chihok · 2 months
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This is The Cyaegha key ring. The eye in the center is thermoglass, which changes color depending on the temperature. I'll be selling these at Wonder Festival.
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bustinboards · 7 years
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[2 of 2] @williamroyce somewhere in North Carolina on his favorite new board, the #ThermoGlass Shrike. 📷: @khaleeqovision #teambustin #skateeverything
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wilmaxusa · 6 years
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The Thermo Glass collection by WILMAX is perfect for preparing and serving your favorite tea. Made from a high-temperature, shock resistant, Borosilicate glass, the Thermo Glass collection has excellent quality, which ensure great usability. #ThermoGlass #tableware #porcelain #crystalline #glass #tabletop #tabletopmatters #foodpresentation #restaurantdesignteatime #coffeeware #elegant #tablesetting #china #glassware #glasses #recipe #plate #wilmax_usa #wilmaxusa #wilmax_cutlery #forks #knifes #spoons #sainlesssteel #fineporcelain #food #gift #Plates #cooking Photo by: zeffir_house https://www.instagram.com/p/BuXpOGElNu4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13dpa03q84jkm
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oknavmir · 5 years
Тепло🔥🔥🔥 @thermo_glass #thermoglass . Друзья, 4-го будем целый день на #mosbild2019 !🔥 Пишите в директ, будем рады всех увидеть🤗 Уверены, нам будет о чём поговорить😁 Ищите нас во всех популярных соц.сетях по тегам #окнавмир #oknavmir . #mosbild #mosbild2019 #мосбилд #москва #окна #выставка #окнаминск #москваминск #moscow #window #g3 #глобальныйоконныйфорум #siegenia #оконщики (at Moscow, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvzummjheVF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=48hek9pamqh4
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sparatus · 7 years
3, 6, 9, and or 19 for the prompts :3c
ok this is old but i feel like writing again Whoops lmao i couldn’t think of anything for 9 but w/e 3 of 4 is still good
3. final
Valis didn’t say anything as Saren stepped up to her side, a ghost on the battlefield. She didn’t look at him, either, her gaze trained on the Reaper off in the distance. Saren didn’t need acknowledging, anyway; Desolas had told her once that what Saren lacked in size, he more than made up for in sheer presence, and she didn’t think truer words had ever been spoken.
They stood there for a while, watching the Reapers and their forces lumber their way across the horizon. She was surprised to realize she felt calm. Her heart beat with a steady determination in her chest, each thud against her cowl a declaration of intent. Her new leg, only two years old and already well-muscled and indistinguishable from her good one like the one it replaced had never been crushed in the first place, stood firm beneath her, not a single quiver. She didn’t feel fear as the Reaper in the distance ambled through the ruins of the human city. Not fear, not sorrow for the lost, not righteous anger. Only quiet, grim acceptance.
Finally, she spoke. “This is it, then, isn’t it?” she mused, more a question to the world than to the pint-sized turian beside her. “This is the end, one way or another.”
Saren hummed. “I suppose so.”
His voice was as stoic as ever, but his subvocals betrayed him. Quiet, but intense fury threaded through every one of those three small words, and hung in the air between them on words left unsaid. These are the monsters, these are the killers, these are the things that took my brother from me, and if they want me, too, I’ll take them all with me.
She glanced at him then, just a slight turn of her head, then back to the Reaper walking through what used to be London. More silence, now a silent agreement.
After a few minutes, she coughed, a low, rough, clearing-the-throat kind. She had to do a lot of those, after Shanxi. Something something swallowed rock dust and roughened her trachea. Whatever. She shook her head, then turned and offered a hand to Saren. Arm extended, forearm bent up, like she was offering to arm-wrestle. “For Desolas,” she said solemnly.
He looked at her then, then down at her hand, like he was processing the offer. Then, as he looked back up at her, he grasped her hand and nodded sharply. “For Desolas.”
6. wings
[short context tarvok is a former member of a batarian military group that uses specialized tech for personal flight, like the vulture in spider-man: homecoming if u’ve seen it, like this only the turbines and wings are separated to stabilize lift generation and control, i have some concept sketches in my art blog drafts]
Tarvok rolled his shoulders and twisted his head to watch as the control surfaces unfolded from his back, all shimmering thermoglass and gleaming alloy frames. The Hegemony’s scientists had gone all-out to create the tech for the aerial units, and it showed. Not a single nick or dent or scrape anywhere in however many years it had been.
