#thes is so confused by this
cquackity · 9 months
do y.you think that ctommy made eye contact with cwilbur after the explosion. that he saw his brother, arms spread open to destruction, and met his eyes still not believing his brother could do this. he watched cphil stab his brother and could only think of the glimpse cwilbur sent him and wonder when he stopped knowing his brother
im going to punch so many fucking holes in my wall
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g0om · 1 year
i love this coworker so so so much!!!!
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thistlecatfics · 4 months
Talking about Incest in Public
(both the painful traumatic kind and the hot fictional kind)
As it turns out, lots of the people who read and write taboo fiction have survived some deeply fucked up shit. After talking about incest with other survivors on the Moon, Sun & Stars discord and answering questions, I decided to share more about my experiences and the things that helped me survive and the things that helped me heal, because there are a lot of us, and a lot of us feel very alone, and maybe there are other people who aren’t incest survivors but who might want to know more to better support the survivors in their life.  
Incest is not just a sexual act between two family members -- it's a larger system of absence of boundaries within a family, and it's almost always part of multiple incestuous dynamics, even if only one might be the obvious or explicit dynamic. 
If you’re an incest survivor, you’re almost certainly not the only one in your family. 
“The true characteristics and dimensions of incestuous abuse have been masked by the taboo and silence that have surrounded its occurrence. Recent research demonstrates that incest occurs regularly in our society, perpetrated by individuals who, for the most part, would otherwise be regarded as fairly normal. The taboo on incestuous relations is a deterrent to some would-be perpetrators but not to others. The taboo contradicts the reality of incest prevalence, a fact which led Armstrong (1978) to comment that th taboo has been on the open discussion of incest and not on its perpetration.”
-Christine Courtois, “Healing the Incest Wound: Adult Survivors in Therapy” 
To use my family as an example - 
My (similarly aged) brother did sexual things to me as a kid, and I had a range of reactions to it including pleasure and enjoyment. And confusion. And fear. I do not think he is bad or even what he did was bad. I think we were both two kids who existed in a family with incestuous dynamics, and we were both shaped by those dynamics and trying our best to survive. 
From a young age, I existed as a physical comfort object to my mom (when she was sad she'd get into my bed to hold me until she felt better while I dissociated), and I took on the idea that my role in the family was for my body to be used to make other people feel good. The sexual behavior by my brother felt like an extension of how my mom held me. 
My mother was the victim of incest from her uncle, and her parents sided with her uncle over her when she spoke out about it (even after he was facing legal consequences for his behavior with kids outside of the family) (even after he fled the country). She didn't know how to emotionally regulate herself, and I don't think she had (or has) the capacity to understand a child's need for physical autonomy and boundaries because her own were never respected. 
There were other incestuous behaviors and dynamics within my family which I'm continuously discovering and unpacking. I think my mom’s uncle abused my grandmother too but I’ll never know for sure. It’s deeply uncomfortable to look back on a happy family story or a childhood nickname and see something sinister underneath and wonder if you’re being paranoid or if it’s actually that bad.  
Things that have helped: 
Long term relational therapy (5+ years). EMDR. Adopting a cat. Adopting more cats. Antidepressants. Reading about incest (realistic, terrifying, academic). Reading about incest (fictional, hot, amateur). Being a competitive athlete. Getting a graduate degree. Going on long walks late at night. Telling my family I had Covid so I could skip a family vacation. 
These books specifically: Healing the Incest Wound by Christine Courtois, The Myth of Normal, Dissociation Made Simple, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, The Narcissistic Family Unit, Clementine Morrigan’s writing x1000. 
The protector parts: Eating disorder. Self harm. Drinking. Perfectionism. Depression. Suicidal ideation. I’m grateful to these imperfect protectors I’ve leaned on over the years. 
Things that have not helped: 
You will be shocked to hear that people on the internet yelling about how people who find fictional incest hot are disgusting and bad and dangerous did NOT in fact help me unlearn the belief that experiencing incest made me disgusting and bad and dangerous. Luckily, I’m built of spite. But it certainly did not help. 
(If I think about my vulnerable pre-teen/teen self reading those things, I become deeply angry. How dare you hurt her in the name of protection.)
- I don’t cater to all these vipers Dressed in empath’s clothing God save the most judgmental creeps Who say they want what’s best for me Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I’ll never see
-Taylor Swift, But Daddy I Love Him
After I discovered fanfiction in middle school, and then after I realized that there was a world beyond OFC/Draco Malfoy fic, I read a lot of Blackcest. I devoured any I could find, hopping through rec lists on LiveJournal. 
Reading Blackcest fics, first Bellatrix/Sirius then Sirius/Regulus mostly, allowed me to see my experiences reflected. Those fics gave me a way to contextualize my family and my role in it. I hate the expectation that kids who experience bad things should go to a safe trusted adult rather than find art that romanticizes their experience. The whole point is that there isn’t a safe trusted adult. The whole point is that I needed the art. I got to hold the romanticized narrative until I got far enough away that I could put it away in a box until I had enough therapy that I could safely open the box and build a new, more honest story. 
Obviously plenty of people love incest smut and fic and art. It’s taboo! It’s angsty! It’s a classic! Probably most of those people don’t have direct personal experience with incest in their families. I’m glad they read and write fics too. 
But for me – have you ever experienced something you believe so strongly you will never be able to say aloud? That any time you see your secret referenced it’s in shock and disgust and revulsion? You can pretend – you’re very good at pretending – but you know it’s real, and you know it’s your secret you’ll hold onto for the rest of your life while the world reminds you how disgusting you are? 
Then you find that people are writing about what you experienced in a thousand variations that all contain some nugget of your truth.
