#thesival rp
Bonded enemies || Closed rp with vehuhia
Percival Graves had become cocky. It was to be expected, really. One couldn’t be the most powerful auror of their time, become Director of Magical Security and head of MACUSA’s Department of Magical Law Enforcement without becoming overconfident. Percival knew it, and he didn’t hide it. Wasn’t ashamed of it. That was a part of who he was, now.
But he had become cocky, and that had been his biggest mistake.
When Gellert Grindelwald had appeared in an empty alleyway where Percival had been investigating the disparition of his friend, Theseus Scamander - disparition, yes, because he wasn’t dead, he couldn’t be dead, he was just missing, it was all, and Percival would bring him home safe and sound, thank you very much -, Percival hadn’t run away. Hadn’t called out for help.
Because, honestly, if there was someone who could bring down Gellert Grindelwald, greatest wizard of their time, it was him. Percival Graves. So he had merely smirked, drawn out his wand - and he could already imagine Picquery’s face when he would brought her Grindelwald, wrists bound and fury clear into his mismatched eyes -
Except that the fight that ensues wasn’t at all what Percival had imagined. He had known that Grindelwald was an excellent duelist, and yet, it seemed that he had underestimated him. It actually didn’t take long for the man to disarm Percival - less than twenty minutes, that was pathetic - and to bring him to his knees.
Percival had been so sure he was going to die there and then, and he had already made peace with his destiny. He had always known that this was how he was going to go: in a glorious fight against evil.
But Grindelwald hadn’t killed him. No. He had knocked him out, and brought him into a miserable cell, where he had tortured him, trying to extract informations from him. Again. And again. And again. For what had felt like months. But Percival had kept his mouth shut, his mental wards up, and hadn’t revealed any secret. Hadn’t allowed the bastard into his head, despite the hunger, the pain, the exhaustion, the fear.
If he was going to die there, he wasn’t going to talk. Never. The man had taken everything from him, he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction to open his mouth.
That was in this state of mind that he opened his eyes, one day - night? -, lifting his chin defiantly as Grindelwald entered his cell, looking at him in the eye, fury making his magic swirl furiously inside him - But the chains on his wrists and ankles didn’t allow him to use it. It was furious inside him, and it was useless, and it drained Percival more surely than any torture Grindelwald had up his sleeve.
He wasn’t going to show the man how scared he really was. He had fought during the war, damn it. He didn’t fear a fucking mismatched eyed albino.
But that time… something was wrong. All of his instincts screamed it to him. Something was terribly, terribly wrong. There was a smell, a smell he knew all too well, and the wolf in him clawed at his insides and whined as he realized that it wasn’t right. There was Theseus’ smell, but… it was wrong, somehow. Different. He smelled like death. He smelled like blood.
He smelled like vampires.
And his doubts were only confirmed when the auror, his friend, stepped into the room, eyes wide and mad, dry blood creaking in his chin and fangs pointing between his full lips.
And Percival suddenly wanted to be sick.
“What did they do to you…?”, he breathed, his heart clenching painfully in his chest, his voice made hoarse by too many hours spent screaming in agony. So worried and furious in his friend’s behalf that he forgot to be scared, forgot that he was in the same room as a vampire lost in a blood frenzy.
Had he always smelled like that? Theseus cocked his head to the side and breathed in deeply, trying to pinpoint the exact smell. But he couldn’t, he’d never smelled that scent before, couldn’t pinpoint it even with his sensitive nose. He just knew Percival's scent was deeper, like the forest, pine, musky, but also the slight smell of wet dog, which was just off putting.
At the same time, his blood smelled tantalizing. Rich, deep, like velvet chocolate cake fresh out of the oven. It made him hum with excitement as he slowly moved closer, waiting for his master to give him space before moving in.
“Bite him and feed, but don’t drain him. I need him alive...” His master and creator took their leave and he was left alone with poor little Percy.
Theseus smirked at the question, at the look of horror on Percival’s face. He carefully reached out and stroked the warm cheek, feeling the blood thrum in its veins underneath his fingers. 
