#theres about 3 pages left haha;;
rand0mfangurlstuff · 3 months
I'll Look After You - Part 3 Bucky x Y/N
I feel like I'm slowly getting the hang of actually making posts on tumblr. I'm still not great but bare with me. I'm still utterly obsessed with John 'Bucky' Egan and since I'm running out of fics to read I feel I need to make my own. Part 2 kinda got away from me but I think I have a bit more of a clear direction for this now. This includes jealous! Bucky. Enjoy:
When Bucky awoke the next morning, he was dissapointed Y/N was not by his side. He had hoped he would get to see her beautiful face again when he woke up. But the chair was empty and the book left on the bedside table. She must have left once I fell asleep he tought to himself. And who could blame her? That chair hardly looked comfortable. I wonder is she working again today? Maybe she will come by again soon. He looked to the book on the table. The hairpin stuck between the pages told him there was still a few more chapters left to read. His chest swelled with hope. She might come back again tonight. Bucky thought about relaxing into the small hospital bed and being comforted by her beautiful voice once more. As he imagined that gorgeous voice, he heard it from a short distance away. Almost as if he had magically made her appear. He couldnt see her, thanks to that godforsaken curtain; but it was her. He heard her melodic laugh. Who is she talking to? Whats so funny? Bucky couldn't help it. Suddenly he felt.. jealous. Why on earth would he feel jealous? Because he wanted to be the once to make her laugh. Thats why. But Bucky did his best to quell those jealous thoughts. She was probably just talking to one of the other nurses.
'I couldnt help it, I just started spewing everywhere!' It was awful.' Bucky knew that voice. That was not a nurses voice. 'Oh Major Crosby, why on earth did you become a flight navigator if you suffered from air sickness!' She said in between giggles. Crosby. Crosby was making her laugh. Well at least she was laughing at him. 'I didnt know I suffered from it till I was already in the air! You gotta help me Y/N, I need more of the stuff the doc gave me but he's not back till Monday!' 'Okay, okay, here you go.' 'Thanks Y/N I really appreciate it.' 'No problem Major.' Bucky heard footsteps, then Croz's voice again. 'Y/N?' 'Yes Major?' 'Please, call me Harry. I was just wondering if I could pay you back, for the pills?' 'Oh theres no need Harry.' 'I know, but I want to thank you properly. Are you working tonight?' 'No, thankfully for the first night in what feels like weeks I'm off for the night.' Bucky's heart sank at this news. There goes his plans of a lovely nights sleep. 'Oh great! Theres a dance on tonight in the main hall, are you going?' 'I hadn't thought about it, but I guess it would be fun!' 'Oh great, well I'll buy you a drink there, to thank you.' 'That's very kind Maj- Harry. I'll see you there.' 'Great! I'll see you there Y/N!'
Bucky's blood boiled. Croz was going to be at the dance with Y/N. Croz couldnt even dance! She would have a terrible time with him. It should be Bucky buying her drinks and sweeping her off of her feet. Not Croz. Pukes-a-lot Croz. If only his ribs would hurry up and heal. Then he could go to the dance and show her a real good time. Bucky tested himself, trying to get out of bed. It was painful, but maybe managable? Just as his first socked foot hit the ground, the curtain swung open and there she was, Y/N.
She went to Bucky's cubile to find he was already getting to his feet. 'Haha! Great minds really do think alike! I was just about to get you for physical therapy.' Bucky looked at her like he was caught with his pants round his ankles. 'Physical therapy?' he questioned. He sat at the edge of his bed, one to look 'non-chalant' and two because he was afraid his legs would gave in from under him with the pain in his side. She smiled at him 'Yeah, didnt the doctors tell you? It's about time we get you up and moving Major! Cant expect you to be in the air if you cant even be on the ground. Come on.' She stepped close to him and held out her hands, waiting for him to take them. He stared. 'Come on, lets go for a walk.' He did want to, but he felt angry. How could she be so kind and nice and smile so beautifully at him when she had just agreed to a date with Crosby. He looked at her, eyes shining and smiling a smile that could probably wrap even Hitler himself around her finger. He gave in and put his hands in hers. It was electric. He never wanted to let go of her perfect, soft hands. He didnt think it was possible, but her smile grew even bigger. Maybe she feels it too. This connection between us. She stepped back, giving him room to stand. He towered over her. She looked up at him, and all Bucky wanted to do was kiss her. All her had to do was bend his neck a bit, tilt his head to the side slightly, and his lips would be on hers. But no, she was Crosbys girl. He was the one going to kiss her. His blood started boiling again at the thought. 'Lets get this over with.' He said with a scowl. The sooner this was over, the sooner he would hopefully be able to stop thinking about her. As if I could ever think of anything but her. He thought. Her smile faltered, not expecting him to be anything other than his charming self.
They made it to the hallway, their steps slow and steady so not to hurt Bucky too much. Y/N tried to be encouraging, often praising him at how well he was doing. But Bucky barely responded. Eventually, she decided the silence was too much. 'Whats your favourite type of cake?' she asked. 'What?' he looked at her confused. 'Cake! Mines chocolate. I absolutely love chocolate cake. Whats your favourite?' 'I don't have a favourite type of cake.' he said. 'You like them all then huh? That's fair. If I'm honest I like all kinds of cake. Except carrot. Carrot and cake should not mix. Everything else is great -' 'I really don't care for or about cake!' Bucky snapped. As soon as he said the words he regretted it. Her bright smile vanished, and she physically recoil from him. She put as much distance between them as she could. Deciding she no longer needed to hold his hands. He immediatly missed the warmth of her hands in his. Longed to grab them back and never let tem go. 'I think you're okay with walking. Turn around back to your bed. I'll be behind you if you need me.' Bucky didnt know what to say, so he just turned around and slowly walked back to his bed. She was right on his heels though, being a good nurse and making sure nothing happened to him. He could sense her hand hovering over his shoulder, ready to catch him if he faltered. She never said a word though. Bucky wanted to break the awkward silence, but how? He had no idea what to say. She helped him back to bed and made a quick exit. 'Anoher nurse will be around later for evening rounds. I'm done for the day.' Without another word she walked off. Bucky cursed himself. He was a dick to her even though she was always kind to him. He would be pushing her even further into Crosby's arms now.
The day turned into evening, the evening into night. Everyone else in the infrimary was asleep, but not Bucky. He didnt know what was keeping him from slumber; the thought of nightmares or the thought of her and Crosby at the dance. Y/N and Croz at that dance is my worst nightmare. Bucky realised. What if they're dancing? He's a terrible dancer. I would be far better at dancing with her. What if they're slow dancing. What if he holds her a little too closely? What if he kisses her? Bucky tried to stop his racing mind before he had a stroke. He looked at the book again. Exactly where she left it. He didnt even want to read it. He knew the story word-for-word by now. He just wanted to hear her read it. That wasnt going to be happening tonight.
Y/N was enjoying the dance. The music was great, and everyone was in good spirits celebrating someones 25th mission. Harry was ever the gentlemen, buying her a drink and making sure she was okay. She liked Harry. He was kind, funny and charming, dispite his issues with air sickness that everyone cruely made fun of him for. She sat at a table with some of the other nurses and a few soldiers. 'Would you like another drink?' Harry asked her, noticing her empty glass. 'Oh I'm fine, thank you Harry.' 'How about a dance?' his hopeful smile was too much for her. 'I'd love to.' They made their way to the dance floor, a lively jazz song being played by the band. Harry wasnt the best dancer, but he had fun and made her have fun too, which was the most important part.
After their dance, Y/N needed to catch her breath. It was then she looked up at the clock and saw the time. 'I didnt realise it was so late! I better get going.' 'I'll walk you home.' Harry said, holding out his elbow to her. 'Oh thats very kind Harry, but theres no need. I'm going to head to the infirmary to check on some patients before I go to bed. You stay with they guys and enjoy the party.' 'Are you sure?' Y/N could sense some dissapointment in his tone, but chose to ignore it with a warm smile. 'I'm sure. Enjoy yourself.' She gave him a kiss on the cheek, and headed for the door. JUst as she was about to leave, she remembered she was meant to grab something...
At midnight he was still awake. He knew the party would be ending soon. He thought of Crosby walking Y/N home. Ever the gent. What if he tried to kiss her? would she accept his kiss? He hoped not. What if she did? He couldnt help picture Harry Crosby with his hands on Y/N, kissing. Hands moving to places he would sell his soul to touch. He was fit to scream. He couldnt hack it. Just when he was about to bang his head against the wall to rid himself of the terrifying mental images, he heard a voice. 'I'm not too late am I?' I'm hallucinating, Bucky thought. The pain meds must be very strong tonight. Y/N stood at the foot of his bed. Wearing a beautiful red dress, hair in flowing waves. Red lipstick he would love to smudge. 'What are you doing here? Weren't you at the dance?' She smiled, 'I was, but when it was almost over I thought I'd come check on you. Not that you deserve it. You were very cranky earlier.' 'I'm sorry Y/N I-' she cut him off 'There's no need to appologise. Physical therapy can be very difficult. Your body has been through a lot it's okay if it takes time to recover.' She was a literal angel. After how poorly he treated her, she still showed him so much empathy. More than he deserved. Even after her date with Croz, here she was checking in on him. 'Thank you. There's no need to check on me though. I'm fine. You should head back.' She moved closer while pulling a paper bag from behind her back. 'The dance is over now. Besides, I think theres about two chapters of Great Gatsby left. I brought some treats for us to eat while we read it.' She pulled out two small pieces of cake from the bag, white frosting on each piece with jam in the middle. 'You wouldn't tell me what kind of cake you liked, turns out it didnt matter because by the time I got to it this was all that was left anyway.' Cake? She had brought him cake? She was at the dance, with another man, and she thought about bringing him cake in the middle of the night? Bucky almost cried. 'You didn't have to do that, thank you. That's very kind.' She looked at the chair next to his bed. Her back already hurt before she even sat on it. 'Do you mind moving over a little? That chair is horrendous.'
Bucky was sure he heard her wrong. She wanted to sit in the bed with him? He stuttered out a response as he slowly moved as much as he could in the small bed. 'Sure, be my guest.' She sat beside him with her back againt the headboard. The sides of their bodies touching from their shoulders to their ankles. If Bucky's heart wasnt racing before, it was now. She handed him his piece of cake and picked up the book. 'It was when curiosity about Gatsby was at its highest that the lights in his house failed to go on one Saturday night....' She read to him, occasionally taking a break to bite into her cake. They sat like that, eating and reading, with Bucky never taking his eyes off of her beautiful face. Slowly, his tired eyes fluttered closed. He dreamed of cake, Gatsby's mansion, and her.
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nutzworth · 2 months
reading again so soon?