I cannot express in words how important it was that I found those stories at that time. 
I never commented on a single fic. I never made a single account on any of the sites I read fanfiction on. I clicked the “yes I’m 18” box without hesitation every time. I wish I could go back in time and have my adult self articulate the enormity of my gratitude for each and every author who helped save me whose work exists on sites I can only revisit with the Wayback Machine. 
I understand why people might feel horrified at the idea of a 11-12 year old reading smutty incest Harry Potter fanfic. People aren’t wrong for feeling that way. 
That said, I truly don’t care what people who aren’t incest survivors think.
I’m so proud of that child for finding a way to survive. She might have hated herself, might have fantasized about death, but she survived and kept the truth of her experience wrapped up in a fictional world where it could be safe to explore and kept it there until years and years of therapy made it possible to engage with it in reality. 
- I’m a real tough kid I can handle my shit They said, babe, you got to fake it till you make it And I did
-Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With a Broken Heart -
No one is writing about incest the way Clementine Morrigan is right now. I’m so grateful for her. I’m not sure this little tumblr post would exist without her essay series. 
"Incest functions as a spell of unreality. A structure of nothingness. A completely normal and unremarkable family life in which something unnameable is ominously and terrifyingly wrong. You know in the summer when you can see the heat making the air go squiggly? Imagine those squiggles as an indication that in the seeming nothingness, there is something there. Incest is like that. Subtle, pervasive, unthinkable, unnameable. But present, felt.
As a teenager I came up with this metaphor: Imagine you are in a house full of bugs. There are bugs crawling all over all the walls and all the furniture and in your food and even on the fork you are lifting to your mouth. And you feel disgusted, you feel like something is really wrong. But your whole family is acting completely normal, laughing and eating and talking as bugs crawl over their faces and into their mouths. When you tell them you think there are bugs in your food your family says it’s just pepper and not to worry about it.
There is no way to talk about incest without feeling that you are lying. This is because incest lives in the realm of unreality and everything in the realm of unreality cannot be thought or said or named. When you speak of things that happen in the realm of unreality it will always feel like a lie and be treated like a lie. You are breaking the fundamental rule. You are not allowed to talk about what goes on in the realm of unreality because it isn’t real."
Read more and pay for her writing if you can on her substack.
Without a doubt, the not-explicitly-sexual incest from my mom fucked me up more than the explicitly sexual incest from my brother, but I only feel confident claiming the incest survivor label because sexual stuff was done to me by a family member, and I still feel like I’m lying sometimes because it wasn't bad enough to count. 
I’m a literal mental health clinician who can map out various incestuous dynamics within my family and who has clear memories of a family member doing sexual stuff to my child body, and I still feel like I’m lying. 
I believe you if you feel like a liar because I bet you do. I believe you if the incest never included anything directly physical. I believe you if you enjoyed it. I believe you if you don’t remember but feel like it’s true. 
I love us. 
If we’re monsters, I love our courageous monstrosity.
If we’re liars, I love the way we make up stories to survive when reality is impossible. 
If we’re an uncomfortable truth, good. 
It still impacts me. I’m not over it. 
It’s very difficult for me to imagine love that does not include violation. To be loved and to be allowed to maintain a self. 
But I’m open to learning otherwise, and that openness is new. 
I was so, so good at living in unreality. I could make myself perfect, such a flawless object until I couldn’t think of anything except killing myself, but even then I still maintained the image of perfection my family expected. 
It’s cool I never actually killed myself. 
I find it hard to be around my family now. There are advantages of living in unreality. I drink a lot more when I’m around my family than I ever did before, but I don’t think about killing myself nearly as much. Reality is worth it. Being able to exist as a person is worth it. 
- I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.
-Sylvia Plath
- I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. I’m not afraid. (I insist.)
It didn’t kill me then. It’s not going to kill me now. (I remind myself.) 
My life is worth living, and there are fights worth fighting, and it is undeniably true the world is full of horror, but it is good to write and create and be alive, and it is good to try. I’m a little afraid to post this, but the fear and shame isn’t mine to hold, and I never should have been the one holding it. 
Consider this a thank you note sent out to the universe in the hopes the sentiment echoes towards those authors who saved me then and to all the writers who are saving people now. Your art matters. No matter how weird or niche or dismissed or hated it is. It matters. 
Thank you.
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acheronist · 5 months
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to the ghost of henry peglar, congrats on writing your poem down 177 years ago!!!
to the actual academic scholars who have studied the pages before me....
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so I took the royal museum greenwich's scan of the poem page (which is available online hereeee) and screwed around with its light levels in photoshop until henry's script was darkened enough to see more clearly. then I digitally traced over the darkened letters as best as I could, while also trying to discern his handwriting, and type up how I was reading it & this process took me about a week to get done between like... living my regular day to day life lmao.......
so when it WAS done, the final isabel acheronist peglar papers ["the open C"] transcript seemed a bit different than how I remembered the readily available russell potter transcript going ? (the poem is on the last two pages of that pdf for those of you who don't spend a billion hours a week looking at it btw)
it felt like I was getting more/different information out of it, compared to the potter transcript, which was kind of stressing me out honestly. so THEN I compared mine with barry cornwall's original poem and found more words that matched up? particularly in the second and third stanzas?
so!!!!! almost two hundred years later here's what I've landed on:
April 21 1847 the C the C the open ) ( it grew so fresh the Ever free the Ever free the Ever free without it without it covered it will Run to Earth above Re gions Round I love the C I love the C when I whare & I wish to be with and and silence whare Never go if a sailor should a Come and Make the meek What matter what matter Come Ride Or Sleep there was shores white and of red morn at the noisy hours knew I was ever near I was Born the [...] in felt Unto the Maid the wale the young dolphin ...... yet thes back of gold the Call of gods When I was on Old England Shore I like the young C more and more oftentimes time flew to a sweltering place like a bird thats seeks it mother Case and ware she was bird oft to me for have I loved a young and Hopen C
so then after going thru All Of That, I wanted to have a version of the original poem with parts that Henry did remember clearly highlighted for comparison purposes:
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I know it's a popular theory that Henry was writing a dirty parody of the original poem? which if true, is funny as hell. me when i have to write cheeky victorian porn before i die.
