#theres a dead deer oops
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It is very late but I wanted to draw @calamarispiderart​‘s moth benny
Bonus rambles below the cut!!
Uhhhh as mention au belongs to calamarispiderart!!! However I did take a few liberties on some things just for fun, and also I’m a biologist and i like to think about these kinds of things, oops. you dont have to use these it was just because i liked coming up with a bit of my own take
A lot of butterflies and moths dont just drink nectar! It’s very hard to get proper nutrients (especially minerals like salt) from that alone. So it’s really common to see butterflies and moths drinking from odd places. Sap, mud puddles, feces, tears of animals, and... a favorite is blood and rotting meat. So! Fun fact.
They slurp all that up with a proboscis! So I decided to give him an extendable tongue-like proboscis hidden behind his... arguably dunkleostus-like teeth. They’re less about chewing (note, almost beaklike with very tiny back ‘molars’) and more about getting to the good stuff and self defense. 
For him to be that big, much bigger than any true moth, there’s no way he can sustain himself on mainly nectar. He’s going to need larger food sources than flowers. So his teeth are for biting chunks from trees to get to the sap beneath, for hunting and tearing meat and getting to the tasty juices inside, for cracking open soda cans. That’s why they’re shaped so oddly, they’re mainly more for grabbing and tearing than any sort of injuring or chewing food. 
As for the wings, that was just for fun! Moth wings are super interesting, and i love the idea of them looking plain and brown while folded up- but as soon as they’re extended, there’s iridescent blue and pretty eyespots underneath. I mainly took inspiration from the dot-underwing moth, Pompelon marginata moth, and Erebid moth!
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also this is the meme I referenced, i stg i remember seeing this back in like. middle school damn
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anyway that is all, I love moth benny and maybe i should’ve drawn him when i was more awake and it wasnt like, 5 am. and i probably will draw him again a little nicer sometime when I’m not so busy or tired. but! Here i am. thanks for coming to my TED talk
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ligbi · 4 years
Hecate or Hekate
Usually a titan goddess daughter of perses and asreria, though sometimes of zeus by asreria, or zeus and demeter, goddess of crossroads and magic, sometimes the dark moon Has a pack of dogs, controls ghosts, can impart wisdom and magic but hell hath no fury like a goddess who does not believe you are deserving Hecate suppers are held by worshipers of black female lamb, Honey, and dog, and the leftover are left at crossroads on a full moon She is often times seen as a triplicate goddess, both the new moon with selene the full moon and artemis of the cresent moon, and the sky goddess with artemis's earth and persephone's underworld Hekate is associated with the underworld and saw persephone's capture by Hades from a cave Pre hellenistic time she may have come from an asia minor country before becoming a respected titan during the hellenistic era, and worship of her persisted through the medival era when she was villainized by the church
Source 1: early greek myth timothy gantz Daughter of Peres the ravenger titan (noted for his wisdom) and Asreria a titan of the stars, though sometimes zeus is stated to be the father, she is goddess of the crossroads Hesiod says she helps men in victory and success If She Wishes it, is honored by zeus, general helper of men, but no early association with the moon Usually ahows up in any given telling of the rape of persephone to tell demeter of what she saw when persephone was taken away by hades Homeric hymn to demeter ends with hecate becoming attendant of persephone, and shes been seen on pottery escorting persephone back from the underworld She is also associated with iphigenia the daughter who was being sacrificed at the start of the war with troy that was saved by artemis, as iphi is sometimes called artemis of the road or artemis einodia, an enoida by the 5th century was a title of hekate Some sources seem to link hecate and artemis in a one and the same capacity, like how she has been said to be the child of leto who is traditionally the mother of artemis and apollo Euripide's Medeia calls her a patronness of drugs and poisons A 5th century piece portrays her as a tripple goddess, but with herself not in the lunar triplicate we usually associate with her. Theres a suggestion of the triple form having her lower body turned into black dogs, much like scyllas lower half was transformed to, and in some sources she is the mother of scylla, and sometimes is hecate is deemed the child of nyx the primordial night goddess, though she is called a daughter of demeter in orphoc tradition Tl;DR for all this, crossroads goddess heavily associated with persephone and artemis, not the moon, yes poison, helps people when she wants to, lineage as with all gods a questionable mess Going back to source 1 for a moment-oops- iphengenia was a sacrifice for a fast expedition to the war at troy/because her dad agamemnon pissed off artemis through bragging,, and artemis swapped the girl for a deer last second, and in some tellings is made immortal, and the author pausanias says she was turned into hekate  The einodia term associated with hecakte is also used of demeter and persephone Hekate has long standing association with artemis but not as an aspect of Bonus the term hekatos means far darter is is sometimes applied to apollo 
Source 2 Guide to the gods- marjorie leach Goddess of underworld and the night, daughter of nyx and tatarus or asteria and peres, mother of scylla Magic powers and sorcerery bestows prosperity and wisdom, this cites her as an early thracian moon goddess A goddess whose powers extended to all regions ( heaven earth sea underworld), protective of doors and gates, crossroads and travelers, can be malevolent scares men w/ghosts and demons, can bestow honor victory fortune wealth but witholds them from the undeserving in her eyes Magic includes divination and oracles Source 3 dictionary of comparative religions s.g.f. brandon Cthonian and pre hellenic, 3 faced, associated with the uncanny and ghosts, worshiped at crossroads which are traditionallh haunted by the dead, hecate suppers are monthly offerings made at the crossroads usually included dog flesh Her cult survived till the middle ages It was mentioned in source 1 a woman(hekabe) during the fall of troy was turned into a dog and is sometimes said to belong to hekate
Source 4 the new book of goddesses and heroines patricia monaghan Crossroads, sacred dogs, bearing a torch, night, offerings left at three way crossroads, some say she has 3 heads serpent horse and dog While hecate walked, followers gathered insidd for their hekate suppers over which they swapped magic knowledge and secrets of sorcerery, sacrifices of dogs honey and black female lambs. This implies you had a meal and then offered leftovers at the crossroads Calling her a snake goddess Another mention of thracian origins, argument that she is a form of demeter, argument she is a form of persephone Sometimes a titan but still respected by zeus which basically never happens so shes a big deal Mention of worship into classical times, both hekate suppers and public sacrifices celevrated by great ones (caberioi) of honey black lady sheep, dogs, and oh yikes black human slaves Said to be the crone of persephone demeter trio or the dark moon in the artemis and selene trinity, rules spirits of the dead, powers of regeneration,can hold back ghosts, greek women evoked hecate for protection when they left their houses by putting up a threefold image at their door Trying to find more qbout caberioi but so far google only gives me this exact source as source. Look further into later....
