#theres only one bed in the trailer so they have to share
raid3r-r4bbit · 10 months
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@fuzzydreamin thank you for the idea lol
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(Wanted to add the line art cause I liked it)
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rogueddie · 10 months
Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four
For the next three days, Steve spends all his time hanging with El.
It's fun. She makes a little routine, once they find things they both enjoy, and does the best she can to make sure they're both happy. Steve is only confused when Hopper acts like she's really young- he can see how mature she is. She's practically a grown up!
It's calm, quiet, repetitive. That's why, when Hopper bursts inside one day, he's startled.
He's not supposed to be back for a while yet.
El is up, immediately, with a dark expression- like she's gearing up for battle. "What is it?"
"The Harringtons are home," Hopper says as he grabs some of the things the group had gathered, temporarily belonging to Steve. "They were asking too many questions. It's not safe for him here."
"Where will he go?"
"Munson said they can make room. They'd never think to look for him there and, knowing him, kid can probably hide him better than us."
El nods, satisfied, moving to help bag Steves things.
"Am I in trouble?" Steve finally asks.
"Not if I can help it," Hopper mutters.
"You are not in trouble," El quickly clarifies. "We are trying to make sure you are safe and happy. Eddie can do that for you, now that we can't. He cares for you. It will be ok."
"Do you promise?"
"I promise."
Neither let him help them get things together for him, reassuring him that they can take care of it- of him. El tries to include him, quietly asking him to get his yellow sweater.
But, soon, they're speeding out and and away from the little cabin that Steve has grown to love.
With how small and cramped it is, it felt so homely. Cozy. Lived in. Every corner is used for something, so many little signs of love and family- from the dishrack distant enough from the sink for two people to wash and dry, to the polaroids of El and her friends stuck to the walls.
It's why, when they pull into the trailer park, Steve feels hopeful.
The door opens, as soon as they stop, Eddie darting out to meet them in the middle. He grabs the bag, crouching a little to scoop Steve up and hold him on his hip, the same way Robin did.
"I got him," he says, reassuring. He looks too frantic for it to be convincing. "Go."
"Keep your radio on," Hopper replies. "Stay safe, kid!"
The engine starts up, pulling out and away, before Eddie can even step inside the trailer.
Another man is there, lounging on the sofa- he offers a small wave when he notices Steve looking, voice low and warm when he says; "hey kid, you alright?"
Steve nods, a little too nervous from the rush and new place to speak.
"I'm gonna get him set up in my room," Eddie explains, as he starts towards the hallway.
"Yell if you need anything!"
"That's my uncle," Eddie explains, as he steps inside the end room. Theres marks and tack on the wall, where posters used to be displayed but since taken down. "He's a big ol' softie, don't worry. He's gonna love you."
It takes Steve a moment to notice that the matress is the only bed in the room.
"Stay out of this draw," Eddie says, snapping his fingers to get Steves attention. He glances at the drawers, before patting the top. "Actually, don't go in any of these. Out of bounds, got it?"
"Out of bounds," Steve repeats, nodding.
"I'm gonna have to hang these up with my stuff," Eddie continues, opening his wardrobe. "Or... in this little box? Yeah, that's perfect, I'll just put them in here."
The box is sat at the very bottom, not too high and out of Steves reach.
"Uh... my guitars, too, don't touch them."
"I won't touch your things without asking."
"Thanks. But that's all, I think. Any questions?"
"Where am I sleeping?"
"There." He points to the mattress.
"Oh... where will you sleep?"
"The sofa. Wayne and I have a whole schedule figured out. It's a pull out bed, don't stress, it's fine."
"But your bed is here."
"And you're sleeping here."
"But it... you should sleep here. It's your room."
"Would you rather share?"
Steve looks to the mattress. It's not big, barely more than a single, but he's still small. Eddie is thin.
"Boys!" Eddies uncle calls, before Eddie can reply. "Food!"
"We'll talk more at bedtime, alright?" Eddie offers.
Dinner is a quiet affair. Eddie seems uncomfortable the entire time, eventually admitting that they don't usually sit down for dinner- but Wayne quickly points out that they used to, when he was a kid. He points out that Steve deserves a nice family sit down too.
Steve struggles to keep him mouth shut, face neutral, at that. Despite only just meeting the man, the ease at which he offers his home and family is... Steve isn't sure. But it makes his stomach squirm, full of warmth and affection.
Most of the day is spent in front of the TV. Eddie is the only one really watching though- Wayne spends most of the time teaching Steve how to play cards.
The sky is turning dark with the setting sun when someone starts frantically pounding at the door.
"Where is he?" A familiar voice asks, when Eddie finally answers the door. "Hop said he's here, right?"
"He's here, come on."
Wayne gestures for Steve to come back out the little cupboard Eddie hard pointed to, for him to hide in.
"Steve," Robin sighs, crouching down so she can pull him into a painfully tight hug. "Are you ok? How are you doing? Do you need anything? Are you safe here? I can-"
"Buckley," Eddie snaps. He's smiling though, playfully smacks her shoulder. "He's fine, we're taking care of him."
"Good, that's good," she says, voice distant. She's too distracted, looking him over. She pauses when she lifts his hand, spotting the nail polish. "Oh, wow. These are, uh... really pretty. I didn't know you could paint nails so good."
"El did them," he quietly admits. He glances from Wayne to Eddie-
Who holds up his own hand, showing the black nail polish he's wearing.
"Not as cute as your yellow, but hey, black is my color."
"Black isn't a color, dipshit," Robin snorts.
Steve looks to Wayne, who wiggles his eyebrows when Eddie and Robin start bickering- which quickly devolves into playful wrestling.
"Ed," Wayne says, clicking his tongue. "Time."
"Oh, fuck," Robin replies, jumping up. "I have to go."
"So soon?" Steve frowns.
"Aw, don't give me those eyes, I have to! I wasn't meant to go out at all. I'll come back tomorrow, ok? I'll figure out something we can do. Deal?"
Once Wayne has seen Robin out, he turns to Eddie with a raised brow. "Time for Steve to sleep, Eds."
"It's only-"
"Yeah, yeah, alright. Come on, big boy."
Standing in Eddies room, they both stare at the mattress. Steve turns to him, hands on his hips, raising his eyebrows at him.
He rolls his eyes, grumbling, "alright, fine, we'll try both of us. But don't whine when we don't fit or you're uncomfortable!"
He continues grumbling, as he digs through the wardrobe and some drawers, muttering about how he hasn't had to wear a pajama set for years.
Steve points to the bed, once they're both changed; "you get in first."
Once Eddies laying down, Steve crawls in beside him, curling up to his side the way he does with his mother. It's so rare that she'd let him spend a night cuddled with her, but it's always brought so much comfort.
He's surprised that it's no different when it's Eddie that he's cuddling up to- he thinks it might be better. There's no complaints about sharing space with him, rather about the space.
"Is this ok?" He has to ask.
"Yeah," Eddie mumbles, shifting a little, arm curling a little tighter around him. "Yeah, it's alright."
tag list (if you want taking off lmk x) : @songbird-garden @str4wb3rry-guy @badcaseofcasey @lioniheart @irethsune @starry-eyedlune @newtstabber @messrs-weasley @vesme @penny00dreadful @ratboybubs @ocapmycap @ellietheasexylibrarian @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @little-trash-ghost @lazyavenuewhispers @paintsplatteredandimperfect @mightbeasleep @anaibis @sleepyboosstuff @thesuninyaface @morpheusmunson @notfrogsunderatrenchcoat @novelnovella @tartarusknight @spectrum-spectre @hotluncheddie @malicia62 @tencents121 @lightwoodbanethings @steddie-steddie @dragonmama76 @weirdandabsurd42 @lenathegay @theequeervibes @7shrewsinatrenchcoat @g4ys0n @subversivecynic @bleedingoptimism @eyesofshinigami @disrespectedgoatman @skiddit @chaoticlovingdreamer @estrellami-1 @chrystal-lovee @m-owo-n @fandommaniac123 @jackievsn @greekgeek24 @ajeff855
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zee-stars · 2 years
Eddie Munson Headcanons
Author notes: I have fallen in love with this man. I just started to watch stranger things recently and I'm only on episode 6 of season 1 so this probably wont be accurate. Theres no plot I just really wanted to write something for him. (My internet is back. I can post again! Now here's this)
Warnings: mentions of drugs, swearing.
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So you and Eddie are the same age okay. So during season 4 it's your 2nd year out of high school. (Ur both 20)
You and Eddie met Freshman year but didn't start hanging out until Junior year and didn't start going out until the summer after you graduated.
Eddie thought that when you graduated you were going to leave him and go off and live your successful live.
But you're just as much of a mess as he is. Only you are able to hide it better.
So instead of heading off to college, you move in with Eddie. In his trailer.
By the time he starts school again in that fall, you guys are dating.
I mean, it be hard to hide feeling for each other. Cause you guys lived in a kinda small trailer. You showered in his shower. He would sleep on the couch cause he didn't want to make you uncomfortable and sleep in the same bed as you. And no, he wasn't letting you sleep on the couch.
Eventually he started to wake up with pain everywhere and you stepped in.
"Dude just let me sleep on the couch!"
"No! I'm fine!"
"Come on, you were just whining about having neck pain. You can't even move your head without your neck hurting!"
"Well what if you start to get neck pain?"
"I'll be fine."
"No cause then you'll be whining sweetheart. I know you."
"Fine, we can just share the bed."
"What? You okay with that?"
"As long as you aren't a bed hog."
He was. Especially after you started dating. He would cling to you and if you moved an inch he would move with you.
Okay a new subject to talk about, drugs.
You never really did drugs. Only occasionally would you take a hit or eat an edible.
The first time you did drugs around him was the first time you came over to his trailer.
He had just finished making a batch of weed brownies with 30 milligrams in each. (I think that's a lot. Idk I don't do that kinda stuff and google is no help) You showed up at his house.
"Y/n. I forgot you were showing up!" He greeted at the door. He let you in and left to clean up in his room.
You wondered into the kitchen, just kinda checking the place out. You spotted some brownies on the counter. There were a lot of them and they were bite size. He wouldn't notice if you snagged one would he?
You popped one in your mouth right before he walked in.
"Wow Eddie, I didn't know you were a baker." You said after you swallowed the brownie.
"Y/n, did you eat one of these brownies?"
"Y/n, those are weed brownies. How many did you eat?"
"Only one. How much was in it?"
"Ah, you'll be fine. Just 30 milligrams. You've done around that before huh?"
"I've done 5. Twice."
"Okay, maybe we should sit down for a bit."
Within the next 15 minutes it hit you. Hard.
"Okay, yeah I'm feeling it now."
"How's it feel?"
"Strange. I feel a bit dizzy."
"I'll grab you a water."
When he came back to the room, you were giggling about some bullshit.
"What's so funny, sweetheart?"
"I don't know." You managed between a few laughs.
"Oh I see, you're one of those giggly high type of people. Don't worry. I get like that sometimes."
