#these comics are some of the only glimpses we get of ten and Martha in 1969 btw
crookedfivefingers · 4 months
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“Impossibly thick, I was.”
Doctor Who . Titan Comics
The Thirteenth Doctor | Read: 201/204
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fireflywonder · 5 years
Rose Tyler Fanfic Rec
Fanfics where Rose Tyler is the main focus. A lot of them will also feature Rose being awesome and not some damsel in distress or a sidekick.
Ninth Doctor x Rose
Get Out Of My Dreams (And Into My TARDIS) by mayaspice
Rated: General
Usually, humans jump at the opportunity to travel with him. So, he's puzzled as to why Rose Tyler doesn't. If she were any other human, he'd be on his merry way, but there's something about Rose that makes him believe the universe (and maybe he) needs her. He takes it upon himself to find out why she's apprehensive about being his companion, and tries to convince her otherwise.
My Comments: This fanfic doesn’t really feel like a romance fanfic even though it’s tagged as one, but it’s brilliant. It’s so easy to get sucked into it which just shows how amazing the writing is. I won’t spoil, but I absolutely love Rose’s reasons for being hesitant and how the Doctor is forced to come to terms with it. You’ll probably end up re-reading this fanfic multiple times.
A Drop of Magic by dimensionhoppingrose
Rated: General
Their first meeting wasn't in the halls of the great castle, but in a dusty, forgotten corner of Flourish and Blotts. “Are you bored too?” He asked, and when she nodded he took her hand and said one word: “Run."
My Comments: A Harry Potter au that’s absolutely brilliant. There’s realistic struggles and the writing is amazing. I also love the friendship between Rose and Martha and the Doctor.
Tenth Doctor x Rose
Mr Smith and The Dinner Lady by lauraxtennant
Rated: General
Set during School Reunion - the Doctor has to contend with his class gossiping and asking inappropriate questions about the nature of his and Rose's relationship.
My Comments: I love this fanfic just for how intimidated the Doctor is by a bunch of teenagers. It also gives a nice glimpse into what the Doctor thinks of Rose who is just absolutely cheeky throughout the entire thing. It’s part of a series, but this is my favorite fic within it.
A Rose By Any Other Name by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel
Rated: Teen-Mature
In which Rose Tyler opens a fob watch, and discovers that she's the Master.
My Comments: Even when Rose Tyler turns out to be the Master there’s still a bit of Rose Tyler in them which makes it so much more interesting. It’s hilarious and the Doctor can never catch a break.
Generation 5000 by ofstormsandwolves
Rated: General
A changed Rose lands on a strange planet while trying to find her way back to the Doctor, and finds herself being 'processed' by a group of soldiers who want help winning a war. Is it just a distraction, or will it help lead her back to the Doctor?
My Comments: Bad wolf and dimension hopping Rose makes an appearance! I love how Rose’s powers are different than standard ones people give her. I don’t want to give much more away, but I love the dynamics between the Doctor and Rose and their progenation machine children.
Rubbish As A Human by HalfASlug
Rated: Teen
With the Family of Blood after him, the Doctor has no choice but to become human and hide himself in Edwardian Britain. Fortunately, Rose and Donna are there to make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid. Unfortunately, there is no one to stop them doing anything stupid.
My Comments: Donna is absolutely amazing in this and I love her friendship with Rose. Those two have to put up with so much in this fanfic and they’re just utterly done with John Smith (aka chameleon arch! Doctor). It’s a hilarious fanfic and it’s definitely different than the usual ‘Family of Blood’ fanfics.
Feeling Electric by ProfessorSpork
Rated: Fiction K
She walks into the comic book store, and everything changes. An AU story. / "No!" she insists, but she's grinning and bumping his shoulder and he has never, ever talked to anyone like this before.
My Comments: The author has the real world connect so neatly to the tv show which I absolutely love. There’s an explanation for everything from why the Doctor wears a pin striped suit to the hindrance caused by Madame de Pompadour. It’s all done in such a brilliant way. Also, the way the Doctor and Rose fall in love is just perfect and fits them so well. There is slight smut though so you have been warned.
