#theres no respawn machine
collineato · 11 months
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i found a most wonderful tf2 cosmetic mod for rainworld n I couldnt stop thinking about how these idiots would interact
you can download the mod here!
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shuobox · 8 months
Hiii * kicks my feet as i try and make sense of your vague backstory *
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Cassie rose…. White pumpkin beloved . wowie
Her backstory is so like. I want to study her like a bug sometimes. What on gods green earth is going on with her and the old builders
While thinking about it i pieced together a very delusional viewpoint of what i THINK mightve happened that would make cassie so . intent. on getting “”home””
(Inspired off of @/zoomire ‘s prodigy!cassie + vamp!cassie hc/au)
When the Atlas (portal hallway but like, not a hallway, think more like… layered backrooms cube with weird gravity and staircases. like those illusion paintings. With portals everywhere) was at its beginnings, found and studied by the old builders, the group was carefully discovering these new and strange places.
It didn’t take long for them to gather that these places can be dangerous. But where theres danger there are endless bounties that are BEYOND valuable in price.
It’s what helped them make this odd… …town? Place? When Harper created the respawn machine from parts gathered from the other worlds, it changed so much. Harper and Otto (and a certain… man) knew to be wary, but Mevia and Hadrian wanted to harness this newfound discovery by the reigns. It would be a waste, after all.
It didn’t take long for them to realize that it is verrrry easy to die out in these places. Its dangerous and its no good trying to juggle handling these games and something with boundless potential that is the Atlas.
Hadrian and Mevia knew the other three wouldn’t agree to it under any circumstance, ever. It was beyond immoral in a lot of ways, put simply, but the two had already discussed and planned and prepared.
They snuck out and into the Atlas as they usually did, no one batting an eye, and it was a few hours before they emerged. Hadrian holding a small, sleeping toddler.
To say Harper had questions and Otto was beyond appalled that they pulled a whole person— no less a child— into their world, far from their original home, would be an understatement.
Hadrian reassured they found the child when she was being held captive in a dying town with illagers patrolling all around. It was for the benefit of the child, if nothing else.
They didn’t argue. Much. They were aware that trying to wander back in and place the child back exactly to where she was would be useless; Hadrian and Mevia knew the portals better than they did and they weren’t letting up. Otto gave up; the debate that had settled between Harper and Hadrian did grant him the slightest idea to create something to navigate the Atlas.
Cassie grew up alongside the old builders. She’d learn from Harper most of Redstone and general morals and advice; Hadrian would teach her about combat and the games (to say Cassie found him as the least favourite teacher would be an understatement), Otto taught her to read and write, and once she was older, Mevia taught her about the more brutal sides of anatomy, where to strike and how fast or slow depending on the reaction you want.
When Cassie was 15, she was handed the Atlas Compass (because i dont ljke the idea of there being a book that just wooshes a big arrow to where u need to go), benign tools, and pushed into the portal network with a simple task. An easy one at first; find an ore you wouldn’t usually find back at home through one of the realms. Document a mob and bring back a body part of it. Etc, etc
She didn’t know much about the Atlas. The old builders never told her much— only vague information and that she’ll understand when she’s older.
The tasks would get a bit harder, a bit more complex each time; juggling beating the living hell out of people in the games when her tools had expended their use and fighting back swarms of mobs fetching items and blocks and finding a portal back.
She always sought praise that came from Hadrian himself. He was the mastermind of the games after all; the one who’d fearlessly taken her out from a terrible predicament when she was younger, one she hardly remembers anyway, and had always travelled the Atlas with confidence.
He always told her that he had such high hopes and expectations for her; that what she’s doing is worth it, that she’ll understand everything, and that he’s so, so proud of the way she turned out.
Okay i give up on writing anything further because head hurty ouuu
Cassie would like. Eventually snap with the whole having to be champion over and over again to please hadrian because him seeming disappointed in her hurt cassie (saw him as a father figure lol) and also the whole thing with her having to toil through the Atlas and if she didn’t she’d get shoved in there anyway
After Harper leaves (and certain someone) and theres nobody shedding a positive light on cassie’s life anymore; she slowly starts going numb and then haywire from a cycle that is seemingly never making the three old builders satisfied
After the two leave Hadrian and Mevia get more and more harsh and expecting of Cassie; occasionally just getting her to do the work for them
maybe when she comes back all beaten and bruised and wounded after the games or after an expedition and is sent back to the atlas the next day when she’s hardly healed up enough, saying she has to do this again and so on— it makes her crack . and she attempts to attack Mevia. effectively killing her but the respawn machine causes her to come back anyway . maybe a fire happens in the process bcz of mevia’s tnt tendencies idk
Listen. Mevia and Hadrian are like. They are not good influences on anybody and were especially not to younger Cassie. They are nnnnnot built to try and raise easily influenceable kids. They are terrible parental/guardian figures that Cassie looked up to and sought appreciation for
(I mean, Hadrian always described Cassie as *his* kid. And so did the players of the games. )
Otto tries to get through to Cassie with words but accidentally distracted her as Hadrian already knocks her out and just sort of. Drags her into a dimension far away . Otto feeling guilt knowing he probably could’ve done something or reached out but it being too late now; tossing her into a quiet and dreary dimension where the nights are twice longer and dead rise stronger. Leaving her for dead.
And Cassie wakes up. beaten and limbs weak dragging herself to wherever she can find shelter . mind recollecting moments of before her impromptu snork mimimi time . and just like her role models all she can think about is causing immense suffering to all of them
(Hadrian and Mevia for obvious reasons, Otto for not doing anything and standing by watching, Harper and yay you guessed it Soren — for leaving)
and yeaa she like sets the traps and kills plany of people with several fruitless attempts at her murder mansion before the order of the stone come along and trap her in her own trap
(White pumpkin in this ver is … WAYYY more brutal…. Girl has a lot of pent up rage and shes learnt from the most gruesome sadistic ppl out there)
BUT ☝️ that was in fact not the end for her
But i don’t want to say too much bcz j want to reveal the last oc and then make a big ol post about my ramblings of my au . so huzzah
Headcanun time
- when I say she jokes in subtle ways I mean she’ll super casually slip it into a convo. She finds this incredibly amusing
- got Winslow when she was around ~13 or so. Would talk to her cat when she was alone and still does it today
^ Winslow got caught in one of Mevia’s explosives/fire, resulting in the loss of his leg :o( she didn’t talk to Mevia for months when it happened
- enjoys painting and reading to pass the time. Does not understand the concept of public libraries and will just take a book if she wants it (she doesn’t have a preference for any particular genre)
- got her whole “white pumpkin” alter ego idea from a murder mystery book she read from Otto’s collection
- she actually has really good wording on whatever she’s feeling. Mainly struggles to be vulnerable enough to say it aloud.
- still holds some spite towards Harper, Soren and Otto but ☝️ at least its not murderous intent anymore
- prefers axes and daggers above other weapons
- has a phobia of deep, dark waters + claustrophobic. Doesn’t like rain purely because it gets her wet and she dislikes the feeling.
- cut her hair around the time she was stuck in the mansion. Yes that means she has been there for a while given when the order of the stone came by, cassie’s hair was nearer to her shoulders.
^ ties it up now so it doesn’t get in the way as much
- Winslow likes sitting/laying across her shoulders like some weird lil scarf when he doesn’t feel like walking. Cassie loves it when he does this because she can hear and feel him purring
- enjoys logic puzzles/puzzles in general. Enjoys it even more when its a particularly complex one, even if its needlessly difficult. (Gets it from Harper…)
(Oc is next !! ヽ(ヅ)ノ also i suck at wording cassies story soz)
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[Lore attachment: The concept of ghosts in tf2 always confused me. You can go to heaven or hell but also the Mann brothers ended up as ghosts (and eventually tried to drag the other to hell in a previous halloween map) and there were ghosts with rocket launchers in the halloween maps. My theory is that it's like usual ghost rules where theres unfinished business that needs to be done, meaning someone else can conplete that business to let their souls be free to go to heaven or hell.]
