#these tags got away from me. i could talk about spiderverse and miles for days. i need to be asleep an hour ago. good night
mimiri22-6 · 1 year
When i finally get to the movies to watch Across the spiderverse, because I Will be paying, this blog is gonna be like i was on drugs for a week straight only cut by sleeping and going to work(wich is most of my time now, but shshhhhhhhh)
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fabled-fiction · 1 year
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Hobie Brown x Spider!Reader)
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Summary: When Hobie hasn’t seen you in a while, he starts to come to the realization that he might be missing you for the wrong reasons. So when you come back, all those feelings reasons come bubbling up to the surface.
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: This kinda took a mind of its own, but I LOVED writing every second of it. Hope you enjoy it!! ☺️
Request by @its-me-ig-101: I was wondering if I could request for you to write a fluff Hobie Brown x GN reader, where the reader visits Hobie in his universe, or reverse? (Kind of like what Gwen does)
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It had been 127 days since he last saw you,
14 since you last spoke.
It wasn’t like he was counting or anything. Nah…no he was completely able to be his own person. I mean, he had a whole Earth to protect as Spiderman.
But if he was being honest with himself, he didn’t think four months apart would take such a toll on him.
You both were just always together. It didn’t cross his mind that there could be more than two to  three days of you being away…from him especially. Gwen always joked about how quickly you both became so close so quickly. How Hobie was usually a steel trap and you were the key.
And he couldn’t even visit you! You were away on Spider business! Miguel had you consistently going after anomalies. It didn’t help that you had an insanely good success rate. Hell! Hobie couldn’t remember the last time you didn’t catch one of the anomalies!
“I’m sure they’ll be back soon! This is the ultimate test before the big question! Will their relationship prevail over this unexpected test?!”
Pavitr placed his hand on his chest, spinning around before collapsing onto Hobie's bed, where he was currently lounging. His fingers fiddled with his watch, flicking through all the channels. Maybe if he clicked on the right one, he would end up on the Earth where you were. Miguel had stopped telling him what Earth you were visiting, knowing he would just tag along. But Hobie could come up with something on the fly, he didn’t give a damn at this point if Miguel was pissed at him for interrupting your mission.
He would like to see him try and keep you from him any longer at this point.
“Hello, Earth to Hobie. Hey!”
Catching the plush that Gwen had thrown at him, he huffed and sat up. Pav smiled when he caught a glimpse at Hobie’s watch, and the roulette wheel of universes were still going. 
“ Dude, they’re fine! (Y/N) is like…an invincible spider.”
“You know why he’s being more quiet than usual! He’s realizing he’s in looove. Our Hobie is head over he-” A well shot pillow from Hobie landed Pavitr on the floor.
“Am I not allowed to miss a friend? I remember ‘ow upset you were whenever you’d talk ‘bout Miles.” He scoffed, crossing his arms. He smirked when he saw how red Gwen’s face got.
“Ooooh we’re starting to enter the grumpy Hobie stage!” Pav shot up into a sitting position, this time dodging the second pillow that he had thrown.
Scoffing, he waved his hand at them as he pulled his phone out of his pant pocket. Unlocking it, he scrolled through his photo album and sighed.
They always teased him like this when he was down in the dumps. It had just been more recent as of late, seeing as you were rising in the ranks. Meaning you were gone more and more.
That also meant your friendship was tested more and more. He had noticed the change, he wasn’t completely blind to his emotions. He had noticed that as of late whenever you were gone he got a bit more snippy, and a bit more cynical-well more cynical than usual. Some had even told him that his color seemed more drained the longer and longer you were away.
This time had just been the longest. But it was also the most eye opening.
It's odd how you don’t notice how consistent someone is in your life until they’re gone.
He was mindlessly scrolling with a thousand yard stare off into the distance, when his phone suddenly anchored him back to reality.
Specifically your text tone.
Flicking to his messages, he felt his heart rate pick up.