Heavy on the Build Up by cereal
Rated: Teen
"I don’t think I’ll be seducing Queen Elizabeth at all," he said. "Do you? Don’t you fancy a bit of running instead? Maybe I could make a speech, tug on my earlobe a bit? I could use the sonic, too." 50th spoiler fix-it.
My Comments: The Doctor thinks he’s so suave, but in reality, not so much. The Doctor’s thought process in regards to Rose is hilarious and so him. Such a fun read.
Rose Stays by l-ouresdeLuna (facemyJam) (WIP)
Rated: Not Rated
When Rose saves the Earth from the Christmas Star Invasion, she unknowingly becomes The Defender of Earth. It sets her on a path not unlike the one the Doctor took, but without the vast knowledge of the Doctor, she's forced to seek alternate endings.
My Comments: Rose is so very human in this series and I love it. She isn’t given any power ups or anything. Rose only has her brain, her companions, and her gadgets to rely on. We get to see Rose truly shine while still holding onto her kindness. This is such a welcome change from the typical route writers take in regards to this trope.
Eleventh Doctor x Rose
More than words by Teekalin (WIP)
Rated: Teen
In the middle of rebooting the universe, the Doctor gets a brilliant idea. A mad but brilliant idea. He has found a way to bring Rose back to him. Now all he need to do is create a second Big Bang and everything should work. He can only hope she will recognise him in his new body.
My Comments: Be prepared for the slow burn, because wow. The Doctor does that and still doesn’t do anything? But the author does a good job of incorporating Rose into the story. Definitely worth reading.
the definition of 'forever' by everythingyouever
Rated: Teen
Amelia Pond looks on in wonder at the blue, smoking police-box that’s smashed her shed. She’s even more amazed when the doors are thrown open, and a blonde woman emerges in a halo of yellow-orange light.
The stranger grimly surveys her surroundings and the state of the box, before shouting back down, “You landed us better the last time you did this!”
My Comments: A nice little fix-it where nothing bad ever happens to Melody Pond, the Doctor was only a year late, and Donna still has her memory plus a bunch of other things. Also, Rose and the Doctor are still traveling together and making people wonder if they’re together. Should definitely read.
Doctor x Rose x Jack
The Wolf at the Door by surrexi
Rated: Teen
Bilis Manger's manipulation of the Cardiff rift allowed Rose Tyler to slip through a tiny hole in the universe and she was reunited with Captain Jack. Cardiff is safe and the Torchwood hub is quiet. But what happens when the Doctor and Martha make a pit stop?
My Comments: This is the second book in a series, but it’s way better than the first one. You can read the sequel without being lost, so you don’t need to bother with the first book. It features an adorable reunion between the Tenth Doctor and Rose along with Bad Wolf! Rose saving the day. Also, Doctor and Jack and Rose working through their relationship issues (but mainly the boys).
Something Fantastic by Haely_Potter
Rated: Not Rated
River meant to send the message to the Eleventh Doctor. We know what happened when the Tenth Doctor received it. But what if it went further back, to the Ninth Doctor? Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead with Ninth Doctor, Rose and Jack.
My Comments: River Song keeps hinting at the future and Ninth is not having it. All her attempts fall flat. This fanfic also has Jack and the Doctor being protective over Rose, but she still manages to get into trouble and help save the day. I mainly love this fanfic just for the relationship dynamics between Jack, Rose, and the Doctor. They’re absolutely great together.
Multi-Doctor x Rose
Bending the Universe by Haely_Potter (WIP)
Rated: Teen
Separate AU one shots in Doctor Who 'verse
My Comments: It’s basically a series on all the different ways Rose could still exist within the Doctor’s life. They’re all very varied which makes it interesting and they show how the Doctor will always love Rose.
Ten and Rose elope and Eleven never marries River, but it's still canon-compliant. by TsukiKabanoki (WIP)
Rated: General
Yeah, I had this idea. I like angst, so most of it is probaby just the Doctor missing Rose or people finding out about her and all that.