Source 5 the women's encyclopedia of myths and secrets barbara g walker Trinity, deruved from the egyptian midwife goddess heqit/heket/hekat, who evolved from the tribal matriarch of pre dyanastic egypt heq, a wise woman in charge of mothers words of power Heqit delived the sun god every mornong from his mother hathor, her totem is the frog, symbol of the fetus, still associated with her when christians 4k years later declared her queen of witches Trinity crossroads underworld, hekate trevia or hecate of the three ways Offerings left on full moons Invoked by those setting out on journies Called the most lovely one, which is a lunar title, this says her triplicate is hecate selene of the moon, artemis the hunter on earth, and persephone the destroyer in the underworld Hecate selene the far shooting moon, mother of dionysus (who while eventually having the mortal mother semele, is a child of zeus and persephone zagreus which is a whole thing i like to yell about ) which is a wild pull but if you say hekate/selene/artemis/persephone are the same person then I Guess Here shes mentioned as the crone to hebe the virgin and hera the mother Symboyl of the new moon figure in white robes, golden sandals, torches lit, a basket of crops she made grow Middle ages queen of the ghostwprld or queen of witches, diabolized by catholics who hate midwives And now for anoter wild pull: hekate was helping a woman in labor, the gods feared magical contagion and put her in the river acheron to wash away birth mana, the river took her underground where she married hades. ...what also a mention that hecabe the queen of troy transformed into hekate's dog, a black female one names maera mara or moera (the destroying fate) Source 6 the new century classical handbook catherine b avery Triple goddess with persephone and artemis, persepbone attendant, powers over ssa eartj sky, gave riches and good fortunes, lead the souls of the dead, associated with ghosts magic and witcjcraft Invisible to mortals but dogs can see her, passes through the night with spectral hounds, dogs sacred to her, crossroads goddess, triple bodied back to back, romans call her trivia, also associated with demeter rhea and persephone Rhea of course being mother of zeus hades posideon hestia hera demeter Cult of rhea associated with fertility rites, has her own mysteries like dionysus, helped her persephone topside after the hades thing, associated with the asian mother goddess cybele, roman magna mater and ops Trivia: roman epitget of hecate and diana when shes associated with hecks Guide to gods called trivia goddess of crossroads streets and highways can be malicious
Source 7 Whos who in greek and roman mythology david kravitz Goddess of underworld, daughter of asteria and perses or zeus and demeter, taught magic to medea her priestess, pictured with torch, epithet for luna, diana, and persephone, other eputhetos enodia the wayside goddess, trioditis goddess of meeting of three routes, also possible crantaeis whose the mother of scylla Trivia is mentioned here as epithet of diana
Source uhhh 8? Dictionary of ancient deities patricia turner Underworld night darkness queen of ghosts and shades, controller of hidden things of nature, presides over birth life death streets and gates, taught medea her pristess magic, only worshiped at night by torchlight, dogs sacred, has a pack of hounds, sacrified to her are black lambs and dogs, shown sometimes with 3 heads: dog horse and Lion Possible moon goddess, standard perses are asteria and zeus and demeter maybe heritage May be the indian Ekata Associated with artemis and persephone and selene The name Brimo used for hekate persephone demeter and rhea Hekate used as epithet of luna/selene and diana and persephone Also known as akitiophi artemis brimo crantaeis diana enodia proerpina selene trioditis Crantaeis loops back to hekate, more redirects for brimo as with aktiophi No entry in here for ekata Just says trivia is name for artemis No mention of ekata in previously sourced books and my only indian myth books are stories and mythology of all races: 6 indian iranian which has no index and isnt a handy alphabetized list .....might have meant native americans let me cross check those Also naught India india has three water god brothers one names ekata Googling qnd saying a goddess from asia minor carian so says a guy whose book from 87 i dont have
Source 9 classical mythology mark p.o. morford Hekate put the fury tisiphone in charge of guarding the grove of avernus Hekate sometimes resembles the furies in appearance and character Medea met jadon at a shrine to hekate Source 10 lost goddesses of early greece charlene spretnak Dark moon cthonic associations gjosts, hekate suppers, food offered as a form of purification, image used above the house to ward off evil, mother of witches, some sites in greece her torches carried around freshly sown fields to promote fertility Zeus and hera kid (???) She gives heras rouge to europa and hides in a house where she midwifes which makes her impure (hey this story again) Standard stuff but covens await hekate near drooping willow trees where she appears and imparts magic knowledge, nest of snakes in her hair, her form became human and animal, favored herbs black poppy, smilax, mandragora, aconite Without death there is no life gonna skim a few more to see if anything else not already mentioned but... Nope.
Source 11 myths of the female divine goddess david leeming From the dark moon she brings soma, unwelcome truth Was in a cave when she saw persephone kidnapped She can heal and teaches magic, more snakes in hair, a necklace of testicles...... once showed up as a boat to kill her love /son and restored him on a new moon
Source 12 a guide to the gods richard carlyon Goddess of moon magic riches wisdom victory flocks and navigation Defends children, associated with regeneration, honored in asia minor and boetia, shows up as crossroads tombs and scene of crime
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shadedrose01 · 4 years
Relationships: Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener/Peter Parker
Tags: Time Travel, Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Compliant, Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Canon Character Death Discussed, Canonical Character Death, Its not shown tho, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Harley Keener Needs a Hug, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure
Prompts: “2029, that’s not a real year” / time travel / future au
Notes: HAPPY PARKNER WEEK 2020 EVERYBODY!! Im so excited for this, and I hope you guys are too! We're starting off with a fic that's more irondad with Harley than parkner, oops 😅 BUT most of the rest of the week is allll parkner. Either way, I hope you all enjoy!! 💞💞
Read on ao3 here!