"I am never coming back here ever again."
A less you learned that day was to never eat random things in his house, especially sweets, before checking with Eddie.
So back to living with him. One word: Hell.
Okay so when he got his house, he planned on only having one person live there. Himself. Once you moved in you both quickly learned it was only made for one person.
Although it was small you both figured out how to make it work.
Sometimes, when you guys were dating, Eddie would remove a chair from eating area, (a table and two chairs in the kitchen) and set it outside. Because it was too much space he said. It was really cause he wanted you to sit on his lap while eating. (You just sat on couch or floor) if you sat on the floor he would move to sit next to you and then you would steal his seat.
Okay DND. Whether you knew how to play or didn't, or if you liked it or not, Eddie would talk to you about it non stop. If you knew how to play he would play with you. If you didn't know how to play but like it, he would teach you.
One day he came home and told you he found a group of Freshmen to play DND with him, you were super happy for him.
"It's about time you made some more friends!"
Every friday night he would go play with them and you would visit friends.
You often came home before him and would clean up or shower. When he came home he would either be super tired or filled with energy. It all depends on how the campaigns went. He would also always tell you how everything went before he would even think about falling asleep.
One day Eddie comes home from school and ask if you want to come to his DND campaign just to watch and you agree.
When you guys get there he starts to set up. He lets you sit in his "throne"
"You should feel lucky sweetheart. Every soul wishes they were lucky enough to sit there."
"Yes, I fear, not everyone is able to figure out how to gain the luck."
"Oh, and how does one manage to get the luck?"
"It's not entirely luck. More so... love..."
Warning: he's a bit dramatic. A lot.
He leaves to go find some pencils saying he'll be right back. You sit back and relax in his chair. The sound of people chatting is heard from the hallway and you get nervous. Its not Eddie which means it's probably his friends. You've never met them before and are nervous to meet them without Eddie by your side.
"Who are you?" Someone asks you. (Okay this probably won't be great cause I haven't watched season 4 yet so sorry for any incorrect parts)
"Umm, my names Y/n."
"What are you doing in Eddie's throne?"
"He said I could sit here." You sit back and cross your leg over the other, remembering the words Eddie said about his throne.
"Eddie? Why would he let you sit there?"
"Cause shes my girlfriend, Dipshits."
"Wait you weren't actually making that up?!"
After spending 10-20 minutes answering questions that were mostly them asking "why him?" They finally started the campaign.
Eddie moved you to sit on his lap before starting and always kept a hand on you unless he needed both for whatever reason. He kept sneaking glances at you the whole time, smiling as he did.
After it was over they had to go home and you were Eddie were starting to clean up.
"Well that was fun."
"Yeah it was. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sorry if they were annoying with there questions. They didn't believe me when I said I was seeing someone."
"Of course. Who would?" He slapped your arm softly but pulled you closer to him.
After you guys went home you cuddled and feel asleep to soft music playing in the background.
One final thing I want to talk about is school.
Of course Eddie had a hunch that he was going to get held back the first time. But the second time he was beyond annoyed.
"I'm gonna be stuck at this fucking hell hole with the same annoying ass people again! They're keeping me away from my girl! For 7 hours!"
You chuckled at him and pet his hair.
"Maybe this year you could try harder. I could even help you more. It's not like it could have changed that much."
"Sorry I don't want to come home from school and do more school. Also that's not the way I want to spend my time with you."
After a lot of convincing you did manage to help him study for a few test.
Also you know that Eddie Carrie's around his lunchbox full of drugs all the time at school. Well one time you caught him.
"Eddie would you like to explain why you're lunchbox is full of drugs?"
"No actually."
"I'm taking some out."
"Cause you need actual food in here! Also you can't have drugs at school. You're lucky I'm not taking them all out."
After that you started to pack him lunches. Sandwiches usually. Sometimes you would pack him fruit or crackers. Although he complained about it, you noticed the food was always gone when he came home.
"Eddie, since when did you start packing lunch?" Mike asked him.
"My girlfriend found drugs in my lunchbox and now packs me lunch."
"Really? That's something a mother would do."
"It taste good tho."
Sorry this was so long. This man has not left my head for the past week. I'll probably write more sooner or later.
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makalamunsonblog · 2 years
You thought wrong.
Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: mentions of romance, cringy
*i dont give permission for anyone to steal or say my work is theres!!*
Ive been lonely my whole life. I mean, sure i have Chrissy and the basketball team. But we all know that Chrissy is always with Jason and no body really gives a shit about me on the basketball team. Maybe Lucas, but thats it. So thats how i ended up sitting by myself in the woods. But thats what i needed, a fresh breeze & a little sun to cure my problems.
I was finished so i got up, and turned around until i saw a tall figure approach me. The one and only, Eddie Munson. You can say we have some nice long history, if you know what i mean. We dated in freshmen year, it was honestly the best year of my life. With my moms death and so much other things, Eddie cured it. He was there for me when no one else was. He understood, well understands me. I had a-lot going on and i felt like i was involving Eddie to much. So i broke up with him on the first day of summer.
(When eddie speaks,i will use this symbol <>
< wow i didnt mean to scare you, u okay> i blush at his raspy but deep whisper. “Yeah im okay, just eating lunch in the middle of the woods” we share a laugh. “Hey , uhm i know this is weird to ask but, do you still sell- <drugs?> “yeah.” <well yes i do sweetheart, who wants to know?> i looked at him as my gaze went to the dark muddy grass.
“Well, its for me. Im kinda in a frenzy right now and need some special k” eddie looked at you and wondered to himself if he should. You see, eddie understood you needed a break, but he missed you so much. He always wanted to be there for you and take care of you.
so, he decided to lie. <well, im out but i have some less hard core stuff> “ill take that, and how much is i- <im stopping you right there, you get it for free. Special people deserve special deals>. A hint of pink spread across your cheeks. “Okay, your place tonight at 10.” <sounds good>
Y/n arrives at eddies trailer and knocks. She blushes at the sight of a shirtless eddie opening the door. <sorry i was gettin ready , but we need to talk> you walk into his room and sit. It brings back old times, the kind where i lost my virginity, or the cuddles i got. I miss them.
“So what do you need to talk to me about?” Eddies neeves shaked up as he is about to say something that will change everything.
<y/n, i love you. I have loved you ever since we met. I miss us, i miss this. I miss us cuddling on the bed, or having movie marothons. But most of all, i miss you. Never in my life will i gove you a harmful drug and not know the purpose.>
“Well Im just stressed okay. And i fucking miss yiu and it hurts so much because i dont want to put you through that pain i was feeling.”
You both stand stunned as you both just admitted your feelings for one another. You run over to him and your lips touch and go into a passionate kiss. His arms wrap around your waist. He looks into your eyes,
<god ive missed that.>
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anxiousgaypanicking · 3 years
okay so i recently watched the metal family (the english dub) on youtube and i sent my friend a ton of information on it - my thoughts, my theories, etc, and then i thought of a sanders sides related universe for it 
technically some things differ, as in the part i wrote glam and chive (who ive assigned to logan and remus) eventually end up together, but whatever 
and, because im a whore for attention im going to post here exactly what i rambled about because i was spilling out thoughts that just made my heart beat faster. so basically, the metal family: sanders sides edition 
spoilers for the metal family. 
basically i was thinking of logan and remus basically as these two characters, with logan as glam/sebastian and remus as chive, and logans parents putting a lot of pressure on him as their only child, and his dad is suffering abuse to so he cant even stick up for logan, and when he does bad he has to put out his arm and roll his sleeve up and his moms hits it repeatedly, and in the show glam doesnt react until he showers bc thats when it stings (until a certain scene where glams dad slaps it so hard he fucking bleeds a lot and starts sobbing and its like part of when he snapped) but thats probably what he does, and obviously the butler also gets mad and snaps on him a lot too, but when he goes to that music exam and gets second place to remus (who he met briefly on the way to the music exam - youll understand this more if you end up watching the series), hes shocked, and as remus walks him home he explains what he did on the guitar, and gives him the bach vinyl and logan squints but takes it anyway, and when he announces he got second he gets scolded, they mock him for who he lost too, and the back vinyl is taken by his mother, hes scolded for thinking he could ever be on par (logan plays the violen btw - he entered the music exam with a violen and its what his mouther abuses him for when he plays wrong or doesnt answer right/right away to note related questions) with bach, and then hes hit with the ruler and sent back to his room, where he plays the bach vinyl thinking it will be bach but then its metal and it sort of awakens something in logan and he sort of snaps
when he runs into remus again remus offers to teach him, steals an amp and guitar from the observatory, and then when he goes home then this is where hes hit until his forearm is literally dripping with blood and hes sobbing, but sort of that unhinged sort of sobbing where hes like :) while sobbing and bleeding, and his mom is saying hes no longer allowed to take walks because he was late, went through the park, ran in a suit, etc, and how logan will be studying with her daily from now on, and through gritted teeth, a sob, and a smile, as he clutches his bloody wrist hes like "yes mother, ill study under you every day. every day. every day." and he and remus had luckily agreed already to meet by the dumpster at midnight, and thats what they start doing
remus teaches him how to play, and logan literally gets no fucking sleep and becomes more and more sleep deprived as hes taught more and more and it makes him more and more manic and unhinged, and he has periods where he fucking snaps and can play the bass super well because hes fueling his anger and his trauma into how aggressively he plays and is actually super good, and eventually he and remus get a gig with these two other bandmates 
and that happens to be the day that the way he hides his diary (where he gets out his murderous thoughts over his father, writes about lying to him, and writes down notes for music he wants to make) and his model of the city (which hed spent a lot of time on and cared about a lot and made out of every day things like lightbulbs and pencil shavers and had to keep hidden) were revealed and his mother found them, and she threw it into the trash where logan saw it crumbled as he walked home in the rain, and while his mother is aggressively shouting at him she says something along the lines of "who are you going to choose. your family, or some vagrants!?" and logan sort of snaps, goes wide eyed, and walks the other way, despite the fact its rianing and his mother demands him to come back, and then starst screaming about how if he ever comes back to the door hell never be allowed back inside, and thats where that episode ends
and basically i was thinking that logan leaves, and sort of walks around in his suit with his violen for a while, before he goes back to the alley where he hides his guitar that remus stole for him and his punk clothes, and he grabs them both and sort of mindlessly wanders until he ends up back in front of remuss trailer
when logan shows up remus doesnt realize until he opens the door of his trailer and prepares to leave and logans just standing there staring, utterly soaked, and he craves his neck up when remus walks out and remus is like "holy shit dude, you scared me. its not even midnight here. how long have you been here?" and logan doesnt answer, and hess not used to tocuhing people or being touched gently, but he sort of falls into remus, and collapses against him, and he starts sobbing because he just lost his family, and he left his dad all alone, but ehs finally free from the abuse, and hes so tired and so confused and hes never felt so unsure of his next move but remus just pulls him inside, brings his stuff inside, they step over his sleeping and drunk parent, and remus takes logan to his room (possibly the one he shares with roman ?) and basically just hugs logan as he sobs and cries and eventually passes out against him because hes literally so fucking sleep deprived, and remus takes liberty to change logan out of his sopping wet clothes, but then both of logans arms are covered in scars, some of them still scabbed, and remus is immediately concerned but he decides hell ask about it when logan wakes up, and basically ust goes out and shoplifts some food or steals from his parent to buy shit, and when logan wakes up hes given low quality food that he accepts gratefully, apologizes for showing up unceremoniously and being so informal, but remus just hesitantly wraps an arm around him, and logan accepts it, and remus says its fine while cuddling with him and then again hesitantly asks what happened
and logan sort of goes silent and doesnt talk about it, but clears his throat and asks if its okay he stays here, and theres already three people living in this trailer so he feels bad for asking, but remus just pulls him closer and is like "yeah man! of course you can stay!" because obviously hes not going to tell logan no after what he just pulled, so he lets logan stay, and remus and roman bicker for it a bit when logan uses their small ass bathroom to shower, and by the end remus has basically bribed roman into going along with it
and logan has to adjust to not being a wealthy - althought not spoiled - person anymore, and sometimes he reacts to things on instinct. he breaks something and remus comes up behind him and asks what happened and logan just sort of stares straight ahead, rolls up his sleeve, and sticks out his arm, and remus is like  logan?? and it takes logan a few seconds to snap out of it and he sort of gazes at remus, goes wide eyed, and then apologizes as he brings his arm back in and rolls down his sleeve, and he seems really awkward but also quite relieved, and remus has never hurt him before, but it was just sort of that reactive thing, and that happens to be the day where remus decides to ask what those scars are, and asks to finally treat them properly because he hears logans whimpers and hisses in the shower
he and roman have their fair share of scars from their own shitty drunk parent, so they know pretty damn well how to take care of them, and how to steal bandages and shit, so remus helps clean them out and up while logan sort of quietly tells remus all about his life, why the music exam was such a big deal, and how remus basically changed his life, and how hes still confused and doesnt know if he made the right decision, and remus doesnt respond until the end where he bandages up logans arms and then gently grabs his hand and tells logan that hes safe now, and that being surronded by people who only put you down and more so hurt you isnt good, and that he believes logan made the right decision because hes safe here with them (the twins make sure to keep him guarded from the drunk parent) and roman seconds that from his spot on the bed, and so logan tries to put his past behind him and instead focus on playing music with remus, and playing shows at bars and stuff where they slowly gain a larger and larger fan base, and they make more and more money from the awesome music they play, and eventually use that money to buy their own house
i know its a lot, but just imagine. imagine
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eagehaunting · 3 years
Fic pitch: Theres more than one bed and secret cuddles
Idea: The gang is in a 1 bed and a half kinds situation. Instead of it being all three share a bed, they are confined to a place where there is only one full sized bed and then a twin size. Maybe they’re on a week long case and have been given a trailer to sleep in since there’s technically a bed in it
So of course they have their separate ‘sleep groups’- Lewis and Arthur share the full bed because they’re bigger and they’re both boys, but they may object based on when this au takes place.