My Comments: It’s a series that starts off with the Doctor finally telling Rose how he feels in ‘The Idiot’s Lantern’ and continues how it would in canon. Which makes everything so much more heartbreaking. But I absolutely love the raw emotions in the fanfics and how the Doctor could never stop loving Rose.
Things Change by wanderlust_and_rainbows
Rated: General
Post Parting of Ways, Rose Tyler becomes a little less human.
My Comments: Nothing is ever simple or easy in this fanfic, but the writing is absolutely stunning so you’ll keep reading even if it gets your heart broken. There is just so much depth and nothing is rushed when it comes to Rose. She gets so much character development and I absolutely recommend it. Just the dialogue and the realistic portrayal of relationships pulls you in. You’ll want to read it all in one sitting. Also, Jack is the best friend anyone could have in this.
Time Lines Diverge by valiantstorm
Rated: Teen
"I am the Bad Wolf, and I save Melody Pond."
Melody Pond isn't the only Pond who's met the Bad Wolf. Melody Pond, growing up like she should have, just add the big bad wolf and an immortal man. Oh, and don't forget the daft alien we all love.
My Comments: This is more Eleven x Rose than anything, but towards the end the Twelfth Doctor appears so there’s that. Rose gets to do some saving in this fanfic and travels with an immortal man and a young Pond she regularly kidnaps. Melody Pond is surprisingly likable and there’s just so much sass in her which makes you like her even more. Also, none of the past companions are forgotten which is all Rose’s doing. 
The Catastrophic History of You and Me by I Took the One Less Travelled
Rated: Teen
Every time she saved him, she dissolved into nothing and disappeared. It just got harder after he knew who she was. AU in which Rose scattered herself as Bad Wolf across the Doctor's timeline and saved his life hundreds of times before he even met her.
My Comments: During the time Rose Tyler held the vortex she saved the Doctor so many times. It’s basically a fix-it during the time the Tenth Doctor is without Rose, but I totally approve of the changes. Also, I love the amount of emotion the author has the Doctor show in regards to Rose. It makes it all so much more intense.
Certain Dark Things by ABadPlanWellExecuted (WIP)
Rated: Teen-Explicit
A collection of stories about Rose as she dimension-hops her way back to the Doctor. Not in any particular order, except the order in which they fall out of my head.
My Comments: This series dives into the things Rose had to endure while in the search for the Doctor and it’s so interesting. There are so many great moments in this story and I honestly can’t say anymore without spoiling.
Prolonging the Inevitable by Aeolist
Rated: Teen
She's with him everyday. He's with her once a week. -- "Fifty more years… That's eighteen thousand, two hundred and fifty days. It sounds like a lot, put that way. It's not. Not for me. But if I space it out, if I wait a week in between every one of your days, I could keep you for three hundred and fifty more years in my own timeline."
My Comments: This fanfiction actually explores the idea of Rose growing old with the Doctor which I rarely see. It’s so heartbreaking, but I still love it. It’s primarily focused on the Tenth Doctor and Rose, but the Eleventh Doctor does make an appearance.
Has Someone Been Peeking At My Christmas List? by Vampiyaa
Rated: General
Eleven/Rose sort of; Twelve/Rose; Part Eight of the Who Holidays series. When the Eleventh Doctor takes Rory and Amy home to Leadworth, they stumble upon a future version of the Doctor holding hands with a very pregnant Rose Tyler. Apparently, somebody has most definitely been peeking at his Christmas list. Set just after A Town Called Mercy.
My comments: Definitely a fluffy story, but it has a dash of angst. Definitely an enjoyable story to read.
No Rose Without a Thorn by morningsound15
Rose goes to sleep one night next to her husband, John Smith, the man she has loved for going on three years now, and wakes up the next morning face-to-face with a complete stranger.
She just about falls straight out of bed.
Or: Whenever the Doctor regenerates, his human double over in Pete’s World does, too.
They all try to deal with whatever that might mean.
My Comments: This was such an interesting read, because it’s a struggle on both parties. The Metacrisis is forced to change without warning and figure themselves out all over again. Rose on the other hand has to relearn them all over again. Neither can run away from this. I love the way the author explores all of this and it’s done in such a realistic way.
