#therefore I share them with the tumblr a stupid amount too <3
intotheelliwoods · 11 months
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Drink water <3 because the bobble leos cannot
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thebestsandiever · 3 years
Regarding the chaos and aftermath of the Verstappen crash at the 2021 British GP
Before I begin, this is solely my own thoughts on the crash and aftermath of it, resources and intel being from various news reports, articles, interviews, social media reactions/on track fans reactions, commentators, careers etc. Also important, this post was made around 11 PM CEST, so other news after that or in the midst of this, I haven’t considered.
  Comments and discussions are welcome, though remember to keep the tone guys. I rarely comment on anything on Tumblr, but looking at this chaos, I felt like sharing a bit.
  Starting on the incident that happened, I don’t believe that I can clearly decide what happened and who caused, and the only comments I have is that I believe it was a racing incident that has no bad intention. We hear in conclusion from sources (there was an after analysis) (e.g. also Lewis’ Sky Sports interview) that both could have given each other space. Lewis trying to get in, and Max defending his position. People who think Lewis did it intentionally clearly have no common sense, no one wants Max to end up going to the hospital (but he is fine so no worries). Of course, nothing excuses that a crash happened, and it’s a big shame.
  All the hate Lewis is getting should tone down, I think it’s fair to be critical in perspective of racing which consists of the crash and his comments regarding it, but anything that comments on something other than that with negativity, shouldn’t be.
  Something that many F1 fans have brought up and Horner I believe (slightly) is Lewis 15+ years of experience in Formula one and numerous of championships. Which I think in any sport or topic isn’t a fair argument, because mistakes happen to anyone, no one is immune to that, though this is not me calling the crash a mistake, because I don’t believe that is the right word. It’s more Lewis knowing the danger of closing in and Max of course defending himself on track, and this is the end result. And if anyone was a viewer of the Euro 2020 Football Cup Finals, it’s a bit like the Southgate criticism on the penalties.
  This also applies to all the fans who bring up Max’ aggressive and old nickname “crashstappen” from his early F1 career. Whether you have your impression from Netflix’ Drive to Survive or the fact that you’re new, anyone will agree that Max has matured greatly both on and off track, in my opinion one of the calmest drivers on the grid considering the amount of criticism, hate and burden that he gets/has. The fact is that there have been some people on Twitter (when I now and later comment on fans and reactions, it’s usually the very chaotic Twitter), that mentions Verstappen’s past, the infamous Baku and this season’s races where Lewis is the one who, in their words, “has backed up and gave space” (the reason I say their words is because I can’t quite remember so I won’t say that I know for sure). But again, as I mentioned, this is not valid, because it doesn’t excuse what happened today. Every track is a title fight, and previous races and tactics doesn’t apply to this. What I mean is that because Lewis gave space previous races, does it mean that Verstappen should crash? Or worded differently, because Max didn’t give space like he has previous times, that “it was coming” or that he should crash? Biggest takeaway from this is that past and future shouldn’t mean more than what happened in the present. This leading me on to a bit of the hate Max got which I think was quite undeserving, especially under his circumstances, which is f1 fans (mostly Twitter) calling it “karma” and using his young past to somehow “justify” the crash.
Also I really disliked the videos of “British fans” (we can’t actually determine that all were British, but it was home track) cheering when the crash happened, but in general I think cheering on a crash will always be awful even if you’re favourite driver gains position. Gladly though, it quickly died down on the stands as they realized it was hard impact. Very Euro 2020 vibes, though a much better English crowd- Just kidding, maybe you can see I’m not happy when any kind of fans act out of order (also I don’t hate English football fans, but sadly, the ones who make stupid actions overshadow the rest).
  Now I also want to comment a bit on the drivers and teams’ comments and the PR.
  So regarding Max’ social media post about the race. I honestly think it’s fair for him to be upset, no one wants to be taken out on the first lap considering that he is leading while a VERY good and competitive Lewis is trailing behind. My first reaction was that it was quite an aggressive post and the part about him unfollowing Lewis (if that is correct, I haven’t seen it myself yet) was obviously implying that he isn’t happy. Though, emotions run high as well does Lewis’ celebration reaction. I know his mind is to win on track and he has always been outspoken about that fact. Also I don’t quite believe that Max’ comments were full heartedly himself, but the PR team considering he’s just been at the hospital. I’m not happy with his post at all, but I understand both from a PR perspective and a driver’s. I believe almost any driver on the track would have said something like that in an interview if it happened to them. This just happened to be online because of health circumstances.
  Regarding Marko and Horner, I must disagree with their aggressiveness or at least the way they decide to comment on it. I do understand the anger, considering the championship but also concern for Max (anyone who knows their relationship knows that they care about him.) Again, I have to say emotions run high and if anything, managers are good at, and this is not specifically only attacking Horner, but it’s stirring up tension. I would say it’s fair for him to say, and quite expected, not saying I think it’s fair for Lewis to receive though (hopefully you get what I mean).
  Commenting a bit on Lewis’ Sky Sports F1 interview, we can confirm he didn’t know about Max going to the hospital before celebrating. Anyone who wins has the right to celebrate, especially at home, so props for his win, though unfortunately through a crash (this meaning Verstappen was his biggest threat on track). Though I wasn’t pleased about the commenting on Max. This leads further into the interview.
  We get Lewis’ insight on the incident and where he sees Max as the aggressive one, both not giving each other space and having the crash as end result. So in conclusion, Max trying to defend his position and Lewis trying to get in, fair. Please watch the interview, because it clears up a lot of what is spoken about in the media.  
My thoughts on Lewis’ response both before and after hearing about Max going to the hospital in the Sky Sports interview, is that he probably could’ve/should’ve toned down on Max being the aggressor, as they were both considering what the crash led to, and him saying that it was just about who was going to give space until it was too late. It kind of goes against what he just said. But I do agree that Lewis has the right to celebrate because he simply won. I also liked that he had championship spirit saying that considering what happened, it didn’t take the shine away from his win. It may sound disrespectful, and I do still kind of think it is, but on the other side, it’s him being competitive, and both drivers have each other’s respect on being able to fight on track. So he’s got the spirit, just maybe not the right interview to show the most competitive spirit (I think the most competitive spirit/response he’s shown this 2021 season)
  A bit more on his spirit and fighting on track is seen from Lawrence Barreto who tells us that Lewis has the “game on” spirit and is ready for attacks on track but there needs to be respect on track “and if not this will happen more often I guess.” - Lewis. Just a bit more closure from another source, I like that he is more responsive, but this does make it sound like he blames Max for it. I think any driver who are up against each other have the right or it makes sense to give the majority of the blame to the other, they have their own rear mirrors (see it from their own perspective when they drive, quite literally), but it isn’t the best comment to be honest. Since he says himself, both could’ve given space.
  My biggest disagreement that I must mention is the penalty Lewis got, which was the 10 second penalty. Assessing the severity of the crash with high speed, 51G impact, first lap etc. I think the penalty didn’t really serve much of a penalty, but this is also me being critical of the penalty system. These 10 second penalties don’t really make you lose that much of position (depends on car), also this is not a blow at Lewis but just the system. Afterwards, he was also given 2 penalty points. I think compared to someone like Yuki who also got 2 penalty points for crossing the white line twice while entering the pits and George yesterday at the Sprint Race (1 penalty point + 3 place grid penalty) are quite different but looking at the number, there isn’t a big difference in what’s given. But all of this penalty talk is on the stewards and system, so nothing against Lewis and he did take his penalty that was given.
  I did not comment much on the actual incident as I have a hard time really deciding (I can admit I see Lewis unintentionally drift a bit in + this being a very fast turn, I believe just a misjudgment but so many fans think it was intentional), so therefore do read and watch the current and coming interviews and articles to get some racing perspective. It keeps updating and even drivers like Riccardo, Leclerc, Alonso etc. have given their comments, and who better to listen to than professionals themselves. So I encourage you to get perspective there, because I know not all of us are the most technical fans, and we tend to comment by being led through a bias and crowd.
  But if we’re feeling a bit tired from today, so far the drivers are leaning towards a racing incident. They speak of it as quite unclear to determine, basically saying that both drivers could’ve done and were doing something --> could’ve given space.
  We all have to remember this situation is a big deal since it’s the only two to be fair at the moment, who are competing for the championship. Both mad talented and on each other every track. Media blows it out more than them and before we know it, they’re back to what they do best, which is drive.
  Heart goes out to Max, it was quite an impact and if not his worst crash so far in his career. His team radio was quite scary to listen to, I’ve never heard him so shook, but he is doing quite fine at the moment, and he will hopefully recover well enough for the next race.
  As well for Lewis, emotions are running high and people are quick to assume and accuse without using common sense that Lewis wouldn’t endanger Max or himself. He has every right to celebrate a win and props for him winning.
  In conclusion to those who has taken the time to read, don’t let my thoughts be any decider, but more so a way to understand and be a bit more open minded. We are all subjective in the end and I try to see from both perspectives and to be critical as well, not being led by others’ opinions. I’ve stated my sources, and this is only my overall thoughts at the very moment, so remember, as drivers evolve and move on, we do too.
  I again encourage you to watch and research with an open mind so not being led on bias, especially if you’re willing to spread anything on the topic. It serves a greater outcome than sprouting from emotions and lack of information, as we have well seen from this sport. Because media does influence and we as an audience is a part of it. So I must remind again, that this is simply my thoughts.
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jeranasblog · 4 years
Let your guard down
Notes: Welcome to my first Tumblr post ever. I’ve only used it for messaging before but decided to share one of my works. It’s basically 25k words of fluff and smut. Enjoy <3
A huge thanks to @twokinkybeans who encouraged me to share my work here.
Click here to read it on Ao3
Summary: Tony had long ago accepted that he had no soul mate. When a moment of weakness forced him to search for his perfect match, he found Peter Parker, a young man from Queens. Tony is horrified that the universe paired him with a boy, not even old enough to drink. Resisting could be so easy for Tony, if only Peter wasn’t so tempting. Now it was up to Peter to convince him that he deserved some happiness.
Chapter 1
 Tony Stark was a busy man. It wasn’t unusual for him to work more than twelve hours a day, his best friend Rhodey even jokingly claimed that he lived in the lab. Although it was meant as a joke, Tony needs to admit there is some truth behind it. More than once he has spent his nights on a sofa next to his workspace, going so far that he bought a sleeping couch at the end of his most elaborated project. But Tony is happy this way, at least he tried to convince himself.
 He had always been a workaholic, but after his divorce from Pepper six months ago, it had become only worse. The marriage between the two of them hadn’t worked out and the only thing Tony regrets is that he didn’t see it from the beginning. They were too different.
 Tony loved to work and travel, looking for a spontaneous partner who could keep up with him. Sometimes he would decide to fly to Europe the next day or to start a new project which takes hours of his sleep. He wanted a partner who wasn’t insecure in the relationship, who didn’t blame himself when Tony left the bed in the middle of the night only to work on another project.
 Pepper, however, was looking for a father for her children. She needed a man who was responsible and supportive. Someone willing to start a family in the next few years, and therefor Tony wasn’t the right one. Maybe, it would have worked out if they had met a few years later, but for now Tony wasn’t ready to give up his independency.
 Both had decided that they would remain friends. Although it didn’t work out, they had had a lot of fun together, and Tony was happy to call her a friend.
 He was still feeling bad about the divorce. The problem wasn’t losing Pepper, it was more about being alone. Tony had enjoyed spending time with someone, telling another person everything about his day or the progress he had made in the lab. Pepper wasn’t so much into engineering, but she was a good listener.
 Of course, Tony could start dating again. He loved meeting new people, taking them to expensive restaurants and learning about their lives. But Tony’s money made it complicated. He had met his fair share of gold-diggers only interested in his wealth or reputation. There had been a couple of young women trying to use his fame to start a model career. He had even dated a young man once who was only interested in Tony paying off his depts caused by his gambling problems.
 Sometimes Tony enjoyed such company, even though he knew they only go out with him because he was famous. It amused him to see their attempts to extract money from him. He had never paid more than the food of the evening, but they kept trying. Nevertheless, he wasn’t interested in a fling right now. He wanted to keep someone by his side and spoil him without being asked for.
 Tony sighed. Being alone sucked, but at least there was no more Pepper complaining about his hours of work in the lab. So he took the chance and locked himself in there, knowing he could work for hours without being interrupted.
  He was currently working on a new improvement for his Iron Man suit. Last time he had been on an Avengers mission, a drone had destroyed the chip that connected F.R.I.D.A.Y. to his suit and he had been unable to communicate with his AI. Although the suit had still been working, Tony preferred to rely on her when his life was at stake. Therefor he tried to connect Friday to every particle of his nano technology. It would take a lot of time, but he thought he could make it work.
 Tony turned on ACDC on a volume that would scare off any neighbours if he had any. After his divorce with Pepper, he had left their house in Malibu while he had kept the company and Stark Tower. Pepper could have insisted on a fair share of Stark Industries, but she understood that it was important for him. He still owned most of the company, while keeping her as the CEO. To be honest, she always did a better job than him.
 Tony had decided to move into the Stark Tower. It was empty anyway, except of a few Avengers who come and go as they please. He had enlarged the lab and had brought all the suits so he could work on them. He felt much more at home in the tower than he did in the Malibu house anyway.
 Five hours later Tony was still working in the lab. He hadn’t eaten all day, something Pepper had complained about very often. Sometimes she had ordered food for him so that he wouldn’t starve, but now with her gone there was no one but F.R.I.D.A.Y. to take care of him.
 That’s when he felt it for the first time. It started with a metallic taste on the back of his tongue. He was confused but kept working. When dizziness set in, Tony blamed the lack of food and ordered Thai from his favourite restaurant. Half an hour and a meal later, the nausea started and he could no longer work. He took a break and dropped onto a chair. When his vision began to fade he knew something was very, very wrong.
 Before he lost consciousness, he managed to get F.R.I.D.A.Y. to call Rhodey. After that everything went dark.
  When he opened his eyes again, everything was bright. He blinked and tried unsuccessfully to shut out the sun light that was burning in his eyes. It took a few seconds to get used to it, but then he began to see.
 He was in a hospital room. Everything was white and sterile and on his left side there was a huge window front. He lay in a bed that was set up in the middle of the room. It was untypically large and comfortable for a hospital bed, so he concluded that he was in a private and expensive room.
 The room was sparsely furnished with a TV, a closet and two chairs. He wasn’t alone in the room, Pepper and Rhodey sat by his side. Pepper sighed in relief when she saw that he was awake.
 “Where am I?” Tony’s voice sounded raspy, like he hadn’t used it in days.
 “Tony, I’m glad you’re awake. You’re in a hospital.” Rhodey explained and Tony had to suppress a snort. Of course, he could see that for himself. He wanted to know which hospital he was in, but there were more important questions.
 “What happened?” He didn’t really remember much. He’d tried to call Rhodey, and a second later everything went dark.
 “Oh Tony.” Pepper’s voice was shivering, and he could see she had been crying. “We don’t really know what happened. Rhodey and I were working when F.R.I.D.A.Y. called. You weren’t answering, so Rhodey asked her what was going on. She told us you were lying on the floor. Rhodey called 911 right away and then called me after. They took you to the hospital in a helicopter and here we are. Don't you remember anything?"
 Tony tried but shook his head after a few seconds. “I remember getting dizzy and then passing out, but I don’t know why.”
 Rhodey looked at him worried. “Maybe the doctors know more? We should've called them anyway, as soon as you woke up.”
 Tony nodded uncomfortably under his best friend’s gaze. He liked having attention, he didn't want to be the object of worry. Rhodey pressed a red button to call the doctor.
  A moment later, a middle-old man dressed in a white coat entered the room. He held a clipboard in his hand and approached them.
 “Mr. Stark, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”
 “I’m okay, I guess.” Tony answered. “My head and my chest hurt, but I guess that’s normal, right?” He looked at the doctor who wasn’t answering his questions.
 Instead, he turned to Rhodey and Pepper. “I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I need to speak with Mr. Stark about his medical condition, but you're welcome to come back tomorrow.”
 Pepper and Rhodey nodded and said goodbye to Tony. Then they left the room, leaving him alone with the doctor.”
  “Well, doc. What’s up? Am I gonna be alright?” Tony was joking to cheer himself up.
 The doctor looked at him seriously. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Stark, but I think we have a problem.”
 “A problem?” Tony looked at him confused.
“I’m afraid your collapse wasn’t caused by your bad eating habits.”
 “It wasn’t?” Tony knew he sounded stupid at that moment, but he didn’t care. A bad feeling spread through his chest.
 The doctor took a deep breath. “Have you looked at your arc reactor lately?”
 Tony shook his head and slowly lowered his eyes. The blue glowing tech in the middle of his chest was familiar to him, but as soon as he became aware, he noticed the change. When he first built the arc reactor, it had emitted strong blue light. Now it glowed only weakly.
 “I never noticed it.” He really didn’t. Even though he passed a mirror every day, he never paid attention to the tech in his chest. He hated this part of his body because it reminded him of his time in Afghanistan. A time he wanted to forget.
 “Do you know what’s happening, doc?” He looked at the man, unsure how he should feel.
 “We've run some blood tests. Your body seems to reject the arc technology. If you keep wearing it, you’ll poison yourself.” The doctor sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
 Tony’s blood ran cold. He knew what it meant. “But if I don’t wear it, the metal in my chest will slowly kill me.”
 “I am really sorry, Mr. Stark. If you continue wearing the arc reactor, the plutonium will poison your blood. You need to give your body time to break down the toxin. We can cut down the amount of plutonium to stop the poisoning process, but then the magnet won’t be strong enough. The metal will start to move towards your heart again.”
 Tony swallowed, he understood. “How much time if we reduce the amount?” He sounded cold and composed, even though fear was raging inside his body.
 The doctor couldn’t look him in the eye. “A month, maybe two.”
 Tony winced and went pale. He had expected the poisoning to be severe, but one month was a very short time. He took a deep breath. “What about a surgery to remove the metal from my heart?”
 The doctor’s face was filled with pity and the billionaire couldn’t even look at him. “There is an option, but the survival rate is about five percent.”  
 His emotions threatened to surface, but he fought them off with everything he had. He didn’t want to cry in front of the man.
 Fuck, he wasn’t ready to die. He was Tony Stark, he could have anything he wanted. He had more money than he could ever spend in his whole life, his friendships with Rhodey was better than ever and he was close to coming to good terms with Pepper again. His life had been better lately, but typically for Tony it couldn’t stay like that. Something had to come up to ruin everything.
 The doctor tore him away from his ugly thoughts. “There might be a way. Have you ever heard about soulbonds?”
  Of course, Tony had heard about soul bonds before, well everybody had. He was living in a world where the universe paired each individual with a counterpart, a soul mate. Almost every adult has a name written in black ink somewhere on their body, marking them for their soulmate. It appears as soon as your partner turned twenty-one.
 They say that such a relationship is a perfect one, that soulmates are meant to be together. There is a whole bunch of crappy romance novels out there about people finding the right one and living happily ever after. They say you know you are destined for each other as soon as your mate touches your mark.
 Tony didn’t believe in that shit. He couldn’t deny the lower divorce rate of soul bonds, but there were very few people out there who actually meet their soulmates. Your other half could be living in another country and it is possible to never meet them in your whole life. If the universe really intended a soulmate to be the only one, it would at least make sure you meet your other half.
 On top of that, there are many happy people in other relationships. Your soulmate may be a perfect match, but there are other good matches out there, other possibilities of happiness.
 Over the years Tony had received many letters from people claiming to be his soulmate. He had paid no attention to them; they were fake anyway. Because Tony Stark didn’t have a soulmate.
  When he was younger, he had hoped that one day a name would appear on his body, showing him his other half. Close to his twenty-first birthday he had spent days in front of the mirror hoping his body would reveal the name of his soulmate. But it never did.
 When he turned thirty, the first doubts came. Still no sign had appeared on his body, his soulmate had to be at least nine years younger than him. Now, just over ten years later, Tony was convinced there was no other half for him. There were a bunch of people who didn’t have a soulmate, or the mate had died before his twenty-first birthday.
 Knowing that he was not sharing a bond with anyone, his hope faded.
  “I don’t have a soulmate.” Tony said dryly. “There is no tattoo on my body. There never was.”
 The doctor remained silent as his fingers tapped against his clipboard. After several minutes he started to talk again. “It might be possible that your soulmate died, but it is also possible that he is not yet twenty-one.”
 Tony looked at him in disbelief as anger seethed in his chest. It was the first moment he was unable to conceal his emotions. “Excuse me, I’m over forty. How could my soulmate be younger than twenty-one?”
 The man tried to calm him down. “There have been cases where-“
 Tony interrupted him. “I don’t care about that. I won’t molest someone not even old enough to drink.”
 “So you prefer to die?”
 Suddenly all the anger disappeared. What remained was a feeling of emptiness. It took him a couple of minutes to think about his situation.
 “You see, Mr. Stark. Having a soulmate beside you will increase the chances of survival. The human heart is weak. It’s no problem to remove the metal in your chest, but your heart may be too weak to withstand the strain Having your soul mate by your side would give your body strength to endure the surgery.”
 Tony suppressed a snort. That sounded more like a shitty romcom or advice from a horoscope, but he didn’t want to die. He pulled himself together and looked the doctor in the eye. “All right, I'll give it a shot. Just tell me what I have to do to find out if I have a soul mate.”
 The doctor smiled, appreciating his decision to fight. “There is a possibility to find out the name of your potential match without him being twenty-one.”
 Tony raised his eyebrows.
 “It’s all about magic.”
 Tony groaned, he hated magic. He’s sick of all the sparkling magic shit. He is a man of science, always trying to solve a problem using knowledge that people can understand. But he had learned firsthand from Doctor Strange that sometimes it takes more to survive. He swallowed his stubbornness and looked at the doctor again. “All right, I need another sample of your blood. I know a magician who can help you with that, but it won’t be cheap.”
 Tony shrugged; money wasn’t important. “How long will it take?”
 The doctor smiled. “For you? One days.”
 After he took a sample of Tony’s blood, the doctor left his room. Suddenly Tony started to feel alone. He tried to hold on to the hope that there might be a soulmate for him out there. Still, as soon as he closed his eyes, he began to cry. He wasn't ready to die yet. He decided he wanted to fight.
 When Pepper first heard about the possibility that he might die, she started to cry. She was sitting on a chair next to his hospital bed when he told her what the doctor had said.
 “But there's a five percent chance, isn't there?” She asked between ugly sobs. “And maybe you do have a soulmate.”
 Tony who had been crying all night, felt drained. There were no tears left for him, but he still felt the full fear. He sighed. “Yes, Pep. But five percent is very low.”
 “But your soulmate-“ She tried to protest, but Tony cut her short.
 “I’m forty-two years old. What are the odds I have a soulmate who isn’t even allowed to drink?” It hurt, but he needed her to focus on the situation. There was no more room for hope, he had to decide what to do.
 “Pepper, I need you to promise me one thing.” He looked at her forcefully.
 She replied immediately. “Anything.”
 “Take care of the company in case I die, okay?”
 She started crying harder and shook her head. “You’re not gonna die.” She didn’t sound sure.
 Tony sighed. “It’s possible I’ll survive, but I have to make sure SI is in safe hands in case I don’t make it.”
 “Let’s wait for the stupid magician.” He decided. “If he doesn’t give a name, I’ll sign the company over to you.”
 Pepper accepted, even though she was still trying to convince herself he would be fine.
  She was still there, when his doctor entered the room followed by a tall, skinny man who was covered in black tattoos. Tony assumed he was the magician, what a cliché. He hated the man instantly.
 “Hello, Mr. Stark.” His doctor greeted him. “I'd like you to meet Mr. Lewis. He’s the magician I told you about.”
 Tony hid his distaste for anyone involved in magic and nodded at the man.
 “If you want the result to remain private, I have to ask your friend to leave now.” The doctor pointed at Pepper, but Tony shook his head.
 “It’s fine. She can stay if she wants to. I’d tell her anyway.” His trust made Pepper smile.
 “All right, Mr. Lewis. You can start now. Mr. Stark, I’m recording your vitals during the test.”
 The magician who had been quiet, turned to Tony after the request.
 “Good afternoon, Mr. Stark.” His voice was soft and friendly. “Let me tell you briefly what I intend to do. Your doctor gave me a sample of your blood yesterday. I will perform a small ritual to reveal the name of your soulmate. It won’t hurt much.”
 The billionaire tried to be hopeful, though he doubted he had a match. With a deep breath he dispelled the bad thoughts. “Is it a common to test for a match with magic?” Tony was proud of himself, there was no sign of sarcasm in his voice.
 “Of course not, Mr. Stark.” His doctor replied. “It’s only allowed when someone is facing death. On top of that, not everyone can to afford it.”
 Tony sighed. “Can we get it over with?”
 The tattooed man nodded and asked Tony to give him his wrist. Then he drew a symbol on the inside of his arm. He was disgusted to discover that the colour was a mixture consisting of his own blood.
 The feeling that flowed through him was strange. It was like a hundred tiny pinpricks on his skin. He shivered, not really hurt but uncomfortable. Slowly a part of his right forearm turned black, revealing a name written in intricate writing: Peter Parker.
  Tony was shocked and stared incredulously at his forearm. He had never expected to really have a soulmate. Fuck, he was bound to a child who wasn’t even allowed to drink. All those years, he had wished a name would appear on his body. Now, when he was forty-two years old, he found out that he actually had a soul mate long after he had accepted that he didn't have a partner. He waited for it to turn out to be a joke, but when he looked up he saw three bewildered faces.
 The doctor was the first to get a grip and he smiled at Tony. "Wonderful news, Mr Stark. Your chances of survival have increased dramatically in the last few minutes. Congratulations."
 Tony still couldn’t believe it and looked to Pepper for help. She understood right away. “Gentleman, would you be so kind as to leave us alone for a moment?” It was her business voice.
 Tony breathed a sigh of relief when the two man had left the room. “I really have a match.” He allowed himself a first glimmer of hope. “What am I going to do now?”
 Pepper grinned at him widely. “Tony, that’s great news. Be happy first.”
 He smiled carefully. Although he didn’t really want a soulmate who could be his son, he was relieved to know he had a better chance of survival.
 He pondered for a second before turning to Pepper. “Did I have anything with me when they brought me here? Anything that might have access to F.R.I.D.A.Y.”
 “I brought your watch. Would that work?”
 Tony smiled relieved and nodded while Pepper rummaged through her purse. After a couple of seconds, she took out his gold watch.
 “F.R.I.D.A.Y. look for a boy called Peter Parker. Limit the matches to possible soulmates.” Tony demanded. “Leave out everyone above the age of twenty-one and if there are more than one hits left, look for the one most likely to be my match.”
 “There is one Peter Parker who matches your description, Sir.” The familiar voice of his KI answered.
 “Great, give me information on him. Age, family, friends, profession.”
 Tony prayed that the boy was at least eighteen years old. It would be a scandal anyway, he could not hide his tattoo forever, but he did not want to be accused of child abuse.
 “Peter Parker is twenty years old.” Tony felt the tension of the last days taken away from him. When he looked at Pepper, she showed signs of relief in equal measure. At least his match was an adult. “He lives with his aunt in New York, Queens. His parents died when he was younger. Peter is currently pursuing a PhD in biochemical engineering at NYU.”
 Tony looked impressed. However bad the soulshit is, his soulmate and he seemed to share the same interest. That was something he could work with.
 “Anything else I should know about him?”
 It was a short pause before F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded. “Peter Parker is going to start an internship at Stark Industries next Monday.”
 Tony suppressed the urge to hit his head against the wall. Fuck, he was the boss of his soulmate.
   Peter Parker wore Anthony Stark’s name for everyone visible on his left wrist since his birth. Normally nobody was interested in a soulmark tattoo, it was a common occurrence that people have the black ink on body parts that everyone can see. Peter on the other hand tried to hide his mark as well as possible.
 The first time he had been bullied because of the tattoo was even before he had been in primary school. Not only was it unusual for a small child to have a soul mark on him (his partner had been over 21 when he still needed diapers), but the name on his wrist was Anthony Stark, billionaire and tech genius. Everyone thought Peter’s family had tattooed it there to marry him off wealthy.
 It wasn’t uncommon for parents to fake soul marks. There had been a couple of celebrity scandals where fans younger than twenty-one claimed to be the soulmate of the famous person. It turned out to be a lie when the celebrities touched the soulmarks without feeling a spark and they discovered it was just a normal tattoo. That leads to rich and famous people being more careful about soul propositions, usually waiting until their match turned twenty-one.
 Peter knew it, so he didn’t even try to contact the billionaire, he wouldn’t believe him anyway. Instead, he ignored all the stupid comments of his peers and got accustomed to wear a watch every day to cover his left wrist. The only three people who knew the truth about his tattoo were his aunt May and his best friends Ned and MJ.
 Although Peter had never met Tony Stark before, he already knew they had something in common. The love of science. While the billionaire was a successful owner of the tech company Stark Industries, Peter was studied biochemical engineering at NYU. He was almost finished, which is why he applied for a Stark Industries internship. Peter had hesitated in the beginning, afraid to work for his soulmate, but in the end it was what he really wanted. He would never meet Tony Stark anyway. Well, maybe after his twenty-first birthday.
  “Peter.” His aunt interrupted him from his thoughts. “You’ll never guess what I just got.” Peter who was sitting in the middle of his bed shrugged when she shouted from the kitchen. He hadn’t even noticed that she had come home from work.
 “What happened?” He asked as he sat down at the kitchen table with her.
 With a broad grin May, took out a letter. It was plain white, but in the upper left corner was the logo of Stark Industries.
 “Gimme.” Peter ordered and saw that she hadn’t opened it yet.
 May laughed and pushed the letter closer to him. Peter had no patience, so he tore it open.
 “Read out loud.” His aunt commanded.
 He cleared his throat playfully. “Dear Mr. Parker, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”
 May only started to groan. “Peter, stop the Harry Potter references. You’re such a nerd.”
 “All right, all right.” Peter giggled before he got serious again. “Dear Mr. Parker, Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for an Internship at Stark Industries starting Monday, the…” Peter looked at the words twice. “May, it starts in five days.”
 “Well, that’s great I guess.” She starred at him questioningly. “Monday’s not gonna be a problem for you, is it?”
 Peter thought for a second but then shook his head. “No, the semester is almost over. Won’t be a problem for me.”
 May stood up, walked around the table, and gave him a big hug. “Peter, I’m so proud of you.”
 He felt happiness bubbling in his chest. He was proud of himself, too. Knowing that one day Tony Stark will find out that he was his soulmate he wanted to achieve his goals before the billionaire did. He couldn’t stand people accusing him of being successful solely because the universe had matched him with Tony Stark. He wanted to show everyone, including the billionaire, what he was capable off.
 Maybe an internship at Stark Industries was not a symbol of independence from his soul mate, but Tony could not know anything about him yet. The tattoo of his name will be revealed on his twenty-first birthday, which was three months away. No, Peter had been accepted because of his abilities and qualifications. It was a satisfying thought.
  "Let's celebrate." May made a spontaneous decision, even though it was Thursday night and she had to work early the next morning. "How do you feel about pizza? You can call Ned and MJ and ask them over. How does a Harry Potter marathon sound?"
 Peter looked at her with big eyes. "But, May, you have to work tomorrow."
 She laughed and waved his hand off. "Don't worry about me. I'll leave you alone after the second movie so I can get some sleep."
 It didn’t take him twenty minutes to prepare for his friends’ arrival. The pizza was ordered, the couch was transformed into a blanket fort and the stack of his Harry Potter DVD’s was draped in front of the TV. The movie night could come.
Chapter 2
 When Monday came around, Tony was restless. He had been discharged from the hospital last Friday and had spent the whole weekend in the lab. Although his chances of survival were increased because of Peter Parker, there was still the risk that the surgery could go wrong. Therefor he had prepared everything necessary in case he died.
 First of all, he had instructed Pepper to destroy all his Iron Man suits in case he didn’t make it. He didn’t want the government to use them as weapons. Then he had documented his projects for Stark Industries in such a way that his company's engineers could continue his work even if he couldn't do it himself. On Sunday night he had called his lawyer to amend the will he had written a few years ago.
 During the weekend he had kept himself busy, but on Monday morning nervousness returned. He needed to talk to Peter Parker and put his future in the hands of a stranger. Death or trust. He didn't want either one.
  His mood was terrible when he started his working day. His employees avoided him; Pepper had probably warned them beforehand. He’s obnoxious when he’s having a bad day and she knew it. He carried an extra-large espresso while he went looking for her.
 Tony felt guilty and that was his biggest problem. He was never very good at dealing with guilt. He still blamed himself for selling his father’s weapons all those years and he thought he was responsible for everyone he couldn’t save during an Iron Man mission. On top of that, the divorce from Pepper was on him. Of course, they hadn’t worked out together, and there are always two people in a relationship, but it was his unwillingness to change that had led to an end. At least Pepper had tried to cope with him.
 And now, he was looking for his soulmate, who was practically a minor, just to save his own life. Tony didn’t want to involve more people in his mess and definitely not in Peter-college-student-Parker who wasn’t even allowed to drink. There was no other choice, but he swore to himself that he would keep his hands of the boy until he was twenty-one. He was convinced that it couldn’t be so hard to keep it in his pants.
  Trying to keep himself together, Tony knocked on Pepper’s office door. It used to be his office before he made her CEO.
 “Hi, Peps.” He greeted her with a fake smile on his face. “How’s the plan for today?”
 Pepper sat behind her metal desk and looked up from a pile of documents as he opened the door. “Tony, good to see you. You’re not even late. Everything ok?”
 “Never better.” Tony lied and sprawled himself on a chair opposite her. He took a big sip of his extra-large espresso and enjoyed the triple shot caffeine. Closing his eyes to savour the taste Tony put his legs up on her desk. She looked at him reproachfully but didn’t say a word.
 “Are you even allowed to drink that much caffeine? Not that it worsens your… condition.” She sounded truly worried.
 Tony snorted. It was an unspoken order not to mention his health and mostly Pepper and Rhodey complied with his request. Seemed that he couldn’t always be so lucky.
 “Peps, dear.” Even Pepper understood that his cheerily voice was fake. “I’m dying of plutonium poisoning, not caffeine.”
 She slapped her hand on her desk and the sudden sound made him jump. “You are not going to die.”
 Tony raised his hands defensively to calm her down. “Ok, ok. Just kidding. I’m not gonna die.”
 She looked at him, anger written on her face. “This is not a subject for jokes.” A few seconds later she started crying, rage completely forgotten. “I’m sorry, Tony. I didn’t want to lose my temper. I’m just worried, all right?”
 Tony got up, walked around the table and took her in his arms. She clung to him as if he would vanish in the next few seconds. “I care for you, Peps. And I’m not planning on dying anytime soon, all right?”
 She nodded, took a deep breath and composed herself. “Tony, Peter will be arriving any moment for his internship. I will head him off and bring him to one of the conference rooms. You can just wait for him there.”
 The mention of the boy soured his mood a bit, but he knew he couldn’t avoid Peter. “All right. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.”
 Pepper smiled encouragingly before she left him alone with his thoughts.
  Waiting for Peter Parker turned out to be one of the most uncomfortable situations of his life. If there was one thing Tony was afraid of, it was his thoughts, and when he was alone in the room, he had plenty of time to give in to them. He started to go crazy until a knock tore him from his thoughts.
 “Come in.”
 The door opened to reveal a vision of a boy stumbling into the room. Tony had seen many beautiful people in his life. He had dated a whole line of up-and-coming models. You'd think he'd seen everything, but nothing could have prepared him for Peter Parker.
 The photo of Peter on his driver's license that Tony had seen because of F.R.I.D.A.Y. didn’t do him justice. The boy was gorgeous. Milky white skin, high cheekbones and plump lips people would murder for. His brown hair was curly, and his brown eyes looked as if he was a reincarnation of Bambi himself. Tony was enchanted.
 The boy was wearing fitting dress pants and a white shirt, suitably dressed for an internship. Tony unconsciously licked his lips. The shirt emphasized Peter’s slim waist and broad shoulders and the pants did nothing to hide his muscular tights. To the billionaire, he looked like a boy straight out of his wet dreams. Shit, so much for keeping out the inappropriate thoughts until his soul mate turns twenty-one. Just great.
 “Good morning, I’m Tony Stark. Pleased to meet you.” Tony couldn’t smother the flirtatious undertone. He moved a few steps closer to the boy and hold out his hand.
 Peter stared at him somewhat confused and did not move for an uncomfortable period of time. His innocent eyes were huge, taking in Tony’s appearance. Luckily, the billionaire wore one of his best tailored suits. He couldn’t stop the warm feeling spreading inside him when the boy looked him over.
 After a few heartbeats Peter realized that he was supposed to shake the outstretched hand and he started to blush. Tony grinned smugly; the boy was wonderful.
 “I’m sorry M-Mister Stark, Sir. My name is Peter Parker.” His voice was trembling, and he squeezed Tony’s hand slightly.
 Nobody could have prepared the billionaire for this innocent touch. As soon as his fingers brushed against Peters, he felt a pleasant shiver run down his spine and his hand started to tingle. On top of that, he noticed a faint spark of arousal that startled him a little. How could a simple touch cause such feelings in him? Tony could tell by Peter’s hazy eyes that the boy felt the same.
 Tony quickly pulled back his hand, taking a deep breath to get a grip on himself. He remembered the boy’s age and the upcoming surgery. It was no time for him to lust after Peter.
 “Mr. Parker, nice to meet you. Mrs. Potts picked you up in the lobby?”
 Peter nodded, still with a confused look on his face.
 “And did she tell you why I wanted to talk to you?” Tony prayed she had already told the boy part of it, but according to Peter’s questioning face, she hadn’t.
 “No, Sir.” The boy replied overwhelmed.
 Tony took off his suit coat leaving Peter with mixed feelings of confusion and arousal. He saw Peter’s gaze linger on his chest where his shirt was stretched across his muscles. The marvellous starring made it difficult for Tony to focus on the conversation.
 Tony fixed his gaze on Peter while he was rolling up his sleeves, revealing his tattoo to the younger man. He could see how shocked Peter was as his eyes moved across his exposed forearm.
 “How is this possible.” Peter asked confused. “I’m not twenty-one yet. You shouldn’t be able to see it.”
 The boy came closer, slightly tracking his name with his fingers. Tony shuddered and clenched his hands into fists. Every touch of his soulmate set of a wave of arousal running straight to his neglected cock. The billionaire felt it stir in his pants and he bit his tongue to regain his control.
 The boy seemed to share his feelings, Tony could see his dilated pupils, drowning his brown eyes in black. He pulled his arm back abruptly. When Peter realized what he’d done, he blushed a deep red and stumbled an apology.
 Tony tried to distract himself from the sexual tension by focusing on explaining his tattoo. “Have you ever heard about magicians revealing soul marks?”
 The boy watched him expectantly. “Yes, it’s possible, but really expensive.”
 Tony nodded affirmative. “Well, there was an incident that forced me to look for a potential soulmate.”
 “An incident?”
 Tony cleared his throat. He didn’t want to tell the boy everything about his dizzy spell, but he had no choice. He leaned against conference desk and crossed his arms as a barrier between the boy and himself.
 “A few days ago, I passed out in my lab. Turned out I have a few problems with my arch reactor.” He unconsciously touched the middle of his chest. “Well, there’s no other way but surgery to remove the metal from my body that’s wandering towards my heart. Unfortunately, the chances of survival are slim unless I have a soulmate who’ll keep me company during the surgery.”
 Peter was at a loss for words. He was gaping at Tony like a fish and if Tony wasn’t so afraid of rejection, he would have called it cute. “Does that mean you could die?”
 Tony shrugged. “Possible, but unlikely when you stick by my side.” The billionaire sighed, swallowing his pride. “Peter, I’m really sorry to ask this of you, but there is no other choice.”
 Peters eyes widen before his face turned determined. He threw himself into Tony’s arm, clinging to him like an octopus. None of them noticed that a hug between them might be weird, considering they haven’t even met before today. “Of course, I’ll help you. I've waited all my life for this. Your tattoo was on my skin since birth.”
 Tony flinched at the words, reminded how young the boy was, but soon his emotions were taken over by relief. He relaxed in the embrace and began unconsciously stroking the boy's back. With Peter's help, his survival would be very likely.
 Tony rested his chin on Peter’s head, the gesture way too familiar for two people who had just met, but none of them cared. Tony felt as if gravity was pulling him towards Peter. He buried his nose in Peter’s curly hair, enjoying the sweet smell of the younger man. It made him dizzy with want.
 The boy pulled back a few inches from the hug and tried not to look at Tony. “I’m sorry, Mister Stark. I shouldn’t hug you like this. I just can’t control myself around you.” Shame was written all over his face.
 Though Tony knew he should leave it at that, he grabbed the boy’s chin forcing Pete to look into his eyes. “Shh, Pete. I guess, you feel it too. No need to run from me, my sweet boy.”
 Peters eyelid fluttered due to the pet name and a small moan escaped his pink lips. Tony couldn’t resist glaring at them. They looked pink and luscious and Tony lifted a hand caressing the lower lip with his thumps. They felt wet, probably from Peter licking his lips because of his nervousness. His cock twitched from the delicious sight.
 Slowly he pressed his fingertip into the wet heat, causing the boy to whimper his name. “Mr. Stark, please.” The boy didn’t even know what he was pleading for.
 Tony growled and lost his patience. He buried his other hand into the boy’s curls, tugging him closer until the smaller body touched his. Then he forced Peter’s head back and pressed his lips against the younger ones.
 He couldn’t stop the deep moan at the contact, swallowed by the boy’s mouth. Tony hadn’t believed in the soul shit before, making fun of all the shitty romance novels and the descriptions of the loss of control. But here he was, kissing a barely legal boy, unable to think about anything else than the wet hot mouth. His body was no longer listening to his command.
 Tony intensified the kiss greedily, sucking and nipping on Peter’s plumb lips until the boy moaned. When the boy’s lips parted, Tony sneaked a tongue inside. He explored Peter’s mouth inch by inch, caressing the boy’s tongue and encouraging him to kiss back.
 Peter wrapped his arms around Tony’s neck, leaning into the older man for support. He started to move his lips, kissing the billionaire back. Tony enjoyed all the small noises the boy made. He whimpered when Tony moved his lips and moan when their tongues touched. Peter was a vision straight out of Tony’s wet dreams, a responsive little minx.
 Tony wanted to bend the boy over the conference table, rip of his pants and burry himself in that tight little ass. He imagined how wrecked the boy would look, how he would take Tony’s cock and suck him in, clenching when he reached his climax. He had never felt so out of control, barely able to stop himself from fucking the boy in a room that wasn’t even locked.
 Tony pulled back from the kiss, lips wandering lower to suck bruises on the boy’s neck. He felt a possessive urge building up inside him, wanting to see more of his marks on the boy’s body additionally to his tattoo. Peter moaned as he sucked and offered his throat to him. It was tempting to lose himself inside the boy, getting Peter to call him daddy when he split him open with his cock.
  At first Tony didn’t notice when Peter started to move. He was too busy marking his skin to pay attention to the rest of the boy’s body. But when something hard was pressed against his legs, he saw Peter rubbing himself all over him. The boy was marvellous trapped in his arousal, his shyness long forgotten. The boy only listened to his instincts and soothed the pain in his middle by seeking friction from him.
 Tony pressed his leg against Peter’s clothed dick, giving him more room to satisfy his needs. He felt his own cock hardening in his jeans. Peter’s head had fallen back, his throat bared to invite Tony to leave more marks. He couldn’t resist.
 As the boy’s breath quickened up, he knew Peter was getting close. Although he enjoyed their little encounter, he was way too old to come from a little bit of friction. As alluring as Peter was, year of experience helped him to hold himself together.
 Peter, however, didn’t seem to heave much stamina. Tony needed to admit that he liked that his baby boy could come from rubbing against his leg. His effect on the boy was flattering. Peter’s movements became more and more uncoordinated as he came closer to the end and Tony grabbed his hips to prevent the boy from falling.
 After a long stroke, Peter cried out, his whole body tensed. He shook uncontrollably, slumping against Tony’s body with a content smile on his face. Tony watched the boy falling apart under his hands, looking perfect while he came. His cheeks were red, eyes blissfully closed, and his mouth formed a perfect o. He wanted to keep him in his bed forever.
 When the boy had clamed down, the billionaire kissed him on his forehead and helped him to sit down on a chair. His own erection hurt, but he ignored it. Peter grimaced when he felt how sticky his pants were.