The tools he was subconsciously fidgeting with fall to the floor with a few loud bangs, and theres a quick thought of "oh shit, Jax" before its gone and the overwhelming reality of his situation smacks him in the face and floods his mind. This, this can't be real, he reasons, his eyes wide and his jaw dropped, his vision blurry from sudden tears as he stares at the hologram in front of his own two eyes. Blinks, ignoring the tracks that run down his cheeks, rubs his eyes hard, checks again. Because it can't be true, but the hologram still says "successful", still shows the 99.73% chance of working, still gleams in a bright green glow and illumates the entire room.
He releases a shuttering breath, takes a wobbly step back on legs that feel like they'll give out at any second, grasps on tightly to the table beside him to hold him upright as his gaze is still locked into the image still in front of him, still existent, still real even though it couldn't be, it was too good to be true, but it was.
He places his free hand hand over his mouth, his lips pulling at his cheeks as his smiles so unbelievably wide, tears slipping into his mouth unbeknownst to him because- he did it. He really did it.
Harley had found a way to recreate time travel. He had his chance.
Eleven years ago, Harley had disappeared into ashes and dust, had died along with half of the entire planet, the entire universe. Six years ago, he had returned, lost and confused, only to find his house in shambles, his mother dead and that Tony Stark- the man that had saved his life once upon a time- had done it again, along with everyone else by snapping the infinity stones and bringing everyone back, losing his own life in the process. A few days after that, he was called by Pepper Potts herself- or, Pepper Stark now, he later discovers- to tell him the news, and personally invite him to his funeral. A few weeks, and he was on a plane, then in a car, then surrounded by people, heroes in which he didn't know, seemingly the only non-powered kid there, outside of Tony Stark's daughter.
Six years ago, Harley Keener met one Peter Parker, and everything fell into place. Everything that was once dark, cloudy, uncertain after a whole five years of being gone, was now bright, sunny, and hopeful. They were at a funeral, sure, but Harley just knew that they were meant to be. They just clicked, and as the days, weeks, months, and years went on, they had grown together. First through their grief, then their confusion, their bitterness, fustration and anger at a world that had moved on without them, then through their connection, their love. They had talked through messages and even hand written letters when they were 16, 17, they had went to university together when they were 18, 19, moved in together when they were 20, 21, and adopted their Jackson, or Jax as they called him, when they were 22, 23. They were soulmates since the moment they met, had found each other when they needed each other most, and Harley had always said, always known that it was Tony who had put them together, who had put them in the same place and gifted them with the other, and Harley couldn't have been more thankful.
And yet... Harley couldn't get this stupid idea out of his head. He had gotten it the first year after, when he had drank away his sorrows and clambered to the lab, throwing things out of the closet, Tony's closet in a fit of passion, of agony and loss, until he had stumbled upon two glass tubes full of a vibrant red liquid and had frozen solid, like a deer in the headlights, an idea, a plan forming in his head. He had scribbled down everything he could think of, he drew what he remembered of the way the time portal had looked, had rambled to Peter about once he had come home from his patrol- his coping mechanism of the time- trying to think of ways to recreate the very time machine Tony had recreated to go back to retrieve the stones, only instead of getting stones, they'd be saving him, saving Tonys life and it would be great.
But, then he remembers how Peter had shut it down then and there, how upset the other man had gotten, thinking Harley was insane, telling him of all the things that could go wrong, of how it could change the entire outcome of the universe, and then, once he recognized how drunk Harley truly was, had dragged him to bed and given him an ultimatum in the morning, had told him to forget the idea in the morning, or else they were over. And Harley had forgotten about it for a while, had put it into the back of his mind and tried to focus on the here and the now, tried to focus on their relationship, on Peter, on his kid, on their lives... but he just couldn't get it out of his mind. Not completely. It was like an itch he couldn't scratch, that just grew more and more itchy the longer he ignored it. When he had proposed to Peter underneath the stars, at a candlelight dinner, and they had called all of their family afterwards, he had felt a pang in his heart. When he had gotten married to the man of his dreams in the forest, surrounded by their family and friends, he had ached, knowing Tony would've been in the front seat, probably crying like a baby, even though he'd never admit it. When they had adopted little Jax, and gotten to hold their baby for the first time, Harley had yearned, aching for the father figure in his life to help give him advice, to help tell him what to do, to be there at all. Even though Tony and Harley hasn't been close before everything, he had always wanted Tony to be there for these steps of his life, and he knew, knew that Tony had wanted it too. He wanted to rant to him about his crush, wanted to ask for his hand, wanted him to walk him down the aisle, wanted him to teach him how to be a dad, wanted to tell him all about Jax and his quirks, his first steps, "He's babbling now, Tony, it's the cutest sound you'll ever hear!" and he just...
He hears footsteps walking down the hall, and Harley's breath hicks. His gaze shifts to the two smaller tubes on full display on his desk, just beside the reactor for Iron Lad suit that he had upgraded for this exact situation, just in case this moment ever happened. He hears Peter call his name, sounding a little worried, and his gut drops, his heart beating like stallion galloping in an open field. He doesn't think as he grabs the reactor, sticking it to his chest and pressing it, feeling the nanites fall into place over his skin as he also grabs the tubes, putting one into the canister and the other into a holding area, for his way back, before racing to the platform and hovering his finger over the button, the system already set to bring him back to April 15th, 2023.
He knew Peter would be upset, and might hate him, might leave him for this but... he had a chance, and he just couldn't let it go. He squeezes his eyes shut, feels more liquid slip down his cheeks, silently begs for forgiveness before pushing the button just as his helmet falls in front of his face, Peter's face, full of unbridled fear being the last thing he sees, a scream of his name being the last thing he hears before he shrinks, collapsing again and again as he weaves through tunnels of nothing, of time, he assumes, his eyes narrowing and his teeth clenching as his body is bashed around by the wind and speed of his decent, until suddenly he's on the ground again, on all fours, his hands and feet grabbing onto dirt and surrounded by dust particles floating in the air. Harley gasps, panting out fast breathes as he sits up, and turns to look behind him, his mask retracting instinctively as he sees the ruins of the Avengers Compound, and loses his breath again.
