#theres more to them guys TToTT
fishyfishyfishtimes · 2 years
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This is what the life of a (definitely living) fish blogger is like
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
I wanna try something different this time around.
I’ve started to grow an interest to Eyeless Jack, I mean I haven’t read the story but the character has intrigued me.
What’s some fluffy headcanons you can think of for him with a partner in general?
General hcs for Eyeless Jack x Reader !
ehehehehe welcome to the ej fan club!! evil laughs >:) gotta admit my take on ej is only loosely based around the original story (guy waking up to find one of his kidneys missing is the TLDR version) but a lot of my hcs are based around a fic (?) reimagine (?) of ej that i remember seeing floating around yeeeeears ago back in middle school and im unsure how many people follow the "jack used to be a human but got dragged into a cult/human sacrifice unwillingly" idea since i admittedly dont interact much with the fandom outside of writing these lil hcs and making fanart TToTT
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after everything that happened to him jack ran off to the woods to be away from prying human eyes, and as far as he knew he was viewed as (albeit unwilling and you could argue it was in self defense) murderer.... kind of puts a stop into your plans of finishing school and going into your dream career.. oh and also the teeny tiny detail that you now rely on human flesh as sustenance with no hope for being able to physically accept alternatives and as more time goes on you start to resemble something.. not human... theres that, too
if you want to see him during the day you're likely going to have to visit him in the woods, but fear not hes not homeless, hes found refuge in an old cabin; slowly hes been patching it up
dont expect him to make you do any work on the cabin, he views it solely as his responsibility and he'll likely deny any actual work helping rebuild it... though i dont think he would be against any tools and decoration (ex. stuff for a generator so he can have power, means to wash his clothes, basic supplies that arent food ectect)
i think overtime he would even get a little mini fridge for you so you can store snacks and drinks at his place, since he doesnt. have food
sometimes visits you at your place, but he only does this during the night so he doesnt get caught wandering the streets by other people... usually enters through the backdoor, to avoid anyone seeming coming from the front
very quiet and reserved, not very high energy... so most nights hanging out with him are calm... usually him asking you how you've been doing... you /could/ ask him the same, but he can only talk about patrolling his area in the woods for hikers straying too close so many times, and he doesnt want to bore you
thats actually another thing, he has traps set up around; mix of a means for hunting without having to go out and pick someone, and to make sure no one gets too close to the cabin
so i think, in the beginning he would ban you from coming to him without him guiding you, at least not until youve had ample time to get used to the traps and how to look for them and remember the general locations of them
teaches you how to forage, him being alone for so long has forced him to pick up new hobbies to keep him from going insane, so you now know how to do that sort of thing as well as identifying plants and fungi... fun!
on the very rare occasion you can convince jack to walk around town with you at night when everyone else is asleep.... its nice, i think.. kind of gives him a chance to just sink back into what his old life used to be and feel like hes normal again; though he tends to be quieter than usual on these walks
i dont think hes particularly possessive, dont get me wrong he cares about you and he does have the passing thought of you just up and leaving him one day (and he doesnt blame you, he holds a lot of self loathing for himself nowadays) but hes not going to be breathing down your neck and watching your every movement... he has enough trust in you not to get hurt or stuck in any situation
blunt, he doesnt beat around the bush and sometimes he doesnt sugarcoat things when the blow needs to be softened... mix of jack just being a little insensitive to others but also because hes gotten so used to thinking so logically and straight forward and numbing his own emotions over... who knows how long, probably even before he got all messed up..
can be a little sarcastic at times, so he might come off as an asshole every now and then, especially when you mix in the bluntness
i dont think he would actively try to be mean to others though, he'd try to understand and fix something if his habits upset you because he doesnt want to lose you
very cold, physically, so be sure to bring blankets and stuff when you want to cuddle into him
very careful with you, he has claws and teeth... and sometimes shedding blood around him can be really dangerous (he feeds on human material, he tends to push off eating for as long as he can since the fact hes eating people meat messes with him.. argument between survival of himself and survival of others; but due to his curse he can go into 'frenzies' and momentarily lose himself to his hunger. think how in finding nemo the sharks went nuts when dory cut her fin on accident, its like that but he doesnt go nuts all the time) so hes very very gentle even when he has a strong hold on himself
speaking of his forced diet, he doesnt eat often.. only really needing to do so every now and then, but i like to think he would still sit at the table with you to keep you company while you ate dinner
though he wouldnt want you to do the same when he DOES eat, might prefer you not come at all on those days actually
him and reader remind me of the "its rotten work"/"not to me, not if its you" audio
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Hello, good morning/evening! I was wondering if you could do a platonic TADC x reader thing where the reader is sort of like a marionette and has strings and that's how they move? They're really happy-go-lucky but a bit airheaded (and gullible). I don't know if I have to specify a character or if it can be the entire cast, but in case we do have to specify; Gangle, Pomni, and Jax! (Pls Gangle is my fave character omg)
Have a wonderful day! Stay hydrated and well-rested!