But (serious voice) something about that hadn't ever seemed exactly right to me... IN MY HEART it seems more realistic that around 1847 he (and also by extension, the whole surviving expedition crew) were starting to experience confusion / brain fog symptoms from being ummmm quite physically unwell. the lead poisoning/scurvy combo would have severe effects on the brain's ability to function properly, and I started to wonder if Henry was trying to test his memory somehow? So he picked a widely known and popular Victorian era poem about being a sailor to see how much he could recall??? and he then got a little whimsical with it, and wrote in his own words to fill in the portions he couldn't fully recall, because it's his own diary and likely didn't expect anyone else to ever read it, much less have it turn into ONE of TWO surviving sources about the expedition?????
like... idk... this is probably the work of someone in the exact moment as they were starting to realize how bad things were, and then was trying to cope by using poetry. and That hurts my feelings enough as it is, but going through it was also just a very weird and haunting experience....... like, I can recognize all these tiny details in this dead guy's script and handwriting now. and to read his own account of his life in his own words, what stood out to him and what he recalled, what he wanted people in the future to know about him? insane. it literally felt like i was getting haunted by him for no reason. on top of knowing that Someone (#teamarmitage) loved this guy enough to keep his memory protected and safe, even though They Were So Totally Fucked And Going To Die There, unknowing if they'd ever be found again........
anyways thanks for reading this all. I don't think that this is revolutionary franklin expedition news by any means, and idk if there's a better different transcript somewhere that i've not found that already covers all this? but it's consumed a lot of my life lately lol and i wanted to share. because its the anniversary of henry writing it, and it felt...... important....? 💌....????
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nayatarot777 · 8 months
do you view this person clearly? (preview to extended patreon reading)
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if you’d like a personal reading, then please check out my pinned post 💚✨
• pile one •
how do you view this person?
you view this person as someone who’s “prickly” in some way. someone who’s hard to reach. but at the same time, you see something that’s extremely precious in them. you may assume that this is why they have the type of demeanour or energy that repels people - as a method of protecting the preciousness that they have inside. you view this person who’s worth spending time on to develop something practical with. although it seems like it’s difficult to progress your connection with this person. it may be slow because they’re very slow to open up. you view them as someone who’s quite practical and grounded. someone who’s focused on steadily working on what they’re building for themselves in their practical life. there’s something about a prickly demeanour that hides a soft inside. you view them as someone who’s either very emotionally confusing or someone who’s very emotionally overwhelmed. i don’t think that this person speaks about their feelings that much. they prefer to keep them a secret. but there’s a lot that you pick up on about this person’s emotions in an intuitive way. this person also stands out compared to many other people who aren’t really what you’re looking for. people who you have hit a dead end with or who you know that you would. this person is majorly different to anyone else that you’ve met so far. they stand out the most. there’s something about them being golden. being very healing too. there’s some type of innocence and goodness that you view in them. this person shines bright to you.
you view them as someone who’s very abundant physically (they could have a lot of money). there’s an elegance about this person - maybe even a chivalrous type of character - and you could definitely view them as an earth angel of some sort. you’re someone who has high standards and you see this person potentially being the one person who could live up to them. you feel like they could possibly be the one to be on your level in a connection, a friendship, a business partnership - whatever this is. there’s a repetitive message about this person just being golden in your eyes. one of a kind. you see that this person is deeply connected to their inner child. no matter how self-protective their demeanour is, their inner personality shines through. their inner child shines bright. they’re extremely authentic to you and they’re someone who elicits happiness and growth towards those around him. they have the energy of warm sunlight to you. they have an energy that many people need in their lives. you view them as very self-sufficient and very confident in their abilities to gain their goals and achieve their aspirations. they seem like they don’t need anyone for their own happiness. they’re self-sufficient in their physical life as well as in their ability to make themselves happy and content. and that may be the difference that you see in this person compared to everyone else. they’re someone who doesn’t rely on or use other people to give them something that they can’t give themselves. they don’t rely on others as a source of energy to siphon positive energy from. they’re someone who naturally has that for themselves - and therefore they have that for everyone else.
if this has resonated with you and you’d like to see if the way that you view this person is accurate + how they view you, find the extended reading on my patreon here OR on kofi (to purchase this extended reading individually)! 💚✨
• pile two •
how do you view this person?
you view this person as someone who’s extremely giving. extremely charitable. either with their money or their time. this person is extremely charming to you. you believe that they love to help people who are less fortunate than them. people who are in need of help. specifically younger people for some of these people. they just seem to really care about others and always want to be of help or of service. you also view this person as extremely focused. one-track minded in some way. they’re very perceptive too. and you might see this person enduring a lot of pressure in their life. this major focus and pressure is either towards helping other people (could be their family, their friends, people who they work with - especially if it’s children or vulnerable people etc.) or it’s towards their work and their finances in general. you view them as someone who was raised right. that’s what i’m really feeling. this person really has a lot of chivalry or respect or just a lot of manners for people. so therefore they attract that back to themselves too. this person could prioritise being very helpful towards women too - which is where this energy of chivalry and being a prince charming is coming - regardless of gender. they’re just someone who likes to be a protector or helper of some sort towards people who they believe should be cherished and cared for, from your perspective.