To all of the mercs, if a bomb were to drop on all of you while everyone was in the base, destroying all your possessions (which will remove the "unfinished business is an object" unless they didn't bring it to the base.) as well as destroying the respawn machine, rendering all of you true and permanent deaths, where would you all end up? Would you go to heaven? Hell? Or would you haunt the living?
(Have fun with this one! You can even mix it up a bit with other people being in the base with them as it happens! Like the babies, Zhanna, Miss Pauling etc. etc. This is all hypothetical so maybe even the characters themselves would bring it up! This is why its a bomb and not just that every merc dies.)
-🤡 (made this in french colors for fun hehe)
Before you're even done talking, Ludwig is already gone from the room. No one knows where he went, no one even noticed him leave, not even Misha. He is just gone, & everyone realises this very quickly.
"Do you think doc left an experiment on the bunsen burner again?" Tavish asks while scratching his beard. He & Mikhail were the first to notice Ludwig's absence, & Tavish was the one to bring it up to the others.
"He usually doesn't leave them on when we get questions," Dell says, scratching under his helmet. He's just as confused as the rest of the team, "But, going back to the question, I'd hope I'd go to heaven, although I'd probably end up as a ghost. I have a lot of blueprints to work on, & I'd hate to leave them all unfinished, even if I never get the chance to build them."
Jeremy shrugs, "Eh, doc's weird. He's never really been on board with the whole heaven & hell thing. See, one time Bug & me were talking to him, & he says that he grew up Christian, right, but his family was actually Jewish, so he grew up with a weird mix of ideas, but then as a young adult he stopped believing in god cause what sorts god would force him to live through all the bullshit he lived through." The rest of the mercs stare at him for a moment, wearing matching looks of confusion.
"Vati said that?" Bug squeaks.
"Yeah, when he was drunk. All three of us were, but you the most, so you don't remember it."
"Oooh, right."
"Anyway," Jeremy continues, "I'm going to heaven, duh. I'm god's gift to humanity after all."
Mick is shaking his head, draping an arm around Jeremy's shoulders, "I'm not getting into all that with doc's past, if he knew you knew he'd probably dismember you. But, I know for a fact that I'm going to heaven." There is a chorus of mumbles from the other mercs, ranging from Mikhail & Tavish saying they'd hope they get to heaven, to Jane claiming he is immortal & could never die, to Bug saying she'd prefer hell because of all the fire.
"You've been rather quiet, French toast." Dell says, coming over to Jacques.
Jacques takes out a cigarette, & looks down at Dell, "With all of my sins, I thought it was obvious I was going to hell. However, I can't shake the thought that Ludwig is not telling us something."
Dell wraps his arms around Jacques, standing on his tip toes to lean up for a kiss, "Ah, when is doc not, not telling us something? You know how sensitive Lu is about his past, he hasn't had an easy life."
"No, but this is different, labourer, I'm telling you. That man cannot be stealthy to save his life, & yet no one noticed him leaving," Jacques sighs, "He is hiding something from us, & I simply hope it's nothing bad."
Dell smiles sadly, "He hides a lot of stuff from us, Spah. A lot of stuff, trust me."
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lampternfish · 10 months
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Inexperience and the angel i used to know
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Ynow, its funny how the tf2 canon is wacky yet i make ocs which are projections of my pain and this fear of a future where things went horribly wrong. Like this guy, say hi, His name is Surgeon, 22, he/him, medic and part of the BLU team.
Infodumping incoming!!!!!!
First of all, i must clarify that this is based of the lore of the roleplay discord server he is registered within, the year is 1975, administrator went hell knows where and stole the australium, revived every one of the classic team, revived redmond, revived blutarch, revived graymann, now theres also new mercenary teams popping up and they hired more people to help with staffing the mercenary teams and the administration team, oh look respawn exists now and the manns have tacked themselves into the machine as a bandaid fix to the what if we die problem alongside the rest of the teams whenever they fight one another, Now theres supernatural characters/non human characters in the mix too!
Okay, thats the brief summary so you get the gist of it, for more details, dm me for the disboard link.
Surgeon is recruited into the BLU team as a medic, his alias was given to distinguish him from the other medics within the team. He is a relatively new recruit than most, standing at a measly 165 with an unfortunate babyface.
His hyperfixations include biology (mostly related to anatomy and zoology), wet specimens or any kind of preserved specimens. Analyzing figures of art, literature and food; ext.
He is ethically chinese, secretely transmasc, closeted pansexual
He never wears gloves unless hes out and about in the battlefield handling the medigun, he finds them very uncomfortable since he can't feel or grip things as easily, He takes off his shoes whenever he gets back to the medbay so he just walks around in socks since he can only tolerate shoes for so long, absolutely despises hot weather he will go insane, catastrophic sleeping schedule, generally does not enjoy going out in public, lives in provided housing at base. Dim lighting gang fuck the sun fuck turning on lights at day, you wonder how this man survived growing up in a tropical country all these years then casually stay in a room for hours with finger freezing temperatures.
Please do ask me about him hes my beloved ugly little wretched demon with like 22 problems that make him so mentally unwell
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reptil-enjoyer · 10 months
Cherry explanation pt. 2
I like to talk about this guy so, yeah what can i say
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So, you all know this, probably, he's at the tf2 oc tournament and i talk about him from time to time, but maybe you dont know that he actually comes from a personal AU of mine! And he being a freak is way more recent stuff
Why does he even look like this? Respawn malfunction. In my hc i like to think that the respawn machine works with two things, basic information of the person they respawn (what class they are, RED or BLU team, and the basic body shape and uniform they have) and the soul of the person does the rest (brings back memories, personality, morals, all the stuff that makes you your own person)
And the malfunction in itself? Scout (Jeremy, at that time) completly lost his soul, and not in the sense of someone else having it (Medic), but in the sense of the soul completly getting erased from existance
Next time he respawned the machine worked with the only information it had
So you may ask, wait, theres a difference between canon and freak? And to that i answer you with this!
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The most clear distinction he has its the gradient in the legs, his canon version having the earpiece as part of his design
Then why the freak version doesnt wear it?
His canon version is still directly working for RED/Mann. Co. Hes out in the battlefield actually using it
His freak version is completly jobless, getting fired from Red after he respawned like that, since he could actually be replaced by another Scout they just fired him in the few hours after he respawned like that.
And the gradient? This is directly formed because his freak version its tied to the respawn machines of MvM, this meaning that he cant directly die because he just respawns on the same spot after some time
(Those things)
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Most of the differences with the freak version dont make too much sense, since its changing constantly and adding new things because if the interaction with the rest of the community
Ask anything if interested!!
Idea of the mvm respawn by @monopururu
The melting thing was thanks to @scutherfunkyman
Ft. Scuther ( same as above ) Bucky ( @inthemadnessandthesoil ) and Argen Soldier (pururu again)
Sorry for the tags!
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rassicas · 2 years
Not sure if this has been asked, but has there ever been any instance of inkfish robots/androids? (as problematic as the word 'android' is for nonhuman humanoids, yknow what I mean ^^;). We know about AI and things left over from humans, but I'm thinking more of their current society's technology.
For a character, I've been brainstorming lots of ways in which they might work, and also be able to participate in things like turf, where one has to transform, respawn, etc. I'm sure it wouldn't be impossible, as inkfish society is very technology-savvy.
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there is the copy machine, which can shoot ink and not much else. though id doubt that represents the absolute pinnacle of the inkfish robotics that exists in their world considering its in a public turf war training room.
we havent seen any robots that can get splatted and respawn nor can transform the same way like inkfish can (both of those processes are very...biological). i could imagine a hypothetical inkfish robot made of metal/plastic/some artifical material could "transform" between humanoid and squid like a Transformer or like the crab tank does they are definitely more technologically advanced than us, with all their ink tech and being able to make holograms, but it seems there still a limit to their technology. personally id imagine a robot being able to respawn the same way an inkling does, as in exploding and instantaneously coming back from death wouldnt be possible with their current technology (it seems like tech that could be used maliciously) but a durable 'android' with a set amount of HP to keep things fair, that simply goes back to spawn when out of HP...maybe? idk theres not much canon about this but its interesting to think about.
