#half midlander half highlander
sealrock · 9 months
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me and a friend were talking about thetinne (tauvane) and the possibility of her being half-elezen and how that'll affect her storyline
I'm still on the fence about this but look at that sweet face. thetinne in her younger years maybe
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fourfoldfires · 2 years
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my hyuran boys, alain and rolan; estranged half-brothers, two sons of a minor ishgardian noble house that has fallen into obsolescence.
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blackbirdffxiv · 3 months
It has been a bad day so... Lore/headcanon dump for Ellie that no one asked for.
Before losing her voidsent, Ellie faced special weaknesses that could be affected by her environment and even something as innocuous as the weather. She often had difficulty using her magic and her powers in the rain, and while submerged in water.
The voidsent that Ellie had hosted was a fragment of one of Hermes' creations; the avian form she took was in reference to his specialization in flying creatures and concepts. After the Final Days, when Sharlayan Scholars were made aware of Meteion's existence and purpose, it was hypothesized that the voidsent born from these fragments could have been one of Hermes' first attempts at creating Meteion and her sisters.
Ellie is actually half-midlander; this is why she is significantly shorter than most highlanders. She is just a bit shorter than your average midlander male (measuring at 5 feet 8 inches, both in-character and in-game)
She's a polyglot; Ellie can speak eorzean common, doman/hingan*, a good bit of old auri (in the same dialect/tongue associated with the oronir), as well as some ESL**. *note: I tried seeing if there was a separate language for doma/hingashi/yanxia/kugane/etc, but had no luck, so if I am incorrect on this, forgive my ignorance >_<;; **Eorzean Sign Language
Ellie frequently travels between Sharlayan and Radz-at-Han as a "scholar", when in reality she willingly subjects herself to their research on void-tainted individuals as well as those who either have hosted or currently host voidsent (i.e. reapers). Her willingness to let them use her for research gives her more freedom to pass between the two cities with ease.
Ellie wears glasses for show; they have no function other than fashion choices, and because "they make her look smarter".
Despite her hedonistic nature, Ellie is actually very soft-hearted, and cares far more than she lets on. She's just bad at feelings.
The father of Ellie's son is still alive. His last recorded sighting was on the Bozjan Frontlines, where he disappeared after the fall of Castrum Lacus Litore. Being a garlean conscript, it was suspected that in the fray, he abandoned his post, leaving the rest in his platoon to die. Few who had survived (that returned to Garlemald) swore seeing a man with his likeness fighting alongside the Ilsabard Contingent when the Final Days had come to Garlemald...
In Dawntrail, Ellie is planning on travelling to Tural in hopes of finding a mentor/teacher; now that her power has been expended, she is finding new ways to fight.
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menphinaswhitemage · 6 months
Audrey Valentine
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Name Audrey Valentine
Nicknames Ladybug (mostly used by her mother. After hearing it her partner picked it up as one of her many nicknames she likes to call her).
Age Start of ARR - 24 (though I have her story start a year before ARR so, 23) Current age - 27
Nameday 25th Sun of the Fifth Astral Moon
Race Hyur (her mother is a Highlander, her father a Midlander)
Gender Cis Female
Orientation Bisexual
Profession White Mage/Member of the Conjurers Guild. In exchange for missions only in Eorzea/less dangerous missions she agreed to teach some of the new Conjurers that showed great potential. When she is not teaching them for work she usually tends to the injured, traveles to other parts of the Shroud to attend to the many settlements, or simply helps other with more mundane tasks. The job of a healer is not only to mend injuries but to help one's community, she thinks. She has recently started to learn non magical methods of healing, both for her own knowledge and for one of her students that wanted to learn.
Hair Red like her fathers. It's usually kept in her preferred half braid and rarely does she let her hair fully down (she feels naked if it is. its hard to explain). She used to have long hair but cut it after the birth of her child. While up it appears to only go to her chin, her hair is a bit longer when down though not by much.
