then we got in line with the Kelsey's and we sat there and waited. Zack walked into the venue and I said hi and he ignored me oh well. And then Alex came out with Vinny and started walking to the bus and Kelsey whispered that he needed to pick up his shorts, so I yelled "Pick up your shorts, Alex!" And he kinda pulled them up and got on the bus lkajdbs. And then we waited some more and then Marisa was like "Caitlyn, it's Evan!" and he was headed toward the bus so I called his name and ran after him, scaring him no doubt. I was like "Dude, where do I park my spaceshit?" And he said "Well I was looking for some spots on the west side, but I didn't see any so you'll have to keep it in orbit a while longer." lkajhgliuf oh my god okay. And I was like "Dangit. Well thanks anyways. It's so hot out here." And he said "Yeah it is. You can work on your tan." "I don't tan, I burn." "Well then you can work on your burn." ajsanglsgk. And then I said I got him an early birthday present. I pulled it out (It was a Toy Story pillowcase pillow buddy) and pointed to the little kid on the box and said "It's you!" And he pointed to the sign in the corner that said "3+" and he was like "It's right in my age range!" And then he pointed to the picture of the pillowcase with Woody on it and was like "And I can cuddle with Woody" lkjabglkjbag. Then some girl came up and asked for a picture and he turned to me and was like "Do you want a picture too?" in a I-know-you're-totally-in-love-with-me-and-we-kinda-know-each-other-so-you're-not-totally-a-fan-but-if-you-wanna-show-the-pentagle-we-can-take-a-picture kinda way. And I was like "Sure, I gotta have a picture with my 'lover'" in a oh-my-god-you-are-such-a-loser-but-okay-I-love-you kinda way. And then he laughed and took a picture with the other girl. And then we took a picture and then Marisa was like "Can I have a picture too? I'm the one you hate." And he said "Well I'll pretend to like you for a moment" and then they took a picture and he got on the bus. And then we went and sat back down. It got really hot after a while so we went to stand under the trees where it was shady (and so happened to be right next to ATL's bus) and then Jeramy got there and we took some Panic! posters this girl was hanging up. And then Colussy came out and told us we couldn't hang out there and I felt really weird and creepy cause we were honestly just there for the shade laksjgbkj. So we moved farther away from their bus and Rian came out and saw us so he darted away and I felt bad. And Jeff kept ignoring me when I'd say hi. Then we got back in line and they seperated us by M&G/EE and GA and we waited. Then got some water and waited some more. Security came out and gave us wristbands and told Marisa that she couldn't take her backpack in so we were freaking out cause she had no where else to put it. So I tweeted Evan to come to the front of the line and like five minutes later he came out and started walking past the line. We ran up to him and he turned to us and Marisa said "Evan, can you please do me a HUGE favor?" And he made this face and was like "Again?" And so Marisa told him about how they wouldn't let her in with her bag and asked him to take it to the sound booth. And he like started to shake his head and was like "Hmmm..." and I was like "PLEASE EVAN." And so he sighed and said "Alright. But you're the only one I'm doing a favor for today, so if anybody else asks, I'm throwing this back at you!" So he took her bag and we thanked him and got back in line and yeah lsdkjbgkj. Then he took it in and gave us this "You owe me" look. Eventually, we went into the venue and got like third row. The Summer Set was awesome and h8 lyf is so cute askjgl :3 Hey Monday was better than I'd expected. But these girls kept pushing me out of second row and one of them didn't even have her legs shaven laksjgbjkag it was horrible. Then Marisa left the crowd. /: Yellowcard was AMAZING. And their violinist is ridiculous. All Time Low was akljsdbglkjabgslj I cried so much oh my god. I balled during Jasey and Remembering Sunday and Therapy and Dear Maria and pretty much cried during every song. And then when it was over, I went to go find Marisa near the sound booth and I found her and started balling. And Evan saw me and looked at Marisa like "Is she okay?" Ohp I feel like a loser but whatever. Then they started kicking us out but Marisa had to give Matt his Mickey so we got in line for merch and I got a shirt and CD and then we left. We stood outside ATL's bus for a while but they weren't coming out so we were gonna go around the side to see if we could find Matt. We stood at the corner and the crew was loading Yellowcard and ATL's stuff and Evan was in there. And there were these two bands playing at clubs on the same street so I started dancing and Marisa was like "Evan is dancing." So I turned to face the semi and Evan was standing there dancing awkwardly and looking at me. So I started dancing again to see if I was who he was really looking at it and he started dancing again and everybody was looking at us and I was just laughing and it was gr8. Then he went back to the bus and Alex and Zack came out sometime later. I was so close to meeting Alex but then he had to go inside. :( And then so did Zack, so Marisa just gave the Mickey to Jeff to give to Matt. And then we walked down to where Josh was standing talking to people and we were about to meet him when Brian walked up so we got pictures with him and then Josh left ugh sajdbglkj. And then we were the last people there and my mom was going to be late picking us up because there was a huge wreck so we just sat there. And Vinny came out and was talking on the phone and was staring at us and I felt so creepy but I just didn't want to be kidnapped or something. And then my mom picked us up and we spent thirty minutes trying to find somewhere to eat. We found a Denny's and then ate and went back to the hotel, took showers and fell asleep. A+ day.