i feel like you view this person as someone who always wants to help people who are struggling emotionally too. people who are grieving and people who are going through emotional loss. you may pick up the energy of emotional grief from this person at times too, and therefore you assume that they have a lot of empathy towards the people who they want to help. you may know about a new financial opportunity that this person is going after and you can tell that they’re extremely focused on this. this could also be someone who gives people new opportunities in their life. new financial or work opportunities to build a stable life for themselves. this could also be very valuable advice. i feel like you view them as extremely abundant themselves, but someone who’s constantly looking for more opportunities in life to go after. someone who’s very ambitious when it comes to their personal goals. and i feel like for a lot of you, you can tell that this person’s personal goals revolve around helping people in the world in some way.
if this has resonated with you and you’d like to see if the way that you view this person is accurate + how they view you, find the extended reading on my patreon here OR on kofi (to purchase this extended reading individually)! 💚✨
• pile three •
how do you view this person?
you view this person as someone who you have a very strong emotional connection to. you feel like they’re your equal emotionally. like the emotions that you have for them are equally reciprocated back to you. you could definitely already be in a relationship or a friendship or some sort of connection with this person. and you view them as someone who you have pure, genuine love and care for that’s reciprocated. someone who’s your emotional comfort as you are for them. you feel like you’re on the same page, and that you’re both moving towards the same place in life together. you view them as someone who greatly helps you with your direction in life. someone who helps you to gain control over your life in some way. you view them as someone who really inspires you. someone who finds new excitement or new inspiration to exert their energy towards too. for some of you, you can see that this person is trying to start a new chapter of their life - perhaps with better morals and values than before. this person could have a bit of a dark past in some way, but you can see their effort to use this as energy and motivation to propel themselves forward onto a new path.
aw, this person really gives you a lot of happiness, pile three. they light you up because both of your inner-children can be authentic and be themselves around each other. there’s also something about this person shining an awareness on your emotions. on your ability to emotionally connect with another which is something that you may have really struggled to do before. you view this person as your vitality in a way. they give you something that you need to grow and evolve. and again, i’m seeing that you view this as an equal effort on both of your parts for each other. you view this person who you are going to build an EXTREMELY happy and stable life with. 10 of pentacles is out here. you view this person as someone who you can move towards building a very happy family with, for those of you who are in a relationship with this person. if not, then this is just someone who you view as someone who you’ll be with for the long-haul, building a life together. going back to this person’s past that they’re trying to move away from, i am seeing that you feel like they have A LOT of regrets about this. their past could keep them up at night because of this. someone who maybe even sheds tears because of the past that they’re trying to build a new life from.
if this has resonated with you and you’d like to see if the way that you view this person is accurate + how they view you, find the extended reading on my patreon here OR on kofi (to purchase this extended reading individually)! 💚✨
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My You-niverse: Poe Dameron
Fandom: Oscar Isaac
Pairing: Poe Dameron x F!Reader, throughout the series: Marc Spector x F!Reader, Steven Grant x F!Reader
Summary: You and America get stuck portal jumping until you reach your universe again. In the meantime, you meet various versions of your husband.
A/N: one more chapter after this! eek!
Series Masterlist
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You gasp as your eyes shoot open. You sit up and you're in the medbay.
"Hey, honey, it's okay. It's okay, relax." you turn to the voice and see...
He smiles, "Yeah, that's me, baby. You okay?" he sits at the edge of the bed you're in, "You scared me."
"What happened?" you ask him, brows furrowed in confusion.
"I'm not sure. I brought you your afternoon caf like usual. We were just chatting and then you fainted. You hit your head on the console on the way down. Scared the fodder outta me."
You hiss in pain as your head begins to throb. Suddenly, you're getting flashes. Different versions of Poe-no. Not Poe. Someone...someone else. You see a necklace and a wedding ring.
The medbay opens and in walks Leia.
You straighten up, "General Organa."
She makes her way to you with a soft smile, "Glad to see you're awake. How are you?"
"My head still hurts. I'm-I'm getting these weird visions. I don't know what's going on," confusion and fear is laced in your tone.
The older woman sighs, "Well, oddly enough, when you fainted, some unexpected visitors appeared on base. They've been asking for you and one of them looks like your flyboy," she points to Poe.
You look at Poe and he nods, "Yeah, it-it's weird. He's me, but not me. Said he's from some other universe and they've been looking for you for some time now. They want to bring you back with them."
The throbbing sensation continues. You wince and close your eyes for a moment. Flashes again. You see a certificate...a wedding certificate. There's your name and another...
"Sweetheart?" Poe takes hold of your hand, the other on your shoulder to steady you.
Poe is taken back, "Huh?"
"His name is Marc, right? Marc Spector?"
"Yeah. I-Wait. Is this real? Are you actually from wherever or whatever universe he's from?"
"Yes. No. I think? I don't know," you pull your hand away from Poe's and cradle your head, "It hurts so bad. I don't know what to do." You look up at Leia with tears in your eyes, "Please, help me."
She nods, "I'll bring them here."
Poe didn't like that one bit, "What?! No! You're not bringing them here!"
"They seem to be the only people who knows what's going on, Poe," she tries to reason with him.
He shakes his head, "They're going to take her away! I just got her back!"
Leia puts a reassuring hand on Poe's shoulder, "We'll make sure that doesn't happen. But look at her, Poe. She's in pain. That Doctor Weird guy could help her. We need to take this chance."
