#these look like shit yall........ do not prosecute me
endofbeginings · 10 months
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2014 FIFA WORLD CUP STICKERS (f1 edition)
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amaru-sage · 9 months
About Ivy and canon divergence in the latest Engage manga chapter…
So with the recent release of chapter 11 of the FE Engage manga, there has been complaints about how Ivy was handled and how the manga is diverging from the game’s events
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While I understand that different people are gonna have different interpretations of things, that still not gonna stop me from telling the people who are saying “ Ivy is being put through the damsel in distress treatment !1!! “ that YA’LL ARE BEING RIDICULOUS ❗️❗️❗️
Ivy is NOT and I repeat, NOT being put through THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS TREATMENT
Ivy may have gotten arrested and defended by a MAN 👨 but that doesn’t necessarily mean she has been damsel-in-distressed™ 😭
NOT ONCE has Ivy been weak, pleaded for her life nor hid behind a man when she was in danger during the recent chapter.
I read a thread on Twitter where someone compiled their issues with the chapter and it mostly had to with the obvious-but-not-completely-in your-face Ivy booba fanservice (which is true ngl) and Alear’s gender 😭 bffr
During the chapter Ivy got taken down by the protag™ (like in the game) and moments before she got arrested, she pulled a valiant-sacrifice-of-a-true-leader move, and took the chance to make a leeway for her army and retainers to escape at the cost of herself.
Ivy being imprisoned isn’t something to make her look weak, but actually strong because she got herself into that place to protect her people.
And then comes in Alear. Y’all should know by now that Alear is a very kind hearted person and will defend/be kind to anyone as long as they see good in the person, even if the person doesn’t deserve it. And comparing his last fight with Nelucce, an Elusian army leader who used his own men as shields to protect himself, Ivy was different.
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Which is why Alear goes to visit her in the dungeons, delivering her food and tells her he doesn’t think she’s a bad person (despite her actions being unforgivable; his words not mine), pointing out that she allowed her allies to escape instead of herself and put himself on front of her to stop King Morion from killing her.
ALSO JUST TO POINT OUT AGAIN that Ivy didn’t plea for her life or looked to someone (or Alear or Diamant when he was pleading his father not to kill her ) for help when King Morion pointed his sword at her.
INSTEAD she stood strong and still at the face of death with her head held high and a cold front, like the true badass she is and just accepted her fate then and there ( pretty much going ‘ whatever 😒’ not only at death but even when Alear suggested she should be put on trial )
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(Besides, there’s still a lot of chapters left for Ivy to grow and be her cool and badass self)
And as for the manga diverging from the game’s events….
I think the manga deviating from the source material is a good thing ACTUALLY!! as it gives its own identity and more time/space to explore the world building and characters of Elyos that the game could not
I mean we got to find out how long Clanne and Framme worked as stewards, that there exists a village around Lythos Castle, got to learn a bit of the nobles in Brodia, that there are some Fell Dragon worshippers in Brodia (and Elyos) and not just Elusia, more on Yunaka’s, Alcryst’s, Diamant’s and Ivy’s backstory/childhoods, etc., through the manga, so I’m happy and curious with the direction the manga is heading to.
Also Mama Lumera gets to live longer so LET HER HAVE THIS!!
Anyways, that’s all I got to say PEACE OUT BITCHES ✌🏽
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angelhummel · 4 years
Shall I bore you with my unpopular opinions? I started watching glee in March 2020. I’ve rewatched most episodes at least three times, or more and some I just can’t rewatch.
So some character assassination coming from me. And some of these I changed my mind about recently.
Sam - used to love him. His voice though in season 2 and 3 is just awful..... I just began hating him recently because he just cops off with any girl, including a school nurse (wouldn’t she be like prosecuted if this happened, with minor in her care??). then us a complete knob to Ryder in LO, is just such an ass in series 6. Loved Blam - but where was that in series 6 until the last episode??? Also can someone explain to me how he saved the day when he came back in season 3? Or why Will told him to be ND in City of Angels cos they had no leader...(hello??? Wasn’t that Blaine??)