(Y/N): heey! im finally back!! i missed you (cry emoji) (heart emoji)
Before his head could reminisce on the heart emoji and brew up any meaning behind it, he heard Pav gasp. Quickly looking up from his phone, he saw Pav squeal in excitement and Gwen chuckle as she shook her head.
“Look at him G! Do you see how much brighter he is? Ugh! Our boy has it bad.”
Sliding off his bed, he grabbed his bag and mask. Both Gwen and Pavitr could see that there was some pep in his step as he slung the bag over his shoulder. Fastening his web shooters on, he slid his mask into his pocket before entering your Earth into his watch.
“Oh oh! Where you heading Hobie? Thought we were having some serious bro time!”
Flicking them off, Hobie felt the portal open below him. Glancing through, he could see the flickering lights of your Earth.
“Piss off.”
Jumping through the portal, Hobie braced himself as he felt a quick rush before landing on your bed. The flickering and crackling of the portal remained only for a second before it snapped shut, dropping everything in the room along with its departure.
You stood in the opposite corner of the room, barely even unpacked. Your bag sat at the foot of your desk, unzipped with some of your clothes spilling out. You must’ve just texted him, because you were still in your spider suit…with one of his jumpers on.
Turning around, a smile spread across your face in an instant. Whatever you were doing was soon abandoned as you ran towards him. He was quick to stand, enveloping you in his frame. Feeling your aura mix with his, as he buried his nose into your hair felt nice. It awoke whatever nerves that had gone into hibernation after your departure, activating his senses once more.
Because he became highly aware of how right when you entered his arm, the hairs on yours stood under your suit. Your heart rate calmed but also picked up. Hell, he could even feel the blood rush to your cheeks as you buried your head into his chest.
“You really did miss me aye?” He teased, pulling you back by your shoulders to get a good look at his face.
“Mmm, only like…thiiiiiiis much.” Holding up two fingers, he watched as you held them close together and very very slowly pulled them apart. 
“Oh wow, and here I was in absolute agony.” He hummed, sitting on the edge of your windowsill.
“Oh really?” You laugh, leaning over him. He looked up at you, nodding as he placed his hands in his pocket.
“Absolutely, almost died.”
Watching you laugh was something he knew he needed. It wasn’t too hard, at least for him. Your back and forth quips and teases were something that usually ended in you laughing or him chuckling. Inside jokes and knowing stares were usually exchanged to test the waters whenever others were around. It happened so often people usually felt excluded whenever you were both in each other's presence.
It was something he didn’t know he could miss. 
“Wanna go for a swing?”
Watching the way your eyes lit up, he knew he had his answer.
Slipping his mask on, he was quick to open your window. He knew you were right behind him as he swung into action.
This was a dance you both did whenever you visited his world, swinging between buildings and each other. Finding ways to play off the others webbing and moves.
He loved watching you swing and flip. Hearing you laugh as you gave him a heart attack with how close you’d like to fall before yanking yourself back up into the air.
He felt a rush of similar emotions in the two weeks of you going dark. Whenever it was just him alone in his room, his mind would wander. He knew that if anything had happened he would have been the first told, both a blessing and a curse. But it still didn’t stop him from…worrying.
When did his worry for you become such a crutch?
Reaching to your normal hang out, what was atop your Statue of Liberty (which was still bronze here on your earth), both of you sat atop her torch. With shoulders touching, he watched as you leaned back and looked at your city.
“So, how many anomalies did you catch on this little spree of yours?” 
With a big sigh you ripped your mask off and stuffed it into your-no, his jacket pocket. Bringing a knee to your chest you placed your cheek on it as you looked at him.
“Twelve. Probably the most in a row.”
Tisking, he leaned back on his hands now as he also took his mask off.
“Wow, remember which ones?”
“Most of them were Vultures. They were the only ones that could reach the portals that opened in their respective worlds. I might as Miguel if I can take a break though.”
That piqued his interest. But he didn’t show a reaction, in fact he just hummed and watched as you put your forehead to rest on your knees.