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so theres this main girl going to egypt for an illegal archeological dig in a burial ground
her and her team find nothing in the uncovered tomb but a symbol of immortality and a mummified corpse
they go to take the corpse for ProfitTM and
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so after that happens the mummy gets its skull blown off and Still Lives and just starts crawling towards the girl
the girl gets cornered by the mummy and she takes out her knife in self defense
To Her Horror... The Mummy.... TAKES her knife and repeatedly begins to stab itself, trying to end its own suffering
She flees the tomb and as far as she knows the thing is Still Alive
also heres my favorite line (the end line) for good measure
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OUUGHHHH. read the full thing here its so good /nf
(can you see why i can never see pharaoh the same again now)
…frickety frack that’s kinda wack /pos
and fascinating
“Cannot die” because respawns holy crabs
wonder what “they” would think of the kind of state that the digital worlds exist in. Alive, but dead to the world. Taking upon themselves the forms of gods or men or any number of things in between, living among machinations with souls. I mean, I wonder what any ancient society would think of it. Heaven? Hell? Purgatory? Some other thing entirely? Heck, even modern societies would have to reconcile this kind of thing.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 11 months
Let's see if I understand your analysis correctly, are the characters in a loop where they die and respawn at another random time in their own lives, or how exactly does that happen? and is there an actual apocalypse (a natural catastrophe or unleashed disaster that destroys them and causes them to reappear) or does "apocalypse" refer to the fact that spacetime ruptured and everything is getting weird?
they are in a loop as for random time thats kind of true? all of the times i see in songs dont seem to align beyond being sometime near to when the disaster starts, but after the trigger for it has already been set off. thats to say they cant avoid it by not doing something, its already in motion and they want to stop it. & there is criteria for this. they Have to be doing it of their own free will, for themselves or they have the ability to respawn/retry taken away from them. (specifics of which are currently unclear). if they start doing it because they feel they have to or for a cause rather than because they want to see an end it it themselves thats a permanent death sentence as doing it for a cause is more of being a tool or "thing" than being a "person". but yes it is a scifi loop type series.
the "apocalypse" refers to both the actual world destruction & their own person destruction i think. theres several songs that talk about the state of the actual world, such as kyuuyaku talking about broken roads & fires & the text in aru sekai shoushitsu talking about destruction in the city causing warning sirens to go off and people to need to be carried to infirmaries on stretchers. there very much is a real physical threat in the end of the world which i think is implied to be the reason they want to stop it in the first place. im not sure if spacetime as you say is currently weird or if theyre trying to make it weird in an attempt to solve the issue. not very clear but kyuuyaku, apoptosis, kanon, etc have mentions of working with machines and/or trying to connect to other spaces. they aren't successful with it btw.
so yeah they're watching the actual physical world fall apart every time as well as watching themselves & those around them getting torn apart on a more psychological level. they're aware of both threats too.
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kiosklong · 2 years
Day of defeat source gmod
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#Day of defeat source gmod mod#
#Day of defeat source gmod full#
#Day of defeat source gmod mods#
#Day of defeat source gmod plus#
I thought after the first 10 times of dodging it whoever was driving it would surely give up, but nope, its programmed to run over whoever is nearest to it. I realised that nobody was driving it, somebody actually built a killer car and using the wiremod, programmed it to chase after people and run them over. It turns around and comes after me again, once again i dodge it. I respawn and it comes after me again, i sprint jump out of the way and miss it. Games sometimes do that to me if i downloaded them on a free weekend and still kept the game files you could browse your steam apps folder and delete the old files manually. Included: Browning M1919 The Browning Automatic Rifle MG 34 MG 42 Lewis Gun Bren Gun StG 44 Made by me.
#Day of defeat source gmod mod#
When playing multiplayer with a bunch of random people i was tinkering with a toy when out of nowhere this car runs me over. Day of Infamy Heavy Weapons Pack Created by Pack of Machine gunsand Assault rifle from Day of Infamy (DoI, originally mod for Insurgency). Theres this additional addon for gmod called the wiremod, which is only available for gmod 10. You've been listening to people that dont get a kick out of being creative, nor carring about other people's creative ability when playing multiplayer. The original Day of Defeat featured a lot more than Day of Defeat: Source and the DoD Half-Life mod featured more than the Steam version of DoD. and no you dont download the objects with gmod, hl2 and gmod are installed in similar folders and if hl2 isnt present, gmod has nothing to go off of.Īnd if you had any other source game, Counter-strike source, half life 1 source, day of defeat source, Team Fortress 2, and some other games i cant remember, gmod can take advantage of those and use its objects. I think the game itself only works if you have half-life 2, since thats 95% of the objects your using. Assume the role of infantry, sniper or machine-gunner classes, and more.
#Day of defeat source gmod mods#
The interface is more streamlined and simpler, and you can download mods from the server your joining if you dont already have the additional mod that they're using. Day of Defeat offers intense online action gameplay set in Europe during WWII. The $10 one is like 5x better than the free version. Ill put it to you this way, you can do whatever you feel like, and build whatever you want. then you spawn people allover the map then you blindly blast your machine into another dimension and blow some more stuff up. realising that your giant piece of crap is useless, you attach thrusters to it and some guns. once you've spawned whatever you want (lets say a bunch of crap) you can weld it all together into a bigger piece of crap. Improved lighting, shadows, and reflections through bump mapping, specular and HDR lighting.Hold Q to open up a menu which allows you to manipulate all of the objects with particular constraints, aswell as spawn the objects. If youre a nimble navigator, you can swerve in front of a much larger player to defeat them - no matter what size you are The longest player of the day. Greater detail in textures, models, and surfaces for added realism Some of these include Half-Life Source, Half-Life 2, and Day of Defeat. Integrated physics simulation for realistic gravity, friction, and bouyancy Apart from Garrys Mod itself, you can buy other games to enhance itt.
#Day of defeat source gmod full#
War Status Report for gameplay statisticsĬompletely updated maps to take full advantage of the Source engine
#Day of defeat source gmod plus#
With this technology, DoD: Source offers state of the art graphics (including support for HDR lighting) in optimized versions of popular maps, plus redesigned sound and all new player, weapon, and world models. opponents watch your steps in real-time and set up traps to defeat you. Players choose a role and tackle goal-oriented missions based on historical operations.ĭay of Defeat: Source takes the classic gameplay of the original Day of Defeat and improves the experience with Source, the advanced engine technology Valve created for Half-Life 2. There are ragdolls for every character that appears in Half Life 2, Counter Strike: Source, Left 4 Dead, Day of Defeat: Source, Team Fortress 2 and Portal. Open-Source maps and assets for Garrys Mods Eddsworld House, which I made. Home | Media | Buy at | ForumsĪy of Defeat: Source features multiplayer, team-based gameplay set in the WWII European theatre of operations.
