#these tags were made by the save yourself the harassment campaigns and keep what you draw to yourself and your sane friends gang
hydrachea · 2 years
As a preventive measure, just in case, no need to mention the new mob season or anything related to it at all to me. Love the series, long divorced with the fandom. I want nothing to do with this pile of toxic waste.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
Sending on anon but re: nothorses allegations (they're totally false) but I used to be a big blog wrt the #transandrophobia tag and I was also harassed as part of the smear campaign.
Tldr to other anon, but early on in the transandrophobia conversation, nothorses, myself and a few other transmascs were harassed by two accounts on here who claimed to be african-american twins (both afab). I say claimed to be, because they were well known in the fandoms they participated in for being repeat liars.
One of the twins got into some beef with one trans guy for using the term transandrophobia and that twin made it their personal mission to harass any and all transmascs talking about transandrophobia. I had never interacted with them, but ended up on a blocklist created by them and started getting anon hate.
Eventually, they started making up complete lies about random transmascs and people who defended us. One cis girl (also African-American) defended us and the twins started harassing her nonstop and accused her of racefaking, then called her an oreo.
Ofc, because some of the transmascs involved were actually white, this made it very easy for the twins to make up racial harassment (bearing in mind I had never interacted with these people and blocked them as soon as I appeared on the blocklist). When asked for proof, the twins would use the blocklist as proof all transandrophobia users were evil white men trying to tear the community apart.
Now here's where the game of telephone gets interesting as other anon seems to have it in their head the twins were two black trans women. This is completely incorrect- they both had afab in their bio and later on, one of the twins identified as a woman who is also trans (as in afab woman who is on the trans spectrum, which is not the same as trans woman in the sense of like, being mtf). But that twin did nothing to disspell any ideas they were mtf, despite the fact that wasn't true.
Long story short, I got hounded off the site, not the twins. As far as I know they're both still active on their fandom and witchcraft/tarot blogs. I won't say my old url and if you think you know, keep it to yourself. But if ykyk. I've long deleted my old blog now and not thought about any of this for over a year now. But I wanted to set the record straight again because I know from experience the game of telephone just escalates and escalates.
It's up to you whether you publish this ask or not (I know it carries the risk of sparking problems). But if not, feel free to save this and use it as a testimonial from a trans guy who *was* actually hounded off his old blog by the twins.
Thank you for this, I knew what happened in general but this is a good play-by-play of what exactly happened.
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andypantsx3 · 4 years
war paint | 6 | blade
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pairing: Bakugou Katsuki / Reader
length: 27,765 words / 10 chapters
summary: Desperate times force you to disguise yourself and join the kingsguard. When a suspicious string of crimes strike the palace, however, Captain Katsuki Bakugou starts paying extra close attention. (spin off of in cinders)
tags: mulan AU, secret identity, romance, reader-insert
warnings: aged up characters, some violence, eventual smut
The bath house might have been the strangest moment of your life, but it proved only the beginning of Bakugou’s unusual behavior.
The captain seemed to be everywhere you turned in the days after. In the mess hall, you’d catch him staring at you from his table of officers, an unreadable look on his face. On the training pitch, he seemed to almost ignore your mistakes -- or at least, he didn’t appear as eager to rap you across the knuckles with the flat of his sword any time you were full seconds off a strike. He never reprimanded you, or revealed in any way that he’d caught you out after hours.
He was so confusing.
You’d thought more on his comments in the bath, about the prince and his valet. He had at least answered one of your long standing questions about why he - a marquis - would have joined the kingsguard instead of lounging around in Musutafu, slowly filling his manor full of heirs like the rest of the nobility. It was clear he was so viciously protective of the prince, and of Midoriya, though he seemed loath to admit it. You guessed that he couldn’t well knife anyone who “fucked with them” as he’d put it, from the comfort of a country estate.
This humanizing connection had you more confused than ever, and in combination with his weird behavior over the past few days, you were beginning to think he was waging some kind of psychological campaign on you. His lingering, thoughtful gazes were reaching off-putting levels of obviousness, and the way he corrected you in drills -- while still colorful with swears and insults -- was almost downright friendly for him.
You wondered what was wrong with him.
“He’s gonna murder you,” Kaminari offered unhelpfully, when you asked his opinion. “It’s like a final act of kindness. The prisoner’s last meal.”
Sero poked him with the stem of the herbs you’d been trying to grind into a staunching salve. “It’s not that. When have you ever known Bakugou to be kind?”
“That’s what I’m saying!” Kaminari defended himself. “Why else would he be less mean to L/N than if he was gonna kill him?”
Sero rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I guess you have a point.”
You looked at him in alarm. “I don’t want to die,” you hissed. “I was just taking a bath.”
Kaminari smirked, piling up his own herbs in a towering heap, spilling out of the bowl of his mortar. “Not so great now, are they?”
You rolled your eyes, picking up your pestle and stabbing it into the mortar with feeling. “You can’t hate being clean that much.”
He didn’t respond.
You looked back up at him only to find him frozen, eyes fixated on something behind your back. He looked white as a sheet, and sat stiff and unblinking, as though locked in rigor mortis. A tall shadow fell over your workstation.
“Lotta yapping over here,” a rough voice said, and you looked up, up into a pair of red eyes. Your body locked up.
“Uh,” you said stupidly, feeling as blank as Kaminari, “The pestle leaves my mouth free.”
Sero let out an inhuman noise next to you, and the corner of Bakugou’s mouth twitched.
“Thought you did all your talking outta your ass,” he said, eyeing you closely.
Your face reddened. “Captain! I--That’s not--!”
“Calm down, shrimp,” he smirked. “You’re excused from medical training today. You’re coming with me.”