16th May 2011
Got in line with the Kelsey's and there was this giant sign that said "lost cat" with a feline on it. Um we waited there and then like 30 minutes before early enrty, these girls with their boobs falling out and tacky tattoo's come up and ask us where the ee line was and we say there isn't one yet. So they go ask the guy inside the gate and he's like "I guess it'll start here" so the girls stand there and we're all wtf you need to move~ to them and then we start bickering ugh whatever. They get in first and then Kelsey and I go in and we get inside and start freaking out cause Mara didn't come in so I run outside and ask Cecily where she is and apparently her ticket wasn't working but she had a ticket in will call and she was going to get that. That's a funny story that I'll tell at the end hehehahahoho okay. Um Marisa finally came in and we were front row in betweet John and Garrett yay. Those girls who cut were getting drunk and squealing like pigs and it was really annoying. Hugo played and they were okay I guess and then Austin Gibbs and aw he's attractive. Then The Maine came on and they were just A+. They played their new version of Everything I Ask For and it was different idk I would have prefered the old version but whatever. I cried during Saving Grace and Pat looked at Mara and I the entire time so that was awkward heh. John put the microphone in front of us and we sang during Inside of You yep cool story bro. Um when their set was over, Moose gave Marisa the setlist for her birthday aw. And the cool security guy got Garrett's pick off the ground for me. And my battery before the show but that's irrelevant. We went to go get merch and I got the tour shirt, two bracelets and the signed poster you got with ee. Then we went outside and spunky Kelsey got fish tacos and then we went and sat outside of the bus. And then Pat came out half an hour later when Augustana's set was done and we went and got a picture with him yeah. And then Jared and Garrett came out and I got pictures with them. Then we went to go talk to Pat again and had him call Katie. And he thought I was 24 zdlkjfgkigal. And we witnessed ratboy aw yeah. Um I'm forgetting something but oh well it was still A+. Then I went and met Kenny and picked up Sara's letter that he dropped. Then I met John and he's so sweet omg. We took a picture with an alligator clap and we both look dumb but oh well and his eyes omg okay. Then RIGHT as we were walking away from John to go back to Patrick, he got on the bus JSKDBkjsGD. So we tried getting him to come back outside but he didn't so we left. /: But it was still a fantastic night. Okay so when Marisa went to go get her ticket from will call, she was freaking out and ran right into Pat and didn't even realize heh she's stupid. And she couldn't find the booth so she ran back to the line and told him there wasn't anybody and so he pointed her to the correct location and she ran back. She was trying to get the ticket and the lady was like "how can I be sure it's yours?" cause the ticket was under her moms name and she was just screaming at her and going crazy and then the lady gives her the ticket and when she turns around, Pat's by the bus door just staring at her, having heard the whole conversation and then she runs back to the line, gets inside, and comes and stands by me yep. THE END
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jac315ecu · 3 years
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alyfawx · 5 years
The silhouettes are looking through me I wonder if they see what I see Crooked little paintings on the wall It's hard to keep my legs from running And maybe growing up mean nothing Except for find a softer place to fall Oh oh oh throw your halo away Let's find another place far from it all We'll take you to our grave Let's find another place far from it all I don't wanna just float on like some sort of phantom in a throwback song So honey just hold on But what's the point of floating if it all feels wrong I took a little taste now If we run away we could have it all Have it all Those silhouettes are talking too loud I wonder if they think I'm too proud Or unaware of what they make of me So we should take it back to your place And maybe reminisce on those days Not knowing who we were or who would be Oh oh oh throw your halo away Let's find another place far from it all We'll take you to our grave Let's find another place far from it all I don't wanna just float on Some sort of phantom in a throwback song So I tell my honey just hold on But