DAY 8: APRIL 22, 2024
STATS: read for 1 hour and 20 minutes pages read: 1683-1903. 220 pages. NICE! slur count: 13 + 0 = 13 silly count: 13 + 0 = 13 piss count: 2/3
THOUGHTS: today was largely uneventful but we did get to [s] shut up and jam
today john went through gate 2 and saw rose sleeping and i literally cant believe how unreal he was about it all. i mean yeah its JOHN EGBERT but come on you crash land in your wonderful friends house and you dont even wake her up or wait to say hi. whats your problem dude. he was really devious about the whole thing (pestering kanaya under roses name; snooping in roses books; pranking her by putting a bucket on her ajar door).
what IS a realistic interpretation of how i would interact with my online friend if i met him in real life is how rose and dave interacted for the first time on derse (which includes shut up and jam). imagine as follows: 1. i lean mischievously on your window sill. i throw a ball of yarn at your head and you wake up. hello. its me from the internet 2. you show me your awesome music gear and we dance and its awesome 3. i throw your creepy puppet out that has been giving you nightmares for like ever 4. you show me your computer. apparently our mutual friend is at my house. huh! 5. i disappear like yeah i would do that. rose is awesome
and of course the john (under the guise of rose) and kanaya conversation. i think its hilarious that was never explained and i like to believe none of them know any wiser except for john. kanayas like wow that was a weird first convo with rose haha and rose probably knows what happened to be honest. but kanayas left in the DARK. i love her. WE SAW SOLLUX TOO! kanaya is so cute. i literally love her. hassling sollux "You Used To Like To Talk More" fr girl. "I Dont Have An F1 Key" and then she throws it at his head. shes so awesome. ohh my god
another thing i was thinking about this session was hussie's use of tone. there were a few instances the tone was like crazy and they are as follows 1. john discovers roses gift for his birthday and reads the note. its like hes goofing off and is like "ok. im gonna look in the box now." and then theres this panel of the knitted con air bunny and its silent. and then he reads roses sentimental note. and its silent. and then he SLAM DUNKS THAT BUNNY BACK IN THE BOX!!! BOO YAH!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess it shows how john buries his feelings. no time to feel good! need to DO SHIT! 2. when john is ectobiologizing. and exploring the lab. its so... desolate. so disconnected. so silent. "A meteor ahead looks unnoticed." its like. it really sets a mood. its really. clinical. vague. abrupt. its SOMETHING. i really like it. especially for john. it fits him
rose and daves alchemizing parties were this session and they were only ok. daves is full of bangers like the brain in a jar and the swords and tuxedos. roses was just ok
[S] WV: Rise up IS SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOLEST FLASH EVER! I LOVE THE CARAPACIANS! i love to see his revolution its so awesome. ohh my god. its got beautiful music and beautiful frames its all so good. i love unity and revolution
complacency in the learned was pretty ok. rose is a great writer it sounds like wizardy herbert but more wordy though. which is pretty much what it IS. so whatever
i think thats it. i want to put some panels that i really liked in here cus there were a lot of beautiful ones so here goes. act 4 is so beautiful probably the most beautiful act. ok bye
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kudzucataclysm · 2 years
wip intro: Shattered Earth
On an alternate Earth full of strange and bizarre horrors, nothing is as it seems. An enemy might be a friend and that stranger with amnesia might be someone you knew all along...
taglist: @impaledlotus @thelittlestspider​
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The current date is February 8th 2005; a not so distant past split off from our reality, where the effects of an anomalous comet, superpowered beings, a brief nuclear exchange, a supervolcano eruption, and an alien invasion have the world in a constant state of uncertainty that its only now starting to adjust to. The entire American midwest is a desolate nuclear wasteland. Europe was annihilated and is now completely abandoned. Corporations control every aspect of people’s lives. Global weather systems have been destroyed and the aftermath has left earth in a new ice age. Entire continents have been infected with invasive, man-eating alien wildlife. Humanity is still in the process of recovering from these events, with the help of some not-so-truly empathetic Martian peacekeepers.
Now is a time of monsters.
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So what is SE truly about? SE is, ultimately, a sci-fi fantasy, dark comedy, horror action story about killing the monsters. More importantly however, SE is a story about two teenagers having to grow up way too fast in a world that stubbornly refuses to end, in order to survive everything it throws at them.
Status: Almost entirely planned (Arc 1 is at least); Outlining, scripting
POV: OmniscientTM. we have 80+ characters in this story babaaaay
Format: I’m planning for SE to be a webcomic, so I’ll mostly be posting scripts, sketches, and from time to time some practice comic pages :3
Tropes / Vibes / Themes: friendship, love, queer youth, eugenics, found family, crime lordism/gang warfare, intersolar espionage, weird space magic, loss of innocence when forced to grow up, trauma and healing from it, the human condition, devotion that corrupts, politics and the wasteland it creates, extreme dystopian levels of capitalism, feeling valid in reasons to hate and how first impressions are often times misleading, learning to be selfish...im sure theres more haha vv’
Content Warnings: Offensive/Derogatory/Explicit Language/Slurs**, Explicit Violence/Gore/Body Horror, Nudity, Mature Sexual Themes/Discussions, Drug Use/Abuse, Emotional Mental and Physical Abuse/Manipulation, In*est Mention, Suicide Related Topics, Self Harm, Mass Death/Corpses, Genocide, etc
And now onto our two protagonists :3
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NAME: Desmond Oswald Arkady
DOB: November 30th, 1991; 14 years of age
HISTORY: Son of rancher Sloane Arkady and medical nurse Ed Arkady, and unknowing grandnephew of the famous superscientist Lupe Altena. Has two older siblings and one younger sister. Throughout grade school Desmond was noted for having poor social skills and having a severe temper; he was bullied and very much alone during this time. His mother was emotionally and physically absent while his father became emotionally and verbally abusive as he grew older. Eventually his parents split, Ed taking Desmond and his brother Jerome, with Sloane (under legal definition) ‘kidnapping’ their younger sister Zuri. Oldest sibling “Happy”’s whereabouts are unknown. In 2003 abnormal brain wave activity was reported, benign; his temper somewhat subsided. The remnants of the family moved to the NEC in late 2004.
Desmond’s above-average school grades have currently led to him attending the Promethean School of Science under the tutelage of one infamous Dr. Maya Fontaine. He seems to have an interest in all things biomedical and mechanical.
OCCUPATION: Officially listed as a part-time bowling alley attendant at Crimson Head Lanes. Unofficially: errand boy and lookout for the criminal body behind the bowling alley.
ORIGIN: A small black earth town in former Kentucky known only as “Carbonville” that no longer exists.
Last Known Whereabouts: Lives in NEC, DUSA.
Identifying Characteristics: African-American, mole on left cheekbone, shaved dark brown hair, late bloomer in terms of height at just 5 feet tall, noticeably overweight and stocky. Known to almost constantly fiddle with his hands due to reported hypersensitive dermis and nerve damage stemming from contact with a wildfire some years before.
PSYCH: Annoyingly positive attitude that hides a deep, festering rage. An overbearing people pleaser almost to the point of submission. Desperate for validation and a sense of belonging. Chronically low self-esteem. Extreme levels of anxiety. Is repressing serious anger issues to the point of migraines and blackouts. Possible case of undiagnosed autism. Easy to intimidate and manipulate.
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NAME: Francis T. Mueller
DOB: August 1990; 15 years of age
History: One of the many thousands of Chimera children of the Martian King Azelfafage, Francis was raised by her human mother Roxanne Mueller. Her mother being a drug addict and abusive, Francis from an early age found herself doing any odd job she could to simply feed herself, which soon escalated to working for the assassins guild, Antumbra for a short time at the young age of 10, and working as a bodyguard and gunner for various drug dealers up until the age of 12.
At 9 years old she experienced a medical “accident” that resulted in a severe case of dissociative amnesia.
Police records in 2003 indicate that after her release from brief juvenile custody, Francis worked her way up from petty thug to where she is now working for Crimson Head Lanes. Conflicting reports state that Francis was “handed over” to CHL and is working for them unwillingly by use of either force or threat.
Occupation: Officially listed as a bowling alley attendant at Crimson Head Lanes. Unofficially: hitman thought to be employed by CHL owner Carmine Keller, as well as gunner, enforcer, and more recently the bodyguard of fellow coworker Desmond Arkady.
Origin: NEC, DUSA.
Last Known Whereabouts: NEC, DUSA.
Identifying Characteristics: Curly red hair and freckled dark brown skin like all Chimera. Crimson red teeth. Androgynous/masculine facial and body structure, usually mistaken for a male. Magenta eyes on yellow that in a highly unusual case shift to white on black in low-light settings, a possible case of intersexism or a mutation. Identifies as a transgender female. Over 6 feet tall and malnourished for a half-alien child.
Psych: Mentally and emotionally unstable, a possible case of borderline personality disorder and even sociopathy. Possibly suffers from a panic or anxiety disorder as well. A loner, dangerous, known for violent mood swings and outbursts. Suffers from dissociative amnesia, PTSD, and alcoholism.
**Unfortunately, in the world this comic’s set in (the world ‘ended’ in the 1960s), people aren’t very accepting or understanding of different sexual orientations. Actually, peeps aren’t very accepting in general. It’s a distrust of foreign cultures and ideas, mostly, mixed with good old fashioned repressed victorian standards and ideals.
The only worse thing worse for your career/life in this universe is to be labelled a stinkin’ commie.
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chokico · 5 years
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Part 1 | Twitter | Instagram
continuation of my AU short comic
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badboyfriends · 3 years
fifteen hermits worth of liveblogging. i am losing my mind. LONG POST AHEAD.
JOE HILLS (First HC8 Video)
Mumbo did the speech. he forgot everything he was supposed to say <3
Pearl and Gemini were just .in a pit . having stuff thrown onto them
Every Hermit is staying on the same continent !!
FIRST DEATHS VERY QUICKLY, Iron Golems took out Tango and Etho (maybe more?)
Joe seems to be the only one looting the chests
Evil Jevin !!
Evil Xisuma appearance on Jevin’s 60 second video!
Pearl has something planned for an “archeticual wonder” for a resupply area upon death?
Stress, Xisuma and Joe are capturing villagers and starting up a resupply debut.
Bdubs is killed by Cleo and is now OUT FOR BLOOD
First death counts- Etho, Tango, Bdubs, Cleo?
Cleo was killed by Keralis
Joe has now supplied Cleo with weapons and food . She left but not before saying “Time to kill BDubs again!”
Gemini was killed by Bdubs! They both died and are now at spawn.
Pearl was killed by Cleo
Pearl is planning a respawn inn !!
Cleo was killed by Iskall
Cleo was killed by Pearl
False, Stress, and Gemini team up??? AA!!! they brought a delivery of supplies to Joe <3
i wish i knew what was happening on that end .
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Iskall is the first with Diamonds??
Breathe in that ash !
the big eyed trio are now off to shake down Gemini
Joe fell in Lava in the Nether
Joe Death To Lava Two: Electric Boogaloo
Joe drowned trying to kill a glowsquid
Zedaph Episode Recap
Zed gave us a recap of the continent every Hermit will be living on !!
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Wouldn’t recommend Zedaph as the first video for the season, he skips the intro/speech but it’s Zedaph and hes making it fun!! Lots of nice editing :)
Zedaph.. why is your starter base made out of concrete ?
There are no sheeps whatsoever on his mountain
Hes calling his lab an icecream sandwich..yeah i see it
Zed tried to make a portal underater...f
Scar died to a creeper </3
Zedaphs base is gonna be tracking how long hes there/someones loading the chunk!
A cool cinema scene of him becoming an axolotl!! <3
XIsuma’s baseplans need over 45 THOUSAND BLOCKS TO BE PLACED
He’s also planning on making a shulkershell farm!!
i’m not gonna lie ! talking axolotl X is horrifying ! thanks !
Day one Villager Breeder... chaos.
Xisuma Derp! looked straight at a buncha wool and said how badly he needed beds and then walked away
day one and Xisuma has got his axolotl!!
Very pretty starterbase!!
..I’m not gonna lie theres not much to say!! He’s very calm :) he says hes going into it without a plan, and htat last season was the only time he had any thought of what he was gonna do.
He made a real nice starter house and thats about it!
Bdubs: “She ain’t gonna hurt me!! i’m invincible, babey!”
Cleo learnt that BDubs will never hurt her even if she deserves it . I am starting to realize why she kills him
“Alright I found my mission for the season! Murder.”
Cleo, Mumbo, Grian, and Scar are all holed up in a cave together!
..Scar died from a skeleton !
Cleo has now split from Grian and Mumbo! Scar is missing in action
she got a HORSE <3 and Joe gave her a saddle! I think her name is..Widget?
She LOVES the candles for shamboo n waterbottles and bits n bobs for her armorstands!!
Got her Armorstand stickgod book <3
Geminitay POV
She has a LOVELY voice!!
The pov of her in a hole . being surrrounded . is kinda hilarious
It might’ve been Etho who was first death?? I GENUIENLY CANNOT TELL BECAUSE OF EDITING
All the murder was just for heads!
Seriously her voice is. wow
False, Gemini, and Stress are on the great journey for MOSS !
Gem just blew their minds with the moss.
TANGO KERALIS AND BDUBS ARE BACK Keralis: “Show the diamonds show the diamonds show the diamonds!” Gem: “Keralis. This is not how you make friends.”
The boys suecessfully recieved a diamond each
Etho n Iskall are travelling together!! You dont see those two together often
Etho got a glowsquid head!!
Gem: “Etho doesn’t share, is what i’m learning..?”
Etho hooked her with a fishing rod and said she has to do what he said .
In order to get the diamonds, Tango, Keralis, and BDubs placed down a sign saying “Gem is Great!” and Gem used a glow inksack on it.