“I appreciate how much Miguel…trusts me to keep the multiverse intact, I really do. I went through hell with his stupid tests in order to get into the Spider Society and its…its lead me to meet some of my favorite people but recently I've been more Spider than Person…”
Hobie sat up now, putting his elbows on his knees and smirking. He knew what you needed to hear in this moment. He knew you like the back of his hand, in the year that you two have gotten to know each other it is safe to say he almost knows you better than he knows himself. The same could probably be said about you knowing him.
“Favorite people aye? Where do I fall on that list?”
Watching you lift your head to give him a quick glance, a small smile graced your lips before you lifted your head fully to clear your throat.
“Atleast top…let's say ten? There's a lot of competition BB.” You chuckle
“Oh yea? That jumper you’re wearing says otherwise.”
Your eyes grew almost as wide as the lenses on your mask as you looked down. Your hands gripped the edge of the jacket for a moment before shoving into the pockets.
“Oh I uh…yea I dunno what to say…”
The gears were turning in your head, he could tell. Something was brewing.
“..y’know I didn’t even realize I had packed this until I was subconsciously putting it on the first night. I'm being dead serious when I tell you I only ever took it off whenever I was about to go into battle…I didn’t wanna ruin it.”
He smiled to himself listening to your words. Something similar to what was brewing in your head was brewing in his chest.
These past few months, more specifically the past two weeks where you couldn’t contact him, there was a confession building. Words that were just waiting in the dark until he was at his most vulnerable to come into the light were bubbling up in his throat. The only thing keeping them from spilling right at this very moment was the seal of his lips.
It was nice, having you back. But all these realizations that he was having just in these last few days, especially now in these moments he was sharing with you, told him all he needed to know.
Especially with those words that you had just said to him, he knew his realization was not far from out of the blue.
“ Y’know those two weeks were you went dark were ‘ell. Pav and Gwendy were up my arse the entire time. It irked me how well they read me those two weeks..”
Watching you grow still and turn towards him, and sighed before turning towards you as well.
“I'm sorry about that Hobbie…my communicator died and Miguel told me I wasn’t allowed a new one until I finished my assignment. Which made everything so much harder to do since I had to wait for texts from Lyla and code instead of her just being able to talk me through it.”
“I knew it ‘ad to be somethin outta your control…and I also had a keepsake that ‘elped me keep my cool.”
Pulling back his cuffs, an array of bracelets both woven and made were on both of his wrists. They were all yours, but ones you hadn’t seen in a while and ones you were sure you had left on your desk before you had left.
What he couldn’t show you was the shirt he had of yours that was also on his pillow. He had it for the same reason he was sure you had his jacket for the entire trip…
Though it was starting to lose your scent.
There was a comfortable silence, at least he hoped there was. He could barely tell based off the thumping of his heart…
When he finally made eye contact with you, he saw a dopey smile on your face. It made him smile too. No matter how long you two were apart, no matter how raw the two of you got it never changed anything.
Well, he hoped nothing would change after what he was about to do.
Hobie wasn’t scared of a lot, practically nothing. But you scared the ever loving shit out of him. Both with all the stunts that you pulled and just the way you made him feel. He used to be this hardass corruptor but now? He wasn’t sure what he was without you.
“Hey Hobie..”
“You should totally kiss me right now.”
His hand fit perfectly on the crook of your neck, and so did his lips with yours.
Whatever you were feeling spilled into him, and he with you. A full year's worth of pent up emotion exploded into the kiss as he seemingly took your breath away. In recent months he could only imagine how your lips would feel against his, but it was nothing compared to what he was experiencing right now. Yours and his molded together in a flurry of silken passion, fitting together perfectly just like he knew they would.
Your hands found their place resting on his cheeks, just as his found theirs. With one resting on your neck and the other finding its way onto your side to pull you close. So close that he could feel the drum of your heart match his when your chests collided.
He wanted to curse whatever being made it so that the human body needed oxygen. When you pulled away his lips followed yours in chase, and it wasn’t until you held his face in place so that your bruised lips could take in a breath. Your finger ran over his bottom lip, playing with his lip ring as he panted in time with you.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that…how..how being away from you for so long made me realize that's all I’ve ever wanted to do.”
