#these are my little dolls i like to play witg
mlp-supernatural · 7 months
oooaaooo im up to something
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thisthatboy · 11 months
andrew and josh doing slightly outdated tiktok trends for gutenberg i want to put them in my pocket and play witg them like little paper dolls
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sometipsygnostalgic · 4 years
Nearly done with Persona 4!
All the scenes in the hospital were outstanding.
Some of the fanservice is really getting on my nerves... girls NEVER compare boob sizes. Not any girls I’ve met at least. Perhaps things are different in Japan but I can’t expect a bunch of straight male hornyposting writers to know!!!
All the girls are ALSO really good though (apart from Rise who is 50% great and 50% kind of terrible... never a dull moment).
A discussion on the cast below the cut and why I think they feel different from P5:
I had Yu romance Yukiko because I thought it’d be nice, even though we all know Yukiko is married to Chie... my logic was Yukiko’s kind of bland and shy and she has a bad experience with boys, so pairing her with the shy bland protagonist would be positive for them both. Also I find her laughing adorable and hilarious. Reminds me of the squad days in high school. So she’s like a normal teenager.
Chie and Naoto are my fave in the cast. Chie has no brain cells, god bless, but she has a heart and is ready to throw down with anyone who hurts her friends or even that random jerk middle school ex friend. I liked her confidant and she was only removed from my team for two post dungeon bosses; her endgame moves are consistently doing more damage than my protagonist, even on foes that resist physical.
Sadly I only got halfway through Naoto’s social link before I had my free will removed (and I started after the new year event!) She’s the only one in the party I didn’t max out with (...a massive improvement on how i only maxed 2 optional links in p5). The bar is too high and I was already invested in completing some other lonks by the time i got that Courage stat up. However even though we only know her for a bit, as a character Naoto is way cooler than Akechi, and I found it unique that her shadow acted like a child with interests in goofy stuff. Then what little I saw of her confidant had her grandad playing a detective game with her using childhood mementos. It was fun. Anyway, Naoto has been a party stable due to that diverse moveset and those super effective insta kill moves.
Rise is nice when she’s being a navigator. She’s OP but not as broken as Futaba was (getting ambushed and immediately turning it into a Hold Up is too much power). She sometimes acts mature for her age, but she can be judgemental and childish. A good example is at the end of Kanji’s route where he says Rise thought him making dolls was creepy and he had to take time to get her to understand that it wasn’t. Rise made me laugh many times, even in her unlikable moments, so I was happy to max her out. I got her to max JUST in time for her to be able to get the Third persona. I liked her route, better than Ann’s in the next game, but other fans are mixed on it.
The boys are, in fact, alright in this game. Yosuke has the same problem as Rise where sometimes he acts like a turd, but despite his loserness and rampant homophobia (why atlus?) i find him a good friend character who thinks about the situation thoroughly, is usually borrowing the one brain cell Naoto hasn’t hoarded, and who has well written emotions in a lot of cutscenes. I think he is better written than Ryuji in p5, who - while being great at first - ultimately had less chemistry with the other characters and probably deserved to be booted from the team once or twice.
Kanji is best boy! He does nothing wrong, except for calling his mother names, which is pretty wrong. Kanji, stop that. I used him alongside Chie for that sexy physical damage at first, but sadly he became redundant as soon as Chie got more OP and I added Naoto to the team. Kanji’s constantly bullied by his teammates over his shadow self’s bicurious appearance, which is a major negative on the game actually. I maxed out his confidant JUST before free will was removed, but it was too late for him to have the 3rd persona conversation (at least a week later). Not that he’ll see any use.
And at last Teddie. Many people loathe him. In fact, he goes way too far in his newfound goal of “scoring with girls”. I found him adorable though, especially after he turned into a boy. I’m a sucker for those characters who know nothing about the world but are super enthusiastic to explore it. Despite being what Morgana (my avatar) would be based on, Teddie feels more likable, probably because he never picks fights with the other members and he doesn’t have a cocky attitude, but he still has plenty of flaws. I enjoyed how Teddie was accepted and embraced by Inaga as this weird but adorable kid.