 There was silence between them, only disturbed by Peter’s fast breathing. As the boy came down from his height, Tony’s remorse returned. Fuck, not only had he made out like a teenager at work, he had even taken advantage of his barely legal soulmate. Pepper would kill him.
 He felt the guilt returning, consuming him as it always did. The familar panic rose in him, leaving him with a sudden urge to leave. What had he done to Peter, to the sweet innocent boy? Only the fact that he hadn’t come or bend the boy over made it a little bit better. At least he hadn’t crossed the last line.
 He could not look Peter in the eye during his next words. “Mister Parker, I’m deeply sorry for my behaviour.” He saw the boy flinched out of the corner of his eye.
 “I’m really sorry, but I have to go. Work.” His voice sounded cheerful although he felt like crying. The excuse was horrible. “I’ll contact you about the surgery.”
 And then Tony left the room, still struggling with a hard one, and leaving a hurt boy behind. He really was a monster.
  His day had actually started quiet well before everything went south. May had woken him with a large cup of coffee, nothing better to start the day with. He had woken up early so there was plenty of time left to get ready unhurriedly.
 The subway had been on time, and twenty minutes early Peter had entered the Stark tower. The letter told him to report to the reception when he arrived. The secretary had called someone, leaving Peter to wait on a comfortable couch in the lobby.
 Ten minutes later, a beautiful blonde woman had approached him, and he had recognized her as Pepper Potts, CEO of Stark Industries and Tony Stark’s ex-wife. He had unconsciously straightened his back. Surely, she wasn’t here to pick him up, that would be highly uncommon for someone in a position like hers, but she had walked over to him and had hold out her hand. She had told him something about a meeting that had left him deeply confused and had ordered him to follow her.
 Peter had been completely overwhelmed, following her like a biddy until they had reached a double wing door. Then she had knocked and left him alone, standing in an unknown building without a clue about what was going on.
 When an oddly familiar voice had told him to enter, he had stumbled into the room, greeted by the sight of Tony Stark, billionaire, sexgod and his soulmate. He had gaped like a fish, unable to form words and overwhelmed with attraction for the man.
 Before he knew it, he was confronted with Mr. Stark’s potential death and his own mind breaking arousal. His personal highlight of embarrassment had been him rubbing himself all over the billionaire until he had come in his own pants, leaving them sticky with his release. And then Mister Stark had left him alone in the room, probably disgusted by his slutty behaviour.
  Here he was now, sitting in an empty conference room with ruined pants and no clue how to get back to the lobby. He couldn’t stop the tears spilling from his eyes and he sniffled slightly. How could a day start so well and end so horrible?
 He wrapped his arms around his legs and rested his chin on them feeling like a small child. The only thing he wanted right now was going back to his bed, but he was trapped here on the first day of his internship.
  A knock on the door ripped him out of his thoughts. He looked up just in time to see Mrs. Potts opening the door.
 “Tony, Mr. Parker?” She asked, entering the room and her gaze fell on the lonely boy crouched on the chair.
 She sighed and closed her eyes at the sight of him, taking a deep breath before her face was filled with pity. “Mr. Parker, can I call you Peter?”
 He could only nod.
 “Let me guess, the conversation with Tony wasn’t that good.” She handled the situation as if it wasn’t the first of it’s kind. “He was an idiot, right?”
 Peter looked at her with wide eyes, but he relaxed a bit. “Well, yeah.” His voice was hoarse from crying.
 “Don’t take everything the man tells you serious, Peter. Tony has a good heart, but he makes terrible decision. Did he explain you the situation with your soulmarks?”
 Peter starred at her in surprise. He didn’t expect her to know about the shared tattoos but being the CEO of his company and his ex-wife, she was probably informed about what was going on.
 “I’m glad he has a soulmate, even though you’re much younger than he is. Aside from the surgery, he deserves to be happy. But I could hit his head seeing him fucking it up again.” She looked him straight in the eye. "Peter, Tony is a complicated man, he's consumed with guilt. He doesn't like that you're so young, but it's not about you, it's about your age. You understand that?"
 He raised his head and smiled at her, relieved that Tony’s doubts weren’t about his behaviour. When he spoke, his voice was soft. “I understand Mrs. Potts. Don’t worry, I’ll help with the surgery. I also understand that I’m very young compared to him which is one reason why I’ve never reached out with my tattoo. I’m willing to keep up with him, but I’m also a human being. I don’t want to deal with rejection. Apart from the surgery, he can contact me when he feels ready.”
 She smiled at him after his words. “Peter, you seem like a good young man with a lot of patience. Maybe you’re exactly what he needs. You can go home today if you want. Your internship can start tomorrow. And besides, call me Pepper.”
 “Thank you, Pepper. I’d really like to go back home.”
 She smiled and walked him back to the lobby. She even called a cab so he didn’t have to take the subway.
 After a shower to clean the mess in his pants, Peter was restless and didn’t know what to do. He flipped onto his bed trying to get work done for his PhD, but he couldn’t focus on the equations. His mind seemed to wander back to the events of the day. Although he knew now that Mr. Stark’s behaviour was caused by his own guilt, he was still a little embarrassed by his own behaviour.
 He had jumped the man as soon as possible, couldn’t resist the temptation. The feelings had been intense, way stronger than anything he had felt when experimenting with a couple of college boys. Mr. Stark hadn’t even touched him under his clothes, and he had already messed up his boxers. He blushed at the memory and felt the familiar feeling of arousal rising, but he gripped the base of his cock, willing the erection down. Although his body didn’t seem to listen to him, he was still hurt from the man’s rejection and didn’t want to give in to the pleasant feelings.
 Instead, he picked up his phone and called MJ and Ned via video chat. He could at least get rid of all the anger by talking about it with his best friends.
  They both picked up after the second ringing.
 “Hey Pete, what’s up?” Ned answered first, laying on his bed just like Peter. His phone was on his desk, showing Ned’s bed and his wall, which was full of the familiar Iron Man posters. Today, it made Peter cringe.
 “Shouldn’t you be at your internship?” MJ was sitting at her favourite coffeeshop, phone probably leaning against an empty cup. She had her headphones plugged in.
 “Well, Pepper Potts send me home.” Peter answered casually.
 There was a second of silence before his best friends started talking at the same time. “She did what?” MJ shouted, while Ned responded dreamily. “You met Pepper Potts, like the real Pepper Potts?”
 “OMG, Ned. I can’t believe it.” MJ sounded angry and in the background of her video, Peter saw a costumer in the coffee shop turning his head towards her. MJ didn’t care about the angry looks. “She is his soulmate’s ex-wife. Don’t worship her.”
 “But she’s hot.” Ned answered defensively which made MJ groan.
 “Ned, she is like a hundred years older than you.” Now all the heads in the coffee shop were turned to MJ.
 “She can still be hot, though.” Ned whined. “Besides. Tony Stark is older than her and you don’t complain about the age difference between Peter and him, either.”
 MJ took a deep breath, clearly calming herself. “First of all, Ned, he is Peter’s soulmate. That’s something else. And second, Peter is at least not fantasizing about him.”
 “About that.” Peter interrupted their bickering. “I might have made out with him today.”
 Ned gasped loudly while MJ slammed her head on the table.
 “You can't just drop something like that casually.” MJ complained. “I need details, like now.”
 Peter needed a second, not sure how to explain the mess of today. “Pepper Potts picked me up in the lobby today and walked me to a conference room. Mr. Stark was waiting for me. He had my tattoo on his forearm.”
 His best friends looked at him confused. “How is that possible.” Ned asked. “You’re not twenty-one yet.”
 Peter swallowed. “Have you ever heard about magicians revealing soulmarks?”
 He looked at his friends expectantly, but both shook their head. The concept wasn’t very common. “Under certain circumstances a magician is legally permitted to reveal a tattoo earlier.”
 “Which circumstances?” She seemed to have a hunch about the situation, looking at Peter as if she wouldn’t like the answer.
 “Death.” Peter answered shortly. “He needs a surgery to remove the metal from his chest. Something about his arc tech not functioning properly anymore. And without a soulmate who strengthen his condition, he might die.”
 His friends were unusual silent after he revealed everything and looked at him concerned. “But he’l make it with your help, won’t he?” Ned asked.
 Peter shrugged. “I think so, but we haven’t talked about it much.”
 “Busy with something else?” MJ scoffed, smiling at him filthy.
 Peter blushed violently and hid his face in his pillow. Why are his friends so embarrassing? “I wasn’t like that.” He explained himself before he really thought about the situation. “Well, okay. I was, but that's not why we didn't talk to each other.” It sounded like a lame excuse.
 “Of course, Pete.” MJ talked to him like a child, sarcasm dripping from her voice. “Tell me, how far did you go?”
 “I might have creamed my pants.” Peter admitted quietly.
 MJ were laughing so hard that tears were streaming from her eyes. Peter heard someone asking her to be a little bit quieter, but she ignored the man, too captured in mocking Peter. Ned, on the other hand, looked slightly nauseous.
 “Pete, please.” He groaned. “Don’t tell me about this.”
 “Stop being such a prude.” MJ bickered. “You’re no better with Pepper Potts.”
 “I didn’t bang her, though.” Ned looked outraged, but Peter knew it was just for show. He was used to that kind of behaviour from his friends.
 “Only because you couldn’t.” MJ was joking. Even though Ned tried to keep up the façade, after a few seconds he stated smiling too.
 “You still didn’t tell us why you didn’t talk with him.” Ned asked curiously.
  Peters mood sank. His friends were good at cheering him up and he clearly needed advice from them on how to handle the situation, but Mr. Stark’s actions had hurt him. His friends could tell something was wrong because they were quiet once.
 “He might have left immediately after I’ve rubbed myself all over him.” Peter confessed quietly.
 “He did what?” MJ fumed.
 “After I…, well you know… Let’s say when I was done, he apologized and left. Some lame excuse about work. He didn’t explain anything, didn’t tell me how to contact him, he didn’t even look at me. He just left me sitting alone in an empty conference room. He hadn't even come yet.”
 In the end, his voice became more and more quiet. He could no longer look at his phone, busy drawing patterns with his fingers on his bed to keep his emotions in check. He fought against the tears which threatened to fall.
 “Pete, I’m sorry.” MJ said softly. “Do you know why he left?”
 Peter sniffed. “I talked to Pepper afterwards. She said Tony felt guilty about me being so young. He wouldn’t have contacted me if his life wasn’t on the line.” He took a short break to get his thoughts in order. “It’s just…, I don’t care that much about the soulstuff myself. I don’t want him to marry me or change his whole life. It was just… so intense. All I want is to get to know him and not being tolerated to save his life.”
 “I understand you. It sucks.” Ned had never been very good in cheering up. Still, Peter smiled a little.
 MJ seemed to be thinking about something, tapping her fingers on the coffee table and choosing her words carefully. “Peter, I’ll only tell you this once, before I continue insulting Tony Stark. It’s obvious his life hadn’t been easy and someone must force the man to be happy. Wait for the surgery to be over, wait until he's no longer afraid for his life. And then fight.”
 Peter looked at her confused. “You think so?”
 She sighed, took a big sip of her coffee and started to explain again. “Let him first think you're angry with him, prove to him you don't worship him like the rest of the world. After that, show him what he’s missing. And when you have him trapped in his feelings, force him to talk. Explain your feelings but let him explain his too. Just don’t give up your one perfect match only because he’s an ass.”
 Peter was silent. MJ was rarely so serious and her words had reached him. Was Tony Stark worth it? Of course, the man was intelligent and handsome, but was it enough? Was he willing to find out if it would be enough?
 “I’m not sure I want to fight.” Peter confessed. He wasn’t sure if he and Mr. Stark were a perfect match, they were living in different worlds.
 Unusually, it was Ned who finished the discussion. “I guess it’s on you to find that out.”
  A few hours later, when Peter tried to fall asleep, he decided that it would be worth it. It might go wrong, but he would always regret not having tried. His uncle's death had taught him one thing: Never miss an opportunity.
Chapter 3
 A week later, Peter was sitting in a private jet on his way to Switzerland. He had never left the country before, and it was the first time he had ever travelled by plane. His uncle Ben had died a few years ago and even before that, they hadn’t had enough money for vacation. He’d always thought his first flight would go to Mexico after he got his PhD and saved some money. He would have bought a cheap economy seat and would have probably been seated next to a family with children crying the whole time.
 What he hadn’t expected was him flying with Tony Stark’s private jet to a hospital in Switzerland before his twenty-first birthday. Pepper had told him that the best surgeons in the world were working in Europe and that they would therefore have to leave the country. She accompanied him during the flight, while Tony had already left a few days earlier. He had to be prepared for the surgery.
 Peter hadn’t seen Mr. Stark since the incident in the conference room, and he really tried not to get upset about it. The billionaire was avoiding him, but it was the wrong time to call him out on it. Peter promised himself to keep his emotion in check until after surgery.
 Pepper, on the other hand, had spent a lot of time with him. She had called him into her office almost everyday after the internship to talk about Tony. She had explained his actions once again, told Peter everything about the upcoming surgery and tried to get to know him better. She had asked him about his intentions with Mr. Stark, and he had told her all about his decision to fight.
 “I’m glad to hear that, Peter.” She had said smiling. “He deserves to be happy, although he’ll do anything to sabotage himself. Not many people in his life have tried to fight for him. Prepare yourself for a draining battle.”
 He had just nodded and promised to be as patient as possible.
  “What are you thinking about?” Pepper Potts, object of his thoughts interrupted him from those.
 He blinked and looked at her. “Just thinking about all the luxury.” He lied. “I’m not used to it; it makes me feel uncomfortable.” It's true he wasn't very fond of the display of money, but he was more concerned about the situation with Mr Stark.
 Yes, Tony had been a dick, but he was still Peter’s soulmate. Additionally, he was also a superhero who had saved a million lives, not only as Iron Man, but also with his clean energy. It was Peter's duty to save him and he was afraid that his presence would not be enough. There was still a small chance that he would die.
 Pepper had no clue what he was really thinking about. “Peter, you need to get used to the luxury. If he ever opens up to you, he'll spoil you terribly. Tony's way of showing his love is money and gifts.”
 Peter just shrugged at the thought. Having grown up without much money, he was uncomfortable with expensive gifts. “But to start everything with a flight to Europe, my first flight by the way, where I know nothing more about Tony than that he is in mortal danger is a bit much, don't you think?”
 Pepper only laughed. “With Tony Stark everything will be much. Sometimes you won’t know whether to punch him or hug him.”
 Peter grinned too and banished the bad thoughts from his mind. Maybe he should just enjoy the luxury and be optimistic.
  They arrived late in the afternoon, and a limousine picked him and Pepper up. They drove to an expensive-looking hotel, five stars of course. The lobby was designed in a marble look, with black curtains next to the windows. The stuff was dressed in shiny suits and even the guests wore fancy clothes. Peter felt uncomfortable in his plaid shirt and his worn out converse. He certainly stood out.
 Pepper smiled encouragingly at him and led him to the reception. A minute later he was holding a black card in his hands, probably the key to his room. She walked ahead and led him to the other end of the lobby towards the elevators.  
 “Guten Tag, darf ich Ihnen ihr Gepäck abnehmen?“ A pageboy approached them halfway and said something in German. Peter didn’t understand a word.
 “I am sorry, Sir. May I take your bags?” The man repeated and Peter gave him his suitcase with a grateful smile. He thanked him and Pepper tipped the pageboy. He’d never been to a hotel where he didn’t have to carry his own luggage. To be fair, he had never been in a hotel before, except for a school trip a few years ago.
 After the elevator door closed behind them, Pepper picked up a conversation. “Peter, the surgery is tomorrow morning. Happy will pick you up at seven am to drive you to the hospital.” Peter confirmed with a nod that he understood. “Do you want to eat dinner together?”
 He thought about it but shook his head after a few seconds. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Potts, but I’d like to go to bed early. Can I order something up to my room?” He was tired from the long flight, and the only thing he wanted to do before he went to bed was call MJ and Ned and tell them everything.
 “Of course.” Pepper replied. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” She smiled at him the last time before she left the elevator on her floor.
 When Peter entered his room, a big and fancy one of course, he couldn’t really appreciate it. Even though the bathroom looked like the cover of an interior design magazine, and the television was twenty times bigger than the one May had at home, the only thing he was interested in at the moment was the bed. He managed a quick call to MJ, Ned and May, but he fell asleep before he could call the room service.
 Peter felt anxious when he entered the hospital the next morning. It didn’t look like any hospitals he’d ever been to before. Everything looked more expensive, but also more comfortable. Instead of the typical white walls, the halls were painted in a warm beige and plants made it look livelier. The smell, however, was the same.
 He didn't even have time to look around properly until a man in a white coat approached him.
  “Good morning, Mr. Parker. I’m Mr. Stark’s personal doctor. If you would be so kind as to follow me.”
 Peter didn't have time to answer anything or he wouldn't have been able to keep up with the doctor. As they left the lobby and turned into a less crowded corridor, the man slowed down.
 He smiled warmly at Peter. “I apologize for the hectic greeting. Mr. Stark asked me to keep his condition under wraps. I didn't want to risk having other patients listen to us.”
 It made sense, of course. Even though Peter wasn’t very interested in business, he knew what a life-threatening illness of Mr. Stark could do to SI’s stock prices. On top of that, the billionaire probably didn’t want to deal with the media.
 “It’s all right.” He assured the doctor. “Can you tell me what I can do today?”
 The man turned right at the end of the corridor and instructed Peter to follow him through a door. They entered an office and the doctor offered him a seat. In the middle of the room there was a big wooden desk and when the doctor took a seat behind it, Peter felt as if he was back in school talking to the principal about his absence in class. He had skipped school a few times after Ben had died.
 “Peter, I need to tell you something about Mr. Stark’s condition. Are you familiar with arc technology?” Peter nodded, he had heard a lot about it during his studies, though he had never had enough money for plutonium to build one himself. “Tony has metal splitter in his chest that are wandering to his heart. The arc reactor works like an electromagnet, holding the metal in place. Unfortunately, the plutonium is poisoning his blood and we have to remove the arc reactor.”
 Peter was shocked. He knew Mr. Stark’s life depended on the tech in his chest, but he hadn’t known anything about plutonium poisoning his blood. He knew from his studies how dangerous the substance can be. Additionally, switching off the electromagnet would kill the man too. “But then the metal will wander to his heart again.” He concluded, fear in his voice.
 “That is correct, which is why we must perform the operation. We want to finally remove the metal. We're going to cut open his chest under an electromagnet and remove the shards. But the operation will be exhausting for his body. And that's where you come in. A side effect of soulbonds is the power one soulmate can give to another. You can imagine that not only Tony's soul, but your soul bound him to life.” The doctor remained calm when he explained the problem to Peter and he was grateful for the professionalism. Peter had to stay focused, he needed to understand what he could do for Mr. Stark and he was on the verge of losing it.
 Even though Peter wasn’t very fond of magic, the doctor’s explanations made sense, well, at least a little bit. He hated not understanding things and magic was definitely part of that. But binding Mr. Stark to live, well, that was something he was truly grateful for. Everyone knew what the billionaire had been through in Afghanistan and what he sacrificed for being Iron Man, Peter just wanted to give something back.
 "If a person's life can be bound to two souls, why can soulmates die when the other is still alive".
 It took the doctor a second to answer. "First of all, if someone is really dead, no soul-bound being in the world can bring him back or stop death. You can only give the body a little bit of strength to endure strain longer. If someone is stabbed or a disease kills him, a soul mate cannot do anything. And if soulmates have never met before, even their presence cannot save the other. There must be a connection between the two".
 Peter felt himself getting cold. Shit, there needs to be a bond? But Tony and he didn’t have a bond! He felt the fear rising in him. “You need to stop the surgery.” Peter pleaded. “We didn’t initiate a bond.”
 The doctor laughed, reached out and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him. “Peter, can you show me your tattoo?” Peter was confused for a second, what did his tattoo had to do with this? But he still nodded and exposed his wrist to the man’s touch. “Do you notice any differences?”
 Peter stared intently at his tattoo. It was familiar to him, a part of him that he had worn since birth. But once he paid attention, he noticed that the lines of the name were thicker than before.
 “It’s thicker, isn’t it?” The doctor asked. “A bond is formed when soulmates touch each other. It can be a sexual touch, or a friendly one. t's the intention of the couple that counts. If they truly want each other, a bond is formed. It doesn’t matter if the feeling is sexual or loving.”
 Peter blushed. He remembered how much he had wanted Mr. Stark, his fingers on his body, his lips everywhere. His thoughts stopped for a second. If the bond was formed successfully, Mr. Stark must have wanted him too.
 “Can a soulbond c-create…” He stammered shamefully. “Can a soulbond cause a-arousal?”
 The doctor knowingly laughed and winked at him. “It can increase the pleasure, but it cannot create feeling that weren’t there before.”
 Peter swallowed, relieved that Mr. Stark seemed to find him arousing, but also ashamed by his own behaviour. The had blamed the bond for his shamelessness, but apparently it was on him.
 He tried to change the topic. “What happens after a bond is formed?”
 The doctor looked at him forcefully. “Peter don’t be afraid. I know how Mr. Star is. If one of you decides to stay away from the other, it won’t be painful. There are other people out there, other good matches. It's just never gonna be as perfect as the soul bond.”
 Peter took a deep breath. He wanted to fight for Mr. Stark, wanted to fight for the privilege of keeping him happy. But if the billionaire truly didn’t want him, he could stay away.
 The doctor took one look on his watch and stood up. “I’m sorry, Peter. I have to cut the conversation short. It’s time. If you would be so kind as to follow me?”
 Peter's nervousness came back with a vengeance. Now it was time to fight for Tony Stark's life.
  The second time Tony woke up in a hospital, he was not alone again. This time only Pepper was sitting next to his bed and it wasn’t bright but dark outside. The felt a dull arch in his chest and tried to touch it gently. A heavy bandage was wrapped around his torso, making it difficult to breath. He assumed he was on heavy painkillers because he didn’t feel as if he had been cut open just before.
 Tony didn’t remember much about the day. The doctors had knocked him out in the morning and after that everything was black except for a faint memory of a beautiful boy. Had he dreamed about Peter?
 “Tony, you’re awake.” Pepper shone at him. “I’m so happy everything’s fine. You’re going to be okay, no need to give me Stark Industries.”
 He sighed in relieve. He’ll be okay, he’ll live, and the first time in years he didn’t have to worry about the metal in his body. The only unsolved problem was Peter.
 “Have I been awake before?” He asked curiously and Pepper nodded. “I remember Peter sitting next to me and holding my hand. Was it a dream?”
 Pepper looked pitifully at him and took his hand. “Oh Tony, yes, he was here when you first woke up. Guess you don't remember much since you were still recovering from the anaesthetic."
 He swallowed heavily. Hopefully, he didn’t say anything he’ll regret now. “Did I… did I say anything to him?”
 “No, Tony, you didn’t. You didn’t talk at all. Yet Peter is out there, waiting for you to wake up. Give him a chance and let him talk to you. Let him see you’re fine.” She pulled the chair closer to his bed and looked at him vividly. “You’ll like the boy. He is not only handsome but intelligent. You have so much in common. Don’t let yourself be unhappy again.”
 Tony couldn’t look at her. How could he give the boy a chance? There are a million better man out there, better matches for Peter. He didn’t want to tie the boy to an old man like him. “Pepper, he isn’t ever allowed to drink.”
 “Then wait for him.” Her voice got frustrated. “He’ll be twenty-one in three months.”
 He closed his eyes, guilt and desire battling inside him. He wanted to get to know the boy, but he didn’t want to load all his problems on someone else’s shoulders.
 “He is so young Pepper.” His last doubts were coming to the surface.
 “Peter is young but clever, Tony.” Pepper replied fiercely. “He is a gentle soul who wouldn’t even take your money. He wanted to pay for his own hotel, a small one near the hospital.” She laughed bitterly. “Tony, he wanted nothing in return for saving your life. Yes, you’ve made mistakes in the past, but it’s time to let go. Just try to be happy for once, okay? Peter is perfect for you.”
 Tony pondered, knowing he would be gone on the boy if he decided to let him in. Peter was so innocent but beautiful. He wanted to challenge the young man, see if he could keep up with him in the lab. He wanted to hold him, protect him from life. And he wanted to bend him over his work desk and fuck him until he screamed Tony’s name.
 You know what, fuck it. Fuck anyone who’d think Peter is too young, fuck the media and the moralists. He wanted to be happy, he didn’t want to be alone anymore. He promised himself to protect the boy and to spoil him rotten. He would keep him in his arms and buy him everything he would ever want. He will listen to the soulshit for once, maybe Peter really was the right one for him.
 “Okay, let him in.” His voice was hoarse but determined.
 Pepper smiled brightly and pressed a kiss on his forehead. “I’m so happy, Tony. You won’t regret it.”
 Then she left the room to call the boy and leave them alone.
   Peter looked insecure, almost scared, when he entered the room. He was even more beautiful than Tony remembered. Although he looked tired as if he hadn’t gotten enough sleep the night before, Tony had never seen someone more beautiful, more tempting.
 Peter stopped in the middle on the room, unsure if he could sit down of if the billionaire would throw him out soon. Tony winced at the sight, he had really fucked up.
 “Peter, you can sit down if you want.” Tony soothed the boy and pointed to the chair next to his bed. Peter smiled carefully and took the seat. He was closer to Tony than the billionaire would have liked, it was just so difficult to concentrate while he was near the boy. He smelled the faint vanilla note of Peter’s scent and the only thing preventing him from getting aroused again was the slight pain in his chest.
 “Mr Stark, how are you?” The boy asked cheerfully. Tony could see that the boy was happy about him being awake and well.
 “I’m fine. My chest still hurts a little, but I’m sure it’ll heal.”
 The boy smiled at him so brightly that Tony felt as if he was looking at the sun. Being happy, Peter looked like a vision. Tony didn’t have much brightness in his life, and he was determined to hold on tight.
 “Peter.” Tony looked intensely at the boy and took his hand, making sure he was listening. “I am truly sorry for our first encounter. I didn’t mean to throw myself at you. You are so young, it’s better if we keep our distance for a while.”
 The moment he saw Peter’s hurt face, he knew he’d chosen the wrong words. The boy pulled back his hand, attempting to get up and leave the room. “It’s alright, Mr. Stark.” The boy tried to get a grip on himself, but Tony could see the first tears falling. “I get it, I’m just happy you’re fine.”
 Peter’s sadness broke Tony’s heart and he grabbed his arm before he could walk away. “Wait, Pete.” He pleaded. “I’ve said it all wrong. I didn’t mean to take advantage of you or get in your pants, but I want to get to know you better. Let’s just try to keep our pants on.”
 Peter starred at him with a mixture of relief and frustration on his face. “You mean as friends?”
 Tony laughed bitterly. “God Peter, no. Even if I tried, I couldn’t stop myself. You're so alluring, every second I see you, I want to fuck you senseless.” The boy blushed under his blatant words. “I just want to get to know you better first, is that all right? I want to wait for your birthday.”
 The hesitation on Peter’s face vanished and his beautiful smile returned. Tony felt his tension subside when the boy stopped crying. He became too attached to the boy far too soon. He would already do anything for the boy, how would he act after he’d got to know the boy better? Tony pushed aside his fear, it would only lead to him running away, but this time he wanted to do it right.
 “Tony, can I kiss you?” The billionaire shrugged after the unexpected question. He knew he shouldn’t do it, he knew how hard it would be to resist the temptation once he touched Peter’s lips, but he was a weak man. So he nodded, allowing the boy to get close.
 The attraction was the same when their lips touched the second time. Tony felt the boy shaking, arching into the kiss. The angle was awkward, Peter bent over him, carefully so as not to touch his chest. Tony was uncomfortable, his neck stretched to reach the boy’s lips.
 He growled in frustration, wanting to feel the boys weight pressing against him during the kiss. He wanted to touch the boy everywhere, but his stupid bandage was in the way. Peter climbed over him, settled on his lap and kept his hands away from Tony’s chest. He supported his weight with his arms and pressed another kiss on his lips.
 Tony opened his mouth, allowing the boy’s tongue to enter him for a second before taking control and pushing it back. One hand got tangled up in the boy’s soft curls, the other slipped under his t-shirt. He caressed the soft skin of Peter’s back, drawing patterns on his skin. He boy shivered under his touch and started to squirm. His ass was pressed against Tony’s clothed cock and he got hard under Peter’s movement.
 The boy was a vision, losing control from a simple kiss alone. His cheeks were rosy, the blush spreading across his neck. Tony wanted to undress him to know how far down the blush went. He wanted to pinch his nipples, kissing them, biting them, while the boy was riding his cock.
 “Fuck, sweet boy. So good for me.” Peter was so responsive to his touch, he moaned when Tony stroked the waistband of his jeans, slipping a finger under it. He couldn’t reach his ass properly, but Peter arched his back as if Tony had already pressed a finger in his tight little hole.
 Tony felt that he was losing control. He knew he was going too far. Not only were they in a hospital, and Pepper was waiting outside his room, he had also promised to keep his hands to himself until the boy turned twenty-one. But he was too far gone to stop now.
 Tony brought his hands to the front of the boy’s jeans while his tongue was thrusting in the boy’s mouth. He imagined what it would feel like to have Peter spread out under him, licking into his tight little heat and luring every sound out of the boy’s pretty pink mouth. He imagined how Peter would moan and cry, how he would beg him to feed him his cock.
 When he pressed his palm against Peter’s clothed cock, the boy bucked into his touch. Even though Tony would normally appreciate the responsiveness, the boy’s groin pressed against his chest for a short time and a sharp pain ran through his whole body.
 Tony groaned, but not out of arousal this time. It took Peter a second to realize Tony’s pain, but then he backed off immediately. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark.” He apologized while he climbed back into his chair.
 Tony smiled painfully. “It’s all right, sweet boy. I guess it’s better this way or we would have gone too far. I didn’t mean to touch you before your birthday, I just couldn’t stop myself.” He realised once again that he had no control over his urges when he touched the boy. He closed his eyes, willing his erection away which was leaking in the sweatpants he was wearing.
 It was difficult to regain control, and according to his heavy breathing, Peter felt the same way. The boy’s lips were swollen, and his hair dishevelled, he looked just so fuckable right now that he wanted the boy back on his lap. He concentrated on the dull pain in his chest to get a grip on himself.
 “Seems the only thing we can do is jump on each other.” Tony joked and Peter blushed with embarrassment. “You know what boy, when we get back home, I’m gonna take you out. Won’t be possible to strip you when we’re eating in a restaurant, right?”
 Tony knew his decision was right when the boy’s face lit up after the suggestion of a date. “I would like that Mr. Stark.” He answered and smiled so brightly at the billionaire that all those unwanted feelings came back. Tony groaned and fought his arousal once again. Will this go on forever now? He would die of frustration while he was close to the boy.
 “Tell me about yourself.” Tony tried to distract himself from his leaking cock.
 Peter looked at him thoughtfully. “What do you want to know?”
 Anything, Tony thought. Anything to distract me from the urge to fuck you senseless in a hospital room. “Tell me about your studies. You’re getting your PhD right?”
 Peter’s face lit up with the question. “Yes, I’m currently working on a project of prosthetic arms. My supervising professor knows some soldiers who lost their arms in the war. A couple of them have simple metal ones, but I’m working on better arms that can be controlled by their minds.”
 Tony was enchanted. The boy talked with a passion that made the billionaire thrilled. He gesticulated wildly while his eyes were sparkling with excitement. Tony wanted to know more about the project.
 “How far have you progressed?” He asked interested, forgetting the pain and his burning arousal for the first time.
 Peter shifted on his chair, tugging his legs under him to sit comfortably. Then he took out his old phone, opened an app and gave it to Tony. The billionaire scrolled through the app, seeing everything Peter had already done. He saw blueprints of arm prothesis, equations calculating the right amount of the component parts and a thousand measurement values. He saw Peter’s progress on the screen, his own mind racing with ideas to improve the project.
 At the end of Peter’s notations was a black question mark. “What’s this about?” Tony ask, pointing at the end of the document.
 Peter shrugged. “Well, I’d like to start the testing phase with a few people, but there’s still one problem left I couldn’t fix.”
 Tony was interested. “Which problem?”
 Peter took his old phone back, and Tony planned to buy him a new one, a better one. Probably he’ll give him a Stark phone. The boy showed him a video.
 Tony could see a man in a lab, probably at NYU, wearing an arm prothesis while sleeping in a bed. The setting of the room indicated that it was a test experiment Peter had conducted. In the upper left corner, the vitals of the man were on display. As time continued, Tony could see that the pulse was changing. The man was probably in REM sleep. Suddenly, his arm prothesis started to twitch, moving in a ridiculous way while the man was still sleeping. After a few seconds, someone entered the lab, waking the man up and the movements of the prothesis stopped.
 “What happened?” Tony asked curiously. He already had a presumption, but he wanted Peter to confirm it.
 “The prothesis is controlled by the subject’s thoughts and intentions, thus driven by electric impulses of the brain. During dreaming, electrical impulses are emitted that set the human body in motion. When dreams trigger strong emotions such as fear or excitement, the prosthesis reacts with unpredictable movements.”
 “Like when you lash out in a dream and then it happens in reality?” Tony asked him. “But doesn't that also happen with the normal body?”
 Peter smiled at the question, visibly enjoying talking about his project. “Kind of.” He answered. “But the reactions are stronger. When someone feels distressed in their sleep, they usually just toss and turn in bed. The simple feeling of a normal nightmare is enough for the prosthesis to react like soldiers with PTSD. You can imagine what a person who feels anxious would do at night.”
 Tony swallowed. He knew first hand how it was like to live with PTSD, how draining nightmares could be. He also knew what could happen when mind-controlled tech reacts to the dreams. He had similar problems with his Iron Man Suits once.
 “Peter, do you mind if we look at your prosthesis in my lab when we get back home?” Peter looked at him buzzled. Tony wanted a chance to get to know the boy better anyway and combining it with his favourite pastime sounded great. “I once had a similar problem with my Iron Man suits, maybe we can work on a solution together.”
 Peter beamed at him and tried to jump at him for joy. Tony liked the impulsive character of his soul mate, he always preferred partners who show their feelings. In bed and out of bed. He wanted to make the boy happy all the time, showering him with gifts and seeing the smile every day.
 Sadly, Peter held back before he could touch the billionaire. After losing control through the kiss earlier, it would be wise to keep their distance until his chest had healed. To top it off, the boy was still not twenty-one.
 “Peter, lets limit the time spent together to lab work until your birthday, all right?” Tony suggested. “We can talk, we can work, and on your birthday, I’ll take you out. I’ve promised you I’d take you on a date afterwards.”
 The boy didn’t look happy, but nodded anyway. “Fine.” He replied. “But don’t push me away afterwards.”
 “I won’t.” Tony promised. He won’t be able to keep his hands of the boy much longer anyway. “Let’s call it a day.” The billionaire suggested. “I’m tired from the surgery and your flight will leave tomorrow morning. I need to stay a few days longer to make sure everything is healing. I’ll be back at work next Monday. Can I pick you up Monday at five in the intern lab?”
 “Of course, Mr. Stark.” Peter replied happily. “Guess I’ll see you Monday.”
 He hugged Tony carefully before he left the room. Even one hour later, Tony imagined he could still feel the boy’s weight in his arms and the faint smell of vanilla in the air. Monday couldn’t come fast enough.
  Chapter 4
 After his first two weeks, Peter had almost settled into a routine at Stark Industries. In the morning he always went to the kitchen on the second floor first, brewing himself a cup of coffee. He needed his daily dose of caffeine to start the day, and although he preferred the perfectly brewed cappuccino from the bakery across the street, making his own was much cheaper. He brought his own mug and took it with him to his working space.
 Then that he went to the intern lab, a large room with a dozen workbenches. He shared the room with eleven other interns, all university or PhD students like himself. They got paid for their work, which is why they were included in SI projects. Everyone had to sign a confidentiality agreement to keep the company’s secrets safe.
 Peter and one other intern named Flash worked on a new Stark phone, assisting a couple of engineers to improve the older model. They were still having problems with the camera, it wasn’t as good as Tony Stark expected it to be and SI was known to bringing out only the best products.
 Peter hadn’t seen Pepper all week. She was relieved the matter with Tony and him was settled and that the billionaire was getting better after the surgery, but she had spent a lot of time worrying about him and now she had to get work done. Peter thought it was a pity. He was amazingly fond of her, even though she was Tony’s ex-wife. He felt her friendly love for his soulmate, and he was happy Tony had such an amazing woman in his life.
 All in all, his internship was the dream he’d hoped for, except for one thing: his lab-partner Flash. Flash was older than him, twenty-five by now, and he hadn’t finished his studies yet. Although that wasn’t a big deal, Flash was envious of him already doing his PhD, and every day he showed Peter how little he thought about him.
 It had started with a few comments. Parker, what is a kid like you doing in a grown-up world. Parker, how many dicks did you suck to get this internship? Parker, how many did you pay to get your PhD? But it just kept getting worse and worse.
 One day, Flash had destroyed a laptop, claiming it was Peter’s fault. He told their supervisor Peter had thrown it on the floor only to frame him. Peter denied it, but Flash had been working for SI for two years now and they all trusted him.
 Peter tried to ignore Flash, he didn’t answer, didn’t report anything, because his supervisor wouldn’t believe him anyway. But it only got worse. Flash had stolen his phone while he was going to the toilet, it was a mistake not to take it with him. He had read a pop-up message from MJ, telling him her hot new neighbour is exactly his type. As soon as Flash knew he was gay, he started calling him Penis-Parker, slapping his butt as he walked by and accusing Peter to try to gay him up too.
 It was a nightmare, but Peter didn’t say anything, too afraid that no one would belief him. On Monday, when Tony came back to work, things escalated.
  He had been late for work because a subway train had had an accident, blocking the station where he was waiting. Without a coffee, he entered the lab after his supervisor had glared angrily at him. Flash snickered, clearly enjoying his distress.
 The lab was empty except for Flash and him, all the other inters were either on vacation or attending a congress where a new SI product was to be launched today. But Flash and he had to stay in the lab because the new Stark phone would be launched soon, and the camera still wasn’t perfect.
 “Why are you late, Parker?” Flash sneered. “Busy dropping your pants for all the gay men on the streets?”
 Peter took a deep breath and tried to ignore him. Flash wasn’t worth the trouble, he wasn’t even worth the anger Peter was feeling, but the words hurt anyway. Yes, he was gay, so what? They were living in the twenty first century, nobody should care about sexual orientation anymore.
 His silence seemed to make Flash even angrier. “Penis Parker, I’m talking to you. Are not only a faggot but deaf, too?”
 Peter could feel anger bubbling up inside him, threatening to surface, but he fought it off. He was better than that, he wouldn’t start an argument about any of this. It would only come back to him, his supervisor wouldn’t belief him anyway.
 “You’re so pathetic, Parker.” Flash snarled and grabbed his forearm tight. Peter flinched; Flash had never touched him before. He could handle mean comments and insults about his sexuality, but he couldn’t stand violence. But Flash was bigger than him, stronger than him, and although he tried, Peter couldn’t get his arm free.
 “Please, let me go.” He begged, struggling against the grip on his forearm, but Flash only cackled.
 “Look at you, Penis Parker. One touch and you almost cry. I thought you like being touched by men, don’t you? Never had a real man touching you before?”
 Peters anger turned to fear. He’d been convinced Flash wouldn’t do anything serious to him, that he’d only let out his anger through words, but right now he wasn’t sure anymore. He struggled harder against the grip, afraid what the other man would do to him.
 When he heard the fabric tear, he was unaware of the seriousness of the situation for a few seconds. Flash stopped insulting him and that should have been the first warning sign. Still, it took him a little longer to understand why Flash was quiet.
 His wrist was turned upwards, the tattoo clearly visible. Normally, Peter wore a watch to cover it, but he had forgotten it in the morning, thinking the tight sleeves of his shirt would stop anyone from noticing. They had, though, but his shirt had ripped while he had been struggling against Flash’s grip. And now what he wanted to avoid at all costs had happened. Someone else had seen his mark.
 “Omg, you are really pathetic, Parker.” Flash said stunned. His scornful voice had turned to hideous. “How can you be so dumb to tattoo Tony Starks name on your arm.”
 Peter was finally able to pull his wrist back and hid the tattoo against his chest. His eyes prickled and he fought the tears with everything he had. He wouldn’t cry in front of Flash; he couldn’t stand the satisfaction that would be visible on the other’s face afterwards.
 “You are disgusting Peter Parker, do you really thing you can turn the Tony Stark gay with your little tricks?” Flash came even closer, grabbing his hips so tightly that he couldn’t escape. “Someone like him would never even look at you, faggot. I’m gonna show you what happens to arrogant kids like you, Parker. Guess you only got accepted for the internship because you had sucked a million dicks, hoping that one day Tony Stark would fuck your mouth. I tell you something Peter, that will never happen.”
  “Enough.” An icy voice interrupted them, and Flash jumped back startled. In the doorway of the lab stood Tony Stark, and Peter sighed with relief.
 “What do you think you’re doing there?” The billionaire asked Flash, rage all over his face. Peter could see that he was clenching his hands into fists, so his ankles turned white.
 “Mr. Stark, good thing you’re here.” Flash smiled at the man in awe. “I just had to teach the faggot here a lesson, he had your name tattooed on his wrist. He thought he could turn you gay by pretending to be your soulmate.” Flash’s loud laughter echoed across the room.
 Tony’s control snapped. He burst into the room, grabbed Flash by the throat and slammed him into the nearest wall. Peter could see that Tony was wearing a part of his Iron Man suit so there was no way for Flash break free. Tony’s face was full of hatred when he looked at the intern, Peter had never seen him like that before.
 “I’m gonna say this once, and only once.” The billionaire threatened. “No one has the right to attack anyone, even if they’re lying, even if they have tattooed my name over all of their body. Do you understand that?”
 Flash looked at him in fear, paralyzed and unable to answer because Tony clasped his throat tightly.
 The billionaire loosened his grip, he didn’t mean to kill him, only threatening him a bit.
 “Did I make myself clear?” He repeated, slowly this time.
 Flash couldn’t nod fast enough, and Tony let him go. He slumped to the ground, touching his neck, and looking like a little kid scolded by a father.
 “Although it’s none of your business, I want to show you something.” Tony grinned evil and rolled up his sleeve to reveal his soulmark, Peter’s name. Flash looked at it paralyzed.
 “If you ever bully my soulmate again, if you so much as look at him wrong or, god bless, touch him, I will kill you. And don’t you doubt I wouldn’t even go to jail for that. I have enough money so everyone will belief you attacked me first. Peter is mine.” Tony growled.
 Peter swallowed. Although the threat was directed at Flash, he could feel the billionaire’s anger anyway. He was so dominant, protecting Peter in a way no one had ever done before, and a warm feeling spread in his chest. That was everything he had ever wanted, someone to loved him, to take care of him and protect him if necessary.  
 Flash didn’t talk anymore, he sat on the floor, looking miserable and frightened, but Tony showed no pity. “Leave now.” He ordered. “Leave, and don’t think you could ever come back here again. Your resignation will be sent to you by mail.”
 Flash didn’t look up when he left the room and avoided Peter’s gaze. He looked like a kicked puppy, but Peter didn’t feel pity either. He could deal with comments, with harassment, he was used to it by now, but he couldn’t accept any form of violence. When Flash was gone, Tony turned to him.
 “Are you all right, Peter?” He asked, reached out and pulled him into an embrace. Peter hid his face in Tony’s thousand-dollar shirt, felling safe for the first time that day. Tony smelled good, save, like home and he let himself be held. When his tension dropped, he started to cry. Tony soothed him, kept him in his arms and stroked his back. He was waiting patiently until everything was out.
 After some time had passed, Peter’s sobbing slowed down, until he was breathing heavily, protected by Tony’s arms. “Shh, Pete. You’re safe, my sweet little boy. Come with me to my lab. I don’t want you to work with the other interns anymore.”
  Peter nodded and let himself be led into Tony’s workspace. He didn’t remember how they got there, he didn’t even notice that they weren’t seen by anyone else. The only thing he felt was Tony's grip around his hips and his voice telling him that everything would be okay.
 When they entered the lab, Tony sat down onto his couch, pulling Peter in his lap. Neither could let go of the other. Instead, Peter clung to Tony like an octopus, his face back into Tony's collar.
 After a minute of silence, Tony picked up a discussion. “Peter, I want you to work with me in my lab. Not only because you’re my soulmate, but also because you’re the most intelligent person I know. I don’t want you wasting your time on a phone, I want you to work on your project.”