Artie - love his voice and when he’s singing with Tina/Sam/Blaine or Meecedes he is wonderful. . But he’s just another promiscuous idiot. None of his relationships settled well with me. And man, if your job is to spike the punch, then punch use lemonade.
Marley - wet and whiny. The girl needs a backbone. And overrated voice. No Not the New Rachel at all - stop calling her that in fandom, obviously it’s Blaine
Finn - I don’t dislike Finn but he made some poor relationship choices. His balls were on lockdown when Quinn or Rachel was concerned. Loved him in season 4
Well I’m sure most people hate Rachel, so don’t get me started there.
I love love love Mercedes and Unique and would take their voices over Rachel’s anytime.
Kurt and Blaine - well I think it’s pretty obvious I adore them , musically especially but Klaine melts my heart.
That’s the way I see it - for now. Might look at the adult characters next
Omg really tho I hope yall know you can never bore me with asks. My inbox is always open and I’m always ready to read people’s thoughts! Also watching the whole series three times over in the last 9-10 months or so? Insanely admirable, you deserve a medal lmao. Anyway just gonna hit these one at a time in the order you mentioned them. Let’s go!
Sam - Agree. Boy I love Sam but they really kept fucking him up lmao. Which is just par for the course in Glee but still. His voice was really weird especially in s2 and I didn’t like hardly any of his songs. I honestly don’t mind any of his ships. I think he’s cute with everyone. The school nurse stuff was kind of weird even tho I’d say she was only supposed to be like 20 and he was 18? Less weird than Puck and Shelby that’s for sure (: Also she was probably there for Finn and then things happened and Sam became Finn junior so they had to have a thing I guess. And god yeah, Sam in Lights Out was awful. Also his racist comments in s5. And he basically only had anything to do with Rachel in s6?? And yeah them needing him for sectionals in s3 was a joke. It was literally like, we mended our working relationship with Chord, let’s bring him back to the show! And god, City of Angels actually pisses me the fuck off just for that opening scene. Like I’m sorry Finn is gone, it’s tragic, but all that shit was a fucking joke.
Artie - Agree. Yeah lmao I don’t have much to say about Artie. They didn’t use him like they should’ve but when they did, it was usually dumb relationship stuff or him being an idiot. Like he had sex with Brittany and with Betty but didn’t learn about condoms and STDs until s5?? Yikes. Also didn’t like any of his canon relationships. He does have a nice voice tho!
Marley - Neutral. She was good at standing up for herself against dumb boys. But also she was too passive when it came to the dumb love triangle bullshit lmao. I still love her voice and love her and also the new Rachel competition was stupid in general but Blaine is the star xD Not Marley lmao
Finn - Disagree. But only cause I REALLY do not like Finn lmao. His relationships were terrible. And he was at his best in s4 even tho he still does too much that pisses me off there
Rachel - Disagree. I mean you didn’t really give an opinion here but still. She’s still far from my fave but there are others I hate waaay more. 
Mercedes & Unique - Strongly Agree. Nothing to add. I adore them. Love their voices. They deserved more than what they got
Kurt & Blaine - Strongly Agree. They’re my babies, my faves, my loves. Nothing to add
Whew okay that was a lot. But easy to get through xD I definitely think we’re on the same page about a lot of stuff so yay!
send me your unpopular opinions!
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cards-onthetable · 6 years
A little justified complaining to go with your morning coffee
A not-summary of my thoughts on last night’s episode:
Erin prosecuting a doctor who “killed” his own child trying to cure her of a life-threatening disease? 👀👀👀 I’m listening don’t fuck this up.
This scene with the victim’s mom exists, I don’t care about it.
ERIN IS SO RUDE. In what world is it okay for a ~respected professional~ such as herself to make demands of a fellow professional whose service she relies on, and then get frustrated at a totally reasonable answer and storm out? God no wonder Eddie acts like a damn first-day-on-the-job rookie when she walks into Erin’s office. This poor medical examiner lady, ugh.