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justgotham · 7 years
We’ve seen a variety of Alfred Pennyworths on the big screen. Every actor has portrayed the loyal butler differently, but no one has quite played the badass Al quite like Sean Pertwee has. Who needs Batman when you have Alfred breaking jaws and kicking ass, right?
Pertwee’s inspiration is directly from the pages of Geoff Johns and Gary Frank’s Batman: Earth One. In this version of the Caped Crusader’s origin, it’s Alfred who trains Bruce in martial arts and acrobatics to become the bruiser of criminals everywhere. He still remains a loyal and loving figure, but he also has a rougher edge that makes him a formidable and vital ally in Bruce’s war against crime in Gotham.
While Jeremy Irons’ role as Alfred in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice showed him to be a more hands-on partner than others before him, he’s yet to show off his fighting skills like Pertwee has. More impressively, Gotham‘s favorite butler doesn’t take nonsense from anyone, either. He’s handed down beatings to the series’ villains on more than one occasion.
It’s Got The Look
For all its faults, it’s hard to call this show ugly. Every episode features breathtaking cinematography and gorgeous backdrops. Unlike The CW’s Arrowverse, which does look like it’s running out of funding at times, Gotham never fails to be visually appealing.
The costumes and getups, in specific, deserve specific praise for being practical as well as outstanding. Even though Galavan’s turn as Azrael was a horrible writing decision, his outfit was sensational and comic book-accurate – that you cannot deny. Considering the style and look of all the characters on the show, you’ll struggle to find a snazzier program on TV.
The creators have also been smart in working with what they have. While other comic book series tend to rely heavily on special effects, Gotham stays routed in crime drama, rather than delving too much into the fantastical. In doing so, the story’s been driven more by characters and location, instead of crazy effects and green screens
Hugo Strange’s Asylum Of Horrors
Up until B.D. Wong’s Hugo Strange appeared on the show, Robin Lord Taylor’s Penguin would’ve taken this spot on the list. However, after seeing Wong’s turn as Arkham Asylum’s deranged psychiatrist, it’s difficult to ignore his faithful adaptation of the character back in season 2.
Unfortunately, Strange’s Project Chimera arc did go south towards the end, especially with the whole clone saga, so that’s a bummer. That said, we’d prefer to remember the good moments when he tortured both Jim Gordon and young Bruce, while manipulating everyone else around him. It was a long time coming, but we finally got to see Strange in a live-action version of Batman.
On a side note: if you’re a fan of Gotham‘s Strange, you should read Jason Starr’s prequel novel titled Gotham: Dawn of Darkness, which explores the villain’s history with Thomas Wayne. There are some interesting twists and turns there that the series’ fans will appreciate.
Matches Malone Killing The Waynes
One of the series’ most controversial decisions was changing Thomas and Martha Wayne’s murderer from Joe Chill to Patrick “Matches” Malone. Malone, if you’re unfamiliar with the name, is a deceased criminal, whose identity is used by Bruce when he needs to go undercover in the underworld.
While many will disagree with this choice, it makes sense from a closing-the-loop point of view. It provides Bruce with a stronger reason to use that specific identity, as well as simultaneously hate it. There’s a powerful emotional connection and reaction here, which cannot be ignored in him using that name.
Additionally, the confrontation between Malone and Bruce in season 2 is a defining one for the young Wayne. It’s a crossroads moment that ultimately shapes him on his path to becoming Gotham’s protector. If he’d made a different decision and crossed the line, he might never have become Batman.
David Mazouz’s Performance As Bruce Wayne
David Mazouz turned 16 earlier this year. Think about that for a second. What were you doing at the age of 16? For the past three years, we’ve not only seen Mazouz physically grow up as a teenager, but also develop his chops as an actor.
In the beginning, his Bruce Wayne was afraid – a child hurt and traumatized by his parents’ death. More recently, however, he’s transformed into a young man looking for justice and to make a difference in Gotham City. He’s gotten into fights, fallen in love, and found his moral compass. It’s safe to say that the boy is finally becoming a man.