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roenais · 2 years
OK OK BUT CLONE ETHO MY BELOVED!!! in his crash landing series he literally is a clone of himself, bc he has a cloning machine so he can respawn when he dies, bc its a hardcore world. i like the idea that he just has a bunch of clones, and that's how he respawns nowadays, just out of habit, after that series
YOO WAIT THERES FURTHER EVIDENCE FOR THAT?? oh i am so down for weird clone etho actually. my bad for not including that but i am sorely behind on the lore of this mans.... 10 or so years on youtuber sssfkekgm
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selfshipmlm · 4 years
what the mercs would do if you had a stomachache:
an; i ate something bad today and i rrly need this ;;w;;
brings you water and puts his arm around you whenever you need it
tells you stories about himself to distract you from the pain
puts on Tom Jones records for you two to listen to
he often talks over the music, but thats ok because you arent really listening to the music regardless
pats/rubs your stomach unless you tell him it hurts
fast to get a bucket/bring you to the bathroom if you need to throw up
jokes about it being gross when you do but understands the need to
gaining tolerances to energy drinks involves throwing up if you dont have a solid stomach
tries to make you tea
fails to make you tea
generally just gives emotional and moral comfort rather than relieve the pain
Its over really quickly because he just medi-guns you or gives you some meds to help
if you ate something bad and its not just your stomach being a bitch he gives you meds to ((unbeknownst to you)) make you throw up
having your stomach reject everything is definitely one way to fix it
if you refuse those ways of fixing it, he gives you tea or cold water and ice
lets you lie on the concrete in his lab if you want ((might even give you a pillow!))
will occasionally give you small kisses on the cheek if you whine enough
if theres no real cause for the stomach ache, he does some tests and figures out the cause
but really he mostly insists on medication or forced vomiting to fix it quickly
real cuddly whenever youre in pain
likes to hold you, and is careful to not accidentally cause you further pain
will kiss the top of your head while holding you in his lap
makes you ginger tea or gives you something light to drink if you want it
sometimes a few drops of cocktail bitters in ginger ale actually help with stomach aches!
lets you whine and complain about the pain to him
gives you a heating pack or warm water to put on your stomach
is careful to not jostle you around too much while doing whatever he does
makes a little fort/nest of stuffed animals for you to hang out in until you feel better
puts a lot of stickers on your face and body to lighten your mood
might ask miss pauling for help and do what she suggests
good old southern ways of taking care of stomach aches
all the chamomile and ginger tea with honey you can drink until it becomes counterintuitive
gets meds from Medic if you would take them
rubs your arm or stomach to soothe you
lays in bed with you for moral support
encourages naps and hydration
rubs your back when you throw up
has you hang out in his workshop while he tinkers with his machines
will narrate to you if it helps
tries to cheer you up with useless but cool machines
makes little duck toy that waddles around, perhaps?
acts like he doesnt care but cares a lot
casually brings you ice water and back handedly says, "you look like you need it"
you know hes coming from a good place, though. its just hard for him to admit he cares
has you eat bland, yet filling foods like apples, pasta, potatoes, etc. that help settle upset stomaches
hangs out with you so youre not alone and in pain
offers to send you to respawn, of which you politely decline
brings you to Medic as soon as he finds out
Medic gives you some meds and orders to lie down and drink water
Heavy will let you lie on top of him and rub your back
lots of hugs
russian rambles to calm you
suggests you lay on your side to even out the pain
gets you water every few hours until the stomach ache goes away
if you fall asleep on him he wont move until you wake up or he has to wake you up for food/water
water, cuddles, and crackers are all this guy thinks you need
will encourage throwing up if it means the pain is over quicker
holds you next to him with his arm around your shoulder and lets you whine about the pain
hums knowingly every time you pause for his comment on the matter
you two just chill in his camper all day
he might leave to go get something from outside or on base and come back to you throwing up somewhere
he just immediately panics as if he didnt encourage you to do that
"ya good mate??" "yeah" "oh fuck"
lots of water and care after that even though throwing up fixed everything
nothing a good punch to the gut cant fix
hes very sweet
gives you lots of water and heat packs
does not know how to make tea
lays/stays next to you and refills your water/reheats the heat pack whenever needed
rubs your back when you throw up and is always prepared with water
man is proficient in honey and feeds it to you to calm your nerves
its not very good for an upset stomach but he doesnt care
if it makes your feelings better thats all that matters
if you werent his boyfriend he would just tell you to suck it up, but he loves you <3
learned how to deal with stomachaches properly from merasmus or miss pauling
86 notes · View notes
respawnquestions · 4 years
How do Namus know their names when they spawn? Do the machines say it or do they just know once they’re spawned?
theres a different machine for that, but its in close enough proximity to the respawn machine that theyre p much considered the same thing (its just a non-repeating random word generator, nothing special)
4 notes · View notes
falloutstasis · 4 years
my thoughts on the patch notes for season 6 that i found interesting 
rampart is 21 and she is British Indian! her real name is Ramya Parekh!
her passive ability gives her increased magazine capacity and faster reloads when using LMGs and the Minigun. i’ve been using spitfire more as of late so she’s pretty good for that (and also im gonna assume that the graffiti mod isnt going to be there once she’s out cause oh boy that will be too much reloading speed for the spitfire haha). also goes well with the L-STAR EMG as it will increase the shots and improves the cooling
her tactical is pretty neat. she puts up 5 amped walls, so you can give your teammates cover if you decide to camp or in a tight spot. these walls can block shots and amps incoming shots (when you shot). probably useful when rampart uses her ultimate.
so i thought she’ll be able to put just one machine gun for yourself or one teammate, but she can put in 3 machine guns! so everyone can join in on the fun
so from what i heard the volt smg is pretty useful in previous titanfall games, so i’ll remind myself to try it out when season 6 comes out. without looking through the titanfall wiki i thought it was gonna take light ammo, but it actually takes energy ammo!
“We all know the RnG gods are not always in your favor.” LOL crafting system sounds neat, gonna try and use it.
all armor will be pre evo armor except for gold. that’s cool cause i always find the evo armor to be useful anyway as you level it up instead of worrying about finding a higher regular purple armor to switch. it doesn’t say, but i think the gold armor is regular armor??? also you can spawn with evo armor! that’s awesome too! 
i think the holo sprays are awesome! theres like different art of the ones i’ve seen in the trailer. it kinda reminds me of the overwatch sprays haha.
the quests are gonna be like comic books! thats so cool!
legend buffs/nerfs in the patch notes
all the recon legends can use the survey becon. correct me if im wrong but previously only pathfinder can do this (well by the time this is posted he’s the only one who still can do this)
but when path does it he’ll get a ultimate cooldown. also his zipline gun cooldown will get reduced 10 seconds each time!
Beast of the Hunt: Now gains even more duration when Bloodhound scores a knockdown or kill with the ultimate about to run out. Uh oh.
Eye of the Allfather: During Beast of the Hunt, Eye of the Allfather now comes out twice as fast and has a much shorter cooldown. UH OH.
so i’m already liking crpyo’s buff, he can now respawn teammates with his drone which is VERY useful when your trying to be sneaking or going undetected and trying to revive your teammates.
the EMP can slow down teammates even if they have no shields and even if they are using Revenant’s Death Totem.
other things in the patch notes
now theres going to be extended energy mags for the energy weapons. i was kinda wondering why they weren’t any in the first place since other type of ammo has it.
as of season 6 the Precision Choke will be in the triple take and peacekeeper but it can be toggled on and off.
they are upping the sniper ammo from 8 to 12, which is good cause i always feel that i never have enough sniper ammo whenever i use the longbow. that’s the pick up, but the stack of it is 16 to 24!
triple take got a pretty cool fire rate from 1.24 to 1.4
good news on spitfire is that recoil is a little more controlled now.
i saw this in the trailer thanks to a user on twitter but what caught me off guard a bit is that the Mozambique is getting in 4 clips instead of 3
Fixed bug where Mirage’s decoys would sometimes not deploy while skydiving. THANK YOU GOD. this was incredibly frustrating as a mirage player. i was like ‘do i have to be in the air at the right time to do this?’
0 notes
Robotics, Pokemon & Sonic the Hedgehog
Here they come, blowing up your phone, getting funniest looks from, everyone who hears;, hey hey it’s the Nerds. That’s right folks, look out, strap in and enjoy the ride of yet another fantastic fun filled episode of chaos and laughter. Also I know you started to sing along with us in that opening sentence, just go with it and enjoy. First up we look at a robot using origami to pick things up. It is truly spectacular! The boys get Nerdy and geek out over this and the applications it could be used for. When you look at what it can do you will understand.