He's here, holy shit, he's here, he's doing this, oh my god Peter was going to kill him.
His head whips around as he hears a loud yell, multiple yells, and then screaming, sounds of weapons clashing and fists thumping, people fighting, and it brings him right back into his reality, his helmet returning over his face as he creeps forward, around the rock (or scrap of compound, Harley couldn't tell) that he was hiding behind to see the battle firsthand, the allies matched by the enemies one for one. From here, Harley can see Black Panther, T'Challa swiping at an aliens ankles before jumping on top of him and slitting his throat, while his sister Shuri is beside him, shooting lasers the smaller ones rushing beside them. A wizard is using a magic rope against another alien creature, holding it down while a... goose? Duck? Burns its face with a cigar. Harley doesn't know why he's surprised at that, he's seen weirder in his years, but he shakes it off quickly, whispering for his AI, TON-EE, to track and find her namesake.
He can't be seen, he knows that much. Iron Lad didn't exist at this time, Harley wasn't apart of the battle, and now, as he watches it take place all around him, smells the sharp bitterness in their air, breathes in particles and coughs out soot, he's sort of thankful that he wasn't, a complete contrast to the nights, the years spend wishing that he was. 
TON-EE beeps at him, and then a map comes up, of one large red dot surrounded by what looks like a million tiny white ones, all allies and enemies, and when it zooms out, Harley can see its right in the middle, right where all of the action is. Of course Tony could be there, in the hardest place possible for him to get to. He's gotta make things harder for him, even after death. Or, before death? Whatever, it doesn't matter. Or, it won't, if Harley gets his way.
He's just gotta get there now. He can hear the battle raging on in the background as he whispers to TON-EE, and starts to fly, feeling the armor shift as it turns and flips, the retroreflective panels going into place and turning him mostly invisible to the naked eye. Normally he wouldn't fly when in this mode, his replusors and their glow would give him away, but he's hoping the battle will be enough of a distraction to where nobody will notice. Or, if they do, they'll ignore it for the time being, and assume he's just another ally. He makes sure he's high above the battle, making sure to keep an eye on the flyers around him- Falcon is dropping grenades and bombs further into enemy territory, and Ant-Man, while huge, couldn't move very fast, so he should be fine- as he zooms into the warzone, moving quickly and efficiently, watching as the red dot gets bigger, closer.
He feels something out of the corner of his eye, in his blind spot, and he jerks backwards at the last second, just as a giant white Pegasus flies past him, a woman on its back and a higher pitched scream of "woAH-" flying past afterwards, hanging from- from a web, Harley freezes, realizes, watching Spider-Man, watching Peter cling to the web as he gets thrown around haphazardly, hanging off of the horse, clutching onto what he knows is the infinity gauntlet, remembers from when Peter told him so all those years ago, a few months after all of this. Told him that he had it, that he should've held onto it when Carol asked for it, should've gotten the stones and used it himself, should've saved everyone himself, he mightve survived it after all but Harley had only felt fear, knowing that he wouldn't have. He shakes the memory away, and follows the swirving horse, the clinging spider, knowing it'll lead him straight to where he needs to be.
The thing was, Harley had forgotten why Peter had fallen to the ground, why Carol had gotten the chance to ask him for the gauntlet, only remembering when he hears a scream of "Look out!" Before all hell breaks loose, canons shooting down from the sky and exploding to the ground, shaking the earth beneath him.
"Shit!" He tries to fly out of the trajectory, tries to get out of the battlefield while still staying close, but his leg gets nipped by the beam, he gets thrown off balance, and then he's falling, and crashes to the ground with a loud bang that's sounds quiet compared to the booms of the canons, of the tremors of the earth he can now feel beneath his fingertips, his entire body shuttering with the ground. He groans, his body searing with pain, before his mind reboots and the panic sets in. He checks the storage area, sighing with relief when the vial is still in tact, before checking his system to see whats broken, what's working, whats still up. His back replusor is down, so his flight system is gone, but outside of that, it seems everything is still working, and he breathes out a sigh of relief. Its okay, he can still do this, he'll just- have to find his way on land, he'll just have to be more careful.
He glances around, the earth still exploding around him, hearing wails of pain from people he can't even see, dust scattering in the air and blood seeping into the dirt, his stomach churning at the sight and his ears ringing as he tries to focus, stepping forward to run into the field, to find his way to Tony just as the tracker system reappears in his field of vision, just as he sees the red dot basically overtaking the screen, just as he's grabbed and is suddenly in flight, weaving through the air in somebody's arms.
Before Harley can even struggle, he's being dropped, the two suits landing back down at the same time, and Harley turns, his eyes widening as he sees the signature red and gold, scruffed and marked and dirty from the fight, the bright blue glow of the arc reactor, and the two eye slits that disappear as his visor retracts and suddenly Harley is stumbling because oh my god, he did this, this is it, this is- he is-
"Kid?? Is that you?" Tony asks, voice full of wonder and awe, full of bewilderment and concern, his iries a little darker, softer than he remembered, his hair and beard full of gray hairs and his face full of wrinkles from smiling, laughing, crying, and he's so real, this is real, that Harley can't help the sob that bubbles out of his chest, that slips past his lips. He can hear Tony still talking to him, saying something about Harley's suit, but he doesn't even hear it, can't hear it as he stumbles forward and pulls the man into a tight hug, his body lurching forward in another silence cry, tears flowing down his pushed up cheeks harder when he feels the warmth beneath his fingertips, the smooth metal and the feeling of skin and stubble against his cheek and he's here, he's okay, he's alive. "Harley?" The man murmurs quieter, sounded so confused but also not questioning, seemingly not caring as he pulls the younger man closer, running a hand down his back and pressing a kiss to the side of his head. "Bud?"
"I'm sorry," He blurts out, and he doesn't even know why he says it, but he needs him to know, needs him to. "I'm sorry. I just-" He rubs at his eye with a free hand, burrowing his face into Tony's neck, feeling the rapid bump of a heartbeat beneath his skin and sobbing again. "I missed you so much." Its a whisper, under his breath, one he doesn't mean for Tony to hear, but its clear he does, the man stiffening up for a few seconds before untensing with a shaky breath, tugging Harley even closer.