 Peter looked up, smiling for the first time. “Really?”
 Tony smiled back. “Really. You are brilliant, Peter, and on top of that I want to keep you close to me.”
 Peter grinned, pressing his lips to Tony’s once more. The familiar heat, mixed with arousal, bubbled in his chest and he smiled in the kiss. Everything with Tony felt so perfect.
 After a couple of minutes, the billionaire pulled back. His lips were swollen, and he looked at Peter with hunger in his eyes. Peter wanted to go further. He wanted to thank Tony by blowing him, getting down on his knees in front of the billionaire and putting his cock into his mouth. He wanted to be bent over the couch, he wanted his daddy to fuck him until he screamed.
 Peter froze for a second. Had he called Tony Daddy in his mind? Fuck, what was wrong with him? He was glad, he didn’t say it out loud. What would his soulmate think of him? He didn’t see Tony as a father, he didn’t want to be parented by him, but he wanted to be protected like a boy. It was hard for him to admit to himself that the thought of the billionaire as his provider, his protector, turned him on even more.
 “Everything all right, boy?” Tony asked, sensing his discomfort.
 Peter smiled and answered cocky. “Everything is fine. I just thought about blowing you right now.”
 Tony groaned and gently pushed him off his lap. “Peter, please. Don’t try my patience. How can you tempt me when you were crying just a few minutes ago?"
 Peter laughed loudly, licked his lips and enjoyed the effect he had on his soulmate. “I don’t know. I constantly think about you fucking me.”
 Tony’s moans were flattering. He was so happy to be allowed to work in the billionaire’s lab and he was making plans. He wanted to work on his project, but he also wanted to work on the billionaire. Let’s see if Mr. Stark could wait for his birthday or if he would go crazy with arousal. Peter smiled to himself. For the time being he would let it go, sit on the couch next to Tony and stay away from his lap, but he would make the billionaire's next few weeks difficult.
 They both needed time to calm down, getting a grip of their arousal. Peter kept cuddling Tony and pressed himself against his side, but the smell of his soulmate made it difficult to think about anything else than getting fucked. Nevertheless, he held himself back.
 “Why were you in the lab?” Peter asked after a long time of silence and turned his head to look at the billionaire’s face. “You even had a piece of your Iron Man Suit with you.”
 Tony smiled at him and pressed a kiss on his forehead. “I felt your distress.” He confessed. “It didn't feel like the feeling was coming from me. It was in the back of my head and I knew it belonged to you.”
 Peter looked at him stunned. “Do you think it’s because of the bond?”
 The billionaire chuckled and pressed him closer to his side. “Maybe. If we have time, we could look into it more closely. Do some research.”
 Peter beamed at the thought of recherche, of knowledge, and it was the moment he realised that maybe the thing between them wasn't just a chemical reaction or a mission for him to make Tony happy. Maybe they really were a perfect match.
  When Tony was allowed to leave the hospital, he felt nothing but relieved. He had been going crazy in there, never any good with patience and he felt restless when he was separated from his lab for too long. Pepper and Peter had left days ago. Pepper had a company to run and Peter continued his internship. Tony had kept him away enough lately, but he missed his boy. He didn’t know if it was because of the bond, but he suspected it might be caused by the kid’s awesomeness, too. Everything he had already seen of the boy was perfect. Shit, if he wasn’t careful, he would become a sap.
 Lab work with Peter turned out to be great. Tony had known he was clever, after all he had seen the blueprints of Peter’s project but watching the boy work was something else. Tony could see Peter had never worked with good equipment before. He’d always feel bad, when an idea didn’t work out and material was wasted, even tough failure was a part of engineering. But after some time had passed, Peter got used to the unlimited amount of resources and it was inspiring to work with the boy.
 The only thing worrying Tony was the pull towards Peter that he felt. Working with him, seeing his intelligence every day, was slowly killing Tony. He was almost constantly turned on, watching the boy’s fingers when he worked. He imagined how it would feel when the boy wrapped them around his cock and Tony couldn’t suppress a shiver. He watched Peter’s ass, saw the muscles flex when he walked and the only thing stopping him from bending the boy over was his stubbornness. On top of that, Peter was almost constantly chewing on something, a pen or a screwdriver, and it was tempting as hell to see the pink lips stretching around something.
 Tony didn’t know if Peter was doing it on purpose, but he couldn’t imagine that such an innocent boy could even try to seduce him. He blamed himself instead, believing that his sick mind was making things up. Only four weeks after they started working together, Tony snapped.
  When he entered the lab this morning, Peter was already there, bending over a workbench to screw a metal piece to the fifth prototype of his prothesis. Immediately, the billionaire’s gaze was glued to the firm little ass, watching it flex in the boy’s jeans. He didn’t announce his arrival to get more time to admire the view. As Peter shifted his weight from one leg to another, Tony could see his cheeks wiggle and he closed his eyes, imagining how they would bounce when he slapped them, when he would split the boy open with his cock.
 Tony would love to strap Peter down to the desk, keeping him there for hours. He would enter him over and over, filling him with his load until it leaked out of him. He would claim his boy so thoroughly that everyone could see who Peter belonged to. Tony knew his thoughts were wrong, that Peter couldn’t possibly want the things he did, but his mind keep wandering even though he tried to fight it.
 “Mister Stark, you’re here. Why didn’t you say something?” Peter ripped him out of his thoughts, looking at him with his innocent Bambi-eyes.
 Tony cleared his throat before answering. “I’m just watching you work. It’s interesting how far you’ve come with your project.” His voice was rough, and even in his own ears it sounded like an excuse, but Peter just smiled.
 “Great, Mr Stark. Would you mind lending me a hand?” Oh, Tony would love to. He would help undress the boy, stuff him full of his fingers and wrap the other hand around Peters cock. But that’s not what the boy was talking about, Tony remembered. He was talking about the prosthetic.
 “Sure.” He replied, struggling to keep his voice neutral.
 “Perfect.” Peter beamed. “Can you walk around the desk and keep the prothesis still? I want to open it and see why it couldn’t react as fast as I want it to.”
 Tony only nodded, disappointed that he couldn't watch his ass any longer, but he could at least see Peter’s face properly now. He held the prosthesis in place and gave the boy enough room to work.
 What he didn’t expect was the boy’s facial expression while he was concentrated. Peter’s mouth fell open and his tongue darted out. He licked his lips, focused on his project. Tony couldn’t tear his gaze from the boy’s lips. They were wet, glistening with salvia and Tony wanted them stretched around his cock. He could see that they were swollen, Peter had probably bitten them, too focused on his project.
 Tony’s thoughts weren’t nice. He didn’t just want to push in, he wanted to choke Peter on it, seeing the boy cry from his cock when he split open his throat. Tony knew his cock wasn’t small, many of his past lover struggled with it, but he’d never wanted to wreck someone so thoroughly as he wanted to wreck Peter.
 When Peter’s mouth opened a bit wider, Tony was done. He let go of the prothesis and jumped back a step as if he had been burned. Peter looked at him confused.
 “Mister Stark, is something wrong?” He asked innocently.
 Tony shock his head, struggling to find the right words. “No, no. Everything is fine Peter. I’m just craving coffee. I want to go to the coffee shop across the street. Shall I get you a coffee too?”
 “Yes, please.” Peter smiled. “I love their cappuccino, it’s amazing.”
 You’re amazing, Tony thought, already halfway out the door. He had to put space between them. It was only a little over a month away from Peter's birthday, and he’ll manage it. The attraction between them was almost unbearable, he had never felt anything like this before, but he couldn’t sleep with Peter until he was twenty-one. His fantasies were so filthy, so wrong that he couldn’t act them out with a kid.
  Twenty minutes later, Tony came back with two coffees in his hand. He felt calmer. For a second, he had thought about relieving himself in the bathroom, but he had quickly dismissed the idea. He was no longer a teenager, so he wouldn’t act like one.
 Peter dumped his work when Tony offered him the cappuccino. “Omg, thank you, Mister Stark. The taste is amazing.“ He moaned during his first sip and Tony closed his eyes, feeling aroused. Again. What the fuck was wrong with him.
 A little bit of foam was still on Peter’s bottom lip and the boy licked it up seductively. Tony’s eyes were on the boy’s lips once again. It had taken the billionaire twenty minutes to calm down, only to be back on the edge of his control after a few seconds. Great, just great.
 Things only got worse. Peter arched his back as he was bend over the workbench once again, his legs were spread to stand securely. He was occasionally sipping his coffee, moaning each time and declaring his love to the coffee shop across the street. When Peter whimpered after his last sip of coffee, Tony snapped.
 He pressed his groin against the boy’s ass, moaning in his ear. His left arm hold Peter securely on the table, making it impossible for Peter to move. “Stop that, sweet boy.” Tony pleaded desperately, knowing he would regret his next words. “You don’t know what you’re doing to me when you offer yourself like that. You’re acting like a slut for me.”
 He had never expected the reaction of Peter to his words. The boy cried out, arching his back even further and rubbing his ass against Tony’s groin. “Please, daddy. Please let me be your slut. I’ve worked so hard to break your patience.”
 The minute the boy called him Daddy, Tony was lost. He growled like an animal, all doubts vanished from his thoughts as if they’d never been there. He gripped Peter’s wrist, holding them firmly behind the boy’s back. His cock was pulsing in his jeans, uncomfortably so, and he thrusted against Peter’s backside. It wasn’t enough.
 “You wanted it, sweet boy? Acting like a slut for me, presenting your lips and your ass, trying to seduce me?” His voice was deep, he didn’t even recognize himself anymore.
 “Yes, please, daddy.” Peter cried. Tony had never seen anyone so beautiful. The boy belonged here, beneath him, crying for his daddy to ravish him. “I’ve tried so hard, Daddy. I bend over every time you looked at me, I bit my lips raw for you. Just please, do something. I need it.”
 Tony growled. His boy was everything he had ever wanted, his soulmate, perfect for him in bed and out of it. He couldn’t hold back anymore. Tony used his free hand to undo his belt and pulled out his cock. He moaned in relief when he was out of his prison.
 “I want you to pull your jeans and boxer down. Don’t take them off completely. Just enough so I can see your milky ass. Can you do that for me, Pete?” Tony could have done it himself, but he wanted the boy to decide whether he was ready or not. “You won’t come today, my sweet boy. I can’t reward you for your slutty behaviour. I won’t fuck you and I won’t even let you blow me until your birthday. I will stroke myself until I’ll come on you pretty cheeks, rub it into your skin to show you that you are mine.” He growled, squeezing Peter’s ass once. “If you want to leave now or want to wait for your birthday, that’s fine, but if you want to stay, it's on my terms.”
 Peter didn’t even have to think. “Please, come all over me, Daddy.” He begged, already tugging down his pants. He revealed the most gorgeous little ass Tony had ever seen. It was milky white, plum and round, inviting him to slap the skin to watch it wiggle. Tony couldn’t resist, he spread the cheeks to get a good look at the tight little pucker between. He wouldn’t touch today, but a look wouldn’t hurt.
 He groaned when he saw the pink muscle. Peter was gorgeous down there, smooth, hairless skin and so responsive. The boy cried out as the billionaire revealed his entrance to the air, and the urge to touch was stronger than ever. But Tony hold back, just one more month.
 Instead, he gripped his cock and started stroking it. He knew he wouldn’t last long; he was already too riled up from the boy’s seduction. His gaze was focused on Peter while he pleasured himself. He enjoyed all the little noises Peter made and watched the ass wiggle when the boy twitched.
 His orgasm came fast, sweeping over him like a train. He trembled, fighting to keep the control of his body. It was white hot pleasure, as intense as he had never experienced before.
 Tony saw his seed splashing on Peter’s backside, covering him and marking him up. He felt pride when the boy surrendered himself to his grip and he felt satisfaction that was deeper than just sexual. He rubbed his release into the boy’s skin, before helping the boy up from the desk. Tony massaged the boy's stiff wrists to stimulate blood circulation and tucked Peter’s pants up, without cleaning his mess. He wanted the boy to feel him a little longer.
 After that, he hugged the boy close, sitting down on the sleeping couch in his lab. He draped Peter on his lap, his arms wrapped around his boy to keep him close. The boy was still hard, but he relaxed into the embrace with a content smile on his face.
 Tony soothed him, unwilling to let the boy go. They sat in contented silence for a few minutes until Tony raised his voice.
 “Pete, I think we need to talk about a few things. Don’t worry, nothing bad.” The boy nodded, still uncertainty in his eyes.
 “Peter, I really like you.” Tony confessed and Peter beamed at his as if it was Christmas.
 “I like you, too Mr. Stark.”
 A warm feeling spread through Tony’s chest. Although he already suspected the boy was developing feelings for him, it was different hearing it from him.
 “Peter, I’m not a good man. In a relationship and in bed.” Tony sighed. “I take too much control and I find it hard to be considerate. I mean, everyone knows, my divorce with Pepper was all over the media.” He swallowed, afraid to lose the boy with his demands in bed or with his carelessness.”
 “Tony.” Peter spoke up for the first time. His voice was steady and calm, all shyness gone. “You are a good man. You look out for others, risk your life for strangers and care about all your friends. What makes you think that's not enough? I really like you. In time, I'll probably love you too.”
 The words were like fire in Tony’s veins, but for once not due to arousal. Even though he tried to be tough, to be fine on his own, it was beautiful to hear that such a perfect young man could think so well of him. He glowed with affection for the boy and it was the first time he believed, given time, he could love Peter too. How could he not? The boy was perfection.
 Still, a little disbelief remains. Tony lowered his head and could no longer look Peter in the eye. “The thing with Pepper, I really tried. I cut back the hours in the lab, tried to be on point for all the social events, I even started to care more about the company. Still, it wasn’t enough. It will never be enough.”
 Peter put a finger under his chin and gently lifted his head. “And what did she say about why she left?”
 Tony shrugged. “That it didn’t work out between us?”
 “Exactly.” Peter smiled warmly at him. “That it didn’t work out between you, not because of you. She wasn’t the right one and that’s fine. You don’t have to cut back the hours in the lab if that’s what you love. Of course, relationships are about compromises, but not about losing yourself. If you have to change for things to work, you’ll be miserable. Tony, Pepper loves you as a friend, I’ve seen that much these past few weeks. You two didn’t work out. But maybe we will. Give us a chance.” Peter started to feel desperate.
 Tony was still not completely convinced. “Pete, how is it right that lust for you as much as I do? You’re more than twenty-years younger than me. I can’t be good for you. The things I wanna do to you, that cannot be normal.”
 Peter smiled at him and brushed through his hair. “Tony, if you think it's wrong for you to feel this way, then my feeling would be wrong too. I love it when you take control and I want to submit to you. Even that means I can't come.” Peter grimaced looking at his neglected dick. “I want this, you want this. That’s all that should matter.”
 Tony looked into the boy's eyes, searching for anything to tell him it was a lie, but Peter’s face was full of honesty. “You really want this?” He asked, sounding more like a child than a grown-up dominant man.
 “I want this.” Peter confirmed. “But only if you try to open up to me. I want you to tell me about your doubts, to give me the chance to help with your guilt. You’re not the only one that has to accept his desires. I almost died of embarrassment when I called you Daddy earlier.”
 Tony swallowed and pressed the boy closer to his chest. “I love it when you call me that, Peter. Don’t be ashamed.” He whispered in his boy’s ear.
 “Then try not to feel guilty about your urges too, Tony.” Peter replied, settling against his chest. “I want you, all of you, maybe the soulshit isn’t as bad as I thought. Maybe we really are a perfect match.”
 Tony buried his face in Peter’s neck. Maybe, Peter was right. There was no other explanation why Peter was so perfect for him otherwise. He wanted to keep the boy and not to fuck it up like he had a million times before.
 “I’ll try, Peter.” He promised, leaning back so he could look the boy in the eye again. “I’ll try, but it won’t always work. There will be times when it will be hard for you to like me.”
 “I just want you to try.” Peter reassured him. “Even when it will be hard.”
 And then Peter kissed him, not a heated kiss, but a sweet one. And Tony let go, gave himself to Peter, knowing if there was anyone he could trust, it was his boy.
Chapter 5
Five weeks later
  Tony Stark was leaning against the passenger door of his new black Tesla. He had parked on the side of a ragged street in Queens, his car obviously not fitting in. The apartment building he was waiting in front of was grey and dirty, but it looked slightly better than the other houses he was surrounded by. Although it was already getting dark, the street was still busy. Children were running around, adults were carrying groceries home and a group of young people were chatting in a corner.
 Everyone was looking at him, of course they were. He stood out with his flashy car and the fancy suit, carrying a bouquet of 21 roses in his arms. More than half the people probably recognized him, wondering why the fuck Tony Stark, billionaire and genius, was standing in a ragged street in Queens on a Friday evening. He didn’t care, used to that kind of attention.
 Tony was waiting for Peter outside his house. He wanted to pick up the boy and take him to a restaurant because today was Peter’s birthday. Finally. Tony couldn’t wait any longer. He wanted to show the boy off to the world, everyone had to know that Peter was his, and his alone. In the past, he’d tried to keep his flings to himself as long as possible. He hated the media and their interest in his lovelife, but with Peter, his soulmate, it was different. He intended to tell everyone that the beautiful boy belonged to him, he would shout it from the rooftop if necessary, and taking Peter out in public would be the first step.
 On top of that, Tony’s control was almost broken. He couldn’t resist anymore; he didn’t want to wait any longer. All his guilt had slowly disappeared over the lasts weeks and it was getting harder and harder every day to keep his hands off his boy. And he didn’t want to hold back anymore, he planned to devour the boy, to show him everything he could do to his body. Resisting had only been more difficult after he’d known that the boy wanted him as much.
 Before his thoughts went too far, Tony concentrated on the plans he had made for the evening and the flowers in his hands. They were beautiful red roses and he had paid a small fortune for them, but he didn’t care. Peter deserved everything and Tony was wealthy enough to provide for his boy.
 When Peter stepped out of the door, Tony smiled at him. The boy looked amazing, even more than usual. He was dressed in a plain shirt and dress pants with a soft grey coat on top. Tony was speechless. The clothes fitted perfectly, and he smiled smugly after seeing the boy in the grey coat that Tony had bought him a week ago. Peter looked like his and that made the primitive part of his brain pleased.
 “Happy birthday, my boy.” Tony greeted him with a hug, burying his head in the boy’s curls and inhaling Peter’s sweet smell. The bouquet of flowers was forgotten in his hand. He had never been so happy in his life, being surrounded by his soulmate and seeing Peter’s beautiful smile almost every day.
 “Hey, Mister Stark.” Peter said mischievously, knowing exactly what he was doing to Tony with these words. The billionaire groaned. He had asked the boy weeks ago to call him Tony, and mostly he did, but Peter had discovered the effect of calling him Mr. Stark after a long day in the lab. To summarize, it had been another unsatisfactory evening.
 Tony enjoyed the hug, savouring Peters smell and the warmth of his body, but the boy tensed up after a few seconds. “You’re all right?” The billionaire asked concerned, overwhelmed by the urge to protect his soulmate.
 Peter blushed, eyes lowered on the ground and the primitive part of Tony’s brain cooed because of his innocence. “They’re all watching.”
 Across the street a group of people were staring at them with open mouths. Tony chuckled. “You have to get used to this. You’ll soon officially be my soulmate, people will be staring all the time.”
 Peter paled, looking at him with huge innocent eyes and Tony purred. His boy was the sweetest. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I will protect you.” He couldn’t smoother his smug smile, protecting Peter satisfied something dark inside him. God, he felt like an animal. “I bought you some roses, do you want to put them in a vase before we go?”
 Peter smiled at him and nodded. While he was quickly running upstairs, Tony opened the door of his car, waiting for his boy to return. The billionaire had planned the whole day and he was a bit nervous, everything had to be perfect.
 “Thanks for the flowers, Tony.” Peter said as he got into the car, and Tony didn't know whether he was happy or not to be called by his first name again. Since he was still planning to take his boy to a restaurant, it was probably for the best.
  The drive didn’t take long, Tony made sure Peter didn’t have to spend his birthday in a car, and they arrived in front of an Italian Restaurant in the middle of New York. It wasn’t the fanciest one because Tony knew Peter wouldn’t be comfortable, but he insisted to spoil his boy on his special day, so it would be way above Peter’s budget. Tony parked the car, opened the door for Peter und lead him into the restaurant.
 All heads turned as they entered. Some people looked at them with disgust, probably because of the age-gab, others were jealous, and Tony enjoyed the attention of the other guests. He wanted everyone to know that Peter was his.
 “Mister Stark, I would like to show you your table.” A waiter approached them before they had a chance to ask for themselves. Tony smiled, helping Peter out of his coat and gave a servant both of their jackets. He couldn’t stop himself from placing his hand on Peter’s lower back, and he felt the boy shivering under the touch.
 They were led to a table next to the window with a beautiful view of the central park. Tony could see that Peter was smiling and seeing his boy happy helped him to settle. He would make sure Peter got everything he could ever wish for.
 “Do you like it?” He asked the boy, unable to completely supress the nervousness from his voice.
 “It’s amazing.” Peter beamed at him. “I love Italian. How did you know?”
 “Intuition.” Tony lied. The truth is, he had asked Pepper, bugged her for a whole week until she caved and promised to subtly ask Peter what his favourite food was. Tony still owed her a bottle of wine for the troubles, especially since Peter had apparently not noticed the interrogation.
 “I’m so happy, it’s my birthday at last.” Peter whined. “I swear, I nearly died of blue balls.”
 It was the first time Tony blushed. Fuck, how could his boy say something like this in a restaurant? Peter had been so shy and innocent when they met and now, he was starting to express his own desires. Even though he was still pliant and sweet when Tony showed a little dominance.
 “Don’t say things like this.” Tony groaned. “Or I'm not gonna hold back and fuck you right here on this table.”
 Peter just grinned smugly. “Is that supposed to be a threat?”
 Before Tony had a chance to devour his boy or be embarrassed further, the waiter interrupted their flirt. “Would you like something to drink yet?” He asked and offered them the menus. Tony ordered a white wine and Peter a coke.
 When the waiter left their table, Peter looked at him overwhelmed. “The menu is in Italian.” He complained. “I don’t understand anything.”
 Tony took his hand and stroked it with his thumb. “Don’t worry, sweet boy. Do you want me to translate or should I order for you?” He pleaded silently that the boy would let him order, trust him to pick something he liked.
 “You can order.” The boy answered, blushing again and Tony suppressed a growl. The boy was literally his dream.
 Tony chose Spaghetti with chanterelle for himself and Pizza with shrimp for his boy. Of course, he had asked Pepper to find out what Peter liked, to make a good impression in case Peter allowed him to order. And according to Peter’s face when the food arrived, Tony picked well and he was rewarded with a bright smile.
 The conversation during the meal was comfortable between them, had spent enough time together in the laboratory to get to know the other. They had already skipped the awkwardness that usually goes along with dating.
 Tony took the opportunity to watch his boy thoroughly, his gestures when he talked about his project and his sparkling eyes when he told him all about the last family day with May. While Peter was chatting about his last conversation with Pepper, Tony felt a sudden urge to hold the boy close. Pepper was very important to him, and when he heard his soul mate talk so nicely about his ex-wife, happiness gushed in his chest. Instead of being jealous, Peter not only accepted Pepper into Tony's life, but also tried to make friends with her.
 Feelings Tony had never felt before, grew inside him. “I love you, Peter.” Tony blurted out, interrupting Peter mid-sentence.
 Peter gaped at him like a fish, completely silent. Doubts arose in Tony, accompanied by a sudden urge to leave the situation, but he fought to sit still. He wouldn’t run away, not now, not when the boy in front of him was so perfect. Tony’s hands started to sweat, and he lowered his gaze, unable to look Peter the eye anymore. His whole life was either running away from uncomfortable feelings or trying to change for his partner. But with Peter everything was different, with Peter he allowed himself to be vulnerable, even if he gave power to someone else who would be capable to destroy him.
 “Omg, Tony.” Peter cried out, his voice trembling and Tony raised his head, afraid he’d said something wrong. On Peter’s face was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on the other man, reminding Tony of an angle. Not that he had ever seen an angle before, but that’s how he imagined them to look. Peter took his hand across the table, squeezing it lightly and beamed at him. “I love you, too.”
 Tony felt a smile spreading across his face. He was happier than he'd ever been in his life. This beautiful stunning boy loved him too and belonged to him. He grabbed the boy’s neck, pulling him closer across the desk to press a sweet kiss on his lips. Peter melted under his touch, leaning his forehead against Tony’s and panting even minutes after they separated.
 Tony cleared his throat, still overwhelmed by his own feelings. He had been so caught up in the kiss, in Peter, that he hadn’t noticed that other guests were taking pictures of them. It would be all over the media the next day anyway, but Tony didn’t care. Peter was an adult, and it was his own decision who he wanted to date.
 “I have a present for you.” Tony declared. “Do you want to open it now or later at home?”
 “I don’t want to wait.” Peter’s eyes sparkled and he grinned smugly. “But I don’t want to open it here either. Let’s leave.” The boy licked his lips seductively and Tony let out a groan. One gesture from Peter and he started to lose his control again. Maybe it was time he took what he craved.
 “Check, please.” He waved at the waiter, his eyes not once leaving Peter’s lips.
  In retrospect, Tony couldn’t remember how they left the restaurant. The only thing he recalled was his tongue in Peter’s mouth and how the little ass wiggled when he grabbed him firmly. He hoped that no reporters were lingering in front of the restaurant or he would be able to see a detailed picture of him ravaging Peter in every gossip rag tomorrow.
 It was one of the hardest things Tony had ever done when he released his boy from his grip to get in the car. He would much rather hold him close, keeping him in his arms forever, but unless they wanted to be arrested for public indecency, they had to drive home now. Tony was almost at the point of no return and if he didn’t get a grip on himself right now, it would be too late.
 During the drive, Peter couldn’t sit still. Out of the corner of his eye, Tony watched him shifting on his seat, spreading his legs as wide as possible and when his boy pressed his palm against the bulge in his trousers, Tony growled. “Stop that, boy. Or you won’t come today at all.”
 Peter winced; eyes fluttering shut and lips slightly open, inviting the billionaire to slip his cock right in. Tony’s finger clasped the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turned white and he forced his eyes back on the road. Fortunately, Peter listed to him and removed his hand from his crotch.
  It felt like hours until Tony opened the door to his apartment, although it probably took about ten minutes. He had been waiting for his boy for months and now, so close to his goal, he was about to lose himself.
 As soon as the door slammed shut, Tony pressed Peter against it, hands tucking at his hair to bare the boy’s throat. Peter moaned from the sharp pain, surrendering to him and Tony felt his cock harden from the trusting gesture. He pressed his lips on the boy’s jaw, sucking and marking him up, watching the skin bruise under his assault. Peter melted in the touch and tilted his head even further, giving Tony access to his delicate throat. Having Peter at his mercy, the primal part of his brain preened, knowing the boy was his, and his alone.
 Tony had had many lovers before. Some a little more dominant, some submissive, but never before had anyone given himself so completely in his hands, trusting him with his pleasure and he noticed what he had been missing all these years. Nobody was as close to being perfect as Peter.
 A sudden urge to kiss the boy, to hold him close, overcame him and he pressed his lips tenderly on Peter’s. “I love you.” Tony whispered in his mouth, enjoying the boy’s taste on his tongue. His feelings were so overwhelming that it took him a second to deal with them. “Mine.” He said softly, nibbling at Peter’s lower lip, demanding entrance to his mouth.
 Peter moaned again, opening his lips slightly so that Tony could slip his tongue in. He explored every inch of the boy’s mouth, trying to memorize the taste of him, unwilling to ever let go of Peter’s lips. But the boy had other plans. He pressed his body against Tony’s, rubbing his clothed cock against his leg and whimpered like he would die if Tony stopped. Tony had always loved it when his partners showed him their pleasure and Peter was a needy little thing, moaning and panting exactly how Tony liked it.
 “Mr. Stark, please.” Peter begged, sparking off a fire in Tony’s body with his words. “I need you, I need your cock. Please, let me suck it. Please.” Peter’s voice was trembling, his eyes huge and filled with tears. Never before had anyone begged so sweetly for his cock and Tony couldn’t refuse him.
 He lifted the boy into his arms, carrying him to the sofa in his living room. He sat down, dropping his boy gently between his legs. Peter shifted until he kneeled comfortably, his pink lips close to the billionaire’s clothed cock. He tried to press his face against Tony’s thigh, but Tony stopped him with a firm grip in his hair. Peter cried out in frustration.
 “Behave yourself, boy.” Tony growled, his fingers pressing against the boy’s neck. “I want you to earn Daddy’s cock. I want you crawling in front of me, while you beg me to fuck your mouth. How does that sound, baby boy?”
 Tony felt the boy shivering under his touch, lost in his arousal and he watched Peter, pleased with himself. His boy was a vision, sitting between his legs and waiting for his cock, his lips slightly parted and his tongue darting out. Peter relaxed in front of him, pliant and waiting for the next order. Tony could sit like this for hours, watching Peter on his knees in front of him, begging for his cock.
 Tony’s control snapped after a few seconds and he unzipped his pants, pulling out his cock. Peter’s gaze was fixed on him, watching as Tony stroked himself to full hardness. The boy’s eyes sparkled at the sight and Tony felt his ego burst at the covetous look on Peter’s face. He knew his cock was bigger than average, but when he saw that the boy liked his treat, it clearly inflated his ego.
 “I want you to tab twice against my knees if it’s too much, you understand me, sweet boy?” Tony said forcefully, making sure the boy had understood him as he nodded.  
  “May I, please Mr. Stark?” Peter begged and Tony smirked at the desperation in the boy’s voice. He gestured him to come closer and took his own cock in his right hand, smearing his precome all over Peter’s face.
 “Look at you, so desperate for me. You can’t wait for my cock filling your mouth, can you, boy?”
 Peter whimpered and opened his mouth wider, trying to coax the billionaire to fed him his cock. But Tony took his time, touching his cheeks and his lips with the tip of his cock without giving Peter what he wanted. Peter’s lips looked gorgeous coated with his precome.
 Only when Peter was almost crying with desire did Tony show mercy and pressed the tip of his cock into Peter’s mouth. Tony was ready to burst. The warm wet heat made him go crazy and he closed his eyes, fighting against the urge to thrust deeply. Peter tentatively licked across his slit, tasting the salty precome and Tony felt himself twitching in Peter’s mouth, his tip bumped against Peter’s throat.
 He had always loved getting head from his partner, he loved the rush of control when he buried his hands in his partner’s hair, owning his mouth and controlling his breathing. But Peter was something else. He was so beautiful on his knees in front of Tony like he belonged there, like he was made for sucking Tony’s cock. It had never felt as intense as it did today and his whole body was tingling with the rush of power.
 Greedily, Peter tried to get more of the man into his mouth, but Tony stopped him effectively by grabbing his hair. “We have time, Peter.” He scolded the boy. “Take it slowly.” Patience would make everything so much better.
 Peter whined, but Tony stood firm, pulling his cock out of Peter’s mouth. “Behave boy, or you’ll get nothing.”
 Peter stopped struggling immediately and became pliant once again. He craved to get the billionaire back inside and Tony could see Peter’s hard cock was straining inside his jeans, but the boy kept quiet, waiting for anything the man was willing to give him.
 Tony only lasted a minute until he pressed back in, giving the boy more of his cock this time. Peter moaned; the vibrations around him felt like heaven and Tony groaned loudly. Gone was the slow rhythm. He started to thrust into the boy’s mouth, feeding him more and more every time he dived back in. Peter was taking him like a champ, sucking him, pleasing him, doing everything he demanded of the boy.
 Peter had started to rub his cock against Tony’s leg and the billionaire could see the look in the boy’s eyes, could see how far gone he was. He was deeply trapped in his submission for him and Tony promised himself to take care of the boy, to show him pleasure he had never experienced before. If he commanded Peter to come in his pants now, Peter would probably, spilling over Tony’s legs like a dog in heat.
 “You are made for this, made to be my little cock slut. I just need to feed you my cock and you are ready to burst, rubbing all over me like a bitch in heat.”
 Peter groaned and Tony used the opportunity to press deeper. The boy’s throat convulsed around his heavy flesh and he started to gag, but Tony showed no mercy. He fucked Peters throat however he wanted, only drawing back when the boy needed to breath. He loved the tight heat surrounding his tip, loved that Peter didn’t complain but took him like he was made for it. Nothing had ever felt better than Peter’s throat convulsing around his tip and he lost himself in the moment with his boy.  
  When Tony sensed he was getting close, he pulled back, resting his tip on the boy’s tongue. He didn’t want to come too soon, he wanted to bend the boy over later, burying himself in that plump little ass. Peter whined at the loss, begging with his innocent eyes for his cock once more, but he didn’t move. Tony was proud of him.
 “I want to take you to the bedroom and fuck you.” Tony growled, gripping the base of his cock to stop himself from spilling. “Is that okay with you?” He watched his boy closely, making sure he didn't do anything Peter didn't want to do.
 “Please, Mr. Stark.” Peter was already begging, shifting on his knees, unable to get any friction on his neglected cock.
 Tony closed his eyes and pulled himself together so as not to lose his patience. “I want you to go to the bedroom now. Undress yourself and get comfortable on the bed. I’ll be right there.”
 “Yes, Daddy.” Peter replied, sending a jolt of arousal through Tony’s body. The billionaire composed himself, needing a second to get the feelings under control. He was almost relieved when the boy left him alone, afraid he would come too soon if he didn’t get a second to calm down. He no longer young, and it would end too quickly if he followed right away.
  Still, he couldn't stand it for five minutes until he went into the bedroom, getting lube and a condom from the bathroom first. The view that greeted him was breath-taking. Peter had taken off all his clothes and folded them neatly beside the bed. He was lying on his stomach, shoulders pressed into the bed while his ass was lifted into the air. The boy had spread his legs like he was presenting for Tony, his milky white cheeks on display.
 “Baby, you’re beautiful.” Tony gasped in wonder, carefully stroking his fingers across the white globes. He couldn’t resist spreading Peter’s cheeks with his hands, revealing the tight pink hole in between. Peter whimpered.
 He had been dreaming about that ass ever since he had spilled over Peter’s back. He’d imagined what it would feel like to thrust into the tight little pucker, glistening with lube and puffy from Tony fingering it open. He had fought the urge for month, always holding back and now that he was allowed to touch, it felt like his dream would come true. He gently tabbed his middle finger against the pucker, testing how the skin would feel.
 Peter cried under the touch, squirming on the bed and trying to press his ass closer to Tony.
 “Shh, sweet boy.” Tony cooed, gently caressing Peter’s back. “We have time. Don’t try to suck my finger down your greedy little hole without lube, okay?” Peter answered with a whine, sounding like a kicked puppy and Tony couldn’t stop himself from thinking how cute his boy was.
 “Daddy, please. I can’t wait any longer. Give me a finger, now.”
 Tony slapped his ass a response, watching the flesh wiggle afterwards. He loved his boy’s eagerness, but he couldn’t let such demanding behaviour slide. “Patience, boy.” He growled. “Patience or you will get nothing.”
 Tony loved how Peter reacted to the threat, how pliant and good he became, how he fought against himself to be his best for Tony but holding back was as straining for the billionaire as it was for his boy. So, he flipped the cap of the lube open and poured a huge amount directly onto Peter’s lower back, letting it dribble down in Peter’s crack. Peter flinched from the cold and a sadistic part of Tony enjoyed it immensely.
 “I’m gonna spread you open.” Tony promised. “Make you ready and gaping for my cock. I’ll fuck you with my fingers until you’re begging for more.”
 “Please, please. I’ll do anything.” The begging went straight to Tony’s cock, his baby was marvellous when he was losing his mind.
 Tony coated his fingers in the clear fluid, one hand wrapped around his own cock without moving it, the other one moving lower to Peter’s entrance. His right index finger tipped against Peter’s hole teasingly, and Tony watched with smug satisfaction how it twitched. The boy’s breath quickened and strained muscles showed how difficult it was for Peter not to move.
 “Shh, you’re doing fine, my boy. So beautiful, so perfect. Relax, open up for me, Pete. Let me in.” Tony started to mumble, helping his boy to relax under his words, while his finger still played with the tight pink pucker. He had never seen anything more beautiful than Peter in at the moment, lying there so trustingly and obediently, moaning occasionally under Tony’s hands. He didn’t want to wait any longer.
 Much less carefully than he had originally planned, Tony thrusted his finger in, forcing the wet heat to open up. Both moaned simultaneously. Peter was warm and soft inside, wet from the huge amount of lube, and Tony couldn’t wait to split him open on his cock. But he could seriously hurt Peter if he went too fast, so he was content to add another finger.
 Peter’s discipline broke when Tony spread both fingers to prepare him for the billionaire’s cock. “Daddy, p-please more. I can take more. Please, I want it to burn a l-little.” He moved his hips back, impaling himself on Tony’s fingers. He was a responsive little thing, already moaning like he was fucked thoroughly.
 And who was Tony do deny his beautiful boy such a lovely request? He lubed up a third finger, pressing it in the tight little hole next to the other two. It was too fast, the stretch must burn like hell, but Peter took it like a champ, rocking his hips back and forth, already moaning for another one.
 Tony starred at him in wonder, his own cock painfully hard in his grip, barely holding back. “Almost there, baby. Just a few more seconds.”
 Tony withdraw his finger, making Peter whine about the loss, opened a condom and pulled it over his leaking cock. He reached for the lube bottle again, purring more on his length and dropped it open onto the sheets. He didn’t care about the mess he was making, too focused on the vision in front of him.
 “Can you turn around for me, boy?” Tony requested, helping Peter to get into the desired position. His boy way laying on his back and Tony could see the cute blush on his face, his eyes sparkling with lust.
 He gripped Peter’s legs, forcing them wide open to make room for himself. He lined his cock, the tip pressed against the stretched hole, but not quiet bracing it. Peter was lost in his pleasure, squirming on the bed, his neglected cock pulsing and leaking onto his stomach.
 “Please, Mr. Stark. I can’t wait anymore.” Tony wasn’t sure if he could ever get enough from his boy’s begging, loving how lost and open Peter was in bed. He didn’t play his arousal, he was truly losing himself in Tony’s arms. Savouring the closeness to his soulmate, Tony pressed in.
  It was like coming home and Tony let out a loud moan. The boy’s hole slowly opened up for him, letting his cock in inch by inch. Peter was tight, tighter than anyone Tony had ever fucked before and he gripped him so good he was almost afraid of shooting early. He couldn’t compare it to anything he had ever felt, his whole body was tingling, buzzing from the pleasure and his mind shut down. He no longer thought about work, about his lab or his problems, the only thing on his mind was Peter, nothing matters but giving Peter the same pleasure he was feeling.
 When Tony had bottomed out, he paused for a second, giving Peter time to adjust to his girth. He loved holding Peter down, choking him on his cock, but he didn’t want to hurt him seriously. His boy, on the other hand, didn’t care about the pain that much. He bucked backwards, impaling himself further on Tony’s cock, moaning like a slut for him.
 “Fuck, sweet boy. You need it bad, don’t you?” Tony teased, catching the boy’s hips to stop him from moving. “Such a slut for Daddy’s cock.”
 Peter cried out, arms wrapping around Tony’s neck and his hole twitching around the thick girth. Tony could see the frustration in Peter’s eyes, tears running down his cheeks. Out of pity, perhaps because he couldn't wait any longer either, the billionaire started to move, his hips pistoling his length in Peter’s body.
 “Look at you, boy.” Tony gasped. “You’re usually so shy, but once you get dicked down properly, you’re whimpering like a slut. Is that all you need to relax? A fat hard cock in your ass, filling you up?”
 “Yes, Daddy.” Peter cried, shame long forgotten. “B-but only yours, Daddy. Need only your cock.”
 Tony snarled possessively, his cock twitching at the possibility of owning this lovely boy.
  They did not have time to take things slowly, they had done slow in the last months. Tony forced himself into Peter’s body again and again, watching the pink pucker where they were joint, and he knew he couldn’t last much longer. He shifted slightly, aiming for Peter’s prostate and a loud cry confirmed he had found it.
 “So good for me, baby boy.” Tony was panting. “You look so beautiful spread around my cock. You were made for me, made to be my little slut, weren’t you?”
 “Yes, Daddy. Yes, please. Made for you, only for you.” Peter was really a sweet little thing.
 Peter’s untouched cock was angry red, bouncing between them and Tony loved the desperate picture. He didn’t touch it, gripping his boy’s hips tighter instead, thrusting into Peter’s hole like his life depended on it.
 The boy was about to lose himself, his moans getting louder and louder, his hips twitching on the sheets with such force that Tony was unable to hold them still. Tony’s pleasure kept rising and he knew he would come soon, so he fumbled between their bodies to touch Peters cock.
 “Daddy, T-Tony, I’m coming.” Peter screamed. “Please, I’m so close.”
 “Then come for me.” Tony said, adoration in his voice. “Come for me, now.”
 As soon as he touched the tip of Peter’s cock, his boy was coming. He convulsed, his hole squeezing around Tony while his back lifted off the bed. The boy’s eyes rolled back in his head and Tony watched in awe as Peter was consumed by his orgasm. He was so beautiful, Tony felt warmth spreading in his chest.
 He was close, too, keeping up the thrusts to search for his own orgasm. He continued fucking Peter, watching his boy riding the height of his pleasure, never slowing down. Peter’s face was twisted from overstimulation, but Tony showed no mercy.
 He felt himself getting close, the familiar tingle starting in his spine and he picked up his pace. White hot pleasure rushed through his body, amplified by Peter’s still twitching hole. Tony came, his hips stuttering while he buried himself as deep in the boy as possible. It was overwhelming, waves and waves of pleasure were crashing down on him, and his cock was spilling inside of the condom. He came longer than he ever did before, needing minutes to catch his breath.
  When Tony felt like moving again, he pulled out carefully, earning a wince from his boy. He stripped off the condom, fastened it with a knot and dropped it on the floor. Then, he picked up some handkerchiefs from the bedside table, cleaning Peter sporadically, before pulling him into his arms.
 “I love you.” Tony mumbled, pressing a kiss on Peter’s forehead and listening to their fast beating hearts.
 “I love you too.” His boy shifted, until Tony was laying on his back, Peter’s head resting on his chest.
 “Tony, it was… wow.” Peter said, making the billionaire smile, and wondering how he had ever earned such luck.
 “Yes, it was.” Tony replied, stroking Peter’s bare back as he lost himself in the moment.
 Being close to Peter was all he could ever want. He wanted to fuck his boy, spend time with his boy and cuddle him to death. He wanted him as a partner more than he had ever wanted Pepper. Peter was perfect for him, and with the boy b his side, Tony knew he could face everything.
 On the bedside drawer was Peters present, still wrapped up. Tony had booked a trip through Europe, planning to show Peter more than just the hospital in Switzerland, but he couldn't bring himself to get up so quickly to give Peter his present.
 His eyes drifted shut, satisfied with the good sex and Tony knew he had never been happier in his life. It didn't matter what he would read about them in the media the next day, he could bear anything if only his soul mate was by his side.
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danyka-fendyr · 6 years
Sleep is For the Week
Big thanks to Tumblr user @tantalum-cobalt for inspiring me on my main account @rmswiftie13 to write this! This is just a short fic I wrote about Damian and Tim doing some brotherly bonding.
Word count: 2378
Tim Drake was not too proud to admit he had some issues. Some less open-minded individuals might even call them problems. However, Tim was an intellectual, and therefore could recognize at 5:00 AM on a Tuesday, watching the sunrise on a digital screen showing a view of the woods outside the manor that he had set up when Steph had asked when the last time he saw the sun was, that not sleeping for 8 days straight and not eating for 3 was really more of an issue than a problem. Tim knew this because Tim had been solving a problem for those 8 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes and 52 seconds. If anyone knew what a problem was, it was Tim.
No, Tim Drake didn’t have any problems except the one he was currently working on. He couldn’t figure out how Bane was doing it, but somehow he was managing to get a new and apparently enhanced form of his special little strength elixir through Tim’s carefully constructed screening system. Technically it was the GCPD’s screening system, but Tim may have nudged them along by dropping a fully formed plan into Commissioner Gordon’s inbox using an anonymous email account. Not to say that Jim didn’t know exactly who was responsible for the new low in drug-trafficking currently occurring in Gotham city. Jim Gordon was good at knowing things quietly though.