Etho: “So..What is this? Do you have an ego, or this a motivational thing, or..?” He said, while laughing
Iskall: “I think its really funny that you have set your base up in the middle of a birch forest.” Gem: “I love birch forests! Do you not like my birch forest? Iskall: “I love it, yeah.” Gem: “This is the best biome in the game, Iskall.” Iskall: “Mmmm..” Etho: “I’m pretty sure I heard Iskall talking earlier that like, of all the biomes in the game, there was one he hated more than anything. Gem: “Oh really? And what was that one?” Iskall: “..Taiga.” Gem: “Taiga.. That’s true, thats a good one, thats a good one.” Iskall: “Don’t like Taiga.” Gem: “Mhm.” Etho: “Which one do you hate more than anyone?” Iskall: “..Diorite fields. Thats a bad one.” Etho: “Yeah thats a bad one.” Gem: “Didn’t know about that one. Well make sure to avoid’em. Birch forests are really good.” Iskall: “I’m a big fan of birch forests.” Gem: “Yeah, me too, me too. I’m glad we’re on the same page :) This is so beautiful! All the white and- and the like zebra stripes! is fantastic.” Iskall: “I..Um.. Yes.”
She accidentally found an enchanted golden apple in a mineshaft!! she thinks its the first she ever found in survival!!
She has a cow, sheep, and a few crop farms set up!! Her starter house has INTERRIOR!
shes doing a cottage core inspired base!
BDUBS IS HERE and he is so so so impressed by the tree ?!
also hes carrying a clock.. :(
He’s here with a present!
she thinks its so funny that he stops conversations to sleep AOIDHFEAUI\
WE GOT A TRANSITION SCENE!! the canonical reason for the bed in his old village always being occupied is because underneath it, was his wizard portal!
Bdubs: “It’s a new season! You’re the little guy now!”
They are all very amused by that ^
they’re rubbing the fleece of bdubs jacket .
His starter base is gonna be a wagon and he wants the end game to be a bioshock esque skyscraper!
he confused a horse for a player . flashback to iskall thinking mumbo was a mob
Scar, Mumbo, and Grian.. have NO braincells. at all. THey just placed a crafting table with a boat on top with a bed on top with a boat on top .
this is what BROS FOR LIFE looks like.
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it seems like Grian, Mumbo, and Scar are working together !!!! HOLY SHIT !!
he died several times trying to catch a skeleton with a sword
its a giant ass house boat wagon . its pulled by a llama . that killed him . so now its trapped, pulling hte agon, forever
Grian: “..Thats a very big house, for a very little hat.”
they really came out here . and killed the egg already.
Scar: “..I touched the thing”
We see the three big eyed boys forming <3 they interrupted Tangos intro
they found an axolotl and Bdubs was TERRIFIED just screaming “WHAT IS THAT YELLOW THING?!”
okay nope Bdubs caught one and Tango lost it
Bdubs is naming his axolotl Idiot
Impulse POV
so it looks like those four are hteo nes who grouped up together
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So its gonna be about five people in the same area!!
YOO!! Fantasy build for Impulse!!
G gave Impulse a spyglass, they had a fun moment of zooming in on eachothers face and complimenting eachother IHAUDIHAW
Grian and Impulse worked on an xp farm!
a pillager stole his boat . not just any pillager . the one with a banner. </3
he has to live with Mumbo tuning a song .. </3 haha
Mumbo POV
it took fifteen seconds until Grian ran in during Mumbos intro
Grian: “Can you..Briefly explain why you’re just wearing a hawaiian shirt?” Mumbo: “Uh- what do you mean ‘just wearing a hawaiin shirt? I have shorts on as-well, dude”
Mumbo: “Can you explain why you’re wearing a red jumper?” Grian: “You know- you know i was born with this!”
Grian: “Is that Scar?” Mumbo: “I can’t see past your giant waffle!”
DSFSDFJIOA they did an edit where they placed down a boat, both Mumbo and Grian got in, they made noises and then bopped up on top of the ravine they were in <3
..Mumbo is trying to be a pacifist this season!
Grian’s taunting him with beheaded things
And obviously part of being pacifist means he’s gonna be vegetarian in minecraft!
..he cannot use monster farms because pacifisim..
Mumbo was in the middle of reading the magical Timmy shack that Tango made (did i remember to mention that? who knows) and IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING TO THE PART ABOUT IF YOU REMOVE STUFF FROM THE CHEST, NOTHING WILL BE ADDED IN IT AGAIN. Grian opened the chest . Mumbo SHOUTED HIAUDHUW Grian jumped man
They renamed it “Cave of Do Not Enter” HIAUEDUH
Mumbo and Scar BOTH did not know- at least Mumbo didn’t, Scar forgot,  that podzol spawns from two-by-two spruce..
him and his guitar song to be played underneath his house.. it goes with the aesthetic i suppose
Mumbo: “What.. On Earth.. Scar, it’s meant to be a starterbase, buddy! What is this? This is many things, many many things, a starterbase is NOT one of them!”
nothing special we havent seen yet!! just him screaming about axolotls.
He was working in the Mesa in his intro, skipping the “speech” from Mumbo
He released Idiot the Axolotl and lost it .
While Gemini gave away those three diamonds, Keralis got so excited he won a bet with Tango and Bdubs, that he gave back . two of the diamonds . and none of htem released until well after they left
Bdubs: “That’s why i have my mwoss skin!” PLEASE I LOVE THE WAY HE SAYS IT.. make the moss hood.. REAL..
it took me a while to figure out what his base is but i LOVE IT so so much!!!
Nothing much new to add !!
Stress pov
please i love her . very good !! False seems to have joined her sheerly because Stress sounded like she knew what she was doing. she does not.
False felt peerpressured and asked Stress for permission to fight her because everyone was killing eachother .
It ended up with Stress following False. they found a village!
ISKALL only saw him one other time today!!
Ren: “Ya look goregous, Stress!” Stress: “Thanks! Don’t murder my dog!”
She’s so proud of herself for caving!! (with False n Gem
Iskall blew up!
..Iskall fell from a high place
Stress has a LOVELY ravine base!!
False wants to become pirates with Stress <3
gatekeep gaslight girlboss
it looks like a mushroom church and i LOVE IT.
Nothing new we didn’t see from Gem. She does want to come up with a banner design for her base, though!
..Mumbo just thought Grian had a purpose so decided to follow him <3
Grian is SO PROUD of the fact taht they got good loot from a treasure map. Ren and Doc are NOT IMPRESSED
Grian: “Lets go, potato boy!”
Mumbo: “I don’t have to replace everything I break! Peace Love and Plants- are these plants..?” He says, mining amethyst
he who controls the egg, controls the server... Grian.. you’re doing great sir
...He decided.. his goal.. is to make his OWN..caves and cliffs update... HELLO..?
Grian was the first one to kill the enderdragon, MAN. Speedrunning career WHEN? /j
Grian: “And now [Mumbo] is flexing on my bed!”
he might not have a base. but he has an egg.
It is now 2am. i cannot do this anymore. This will be continued.. tomorrow!
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birdsareblooming · 4 years
Infinite is connected to Solaris
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This is gonna be a long one, strap in.
Infinite, Infinite, Infinite. The most recent in-game villain, and the most powerful in recent history as well. Despite being only around 3 years old, he’s become extremely popular. and half of that is because of the song.
Mephiles, Iblis, and Solaris. Villains over 10 years old that haven’t been used since their original game appearance in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Or... have they?
Now I want to say before all of this, this all could be coincidences, me being delusional, or something otherwise. It is ONLY a theory, but for something as crazy as I’m claiming I need to preface with this for my own sanity. 
But i’m gonna cut the bullshit. You’re here to see how I am going to bs my way to saying that Infinite the Jackal is connected to a dead god from what is regarded as the worst Sonic game. 
And, like most of these, I need to start with some house cleaning, some things you need to understand.
1. Time Eater is Mephiles
You might have seen me meme about this before...
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...But yeah that’s exactly the situation.
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I had theorized this before I knew Ian Flynn thought the same thing. Their identical color-schemes, almost identical aesthetic, and completely identical power-set. 
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Even the name Time-Eater, that was Mephiles, and Solaris’s goal. To eat time. 
2. Ifrit is Iblis
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Now i’m going to assume you have two questions
If Time Eater is Mephiles, than where’s his counterpart, Iblis?
Who the fuck is Ifrit
Long and Short, 
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But, more importantly, 
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Ifrit is what caused Silver’s Future post Sonic 06.
Ifirit was their retcon for keeping Silver’s future the way it is (even though they defeat it at the end of sonic rivals 2, causing the future to not be that way, hence why Silver was 3 conflicting backstories. Thanks guys.)
So, when it comes to fire demon that destroys the world and causes the future that Silver the hedgehog lives in, that’s a good amount of evidence already, especially with the preface that Mephiles is alive in the form of Time-Eater. If Mephiles was reborn, why wouldn’t also Iblis? and Ifirit is so uncannily similar theres no other candidate. 
also, might I add:
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(thanks @zorloser​)
For you who don’t know, Ifrit’s story ended being re-trapped in it’s pocket dimension with Eggman Nega. 
3. The Phantom Ruby
The Phantom Ruby... Oh, the Phantom Ruby.
A very new addition to Sonic, and yet very important. It was the leading mcguffin of two games, and is made out to be very powerful. 
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yes I know that’s a lot up there, but you need to understand the Phantom Ruby to fully understand this theory. 
It’s also very important that Eggman didn’t create the Phantom Ruby as he claims. He created Infinite, not the stone attached to him. Despite there being prototypes, which does confuse me, but from what info we’re given from the wiki the Phantom Ruby seems to have come from Classic Sonic’s universe, even retreating there after the events of Forces. This is also confirmed in Episode Shadow:
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Although, Eggman did name it, seemingly on a whim.
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~Tangent Time~
Despite being CALLED a Ruby by Eggman, the Phantom Ruby doesn't LOOK like a ruby, despite being magenta.
Rubies CAN be dark even to the point of being Black, but never connected. They’re usually just one shade.
(And don’t you dare say “The chaos emeralds don’t look like emeralds bc they’re not green. They’re all TECHNICALLY emeralds, they’re part of the beryl family, and even if only green beryls are called emeralds, they are all the exact shades of beryl.)
But what the Phantom Ruby DOES look like, is obsidian. 
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note this for later.
4. Infinite
For those who don’t fully know Infinite’s backstory, it’s expanded upon on the wiki and Rise of Infinite 
Now that we’re all on the same page, lets continue to him now. 
Lovingly referred to as the “Masked Clown.” Infinite goes about the entirety of Sonic Forces revealing nothing of himself, the only things we know about him are from Episode Shadow and Rise of Infinite. We don’t even see his real face in-game. 
Although we have enough to know that his personality changed post Phantom Ruby, it’s even mentioned on the Wiki. Although how much of that change was spurred on by being beat up by a 15 year old, we’ll probably never know. 
Although his goal has always been the same. Starting the planet over as a desolate wasteland. What a fun dude to be around. Probably the life of the party.
5. Connections
(i’m using Mephiles and Time-Eater intermittently, same with Iblis and Ifrit.) 
Alright, now we’re all on the same page. Let’s move on.
I’m going to play a game we’ve played before. I’m going to name something about Infinite or the Phantom Ruby, and add something that’s eerily simmilar to Solaris (Mephiles + Iblis)
All of this Info can be found on the Sonic Wiki
Phantom Ruby: -It is an interdimensional gemstone of incredible power- Ifrit: It is an interdimensional, demonic fire-creature of incredible power- (wow those are, the same description huh)
Infinite: -After Infinite's fusion with the finalized Phantom Ruby prototype, he acquired the ability to generate, destroy, and manipulate virtual realities, which he could turn into virtual reality projections to interact with reality.[32] Said virtual realities are illusions, which Infinite creates by exercising control of one's visual and depth perception by feeding the brain false information- Ifrit: -Described as capable of binding one's soul, the Ifrit can enslave others with powerful mind control powers.- -Ifrit, which manages to use some kind of mind control on Sonic and/or Tails (or Knuckles and/or Rouge, depending on which team the player is controlling), but is defeated by the other teams, and is destroyed.-
Infinite: -Infinite's newfound strength proved so great that he was able to effortlessly defeat figures like E-123 Omega and Silver the Hedgehog, and ultimately best even Sonic the Hedgehog twice. He was even able to single-handedly overwhelm the entire Resistance army during Operation Big Wave. His power was such that not even the Miles Electric was able to give an accurate reading of his capabilities.[31] Time Eater: -the Time Eater has demonstrated immense super strength; even in its incomplete form, it easily knocked Modern Sonic and Classic Sonic unconscious with a single hit. After being completed, the Time Eater was able to effortlessly repel both Classic and Modern Sonic's and knock them out using brute force alone-
Phantom Ruby:  Its powers can also warp the fabric of space-time,[1] allowing it to create pocket dimensions such as Egg Reverie Zone and Null Space, as well as teleport entities from place to place. When used alongside the Chaos Emeralds' time-space powers, it transported Classic Sonic and itself to another dimension, and later sucked Dr. Eggman into a rift- Time Eater: Its signature skill however, is creating "Time Holes",[8] spacial rifts that lead to any point across time and space, including alternate timelines and across different dimensions.