Eyes Growing up she only had dark brown eyes. After the Calamity when she awoke 4 years late she discovered that her right eye was now red. She can only speculate that perhaps while staring up at Dalamud something happened to it. Her earring kept her alive during the Calamity is always worn on the left ear, the side that was unchanged.
Skin Pale, somewhere in between her mother and fathers complexion but they're so similar you can hardly tell. She has very light freckles on her face like her mother
Tattoos/Scars The most prominent scar is a burn scar on her back. Pinned underneath a burning tree during the Calamity even if it was treated properly it would have left a scar either way. Covering most of her upper and middle back she keeps it covered at all costs. She got an additional scar from when she was stabbed clean through. Though the mark is not very prominent on her sternum and more or less blends in with her burn mark on the back.
Parents Alexandra Valentine A simple woman from a long line of hunters. Her family lived in the West Shroud for many years until it was destroyed. Afterwards she spent some years in Shriogane and Yanxia with a friend until being reunited with Audrey.
Cecil Valentine One of the few to be chosen to revive the once forbidden art of White Magic before the Calamity. Audrey or her mother know little to nothing of his fathers side of the family, save for the fact that both his father and mother both came from families known for magic. He was called to defend Gridania at the Battle of Carteneau, and his wife followed. Only one of them would survive.
Children Estel Valentine Her son from her first marriage. Half Hyur, Half Elezen, he's barely two years old.
In-laws and Other One of her close friends and somewhat room, a viera named Velvet, is her sons godmother. Besides that she does (or rather will) have a mother-in-law whenever she marries her current partner.
Pets A fluffy black cat gifted to her by Velvet as a house warming gift when she moved into her current home. It can be rather fickle with people, especially when strangers try and approach Estel.
Abilities Magic As stated before, she adept at White Magic. She knows other unaspected magic but only has one job stone.
Swordplay After her husband was murdered, one of her friends forced her to learn how to wield a sword. The reason itself is complicated, with June believing that getting revenge and killing the person responsible like she did would make Audrey feel better. It did not.
Hobbies Gathering/Spending time in nature While it may not seem like a hobby to others, Audrey enjoys going out into the woods and gathering food or herbs needed either by herself or others. She enjoys going for regular walks in nature, taking in the sights, fresh air, and quiet the wilderness provides.
Reading While she has no particular favorite genre, in her free time she has read fantasy, romance, historical fiction, history books, and basic aetherology. She doesn't understand this "sci-fi" thing one of the shopkeeps tried to recommend to her once.
Weaving While she rarely ever creates clothes, Audrey likes simple needle work projects and mending.
Dancing (rarely) Learning how to "properly" dance in Ishgards many balls and social events was a neccessity while she stayed at a noble house. While not much a "hobby" Audrey enjoys the feeling of a simple slow dance.
June's wife taught her the basics of harp playing while she lived in Ishgard…Not that she's very good at it. After leaving she's not played since.
Most Positive Trait: She tries her best to always believe in her friends, no matter their past. She believes that most people are capable of change, but never is so foolish in that belief to blindly trust other.
Most Negative Trait: She very prone to overthinking. At its worse it can lead to nightmares, paranoia, and a need to keep others close to her no matter what, while distrusting anyone else greatly. She often finds it hard to untangle all the thoughts in her head, making it harder to express her thoughts.
Colors: Earthy tones like dark green and even browns is something she likes to wear, reminding her of home. If not those colors she, abit cliche, likes white and reds. In recent times she's found dark blue looks good on her as well.
Smells: Simple, natural smells like a warm summers rain she finds the most pleasent. That and the smell of food. If she does wear perfume it is very light and compliments those smells, usually foral (and perhaps a preference of rose thanks to her partner.)
Textures: I don't believe she ever thinks about a favorite texture. Perhaps the feeling of well made fabrics or a soft bed.
Drinks: Dandelion tea. It was something she had a lot growing up and strangly one of the memories that stuck with her memories were lost. While not the only type of tea she likes, she always carries some on her.