Next group is Lewis and Vivi sharing the full bed and Arthur having the single bed. Vivi makes sure the offer is up for Arthur to snuggle up with them (or just her- depending on when this takes place and if Lewis would be cool with cuddling)
Arthur typically rejects citing how she and Lewis should have more time together and he doesn’t want to intrude
Vivi reluctantly agrees and that’s that for a while. Until, Lewis is out late one night and Vivi is woken up by a sleepy Arthur who wants to be next to her. If it’s okay
Vivi grabs him and pulls him down, letting him get comfortable against her and then eventually falling asleep
The next morning, Vivi wakes up to no one next to her, or Just no Arthur. So of COURSE she gets up and searches for him but also teases the shit out of him when she sees him next bc “you sneaky fuck, cashing in on love while I’m sleeping. Get over here”
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Knocked off guard.
Arón Piper x Reader
Request by @isthatmaryanna : the other one is with aron where he is like super stressed on the filming of season 4 and he ends up bumping the female reader on the set, she apologizes and he got very mad and stuff like that just because he is stressed, and then he finds out she’s new to the cast and is chris new love interest and he starts to get a crush of her and gets jealous when she’s filming scenes with christian till one day he kisses her when they are recording (Wrote this with Samuel instead of Christian so that it matches season 4🤍)
Gif is not my own
Requests are closed🤍
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You’d never known nerves like this until today, they’d been basically eating away at you since you’d first woken up and they hadn’t ceased yet. You were terrified of the impression you’d make on your first proper day of filming for Élite and even more terrified of all of the things that could go wrong. You’d made sure to wake up early enough and try to get onto set within enough time but already found yourself rushing to catch up with the hectic schedule.
“Shit,” You mutter to yourself as you try to find your way back to where they’d told you to meet for your first call to makeup and hair.
You’re so busy trying to make sense of the timetable they’d given you that you don’t notice anybody else around you. Only stopping when you knock into one of them abruptly.
“Fuck!” They exclaim as the drink in their hand spills all down their outfit.
You recognised the clothes instantly as the Las Encinas uniform and realise painfully that you’d just made a first impression on one of your cast mates by knocking into them.
“I’m so so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going-“
“Clearly!” The boy scoffs, trying to pat down the wet patch now covering the front of his crisp white shirt.
“I’m so sorry, I’m-“ You stop as you glance up and recognise him as Arón, who played Ander in the show.
“I’m going to be late,” He rolls his eyes, “Just please try and keep your eyes ahead of you next time.”
With that, he takes off in the opposite direction as you try to regain composure and continue in the direction you’d been previously heading towards.
You reach hair and makeup and it relaxes you when the team are genuinely nice to you for the whole time. They ask you about your new role as Samuels love interest and you chat to them about everything they felt you should know about working on the show.
“No I don’t think we need to-“ A new voice speaks as the door opens and two guys walk in to have their hair and makeup done, “Hey! I don’t think we’ve met before.”
You stand up and recognise the boy as Omar, who played his same name character on the show, “Yeah, no, I don’t think we have. I’m (Y/n), I’m playing Savannah.”
“Yes! I completely forgot you were starting today!” Omar exclaims, “Well, I’m Omar, and this is Arón.”
You glance to the boy that had entered with him and notice him instantly as the boy you’d knocked into earlier. His eyes fall to his feet to avoid eye contact as he instead turns to sit down in one of the chairs to get his hair done.
“Dont worry about him,” Omar rolls his eyes, squeezing the boy’s shoulder, “Someone’s being a little grumpy today. Anyway, tell me about yourself. Have you done much acting before?”
Just like that, the impression you’d made on the cast so far seems to clearly improve. You chat to Omar and get up to the stage where it feels as though you’ve known each other for a lot longer than a matter of minutes.
“When are your first scenes?” Omar asks you, “I’ll walk you down to set if you like.”
“I think I have to be there in ten minutes, that would be great thank you!”
He agrees and the two of you head out to start walking towards where you’d first be filming for the day.
- - - - - -
You’re introduced to Itzan who was going to be your main love interest in the show. It’s a relief when he’s genuinely lovely to you and makes it easy to feel natural around him.
“I wouldn’t worry, this place is full of second chances,” Itzan shakes his head as he speaks Samuels line, “All of us here, we’re on at least our fifth chance.”
“Maybe I won’t do so bad then,” You smile, “Thank you, by the way.”
He readjusts his grip on his bag strap and nods bashfully to you, “It was nice to meet you, (Y/n).”
The director yells cut and somehow you find yourself finishing your first full scene of the day. It had gone a lot more smoothly than you’d expected. Especially having started the day by spilling hot coffee over one of your cast mates.
“Omar and Miguel to set for next scene,” One of the crew calls, you think they introduced themselves earlier but it was already becoming overwhelming to remember all of these new people.
You take your seat on one of the black canvas chairs and prepare to watch the scene unfold in which Guzmán and Omar share a heart to heart about Nadia, where Guzmán confesses everything he regrets about what happened between them and what he would’ve done if he’d have had another chance with her before she left. You’re soon joined by someone beside you in the next seat and glance over to recognise Arón on your right hand side.
“So, you’re the new cast member,” He comments, twisting open his water bottle, “You didn’t introduce yourself earlier.”
“I didn’t really have the chance,” You return, shifting a little in the chair beneath you.
He scoffs, “I was too busy being late and covered in coffee.”
“I did apologise,” You defend, still slightly nervous despite your hope of appearing somewhat confident.
“And I was stressed.”
The conversation falls flat and you let the silence remain as you watch the scene unfold.
- - - - - -
Over the next couple of days, you’re starting to get settled into the motions of things. You’re starting to remember everyone’s names and the crew have been complimenting you on some of your scenes. Itzan was a good screen partner to have, always making you laugh and giving you tips whenever he felt like you were uncertain.
You’re walking through the different sets when you stumble upon Arón in one of the rooms. Nobody was filming at the moment so you found yourself slightly bemused as you watch him flop face down onto the bed beneath him that was normally used as a bedroom in the show.
“You know the cameras aren’t rolling?” You comment, unsure as to why you bother speaking anyway, “Or did you just need to practise that scene?”
He turns his head and looks in your direction. The two of you had spoken very minimally over the past days as he’d clearly continued that stressed attitude ever since you first met. You’d gotten to the point where you simply treated it as him being completely rude. Even if you didn’t want to accept that.
“I just needed some peace,” He mumbles, shuffling on the duvet of the bed as his arms fall at either of his sides.
“Sorry, I’ll leave you,” You comment bashfully, going to walk away.
“How have you been finding it so far?”
It surprises you. Of course it does. Up until now you’d assumed that he simply just didn’t like you. Perhaps not.
“It’s been good, everyone’s been really friendly,” You smile, “And I think my scenes have been going well.”
“Yeah, they won’t stop telling us how great you are,” He scoffs, “Seems like you’ve made a good first impression.”
“Well, on most people.”
He’s silent this time.
“I should go,” You say, not wanting to say anything more that might ruin the nicest moment you’ve shared with him.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so rude to you. I’ve just been a little stressed,” Arón admits, “I’m not really sure how to approach my storylines this season and I guess I’m just letting it get to me too much.”
“What do you mean?” You walk into the room and take a seat on the bed beside him as he shifts to sit up.
“I’ve always had such intense storylines, theres always something bad going on. But, this time, Anders actually happy - him and Omar are doing well for the first time in forever. I’m not really used to it,” He shakes his head, “Sorry, you don’t need to hear my acting problems.”
“Well, I guess I’m not the best person to give advice,” You start cautiously yet again, “But I would say that you should use exactly that. Anders not going to be used to it either, he’s never had that time where he’s simply been happy so he’d probably feel exactly the way that you do about having to act that story. Use that.”
He stays silent and you’re certain you’ve said the wrong thing.
“I’m sorry, I know that’s probably useless bu-“
“No, no, that makes sense,” He interjects, “Thank you.”