“I ‘ave an idea.”
His hand that rested on the edge of your neck came around to hold your throat, with his fingers resting on your pulse.
It was going a mile a minute just like his.
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Stay With Me?
Miles 42 x GN!reader!
This is based of off my chat with a bot on character.ai . Enjoy!
tags: Hurt/Comfort, Implied Angst, College!AU, Spider-Man Across the Spiderverse, Domestic-ish bliss(?), Fluff, reader is Gn so they/them pronouns. (Platonic use of the word "Love")
2:00 AM. You watched as the clock ticked in your tiny bedroom in your one bed one bath apartment. You couldn't sleep and you had a feeling miles couldn't either. You grabbed a hoodie and a tiny gift bag and opened the fire escape window in your room. You and miles have been friends for so long, you were there with him when his dad died, helping him through every single step of grief he faced. It now meant that he was oddly clingy towards you. You walk toward the window to your right, knocking it a couple of times before cautiously opening it. The only source of light in the room from Miles' phone. You haven't seen him this numb since 3 years ago when his dad died. You wave.
"I brought brownies, you want some?"
You ask, getting increasingly worried when he doesn't speak and only nods emotionless.
"Here." you hand him a square with a paper napkin to avoid crumbs on his bed. He eats it, his eyes still emotionless waiting for you to say something. You notice a couple crumbs on his face and brush them off with your thumb, gently enough so that he doesn't get overstimulated. Luckily, he doesn't stop you, still staring at you.
"There we go! Anyways do you like the brownies?" You ask, your voice soft enough to make sure not to wake the neighbors up. He nods, taking another bite not saying anything.
"I'm glad you like them."
He nods finishing the brownie, still staring at you, mumbling something under his breath. You could've sworn you saw a flash of emotion in his eyes.
He mutters again "I love anything that you make." praying that you didn't hear him. You tilt your head to the side in confusion but end up letting it go.
"You have crumbs all over you!"
You say, your voice laced with an airy chuckle. He wipes them off still staring at your face.
"Is there something on my face?" You ask thinking he's staring at your freckles, acne scars, or the tiny birthmarks around your face.
He stares at them intrigued but snapped out and shook his head no.
"Are you ok? " You ask, moving your hand closer to his. He looked at your hand confused wondering what you were doing until you interlock your pinkies. He immediately holds your hand, his grip tight. It reminds you of all the times you were with him when his dad died, him just staring at the wall and you holding his hand, talking about the most mundane things you could imagine just to see him smile again.
You move closer "One of those days huh?" No response.
His grip only getting tighter like if he let you go you'd disappear. You move closer and lean on his shoulder, his and still gripping you tightly almost like you weren't real and if he let you go you'd disappear in front of his eyes. But his face was still devoid of any emotion.
"Bad day?"
you ask getting more and more worried, his grip on your hand only increasing . He nods as he grabs another brownie and starts eating it.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
You ask not wanting to pressure him, but you need answers one way or another. it's killing you seeing him like this again, especially since both of your parents lived an hour away by train. You're met with refusal as he shakes his head no, still staring at the wall chewing his brownie. You're tempted to think he got high. tempted.
You ask hoping he agrees. He nods. "Finally" you think, now we're getting somewhere.
You pull out the notes app on your phone and make a note labeled 'Rant Session' and hand it to him.
He just stares at you for a few seconds before beginning to type. After a few seconds, he hands you the phone back. His message saying:
"This place sucks. The people here are so fake, acting like they care for me just because. No one does."
"I care for you, and I can prove it. And what about Mr. Davis and your Mom?"
You say, hoping to comfort him, you know just as much as anyone how it felt to be left behind, and you're not going to let him feel like that ever. He types back.
"Aaron and my mom are just family. Family cares for each other. You're different..."
"I don't know, its just different. I cant explain it. Its a weird feeling..."
"It's ok. Just know that I'm here to text or to call ok?"