Poe looks back at you and you're still cradling your head and you've begun mumbling things he couldn't quite hear. He sighs, "Fine."
America watches Marc pace back and forth. She and Stephen has both decided to sit down and wait for someone to come back to get them. Stephen is...meditating? She doesn't really know, but all she knows is that Marc's pacing is starting to irritate her.
"Dude, just sit down, alright? I'm sure Y/N's fine."
"We were so close. She was right there and then she ouched the necklace," he stops the pacing to face Stephen, "Why did that happen anyway?"
Stephens eyes open and he responds, "I'm not sure."
Marc rolled his eyes, "For being this almighty sorcerer, you sure don't know a lot about all this, do ya?"
"The multiverse is very complicated. There's a lot that we don't understand, masters of the mystics arts included," he floats up onto his feet, "At least we're in the same universe as Y/N."
"I hope she's okay," America says with worry, "That blast was strong, like, stronger than the one's I've done."
"Strange, can't you magic your way out of here?"
"Yes, but that could put Y/N at risk. We don't know what these people are capable of so it's best we remain here until someone comes to see us again."
Suddenly, the doors slide open and Leia walks in, eyes staring directly at Stephen, "Y/N needs your help."
Marc is suddenly chest to chest to Leia, "Where is she? Huh?! What did you do to her?!" America pulls him back with a sorry expression on her face.
Leia chuckles, "You look like Poe, you sound like Poe, you even have his temper. Interesting."
Stephen walks forward, "What's wrong with Y/N?"
Poe is laying on the bed, holding your curled up form. His cheek is resting on your head. You're still mumbling but he's catching a few things, "Marc", "Nathan", "Leto", "Bud". Names, he thinks. You name off more and then you repeat them, along with other things he can't really hear.
The doors to the medbay open again and Leia enters with Stephen, America, and Marc.
Marc frowns at the sight before him, "Get your hands off my wife."
Stephen shoots him a glare and Marc huffs, moving close to your bed, but still a distance away.
"Y/N?" Stephen says your name cautiously.
You slowly raise your head and you look at him, "Stephen?"
"Yes. That's me, do you know who they are?" He points to Marc and America.
"America and Marc. Marc's my husband. I'm-I'm from your world?"
"Our universe," Stephen corrects you.
"I don't understand," you shake your head.
Stephen sighs, "It's complicated, but we need to take you back with us."
"Like hell you are!" Poe retorts, wrapping his arm around you tighter.
Stephen rolls his eyes, "Listen, she can't stay here. This isn't her universe. The longer she's away, the worse she'll feel. She needs to get back and we're taking her."
"Listen, here, I've spent a long time without Y/N by my side. I just got her back. There's no way I'm letting you-" Stephen threw a blast of magic at Poe and he fell back onto the bed. He was completely knocked out.
"Poe!" you cried out.
"He'll be fine. Just made him sleep for a bit." Stephen says, making Marc snort.
"Serves him right," Marc mutters, arms crossed over his chest.
Stephen turns to Leia, "You must understand, for Y/N's sake, we need to take her back home with us."
"And when you do, what happens here?"
"Best case scenario, this all gets back to how everything was. You don't remember a thing or us. Worst case scenario, this Y/N never comes back."
Leia sighs and nods, "Y/N, I care about her a lot. She's like a daughter to me and all a mother ever wants is her child to be safe and happy."
"So you'll let us take her with no problem?" Marc asks hopefully.
"I will."
Marc immediately rushes to you, helping you out of the bed, "Let's go home, baby."
"Wait," you turn back to the unconscious Poe and place a kiss to his lips, "Good bye. I-I know your bond with this Y/N is strong. Continue to love her and keep her safe," you whisper, hoping he'll hear you in his slumber.
Stephen gives a nod of thanks to Leia and then looks at America, "Go ahead."
She widens her stance, holds up her fists, and closes her eyes. She takes a deep breath and when she opens them, they're a bright white. She punches forward and a bright white star shaped portal appears.
Marc, your hand in his, gives you a little tug, "Come on, baby." You let him pull you towards the portal, your other hand shielding your eyes from the bright light. When you walk through, you land in the Sanctum Sanctorum. You turn to see America and then Stephen walk through. The portal immediately closes behind them.
Your head is suddenly pounding and you stagger into Marc.
"Y/N? What's wrong?"
Your eyes flutter shut and you feel yourself falling, the last thing you hear is Marc calling your name.
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theforestghost · 2 months
MegOP Week 2024 - Day 1
Day 1: Memory/Gift Fandom: Transformers Animated Prompt: Optimus is the reincarnation of the 13th but does not know it. Rating: G
Optimus stood in the observatory, optics watching the unfamiliar stars that twinkled all around him. Even though the system was unfamiliar, there was a sense of comfort being surrounded by space like this, by stars and meteors, no planets, no ships, just him and the universe. Like a cradle it wrapped its field around him in a familiar embrace he never remembered having. Despite his lack of memory, Optimus still returned to the stars any time he needed that embrace, seeking it out like a sparkling seeks their creators’ spark. Closing this optics, Optimus let himself be lulled into the unknown comfort that had now become nostalgic.
He was so engrossed in this feeling however, that he failed to notice the heavy steps coming up behind him, until an equally warm field did in fact wrap around him. Optimus opened his optics and looked up at Megatron who stood close enough to touch with the slightest movement. Far closer than anything Optimus thought he’d ever let the mech get. 