“Well, I should go, I asked Itzan if he’d run lines with me,” You explain, “See you later.”
“Yeah, bye (Y/n).”
- - - - - -
The next day, you’re filming your first kiss with Samuel. It sounded silly but you’d never been so nervous to film a scene - it would be the first time where you had to show that sort of affection on camera and it felt intimidating to say the least.
You’d been nervous all morning, for something so annoyingly simple.
You’re hurrying down towards your trailer when you knock into someone on the way.
“Fuck!” You exclaim as your water pours down you.
As irony would have it, it’s Arón stood in front of you.
“Looks like karma circled back round,” He smirks at the sight.
“Not now Arón,” You mutter, dashing off before he can say anything more.
It was harsh, you knew it was deep down. But you were so caught up in your own stress that you couldn’t really think of anything beyond that. You carried on towards your trailer and prayed they’d left you a spare uniform to change into if need be.
It’s ten minutes later when there’s a knock at your door and Arón is stood on the other side.
“Hey! Sorry about that, I should’ve been looking where I was going,” He comments, you’re too pressured to notice how he seemed slightly nervous.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” You rush to say as you search for the right script amongst your stuff.
“Are you okay?” He frowns, “You seem a little-“
“Stressed?” You finish for him as you turn around, his appearance relaxing you a little, “I’m sorry, I’ve just got my first kiss scene with Itzan today and I’m really nervous about it.”
He laughs gently, “Why? Do you like him or something?”
“What?” You scoff, “Of course I don’t. I just don’t want to fuck it up.”
“Okay...” Arón starts, “Well, wouldnt your character be nervous too? Maybe you should take your own advice and use that.”
You smirk at his attempts at helping, “Well, this is a real role reversal!”
He steps inside from where he’d been waiting in the doorway and smirks, “Or... you could just practise.”
“Practise?” You cock a brow, “What? Ask Itzan to kiss me before the cameras roll?”
Without any further introduction, Arón takes a stride forward until he’s close enough for you to understand his real intention. He leans in only ninety percent of the way, waiting for your approval to seal the last ten percent. When you do, his eyes flutter shut and his lips curl into a smile against yours.
“Was that your plan all along?” You mumble against his lips as he pulls away.
“We all need ways of coping with stress,” He smirks a little, “Is that so bad?”
You laugh and try to fight against the bold blush on your cheeks.
“And you have nothing to worry about. You’re a much better kisser than Omar.”
“Well, I was coming to get (Y/n) to set but looks like I’ve seen and heard much more than I needed to,” Omar raises his brows from where he stood at your door, “I’ll tell them you’ll be a little late. Close your fucking door next time!” He laughs and walks off.
“Any less stressed?” Arón cocks a brow at you.
“Maybe let’s try that again.”
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
His Little Sister--Part Two
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Word Count: 2192
Requested By: @myinconnelly1​ She hyped it up for me and I am glad she did! The part where the Fan ask a questions was all her idea and I love it!
Pairing: Jared x Reader
Characters: Reader, Jared, Jensen, Richard Speight Jr, Misha, Alex, Rob Benedict, Fans, Cliff (Mentioned), Danneel Ackles (Mentioned). Ackles Twins (Mentioned).
About: Months have gone by and the Reader and Sam have successfully (and playfully) hidden their relationship from Jensen. But during a convention, the Reader and Sam don’t know that their soft conversation was heard by a fan who asks Jensen his thoughts about it in front of everyone.
Disclaimer: Language, Quickie (Unprotected--Don’t be silly wrap that willy), Angst, Fluff, Possible Pregnant Reader, 
Disclaimer 2: Any of the shorts that are hot and steamy, I want to put out there that it's in no way disrespectful towards Gen at all. I love her to death and respect that marriage between her and Jared. So when reading those shorts, know that it all takes place in an alternate world where they aren't married at all.
Forever Tag List: @donnaintx​ @myinconnelly1​ @hobby27​ @magssteenkamp​ @elansaidaris​ @440mxs-wife​ 
Want to read my favorite fanfics click HERE
I hold tight to the extra as he takes the fake blade out of themselves and stabs me with it. I pop the 'blood' capsule in my mouth and let it trickle out the corner of my mouth. I chuckle and take a step towards the fake cliff edge.
"Opheila, No!" Jared yells his line from a distance. I turn to him and give a smile smile before turning back to the extra.
"This is for Claire," I say my line in a wicked tone as the extra and I fall five feet into the giant air bag waiting for us below.
"Cut!" Rich yells from his chair. "Now that's what I call a wrap up!"
The extra and I roll off the bag. Jensen is waiting for me on the ground. "That was awesome," he says steadying me. I eye Jared off in the distance. He looks me up and down and winks at me before walking off. We have plans to meet up later.
Jared and I had been sleeping together for some months now. We had plans on telling my brother but, we kind of like the sneaking around. And since we were seeing each other secretly and having amazing hot sex, it made our characters chemistry on set better. Jensen and everyone just thought that it was amazing acting. So what everyone saw as Sam touching and or kissing Opheila, was actually Jared touching and or kissing me.
"So," Jensen and I walk back to the make up area so I can get this thick make up off my face. I feel like a part time clown and part time stripper. "What do you say we go out and celebrate tonight. It'll be me, you, Jared, maybe that chick Jared had talked to months ago, and that extra that keeps checking you out."
I choke on my water. "Jared says that chick," I say chick as smooth as I can. "wasn't what he's looking for. It wasn't going anywhere. Plus what extra?"
Jensen pulls me close to him and points to a dude all dressed up in black. "The demon that you killed before your fall with Claire's killer. He's been looking at you all freaking week and I've talked with him a few times. You might actually like him. Maybe get you back into the dating game."
I choke again. "We will see about that."
After I'm make up I free. I avoid my brother at all costs. I even avoid the journalist that have been hounding me for months. Ever since word had gotten out about my return to acting. every magazine and online news outlets wanted some part of me. And it wasn't because I was on Riverdale before it was because I am YN Ackles the little sister to Jensen.
I do a million double takes as I walk towards Jareds trailer. No one and I mean no one knew about us. We hid it that well. I get to his door when a voice stops me.
"Hey," it's Misha. "Tell that knuckle head it's on." He tosses an empty bottle of fart spray towards me. I barely catch it and realize it still has a smell.
"Oh God, "I make a face and throw it back Misha. "You're fucking gross, Misha." Misha dodges it and laughs as he walks away. The guys and their games and pranks. One of these days one of their pranks are going to back fire on them. Now that will be worth watching.
I walk into the trailer and once the door closes, Jared hands are pulling me away from the visible windows and pushing me up on the wall where no one can see us. "Took you long enough," His voice purrs into my ear as he unbuttons my shirt. I close my eyes and exhale. This is the best way to relax after a day like this.
"Sorry," I fumble with my belt and pants. "I was too busy loosing my brother on set." I finally get my belt off and pants undone. I push Jared back towards his bed, he's already working on his pants. I kick my pants off and throw my already unbuttoned shirt to the side. I walk up to Jared, whose now just in his boxers. His hard erection extremely visible. The throbbing and wetness in my core is screaming for it to be inside of me.
I push Jared onto his bed and straddle his lap. His cock poking me hard through our thin underwear. Jared reaches down between us and shoves not only his underwear off but mine as well. I lift myself up and slowly lower myself over his long, thick and throbbing cock. Jared groans and falls back onto the bed as I begin to move my hips up and down. He feels so good inside of me.
After a minute, Jared sits up and flips us over. He grabs my hands and pins them above my head and thrust deeper and faster inside of me. I bite my lip to keep myself from making a sound. A few small whimpers escape me. I kick my leg up and throw them around Jared waist to make sure he stays deep inside. Jared thrusts go from lightning fast to average and sloppy. He's close and I start to feel myself tighten hard around him.
I look into his eyes, "Don't pull out," I manage to get out in between thrusts and whimpers. With that, I feel Jared slam himself into me releasing everything he's got inside of me. I feel myself let go and arch myself into his chest. Jared slowly thrusts through both our orgasms.
"Wasn't my plan for it to be that short," Jared rolls over and pulls me to his chest. "Still amazing though." He kisses my head. "I love you YN."
"I love you, too, Jared," I take a deep breath until theres a knock on the trailer door.
A month as gone by and we are all back home. Jared and I are still seeing each other secretly. Jensen is doing interviews and such about this latest season of Supernatural. I have been contacted multiple time about bringing back my character on Riverdale. Today I gave the middle finger to them. They did me dirty by cutting me off from the show without telling me or let alone talking to me about it. I have a lot on my plate.
Dallas Con.
I walk out of the bathroom of my hotel room and see Jared sitting on the couch. His wringing his hands as he looks up at me. I hand him the stick in my hand. "This one says negative, but the one from last night for sure said positive."  My period was a week late. It's never late. It's always been on time. Until now. Six tests later four say I could be pregnant but the other two say I may not be.  
"We just keep testing," Jared sits it next to the other test I took from last night. "Until we know for sure."
"Babe," I sit next to him and take his hand. "Danneel needed a blood test with the twins after getting wonky test results like this. I'll call an OBGYN tomorrow and get in as soon as I can." I lean in and kiss him.  
"Okay," Jared smiles. "I trust you." He stands up and I stand up with him. "Should we head on down?"
Walking down the hotel hallway, Jared stops us and looks at me. "You know, I can actually see this whole thing being possible."
"That I can convince you to rip a condom off and have you cum inside me," I say. My mind is in the same place. "And to not pull out when a condom isn't in play." Those nights and days where Jared cums in me were always the best.
"Quite a few times, actually," Jared licks his lips which he knows is a dead ass turn on for me. "If we are pregnant, we will need to tell Jensen." Jared leans down to kiss me. "You'll be an amazing mom."  
The convention is a blast. We laugh and joke about our time on set. We even answer questions about Sam and Opheila. I don't think I have ever laughed that hard before. Everything was settling down and it was my cue to go off stage. As I am walking off I hear the next question. 
"This one is for Jensen," a fan says.
"Ha! Mine," Jensen playfully pushes Jared.
"How do you feel about YN being pregnant, becoming an uncle, and Jared being officially apart of the family?"
I spin around wondering if I heard that right. Jared chokes on his water. My brother's eyes widen. Rich and Rob both have their mouths hanging open. I feel the color drain from my face. I look back to see Misha and Alex staring too. The whole ball room is quite. I look back and lock eyes with Jared. How the hell did this fan know?
"What's that?" Jensen asks looking my way.
"How do you feel about your sister and Jared becoming parents?" the Fan asked again. This time there was something in her voice that knew that no one knew.
"Um," Jensen looks back at Jared. The look on his face was unreadable. "I'm still processing that. How do you feel, bro?" Jensen says bro with enough emphasis that makes me make my way to the water.
The rest of the panel is awkward. All questions were about Jared and I. Jensen's entire face is still unreadable that made me nervous. He has only been like this a few times before and it usually ends with him being pissed off.
