shaakyhaands · 6 months
Wizard School But it’s Not Shit
Disclaimer: 1. This idea is half baked and unfinished, 2. This is not an @ at codvn (I thought y’all might appreciate this idea), but more so at Harry Potter.
Honestly, I was just thinking about how if I were to write a magical school, what would I do differently from HP? How would I break it down, etc. This is what I have, so far.
Let me know what you think!!
The schools:
The school of thermal manipulation— “thermanipulation”, if you will. Fire magic, ice magic, is magic operating along the shared axis of thermodynamics. The difference is in the direction of the user’s approach. Students are often colloquially referred to as “thermaturges”.
a school for the transmutation of matter— taking matter and/or energy in one form and turning it into something else. This can look like turning water into wine, or using an auxiliary energy source to create matter out of apparently nothing.
Nature (populated heavily by those of druids and fae and environmental scientist origin)
Psychology (gaslight gatekeep girlboss, this school is all about magic focusing on inducing mental effects. lots of business majors here)
The school of artifacts and crafting— using and making magical items and tools! Knowing how to handle them, how to imbue mundane objects with magical properties, being mad scientists, etc.
The school of Cunt and Serving (performance based magic. Bards. Arts. Singing, dancing, and a lot of degeneracy)
The school of metaphysical dimension manipulation (MDM)— time travel, portals, pocket dimensions, alternate universes, shit along those lines. Students are sometimes referred to as “singularities” by their peers from other schools, mostly as joke.
The school of medical magic— clerics and shit. Mostly to help keep people alive when they get up to fuck shit in other schools.
The school of battle ready magics— DPS, tanks, paladins, and the like. This school was made for students coming from races/backgrounds that are often associated with being built like brickshit houses, and would like to use that to their advantage. You want to brawl? Are you a former pirate, criminal, or soldier? Are you part orc, ogre, or Dragonborn? Did you roll a nat 20 on strength? If magic fails you, is your backup to just beat the shit out of your opp physically? This is the school for you.
Electives exist! And are to some extent mandatory, depending on areas of study. Because one of my beefs with how HP was set up was— when do they learn MATH??? I don’t care if they’re wizards, they still need to know how to fuck around with numbers to buy bread and make a monthly budget. So, if someone is studying something where it makes sense for them to need a non magical skill, chances are their coursework includes some classes that focus on those said skills. An example: those pursing artifact smithing will have to take some math courses.
As such, there are magical electives, and ALSO mundane electives.
Students will often have to take electives for rooted in other schools— all students have to take at least one introductory course in thermanip, for example. They will also have a minimum number of elective classes. These are classes they have to take, in the spirit of being “well rounded” and having a comprehensive education. The specific classes they choose are mostly up to the student’s discretion.
Some elective examples are: business 101, animal handling, coffin building, dimensionality 101, calculus I - III, makeup and costuming, defense against the dark arts, potions and poisons, Mixed martial arts, wine tasting, etc.
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dantinmikannes · 7 years
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“When all goes wrong, turn to a Salem”
A piece done for @borderbipoline of his severe and regal man, Nathaniel. 
(Please click on through and check out their art because WOO boy if you thought Nathaniel looked good in this picture... //WAGGLES BROWS)
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kittkaleen · 7 years
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Ceremony of Eternal Bonding: The Pilgrimage
Meeting with Claribel:  This is not the first time Kitt has made this pilgrimage and Claribel knows it. Still, Kitt thinks there’s no judgement here. Claribel doesn’t care about past relational failures, she’s all about new love, and brighter tomorrows. Kitt smiles, looks at Haru and slips the promissory bracelet on her wrist .
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1. Mark of the Matron: Kitt’s not religious, and her spiritual leanings wouldn’t have her running across Eorzea to pray before random shrines. No disrespect to the Twelve but .... they don’t seem to take an interest in her any other time, why would they now, the week before her second marriage? She and Haru are irreverent, giddy. They joke, they laugh, and only when the laughter subsides do they kneel at the first marker, bow their heads and pray. “What did you pray for?” she asks. His answer, a grin, a wink and they are off to the second marker.
[Long read below da cut]
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2.  Mark of the Builder and 3. Mark of the Keeper: This has become something of a sight seeing tour. The Builder’s marker and then the Keepers.
Standing with Haru in front of the Builder’s Mark she’s thinking about building relationships. She casts a sideways glance at her husband-to-be, marveling at the speed and manner he stepped into her life and built something from less than nothing. Some people have opinions about the intensity and speed of their relationship. Kitt could not care less. “He’s a keeper,” she thinks smiling softly, considering the pun.
Marker three, Kitt’s ears perk a bit at the Keeper’s stone; something resonates, but she can’t put her finger exactly on what. She writes it off to the link between Althyk and Menphina - who she does have something of a superstitious reverence for. "All rites of pleasure are mine,” so sayeth Menphina. She moves closer to Haru, wraps her arm around his neck, pulls him closer and softly kisses him. They break, hold hands and kneel.  No words come to Kitt, instead she breathes deeply and offers silence. 