Smokes: Not at all, she can't stand the smell.
Drinks: Hardly ever. She's very much a lightweight and feels the affects after a glass of wine. Only one or twice in her life she did get completely drunk. It's hard to tell if she's a sad drunk due to her only drinking when she was dealing with things (tm). However both times she was able to be cheered up quickly and was a rather cheery drunk.
Drugs: Also no.
Mount Issuance: A white Ishgaridan Chocobo she named Tiramisu. It was an engagement gift from her first marriage- her husband raised it from a young age just for her.
Been Arrested: No, and it would be a rather embarassing affair if it ever did happen give her parential status and current job.
Thank you so much for the tag @viiioca! This was a lot of fun to put together, I kinda wanna do it for my other OCs sometime...Though I don't think about them on the same level as Audrey
I'll tag @elypiphoros, @wisteriaphyte, and @archaiclumina!
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haruki-neo · 4 months
added a keep reading so you don’t have to scroll-
Leo       He/they
Aro-Ace   15
Midland painted Turtle
claimed oldest. actually second youngest. hates that fact he is leader also doesn’t like being put on the spot. he loves green tea or matcha things
.isn’t too big of a fan of sweets, always cold for some unknown reason (hence the pants and sometimes scarf). haphephobia. has a sticker collection.👍 not picky will eat any kind of pizza!!🤍 weirdly aggressive 
Likes: foggy weather 
Donnie He/They
gay            15
Razor-backed musk turtle
Claimed second oldest. is actually the oldest oldest. tired boy who yaps way too much and drinks A LOT of coffee. he loves sweets especially dark chocolate. doesn’t like fizzy drinks. His glasses turn into goggles:D. has mysophobia and just likes wearing clothes. eats healthy most of the time. Veggie pizza!!🤍cares about his looks a bit too much-
likes: sunny weather 
Raph   He/Him
straight. 14
Red eared slider
Claimed second youngest. is actually the second oldest. loves rock and metal music. Entomophobia. always hot for some unknown reason (hence the lack of clothes). loves to annoy donnie especially when he’s working and goes easy and nice on Mikey. he loves confetti and bubblegum ice cream and or mints. Meat lovers pizza!!🤍 Absolutely loves soda
likes:windy weather 
Mikey He/Him
???        11
cagle's map turtle
Claimed youngest. Is the youngest. Headphones 24/7!! silly lil guy :D Nyctophobia. mini artist and has pet cat named klunk, will die for klunk. neapolitan ice cream! Very interesting little fella . cracks really bad jokes at the most inappropriate and offensive times. Doesn’t like vegetables and HATES cherry tomatoes. really picky eater. cheese pizza🤍sneaks out of the lair with Aprils help a lot of the time
likes: rain.
Splinter. he’s/him
???             idfk 
More silly than the other versions of splinter and a lot more laid back, chill. king of April fools!! would do anything for his silly goofy sons! cheese everything!!!! EXTRA cheesy pizza!🤍 Not too much on him. sorry
likes: cool sunny weather.
April  She/They
bi.           19
in college. what’s to be popular streamer and or you-tuber. Athazagoraphobia. has a roommate named irma and loves to stay up late. like homework and is lazy as hell. will do a lot. A LOT. of things for views. has glasses but wears contacts. Neapolitan Pizza. 🤍
Likes: Warm sunny weather 
Casey. He/They
Pan.    18-20
uh.. uh.. human?
In college, chill dude. has roommate named Haruki. buff!! happy go lucky people person. will die for a complete stranger. wants to be a police officer or someone who helps people. Super athletic and is quite equal in terms of stamina and speed with the turtles. has cool vigilante uniform!! California or Chicago style pizza🤍! 
Likes: rain
Klunk.  klunk/klunk
klunk.         ♾️
snow highland lynx
ice cream backpack. klunk. chubby fat cat klunk. 
sorry there’s no art. but thank you if you did i read it! hopefully all the info is correct cuz i wrote this half asleep. 😰
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witchloversupreme · 9 months
So, I was thinking about Garlemald lore again, because I'm mentally ill and obsessed, and I had a kinda fucked up thought. Explaining it is gonna take some doing, so stay with me.