Of course, the craftsmanship balanced out the training. They’d grafted wings onto his back, then kicked him off the roof and told him to try not to die. Idiots.
Pre-flight checks came naturally now. They’d promised him that after a few years, he wouldn’t need to use biotics to control the different surfaces, and they would work like prosthetics. Another lie. He needed less energy to do it now, sure, but it was still just as much a mental tug as a Lift or Throw. Really, because of how everything got channeled down the spinal implant, he was pretty sure it was the exact same reflex, just diverted to a set of panels on his back.
Outer wing, check. Inner, check. Left, right, up, down, the thermoglass feathers all responded exactly how they should, so the wing would go with them in-flight. Good.
A button on his omni-tool brought the turbines humming to life. The near-silent thrum of electrified eezo dust spinning around was practically comforting at this point. Everything worked. He could fly away if he needed to. Or wanted to. Depended on how things went.
His comm crackled. “Screamer, you ready? I’m gonna need that exit in fifteen minutes.”
He grinned and pulled the rocket launcher off his back as an alarm rang out a few blocks down. Moment of truth. “Might want to drop that estimate a bit, Onslaught. Let’s light it up.”
And then he stepped off the roof, his wings clicked backwards into high-velocity configuration, and Omega turned into a blur around him as he flew.
19. fireworks
The sky was alive as Shepard wandered along the Presidium. The Citadel was celebrating their victory over Sovereign, but they couldn’t bring themselves to join in. Everything that had happened swirled and crashed in their head, a mess of ideas and fears.
They’d tried to stay and enjoy the party, but it had been too easy to see the reminders of what they’d survived. Reporters were kept firmly out, barricaded by C-Sec and more than a couple Spectres in official armor. Looking too far off in the distance led their gaze to wreckage and ruin, still being picked over by tiny, indistinguishable forms. Nihlus spoke in hushed voices with a shorter, sturdily-built turian with white plates and black tattoos, both standing like they were waiting for a third to waltz up and join them at any moment. Not that Saren could, laid up in the hospital waiting for clone replacement surgeries (he had positively squalled when prosthetics were suggested, and Shepard supposed they could understand why), and Shepard doubted they themselves would be welcome to fill his empty spot in the trio. The councilors were all jumpy and tense, and, one by one, had all made excuses to bow out and go home once the fireworks began. Really, of the people Shepard recognized, only Hackett had seemed truly at ease.
So they’d left. Parties were no fun when nobody was in the mood to party. Sure, they were technically the guest of honor, but when they’d excused themselves, nobody had said a word, and that was what mattered.
They liked fireworks better when they were alone and took their hearing aids out, anyway.
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azobit · 5 years
Thermogläser - Thermo Gläser doppelwandig 400 ml
Thermoglas, funktionales Design für den Teegenuss
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Thermogläser (https://www.thermo-glaeser.de/thermoglaeser/)- Du verbrennst dir beim Teetrinken nicht gerne die Finger? Dann ist ein doppelwandiges Thermoglas die ideale Lösung! In unserer hektischen Welt bleibt den meisten Menschen nur wenig Zeit für wirklichen Kaffee- oder Teegenuss - schnell einen "coffee to go" für unterwegs und ab zum nächsten Termin. Nur leider sind die allgegenwärtigen Wegwerfbecher nicht wirklich umweltfreundlich. Gute Alternativen sind ein wiederverwendbarer Becher mit Deckel oder eine praktische Flasche aus Edelstahl. Dein heißes Getränk bleibt hier zudem deutlich länger warm und du kannst diese Exemplare auch für eine kalte Flüssigkeit nutzen. Für den heimischen Teegenuss ist die Wahl des richtigen Behältnisses ebenfalls wichtig. Statt einer Tasse kommt hier häufig das praktische Thermoglas zum Einsatz. Thermoglas - warmer Tee & kühle Finger Ein doppelwandig konzipiertes Thermoglas besitzt ein ansprechendes Design, da dein Getränk im Glas zu schweben scheint. Die Optik ist jedoch