But much had changed since they had first met. Now they could sit in Megatron’s habsuite, discuss poetry and stories over oil and if Optimus ever made a snide remark, well Megatron merely chuckled and watched him like he had said the most endearing thing in the universe. It did something to Optimus’ struts whenever Megatron looked at him like that and he’d outright denied it for so long that even Ratchet got tired of him. The medic had even teamed up with Strika of all bots to lock them in a room together until they sorted out their feelings and now here they were, basking in each other's fields under the stars.
Though Optimus was far from complaining. Especially when those large servos were trailing down his arms, sparking warmth across his frame as they did. Optimus let out a deep ex-vent and finally leaned back against Megatron’s chassis.
“What is going on in that processor of yours, little one.” Megatron asked, his voice deep and low, reverberating through Optimus’s back struts without mercy.
Optimus stayed silent for a klik, absorbing the comfort of his existence before turning his focus back to the stars. “For a while now, I’ve been having recharge fluxes that… confuse me.” Optimus spoke hesitantly. He didn’t exactly know how to explain these flashes of information he had been seeing. Of course he’d spoken to Ratchet about them, but the medic assumed it was just all of the stress getting to him, which made sense. “At first they were just recharge fluxes, but lately I get them when I’m not in recharge.”
“What do you see?” Megatron asks when Optimus goes quiet again.
Optimus bit his derma, optics focusing on a cluster of stars in the distance. “Mostly of Cybertronians, the same group of them over and over. I think there are twelve of them… sometimes the flux is of just one or two, other times it’s a group.” Optimus leaned back to completely rest against Megatron, letting the warlord hold him. “Sometimes we are talking, but I can barely make out what they are saying, usually just a glyph or two. Other times… we are fighting against an enemy but I can never make out who or what.”
“You don’t recognize any of them?” Megatron asked, carefully stroking Optimus’ arms with his digits. Optimus shook his helm.
“But I feel like I know them.” Optimus said, tilting his helm back to look at Megatron. “They feel just as familiar to me as you or any of my team do. Like I should know these conversations, these fights! That I should know their designations and what they mean to me but anytime I try to go deeper, it all cuts off! Like the wires just abruptly disconnect when I try to delve any deeper.”
Optimus had a frustrated pout on his derma, one that Megatron found quite adorable but he refrained from letting the mech know that. Optimus was clearly distressed over these visions he’s been having. “Have you always had these for recharge fluxes?” Megatron asked. Once again, Optimus shook his helm.
“No. They didn’t start till we got to Earth.” Optimus noted. “After… coming in contact with the AllSpark!”
“The AllSpark has the ability to heal more than just our frames, it is possible it partially recovered lost memories of yours.” Megatron said.
“Lost memories from when?” Optimus retorted. “I don’t have any gaps that I can recall!”
“The Council has means of overwriting a bot’s memories with ease. Shadow Play is a technique they are not beyond using if they deem necessary. You could have your entire processor rewritten and be none the wiser.” Megatron looked Optimus in the optic as he spoke, his derma tight in a line. 
Optimus instinctively wanted to repute Megatron’s claims, defend the Council and  deny his memories were ever changed. But he knew deeper down that Megatron could very easily be right. That the Council could very easily rewrite him and he’d never know. These were just some of the reasons why he’d chosen to side with Megatron in the end, because his Council had discarded them the moment they could.
“Great, so now I’m dealing with the possibility of having Shadow Play done to me along with everything else!” Optimus grumbled, crossing his arms over his chassis as he leaned more weight against Megatron. The large mech clearly didn’t mind as he moved his arms to embrace Optimus more. 
“That is a possibility, I can have Soundwave look into it more though.” Megatron offered. “He is far more adverse in matters of the processor than I am.”
Optimus looked up at Megatron and pondered the idea. Soundwave was a telepath and had the ability to dive far deeper into one’s processor than a medic could. It felt invasive but Optimus wanted answers and Soundwave could give them to him. 
“Okay.” He said.
Megatron smiled and gave Optimus a gentle squeeze. “I will inform him tomorrow then.”
“Thank you.” Optimus said with an ex-vent.
“I can think of a way you can properly thank you.” Megatron purred, leaning down.
Optimus turned to him and boldly pressed a kiss to Megatron’s derma but withdrew rather quickly. “That good enough?” He asked, his voice a light tease.
“No.” Megatron growled. He grabbed Optimus, lifting the smaller mech up and kissed him harder, using one servo to hold his helm. “I think this is a good start though.”
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helplesspuppet-bsd · 6 months
So I saw your Yan. Fyodor fic and enjoyed it a lot, aaand I saw that your requests are open.
So maybe something with Yan! Poe where before reader would get abducted or anything, they clearly express that they like him (ofc. not in an obsessive way, but like, a crush). Like thes praise his works, they compliment him a lot, all that nice things. How would he react?
Anyways, that was just an idea, if it's not something you'd like to write, that's perfectly fine too.
Have a nice day!
Your Sweet Yandere Author 
Warnings: Implied kidnapping, unhealthy dynamic, romanticization of abusive relationships, implied manipulation 
I do NOT condone any of this. 
Edgar Allan Poe x Genderless Reader 
(Off topic, look how adorable Karl looks here!)
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You don’t know what happened. One minute you were hanging out with your dear friend, Edgar Allan Poe. The next, you were in a different world so unfamiliar, it was as if you were in a novel.  Your eyes widened at the thought “A... novel...?” You whispered and your voice quivered as you figured out why you couldn’t recognize anything “Has... Has Poe trapped me inside of a novel?” You asked but there was no one to answer, though you were certain you were correct.  You were aware of Poe’s ability, the ability to trap someone inside the world of a novel, but... There was no way that Poe would do this, yes, he did have a need to one up his friend and rival, Ranpo Edogawa, but he had nothing against you, he wouldn’t do this.  You tried to think of any excuse you could to try and keep Poe in a good light in your eyes, but the reality was, he abducted you, and there was no changing that fact. The only why you could confront him was to figure out the book. 