If the garlean historians are to be believed (and the Sharlayans agree (As seen in Encyclopaedea Eorzea 1), so they're likely correct), roughly 1500 years ago, the garlean people lived in Corvos alongside the G tribe, in a situation probably not dissimilar to the M and Ala Mhigo, with a sedentary tribe fairly peacefully sharing their territory with a nomadic one.
Okay, so, here's where shit gets a little bit tricky.
There is only the ONE race of Garleans (Unless you count Jullus and Cid as a different race for being Short Kings), unlike all the other species of humans, who have at least two (Midlanders/Highlanders, Xaela/Raen, Dunesfolk/Plainsfolk), and sometimes even three (Duskwights/Wildwood/Ishgardians, Hellsguard/Sea Wolves/Far Eastern). This implies a very, very small, and very specialized population. A population that could, very easily, be displaced by a larger, more powerful group, like (as the historians posit) a large tribe of Elezen from what would later become Bozja, who, very likely, were themselves, forced from their homelands by invading Roegadyn and Hrothgar. If this tribe was sufficiently large (and magically skilled) enough, they could have very easily expunged the proto-Garleans from Corvos and forced them northward.
The Garlean historians claim that this forced exodus pushed them all the way into north central Ilsabard, but this is incredibly unlikely, as no matter how devoted to a people's total annihilation a tribe may be, hounding them the entire distance from Fantasy Greece to Fantasy Siberia is more than a bit ridiculous. But I digress.
What is more likely is that the Garleans were forced more westward, nearer to proto-Werlyt, where they likely settled for a time, before expanding north into the mountains which cut the continent in half (it is still violently upsetting to me we don't have a full map of Ilsabard). A few centuries of relative peace followed, where the proto-Garleans expanded ever so slightly further north, before, once again, they lost a war, most likely one against Hyurs and Raen from either Proto-Werlyt or Proto-Thavnair, and lost their southerly territories.
With no other option but continue colonizing northward, the Garleans did exactly that, eventually founding "Garlemald", the city, a few decades later, and the rest is, quite literally, history.
Now, with that lore dump out of the way, we can get to the real meat of my thought.
Almost all evidence points towards the Garleans simply being another species of human, just like Hyurs, Elezen, and Au ra, and not a "created species", like the Ixal, and, therefore, they definitely had a mirror race on the other shards.
But where the fuck are they?
I have seen neither hide nor hair of a single Garlean, be it in the flesh, as a statue, or in a tomb in Amh Areng, Kholusia, Lakeland, or Rak'tika. There's absolutely nothing to show that the Garlean people existed on the First, which is very, very fucking strange, as even the Amalj'aa and Ixal (sort of) have mirrors on the First in the form of the Zun and the Amaro.
I can think of two answers to my question:
The Doylist answer, (which is much less interesting), is just that Square either forgot to make any Garlean NPCs for the first, or decided against depicting First!Garleans, possibly because the race both didn't have an equivalent from a previous FF game, like the Hrothgar/Ronso, or Elezen/Elves, nor were playable, like like the Au ra/Drahn, or, because the Garleans are the go-to "Bad Guy Race" and they didn't want to confuse players.
The Watsonian answer, (and the one I subscribe to), is that the First!Garleans are extinct, having been driven to the brink by The Flood and over the edge in the ensuing century of strife, alongside many, many other species and peoples.
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abalathia · 5 months
- basics.
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Name: Florence Armstrong Corlieux.
Nicknames: Flo, Ren.
Age: 29.
Nameday: 10th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon.
Race: Ala Mhigan. Half Highlander, half Midlander.
Gender: Female.
Orientation: Pansexual (femme preference).
Profession: Sell-sword. Now that the Resistance has prevailed, Florence escorts a merchant ship to and from Thavnair, splitting her time between there and Gyr Abania.