You stared up at him in shock. Was he taking you somewhere to kill you? Why not do it in front of the entire garrison? That seemed more his style, leaving your body to send a message to anyone else who dared commit the unforgivable sin of bathing after hours. What was he trying to do?
“Captain?” you asked nervously, fingers tightening on your pestle. Kaminari and Sero just stared, slack-jawed and open-mouthed like neanderthals.
“Now, soldier,” Bakugou said, insensitive to your plight. “Ten pushups for every second you make me wait.”
You shot to your feet. “Yes, sir.”
He turned on his heel, stomping back across the training field. The sun winked across his broad shoulders, falling in streaks over the blood red of his captain’s uniform.
“We’ll honor your memory,” Kaminari said sadly as you made to follow. Sero elbowed him, but it didn’t change your nervousness.
You thought quickly as you followed Bakugou across the field. If you weren’t being murdered, were you being discharged for your actions? Why now, why not days ago when it had happened?
Bakugou led you across the castle grounds, to a small building set in the shadow of the palace.
“In,” he grunted, opening the door. You eyed him apprehensively but ducked under his arm, stepping into a dim room. Racks of weapons lined the walls - heavy looking crossbows were pinned to the rafters, quivers of arrows lay in piles on the floor, and all manner of swords and maces lay racked in every corner. A tall man with a hawkish nose and dark eyes sat at a worktable in a cramped corner of the room, fletching a pile of arrows.
“Tokoyami,” Bakugou greeted him, following you into the room. You halted, but he prodded you forward with an impatient hand. “This is the little runt I was talking about. Think I got the size right?”
Tokoyami considered you, rising from his worktable. He took your wrist gently, placing his other hand under your elbow to pull your arm out, holding it perpendicular to your body. “He looks as described. I think it will work.”
Your heart picked up in your chest. What would work? What was he doing with your arm? Why was he holding it out? Was he going to cut it off?
You took a step back, running up against a hard chest. Bakugou let out a breath behind you, putting a steadying hand on your shoulder. It was almost unnaturally warm, burning through the layers of your uniform like the sun on a summer afternoon.
“Relax, princess,” he rumbled quietly in your ear as Tokoyami dropped your wrist, turning back to his worktable. He rummaged around in a pile of weapons behind it, the metal of swords clanking lightly as he shifted them.
You fidgeted uncomfortably under Bakugou’s hand, trying not to focus on the heat of him just behind you, the scent of smoke and something sugary that clung to him like dew on morning grass.
Tokoyami eventually emerged with a thin scabbard, holding it out to you. “Here.”
You looked at him curiously, but Bakugou gave you another impatient push. “Take the damn sword, shrimp. We don’t have all day.”
You took it from Tokoyami carefully, holding it out gingerly. “Captain, what is this?”
Bakugou scoffed from behind you, and you turned around to look at him.
“The standard issue blade’s too big for you. It’s why you’re so shitty at drills,” Bakugou said, crossing his arms over his chest. His uniform groaned in protest over his biceps, and you forced your eyes back up to his face.
“What?” you asked stupidly.
Bakugou smirked. “You’re not putting on the same muscle as those other fucks. I saw it in the baths. You needed a different blade - a little smaller and much lighter.”
You stared at him in shock. Is that why he had come into the water to harass you? He’d been looking you over? What else had he noticed about your appearance? Surely not much more or you wouldn’t be here…
“Please open it,” Tokoyami said quietly from your side. “Make sure it is to your liking.”
You followed his direction, pulling the hard leather from the blade. The crisp metal caught the glint of the afternoon sun, falling through the room’s single window. You noted immediately that it was perhaps an inch shorter than your own current blade, and about a fingertip less wide, with a smaller grip much closer to the size of your own hand.
The most dramatic difference, however, was its weight. It felt barely half as heavy, lightweight and almost airy in your hand after the weight of your own blade.
Tokoyami reached out and tapped the sword where a large groove ran through its center. “I had it fullered, much deeper than the standard issue blade to relieve some of the weight. I took enough length and width off to lighten the load but not give you a disadvantage in a fight, and reduced the grip size to keep the balance,” he paused, lip curling, “and because the captain said you had hands like a child.”
You whirled around to glare at Bakugou. He leaned against a sword rack, smirking, a thin blonde eyebrow raised as if daring you to disagree.
“You’ll need to practice with it,” Tokoyami continued, unaffected, “it will take some getting used to after the standard blade.”
You turned back to him. “Thank you. This is - wonderful.”
He seemed to smile, pleased. “It was the captain’s order. I only made it.”
You looked back at Bakugou. “Captain, I--”
“Save it,” he waved a hand, leaning back out of his slouch. “Tokoyami, thanks. We’ve got training to get to.”
He pushed the door open and stepped back out into the afternoon sun. “Move it, shrimp.”
You bowed to Tokoyami and scrambled after him. Bakugou led you back through the palace grounds to a small, out of the way training field you had never seen before. In the late afternoon sun, his hair shone like pale golden wheat, ruffling lightly in the breeze.
He stopped in the center of the field, unsheathing his own sword. “C’mon, princess. Let’s break in that new blade of yours.”
Your gut churned with nerves, but you nodded. You unclipped the sword belt containing the standard issue blade and kicked it to the side, drawing your new sword. Again, its lightweight build shocked you and your arm overshot the draw slightly, whipping the sword out a little farther than you intended.
“You’re going to have to put more force into your swings to accommodate for the missing weight,” he said. “It’s easier to move but you won’t be striking as hard when you do.”
You nodded, fingers tightening on the sword’s grip.
Bakugou smirked, eyes darting down to your hand. And then, before you could blink, he was on you.
You got your sword up just in time, barely saved by the fact that it was lighter than you were used to. The force of his strike rang up your whole arm and you gritted your teeth as he followed through, pushing you off balance.