            Then as we wander through the show the DJ giggles constantly like he fit to burst, we aren’t sure what was in his milk that morning but hey, it worked. The next stop on our magical mystery tour is Pokemon and the Brain, that’s right folks Pokemon and the Brain, not Pinky. Although this has been more successful in taking over the world then Pinky; note, we need to copyright that idea before….too late. Anyway, we take a look at how watching pokemon is affecting people’s brains, and we don’t mean the crazy people running out in traffic to catch Jigglypuff.
            The DJ continues to giggle as he tells us about Sonic the Hedgehog and the change that is happening to rectify the massive failure that was released to so much anger. This is serious folks, some idiot somewhere is trying to make something look even more ridiculous then Will Smith in body paint…and that is a really hard thing to do. Then as normal we have the shout outs, remembrances, birthdays and events of the week, which has some pretty funny moments for your enjoyment. We apologise if this is too informative for some listeners, also hello to the NSA, CIA and the rest of the alphabet soup, we know you are listening. Also we wish to acknowledge the Penguins as the Earths Alien overlords, they rule the galaxy. As always, take care of each other, stay safe and keep hydrated.
Robotics and origami - https://www.sciencenews.org/article/origami-design-helps-robot-lift-delicate-and-heavy-cargo
Pokemon and brains
- https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/05/theres-a-brain-region-for-pokemon-characters-if-you-played-a-lot-as-a-kid/
Sonic the Hedgehog movie character changes - https://www.cinemablend.com/news/2471298/sonic-the-hedgehog-co-creator-thanks-fans-for-pushing-to-change-movie
Games Currently playing
– Assassin’s Creed unity - https://store.steampowered.com/app/289650/Assassins_Creed_Unity/
– Minecraft - https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/
– Apex Legends - https://www.ea.com/games/apex-legends
Other topics dicussed
Facehugger (Alien monster)
- https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Facehugger
Spot (Boston Dynamics robot)
- https://www.bostondynamics.com/spot-classic
Farmbot - Backyard robot for a fully automated garden
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqYrAWssrrY
2019 video games hall of fame inductees
- https://www.worldvideogamehalloffame.org/games
Windows 1.0 (Operating Software)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_1.0
Grandmother Cell also known as Jennifer Aniston neuron
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grandmother_cell
China having more gamers than the American population
- https://www.pcgamer.com/China-PC-online-game-market-report-2019/?utm_content=bufferc26c7&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=buffer-pcgamertw
Stanford University
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_University
Various Stanford university experiments
- Stanford prison experiment - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanford_prison_experiment
- Mozart effect - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozart_effect
Baby bump headphones
- https://www.amazon.com.au/BellyBuds-Baby-Bump-Headphones-Bellyphones-WavHello/dp/B01A6B3H9I
Detective Pikachu director’s opinion on the Sonic the Hedgehog
- https://www.theverge.com/2019/5/3/18528628/detective-pikachu-sonic-the-hedgehog-cgi-live-action-pokemon
Sonic the Hedgehog fans redesign live action Sonic
- https://www.polygon.com/2019/3/6/18253330/sonic-the-hedgehog-live-action-fan-redesign
Mario movie in the works
- https://www.gamespot.com/articles/nintendos-mario-movie-gets-a-release-window/1100-6464748/
Nintendo movies Phase One
Image link - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D5nCFkUXsAERrAG.jpg:large
Tweet - https://twitter.com/AwestruckVox/status/1124143052287815683
Apex Legends losing momentum
- https://www.polygon.com/2019/4/12/18300950/apex-legends-content-decline-update-patch-fortnite
- https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2019/04/26/respawn-has-a-very-good-reason-for-why-apex-legends-updates-are-coming-slowly/#7323db327d9e
A Dangerous Method (2011 movie)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Dangerous_Method
Sigmund Freud Museum
- https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/sigmund-freud-museum
Edward Jenner - pioneer of smallpox vaccine, the world's first vaccine
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Jenner
Ali Maow Maalin - Last person known to be infected with smallpox
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Maow_Maalin
The Shane Oliver Experience (TNC podcast)
- https://thatsnotcanon.com/shaneoliverexperience
5 May 2017 - “Baahubali 2: The Conclusion” becomes the highest grossing Indian box office film ever earning $120 million - https://deadline.com/2017/05/baahubali-2-the-conclusion-record-box-office-india-imax-north-america-worldwide-prabhas-1202079770/
8 May 1885 - Suicide Woman floats safely - 22-year-old Sarah Ann Henley decided to end her life by throwing herself off the Clifton Suspension Bridge, originally designed by the great Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel. It stands 101 metres (331ft) above the River Avon and spans a 400-metre wide gorge. It has been considered an engineering marvel ever since it was opened in 1864. Sarah, a barmaid and a follower of fashion, was wearing a wide crinoline skirt, popular at the time. And according to the Bristol Magpie Newspaper: “There being a breeze blowing on Friday the young woman’s clothes were inflated and her descent was thereby considerably checked and the wind also prevented her falling straight into the water, and she was carried into the soft mud on the side.” - https://www.onthisday.com/articles/suicide-woman-floats-to-safety
6 May 1994 – The Channel Tunnel, latest wonder of the world,linking England and France, was officially opened on this day, nearly 200 years after the idea was first suggested. There were many misgivings, the sea having protected for centuries what Shakespeare described as “this precious stone set in the silver sea . . . this fortress built by Nature for herself against infection and the hand of war”.  But the demands of modern commerce prevailed and the completed tunnel – stretching 31.4 miles under the sea – was hailed as one of the “seven wonders of the modern world" by the American Society of Civil Engineers. They rated it alongside the Empire State Building, the Itaipu Dam in South America, the CNN Tower in Toronto, the Panama Canal, the North Sea protection works in the Netherlands, and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It took six years to build at a cost of £4.65 billion – £12 billion ($17 billion) in today’s money. There is no facility for vehicles to be driven through – everything and everybody goes by train. Up to 400 of them pass through the tunnel each day, carrying an average of 50,000 passengers, 6,000 cars, 180 coaches and 54,000 tonnes of freight on the 35-minute journey. The average depth of the tunnel is 50 metres below the seabed, and the lowest point 75 metres below. To accomplish the task, 11 boring machines were used, each as long as two football pitches. They weighed a total of 12,000 tonnes, which is more than the Eiffel Tower. One of the machines remains buried under the sea while another, amazingly, was sold on eBay in 2004 for £40,000 ($57,000). - https://www.onthisday.com/articles/latest-wonder-of-the-world
30 April 2019 – Peter Mayhew, English-American actor, best known for portraying Chewbacca in the Star Wars film series. He played the character in all of his live-action appearances from the 1977 original to 2015's The Force Awakens before his retirement from the role. Mayhew was not in Star Wars: The Last Jedi but was listed in the credits as "Chewbacca Consultant". Mayhew retired from playing Chewbacca due to health issues. Joonas Suotamo shared the portrayal of Chewbacca with Mayhew in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and then replaced him in subsequent Star Wars films. He died of a heart attack at 74 in Boyd, Texas - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Mayhew
2 May 2019 - Chris Reccardi, American cartoon director, graphic designer, animator, character designer, producer, writer and storyboard artist. He is best known for his work on the Nickelodeon animated series The Ren & Stimpy Show, and storyboarded many shows, including Samurai Jack,The Powerpuff Girls, Tiny Toon Adventures, and had directing duties on Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! and SpongeBob SquarePants. He was also the supervising producer for the first season of Regular Show and creative director for the short-lived Secret Mountain Fort Awesome. In 2007, he co-created and developed a pilot for Nickelodeon called The Modifyers alongside Lynne Naylor, to whom he had been married to since 1994. He died of a heart attack at 54 in Ventura, California - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Reccardi