When the panel is over Jensen walks up to me and takes my arm and pulls me out of the ballroom. Jared is following behind. Jensen takes us to a whole other part of the hotel. Before we know it we are in an empty room. Jensen lets go of my arm and spins around and rubs his face. Jared steps closer to me but I stop him. I don't know what my brother was thinking.
"You guys are sleeping together?" He exclaims making a face. "My little sister and best friend are having sex and a baby. How long has this been going on?"
Jared and I exchange looks. "November," I look back at Jensen who has risen is eyebrows higher than they normally go.
"Six months?!" He claims. "And you guys didn't tell me?! This hurts guys. What hurts more is I have to learn that you guys are having a baby. From a fan!"
Jensen rubs his face again. Jared pulls out his phone and looks at the both of us. "Uh, Cliff is looking for me. Wants me for mine and Misha's photo op."
"Go," Jensen and I say.
I sit on the ground and Jensen sits as well. "We aren't sure if I am pregnant or not. The tests are wonky. Kind of like Dee's were with the twins. And we meant to tell you but we got caught up in the fun of sneaking around." Jensen takes a deep breath and just stares at me. "I'm sorry Jay," I reach for his hand. "If it makes you happy or feel any better, no one else knew either."
"I can see it now," Jensen looks down at the ground and starts to pull at a piece of rug. "It was right in front of me the whole time but I was blind to it." He looks up at me. "So, will you be getting a blood test?"
I nod. "The only way to know for sure. And if I really am," I pat Jensen's hand. "You'll be a kick ass uncle."
"Damn right I will be."
By the end of the next week, Jared and I go public about our relationship and the news that by the new year the two of us will be introducing our first child into the world. A couple months later, Jared and I tie the knot in a very intimate ceremony that included just both our families and closest friends. Three days before Christmas, Jared and I welcome a little girl into the world. She is the most beautiful thing on the planet and watching my brother fall in love with her melts my heart.
By the time New Years Hit, Jared is home on break from filming. We rent out a small apartment on the outskirts of Austin. I had a few more weeks before I was cleared to go back. Jared leads me to our apartment balcony the view is absolutely breath taking. Even at night. Jared pulls me close to him and kisses me gently as fireworks were set off in the distance. "Happy New Years, Mrs. Padalecki."
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
All That Glitters {Roger Taylor}
A/N: 1917 words! Hi, okay so this is really a bit of a weird one. It’s difficult to try and demonstrate such a visual medium through, you know, writing. So this is the teaser trailer for Giselle’s biopic that’s being made around the same time as BoRhap, or like, a little bit before. I think I’m gonna make the plot a separate post, so I guess enjoy this trailer lmao. Big Love to @ginghampearlsnsweettea, who I love and would die for, for being the co-captain of this runaway OC that’s gotten much more involved than I thought it would. I’d really really appreciate feedback on it. 
[And All The Queen’s Men ‘verse masterpost]
All That Glitters (2018) | "Midas" Teaser Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX
[id: It’s a close up on Young Giselle’s hands playing the piano, playing the opening notes of what is recognisable as Trot, Canter, Pirouette (The Show Pony Song), she is wearing gold nail polish. The background is blurry but it shows a pale cream lounge room, an indistinct painting on the wall, and a beige sofa. Her father sits on the sofa, he wears a pale yellow sweater and beige slacks, and sits with one leg crossed over the other, he’s reading a thick, old book.
[GISELLE’S FATHER] Have I ever told you the story of King Midas?
Young Giselle’s hands still on the keys. The image fades through as the brass and drums section of the song come in and Trot, Canter, Pirouette (The Show Pony Song) plays over the following scenes;
We see a hazy room filled with golden light streaming in through a set of blinds on the right. Giselle sits in the middle of the shot, not facing the camera, on a brown leather sofa. Gold records lining the walls, and in front of her is a large, wooden desk with an ashtray on it, the person behind the desk is blocked from view mostly by Giselle, but it’s Ray Foster; he’s wearing a Hawaiian shirt.
Cut to; Giselle in a classroom, studiously taking notes. It’s mid afternoon, the light coming in hitting her face is a pale, cool yellow; mid-afternoon sunshine. She sits at a pale wooden desk, hunched over, wearing a soft orange sweater, but her pants are not visible. She’s surrounded by other students, all in greys and beiges, all taking notes; she stands out, vibrant amongst them. She looks up sharply, as if to take more notes and we cut to;
She’s sitting alone in a dressing room, looking into a mirror lined with golden bulbs; her hair is slicked back, she’s wearing a white silk slip dress; she’s wearing eyeliner and red lipstick, and is looking at herself a little disbelievingly. She turns to look over her shoulder, as if hearing her name; the camera pans to follow the movement and;
The camera keeps panning, keeping the movement kinetic as we see her on stage, looking back at her band with a nervous smile. She’s wearing a black velvet bouffant number, and the band are all dressed in black waistcoats ensembles with red pocket squares matching her lipstick. The camera pans around until it’s behind Giselle and she’s silhouetted by a warm white light against the darkness. After a beat, the lights come up on the audience to reveal a full house cheering for her.
Cut to; the lights are down on the audience but it’s a close shot of John Deacon watching her from the audience with an expression of awe, stage lights shining in his eyes; he’s on the very right of screen in the foreground. He’s near the middle on the bottom level of the theatre, the people in front of him as all standing, dancing together, some are jumping trying to get her attention. Giselle in the background, out of focus, is swaying to the music, eyes closed as she sings.
We see a wide shot, John and Giselle facing away from the camera, with Freddie Mercury, Roger Taylor, and Brian May in that order facing them. They’re in a rehearsal room, space half setup with a drum kit at the left of screen, a guitar case on the floor to the right of Brian, and a bass leaning up against the wall. The walls are dark wood varnish and all four members of queen are wearing pale or white clothes. Giselle wears a yellow sundress, her shoulders are tense.
Close shot of Giselle and Freddie shaking hands, both in profile, Freddie grinning and Giselle wearing a small smile.
Cut to; Giselle in Ray Foster’s office, the light is still golden, coming in through the blinds, but Giselle looks relaxed, her hair slicked back and wearing a black blouse and pencil skirt, one leg crossed over the other, arms out across the back of the brown leather sofa. She wears a smug smile.
[RAY FOSTER VOICE OVER] I’ve never had a single go gold like this before.
[GISELLE] It’s a blessing and a curse.
The music starts to really pick up as we get into the chorus, overladen with shouts of various and indistinct reporters as we fly through various headlines (‘A GENERATION’S INFATUATION WITH MEDIOCRITY’, ‘STEALING FROM ROYALTY’ accompanied by a picture of Giselle and Freddie having lunch together, ‘“JAZZ ROCK” PERFORMERS, POINTLESS AND PANDERING?”) and interviews with various people (‘The Secret Life of Giselle’ a very smug looking former assistant smiles at the camera, sitting primly as she’s interviewed. / ‘She Should Be So Lucky’ an angry reporter in a suit rants at the screen, flicking back and forth between the video of Giselle’s ‘the should be so lucky’ comment. / ‘Songbird of a Dying Genre’ interviews with critics (all of them old white guys) who just wave her off and roll their eyes.)
We zoom out of this final clip to see a wide shot of Giselle sitting at a desk at the very right of the screen, lit by the warm white light of a lamp while the rest of the room is lit by the cool blue light of the night sky streaming in through a large set of glass doors that separates her from the television that’s running the slander piece on her.
Close up over her shoulder reveals her to be writing the lyrics for Dinner and a Show and the music seamlessly transitions into a fast-paced version of Dinner and a Show as she rips the page from her notebook. The page moves to cover the screen for a moment and when it comes away we’ve transitioned to;
Giselle in her first performance at Top of the Pops, singing to a cheering crowd. She’s wearing a black, floor length slip gown with glass beaded detailing, and black gloves with red glitter and sequins on the hands, reminiscent of blood. Giselle belts along with the music as the song ends and there’s an extreme close up on her lips, painted red, with red glitter trailing from the corners. She takes in a shaking breath. The cheering grows louder, drowning out the final notes until it becomes overwhelming, and we can see that Giselle is still breathing hard, shaking a little. The sound and the picture fade out.
[GISELLE] (She sounds tired, a little forlorn) Everything I touch turns to gold.
It shows a close shot of Roger Taylor smiling mischievously at something on his left, he’s holding a cymbal in one hand and offers the other.
[ROGER] Is that a promise?
Cut to a shot of Giselle, standing up and looking over him, smirking and raising her eyebrows at him.
[GISELLE] (far happier, a little amused) I think it’s a threat.
Wide shot; she takes his hand. Trot, Canter, Pirouette (The Show Pony Song) picks up as soon as their hands touch. The song slowly gets faster over the following images.
Smash cut to the two of them on stage holding their joined hands above their head as they take a bow, in slow motion, facing an arena crowd in the middle of the day. Brian, Freddie, and John stand either side of them, but they’re the only two holding hands. Queen, again, is very casual attire, pale jeans and t-shirts and singlets, and Giselle wears a blood orange cocktail dress, off the shoulder, fitted until it flares out around her hips, falling just above her knees.
Cut to Giselle leaping into Roger’s arms wearing a white, flowing dress, and him in a fitted black tuxedo, he spins her around, kissing her passionately, and the camera spins the opposite way around them. They’re outside, under fresh green trees and dappled sunlight.
Cut to; Giselle and Roger are sitting on either ends of a sofa, their backs to the audience, watching the Rolling Stone Reporter pace back and forth, talking animatedly; the setting is a lot like Ray Foster’s office, however the decor is all modern, slick and white, and the fluorescent light bathes them all in a cold white light. Giselle and Roger share an amused look.
There’s a top-down shot of the two of them lying side by side in bed, but not touching. The bed is large with cream coloured sheets that are slightly tousled and plain white pillows, there’s a lamp on either side, illuminating them both in a peachy-gold light. Giselle wears a pair of pale blue pyjama shorts and a matching singlet top. Roger’s wearing a pair of tight black jeans and an open fringe vest. Neither looks happy; Giselle is contemplative and Roger is frowning. Giselle turns to look at him and the light around the room starts shifting until it’s made clear that these are two different shots side by side, spliced together. Roger reaches up and turns off his light, the whole room bathed in blue light, and he sits with his head in his hands at the edge of the bed. Giselle is still looking at the point where he was, squinting as a few golden-orange rays of a sunset hit her face. Roger looks up, as if he hears something, and walks out of shot.
Cut to a camera whip-panning to a moment during Freddie’s birthday party. Freddie stands in the middle of the frame, back to the camera, wearing his military jacket and ostentatious crown. The world around them is bright and joyful, with gold lights overhead, and the crowd in brown, yellow, and orange attire, but Giselle is wearing a midnight blue cocktail dress and a silver shawl, and Roger’s wearing a white blazer with blue shirt underneath. Freddie is standing between both of them in the foreground, separating them visually, and both look shocked, but Giselle doesn’t even look at Roger before she stalks off camera. He chases after her, both of them heading to the left and we crash cut to;
The music cuts out and we hear and see a door slam in Roger’s face. He’s still in the same outfit as the previous shot, but he’s put in sharp relief by the cold white light of a streetlamp, the rest of the world a dark grey-blue behind him. We fade to black.