You took a step back, ducking under his wide swing and darting your sword at his side. With almost inhuman grace, he twisted, leaning to the side and bringing his blade down to knock yours aside.
You followed the movement of your sword, letting it carry you outside his immediate reach.
“Good, princess,” he bit out, the corner of his mouth curling. “You’re faster.”
You stared at him. You felt faster, but you still couldn’t touch him.
“Again,” he commanded imperiously.
You thrust another strike at his chest. Again he caught it, knocking your blade aside. As he did, you noted that the force of it was easier to control than usual, and you were much faster in regaining command and bringing it back up to cut at him again.
“So you have been learning something,” he said, letting a savage grin touch his mouth. “You’re less useless than I’d have guessed, shrimp.”
It was hardly a compliment at all, but from him it felt like high praise. Something warm like satisfaction curled in your chest.
“Focus on bringing it down harder,” he said, stepping back into your space. The dirt of the field crunched under his boot. “You’re still not accommodating for less weight behind your blows. It’s easy for anyone to throw you off.”
You threw another blow at him, putting all your own weight behind it. He caught it, but was a fraction of a second slower in pushing you back off.
“Good,” he murmured again, red eyes tracking you as you stepped back out of his reach.
He threw another strike at you and met it with a heavy swing. He stepped through the recoil, and thrust again. Again you caught him in time and used his own momentum to swipe his strike aside. He grinned savagely.
After that, your focus narrowed entirely to strikes and thrusts, parries and blows. Your whole world became the swing of your arm, the glint of sun on bright metal, the soft dirt under your feet as you wove and ducked and swiped. Only gradually did you become aware of your heavy breathing and a slight fatigue in your arms. When you next noted your surroundings, the sun was no longer in its place in the sky, leaning close to the earth to kiss the horizon.
Bakugou used your distraction to kick your legs out from under you.
“That’s enough for today, shrimp,” he finally said, and you noted with some pride that he was breathing a little heavily as well. “I went easy on you, but you’re good. Better than I would have expected.”
You got to your feet, sheathing your sword. “This whole time,” you panted out between breaths, “I didn’t think - I, I’ve just been terrible.”
Bakugou tucked away his own blade. “You were. Now you’re not.”
You realized with a start that not only had he commissioned you a blade, but he’d set aside an entire afternoon to train you with it. Something like embarrassment, and gratefulness, washed over you in a hot wave.
“Thank you,” you blurted, grabbing the hem of your uniform for something to do with your hands. The tips of your ears felt hot.
Bakugou raised an eyebrow, then scoffed. “Shoulda caught it sooner,” he said, dismissively. “Knew you weren’t stupid with the way you picked up the medical shit.”
You looked at him in question.
“I thought you’d build up enough muscle,” he said, looking you over. “I didn’t take into account...other factors.”
Your eyebrows knitted together. “My...age?”
His crimson gaze caught yours, holding for a moment before he looked away. “Something like that.”
You stared at him but he didn’t elaborate, padding over to pick up your sword belt and previous blade from the ground. He held them out in a large, calloused hand. “Bring this back to Tokoyami. Then you’re dismissed.”
You took them from him, nodding. “Thank you again, Captain. I....appreciate it.”
A smirk overtook his handsome face. “Don’t embarrass me again at drills.”
A flush overtook your face so quickly it felt like you were scalded by your own skin. “I won’t, sir.”
He considered you a moment, then turned on his heel and set off across the field, waving a hand dismissively. “Get to the armory, princess,” he called over a broad shoulder, “I want you back in your bunk by sundown. No more late night escapades.”
You watched him go, something like a smile touching your mouth. A foreign feeling washed over you and you stopped to think on it for a moment.
For the first time in months, you felt like you were in the right place.
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: The Rebellion of Adrien Agreste, ch. 12
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Luka Couffaine, Lila Rossi/karma, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/aneurism, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Plagg & Tikki
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Lila Rossi, Jagged Stone, Plagg, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Penny Rolling, Anarka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Wayhem, Nadja Chamack, Nathalie Sancoeur, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Tikki, Fang, Principal Damocles, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev, original minor character, Alec Cataldi, Lila Rossi’s Mother, Sabrina Raincomprix, Roger Raincomprix, Mylène Haprèle, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste’s Bodyguard, Nino Lahiffe, Nooroo
Tags: Lila Rossi salt, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Teenage Rebellion, Swearing, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Crack Treated Seriously, Lila Rossi’s Lies Are Exposed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Luka Couffaine Needs a Hug, Paparazzi, Parentification, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a Hug, Gabriel Agreste Needs an Aneurism, Uncle Jagged Stone, we’re all queer here, the spirit of punk is sometimes just being allowed to be yourself, Kagami Finds Her Groove, punk rock fashion, Savage Kagami, Marinette protection squad, Good Parent Sabine Cheng, Good Parent Tom Dupain, Protective Kagami Tsurugi, Protective Luka Couffaine, Bisexual Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Pansexual Luka Couffaine, Sharing a Bed, Pet Names, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Instagram, Bullying, Social Media, Anxiety, Makeover, Hugs, will cure your acne, Face Punching, Bad Ass Juleka Couffaine, Rumors, Protective Juleka Couffaine, Protective Adrien Agreste, Lawyers, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Holding Hands, accountability, mental health, Jagged Stone’s well-paid pet shark, How to Make the Evening News, Sexy eyeliner for days, one fish two fish Lila is a screwed fish, How to have fun and piss Gabriel off, Fuckery, sweet litigious karma, Alya sugar, lawyer shark doo doo doo doo doo doo, Schadenfreude, Bad Ass Alya Césaire, Gaslighting, abuse denormalization, Jagged likes his lawyers like he likes his pets: toothy af, Blood in the Water, Everything you didn’t know you wanted and some things you did, Gabriel Agreste is shark bait, Denial, Consequences, Principal Damocles salt, caline bustier salt, the impotence of Gabriel Agreste, snarky Nooroo, lies and the lying liars who tell them, Lila’s brain is a narcissistic hellscape, Lila’s mind is built like an Escher piece, Alec Cataldi salt, Adrien Sugar, wholesome salt, Fu Salt, Kwami Shenanigans, Nooroo is a little shit
Summary: Big Hero Juleka Couffaine
Note: Wound up being more complicated than I expected. French law is different from the US, and though I could fudge it, I didn’t want to.