On the other social links: Compared to P5 they are useless. I didnt max out anything in P5 apart from Ann and Ryuji’s, so I’m not sure if they all got great at the end. However the non-party SLs are useful in P5 for added perks like massages, dungeon alertness, sp adhesives... Unfortunately the side effect is the game throws sidequest roadblocks at you.
P5 has a formulaic progression where most confidants will have a problem caused by someone else, or occasionally themselves, and a change of heart is needed. I tired of this formula quickly. But it was more involved witg the core gameplay, whereas p4’s confidants - while each unique - only has fusion benefits.
I need to complete Marie’s dungeon and the final area. Wish me luck!
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antman-56 · 4 years
The Long Night Pt. 12
***The Next Day***
Tai : So, we have a USB and some support from the local king pin is what i'm getting out of this.
Raven : Pretty much.
The twins were lucky that Tai helped them out, so they told him everything first when he caught them last night. He lied to Summer that they came back a few minutes after fell asleep. 
They decided to tell her what they learned later with Tai's help, so they don't get yelled at as much.
They were now in the cafeteria still deciding what to do next and waiting for Summer to get them their weapons.
They forgot about combat class and left them at their dorm.
Raven : What is taking her so long?
Qrow : Gee a 4 foot girl carrying a broad sword her size, a Odachi with it's sheaths, her own weapon and all the ammo for those weapons should be here in 5 minutes no less.
Raven : Fine. I'll go help her.
Tai : Thank you my love.
Qrow : Gross.
The boys watched Raven walk out of the cafeteria.
Tai (smirking) : Not as gross as you and Summer almost kissing.
Qrow spits out his drink.
Qrow (flustered) : What?
Tai : I saw what you two were about to do and I got to ask . . .
Qrow : And you want me to back off or something?
Tai (throws spoon full of corn at him)  : Let other people finish before you assume. And I am not against it, just be careful with her.
Qrow : Or you'll kill me?
Tai : No, she can do it before I could.
Qrow : Well don't worry we aren't dating. It just happened.
Tai : I know that feeling, but she may like you.
Qrow just looked at Tai.
Tai had his trademark dopey smile. It always helped anyone get into a better mood no matter how down they were.
They noticed a pile of weapons moving towards them with Raven behind it.
Summer : I can't believe you guys forgot your weapons!
Qrow : Sorry.
Summer : You are lucky that Raven is helping with the ammo. Now get ready you two because Major Jones will take no excuses if were late.
***Combat Room***
The Combat Room was something special. It was a large room with cubes stacked into obstacles that varied from trees to buildings. Near the ceiling their was a peanut gallery.
Their were 32 students following Major Jones into the peanut gallery.
Scarlet : Alright Maggots, since your mothers decided not to swallow you this is your Hell. This is not Beacon , Haven, Signal or any other Combat School. This is Atlas, the best of the best.
Everyone of the transfer students were caught of guard. The Atlas students seemed unfazed by her intro.
Scarlet : Now we do this like the Vytal Festival. 4 on 4, 2 on 2, then singles. So, who wants to volunteer out of the lot of you?
Scarlet (sigh) : Okay then. LION, BLAD congrats you fight first.
Team BLAD (Blade) and Team LION left to go to their respective sides, they were told to go, of the room.
Team BLAD is composed of Ben Miller, Lenny Mcormick, Alvin Duke, and Damien Steel.
Team LION is composed of Leonie Song, Issack Murr, Olivia Strong, and Nicole Small.
As team BLAD was leaving to their side Alvin winked at Summer before he left.
It did NOT go unnoticed.
Scarlet : Now the rest of you can watch the fight or homework. The choice is yours.
Summer : I'm ma go watch the fight. Would anyone else like to join me or . . .