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Naturally raven though occasionally dyed.
Eyes: Amber. 
Skin: Sun-kissed. 
Tattoos/scars: No tattoos. Plenty of scars, her facial scar the most prominent.
Parents: Ada Armstrong, a retired dancer, and Frederick Corlieux, an Ishgardian soldier. She maintains a close relationship with her mother. The only knowledge she has of her father, however, is his name which she adopted in order to spare her family the embarrassment of being linked to her unsavory transgressions.
Siblings: The twins, Emmett and Elias.
Grandparents: Unknown/estranged.
In-laws and Other: None.
Pets: A street cat.
Abilities: Years as a soldier for the Crystal Braves and subsequently the Ala Mhigan Resistance cemented her strong skillset with varying melee weapons, most notably swords and lances. Her prowess in close-quartered combat makes up for her lack of practice with ranged and magical armaments.
Hobbies: Fishing, jewelry crafting, and reading are a few of Florence's beloved hobbies. Following the war, however, she drowns herself in drink and work, eager to eliminate as much downtime as possible lest her demons rage.
Most Positive Trait: Ambitious and passionate, she is a hell of an addition to any roster. Failure will never be an option, and Florence will stop at nothing to succeed.
Most Negative Trait: Florence is reckless, impulsive, and hedonistic. You can give her a command, but it's a coin toss whether or not she will follow through. If it does not benefit her, you can assume the latter.
Colors: Jewel tones with a preference for oranges and blues.
Smells: Leather, tobacco, and spices.
Textures: Metallic and jagged textures.
Drinks: Anything stiff and neat.
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Yes.
Drinks: Daily. Florence suffers from survivor's guilt and PTSD, and inebriation is the only source of relief she allows herself. Unwilling to divulge what she considers to be her weaknesses, she refuses to seek help and instead drowns her symptoms until their sting is inconsequential.
Drugs: Frequently. (See above.)
Mount Issuance: A lilac-plumed chocobo.
Been Arrested: Caught many a time for petty crimes such as thievery, Florence is no stranger to the law. Her capture for her complicity in the events at Baelsar's Wall nearly cost her her life, but she has remained at liberty since negotiating her release.
Tagged by: I lost the post I stole this from. :')
Tagging: Anyone! i'm chronically late to the party.
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velviquinn · 1 year
♱ ffxiv oc info :
⋆ includes : moth, vivyan, esther, clementine…
⋆ to be added : fruit bat, angel, louis…
[work in progress]
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♤ mothwynn measumelle
⋆ DNC ⋆ he / him ⋆
⋆ nicknames : moth, snowdrop (familial)
⋆ age : 45
⋆ sexuality : gay (mlm)
⋆ gender : genderfluid (ftm)
⋆ name day : fourteenth sun of the fifth umbral moon (10/14)
⋆ race : half-veena viera (mother), half-ishgardian elezen (father)
⋆ occupation : warrior of light, aerialist performer
⋆ from : coerthas central highlands
raised by his mother and aunt in an astrological observatorium on the outskirts of coerthas, his aunt taught him everything he knows about performance and dance. now the famous warrior of light, and performing to his heart’s content whenever he can.
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♧ vivyan raine
⋆ SGE ⋆ she / it ⋆
⋆ age : 22
⋆ sexuality : lesbian
⋆ gender : female (mtf)
⋆ name day : thirtieth sun of the first umbral moon (2/27)
⋆ race : raen au ra
⋆ occupation : forgekin scholar
⋆ from : idyllshire
extremely talented with robotics and raised by the duskwights living in the caves of idyllshire, sharlayan scholars noticed her skills with forgekin and gave her scholarship to advance in her craft.