AO3 link
Chapters 1-2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
The lawyer explained in the limo that orders of protection, under French law, were limited to domestic violence between partners, and though workplace bullying was considered “moral harassment” with criminal consequences, there were no such laws in place regarding school bullying.
“That is so not rock ‘n roll,” Jagged muttered, scowling. “French law is not cool.”
“However, French defamation law is strongly in our favor here, and you have can file a criminal complaint on your own behalf due to her defamation effecting your honor. Mlle. Dupain-Cheng’s parents—whom I am assuming you are including in your representation, M. Stone?—may file on her behalf given the impact of Mlle. Rossi’s defamation on her reputation.”
“Definitely including,” he said, nodding and glancing at Tom and Sabine. “Assuming you’re alright with that?”
Marinette’s parents nodded. They both seemed eager to have this taken care of.
“I’ve been concerned about Marinette for a while,” Sabine murmured, taking her daughter’s hand. “She’s seemed so… down, so distressed. I want this handled, and we’re happy you discovered this and are taking action, M. Stone.”
“I found out from Adrien, really. He came looking for help with his pops, and it all came out.”
Tom offered Adrien another pain au chocolat, smiling at him. “You’re always welcome at the bakery, son. Even if it’s just to hide from your father for a few hours.”
Adrien blushed at the attention, then was distracted when they pulled up in front of Collège Françoise Dupont.
The route from the limo to the collége was lined with reporters. Most students seemed to have all retreated into the school to avoid them. They could see Juleka peering out a window in one door, and Chloé stationed at the other.
Except for Lila, who was trying to talk to a reporter, who was clearly disinterested. When the limo driver opened the door for them, her voice lilted over the murmur, “and he used me and then dumped me!”
Marinette was getting out of the limo when they heard that, and she started to lose her balance. No one was in a position to help her.
Kagami hurried forward, managing to stay dignified as she drew Marinette into a hug that served to balance her.
“Good morning, Marinette. I love your outfit! Are you still willing to design one for me?”
Marinette flushed crimson, managing a wobbly grin as she straightened in Kagami’s embrace. “Of course, Kagami!”
They moved out of the way as Tom and Sabine exited the limo, receiving only confused murmurs from the crowd of journalists and paparazzi. They were joined by the lawyer, then Jagged and Penny, to excitement.
Lila’s eyes went wide at Jagged’s appearance, and he mugged for the cameras, tilting his Eiffel Tower sunglasses with one hand.
“This here’s my niece and favorite designer, Marinette. She designed these sunglasses, and of course my last album cover. She’s going to help me with the concept for my next album, too.”
That announcement led to shouted questions, both to Jagged and to Marinette, who stared at the journalist with wide eyes and tried (and failed) not to stutter.
It was easier after Kagami hooked their arms together and whispered. “Deep breaths. Slow exhales. You can take your time.”
Fortunately, she only had to answer one question before Adrien and Luka left the limo. After that, all attention was on them.
They were holding hands, as planned, shoulders together as though they were leaning on each other. Luka looked a little frazzled at the attention they were getting, but Adrien leaned close and murmured something Marinette couldn’t hear, and that eased the tension in his shoulders and led to the soft look that made the boyfriend claim seem believable. Flashes blinded them as journalists caught that moment on camera.
Lila chose that moment to stalk forward, pulling her hand back as though to slap… Luka? Before she could, Kagami grabbed her wrist.
“Are you attempting to assault Adrien’s boyfriend?” she demanded loudly, clearly playing for the cameras.
“That boyfriend is a pervert! A pederast!” Lila shrieked.
Luka blinked. “I’m not an adult. We’re both teenagers.”
“You’re no teenager. You’re a predator!”
Marinette stepped forward, about to lose her temper, her own hand itching to greet Lila’s face.
A slam sounded and Juleka pushed past Marinette and Kagami, her fist cocked. It hit Lila directly in the nose, sending blood droplets against the pavement, and Lila flying back against a paparazzi.
“How dare you talk about my brother that way! You’re not worthy of the bottom of his shoes!”
Juleka started to advance on the liar, who was wide-eyed and silent, sprawled on the ground.
Penny pulled the raging teen back, and Rose joined her, holding her around the waist and looking horrified.
“And that, folks, is Luka Couffaine’s little sister, Juleka,” Jagged announced. “Little spitfire, she is, just like her mum. You may recognize Couffaine, as in Anarka, my former guitarist and their lovely mother. You don’t cross a Couffaine.”
Lila tried to get herself together. “Luka was trying to court Marinette first!”
Marinette took a deep breath, taking comfort in Kagami’s hand on her back. “He needed a cover to be able to go out with Adrien. Kagami and I stepped up. That’s all.”
“There was reason to keep it secret,” Kagami said, taking over the story they’d decided on. “The moment Adrien’s father learned of it, he tried to make Adrien break up with Luka and date Lila. She is furious because her plan to entrap him did not work.”
That news was greeted by another murmur from the crowd, this one louder. Marinette could see the Gorilla on the outskirts, towering over the rest. Adrien waved at him, and the man cocked the first smile she’d ever seen from him, and then walked away.
Marinette remembered it was her turn to speak. “And, really, Lila’s been grabbing on him and verging on sexual assault for weeks. Wouldn’t take no for an answer. If anyone’s a predator, it’s her.”