what's the point of holding if all feels wrong I took a little taste now If we run away we could have it all Have it all I don't wanna just float on Some sort of phantom in a throwback song So I tell my honey just hold on but what's the point of holding if all feels wrong Oh oh oh throw your halo away Let's find another place far from it all We'll take you to our grave Let's find another place far from it all I don't wanna just float on Some sort of phantom in a throwback song So I tell my honey just hold on but what's the point of holding if all feels wrong I took a little taste now If we run away we could have it all Have it all I don't wanna just float on Some sort of phantom in a throwback song So I tell my honey just hold on but what's the point of holding if all feels wrong Halo halo halo Halo halo Halo halo
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When it feels like all the walls are caving in, it's okay, we can let them fall. Climb on top and we'll get higher.
The Ready Set
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djsangsta · 4 years
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Today's #First4Songs: #YoungForerver by #TheReadySet; #EscalesValenciaAnimé by #JacquesIbert performed by #RalphGomberg, #CharlesMünch, and #BostonSymphonyOrchestra; #HollabackGirl by #GwenStefani; #SomethingBeautiful by #JarsOfClay. #music #DJSangsta #musicislife #Spotify #musicismyescape #oooShiny https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtvO8fjstD/?igshid=fk8v71xi5lgv
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thereadysetday · 7 years
Wheatland  #thereadyset #warpedtour2014 #JordanWitzigreuter
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“I Wanna Get Better” Bleachers (ATC Cover Ft. Jordan from The Ready Set)
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From Friday night, Ready Set concert, throw back dance party and bar #thereadyset #wcu #westerncarolinauniversity #blondehair #blondewig #miw #motionlessinwhite
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leahiddle · 7 years
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I drew one of my favorite music artists @thereadyset #myart #art #inking #thereadyset
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thriftphotography · 7 years
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The Ready Set
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shypenguin33 · 7 years
Haven't you heard? I'm not yours anymore I'm not yours anymore
pvris// My House 
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nostalgianitespod · 3 years
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We are HYPED on our new ~*PLAYLIST*~ episode reminiscing on those NEON days of 2009-2011. * Peep the playlist in our bio for the THROWBACK BOPS and get your emo *unce unce unce* on. * Available now where all pods are found. Tune in for some cringe memories and fond feels. #neon #emo #emogirls #2009 #scene #lovelikewoah #thereadyset #themaine #cobrastarship #podcast #applepodcast #spotifypodcast #spotify #musicpodcast #thefridaynightboys #foreverthesickestkids #ftsk #thecab #acursivememory #headautomatica #metrostation #3oh3 #thewhitetieaffair (at 2009) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO_uylughjM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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alyfawx · 7 years
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The Only Way To Get Away... (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/VhXjId1mwL A Short Jordan Witz aka The Rady Set FanFic
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trsmex · 7 years
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I like it ! . . . . . . . . #thereadyset #jordanwitzigreuter #tatoo #photography #photographer #trs #iphone #tumblr #tumblrboy
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hyperschmitt-blog · 5 years
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Trying to pick an album cover! Vote 1,2, or 3 for your pick. . . . . . #hyperschmitt #newmusicfriday#strangerthings #panicatthedisco #falloutboy #tylerjoseph #broods #cityoflions #vesperteen #halfalive #twentyonepilots #thereadyset #5secondsofsummer #jumpsuit #awolnation #alecbenjamin #ThirtySecondstoMars #AllTimeLow #Thompson #altpop #waterparks #alternitavemusic #armors @twenty_one_fries (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/hyperschmitt/p/BvjlUDBnYrs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dxspsxjlbdue
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