They don't say anything else for a while, Tony clearly thinking, putting together pieces of a situation he shouldn't even know, that Harley never should have told him, but he can't care, doesn't care right now as he feels Tony move, feels his chest rise and fall with each breath, feels the heat beneath his skin, feels his jaw moving and his cheek shifting as he blinks, and breaths, and lives. Harley could stay here forever, and be happy, but he knows he can't, knows that isn't how this day should, or can, go.
"What year are you from?" The older man questions, finally breaking the silence between them as he seemingly put the puzzle together, and Harley releases a shaky exhale, shutting his eyes, longing to block out the world and live in this moment forever.
"2029," He answers anyways, honestly, and suddenly Tony snorts, Harley furrowing his eyebrows at the seemingly random sound until-
"2029? Come on, that's not a real year."
Harley bursts into chuckles, unexpectedly, and from the grin it places on Tony's face, that was the purpose of the tease. "I mean it, old man. 2029."
Tony lets out a noise similar to a squawk at the old man comment, and lightly smacks the back of his head as Harley snickers, feeling so light and warm, he missed this, he missed this feeling so much, and seemingly sensing the sadness lingering under Harleys skin, the mood darkens again, their voices quieting again as Tony whispers, "2029, wow."
"Yeah," Harley whispers back, feeling the heaviness in the air on his back, his shoulders, his lungs, almost suffocating him with its thickness.
"So you're... 24?"
"23." He corrects, as Tony finally steps back and Harleys fingers twitch to pull him back in, as Tony's hand grabs his chin lightly, a thumb rubbing his cheek in a soothing, paternal gesture, his eyes softening even more, growing shiny in the faint gray light.
"All grown up."
Harley hums in affirmation, ignoring the way the back of his eyes start burning again, his heart swelling. "I have a kid, a son." Now that he has the chance, everything just seems to be spilling out of him without filter.
Tony's eyes widen and his face glows with a pride that makes Harley's shoulders shutter again, even as his smile widens far enough to break his face. "A son, huh?"
"Yeah, me and- me and Peter adopted him a few months ago, his name is Jackson Anthony, and- and he's perfect, Tony, he's perfect, he's so small, and sweet, and he barely cries, he's like a dream." And that he's started, he can't seem to stop, spilling quickly about Jax, and about Peter, the wedding, their life and how wonderful it is, how much he loves them, but before he knows it, he's biting his tongue and freezing into place, words on the tip of his tongue that he dare not let out, he can't, his chest feeling heavy and aching as he thinks, 'God I wish you could've been there'.
Tony just smiles, tight and sad, like he knows what he's thinking, like he knows what happens, and brushes another tear off his cheek as he asks, soft and low, "Harley, why are you here? Why did you come back?" And Harley just stares at him, begging and pleading him to understand without him having to say it, and when the mans face shutters, his eyes darkening and his smile tilting into a light frown, he knows that he does. "Kid-"
"I couldn't-" He shakes his head, clenching and unclenching his hands rapidly. "I had a chance, Tony, and I had to, I have to-"
"You can't, bub." Tony murmurs, and Harley just shakes his head again, harder, firmer.
"I have to."
"You can't." He restates, holding onto Harley's arms tightly and forcing him to make eye contact, to look him in the eyes even if Harley wants to look anywhere else, wants to think of any other way, any other option than this. "This is my destiny, kid."
"It doesn't have to be, there has to be another way," Harley pleads, "Captain Marvel could survive the snap, I did the calculations, if I just get the glove to her-"
Tony just shakes his head too, looking eerily serious, sullen. "It could change too much, it could change everything, Harley-"
"So? You'd survive-"
"You have a husband, and a kid-"
"So did you!" Harley spits back, shaking off Tony's hold and glaring at him, even as he shakes, and swallows around a lump in his throat. "You had Pepper, and Morgan, and- and Peter, and me and you just- you still want to just-"
All of the fight rushes out of him, and his shoulders slump, his head held low and salt pooling at his chin, dripping to the floor. Tony takes a step forward, and carefully places a hand onto Harleys shoulder, stating calmly, accepting, "I made my choice, kid. And I don't regret it." When Harley peers up at it, face scrunched up in agony, Tony continues, soft and sad. "How can I, when I get to see this? When I know you and Peter are so happy, when I-" He swallows. "When I hope Pepper has moved on, and Morgan has got the chance to grow up with his two older brothers." He squeezes Harley's face, and gives him a smile made only for him, full of honest, open love. "How can I regret any of it, when I know all of my family is together again?"
"Without you." Harley chokes out, and Tony's smile stays, shrugs once.
"If thats the price to pay, I'll pay it. I told myself I'd do anything, anything to get you and Peter back. I knew it was worth it, worth anything, and now, this," He rubs Harleys cheek as he crumbles with another agonizing sob, "Now I know for sure. It was worth it. It was all worth it."
Harley falls into his arms again, wailing loudly into his chest, and Tony just soothes him, shushes him quietly and holds him close. "I miss you so much,"
"I know," He murmurs faintly.
"I love you so much." He sobs, and Tony just presses a harder kiss to his head, and holds it there for a few seconds, liquid dripping onto his head.
"I love you too, polpetta. More than you'll ever know."
"I don't know if I can- can lose you again."
Tony doesn't answer this time, and Harley cries harder, his entire body tremoring just like the ground did, knowing, knowing he has to back, knowing he cant change Tony's mind, but aching, his heart shattering and crumbling into pieces of dust similar to the compound surrounding them, and it takes a few more minutes, a few more moments of a hug so tight it makes his muscles whine, his bone creak, before Tony tells him quietly, melancholy.  "You gotta to back, Harls."
He squeezes the man again, nodding, knowing he's right, knowing his husband his back there in the garage waiting for him, knowing his son is in his cradle, fast asleep, knowing his life is waiting for him back home. He savors the last few seconds of holding his father, his dad in his arms, before he steps back. Tony gives him a grin, one last, big toothy smile, a complete contrast to the shine in his eyes, on his cheeks, and Harley smiles back, saying one last "I love you," and hearing it echoed in return.