“So now you want to know?” He chuckled, anger churning inside of him. Percy had abandoned him, had never even bothered to find him. Both his creator and master had made that abundantly clear and Theseus had no reason to distrust them at this point. “I spend seventy six hours in agony, Percy...
Do you know how fast we turn? Within twenty four hours... but not me. Oh no, no I turned in three days. Because fate doesn’t give a fuck about me. And neither did you.”
He leaned in, pressing his nose against Percival’s cheek and inhaled. Groaning at the conflicting smells he picked up. Confusion settled on his features and he leaned back slightly, cupping the wizard’s cheeks to make eye contact. “Your blood smells divine, but you....”
Theseus scoffed “You smell like wet dog.”
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Broken bonds || closed rp with realpercivalgraves
Despite the careful planning, the mission was doomed from the start. How arrogant he had been to think that the Americans would swoop in and fix it where the Europeans had failed. He had to try nonetheless. Grindlewald was a threat to the whole of magical society and when the Ministry of Magic had called in their help after their top auror Theseus Scamander went missing on a mission Percival had to offer his help. Seraphina had asked him to send a team if he wanted, but to stay himself. He was the Director of Magical security it was unbecoming and rash to just leave his post like that. He would have agreed, but Theseus was his friend damn it and Grindlewald had already done too much, taken too many.
So perhaps his judgement ad been clouded or maybe they had been unlucky. A combination of an unknown enemy and new terrain. Whatever it was, they walked into an ambush. Too many assailants all at once, chaos, lights, distractions everywhere. It was a massacre on both sides. They were pressing the enemy. Percival was fighting tooth and nail, flinging curses and shielding not only himself, but his fellow aurors. And then he was tackled from behind. His shields only wavered for a second, but it was enough. He got hit in the chest with… something, not pain, surprisingly, but fuzziness, darkness, creeping, all encompassing darkness.
He woke up in a cell. Dirt floor, brick walls with no windows, a thick metal door. There was a manacle around his left ankle. Solid steel, reinforced to withstand magic. He had been stripped down to trousers and undershirt. His body ached. He was dirty and cold.
No one came to talk to him, whether to interrogate or torture. He wasn’t given food or water. He had no idea how much time had passed. It could be minutes, hours or days.
Eventually he heard footsteps and muffled speech behind his door. He braced himself for whatever would walk through there, but when the door opened and it was Theseus, wrong Theseus, one that send his skin crawling, his blood froze in his veins.
“Oh Thes, what have they done to you?” he asked in a hoarse whisper, his heart breaking into pieces.
A low growl emitted from his throat as he looked down upon the man that had abandoned him. And now he suddenly cared? The vampire didn’t buy it for one single second. He chuckled darkly, getting on his feet to circle around Graves, stopping in front of him to look down upon him.
“Now you care?” Theseus snarled, showing off bloodied fangs. He shook his head. “Six months... Graves. And now you want to know?”
He sneered at his former friend and grabbed a handful of the dark hair to make him look up. “They made me strong..  turned me into something better.”
And he was, he was better, stronger. People feared him and begged him in despair before he drained them of their life force. And now, now his master had gifted him with a toy. One that he was going to enjoy breaking.
There was a part of his mind that fought against it, that fought against the beast controlling him. But it was hidden far, far away into the depths of his subconscious. It wasn’t going to be of any help to his old friend, any time soon.
“Tell me, Perry, do you fear the night?”
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Modern!Theseus Instagram featuring his ex: Carina, Brother Newt, current partner Percival, Daughter Cassie and Charley the golden retriever.