6 May 1992 - Marlene Dietrich, German-American actress and singer. Throughout her long career, which spanned from the 1910s to the 1980s, she continually reinvented herself In 1920s Berlin, Dietrich acted on the stage and in silent films. Her performance as Lola-Lola in The Blue Angel (1930) brought her an international profile and a contract with Paramount Pictures. Dietrich starred in Hollywood films such as Morocco (1930), Shanghai Express (1932), and Desire (1936). She successfully traded on her glamorous persona and "exotic" looks and became one of the highest-paid actresses of the era. Throughout World War II, she was a high-profile entertainer in the United States. Although she still made occasional films after the war like Witness for the Prosecution (1957), Dietrich spent most of the 1950s to the 1970s touring the world as a marquee live-show performer. Dietrich was known for her humanitarian efforts during the war, housing German and French exiles, providing financial support and even advocating their U.S. citizenship. For her work on improving morale on the front lines during the war, she received several honors from the United States, France, Belgium, and Israel. In 1999, the American Film Institute named Dietrich the ninth greatest female star of classic Hollywood cinema. She died of renal failure at 90 in Paris, France - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marlene_Dietrich
Famous Birthdays
5 May 1921 - Arthur Leonard Schawlow, Americanphysicist and co-inventor of the laser with Charles Townes. His central insight, which Townes overlooked, was the use of two mirrors as the resonant cavity to take maser action from microwaves to visible wavelengths. He shared the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physics with Nicolaas Bloembergen and Kai Siegbahn for his work using lasers to determine atomic energy levels with great precision. He was born in Mount Vernon, New York - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Leonard_Schawlow
6 May 1856 - Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. In creating psychoanalysis, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association and discovered transference, establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud's redefinition of sexuality to include its infantile forms led him to formulate the Oedipus complex as the central tenet of psychoanalytical theory. His analysis of dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the underlying mechanisms of repression. On this basis Freud elaborated his theory of the unconscious and went on to develop a model of psychic structure comprising id, ego and super-ego. Freud postulated the existence of libido, a sexualised energy with which mental processes and structures are invested and which generates erotic attachments, and a death drive, the source of compulsive repetition, hate, aggression and neurotic guilt. In his later works, Freud developed a wide-ranging interpretation and critique of religion and culture. Though in overall decline as a diagnostic and clinical practice, psychoanalysis remains influential within psychology, psychiatry, and psychotherapy, and across the humanities. It thus continues to generate extensive and highly contested debate about its therapeutic efficacy, its scientific status, and whether it advances or is detrimental to the feminist cause. Nonetheless, Freud's work has suffused contemporary Western thought and popular culture. In the words of W. H. Auden's 1940 poetic tribute to Freud, he had created "a whole climate of opinion / under whom we conduct our different lives". He was born in Freiberg in Mähren, Moravia,Austrian Empire (now Příbor, Czech Republic). - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud
6 May 1915 - Orson Welles, American actor, director, writer and producer who worked in theatre, radio and film. He is remembered for his innovative work in all three: in theatre, most notably Caesar (1937), a Broadway adaptation of William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar; in radio, the long-remembered 1938 broadcast "The War of the Worlds"; and in film, Citizen Kane (1941), consistently ranked as one of the greatest films ever made. Welles was an outsider to the studio system and directed only thirteen full-length films in his career. He struggled for creative control on his projects early on with the major film studios in Hollywood and later in life with a variety of independent financiers across Europe, where he spent most of his career. Many of his films were either heavily edited or remained unreleased. His distinctive directorial style featured layered and nonlinear narrative forms, uses of lighting such as chiaroscuro, unusual camera angles, sound techniques borrowed from radio, deep focus shots and long takes. He has been praised as "the ultimate auteur". In 2002 Welles was voted the greatest film director of all time in two British Film Institute polls among directors and critics. Known for his baritone voice, Welles performed extensively across theatre, radio and film, and was a lifelong magician noted for presenting troop variety shows in the war years. He was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orson_Welles
8 May 1828 - Henry Dunant, Swiss businessman and social activist, the founder of the Red Cross, and the first recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. The 1864 Geneva Convention was based on Dunant's ideas. In 1901 he received the first Nobel Peace Prize together with Frédéric Passy, making Dunant the first Swiss Nobel laureate. During a business trip in 1859, Dunant was witness to the aftermath of the Battle of Solferino in modern-day Italy. He recorded his memories and experiences in the book A Memory of Solferino which inspired the creation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1863. He was born in Geneva, Switzerland - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Dunant
Events of Interest
6 May 1937 - Hindenburg Disaster, The German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock with its mooring mast at Lakehurst Naval Air Station in the United States. Of the 97 people on board (36 passengers and 61 crewmen), there were 35 fatalities. One worker on the ground was also killed, making a total of 36 dead. The disaster, caught on newsreel coverage and in photographs shattered public confidence in the giant, passenger carrying Zeppelins and marked the end of the airship era. - https://www.onthisday.com/photos/hindenburg-disaster
7 May 1946 – Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering (later renamed Sony) is founded with around 20 employees. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Sony
7 May 1952 – The concept of the integrated circuit, the basis for all modern computers, is first published by Geoffrey Dummer. - https://www.wired.com/2010/05/0507integrated-circuit-concept-published/
8 May 1980 – The World Health Organization confirms the eradication of smallpox.
- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aso/databank/entries/dm79sp.html
                - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7044193
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
Follow us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/NerdsAmalgamated/
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iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/top-shelf-nerds/id1347661094
RSS - http://www.thatsnotcanonproductions.com/topshelfnerdspodcast?format=rss
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terryblount · 5 years
Fallout 76 January 10th update available for download, full patch release notes revealed
Bethesda has just released a new patch for Fallout 76. According to the release notes, this patch will update your game’s version to and brings several in-game performance improvements, as well as additional stability improvements.
Going into more details about the performance improvements, this patch increases performance in areas with a lot of scorched statues, fixes an issue where reading a note would cause the background to freeze and improves client performance when viewing a nuke explode.
Furthermore, patch fixes an infinite load screen that could occur when attempting to join a server on PC, fixes an issue when controls in the Settings menu aren’t updated when connecting/disconnecting a gamepad controller, and addresses an issue where players could load into geometry after fast travel.
This patch will be auto-downloaded from the Bethesda launcher the next time you launch it, and you can find its complete changelog below.
Fallout 76 Patch Release Notes
Power Armor: The Power Armor light has been made brighter.
Performance: Several improvements have been made to in-game performance.
Stability: The Fallout 76 game client and servers have received additional stability improvements.
Charging Barrels mod: Increased the Gatling Laser’s damage bonus from the Charging Barrels mod.
Glowing Ones: Glowing Ones will no longer grant erroneous large amounts of XP. DevNote: Glowing Ones were granting Large Boss XP rewards, making them highly exploitable when combined with Nuke Zones.
Crafting: Lowered chance of Power Generators of spawning fusion cores.
Crafting: Set minimum component cost of workshop buildings requiring steel, wood or plastic to 2.
Bobby Pins: Reduced the weight value of Bobby Pins from 0.1 to 0.001.
Teams: Players now receive a notification that “Players cannot form teams from within Vault 76” if an Invite is sent to a friend still in Vault 76.
PvP: Opening Player-owned, locked containers will now be considered a PVP action as expected.?
Bug Fixes
Stability and Performance
[Xbox One] Performance: Blowing up the mainframe core stations will no longer cause a performance drop.
[PC] Infinite Load: Fixed an infinite load screen that could occur when attempting to join a server on PC.
Crash: Fixed a crash that can occur when opening the Pip-Boy.
Performance: Improved client performance when viewing a nuke explode.
Performance: Fixed an issue where reading a note would cause the background to freeze.
Performance: Increased performance in areas with a lot of scorched statues.
Systems: Fixed an issue where items could be duplicated.
[PC] Controls: Resetting controls to default no longer causes most Activate prompts to become unusable.