Lila let out a growl and threw herself toward Marinette. Kagami pulled her out of the way and left her foot out to send the girl sprawling.
“Perhaps this is a good time for me to step in,” the lawyer said smoothly, stepping between them and Lila. “You have been lying about my client and his employee. You claimed you were injured on behalf of my client while saving a nonexistent kitten, and that he then wrote a song for you in gratitude, spreading this rumor around your collége, and reaching beyond via a blog interview. You have engaged in a defamation and insult campaign against his employee, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, and even attempted to have her expelled based on lies. You have, in fact, threatened to do worse, which I’m guessing is what the attempted assault just now was. M. Stone does not tolerate defamation against himself or his staff, and M. Dupain and Mme. Cheng do not tolerate defamation against their daughter.”
She pulled out several papers, holding them out to Lila as she picked herself off the ground.
“The offense against M. Stone is public, as it appeared on a public and widely-read blog. The offenses against Mlle. Dupain-Cheng are considered non-public. But we have filed criminal defamation charges against you, Mlle. Rossi. These are copies of the filings. Copies are also being delivered to your mother at her workplace.”
Lila snatched the papers and crumpled them, her jaw tight with rage, blood still dripping from her nose. “M. Agreste made me! He said to deal with Marinette, that she was a bad influence!”
Marinette gasped, feeling Kagami stiffen beside her. Adrien was staring in open-mouthed horror. Luka looked angry, and Jagged looked livid. Tom and Sabine were exchanging worried looks. The reporters were murmuring again. All of this was, of course, being aired and reported on.
“Interesting public allegations.” The lawyer smiled. “Obviously, you will receive more official documents on the charges by the court.”
“Just what is going on here?”
Principal Damocles was standing inside the door of the school.
“This is a place of education, not a media circus!”
Lila seized an opportunity. “Juleka punched me, M. Damocles! I think she broke my nose!”
“Actually,” the lawyer interrupted smoothly, “given that this took place on the sidewalk rather than within the school, M. Damocles has no jurisdiction. Mlle. Rossi is of course able to file assault charges; however, given that Mlle. Couffaine is the daughter of a former employee of M. Stone, and Mlle. Rossi had just engaged in very public defamation against her brother on camera in front of journalists, it is likely M. Stone will ask I amend the filing to include M. Couffaine as a victim.”
“Yep!” Jagged popped the ‘p.’
Lila went pale, her fists shaking.
“And we have further business with M. Damocles. Given the ‘media circus,’ and attempted assault by Mlle. Rossi, M. Couffaine will be escorted home by M. Stone’s limo driver.”
Marinette turned to Adrien and Luka, who were still holding hands and looking a bit frozen. Adrien recognized that it was their cue first, turning to Luka and looking a bit shy.
“Will I see you for lunch?”
Luka smiled, reaching up with his free hand to brush a lock of hair from Adrien’s face. “Of course, mon étoile. I look forward to it.”
The blush on Adrien’s face looked real as Luka brought up his hand to kiss it, then embraced him.
The cameras ate it up, just as they had expected. Luka managed to look longing as he let go of Adrien and stepped back into the limo, his part of the morning done.
Kagami squeezed Marinette’s shoulder, leaning close. “I must leave if I am to arrive to school on time. You will prevail. And if you need protection, I believe Mlle. Juleka is a wonderful candidate for the job.”
Marinette turned to give Kagami a hug. Adrien did as well, and together they watched for a moment as she weaved her way through the paparazzi before they turned back to the task at hand.
Phase Two: the school.
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I’m going to talk about personal stuff, but still related to the show. I don’t ask for people feel sorry for me etc. I just want to show something.
Exactly 3 years go my mom died. She got a stroke and was slowly fading away for a week. As you can guess, it was the worst few weeks in my life, whole February was devastating and made me want to crawl into a hole and never crawl back. You know, pretty normal stuff when you loose one of the most important people in your life.
There were three things that kept me sane during that time. My best friend who kept chatting with me on Facebook about real dumb/weird stuff, my TeenWolf salty squad and karamel, that was rising on that time. Two adorable people, falling in love, with an interesting bakcgroud - I guess, something like that can fish your brain form the puddle of depressing shit, even if it’s just for a while.
Too bad Supercorp shippers decided to have a hating party in our tags then, huh? They finally realized that karamel was going to happen and started their shit party. And someone made a list of the most gross blogs, so they deciede it was an attack at “teen lgbt fans” and that thanks to ithat list the “teens” were targeted by awful people.
So, instead of just scrolling down cute shit and meta, I had to scroll down hundereds of posts kindly informing me of what kind of shitty human being I am, homophobe, slave owner fan, blah  blah, plus the “I’m a SC shipper, block me fucker, karamel sucks” kinds of posts (totally ignoring that on that time they were attacking karamel teens - a lot of them deactivated -, but whatever). 
Here I am, having really horrible weeks, trying to deal with shit and keep my mind away from stuff and scrolling down a place where I should find nice things, but instead I just hit block button all the time. I can tell you - amazing experience. 
Why I’m moaning about it? One of the Sueprcorps’ argument, why they are going to “#boycott Supergirl” (now they say “save”, because when you change the name of the tag suddenly all the hate you are going to spread sounds GOOD and resonable) is that the show helps them to deal with reality, where they face horrible people, circumstances, bias, hate and death, basically it helps them to deal with harsh reality.
My problem is - they ask for something, while totally ignoring other fans. 
Supergirl is NOT an exlcusive show ONLY for Supercorp shipppers, it’s a show for every person who watches it. Probably most of the people who watch it, deal with some kind of shit. You don’t know what the person on the other side is going through - no one HAS to inform anyone about it or explain why watches the show or likes this character or a ship. NO ONE. The same goes for the - no one should feel better than others for liking a ship or a charcter. And you know what? The same goes for everyone who is happy person, who just want to enjoy the show. I know, what a disturbing thing, huh?