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A/B/O thesival
So I can't get this idea out of my head and I need to write it out. But imagine the following scenario for a drabble/rp whatever. Percival Graves is an Omega in a high ranking position, something that is definitely not done in the wizarding world. He's on a strict regiment of birth control (ever since it became available to the general public in 1925), heat suppressants (which have been around since 1912, although the batches until 1920 weren't always reliable) and scent blockers (which have been around since 1906). So all these years Graves has had to hide his true nature, which he was aided in by Theseus, his mate of 20 years, and his best friend since ilvermorny, Seraphina. Theseus and Percy mated and bonded during their days in the international auror exchange program, after getting to know one another and a few years of dancing around the both of them decide they want to take the relationship further, despite the difficulties that may arise. Their oldest son is born a year before the great war breaks out, at the Scamander mansion in England. They decide to name him and his potential future siblings under a different surname then their own for his own safety. He's then raised by his grandmother and only sees Theseus in the weekends and Percival during holidays and summer. Their second son is born six months after the war ends and is also raised by his grandmother. Both boys go to Hogwarts, the oldest is sorted into Slytherin, the youngest into Hufflepuff. Cue the start of the movie, Theseus is off in Germany, fighting Grindelwald's followers. Graves is kidnapped and impersonated by Grindelwald. By the time he's rescued he's gone into a heat and the secret is out. Now everyone has to deal with the aftermath. Seraphina has no choice but to fire Percival after Congress breathes down her neck and the only way for him to save face is to make his marriage to Theseus public. The truth comes out and they have to deal with the aftermath. Graves is transferred to London to be with his family, much to his own dismay. And when he gets pregnant with their third child things really start to crumble.
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About the mun
I got tagged by @deathlesshallows
I’m 5′3
I have a smol scar on the left side of my nose
I have a mole on one of my waterlines
My eyes are heterochromic, they’re blue/green with a brown band around the pupil
My hair is dark blonde but I dye it golden blonde
I have shoulder lenght hair, that is curly/wavy
I have medium-ish hair, kinda like Ezra before they cut the hair for the Credence role. And it’s curly-wavy too.
I wear comfy clothes 99% of the time, sweatpants, shorts, sweaters, graphic t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. I’m basically genderless when it comes to my clothes.
I’m a Hufflepuff, through an through. On nearly every test I take I’m sorted into the house of Badgers. I’m also a pukwudgie. But don’t be fooled, you hurt my friends and I will end you. If you’re cool and nice, I will be your friend until the end of my days.
My Pottermore patronus is a horse, but I personally disagree. My patronus should be a labrador retriever.
INFP-T personality type, the Mediator
I’m a very polite and friendly person and generally a friend to all.
My biggest hobbies are cosplay, writing and video making
I still live at my parents’ house at age 25.
I tend to wait and see what people do, I’m not very assertive and pretty insecure. Although I’m better when in cosplay or on Tumblr.
Thanks to my partner in crime I have a huge celeb crush on both Ezra Miller and Collin Farrel. Other celeb crushes include Eddie Redmayne, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Josh Duhamel, Daniel Radcliffe, Tom Felton, Emma Watson and Grant Gustin.
I’m a fairly decent writer, my grammar and spelling aren’t the best, neither is my sentence structure. But I’m very good at coming up with different scenarios and I’m told my characterization and emotional capacity when writing are very good.
I’m calm, patient and very understanding of people’s view points.
I’m very bad at debating and hardly ever win, but that’s what Slytherin friends are for.
I’m really good with dates and useless facts
I’m fairly decent at coming up with headcanons and theories.
I’m like the muggle version of Newt Scamander, I know my animals and they tend to gravitate towards me.
Reading and RP
Writing fiction
Videography / Video editing
Gif making/ Graphic making
Played field hockey for 18 years
I curse like a motherfucking sailor and I tend to blabber before I think
I babble like crazy and people either love it or hate it.
I am demiromantic and bi/pan-sexual.
I am currently single.
I have one biological sibling
Two adopted sisters and one adopted brother/platonic soulmate @realpercivalgraves​
I go to college and work at Domino’s pizza as a delivery driver.
Worrying means you suffer twice
I love Theseus Scamander and will defend my potato beyond the grave
Thesival/Gramander/Gradence and Thedence are my jam
I don’t like Newtina or Goldgraves (have nothing against those who ship it, you do you)
I’m Dutch but I live in Germany
I tag anyone who wants to do it, and those that I actually tag don’t have to do it. It’s up to you, guys.
@realpercivalgraves, @vehuhia, @ofnifflersandbowtruckles
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