Infinite: When everything you know has come and gone (You are at your lowest, I am rising higher) Only scars remain of who I was (What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire) When there's no one left to carry on (This is an illusion, open up your eyes and...) This pain persists, I can't resist But that's what it takes to be infinite Solaris: -Much like his two halves, Iblis and Mephiles, Solaris is immortal and virtually indestructible.- -As a transcendent life form, Solaris possesses a unique state of existence that lets him exist in the past, present and future simultaneously, making him omnipresent throughout time and virtually impossible to defeat unless he is attacked simultaneously in all eras-
Possible reach:
Phantom Ruby:
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(I’m refering to the odd red-stone in the middle, also that the wings somewhat resemble Infinite’s sword.)
~Tangent Time~
remember the first tangent? Where I meantioned that the Phantom “Ruby” looked more like obsidian than a ruby?
Well someone else looks like a certain type of obsidian, Snowflake Obsidian to be exact:
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Alright Reaching time over. 
Now you might have noticed that the Ifrit-Infinite connections seemed to fit just a bit more-Maybe it was just me- even down to the Phantom Ruby and Ifrit’s OPENING DESCRIPTION being almost copy/paste, which i’m still amazed at.
This get’s to the next part of my theory.
6. Where are they (Mephiles/Iblis) now?
Welcome to~ where are they now!
Mephiles, or Time-Eater, So far is undocumented. It’s said they were “Destoryed” at the end of Sonic Generations, but for all we know it was just the machine additions, and Mephiles was “destoryed” over 10 years ago and he started kicking again.
Iblis, or Ifrit, was locked in it’s own pocket dimention along with Nega, and hasn’t been seen since...or have they?
haha that’s a callback! Do you remember the beginning of this post or is it too mindbogglingly long for your brain to comprehend in one sitting? 
7. The Phantom Ruby is Iblis/Ifrit
let’s talk about the power set of the Phantom Ruby. Interdimentional, very powerful, capable of some kind of mind fuckery.
Ifrit is, Interdimentional, very powerful, capable of some kind of mind fuckery, immortal and is constantly on fire,
You may be wondering about this “Fire” thing. “Solaris was a sun god and infinite has no connection-” WRONG! 
sorry that was forceful.
Infinite used a very specific and strange method to destroy the planet. He made an illusion of the sun, and set it on the planet. Out of all the methods, and interesting choice to be sure. But not for a sun god.
also: “What I find in the ashes, you lose in the fire”
“What are you saying you dumb bitch?” You might be thinking. First of all, rude, second of all, I’m saying that the power inside the Phantom Ruby IS Iblis/Ifrit, hence their connection.
Before I get to timeline and other stuff, some minor things:
The decision to have Infinite take on specifically Silver, and showing Silver being able to withstand a fight against him for a good amount of time, as well as giving them a minor repertoire, which no other seemingly “unconnected” Resistance Fighters get. 
the name “Infinite” fitting the naming scheme if “Iblis and Ifrit” and you know how this franchise is about naming schemes.
Now, where we last left Ifrit he was trapped in a pocket dimension with Nega. 
Where we first find the Phantom Ruby is “In Sonic Mania, the Phantom Ruby appeared on Angel Island after a dimensional breach occurred in the atmosphere.” (via sonic wiki)
Now, it is kinda hard to connect those two lines, but the dimensional causation is there. 
(I could add an ENTIRE subsection of me trying to connected Mephiles to the time-traveling nature of Little Planet, therefore connecting Solaris to Classic Sonic’s world ((and “fun is infinite)) but this theory doesn’t need to be any longer and I cannot physically do any more research.) 
it’s possible Ifrit would be trapped, Mephiles was trapped in the Scepter of Darkness, so it’s more possible than impossible. 
But, Imma be fully honest with you guys, Most of this is because of the song.
If you haven’t heard “Infinite”, What is wrong with you. Go listen to it. Oh my god. 
But, some of the lyrics, don’t totally make sense knowing Infinite’s backstory. But it makes more sense seeing through the lens of the added Ifrit influence.
“And after all this time you're back for more“ (If talking about Shadow, it wasn’t a “long time” inbetween Infinite’s defeat and his rise. And Infinite has no stated relationship with Sonic. However, Solaris and subsequently, Iblis, do.) “When everything you know has come and gone“ “But that's what it takes to be infinite“
Even the name “Infinite.”
He chose that name after fusing to the Phantom Ruby and “ABAndoNiNg hIS pAsT SeLf” 
But, the Phantom Ruby has no connotations of immortality. None specified. it’s possible it’s power could be used to trick the user into immortality, but it’s never specified. You’d think he’d be called “Phantom” or, even, “Zero” (his working-and possibly true-name) But no. Infinite.
Now, think back to the connections earlier, and the info I took from Solaris’s wiki.
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“Omnipresent throughout time and space”
Sounds pretty “Infinite” to me.
Am I saying Infinite is the new Iblis Trigger? Yes.
Ok my fingers hurt from writing this sorry it’s so long 
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planplan · 3 years
Why dadmare kins the song Mister Glassman
“Let's paint a picture: you're in class The teacher writes the notes too fast And there's a boy who sits in back Who's too afraid to raise his hand And ask if she can slow it down So nervously he looks around Can't bare to stand out in the crowd And he's only gotten half the notes now The school bell rings and he feels deflated He looks at his hand, he should've raised it His biggest fear, he should've faced it And now he's lost inside the pages.”
this is basically his inability to ever ask for help.
“He might be there but you'd never notice Got a lot to say but he's soft spoken He's a book that just isn't open A tiny ripple in a stormy ocean.”
like, his real self and not "oo im scary" persona. He wants to speak, to say something about his true self, but fate says “No fuck u”.  (the only reason he opens up so easily in the rps i do is due to fate being less powerful and the characters not being from his universe.) “[Chorus] Glassman, Mister Glassman Glass...man Mister Glassman! He's really soft-spoken You never notice glass unless its broken Mister Glassman! He's really soft-spoken You never notice glass unless its broken Mister Glassman.”
People will never notice his problems until it’s too late, probably. “[Verse 2] A few years later, and now it's prom season Mister Glass isn't going, unless he has a reason There's a cutie in his class that he likes a lot But he's afraid to ask, because they've never talked Plus if she says yes, what's he gonna do? Doesn't have a car, dude, he's screwed He doesn't feel cool, he's too subdued And he's scared to meet her parents too Boohoo, just another chance he blew.”
Him wanting to ask out Blue (yes I will ship) but being too scared to. 
“Cause theres too many things going on in his head And he's always in his head thinking too far ahead Could've gone to prom But instead he lays in bed Thinkin' of all the things that he left unsaid till he's red Silly, Mister Glass, the world has a way But now I'm sure you've heard many people say: "You miss every opportunity you don't take" Don't be shy, kid, make your own fate.”
He keeps overthinking things about things surrounding him, or in general, really. “[Verse 3] Now Mister Glass is older, and he's doing just fine Yeah, he made it through high school Even though he was shy He's got a group of good friends, and his future is bright And he still gets sad, but he's happy with his life Remember when he didn't ask that cutie to prom? Well, now he's got a couple kids And they're calling her mom, And remember when he couldn't raise his hand in class? Well now he's up on stage in front of fans, rappin' fast But he still gets scared and he still gets nervous Cause you gotta fear the waves if you wanna go surfin'”
(Way too happy for him but ig i gotta do this part too) 
Basically him becoming more larger and feared, but people still don’t know his true self due to Fate.
“Nothin' is for certain Like does cursive have a purpose? Was it worth it that you learned it? Probably not, I don't know, I digress But the point I'm tryna stress Is we're all just made of glass Even when we're at our best We can break, we can splinter Disappear or lose our temper Even if you think you're bulletproof I am glass, and so are you.”
Basically him giving a peptalk to his children. 
Anyway this is why Dadmare kins this song haha
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Made a Grumpus OC
They're just one of few of them..not sure if I'll draw any of them, I drew them because..I'm bored
I have a grumpsona in mind..but I'm not finish with it's design
I guess I'll explain them
Amly Ductforce(I'm bad at names) came to Snaktooth island because they were bored and needed a vacation from their "job"
He's gender-fluid and doesn't mind people getting his pronouns wrong when he doesn't feel that gender, but some just call him a "They" and that's fine by him
One thing that she's really good at, is lying and stealing. When she came to Snaktooth Island, she started her hobby right away and stole some things from Wambus which got him pretty upset
He gives everyone nicknames despite not liking anyone besides Cromdo
She likes order yet enjoys chaos, sometimes, she would plant random objects that belong to the residents in each other's huts to start up something
When the town split, he went to the Boiling Bay due to the nice warm yet cold feel to it and because she wanted to steal stuff from Floofty
They're probably in their late 40s early 50s
Her and Cromdo get along for the most part as long as she doesn't steal anything from him
In their hut, they have a lot of stolen objects, most from Wambus
Their hut is beside Liz and Egg's hut but is to the right of the beach
If he was in the game, then you'd meet them the same time you meet Floofty
She doesn't like Lizbert because she always calls her out on the stuff she steals, same for Beffica
Due to his hatred to Lizbert, he shares the same hatred towards Eggabell but doesn't go out his way to steal from her, seeing her as too fragile
He's scared of Chandlo(because he would snap her like a twig), Shelda(because she acts like a cult leader), and Gramble(because he's too nice)
If they get caught stealing, they lie about it and theres a 90% chance it'll work due to their confident sounding voice and being a bit manipulative
Dialogue in game:
What everyone thinks of them
"Oh..them? They're..ok, as long as they don't cause any trouble.."
"She's just a thief, no wonder her and Cromdo work so well together, they're nothing but squeebs."
"I never spoke to him before..but..I don't think he likes me very much.."
"She stole my banjo and said she wanted to play a song, but then she threw it off a cliff! I'm so glad I have fast reflexives."
"All they do is steal stuff! Then lie about stealing that stuff! I haven't gotten my inventions back in 3 months!"
"Ah..that grump is something all right..greatest business partner ever, she and I are gonna rule the money world!"
"Oh..Amly? I don't come in contact with her often but Wamby doesn't like her."
"After they stole my balls AND Snorpy's inventions, I promised to never speak to them for the rest of my life bro!"
"I don't appreciate them stealing my leg or my notes. If given the chance, I would experiment on them."
"Do not speak of thy name who gladly would turn his back on us if given the chance!"
"Nope. I don't like her at all..she's not that attractive..and she hangs with Cromdo."
"I really don't like it when she tries to remove my arm..it hurts my feelings.."
Being asked about Floofty:
"I like stealing their stuff but if I offered to help them, I think they'll kill me."
Meeting them:
"Woah..a new face! I haven't seen anyone new around here in..grumping forever!"
"Who are ya and why are you talking to me?"
"Oh! You're that amateur journalist Lizzie was talking about! I thought you were never coming, isn't this grand? New faces! New people! New stuff to..borrow!"
"I'm Amly Dustforce, the ruler of Snaktooth island!"
Will you come back to town?
"Wait..town? No way..if Cromy's not there, then I'm not going!"
"Also, I'm a little parched, can ya get me a Sqaquiri? I'd drink those things, everyday of the week, maybe we can..cut a deal, how's that sound doll?"
*Caught Sqaquiri*
"Now THAT was a refreshing beveridge, thanks doll!"
"So, ya want me to come back to town? Well, I might need some convincing, I want ya to find out what that Filbo kid does when nobody's lookin, I could use it for..things."
*You find out what Filbo does*
"HA! Are you serious?! Oh jezz, and I thought he couldn't be more of a squeeb! HAHA! Goodness..that's a laugh I needed..ha!"
"Good to know theres some things to see in town, but I'm more interested in WHAT is in town."
"For ya final task, I want ya to steal Beffica's diary..then rip out some pages that are interesting, and give them to me. Easy."
*You grab the pages*
"Sweet! Good job my messenger grump!"
"*sigh*, I think I'm ready to go to town..but..first I want you to get Cromy in town."
But you said that was the final task
"I lied."
"Get Cromy in town and I'll follow right behind, deal?"