"I love you too. Both of you, all of you."
He takes the vial out of the storage slot, putting into place, and glances up one last time, searing all of Tony's features into his mind, into memory, his words echoing in his head as he presses the button, whispers a goodbye, and shrinks.
The return back is much faster, Harley only getting a blink before he's back in his garage, the room a mess similar to how he left it, and the first thing he sees is Peter, his husband, the love of his life still stood in the very same place, in the doorway of the garage, his baby browns wide and teary, looking so fearful, so scared, yet so thankful that Harley returned.
"Harley?!?" He gasps, and Harley barely gives his suit time to retract before he's rushing forward and crashing into Peter, Peter already into soothing mode and whispering faint reassures, to himself or to harley he doesn't know, Harley crumbling again in his arms and sputtering out, over and over and over, "He loves you, he loves us, loves us so much." Like its the last chance he'd ever get to say it again.
Peter just holds him close, similar to the way his dad did only moments before, and Harley sinks into the warmth, vowing to live in the here and the now from now on. To live in the moment, and be there for his husband and his son, knowing that Tony was watching over them, with that same proud smile and little glint in his eyes.
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kl4us4 · 6 years
Request: Could I request a Bellamy Blake imagine with the lines, “Don’t you do it Y/N. Don’t you dare fall in love with me.”
Okay, here’s the thing: You‘ve never thought someone was beautiful until you met Bellamy Blake. For a long time you - and all your friends - assumed you just weren’t interested in being with someone. Then, he happened. You had always heard stories about Bellamy being mutual friends but fate and the universe never let you come face to face with the unknown boy. All you knew about the boy was that he was daring, adventurous, and courageous; yet extraordinarily kind and caring. Then, you came to Earth.
“Someone’s about to open the doors.” Clarke clenches her jaw, eyes darting towards the front of the Dropship as she speeds to the door. You follow hot on her tail, your eyes just as wide as hers. “Stop!” She shouts, her tone frantic and chilling, “The air could kill us all.”
“If the airs toxic then we’re dead anyways.” The deep voice that replies to your friend almost makes you frown. He sounds kinda rude. Shifting beside Clarke, you furrow your eyebrows and are about to put your two cents in but then he looks at you.
It feels like a kind of pause, like a kind of recognition but not quite. At least not on your part. “Anything to add on, sweetheart?” He chastises you, his hand on the ship's entrance.
“I have a name.” You mutter, unable to drop your gaze from him. The freckled boy just smirks. His eyes remain on you as he opens the dropship door, and the place is flooded with fresh air and light. Pandemonium ensues as people rush out like a nest of crazed ants. You, being weak and distracted, get pushed around easily and almost no one seems to care.
“Woah, Woah, Woah,” You feel two hands on your shoulders pull you back slightly, away from the bustling crowd of teenagers who are finally free from their cage. “You should learn to be a little more careful.”
Facing the man behind you, you see the familiar face that enticed you not two seconds ago. “Thanks.” You mumble.
“It’s fine.” He replies, “Y/N.”
“You know me?” You wonder, eyebrows furrowed as you wait for his answer.
He hums, “I know of you. I’m Bellamy Blake.” He introduces himself, giving you a small smile.
You smile up at him, practically knowing him already. “Funnily enough, I know of you too.”
“I hope you’ve heard good things.”
“50/50.” You hum back, gesturing with your hand. He’s taller than you, and it makes your stomach turn when you look up to see him gently smiling down at you. “I’ve been wanting to put a face to the name for a while now.” You admit.
“Well?” He responds with a small smirk, “Do I live up to your standards?”
Your raise your eyebrows, almost letting out a laugh, “Nah,” you joke, “you’re shorter than I expected.”
He nods for a second, pursing his lips comically, “And you’re feistier then I expected.”
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“No, not at all.” He shakes his head, looking you up and down and nearly making your chest explode, “I only let strong women ruin my life.” His smirk seems infectious, and for some reason, it feels like the dropship keeps getting smaller and smaller. After all this time keeping you two apart it’s as though even fate and the universe can’t pull you two away now. There’s just this intense and magnetic force pushing you two together like compensation for such a long time as strangers.
“God, do you have to do this to all my friends?” Octavia announces, breaking you away from her brother. Bellamy just stares at you, letting out a sigh as he realised your attention on him has been interrupted.
You’re slightly angered at yourself. ‘All my friends’? Did you just nearly fall for a player? Oops.
“Only the pretty ones.” He sighs, looking towards the ground awkwardly.
“Well, have fun letting them ruin your life.” You smile back, bouncing away from him and towards Octavia who had come looking for you. You pass her and head outside so you don’t notice the annoyed look she gives her brother, who just gives her an exaggerated shrug. Bellamy leans against the wall, sighing at the loss of heat now that you’re not beside him.
You sit beside the wall, book in hand as the world passes by around you. Your muscles ache from working and you’re so tired you may just fall asleep right here and now. But your book keeps you up. You’ve read it maybe 40 times since you were 10 years old and you’re about to make it 41 until-
“Whatcha got there?”
“You’ve never seen a book?”
“I’ve never seen that book.”
“And you’re never going to. Run along.”
“Oh,” Bellamy breathes, inching closer to you, “But I’ve been such a good boy today, Y/N.” He banters... at least you think it’s banter.
“Unfortunately, I’ve run out of gold stars to hand out.” You muse, shaking your head as you set your book down in your lap.
Leaning his arms against your knees, he rests his head against his hands and looks up at you with his big brown eyes. You nearly melt. Your chest is tingling and all you can do to stop form smiling is to think about the serious chapter you’re up to in your book.
“I can think of other ways you can reward me.”
“Did that line work on many of Octavia’s other friends?” You wonder, pursing your lips slightly.
He sighs, letting his head fall onto your thigh in defeat. “She told you, huh?”
“Yep.” You nod, a smile pressed harshly against your lips.
“You know she‘s never had many friends, right?” Bellamy states, sitting up and looking intensely at you.
“After what you did, I’m sure she didn’t.” You laugh slightly. He notices, his smirk growing at the sight of you smiling.