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♡ esther sinne
⋆ MNK ⋆ he / him ⋆
⋆ aliases : e-stea-kuri (padjal name)
⋆ age : 36
⋆ sexuality : gay (mlm)
⋆ gender : male (cis)
⋆ name day : 3rd sun of the third umbral moon (6/3)
⋆ race : padjal, half-ala mhigan hyur (father), half-wildwood elezen (mother)
⋆ occupation : traveling merchant, honorary sky pirate
⋆ from : gridania
taken from his family at an early age by the seedseer council after being identified as a padjal, he had no interest in learning white magic from the stillglade fane. instead he sought out travel and escaped to wander the realm.
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♤ clementine measumelle
⋆ RPR ⋆ he / him ⋆
⋆ nicknames : clement, clover (familial)
⋆ age : 16
⋆ sexuality : biromantic
⋆ gender : male (ftm)
⋆ name day : 32nd sun of the third astral moon (5/31)
⋆ race : half-hyur midlander (mother), half-ishgardian elezen (father)
⋆ occupation : student of saint endalim’s scholasticate
⋆ from : ishgard
as a child of ishgard nobility, he was enrolled into the scholasticate at an early age. but his interest in the void had him finding much darker things in the ishgardian orthodox church.
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[to be continued…]
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serpentscree · 1 year
some misc personal mods i've worked on
symmetrical glow eyes; the way the materials on the glow eyes mod worked, it stripped your "actual" eye color, which was fine in most very dark lighting, but in bright lighting there was nothing replacing the vertex color, which was separate between eyes due to the asymmetrical eyes framework. i changed this in vertex paint mode in blender on fray's face and re-imported; i initially had issues but realized it was because... the shapekeys were being applied twice? i think? so i cleared the previous shapekeys upon import and everything was fine
booty shorts with text lol. they're customizable.
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ported some au ra scales to the f highlander/roe body for my friend's half roe half au ra. also threw on body hair alongside that. some parts of the hair look a bit weird and i'm not sure why but i'll revise at some point. sorry for undies.
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all the m midlander eyebrows are tragic, so i modified a face paint to make fray's eyebrows more defined; however i'm currently working on adding eyebrows directly into the face texture + normal for a friend's character, and if that works, i'll also do it on fray
planned: potentially some slight personalization on fray's face sculpt and texturing
planned: i'd like to add scars to osmet but i do all my texture work flat and it feels like something like that would be much more suited to something like substance painter, which i don't yet have, but me and a friend may go in on it together at some point so mmmaybe
ditched: i was going to give eliphas some cute leg hair but the particular mixture of mods on her made it a pain to handle priority in penumbra while retaining them all, and i realized because i gave her extra scales that it'd HARDLY be visible anyway, so i gave up, lol. i'll still draw it on her at least
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biomesbracket · 2 years
And here’s the bracket!
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Matchups under the cut!
Round One
Side 1 (Upper Half)
Ocean VS Deep Ocean
Lukewarm Ocean VS Deep Lukewarm Ocean
Frozen Peaks VS Snowy Slopes
Wooded Badlands VS Eroded Badlands
Small End Islands VS End Barrens
Crimson Forest VS Warped Forest
Frozen Ocean VS Warm Ocean
Mushroom Fields VS Bamboo Jungle
Side 1 (Lower Half)
Old Growth Birch Forest VS Jungle
Snowy Plains VS Sunflower Plains
Savanna VS Forest
Dark Forest VS Taiga
Badlands VS Windswept Savanna
Ice Spikes VS Mangrove Swamp
Birch Forest VS Snowy Taiga
Old Growth Spruce Taiga VS Old Growth Pine Taiga
Side 2 (Upper Half)
River VS Beach
Cold Ocean VS Deep Cold Ocean
Deep Frozen Ocean VS Frozen River
Windswept Gravel Hills VS Grove
Plains VS Meadow
Sparse Jungle VS Savanna Plateau
Nether Wastes VS The Void
The End (Main Island) VS Deep Dark
Side 2 (Lower Half)
Cherry Grove VS Flower Forest
Dripstone Caves VS Lush Caves
End Highlands VS End Midlands
Basalt Deltas VS Soul Sand Valley
Snowy Beach VS Stony Shore
Jagged Peaks VS Stony Peaks
Windswept Forest VS Windswept Hills
Desert VS Swamp
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lesenbyan · 2 years
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[ID: An FFXIV speech bubble from Lyse, she says "I'll bet you think the Resistance is mostly made up of Ala Mhigan Highlanders like me, but the truth is that we don't even account for half." /end ID]
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[ID: Lyse's character data as shown by the Glamourer extension in Dalamud. It shows her as a female midlander. /end ID]
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biff-adventurer · 1 year
not that anyone asked, but for clarity and curiosity i looked at the list of NPC names for Thavnairians since i came across some people's muses who were cited as being Thavnairian, but... the naming conventions didn't really reflect the suggestion the game is making about the culture.