*Cromdo is in town*
"Wow! That was..slow but it'll do!"
"Thanks doll, looking forward to chatting with ya! Farewell!"
Have time for an interview?
"Interview? That sounds fun! I'm in."
Who are you?
"Amly Ductforce, it's pronounced Aim-ly. Strange. I know."
Why come to Snaktooth Island?
"I heard of Lizzie's stupid conspiracy on TV, I was about to change the channel when I heard there was an island involved, and I just so happened to be looking for a place to host my vacation. So I packed up and lied about being interested in her expedition."
Vacation from what?
"My life. My job. My family. Everything basically."
Thoughts on Bugsnax?
"I guess they're ok, the names could be better..but some taste pretty good. Note, keep away from the Aggroll."
"Because those things will break some bones and the flavor isn't even worth it! Also because it's named after someone I'm not found of."
Why did you leave town?
"I could handle the drama between Wamby and Gram, but once Cromy left, I had no reason to stay. I wanted to follow him, but I decided to live near the beach instead, so yeah."
What do you think about Cromdo?
"Me and him have a pretty decent relationship, I give him what he wants and he takes the fall for me. Simple business."
Are you planning on betraying him?
"No way, he's cool, I don't consider him a friend, but he's still great to work with."
Any info on Lizbert?
"Liz..I grumping hate her! She keeps saying I stole stuff from her, I would never do such a thing! If she didn't have that little obstacle beside her, I would burn her hut down!"
Woah, calm down. Who's this obstacle?
"I am calm..just speaking out my mind. And I'm talking about Eggabell. The doctor? Lizzie's girlfriend? Eggy bell? Yeah. She and her are like..two papers in a file. Theres nothing you can do to separate those two."
What happened to Lizbert?
"If we're being honest, I'm not sure."
Are you lying?
"Heh. For once in my life, no. I really don't know what happened to Lizzie, she went up that mountain and didn't come back."
How do you know she went up the mountain?
"I saw her."
Why didn't you tell anyone?
"I did. Nobody besides Cromy believed me, guess that's the price being the best liar in the world."
That'll be it. Thank you
"No problem doll, that was pretty fun! Here, have this!"
*stolen piece of journal paper*
"Found it while cleaning Lizzie's hurt, it might help ya in someway. Any who, I gotta run, farewell!"
Side Quests:
"Heya doll, you won't believe what I discovered! It'll help ya find Liz!"
"First..get me a Poptick..it's very important."
"Trust me! It's super super SUPER important!
Sure, I guess
"Caramel please."
*Got the Poptick*
"Perfect..now..I need a Snaquiri.."
Are you going to tell me why?
"Nope. Make it quick! I have a feeling my brain's about to forget everyone!"
*Got the Snaquiri*
"Good..now..I need a Cheery, that'll be all to finish this!"
I have a feeling you're lying
"I'm hurt."
"Hurry up! I'm losing my life force!"
*Got the Cheery*
"That's it. I was just hungry."
Why did you say it was important
"There was no way you'd do it if I asked, so I just..slightly lied."
"Calm down doll! Everything fine! Nobody got hurt.."
You have a lying problem
"I know..but I can't do anything about it, it's the only thing I got."
"When you're a liar, nobody wants to be around you, nobody likes you..and nobody will trust you."
"Ever since birth, I lied, stole, and broke so many things, nobody wants anything to do with me. I had no friend and my family kept saying I was a bad person..so I don't talk to them anymore."
"Lying is all I got left doll and if I stop, I got nothing. So I'm not stopping anytime soon, so deal with it."
"Thanks for the food..farewell."
Welcome back message:
"Heya Wamby, didn't know you'd be back either! How sweet! The gangs coming back!"
"Amly, if you go near my farm-"
"What? Me? Go near your farm? No way! I would never!"
"Don't think that everyone things you're a saint! Only Cromdo thinks that!"
"I don't think I am one, but it's nice knowing you think so!"
"Just stay away from my farm."
"Deal. Happy catching up with you!"
Major Celebration Dialogue:
"You know, Cromby..maybe we should take a break from our business, we're making a few people upset by it."
"Agreed. What should we do to be occupied til then?"
"Hm..maybe we could sell Bugsnax? I could..borrow that trap the journalist uses."
"Yeah..yeah I like that idea!"
"It's settled! Cromy and Amly's marketing lives on!"
"We need a better name."
*approaching him*
"Heya doll, how's the party?"
*asked to dance*
"Sorry, but I'm working. Maybe when we sell out."
*sold out*
"Wow! That was quick, how's about a dance Cromy?"
"You bet! Meet you on the dance floor!"
Reaction to partner(I guess..he paired with Cromdo and Beff):
Cromdo: "Grumping..NO!"
Beffica: "Wait..no..what..what's going on?!"
Dying message:
"I'm nothing but a liar..a cold..worthless liar. I hurt so many people..no wonder I have no friends..at least I got bugsnax.."
Final message(Good ending):
"What the ever grump was all that?! Why..did...oh zonk who cares?We're alive! Ha ha! Amly lives to see a new day!
You know..after all of this..I think I'll finally turn over that new leaf..I'll quit my job..and start fresh in the country. I should also apologize to everyone I hurt, so..sorry doll, I stole your pen...
Geez that took a lot out of me! Ah! This'll be hard!
But..it feels..kinda nice..guess I shouldn't wait around..farewell, til we cross paths again, doll."
Final message(Bad ending)
"What..the grump? Cromdo..he's..gone. This..makes me..realize..our lives are so..fragile, I..shouldn't waste it..
Oh Cromdo..if I known that..I would have put myself in your place
At least..maybe we could be together..again
Business partners forever...ha.."
I over complicate everything
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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crutchie-with-a-y · 4 years
Hiya Sophie🥰 how are you? Could I please request Jack Kelly x reader where he’s being touchy and begging for them to love him but reader is busy with school so they don’t give him enough attention? And then Jack gets super quiet and when reader is done with hw, reader feels super bad about not giving Jack enough attention, they treat Jack with cookies they’ve made and talk about this and the two of them end up cuddling the whole night sharing sweet kisses. Jack lays his head on reader’s chest🥺
Hey! I’m doing pretty good, what about you? Thank you for the request! Sorry for the wait, I’ve been a little pre-occupied, but I hope this is something like what you had in mind! <3
“Haha, yeah we’ll see you later, Finch!” You laughed and waved as your friend said his goodbyes and turned down his street. 
“Oh thank GOD he’s gone!” Your boyfriend, Jack, said as soon as Finch was out of earshot. You and him and about a dozen other friends always walked home after school together, one by one peeling off from the group as they reached their streets. Finch was the third to last to turn onto his street, which left you and Jack to walk the rest of the way to your homes, (which is actually how you started dating in the first place). Jack, who was usually happy to have friends around, had seemed restless to get away from the group today, and once he was positive Finch couldn’t see or hear you, he pinned you against the stone wall the two of you were passing on the sidewalk. He passionately kissed you and for a moment you completely lost yourself in his rough lips that tasted of cherry coke and the cigarette he had shared with Race at lunch. Then you reminded yourself that you had some homework to complete and a test to study for. 
“Jack,” You gasped when he pulled back for air and began to nibble at your ear. “Jack, Jack I don’t have time.” Jack pulled back without removing his hands from where they held your wrists against the wall and squinted at you.
“What are you talking about?” You snapped your wrists forward and glared at him as you began to walk again, him following at your side with the same look on his face.
“I have homework.” Jack stopped completely and you turned back to look at him. 
“The fuck you don’t,” Jack said, obviously pissed at you, and that was rare, so it made you pretty uncomfortable, you had to admit. “You finished your math in class, you told me at lunch. Your history project isn’t due for a literal month and you’re already almost done with your poster. You wrote this week’s homework essay for English on Monday night.” He walked slowly, listing everything off on his fingers. 
“Well there is more math,” You said defensively, as the pair of you turned a corner onto your block. 
“More math? What the-oh my god the EXTRA CREDIT PACKET?!” He looked at you like you were insane and you bit your lip and looked at the concrete. “Y/N, you’re a straight-A student. You don’t need the extra credit. And even if you still wanted it ‘just in case,’“ He imitated you as he followed you up the stairs to your front door. “You literally have all semester to turn it in, and it’s FRIDAY. It’s FRIDAY! Can we not just relax and do couple things for ONCE.” He said, turning around to look at you while you shut your front door behind you. You glared at him. He KNEW how important school was for you and how much you stressed about getting all your work in on time, why was he being so rude about it? 
“I also have science,” You responded, pushing past him and into your dining room to pull your laptop and textbook out of your bag and set on the table. Jack loudly threw his bag on the table in front of you and headed into the kitchen. 
“Please tell me your kidding,” He said, popping open a can of Pepsi. You flipped through your textbook pages angrily, upset that he didn’t seem to get it. 
“No, I’m not kidding.” You said sharply, only turning to look at him once you’d said it, just able to catch the sad, exhausted look on your boyfriend's face. You felt guilty, but before you could apologize, his face hardened again.
“Y/N I WAS UP TILL 3 AM YESTERDAY HELPING YOU WITH YOUR SCIENCE PROJECT. HOW DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO DO?” He yelled, which made you shrink a little as you typed your password into your laptop, but then your blood boiled. 
“ON MONDAY?” Jack stepped up on the chair next to you and sat on the table and closed your computer in an attempt to get you to look at him, but you just crossed your arms and stared at the logo on the top of your computer. “Y/N, please, you can study all weekend for that, when your parents get back? Cmon, right now we have a little alone time and I really need-” 
“Everything to be about you?” You whipped your head up to look at him. His eyes looked hurt, but you weren’t going to take it back. 
“No, I’m sorry, I just, I’m really-”
“Annoying.” You glared at him, and then it was Jacks' turn to shrink, but he didn’t boil back, and you felt a twinge of guilt. “Look, just, just give me an hour.” You opened your laptop back up while Jack slumped over, flicking his pop tab in defeat. After a few minutes of the “tingggggg” noise echoing in the quiet room, you reached over, without looking up from your screen, and placed your hand on top of his fingers to stop the flicking. You kept it their longer then you meant to, and Jack rubbed your knuckles with his thumb, lightly squeezing your hand. You pulled it away abruptly, and wouldn’t let yourself look at the heartbroken look on his face. 
Awhile later your phone buzzed for what felt like the thousandth time from your laptop bag and you couldn’t take it anymore. You ripped your bag across the table and dug around for it in the front pocket. 
“Why the hell do you keep calling me?” You said sharply into your phone. 
“I was calling to ask you why the hell Jack has been active on Instagram for the past three and a half hours?” Katherine matched your tone on the other end. You pulled your phone back from your ear to look at the time and cringed when you realized how much you’d gone over your hour. Jack had walked off into your bedroom what you thought was a few moments ago but was actually two hours ago. You were still annoyed though, and Katherine being so nosy didn’t help.
“I don’t know,  he just is,” You said snarkily. “I’m studying,”
“Your parents are out of town and you SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY are studying on a Friday night instead of spending time with your boyfriend?” She sounded shocked, and you didn’t appreciate her judgment.
“Look, Kath, I-”
“Especially after he got fired yesterday.” Your heart dropped.
“Wait, what?” You prayed that you had misheard her.
“Yeah, I guess he forgot to call in yesterday, so when he didn’t show up his boss told him to, and I quote, ‘not bother showing up anytime after that either.’“ Katherine explained exasperatedly. You wanted to vomit. “Wait, how did you not know about this?” 
“Um, ahhh, I gotta go,” You said, standing up quickly and hanging up as you walked towards your bedroom. You slid your phone into the pocket of your jeans and lightly tapped the closed door to open it a smidge. Jack was sitting on your bed, on the phone with someone, his back propped up against the wall, looking out the window with his forearms resting on his knees which were bent up so his feet were on top of your comforter. You pushed your door open a little more to see that he had taken his shoes off so he didn’t get dirt on your bed, which he knew you detested. A small smile pulled at the edges of your cheeks; even who he was upset with you, he went out of his way to please you. He was so selfless. Your smile fell. And because of that selflessness, he had ended up sacrificing his job to help you out. You looked back at your laptops glowing screen in the dark dining room, the blue light reflecting off the cover of your textbook. School stressed you out so much. So, so much. You had always been a very good student, but a slight dip in your performance the semester before had lead to a stern talking-to from your parents that made you absolutely terrified to get anything lower than a perfect 4.0.