Raven got up and started to drag Summer by her hood to the window panels.
(// like when Ruby and Weiss first teamed up )
Tai : How about you Qrow? Like to join me and the Queens.
Qrow : Nope.
Tai : Really why? I can keep Raven busy and leave you and you know who alone~
Qrow : First off, gross. Second their is nothing their and third I want to catch up on sleep if i'm going to be at my best.
Tai left after he got his answer. Thinking of other plans to help his best friend.
Qrow on the other hand put a book on his face as a blindfold and made himself more comfortable in his seat.
Team LION was renowned for being a up and coming brawler team. They mostly focused on hand to hand combat, but that didn't stop them from being a good team.
The leader of LION was Leonie Song. A fiery red head with a personality of her teams name. Her semblance was Fire Bending, albeit she has a limit for how long she can use it and she is extremely weak against water. Her weapon of choice are fire dusted brass knuckles and steel boots that enhanced her semblance.
Isack Murr looked like the average guy everyone knew, but didn’t know. He had no weapon just two small shield, one on each arm. Each shield was equipped with dust canisters that would explode a variety of dust when met with enough force to trigger it or whenever he decided to attack. His semblance was Never Stand Down, it helped him not stagger, but it has a limit to how much force he can receive before he falls.
Olivia Strong was a powerhouse of a woman. She was a giant close to 8 feet tall and had the muscles every body builder wished to achieve.She had short brown hair and looked more  akin to the stereotypical Valkyrie. She had a great battle axe that would return to her if she threw or lost it. If it didn’t come back, she was more than capable to defend herself. Her semblance was Rage, it blocks out all pain, she can only use it when in a dire situation and cannot tell who is friend or foe.
Nicole Small was a small girl like Summer, but in the life of a huntsmen looks can be deceiving. She had dark purple hair kept as a pony tail and wore a black corset suit with a purple trim which is connected to her gray tights and black knee-high boots (///Ayane from Dead of Alive 6) . She had no weapon, but she was somehow able to utilize her aura as one. She was more gifted in hand to hand combat and could probably beat Tai in singles. Her semblance was Exploit, she can see weak points on her opponent, even the ones they didn’t know they have. However, it can be used against her.
Team BLAD was one of the three teams that had their eyes on team STRQ since the incident. They were a mix bag of kids that everyone thought wouldn’t get along when they met.
Ben Miller was the the leader of team BLAD. He was a well built man with a lazy eye and a Mohawk. He was in the punk phase right now and he made sure everyone knew. He had tattoos with various Grimm and one that said “No ragrets” on the back of his neck. His weapon was a zhanmadao, that can turn into a small katana. His semblance is Telepathy, he can tell give teammates orders without saying them, although is a one sided communication
Lenny McCormick was a failed ladies man. He looked like a knockoff version of prince Charming doll that you want to throw away, but you can’t. He did very little for hygiene and tries to impress girls with the expensive stuff he buys for himself. His weapon of choice was a longsword that can turn into a whip. (///Think of the sword of creation in Fire Emblem : Three houses) His semblance is Counter, any physical attack can be reflected back at the source. It takes a lot of aura to pull off and is very dangerous if done incorrectly.
Alvin Duke is a chipmunk faunus. He hides his ears with a red beanie and long unkempt brown hair. Nobody knows he’s a faunus except his team and he would like to keep it that way. His weapon of choice was amplifier microphone around his neck, that he wears like a scarf. His semblance is Scream, he can let out sonic scream attacks at any frequency, the cut off being it hurts his voice if done without his Aura. 
Damian Steel was the strongest of the team. If their was a new diet or new way to exercise then he was invested in it. He had a shaved head and wore only khaki shorts that went past his knees. He was considered to be in the same boat as most of the most physique huntsmen on campus. His weapon of choice was a drill like gauntlet. His semblance was Harden, it would harden his skin to be as harder than steel.
Both teams were now at the bottom floor waiting for the doors to open.