It’s far too early for Mazouz to don the cape and cowl on the show, and no one knows if that’ll even happen, but he’s certainly earned the honor. Even if he never becomes Batman though, he’s been an excellent Bruce Wayne.
It’s Unafraid Of Having Fun
The first season of Gotham suffered from tonal inconsistencies. It took itself too seriously at times, while it delved into an overload of campiness as well. By season 2, the show stabilized and embraced what it was, becoming unafraid of having fun.
There’s an underlying serious story here, but it never forgets that it’s still meant to entertain the viewers every week. Whether it be through Harvey Bullock’s quips or the over-the-top villains, there’s a lightheartedness that keeps the show grounded from going full-on procedural TV.
When it doesn’t try to be everything – only what it is – Gotham is one of the most enjoyable comic book shows around. It’s not a perfect ten by any means, but it’s certainly far from boring or joyless.
The Evolution Of Harvey Bullock
While the lead of the series is undoubtedly Ben McKenzie’s Jim Gordon, it’s Donal Logue’s Harvey Bullock who’s become the GCPD’s favorite cop. His character may have a dark side and questionable past, but Harvey stands firm as a straight shooter and loyal partner to Jim.
As Jim broods and whines his way through each episode, Harvey is the one who gets things done. He’ll break the rules when he has to and looks for solutions when there are none. Also, it helps that he provides a little levity to the proceedings, since Jim is a bit of a wet rag.
In terms of character development, Harvey has grown tremendously to become an extremely popular figure. He’s deeply flawed and not quite hero material, but he’s one of the shining lights of the show, week in and week out.
The Falcone-Maroni War
Fans of Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy are likely to appreciate the turf war between Carmine Falcone and Sal Maroni that took place in season 1. At the end of the day, Gotham is a crime-ridden city, so what better way to explore this filthy world than through the battle of two of its biggest mob bosses?
Not only did it give us a glimpse of all the issues that the GCPD had in nailing the crime lords, but it also introduced us to the Penguin as the great manipulator of the show. The amount of backstabbing and double-crossing that took place kept us all on our toes, and we never quite knew who was playing who right until the end. It was exciting stuff.
In terms of crime drama, this arc still stands out as the freshest and best executed one on the show. If Gotham could get back to this type of riveting storytelling, it would be a step in the right direction to keeping it alive.
Redeeming The Live-Action Mr. Freeze
The last time we experienced Mr. Freeze in a live-action event, we received icy puns and Arnold Schwarzenegger having too much fun with the role. It’s disappointing, too, because Victor Fries has one of the most tragic origins of Batman’s rogues’ gallery – and he’s become the butt of jokes since Batman & Robin.
Thankfully, Gotham has redeemed the character and restored balance to the Bat universe. Over a few episodes, the character’s heartbreaking circumstances and transformation into the villainous Freeze are revisited, while we’re able to learn and sympathize with his motivations. Sure, there’s a twist that doesn’t quite follow canonical history, but the integrity of the character is maintained throughout.
Allowing us to meet Nora also proves to be a masterstroke. When the inevitable happens to her, it breaks our hearts and makes us mourn the loss of a genuinely good character.
Jerome Valeska
On a tour bus, somewhere deep in the heart of America, Jared Leto weeps whenever he sees Cameron Monaghan’s name. He might’ve never put on the famous makeup or rocked the green hair, but Monaghan’s Jerome Valeska was a much better Joker than Leto’s Ace Ventura-inspired gangbanger in Suicide Squad.
From the moment he broke out into a maniacal laugh to his brawl with Bruce in the funhouse, Valeska has stolen the show each time he’s popped up on our screens. His appearance in “The Gentle Art of Making Enemies” remains Gotham‘s best episode to date and cements him as an unforgettable villain. Don’t believe us? Just ask his legion of fans on Tumblr what they think of his performance.
What’s made Monaghan’s performance even more fascinating is that he’s never referred to, or confirmed, as the Joker – we just presume that he must be the Clown Prince of Crime. Make no mistake about it, it’s still highly possible that it’s all been a swerve and the real Mr. J could be someone else out there.
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