And here we have Supercorp shippers who basically... feel better than others and think they deserve more things than everyone else. Because what? They have shittier lives? Bigger depression? Worse experiences? We are seriously going to RATE things like this? So we can feel free to hate on the other side? There is only good side and bad side? If you are on the wrong side you can fuck yourself? Your ass is the most important thing in the entire universe? Everything what YOU want should happen? Dear Rao.
I mean, we all want things we like and love to happen, maitain etc. We want to see our ships and characters happy and i don’t think we care about the feeling of  the other “side”. The problem is norma people don’t start hate campaigns, don’t bully cast, don’t harass other fans, don’t try to force the “one true and proper” idea at the producers, don’t pretend that they fight for the “better world” while SPREADING HATE etc. And this is what Supercorp shippers have been doing for the past 3 years. 
I’m aware what they are doing. I’m aware what they are trying to achieve. They tried to portray whole cast at SDCC17 as homophbic and disgusting, while twisitng their words. They called the cast homophobic because they sang a song about Supercorp being just friends, while now they scream that Supergirl crew is queerbaiting them (what an irony). They threw parties after two actors - who were horribly bullied - left the show. They hated still hating on 4 POC actors. They treat the main actress of the show horribly since she started her real life realtionship and still doing it, even when they are aware through  what kind of hell she went through. They make fun of depression and mental ilness only because an actor they openly hate, goes through it, they even hate on his campaign that tries to help people with similar problems. They hate on an actor who just asked to stop putting negative comments under his tweets about the ep he has directed, and accuse him of being homophobic, because he liked tweets of “problematic” people. They ignored every statement of the cast members that said something about trolls or cast hate. They ignored a character in the show and his line about how in the future cyberbullying and trolls are banned on internet. They ignore all of their haters and complain all the time how they are not like them, while liking the posts and gifs made by the most horrible people in their fandom - but they will keep saying something about “vocal minority” and how they are not like that. So you are like who exactly? While you ignore the idiots and keep interacting with them? How you are not like that while you want the BOYCOTT SUPERGIRL TAG trending during the next ep? 
Dear Supercorp shippers, you are not the majority of the fandom. I know what you want to achieve, again, by the hate campaigns, but you won’t. Because the cast, writers and producers know what you have done, oh sorry, what your so called MINORITY have done. All what you do is hating, complaning, moaning and putting shit under every official post. If you think you will get Supercorp after all of it - good luck.
PS. KramReceipts or the stalker who constantly scroll my blogs and sends it to that twitter account - go fuck yourself ;*
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knightofbalance-13 · 6 years
“Oh, it gets worse. Because I’ve read the archives of KOB’s reddit account. (Link here for reference, someone may wanna archive this in case KOB pulls a Delete Fucking Everything)
Never before have I seen something that would backfire so hard.
First of all, I’d recommend a look at the very first comment on that Reddit account, which was a screed about FatManFalling’s Volume 3 review. So much of modern KOB can be traced back here- has hatred of the word “the” and insistence on trying to replace it with “teh,” his long paragraphs, condescending attitude and personal attacks/insults (Also, for the record, “Fatass” is one of the worst mocking nicknames I’ve ever see on Reddit).
This is. Thing is: this would HUMANIZE me. But god knows you can’t think of your opposition as human.
First is mischaractization.
Second is not a moral argument.
Third is conflating me being angry with who I am normally.
And fourth is downplayed since this whole post is nothing BUT a personal attack.
Also: Never said I was clever.
There’s also this post after Volume 4 which is basically “So the RWDE tag sucks amirite?”
No, the title is what I meant.
But a relevant comment that Caddeter and @psyga315 should see is this one. I’ll quote it directly, emphasis mine at the end:
Backfire in 3...2...1
“Now I know many of you are thinking “Why should I care?”
Well, because these people are in a dangerous mindset of ignoring everything that isn’t their opinion and warping that to justify their feelings.
I gave a comment on this journal pointing out the flaws in his work. The closest thing I said to an insult was saying that his usage of the term “man-pain” was stupid in any context. And when I admitted I wasn’t aiming towards him but his audience who weren’t sure about V3’s finale, he blocked me, deleted my comments (EDIT: he’s admitted to being wrong about teh previous two and has restored my comments. Still blocked but I have a way around it that he knows) and warped my words. Something he claimed Miles and Kerry did, minus the last part.
I ask of you: Say what you think about this. And not just the journal, what you thought of Pyrrha’s death. Not what he said, not what I said. But what you want to say.
Now GO!”
Now, if I was a generous man, this in context could be KOB asking for discussion on the Reddit.
I am not a generous man. To me, it looks like KOB deliberately inciting the Reddit post-Volume 3 (when they were most protective of RWBY as it was the last season that Monty would have definitely worked on) and encouraging them to dogpile the journal author.
Three things:
A. The time period this was made is post Volume 4, Not 3. So that’s bullshit.
B. https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/5khw9y/my_thoughts_on_pyrrhas_death_rwby_and_rt_by_jswf/dbo9z0v/
Oh hey look, there’s someone disagreeing witrh me and I ENCOURAGED them. So that’s also bullshit.
C. https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBY/comments/5khw9y/my_thoughts_on_pyrrhas_death_rwby_and_rt_by_jswf/dboysk7/
Okay everyone, I have to ask that no one goes to the link and comments. The author is getting too stressed out by his debate with me and I don't want him to break.
So please, keep your discussions here.
Outright contradicted. Three strikes, you’re out.
And the worst thing? He had no empathy to the situation. Quote (again, emphasis mine):
“Well, don’t fight him. He’s…not right in the head.
Like I was arguing with him and he…wanted to kill himself.