Tim hadn’t figured out exactly how enhanced Bane’s new serum was, and he wouldn’t be able to until he got his hands on some of it, which was another thing bothering him. He had some idea though since Bane had used it to knock Bruce straight out of commission for the past 8 days, 5 hours, 26 minutes and 34 seconds. Let’s just say there were a lot of broken bones involved. A ridiculous amount really.
That was why Tim was currently sitting here, working on overdrive. Dick was dealing with something in Blüdhaven. The details eluded him at this particular stage of caffeine-driven sleep deprivation. Jason was off with the outlaws doing goodness knows what, but probably involving murder on some level. Steph and Cass checked in on him occasionally, but they were a bit preoccupied, Steph with helping Dick and Cass with helping Alfred watch over Bruce, who was being particularly difficult.
That left Damian. Tim wasn’t worried about Damian interrupting him though. When given the option, the demon-brat avoided Tim like a vampire avoided daylight. So Tim was left in peace, except for the nightly patrol where he and Damian tried to avoid speaking. They couldn't afford to get into too many arguments, spread as thin as they were, so it was better to just not talk at all.
A steady dripping sound filled the cave, a peaceful background to Tim’s research. His fingers clicked steadily across the keys, and his background ambiance audio was helping him stay focused. Or so he thought.
As it turned out, the classical music combined with the sounds of a storm, the dripping off some stalactite in the back of the cave, and the steady thrumming of his fingers on the keyboard may have been a little too calming. Tim’s fingers began to slow as his eyes began to droop. In a last-ditch effort, he reached for his coffee thermos, only to find it empty. He idly wondered how that had happened, closing his eyes in annoyance. He only meant to close them for a moment, but once they were closed it just felt so nice.
All he wanted to do was drift out of his tired, aching, throbbing body that had been screaming in protest at him all week. His eyes itched and burned even while closed, his stomach churned, his head hurt and his limbs ached. Before he fully knew what was happening, brain slowing down to match the speed of molasses, Tim Drake was asleep.
Damian was bored. No, bored was an understatement. The understatement of the century. If he didn’t find something to do, he was going to stab someone. Speaking of stabbing people, what was Drake up to?
Damian figured he was probably in the cave, and if Damian was lucky, his guard would be down. A prime target for stabbing. Perhaps torture, if the opportunity presented itself.
Damian made his way down to the cave, at first confused by the echoing sounds bouncing off the walls. He couldn’t understand why on earth someone was playing classical music in here without headphones. It was an unspoken rule of the Batcave that if you were going to listen to music you should probably do it with headphones since sound resonated all too well. The answer became clear to him though when he took a few steps further.
Drake was lying crumpled in a desk chair, his body in a pathetically grotesque position. Headphones hung halfway off his head, the cord jerked out of the computer by some movement in his sleep. One arm was folded between his waist and his legs, and it looked like he was probably losing blood flow to it. The other dangled lazily down to his toes, fingertips brushing the floor, while his head was buried awkwardly between his knees, neck twisted in some inhuman fashion.
“Drake, as much as I would like to see you in pain, I need you to have my back on patrol tonight. Wake up, or I assure you, you will not have to feel my wrath to understand the meaning of pain. Though I shall provide more, no doubt,” Damian added.
Tim didn’t stir. He didn’t even move a single muscle, other than to breathe. Damian wondered if maybe someone had put something in Tim’s coffee, but then he realized that someone would have had to be him since no one else had the time for that kind of devious micro-managing. That was certainly one way to get Drake to sleep.
“Drake!” Damian called his name louder this time.
Still no response. He frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. It would seem there was only one option left to him.
Damian crossed the room, pushing Tim up by his shoulders into something that resembled a sitting position. He was heavier than Damian expected him to be, still in his Red Robin suit that he hadn’t changed out of from patrol. Carefully, Damian hefted him halfway over his shoulder. He stumbled slightly, taken aback by the sheer muscle mass of the older boy. He knew on a subconscious level that Drake had to be strong to some extent, but he hadn’t thought about how much time Drake probably actually spent working on maintaining that strength, or the weight that would result from that behavior.
Damian dragged Tim along, refusing to bow under his weight. Tim still hadn’t stirred, fast asleep. Curse Drake and his dangerous sleeping habits. Didn’t he know he could get Damian killed?
Eventually, after much dragging but certainly no sweating, panting, or any other signs of large amounts of effort, the 13-year-old managed to get his older brother into bed. The only problem now was that it was not Tim’s bed, but  Damian’s.
Bruce’s room was the closest to the cave, naturally. He had to be there at any given time during the day, or the night for that matter, so it only made sense. However, Bruce was currently occupying his room, so it wasn’t like Damian could drop his load off there. The next closest room just so happened to be his.
He had demanded it under the pretense that, as the heir to the mantle of Batman, he ought to be just as close, if not more so, to the cave than his father was. It definitely had nothing to do with the nightmares that had plagued him since his death or the fact that the room had belonged to Grayson in previous years and perhaps was capable of bringing Damian such paltry feelings as peace and comfort. No, his reasons were purely practical.
So there Drake lay, diagonal on Damian’s Superman comforter, a gift from Jon. It was a stupid gift, but he never knew when Jon would be visiting, so he thought it best to keep it on at all times so as not to hurt the feelings of his overemotional...ally. Constant vigilance was important. Almost as important as making sure to stay on the good side of one of the most powerful families in the universe. It was an intelligent political move on Damian’s part, of course.
Damian’s hands came to rest on his hips as he stared at Drake, surveying his conundrum. The true heart of the problem was not that Drake was on his bed. No, the real dilemma here was that, after lugging Drake up a few flights of stairs and placing him on his bed, Damian was not tired, exactly. No. He just thought it might be prudent to rest and make sure he was up to his full strength for patrol tonight.
Of course, Damian could only see one way of getting any sleep right now. He refused to use a bed that wasn’t his own since that would be admitting defeat, something Damian never did. Instead, he would simply have to share the bed with Drake.
Moving him again wasn’t an option since Damian didn’t want to strain any muscles that could be vital in his role as the next Batman. He had a responsibility as the blood son. With that in mind, Damian moved to the far end of the bed, as far from Drake as he could get, and went to sleep.
When Tim woke up, his first thought was that he was not in the Batcave. Slowly, he assessed his surroundings. The first thing he registered was warmth. Radiating out from somewhere near his chest, there was something providing heat.
Tim looked down to see a shock of dark hair, messy with sleep. His first instinct was confusion, unsure who exactly was sleeping curled into his side. He shifted slightly to get a better look at their face, and nearly cried out when it was Damian.
The young boy’s long dark lashes brushed his high cheekbones, eyelids fluttering lightly from some dream and obscuring his sharp green eyes. He had his arms wrapped in on himself, knees pulled up to his chest, back pressed firmly against Tim’s own chest.
Tim was just going to quietly sneak out of the room, already sitting up halfway, when he heard something. A quiet groan slipped out of Damian’s mouth, so low Tim almost missed it. The noise got louder, whimpers now, gut-wrenching in their vulnerability.
Tim almost left it, knowing that the last person Damian would want to see waking up from a nightmare was him. When Damian cried out sharply though, Tim knew he couldn’t leave him like this. He didn’t have the heart to wait for someone else to help the demon brat. He may be annoying, but he was still Tim’s baby brother, and he looked tiny and fragile lying on his Superman blanket in the dim room, curled in on himself.  He was protecting his core, the very same place Tim knew a large scar lay, one that marked more than just an injury.
He reached out, shaking Damian’s shoulder.
“Hey,” Tim whispered harshly. “Hey, kid. Wake up. You’re having a nightmare.”
Slowly, Damian stirred, the strangled noises coming out of his mouth fading.
“Drake?” Damian asked, blinking and revealing his hazy green eyes. “How did you get in...never mind. Go away Drake, I’m sleeping.”
The tiny boy turned onto his side, away from his brother. Tim knew better than to think that he was just going back to sleep. He had seen the sheen of tears in his brother's eyes before he had rolled over, and he knew what he was hiding.
“You were having a nightmare,” Tim said.
“I’m fine now. You may leave,” Damian muttered.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tim asked softly, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“I will be quite alright, Drake. I assure you I shall be more than competent on tonight’s patrol.”
Damian’s voice was terse, but he couldn’t hide what Tim knew. With his pale hand on the boy’s dark shoulder, he could feel the slight shudders running through Damian’s body. Without pausing to ask, or to consider the possible effects on his own health, Tim scooped Damian up and placed him in his lap. Carefully, he wrapped his arms around the little boy and held him close.
“You don’t have to talk about it. I know I’m not close to you like Dick, and I can’t relate like Jason. Just...don’t do this alone. You don’t want to be alone, Damian. Trust me.”
There was a moment of silence, the feeling of it thick in the room, like the tight feeling in the back of Tim’s throat.
“Very well. I shall allow you to stay on one condition. Go back to sleep Drake. I can’t have you collapsing in the middle of a fight. You’re already a disaster enough as it is when you’ve had enough sleep, you had best not get me killed in a situation that could have been completely avoidable,” Damian said.
“Yeah, okay kid,” Tim said, lying back down with Damian still held tightly in his grasp.
“And you will eat something as well. Not that you need it. You are incredibly heavy, do you know that Drake?” Damian grumbled, wiggling so that he was more comfortable.
“Sure. Whatever you say, Damian,” Tim said, grinning to himself.
“Now go to sleep Drake,” Damian commanded.
As it turned out though, he didn’t need to tell Drake to fall asleep. He had already done just that, his breathing settling into a steady, slow rhythm. Damian felt his own breathing slow too, and before he knew it he had joined his older sibling.
When Bruce would finally convince Alfred to let him out of bed for the first time in over a week, he would be surprised when he went to check on his youngest only to find him sleeping, curled up underneath the cape of his third son. He smiled, closing the door as he turned to head back to bed. Not, however, before he had time to snap a pic to send to his eldest in Blüdhaven. Dick was going to love this.
10 notes · View notes
aikainkauna · 7 years
What Ao3 Means to Me: An Essay
I left this as a series of comments on Ao3′s celebration post of them having broken the THREE MILLION fanwork mark. Fucking hell, you guys! They asked what Ao3 meant to you, and I went on a fair bit about the importance of fanfic (and the accessibility thereof) in general, so I thought I’d crosspost it to my blogs for posterity. So here’s the Tumblr edition.
Ao3 makes it possible for me to write and read exactly what I want, how I want, and for my works to be as accessible as possible.
-Therefore, Ao3 is the exact opposite of what I don't like about the publishing world and the world of media in general. Here, users are able to exercise an unprecedented amount of control over the sort of content they want to, or don't want to, read--bookstores or Amazon will not be truly able to tell you whether a book contains a rare kink you want to read about, or, conversely, whether there's going to be triggery material you've had enough of for a lifetime.
-You don't have to pay to read anything, which completely removes the painful exclusion suffered by those who want to read certain materials but can never afford to do so, and the frustration of having wasted your already-limited money on a terrible book. While Internet access and language barriers still limit access to even online fiction in various parts of the world, a free-of-charge website is nevertheless the most egalitarian, the most accessible method of distributing reading materials in human history. As someone who grew up in the pre-Internet era in a small town in the middle of the tundra where she had no way of getting in contact with people who shared her tastes or philosophies, I have known what it's like. Still living in the same small town in the middle of the tundra, I continue to know what it's like with no local friends into the same fandoms, and where international postage costs for things I want to buy off international websites limits my access to a great many things. I also saw the end of the zine era and had to deal with the elitism of those fans who thought that if you couldn't afford a $25 zine with $30 postage (more than an average novel), you didn't deserve to read their precious fanfics anyway. (And as was very often the case, the only well-written explicit fics in the fandom were by zine-only elitists, and when only 1 -3 fics in a zine with 12 fics in it were any good, it was incredibly frustrating.) Therefore, I remain grateful--more than grateful; on my knees praising the fact!--for the existence of not only the Internet, but for fanfic archives where I can easily find the things I want to read, for free.
-On Ao3, I can write about taboo subjects that I could never write about in a published novel, without there being an absolute moral panic over such things. On the contrary, Ao3 has readers who--for the most part--understand the difference between enjoying something in fiction and practicing it in real life. While fandom has, indeed, been suffering from a stupid amount of such moral panics ever since fanfic became mainstream, my darkfics have still mostly had positive comments and understanding from readers who get it, even if many now have to preface their comments with "this isn't my kink, but..." or "these characters are crazy and evil, as you yourself admit, but..." disclaimers thanks to the Tumblr antis. Every time I see such a disclaimer, it merely proves the need for such stories--in fact, my most-read story is an entire cavalcade of taboos and wrongnesses and moral darkness, my having deliberately written it as an exercise to understand what makes a pair of very ruthless, very perverse pair of incestuous bastards tick. But society at large would just indulge in knee-jerk condemnations, and think a story of a precocious teenaged girl's sexual awakening with an older man was pandering to paedophiles (again shifting the focus to the male in the relationship, and silencing what might be going on in the girl's head, which was a major point; hers is the story that never gets told, and my readers--many of them girls and young women themselves, none of them dirty old men--have repeatedly pointed out that the adolescent girl's POV was the exact thing what lured them in). So, yeah, I couldn't publish a story like that anywhere else without people completely missing the point. And I'm very grateful to be able to speak about things I couldn't speak about elsewhere on here, and to engage in a truly multilateral discussion about the subjects, too, without flamewars.
-In addition to that, I don't have an editor, I don't have deadlines, I don't have publisher's guidelines telling me what I can do and what I can't do. To a disabled person who can't do deadlines because she never knows what sort of condition she'll be in on a given day, that's a godsend; to someone who enjoys writing about rare types of characters and at times rare kinks, it's another. Having someone tell me to cut down a sex scene when I want to linger in it for maximum sensual pleasure--it'd be like someone standing beside my bed, telling me how to make love! Because in so many ways, the act of writing and reading fanfic *is* lovemaking--it's making love to your beloved characters, it's making love to the world you found so engaging in the original source material. You've had that one intoxicating kiss in the original, but what's this? You mean I couldn't have more? That's not how love works, really--hence, we spin these stories on and on and on, writing tens or even hundreds of stories of our favourite OTPs getting together. Therefore, someone else controlling how you should do it is frankly preposterous, even brutal. I regularly write 7000-word sex scenes and write poetically, Romantically, because that's how I feel and that's how I love, and tend to gravitate towards the sorts of characters who are sexually voracious and Romantic anyway. But an editor would tell me to hack it down to just a couple of pages, tell me to remove an unfashionable (or even unacceptable) kink and to cut out the purple prose. Fanfic, on the other hand, lets me write--meaning, love--as I will.
-I can write about the sorts of characters that wouldn't, publishing-wise, sell. Romance publishers would slap beefy guys with six-packs on the covers, guys exuding heterosexuality; the ladies would most certainly not be curvaceous. But in fanfic, I can write about tall, skinny, androgynous men in relationships with soft, curvaceous women who'd be deemed overweight by today's standards--and I can write them in polyamorous, bisexual BDSM relationships. Likewise, I can write romance that's intelligent and feminist-informed, but without having to make it either heteronormative chick lit about shopaholics--nor do I have to write what seems to be the only other alternative for a story to be considered "serious" by a female writer: horrible, bleak realism with constant abuse and abuse and abuse. I can write about medieval Muslim women having happy, healthy sex lives without modern politics or the neverending oppression stories being brought into it; I can write about queer characters without endless gayngst. I can write strong women who don't sit around being neurotic, or girls gone wrong who've made mistakes and who aren't feminist paragons; I can write emotionally expressive men who respect women and who take their time in the bedroom because it's the natural thing for them to do. I can write sensitive, androgynous, even femme men who aren't 100% gay (!) and who can be dominant as fuck in bed (!), and strong women who dress femme and are attracted to femme women, with no male expectations or normativity entering into it because that's their genuine orientation.
-I know fanfic readers want character-based, emotionally involving porn, and I don't have to suffer any degradation for that, the way modern media sees those things as less valuable. Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, fanfic is the best kind of fiction there is, and Ao3 serves me and other people who feel the same.
-Ao3's policy of accepting everything without any moral judgements is one of the greatest, most important stands for free speech ever made, and touches millions of people worldwide, the vast majority of them women and minorities. I would compare it to the Library of Alexandria if it weren't even more important, because it doesn't touch only our brains but our genitals and our hearts; it's a safe haven for millions of *souls.* Through fanfic, we court again and again the most important matters of all: human relationships and our ways of navigating them, our very ways of being and existing in the world. We don't only write or read here: we live, love, laugh and orgasm here.
But you know what the most important thing of all is? Ao3 allows many of us to live, love, laugh and orgasm in more ways, more expansive ways than what real life would ever allow us because of the way said real life suppresses, polices and violates our bodies and our orientations and our minds. In many ways, only on Ao3 can we fully be our complete human selves--and transcend ourselves, even--far beyond what others would ever allow us: it's only in a world like this in which we can truly live, breathe and be.
Thank you, AO3.
6 notes · View notes
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
"How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Best insurance lawyer in southern california?
i had my car stolen and the insurance company is trying to screw me so i need a good lawyer to help me fight back.
Insurance's on a 16 year old driver?
i am 16 years old and i am looking for cars.. i found a used 2006 audi a6, i really like it and i want it to be my first car!!! does any body know how much it would cost too insure me under it ??????????""
Will my health insurance apply when i move?
I live in california and have really great health insurance that my mother pays for, but i am moving to missouri in january and am wondering if when i move my health insurance will still work? i don't know very much about this subject and if i'm not covered i'd like to begin looking for a job in which i can be. any help is great, thanks!""
Liability insurance rates?
Im a 17 year old white male and i get my license in april. I will be driving a 2000 jeep grand cherokee Laredo which i paid 4400 for. I live in new jersey and I passed drivers ed and have 6 hours behind the wheel at a diving school. I only need liability insurance since i bought the car out right. About how much will my insurance be?
Health insurance for immigrant children?
can someone please help me out im a 17 years old immigrant in florida and i want to try out for soccer and i need insurance but i don't have it what is the cheapest solution you can give me
Which car insurance company has the lowest rate?
Does state farm have the lowest car insurance rate?
Recommended auto insurance in us?
Specifically NJ. have some points. Any help on which would be cheapest?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
""Have a question for all those knowledgeable about cars, insurance, etc.? Is this true?""
Is it true that two door vehicles are more costly, insurance wise, than four door vehicles? I ask because I am considering purchasing a certain vehicle; however, i'd rather have the coupe than the sedan. Someone told me that any vehicle with two doors is considered a sports car, and therefore, more costly to insure, than a sedan would be. Is this true? Or does it just depend on the car?""
Could I set up my own car insurance company to insure myself?
In Canada, it is the law to have car insurance. Is it possible I could set up my own car insurance company to insure myself. I am aware that I would have to cover the damages of other cars involved in an accident, but am not sure if I would have to cover if an accident is fatal. Also, considering that I may have to cover damages in case of a fatality and other cars involved in an accident, would be more economical to just go with paying an insurance company?""
Where is the best place for cheap insurance for a 100cc scooter in northern ireland?
age 26, honda scv100 lead 2007""
""Ran a stop sign, will I have to take traffic school to keep insurance rate down?""
I am a 21 year old who got a ticket for running a stop sign in Los Angeles. When I go to pay I see the option of traffic school, but it is more expensive than just paying the ticket off. If I want to keep my insurance rates at their current price, do I need to take traffic school? I am willing to do it, I just want to make sure the extra money won't be for nothing.""
Who has affordable health insurance for my family of 5 in virginia?
My husbands job provides insurance for $650 a month. We can't afford that at all. So looking for affordable health and dental please help we are in virginia. Thanks in advance
How much is car insurance?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old girl with very good grades.?
A good individual dental insurance plan?
I don't have dental insurance, and my employer doesn't offer any. I seriously need to see a dentist, I haven't been to one since I last had insurance 4 years ago. But I can't afford much right now either. I need a plan that will cover preventive treatment, doesn't have much of a waiting period, and will cover at least some of any major work, because i think I might need some. By the way, I live in central PA.""
""If I buy auto insurance online from statefarm, how do i get my insurance card?""
Do I just print it out, or do they mail it to me? How long do I have to stay before I cancel without getting a cancellation fee? 6 months, a year? Is the final quote going to be the cost, or can they raise it immediately?""
Expensive insurance. why?
I've never been in an accident or recieved a ticket before so why is my insurance so expensive. Yes I am male but I am 25 ... It should have become cheaper a while ago but I'm paying about 50$ more a month than all of my friends and some have the same company.. I have liabillity as well.. how much cheaper should your insurance be if you never been ticketed or been In a crash? Thanks.
Can i use my car insurance to drive my dads car?
i got fully comp insurance on my car, does my insurance cover me to drive my dads car?""
How much would this cost to insure?
Hi, I'm looking to buy my first car. Two I have my eyes on are an automatic 2002 Chevy Camaro and a manual 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. Both cost just over 5k. I'm 17, a male, I have good grades, I don't smoke or do drugs, I'm in honors classes and I've taken drivers ed. Approximately how much would they cost to insure? Please don't say They're too challenging to drive , or They have too much power. I've driven cars with power before (both manual and auto) and I don't find it challenging at all. I have pretty good hand eye coordination. Also, my apologies if this somehow gets asked in the UK answers, I'm asking this fairly late at night.""
Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas?
Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas?
How much would insurance go up for a newer used car?
I drive a 1988 Lincoln Mark VII. I wanted to know how much more my insurance would go up if I got a 1996 Buick Regal?
Can I be covered under my girlfriend's insurance plan if we have lived together for a year and a half?
My girlfriend works for AT&T and is enrolled in their insurance plan. I just graduated from college, and have not started employment with my job yet. The insurance coverage I had with ...show more""
Need help for home insurance?
For home insurance, what is the difference between DP3 and HO3. thanks.""
How can I get cheaper insurance?
I'm 18 years old about to be 19. I paid 200 monthly for insurance but found out there raising my fee to over 500 bucks. I used progressive to find a quote and I got 400 from it. I got in one car crash last year. What are my options?
Which insurance is the cheapest insurance in houston?
I am 21 year old and I got no insurance for my car. so, which insurance is the best and cheapest insurance in houston. Help me!!""
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
What would be the best option of the mortgage or life insurance in case of serious illness? ?
Also if two people are on the mortgage do they both need separate insurance or one will cover them both?
""Cheapest method for car insurance for 17 year old male, UK?""
hy guys, im 16 at the moment, and 17 in november and desperate to pass my driving test ASAP, which is the cheapest way to go about car insurance? ive heard vans insurence is cheaper? or going on parents insurance? im looking to get my own car, not to share my parents. please help me out guys! thanks x""
How much is my car payment and insurance?
Hey, everyone else is asking the same 2 stupid questions, now it's my turn!""
Can you insure a car without a company?
Do you have to go through a company to insure your car, or can you do it yourself? What I mean is that you could put a large sum of money to one side in a deposit and get back what wasn't spent on claiming. This system works for appartment renting, so why not car insurance? Does it exist? Should it exist?""
Should the young pay the same for health insurance as the elderly?
Why or why not?
Should I cash in my whole life insurance policy?
I purchased a whole life insurance policy about ten years ago. I know, bad decision. Now I have acquired some debt from a divorce and if I cash in the policy minus any taxes and/or fees I can wipe this debt out. I still have an SGLI policy currently for 200K and can increase this after I close the other policy. Is this a good decision?""
Can someone take out a life insurance policy on a mentally retarded person who didn't know what he was signing
This person was mentally retarded (52) and died of brain cancer. HIs brother (an attorney) took out an insurance policy for the 52 year old. The 52 year old did not really know what he was signing. The amount of the policy is unknown. Is this insurance fraud?
Insurance box keeping car at different address?
i'm thinkg of getting insuranca box installed to reduce the cost of the premium, but i keep my car at different address, would they know that?""
I was in an auto accident without insurance. What am I facing?
I was in a car accident yesterday. I live in California. I had no insurance at the time, although I was unaware that my girlfriend had not sent in my quarterly paryment and was actually driving without insurance for almost 3 months. The day after the accident I went in to the Highway Patrol's office and spoke to the officer who took the report and informed him I discovered I had no insurance. He didnt seem all that concerned and thanked me for going in. As for the accidnet itself, I belief I will be found at fault as I did not brake in time and rear end a small car who in turn hit the car infront of her. I was traveling at about 30 mph when I started to brake and I heard the firefighter at the seen tell the chp he thought it was 25-30 mph. If anyone could tell me what I am facing legally and finacially. I read online I will automatically have a one year driver's license suspension. Is this accurate and is this all? WIll I ge a ticked or fine? I would also like for someone to rule out jail time. The driver immediately infront of me had good damage to the back of her car and was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. Her daughter called me the day after the accident and told me she was at her house but wanted her car fixed soon because she wanted to return home in another state. I suggested she call her own insurance and let them know I was inot insured. THe other driver in front and her passenger were also taken to the hospital with minor injuries and their car had minor damage when I looked at it at the time of the accident. I have not heard from them. Financially can anyone tell me what I am facing? I understand I will be responsible, but I also understand that the other parties' insurances will have to cover their own drivers. If so will I simply be responsible for their deductable. I am more concerned with the legal aspects than the financial. I am an single father of three and need to be there for my kids. Thank you to whoever can help!""
Why are insurance companies restricted from selling health insurance to anyone?
Why would any state decide not to let an insurance company compete?
Is insure 24 ltd a legit company?
I recently was offered a job with this company out in the UK called insure 24 limited and don't know whether they are legit or a scam... I just need extra insight before i go any further - also they don't use a free subscription email address which is also another reason why i'm thinking they are real.
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
Does geico insurance policy with full coverage cover a stolen car that was left unlocked?
Does geico insurance policy with full coverage cover a stolen car that was left unlocked?
""Will my regular auto insurance go up if I get a motorcycle license, I won't have a bike yet, just the license?""
Will my regular auto insurance go up if I get a motorcycle license, I won't have a bike yet, just the license?""
Where is the best place to purchase product liability insurance?
Need product liability insurance for imported hardwood flooring.
Car insurance payment?
Does anyone know of a car insurance company where I can pay pay the first instalment any way but not pay credit or debit card. I don't have either and I need to to insurance asap. I have never had car insurance before as I am a new driver
How does car insurance work?
I'm looking at getting car insurance but I'm confused how it works i want to pay monthly but u cannot afford to pay the deposit and a month in advance PLEASE HELP! xD
How much is the car insurance here in london? im 18 years old holding a provisional driving license?
How much is the car insurance here in london? im 18 years old holding a provisional driving license?
""After what age in the UK is drivers insurance, cheaper?""
im 20, i passed when i was 18. at what age is insurance cheaper, i know it depends on where you live, car, model, engine etc but at what age?""
Good health insurance quotes websites?
Whats a good and reliable website where I can look up health insurance packages and quotes
Insurance problems with car theft?
a friend of mine is an american citizen living in Juarez, Mexico because of his wife is a Mexican citizen that can't cross until her papers are finalized.. So he works here and goes back to Juarez for the night and comes back in the morning.. the other day on his way home.. he stopped at the store and when he walked out.. someone stole his truck.. he called the police and reported a stolen truck but with no info given about himself or the truck, just merely a black suburban... now he's back in the states.. and wants to report it stolen here from a friends house or something... not at a store because walmart has video cameras in their parking lots.. so how can he proceed in doing this.. he doesn't want to cause insurance fraud but he has nothing left besides his truck.. if he tells the insurance company it was stolen across the border, there is no policy on where it was stolen, so Juarez, Mexico is out of their jurisdiction.. how can he do this without getting in trouble.. he's worried about the border itself.. because they snap a photo of you coming into the united states.. but do they snap a photo of you when they get out? any info on what he can do to help his situation would help so much.. thank you""
Is progressive car insurance cheap?
I had State Farm but they terminated my insurace because of to many tickets, i herd Progressive was cheap, what do you think? I am 19 by the way""
I need to sue someone who hit my car with no insurance or license?
however I live in Arizona and I need to know the statute of limitations... I couldn't find anything online unfortunatly. Can anyone help ? My accident was Feb 2009
Any idea how much motorcycle insurance for a 19 yer old Female in Texas would cost?
i been driving for at least 13 years (since i was 7 i was driving a 150cc) at 15 i started driving a 1600cc yamaha royal star :D (so dont say i dont know) i had a mexican motorcycle license for about 4-5 years (i am verly gonna get tx Licence) And i am planning on getting maybe a 600cc sportbike to use in TX
Heath insurance?
the comapny i work for is taking insurance premium out but the insurance premium is not being paid.......what can we do as employees?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
What is UPS waiting period for health insurance?
How long after being hired as a permanent part-time employee do you have to wait for insurance to kick in?
""If i get married, but husband doesnt drive, do i have to add him to my motorcycle insurance?""
i got married very recently. my husband does not drive. he doesn't have a drivers license and never has. i got a quote for updating my status to married on my motorcycle insurance and my rate skyrocketed, so i didn't update my policy (my name is didnt change so i dont have to update that either). so my question is, is it ok for me not to update my policy? i just don't feel that if he is never ever anywhere near my vehicle that it should affect my rates. i would love if actual insurance agents could share their insight""
Student health insurance and graduation?
I purchased a years worth of student health insurance (aetna/chickering), but I am graduating right now..(late December). What happens now ? Will my insurance be canceled or will be cut if the unthinkable happens and the clinic tries to verify my insurance ?""
Who offers the best life insurance in Illinois?
simple enough. ive done my research and the best i can find is either American Income Life insurance or State farm. anyone have either of these and think they are reasonable?
Anyone know part time jobs that give health insurance?
i know starbucks does but i was wondering if there were any others...
Why can't health insurance do new methods to cut cost?
Just thinking, how about use health care at another country for cut cost? Let say you live in USA, need heart sugery, do it at India to save insurance money. So health care become more affordable, yet insurance company can make more profit. You maybe say people don't like travel, well if you want more coverage with lower price, you got no choice. Or pay full price for insurance if prefer use America hospital. I understand some situation can't because emergency and need treatment in less than hour so can use local hospital. I am talking about if need medcial attention in less than 24 hours, can be done, insurance can arrange travel, and treatment at half way around the earth. Example: cost 100,000 dollars in USA, cost 7,000 at India for same treatment. Save: 93,000 dollars for all of us.""
How to get health insurance?
how does a student (college) go about getting health insurance? i used to be on my sisters insurance but she is currently not working there anymore and has lost her insurance, therefore am not covered anymore. How do i get health insurance?? thanks""
""The most basic and cheapest insurance available, forget what it's called?""
There's a type of insurance for mostly minors or people who deal with used cars that are cheap etc, rarely driven, traded often, and it's called ______ I forget, and it only entitles you to be insured against law suits if the other person is injured. Real crappy insurance right? I'm starting to trade cars but some will need to be driven to shops and stuff like that. In my state MICHIGAN, you need to have insurance BEFORE you register, which sucks for me. For example, I am about to buy a piece of crap 500 dollar Chevy Cavalier and I need to most basic insurance, I just forget the term for this. I don't want to get a huge big policy for a car that will be driven probably less then 50 miles in it's time that I have it.""
""In your opinion, who has better idea how make health care insurance affordable - B. Obama or W. Buffet?""
In your opinion, who has better idea how make health care insurance affordable - B. Obama or W. Buffet?""
Need help to find a car with cheap insurance?
Ok so im nearly 17 and i live in the uk so will be taking my driving test soon. I want a car that isnt to expensive to run and cheap insurance as insurance is really high at the moment an the car cant be to expensive either as i dont have a lot of money the most money i would be willing to be pay is about 2500 and cheapest insurance please!
What is the difference between ordinary life insurance and term insurance?
I heard about term insurance whose meaning is not clear to me. Can anybody please explain what is the difference between ordinary life insurance (like those offered by LIC) and a term insurance? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two?
Why would my car insurance go up?
Why would my car insurance go up? I pay my car insurance in full every 6 months and my car insurance is going up $150. I haven't gotten any tickets or in any accidents. I haven't had to pay this much since I was 19.
How To Create An Insurance Plan?
This family of four consists of a mom, dad, a twelve-year-old girl, and a sixteen-year-old boy. The family is about to move into a new house. They also own two cars. Help the Martin family create an insurance plan. An insurance plan simply lists the types of insurance they have or will be purchasing. The plan may also include some details about the insurance. For example, it may list life insurance worth $500,000 or health insurance with ABC Agency. For your assignment, create an insurance plan for the Martins. Create an insurance plan. As you create the plan, think about all of the risks this family faces and how they can protect themselves from financial loss. Next to each type of insurance that you list in the plan, write one to two sentences about why you think they need this insurance. I'm not sure how to create an insurance plan, can someone give me some guidance? Thank you.""
Car insurance prices?
Approximatley how much is car insurance on a small engine car (1.1) for a 26year old female I know it will depend on area and no claims and named drivers, mileage etc, but just looking for a rough figure as I haven't got a clue""
""If my car was severely keyed, and i want insurance to pay for some of it, will my geico insurance rate go up?""
psycho ex bf keyed every single panel of my jeep, including F^&* you and cya boo and a couple of X s. fml. there's no way in hell i can pay for it on my own but it is so embarassing. if i try to get insurance to pay for it, will my rate go up?""
Would a V6 minivan generally have a higher or lower insurance rate than an equally equipped V6 sedan?
I'm shopping for a used car, and I figure if I can get all that extra space without it costing more I'll do it...""
Cheap Life insurance?
Whats a good life insurance company
What is the cheapest car insurance for young driver?
I'm 19 and had my NY license for 1 year now. I am a male and um I'm not looking for an expensive car. just a cheap one under 10g
Do all full times jobs give you health insurance?
I just got a full time job. The guy really didnt say anything about health insurance or any kind of insurance since its full time i was wondering if i get it? its about $9.00 an hours. not sure if that helps any tho
Is athem blue cross a good insurance?
Is it really a good insurance?
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
How much was your auto insurance at 18 year olds?
Which Insurance Companies still have affordable maternity coverage?
My wife and me want to have a child. However, we are having a hard time finding a insurance company that provides maternity coverage at a affordable rate. Can someone help us?""
How much would the car insurance cost for a 19 year old? UK?
I do not want to have my parents on the insurance as I am at university in a different city, so this wouldn't be legal in the first place. I am male,19 and have had my licence for 3 months. I have received some ridiculous quotes for fiesta 1.2, corsa 1.0, golf 1.4, focus 1.4.All of them were over 3500 and up to 6000 for some of the cars. Thanks a lot!""
Are there any cheap car insurers for older cars?
I am a 38 yr old woman who has held a license for 20 yrs but has not driven for about 10 yrs. Therefor i have no NCB (No claims bonus) which i can use as it needs to be current or expired for no more than 2 yrs. I have bought a very cheap car for about 300.00 and have looked at insurance but the cheapest so far is around 600.00 which i simply cannot afford. If i could afford to pay that amount i would have obviously bought a car that was worth much more but unfortunately at the moment a cheap car is all we can get. We have been desperate to get a car as i am in a new relationship and my partner has a 13 yr old son who we want to take to lots of lovely places over the summer holidays for some fun. It seems that we will not be able to do it as the insurers are penalising me and im sure lots of other drivers who are sensible drivers but have just not driven in a while for many different reasons - I think this is very wrong! I cant feasibly pay 600.00 for a car that isnt even worth quite half of that - its lydicrous!! Please can someone help me by pointing me in the direction of a cheap insurer who is prepared to insure for the minimum amount. I have read about pay as you go car insurance but dont really know if it is a good option although we ont be doing many miles so i dont know. If anyone has used pay as u go car insurance could u tell me if it is any good please. I hope anybody reading this can help me with the cheapest insurance possible as i am totally deflated at the moment as it has taken us ages to save up enough for the car and tax and what we thought the insurance would be ( we saved another 300.00 for insurance as i thought it would be as much as the car roughly). Thankyou ever so much. Jane.
One-way Insurance HELP?
What if I have one-way Insurance, and my friend hit my car? what will happen if I do Insurance on him? Will I receive any money for the damage? will my insurance rate go up?""
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
I was hit by a car. Which insurances should be reported?
Okay... I was driving my parents car to work. I am 19. No tickets or crashes since I was 15 and a half. I was rear ended when I stopped for an ambulance. My parents have insurance on that car, but I am not on their policy. I did have my mother's permission to use the vehicle. I have my own liability insurance but on a car that I sold several months ago. I maintained that insurance just in case anything happened. The woman that hit me immediately admitted blame. She also admitted blame to the officer that came out to see us. In fact, she cut him off to admit blame. I hope I am good to go as far as any sort of payment for damages. I understand if I get ticketed for not being on their policy... I just don't want to have to pay for my parent's car out of pocket, I can't afford that. Do all three party's insurances need to be reported? My dad is trying to tell me that my insurance is the only one that needs be reported as well as the woman's that hit me. I disagree. I think that all three need to be - but he's older and wiser than me. I think he just doesn't want his rate to increase so he's trying to make me call the woman and tell her to not report their insurance. Fml, i'm confused. thanks.""
Why are insurance companies obsessed with ripping off young drivers in the UK?
I have four years no claim, the insurance people still want to rip me off at 1000-3000 pound for car insurance. It's actually cheaper to buy a second hand car and have it crushed for having no insurance. Then the road tax costs 250 on a car i barely drive. Is it any wonder that young people drive uninsured?""
What companies can insure a Ferrari or Lamborghini?
Progressive, Geico, eSurance, all the crap didn't even list Ferrari, as its a specialty car. So who the hell DOES insure a ferrari? and how much does it cost annually? its a ferrari 360 modena convertible""
Is having health insurance really necessary?
Do I need it to survive if there is nothing wrong with you/me?
My employer expects me to utilize my personal car insurance for renting cars for business purposes.?
Why should I carry the responsibility? My car insurance would go up if I am in an accident or the car is stolen. Am I being unreasonable? There is no coverage through my company AMEX card, I checked. I do not want to be a problem employee but I do not see how this is fair.""
Anybody know health insurance provider which is inexpensive and trustable?
gimme the name and website address?
Motorcycle provisional licence insurance costs?
Obviously, to learn to ride a motorcycle you sort of need your own bike with insurance, but roughly speaking, on an average standard bike, how much would that insurance be please? Anyone who has experience of this, I'd appreciate to here from especially! Thanks! (I've mastered the driving licence, so now I'm moving on to the bike licence, well, planning to). The bike would be no more than 120cc, with no more than an 11kW output. UK-based answers please, apparently the states makes it a lot cheaper to insure vehicles, jealous! Also, if you have any experience, please tell me when this was. (Insurance prices have gone up, again!) Thank you!""
How much is teen car insurance?
Im 16 and get my license next month. my parents are asking i pay car insurance so im looking for a rough estimate of what it would cost if i have my own car or not. im a girl with straight As and I've never been in any legal trouble. thanks!
Question about car insurance...?
theoretical question, if someone else was driving your car and was involved in a collision... you are insured but they were not insured to drive your vehicle (although they are their own)... they were given a fine and driving ban for 15 months. however should the third party seek compensation, who is liable to pay this - the uninsured driver or the car owner or the insurance company?""
Do I qualify for my parents health insurance?
I have a job that offers health insurance at a price I'm in school I'm 22
How much would car insurance cost on a camaro or corvette?
I'm more than likely getting a jeep but I would like to know my options. I looked at the 1975 corvette and the 1971 camaro and I wanted to how much insurance would be. I turned sixteen just today and I don't need an exact price but I would like to know about what it would be so I can consider all my options. Thanks guys.
What the average of a male 25 year old would pay for car insurance?
i planning on buying a dodge charge 2013 and getting my own car insurances i want to know around how much i would pay i'm been driving for 6 years already but with my parents insurances. but now i want to get my own car insurance
What is the best insurance company for young drivers?
Does anyone know of any insurance company which is cheap for young, new drivers? I am 17 and I found an insurance company that costs roughly 2,500 but that is still quiet a bit. Any help will be useful..!!""
What is the cheapest car insurance?
I was wondering what is the absolute cheapest car insurance? What is it and how much about? I am going to be 23 I am a female and I have never been in any accidents. I am very limit budget I need coverage but waaaaay cheap.
How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?
How much do you pay for insurance? What kind of car?
Whats the best auto insurance for a 20 year old girl with a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee?
What would be the best and the cheapest auto insurance for a girl 20 years old with a 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo with 6 cyn 4X4 and a security system???? Which one would you consider the cheapest auto insurance?? She got a speeding ticket on 8/8/08 too going 45 in a 30.
Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca?
What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California?
Is there such thing as unemployment health insurance in TX?
I don't have a job but I want health insurance. I live in Houston, TX. What is my best approach to this problem? (other than getting a job that has insurance)""
What are some car insurance companys?
would love to know ones that are cheap???
How much will my insurance go up?
A few weekends ago I backed into someone's car who was parked. The damage was not extremely significant; it gave him a small scratch that will be easily buffed out and a small-ish dent more on the underside of the bumper. I gave the guy my insurance info and everything, and he is going to file a claim. My question is, since the accident is pretty minor (thankfully) will my insurance skyrocket or anything? I am unfortunately a 17 year old male who recently got his license a few months ago, so I know that doesn't help. Any ideas?""
Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?
Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?
Does manual transmission increase your insurance rate?
i had someone tell me it did, but i just don't know about that!""
What car insurance is cheapest?
im enlisted in the marines right now and i haven't shipped out to boot camp yet, i will be 18 years old and planning on getting a used jeep wrangler after boot camp, i just want to know which car insurance will bee the cheapest for it, thanks!""
Does the colour of your car affect how much your insurance will cost?
cos someone said that apparently darker coloured cars like black or darker shade blue green etc are more expensive on insurance than lighter ones like white, yellow etc Is this true or am i just being told myths?""
What happens if you get pulled over with a suspended licence but you have SR-22 Insurance?
I live in California and these days its getting harder and harder to get away with things with DMV. Does anyone know what happens if you get pulled over with a suspended license? I received a DUI on March 1st 2007 and have been driving with out a license for almost 4 years but Ive always had insurance and registration, and now they have a completely different department for registration which slowed up the delivery of my 2011 tags. Now Im driving around with no tags, suspended registration, and suspended license but carrying SR-22 insurance. Its all in the mail and getting sorted out but with these furlough Fridays its slowed the process of obtaining everything even more. What happens if I get pulled over?""
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
How much is car insurance on a 2002 mustang convertable?
0 notes
arizona insurance association
"arizona insurance association
arizona insurance association
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Why are some people so adamant that having ONLY private medical insurance is best?
What do you think? This is a quote from the following article: In addition, under the settlement, Health Net agreed to halt employee bonuses that were based in part on how many rescissions they performed. And here's the article, with other reputable links inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem Blue Cross Announces Settlements With California Insurance Department Over Rescinded Health Insurance Policies; Health Net Announces Settlement""
Do you have to have car insurance? dont answer if you dont live in texas please?
I want to get my drivers license and i dont have a car so therefore i dont have car insurance. Can you get your license without having car insurance? Also would i use there car to drive or do i have to bring a car bc like i said i dont have one? And if i was to use someone elses car would i have to be on there insurance? Because if i have to then thats like saying you cant get a drivers license without a car or car insurance which wouldnt make that much sense. And please dont answer my questions if u dont live in texas
How do I go about this? Car insurance for myself and get the car in my name?
My mom is giving me her old car. She has it in her name, and I want to put it in my own name with my own car insurance. I'm moving out so this is the reason for it. I live in Florida.""
Car Insurance moving from one state to another?
I'm moving to TX from PA. My car got inspected in pa a couple months ago. When i move to TX im going to need to get new insurance because my company doesnt cover in that state. When i go to get new insurance does my car have to be inspected in TX to get insurance?
How much money should the insurance company be giving me?
I was in a car accident. An suv hit me (perpendicular to my drivers side), which made me hit a mazda and it spun out of control. The suv that started the accident RAN OFF! They did not realize their license plate fell off and they actually filed a claim saying they were hit in a parking lot! Anyways, it totalled my car so my insurance co is giving me $6200 for my car, but deducting $500 for my deductibl because at first we could not find who was driving the vehicle. Now the drivers insurance company has contacted me wanting to meet to discuss how much money they are going to give me. He said they will be giving me money for my deductible, medical bills, missing work, missing school, inconvience, stresss and pain and suffering. We are meeting today to negotiate the amount. I am not sure what is a reasonable amount, my friends told me $5400 - 8,000. I'd like about $6000-$7000. Do you think this is right?""
Full Coverage Insurance on 08 Camry?