lediglich ein netter Nebeneffekt beim Thermoglas, denn die eigentliche Funktion ist das Warmhalten. Durch diesen Effekt bleibt im Thermoglas nicht nur dein Getränk länger heiß, dank der Doppelwandigkeit kannst du dir nicht die Finger verbrennen. Im Gegensatz zur herkömmlichen Tasse mit Henkel gibt dir das Thermoglas freien Blick auf den Inhalt. Besonders vorteilhaft ist dies bei der Zubereitung einer Teeblume im Thermoglas. Hier spielt die richtige Temperatur eine wichtige Rolle, damit sie ihre Aromen vollständig entfalten kann. Eine Zubereitung in der Teetasse beraubt dich um ein optisches Highlight, daher empfehlen wir für einen besseren Blick auf die Teeblume ein Thermoglas oder eine Teekanne aus Glas. Thermogläser - ansprechendes Design & spülmaschinengeeignet Wenn du ein tolles Geschenk für einen Teegenießer suchst, findest du von Kanne über Thermoglas & Teebecher bis Karaffe eine große Auswahl dekorativer Artikel. Mehrere Teegläser im Set sind beispielsweise als Geschenkidee perfekt geeignet. Ein hochwertiges Thermoglas (Thermoglass) ist kratzfest und zeigt sich als sinnvolle Alternative zu Wegwerfprodukten aus Kunststoff. Selbstverständlich ist das vielseitige Thermoglas-Modell nicht nur für Tee geeignet - du kannst auch mal einen leckeren Latte macchiato daraus trinken und die unterschiedlichen Schichten dieses Getränks bewundern. Thermogläser - die verHEISSungsvolle Art Tee zu geniessen (https://www.amapodo.com/amazon-de) Ein Thermoglas ist ein ideales Zubehör für die kleine Pause zwischendurch mit leckerem Tee, Smoothie und Obst oder anderen Snacks. Das Produkt zeichnet sich durch hohe Qualität aus und die Reinigung kann bei einem Thermoglas problemlos in der Spülmaschine erfolgen. Alternativ zum Thermoglas findest du für größere Mengen auch schicke Behältnisse wie Thermoglasflasche, Thermoglaskanne und Thermoglaskrug. Für unterwegs ist eine hochwertige Trinkflasche die ideale Wahl, so bist du jeden Tag und überall gut ausgestattet. Weitere informationen finden Sie im Shop (https://www.amapodo.com) posted by HR-Gateway
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maydei · 7 years
victuuri but they're in outer space
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Victor asked. His hair shone like starlight under the LED overheads, designed for conserving power for the duration of the USS Agape’s eighteen-month mission. The gold of his command shirt was the brightest color by far, drawing Yuuri’s eyes away from even the magnificent sight in the bay window behind him.
The Earth, all round and green and white and blue, so very blue. As blue as Captain Nikiforov’s eyes as he turned them back on Yuuri, his fresh-faced and distracted First Officer.
There should be nothing else on Yuuri’s mind but the sight of wide-open space, in this moment. He’d trained his whole life for this. He’d waited twenty five years for this sight. But he could look at nothing but his commanding officer and feel joy, feel fear, and feel the strange and mortifying attraction he’d acknowledged when he first chosen Victor as his idol long ago.
He was the most distinguished alumnus of Starfleet Academy; a true genius, a prodigy in all things navigation, language, and discovery. And he had chosen Yuuri for his second in command, despite the fact that dozens of graduates (some even twice Yuuri’s age) had been desperate for this chance.
Why me? Why now?
But does it matter?
“Yes, Captain,” Yuuri answered, and swallowed back the fear. Everything, everyone he knew was on that planet, now microscopic—entire lives, entire cities, so small they were invisible to the naked eye.
It certainly put things into perspective, Yuuri’s anxiety notwithstanding.
Victor laughed; the sound echoed off the thermoglass, off the bulkheads, and echoed down the spacious halls. Yuuri drew in on himself; Victor, oblivious, reached out to pat him on the back. “Yuuri, please, you can call me Victor when we’re not on the bridge. We’re going to be living and working together for the next year and a half. It’s the least you can do, please, for me.”
How could Yuuri deny him? He lowered his eyes and nodded, still starstruck (not by the galaxies they would be facing, exploring—but by the man himself before him). 
“Come on. I’d like to hear you say my name at least once,” Victor said with a bright smile.