And I didn’t even try being mean.”
Remember that in the Deviantart comments, KOB said that he could be “far far far crueler.”
As evidence by this post, where I am going to turn EVERYTHING against you. https://comments.deviantart.com/1/619991269/4290345087?offset=25#comments “*Sigh* Look, I never meant for you to get this stressed out. Hell, I understand where your coming from. Thinking about killing myself is such a common occurrence now I'm not even fazed by it anymore. So putting aside my feeling towards you and your conduct, I want you to listen to what i have to say: Your life matters. No matter what you think I've said, no matter what other people have said, no matter what you say, your life matters. You have friends and family who love and care about you and if you kill yourself, all it will do is wound those around you. It's painful I know but it's true. The best thing you can do is seek help above all else. Trust me, psychiatrists maybe be expensive by by divinty' sake they are miracle workers. And I know you're sick of hearing about this anime but really, look up Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. That anime is a large part of why I get out of bed in the morning even thought I know there's a very good chance I'll choke to death on my breakfast, lunch or dinner or that my life probably doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things. It taught me to keep moving forward no matter what I lose or what I suffer because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The journey is hard and long but it's worth it. I never intended on hurting you. Had I known you were this psychologically fragile or you were this invested in Pyrrha I would have said nothing. I understand where you are coming from and I'm sorry I did so much damage to you. I was wrong and you were right. Good day.” No empathy huh? “Also while I’m here, how about this long callout post about RWBY Analysis after she was angry at some art from Dishwasher that had Enabler undertones (complete with the classic “I used to respect you” card which you can always imagine someone saying within the context “I used to respect you when you agreed with me.”). And here’s her reaction, which should be recorded alongside the Great Fire of London as one of the greatest burns in history.”
Ah yes, a callout post...Where I didn’t call her out once...
But I guess the actual post looks pretty fucking bad for you (https://knightofbalance-13.tumblr.com/post/172361707730/httpsrwby-analysistumblrcompost172345982047) since it is short and-oh yeah-SHE WAS SLANDERING SOMEONE. Good job completely missing the point eh?
But sure Knight of Balance. Tell us all about how you never meant for any of this to escalate and how sorry you were. It’s not like your own accounts show you to be a liar who instigated a harassment campaign and showed no empathy upon hearing that it was partially successful. You can surround yourself all you want with your little cabal of white knights like Sunder the Gold and MageKnight who will go to bat for you when they can. You can claim all you want that what you do is a crusade to purify RWBY and Make The FNDM Great Again or some bullshit like that because you seem to think that if you kill RWDE, Miles will personally fly out to thank you for saving RWBY. And you can even run to other fandoms like Darling in the Franxx or FLCL where your name isn’t poison. But we all know what you are.
I didn’t mean for thing to escalate as evident by how I TRIED TO STOP IT,
No empathy when I actively tried to call him down MYSELF.
That sounds pretty fucking ironic  considering that you surround yourself in haters like Dudeblade and Cadder there who will never ever think to question you or themselves. But as for that Sunder thing.. Well I’ll get to that latter but let’s just say, it’s a show of self control how I’m not screaming my head off.
Oh and you’re any different? You probably think ‘I f I get rid of all the fanboys, M&K will HAVE TO listen to my obviously not biased criticism and I’ll Make RWBY Great Again! Then Monty Sempai will rise form the grave to thank me for saving his legacy!’
Please, I’d sit Miles down and give him a lecture on how a timeline is VERY important for a long running show and keeping time skips vague to ‘avoid plotholes’ would in fact make MORE of them. Though I’d probably force him to attend a writing class, Just because I respect the guy doesn’t mean I see him as flawless.
Yerah, doesn’t work when I did the EXACT SAME THING I did here in Franxx. I obviously do not care about my reputation worldwide.
Here’s the thing: I do not regret many things in my time on the internet. I regret not asking about internet customs so i could know things like alt accounts were a bad thing. I regret my raging outbursts at innocent people because I was an immature fuckhead. I regret interacting with RWBYcrit. ... That’s it. My fight against RWDE? My battle against shitty critics? I do not regret that one bit. I fought for what I believed was right and got to meet amazing people along the way. I think I’ve even grown as a person. So no dice bitch.
You’re a schoolyard bully with a stick and anger problems. You’re a child throwing a temper tantrum, unaware of how if Miles or Kerry saw what you’ve said and done, they’d be disgusted in you and would shame you for the world to see. You are nothing. In the grand scheme of life, this will be your legacy. You will never amount to anything significant in this lifetime, and your life peaked before you even hit your twenties. KOB, I really hope you realize how in just under two and a half years, you have made nearly the entire fandom hate your guts.
... And?
Oh you thought this was gonna hurt me? You think you saying I have anger issues is gonna hurt me when I’ve acknowledged that as one of my worst traits. You think telling me Miles and Kerry would be disgusted with me is gonna hurt me when I am not them, they are not me and I am fighting primarily for myself? You think you calling me worthless and saying I will never amount to anything in my lifetime when I’m a fucking existentialist AKA someone who believes that there is no inherent worth in life? Bitch, I say worse things about myself every day.
And the rest is either lies (the fandom as a whole, even on Tumblr, DOESN’T CARE ABOUT ME.) or shows you’re projecting onto me (’You’re a bully!’ says the bullies.)
Let me break this down: We all hate you on Tumblr,
God, stop projecting your ego onto me, I know the fandom as whole on Tumblr doesn’t care about me.
You haven’t shown your face on Twitter
Shows what you know.
and when someone cited you in a Reddit post, everyone warned them not to link to you because you’re a toxic influence.
Considering how you’ve been posting links throughout this whole post, why should I believe you if you suspiciously DON’T provide proof of this. And again: stop projecting your ego onto me.