Poe watched the pages of the book you were ensnared in turn. He watched with a smile on his face “I know you are smart, my dear Y/n, but I’m not surprised that you are taking so long, I did make it trickier than the other ones I had challenged you with, so I could get you here without you breaking out.” Poe said with Karl on his desk, he sat next to the book waiting for you to get out. He always enjoyed the way you petted and played with him.  Poe let out a chuckled “Do not worry Karl, Y/n will figure it out eventually, then I promise you can play for as long as you want.” Poe reassured Karl, who let out a happy chip, before the book glowed brighter, and soon enough you came out.  Karl was ecstatic when you finally figured it out and jumped into your arms, rubbing against you, as you looked at Karl in fearful shock.  “Poe... Why...?” You mumbled in a quivering voice, Poe chuckled “Why? Because I love you my dear.” Poe said so casually, it was like he didn’t care that what he did was wrong as he held your face in his hands “And I would do anything to make sure that you are mine!” He smiled widely, proud that he finally got the one he loved more than himself. The one that could truly understand him.  That smile soon faded when he took a closer look at your expression “Why so scared, don’t you love me too? You love Karl as if he was your own.” Poe asked, he kept his hands on your face, caressing your cheeks tenderly.  “Do you need a little convincing? Cause I can do that.” Poe suggested with his smile returning, he had been wanting someone to love and someone to love him back, he thought he had found that in you.  ...  No...  He DID find that in you. You just haven’t seen it yet. That must be it.  “I can help you see that you love me Y/n, all you need to do... Is relax.” Poe whispered as he leaned into finally kiss you. His lips were soft and tender, but everything about it felt wrong as Karl jumped back on his shoulder.  Once he pulled away after a few seconds “Why? Where did you get the idea I loved you?” You ask tilting your head in confusion “I mean, I do, as a friend, but...” You looked into his eyes, and you couldn't help but think on how beautiful they were. The adoration for you that filled them, your heart lit up at it.  “There we go...” Poe said as he seen you become less tense.  “I told you that you just needed some convincing that you had love for me.” Poe whispered as he took your hand and helped you off the floor. Keeping you close to him and stroking your head.  You keep forgetting how tall he is. Your head about reached his heart, hearing it beat. Beat for you. Poe planted a soft kiss on your head. “Can you fault me? The way you always praise my work, the way you call me ‘cute’ whenever I am flustered, even the way you look at me. Is it really a surprise I fell so deeply in love with you.  When he put it like that, you guess you couldn't exactly fault him. 
As the months went by, Poe wasn’t exactly ‘obsessive’. You just, had to always have him or Karl with you when you went out, he gave you gifts that reminded him of you, kissing you whenever he could, saying he’d miss you whenever you were apart from him for a long time.  He didn’t that Ranpo had distanced himself from him because of what he did to you. Ranpo didn’t understand what true love was like. And he wouldn’t understand until he fell in love with someone.  All that Poe needed, was you, and that wouldn’t change anything. 
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toons-and-doom · 2 months
Dandy’s DreamWorld
I came up with this like last night when I was very tired so everything is subject to change or not make sense
So when you sleep, you enter this dream realm where all your woes and worries can disappear for awhile! The whole realm is maintained by the postive emotions of the residents, so the general goal is to stamp out nightmares and negative emotions for the time being until they wake up!
It’s controlled by four (5?) main entities who sorta spawned into existence at the same time(sprout MAY be added later when he comes out-).
Dandy, the leader, some sort of sun themeing; the leader of the gang! He’s sorta nightmare control. He either tries to make nightmares less scary by reminding folks of things or wakes them up and ejects them from the dream realm.
Astro is the most powerful, considering he has influence of the dream worlds the vistors inhabit for their brief stays. He shapes the realms to make them as comfortable as they can be.
Shelly manages memories! She kinda happens in the background organizes your memories for the next day! She can suppress a memory if it’s bothering you in the dream world. She also extracts the happiness of the memories to feed the dream world (don’t worry, you don’t lose the memories or the joy they bring you)
Vee is sorta the watcher. Observes the realm and notifies the others of any problems! I’d imagine she literally has eyes everywhere.
Pebbles makes sure dreamers don’t accidentally interact in dreams, as this often causes confusion- not what they’re looking for!
Things were good for awhile! But uh, dandy got curious about the nature of nightmares, and uh, he learned nightmares are produced by this substance called nightmares fuel.
He decides to collect it from realms which means letting nightmares fester, brining negative emotions to the realm. Dandy keeps all the nightmare fuel in a giant glass reserve, he experiments with it sometimes. This causes a overal decrease in stability of the dream world, and eventually the others find out and confront dandy.
This leads to a massive argument! And uh oh! The reserve accidentally gets broken and nightmare fuel floods the entire dream realm!
In the process, dandy, Vee, Shelly, and pebble kiiiiinnnddddaaaa get fucked up and corrupted by the substance. Astro fortunately is able to resist his corruption, and in a panic, seals them off into the deepest part of the dream realm, far under everything else.
Then it occurs him now his job is now a lot harder as the sole guardian of the dream realm now.He isn’t sure how to deal with the nightmare fuel which has spread across the realm, infecting the realms and HEAVILY tipping the overal happiness in the realm.