This is pretty interesting actually. And I have some Opinions about this euthanasia topic but I’ll keep them to myself. But this is a decently interesting ~what’s in the news~ adaption for this show.
Who’s this Lenny dude? I vaguely remember him from somewhere but meh, as usual I don’t care about this.
“He can be charged in the court of public opinion!”
“Sometimes we’re blindest to those who’re closest to us”
Spare me all this Sage Wise Wisdom from these lame ass old white dudes yo.
This is going to turn into YET ANOTHER example of Frank getting caught between a rock and a hard place, and coming up with some brilliant solution that keeps everyone reasonably happy (JUST LIKE LAST WEEK’S EPISODE, THERE’S MY OTHER COMMENTARY ON THAT). Snore.
I’m sad Lenny isn’t wearing a bolo tie with his suede blazer.
This dead chick has a hella cool tattoo (and a hella cool apartment how do I afford a place like that?)
Is this the same medical examiner who made me all 👀👀👀 last time she showed up? Ugh what happened to those cool vibes? Apparently she’s had one too many drinks with Frank and the Sage Wise Wisdom crew or something because snoooore.
On a serious note, this shit about drugs laced with fentanyl is legit and scary. Last year an old friend of mine OD’d on what he thought was Xanax, but contained 4 times the lethal dose of fentanyl per pill. Be careful yo.
So someone killed this artist with the cool math tattoo to up the value of her art? I’M ACTUALLY INTRIGUED. 👀
I enjoyed this interrogation scene actually. It’s refreshing to see Danny use ~brains~ to get the info he needs rather than storming around everywhere roughing people up.
Y’all in this opening scene we just got more information about Maya than we’ve ever gotten about Eddie.
A cop taking money from crime scenes? Maya telling the dude to get the hell in the car while Eddie hangs back, a Thoughtful Look on her face? LOLOLOL don’t tell me this is how the show is about to get rid of Maya rather than revealing Jamko’s engagement.
LOLOL I was happy about this normal, casual, not-gross Jamko scene in Jamie’s office UNTIL Jamie said incredulously “you think there’s a dirty cop in the precinct, and you and I haven’t noticed?” YOU’RE NOT SOME ALL KNOWING MASTER OF COPS, YO. Did it ever occur to you that maybe a dirty cop would be careful, cover their tracks, and have the training to pull off such an operation successfully without drawing any suspicion from other cops? He’s so damn prideful and ridiculous it hurts (and lol gives me some Insight as to how/why they haven’t disclosed their relationship yet).
“So we’re just going to let this go?” “No, we’re going to leave this to IAB, LiKe wE’Re SuPpOsEd tO” ugh Jamie you’re so gross. Y’all we KNOW if Jamie had been the one to come across this information from some random collar, he’d be Personally Investigating regardless of protocol and The Rules, So this is a cool fun double standard.
Don’t tell me Eddie’s about to turn around during this crime scene walkthrough and see Maya shoving cash and diamond rings into her pockets. RICH.
Okay, so Jamie saw her on a mysterious surveillance camera? I WAS CLOSE.
This is 100% an excuse to get Maya off the show rather than try to deal realistically with whatever ~fallout~ would happen between her and Eddie whenever Maya finally found out her partner is shacking up with the boss. YOU WON’T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. This dumbass show y’all.
Jamie’s being awfully brash, bringing up “Maya’s partner” to an IAB suit who supposedly has no idea the commissioner’s son was dumb enough to propose to said partner at a putt-putt golf course at 10am on a Sunday.