"Ok. Don't tell Aaron tho..."
"I won't"
He nods as he eats another brownie, once again getting crumbs all over your phone and his face. that's a scolding for another day.
"You really like those huh?"
You say hoping to lighten the mood a little bit. He nods, his expression still lifeless but there is a glimmer of relief in his eyes.
"Hey, at least you like something today?"
He stops typing and puts the phone down on the desk. He stares at you and grabs your hand tightly, almost as if he missed you.
"I missed you too my love."
You say, gently putting your arm around his waist.
He nods as he lays his head on your shoulder. He squeezes your hand tightly, as if he wanted you near all the time. You let him, sensing that he needs the comfort. After a bit, he picks up the phone and starts typing again. You peek over his shoulder and he quickly finishes typing.
"I've never really met someone like you before..."
"What do you mean?"
He types.
" I... don't know... But I like being around you, it keeps my mind off things." 
"Isn't that a good thing?" 
" If I ask you something, do you promise not to tell anyone I asked?" 
"Pinky swear."
"Promise not to leave me?"
"Of course. I have to keep that promise" 
He nods, the faintest of smiles on his lips before, looking at his phone again as he writes, before handing it to you. 
"Nobody ever cared about me before you." 
"You're nice though! What's their problem?" 
"Its not that, I don't even know... I'm just different than everyone else... And people don't like different..." 
"I'm different, do you not like me?" 
"No, thats not what I meant. I love being around you. Your the only person that I've ever actually liked..." 
"Well I know a couple more people like me, if you want, we can hang out with them."
He puts the phone down, and takes a deep breath before shaking his head no, he finally types. 
"Nobody can know that you even know me." 
"Why? Am I going to ruin your reputation of the mysterious guy on campus?"
He nods, typing again. After a few seconds, he hands you the phone again, staring at you
"When someone has a bad past, everyone thinks your a bad person. People don't seem to believe in change. I did so many bad things... I deserve everything bad thats coming at me..." 
"They won't think you're a bad person, I'll make sure of it. And for the record? You don't deserve to feel that way, even if the things you did were "bad" so what? you're human and so am I" 
You smile at him. 
"Isn't that what life is?"
He nods, surprised but comforted at your words. 
"You're still not going to tell anyone though…"
He finally says his voice deep and raw like he had been crying for hours.
"My lips are sealed!"
You say trying to reassure him that you won't spill his secret. He nodded as his grip tightened on your hand, and you squeezed it, still leaning on his shoulder. He didn't say anything, but he held you close and squeezed your hand tighter, as if he wouldn't let you fade away like everyone else in his life.
"Feeling any better?"
You ask him gently, he hated the question whenever his friends would ask, unbeknownst to you, you're the only one allowed. He nods, then he leans his head on your shoulder, as if he wanted to lay there forever. He grabs you even tighter.
"Thank you…" He whispers to you on the verge of tears again, damn you for being so sweet, damn you for being his friend, and damn you for always staying. He doesn't want to leave you. He hugs you tighter and lays on you, as if he was a little kid.
"You're going to be ok…"
You say just speaking to fill the silence between you two, with a small hope he's comforted. He clings on to you, as if he wants to stay with you and only you forever.
"You cant go, please…"
"I'll stay for the night"
You say getting worried again.
"I'll remember this forever…"
He gently kisses your forehead, his grasp still tightly onto your hand.
"You're not leaving….please…you can't…You, Mom, and Aaron are all I have left…"
"I have to go later though, I have early classes tomorrow. I'm sorry."
You say gently kissing his forehead, making sure he doesn't start crying. He tries to grab your arm, as a way to keep you near him. He didn't want to let go, he couldn't. What if someone got you, Or you and his dad shared the same fate? Just thinking about it sent a chill up his spine.
You felt his grip tighten as he was very desperate for you not to leave him.
"Listen. I live next door, I'll check on you after my roommates go to bed"
"Why not just stay here? Please… I don't want to be alone…"
"I'll stay over tonight."