I am about to lease my first car. I have heard that I need full coverage insurance, but am a little unsure about what this means. I have gotten quotes from several insurance companies, but I don't really understand the coverage limits that they have. A few companies have easy coverage selections (ex: a high, medium, or low degree of protection). Does full coverage mean that I would need the highest degree of protection?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I live in new jersey, 20 years old, I drive a 1996 oldsmobile, and I'm on my boyfriends parents insurance paying 115$ a month, my boyfriend and I share the car, he's 23 & the insurance was originally 80 then it went to 115$ because his sister got in an accident...I would like to know how much do you pay & what's your insurance company?""
Which company has the best deal on maximum coverage car insurance?
I live in Ohio, and I have a lease which requires that I have extremely good car insurance. I was paying 140 a month on my fathers plan with a discount which was ridiculous in my opinion. Now I have to get my own policy, which places would be the best to get quotes from? I need it asap.""
Can I take out life insurance on my mom?
So my father was an alcoholic and my mother is an addict, my father recently passed away and it was very hard to come up with all the money for his funeral as i am a young mother with financial responsibilities of my own. I am worried my mother is going to die due to all the drug use over the years, is there a burial or life insurance i can get on her to help with expenses?""
Antique motorcycles older than 25 years dont have to pay insurance?
Im sure i remember being told if a motorcycle is older than 25 years you dont have to pay out any insurance on it is that right??
How to be auto insurance agent that sells more than 1 brand of auto insurance product?
I am interested in becoming an auto insurance agent. I want to do this part time, but I don't know how to get started? I can go to school to get the degree to sell insurance, but how do you get the connections to sell the various types of insurance ?""
""If my car gets totaled by another driver, how much will I get from their insurance?""
If I get in an accident and it is not my fault, will the other driver's insurance company pay for what my car would be worth in private party value? Also, would they rate it as fair, good, or excellent condition? My car is currently worth $28k in private party in good condition according to KBB, and a lot of insurance companies only cover up to $25k. Will my insurance company pay the difference and TTL for a new car? My car is fine, I'm just curious.""
Can my car get repossessed for lapse of insurance?
Okay so short and sweet my loan company called and says my insurance lapsed now is this a problem by means can they come get the car like in the same fashion as if I were not paying on it? But can they still get it even if I am making the right payments on time? Also if I fax them my insurance card showing I have the card with proof of the insurance til may will they take that as a form or do they need to contact the company directly?
How much is motorcycle insurance in nc?
i'm thinking about getting a motorcycle and i wanna see how much cheaper it is than getting a car and how much it would help
Does your insurance go up after getting a speeding ticket?
I live in BC. Does your insurance go up after getting a ticket? (specifically a speeding ticket)
Factors that determine the price of insurance?
i would like to know how certain factors determine the price of insurance. 1) how does costs affect the price of insurance 2) how does amount of claims affect the price of insurance 3) how does risk levels affect the price of insurance 4) how does predictability of risk affect the price of insurance 5) how does return from investments affect the price of insurance 6) how does level of interest rates affect the price of insurance 7) how does profit margin affect the price of insurance 8) how does competition affect the price of insurance 9) how does goverment regulation affect the price of insurance
Will speeding convictions affect my car insurance?
I have to speeding convictions, the first one a went to a speed awareness workshop so i didnt recieve any points but on my second one i recieved 3 points on my license. Will this show on my insurance renewal and will it bump up my insurance rates? I have been driving for a year.""
How much would car insurance cost for a 22 yr old male?
Im 22 yr old male, live in Florida and never owned a car. So how much would i cost for me to get car insurance? Im also a college student.""
Insurance pricing?
i bought a car and need to put plpd insurance on it but i do not have much money and have a lot of points on my lisence i am over the aloud amount in my state. how much would it cost for plpd insurance? i need the cheapest possible and my car is 17 years old and is only worth $200.
""Im 18, how expensive would insurance be for me?""
Im 18, B average, live in Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, and the bike im looking at is a 250cc. What do you think my rates will most likely be? I want to use it for school""
Car insurance help!!?
So about a month and a half ago, someone kicked my car at night and left a big dent. I was stupid and called insurance and they gave me two options: fix the car or take a cash settlement. However, no matter what I do, my monthly insurance rate is going to go up even though it was not my fault. I think this is ridiculous and not worth it and I just want to cancel the claim. But I have been told that once a claim is put in, there's nothing you can do and once you hit three claims, your overall premium goes way up. What do I do? Should I just stop contacting the insurance company and after a while they have to close the claim? I wanted to sell the car this week but I guess that adds too many complications...""
How much would car insurance cost for a 19 year old with a v6 chrysler 300 2012?
Please help me!
Looking for affordable medical insurance plan for my husband. he is 31. please suggest?
Looking for affordable medical insurance plan for my husband. he is 31. please suggest?
""I'm 23 and wanting to buy a new car, how much more will I pay in insurance because of my age?
For example: I'm wanting to buy a 25k car. (new civic) I got quoted at $1500 for a 6 month policy full coverage. I have a clean record. How much does my age effect the quote all other things being equal. Will waiting till I'm 24 make a big difference in the quote?
Renters Insurance Liability?
If my neighbor has a fire that does some damage to my apt./belongings, will the neighbor's renters insurance cover my damages or will my own renters insurance cover my damages?""
arizona insurance association
arizona insurance association
How much is a monthly car insurance in new York ?
I'm leasing a car n I need to know what is the average monthly cost in NYC. Thanks.
Does doing car insurance quotes affect your credit score ?
Does doing car insurance quotes affect your credit score ?
Who insures the insurance companies?
Just out of curiosity who insures the insurance companies? Do they insure themselves? If so, due to all the bureaucratic BS do they have to pay a deductible to themselves? Or are they insured by other companies? Is it just one big circle? For example: Company X's building gets destroyed by a tornado, do they pay for everything or are they insured by Company Y.""
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
NYS car insurance. NYS only please?
My insurance is due on the 18th of October. I cannot pay until the 1st of November. I will be 11 days without insurance. WILL I GET A SUSPENSION or PENALIZED for 11 days?
How much would insurance be for me?
I'm 16 and I've had my license for about seven months now. We've had financial problems so we've held off getting insurance. But, now we have a situation where I would need to drive the spare car to and from school. (I would only be driving a total of 16 times, 32 if you count round trips) It's a Hyundai 2010 Elantra, but I may also be driving the 2012 Mercedes C250. Would it be more affordable if I were to go under my mom's insurance? Possibly my father's? My parents are divorced. My main guardian is my mother, but my father only has had one car incident while my mom has had several. All, however, have been minor. And, separate question, but is it possible to only get insurance for a month? If so, I think I would be able to pay for it myself, but if not, I would need a fairly cheap insurance policy.""
My insurance policy quote went up?
I have 2 cars registered under my name. Because I use to have one and I gave it to my younger sister and bought a new one so I now have both under my name. She got a speeding ticket this year and also did not have her DL on her. So what happen was that they wrote the ticket under my name and put my DL number and now that shows up on my driving record and when I looked at my insurance renewal notice the quote increased. How can I get this off my record since it was not my fault?
Functions of life insurance?
what is the functions of life insurance
What was your first motorcycle insurance quote in California?
I just have received two; Progressive:1,071 plus per year full coverage and geico: 5041 I was given a quote at a dealership once for 550 for full coverage with progressive, don't know if they just wanted me to leave with the bike the same day or if it was the real deal, back then though I didn't have a license, I also have passed the MSF BRC1. what should I be expecting?""
Car insurance for a 16 year old???
I live near the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and have a 3.2 G.P.A and would be driving a 1996 4WD Chevrolet Blazer....we got a quote threw Progressive and they said it would be like $400 dollars a month just for no fault there must be some company out there thats cheaper.....Also........Would it be cheaper to go on my dad's insurance....or am i better off having my dad insure me through a different car insurace company. Because he doesnt want his insurance to drop him because if i get in an accident the rates would go way up and he also has other kinds of insurance through that company like home owners insurance and things like that........ -thank you-""
Can someone give me advice on starting a car service?
If someone can gear in the right direction to start a car/limo service that would be greatly apperciated. How much is the insurance around for say about three Town cars? What else do you need that is important for this type of business?
What is the fine for driving without insurance at Southern California District Court?
How much is the fine for driving without insurance in the jurisdiction of the federal court in San Diego. For example if you get caught driving with no insurance in Marine Base and order to appear in court downtown, is there any fixed fine for that violation which will close the case and avoid court, or you must appear in court and the judge will decide how to punish you?""
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
Insurance and pregnancy...
I am planning to get pregnant in March, 2009. After working things out with my husband, it seems like the best time for us Anyway, my insurance policy will finish in August and I'll have to get new insurance (I won't be able to continue with my current insurance policy for reasons beyond the scope of this question). Will this cause me problems with the new insurance company (I still don't know what insurance I am going to purchase)? Will the NOT cover my pregnancy and delivery and consider it a pre-existing condition? What's your advice? We really don't want to postpone pregnancy any more and now is not the best time for us""
Insurance (california)?
I'm an international student who goes to college in Iowa. I have a college insurance and I guess it convers most of meetings with doctors. Now, I'm taking 3 months-summer session at University of California. I think I 've heard some stuff that I need to have Californian insurance to stay here. What is this? Is it wrong? Plus, my wisdom teeth is coming out recently. It starts to hurt. Does insurance in America covers dental work?""
Cruiser vs. Sportsbike Insurance?
I am 18 years old and looking to buy my first motorcycle. I like both styles of motorcycles but was wondering which type would be easier on my wallet. I am assuming a sports bike would be more expensive but how much more? Input would be great.
Car insurance?
HI there, I have been without car insurance for about three years, I used to have continuous coverage but sold my car and used one of my girlfriends cars since then. But now I am going to buy / or finance another car. Will I face some sort of penalty, or increased insurance rates for not being insured these past few years, even though my driving record is immaculate and I am almost 30 and besides I had no car? Thank you.""
Does any body know if Access General Insurance is good?
please give me your opinion on this insurance company if your with them plz the good and the bad and what would be a good insurance company in California
If I get car insurance will my parents' rates go up?
If I get my own car insurance with my own policy from a completely different insurance company than my parents', but use the same address, would that cause my parents' rates to go up?""
Can you or spouse be denied group health insurance?
I have stage 4 cancer. I have insurance through my husbands job. If my husband changes jobs and is offered insurance at the new job can I be denied insurance due to the preexisting condition? I live in Georgia. I already checked and got information on cobra.
Car insurance question?
The other week, my dumb *** relative backed into my parked car. Essentially, he could of saved himself two grand if he bothered to turn and look like he was supposed to. My question and PLEASE only answer with relative/helpful information: If I don't use a rental during the time my vehicle gets repaired, will it lower his costs with his provider? Or will it not matter? I only ask because, though an idiot, is still family (plus his parents are being ******* cause their kid can do no wrong if you know what I mean). So if not using the rental will help with his rates/etc. let me know.""
How much will my insurance be on a car?
I am 21 years old and I am wanting to get a 2009 dodge avenger with 21,000 miles on it. I just want to know about how much may they charge me for the insurance.""
What are cheap car insurance companies in nj? Or anywhere?
New driver and looking for an affordable price for auto insurance
I want to know about car insurance?
I want to know about car insurance quotes and find out how much i save on my car insurance.
""When buying your most recent car, how did you obtain auto insurance?""
A few options, feel free to choose one or just let me know what happened to you. A. You bought insurance at the dealership B. You bought insurance at home within a week of purchasing the vehicle C. You bought insurance at home longer than a week after purchasing the vehicle D. You already had insurance and just added the car to your existing policy. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone if you drove home uninsured. :) Thanks! Also, let me know if you bought a new or used car.""
arizona insurance association
arizona insurance association
How much auto insurance do I need?
How much auto insurance should I get for a 1999 Ford Escort that is already paid for. I have insurance now but it is 660 dollars a year and that sounds like way too much for an 11-year-old car.
Can i get auto insurance without a car?
Can i get auto insurance without a car?
Do i have to be on my dads insurance to take the road test?please answer im desperate:(?
Hi, i live in Florida,im 18 no matter what im trying to do my dad finds a way to not make it happen,and im starting college Monday and i have to drive myself and i made an apponitment for this Friday to take the written exam and the road test,my dad went to go put me on the insurance today, and he told me that they told him i cant be on his insurance because quote from my dad that he was told by the insurance ladie im a girl,im under 21, and i live with them. or they have to pay $3,000 he said its florida direct or florida no-fault for his insurance. does this sound like hes lying to me or is this all true? Thank you.""
Does alaska have state insurance like Tenn.Care?
Does Alaska have state insurance?
Can I drive my car while waiting to get my tags and insurance?
I just recently (like today) bought a car from a private party, and I don't have insurance yet. I have to get my insurance over the phone, but I don't know if they'll take ...show more""
Is there a car insurance that will give a young driver a reasonably quote?
i recently purchased a mk1 ford fiesta. theres no mods to the car and tax wise i think its a classic. its a 1984. i have wanted a mk1 fiesta for years now and its the car i want to drive. im 17 and the cheapest quote on any car ive been given is 2000. are there any companies that will give me a good quote on my fiesta
Were can i get an auto insurance quote for cars PRE 1981?
i am thinking of buying either a 1965 mustang a 1969 mustang a 1970 mustang or a 1965-69 lincoln continental... and i wanted to get cheap insurance quotes.... but all the sites like progressive, geico, allstate only let you insure at lowest 81 any one know a good quote site""
""Would like to know what is involved in starting to sell health insurance, part-time for restaurant workers?""
i have no experience, but know the restaurant business very well and know that most have no health insurance, any advise would be helpful, a test is needed and i live in missouri is there an outline for the test and what ins. companies are known for sponsering restaurants for an affordable price""
How long is a insurance company required to give before they cancel your insurance?
My insurance called me yesterday and informed me that they would be cancelling my insurance because I have rented my house to a group of students. They gave me two weeks to find new insurance before they cut me off. I'm having trouble finding someone who will insure us. If they cut my insurance, my bank will cancel my mortgage, and I guess that means I'd lose the house. Is this insurance company allowed to drop me in this manner. When we got the insurance two months ago there was nobody living in the house, but it was rental insurance. We never lied or anything, we were completely honest through the whole process.""
What would auto Insurance cost me?
I am 16, live in Toronto. I am a male, and none of my parents have insurance so I will be on my own. I have an 88 avg in school. And I will look for a car with low insurance prices and that is safe.""
How do I get money from my insurance company when car is titled in divorcing husband's name.?
I totaled a car that is registered and insured in my name. The title is in the divorcing husband's name. He won't sign the title to get insurance check. Even if he did the check would go into his name. What can I do to get the money? Or what should I do? Lawyers are not much help right now.
""What's wrong with my car, Damage and Insurance Question?""
Two days ago, I was involved in a car accident. Allow me to explain what happened. I was stopping at a stop sign, and as I put my foot on the brake, there was some black ice, and my car slid through the stop sign, straight into the intersection, where a woman hit me in the rear end of my car, which spun my car around, making my tap the back of her car as well. My car was barely left with a dent, and driving away from the scene, my car was just fine. However, when I went to drive it this morning, I noticed something was up with the back end. Whenever I hit a bump, it feels like the back end backs up, and fishtails away from the front of the car. Can you tell me what's up with my car, and how much it would be to fix whatever it is? Also, assuming you understand what happened in the accident, and knowing that I and the other woman have insurance, can you tell me who would end up paying for the damage done to her car, and whose fault it really was? Will insurance cover her damage, and if so, whose company is going to cover it? Hers or mine?""
Insurance cost for 16 year old with a Honda Hatchback 2 door.?
Alright so I'll be turning 16 soon and i want to know the cost of insurance for my car. I have a 98 Honda Civic Hatchback. Its stick, sport looking. What's the average of monthly payment. Insurance will be coming out of my pocket so I need to know an average price. I know you can get quotes online, but i don't want to put personal information online.""
About health insurance....?
If u have 2 health insurances, whatever your primary doesn't cover, your secondary will? My primary insurance sucks, but then i have the Unions insurance as secondary.""
Health Insurance for Self employed with Maternity coverage?
I am self employed and want to purchase health insurance for myself. I need to find insurance with maternity coverage. I have looked on several online insurance quote websites, but have been unable to find maternity coverage. I live in Texas by the way. Does anyone out there have some info for me?""
How much is insurance for corvette?
What would be the rough cost for car insurance a year on a 2001 corvette with 60k miles. I'm 19, clean license and have good grades in school if that has any effect. I have a car now but was trying to see how much more insurance would be""
Car title and insurance
hi my sister is sending me her car on Monday with the title. If I go to the DMV that day with the title will I be able to drive the car that day? I will also be callign my insurance agency to add the car - does that take more than a day? thank
Do auto-insurance companies submit information to DMV?
I called California DMV with proof of insurance and they already had my information. I never gave it to them directly. So I am curious are they all synced up now or how does this work?
Can i get insured on a golf gti as a young driver.?
I have passed my driving test for 5 months now and have been driving my own corsa in that time. Im thinking of getting a VW golf now. Whats peoples opinion on golf gti's on fuel ect and will i get insured. Not too expensive. Ideas?? Else i will just get a normal golf.
Which motorcycle insurance would be better?
Mce or Cia insurance? They both the cheapest 400 for my ped
Average family health insurance cost?
for a school project i need to calculate how much my healthcare insurance costs per month. i am about to be a college student and do not understand how the entire insurance process works. i come from a family of 5, and apparently i have blue cross health insurance. was wondering roughly how much it costs monthly for my insurance, or what is an average monthly rate for health insurance for a person who is under a family health insurance committment? any sort of clarification helps thanks. c:""
What happens to rest of my insurance after a write off?
I had a accident today in my fiesta, hit some ice, lost control round a bend ended up in the ditch, car looks f****d admiral picking it up 2mo I am only 11 months into the policy I have been told by a few people that it is defo a write off so I take it i will be paid out for the car (how long would this take) I am also getting a courtesy car by the garage picking the car up to repair it now will i have this till i get paid out? and due to having 11 months on my insurance and i paid in full can i freeze the insurance till i get a new car (ill be getting the same car infact i hope its not a write off) or will i get something back on the insurance due to only using 1 of the 12 months i paid for?""
20 years old - Can I get a months Car Insurance?
I am 20 years old and want a months car insurance for the christmas holidays - is there any company that will let me do this? Every one I have looked at appears to have a minimum age requirement of at least 21, does anyone know of any that would allow me to take out a months policy at the age of 20?""
Insurance for Mustang v6 2014 for 18 year old?
Hi , I'm planning to get a Mustang v6 premium 2014, I'm an international student with 3.7 GPA in High-school I have a clean record even in my country ( no accidents or tickets ) I know it's not possible to get a real accurate estimate but what I want to know if it would exceed 200$ a month ?""
Insurance Prices on a Antique 76 Corvette?
I have a '76 Corvette Stingray that I will be getting soon. I'd like to know what your insurance price are for those who have similar cars. In florida a car must be at least 30 years old to be considered an antique. The vette is. Will i get any nifty insurance breaks? if you have a older antique corvette or similar car... what do you pay for insurance?
arizona insurance association
arizona insurance association
Pay as you go car insurance in UK?
Hi My Insurance will be expire in feb 2013, In june 2013 iam going in a holiday for long term, so i need car insurance only for 4-5 months, is there any kind of pay as you go car insurance,,,,i got 2 years of experience as a driver, so how much will they charge for 1 month.? thank u""
""1994 Mazda MX-3, How much would insurance cost for it!?""
So I got a 94 Mazda mx-3 car, and I live in Calgary AB. And i'm 16, could anybody give me a estimate on how much registration, insurance, ect, would cost?""
How much do you think my insurance will cost for my car?
I'm 16 and a female. I'm getting my license in a few days, and my parents are going to add me on to the insurance list. We've never had any accidents, except my dad, but someone hit him on his motorcycle, it wasn't his fault. My car will probably be made around 1998-2008. We have Allstate. What's your rough estimate?""
Should I still be paying full car insurance ?
Hi, my car was recently in an accident that was the third party's fault but my claim is still ongoing. My car has been written off and is in the third party's salvage yard. As ...show more""
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK!?
So i'm not driving yet, only applied for a provisional, i'm age 17. But I thought why not try and figure out how much my insurance will be once i've passed and buy a car at roughly 1000, so I filled in all the details as accurate as possible on the compare websites and the cheapest yearly insurance price was 5600! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something wrong haha :L""
Is this a good way to cancel car insurance?
I'm about to switch car insurance providers, but my past agent is one of the most helpful person alive, and I don't want to tell the guy that i'm cancelling. If I just let the policy lapse by not paying the bill and letting it cancel on its own will anything negative impact me? Or do I have to call the guy and tell him i'm cancelling?""
Where can I get second driver insurance for a 2.0 litre car?
I have just passed my UK driving test (male, 23) and want to get put as a second driver on my dad's insurance, since he's retired and so the car is always free! His insurance company won't insure me saying they won't let new drivers use engines over 2.0l without a years experience. This isn't some racy Ferrari though, it's a 15 year old diesel Peugeot estate. I'm hardly going to go joyriding in it. What insurers will let me drive 2l cars as the second driver?""
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
How do I find out which insurance company I last held car insurance with?
My car insurance expired a year ago. I didn't renew it as I had a company car. I now have my own car again and need proof of my no claims. However, I can't remember which company I was insured with and can't find the old insurance certificate!""
What are the factors affect auto insurance Costs?
Auto insurance discount can greatly reduce your auto insurance costs.
Full Coverage Insurance?
is full coverage insurance suppose to follow u to your next vehicle for the first 30-60 days?
Temporary Car insurance for 17 year old?
I've just bought a car, it's only a 6-7 minute drive away but I've been assured I don't want to be caught without insurance when picking it up and driving it home. I've had a look and all day or month insurers only insure 21+. I'm pretty stuck, as I obviously have to do get it home and I don't have the kind of money to insure it for any decent length of time Any sites you know of that could sort me out? Cheers.""
Obama waives auto insurance?
Obama waives auto insurance?
How do I find out which insurance company I last held car insurance with?
My car insurance expired a year ago. I didn't renew it as I had a company car. I now have my own car again and need proof of my no claims. However, I can't remember which company I was insured with and can't find the old insurance certificate!""
Certificate of insurance?
Can anyone tell me the following? any help will be appreciated (its based on a dog kennel) 1. What is the purpose of a certificate of insurance 2. How can it be used Thanks
How do I get my insurance lower?
I am 20 years old, made one claim and coming up to 1 years no claims bonus, I am looking at a 3ltr GTO and i'm absolutley in love with it, the insurance is average 6.000. All I want to know is, what can I do to get the insurance down? as in, tricking the system, ive already tried using my mums name with me as a named driver and its the same price, what little things can I do to make the insurance as low as possible, please help.""
How much would 21 yr olds pay for car insurance with no credits?
How much would 21 yr olds pay for car insurance with no credits?
Do you know of a good motor insurance company?
I have just bought a merc. Need a good and reliable insurance company. Please suggest one.
Will insurance rate rise...?
I'm a sixteen year old driver in Florida and a few weeks ago I accidentally bumped into someone's car. The damage on both cars was very minimal and the other driver has not done anything. A cop, however, did write me a ticket. I'm wondering what effect (if any) this will have on my insurance rate seeing as it is my first ticket, and how or if I could avoid this by getting the points off my license. Thank you very much.""
Can an employer charge women employees more for health insurance than men employees in a group plan?
I was offered a job and I asked to review the companies health insurance information prior to accepting the job. I found out that for their group insurance it's broken down by age and gender. A man my age's employee contribution monthly would be $140 cheaper per month than mine just based on gender and not taking any lifestyle choices into consideration. Everything about this screams lawsuit to me but I've found some differing information on this. With the Affordable Care Act Gender rating is not allowed in the individual market but it does nothing to ban this practice in the group setting from what I've found. Thoughts? Ideas? I've turned down employment with this company based on my personal beliefs.
Motorcycle insurance in the UK?
My husband has just brought a new bike, a Suzuki UH125 Bergman. What is the best and cheapest motorcycle insurance??""
Question about auto insurance?
Okay, I'm really stupid when it comes to this stuff, so don't laugh at this. I have a vehicle insured under my name. If my friend is driving it, would she be covered whether I'm present or not? Does it matter at all if she has her own auto insurance?""
Can I sue an insurance company if?
If the insurance company is putting stress on me and with holding information from me.It was their client who hit my vehicle he was cited a ticket. for being left of center he was flying down the road in a double yellow zone traffic was stopped 2 lanes and he had to go around them in order to hit me.He has a witness and he and his so called witness are saying that I pulled out of a lot that I was never in.Lucky for me I kept my proff of purchase.and they even have me on camera with the traffic stopped.Anyway his insurance company is treating me like I am a criminal and will not tell me anything.Which in turn is really stressing me out.So can I sue if I want to .I did try to be nice but his agent really makes me angry and stresses me out.I am just wore out from dealing with her.
Cheap car insurance in PA?
I'm 19 and am looking to buy a 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) and am wondering what the cheapest insurance would be? Personal experience?
If i get a v6 mustang will my insurance be lower?
Im 16 and looking for a mustang, but if i get a v6 mustang will it be a lot cheaper than a v8?""
arizona insurance association
arizona insurance association
0 notes
Is it illegal to apply for car insurance at a different address?
"Is it illegal to apply for car insurance at a different address?
My cousin has only just passed his driving test and is struggling to get insurance due to the area that he lives in. (I'm not sure whether he CAN'T get it or it's just really expensive) Anyway, he wants to know whether he can register it in his name but at my address as the area that I live in is a lot cheaper. I told him I'm sure this could be classed as fraud but he said it's not. Could anybody shed any light on this? Which one of us is right?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Prior proof of insurance?
I just got progressive car insurance. They want me to send prior proof of insurance from my old company. Do I just send in my old insurance card?
Range rover sport supercharged car insurance...?
I am in the process of buying my range rover sport supercharged (im 18) and i have found some really good quotes, i was wondering if it is posible to insure with a insurance company (mabey arabic car insurance company) because they might be able to do it much cheaper.... please help.....""
Does it hurt my credit score when I ask for quotes for car insurance?
I just turned 25 and I'm tired of getting hosed on my premiums. I want to start shopping around but I know that the insurance companies check your credit score. What's the best way to go about getting quotes?
What is the insurance on a 2004 gti?
I'm under 18 i was wondering if it counts as a family car for insurance companies therefore it would be cheap to insure if it helps I have farmers insurance I just need some opinions on if it's cheap or facts and does the 4dr gti make the insurance any cheaper?
Cost of Auto insurance for 16 year old in North Carolina?
My son will be getting his license in a month. He already owns his own truck (1990). Any ideas about how much liability insurance will cost him?
Geico payed a claim of $2500 how much will my insurance rates go up next year?
And if it will increase significantly can I refute that amount? The other guy insisted that insurance paid to fix his car (TWO LITTLE PAINT SCRATCHES NO WAY IT WAS THAT MUCH!) not let me pay it out of pocket so they went ahead and paid w/o telling me first.
""How much would insurance be on a peugeot 106, female, 17?""
Hi, im 17 and should be passed my driving test by christmas. I want a peugeot 106 and was wondering does anybody know how much (roughly) insurance would be? i live in a small town, in a quiet cul de sac and the car will be parked in my driveway (if this narrows it down)! thanks""
No auto insurance on loan vehical in california?
My auto insurance through farmers insurance has lapsed as of December 1st on my vehicle which I have a loan through coast hills banking. I really am having a hard time getting the money together to get it going again. I told my husband even if a couple Bills go behind I have to pay it by Feb because I'm getting very nervous that it will be taken From me. Has anyone ever had to do this before? its my first time in this scary bind but I got in an auto accident that took my insurance money from me to pay for it so can someone tell me if its possible to loose my vehicle? Thank you
Muscle/Sports car insurance question...?
Would a 1971 Ford Torino 4 door sedan be considered a sports/muscle car to insurance companies? I am trying to find a way around the muscle car insurance rates while still having a muscleish car. Any other car suggestions would be great.
""I have experience working in the health insurance industry, now im wondering what job I could apply for?
I worked as a medical case manager at an insurance company. We were a 3rd party company. I did phone interviews with people applying for individual insurance for several ...show more
Teen Car Insurance (Divorced Parents)?
Living in North Carolina and both households get along well but adding the teenager is crazy expensive. I'm looking for off-the-cuff insight. If a vehicle is registered and garaged at one house, and the teen has his license from the other parents' address, it should not be necessary to add the teen to the policy, because in essence, he is borrowing' the vehicle. Right? For clarification: I have a vehicle for him to drive. If he gets his license at the other parents house, but drives my vehicle, he shouldn't have to be insured by us because he's not driving a vehicle within his household. Thanks for any help""
What's the best type of health insurance for a pregnant woman?
Is it PPO, HMO, etc...""
Do you think teen drivers are the only ones with trouble getting cheap car insurance?
There was mature man who was very successful in business. I think he was 35 or 40. He finally got his new drivers license and decided to buy a $90,000 car. He bought it for cash, to save on interest on the loan. When he tried to get insurance it was $10,000 a year for liability and collision insurance. He asked if he could return the car, but since it was no longer 'brand new' he would loose $10,000. If he kept it the insurance would be $30,000 for the first 3 years! He kept it.... too bad he didn't know anything about insurance before he bought it! He should have had a cheap car in his name with just liability insurance, for 3 years before he went out and bought his dream car. This would have created insurance history . That together with his over 25 years old status would have cut insurance expenses way way, down.""
Cheapest auto insurance with good coverage?
i need help finding good cheap autp insurance...
Cheap insurance for a 16 year old boy?
My first car is gonna be allot more expensive then the average first car because its a Lincoln aviator, the only problem is that even though the truck is $7000 (after safety and etest and all that needs nothing else) witch i can afford, the insurance is $1000 a month witch i can't afford! is there anyway to possibly go under my parents insurance or something like that? if so how would i do that?""
Best Insurance Rate/Company after DUI/DWI?
I got a DUI about a year and a half ago (Yes, I know very stupid) I switched insurance companies after it happened to get a better rate. I am with Progressive now and paying about $190/month. I live in NC and drive a 10 year old Jeep Wrangler, I have an excellent driving record with no tickets or accidents, the only thing on my record is the DUI. Does anyone have any advice on which insurance company might offer the best rates or if there is anything I can do to lower my rate? Is there any way to get coverage without them checking my driving record and seeing my DUI??? Thanks""
How much can home insurance cost?
i want to buy a home and i need to know how much my insurance might be.
Is Geico a good auto insurance company?
I have been looking at a lot of different insurance companies recently. I have gotten a lot of online quotes and so far, Geico is the cheapest, not by a lot, but every little bit helps. Can anyone let me know the good and the bad with Geico? I'm in Michigan if that helps...""
Car insurance for 18 yr old male RIDICULOUS?
I'm 18 and male, so turns out car insurance companies think its okay to rape my wallet. I've been looking at a few quotes on different sites and they come up in the $300-$400 range. I tweak a few things, telling the generator that I'm a 30 year old married woman and then it magically drops to $70 per month. This is crazy, I'm an extremely careful driver, I never drive over the speed limit and I constantly check my mirrors. How the hell do young males afford it?""
""No health insurance, new baby?""
I just had a baby born, and I lost my health insurance. We planned to put my baby and I on my husband's university plan, but he is not a full time student anymore, as he works to provide for us. It makes all of us without health insurance and we cannot afford to buy one for the three of us. We do not qualify for federal help either. My husband works for the company that does not offer health benefits. If he were to switch a job, then we would get benefits in 3 months. Are there any options for us?""
First time driver (18 years old) how much should I pay for car insurance?
I've got my test booked in a few days (fingers crossed) and I've been looking at cars and still haven't decided... I need a few ideas on what would be cheapest to insure. However I am slightly picky and do not want to be driving around in a hundred year old baked bean can!! If people who are a similar age can just tell me what they drive and how much they paid for their insurance it would be very helpful! Or if people could just give me some ideas on cars and stuff it would be muchos appreciated! Thanks!
Insurance when your pregnant?
I currently have insurance although October 1st my coverage will be terminated because I left my job. I recently found out that I was pregnant and was wondering how I will get insurance and will my pregnancy be considered pre-existing when I get insurance through a private company. Should I try to go to the doctor while I have my current insurance through work or wait until I have new insurance
On average how much more would the cost be for insurance for a house with a pool?
We are thinking about buying a home in So Cal that is a 4 +2 house on a 10,000 sq ft lot. The house has a pool though, and our concern would be what the cost of insurance would be. The pool is deep, and there is no diving board, and at the present time there is no fence. What do you all think? We have small children, so once we purchase the home, we will put a fence up, but we're just trying to guesstimate at this point. If anyone has any thoughts, by all means share them! I really appreciate any direction I can get with this. *I would rather not call 50 Insurance agencies to get quotes and have someone selling something I don't need yet!* Thanks a bunch.""
What is a non-standard property/casualty insurance company?
How can you find out if your insurance company is non-standard? What makes a company non-standard?
NY car insurance question for a new driver?
Okay, I've had my permit for like a year because I didn't have a car to care if I had a license or not. Now that I'm getting a car. I was wondering how about how much insurance would cost. I have to wait a couple weeks from the car insurance place so please no get a quote I just want an approximate estimate of about how much it would cost. I don't have drivers ed or anything. Just a license at 17 on my parents insurance. I would have my own car but it'd be on their insurance so that's 3 cars on 1 insurer. The car I am going to get is a 84' Volvo wagon. Please just a month average price of how much more my parents insurance would go up. ( like they pay 100 and it'd be 250/mo. So i pay 150 a month.) something like that. I just want to know if my job will cover my own difference Thankyou.""
Is it illegal to apply for car insurance at a different address?
My cousin has only just passed his driving test and is struggling to get insurance due to the area that he lives in. (I'm not sure whether he CAN'T get it or it's just really expensive) Anyway, he wants to know whether he can register it in his name but at my address as the area that I live in is a lot cheaper. I told him I'm sure this could be classed as fraud but he said it's not. Could anybody shed any light on this? Which one of us is right?
Forced placed auto insurance?
I'd been trying to have forced place insurance removed for quite a few months now, and after reading some stories here, see I'm not alone. I've always had full coverage insurance but since I switched carriers it was one thing after another ... Add them as lien holder -done, didn't receive notice from insurance company, didn't receive fax with notification, etc. .... Now, some months later, I'm in an accident and car may be totaled (not good news since the loan balance exceeds the cars worth). Am I correct in understanding that the lien holders forced insurance policy will relieve me of any difference in the balance, similar to if I had gap insurance?""
Car accident with no insurance?
I was stopped at a red light behind two cars. Both cars started to go and so did I the next thing I knew I had hit the car in front of me. The car in front of me hit the car in front of him. We all pulled over my car isnt to bad but I drive a suburban, the car in front of me was a smaller car so his looked a little worse. Nobody was hurt, and all cars were drivable, so we decided to not call the police we just all exchanged information. After we had finished and they left I immediately called my insurance lady to let her know what happened. I am not super clear on this next part, we have been going back and forth with our insurance since that call and will continue to fight it. When I called the insurance lady she said I wasnt covered. She said that they had received the last payment much later than it was due (not sure how because it was mailed the same time as always) but because of that our insurance had been cancelled. A couple of weeks ago they had chased our check, she said we were reinstated as of yesterday (the day of the accident) but because it was the same day they werent liable to pay the damages. We are going to keep fighting them because I dont think its fair. Even if they decide that they wont pay we can afford to just pay for the damages to the rear end of the car in front of us, because know matter what happened I am at fault for following to close. We cant afford to pay out of our pocket also for his front end and the rear end of the first car. Shouldnt those damages be covered by the car I hit because he was obviously following to close to the car in front of him? Im a little freaked out with all this, this is the first accident I have ever been in and we have always had insurance, so we thought. The insurance company did say they mailed us a cancellation notice but if they did we have never received one.""
Is there a way to borrow someone else's address for car insurance?
My friend lives in Los Angeles county and she is being charged $500 for a piece of paper that will be sent to her house address in Los Angeles. Can she use another address to receive that paper? Or does it have to be the house she lives at?
If the 12/31/08 account for prepaid insurance is 3100 and the annual insurance payment is 6000 and this?
payment is made in advance on april 30, 2009, what is the insurance expense and the amount of prepaid insurance on 12/31/09?""
Do you need insurance to ride a motorcycle with a motorcycle learner's permit in California?
I find information about people having their motorcycle licenses with insurance, but I couldn't find any information about having insurance with a motorcycle permit in California. I am 16 and have a motorcycle learner's permit and want to start riding.""
Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?
My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.""
Who is responsible for homeowners insurance?
In a rent to own lease agreement for the one-two year lease period who will have the homeowners insurance?the renter or seller?
Car insurance rates for teens?
I just got my drivers license a little more than a month ago. My parents are telling me that they're going to wait for another year before they add me to their insurance policy because it'll be less expense by then. Is this true? I also read somewhere that the earlier you add a teen to your insurance policy, the rates will lower quicker because they insurance company know that i'll have some experience by then. So if my parents add me to their insurance policy now, would it be lower in a year compared to them waiting a year for them to add me?""
How much would it cost for car insurance for a second hand classic car for a 17 year old?
Hey, I'm turning 16 in September 2012, and being a boy I am already thinking about my first car. I'm hoping to start work around November-December and am hoping to earn around 1500, which fits perfectly into my price range of 1000 -  2000. Recently I've been thinking down the more 'Classical Route' (extravagant, I know) and found Classic Cars for around this price at www.carandclassic.co.uk I've had my eye on MG mgbgt or Triumph Spitfire and similar. I can afford something like this. The only problem that faces is me now is Insurance. I know that insurance is really quite expensive for this type of car ESPECIALLY for my age. However I have heard that insuring a car at my age is expensive regardless of the type. It's really the only set back for me. I'd love to hear from you how much it would cost to insure this kind of car for my age, as well as any personal experiences, alternatives and any other advice. Thanks. :)""
Insurance rate after a crash?
Today, I accidentally rear ended a car. I'm 17. How long will my insurance rates stay up?""
Do you need insurance if you only have temporary tags?
I was wondering if you need insurance if you have temporary tags in Ohio, and if you do, what's the cheapest insurance company for male teens?""
Any1 know of any cheap car insurance companies or crappy jobs? i just passed my test but the insurance is a jk?
I dont know what to do, im 18, have no job, a few gcses but not in maths n english, and an AS in finance so its not exactly shocking that i cant seem to get a job. does anybody know of any jobs that nobody else wants? i dont care what i have to do I NEED MY INSURANCE. looks like getting a job is the only way to do it :( would prefer office jobs coz i have experience in admin and accountancy. IF you can't answer that, does anyone know of any cheap starter car insurance companies?, im a girl so i might get a cheaper then boys. thanks in advance :) xx seriously getting depresed and desperate! :'( il do anything!""
Good starter bike thats cheap on insurance?
i was thinking a 250r or a 600r???
Could I set up my own car insurance company to insure myself?
In Canada, it is the law to have car insurance. Is it possible I could set up my own car insurance company to insure myself. I am aware that I would have to cover the damages of other cars involved in an accident, but am not sure if I would have to cover if an accident is fatal. Also, considering that I may have to cover damages in case of a fatality and other cars involved in an accident, would be more economical to just go with paying an insurance company?""
Can I sue someone with auto insurance?
I live in Las Vegas and I was involved in a car accident in November. There were 6 cars involved and this process is being UNUSUALLY long. It is impossible to get in contact with one of the claimants so we can not settle for our car damages. Can I sue the individuals that were held respoinsible for the auto accident?
Can I get a dealer service department to cash out a check that was written from my insurance company?
I know I can get a repair done cheaper elsewhere. But my insurance company has already left a check at the dealer that is made out to me and the dealer so I have to sign it over to them. The dealer will not have the part in until Tuesday. So can I go to the dealer and just take the part and ask them to cash out the labor to me and I will go elsewhere for the actual repair?
The cheapest insurance band car my 17 year old son can buy?
My son is going to have driving lessons soon and I'd like to know the type of car to buy which will be the cheapest on insurance for him. Also will it be better for me to buy it and him be the named driver or the other way aound? Thanks
""How much would an insurance company give me to repair Keying damage, three hood dents, and 3 areas of chips?""
My car was badly vandalized about a month ago and i made a claim to my insurance company. I originally decided to take my car into one of their many One Stop shops, where i would only have to pay the 250 dollar deductible and have my car completely repaired. Since then i was laid of from work and have been going through alot of money trouble. I have been considering just having an adjuster come out and write a check for the damages and repair only some of the damage at a friends shop. My question is... how much would the adjuster write off for... Deep key scratches down to the metal, a line all around the car. (20 feet) Three dents on the hood (about 6in diameter) three areas that where hit, and began to chip( about 5in in diameter each) It seems desperate. I know, because i am. I would appreciate any answers, please do not judge me and this situation, i'm just curious if it would be a somewhat wise decision. If you have nothing nice to say, please refrain from commenting, im depressed enough as it is. Thanks!""
2008 Nissan GTR Insurance/Maintenance?
I'v been saving up some money now and want to get a used car when i turn 21. had my license since 16 I'm debating heavily whether to get 2008 bmw 335i coupe or 2008 nissan gtr. i'm sure nissan gtr insurance and maintenance would cost a lot but about how much should I be expecting? iv been searching around and this is the number i got to guess but iono 4000 a year for insurance and 2000 a year for maintence...is that a good estimate? if it's more than that, i don't think i should really get one. should i just keep saving and buy a 335i and treat myself with a nicer one after college? or should i just go all out right now?""
Cheap insurance for 17 year olds?
ok doing my driving test on tuesday and got a 02 reg 1.1 citroen saxo at most insurance companies im getting told around 10 grand however i have been able to get it down to 6 grand, btw im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 does anyone know a company where it is cheap for 17 year olds? Thanks""
After you sell your car do you get your insurance back?
my car has failed M.O.T and can't be fixed as its to much would i have to pay my car insurance off or get back what ive payed so far
What is good car for cheap insurance?
okay im 16 and now have enough money for a car. I want a GM or Ford car what would be a good car from the 90s that would be the cheapest on insurance.
How can I get an auto insurance quote without driver's information?
I'm doing a budget project for my economics class and I have to make a year's budget. This includes rent, gas, electric bill, food, etc., which I found sample bills for, but I'm having a really hard time finding a car insurance bill online. The websites for quotes ask for all this personal information which I can't give, because this is hypothetical and basically a fake person. Google images won't work because it has to match up with the specific car I bought . Any ideas?""
""If your auto insurance expires today, do you get a grace period?""
If so, how long is the grace period?""
Cheap auto insurance online?
Where can I get the cheapest online auto insurance?
Is it illegal to apply for car insurance at a different address?
My cousin has only just passed his driving test and is struggling to get insurance due to the area that he lives in. (I'm not sure whether he CAN'T get it or it's just really expensive) Anyway, he wants to know whether he can register it in his name but at my address as the area that I live in is a lot cheaper. I told him I'm sure this could be classed as fraud but he said it's not. Could anybody shed any light on this? Which one of us is right?
Other Drivers On Car Insurance Liability Policy?
I want to add my little brother's car to my car insurance policy. If I add the car, under my name, but do not add the actual driver (my brother), what risks am I taking? If he is driving a car that is insured under my name and he gets in an accident where he is at fault, will the other person's damages still be covered by my insurance? I know that with liability insurance he would be SOL for his car, but I don't want to get stuck paying for someone else's car if he crashed and it was under my name. Please shine some light on this for me.""
What is the cheapest classic car insure for 17 year olds?
looking to insure my ford fiesta L 1981, but unsure on the best classic car insurer""
Home insurance?
I am not sure how much home insurance coverage I should have for the house I bought 2 years ago. The cost of the house including the land was $96,000. But that includes the price of the land, etc. I now have to renew the home insurance policy and realized maybe I should reduce the amount of the coverage from $96,000 to around $80,000. The dwelling amount for the insurance has been the price I paid for, $96,000. But if something happens and the house needs to get rebuild, the cost of building should not be as high as $96,000. I currently owe mortgage $70,000. Do you have any recommendation? I do not know if I can ask the insurance agent to reduce the dwelling coverage. But I am hoping a way to save money on the home insurance. Could someone give me an advice? Thank you.""
Where can I find insurance that will pay my mortgage payments in the event I should become disabled?
for the duration of disability ...and/or life insurance that would pay it off entirely in the event of my death? The best and most inexpensive solutions?
What is best single Premium Insurance Policy?
My father looking Good Return Single Priemium Insurance Policy and father age is 58.Please help me.
What is the cheapest health insurance company?
I am a single mom and I'd be paying for myself and my son. I don't want to go through my health insurance at work because I don't want to work there for a long amount of time. So I need long term health insurance for the both of us, but I don't want to have to pay over $250 a month. Any suggestions?""