DID YOU GUYS CATCH HOW JAMIE JUST STRAIGHT UP LIED TO EDDIE? THIS IS EXAMPLE A OF WHY I HATE THIS ENTIRE ARRANGEMENT. It is to be expected that a boss would be privy to confidential information that can’t be shared with subordinates. It is to be expected that the boss would dodge/ignore questions about said information when the topic comes up. IT IS NOT EXPECTED THAT A DUDE WOULD LIE STRAIGHT TO HIS FIANCEE’S FACE because of his position knowing information he can’t share with her. I’m sorry, but what’s appropriate between a boss and subordinate, and what’s appropriate between two adults in a loving, trusting relationship are two different things. When those lines get blurred you can’t reasonably expect them to KeEp WoRk aNd hOmE SePaRaTe and objectively refuse to allow ~work conflicts~ to affect their home life and vice versa. UGH UGH UGH.
Um, Sarge, is it Normal to humiliate this poor officer by having her hauled away from roll call? ALSO SHE’S YOUR FIANCEE’S PARTNER and I presume they like each other or at east don’t want to kill each other, so I’m sure Eddie will be super happy with you for this little stunt.
AYE YALL WHAT DID I SAYYYY? This whole work/home situation is NOT SUSTAINABLE and I don’t know why I’m still having to remind people of this.
How long have I wanted to hear Jamie say “I’m sorry” and “Eddie, you did the right thing”? A LONG TIME BUT NOT IN THIS SELF-RIGHTEOUS CONTEXT OR TONE OF VOICE, I AM DISSATISFIED, DO IT AGAIN.
Family dinner:
Jamie looks good in this color sweater. BUT ALL IS NOT FORGIVEN.
Eddie punching him in the arm is a little cute BUT ALL IS NOT FORGIVEN. EDDIE, GIRL, YOU’VE GOTTA DO SOMETHING TO CHANGE YOUR WHOLE SITUATION BECAUSE 5 MINUTES AGO YOU WERE FIGHTING OVER WORK RELATED BS, AND that’s not the kind of thing that’ll just go away if you keep up this work arrangement.
Gross @ Eddie all “maybe I could’ve done something, maybe I missed the red flags, ~this is somehow partially my fault~...” Sister you’ve got to take a lesson from your idiot fiancé and give yourself a whole lot more credit, which in your case, unlike his, will be deserved.
IN SUMMARY: This Jamko situation is driving me nuts and something needs to change in a big way. But I don’t have high hopes for that to happen. Also this was a thinly veiled scheme to get Maya off the show rather than let her find out about this Secret Relationship that should not still be a secret at all. YAY BLUE BLOODS! I hate it.
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cindtrillella · 7 years
Am I the only one on the fence about Game of Thrones in terms of the plot, characters, etc.? Like i'm MADLY in love with this show but I do agree with certain points people who dislike D&D's writing?
So i'm gonna explain why on a court-based post. Judge asks if the show is still good. Prosecution saying yes, defense being no. Just gonna post why on each sides.
• For starters, why are people complaining about how quick everything is going? If the show has 8 more episodes, what do you want them to do? Talk about the fucking flowers growing in high gardens? This shouldn't be a shocker. They've still gotta cover a lot of shit within 8 episodes.
• Incest has been in this show from season 1-7 and damn near half of Westeros is born from incest. At this point, why does this shock people? No ones shipping or supporting incest whatssoever, but seriously?
• Idiots who say that supporting Daenerys/Jon means that you support incest in real life is like saying that since we love watching war and killings that we support this in real life as well. You guys have got to come with a better defense than this. Its dumb. And boring.
• The people complaining about how quick people are getting to places crack me up. Jorah kidnapped Tyrion and rowed him to a completely different continent in 2 episodes. Daenerys said that Jon's boat ride to Dragonstone took 30 days. Why would the show film an entire time gap, which they've NEVER done before? With 8 episodes left, they've gotta get right to the point.
• My only defense for Jon possibly bending the knee is that his desperation for saving the North and humanity has always been straight-forward. He doesn't care about how desperate it looks. He's after one mission and has always been after it.
• Daenerys obviously doesn't fall in love with Jon over the course of six days. People watch episodes and think that the time gap is within a week, and these are people who've been watching the show from the start. You should know better. Jon has been in dragonstone for weeks according to Sansa, and took longer to get back to the Walkers.