He hugs you, refusing to let you go.
"Thank you…"
"Don't mention it."
You climb out of his window and bring a duffel bag with toiletries, an outfit for tomorrow, a pillow, and your sleeping bag. He was nice but you two were no way near close enough to share a bed. You had your reasons that he didn't pry into. He stares at the ceiling while you're on the ground next to his bed.
"Don't leave me…"
"I won't."
You could practically hear the fear and trauma in his voice.
You say sticking your pinkie up in the air for you two to make a pinkie promise.
"Go to sleep, I'll still be here."
You both drift off to sleep. Your dreams were practically nonexistent and the pillows were both perfectly cold. This, this is true peace.
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monkey-network · 4 years
An Unfortunate Critique of Spiderverse - Part 1 (of 3)
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse was a fun award-winning 2018 animated film with a basically unanimously positive fandom, regarded generally as both a masterpiece Spider-Man film and a remarkable animated film overall. And while I do not disagree with that, it definitely earned its spoils, it pains me a bit to bring up the reason(s) why I can’t call it the masterpiece that many claim. I like this film, but I don’t love it as much as others and I wanted to express why. And I will see to be critical, not cynical. Fair enough? Spoilers ahead for this... 2018 film that you should’ve seen already.
Part 1 ~ The Spiderverse Squad
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Now believe me when I say that I enjoyed this trio. Spider-Ham wasn’t as funny as I figured, but he still stood out like Peni and Spider-Noir in a respectable way. I especially loved the fandom’s reaction to them with fanart and jokes galore. But on a look back, it dawned on me that while their presence was welcome, our writers blew the load too soon and wasted these characters. Roll with me, will ya?
If you come to know me, you’ll figure that characters are the element I find the most crucial of your story; you mentally can’t just throw in random heroes into the story unless they’re significant to the protag, story, or world as a whole. It’ll feel weird, like you have no coordination. And yeah, the B team adds to Spider-verse’s worldbuilding mechanic that is the multiple universes; it thematically makes sense that more than one Spidermun can exist. And additionally kicks ass, no objections here. The problem I argue comes when while they add to the world building, it honestly added little to our boy Miles’ story, and it’s that disconnect that makes the characters feel more unnecessary than before. This doesn’t help when things could’ve worked far better if it only involved Gwen and Beter. To explain this better, I wanna bring up a couple films that are similar to Spider-verse yet knew how to use their secondary characters, the first one being...
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Kung Fu Panda, baby!
The furious five sans Tigress is about the same as Spider-verse’s B-Team where Po really doesn’t rely on them to both unleash his inner strength and face the final boss in the end. They’re his muse for enjoying martial arts. Po interacts with them a little more than Miles does with the others, but we still have that disconnect between the upcoming novice and the experienced. That disconnect however is counter-balanced by their significance in the story, not only in certifying the stakes that come with Tai Lung, but being the necessary crew to another important character: Tigress.
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Tigress is not only a character that Po looks up to, she’s a character with something to prove herself. She puts down Po because she’s envious of the special treatment he’s involuntarily receiving and mirrors the villain Tai Lung before his descent to villainy. The movie would’ve probably been fine if the Furious Five didn’t exist and it was just Shifu and Po training together, but having the five, and Tigress especially, in the story adds a great triangle of interaction between Po and Shifu, Shifu and Tigress, and Tigress and Po. Which makes it all the more poignant when she runs away to face Tai Lung herself, stern in proving herself to both Shifu and Po. We know that she wouldn’t win against him, but that loss is added two-fold when the other four were there to support her. The others aren’t as cynical towards Po, but it’s understandable that they sided with Tigress, thinking their experience together will help them succeed. It makes sense that the four willingly fight with Tigress, and it’s reasonably daunting when Tai Lung is able to tower all of them by himself. Compare this to Spiderverse where we kinda don’t get see our heroes and villains, excluding Miles, stack up that well until the 3rd act; it’s hard to wonder if who’s evenly matched and who can overpower whom. It doesn’t help that Peter, Gwen, and Miles are all isolated from the other three during the final fight in the warp terminal. 