Should I take health Insurance?
I am 30 years old and have no medical history. Should I take Medical Insurance?
Good cars with cheap insurance?
Does anyone know any good cars with cheap insurance for a 17 year old ??
Where can I get affordable health insurance in New York State?
I need health insurance hopefully that also includes dental. I make to much for state run plans and don't have enough for private plans they want as much as $1,000 and there is no way I can afford that. But I can't afford not having any either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?""
How much will my car insurance go up by?
I have a mazda mx5 and it has been scratched all over very deep. I have asked my insurance to claim it and will have to pay my excess, which is fine. I have been told that my insurance will go up a little bit when it is renewed in aug but they say the cant figure out how much it is now to tell me. I am wanting to know just in case they really put it up and its not worth claiminmg through them. Has anyone done this and what amount do you think i am looking at to go up a month. Thanks""
Will my insurance company raise rates because of a speeding ticket.?
With this ticket the cop said if i pay it before a certain date i wouldnt get any points on my license so would the insurance company even find out?
Does comprehensive car insurance cover others not on the policy?
My Brother has a full comprehensive UK car insurance. Can I drive his car and be covered by the insurance even though I am not listed on the insurance and live at the same address. I have a full UK license, he claims I am covered because he gives me the permission to drive the car which according to him is right. I have read the insurance policy but my brains are not big enough to understand that given permission part. If anyone can throw more light on this, it will be fully appreciated.""
Looking for a Psychiatrist who accepts Medicare Insurance?
I have bipolar disorder and need a psychiatrist who accepts Medicare Insurance a.s.a.p. Please include doctor's name/phone #, my area is (818), San Fernando Valley, Encino, California. Also, I would like to make new friends who are dealing with bipolar disorder. Thank you.""
I have just passed my test and i have been looking for car insurances and i added my partner as a named driver?
I have been looking at car insurances and i added my partner as a named driver and she only have a provisional license and it has come out 600 pound cheaper, every thing is correct on the quote, does anyone know why this is.""
How much would my car insurance go up if I got a mustang?
I'm 24 years old, have a good driving record, and I am currently on with my dad's insurance. I have a 2005 chevy aveo right now, with almost 75,000miles; and I pay $110 a month for insurance. Unfortunately, my car may be reaching it's end, and I may have to get a new car. I've found a used 2002 ford mustang, 2 door and 14,633 miles on it. How much do you think my insurance would go up? My dad says it would sky rocket... But I figure I'd ask anyway! Thanks!""
My company offers health insurance but its a dumb plan?
well they dont have like a set insurace. They have this guy who sells insurance policies and he signed me up for one but it sucks. I have like this $5000 deductible and they are real strick and what not. My job pays 50% and I pay the other. My boss said I am allowed to find a different insurance if I want and they will still pay 50%. I would like one that doesnt have a deductible and like offers dental also. Any ideas? Thank you.
Is it legal for our group insurance company to mandate life insurance?
Our group health insurance provider is now saying we have to buy life insurance through one of its wholly owned subsidiaries. Is this legal in the State of Ohio?
Insurance payout after lien paid?
My insurance recently sent my lien-holder, Chase Bank, the agreed amount for my totaled car. I owed about 3k less than what they paid out so am now left wondering when I will receive the difference. Chase received the payment a week ago.""
How much is insurance for a honda rebel on a 15 in a half year old boy in missouri?
How much is insurance for a honda rebel on a 15 in a half year old boy in missouri?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for young drivers?
How much would insurance cost?
i was looking to get a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i am 18 years old, and i have taken a drivers ed course and the motorcycle driving course. i was wondering about how much insurance would be. it has 249 cc""
""Average homeowner insurance for SE Cape Coral, Florida ?""
Does anyone know the average house insurance for the SE area in Cape Coral, Florida. I know that it has gone up because of weather conditions, but I was just wondering what the average insurance is right now. I am thinking about buying a house that was built in 1992, it has a hip roof, and is equipped with storm windows and everything, if this may help. Thanks for the imput!!""
Insurance for 2 cars with 2 different companys?
I have got a citroen xsara. which has got an insurance with Express till 17/02. I am now buying a mazda 3 which am planning to have it insured today itself with Halifax. Is this legal?
""Approximately, How Much Would It Cost To Lease A Mini Cooper?""
Also, how much would the insurance go up with adding this car to it (there's already 2 cars on my family's insurance). I know there are more factors than this to it but i am just looking for an approximate price. Thanks!!""
Can I get sued if my son gets into an accident and has no car insurance. He's 21?
My son is 21. He has 2 jobs. He can't pay the car insurance so he has no insurance. Were worried about being sued cause he still lives at home and he's 21 years old in new york state. Are we still liable
Is it illegal to apply for car insurance at a different address?
My cousin has only just passed his driving test and is struggling to get insurance due to the area that he lives in. (I'm not sure whether he CAN'T get it or it's just really expensive) Anyway, he wants to know whether he can register it in his name but at my address as the area that I live in is a lot cheaper. I told him I'm sure this could be classed as fraud but he said it's not. Could anybody shed any light on this? Which one of us is right?
Whats the insurance for a first driver teen?
Im gonna be driving in a couple mths and i need to know a ins rate. I will be getting a 1998 Ford Mustang V6. I live in Houston, Texas. If u know leave an answer. Thx""
Can health insurance companies request medical records from other health insurance companies?
When I was in college I was in a relationship that made me really depressed, and the psychologist on campus referred me to an outside therapist with a diagnosis of major depression --the outside therapist corrected it and said she believed i had circumstantially-related depression, but she told me she coded the claim with the referring guy's major depression label so the insurance company wouldn't hassle me about the paying the claim. I worked with her for a 6 months --no medication, just got out the relationship--and am happy and healthy :) Now I'm reading all kinds of scary stuff about MIB, retroactive declining of coverage, etc and I currently have new individual (underwritten) coverage--I can ask her to correct the claim with my old company, but it seems like any action might rock the boat and I'm scared--if they didn't notice it, should i leave it be? or is there a chance that if i (god forbid) get something serious down the road that my current insurer will dig up my records from my old insurer to look for a reason to not pay? she was trying to do something to make my life easier but this whole thing has turned into such a mess!""
What car to get for cheapest insurance after crash at 17?
Im 17, 18 on october 1st. I crashed my car in january, claimed for write off and got given 3000, i put that in premium bonds, i ahve that money sat there to but a car with. I want to get a car on my 18th, what car should i get, bearing in mind ive had a crash, then claimed? the cheapest ive seen is 3470 a year for insurance. thanks.""
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
How can I find out previous years car insurance providers?
How can I find out who has provided my car insurance for the previous 5 years. I tend to change them regularly, is there anywhere which keeps a record?""
Raise car insurance price?
I recently got a speeding ticket for $198. I've only been pulled over twice, once in 2006 and then this current occasion. I'm a college student and I'm very short on money and I'm unsure as to what to do. I've already saved $100 and when I get paid again, I'll save the remaining amount. However, I hadn't thought about traffic school just because it's about $30 for the class and then an additional $10 to get the certification sent to me and by that point, it'll be close to 30 days and I have to mail the ticket and payment out since I was pulled over in a different county. And, it would end up costing me more money in the end. I'd receive 4 points on my license without taking traffic school. How bad is 4 points? Will the points make my car insurance go up? What's the best thing to do in this situation?""
What are the pros and cons of cancer insurance?
Please help I'm am writting a research paper nd I need help for cancer insurance ..
""If you're driving someone elses car and you wreck it, does their insurance still cover the car?""
Im buying a new car and to make the insurance cheaper my mom is going to be on the insurance not me. But my name is on the title. I wont even be put down as a secondary driver. So my question is, if i wreck, will the insurance still cover the car?""
How does Obamacare increase health insurance premiums?
i've been seeing that they've gone up more when the reform was suppose to lower them. how exactly was obamacare suppose to lower insurance premiums?
How much is an abortion without insurance?
I am 8 weeks pregnant by my boyfriend. I am 18 and he is 20 and neither of us have medical insurance. I cannot afford to care for a child and he does not even live in the same state as me(he is also dealing with recent medical problems). He visits me in California and then goes back to Texas for college. Every time he comes down here we are very careful, but something went wrong. I have briefly discussed this with him but he needs to know the price before we can really talk about it.I need to know if not having insurance makes a difference in the price? If it does not then how much is it in general? Please just answer the question if you know or please do not say anything at all, I am already stressed out as it is. I am sorry for posting this here but it is the only place I can think of where to find answer.""
Question about car insurance?
I'm wondering something about car insurance. I am a 17 year old male, (turning 18 in 1 month) and have been driving a 2001 Hyundai accent since October. I am insured with esurance, and have liability only. I have a clean driving record. My monthly insurance is $197. I am on my parents policy. When I first called to get a quote, (cheapest company for me) it was around 120 a month, but then they got the VIN number and of course it went up because it knew exactly what car it was. Of course car insurance is very expensive for a male my age. My question is that I'm trying to save money to buy a jeep wrangler this summer. Will probably be a year 1997-2003. I want to know about how much it would cost to insure the jeep. I hear mixed responses about the cost to insure a wrangler, iv heard it's expensive because of the high theft rate and roll over chances. I know of course I don't know how much it will be exactly, considering I don't have a VIN number for the jeep wrangler. I get extremely expensive quotes when I search online, and the are all completely off. My parents policy has probably 4 or 5 cars on it and I am excluded off everyone's car. My sister has been in 2 wrecks and 2 speeding tickets, which I heard makes my insurance increase also. Anyone who has a general idea about cost for me to insure a jeep wrangler, thank you.""
Where Can I Get Cheap Car Insurance?
I drive a Jeep Cherokee 2004. I am looking to purchase car insurance and have been uninsured for about 6 months. I am 22 years old, will be in college starting August. I have had about 4 tickets in my life, have never had an accident, and my license have been revoked only because I failed to pay the tickets. They are now valid. I live in Florida, where it is sooooo difficult to get insurance. You are not allowed to be insured and then get insurance.... You have to have insurance from day 1, which I had, but mom dropped me from the plan as they live in GA! I make about $800 every 2 weeks, and I do have other bills. I am looking for some car insurance that I can afford and get coverage! All Florida residents, please help me out. Thanks :)""
What car insurance do you like?
Do you LIKE your car insurance company and if so, who do you use? I want to leave Farmers.""
""Camaro insurance, gas and racing information?""
Does anyone know how much insurance will be for a soon to be 16 year old '89-'93 Camaro driver? I've heard that Camaros are gas guzzlers and my boyfriend lives a half hour away and that could get quite costly. So, this may be a retarded question, but is there anyway I could get better gas mileage? Any other helpful information on Camaros would be great. Also, I intend to start racing with my boyfriend, would a '89-'93 Camaro be a good racing car? What should I do to make an average Camaro into a good, fast car? Thanks in advance everyone! :]""
Do I HAVE to sign up for Obamacare insurance?
My current health insurance will be up soon. I know that people apparently get fined for not having health insurance, or something of the sort. My question is, do i HAVE to get it? ...show more""
Real Estate career vs Insurance career?
to all real estate agents and insurance agents.... I have my real estate, life insurance and auto insurance licenses... have been struggling in life insurance business and trying to start with auto insurance to see how it will work out for me and if I can cross sell life and auto together... Also I am very much interested in real estate, I feel like I love it more than anything but i am so scared to go after that, I am afraid that it will take another year or so from my life to really understand and have it going.... I have been struggling in life insurance sales but we all know that life insurance is kind of secondary but real estate, we know that everybody is making money to have that American dream but I don't know how it feels like to be in real estate business.... so any suggestions, about advantages or disadvantages, about money, in which area I can earn more money, about the activities and what should I do to earn trust and start selling... please advice which one should I choose and why based on your experience.... please teach me something, advice me, comment, and make suggestions.. I am lost and frustrated and don't know what to do ..I really want to what is for me and work hard to make it work ....""
Which is the best of the car insurance price comparison websites?
And is there like a website that you can go to that lets you compare them easily?
Got my 1st speeding ticket under mom's insurance. Will her insurance go up?
I got my 1st speeding ticket ever and paid it off. I am under my mom's insurance as an additional driver. Will the rates go up? If so, is it too late to take defensive driving to take it off the record since I already paid it?""
What's the cheapest business auto insurance company?
There are different business auto insurance companies, I've heard Erie insurance is one of the best ones, do you know of any other companies that might be better or similar? thanks""
Help with insurance prices?
I was wondering what the cost of these cars would be for a 16 year old male or just a list of most expensive to insure to cheapest to insure. 2006 Chrysler 300 touring 50000 miles 2007 dodge charger sxt 40000 miles 2006 chevy cobalt ss not sc or tc 60000 miles
How much would a 2002 impreza wrx cost to insure?
Im 17( i know im about to get a bunch of your going to kill yourself! AHHHH!!!! i regularly drive my dads 05 mustang gt, i know how to responsibly control power) and me and my parents have found a great deal on a 2002 impreza sedan, it has 125k miles on it, and the last thing deciding factor before buying this vehicle is the insurance. We already have a mustang gt on the family plan, i live in VA, make all A's(supposed to give me a 30% discount), im male, the color is blue, with only a greddy bov aftermaket part installed. The car itself is blue, it is the turbod WRX version(not the sti), and has never been wrecked. We have state farm, im not sure as to what other information anyone would need to know, but im jusst looking for a rough estimate, thanks for any input.""
Why does car insurance keep increasing every year?
I got USAA when I was in the military and it seems every year my car insurance rates go up by about $10. I have had the same car the whole time, no accidents and barely ever drive it. Is it normal for car insurance to keep going up like that even though me and my car are getting older?""
Car insurance rates for honda civic lx?
hello, trying to get my own car, and i found a 2002 honda civic down the street from me for 4,000, im 17 (male) in CA and have been driving for over a year now, i have one speeding ticket and was unable to go to traffic school to erase my point(s) unfortunately can anybody tell me an estimate on insurance rates for this car? or the cheapest way to insure this car for me any help would be great!""
Whats the average cost of insurance for a young driver?
If i only have liabililiy on gieco insurance . I am 16 and want to know if i get my permit how much the cost of insurance will go up .
What is a good health insurance for age 19 and up?
at the moment i am 18 but will be turning 19 in 10 days...and i was wondering what is a good health insurance to apply to. i have Anthem Blue Cross Healthy Families. I am looking for something similar or almost similar...if someone could please help me. thank you soo much. ps if this helps i live in california....thank you again!!
Is it illegal to apply for car insurance at a different address?
My cousin has only just passed his driving test and is struggling to get insurance due to the area that he lives in. (I'm not sure whether he CAN'T get it or it's just really expensive) Anyway, he wants to know whether he can register it in his name but at my address as the area that I live in is a lot cheaper. I told him I'm sure this could be classed as fraud but he said it's not. Could anybody shed any light on this? Which one of us is right?
0 notes
insurance quote without car
"insurance quote without car
insurance quote without car
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Buying Car Insurance for a new car?
I am on my parents policy right now and plan on buying a new car , along with the new car new insurance. My question is, do you buy the car insurance before or after you buy the car. Logic would say before since it is illegal in my state to drive without insurance, but I could be wrong Can someone clarify?""
Can I get a job at a car insurance place at 16?
I want to work so then my car insurance would be cheaper
Which is cheaper to insure a car?
I'm going to get a car for college, but I just need some information. My parents have AAA. Would it be cheaper to add the car onto their insurance (and pay them), or start my own insurance account with a different company?""
Insurance question?
has anyone been or is currently pregnant and without insurance? I see that it's possible to get individual insurance with a maternity package, has anyone applied for any of these? Does anyone have any experience in this situation?""
How much is the Affordable Care Act increasing your insurance premiums?
Obamacare costs soaring in recent rate checks Buckeye State insurers expect to see the cost of essential health care benefits for individual coverage in Ohios exchange to soar on average 88 percent next year, http://watchdog.org/89443/obamacare-costs-soaring-in-recent-rate-checks/ In Ohio, Obamacare to Increase Individual Insurance Premiums by 55-85% http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2012/10/29/in-ohio-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-55-85/""
What is the cheapest Insurance for a 16 year old?
I just got my license now i gotta get insurance...
Lower insurance for young driver?
so i know when you are under your parents it isn't as high i know people paying 50 dollars a month or something like that my situation though i just turned 21 im in need of a car but im the only driver in my family (single mom never got her license) i know that one-way coverage is about 300 something a month but if i finance a car i need full coverage which the price is crazy expensive something like 800-1100 a month is there anyway i can get lower insurance rate or something of the sort ?
How does homeowner's insurance cover belongings? ?
Maybe this is a stupid question, but I'm new to this. So my fiance and I bought our first home pretty recently. Yes, I'm a bad person and did not read through or understand everything in the giant insurance book. I'm a bit confused as to how homeowner's insurance would cover belongings in the event of a theft, accident or whatever. We chose a low, $500 deductible. Let's say there was a theft. And I estimate the belongings stolen were worth $2000. What's stopping me from saying they were worth $3000? Or more? Wouldn't they want some kind of proof as to the value? I don't have the receipt for the television I bought 3 years ago, for example. I know I can ask my agent these things, but she is too overly helpful and chatters on and on and just ends up confusing me with information overload. :-)""
Will private insurance companies still exist after Obama care is implemented?
will govt be the health insurer once Obama care is implemented
Insurance Coverage?
HI I was in accident about 5 Month ago..I was seen by a doctors but I stopped going becuase I didn't have that much pain. Now I started having all this pain on my legs..so My question is, if I go see a doctor now, does my insurance covers it. Thank you for your advice..""
Car insurance confusion?
so my dad bought a car for my sis and I to share. I have liability that my mom pays. My sis has insurance my dad pays. Can I still drive the car my dad bought for us or do I have to be under his plan? btw my parents are divorced
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance?
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance and what is the success rate?
Has anyone from Florida had any experience with Tower Hill homeowners insurance?
We're insurance shopping after we found out State Farm is charging us WAY too much. Tower Hill has given a great quote but I can't seem to find one their customers to talk to. Has anyone dealt with them?
Life Insurance / Burial Insurance help please (ENGLAND)?
I need advice about applying to and paying for some type of insurance. This would be on behalf of my mother so when the time comes for her to leave me, I will be able to pay for her funeral. I have spoken to her but she is stubborn and set in her ways and thinks I will automatically be able to cover the financial costs for her funeral when she does pass away. I dont care for money for myself, I just want to know that I can pay into something so upon her passing I will be able to pay for her funeral costs (instead of my mum taking out the insurance/policy it would be me on her bahalf as she is terrible for thinking about stuff like that). I am an only child as so I am solely responsible for paying the expense""
Who insures a teenage driver when the parents are divorced?
We are getting ready to add my stepson to our auto insurance. He does not have a car yet, but when he does get one it will be in his father's name. His mother as far as I know has no auto insurance. She drives a car that belongs to her parents and I assume they insure it. This is the living situation and what is in place legally at this time. The mother is the primary custodian of the child. However, he resides at our house 85% of the time. My husband has educational gaurdianship so that he can attend school in our district. I have researched this and what I have found is that the parent who has primary custody is the one who adds the child to insurance. Then I also read that the parent with whom the child resides the majority of time carries the child on the insurance. I am just trying to prepare and educate myself before having to deal with the ex-wife. Money is not the issue as the child will be required to work and pay for his own insurance (our house rule). Has anyone ever dealt with anything like this?""
2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?
which one should I get and why? I am planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and ...show more
Car insurance in Texas?
My sister was in my car when she got re-ended. The driver of the other car took FULL responsibility for everything and wants to resolve this. I am wondering how this will affect my insurance? As of right now my car only has liability and needs to be repaired, big time. Any information especially from TX insurance agents would be greatly appreciated.""
Which is the cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
Hi, I'm thinking of starting driving soon and was wondering if anyone knows which would be the cheapest option for insurance? I've tried the compare services and found a direct quote from direct line to be cheaper than any of the ones it found, at about 2200 last time I checked (I think). Does anyone know any other insurers who are cheaper or if this is the best I'm going to get? I'm 20, don't have a license yet and obviously have no no claims etc. Is http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ any good? thanks people.""
Insurance for my car please help!! ?
in the future i need to insure a '05 infiniti g35 coupe. i went to Farmers for a quote and they said 1,200 for 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest other insurance companies that arent that expensive?? thanks. or the fact that its an infiniti coupe i'm just going to get an expensive quote everywhere???""
Auto insurance cost for teen?
I am 16 years old and have a 2002 vw jetta. I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance?
""Car Insurance, will be out of the country?""
I will be leaving the country for about 5-6 months. I dont want to pay my car insurance if I am not gonna be using my car. How should I approach this problem of mine? I dont want to cancel my insurance just for the few months i will be gone, then have to start from scratch when I come back. I'm happy with the rates I have now. So will my agent allow me to not pay anything for the time being, or atleast let me pay a small monthly fee just so I can keep my existing insurance policy?""
How can I sort out this car insurance issue in the UK?
I've been living in the UK doing some studies for 3 years. When I came to the UK, I didn't know how to drive a car. Also, I found it difficult to pass the driving test in the UK and afford private driving lessons. Few months ago, I went for a 3-month holiday in my original country, Egypt. There, learning how to drive is much easier and less expensive. Besides, issuing a driving license is not so difficult as the theoretical and practical tests are not so complicated. Therefore, I decided to learn and get a national license. Based on this license, I could issue an international one from Cairo that allowed me to drive in some countries one of which is the UK. However, when I returned to the UK and decided to by car, I found a proper one for 550. I decided to buy it, but I was asked to go online to get a quote from a car insurance company. I spent the whole night trying all the websites that my friends told me about. The shocking fact is that many of them refused to give me a quote because I hold an international license, not a UK one. Even those websites which accepted that requested a huge amount of money (i.e. not less than 1, 200-1, 600) which is much higher than the price of the car itself. I wonder if there's a way to sort this out or if there's any alternative solution that saves money for me. I don't want to go through any further driving tests in the UK. Also, I don't want to provide wrong data (e.g. having a full-UK license). Your suggestions are highly valued (serious answers please as I really feel down!). Thanks so much in advance!""
What is the cheapest insurance to get?
My dad wants to get insureance for my car. Yet, he does not have insureance on any of his vehicles. He wants to make sure i have insureance, because im a younger driver. (and its the law) Does anyone reccommend any insureance company that is cheap. Thanks.""
Why is my car insurance the same price?
My car insurance is due up next month and I have been shopping around. I've used all the compare sites like go compare and money supermarket and I m basically the exact same price as I was last year. For the same car. I've been driving 8 years nd have 6 years no claims. I'm 25 and female. Every year it used to go down but now I'm being quotes the same and sometimes more?!
""For my situation, what is the best way to minimize my car insurance?
ok the situation is like this. my family has two cars. (maxima and accent) I (21years old) use the accent and my parents use the maxima. All three of us are under the same insurance plan. I might sell the accent and buy a used car and pay monthly(financing). so that means the insurance has to be full coverage right? and not liability. (the maxima and the accent are both fully paid and they are under liability right now) So if I buy a used car what is the best way to minimize the insurance cost?...which is a good insurance company? can I be covered under my dad's name or something? my friend said something like that..but I don't know if there is such a thing. by the way my parents live in massachusetts and i live in NJ. what should i do? (don't tell me not to buy a car)
insurance quote without car
insurance quote without car
What's car insurance im a beginner on cars?
I'm only 17 in the future I want to buy a car a mini countryman I see a lot of car insurance ads on tv do they pay you or do you pay them
Car insurance liability question?
I was recently in a car accident. A vehicle was attempting to pass me on the right in a parking lot and hit my car. My insurance company said that I am not at fault. However, the other party's insurance said that I am at fault for the accident and will not pay to have my car repaired. I am positive that it is not my fault and it is easy to tell by looking at the damage to my vehicle. How can I go about having the insurance company pay for the damages to my car?""
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
How could higher deposit insurance premiums for banks with riskier assets benefit the economy?
What is the best way to use technology in comparing insurance premiums for MEDICARE costing?
Many of the baby boomer generation will shortly be reviewing insurance costs for our retirement years - health, medical, prescription and the like. We will need to make decisions based upon retirement income and expenses. I have done some preliminary research and it appears I need to do a lot more. The data for health and medical costs is easily available however there is a ton of it. For this reason, I intend to use spreadsheets to crunch through this and any other tech tool I can locate. One of the problems with this approach is that just about every quote is proprietary, that is each quote has its own bells and whistles which make it more or less expensive than the next company. Although I have spreadsheet skills, I can visualize that any template I make must provide for more assumptions than I want to make. From the above it's clear to me that I need some kind of generic (FREE) spreadsheet template that is not proprietary, combines monthly income and expense (insurance premiums counted as expenses), is not locked in terms of making formula adjustments, and has the ability to forecast. If this is as clear as mud to you, welcome to the crowd. Surely, there are fill in the blanks templates dealing with MEDICARE comparative cost determination. If there are and you are aware of them, please let me know. I would be in your debt. Regards, Rich F. Florida""
How do you get health insurance for under $500 a month?
My health insurance premium costs $500 a month. What options do I have for a cheaper plan? Would I have to avoid going to the doctor for many years to get affordable health insurance ? What is the secret?
Are there any ways to make car insurance chaper when your 17?
In october im going to be 16 and neither me or my dad want to pay the massive charges for insuring a teenager that has just passed there test at 17. What i would like to know is if there is anything i could do when im 16 that would make the insurance cheaper, for example getting a scooter and riding that so i have one years no claims or getting driving lessons in a private area where it is legal. Or am i going to have to pay the massive insurance charges no matter what? Thanks for your help Daniel""
I got a ticket for jaywalking. Will it affect my insurance?
I live in California and was wondering if I should just pay it? I'm just wondering if it will affect my insurance but it wasn't a traffic ticket and I'm confused.
Car insurance question?
I only renewed my car insurance 5 month back and paying a load for it. I just found I can save 30 a month. on the whole I would save even after another initial payment. Would it be a good thing to swap insurance companinies for this and can I swap.
Looking for Catastrophic Health Insurance provider in Florida?
Hi, I DO NOT want to compare rates, I would like a link or phone number of a specific provider if someone knows of one that they can recommend. And please tell me your experience with them, or how you go their number... All the sites I have been to are regular plans not catastrophic, plus, I want a personal recommendation, (well, this is better than just going on the internet blindly). If is for a friend of mine. She is 50, lives in FL. She wants Catastrophic Health Insurance only, (no doctor visits, labs, rx...) Thank you -Dixie""
How much would it be to insure an Acura RSX if im 22?
Im getting an Acura RSX but i want to know how much it will be to insure it. I know this is going to sound funny but my gramma wants to put it under her insurance and it covers who ever is driving the car but how much cheaper id that gonna be?? shes like 63 i think l0l...
Are minors required to have car insurance in California?
I'm reading the drivers handbook and it doesn't mention anything about that, it only says if you are emancipated that they require it.""
Do i need insurance for my drivers test?
Am 18 years old and im about to take my california drivers test in about two weeks i was checking everything to make sure i was in good condition.Then i read that i need to have proof of insurance witch is a problem because i do not have my license yet.So i ask my uncle if i could use his car he said yes and his car is insured, does he need to add me to his policy or am i good to take my test? Thank you""
Non US citizen car insurance?
Hi guys, I'm non us citizen and i will be here in US for 6 months. I decided to get a car while i'm here. I know i can get one but i'm not sure about the insurance since i can not get non citizen insurance quote. Could anyone give me some advice on where to go to get car insurance as I'm not US citizens. Or is there any other solutions?""
How much would auto insurance cost for a 1996 dodge viper?
I just need some sort of estimate.
Should I change my Car Insurance company?
I am planning to renew my current automobile insurance policy. I am told by my current provider that in spite of my clean driving record, automobile insurance rates are rising. In light of developments and changes in insurance carriers, policies and regions, is this TRUE or am I being told a partial-truth ?""
Car insurance for a first time driver?
i am currently looking for cheap car insurance but i can't get it any lower than 3,060 does anyone else know companys that specialize in first time drivers ?""
What is a good cheap car insurance?
I live in indiana if it matters
How much will my car insurance go up when i have passed my driving test?
I am a 17 year old girl. I am on diamond car insurance and for a provisional insurance for a year it costs 850. Does anyone know how much it will go up?
How strict is Humana health insurance with pre-existing conditions?
I've had acne since my teens but it's really been bothering me lately psychologically and hurting alot when trying to sleep on my back from cysts. Also sometimes minor acne on my face has been causing permanent scars. I want to go to the dermatologist and see if I can get accutane, but I just got my health insurance beginning of the year and had no creditable coverage before that. According to their written policy, I might not be eligible since I actually went to the doctor and got antibiotics for acne less than 24 months before enrollment in the health plan. I would like to say that the condition manifested itself in the past month psychologically which caused me to seek out accutane, which is true. Should I even mention my past diagnosis can they check it somehow? I really don't want to pay $3000 out of pocket for accutane, but I feel I really need to do this now for my own well being. What should I say to the doctor, how much will they investigate preexisting condition""
Can insurance company tell you were you can have your car fixed?
I have had a few cases were a relative has been in an auto accident and I could have fixed the car for them and done a much better job but the insurance company tells them they have to take the car to a preferred body shop for the insurance to pay. Can the insurance company actually tell people were to get their car fixed now a days? Is there a way to get the money out of the insurance company so they can take the car and have it fixed were they want the car fixed?
What cars are there that are decent but cheap on insurance for first time drivers? (male)?
i don't care on what the car is as long as its reliable. even if it looks like a shed. i have a motorbike for looks and pleasure with 2 years no claims if that makes a difference i don't know. cheers.
What Cheap car insurance do you use?
What car insurance do you use?
Will this progressive insurance claim raise my rates?
So I was driving along the turnpike here in Oklahoma the other day when I noticed a vibration I was pushing 70mph at the most in my 1998 ford ranger when i noticed this. my truck was valued by the claims adjuster at $5800 As the vibration continued I pulled over and slowed down right then I noticed and felt my tire tread from the rear drivers side fly out and do some damage to the bed the tire still had air in it but when i got out to look my tread had flown completely off along with some other truck pieces. The adjuster said more then likely the belt slipped or snapped or something along those lines the damage total was $2,695.00 less my $500.0 deductible the insurance will pay the remaining balance. it would have totaled out had the repair cost more the 50% of the value of the truck. Now my question will be tricky to answer because everyone has a different driving record I haven't filed a claim sense 2004 I hit a car ! guilty I have had speeding tickets but not sense 2007 I had one guy try and file a claim against me in 2008 he said i backed into him but he didn't carry insurance and had no proof and the claim was never paid out so I'm pretty sure my rates will go up come time for renewal I'm just trying to see by how much? can i call progressive would they tell me? do they even know???? I know that a lot of this depends on your claims trend. this is really the only claim I've filed in yrs and the 2nd one in 4 yrs with this company. that first claim never payed out either.. I'm a 26 yr old male if that helps any..... thanks everyone who contributes""
Can I ask my own car insurance to pay?
I was a passenger in my friends car when a tire from a semi ( that drove away and identity is unknown) hit several cars and my back hurts. I want to go to a chiropractor but have no insurance. I don't want to sue the driver or go after the drivers insurance because he is my friend. Can I choose to ask my own insurance company to pay?
Car insurance question?
Im an 18 year old female and insurance is ridiculously high priced, and I was wondering, at what age will it star to get cheaper. I understand that insurance is gonna be more expensive for younger driver, but isn't 350 a month a bit much? At what age will my insurance start to get cheaper?""
insurance quote without car
insurance quote without car
""If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
If i get a one day moving permit, in the state of california, do I need insurance?""
""Where to get the cheapest car insurance for new driver, and which combinations of options, to get it lower?""
I am 17 and lice in Hartlepool in England and I have got a 1.2 mk2 3 door Fiat Punto. And i need insurance, apparently Adrian Flux is cheep for young drivers, but just over a month ago i was quoted 1800, and now that i need it i am being quoted 2600, y? I was also surprised when i found out that my car is a group 4 insurance, with it being a little 60bhp 1.2 compared to my mates 130bhp car being a group 5. I cannot go on my mams insurance either as she can only drive an automatic. So I considered selling my Punto and try getting an automatic to go on my mams insurance as she has over 10 year no claims, but her 200 insurance went up to 2500. I guss alot of the price being because of where we live, there was multistory flats, in a big estate, and was a bad area, but now they have been knocked down and is now a new modern housing area. Is there anywhere I can contact, to come prove it is a nice area now? Thanks""
Where ti find classic car insurance in CA?
i recently bought a 1966 plymouth valiant....it is definitely not fixed up or anything like that it is just your basic old car that is in need of some help...but it runs and drives and will be my daily driver...so i need to find insurance for it......but most insurance companies only go as old as 81 .....anyone know any classic car insurance companies for currently un-restored cars?
How much should car insurance cost me?
im 16 and ive been saving some money for a while and i bought a 1998 honda civic, im currently paying $265/month for insurance is that too much, because im not sure im going to make the insurance this month because my hours were cut""
Does anyone know of any affordable dental insurance? i could apply for online? ?
i have a chipped tooth with no insurance. looking for something affordable that i can make weekly or monthly payments on.
Do I need car insurance if I drive on a learner's permit with a parent?
Also, do I need car insurance if I drive with a driver's license and with a parent. Also, this car is not mine, it is my parents.""
Health Insurance- Test Result Privacy?
I am curious as to how much information my insurance company (through an employer) has access to. For example, can they view the results of my blood tests done via Labcorp/Quest if they payed for them? Also, what about a test such as an EMG and Nerve Conduction study. Do they receive a copy of the final report? I know a copy is sent to my physician and that I personally have the right to a copy. But are results also sent to my insurance company? For what it's worth I have BCBS. Any input would be greatly appreciated.""
Do I need to pay insurance on a SORN car?
Hi if i declare my car SORN (UK) do i need to pay insurance or MOT?
Car or bike insurance?
What is more expensive when you are 17, Car or bike insurance???""
What type of car business insurance do i need?
i have a small take-away business and i want to let my employees to drive my car. i have 3 cars for my business. can you please give me list of websites
Anyone know anything about Alliance for Affordable Services ...its a health benefits program ??
I got a call about this program, and met with the representative today..everything sounds good..but I'm trying to do some research online about customer reviews and can't find ...show more""
If Affordable Care Act is tossed by SCOTUS what happens to those under 26 & on their parents insurance?
Simple question. Will employers go back to the old max age which was usually 19? Or will they stick with the new 26 since that transition has already been made, and millions of young adults only have insurance because of the new max age. Love or hate the rest of obamacare. I usually can't find anyone that thinks its a bad idea to let kids just trying to get a foothold on life to be on their parents insurance.""
I have a question about the Subaru Wrx Sti and Insurance?
Hi, My name is Adrian and I'm 20 years old and just go recently got 2008 scion TC 2 months ago, and yes I made a mistake because I should have gotten the used Subaru Wrx Sti 2005 and has 23,000 miles or above with modded exhaust. They are selling for 19k... Guys Do you thinks its ok to trade in my Scion Tc for subaru wrx sti??? I dont have credit and currently building it up by paying my car, insurance and cellphone... My insurance cost for my Scion Tc is $239 i know its high because 21 century consider it as a sports car not 3 door hatchback... Do you think my insurance will lower since the Subaru Wrx sti is older and its sedan... Thanks you!!!! BTW THIS IS THE SUBARU THAT I WANT TO TRADE IN http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/ctd/3418522562.html""
What is The Age Limit To Use My Medical Insurance?
Hi I'm 20 years old and i want to know what is the age limit medical insurance covers? I hardly use it and now that i need it to have an eye check, I don't know if it will cover me... I reside in California. Thank You!""
Quote for a day car insurance????????????
how much does a 1 day car insurance cost? It is the first time I need to do it, so I don't have any idea. When I try to get a quote, I'm always ask to register to the website... I don't really want to do it before having a quote :P Anyway would you please recommend me an agency? thanks""
""Car fender bender -insurance low balling payment, how to get more money from the insurance company?""
Had a fender bender accident and the other driver was charged, the insurance adjuster said the damage is $1500.00 and gave check (not yet cashed). Took car to repair shop (from the insurance approved list) the estimates were $2000.00 and $2800.00. How and what can be done to get the insurance to pay up more, so I can decide later when and where to get the car repaired? Thanks""
How do I get a license to sell insurance in california? Can someone please tell me step by step?
If you know of classes offered or helpful websites, please provide.""
Is car insurance a waste of money?
I need to get car insurance but I feel like its a waste of money. I am going to pay them monthly and if I happen to get into an accident I will still have to pay them something. I figure that if I can take the money I am going to pay them and put it aside for an emergency it would be a better use of money. Can anyone give me any advice on what I can do? Any liability insurance that really cheap, speaking around 100 a month maybe? lol""
Insurance cost...v6 vs v8?
Does it make difference? Is the insurance going to be higher?
How much does car insurance cost for 18 year olds?
would it be cheaper if I combined it with my dad's insurance plan? abput how much would it cost then?
What is a good first car that's cheap on insurance? UK?
I was thinking about buying a car, one that is cheap on insurance, good for a first time buyer? I dont have a huge budget so no new cars im afraid! any help?""
Any suggestions on first time driver insurance in the nyc area?
I need suggestions on good affordable insurance, keep in mind Im a first time driver.""
Do you need auto insurance to ride and motorcycle insurance to ride a motorcycle?
Ok i have a couple questions But first off all im 15 1/2 (all ready have motorcycle and car permit) 1) when i get my license do i have to buy auto insurance to have motorcycle insurance, Because my dad said to have your license and to ONLY drive a motorcycle you need both insurances. (even if i dont drive a car) 2) do i need to have motorcycle insurance to drive a motorcycle with a permit? (since you dont need car insurance for driving with a permit) Thank you!""
Car insurance increase?
My 19 niece has moved in with us and is going to get her license and a car soon. Will that affect the rate we pay in our insurance even if she carries her own policy? I am not sure if it would be with the same insurance company or not. We live in Minnesota. Thank you for your help!
How much does the value of a car affect insurance for an adult?
I was just thinking about people with a low income that save for many years to buy an expensive car. Dont they still have really high insurance rates?
insurance quote without car
insurance quote without car
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my licence any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
""Full-time college student, where and how can i get some kind of free health care?""
I am a colleg student. I don't have any kind of health care insurance. I cannot afford to buy health care for me. Is there any kind of health care I can get from that state? BTW, I live in Charlotte, NC. Would like to know if I can get some kind of coverage.""
Is it cheaper to have two people sharing one car and insurance?
Basically, both going to be learning together then buying one car for us both. We'll both be new drivers and we will use the car whenever we both need, kind of new to this so any information will be helpful :)""
How much would the insurance cost?
Im looking at buying either a 2011 shelby GT500 or a 2011 mustang GT. I just want to know how much ill be paying insurance companies for one of these... Im going to be 19 almost 20 by the time I get one of these.
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
Where should I look to insure a child in another state?
I am currently doing research to find an affordable health insurance plan for a child in California, I live in Colorado. I'm not sure how to go about finding insurance in another state, especially for a child. She will be 12 in October. Any suggestions?""
Cheaper car for insurance?
I have a 98 eclipse spyder right now, and I'm paying about 700 every 6 months on insurance. Not only that but about 40 a week in gas and other various maintenance. I've put some custom things into it, just wondering with 115k miles on it, what would a good trade be for a reliable car with good MPG and lower insurance?""
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17-19 year old guy from the UK in 2013?
I'm 16 and will be taking my test next year and I want to know what to get for my first car?
Health insurance for pregnant women?
Does anyone know a good (and inexpensive) insurance provider for pregnant women?
Car insurance question?
My fiances insurance is OUTRAGEOUS on a truck he has liability only on ..due to his driving history. He's paying $300 a month (for liability ONLY now) ..my insurance on my car, for full coverage is not even a fraction of that a month, even though my cars value is at least $10,000 more than his. My question is can we put his truck in my name and I'll go to an insurance company and get liability only on and list myself as the only driver. We are expecting a baby and I'm sick of us throwing away that much money a month for CAR INSURANCE! Is this illegal? I mean if I'M the owner and I'VE insured it what can happen if he wrecks or something while driving it and is not listed on my policy? We live in Georgia if that's relevant!""
Cheapest Auto Insurance Humanly Possible?
I am a college student living on campus and want to have a car but will not be driving it much at all. I am just looking for the most basic and least expensive auto insurance I can find. I am 19 with no tickets or accidents yada yada yada. Where can I find some cheap coverage?
""I need a lot of dental work done and I don't have money for insurance, is there any programs or something I can sign up for?""
I was robbed at a job and got a tooth broke in half and I admit I never took care of my teeth as well as I should have, between our new baby and our bills I can't really afford Insurance or financing. i really just need a second chance, i feel like it holds me back from getting promoted and making a good first impression and id really like a better smile all around. is there any programs or something I can sign up for? I'd prefer for it to not be at the tax payers expense but I'm not above it. I live in california if that matters, thank you""
Whats the Cheapest Car Insurance i can get in British Columbia?? 2qestion read on?
i want to buy my first car next year when i turn 17 but i need to know how much insurance i have to pay!?!?! the car i kind of want is a good running beginner car any advice of which would suit my needs car??
Where can I get Car Insurance for over 80 year olds?
Where can I get Car Insurance for over 80 year olds?
Why is health care so expensive in the U.S.?
I know, I know -- look at other yahoo! answers first... But what I'm wondering is, why is it so much MORE expensive? Is health care really of a much lower quality in other countries? Do their governments regulate it more? Thanks in advance. :)""
How is being required to buy health insurance any different than being forced to buy car insurance?
I know people are saying it's unconstitutional for the government to make us buy health insurance, but states already force you to buy car insurance. Wouldn't that be unconstitutional, too? I'm not trying to be a Smart Alec or anything. I seriously want to know the logic behind how people feel.""
Can I drive my sons car under my own (fully comp) insurance?
My son's car is registered to our home address, and he is currently away. His is cheaper to run so I want to use it (with his permission). He has third party only insurance but I am fully comp on my own car. My insurance states I can drive any other car with the owners permission, but does his insurance level, or the fact it is registered at my own address affect this?""
Do I need car insurance here in Florida?
If i have my own car...paid off..it's mine....do I need insurance on it here in Florida? How does that work?
When does health insurance expire when you move out of state?
Suppose you have health insurance in New York, and you plan to move to California. Before the actual move, you drive a vehicle across country, get a California license, register your vehicle, and register to vote. Then you fly back to New York for four months. You go to the doctor, and your NY insurance pays up. But then you get a letter from the insurance company, sent to the CA address but forwarded to NY, saying they heard you'd moved, so your insurance will be cancelled. You write back, telling them their information is premature, and that you'll change insurance when you complete the move. After four months, you complete the move to CA, and two days after your arrival, you start feeling woozy -- feverish with occasional headaches -- requiring bed rest and lots of fluids. If this doesn't clear up in a day or two, you'll want to see a doctor. Will you be covered by the NY insurance, given that you haven't had time yet to get CA insurance?""
Insurance low balling me?
The top of a dead tree fell from neighbor's yard, onto my car. Speared the back window and ruined my back seat. Large dent on the roof. Random dents and scratches all over the car. My full coverage insurance company, USAA, declared the accident covered under comprehensive insurance. Deemed unrepairable. I purchased my car for $5k, near $6k after 2years of financing is paid off. This accident just happened after 4 months of payment on the car. I have $3k left to pay. 1999 Honda Civic EX Coupe. KBB valued at: retail, $5.1k. private party, $3.3k. My insurance claim payout will be $2.6k. Which leaves me roughly $500 in the hole. I do not have gap insurance, and I wasn't even aware of gap insurance until this accident (at which point I came across that service while researching insurance info). It would cost me upwards of $5k easy to replace my Honda with a same or similar model from a car dealer. Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim? Is there any way to get more from my insurance claim?""
Has your auto insurance premium gone up?
I live in NJ and currently have AAA auto insurance, and my premium just renewed, and I noticed it went UP $300! I have no points, tickets, none of that. I didn't buy any other vehicles, or anything. I called them and they told me they had an overall rate increase. I think they're giving me the run around. I've never had a random rate increase ever before.""
What is the best online source for shopping for health insurance?
My son is 20, full time college student in a different state (PA.) Home state is Ohio. I am on disability so my insurance (and my husbands') is through Medicare.. I am shopping for an individual plan for my son, and there are so many sites which offer so many choices...Not only do I need to get the insurance plan, I need to find the best web site for the query. (tried einsurance, etc..)""
Honda civic si insurance?