• The contradictory statements that people make about Daenerys is so pathetic. People hate her for killing and not listening, but worship Cersei. Its a fucking war. What do you expect? Just say that you dislike her and move on. Lmfao.
• I think that Arya threatening Sansa was to fool Lord Baelish. I can't see Arya actually killing her sister over a disagreement.
• "Can't believe that Jon Snow fell for someone so evil" oh give me a fucking break. He fell in love with Ygritte who was a wildling that killed for sport and got exactly what she deserved. An arrow through the heart. Daenerys isn't HALF as savage as Ygritte was and if she survived, I could definitely see her harming him again if she didn't see what she said.
• I've shipped Dany/Jon since season 4 when the two knew nothing about one another, but since they apparently date in the books, I think they should've spent this season quickly developing their relationship, then eventually married/had sex in season 8. People ship Jon with Ygritte more because they gave the couple 2 seasons to develop. I know they don't have the time, but yeah.
• Arya threatening Sansa? Seriously? These girls haven't seen each other in AGES and almost right away, their arguments are going a bit too far. Even their reunion was trash. Sansa's reaction to seeing a sister that she thought was dead was a C- in the emotional department, which is completely out of character for her.
• Bringing a white walker to Cersei? Seriously? Considering that she conspired to kill Ned, Jon should've loosened his collar about meeting up with her. He says NOTHING like "That bitch murdered my father", "Hell no! She's betrayed me!" Nothing. Just, "Fuck it I wanna kill the white walkers lets go."
• I will admit that that scene with Tyrion telling Daenerys that Jon loves her was unnecessary. Like we know this already based on Sir Davo's hints. What's the point of wasting an entire scene to explain what's known? We've got 8 episodes like we don't have time for this.
• The ease that the others feel about going to see Cersei is a bit too mellow. All of these stories they've heard about her killing to get what she wants and they think its a good idea to go like she didn't just use wildfire to kill 1000 people.
• I know I just ranted about the time gap, but Jon Snow getting a raven to Dany in such a short period of time during the fight with The White Walkers was a major reach. I don't care how fast that boy ran. Unless he's the damn Bolt, nobody is getting to a pen and paper AND getting it to her in that short period of time.
• Jaime Lannister is so fucking stupid. Your father was gonna execute your brother, and you're surprised at Tyrion murdering him. Why the hell are you so angry about that? It was either Tywin or Tyrion.
• If Jon bends the knee to Dany, I will fucking riot. How the hell did you go from "i'm a king!" to "Fuck it take the North omg you're beautiful." Like it makes no sense. Daenerys already said that she'd fight for you. Why give her the north to add more icing to the cake that she already has?
• Tyrion's character has become COMPLETELY washed. Like if I started watching the show during this season, I would wonder how he's a fan favorite. Old Tyrion would've said "Fuck this shit, i'm out. She's not listening and I could be sleeping with a thousand whores." What's his purpose if their meetings consist of arguments and that's it? Send him back to Kings Landing with Jaime then.
• Why are the episodes shortened? Why don't they just do 10 episodes per season so they can carefully plot these storylines? Everything's rushed.
Overall, I still love the show! I'm not Jonerys or Jonsa though because both fanbases are a little crazy tbh.
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opurbotheblogger · 5 years
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Coffee not essential for life, Swiss government says
Conor McGregor says he broke his foot before his defeat by Khabib Nurmagomedov. Full story http://bbc.in/2X1OAO4
आज बूंदी में #BJP  कार्यकर्ताओं के साथ बैठक कर लोकसभा चुनाव सम्बंधित विभिन्न विषयों पर चर्चा की।।कोटा-बूंदी लोकसभा चुनाव प्रभारी श्री प्रभुलाल सैनी, विधायक श्री अशोक डोगरा लोकसभा संयोजक श्री हीरालाल नागर भी उपस्तिथ थे । @BJP4Rajasthan  @BJP4India @AmitShah @VasundharaBJP
tom bejeweled his AirPods Retweeted HBO
omg they got zendaya to RUN?! legends
tom bejeweled his AirPods added,
Neek 🤴🏽Retweeted MISS B*TCH 🤪 👑
this how yo ghost followers be hatin jss tryna watch yo moves
Neek 🤴🏽added,
By the time you've finished your next cup of coffee, you'll forget half of what you just learned.