A golden spotlight fades in with the first notes of Ache being played on piano, and the very faint roar of a crowd. All that can be seen is Giselle, illuminated by the singular spotlight, wearing a cool-toned copper, crushed velvet slip dress, tears in her eyes, everything behind her is a void of darkness. She’s holding a microphone, taking deep, shaking breaths.
[YOUNG GISELLE VOICE OVER] It sounds like he got everything he ever wanted.
Giselle takes a deep, shaking breath, closing her eyes, the sound of the crowd roaring and of Ache’s beginning dies down and a singular tear escapes her eyes.
[GISELLE’S FATHER VOICE OVER] Yes, but at a terrible price.
She opens her mouth to sing but we cut to black.
The title card; “ALL THAT GLITTERS” lights up in a block font, with lights in the letters, reminiscent of a Broadway sign. We hear Giselle sing ‘I feel the ache, feel the ache, feel the ache.’ but it’s just her vocals, ghostly, echoing, and a little ethereal. End id.]
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kappasigmalife · 7 years
Eternal Purgatory: Chp 6 Theres Something about Robby
Eternal Purgatory: Chp 6 Theres something about Robby
 Chris wakes up cuddled to Brendan in bed looking at his phone getting blown up by paul, asking for breakfast. Looking at the clock he sees its 2pm and rolls his eyes saying hes gotta meet up with his friends, given its Saturday and everyone wants to go to the movies seeing the jigsaw marathon. Brendan kisses chris’s forehead telling him he wishes he was coming with. Chris nuzzles up to his furry little cub and tells him hes always welcome to join, the more the merrier, so long as no one bothers to ask for money. Brendan looks at him and smiles, accepting the invite. Paul calls chris telling him to get here and feed him.
“Apologies my sweet prince, but the animals need tending too.” Brendan laughs as he smacks chris’s ass as he gets up to dress for the day
“what can I say I love what I see.” Chris raises his eyebrow and tells him of course he does considering the amount of fun they had last night and waking up to those gorgeous brown eyes. Brendan begins blushing as chris gets another text of paul needing food.
“yeah ill text you when we pick you up okay.” Chris leaves and kisses Brendan leaving him smiling and getting dressed. Getting home, chris looks around and slowly enters the living room with helen waiting for him with coffee.
“afternoon slut, how was your little rendezvous with brendan.” Chris embarrassed looks at her stupidly blushing like mad.
It was nothing, we gamed all night and got too drunk so I stayed over, nothing really happened.” Paul from the other room
“BULLSHIT!!!, I saw it all from his console.” Chris jaw drops and looks at paul as he comes into the room with one of his gfs by his side. Shocked and appalled chris looks at paul and questions what he means.
“what do you mean you saw, were you watching us?” “Oh no, everyone was watching you, all 10000 subscribers on pornhub, you guys were phenomenal .
Chris grows red in the face and races to his bedroom calling Brendan. On the phone chris is apologizing hoping that he would undersand he didn’t know what happened and that paul shouldn’t of recorded them. Although shocked Brendan reminds chris it didn’t mattera s he was amazing and that the comments prove that the same.
“I never knew you could go 5 hours baby, I loved how slow you took it, like it was from a movie and you were reading me like a book. Asking me if I was in pain or if I wanted it softer, you made me feel loved.” Chris blushes smiling
“I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable with what was going on, no sense of having once sided pleasure.” Paul comes in giving chris a check, written for 500 and tells him that’s his share of the profits and theres more where that came from everytime they fuck, considering many people enjoy the slow porn and actual romance. Chris just glares at paul and thinks of how much money can be made by just making love to the same person every night and grins like a moron.
“Save your load asshole, we got customers for tonight, now lets go catch the movie.” Robby cuddles with helen on the couch and reminds her how amazing being in her arms makes him feel strong. Helen reminds him that they are just starting to date but it seems like they knew each other for a long time.  the group cram into the SUV and blast metal on the way to brendans who sits in the front and paul just smirks as he says his a great performer.
“shut up I didn’t know the camera was there!!!!!”
“yeah but the moaning and begging for more sure was prevalent.” Chris ducts under his shirt embarrassed and mentions that at least they got a commission off the video. Paul tells chris that the money is to be split between the two of them as they are sharing a salary. Robby asks about why he and helen weren’t recorded and paul tells him it’s a performance issue.
“what do you mean by performance issue?”
“people wanna see a hour long movie, not a 4 minute trailer.” Chris starts laughing and looks at helen and soon shuts up.
“im laughing at my own sister in disappointing sex, god I deserve to be in hell, oh wait I live with satan already.” Paul looks at chris and smiles through the rear view mirror
“and you wouldn’t change a damn thing.” “I hate it when your right, I wouldn’t change you at all, youd be too boring.” The group get to the theater and immediately get the marathon tickets and head to the middle rows with robby getting a shit load of snacks and gorging as chris and Brendan nuzzle to the movie starting. As the scares getting deeper in the movie, Brendan jumps and buries his head in chris’s chest.
“protect me, im scared.” “its okay cubby, your in safe hands.” Chris looks at paul whos smiling at the murders and looks around as everyone else is afraid.
“are we the only ones not affected by this movie series, I just love the story, but everyone just cringes at the gore, I find it appealing and exciting how he kills next using traps.” Paul nods in agreement and looks over as helen cuddles to robby, not even flinching.
“yeah you watch this while your alive, then as a dead person you don’t get much on the matter.” Chris thinks and agrees.
“yeah come to think of it, I never been scared about these movies, ive seen them since they first came out.”
Paul nods
“same here.” Brendan puts a thumbs up and asks for chris to tell him when its over.
Everyone looks at robby, watching the movie and eating his pretzel bites as everyone waits for his reaction.
Chris whispers to robby asking when he saw the movies.
“oh I don’t remember, not much to say, love the gore and mayhem.” Helen looks at robby, then asks him what his favorite anime growing up was, only to get a shrug and ignoring the situation. As the movie lets out the group look and see robby just walking to the car the rest still dumbfounded by his reaction. Chris decides to see whats up and asks robby what his parents were like when he was alive.
“eh I don’t really know, no one remembers their childhood.” “okay, I remember every time my father treated me like garbage and how my mom turned to the bottle just to cope, you obviously got something hiding in there.” “well I just don’t know, never really concerned myself with the meaning of existence.” Brendan goes over as chris drops his jaw.
“babe, you okay?”
“I don’t know if I should be pissed, jealous, or confused, im currently all three.” Paul walks over telling chris to get in before he leaves without him. Chris jumps in the back with Brendan and looks as robby stares blankly out the window.
“you ever wonder how far the world goes, like beyond our reach are the stars and through that, vast amounts of nothing, like a fantasy world undiscovered.”
The group get to the house where chris decides to take a break from the pressing matter of robbys psyche and goes to take a nap, with Brendan joining him. While getting up late in the evening to grab some late night snacks, chris goes to the living room to robby watching angel beats crying.
“yeah that anime was sad bro, but its just anime, not like your really in purgatory…. Never mind.” “no its not that, the characters all remember where they came from, you guys did too, but I don’t, all I know is my name and barely anything else, almost like im in a drugged state.” “hey bro its okay, no need to feel off about it, you will figure it all out over time.” Robby goes on to talk about he doesn’t even have a spectral power yet and everyone else including chris has their developing while he remains a ghost.
“I know its rough man, but you need to relax, youll figure things out as time passes, were basically here for centuries.” As chris glows his hands to calm robby down, he begins emitting a glow from his eyes creating a bright flash knocking him out. chris disappears and fall unconscious. A half hour later chris wakes up on a marble floor and finds himself in an entryway of a castle only not to find anyone around. As he lingers around, he looks at the hall behind him expand to hundreds of doors and goes to look, seeing a chain attached to him leading back to the front gate labeled exit. Chris finds a wooden door with a golden knob with the image of a rat on it. When he opens it shows a currently aged robby looking at a rat by his dining hall and calls it “sir whiskers”, while a bunch of frat guys laugh at him. The door reminiscent of smelling like lavender leads to a meadow where robby is shown hiking, getting bitten by a snake. Chris finds a chained door with no handle with a warning on the front labeled (NO ENTRY). Hearing crying, chris backs away and follows his chain back to the entrance that has been left partially opened. Looking back the halls appear black and slowly residing away as if withering, hearing chains, chris runs through the open gate in the front and leads to a massive light shining before him and appears outside of the castel and back home. Going back to bed, Brendan asks what took him so long and Chris replies with a friend who needed him. Chris gets up once more and brings robby to helens, and tells her that she should really be thankful for all he is.
“there's something about him hidden deep in his mind, but forcing your way in is devils work.”
Helen becomes confused and asks what chris means, chris points to his watch.
“3am sis, no way were doing that.”
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airbnbfestivals · 5 years
are we being paranoid about our privacy?
my boyfriend and i are staying at an airbnb with my sister and my mom for my moms birthday. when we got here, we soon realized that the house was actually a guest suite attached to the lady who rents the place out, not just a separate place (which i didn’t know about, my sister rented the place so i didn’t look into it much, i did look at the pictures though). The house itself is on a very long, bumpy gravel road, its about 0.7 miles up the road away from the main road, and to get to it we have to pass a multiple trailers, one of which has a creepy statue in the front yard and face masks in the windows and one of which has multiple mossed up/dirty abandoned cars. I’m only mentioning this because it was the first red flag for the place, its just creepy. When we arrived, my mom and sister were already there because we drove separately, and the lady that owns the place was giving them a tour of the property. I was fine, not all airbnb hosts will introduce themselves but she seemed really nice for the brief moment we met her. So we went into the place and the way its laid out is: the living room area is the biggest part, there was a mattress on the floor and one that is up higher, almost like a loft bed but theres no desk underneath and its a full size bed. then after the living room, there is a bathroom with a shower (no tub) and a sink and toilet and all that. from the bathroom there is a door that goes into the small kitchen, this is where the next problem began. I’m not saying its the end of the world, but its misleading because in the pictures it doesn’t accurately represent how everything is laid out. so if someone is in the kitchen, and someone is in the bathroom at the same time, the person in the kitchen either has to wait for that person to be done, or they have to walk through the ‘master bedroom’ (where my boyfriend and i stayed) to go out to the deck, to then walk through the sliding glass door into the living room. so again, it can be done, but its a nuisance, especially at $300 per night. Again, I’m not as bothered by that sort of thing, I just want to explain everything about this bnb. I am, however, bothered by the amount of privacy that this bnb lacks. The host has a hot tub in the back yard, its connected to the small deck by some stepping stones, we think that the whole guest suite was built as an addition to her home because there is a door in our room that connects her living room to the room we’re staying in. Anyways, the hosts living room is directly across from the hot tub for us to use, and is almost directly in the line of sight of her living room. my boyfriend and i were hesitant to use it at first because we don’t want to feel like we’re being watched (i don’t think this lady is a creep or anything) but her living room is almost purely window, its just completely open and it doesn’t even look like she has blinds, and if she did, she definitely didn’t use them. this and the noise is what bothers me the most. since our room shares a wall with her house, we can hear EVERYTHING...shes had company over the last two evenings we’ve been here and it’s been very loud and we can literally hear every word they’re saying, its not muffled through the walls even in the slightest. and its not like we’re trying to be creeps and hear what they’re saying. Obviously we know that she is entitled to having people over because its her property, we don’t care about that, but the guests she had over were all really loud and there was a baby there last night and this morning who was babbling and just making baby noises. this was all around 6 in the morning. I just heard them flush their toilet and am now hearing the baby crying through the wall. It’s mostly frustrating because if I can hear everything they’re doing, then obviously they can hear us too. also, on the airbnb website, the host says she likes to host quiet guests with small families and it just seems rude that she and her guests are so much louder, to the point where it woke my boyfriend up at 6am. we can hear them cooking, and we can even hear the cutlery hit the plates. it just creepy to us. its hard to have a nice vacation when we can’t even sleep in a little because of the noise. again, its $300 a night which seems like a steep price considering. I’d just like anyones opinion on this. I don’t want to leave a bad review because I’m afraid it might backfire.