It’s in the end where Po proves himself the Dragon Warrior, he not only earned that respect from the five but feels more complete knowing he and his idols look up to each other in a way. We really don’t get that interpersonal synergy with Miles and the B team beyond the moment of them together post Aaron’s death and their initial meeting, the best we get is that Miles knows he isn’t the only Spider-man but even that doesn’t feel as personal as his relationships with Gwen and Peter. Plus while Gwen and Peter are important characters, we don’t see much of a personal connection between the five Spidermun, it mostly comes off as an obligation that they’re together. Now I won’t lie, this is a pretty unfair comparison. The B-team came together on the fly, and it’s not like Miles, Gwen, and Peter knew who they were in the first place. But remember when I said a couple of films in the beginning? This leads to an ironic situation, coming from one of my other favorite movies about being special...
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Been a while since I talked ‘bout this beauty
I think it’s safe to say Spiderverse and The Lego Movie have a kindred story beat where our hero meet some tagalongs that have their own thing but nonetheless contribute as supporting characters. But unlike Spiderverse, the Lego Movie showed something I never figured about characters until I saw it once again last year. The other characters have their stake in the plot, but they are also relative features of our main character Emmett. Unikitty resembles his boundless optimism, Benny his excitability, Batman his emotional conviction, and so on. It’s a stretch, but it is possible to note supporting/secondary characters as facets of who our main character is, what they lack or what’s the most prominent idea of them. In Steven Universe, the crystal gems are separate elements of who Steven is at his best or wants to be. Beastars has Legosi, Louis, and Haru have differing aspects of growing up that blend well when united. It’s essentially the braincells meme, the parts make up the whole. Gwen and Peter fill those parts exponentially for Miles, with Peter’s experience and Gwen’s finesse in her skill, to show him the work that goes in being a hero. Same goes for Aaron and Jefferson on a more personal level, being the ones to give Miles the necessary conviction to become the hero. All I gotta ask is: Can ya say the same for Peni, Noir, or Porker?
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Again, not that they’re bad characters, but they mostly felt detached from the story in multiple angles
Now at this point you’ll probably say, “Monkey, we get it, where are you going with this?” Well, I can’t help but feel the B-team, while alright on their own, unfortunately feel like cameos that overstayed their welcome. Beyond the initial meetup, the interactions we get with them are second to none, there is no significant dynamic between the B-team and the two spidermun that are more significant to the story. I feel a little less charitable for media wasting potential and it doesn’t help that writing them out until the final fight is very easy. “Peni and Sp//dr were responsible for repairing the flash drive?” Well, I can say a few hints in the movie can point to Aunt May, Peter, and/or Gwen doing it instead. It’s hard to come back to this film compared to the others I’ve exampled when the back of my mind is going “Why are ya’ll here?” I say it would’ve been surprisingly cathartic if the B-team came near the end where they helped out and met up with the trio before bouncing back to their dimensions. As such, we could put more time in for Miles and Gwen together at Aunt May’s house the same way Peter and Miles got earlier before the plot generally runs the same, we have less voices but we build on those character dynamics for more than that bus ride they share. Add to that character theme of Miles, Gwen, and Peter B. being the different generations of Spider-man or something. Overall, I love them, and they feel wasted in this film.
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I just can’t see Spiderverse where the focus of these three subsides the interest for the other three
I wanted to discuss this particularly because as much I can say that much detail in the film fundamentally works, which I will discuss later in this analysis, it stands to say that not every ambition in this undoubtedly ambitious movie was added well. It’s honestly how i feel with randomness humor, it’s fun at first but you gotta do more than enough to make it timeless while keeping the surprise of it intact. Or else you just wish they just replaced that joke with something more constructed. Said before, they don’t or weren’t able to utilize these characters beyond their cameo level moments, and it is not a good thing that they’re potentially saved for the sequel because I hate the idea of depending on a sequel to fix the 1st movie’s issues. I gotta wait to 2022 for a potentially better management of characters and that bothers me. I appreciate what I got, but I unfortunately can’t say that appreciation equates to a free pass of what’s detrimental to my love for this film. Now, I tagged this as part one for a reason, because this is only a symptom, a fun size piece to a bigger story problem I have.