“Did she at least leave much to the imagination?” He wonders, leaning back onto the green grass as he sets you up. His brown arms flex perfectly and your eyes just brush over them, not giving him the satisfaction of him knowing you think he’s attractive.
Shaking your head, you cross your arms. “Not really.” You lie, teasing him.
“Oh, so you’ve been imagining me then?”
You pause, seeing how he set you up for that. He looks at you smugly, raising his eyebrows as he waits for your reaction. “Okay, that was a good one.” You laugh, shaking your head at him.
Bellamy laughs too, his eyes squinting slightly as he marvels in his own greatness for a second. Somehow the conversation continues on, and you spend the next hour talking and teasing one another. You never got to finish reading your book for the 41st time like you had planned. You even let him borrow it.
You were handling it, really you were. But Big Macho Man Bellamy Blake had to get in the way and be the saviour, like always. “Aim higher and a little to the left, take the wind into account,” Bellamy mutters next to you, his eyes glued to your frame.
Glancing at him from the side of your bow, you nearly break your focus to shake your head at him or to tell him to shut up. But instead, you do what he says, rolling your eyes when you notice him nodding his head. Straight down the middle of your arrow stands a deer, unknowingly taking its last breaths of air.
“Easy now,” Bellamy whispers, leaning in so you can hear him. You feel his breath on your neck as he talks and talks and talks and you’re not taking in a single thing that he’s saying. “Okay?” He asks, turning to face you but he doesn’t move back. You swallow, your lips parting slightly to answer him but you weren’t listening at all.
“Uh, yeah sure.” You nod back, eyeing him once again before turning back to the deer who has disappeared.
“You didn’t hear a word of what I said did you?”
“Uh, no.” You admit, putting your bow and arrow down. Watching the distance as Bellamy blabbers on about focus and attention, you notice something swaying in the bushes where the deer was. At first, you think it’s the animal, but then you notice more and more bushes as you block out Bellamy’s droning on.
“You’re not even listening right now, wow.” He shrugs, shaking his head as if he’s a disappointed parent.
“Sh, Bell, hold on.” You press a hand to his chest and he nearly gulps, feeling his heart rate quicken at the fact that you’re touching him and you called him Bell. But when he looks at you, he notices the concern and immediately he’s switched on and 100% alert.
Following your gaze, he sees what you see and dread fills him. “We need to go. Now. It could be more Grounders.” He mutters to you, pulling you by the arm just as the sounds of Grounders shouting to one another make you jump into action.
You hear them behind you but it’s like you can’t see anything, everything’s a blur of green trees and Bellamy’s frantic gaze as he leads you back towards the camp. Wait, the camp. “Bellamy! We’re leading them right towards the others, we can’t!”
“There’s no other way, we’ll die!” He shouts back to you, his grip on your wrist harsh and painful.
You pull against him and he nearly stumbles over, he turns around to look at you with an incredulous expression. “What are you doing?!”
You line up your bow and arrow, “Taking a shot.”
“Y/N, you don’t know how many there are. This isn’t a fight we can win.” He shouts at you, frantic to get you to safety. “We’re so close to the camp, there’s safety in numbers.” You don’t listen, but when he places a hand on yours, you feel everything pause. “Please.” He begs.
You’ve never heard Bellamy beg before. To anyone. For anything. You lower your weapon and give him a slow nod, “Okay... okay, sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry just take my hand.”
You do so, running back towards the camp gates as fast as you possibly can. The sounds of Grounders chasing you is constant and terrifying and you’re at the closed gates screaming desperately for them to let you in when you hear the piercing sound of something flying through the air and landing right next to your head. The gates open, you’re not sure what’s going on but you’re being pulled inside as the noise continues then ceases all at once.
You open your eyes, looking up at Bellamy who looks just as stunned as you. Maybe even more. You’re confused when he places a hand to his upper arm, pulling it back to reveal his hand coated in blood. Then it all speeds back up again.
“Jesus!” Your eyes widen, looking at the large gash left by a spear or arrow of sorts.
“Actually my names Bellamy.” He chuckles, then winces at the pain. Now it’s time for you to pull him around, holding his hand as you yell for Clarke in the dropship. You tell her what’s wrong, and you ask for help but you were obvious to the other people just coming into the dropship who had worse injuries than Bellamy. One woman had an arrow to her leg, she was one of the people guarding and opening the gate for you and Bell.
“You’re going to have to handle it,” Clarke tells you, nodding to you as if to say you can do it.
“Hey,” Bellamy states, getting your attention as he can see how out of it you are. He holds his arm tightly, and you can help but look at all the blood that’s dripping down him. “Don’t look at that, look into my eyes.”
“Okay.” You mumble, looking into his familiar and calm brown eyes.
“You can do this, it’s not that difficult so maybe even you can get it right.” He tells you, the corners of his lips lifted into a small smirk. You don’t appreciate the jokes at the moment, in fact it nearly makes you burst out crying. “Woah, Woah, hey I’m kidding. Y/N, I’m just joking. It’s going to be fine! I’m right here.”
You just mutter okay and breathe, trying to snap yourself out of it. “Okay, okay, tell me what to do.”
“Help me take my shirt off.” He asks, not wanting to release full pressure off of his wound.
“What? How?” You furrow your eyebrows, unsure of yourself. Maybe you can’t do it. Maybe you can’t do anything.
“Y/N, I need you to put both your hands on the cut. Apply a lot of pressure while I remove it. Then we’ll go to the alcohol, okay?”
You nod, stepping forward and nearly gagging at the sight. But it’s Bellamy, and he really needs you. “O-Okay,” looking into his eyes, you both begin to count down together, “Three, T-Two... one!” You close your eyes, placing both your hands under his sleeve and onto the cut.
Bellamy grunts, gritting his teeth as he throws his shirt to the floor. “Sorry, sorry!” You mumble repeatedly, feeling your chest tighten with guilt.