Matt Slater Retweeted Sport England
Dear customers, I wrote about this. Just as I wrote about the last half dozen of these reports. It's on the wire if you want it. We used to care about this stuff in the years before London 2012. No longer of any interest?
Matt Slater added,
Congratulations to Katie Bouman on #CrackingTheCode that made the 1st image of a black hole possible and to all the women involved in the #EHTBlackHole success! This is why we need more #WomenInScience, because more diversity = better science!
Co-op asks for help naming gender-neutral gingerbread person https://bit.ly/2G52d8t
ur so dead 2 me
Web Design Checklist: 12 Things To Do Before Launching Your Site http://bit.ly/2VDX7qj #designthinking #DesignInspiration #GraphicDesign #brandidentity #UserExperience
money don’t make you cool
KOFI Retweeted Andreas Hale
Whaaaaat?! Wow...
KOFI added,
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thebreadcrew · 5 years
Bread Crew Text Post Meme Part 18
Criswyn: i like commit random acts of hubris. just pepper them throughout my life. someday god is going to smite me and i'm ready for it
Lilith: i was trying to say "c'est la vie" but i forgot the phrase and so long story short i shrugged "livin' la vida loca"/ whenever somebody responds with "I beg your pardon?" assert your dominance by saying "Then Beg."/ (@Aislyn) 'puts on my hand on your shoulder' listen I DID mean to make you upset and I DO think your opinions are shit/ i want to be gentle but im so full of anger/ i already have a job its called being hardcore/ whats it like,,,,to idk,,,,not be angry all the time???????????????/ [lawyer voice] first of all the prosecution makes a compelling argument, but have you considered this *puts middle finger up*/ i accidentally showed some weakness earlier today it was disgusting and i would not recommend it/ person (Aislyn): calm down me: I was calm but now I'm going to throw this entire desk at you
Aislyn: My favorite type of character is "they're not dumb but they are a dumbass"/ it's been one of those days for several years/ its all fun and games until its not that anymore/ are you okay? by normal people standards? no. by my standards? do you see me crying? no? Then yeah i'm good/ if you need me ill be in a bad mood/ me? Choosing the self destructive path instead of doing the right thing? U kno it/ Defective Cinnamon Roll, Not Meant For This World, Inedible/ (Lilith) "drop the attitude" first of all, i didn't have an attitude but i can pick one up real quick/ me: feels an emotion me: who the fuck authorized this?/ where's my oscar for acting like i'm not falling apart?/ im dealing with my shit the way im dealing with it. are my methods unhealthy? yes. are they effective? no. am i going to change what im doing. no/ ;( (that's me being flirty but also sad)/ how to predict the future: think of the worst possible thing that could happen/ tired of people always telling me to go the hospital and that i've lost a lot of blood, its my severe head injury not yours stay out of it/ u hate me? wow so much in common already/ 10 Tips For Beautiful Hair The Government Doesn't Want You To Know
Hawthorne: Do it for the aesthetic. Do everything for the aesthetic. Aestheticism is the only thing worth pursuing and even it is pointless. /in a room full of art, i'd still look at myself in the mirror/ What can I say? I'm charming and irresponsible *irresistible/ There's a fine line between being charming and just egotistical. I am that line/ isn't it funny how everyone is like background characters in someone else's story. Except me of course, because I'm sexy and important. But like, all of you guys
Freyja: "is a wreck" "gives people lifestyle advice"
Lilwyn: yall ever just yearn? ever get filled with the most profound sense of longing for something you can't understand? yall ever crave? ever had an unexplained ache?
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