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Next time. Otherwise, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your day.
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airshipvalentine · 4 years
hellllo friendo!! was wondering what your favorite like. comfort fics are or even just ur favorite fics period because i rllllly want to read some but i haven't had the patience to read though mediocre fics recently so! just wondering :)
hi leo!! i hope you’re doing well :)))
ok in general i save fics i really like to my bookmarks (+ usually tag my faves) tho i can’t assure my taste is always impeccable haha
but here are some good ones. kind of a mishmash of fandoms, check out what calls to you :)
this made me reread a whole lot of good stuff! thanks for sending this. also feel free to tell me what you think if you read any of em!
(also may i suggest watching the national theatre’s production of twelfth night? i think you’d enjoy it. anyway)
hopeless - TMA fic! set s1-ish. martin gets a crush. its adorable.
black-clad bats and making money - based off this tumblr post–– basically, john mulaney-style riddler. very fun read, no prior batman knowledge required
phoenix wright comes of age - a sort of character study of phoenix realizing he's bi... makes me feel things
for a higher love - a king falls am fic about sammy and ron and solidarity that comes with being the few queer people in a small town... warm fuzzies
put your guns away, it’s tea time - okay i know the cursed child was pretty bad. but personally i really really liked the characters. this is scorpius/albus and it’s just... so cute. its a wonderful mix of summer and family shenanigans and awkward romance and UGH. i love it. i really do.
how to date a superhero - based off of this tumblr post. secret identity shenanigans are my WEAKNESS okay??? there's a lot of characters & it might be weird without prior knowledge of the batfam? i dunno. i really like it
i’ll tabletop you any day - sokka/zuko coffee shop au. what more can i say
there’s no telling where we’re going, or how we got here at all - THE STERN/BARCLAY ROMANCE WE DESERVED. so funny. full of heart. liberal use of footnotes a la terry pratchett. i love it so much
always glad you came - teenage spideytorch! minimal knowledge of spider-man and fantastic four required. really just gotta know that they exist. i love this one a lot
bless this mess and call it a home - nurseydex. dex can talk to houses. it’s not as weird as it sounds. very cute
it comes and goes in waves - batfam fic, no capes au. combines things that i, personally like- batfam siblings bonding, colin wilkes, and lgbt themes. damian tries to come out to his siblings. minimal knowledge of batfam needed, just that damian has a lot of siblings
defrosting - jacoffel, daemon au. written by the same minds from that one fantasy au! 
columbiformes - spiderverse genfic!! miles befriends some pigeons
herbalism - chilling adventures of sabrina, harvey/sabrina/nick. *chefs kiss*. excellent polyamory & bisexuality
Oh, So You Can Carry The Ring To Mordor But You Can't Carry Your Best Friend-Slash-Obvious Love Interest Down The Road To The Corner Shop? How Very Convenient For You. - ok i cant type this one out in lowercase no matter WHAT my brand is. dirk gently’s holistic detective agency! dirk discovers piggyback rides, todd isn't always amused
woodstock 83 - x-men movies genfic! pietro has no idea how to tell magneto that he is his son.
all we see is sky - tragically unfinished but excellent post-canon kleinsen fic
these are all real fluffy but here's some more serious fics i still love
nests and cages - batfam, 99% gen. jason todd-centric, delves into the backstory we could have had.
two truths and a lie/donut siblings - red vs blue, gen-focused. wash and donut are siblings! shenanigans(?) ensue.
the balance book - until dawn, mostly gen. post-game, josh is recovered and has to make amends with uhhhhh everyone. quality friendship, and i really like the narration voice. could probably work without prior knowledge of ut honestly. highly reccomend
xbox, hash browns, and other necessities - wolf-359 post-finale fic. 
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