“D-Don’t... Don’t apologise to me, you’re doing great.” Bellamy breathes, his shaking hands pointing to a metal box next to Clarke. He takes over applying pressure to his wound. Rushing to it, Clarke just gives you a nod telling you that you can take it. Bringing it back to Bellamy, you open it and try not to freeze to ice when you see it’s contents. Of course you’d have to stitch him up, it’s a deep graze. There’s not way it’ll close up by itself. Bellamy must think you’re insane mumbling ‘okay’ and ‘youre fine’ to yourself over and over again; as if the next ten times you say it it’ll be true. But it isn’t. And your hands are shaking. And you feel like you can’t even see the wire missing the needles hole each and every time you try. “Y/N, come on.” Bellamy encourages you gently, watching you with urgent and tired eyes.
“I’m trying.” You whisper, biting the side of your lip as you try and try again. The movement of your chest rising and falling erratically makes your hands move even more. Bellamy begins to feel himself losing too much blood, beginning to feel woozy.
“Come on...” He urges more frantically, his voice harsh, “Y/N, you need to hurry...”
Grunting in frustration, you feel as though you could lose your mind, break down, throw the whole metal box against the drop ship wall. “Come on!”
His loud voice makes you jump. You pull the wire through the needle and lean in towards his arm, brows furrowed as you take the alcohol and quickly pour some on his arm. He grunts loudly, squirming in pain. “Stay still.” You order him, your voice just as tense as his was. It all places like a blur, trying to ignore the pain in his voice and the blood on your hands as you stitch him up. It looks as good as it can possibly be, seeing as it’s been done by someone not experienced. Grabbing the bandage, you jump at the feeling of a hand on top of yours. “I can take it from here.” Clarke advises you, her eyes full of sorrow and compassion. Taken off guard, you nod at her. Somehow you’re unable to speak though your lips part.
You look down at your red hands. They’re still for once. You thought that the hardest part had finished but then you look up at Bellamy, who’s been watching you this whole time, focusing on you instead of the pain. Clarke begins to wrap the bandage around his arm, taking away the sight of his pain.
“Uh, I’m- I...” You fumble. Bellamy just looks away, nodding his head slightly. He doesn’t want to see you leave right now. So you don’t. “I’ll stay until you’re done.”
Bell looks up at you, mumbling a quiet, “Thank you.” to which you nod back. Sitting beside him, you let out a long breath. You haven’t breathed since you ran into the camp gates. It relaxes you.
When Clarke states she finishes and leaves, Bellamy turns to you to place a hand on yours. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
You shake your head, refusing to look at him. You just stare at your dirty hands, still in shock at what you just did. “No, no, don’t be.” You assure him, “I wouldn’t have been able to snap out of it. I don’t know what came over me.”
He squeezes your hand, causing you to turn to him. “I’m proud of you. Not everyone could’ve done what you did, especially when it’s someone you... you know. Don’t put yourself down for that, Y/N. You were incredible.”
Tears brim your eyes and you take another deep breath and look down before quietly stating, “Thank you.”
“Look at me,” he begs, leaning closer to you and it makes you gulp nervously. His eyes are pleading when you look up at him, “Y/N... will you stay with me tonight?”
You squeeze his hand back, mirroring what he did to you. “Anything you need, Bellamy.”
“Only on one condition though.” He adds, letting his eyes flick from yours to your lips.
“What condition?” You wonder, confused.
“Don’t fall in love with me.”
“What?” You muse, a smile beginning to form on your face. Bellamy revels in it, knowing he’s accomplished his goal of making you smile; especially after what you just went through.
Bellamy tried to hold a straight face as he continues, “Don’t you do it, Y/N. Don’t you dare fall in love with me.”
Shaking your head at him, you can’t help but smile at the boy, “you’re unbelievable.”
Like magnets meeting, the two of you lean together. You want to place your hands on his warm cheeks but you remember you can’t. So you sit there, eyes closed, feeling Bellamy’s lips press against yours. It feels electric. When you both pull away, you can hear your heart beating loudly.
“I think we might be in trouble.” You smile at him, pressing another kiss to his lips.
“I think we might be.” He agrees, the same smile on his features.
TAGLIST: relentlessgame captainlini @mesmericbell @cctaviasblake paul-steroline-lover @imaginexmeintheuniverse @bellamyblakemorley twisted-tasty14 mika-xxx @jodiereedus22 
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ophiocordyceps · 6 years
hey op,,can you tell me more about your ocs?? I am,,v curious
there’s uhhhhh the corvid queen who’s design i forgot but i thought them up literally while thinking abt crows and vulture culture and i love her
there’s catharsis who’s one of my ocs that i stole some ideas from aus i made and slapped them together into something original and all u really need to know abt them is that they have the same exact energy as those weird archangel emojis
arcturus + exidy are AIs and exidy is that vague and ominous kind of threatening while arcturus will call you a useless paperclip (arcturus is another oc i yoinked from au content)
Dr Harper Evans - lvl 4, an emergency physician and also one of my more developed ones (which isnt that much)
somethign something Alex something - she’s just discount dr glass and also a lv 3 because in my friend group none of us had made or used level 3s so we just all agreed they were cryptids
Dallas Emerson - level 2 with an addiction to scp-2022 (sunlight pills), i havent developed them much
Crossbones (i dont know their real name, this is just their username) - haha weed lol
theyre my gamers against weed oc and theyre literally DEAD I MADE THEM BACK IN OCTOBER WHEN I LOOKED AT THE SKULLY ICON I HAD AND WENT “YEA OK”
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THEYRE NOT UNDER ANY INFLUENCES THEY JUST DO IT WILLINGLY they dont wanna die so u gotta instead
the supernatural thing is this big shadowy creature thing that i cant stop imagining as something similar to the wolves in that siames video, except bigger
and occasionally i imagine it taking the form of a deer and just watching u w/ cryptid eyes but a wolf head w/ no eyes is the main thing i imagine it having
they work in search and rescue
they dont kill people themselves, they wont shoot or stab you but they WILL lead you off the trail in the middle of the woods and let that thing tear you apart and eat you right then and there
the operator is a coward come see MY supernatural entities they actually ATTACK U ON SIGHT
outside of feeding their weird dog™ they legit live a normal life, you wouldnt really be able to suspect anything + @arklie told me that finding a body in any condition during rescues is a good thing so THEY’D BE ABLE TO GET AWAY WITH IT EVEN IF THERES LIKE,, MANGLED BODY PARTS LYING AROUND
this got long hjkl;’ OOPS
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