for reference, i'm a punjabi and punjab has kind of always been the inbetweeny space where islamic western asian and hindu southern asian sensibilities cross with one another
anyway anyone who knows me knows that i have compared the current state of thavnair to mughal india - the era where persian and islamic influenced mongol descended rulers governed the largely hindu populated india (you know the 'stans'? india calls itself 'hindustan' when invoking the Old Days and 'bharat' when invoking the current day)
so then i came across some characters who were non-gaja original characters with hindu names. so... that was weird, because it's heavily implied that the non-gaja characters have persian inspired names. and their wardrobes and their boats are all persian inspired?
so tidbit about last names in the hindu tradition: they describe what caste you belong to. caste, as a concept = very bigoted, we should very be against it, people have died b/c of caste based bias. definitely avoid using brahmin names if your character is... idk, not nobility, some kind of high priesthood, or like, absurdly wealthy. but that isn't going to matter in a moment.
b/c the only races with actual hindu names are the gaja and the ananta. the gaja appear to be more south indian in culture whereas the ananta are more north indian (hi again). that's if we make an exception for the gaja in treasure dungeons with thai cultural connections all over the place.
all other thavnairian anthropomorphic NPCs are given persian or arabic sounding names. i wonder if they're different because they were transliterated from the japanese pronunciation of real names, though it could easily be that they're just making them Different Enough. though, i will say, the word "akasha" got that treatment, so i wouldn't be surprised if it all did. it would make a lot of sense.
so yeah... au ra, midlanders and highlanders seem to have that western asian naming vibe going on for them. as far as i'm concerned, it would be more interesting to take meaningful names from those regions of the world to support world building in that direction. because otherwise you end up perpetuating the notion that it's one big hodgepodge monolith with funny sounding names. but, well... go with god, my child. i'm going to fade into to dust at any minu
(and, i promise you, no one says "by the sisters!" in the jpn script even half as much as the folks in the english localization)
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axolotlelle · 5 months
my apologies in advance to both 911 and ffxiv fans but here is my unhinged crossover headcanons:
• Bobby: I was going to make him a miqo nuhn BUT he's catholic so ishgardian elezen be upon ye. ex-temple knight probably, you Know he's a paladin • Athena: (I'm so sorry you share a name with an unhinged aspiring god) That's honestly a tough one bc ACAB, but probably? Middie dragoon? With the whole dragoons being wards of the state thing, she leaves after the dragonson war ends? • Hen: I'm a midlander enjoyer, she can be a middie because I say so. Summoner/Scholar double spec to account for her role as a medic and because her latest glasses scream scholar to me. Probably worked in Ul'dah in some unsavory monarchist business before leaving • Karen! I assign you Sharlayan Miqo. Go do some science you wonderful catgirl, maybe even work on the Ragnarok. Sage looks like a good job? • Buck: Uldahn Highlander, baby Gladiator and Paladin in training, actually would end up as a Gunbreaker after learning from a mysterious handsome Hrothgar (Tommy *cough cough*). May or may not have the echo but he's not about to tell you • Maddie: Also highlander obviously, I'm torn between her being an Astrologian or a Conjurer. I feel like she would know Tataru for some reason. • Chimney: Othard middie, and a bard for very Reasons (had a lot of odd jobs? loves karaoke? yeah that's a bard). He would also love the bard hats.