Scarlet (intercom) : Now you all know the rules. Aura drops below 20% your out. No suicide sacrifices, no human shields, and no friendly fire. 
“Now Begin” 
BLD advanced towards LION. Alvin stayed behind and it looked like he was coughing.
Damien was fighting Olivia, Lenny against Isack, and Ben was keeping Nicole and Leonie occupied.
Olivia was on the offensive and was not letting Damien breath. Damien was blocking every strike Olivia delivered with little difficulty. That soon changed when she started to add more force into her strikes.
Damien (grunting) : That all you got?
Olivia smiled.
Damien was caught off guard when she added more force behind her next strike that it left him wide open. Olivia took advantage and went for a punch to the face, but immediately when her fist made contact she winced in pain. Damien activated his semblance at the last second.
Seeing her retreat, he immediately counter attacked with  a series of strikes.
Lenny was winning against his fight with Isack. He had him at a distance and was striking him with his whip sword. Isack could only move slowly towards Lenny as he was able to block his attacks. 
Nicole and Leonie were trying to get past Ben, so they could get to Alvin. Between the two girls Ben was struggling with Nicole. She kept going to his left side while Leonie was attacking his right. She kept pushing or grabbing his blade whenever they made contact.
Ben just blocked an attack from Nicole and was now about to strike Leonie. She blocked the blade and activated her semblance. She made a fire ball to blast him in the chest. Sending him off flying to the nearest wall.
As the 2 women were advancing a whip hit Nicole. Leonie turned to see Lenny, Lenny left himself open for Isack when he decided to help. Isack ran towards Lenny tackling him and began his punching him when he was on the floor. 
Nicole got up from the attack and was again helping Leonie. Ben threw his weapon at them and it hit Leonie in the back.
Nicole was right a few feet away from Alvin and was about to go for his throat.
That was when Alvin was done taking a deep breaths and let out a high note.
Team LION quickly covered their ears to try to decrease the noise. 
Team BLAD quickly took advantage of the situation when team LION left themselves wide open. 
Ben attacked Leonie and Nicole. Lenny pushed Isack off of him, picked up his sword and started striking Isack down when he was on the floor. Damein started a number of combos on Olivia who couldn’t even activate her semblance.
The match was over before anyone could yell out a Boo.
The foreign exchange students were in an uproar that a dirty trick was used when they were sparring. while the Atlas students stayed quiet.
Team BLAD saw the commotion in the peanut gallery and bowed at them. Making the students more mad. 
Scarlet :Students! Quite! (Sigh) 
Scarlet : Now I know the tactic that Team BLAD used was unsportsmanlike, but I must ask you. Do you think your enemy will play fair? Are you that naive?
The students looked at one another, to see if anyone disagreed with her.
Scarlet : No, they won’t. Human combatants will show no honor in a fight and like the Grimm, they will not wait for you to be ready to kill them. This is an example of “Whatever it takes to win”. Take this as a lesson, to never underestimate your enemy. (darkly) Even if they are your peers.
The students dispersed back into their previous seats and waited for their turn in the match. 
Tai : That was still bullshit tho.
Raven : I understand it. This just shows that we need to do the same in our match. Right Qrow?
Qrow was snoring peacefully in his seat . The book on his face fell off and he had a saliva trail falling off his face.
Summer sighed, got up and did her usual thing that got her teammates up if they weren’t awake.
She gave him a wet willie.
Qrow “ ARGH . . . What the hell? 
Summer : Wake up and watch the next match between team SLVR and team STAR. 
Raven : Or we can talk about the Screaming Kid.
Tai : Like how his balls went back into his body or how he winked at Summer?
Qrow : Wait what?
Summer (Blushing) : He didn’t wink at me! He may have had something in his eye?
Tai : No it was a wink.
Tai looked at Qrow to see a reaction. He wanted to see if what Qrow said earlier was true. So far nothing.
Summer : Anyway lets get back onto the matter at hand. How are we gonna win our match? 
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