Okay well im planning to upgrade to an 07 si im 18 and not a first time buyer, i had insurance for my other honda for about a year, so i was wondering about how much the insurance would be? Before i call my insurance.""
""Is there nay car insurance companies cheaper than elephant, bell & admiral ?""
Im a 24 year old male looking for cheap car insurance quotes, all of them seem to be quite a bit over 1000 and even 2000 - 3000 and thats when i checked money supermarket and compare the market but with elephant,bell and admiral my best quotes seem to be around 800 is there any other cheap car insaurance companies anyone can reccommend i try ?""
insurance quote without car
insurance quote without car
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Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
"Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How do I get health insurance?
I'm nineteen and live on my own and have no affiliation with my parents. I'm going off to college in the fall but I need health insurance to go and I work two part time jobs, neither of which offer health insurance. Any idea how I can find a place that'll take me? If it helps, I'm from Philadelphia, Pa!""
What is the best type of renter's insurance?
Whats is the best rental insurance for an apartment? What does it usually cover? The apartment rent will be $280 in Birmingham, AL. Is the best insurance to get the type that would cover most belongings and people incase of an accident wether it was by a person on purpose, accident, or a weather related incident? If you have renters insurance do you pay monthly or a one time thing up front if you are on a year lease?""
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
Are online car insurance quotes usually close to the actual cost?
Will the car insurance company pay for the damage or fix my car?
Ok I got into an accident with this lady today and it was all her fault. so my question is, is her insurance company going to pay me money to get a new car, or will they just fix it. the damage pretty bad, the engine makes some weird noises whenever i turn it on/off. what are some tips for not getting ripped off by the company? btw my car is 02 Honda accord. Thanks in advance""
Cheap home insurance?
Where can i obtain cheap home insurance?
How much would insurance cost for a 2011 mustang or 2011 camaro?
for a 16 year old male driver please give a price range not anything like Too Much or Alot thank you
What is the best website to reseach and compare auto insurance quotes?
What is a good website to use when researching auto insurance. One where I can get numerous rates from various insurers and compare them with each other?
Life insurance?
Say if you have taken out life insurance for yourself for 20 years and you dont die.... I know it sounds horrible.... what happens to the money you have payed in?
Who are the best insurance companies for young drivers?
Who are the best insurance companies (in terms of low prices) for young drivers?
Health insurance?
Does anyone know of a good and cheap health insurance company where i can save money every month and pay a low deductible?
Why is the insurance company bothering me?
Two months ago I was sitting a red light and was hit from behind . Now the driver's ins. company wants me to reimburse them. Why? What should I do? I'm trying not to think the worst, but when I got out the car she was on the phone and said her husband is a police officer and was sending his friend to the scene. This makes me wonder if some untruth is involved here.""
What are car insurance bonds?
What are car insurance bonds?
Will my insurance go up if my boyfriend wrecks my car?
My boyfriend recently backed my car into a dumpster and left significant damage on the bumper. He insisted he would pay to get it fixed, but it looks like I'm going to have to make a claim. Do I make a claim on my insurance or does he make one on his? Also, is my insurance going to go up a significant amount?""
Where is a good and cheap place to get sr22 insurance?
Where is a good and cheap place to get sr22 insurance?
How much would the Insurance go up for a sports exhaust. 10 POINTS?
Hi at the moment my boss pays my insurance on his business fleet as I work in his office in the week, therefore I have a business car (ford feista) I asked him as he's my uncle can I get sports exhaust for it if I pay for it and the additional cost Of the insurance every year IF it goes up. I'm 18 he pays 1200 for the year and I think that goes to about 600 this year.. As he's got 5 business cars on the same fleet. How much extra will it cost me?""
How to ask an insurance agent about quotes?
I'm 17 and I live alone with my boyfriend who doesn't know much about these things either. (My point is I don't have parents to teach me these sorts of things) I know this sounds really stupid but when I call insurance companies do I just say hi I was wondering if you could give me a quote like I feel so awkward ): how should I approach it when I call them? I don't even know how insurance worksssss, help""
How much would insurance be for me?
I am 19 years old and gonna buy a used car soon. My parents have never drove or owned a vehicle in their life. I live in San Francisco. I know the insurance gonna be expensive for me.. Is there a way to get cheaper insurance?
Teenage insurance discounts help!?
Is there a difference between the discounts for insurance for someone who has an a average compared to someone who has a b average?
Lending your car to somebody - insurance issues?
This is for Ontario drivers in specific, however any information is appreciated. Basically, what are the legalities of lending your car to somebody (just for a day)? What happens if they get in an accident? Does your insurance cover it? Would your rates go up? Thanks!!""
Where can hiv positive people look for individual health insurance?
if you're hiv positive and are currently covered with an insurance policy, but will be changing jobs where group coverage is not an option, what are your options for health insurance? are hiv positive people stuck in their jobs for life just to keep insurance? from what i've found, public insurance benefits only apply when you're dirt poor and have no home.""
How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?
How much money could i save on my car insurance by switching 2 geico?
Can I go to a doctor and claim no insurance even though I have health insurance?
I don't want my father getting bills from the doctors office or his insurance company.
Best place to get business Insurance?
Were is the best place to get a $1 Million general liability insurance policy and a $1 million Error & Omissions policy for my company?
Can a non driver licensed person buy car insurance?
I transfer my car to under my grandma's name. She's the owner of the car now. But the problem is the apartment where she lives requires the car must have an insurance policy that has her name in it? She lives in California and doesn't have a driver license (she is really old). Do you know any insurance company that sell insurance to a person that doesn't have driver license or i can buy insurance as a primary driver and add her as a non-driver?
How much does car insurance cost for teenage girls in Denver Colorado?
I'm 17 years old.
Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
What are the average car insurance yearly rates for a teenager in Chicago with Good Grades?
What are the average car insurance yearly rates for a teenager in Chicago with Good Grades?
Affordable medical/prescription insurance for a heart transplant recipient.?
I had a heart transplant 10 years ago, and I am looking for a more affordable insurance plan, currently I use Cigna, and they're running me over $400 a month, plus a $50 dollar fee per prescription I am on, which runs me another $250-300 dollars every three months. I just recently graduated college, and am 24 years old, so my father's insurance at work no longer covers me. I'm not very familiar with insurance plans, but I would obviously need one that would accept my pre-exsiting condition of a heart transplant, and have a prescription plan, cover doctor visits, emergency care and anything else people can recommend that would be important. Thanks so much!""
What do you put on a car insurance quote when your penalty has expired?
i had a penalty for 3 years that ran out in 2008 but when i look for insurance they ask for any penalty for the past 5 years. Do i say yes even though it expired in 2008?
Florida car insurance inquiry?
I'm 16 years old and going to be 17 in a week and a half. Tomorrow I am eligible to obtain my Florida's driver license (as I will have had my learner's permit for a year tomorrow). My mom objects to me obtaining my license because I do not have a job and therefore will be unable to help pay for insurance. However, my dad just brought to my attention that I only need to pay for car insurance if I own my car (which at the moment my mom and I would be sharing a car). Which of this true? Do I have to pay for any type of insurance once getting my driver's license? I am out of a job, (but still looking) but want to be able to drive this summer so I'm not stuck inside. How does this all work?""
Does anyone know the average 1st car insurance payment & subsequent payments for teen girls in Florida?
On average, does anyone know how much the 1st payment is? My parents are thinking it'd be around $2,000. And does $600 sound about right for subsequent payments?""
Is Geico a good insurance company?
Is Geico a good insurance company?
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
Whats the best and cheaper insurance auto company in England?
Car insurance (uk)?
If i buy car insurance as a learner driver then pass in less than a year do i need to change my insurance to full driving license or wait untill it needs renewing and then change it?
How much will my car insurance cosT?
We have Allstate. 2 cars, and my mom and dad are both covered on both cars. If I were to get my license in a week, when I am 16 how much will that increase there bill too? I only want to get insured for one car, and its an older classic car. Also I have taken an online drivers ed course.""
Does the Lexus IS 300 have high insurance rates?
compared to a honda accord sedan.
What is the best health insurance for my family?
We are started to look for health insurance for our family and I was just wondering what everyones opinion was. We have 2 young children.
Will state farm increase my auto insurance if I get a speeding ticket??
I got a speeding ticket going 88 in a 70 in GA. Thats 2 points on my license. I was wondering if a rumor that I heard was true. Some people were telling me that they give you your ...show more
Affordable eye insurance (college student)?
I'm currently an undergrad student and I wear glasses which broke a few days ago .. I don't have insurance as of right now so I'm looking for some . I just need something basic that will cover the costs of eye glass exam and contact eye exam , contact lens , eye glass lens and the frame . Something that isn't too expensive but not too cheap where the insurance isn't good .. Like some that are cheap require you to pay for our exams out of pocket and then wait to be reimbursed . I can't have that . I need something where I can pay at a set rate and not have to worry about having to pay hundreds of $$$ and wait to get it back .""
Georgia Car Insurance?
If i'm moving to Georgia it states that I have 30 days to register my car and I need to get car insurance within those 30 days. If i'm looking around for insurance am I allowed to drive with an out of state insurance during those 30 days? Please give a absolute answer not something that you are guessing.
Do you pay taxes on a Life Insurance payout?
my father died and my mother will be seeing her tax person. Will she be paying taxes on the money she collected from my dads life insurance?
2.5% tax penalty if you don't have health insurance?
There is a section on page 297 of the health care bill... which you can read here: http://docs.house.gov/rules/health/111_ahcaa.pdf It states plainly that any individual who does not have acceptable health insurance during any part of the year will be imposed a tax equal to 2.5% of their yearly adjusted gross income. My question is what the heck is that about? What has our government come to if they can legally punish people for not getting their own health insurance??
Medi-Cal california insurance question?
A girlfriend of mine is applying for Medi-CAL for herself and her 6 yr old (they both need minor dental work). When applying, they docs ask for her Ex's information and whereabouts.We think he gone onto unemployment and she wondering if the state will go after him for the dental bill. Anyone know for sure? Best answer gets ten points!""
Insurance question with two names on the title?
i am in the miltary active duty 22 male. my car is currently back home in illinois sitting in the driveway with storage insurance, which am i under my parents policy. My mother co-signed the loan for the car two years ago with our bank, a relatively large bank not chase of b.o.a. so there are two names on the title, mine and moms. my girlfriend soon to be fiance lives in arizona and she needs my car so i want to have here go to ill to get it and drive it back. so we looked at insurance through state farm, got the quote everything ready to go she would pick up the insurance card as soon as she gets back to illinois. so it will be insured in illinois, we are both licensed in ill but shed be driving it in arizona. MOMS concern is that bc her name is on the title if anything were to happen; girlfriend hits someone and they are seriously injured or killed and girlfriend of we as a couple cannot pay for the bills that they would come after my mom as she is on the title of the car. it seems to me that my insurance would cover this(i forgot to mention this new policy is under my name and my name only) is there any liability on her part at all. her small town insurance said yes there would be and state farm said no none at all... can you through your experience or professional experience please help me clear this up so mom can be at ease with this please...AGAIN I NEED TO KNOW IF THERE WILL BE ANY LIABILITY ON MOMS PART, AS HER NAME IS ON THE TITLE OF THE CAR BUT NOT ON THE INSURANCE POLICY..thanks alot i appreciate your knowledge""
I am looking for Home owners Insurance. Which do you have or recommend?
Geico or State Farm And Why? Thank you
How do i get my insurance quotes lower for driving?
im 17 and i want to insure a car but every quote i get is allways about 4000 - 10000, is the any way i could get them lower on my quotes? like having another person as a driver and things like that?""
Car insurance ?
who knows the most cheapest it car insurance company plz ?
How much should I be getting paid insurance CSR?
I live in California, I work for a small insurance brokerage that brings in about 6.5 mill in premium. I have been working here for 2 years and have had my PnC license for a year now. I am the ONLY employee in this office. I make 13 a hour, no paid vacation or holidays, no random bonuses, no commission. The company pays my health insurance which comes out to 230 a month. The duties that I do is answer phone calls, policy changes, rewrites, occasional new business apps, renewal quoting, and PDF filing. Im just wondering if Im being taken advantage of or not. Im new to the insurance industry. Thank you!""
""17 Starting to drive, any cheap insurance sites?""
I'm now 17 and i am having driving lessons, i was just wondering if you know of any cheap insurance sites? Thanks""
Any good/affordable individual health plans for me and unborn baby in Connecticut?
My boyfriend and I are moving to Connecticut in Nov. from Seattle area. His plan can't be renewed until next summer. I got laid off in July and am currently on COBRA plan with my ...show more
How much would insurance be for a first time driver thats 19?
im gonna buy a brand new 2012 volkswagen gli thats 25k and its my first car and was wondering what would the insurace cost monthly for me
Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance if im 18?
93 prelude
""Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?""
Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 2006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?""
I want an insurance quote?
I want to the difference in insurance between a 93 v6 Camaro and a 93 Camaro Z28
""93' Subaru Impreza rear ended, repairs cost more then car, insurance will want to junk?""
My brother-in-law bought this car for $2,000, 5 years ago. It had about 75k miles on it. He has driven it to hell and back. Now it is still going strong with 150K but he just got hit from behind and the insurance company will want to junk it because the repairs will cost more then the car. He has asked the other party for $600 out of pocket but the other party wants to go thru insurance because they only have a $200 deductible. The repair estimate will be around $1,200 if not more and the Kelly Blue Book value of the car is $1,200. He does not want to give up the car, he loves it. What are his options? Take the $200?""
Average price for mobile home insurance?
I am thinking about buying a mobile home from a family member and was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas on how much home owners insurance might cost
Is AETNA a good health insurance to get?
my benefits package came from work, it offers medical from Aetna is that a good health insurance provider? What about Guardian Plan ppo for Dental??""
Question about state health insurance in georgia?
Im moving from Massachusetts to Georgia in march. My work doesn't offer insurance so we are on commonwealth care. Its state insurance. Im trying to find out if there is state insurance in ga as well iv got children and need insurance for them. Im not sure if the job im taking will offer some but in the mean time I need something. Can someone tell me if they have state health insurance or some type of low cost for low income? Thanks.
Will health insurance cover IVF procedure?
As of right now, my health insurance have been covering all of my wife procedure of IUI and her surgery for unblock 1 of her tube. But after 3 procedures of IUI and all are negative, I think my Dr will go to IVF next and just wondering if health insurance will cover the IVF procedure.""
How much does Bmw Insurance costs?
My dad and I will buy a BMW 2006-2008 3 Series he is 45 and he pays for his mazda 3 year 1998 80$ per month, but i wanna know how much will it costs for a BMW..we live in florida and i am 19""
""My 18-year-old brother is addicted to meth. He wants to quit, but can't afford rehab, no insurance.?""
He is not interested in NA or any faith-based program. Are there any proven state-funded programs or at least semi-affordable programs? He lives in Cali. He dropped out of high school and has little motivation to do anything, despite being smart and good-looking. My parents basically let him do whatever he wants, and I don't trust them to change or be able to help. He wants to learn to discipline himself and get a job, etc. but first he needs to kick the drugs.""
Why do men pay more for car insurance than women?
This fact is surely sexism based on pure stereotypes rather than relevant information such as the driver's history. Doesn't this just portray the stereotype that men are more irresponsible or 'risk takers' when it comes to driving? Why not base car insurance on ethnicity?
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm 16 and i live in the southern california area, around north hollywood. i would be driving a honda accord, thats leased so far but we're (family) is planning on buying it soon. i also have pretty good grades. how much do u think it would cost? and which auto insurance is best and the cheapest?""
Average cost of sr22 insurance?
What is the average cost of sr22 insurance?
New Insurance?
Hey. I'm 16 and male and I am getting my license in about a week. I know that I have to have insurance to drive alone in the family car. I just would like an estimate on how much insurance would cost. I am being added to my mom's insurance through Allstate, with a family car. Just until I have enough money to get my own. I know it isn't the same price as hers but I know its up there. If anyone can help me out on anything that would be great.""
Why Is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm just trying to find a good quote for the renewal of my car insurance, due in November 10. The cheapest I can get for a THIRD PARTY FIRE & THEFT only is 800!!!! for the following circumstances: Driver: male 32 yo, EU national living in the UK since 2003.Home owner. No convictions or anything like that. Full UK licence that I got converted in 2005, though I had held a full EU licence for 9 years before that. In full employment. The car: 1998 R reg For Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. Kept in a secure (bollards) street at home during the night and in the company's hyper secure car park during the day. Miles per year: up to 9000. With factory fitted immobiliser plus a anti theft wheel lock. The postcode is not the best, but it can't be the reason for it being so expensive, because my neighbours pay something ridiculous, like 30 or 40 per month for a fully comp policy, and also, because it's not a fully comp policy that I'm after and the car is so cheap (600) that it wouldn't make sense. I'm even ready to go for a third party only, but it turns out even more expensive in the searches... I've even tried with other cars with smaller engines thinking that maybe replacing the car would help... I'm really confused, and that famous website is not helping at all. Hopefully somebody can shed some light on where the problem is. It'd be so very much appreciated...""
Does anybody know about cars and car insurance?
im a black female 20 years old im never had a car and im looking for one off craigslist and I found one that I might like http://miami.craigslist.org/mdc/cto/4263348989.html I know I have to register the car in my name and get a license plate and I have nooo idea how much that cost. im also trying to find the best insurance at a good price and what not someone please help mee!!! I want to know prices and all. and I only have a permit but in march I will get my license. tell me about signing and everything.... by the way im in homestead fl but not for long I will be going back home in west palm beach in mid march.
How much does it cost to insure a 1991 camaro z28?
I have a white 1991 camaro z28 and I need to put it up on insurance to get me going around. Only problem is my parents dont want to hold my insurance and im only 18. How much would it be to insure it on my own? The car is 5.0 Liter, 2 door, white. I turn 19 on christmas if that information helps. Can i get historic plates on the car?""
TRADE INSURANCE..................?
is it safe to buy an insurance for a trade insurance owner as if he then puts your name in his policy and drive your own car for social purposes?
Will the car insurance pay for my car to be fixed?
i was rear ended. its the other persons fault. the kid that hit me was driving their parents car. the parents had insurance on the car but the kid wasnt listed as a driver. just the mom and dad were. i was told since the car is insured then the insurace will pay for it no matter who was driving. is this true?
Can u keep a car in a garage without it having insurance?
I'm getting a car this weekend. It is taxed but I won't be able to afford the insurance stright away, what can I do??? I'm 18 and haven't passed my driving test yet. Any help welcome, thanks""
NY Full Coverage Insurance Rates?
How much is full coverage on any plan for a new driver?
General costs to buy and insure a 50cc moped?
Okay so I don't know what moped it will be so i'm simply looking for averages and general help. I'm 17 and am thinking of getting a moped for the next 6-7 months, cost pending. I was just wondering how much would insurance cost me for it, not a brilliant bike just a cheapo 400-500 think as I shant be using it every day and is there any way to insure it for only 6 months rather than a year that's cheaper? On a whole how much do you think it would cost me in total if i bought a 400 50cc moped to insure for 6 month (year if you can't do 6 months) + tax + exam you have to take P.S. I live in England - South East - Dover/Folkestone Area""
Dallas cheapest auto insurances?
I just moved to Dallas and looking for a good auto insurance. Thanks
Health insurance question?
As of right now I am on Medicaid Family planning Insurance, but my husband's employer is going to give us health insurance pretty soon but we don't have it yet. Here is my question will I still be eligible for family planning medicaid when we do get health insurance? Next does health insurance cover tubal ligation if I am not covered by medicaid? If not how can I get my tubes tied?""
My company offers health insurance but its a dumb plan?
well they dont have like a set insurace. They have this guy who sells insurance policies and he signed me up for one but it sucks. I have like this $5000 deductible and they are real strick and what not. My job pays 50% and I pay the other. My boss said I am allowed to find a different insurance if I want and they will still pay 50%. I would like one that doesnt have a deductible and like offers dental also. Any ideas? Thank you.
Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
Audi Q7? Insurance a month?
I was just wondering how much an audi q7's insurance is per month? and how much would one cost?
Ok I am for the poor getting Health Care....And I am also for insurance reform?
for crying out loud there are kids poor with illness..for them to not be insured is just insane... 1.What I am not for however is this fine for not having insurance if you can afford it.It is there choice and they should be made to pay for there health care should it go South...If they lose there house,car etc than that is there fault because they made a choice.AND please don't come on here and say there is not a fine for it because there is..I just read it again... 2.What I would also like to know is why the Democrats voted out the amendment to the bill that stated that if you have insurance you will not have to replace it with something else?Is that not something Obama has already promised would be in the bill... Thanks for all the Answers ahead of time...""
How much is the license reinstated fee for suspension from no car insurance?
How much is the license reinstated fee for suspension from no car insurance?
A person with sr22 insurance wrecked my car. Will sr22 cover the damages to my vehicle?
I was unaware the person I let drive my vehicle only had sr22 (Texas) insurance. He totaled my car while I was a passenger in it. My insurance is very unlikely to cover the damages since he is not on our policy, but would his sr22 cover the damages? I am very worried & any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you""
Can a 16y/o buy car insurance without his parents?
How much would it cost in California, full coverage for a 94 Honda Civic?""
Estimate for car insurance payment for 6 months ..?
i am looking to consolidate, and want to see what i actually spend is right or not --- what should be a reasonable bargain on car insurance ??- i pay 950 for my 05 and 08 car. is that too much .. for 6 months, driver for last 4-5 yrs ?? what do you guys pay .. i know it depends on what all coverage you end up taking, still any ideas would help ..""
Which costs more to insure?
I'm 17, get okay grades in school, I guess, but I can always make it look like I got all A's. I'm insured under my grandparents and currently I believe it is around $20 a month or so to insure me on a 03 Galant, I was wandering (I am buying my own car) if I purchase a 97 Eclipse, would the insurance be more or less than a 93 GT3000 Mitsubishi? If so, how much would it cost?""
My friend got hit from behind and his car got totalled. How much $ can he get from insurance/lawsuit?
he's ok but was told to take 4 weeks off of work.
""An insurance company will insure a $260,000 home for its total value for an annual premium of $590. If the com?""
An insurance company will insure a $260,000 home for its total value for an annual premium of $590. If the company spends $30 per year to service such a policy, the probability of total loss for such a home in a given year is 0.001 and you assume either total loss or no loss will occur, what is the company's expected annual gain (or profit) on each such policy? I think maybe 300$?""
Cheap insurance for bmw 318?
websites arnt even close to being accurate to get insurance quotes from so i was wondering does anyone have the experience to tell me reasonably accurantely where is the cheapest place to get insurance for a bmw 318 in northern ireland for a 2nd year driver with no claims and how much is it
Give me a genral idea of how much car insurance would cost me?
Well cost my parents. I'll be sixteen this April but I won't be getting my license until July. I want to get a Mustang GT 2005 or 2006 but I think it somewhat falls into a category of a sports car so it raises the insurance right? What would be the difference between me driving that or a 2003 BMW? Oh and is there a difference between driving insurance and car insurance? Thank you so much! (And for the record I'm not some spoiled kid, I've been saving for this car for a very long time with money from my lifegaurding job)""
Does comprehensive car insurance cover others not on the policy?
My Brother has a full comprehensive UK car insurance. Can I drive his car and be covered by the insurance even though I am not listed on the insurance and live at the same address. I have a full UK license, he claims I am covered because he gives me the permission to drive the car which according to him is right. I have read the insurance policy but my brains are not big enough to understand that given permission part. If anyone can throw more light on this, it will be fully appreciated.""
""What would a $50,000 cadillac cost per month? + insurance?""
im looking into the cadillac sts (sp=47,000 - 78,000) and i want to know the monthly cost.. $275,000 yearly income (get paid yearly).. which is about $23,000 a month combined. take into account teenager insurance which i heard can be brutal and also... would buying this car stretch my finances? i dont want my family to be uncomfortable for just a car. like someone earlier told me 1k a month for my car payment but i want to know the other estimates""
Where can a 29 year old student find health insurance?
I am a 29 year old substitute teacher and part time student. I am looking for some type of affordable health isurance and prescription plan. I am in need of some help...I have no idea where to look. Can anyone please point me in the right direction? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much!
Where can I find Affordable Dental Insurance. I recieve coverage from my job but need more coverage?
I recieve 1000 a year form my job, and I need more work done. I have used the max, so please let me know what is the best plan for me""
Does my 17 yr.old need car insurance to drive my car?
in connecticut
Does anyone out there have Progressive Auto Insurance?
I'm looking to switch my auto insurance to this company as they seem to have very good rates and customer service. I was wondering if anyone out there has heard of any pros and cons to this company. The most detailed answer will get an easy 10 points. Thanks!
Car insurance?
my husband has just been sent a letter saying he has been done for doing 38 in a 30mph limit and has encured 60 fine and 3 penalty points. what is the situation regarding his car insurance . does he have to inform them about it? i think he should but my sister says you dont have to.
Why the heck does car insurance make you pay more...?
when you call to file a claim? Like, why do they raise your rates when you call them to use their services that you're already paying for? Someone pryed the emblem off my friends car and he said if he claimed it on insurance his rates would raise just because he claims it. What's up with that?""
Other or new insurance companies Non-exclusive?
Hello there, I have a client, she is 18 years old and has a 1997 Toyota Corolla. She came by for insurance 2 days ago and I have quoted her with: Allied, Safeco, Hartford, Progressive, Mapre, Mercury, Metlife, Chubb, Hanover, AARP, Travelers, Golden Eagle, Nationwide, California Auto, Foremost, Liberty Mutual, State Fund, and around 4 more that I can't pull out of my head. The cheapest quote received was from Mercury Insurance for: 15/30/15 UM:10 MEDICAL:1000 COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No rental Premium: $2,103.90 It's basically what the car is worth if not more. Do you happen to know other non-exclusive companies that would take her? She has a clean DMV record. FSC is pulling very high premiums. Thank you very much.""
Whats the cheapest non-owners...?
Car insurance?
""What type of Life Insurance is best for my husband and I? (We just purchased a home, we are both 23 years old)""
My husband and I are both 23 years old and we just purchased a home. We have been under pressure from our Insurance Agent and our Mortgage broker to obtain Life Insurance in case something happens to one of us. We would like to have coverage in case something happens. I know the importance of Life Insurance, as my mom was killed in a car accident when she was only 38. So, we want to be protected, and we want our house to be safe. We are pretty much clueless when it comes to Insurance policies. I ALREADY LOOKED UP THE INFO ON WIKIPEDIA, SO PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME MORE OF THAT. I want opinions on what the best kind of Life Insurance is for us. Term (but if it is a 30 year term, does that mean when we are for example 54 and something happens after the 30 years, we aren't covered???) or Permanant (whole life, and others). We didn't like the decreasing term policy our agent showed us. We have gotten 2 quotes for Term Life. Help us make an informed decision!!! Please!""
Does individual health insurance qualify for tax deduction?
I am employed, however i am paying my own personal health insurance instead of opting for the group insurance which my employer has since it worked out to be cheaper than group insurance. Now when i am filing my taxes can i claim medical insurance premium as tax deductible.""
What will happen when I lose my insurance?
I'm 19 years old, and i'm currently receiving my dads insurance. He is on blue cross blue shield, and I can use his insurance until i'm 26 as long as i'm in college. Well...I'm moving in June and I will be taking a break from college. I'll also be moving out of state in which case I have no clue if the insurance will cover me there. I haven't done jack squat with signing up for my own insurance because I also have a health care card through the state. When I move and I lose my insurance how do I go about signing up for new insurance? I'm planning to get insurance through an employer and sign up once I finish my first 3 months. I don't mind being without insurance for a few months because i'm getting all of my health care/vision/dental done right now. I heard that the Affordable Care Act has deadlines and that you won't be able to sign up for a plan until 2015? Also does that mean I'll be fined for no longer having insurance? I'm so confused.""
Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
Rockford Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 61125
0 notes
Can you help me make some sense of these health insurance policies?
"Can you help me make some sense of these health insurance policies?
I'm 7 months pregnant and making plans to line up health insurance for my baby. The plan my company offers is a decent HMO with $20 deductibles for everything but it costs $305 per month! That's over $3,500 per year! I started doing some research and I am finding that I can get a PPO direct from the insurance company for less. I'm confused as to which plan is best though, I found a PPO though Blue Cross that is $155 per month with $40 deductibles. I found a PPO through Kaiser that is $163 per month. I pay 100% of everything up to $1500, then Kaiser picks up everything else. Confused....
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I really need some good advice for travel insurance please?
Going to thailand and possibly france or spain to for 1 year. Wats good and why?
""I'm a 17 year old, I have to pay my own car insurance. What's the cheapest? Can you give me your rates? (:?""
I'm specifically asking teens, 17-23, who pay their OWN insurance. My mom isn't going to include me on hers, so I'm on my own. Give me some rates! How much do you pay? Monthly/yearly, and HOW do you pay it? Every 3 months, monthly, or yearly? THANKS!""
Motorcycle insruance guess for 17 year old female (Indiana)?
I'm a 17 year old female and I live in Indiana so I would not be riding year round. I have good grades and I will have completed the safety course. I'm looking at probably something older and 400cc. If any other under 18 year old has insurance and knows PERSONALLY how much it would cost please let me know.
Just checked quotes for insurance of cars and it comes to 7000 pounds.?
Well the cars i have selected are Audi a4, bmw 3 and 1 series, merc A and C class, and cars equavilant to this range, hel me to find away to reduce the insurance to 1000-3000 pounds i have my relatives in here shall i buy insurance considering his nae as first owner and me as 2nd what are the cons for doing this. Help me dont wanna get douchy car.""
How much would car insurance cost for a Ford 1965 Convertible Mustang?
im 16 male on parents insurance, good grades, took drivers ed, no tickets, right now my parents are on AARP but any idea would be appreciated. The car is pretty old so its not worth too much it needs a new transmission and stuff.. any idea on a price.""
Is motorcycle insurance available for six months?
I live in an area where I can only ride for half the year, yet all of the policies cover 12 months. Does anyone know of a company that offers six month packages? A second question, does taking a Riding course offer a sizable discount with insurance companies? Thanks""
In the state of california is it illegal to drive a car with out auto insurance?
In the state of california is it illegal to drive a car with out auto insurance?
""Insurance companies have told me I now, do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. What can I do?""
I no longer have health insurance. My employer could no longer afford the premiums and I cannot afford Cobra. The 63 day preexisting conditions deadline has passed. I had a heart valve repaired in 2009 and donated a kidney for my wife in Feb. of 2011. Insurance companies have told me I now do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. Under the new Health Care Law, what can I do and who can I contact to get affordable coverage?""
Temp car insurance for under 21?
I'm 19 and want car insurance for 3 months. Either short term or pay as you go
How much is my car payment and insurance?
Hey, everyone else is asking the same 2 stupid questions, now it's my turn!""
Car insurance question?
I have a question, and I am not sure if this question is applicable to this email, but I guess it's worth the shot. First off a little background, I am 18, but I don't have my name listed under my parents' car insurance, I got into an accident upon receiving a 1st offense citation for following too closely. My court date isn't until a month later and because of the accident my parents want to put my name under, but at the same time they would like to change insurance companys, are they allowed to change insurances and put my name under before the court is settled or do we have to wait until the court is settled? All I know is that All I have to do is pay the fine, but won't allow me and require me at court.""
I need braces on my teeth but i dont no have Insurance that cover it what can do do help?
i really need braces for my teeth and my health insurance wont pay for it. i am 21 and my teeth are crooked and is in my way. i do get SSI but i wanted to know what can i do because Braces cost to much money.
What are some good cheap car auto insurance in the washington dc area for a 23 yr old female?
What are some good cheap car auto insurance in the washington dc area for a 23 yr old female?
""Can I report my (former) car insurance to someone, Texas?""
I was insured with a cut rate car insurance company because I needed a SR22 for no insurance from many, many, years ago that finally did catch up to me just now. Anyway, I was having my payment drafted out of my debit card each month. Well a few days before my insurance was due I realized that I unexpectedly was going to be short. It was due one day & I didn't get paid for another 2 days. So I called up my agent & explained the situation & asked if my policy had a grace period? They put me on hold to check. They came back on the telephone & said yes I had 7 days from the date it was due. They said I would be fine cause I got paid 2 days later. Well I go back up there a couple of days later to make my payment. Mind you, I'm still well w/in the grace period. The computer would not take my payment. The agent made a call, then spoke to someone, & then informed me my insurance was dropped for lack of payment. I was like whoa I was told I had a full week grace period She said to me Well, when you called you didn't inform us that you had your insurance drafted from your debit card. I was like A) Y'all didn't ask when I called & B) How in the world would I know to tell you that? Especially since y'all never asked. They basically said Oh well. She did make it clear that if I had not had auto drafting that the grace period would still stand. Maybe I'm clueless but I never had an incident where I was ever late on my car insurance. Now my DL is suspended. I don't know if this place gets a kick back by starting over my insurance w/a whole new policy. If I had had started over again the rate would jump & I would have to repay them to refile my SR22. Is that legal?? Like I said what do I know????""
Insurance on this car?
Ok so I was looking on Craigs list, I'm thinking of buying my first car in a few months. I have a lot of money saved up. Theres a 1996 Taurus LX for sale for $1800. It has 119,000 miles on it, and it gets 25mpg. I'll only have this car until I go to college, because I can't take it up to Boulder with me. College is two years away. However, if I do go to Boulder, I'll only be two hours away from home, so when I come home I might want to have the car. What would you say the insurance would be on this car, so basically how much would I have to pay per year for insurance. We are not thinking about repairs or gas here, just insurance.""
Florida car insurance inquiry?
I'm 16 years old and going to be 17 in a week and a half. Tomorrow I am eligible to obtain my Florida's driver license (as I will have had my learner's permit for a year tomorrow). My mom objects to me obtaining my license because I do not have a job and therefore will be unable to help pay for insurance. However, my dad just brought to my attention that I only need to pay for car insurance if I own my car (which at the moment my mom and I would be sharing a car). Which of this true? Do I have to pay for any type of insurance once getting my driver's license? I am out of a job, (but still looking) but want to be able to drive this summer so I'm not stuck inside. How does this all work?""
Car insurance refusal.?
I got my self as a named driver on my dads insurance policy,and then phoned them up to confirm payments, but the representitive worked out i was not my dad phoning in. when i told her that i was his son and just wnted to make sure weather,they recieved the money or not, she went and canceled the policy saying i had broken the data protection act. she told me they would'nt charge me anything but my dad would have to tell other insurance companies that he had been refused insurance, i just want to know that will this make a difference to my dad's future insurance quotes?""
10 POINTS! Is it expensive to insure and range rover?
Ok so is it expensive to insure lets say a 2003-2006 range rover HSE for a 18 year old in the USA? Also could i finance at 18 if i can prove enough income? Looking online there worth roughly 12k-16k maybe cheaper if i lowball.. Thanks
What Are Some Legit Health Insurance Agency?
I've just been told that Mega Health and Life Insurance was a rip off company. (After I've pretty much wasted my time giving them information). Humana is so darn expensive for me. I'm a single mother of two. Working from home, due to my mystery illness. As of now I have no health insurance, but get by/ struggle with Care Link. ( Basically that allows me to make low payments on my medical bills, instead of paying the full amount up front) But I feel because of this method, most doctors aren't being up front with me. I also think this limits me from being honestly tested and checked out for my current on going problems. (I think they see me as a poor person that would never pay the bill off, so why test me?) I just want to get to better....there has to be some Legit and affordable health care out there! HELP!""
""Can I report my (former) car insurance to someone, Texas?""
I was insured with a cut rate car insurance company because I needed a SR22 for no insurance from many, many, years ago that finally did catch up to me just now. Anyway, I was having my payment drafted out of my debit card each month. Well a few days before my insurance was due I realized that I unexpectedly was going to be short. It was due one day & I didn't get paid for another 2 days. So I called up my agent & explained the situation & asked if my policy had a grace period? They put me on hold to check. They came back on the telephone & said yes I had 7 days from the date it was due. They said I would be fine cause I got paid 2 days later. Well I go back up there a couple of days later to make my payment. Mind you, I'm still well w/in the grace period. The computer would not take my payment. The agent made a call, then spoke to someone, & then informed me my insurance was dropped for lack of payment. I was like whoa I was told I had a full week grace period She said to me Well, when you called you didn't inform us that you had your insurance drafted from your debit card. I was like A) Y'all didn't ask when I called & B) How in the world would I know to tell you that? Especially since y'all never asked. They basically said Oh well. She did make it clear that if I had not had auto drafting that the grace period would still stand. Maybe I'm clueless but I never had an incident where I was ever late on my car insurance. Now my DL is suspended. I don't know if this place gets a kick back by starting over my insurance w/a whole new policy. If I had had started over again the rate would jump & I would have to repay them to refile my SR22. Is that legal?? Like I said what do I know????""
Can you tell me which car insurance is cheap in uk.?
Karamjit singh
What is the AVERAGE cost of surgery to fix a varicocele without insurance in the midwest?
I have a varicocele in my left testicle. I have no medical insurance. How much does this operation cost to fix it? I know it will vary, but i want to know the AVERAGE out of pocket cost. This is in a midwest state.. Also, would doctors offer a payment option?""
Health insurance question for college student?
I'm a dependent college student under my parents health insurance plan and I was wondering if I take a semester off does the college notify the health insurance agency of my absence or do I have to notify them? health insurance provider is CSEA.
What health insurance can i apply for?
i'm a stay at home mom and my husband is self employed. so we can't get insurance through work. blue cross keeps denying me. what other affordable health insurance can i apply for?
Health Insurance for diabetics?
If i were to get health insurance and then marry my girlfrind (who at the moment is pregnant) do you think that she would be able to get on my insurance even though she has a pre-existing condition of type 1 diabetes? She can not get her own insurance because of it, only if her work provides and her work does not and the job market is still rocky. So what would we have to do to get her insured?""
Can you help me make some sense of these health insurance policies?
I'm 7 months pregnant and making plans to line up health insurance for my baby. The plan my company offers is a decent HMO with $20 deductibles for everything but it costs $305 per month! That's over $3,500 per year! I started doing some research and I am finding that I can get a PPO direct from the insurance company for less. I'm confused as to which plan is best though, I found a PPO though Blue Cross that is $155 per month with $40 deductibles. I found a PPO through Kaiser that is $163 per month. I pay 100% of everything up to $1500, then Kaiser picks up everything else. Confused....
Help!!! I need cheap auto insurance!!!!!?
I am a 28 yr old woman that lives in Delaware. I need to know where I can find cheap full coverage. I have 1 speeding ticket on my driving record and I had a lapse in insurance. Any suggestions?
Is there drivers insurance for infrequent drivers?
I'm currently in LA, and my family is here too. So, I've been an insured driver since I was 15, for the last 13 years... In August I will begin grad school in Boston, and will be without a car. But, perhaps during winter break, Thanksgivings, summer, I may return to LA to visit family and friends. I can easily borrow one of my parents' cars while I'm visiting, but I don't want to have to maintain car insurance year round for several hundred dollars just to drive a few times a year. Are there any reasonably priced options for someone in my situation? As far as I know, most car insurance terms are 6 months. Thank you!""
Any suggestions on Pet Insurance?
Hi I've been looking at pet insurance from lots of different companies, and I've found that the high street insurances have so many ifs and buts in the policies that if my pet became ill or needed treatment I think it'll be very difficult to claim any funding. I've also looked at Pet insurance by companies specialising in pet insurance they seem to be more accessible but at the same time they are far too expensive monthly! Any suggestions as to a good insurance policy? I really want one because I'd hate it if anything happened to my dog and I couldn't afford the treatment!""
Insurance payments and credit?
A friend of mine says she likes to pay her car insurance in monthly installments (as opposed to in bulk every 6 months) because it helps her credit. I've never heard of this. I told her that she would save money if she paid it all at once (because the insurance company offers a discount for paying in full), but she said paying the extra money was worth the benefit to her credit. She doesn't have credit cards or loans or any type of revolving credit. Is she correct that paying in monthly installments helps her credit?""
Car insurance help!!?
i am just about to re new my car insurance, the cost without protecting my 4 year claim bonus is 550 and protected would cost me 800.. is paying the difference of 250 worth it? thanks""
California motorcycle license?
if you drive a motorcycle without a motorcycle license but with a valid drivers license is it the same penalty as driving without a license? the bike does have its own insurance
How much for car insurance?
Im 19 and have two tickets.. One for no licence nd the other for failure to yeald..how much would it be??
Question about gap insurance?
I just wanted to know about how much the dealer charges for gap or at least an average. I refinanced my vehicle and am awarded a refund of my gap because the new financing is offered with it. So I don't know if anyone has gone through this, but if you have any answers please let me know. Thanks in advance.""
Does queensland comprehensive car insurance include ctp?
i'm very confused! currently have my car registered and insured at my victorian address, need to change it all over to queensland and am completely clueless about ctp. please help!""
How much would insurance be on a 2006 Dodge Charger SE?
im graduating next year and i was just curious about how much insurance would be for a 17 year old with a charger.
How much to go on my parents car insurance?
How much would it cost to add an 18 year old girl onto her parents cad insurance? I've never had a crash but only passed last week. Its a 3 or 4 year old Renault scenic
Do i need insurance?
If my mom has geico insurance and im 15 and just got my permit do i need to be on her insurance. Insurance is requiered in oregon but i dont know if teens need it?
Car accident and issue with the insurance company?
I was in one car accident and someone hit the back of my car and pushed me to the front car. that caused a lot damage to my car. But, the insurance company which represent the guy hit me from the back said it is my fault of causing this accident. because i emerge from the left line to the right and didn't ensure there was safe enough to do emerging. The truth is the accident happend was after almost half miniute after emerging and i completely finished the emerging action. when i explained this to the insurance company, they won't listen to me.....so is that really my fault?""
Cheapest and reliable car insurace company?
how has the lowest quote out under normal circumstances? i know they categorize it based on age,sex, etc. just tell me who has the cheapest insurance.is it really GEICO?""
Estimate how much car insurance would cost?
16 year old guy, with a 2001 Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 miles. How much do you think insurance would cost per month?""
""Car insurance like for like, just like other insurances?""
My cheapish car was written off after someone bashed into the back of it. I am brokeish and need a car to get to work. The car cost 400 and the insurance company might give me 200 if I am lucky. Surely the Insurance company should just replace the car with the same or similar model, so I am back to where I was before the lorry crashed into the back of my car. because now I have to find money I do not have just to get to work! There is something wrong here somewhere as it is costing me and I have not actually done anything except be the victim here. Is like for like possible with car insurance?""
Car Insurance when selling Car?
Ok the situation is as follows: I am selling my car for a new one. I have asked my current insurer to transfer my policy to the new car which is fine. However I then questioned about temporarily insuring my old car under the policy and they wanted a ridiculous amount of money for a week - I also do not know how long it will take to sell the car. I questioned the amount and asked what customers generally do when they wish to keep an old car insured. I was told that I could drive my old car on a 3rd party basis as my policy going forward covers me fully comprehensive. I thought fantastic - but then I was shocked when I was told that if I drive the car it is insured 3rd party only but as soon as I park it up somewhere it is uninsured and could be towed away by the police. I have since read my policy document which claim that I can drive any other car 3rd party providing I do not own the car and that there is already insurance in place? Can anyone clarify the above or provide advice. I am so confused and unfortunately are unable to call my insurer back now or over the next couple days? Thanks in advance
How long do i have to add new car to insurance policy in virginia?
how long do i have to add new car to insurance policy in virginia?
Can someone help me figure out how to get car insurance?? Very confused :(?
This is my first time ever getting a car loan, making payments & getting insurance by myself & so far it's been frustrating & confusing!! If anyone could help steer me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated! --I'm originally from Arkansas. I moved to North Dakota with my man, got a job & started vehicle hunting. One of my friends up here, also from AR, had a truck close to getting on the repo list because he couldn't make payments anymore. This truck is registered in AR. So, I got a loan & bought his truck from him. I got this loan Oct 4th, a month ago. All I'm trying to do is register this truck, pay sales tax & get insurance. I understand I'm not ever getting the title but my bank will & when I explained that the title hadn't been sent to my bank yet, the dmv lady said I couldn't even get temporary tags?? Can I get insurance with the truck not being registered yet?? If it's not officially mine bc the title hasn't been sent to my bank. ???""
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
What is the best way to get into insurance sales?