Original post here =+-+= Get $20 off your first AirBnB stay.
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2djdanger · 7 years
Words cannot describe the love I have for The Boss Baby. I saw an advanced screening of it a few weeks back with the director there & it blew my mind it’s like 3D animation meets 2D along with gorgeous art & so many opposites attract motifs like the baby acting like an adult & the graphic bold bright comic book feel type scenes that also meet this almost soft pastel 1950s/1960s vibe going on. AND THE EMOTION IN EVERYONES FACES AGH IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY AS AN ANIMATOR!!! It’s such a fast paced movie & everything happening at once & throughout all this everyone’s showing a variety of different emotions in a few seconds & the writing is amazing like not many animated films these days go back to the roots of traditional animation & just making it for a wide variety of an audience from all walks of life instead of making the same movie over & over again with great animation but a story line that seems rushed & choppy & not thought out but they keep making sequels anyways whether we wanted them or not just because m o n e y. I’m looking at u Disney with almost everything & Illumination with Despicable Me. It’s not to say that I don’t like sequels bc those companies have made some I enjoyed but it makes me disappointed when they could be putting their talents towards something fresh & new & original. This movie was o r i g i n a l in every sense of the word. Go take your kids to see it, yourself, your parents (I took mine & im a fully grown adult as are they & we loved it), your grandparents, your grandparent’s grandparents!!! It’s so great!!! It’s literally what the 3D animation community needed. I’m a traditional/2D animator myself & it seems more of the 2D movies out there recently have been trying to keep it original and don’t even get me started on the amount of work the animators do in not only 2D but 3D as well. But like recently 3D animation seems obsessed with the technology realizing they can make anything look more & more realistic nowadays then say when Pixar created Toy Story & their shorts in the 80s. These big companies keep churning out these movies not putting much thought into it & spending everything to make it look as real as possible. But that’s not the point of animation at all! They’re losing touch with why we animate in the first place!!! As my old storyboarding teacher once told our class on why we animate, we animate because it shouldn’t be possible in the real world. When you make anything animated you should stop & think: why am I making this story animated? Does it really need to be animated? Can I do this in live action? If you can make a story in live action then why are you animating it at all in the first place? It doesn’t need to be animated! Literally animation is just beautiful. You can do anything with it. And more & more especially with the technology in 3D films they’re slipping away from those values & ideas & making things that can be replicated in live action. So to see The Boss Baby really utilize the original concept of animation to tell that beautiful crazy impossible story & to top it off tell it through the bright eyes of an over imaginative child make it all the more better because it gives way to these big brilliant imagination sequences with these bold graphic designs that I’d die for. The editing and the animation in this movie is literally perfection it’s one thing flows into another into another into another & it works ANNND THERES EVEN GOOD COMEDIC TIMING!!! Sometimes movies live action & animated just can’t capture that kind of fast paced back to back tension followed by good comedic timing so to the writing team on The Boss Baby I say bravo to you & to the animators as well because God knows how difficult it is to draw out a normal sequence of actions but to follow the writing & get that vision out there in the open & follow it & draw it out so every detail works that’s just insane. This movie just inspires me so much & it’s relatable. My childhood was like Tim’s where everything was perfect & I was happy until my baby sister came along & we went at it for years. Another thing back to the genius writing in the film is this style where it forces you into Tim’s shoes because when they first introduce Boss Baby & for the first half of the film you’re made to hate him & he acts as the villain of the film until about halfway through Boss Baby really comes out of his 1 dimensional evil villain shell & just sees Tim in distress & reveals why it’s not only bad for Tim the current situation but why it’s bad for him too & then proceeds to give Boss Baby this insane narrative & beautifully tragic multidimensional backstory. Tim as the first main character has already been developed as a multidimensional character with different feelings & emotional expressions because he doesn’t know much about the world except for his imagination since he is a kid but by showing this then completely flipping everything on it’s head & giving Boss Baby real flaws & strengths that balance out Tim’s strengths & weaknesses it makes them seem a lot more like real relatable people & more so like siblings who depend on each other. As an older sister I can say some of my weaknesses end up being my sisters strengths & vice versa. Then by the end of the film,Boss Baby is this character you can't help but love & root for hoping he wins & can get out of the bad situations like when his formula was stolen so he kept going baby again it's like you feel panicked because you don't want Boss Baby to be normal you want him to be his crazy quirky self. Also this whole tragic narrative really hit me like it just stuck with me because I’m a sucker for these kinds of dark/sad stories layered in a brighter happier story & they coexist in harmony like that’s when you know a film’s really working. So SPOILERS AHEAD even though if you got this far there have already been some light spoilers I couldn’t avoid talking about but these get right into the grit of it. So the idea that Boss Baby was never really born fascinates me. In this world in the movie it makes sense. It’s also really sad as Tim points out as we’re finding out more about Boss Baby that he never had a childhood & how Boss Baby even says himself he was “born” or more so created (in both the universe of the movie & if he was self aware ((which he isn’t but for the sake of explaining this just humor the thought if he was)) that he was created as a character to work in this movie world realm plane of existence whatever you want to call it) all grown up as an adult in a baby’s body. Just think about that for a minute. What if you were born an adult & never went through childhood, never had a family, no one ever loved you or played with you or anything, all you knew was co-workers & business stuff. You never had fun or imagined things. That’s a really sad life if you ask me personally. He never had a chance to be creative or find himself all he knew was what the cold adult business school taught him from day 1. Most adults these days forgot what it was like to be a child & have fun & I think that’s what they were trying to get at with this backstory especially when Tim’s on the plane to Vegas with Boss Baby & just trying to teach him in small little ways how to use his imagination & just be a kid & not be so serious & black & white all the time. Also, I feel like that’s the issue sometimes with my own parents. As an animator I see animated movies as just another way of telling a story whereas people like my parents who don’t understand much from my line of work see it as a children’s media with no substance & pretty pictures. I want to break that barrier because the first animated pieces were NOT made for kids they were for other adults. I feel like it shouldn’t matter anyways if the movie’s marketed for kids because it could always be a good movie regardless of that & people like my parents forget what it’s like to have fun & see a good kids movie. They were kids once, we all were. As with many animated films before it, The Boss Baby brings subtle tasteful adult humor to the film as well as some just downright outrageous adult humor like Boss Baby running around butt naked with a censor bar over his nether regions. When you can marry adult & child humor together in a movie & make it work nicely it’s always a sign of a good movie. So tonight’s the opening night of The Boss Baby in cinemas everywhere & because I have so much love for this movie after seeing the advanced screening & listening to the director, producer, & designer from the movie speak about it & their own experiences they put into this film, like I stated before I dragged my parents out of the house on a Friday night when they would normally be in bed sleeping really early & shared the joy & beauty of the animated feature film with them. Normally my dad’s the one who will give almost any film a try & watch it & really like it. My mom however is extremely picky & if it doesn’t please her in the first 10 minutes or less she will zone out & fall asleep taking a nap through over half the movie. Both of my parents were on the edge of their seats tonight paying the utmost attention to the movie. It was a really beautiful moment to see my parents actually giving this animated movie a shot & they both ended up loving it as much I did on my second go seeing it. I’m not gonna lie I saw the trailers for this movie late last year & it caught my interest but I had this nagging thought that it wasn’t going to be a fresh new story it would just be typical & only made to make some money & keep Dreamworks in the game another year. I was happily proven wrong & this movie just takes everything about these money making no story movies & flips it on its head entirely. I even bought the art book for The Boss Baby because the artwork alone is enough to inspire me while working on my own projects. And that my friends is why you need to see The Boss Baby
TL;DR: The Boss Baby is an A+ gorgeously animated film with a breath of fresh air new story told in a way that’s really interesting & new & takes you back to the old days of 2D animation classics despite being a 3D film so disregard Rotten Tomato’s obviously wrong ratings & go see it for yourself because as an animator this movie makes me happy & I want to live in it forever ❤️❤️❤️
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The Circle Review (spoilers)
SO I finished reading the Circle by Dave Eggers. I liked the booked alright. This is not something I would usually read but I was at the movies and the trailer for this came up and I was like damn that looks great. OH! and even better it is a book. Gotta read it. I ordered it off of amazon after the movie, thank you Dad for having prime! So at first I was a little bored but the men she encountered was interesting, like who is this mysterious man Kalden that shows up every 200 hundred pages? Oh and I had a great laugh at Mr. Only-Can-Last-A-Short-Paragraph. Poor girl! But this whole thing of the Circle being the main company for everything! At first I was like oh cool, that would be awesome to have all our information stored at one place where any one can see it. I work in the healthcare field as a medical assistant and let me tell ya. I HATE WITH A PASSION, trying to get medical records from other offices, ESPECIALLY when we are the primary care provider. Like HELLOOO this information is at most times very much needed ASAP. Good old Banner Health is great as in they have many specialties and use one system. So say you see your oncologist today and you need to follow up with your primary asap to coordinate care. GREAT just make the appointment, there is no playing tag trying to get records where they need to be. Which is not only what the Circle providers are doing but they take it a step further and have these bracelets, like fitbits, that track everything! Steps you take in a day, oxygen levels, heart rates and so much more. The employees at the circle are required to check in with their doctor every 2 weeks or if theres something wrong more often. They make their records public and Mae, the main character, has another doctor from across the world tell her that he has been following her charts closely and thinks she might end up having cancer down the line because of the things she chooses to eat. Like how crazy is that?  So then they introduce this character,Francis, who seems like a solid dude...at first. Him and Mae have a thing start up and we learn that he was a foster child who’s sister was abducted and I believe killed? (cant remember at the moment.) And he has this idea to put this tracer on children that has so many features. It can track where child has been and where they are going, set boundaries so that if they are to leave them an alert will be set to you. I have a 5 year old my self so at first I am like OMG! This would be great! I love it. Never will I have to worry again where my child is. Sounds amazing. And there are things like that already out there, when I phone with Verizon I was told that they have this childrens watch. What it does is track your child but it also allows them to call out to two numbers of your choice and of course 911. Which is great, there would be many cases which this would be great for the child to have. But later on we learn that they are going to take this steps further. They are going to track childrens progress in school and then you can find out where they stand in this world. They will use the tech to track so many things. Later later on at what I assume is like the TV show Sharks. Members of the community share their ideas. Well some of the community members came up with the idea to have theses trackers in everyone. That they would light up different colors depending on the crimes they have committed, and the hope for the woman presenting this is that it would stop police from targeting innocent people.The next presenter after that took it even further to where there would be some kind of system that would alert the whole neighborhood and police when there was domestic abuse or inappropriate touching, ect. Now all of this sounds great! No more child abuse, spousal abuse, no violence at all! No rapes, no human trafficking. It would end all kinds of crime. It sounds amazing! Now I am going to back track a bit. About halfway through this book they came up with this idea of transparency. Basically no government secrets anymore we the people have the right to everything that is going on at all times. Theses elected government employees would where these small cameras everywhere. And I do mean everywhere they were not aloud to turn them off until they are in bed and headed for sleep. Mae committed a crime was caught and now she is going transparent. In doing so more things are being tracked, there are more eyes on you all the time, she would get MILLIONS! of people watching her every move. Think of the kind of influence you could have on the earth. That is power. So at a meeting with all the higher ups. Mae stated that all of government basically should be ran through the circle. Voting should be ran through the circle and that it would be a requirement to have a circle account. And when I say requirement I mean its against the law to be without. They would implement a system to where all your electronics would shut down until you voted. Do you see how crazy that is. The Circle account does not allow privacy, it does not allow things to be delete. Everyone, everywhere would have access to everything about you. Things you like, things you dislike, your location, your friends, the school you goto, who your family is, who you are married to, your children. Hmm sounds like something most people use daily. I know I do. This makes me stop and think. I dont want people to know where I am every minute of the day. I dont want people to know everything about me. I really dont want people to be able to track me down if they wanted. The image the circle has is that they are creating a utopia and its not. Some of their intentions are good. It would be beyond amazing to make sure that every child is never hurt again. But all this tech would eventually be used for evil, for lack of a better word.   The Circle is what is starting to happen now already. The circle has eyes and ears everywhere. Doesn't that exist now? How many times has it happened to where you can talk about something, lets say taking a trip to Disneyland, and then when you go on facebook thats all you see advertisements for. I am pretty sure that is not a coincidence. I really hope this world doesn't become a reality because I may just end up like Mercer.