You looked back at Jack, who was still on the phone, flicking paint out from under his nails, oblivious to you in the doorway. He gets that, you thought to yourself. Jack understood the pressure from your parents and the immense fearful stress school put you under. Jack was always willing to be a supportive boyfriend, no matter how hard you made it. 
“Oh yeah, no (he’s/she’s/they’re) busy studying right now. (He’s/She’s/They’re) really stressed about school,” Jack said into the phone. “Hey, hey, (his/her/their) parents are really strict and put on a lot of pressure, it’s not (his/her/their) fault. Besides, I’ve never seen you turn in homework once so shut up.” Oh my god, You thought, feeling yourself tear up. He was literally standing up for you over something that you had just argued about, and on top of it, he didn’t know you were watching him, so he did this out of sheer integrity. You let your guard down for a second and let out a loud sniff, and immediately darted behind the door, hoping he didn’t see you. He continued talking to whoever it was he was on the phone with, causing you to let out a sigh of relief. Then you just stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do. You peaked around the door again, just as he started to laugh.
“Hahaha, yeah me too, I haven’t had dinner yet, I’m starved.” For a moment you felt even more guilty, knowing he was waiting for you to eat, but then you felt a light bulb click on over your head. You headed into the kitchen and began to quietly open and shut cabinets, gathering the ingredients you knew you would need to surprise Jack. Your boyfriend was often fairly mysterious, but one thing everyone could tell you about him was his obsessive and at times even frightening love of snickerdoodles. As you quietly dumped cups of flour into a bowl, you couldn’t control the small giggle that escaped your mouth as you remembered what an important role snickerdoodles had played in your relationship.
“You have some snickerdoodle crumbs on your lips,” Jack had said after diving into the cookies you had made for him on his birthday. But before you could reach for a napkin, he had stopped you. “Actually, let me take care of that.” And the next thing you knew you were having your first kiss with Jack Kelly. 
You carefully pulled the pan of cookies out of the oven and slid them onto a plate. You clicked the oven off and picked up the plate, your hands protected by polka-dot oven mitts. You knew you should probably wait for them to cool, but you were too impatient. You walked over to your bedroom and bumped the door open with your hip. Jack’s phone call had ended awhile ago, and he was laying on his back on your bed, his knee propped to support the notebook he was drawing on with the stub of a pencil. He looked up when you walked in, and quickly set aside the drawing materials.
“Snickerdoodles?” He looked at the plate and then back up at you. “I always welcome humankind's best invention but what is the occasion?” 
“A sincere apology,” You said, you had practiced what you were going to say while you were baking. 
“Oh no, I’m sorry, you don’t have to-” Jack started, shaking his head.
“No, I do.” You said, setting the plate on your comforter and gesturing for him to take a cookie. “I was being a self-centered asshole, and for that, I am so deeply sorry.” Jack began to shake his head again as he slowly broke his snickerdoodle in half.    “No, I was.” You said, sliding your hand under his chin and lifting it up so he was looking you in the eye. “I am so sorry about your job, Jack. That was completely my fault and I take full responsibility. I promise I will call your boss and try and talk him into taking you back, and if he won’t I will find you another job. A good one, that you like. I promise.” Jack set his cookie back on the plate and turned his head away and swallowed hard. You moved the plate to the floor and reached your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer to you.
“You are just so selfless. Truly, the sacrifices you make for everyone else, without a second thought amaze me. If you lost your job to help me with a science project, I cannot imagine the other things you have given up to make other people even the slightest bit happier.” You heard Jack choke into your shoulder, and you planted a soft kiss on his head. “You are the best person I know, Jack Kelly.” And with that, your boyfriend let out a broken sob and his shoulders began to shake as he cried. You slowly leaned back on your bed so that Jack’s head rested on your chest and his tears dripped onto your T-shirt. You rubbed his back and kissed his head, careful to be delicate. Eventually, his sobs stopped and the two of you sat in connected silence. 
“Where are those snickerdoodles?” Jack sniffed. You laughed.
“They’re on the floor.” You lifted your arms so he could lean down and get them. He picked the plate up and set it up over your shoulder, grabbing the one he broken in half earlier. He kissed you sweetly before laying back down on your chest and nibbling on the cookie contentedly. You looked down at him with a warm smile on your face and in your heart. 
“I love you, Jack.” 
“I love you too, Y/N.” 
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Discord pt 86
[Date: 16/03, 10:14 PM GMT - 16/03, 10:45 PM GMT]
[Direct continuation of pt 85]
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[Maxwell: "youre not looking out for me"]
Baroness: "Oh, but i am! i just want to make sure that things are blooming nicely. :)"
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Maxwell: "quit it with the flower jokes bitch"
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Baroness: "Mona, i'm sure you can find some more medicine for max in one of those first aid kits you have. How about you go check? :)"
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Little-K1ng: "i c-...one. .. of those..? wait i.."
donti(e): "whats wrong mona”
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Little-K1ng: "how does she know i have more than one first aid kit
they're under the sinks"
Baroness: ":)"
Renboo: "i thought it was very abvious she's watching you guys constantly"
donti: "she watches you.."
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Little-K1ng: "yeah but... i dont go under the sink?"
Jack: "pfft. haha"
Little-K1ng: "the first aid kits dont get cracked into unless i like, need something out ofthem"
Jack: "that is funny, actually"
Little-K1ng: "i keep bandaids and other stuff out"
Jack: "no offense"
Renboo: "ok were else would you keep 1st aid kits- and whos to say she hasnt been in your house-"
Maxwell: "how the fuck is this funny jack"
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Little-K1ng: "no fair its a little funny in retrospect that ive been keeping them stocked like that but like... unless she, personally, has been in here theres no way for her to know they're there
or whats in them"
Jack: "i don't know. "its fucking creepy to watch people" this and “Jack, my friend, my pal, i know you're concerned!” that. it's a little funny."
Maxwell: "god this is so much happening at once"
[Jack: "i don't know. "its fucking creepy to watch people" this and “Jack, my friend, my pal, i know you're concerned!” that. it's a little funny."]
Renboo: "wel you're not wrong-"
[Little-K1ng: “or whats in them”]
Baroness: “It's important to know what your family has stocked. You never know when you may need something!”
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Little-K1ng: "dont take shit out of my kits what the fuck
hang on i uh i have to go and check them"
Maxwell: "....."
Little-K1ng: "itll be the one thing i need thats missing
oh ow fuck my head
got really bad vertigo when i stood up fmdghdf"
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Jack: "uh huh. is there anything blooming behind your ears, by chance."
Little-K1ng: "feeling around, im coming up empty handed
no weird little metal buds from me
ive just been on/off sick the last few weeks"
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Little-K1ng: "im normally really healthy, but the florescent lights at work have been killing my head
ill keep an eye out and keep you guys updated, at least my eyes work somewhat now
for now ive gotta go check some kits <:)"
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Baroness: "Well, i must be off now. Before i make my leave, i shall leave you with a poem. :) 
fair flower, that dost so comely grow, 
hid in this silent, dull retreat, 
untouch'd thy honey'd blossoms blow, 
unseen thy little branches greet."
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Baroness: "I will see you all soon. :)"
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fetch: “...
what the fuck is she doing here.”
Renboo: “hey fetch”
Little-K1ng: “FETCH?”
Maxwell: “fetch?”
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Baroness: "...hmm?
fetch: “get back here gets back here GET BACK HERE GET THE FUCK BACK HERE”
Maxwell: “FETCH”
Little-K1ng: “WHAT
Maxwell: “HE JUST--”
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Little-K1ng: “okay i”
Maxwell: “He almost fucking tackled her holy shit”
Little-K1ng: “im gonna go get the kits just to patch up the hilarious injuries hes gonna come back with”
Renboo: “if he comes back”
Maxwell: “hes going to come back”
donti (e): “FETCH DON t”
Renboo: “fetch is running after baroness, into the woods, where the court's mansion probably is, now where do you think baroness is trying to run to”
Zo: “good luck fetch!”
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Maxwell: “he wouldnt go that far its fine”
Renboo: “ehh its always a possibility”
Little-K1ng: “........okay, the kits are there, just very obviously moved and sifted through. nothings taken
which SUCKS because the bandaids are ORGANIZED BY SIZE”
Baronness: “Fetch...! you should really... Take it easy on yourself! even dogs... Need their rest!”
Little-K1ng: “fetch go fuckin bite her she fucked with my bandaids”
Maxwell: “HA”
Renboo: “listen baroness i can forgive the stalking- but un-organizing the band-aids? are you serious?”
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Little-K1ng: “my BANDAIDS”
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fetch: “STOP RUNNING.”
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Maxwell: “GET HER MAN WOOOOO aw shit ow yelling just hurt my head fucks....”
Baroness: “ow that hurt!”
Little-K1ng: “yes migraine is still here please dont yell”
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Maxwell: “Go fetch go!”
fetch: “i need to keep up. i can't let her get away. I need t. to.”
Jack the Observer: “don't hurt her. she looks a lot like an old friend”
Little-K1ng: “fetch okay chill”
Renboo: “listen as much as most people want you to, i dont think beating up a court member will end well”
Maxwell: “fetch its alright now”
Little-K1ng: “if i have to go out into the woods and drag you home im going to walk very slowly just to spite you”
donti (e): “fetch you shouldnt hurt her too much :(”
Maxwell: “ha....yeah and i uh still need to talk to you about something fetch”
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fetch: “...”
[fetch: “i need to keep up. i can't let her get away. I need t. to.”]
Baroness: “I'll see... You soon...! :)”
Jack: “do not hurt her”
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Little-K1ng: “max,, if its about what i think it is ill handle it later, okay?”
[Baroness: “I'll see... You soon...! :)”]
fetch: “you better stay the fuck away.
i'm coming back home.”
Maxwell: “are you sure? he was in deep denial earlier”
[fetch: “you better stay the fuck away.]
Baroness: “:)”
Maxwell: “its why he left”
Little-K1ng: “yeah no ill handle it max"
fetch: “i nicked her a little. not enough.”
Jack: “enough.”
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Jack the Observer: “that was enough.”
Little-K1ng: “fetch come home we need to have a chat about what happened earlier
and i do not want to have to go get you”
fetch: “i said I'm coming home. jesus fucking christ jack quit breathing down my neck.”
Renboo: “oh my god if you two start fighting-”
Jack the Observer: “you don't fucking hurt her, and we're good.”
Maxwell: “.....”
fetch: “god whats your deal. she isn't syd.
just because she looks like her doesn't mean anything.”
Jack the Observer: “she doesn't just look like her
and besides.”
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Maxwell: “theres a difference between her and syd like there is between me and page and fetch and knight”
donti (e): “yea but its still her body”
fetch: “i'm not having this conversation. mona needs to talk to me. later.”
Jack: “fuck you guys, by the way.”
Renboo: “fuck you too!<3″
Little-K1ng: “no thats fair”
Jack the Observer: “i almost prefer Baroness.”
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Little-K1ng: “well you would
in a light hearted sense, its hard to separate the court member from the friend you know”
Maxwell: “....”
[Jack the Observer: “i almost prefer Baroness.”]
Renboo: “that's a bit harsh innit-”
Jack the Observer: “no, not really.
i said "nearly". im already being generous.”
Renboo: “i dont see why you care for syd so much, it's rather silly in my opinion”
Jack the Observer: “...
Renboo: “its not even syd at this point”
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Jack the Observer: “...
im leaving.”
Renboo: “like sure they share a body but they arent the same person”
Little-K1ng: “jesus jack you scared me for a second there”
Renboo: “oh- ok bye!”