I'm quite interested in the insurance business, and i've heard various methods, one is to get hired into a captive insurance company as customer service and then express an interest in the business, then you have to study for and pass a state exam, and get licensed. but i'm curious what is the possibilities i'd find a company to hire me right away as a salesperson, my background is wireless sales. The thing i'd like to know is, what can I expect my first year in the business, is it entirely full commission or is there a mix of salary and commission? and lastly, what are the odds of a new agent making it for say three to five years? I'm looking for a career for the next 25+ years.""
Best car insurance for 17 year old?!?
Hi, I have just passed my driving test. I am a 17 year old male living in a stable suburb. My mum owns a 2002 Mini Cooper and my dad has just ordered a new Audi A7. Obviously I cannot drive the Audi when it comes haha. I am looking to drive the Mini. What is the cheapest insurance company to be a NAMED DRIVER on my mum's car insurance. THIS IS NOT FRONTING. I will hardly drive, my mum uses the car most/all of the time. I have got very high quotes and the best yet is 2000 from Admiral. Any other suggestions please?""
Do I have to have auto insurance when driving a uhaul?
Ok so My boyfriend and I are planning on renting a uhaul in a few months for our move from Florida to California. We currently do not have auto insurance. If we get pulled over will they ask for proof of insurance? Do we need insurance to drive a rented vehicle? Also does uhaul offer insurance? What does it cover and how pricey is it? I told my bf that you probably dont need insurance to drive a rented vehicle but he disagrees with me. So if you can help me prove him wrong I'd greatly appreciate it.
Car Insurance for a 17 year old girl?
How do I get the cheapest car insurance possible. Should the car being insured be expensive (ish) or cheap? Should I wait until after my daughter has passed her test? I appreciate that all insurance for first time drivers is high but would like advice please.
Why arent car insurance comparison sites easy?
I am really confused how to use the damn things, for example i am trying to find a cheap quote but it keeps on asking when i want the policy to start?? When i do not want it to?? What policy date should i put in if i am just trying to find cheap insurance, not wishing to start it. Help is much appreciated!""
Can you help me make some sense of these health insurance policies?
I'm 7 months pregnant and making plans to line up health insurance for my baby. The plan my company offers is a decent HMO with $20 deductibles for everything but it costs $305 per month! That's over $3,500 per year! I started doing some research and I am finding that I can get a PPO direct from the insurance company for less. I'm confused as to which plan is best though, I found a PPO though Blue Cross that is $155 per month with $40 deductibles. I found a PPO through Kaiser that is $163 per month. I pay 100% of everything up to $1500, then Kaiser picks up everything else. Confused....
Car insurance please help !?
I am currently taking my driving lessons. When I pass I would like to get a car but carnt afford the insurance but I need a car for August as I work alot in the summer can I get car insurance and cancel it after a couple of months or is it like a 12 month contract am new to this please help.
Should the government ban gender discrimination for insurance rates?
Why is it legal for car insurance companies to charge males more than females when they have the same driving record, same age, same car, and same everything else?""
I hit a fence with my car will my insurance rates go up if I make a calim?
The other day I was driving my 2000 honda accord and out of no place came a deer that ran out in the street from the woods.I turned my wheel hard to the right not to hit the deer and I hit a woodin fence at an abandoned house.My car is dented up pretty bad .I have full coverage I know the car is 12 years old but it was in excelllent shape before this.if I file a claim will my insurince rates go up?
How much would my car insurance be...???
Texas Female 18 years old good driving record 2007 Honda Civic Coupe or 2006 TC Scion Also what other information should I add if this is not enough?
""Does insurance cover one driver, or the car?""
Like does the insurance only cover one driver, or does the insurance cover the whole car and whoever is driving? Like can I drive another person's car if they are insured? How about my parents car?""
Health insurance plans that cover maternity?
I live in Texas, and am looking for a health insurance plan that will cover maternity that is reasonably priced.""
Car insurance for young drivers ?
Hi there, ive completed multiple quotes for car insurance and the figure are coming out extremley high, as in 5000 a year on a 1.1 litre 2000 peugeot 206 LX 3dr, and i am a 17 year old male. i would like the policy to be in my name for my NCB but i have also added my mum and dad as named drivers as ive heard that decreases price, does naybody know any cheap car insurance places which icould go to for a cheaper quote. 5000 for a 1.1 litre peugoet is ridiculous !! Thanks""
Car insurance cheaper at 17 or mid 20's?
im 17 in January and getting my driving lessons for my birthday - when and if I pass I'm not getting a car till I'm in my 20's. will the insurance be cheaper when I'm mid 20's than it would be at 17?
What is the cheapest Auto Insurance Company for male teens?
Insurance company's Screw teens so much, what are some of the cheaper company's? I have gotton quotes from $107 a month to $250 a month and everywhere in between for just state minimum liabilty""
Need Car Insurance for one month?
Hey I need car insurance for one month only please help me thank you
Where I can get accident insurance plan?
What is the difference between a accident insurance and an Health Insurance. Which is the one I should go for?
Do I need renters insurance?
I've had renters insurance for the past 2 years. The new place I'm at now is not under my name. But I do pay some of the rent to the the person I'm living with (whose name is on lease). Someone told me today that renters insurance is no good and doesn't cover anything if my name is not on the lease. Is this true?
Will insurance cover transmission damage?
Someone stol my car I reported it the insurane company is saying my transmission is out will they cover the cost of this or say its normal wear and tear it was working when I was driving it
Is it legal to Drive a borrowed car without insurance?
Let's say my friend has this car, up to date tags, and insurance for himself, and all the works for FOR HIM. He lets me borrow it, I get pulled over or i get in a fender bender Aside from the ticket and the damages is there any legal problems there? Diving a insured car but me not having insurance and other stuff?""
College student needing car insurance?
I live in MA i am in the process of leasing a hyundai elantra. but i need insurance. I cant use my parents policies because i bought the car myself. Does anyone know of any cheap car insurance companies?
Car insurance on parent's insurance??? NCB?
I have no idea when it comes to insurance but basically if i get on my parent's insurance...can i still mount up 2 years no claims... or does it not count so that when i get my own insurance it's like starting from scratch?
If you get a ticket for expired meter does your insurance go?
I just got a ticket for expired meter will your insurance go up because I don't want my mother to know about it
Can I drive someone else's car without insurance?
I am getting my license soon (if i pass the road test) can i drive someone else's car without having any insurance in Rhode Island ?
Can u get insurance on a different address to your licence?
Say i live in leeds but my friend lives in bradford and my insurance works out cheaper on their address. Can i ge insurance to her address even though i do not live there?
Where can I get cheap car insurance for provisional drivers? UK?
I have a full license and I'm about to get insured but want to add my mum as a learner... which UK company has the lowest rates for provisional license holders?
Health Insurance for diabetics?
If i were to get health insurance and then marry my girlfrind (who at the moment is pregnant) do you think that she would be able to get on my insurance even though she has a pre-existing condition of type 1 diabetes? She can not get her own insurance because of it, only if her work provides and her work does not and the job market is still rocky. So what would we have to do to get her insured?""
Should we switch from Geico to Farmers Insurance?
We moved cross country and a local Farmers insurance agent is perstering us to get our business... she is actually a nice person. The deal we would get here would be cheaper than with Geico, but I had a bad experience with Farmers a long time ago (They were great until I had an accident, then they slapped me with a huge increase in premium. It wasn't even entirely my fault. anybody had good experiences with Farmers Insurance or should I just stay away from them?""
Health Insurance Not Taken Out from Check?
I got an extra 84 bucks in my check bc they didn't take out for health insurance? Was this just a mistake?
Insurance cost for a BMW ?
I'm 17 and want to buy a bmw, nothing New , maybe a 2001 or something .. What kinda insurance prices would I face? I have a clean driving record and good grades , if that matters at all""
Is it possible to get insurance for a couple of months for 18 year old?
I passed my test a couple of months ago and really want to drive for summer, but I can't afford a car at the moment. Is it possible to get insurance on my mums car for a couple of months? as I go away to uni in September, possibly as a named driver? thanks.""
Can you help me make some sense of these health insurance policies?
I'm 7 months pregnant and making plans to line up health insurance for my baby. The plan my company offers is a decent HMO with $20 deductibles for everything but it costs $305 per month! That's over $3,500 per year! I started doing some research and I am finding that I can get a PPO direct from the insurance company for less. I'm confused as to which plan is best though, I found a PPO though Blue Cross that is $155 per month with $40 deductibles. I found a PPO through Kaiser that is $163 per month. I pay 100% of everything up to $1500, then Kaiser picks up everything else. Confused....
""I had a car accident,but i don't have insurance.?""
Approx. Insurance rate for 20 yo male with a 04 G35x sedan?
thinking about buying a G35x after i get back from Afghanistan, just wondering how much insurance might be""
Cheapest Car Insurance for Young Drivers in Florida?
I live in Orlando FL and I'm looking for some cheap insurance, is there any companies that are known for cheap insurance and good service? Thanks.""
Are there discounts on insurance for cars that are 25 years or older?
I heard that insurance is very cheap for cars that are 25 years or older. I heard suggestions of about a few hundred per year. Is that true?
Health insurance question?
how is it that someone without insurance, and cant pay the medical bills not pay anything, and get the same healthcare..as a person with insurance...........???????anyone? why dont we just get rid of insurance?""
Car Insurance?
I'm 16 and I don't have a car, but am I covered with insurance on my parents cars automatically?""
Auto Insurance Licence?
how can i get a licence to sell auto insurance i live in tx
Insurance question?
I just bought a 2008 Honda Accord, exl, 4 cyl. I can't even drive it because I dont have insurance, what is the cheapest (most affordable insurance) I should get, i am 20 years old living in ontario california.""
How much would insurance be on an eclipse for a 17 yr old guy?
im a 17 year old male, in search for a good first car from 3k to about 5k in price. i love eclipse models from 96-99 (gsx, rs or gs). does anyone know how much insurance is for these cars at my age?""
Will my Progressive Ins. rate go up with speed camera tickets?
I have progressive car insurance in MD and have received a lot of speeding camera tickets in the last few months (due to my driving and my brother driving my car). Does anyone know if Progressive insurance will keep track of these camera speeding tickets that will cause my car insurance rate to go up?
I have a financed car can I take my car out of circulation to stop paying insurance?
Ok, my car has been broken for like 5 or 6 months already. It hasn't been driven at all. Right now it has an expensive fix. I was waiting for my taxes to fix it but I had my identity stolen so I may not get my taxes until December, if even that soon. Anyways, long story short...it's an expensive fix, about $2000...which I don't have. I've been paying for both the car and the insurance every month with the car not even moving. I know I have to continue paying the car. I'm going to verify with my bank, but I'd prefer not to get them involved until I have some details. Is it possibly to take my car completely out of circulation by turning in the license plate and then stop paying insurance until I fix it? I assume theres no need to have insurance if the car doesn't have a tag so it can't be driven. I live in Florida, if that changes anything. Paying $280 for insurance and not driving the car makes me sick...its worse than paying the actual car and not driving it.""
If my dad is a co signer for a car will my insurance be cheap?
I'm 19 and its my first car and my dad is the co signer will my insurance be low? What are cheap insurance agencies for teenagers?
How much does car insurance really cost?
Some companies like Dashers offer insurance for 18 dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ is that good enough?
Why is my insurance qoutes so high!?
hey all, I am a 17 year old male, live in cumbria. i realise this is a c rated insurance post code, i understand that. what i do not understand is why when i put in qoutes for the exact same car, exact same details all bar the name, my insurance skyrockets. i get qoutes of 3200 on a corsa 1.0 and the like (small, 1.2 or less cars) whereas friends, even 1 of which lives 5 doors away from me, get qoutes of about 2400. why is this? i understand the post code part, but the thing is all my friends being qouted live in the same area, in the same town, same estate in fact, our first four letters of our postcodes are the same, i thought this was what determined the post code factor. im currently a student, ive put down i have held my license for 4 months, i am the registered owner and keeper of the car, i am the policy holder, even added a parent with 30+ years experience on (which by the way only saved me 100) and i got 3200. my friend on the same street got 2400. why is this? also, can anyone recommend a cheap insurance company, as a young driver? eg. under 19 really, because i know car insurance has almost doubled in like 3 years. no wonder people are illegaly driving with this daylight robbery scam called insurance. thanks""
Can the insurance company find out you are not a full time student?
ok, the thing is, in my school, you need be taking at least 3 credits per semester to be a full time student. i was taking 3 early september and i got proof of enrolment for my dad ...show more""
Progressive auto insurance? or AAA..which one is cheaper?
in terms of (monthly payments)
Term Life Insurance?
What company is the best to open up a Term Life Insurance fix for 30yrs???
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old on a Mustang GT?
I work and I wanted to know how much will it cost we are currently on progressive insurance.
I need health insurance as a student! Help?
My parents had the COBRA. Plan until my mompassed. Since then my dad and i have been self insured. My dad has some veterans insurance but i dont have anything. Im 18 and will be a full time college student in september. Are there any affordable plans out there? I make around 10,000 a year for my part time job..""
What is the least expensive auto insurance company?
Currently have geico...
i need to know all the types of property insurance, with descriptions. please help:]""
What jobs in the UK offer car insurance as an extra?
I'm 17 and have just passed my driving test but because of the extreme insurance prices for young drivers nowadays I can't afford to run a car. My brother once working at a tyre fitting company and he was insured to drive any car/van worth up to 80,000. I was just wondering if any jobs would offer car insurance as an extra to a young driver?""
Why should the government force us to buy car insurance?
If its wrong for the government to force us to buy health insurance, is it also wrong for the government to force us to buy car insurance? I mean.... in both cases, if you don't have insurance and something goes wrong somebody else is going to have to pay for it.""
What is the difference between renters insurance vs. homeowners insurance?
I've consulted my insurance company about insuring my personal property and said I need a renters insurance, but I own my home. I am confused. Isn't it what I need is a homeowners insurance? or renters insurance applies with owning a home too?""
How much money does car insurance go up per year after an accident that is your own fault?
My wife and I just had an accident in a parking lot in which we backed into another car that had almost completely backed out already. No one was hurt, but the damage caused by our car is between $1,000 and $1,500. We will not have the damage to our car repaired. This accident is our fault; however, both of us have had a completely perfect driving record up until now. We just want to know how much this accident is going to make our insurance go up.""
Can you help me make some sense of these health insurance policies?
I'm 7 months pregnant and making plans to line up health insurance for my baby. The plan my company offers is a decent HMO with $20 deductibles for everything but it costs $305 per month! That's over $3,500 per year! I started doing some research and I am finding that I can get a PPO direct from the insurance company for less. I'm confused as to which plan is best though, I found a PPO though Blue Cross that is $155 per month with $40 deductibles. I found a PPO through Kaiser that is $163 per month. I pay 100% of everything up to $1500, then Kaiser picks up everything else. Confused....
0 notes
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
"Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Wats a great car to buy for a new driver?
sporty fast car low on insurance small engine affordable
Is get auto insurance a good insurance company?
I found getautoinsurance.com on line while looking for cheap auto insurance. Is this company a good company, or is it for real?""
Questions about letter from insurance company?
I got a letter today from my insurance company who insures my homeowner's insurance - it said that they need to do an inspection of my home to see if I am maintaining it properly. I've been here since November 1999 and I've never gotten a letter like this before. But I was with another insurance company for several years - but I've been with this one for about 3 years I guess. if this were normal practice then why would I get a letter now and not every year? Is this normal insurance practice? This is the first time in my life that I've gotten one of these letters about a homeowners policy if it is not normal practice would this be because someone said something?
How can a non BC resident be on a car insurance (ICBC)?
BC only has one choice of auto insurance, ICBC (gov't run). And ICBC is not flexible and so expensive. I have a car insurance from ICBC on my car, but they told me that when my boyfriend who has an international driver's license cannot drive my car under my insurance. I thought about renting a car so he can be insured and drive. But ICBC's rental car insurance does not cover non BC residents either. So how people who visit BC from other countries travel and be insured to drive a car??? Any information will be much appreciated. Thanks!""
Sex change car insurance?
If a man gets a sex change into a women with boobs and everything would he be then entitled to womens only car insurance?
What if I don't pay car insurance?
Hi, I am wondering what happens if I don't pay my car insurance. This are the facts: I bought a car from a dealership, they offered me a car insurance, I did not want it because the car was to be shipped to Europe and sold there as brand new. Therefore I did not want to pay insurance for car that is not even my own. Nevertheless I had to register the car in CA as all the cars have to be. Now I got a letter from DMV in CA saying that if I don't pay car insurance the registration will be canceled. Now the car is already in Europe and has been sold lately. Will there be any consequences for me? Will I have to pay any additional money to DMV? What happens after the registration is canceled? Thank you for your help""
How much will my insurance go up?
I am 16 and I just got my first speeding ticket. I have state farm and it is my first violation. I was just looking for a ballpark estimate.
""I'm pregnant, without insurance, and desperate, HELP!?""
Just this Monday I found out I was pregnant. Two Clear Blue PREGNANT's, and I was bawling in the Target bathroom. I all ready have two children, both of which are on ALL Kids because my husband didn't want to keep our health insurance last year due to the rising costs (like, it kept going up $100/year, and towards the end, we were paying $500/month). So now I'm pregnant, no health insurance, and pretty much stressing out over it. I will apply for SOBRA Medicaid (something I found on Alabama's Department of Health site) after my doctor's appointment next Wednesday, but if they don't accept me, then I don't know what else to do. Giving my baby away is not an option, neither is abortion. I will love this baby no matter what happens. I just need some reassurance or something to keep myself from stressing out and crying all the time over worrying about money. I totally got screwed over by something called Direct Med and will be calling them tomorrow to try to get my money back. I did that out of desperation and plain stupidity. A little help, please?""
How much will my insurance be?
I found a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse and im concerned about the insurance since im 16. sport cars= more expensive. Lets say if a Crown Vic was $130 a month, how much would a sports car be? I will also be on my parents insurance witch there is three cars already on there insurance so the cost will go down some i believe. If i maintain a B- or higher grade for school my insurance will go down an additional 10%.""
Do you have affordable car insurance in Tennessee?
Do you get a good deal on insurance? Where do you have yours?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
What's the average progressive quotes for a young driver between 18 to 24?
Car insurance Premium?
(I have only had car insurance for about 6 months, so I am still pretty new to this). My question was that my 6 month renewal policy states that my premium is $728.86; however, when I first got with this company, I paid around $368 down because I am in that age bracket where they stereotype you as a bad driver. Will I have to pay the $368 again along with monthly payments of $66.60? Or will I just continue to pay my monthly payment as it is?""
Dental discounts or affordable insurance in NJ?
I do not have dental insurance for myself and I need a good amount of dental work done, i was wondering if anyone could tell me an affordable dental plan or insurance that isnt exspensive in NJ? Im not applicable for NJ familycare dental""
Is it cheaper to have two people sharing one car and insurance?
Basically, both going to be learning together then buying one car for us both. We'll both be new drivers and we will use the car whenever we both need, kind of new to this so any information will be helpful :)""
What affordable medical insurance can I get for my income in Texas?
My husband and I only make between 1400-2000 a month from working. We have NO medical insurance because his company wants to charge an arm and a leg for me just to be included. I am currently having some high blood pressure problems and kidney problems but I do not have insurance to go for a visit. Im desperately trying to find a program or insurance affordable for us so I can get checked up- NOW I am NOT qualified for Adult Medicade-we make too much, but private insurance is too expensive for our budget. We have a free clinic but there is a 3-4 month wait to see a doctor. Can anyone else please help point to a direction that may help my situation? Like I said Im desperate enough to ask the public.""
Need Advise On Car Insurance?
On Friday Fed. 12th I bought Me a good Used car. I had to park on the side of the street cause my neighbors from downstairs had company and were in my spot. when I woke up on Saturday morning my car was wrecked in the front and the other vehicle no where in site well except for the trail of car fluids that led to his car three blocks away. the police came got his info and mine, towed his vehicle, advised me what I needed to do and left. I found out on my own that the insurance that the police had was false info. I was pissed. Well low and behold the owner of the car came to my house that same evening and was like my car was stolen and all this other bs. He gave me his correct insurance papers and said he would report it to claims. He never did I had to on Tuesday. His insurance knew nothing of the matter. I filed my claim with them and they said it would be 24 to 48 hours and they would get in contact with me. Nothing yet.. Im still waiting for them to call me. What should I do now???????????""
How would McCain guarantee affordable healthcare for all?
Healthcare costs are hurting the budgets of working families, businesses, states and the federal government. Don't tell me someone is looking for a handout when it comes to something as basic as healthcare. A simple accident can wipe out hard-won savings in any family. Now how's McCain gonna do it? Please?""
Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca?
What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California?
How much would full coverage auto insurance in California cost if i've had my license for 9 1/2 years?
Plus a good driving record & I am 29 years old.
Why does car insurance go up if you have a 4-wheel drive?
I am thinking about getting a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4. My car recently broke down and it was a 2000 Chevy Suburban. My parents don't really want to get me the Jeep with 4x4 because they said the price of insurance would go way up. I want to know why is this and about how much would it go up?
How much is motorbike insurance for a 125cc bike roughly?
Im 17 at the moment but will be 18 on the 2nd of June. Not sure what bike I want yet but where I live you can get to anywhere that doesn't need transport. The nearest shop is 4 miles away. I have no public transport around here either. I would like a rough guess at what a 125cc bike would cost to insure on a year or 3 month basis? Thanks :)
Car insurance help????????????
no one will give me insurance, yes iv made mistakes, and my insurance rate is high and i dont mind tht its just that some of the companys iv checked wont give me insurance iv had 2 speeding tickets at 17 mph ea, and 2 accidents, any1 know any company that will give me insurance? i went 17 over. and no1 was hurt in the accidents. iv tried state farm, all state, and triple A""
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
Anyone have any information on insurethebox car insurance?
I've been looking at insurance quotes from various sites and insurethebox keeps popping up. The company fit a clear box to the car to see how much mileage you used (has to be under 6000 a year). Does anyone have any more information on them? I've googled, and aside from some advertisement articles haven't really found anything. All help is appreciated (10 points for best answer :D)""
Should I tell my insurance company that my car was broken into?
My car was broken into last night, between the hours of 9:30pm, and 7am, just parked in front of the condo we live in. Some things of value were taken, ( estimated around $130, or $150 in value...no damage was done to the car, they must've just picked the locks) so I filed a police report this morning...is this something I should report to my car insurance provider? If so, how would filing a report with insurance help me? I'm 19, and have been driving for a little over two years now, my insurance is through AAA. I have had no previous driving offenses on my record, or anything. (This has never happened to me before, so pardon some irrelevent info, here!) before. Do you recommend I file a claim with AAA, or just let the police handle it entirely? When would I need to file a claim by? (like, a deadline, time-wise.)""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
Insurance after you buy your car?
I'm picking up a new car I just bought from a dealership tomorrow, how does insurance work? I have insurance at the moment for the car I am driving but not the new one I am buying. help :)""
How much can Insurer charge me to SALVAGE my OWN CAR?!?!?!?
Some background first, i was hit from behind whilst stationary in traffic the other week by a works van. the damage was not too sever that i couldn't limp back home (sore and car bashed but still alive) got the other drivers details at the scene and reported the incident to my insurance company. As the accident was not my fault my insurer passed this to their dedicated Non-Fault (NF) accident claim company (i'll not name them at the moment) who in turn provided me with a hire car and collected my car to have it assessed for REPAIR. At no point was writing off the car mentioned. Then i got a call from the garage dealing with my car (NF appointed) a week later telling me of the damage and repair value and that the engineers working for the NF, different company again, were going to deem the car a write off, CAT D as i later found out. Now the fun part - the engineers have made an offer for settlement and to write off of my car, which is a good 500 below what is would cost to replace it with a like-for-like car in my local area (replace cost circa 2.8k-3k) they are adamant they will not repair my car even though the repairs would cost LESS than the write off - because the repair is too close to the market value and they can make a killing on salvage apparently. so fighting this out at the moment. NOW FOR THE QUESTION: They have advised me that should i wish to keep the car after they write it off (which i want to avoid if at all possible) i can accept the settlement and pay them a salvage fee to retain my car. This i understand as technically they buy my car when they write it off and then i have to buy it back. The problem is that they have a flat 30% !!! salvage fee which on their offer would almost negate me being able to get the repairs covered. What i really need to know is if anyone else has been in this position and if there is a maximum salvage fee they can charge - bearing in mind that this is my car to start with - and if there is any way i can make them drop this percentage. Forcing them to drop the percentage might not only let me repair the car after retaining but might also swing in favour of repair instead of write off if they cannot justify such a big payout for themselves. Any help here would be appreciated fast as i'm still bouncing between the parties here to get this resolved. In case your wondering the damage constitutes a bumper rear panel and a kink in the boot floor - VERY repairable.""
""Can we hit it out?(16 yr old, 20yr old guy)?""
and before you go saying I have no right being with someone that age and that I'll make a huge mistake; Im virgin. Im saving myself for marriage and I even got a purity ring. I know some of the tricks in the book(like the one where the older guy tricks the younger girl into thinking shes inlove to get in her pants and ect.) so Im no fool, my mom taught me better than that. But Im gonna flirt with him, he's really cool(he's a sk8er boi) and he's so short and his face looks so young that if you didnt know any better you'd swear he's like 17 or something. now once again, Im not stupid enough to have sex with him; I respect myself and body to much to let myself go like that, the only guy getting is this is the one on one knee with a diamond ring. Additional Details oh and ps. he does like me. he said once that my boyfriend better watch out, he's got a cute girlfriend. Someone might take her. and when he washes his car when Im outside he purposley takes off his shirt as if Im not watching him.""
How much would it be for a 20 year old male car insurance?
I am 20 , male in California driving a 2000 Honda civic how much will my insurance be ?? First time being under insurance . And please don't send me links trying to bribe me with your insurance . Please help""
Do you need proof of insurance when getting license in alabama?
i know you need it but i cant get it by tomorrow. is it ok because they have the information stored in the computers? i need help!!
How much is home insurance for a log cabin in North Georgia?
I'm interested in purchashing a log cabin in the North Georgia mountains. How much would home insurance cost if the home is approximately $160,000?""
Car insurance away at college?
A friend of mine who is away at school with me (200 miles from home) said he gets reduced insurance because he is away at school without a car. However, he is always driving his girlfriends car. He claims that its OK for him to do this. This sounds a little fishy to me. He is getting the discount because his insurance company thinks he isn't driving, right? If he wrecks his girlfriends car is he covered? I am worried about being in the car with him. I don't want anything defaulted onto my insurance in the case of an accident if its just him and I in the girlfriend's car. Let me know what you guys think!""
Dental insurance for an adult in need of braces?
I am almost 21 years old and will be getting braces within the year and was wondering if anyone knew of good dental insurance plans for adults that includes braces. Please, legit companies, preferably first hand experience with them. Thanks!""
Under parents car insurance in another state?
im going to another state for college, can i stay under my parents car insurance?""
""How much do you pay for car insurance in dorchester,ma ?
2006 Nissan Murano SL AWD or similar car.
How much does is a ticket if you are pulled over without registration and insurance in CA?
A girl I just started dating, who has lived in California for a few years, has not registered her vehicle in CA. She drives around with out of state plates, expired stickers, and does not have insurance. How much will it cost her if she get's pulled over. and what other non monetary consequences will she will face. I have stressed the importance getting it registered, siting scenarios such as, what if you are in an accident and are seriously injured or seriously injure someone else, without insurance, who pays for the hospital bills? . For some reason that does not create enough sense of urgency.""
""How do I get health insurance?I am 21 year old female,in college and working full time.?""
My job only offers it once a year,and I missed it.My school has it,but it's only for the school and that hospital,so it's very inconvenient(also very expensive).I don't know how to start to find a plan that will work best for me, as I'm not often sick but know that I need it.Please Help!I'm from colorado if that matters""
Car Insurance Renewal?
Dear Mates I have been driving for a year,The car that I have got is Micra 1 litre. Just received a letter from my current Insurance Provider. Letter says that my car insurance is 1807 for this year, if I pays Monthly. Which is about 300 more than last year. Even this year, I have got 1 year No Claim Bonus. What you guys think, is that OK or is it too much on this car? How much do you pays at the moment? Many Thanks""
Can I keep my parents from knowing that my insurance rate has gone up?
I recently got a ticket in Steelville, Missouri for going 15 over the speed limit. I am insured under my parents name. My insurance rate is so high that if I get one more ticket, then I will be dropped by the company. Is there anyway I can keep my parents from knowing about the ticket on insurance? Can I do anything to get rid of the fine on insurance""
Auto insurance cost?
I can't really get a quote from a car insurance web site. (It's a long story) I don't really know much about auto insurance at all. How much do you think my insurance would be? I'm a 20 year old female. I haven't ever had a ticket. The car I am potentially buying is a 2009 jeep grand Cherokee. that's $30,000 to $35,000. I would have a $20,000 loan. (my father would be co signing) since I have a loan I'd have to get full coverage. Any one got any idea of how much my rates would be?""
Loans for older/classic cars?
Any banks or financial institutions out there give loans for older cars? I know most banks only give loans for cars less than 5-6 years old, but I want something in good condition that may appreciate in value, or at least not depreciate so long as I take care of it. But I do need a loan. Links to companies that do these kinds of loans will get you a best answer.""
Why does another persons driving record affect my insurance?
sharing a residence with other people doesn't mean sharing vehicles or the responsibilities, so why should their driving record affect my insurance rates?""
If i got a car as a gift and dont have insurance and a car hits me is that ok?
my friend gave me a car and i dont have insurance, but a guy hit me this morning, will his insurance pay for it?""
Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India?
Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS""
What is the legal cost of a ticket for not having any car insurance in the state of ala?
What is the legal cost of a ticket for not having any car insurance in the state of ala?
Best way to find specific insurance agent?
I got a very low quote from someone but lost his number when I got new phone. I know his first name and he was with one of the bigger companies. I know this is a dumb question but anyone got advice?
How much is third party car insurance for a 2 litre car?
my dad might be giving me his car after i pass my test when i'm 17 so i was wondering how much roughly a 2 litre engine 5door mazda 626 would be to insure for a 17 year old boy on third party car insurance in the uk?
Looking for good medical insurance BUT AFFORDABLE?
i'm a senior age 62 wife 69,still working my medical insurance at work is 185.00 per payroll 307.00 per month it's killing where can i get good insurance but affordable.i live in california also i'm planing in retiring july 2013,i'll be 63, yahoo answers find me insurance i put my trust in answers people thank you gilley p.s. no kids""
Will a cracked windshield raise my auto insurance rates?
well i am going to get my windshield repaired. it has a crack the size of a dime. it happend about a month ago and i worried that it will get bigger with the hot weather. anyway, i called my insurance company. they are sending someone out to repair it. i am 18 years old but i am on my parents plan. i also have a gpa over a 3.0. my family and i have no record of any accidents whatsoever. my parents just bought me the car on the end of march :( do u think my rates will go up? almost forgot! my insurance company is geico and i live in california""
Car Insurance costs: How can I tell what my car insurance will be without giving away details...?
I have my provisional, and as soon as I pass I intend on getting a car. I am in the UK, and was wondering if there was a way to see how much car insurance costs. I was looking to see if I could roughly get a car insurance quote without already having a car etc, since I would obviously have to see the insurance price before buying the car. Any contributions to solving this question will be greatly appreciated! I cannot find the answer anywhere! Please do not post comments such as ask around or ask an agent Thanks guys! (:""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
How to find a dead relative's life insurance company without papers? Read details please?
Here is my situation My mother just died and I don't have the money to pay for a funeral right now. My mother has life insurance but I don't know where the papers with the information is. I don't know what the company's name is and I don't know how to contact them to report the death. Is there a way for me, her child, to get that information without the documents?""
California insurance--driving a friends car???
I'm not an insured driver, but is it illigal if I drive a friend's car (that is insured) in California? What happens if i get in a wreck? I dont normally drive, but in case my friend's been drinking sometimes she'll ask me to drive her home. thanks.""
Insurance for quad biking abroad?
I'm going on holiday in a couple if weeks and have already bought travel insurance that covers everything apart from the use if quad bikes. It's likely that me and my group will want to use them at some point, and I'm wondering if its possible to either buy insurance out there, or buy insurance online for quad bikes only. I don't want to buy a whole new insurance policy as this will cost another 20, and I am already covered for everything else. Thanks.""
""When getting a car insurance quote, do I disclose a speeding ticket, if I already took traffic school for it?""
I had a speeding ticket, but the judge lowered my citation to 99mph so I could take traffic school. I am getting an insurance quote from progressive.com and they want me to provide information on tickets I've received in the last 3 years. Do I tell them about my speeding ticket, since traffic school is supposed to prevent a point from being added to my driving record? I've already finished my traffic school and I live in California.""
Your age and car insurance rate?
How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance?
Car/Motorcycle Insurance and address question.?
I live in PA I Just moved out 5 months ago and i never changed my drivers license to the new address. Mainly because my dad payed for my next 6 months of my car insurance and it still says i live at home. Im going to buy a motorcycle soon and i know if i get the title in my name all the info will be mailed to my parents address because thats the address on my DL. My dad doesnt care if i get one but my mom does. I dont really want it mailed there but i dont think theres nothing i can do about that, can I? Say it gets mailed there when i go get insurance on it will i have to say the bike is parked at my parents house or my new address I know in the state of PA once you move out you have 15 days to change the address on your driver license. i did not change it. by me not doing this will it affect me getting insurance on my motorcycle? and if i do change it will it affect my car insurance cause its on my parents but i dont live there""
How can I get car insurance?
I just turned 18, i'm going off too college but I have a stable part time job. I make about 500-800$ with a car payment of 300$ And i want to buy a policy for myself. Before i look into that I wanna know about how much should I expect to pay extra monthly?""
Does 4x4 make auto insurance more expensive?
I wanted to buy a '95 Jeep Wrangler but I noticed it was a 4x4. Will my insurance go up because it has four wheel drive?
What is the best car insurance for if you don't have own car?
I don't have car and I do rent a car frequently, Is there any insurance that I can take and that can be transferred to what ever car I rent for the day? what I mean is If I take any insurance for 6months or one year that should be applied to the what ever car I drive. any suggestions?""
Did you get your insurance from an agent or a wholesaler?
is it possible to get your private insurance from a wholesaler? is it cheaper?
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Does car title have to be in my name before I get insurance on it?
I am currently under my parent's car insurance and the car is titled in their name. However, my husband I recently got married and are going to be getting our own car insurance policy tomorrow. Does the title of my car need to be transferred to my name before I can get the insurance on it?""
Car Insurance 10 pts. best answer!?
What are the parties to an insurance policy. So far i've got policyholder, and underwriter what are some other ones? thanks""
Can I save money by canceling my insurance and just driving my girlfriends car?
I got a DUI earlier this year, and naturally, my insurance rates went way up. I'm getting ready to move in with my girlfriend, and we are planning on selling one of the cars. If I sell my car, couldn't I just drive her car and not have to pay the high insurance rates? This seems underhanded and like I'm cheating the system. What are the rules and stipulations with this sort of situation.""
""Does anyone know the best car insurance companies for young people, in the UK?""
When I state best I mean cheapest for a young person. I'm twenty-one in a few months and looking to drive soon but insurance is steep, I found some good companies but just curious to know if there's a specific good one. Any suggestions?""
My new employer wants to add me to their auto insurance i have 30 years driving experience?
But I have not been insured for 10 years.will their insurance rates go up?
How much is registration/insurance for a 17 year old?
Does anyone know how much car insurance is in QLD australia for 6 monthda and a year for a 17 year old
How does the good grade discount work for auto insurance?
I am a teen and going to be driving soon, but i was wondering how does the good grade discount work im asking two questions: What does your GPA need to be? (generally, i know maybe ...show more""
Whether to wait for up-to-date No-Claim-Bonus certificate before applying for Car insurance in UK?
Till date, I have 4 years NO CLAIM BONUS and I will get this as 5 Year NCB on 7th Dec 2013, when I complete another year. I have now changed my car - got a new car and will sell my old one. I have now got to get the insurance for my new car within 7 days. All quotes I am getting is based on 4 yrs NCB. The question is - a) Do I go for a 1 year insurance with 4 yrs NCB and then change the insurance again after it expires? OR b) Do I get into a 4 yrs insurance and then change it in Dec 2013 when I get 5 yrs NCB? Which option works out cheaper? I have to get the insurance within 7 days but then I don't want to miss out on the bargain i can get when I have 5 yrs NCB. Also will my current (old car) insurer provide me a NCB certificate for 4yrs 10 months as I was not with them for the whole year? please advise as to which is a cheaper option.""
Teen driver car insurance?
i'm 18 years old, got my license officially in march. I can't really drive my parents car around because im not on their insurance plan (and they worry) what is the cheapest car insurance plan i could get possibly to be insured with my parents? not sure what they have i think its state farm. does insurance depends on the car? if it matters my dad has a 1997 mini van,plymouth. and my mom has a 2005 jeep cherokee. about how much would it cost to be insured in one of their cars?""
What is the cheapest teenage auto insurance in texas??
in austin, texas just got a permit ....drive a honda,-accord ... am going to be 16 in like 4 months""
Car Insurance?
My daughter is going to be 17 soon and is looking to buy a small car, ie corsa. Does anyone know the cheapest place to get car insurance for young drivers. She would prefer to have the insurance in her own name to build up no claims discount.""
What car insurance coverage is actually necessary?
And how much of each do you really need?
""I have Full Coverage Insuranc. Someone vandalized my car destroying the hood, and the front window is busted ?""
My friend has full coverage insurance. Someone vandalized his car destroying the hood and busted the front window out. Will the insurance company cover this? Someone also advised us that it would be better to report the car stolen and they would cover it once it's found with the damage. Is this true? we really need some advice on this one. Don't want to be stuck having to pay the costs for all this damage. Also, what steps he should take first, i.e - informing the police, ect?""
CAR INSURANCE - 2nd driver?
My sister who recently passed her driving test would like to buy a car, problem is car insurance quote comes up to 3000, which is too much! So i was thinking to get the insurance in my name, and put her down as secondary driver. I already have another car, where i am also primary driver. If she crashed her car, would this get flagged up under my insurance, although she crashed it....i dont want to pay high insurance for the rest of my life for her mistake or would it come under her record??""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
Which Insurance is better?
I am looking for new car insurance, so I narrowed it down to Geico and Progressive? Anybody have any experience with either of them?""
What insurance companies allows under 25's to drive any car on fully-comprehensive insurance?
Hi there, I'm 18 and have insurance with Tesco young drivers however that does not cover me to drive every car as under 25's aren't covered. I need to drive my mums car soon and she is abroad on business for 6months so cannot add me on to her insurance either, which leaves me with a problem. I can't find a company anywhere that allows under 25's to drive any car on fully-comprehensive insurance so was wondering if anybody out there did? Thank you""
Car Accident and No Fault Insurance?
My sister was hit by a car while she was crossing the street on her way to school. Now the hospital has sent as a statement asking for her no-fault insurance policy number. We don't have auto insurance so how do we fill in the form? Can we use the insurance number of the part at fault?
""How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?""
How good would a 1.6 Renault Clio RXE for road tax ,insurance running costs be?""
How much will my Progressive car insurance increase if I add a 93 Camaro for my 16 year old?
Any idea where I can find this info? Any estimates?
Advice for Car Insurance?
Hi, I just been given a quote for a car insurance and it says Annual premium is 3000 and Total Excess is 1000. Does this mean, my total amount of car insurance is 4000. What is Annual Premium and Total Excess what does it really mean. Your advice is important to me, thanks""
Question about car Insurance.?
I live in Canada, Ontario. My question is, if I am 16 years old, can I call insurance companies for insurance quotes? Of course if I have my license and tell them everything honestly and truthfully. Do I have to be 18 or above to do this? Just please tell me if I am eligible to call insurance companies on my own to gather quotes. Thank you""
Convertible car higher insurance?
lets say there is a 350z Coupe and a 350z Convertible, is the 350z Convertible insurance cost more than the 350z Coupe?""
""How could i get affordable car insurance with in10, 8 points, 3 Children :'(?""
So i passed at 17, Iam 21 now, at the age of 19 i got my licence taken off me for driving without insurance (my fault thought i was insured third party on my dads car with his permission) With 8 points and a fine included. Since 19 ive been taking buses and sick of it missing lessons etc because i commute to Uni. 2 years later ive had enough and passed my test. How on earth do i get insured at 21 with 8 points in Bradford? Surely someone must be in the same boat and have some advice ? I have a car and 3 children and they are nearly all starting school i really need to be driving them there. I want to do the right thing and be fully insured its bin 3 years since i had the in10 cant they not be so harsh as its been so long now. Ive matured and am the calmest driver ive ever been. Thankyou to anyone who helps !""
Good health insurance for a small family?
My husband and i are looking to health insurance for our family and i was wondering if any one knew of a good company (in Florida) that was affordable. He is 21, I'm 17 and our daughter is 10 months. We are also expecting another one in November and need prenatal care as soon as possible. Thanks.""
What Cheap car insurance do you use?
What car insurance do you use?
""16 year old guys, how much do you pay in auto insurance every month?""
im tired of filling out online quote forms, just so it can tell me to call a customer service rep. i dont even have a car yet, but im planning on getting one, and im just wondering what the average for 16 year old guys is for auto insurance how much do you pay for insurance per month, how old are you, what do you drive? is it like $150, $200, $250, $300""
Will my insurance company raise rates because of a speeding ticket.?
With this ticket the cop said if i pay it before a certain date i wouldnt get any points on my license so would the insurance company even find out?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old girl?
i am looking at buying a car when i pass my test, was just wondering what would be the cheapest way to insure a car and what cars are cheap for insurance?""
How much does teen car insurance cost?
I'm 16, and I'm about to get my drivers license. My dad is insured through the aarp people because its cheaper for him. he called them to ask how much it would cost to put me on his insurance, and they said 120 dollars a month. I thought this seemed a little unreasonable, because i'm just going to drive a three thousand dollar car like twice a week. How much do you/ your parents pay for car insurance for young drivers? I have good grades. can that get me a discount?""
Car insurance question?
My car is currently under my parents name any under my parents insurance. It was a gift from my parents but we never bothered changing the ownership over and it wasn't a big deal since we live in the same home. I am planning on moving out soon, do I need to have the car put in to my own name to get my own insurance and to make it legal? I've heard that continuing to pay through their plan without living in there house would make it void. If I don't change my ID right away would it still count as me not living there?""
Need cheapest car insurance company in Alberta?
I'm 16 and I just bought a car. It's a 1998 Chevrolet tracker and I'm trying to find the cheapest insurance company. I just need liability and nothing else. Anyone have any suggestions?
Where can I get affordable group health insurance?
I am a college student who has alot of anxiety right now due to the recent divorce of my parents. I would greatly benefit from having psychological treatment right now but I have no insurance & it is expensive. Does anybody know of an insurance that would cover this?
Can a Company charge more for insurance monthy for employees who work out of state?
This company who's headquarters is in California, is charging about 45 dollars a month for insurance, but if you work out of state, anywhere else, it is 105.00. This is the same position with the company despite the price difference. Is this employee fairness? Is this legal? Thanks!""
""How long will I have to work until I can get a car, and insurance?
I'm 16 and plan to work at McDonald's or a local restaurant. It'll be after school so I'll only be earning minimum wage. How long will I have to work to earn enough money to buy a car and insurance? Thank you!
Can the government require you to buy insurance?
In listening to the Supreme Court arguments about Obamacare a question keeps coming to mind. The major arguing point seems to be: Can the government constitutionally require people to buy health insurance? If the answer turns out to be no, does that mean the government can not require you any insurance? Like car insurance? Don't use the argument that driving is a privilege, not a right. There is ample judicial precedence that says owning a car & driving is, in fact, a right in the U.S. It certainly is necessary to get hired.""
Who do you have for car insurance? open!?
looking for a cheap car insurance, buut not to cheap were if i get into a car crash they'd give me 10 cents. any suggestions?""
Is there an affordable health insurance plan for someone who doesn't make a lot of money?
I'm 23 and I work 2 jobs. I go to school part time. After I pay all my bills I don't have much money left.
Need help on car insurance for young driver?
Hi! I've been struggling to get a good quote for car insurance for a while now. I tried all the big name comparison sites and every one is quoting me 4k (monthly installments). I opted for third party and theft, i am 22 years of age and my postcode starts with sl1 (slough) and i got pass plus and had my licence (manual) since march 2011. I got my car already its a Peugeot 206 1.6l petrol manual 1999 3doors. If you have time you can try for yourself with the above details the quote is freaking too much. Is this just how it is or am i doing something wrong? If you can point me to the right direction that would be amazing!!""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
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