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loveandra0314-blog · 7 years
All my tweets since August 29th, 2016
Currently renewing my unhealthy obsession with Harry Styles. Seniors- have a fun year knowing that all the people older than you in school get to sleep in on Mondays If it comes in rose gold, I own it Lol @ seniors who think they're the shit All of my stories start with "well first of all, bitch" I love myself. Thought you ought to know. When your roommate is THE SAME DISNEY PRINCESS AS YOU My mom keeps sending me pictures of her food Still in summer mode Drew some nice pics of myself getting electrocuted in math today I can literally find someone on the Internet in .002 secs with just a first name, but tell me to hand in my assignment online and I'll die LOOK AT THE LITTLE HEART #GreysAnatomy GREYS FOOTBALL AND HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT If you live tweet next weeks Criminal Minds season premiere, I'll report you for emotional abuse I have not lost my voice, my voice just doesn't like me so she moved out. I send my parents paragraphs and hundreds of pictures of school and I am repaid with one word sentences and blurry pictures of my dog. I come home to find that my parents literally did everything they could to conceal everything that has anything to do with me in my room ALSO MY BATHROOM SMELLS LIKE CLEANING FLUID AND I KNOW DAMN WELL IT SMELLED LIKE "sweet peony" WHEN I LEFT Anthony's favorite hobby is absolutely roasting people on the Hudl app MUZZ WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE ANTHONY THAT HE PEED ON THE COUCH On a scale from 1-10 of brokenness, I'm a $34.72. I'm really proud of myself because I finished 1/8 of an essay that's due on Thursday #overachiever Btw, Anthony replied to my hint with pictures of his papa I know it's the law... But could the train maybe not blow the whistle 6 times through a campus of sleep deprived college kids????? Spagetting to know you Julia and I are in bed watching a movie and wondering why it's so loud... ITS 8:00 PM But how the f is it October in like 2 days We're over here acting like its the damn ice age I've been coughing all over everyone and everything and IM A TERRIBLE ROOMMATE IM SO SORRY WTF "5 Crazy" I love you, SVU Women before us fought to have the right to vote - don't take that for granted #VOTE My bed is absolutely COVERED in pillows, blankets, wires, school supplies, clothes and Tide pods etc… This woman started vaping and then another woman told her to stop, and now they are full on screaming at each other. ON THE COMMUTER RAIL. Guys, this clown thing is REAL I'm having a hard enough time sleeping without all these inconsiderately loud people outside my building clown hunting The dangerous part about college is going back to your bed in between classes WORDS LITERALLY CANT DESCRIBE HOW EXCITED I AM FOR BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Belle is my Disney princess and Emma Watson is my all time favorite actress I'm crying Constantly waiting for the 12th of each month so I can have some data You can now get a life sentence for animal abuse. Justice. When your roommates make fun of you for complimenting an absolute FIRE selfie of yourself <<<< SUNDAY SHOPPING SPREE I fcking love candy corn You don't understand... our school and social lives have to fit around the voice and grey's. Sometimes my hand slips and I accidentally share something to my Facebook page We're gonna miss you #ThanksPapi It would be fun to me Harley Quinn for Halloween, but I refuse to be one of "those girls" Never be afraid to be yourself!! Happy National Coming Out Day everyone Julia and I have been watching Netflix in bed for 5 hours. COME BE OUR FRIENDS OMG Tmlt I fcking love Evan Peters and AHS Netflix for dayyyyyyzzzz May god bless you and may your eyebrows be forever on point Dear very high people in the hall, please talk even louder! And continue to walk around in your underwear! Please! I'm DYING. As soon as josh got home he immediately told everyone not to ask any questions about the dance My baby brother is almost 14 and he's like a foot taller than me and his voice is deeper than my dad's My little brother got a 30 yrd touchdown and 40 yrd run Mo and Julia are asleep and I'm just laying here laughing my ass off Literally the worst thing in the world is realizing you have a hole in your leggings Backless dresses are just so incredibly beautiful I love them The girls are asleep and I am laughing like a fcking psycho. What's new? Sorry that I retweet a lot, I just feel like sharing the things I find awesome or funny are worth making your day too I love reconnecting I have heart failure walking to class when I start to hear a longboarder behind me Cookies and Gilmore Girls with my babes It's 11:00 and we're trying to sleep pls enforce quiet hour or I will Julia and I suck at life so we put it on the internet. #relatable "Omg have you seen @JeffreeStar new black highlighter?" "Isn't that just a sharpie?" NO JULIA IT IS NOT A SHARPIE I love late night phone calls with my man Rewatching greys is my fave thing to do Meeting guy friends at college is easy until you bring up your boyfriend I told everyone in my kindergarten class that I was a boy. So, surprise everyone idk what that was about Life update: the heater in our room is making loud, evil noises. This started yesterday and has not stopped. This heater needs medical attention I am honestly concerned for this heater's health. She's clearly leaking or dying or something College is not being able to afford a stapler and the professor refusing to collect unstapled papers. Derek Shepherd has been setting unrealistic expectations since 2005. Feliz Dia de Los Muertes! I'm so excited for Beauty and the Beast I'm actually crying. Real tears. I'm seeing it MINIMUM 10 times in theaters "THIS MEAT IS SO RAW A GOOD VET COULD SAVE IT" Anthony wutttttttt No Makeup November JULIA AND I ARE CRYING (not happy tears) The sun rose this morning and it will rise tomorrow morning My dad has had a variation of the same car since 1995 "You are SO loud" "I just don't care" lol k Anthony Scooby doo I cried twice today, first because I watched the Beauty and the Beast trailer, the second time was when I re-watched the trailer. My dream job is when it's always Friday Also no makeup November is going swimmingly, I may never wear makeup everyday ever again All the bathrooms on my floor are being cleaned and I've been holding my pee for an hour and a half. Can I be someone's creepy older prom date this year? I had some real good coffee this morning and I feel absolutely fantastic, this may be a new me Anthony is snapchatting me live from his room where his roommate is keeping him captive and asking deep questions about life College is being awake at 11pm which is just enough time to squeeze in a few more episodes of greys before 12 COLLEGE IS BEING AWAKE AT 12:30am BUT THERES ONLY ONE MORE EPISODE IN THE SEASON Hobbies include: coughing loudly and rudely when I pass people who are smoking When I'm actively trying to not laugh my ass off at stupid stuff because roommate Just a reminder to be careful and safe this holiday season I want a pretty case because the life proof one is too much but I can't afford a new phone sooo.... TMI: I threw up all over a bathroom stall today. I warned you. My professor shaded me in front of the whole class. I don't have room for embarrassment because I high key gained so much respect. Savagery Hahaha at least my eyebrows are fleeky The weather today is less than ideal. Julia made a tinder and then promptly deleted it when she saw an attractive man. THIS IS WHY. THIS IS WHY. True friends snapchat from across the room If the wifi would stay connected, I wouldn't run out of data every month The temperature was in the single digits today and I honestly don't know how I've ever been able to live like this for so long There is a full on absolutely raging party down the hall from my room. 24 hour quiet hours what College made me addicted to tums Sleep is great, but have you ever watched Netflix? Prof almost made us stay past the two hours like... fuck you thought?? Oh annnnnnd I woke my ass up at 7:00 this morning to get a waffle AND THEY HADNT PUT THE STATION OUT YET Why does my brother constantly ask what we got him for xmas?? Like we're not telling you and if we did your xmas would be ruined Trying to save up...but Sephora I can't even put into words how sad I am about Carrie Fishers passing. Rest In Peace. Someone get me on the slopes Can't stop won't stop crying at the Beauty and the Beast trailer. What did I do to deserve this Every time I lose a snapchat streak, I die a little on the inside I'm such a daddy's girl tbh Setting that 4 am alarm is absolutely killer Hey at least the Cubs won the World Series in 2016 Thought about making a resolution to go to the gym and eat green stuff, but I'm just gonna do me, eat cookies and walk occasionally Tmlt- moral: be happy, and do what makes you happy I really just slept until 5pm Traveling through Hoth in my damn Jetta was fun I should have just skied home from work smh These are the days that I wish my dad's Outback was automatic. Smh I share a bathroom w two teenage boys. There is a pile of underwear in the corner that grows +2 every day.
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