Maxwell: “.....
fuckin' 'ell”
Jack the Observer: “don't act like I'm your friend just becuase we're on the "same side"
[i leave]”
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krs724490 · 3 years
alright im back to take a second. i just im idk. i feel kind of together but scattered at the same time if that makes any sense? like i feel like i have a plan of action. i feel like for the most part it is getting executed. i am making slow progress but i am making progress. but then i still feel not together. its like im 80% of the way there. its like im so close to being 100% there but then once i see the finish line im like “eh close enough” thats how i feel with the state of my room. my house. my discipline with my food and workout routine. its funny because what im doing now is wayyy better than what i had going before. i just need to CROSS THE FINISH LINE. i need to organize all of my stuff once and for all. i need to NAIL. this food plan or at least take a good hard look and try my best to figure out what is going to work for me. i know i need to be patient with myself and i know that i am on my way so im really not worried. i just need to schedule time to organize my stuff. i think that is step 1. so.. tomorrow i have a gap in my day and i think i will GET IT DONE. HAHA. at least all of the stuff at the new house so that its easier to just sort out the last few things i get from the old house.
now we have tyler. i dont think i will ever know what to do about him. there is no right answer. theres only taking it day by day. i know how i feel about him. its SO DUMB to say but i can’t imagine anyone coming along and being better. again so dumb.... i thought chase was great. like couldn’t believe how on the same page we were. so aligned on our opinions, on our outlook. thought we were soulmates even just in the best friend space because i thought we were the same..... and then along comes tyler. aligned on our outlook, humor, great texter, really good chemistry, hes active and knows about staying present with each moment - is spiritually woke. and i know i might look back at this and laugh because i said the same thing about COLLIN THIEX (thinking he was a keeper forever no red flags) SO who am i to say these things? he could come and i could decide we actually dont have chemistry. he could come and out of left field hes super UGH idk. something that turns me off. its still too soon to say. all i know is that what i do see and hear and feel. it feels right. it feels good. it feels fun. and im at a point in my life where im super aligned with what i want. or im feeling in touch with myself !! ugh feels so good to say. im at a point where im not fucking with things that dont serve me. thats why i let danny fall to the way side. thats why im taking some space from chase. i dont hang with the michigan girls as often. definetely not britt. thats why im not drinking as much. thats why im organizing everything. and yet i cant get enough of tyler. he challenges me to try new things (too many new things). he is supportive of what im doing. which is huge. i cant say that about cooper or collin thiex. its like they couldnt quite understand why i do what i do. or why i would want to make less money. tyler gets it. if i remember correctly he said “youre a warrior for doing what you do” and it just means the world to me. to have someone not look down on me but admire me for what im doing because THEY UNDERSTAND. they get that life is lived in the day to day. its not about the labels or the prestigious job. and im so happy for him that hes at a job that he loves. that challenges him. its just so tough because im so not new york. but i keep coming back to the ram dass quote... if youre doing the work or if youre finding equanimity then... “new york city is the exact same as a mountain in the himalyas” but it is funny how he uses new york at the antithesis to the mountains. its just crazy for me to process considering how far ive come with myself. how hard ive worked to escape men. and how magically one has come along that brightens my light. its easy to be unattached to the wrong men. but this one is giving me mental trickery in the sense that im worried in the opposite direction. im worried i actually do like him and that im actually going to have to figure this out.. but at the same time i know if anyone can do it its us. because we have the same headspace. we share the spirituality. the calm collected outlook that it takes to make something like this work. and dare i say i wouldn’t even have time to see him in person so its almost better that he’s away? idk what hes thinking but im kinda ready to dive in :////////
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cleaduvalls · 5 years
i watched all 20 episodes of spy kids: mission critical in about a week and here are my thoughts (3/5)
i havent watched this in like 2 days i dont even remember what happened last time
why is everything in the desert the desert sucks
alsjhiajgdf i love tom kenny
listen i know hes like a superandroid or whatever but i really hope he and therese fall in love
wait hold up. i thought they already had midterms???? like the did that before scorpion went to her fashion shoot. AND they were kupkakkes midterms. whats up with this school
no drinking in class???? rude. let them hydrate
that seems imbalanced
thats only like 10
also that book is dummy thicc
its ok ace my nose whistles too
shut up carmen youre just jealous because shes pretty
there are no seasons its a desert
ok dude stop breathing so hard
he JUST said that
anywhere between an hour and umm... 11 months
you put it on one page why are all the pages back
me but with physics
thats literally the best line in the whole series
juni how do you not know that you were at a safe H O U S E
theyve been gone for like 2 hours are they not allowed to study?????
what even is AWOL???
absent without leave. neat
talon gives off some big draco energy
tick tock???? how dare you
slkdhfa she called sir awesome honey shes such a mom
dont make it obvious
oh look they made it obvious
roll credits
i was in cleveland when i watched this episode - well actually i left that day - and i was s h o o k e t h
also hes right. no spy would be in cleveland. theres 3 buildings
oh me too
right bc shes the only “I.A.”
this isnt HARRY POTTER. or maybe it is. talon is a hardcore draco
oh right bc swearing is for Men™
update tumblr decided to break AGAIN (im boutta cry btw) so we lost about 5 minutes from the end of 1.9 and 7 from the beginning of 1.10
its a DOORBELL do they not have those in the outback steakhouse
lots of people. doofenshmirtz, other people who i cant think of right now, etc
???? no it wont????
did your troop leader not give you The Talk??? you NEVER go in the customers house
ace no. youre allowed to not buy treats
theres a triforce on her vest, too
shes just gonna go to another house yall. shell be f i n e
oh my God shes holding hands with mauly im gonna c r y
yeah its called saliva
nope only scorpion lives in a castle
stop bringing up spy sense and tell him you saw her glare at you
how do you know that he doesnt have his phone if YOU dont know where it is and HE cant tell you
i love how she says "floor. ceiling. more thumb"
haha i found the birth of venus
oh and the creation of adam
hes like squidward, which would make sense bc goldies voiced by tom kenny who voices spongebob
"sebastian oliver" "shadow operative" S.O. nice
why do you have a trailblazers badge. youre 4. i didnt get one til i was a cadette
also sebastian???? isnt that the toymakers first name????? you cant have 2 sebastians
also why do you have braces. youre still 4
so really, spy sense DID help
oooooh, sentry duty, thats gotta hurt
she looks like frickin plushtrap
oh trust me they hurt me more than you know
dude theyre so thin youre f i n e
eh, still worked
clicking her teeth together so hard must H U R T
i think she can get out of there. also shes concussed now
why was that so quiet. why did it get louder
thats not a y shape
no, they spy kids
oh shiitake mushrooms thats what THEY said
whenever they say pinnoquinoxx i always think of pinnochio
ahdhhsjak i miss pizza parties 😔
well now we ALL expect it
also, no one????? pick a cooler code name. your regular name was cool and now youve ruined it
oh theres finally a skip intro option. im not taking it
stop saying that its weird
haha shes shopping w the goon. love that
oh yeah i didnt get to tell yall yet but i absolutely h a t e gablet
a lot of people, juni
listen i know a jt (but he doesnt go by jt) and uhhhhhhh were not gonna go there
why are you happy. what about second semester makes you so happy
boi thats a tardis
the design on his hoverboard looks like the aperture science logo
i paused to read the Floops label and it says "fried corn and sugar loop shaped breakfast substitute, net wt. 13 oz" ITS NOT EVEN A CEREAL ITS A BREAKFAST SUBSTITUTE IM C R Y I N G
listen i know hes technically scorpions dad but i dont think he can legally be in the dorm rooms
aww, thats sweet
i dont think gablet has an attached printer
gablet always sounds like shes mocking people
oh dear God its dolores umbridge
haha nerd
awesome no im gonna die
whenever carmen yells she sounds like link
ok so i didnt find a reason why she sounds like link but i DID find that theyre making a wherea waldo tv series so uhhhh thats fun
why does the cat have a bandaid
oh no fart jokes
its even the basic fart sound effect
oh no i hate him
uh yeah???? you heard them yelling about it
how??? does that work??? you cant just like catch electricity in a cup.... can you???? i havent studied it since 4th grade
oh worm??
goldies such a boomer
psi shouldnt be at the drawing board right now. he also shouldnt be confused
what happened to the lasers
wait nvm we havent gotten to that episode yet
ace is valid, dark is Scary
im gonna punch gablet in the face
that doesnt sound realistic
do you not have stairs??????
dont you mean inside AND out??
that flashlight did NOTHING
how did it die so fast?????
who else would you be talking to??
isnt that bowser from the mario movie we dont speak of??
i havent gotten a chance to tell yall but i absolutely love clemp. hes such a mood
hes the greatest spy
does it use a mini transmooker???? ig it doesnt bc gablet works but thatd be lit
me when i see something interesting
i dont think you can legally say that
you killed her
wow nice promo
also just???? bring a charger????? like youre the tech girl why do you not have one at all times
how?????? did you go so fast
machete electric bubbles??? nice
just task manager him
mother of all boards sounds like it could be a cuss...mother of all fuckers
also throwback to 1.7 when she says "his ai firewalled his motherboard" i keep expecting her to say "his ai firewalled this motherfucker"
yes i said keep ive watched that episode too many times to count
why did you giggle and make a flirty pose. are yall supposed to get together???
did you????? kill him????????? holy shit
thats what my dad does. he loves hospital corners
idc what it is you have a bazooka
ok if it was a spider id get it, australia has some deadly ones, but does it have deadly ants too???? like is that a Thing????
also ants in your room are gross
was that just a cameo??? i dont remember what happens in this one
haha because he said grapevines and wine has dregs and wine is made of grapes
for the boys??? thats so cute
listen idc how evil you are EVERYONE should cry over otters
so one of the parents has a sister or sister in law named roxanna..... hmmm.......
if you dont use your turn signal h*ck u
hes gonna D I E
i just looked at my shoe and i think theres blood on it???? what the h*ck
suspicious??? about.... what???? having fears???? not being perfect?????
juni that was awful wording
like i know what he DID but the way it plays out makes it seem like something significant
i thought his name was heavy meddle not.... deth metal???? thats how the subtitles spell it
hahah me
he sounds like bling bling boy
yeah ik im a fool thanks for reminding me
what are you gonna do??? kill juni????
oh he gives exactly 0 h*cks
a shoe doesnt make that sound
crack bugs?????
see thats why you dont mess with things
im a god among boys??????? what????
did you... kill them????????????
thats any australian person
theyre so stupid i love them
good i hate her
i thought the gunk just like... disappeared from the guitar but actually it shot off
he died... 😔
uhh.... yeah????? was it not obvious?????
me when i have 5 dollars
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comicteaparty · 5 years
May 20th-May 26th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from May 20th, 2019 to May 26th, 2019.  The chat focused on Soul’s Journey by Sophie Pfrötzschner.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Soul’s Journey by Sophie Pfrötzschner~! (https://soulsjourney.gerritianchronicles.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until May 26th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. How do you feel about Anrak’s decision to flee from his arranged marriage? What do you think Anrak intended to do overall with the feat? Also, do you think there is anything else in the letter he left that might reveal more information?
Favorite scenes are so hard to chose. 2. I think it's understandable, but I also don't think he intended to just run away. I think he meant to look for another solution to the problem. And there may be. We've also not seen what was in the letter he addressed to his father.
^ Yeah, I don't think he ran away to live out the rest of his life hiding in the wilderness. That said, I also don't think he had a solid plan on finding another solution. Maybe he thought about starting by investigating those destroyed villages near the borders?
That would be a bad idea. He could get killed trying.
I can see him being like "oh I'll be careful"
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. What do you think will happen to Anrak once he reaches the Kiroja mountains? Will he and Kanar be able to undo the binding? If so, how will it happen? Is Anrak in danger from this in some way do you think, or will it be a smooth process?
3. Probably Namide. She's kind, and selfless, as well as being cute and cuddly. I also really like Anastasia, though we don't see much of her. She's smart, grounded, and has more than a little fire.(edited)
4. I'm not sure how it'll go, but it will most definitely not be smooth. Clearly there are sinister forces at work, but it's hard to say what their goal is or even who they're allied with.
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. What do you think Vivianne is attempting to accomplish by teaming up with Itami? Also, why do you think she approached Ana, and what role might Ana have to play in dealing with whatever Vivianne is planning?
5. I really like the transformation pages with all the glowy magics. 6. I think she wants out of this arrangement as much as Anrak does. And I think her reasons for approaching Ana are mostly what she said: she's looking for allies and the fact that Ana isn't from this country gives her a unique perspective, though her motives might be more sinister than typical courtly drama. Ana's smart, I don't think she'll let anything slip like Vivi might hope and she's observant enough to pick up on things Vivi might wish she missed.(edited)
1) My favorite scene is now that scene where Anrak and Sincato have a heart to heart. For me this really took what had been established for the characters and kind of flipped it on its head. You've got Anrak who is accepting help and admitting he needs it, then you've got Sincato who for once is kind of slightly chill even if hes being Sincato about it. This was a scene that really changed my perspective on the characters, and I have to appreciate that. 2) Honestly I think Anrak just wanted to embrace the last vestiges of freedom. I don't think he intended to run away forever, but to just try and find some alternative or at least find some way to feel less like a marriageable pawn. Granted, I do agree with the other characters it might not have been the best time. As for the letter, I do think there is stuff we haven't seen yet. But more in the ways of we don't have the full context of what was exactly written. And the way the characters' read it isn't the way Anrak meant it.