• Eddie: Eddie Diaz I am bestowing upon you the higher honor I can: bunny (Maybe half-bunny). The job I'm less sure about, I like Monk but Viper is creeping up in the corner. Also this implies bunlet Christopher which would be adorable.
(and yes I'm assiging jobs with an eight man party comp in mind because my brain is huge)
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astralshepherds · 6 months
while im currently working on toyhouse pages for my main cast, and more specifically on the appearance description section, ive decided to write a detailed description of aya's appearance since she's not in the main cast! i have drawn her multiple times now and have her ingame model too but I like to have features described clearly
without further ado here is aya's appearance description:
6'2 (188cm) tall
skin is medium to dark brown with a warm undertone
has a rectangular and generally lanky figure, broad shoulders and some muscle on arms, chest is between an a and b cup. early in her story she can be considered underweight but she gradually gains more weight as she becomes healthier
has a round face. eyes have monolids and are downturned, upper lid is round while lower lid has a straighter shape, giving her eyes a half-circle look. has big dark brown eyes and long, dark eyelashes which can blend together (+ during shb her sclera gains a permanent shadow, which doesn't make them completely black but overall her eyes end up looking a lot more dark). prominent lower eyelid/smile lines/aegyo sal. thick, rectangular eyebrows. nose is round and wide. lips are full, round, heart shaped and two-toned
usually portrayed with gyaru makeup, most prominently on her eyes (elsewhere it's actually rather light, for example her lips only have a slight gloss). she has especially thick eyeliner and her long eyelashes are also prominent. white eyeliner on lower eyelid. droopy eyeliner can be stylized as part of her eyes
hair is dyed pink, naturally black. during shb her hair gains permanent blue highlights, which grows wherever her hair ends (including her bangs). her hair can be in several styles but her canon/"default" one is long (waist to hip length) locs with straightened wispy bangs
has some scars across her body as expected from her lifestyle as an adventurer, however these don't have a permanent/definitive placement. has some body hair on legs especially, she used to shave it but doesn't bother anymore. interestingly her body hair is blue like her highlights, though her eyebrows and lashes are still black...?
she is a hyur, midlander from her mom's side and highlander from her dad's side, which in non ff terms basically means she does not have any crazy fantasy features; she is a regular, average human (except like. really tall)
she is intended to be blasian, specifically black west asian from her dad's side and japanese from her mom's side. she mostly has her dad's features with the exception of her mom's eye and lip shape (though aya's lips are more full)
while she does not have a finalized outfit yet, here are some photo examples of what aya would wear:
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klopford · 9 months
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I got BG3 for Christmas!
Katina, my OC that my WoL is based on and that I still use as a D&D character, is a half-dragon (mom was a dragon, dad was a human). She's SUPPOSED to look like a human with dragon wings and a tail, and for simplicity sake I use the Dragonborn race as a template when I play D&D. Well, Dragonborn are available in BG3, but they're limited to the very dragony looking bipeds. At least I could still have blue scales with the gold breath weapon!
So here's Dragonborn Katina. And I grabbed a pic of how she'd appear as a human too. Technically, the way she was originally written, she can shapeshift between these forms at will anyway. (How else do you expect fire breath? From a human mouth? Ouch!)
And for those of you wondering why I didn't choose to make her an Au-Ra in FFXIV... sorry but I just don't like how that race looks for my idea of "half-dragon." I wouldn't even be allowed the right scale color! Highlander was my compromise, because even though a minimum height Highlander is too tall (she's supposed to be like 5'3") they're at least beefy enough to look like a trained warrior/someone with dragon ancestry compared to Midlanders.
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dantinmikannes · 7 years
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“When all goes wrong, turn to a Salem”
A piece done for @borderbipoline of his severe and regal man, Nathaniel. 
(Please click on through and check out their art because WOO boy if you thought Nathaniel looked good in this picture... //WAGGLES BROWS)
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