“I just don’t want to disappoint you!” Yuuri felt the words tumble from him unexpectedly, the hot, embarrassed blush following closely behind. He clapped his hands over his mouth and mumbled, “...Victor.”
Victor’s cheerful expression softened into something gentle, private. His hand, where he had patted Yuuri’s back, drifted up to rest on his shoulder, heavy and comforting. “You won’t disappoint me. You’re capable of amazing things, Yuuri. You’re full of surprises, I know it. You may even surprise yourself.” 
Victor winked; Yuuri hoped Victor couldn’t feel the heart palpitations that had to be shaking his whole body.
And then Victor stepped closer and slid his arm around Yuuri’s shoulder. “Come on, Commander Katsuki. Let’s go greet our crew.”
As Victor led him away, Yuuri had only a moment to take in the view of the Earth; it would be more than a year before he would see it again. But the last thing he saw was their reflection—tall and broad, short and slender, silver hair and black, command gold and science blue.
They looked good together.
(Yuuri hoped they would work together just as well.)
“Yes, Victor,” Yuuri answered.
Being near Victor’s warmth was worth the cold of space.
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chihok · 2 months
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This is The Colour Out of Space key ring. The eye in the center is thermoglass, which changes color depending on the temperature. I'll be selling these at Wonder Festival.
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bustinboards · 8 years
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Our Thermoglass series is a beaut!! #MadeDifferent
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wilmaxusa · 6 years
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The Thermo Glass collection by WILMAX is perfect for preparing and serving your favorite tea. Made from a high-temperature, shock resistant, Borosilicate glass, the Thermo Glass collection has excellent quality, which ensure great usability. #ThermoGlass #tableware #porcelain #crystalline #glass #tabletop #tabletopmatters #foodpresentation #restaurantdesignteatime #coffeeware #elegant #tablesetting #china #glassware #glasses #recipe #plate #wilmax_usa #wilmaxusa #wilmax_cutlery #forks #knifes #spoons #sainlesssteel #fineporcelain #food #gift #Plates #cooking Photo by: sophies_cups https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs1htXDFRnZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fl696zvdgt4c
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Will Royce liked the new caption collection graphics so much that he paid a visit to the HQ to print up a few freshies for himself.  Wills been riding the ThermoGlass Shrike a lot lately so we worked with him to create a special Matte-Black x Rasta Edition.  When it was done, Will and the crew liked it so much ...
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john-boards-blog · 7 years
Will Royce liked the new caption collection graphics so much that he paid a visit to the HQ to print up a few freshies for himself.  Wills been riding the ThermoGlass Shrike a lot lately so we worked with him to create a special Matte-Black x Rasta Edition.  When it was done, Will and the crew liked it so much ...
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bustinboards · 6 years
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VOTE “Left, Right or Center” & WIN || For these surprise ThermoGlass Boombox 38 Custom Setups 👀 just added to our Factory Store SALE (https://bustinboards.com/collections/bustin-factory-store-page). Vote left, right or center in the COMMENTS for one entry into our #WheelsForLife Giveaway. . Contest Rules: Each vote you cast equals one vote for our #WheelsForLife giveaway. Our next winner will be randomly selected on 07/04/18 and announced at blog.bustinboards.com. STACK YOUR CHANCES, Vote on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Tumblr (gain 1 unique entry for each network). #WheelsForLife giveaway.
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wilmaxusa · 7 years
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The Thermo Glass collection by WILMAX is perfect for preparing and serving your favorite tea. Made from a high-temperature, shock resistant, Borosilicate glass, the Thermo Glass collection has excellent quality, which ensure great usability. #ThermoGlass #tableware #porcelain #crystalline #glass #tabletop #tabletopmatters #foodpresentation #restaurantdesignteatime #coffeeware #elegant #tablesetting #china #glassware #glasses #recipe #plate #wilmax_usa #wilmaxusa #wilmax_cutlery #forks #knifes #spoons #sainlesssteel #fineporcelain #food #gift #Plates #cooking
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hoffmanmark · 7 years
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Will Royce liked the new caption collection graphics so much that he paid a visit to the HQ to print up a few freshies for himself.  Wills been riding the ThermoGlass Shrike a lot lately so we worked with him to create a special Matte-Black x Rasta Edition.  When it was done, Will and the crew liked it so much ...
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