Gangle, Pomni, and Jax x puppet!airheaded!happy-go-lucky!reader ! (Platonic!)
Now that's one hell of a title/lh
Originally this was going to be the full cast but I'm truly on a time crunch (grocery delivery soon and my funky brain flow can break easily) and I truly could not come up with any worthwhile ideas for the others TToTT + I got a art wip I need to finish <\3
Couldnt find a cute gif so
Throws slime at you
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Your energy tends to rub of on her; usually getting her to ease around you, perhaps even smiling a bit even with her tragedy mask! That's some real contagious joy you have right there! Isnt too mean about your silly behavior that comes with your air headedness, shes far too nice to say anything about it... maybe if it comes to your own detriment... probably puts cute ribbons and bows and other accessories on your strings!
Similar to gangle, your nature can make the tenseness in pomnis body and mind ease up just a tad! Its not a solution to her problems, but that's okay... shes not going to hold you responsible for that.. tries to keep an eye on you during IHA adventures since you may or may not have a habit of wandering off when something else catches your eye. She doesnt want you to get lose, or worse: hurt..! Has tried to crane her neck up to see where your strings are coming from but they just
Keep going
He cuts your strings (which I think would regenerate fairly quickly)/j
Except I can probably see him doing that, at least before you guys become friends. Like hes an asshole, but I dont think he would purposefully immobilize you for shits and giggles when you two get close. Its like how hes comfortable taking zoobles arm off to scratch his back, I think! Ultimately doesn't do any lasting damage but its definitely not nice... cuts it out when he actually takes the time to befriend you (pun intended btw)
Does the finger flick thing with you and you fall for it everytime (the thing where you point at their chest, make them look down, then flick their nose with your finger)
Though with that being said, he thinks you're weirdly cheerful for being in a place like this. Probably lightheartedly calls you weird; I mean yeah sure theres ragatha but shes more optimistic than cheerful.. hmm.. but who is he to shatter your joy?
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Alrighty, may I please request something sad? If it's okay with you?
May request Pomni & Ragatha?
Scenario: One day a handful of memories from their past life resurface. They remember their s/o back home, and not only that, they also remember that they have a child as well.
Pomni and Ragatha remembering they have a kid + S/O
OOOOO this ones an interesting one !
So sorry I've been slowing down on answering asks, guys <\3 I've been kind of. Bkuuuuuuuuugh
Fighting these allergies, as well as my silly fatigue as well as the seasonal depression kicking in TToTT
I prommy I'm not purposefully ignoring you guys !
Written in mobile
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Doing pomni first since I have a few ideas for her. Personally i cant see her having kids, or at least, I cant see her having kids through traditional means. Actually, I got struck with the idea of "what if she had to adopt a family member thanks to a tragedy"
But they're still her kid, in her eyes
So uh
Theres that idea
Imagine how horrible she would feel, believing the child feels theyve been left behind once again
I think that would fuel pomnis attempts to try to escape the digital world. I mean she was already looking in every book and cranny and trying to find clues... but this drives her to a near obsession. Maybe even to her own undoing, if you want it to be extra angsty
For ragatha I'm a little stumped. Not because I dont have any ideas, but because I dont have any unique ideas for her. Because I think she would react similarly to pomni... but perhaps, ragatha manages to keep a decent hold of her wits? She's been here for a while, and has probably had more than enough time to search the place top to bottom. No, if anything takes her down it's her trying to force herself to remember more. She only remembers enough to know that she she has a family of her own in the real world, as well as a partner... makes her more determined to leave, as opposed to her in the pilot where she, like the others, accepted her fate
Bonus for the self shippers and who love angst:
Imagine you're not their real world partner, but you guys were already together before either of them remembered. The inner turmoil. Do they stay with you? Do they leave you? Neither seem like good options... how you folk wanna go about this is up to you but just. The idea, the hurt, the drama
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