[PC] Controls: Fixed an issue when controls in the Settings menu aren’t updated when connecting/disconnecting a gamepad controller.
Systems: Fixed an issue that allowed armor mods to reduce carry weight past intended values.
Systems: Rads will no longer completely be removed when by dying repeatedly.
Systems: Address an issue where players could load into geometry after fast travel.
Systems: Fixed an issue where bashing an enemy with the Railway Rifle or Crossbow would add the projectile to the enemy’s inventory.
Art and Graphics
Animations: Lever-Action rile now only reloads the correct number of ammo.
Effects: Consumed Berry Mentats now correctly show purple glowing auras around players and creatures.
C.A.M.P., Workshops, and Crafting
Crafting: Level 25 armor and above now requires anti-ballistic fiber to craft.
Repairing: Component quantities required to repair mid to high level armor and weapons have been reduced up to 20%. DevNote: Repair costs scale with level, and there’s room to reduce costs at higher levels.
Crafting: Anti-ballistic Fiber becomes required for armor at level 25 instead of previously at level 20.
Crafting: Updated Bulk Acid crafting recipe to require 15 Acid.
Crafting: Fixed an issue that prevented players with the correctly equipped perk cards from being able to craft Antibiotics and Disease Cure (Savage Divide).
Crafting: “Hardened Mass” will no longer be scrapped when “Scrap All Junk” is selected.
Repairing: Overall repair costs have been lowered for both weapons and armor.
Crafting: Anti-ballistic Fiber also is now required for repairing armor at level 25 and above instead of previously at level 20
Workshops: Fixed issues where enemies at some Workshop locations would spawn underground, making the Workshops unclaimable. Locations include: Charleston Landfill, Lakeside Cabins, and Sunshine Meadows.
Workshops: Fixed an issue where objects in Workshops would sometimes float in the air when the Workshop menu was closed.
Workshops: Destroying the hay feeder along with the fertilizer collector will no longer prevent them from being repaired.
C.A.M.P./Workshops: Placing Power Armor workbenches on foundation will no longer cause them to place on the floor/ceiling above.
C.A.M.P./Workshops: Fixed an issue that would cause a “not supported” error when attempting to place a tall or short post under a roof.
Blueprints: Fixed an issue with the cost of wires not being factored in when storing blueprints.
Crafting: Fixed an issue where certain objects aren’t able to be scrapped through the stored tab
Workshops: Fixed an issue where certain stored items obtained from claiming a Public Workshop can’t be placed again
Crafting: Fixed a visual issue with scrapping items in Crafting Menus.
Crafting: Fixed an issue where mods cost less steel than what’s displayed in Crafting Menus
Crafting: Fixed a display issue where incorrect number of Junk items can appear in Crafting Menus
Daily Challenges: Fixed several daily challenges that were not being offered on some days. Dev Note: These include “Pick Wild Flowers”, “Harvest Mutfruit Plants”, and “Harvest Wild Plants and Fungi”.
Daily Challenge: Fixed an issue that prevented some wild flowers from incrementing in the “Pick Wild Flowers” Daily Challenge.
Weekly Challenge: Fixed an issue that caused the weekly challenge “Complete Quests and Events in a Group while at Night” to work during the day and only recognize events. It will now look for quests and events that are completed at night.
Weekly Challenge: Edited the description of a Weekly Challenge to correctly reflect the direction.
Sub-Challenge: Fixed an issue that prevented certain photomode challenges from completing as expected.
Sub-Challenge: Fixed an issue that prevented certain Bobblehead challenges from completing as expected.
Sub-Challenge: Fixed an issue that caused a challenge to be marked as complete incorrectly.
Lifetime Challenges: Fixed an issue where some lifetime challenges would revert progress after logging out
Robots: Fixed an issue that would cause robots to respawn too frequently in Whitesprings.
Scorched: Fixed an issue where Wasteland Whisperer could affect Scorched. Dev Note: Wasteland Whisperer can no longer be used to pacify Scorched.
Scorched: Shooting a Scorched in the leg will no longer break their weapon causing them to not attack the player.
Scorched: Fixed an issue where Scorched may be using invisible weapons or not appearing to fire their weapon correctly.
Scorched: Fixed an issue that caused floating debris and disassembled guns to appear in Scorched hands when killed.
Weapons: Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause plasma weapons, flamers and flamer mods, and weapons with explosive bullet mods to not do damage to other players and creatures.
Armor: Fixed an issue that would cause players exiting power armor to sometimes appear stretched and unable to reenter power armor.
Armor: Addressed several issues that would prevent players from exiting power armor and at times cause the Pip-Boy to become unavailable.
Weapons: Fixed an issue that prevented the Gauss Rifle from being identified as a rifle. Now rifle-related perks can be applied to the Gauss Rifle.
Ammo Vending Machines: Fixed an issue where some Ammo Vending Machines were only selling repair components.
Weapons: Legendary Hunting Rifles will now drop as loot.
Weapons: Fixed an issue where the Walking Cane provided as many resources when scrapped as it costs to craft.
Armor: Fixed an issue where some Pocketed Chest Pieces were resetting players back to their base carry weight upon logging back into the game.
Armor: Fixed an issue where players can leave behind an unusable chassis after exiting Power Armor.
Magazine: Consuming Scouts’ Life 6 magazine now correctly depletes food and water stats at a slower rate.
Weapons: M79 Grenade Launcher is now considered an explosive weapon in perks instead of being incorrectly considered a shotgun.
Fusion Cores: Fixed an issue where Fusion Core generators were producing cores at a slower rate than intended. They are now back to 8 cores/hr.
Magazine: Fixed the Backwoodsman 2 magazine to appropriately boost Tomahawk damage.
Mirelurk Eggs: Harvesting Mirelurk Eggs will not result in two separate eggs.
Weapons: Fixed an issue where several combat rifle automatic receiver mods were prevented from receiving automatic rifle perk bonuses.
Weapons: Fixed an issue where multiple weapons were able to be equipped at the same time.
Weapons: The Vampire weapon mod effect now works only when hitting living targets as intended.
Armor: Fixed an issue where Power Armor parts would display on top of previously equipped parts.
Weapons: Fixed an issue where bashing an enemy with certain weapons would add the projectile to the enemy’s inventory.
Armor: Fusion Cores will no longer replenish to full charge upon joining another world.
Quests and Events
“Get the Supply Drop”: “Get the Supply Drop” Event now will remove holotape once used with supply crate belonging to the player that requested the Supply Drop.
Quest: Daily Missile Silo quest rewards are now correctly obtainable only once per day.
“Line in the Sand”: Fixed an issue with the quest, Line in the Sand where the Sonic Generator already being repaired prevented the player from completing the quest. The event will now progress to the next stage if the Sonic Generator is already repaired when the Event begins.
“Recruitment Blues”: Fixed an issue with the objective, “find Junk Mail” that prevented players who switched worlds from completing the quest.
“Second Helpings”: The following location map markers are now available after finishing “Second Helpings”: Slocums Joe, Gauley Mine, Morgantown Trainyard, and Morgantown Airport.
All Night Long: All Night Long now decreases hunger and thirst growth at night.
Overdrive: Fixed an issue where Overdrive was not increasing critical chance % properly.
Quack Surgeon: Quack Surgeon no longer allows for reviving hostile players.
Strange in Numbers: Strange in Numbers effects now scale properly with multiple teammates (with and without mutations).
Refractor: Fixed an error where each rank of Refactor is doubling energy resistance instead of adding +20 as indicated on the Perk card description.
Fireproof: Fireproof now reduces explosion and flame attack damage by 15% per rank.
Happy Camper: Happy Camper now functions correctly whether the player is inside or outside of their C.A.M.P. when the perk conditions are refreshed.
Butcher’s Bounty: Fixed an issue that allowed for the Butcher’s Bounty perk to trigger again on an already-searched creature.
Homebody: The Homebody perk now works as intended when at a claimed Public Workshop.