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4. Mark of the Navigator and 5. Mark of the Spinner: Limsa and La Noscea have the feel of a holiday. Haru and Kitt’s spirits continue to run high. “I wanna live in a lighthouse,” Kitt says wistfully.
“On a little Island?” Haru asks. 
”A very little one...” she answers.
“With me?”
“Of course.”
She blows him a kiss, they kneel, they pray.
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6. Mark of the  Wanderer  7. Mark of the Dusk Trader: 
They stand side by side on a rise overlooking the Floating City and for a few moments are silent. Giddiness has subsided. It’s unclear whether Haru and Kitt are getting serious about the kneel and pray business, or if their day is catching up with them. Haru  reaches for Kitt. She curls her fingers inside his larger hand and leans against his shoulder. They watch until the sky purples like a bruise. Kitt sighs softly. “Twilight. The inbetwixt time.” 
She’s lost to her own thoughts, which ironically have very little to do with weddings. She’s thinking about the Floating City and other things which are meant to last, but instead are irrevocably broken. She thinks about her first marriage and considers similarities and differences - what caused one to fail, and what might help this one to last. She keeps these thoughts to herself. When night is in full bloom, she and Haru walk to the Wander’s marker, kneel together and pray.
~ * ~ From there they move to the city of Uldah. The locals are abed and the streets are quiet. They wander hand in hand moving toward the Thermaturge’s guild where the Dusk Trader marker rests. It’s 2 a.m. and this room is the busiest place in Uldah. The guild is spacious, well tended and full of people. She banter’s with Haru about finding a place for a cuddle, but everywhere they turn they find dark robed lalafells, who manage to look sinister despite their size. There’s something a little unsettling about the Dusk Trader marker.  Kitt considers that sometimes love feels sinister, scary. She’s past ready to get the kneel and pray out of the way.  She shivers a little, reaching for Haru’s hand. “Let’s leave,” she says and so they do.
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8. Mark of the Destroyer  9.  Mark of the Warden Kitt and Haru leave Uldah making their way to Little Ala Mihgo. They find the next marker on the second level of the cave. This is a simple stone, and it speaks to her of things destroyed. Her thoughts are of past relationship mistakes, especially the ones she was responsible for. She wonders if she has learned enough to not make the same errors, then shrugs.  Kitt struggles to believe in “always and forever” - it’s outside of anything she has experienced. She understands: Impermanence. Loss. Grief. The wisdom of the Destroyer, some things must fall apart so that others can be built. ~*~ It is the deepest part of the night when they arrive at the Burning Wall, the 9th Marker, the Warden. They are tired.This has indeed been a pilgrimage. They stand looking at the stone, Haru’s arm circles Kitt’s waist and she leans against him.  “You’re tired baby,” he says. It’s not a question. He’s deeply aware of her, what’s she’s thinking and feeling, what she needs, often picking up on things before she is even aware of it herself. She appreciates this. It’s the sweetest form of Warden energy. It’s love in action. He gently moves a strand of hair away from her eyes, tucking it behind her ear, kissing her. They kneel.
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10. Mark of the Fury 11. Mark of the Lover 
These are cold places. Kitt’s in her emotional element, ice and snow, the beauty of white. She understands anger is not red, not hot, not burning. No. It’s sly and silent and implacably frigid. In the past she’s decimated relationship with ice, she knows how it goes when she goes cold.  She is sure this is not what she is meant to be thinking as she stands close to Haru, borrowing his body heat. “What will you do if I close off and go cold?” She asks quietly. They’ve spoken of this before. “I’ll love you the same as I love you now.” “But ... for how long? What if I ...” He puts a finger gently on her lips. “I’ll wait out your winter. I’ll be here. I’m not going anywhere.” This is a mantra now, it’s her prayer. They kneel. 
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12. Mark of the Scholar
Sunrise sees them at the final Marker, the Scholar. They are quiet, exhausted, stripped of conversation. It’s been a long, long night. Still, sunlight reflecting off aether stones is magical and tired as they are, they appreciate the beauty. Kitt identifies with the scholar stone in an academic and professional manner. She recognizes this as a place of consolidation and  learning. She knows she is meant to synthesize the pilgrimage. Past and present relationships converge in a mental kaleidoscope . She’s overwhelmed, a little tearful, looking at the man she has chosen. She stands in front of him, embraces him, rests her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. His arms circle round her, holding her tightly, he kisses her forehead. They stand thus for a long while, then Haru holds her gently, arms length, searching her eyes.
“Do you still want to marry me, love?” He asks.
Kitt nods solemnly “I do.”
Clasping hands, they kneel, offering up this evidence of their commitment,  They stand, he smiles, brushes her lips with his, “Our work here is done. Bed time.”
She lets him take care of her, of them. Caring for, caring with. This is love.
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They were not hiding their magic so much as revealing the magic of those around them.
The Thermaturge
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