For Christ’s sake KOB, FatManFalling can get his stuff posted on R/RWBY. It’s extensively mocked, yes, but it’s still allowed.
To the point it regularly gets kicked off reddit for having massive downvotes.
You’re so bad you haven’t even got that privilege. Let that sink in and realize what it says about you.
A. Proof
B. Not the same context.
And C. I don’t care.
Because this is coming from someone who tried throwing Sunder The Gold under the bus by saying he associates with me. DESPITE the fact that we haven;’t talked to each other in MONTHS. Why did you say this then? Oh right, Sunder is a fan of RWBY ergo he must be eliminated right? Because anyone who doesn’t conform to your fucking hivemind and treat the show AND ESPECIALLY the creators like shit is a heretic right?
That’s why I do this. Because you people are fucking AWFUL in every sense of the word. Everything you just tried to pin on me applies to YOU instead and then we can add on EVEN MORE and EVEN MORE DISGUSTING shit to that pile.I don;t like Steven Universe but I am JUST as disgusted by SU‘s fandom and it’s bullshit. This has nothing to do with RWBY anymore, this has to do with you people DESTROYING INNOCENT LIVES. That is YOUR legacy: the ruins of people’s lives and the destruction of a show people hold dear all because you decided to embody the WORST aspects of humanity.
In short: Fuck you.
Oh, PS:
Guess you’re in the same boat as me eh?
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millionmovieproject · 6 years
Making Tumblr a Better Place
Since it turns out that so many of us, in one way or another, had an interaction with the first wave of Russian bot blogs, and with the Sinclair Broadcast Group thing happening, with a merger on the horizon, I think it’s a good time to talk about our safety and accountability here.  As we all well know, Tumblr staff can’t run their own website, even in the most basic sense, and we need something like @new-xkit-extension just to get the site to function like it should.  Therefore, there’s really no reason to believe they’re doing anything concrete to protect bloggers from hate groups, or regulate false statements and claims.
This total lack of leadership is to blame for the psyops campaigns, or the constant harassment by the trump fluffers on this site, that think it’s their personal duty to try and trash or discredit legitimate news and people, just to get attention.  So here’s what I’m proposing: we take back control. 
-We cannot rely on @staff for anything ever, so we need to create some kind of tag, label, or symbol to express that we run our blogs as factually accurate as possible.  Meaning we check and provide sources for anything that’s not an opinion, and don’t promote opinions as facts.  Something like #reliablesource blog,  or #factaccountable blog.
-We stop engaging trolls, full stop.  They’re not out there to be convinced of anything, they’re out there to try and sow dissonance, and sooth their own sadness, because even negative attention, is attention.  Stop feeding the trolls, feed the positive, factual bloggers.  Block, report, ignore, do-not-engage.  If it’s about a topic you’d like to shed some factual light on, you can say “I’ve been seeing a post going around that’s claiming _____, but that’s not true, and here are the facts to back it up”. This keeps any popularizing, or undo attention being given to the op.
-When you see suspicious posts/blogs that look like they’re meant to instigate hate/white supremacy/nazism, etc, report them.  I have reported endless amounts of nazi fan blogs--seriously, as well as school shooting romanticizers--seriously-seriously.  That will do very little, because again, staff, but don’t worry about ousting someone publicly to your followers, by developing and updating a list.  Don’t be afraid of recourse, there isn’t any.  If they’re out there posting hate, they’ve made themselves public in the first place.
-We need to continually circulate and update information/symbols/phrases relating to the language of nazi and supremacy groups, locations of physical groups, names, faces, whatever it takes to keep they’re secret doings in the light.  We have to share all we know, to meet them at every turn.
-Propose and discuss intelligent, relevant, forward-thinking future-building ideas and concepts--not to create discourse, but to bounce ideas off of other people who may be more in-the-know than you are.  Topics like: what if Facebook were to block access to the whole of Russia?  Discuss.  Then, refer to the previous suggestion when the trolls come out.
-Share your expertise.  If you know a good tip or trick for sousing out trolls, disproving false info, or just something historically or scientifically reliable, that you think would help people with their story-telling, art, political/scientific facts, school work, life hacks, and personal experiences, anything you think could be of help to someone.  Even if you don’t get an immediate response, using accurate tagging will help people in the future find your info, and benefit from it.
-TURN OFF ANON. This is a big one.  It’s going to save you a lot of headaches an energy just keeping anyone who’d fill up your inbox with anon bullshit from even being able to reach you, and if knowing that they’re going insane not to be able to tell you to kill yourself, doesn’t make your day, nothing will. *If you get positive anons or a lot of questions, and don’t want to turn it off, if hate comes in, you can still block the isp, even if you can’t see where it’s coming from.
-Check in on each other. You don’t have to be mutuals, or have spoken to see from tags or posts that people can be going through some troubling times--pretty much everyone all the time, things being as they are.  Don’t be afraid to reach out, and say “I know you don’t know me, but I saw your post, and I just wanted to make sure you were safe.” It really is that simple.
There are tons of other ways we can band together to make a like-minded coalition for eliminating the disinformation, hate, and negativity from this site. We make up this site,so it’s got to be us to get control of it.  Starting voting, and voter’s registration drives, crowd-sourcing for events even if they’re not in your area, candidate info etc., use sites like snopes and politifact to discredit claims, and the list can go on-and-on.  It doesn’t only extend to politics, but the way artists, lgbtqa+, poc, woc, women, environmentalists, and most every one of us who are willing to put ourselves out for personal attacks just by existing, and often treated like punching bags for disgruntled fuckbois.  I’d love to hear other suggestions added to this post.  We’ve got to self-police if we have any hope of making this a less toxic place, and take small and easy steps to clean this mess up.
Let’s talk, let’s open up a dialogue about the things we can do, and create a better, informed environment for us all.
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