3) Jack cause Jack is getting all the short sticks right now. Plus I feel like Jack is the only person in this story so far who doesn't have some hidden motivation. He just honestly wants to find Anrak, help the country, and go home to his wife where he can be happy and have a family. 4) Bad stuff. I actually think they'll get there only to find out that Kanar doesn't know wtf she's doing and the unbinding isn't as straight forward as she wishes. Cause I get the vibe that Kanar is overconfident. Thus, Anrak will despair cause it will seem like his quest is in vain, but they'll have to do the spiritual side quest first. I do feel like Kanar isn't telling Anrak about the process. Like maybe it'll kill him cause what does she care if Anrak lives or dies XD
5) Gotta go with this page for fave illustration http://soulsjourney.gerritianchronicles.com/comic/159 that top panel just is so utterly atmospheric and it gives me chills while at the time making me fearful for anrak's safety. It's got that beautiful one two punch that really just adds a mood to the story. 6) Honestly, at this point I get the impression that Vivianne has been sent by her country not to marry Anrak but to assassinate him. But Vivianne is like "eww i dun wanna and i dont think i can" so she teamed up with itami so itami can do her dirty work. I think the reason she approached Ana is partly cause she's using Ana to improve her position in court but also for the reason she said: shes a stranger in a new country and would like someone to talk to about that. cause even if she is evil, that's gotta be lonely.
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. Whose side do you think Itami is actually on in regards to the current people in the story? What is Itami’s ultimate goal, and who do you think might get the most hurt by those goals?
7. Ana and Jack because they're cute, have great chemistry, and are the only thing going right in this comic world. Everything else is going to pot. 8. I think Itami is on his own side or in league with Kanar. I expect Anrak will be hurt the most by them.
7. I really liked the earlier scene of Anrak and Jack interacting. They know they can be honest with each other, and they genuinely want to have each other's back, even amidst multiple (sometimes conflicting) priorities. There's almost a mentor/mentee-like aspect to their relationship. I appreciate seeing that. Not every positive close-range relationship has to be 100.0% equal! In this case, the (slight) imbalance doesn't hurt their bond. It just is.
7) Probably Anrak and Kanar. Kanar is kind of the most immediate threat to Anrak imo, so it always makes any of their interactions extremely tense. It's hard to really make a call one way or another on whether Kanar even likes Anrak enough to not screw him over. But I liked this on edge feeling cause it's just so different than any other relationship in the comic. 8) Itemi is on Itami's side. I strongly believe that Itami is both out to get a real human body and then get vengence on just basically the entire world. So while everyone thinks nah, Itami is on my side, nope. Itami is just lying in wait to stab everyone in the back and everyone is gonna gasp in surprise.
I must be the only one that likes warm fuzzies.
what are you talking about, warm fuzzies are great
Lol Just commenting on Rebel's talking about the Anrak/Kanar tension being cool and I'm all Ana/Jack are so cute and I love them.
haha, just being randomly supportive!
Yay fellow warm fuzzy lover.
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. What is your personal interpretation of Kanar’s past given the flashback? Do you think she’s really going to help Anrak, or will she betray him at the end? What do you think she’ll do once free?
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. What do you see happening in regards to Sincato and Namide’s roles in the story, especially when it comes to helping Anrak? What about Jack? How might he help or hurt Anrak in his quest?
9) ive really enjoyed the work done on the backgrounds. theres no shyness away from it and every scene feels decently filled and like the characters are actually in the world. gotta appreciate good backgrounds <3 10) Kanar was in love, her lover died, she tried to resurrect him, whoops now they have no human forms. I 100% think Kanar is gonna betray Anrak. I do not believe she gives a single damn about whether Anrak lives or dies. The only reason shes helping is she doesn't want to be dead herself. As for once she's free, probably try to bring her dead lover back again and make things 1000% times worse. 11) i think this comic's strength is probably the sort of gray character writing. like theres no character i think is 100% evil. but even the "good" guys like anrak are going around making some hard to forgive mistakes. and i like that sort of thing. really i like the entire premise of this comic is kind of that a character screwed up big time. it adds the right amount of imperfection to human portrayal. 12) I feel theyre gonna help him get to the mountains all the way and ya know, make sure he doesnt die. I think along the way Sincato and Anrak will bond though past all odds and come to a mutual understanding as they both care about namide. As for Jack, I feel like he's gonna figure out Anrak is the wolf and help him at some point. IDK how, but they keep bumping into each other enough it'll keep happening. And I think he'll help Anrak for sure...if only as an extortion to get Anrak to come back and not let their country fall to war.
^ Yeah! I'm also super looking forward to what will happen with/between Sincato and Anrak. I really like Sincato; not everyone can be a Namide, and someone's gotta keep the priorities straight for the whole group. Not saying he's perfect (I agree with Rebel that this comic has good grey writing), but he seems like someone Anrak at this point in time could learn from.
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. At the end, do you think Anrak will regain his human form? If he does so, will he be able to stop the looming war? What will it take to prevent the war if so?
13) Jack and Anrak reuniting in the sense Jack knows it's Anrak, regardless of the circumstances. That's gonna be some tense, A+ drama right there, and I really just want to see how Jack is gonna deal with everything that's going on with Anrak. 14) Yes I do think Anrak will regain his human form eventually after a lot of trials and tribulations and probably betrayals. As for the war, I think he'll stop it more indirectly than directly. cause i think even if he married vivianne, that wouldnt do crap. and i think somehow the supernatural junk that happens during his journey will weed out a surprise catalyst for the war that anrak's quest will remove from the picture.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Soul’s Journey this week! Please also give a special thank you to Sophie Pfrötzschner for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Soul’s Journey, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://soulsjourney.gerritianchronicles.com/
Sophie’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/sophiepf
Sophie’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/sophiepf_
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legolasgoldy · 5 years
12, 14, 20, 31
// Omg!! Thank you so  much! :D @bouncingbeleg //
12. Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
Actually, yes. I’ve had a few times when I was tangled up In some drama. I wont mention anyone bc its water under the bridge now, I forgive them all and theres no hard feelings. There was a few times on other sites with people kind of bullying me into writing things and saying “ Your a bad person” for not writing certain things they wanted. Then there was a long bout of blocking, them making new accounts, blocking, new account, etc. Until they decided it wasnt worth it and finally left me alone. That was so long ago tho, people change so I hope theyve learned better. I had some drama here on tumblr too, probably back in 2016? But * shrug* Thats over and done now, and I dont regret it because I was introduced to Finrod through it, and there were good times that I can look back fondly on. Sometimes things just dont work out, and thats okay. I think it was an experience all parties involved can learn from. :3
14.Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person?
POSITIVE! So positive, I dont know what I would do without it honestly. At this point I just /need/ to have Finrod and write him because im just so passionate about him/writing him. I’ve met some of my bestest friends in the entire world through rp, and I dont know what i would ever do without them either. I’ve just made such positive and healthy relationships through it.
20. Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with?
Several timess. Especially when I was first trying it out years ago, a lot of people would want me to write things and I thought I had to do it because thats what rp was. Obviously I learned better now, but then I just didnt know until I got to that point of not being able to handle it anymore. When I started rping on tumblr I had a similar period of just doing what people told me to do, and writing characters people wanted me to write because no one liked my OC, a few people even told  me they hated rping with her,  but I wanted to write so I just wrote what I knew people wanted. As a result I dont write my OC Lessien anymore, I still have her pages up but I just dont have any interest in playing her anymore bc it left a bad taste in my mouth so to speak. I do still play my OC Phillip from time to time tho, people always liked him and hes my boy. ;-;
31.Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain?
 aha well.... I’ve never asked but I always wondered why the magic anon thing looks like M!A, like.. i dont know what the exclamation mark is there for. Is there a reason? haha Like the whole Merman!Finrod thing like why must there be a exclamation mark I dont understand X’D.
And then something I had to ask about once, is i had no idea how to cut threads back in the day.
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anthyssas · 6 years
“Homestuck Isn’t Dead” Tag i know this is supposed to be like ask tag, or one day - one paragraph tag, but i dont have enough follovers for first and enough patience for second, so im posting it as it is warning: tipsy typing, so i might have a lot of typos and mistakes 1. Do you have a chum handle? What does it mean? um, no? i have "metaphora_madness" one, designed to kinda resemble ones, but it does not strictly folllow the rules 2. Is your username homestuck related/have you had one hs related? nope, never! i always try to create something original and mine 3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit? 1) i dont have a s/o 2) if i had, id never do that 4. Do you call your best friend your moirail? lol noooo. my best friend is a ordinary person and knows nothing about homestuck 5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character? nope, but extended zodiac test said im a true aries, does that count? 6. God Tier? true aries means derse+time, but speaking about class i have no idea, maybe ill figure it out later 7. Do you make HS fanart? i cant draw, so no 8. Do you make hs fanfiction? i CAN write, but no, i never wrote any fanfiction 9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often? omg no, i thik its weird. no offence, ill just never participate in something like this 10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where? OMG YES! actually the only time i went out in a homestuck related cosplay was summer 2015 with my dead aradia, and since then i never did a full cosplay, but recently i tried a couple of costests, and some of them gained A LOT of appreciation! 11. Are you apart of ask blogs? i have no idea what "apart" supposed to mean here, but i have never ran or asked any ask blogs 12. Are you in any homestuck groups? again, no idea what initially "groups" was supposed to mean, like, internet communities, or real life meetups, but no, never. i am an old, boring and asocial person unfortunately 13. Favorite character? aradia ♥♥♥ 14. Least favorite character? no idea, theres a lot i dont really like, but none in particular 15. OTP? i try to avoid shipping, so nope 16. NOTP? nope 17. BROTP? nope 18. Do you want homestuck to just die already? what. when i got into homestuck in 2015, it was kinda dead already and i was really upset by that, so no, i want it to revive! and hiveswap really helps 19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos? i do! and i have hiveswap installed, but my laptop just instantly dies from overheating when i try to play, so i never moved further than joey's room yet 20. Tell us how homestuck has effected you in real life? no idea, i never thought about that! apart from falling in love with the colour red and wearing my aries tee like everyday. and probably also connecting any zodiac signs and real people under these signs with troll characters lol 21. Have you met anyone through homestuck? no, i try to avoid hs fandom people in real life bc they are mostly teens and really weird behaving. and my contemporary old geek friends were either already done with hs the moment i got into it, or not really eager to get into it 22. Have you left the fandom before? i never really was "in fandom" until troll call happened lol 23. How many times have you read through it? currently on my 3rd readthrough, first in spring 2015, second in spring 2016, recent one i started in kinda november 2017 and currently stuck on ACT 5 ACT 1. this one is my first readtrough in english on original site actually. first 2 were of a fan translate, which was really accurate though 24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations? i was going to say no, never, but i probably skipped a couple of flash animations on my 2nd readthrough bc this was at work when i had nothing to do but still dreaded that my supervisor will roast me about watching cartoons lol 25. Opinions on the fandom? it depends. theres a lot of good people, but theres a lot of weird people too though. and theres a lot of good but weird people which i have no problem with! 26. Opinions on the comic? haha, would i post this if the comic was crap??? it's perfect! i have less morality level that the fandom teens, so im totally ok with some awful shit that happens in comic bc its still not in real life. i enjoy it as it is 27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces? or cherubs? but yeah, trolls, of course. i am an old ass dark elfs' fan, so i have a soft spot for any grey-skinned character 28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck? i dont specifically have one or just forgot it, i have no idea. to name one, it's probably the beforus arc and those 3 walkthrough games with dancestors? i dont even remember how it's called, bit i liked those 29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck? act 1, before all sburb fun starts. i know its important for plot and story and all that, but its sooo boring that i actually started reading hs in 2014, went through first 5 or 10 pages and dropped it until good times, that actually happened year later 30. Tell us a homestuck based story. i have no idea what should i share here! like, i wear my aries tee a lot, and one or two times i might or might not hear something like "ewwww, homosuck!" on streets from people passing by, but im not sure. and at a con in 2015 when i was in my dead aradia cosplay, i had some non-cosplaying teens approaching me and appreciating my cosplay and saying "you are SOOO CANONIC", but 99% of HS cosplayers there acted like they dont see me at all as if im a real ghost? and there's a lot of stories like this but im not sure if i should share those here 31. How homestuck related is your blog? like, 80%? i still post life stuff and other stuff i like, but it's mostly hs
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