Party Boy/Girl: Party Boy/Girl now effects active alcohol effects on the player.
Teams: Teamed players can no longer unfairly block an attacking player when that player attempts to overtake a workshop. Your teammate will enter PVP with the attacking player.
Turrets: Turrets at Workshops will now attack players the Workshop owner is engaged in PvP with.
Systems: Blocking a player now also mutes their proximity chat.
Trade: Fixed an issue where players could view another player’s inventory before they can respond to a trade invite.
Trade: We no longer let trades occur before the requested player has consented to trade.
Trade: Fixed an issue where the Stash transfer menu would appear empty after previously trading with another player.
Trade: Stimpaks with a price value set to zero will no longer prompt “use” in the Trade Menu instead of “accept”.
Trade: Fixed an exploit where the cap limit of 5000 in player-to-player trades could be removed.
Chat: Fixed an issue where voice chat would not always function properly upon exiting the Atomic Shop.
Atomic Shop: Fixed an issue where some Atomic Shop content was missing sound effects.
Atomic Shop: “Waving Santa” sound effect will now only play when in “on” state.
User Interface
General: Players no longer will receive a pop-up for the Atomic Shop when Respawning for the first time.
[PC] Resolution: Perk Pack opening screen now extends to the edge on 21:9 monitors.
Atomic Shop: Players in the Atomic Shop when the Atomic Shop is taken offline will now be notified and taken back to the Main Menu.
[PC] FOV: Fixed an issue with scoped weapons zooming incorrectly when the default Field of View setting has been changed.
PvP: Fixed an issue where the PVP prompt would appear repeatedly while the same players engaged in combat with each other.
Fallout 76 January 10th update available for download, full patch release notes revealed published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
bond 007 quantum of solace wii
bond 007 quantum of solace wii
Bond 007: Quantum of Solace cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Bond 007: Quantum of Solace cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Wii (Wii). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
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Also Known As: 007: Nagusame No Houshuu, 007: Quantum of Solace, James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace and Quantum of Solace: 007
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Activision Publisher: Activision ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: November 4, 2008
Strongest Person
The strongest person is the defender. On wi-fi select the defender in the mi-6 category.
Yellow Case In Venice, Italy
When your in the shootout in the gondola workshop you no with the gondola hanging from. Com that rig try to sneak your way into the room on the second story right before the starecase if you look to your left when you walk in thers a case with a big old west six shooter.
Yellow Case
In Almost every level there is a yellow case and depending on what level it is, the weapon inside will help you with an inpending boss at the end of the mission. These are the ones I found: Whites Estate when your in the long hallway ther one room with an open door theres a case. At the opera on that on that building right after your walking on the set and you have to balance walk then jump down and then the next time you jump down your on the dock at the far end of that area theres a case Then a while later in the science center outside as your going up the terraces a guard will open adoor and come out shooting kill em then go in the room theres a case In the airport before you go in the actual hanger the office with the door open in there their is a case.
Using Your Phone
Unfortunatly Q got lazy and didnt give us any gadgets to play with except for bonds phone as I said the phone amazingly helpful if you no how to use it first to get out your phone press – then the majority of the screen isa map all the lines and formations are walls and doors the big blac and white circle is the checkpoint but the most important thing is the triangles the white one is you the blue ones are friends or people that are fighting the same enemy as you the green ones are enemies that don’t no your there (Try to keep it that way) the yellow ones are enemies that spotted you but arent sure about it (i would either kill the asap or get in cover and don’t move) the red ones no your there and want you dead and will try tomake it that way if a triangle has to cresents in front of it hes talking (dont kill a talking enemy cause the person hes talking to well send a patalion of enemies to investigate and then your in an engagement) if a triangle has oone cresent around it there shooting so unless your in good cover you shouldnt be worrying about your phone now use this stuff because spotting a wondering gaurd on you phone is the difference between taking everyone out without getting noticed and doing it the hard way.
Finish Greene
At the end of the eco hotel which is the end of the game awww first after your blasted twenty feet back which is totally phisically possible Greene moves in now if your reading this you probably figured out that a hed shot with your A3 RAKER won’t kill him but if you widen your view you’ll see a hole in the wall that is filled with liquid oxygen tanks shoot it boom he dashes to his next spot right above him are some more tanks shoot em boom greene meet the devil devil greene meet but if you can’t size up to theese tanks before aguard shoots you if you look to your right theres a bar and almost achristmas present an ammo box run get in cover replenish your weapons and health and go back when your ready.
I can’t count the number of times that I was found someone sounded an alarm and got into an endless firefight but the worst (and best) thing about it is it can be avoided all that you have to do is find cover (where nobody will find you pull out your phone and look at the map the red arrows are enemys and the way that their pointing is the coresponding enemys line of sight and if you see a red field thats a cameras view stay out of both these and your golden it also helps to crouch do take downs and just in case you have to shoot silence your P99 Magnum.
Best Pistols To Use In Wi-fi
Pistols are a great weapon to use up close to someone, if you use the right one. The best MI6 pistol is the 1911. 45, or aka, “silver pistol, ” It doesn’t shoot near as fast as the P99, but one shot to the head kills instantly, unless on bomber and defender characters. The best pistol for the organization is the GF18 Auto, except when you are against the defender or bomber, where you have to use the LTK magnum and shoot at the head like said above. HINT: The LTK magnum takes longer to reload and holds less bullets, so take cover in a hiding spot while reloading.
A Way To Get Less Deaths
When you are in an obstacle-filled course, hide, then get a kill while hiding, then move to a different hiding spot close to your last hiding spot. It helps you get more kills and less deaths. (For use in wi-fi games, best at airport and facility. ).
Windows On Shanty Town Wi-fi
If you aren’t very successful at the Shanty Town map on wi-fi, this cheat is for you. You know where MI6 usually respawns, in that house opposite from the broken eating place? If you walk out the front door, go down the steps, take a left and go back towards the end of the second huge storage box that is slanted upwards. Turn to your left, you should see a window with a barrell beside and under it. Jump onto the barrel, and stay on the edge af the barrell farthest away from the window. Then, jump onto the window sill at the edge. When you see the top of the roof, you know that you’re on the sill. Then crouch down and walk through the window. It is an easy task for more experienced gamers. It takes a few tries to get it at first.
Long Lasting Ammo
If you are in a fight with many enemies that will take a long time to kill (like the part where you have to kill Greene) find an ammo box and take cover next to it. When you run out you don’t have to worry about running around out of cover trying to find a dead guy’s ammo you can just hit + (or – depending on your control type) and you have full ammo for all your weapons, not to mention you never went out of you way or risked your life to get ammo.
Killing without a Weapon
On level one there is a part when you have to sneak up on a guy and kill him with no weapons. Don’t go up to him – just shoot the floor that is closed in the middle of the room. when it opens he will be dead.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Bond 007: Quantum of Solace yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Infinite Ammo
Complete the game on 007 agent and you will be able to go to the options menu and turn on infinite ammo.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Bond 007: Quantum of Solace yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Shanty Town: (be a Scout) First cheat is, If you see the stair case, by the big lake, Then you got a cheat. OK, when you walk up the stairs, keep on walking until you get to the barrel, the most barrel closest to the Corner of the roof. Jump on the barrel, then keep on jumping till you hit the corner, you also might notice you can’t walk all the way through. I know, you have to keep walking slowly on the edge of the roof. Until you hit the other roof, when you do, then you can jump down into the water. Parking Lot: The only cheat here is, you know the roof that has all those big Machines on top? Or air vents to be exact? OK, well the ladder that leads up there, has another side to it. Go inside the building. Then walk around until you are on the other side of the ladder. Touch the wall, then you’ll be on the other side, CLIMBING A LADDER! This is for very easy noob spots. Airport: There’s one computer that has a glitch on it. It’s in the middle of the two stairs. Near, the big Square.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Bond 007: Quantum of Solace yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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