Not wanting the realm to fall apart + concerned with how such an influx of nightmare fuel will affect someone when they wake up. Astro does the VERY logical thing (sarcastic. But In his defense tho he just lost his friend and stressed out) and puts the dream realm on lockdown. Nothing can get in, but nobody can get out. This means the folks who were dreaming at the time cannot wake up (aka, our dear toons)
Astro proceeds to surpress the nightmare fuel inside the realms. To prevent homesickness and prevent further negative emotions he surpresses the memories the toons have of the real world. The toons just sorta think this is how life has always been. Their days are blissful at least.
Boom some time passes, Astro is trying and failing to get everything together, and the toons are blissfully unaware of their situation. The condition of the dream realm slowly crumbles. So does Astro as the stress and nightmare fuel he was exposed to begin to get to him.
Things begin to slip through, memories, horrors. . . The seals are beginning to break.
Suddenly the toons are remembering things and realizing their realms aren’t real. Plus, these nightmarish versions of themselves are beginning to hunt them.
Basically the toons main goals are
- get out of their respective realms
- Avoid these nightmare (‘twisted’ versions of themselves)
- Find fellow dreamers
- Find out WHY they can’t wake you up
- (Later they decide to try and restore the dream realm)
Other notes I wasn’t sure how to explain
- The twisted are those corrupted/created by nightmare fuel. Its defeat able but it requires one to face their fears. The nightmares feast on fear.
- ^ the twisted versions of the toons are built of their forgotten memories and fears. They want to trap their ‘copies’ and feed of their fear forever! (I’d imagine each is based on a phobia or a fear.)
- The ‘realms’ toons inhabit are separate from one another. Their only exists are these doors which appear in random locations.
- ^ each realm is inspired by liminal space!
- All the toons sorta have a pastel pj theme going on- but I’d imagine their colors become more saturated once they realize they’re dreaming.
- Astro is barely holding it together man his ass is tweaking 💔
If you have questions I love to yap so feel free
Sorry if it doesn’t make sense-
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cquackity · 2 years
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pxndorasdream · 1 year
Experiment 101 — Part 2
AgedUp! Neteyam x Fem!Human! Reader
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Words: 5.5K
Warnings: Mention of kidnapping, mention of blood (Pls tell me if I’m missing something)
Summary: The three newcomers are interrogated by the Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya and they make a great discovery. The youngest Sully boy made friends with the new humans in the base, but his older brother doesn’t seem very happy with their presence.
Notes: Hiii, i’m sorry this took so long, I didn’t have inspiration to write and this took me like a month to get it done, i’m so sorry. But now it’s here! I hope the fandom is not completely dead cause I still love avatar sm. keep in mind english is not my first lenguaje so it could have some mistakes
3rd Person POV / Proofread ig
Masterlist (i still don’t know how to do that, pls help💀)
“Who are they?” Norm asked the warriors that just arrived at the base, looking carefully at the three sky people he had never seen.
One of them shrugged. “Olo'eyktan told us to bring them here” He answered. “He said something about you and Max checking them and then he will question them”
“Okay, leave them there, please” The Na’vi warriors did what Norm said, laying Y/N, Cameron and Thomas on three stretchers inside of some kind of check room. “They don’t have an oxygen mask, are you sure they’re alive?”
“Positive, Olo’eyktan and his sons made sure it was that way”
“Okay, thank you” The human thanked and the warriors made their way out. “Max!” He called.
“What happened?” He answered peeking through the door.
“Jake says we have to check on these three” He informed, gaining a confused look from Max.
“And who are they?” Max asked looking carefully at the humans.
Norm shrugged. “They don’t know either, so I guess we’ll find out when Jake questions them”
“Fine, let’s get it done.”
Both scientists started to check on the three youngest ones, they had just a few scratches. But what concerned the adults was that their lungs were about to collapse. New oxygen masks were placed on them trying to keep them stable till they wake up.
“It seems they breathed Pandora’s air for a little too long, that why their lungs are collapsing” Max informed. “They need to stay in oxygen for a few more hours, in the meantime, we should do some blood test on them”
“Yeah, I’m on it”
On the other hand, Jake Sully and his sons arrived to their family hut. “What were you thinking? What if it was some kind of tramp from the sky people?”
“Dad, I’m sorry, we were just curious, no need to be so paranoid” The youngest said, immediately regretting it.
Jake raise a brow in Lo’ak’s direction. “Are you for real?”
Neteyam stepped in before the situation escalated. “I’m sorry sir, we will not be doing that ever again”
“I hope so, boy”
“Ma’ Jake, what is happening?” Neytiri’s voice was heard by the three Sully men. “What did you do this time?” She asked looking directly at Lo’ak.
“Your sons found some sky people left behind by the RDA” Jake explained. “We brought them to our base”
“What? Why? Why didn’t you kill them right away?” She asked her mate. “You know better than that”
“They are young, maybe the same age as our children”
“The sky people left them behind for some reason” She said. “They were sent to attack us!”
“Mom, if you let me, I don’t necessarily think they were ‘left behind’, I think they escaped the sky people’s base” The youngest son replied, trying to defend the three young humans, for some strange reason. Maybe they reminded him a little bit of his friend Spider.
“Why would they even want to escape the sky people? They are their own race”
Jake shrugged. “I don’t know, they are with Norm and Max right now, they’re unconscious, so they’re not a threat for now” He said. “Now, you two tell me what exactly did you heard from those humans”
Neteyam and Lo’ak shared a look, the oldest starting to tell what they’ve heard. “We already told you must of it, but they said they lived a shitty life and would probably die in a shitty way”
Lo’ak nodded. “They were kidnapped by the RDA, and they used them as lab rats, that’s all”
Jake pressed his lips. “Fine, I better get going to question them, the faster the better”
“Can we go?” Lo’ak asked. Neteyam didn’t show any emotion, but he wanted to go.
“No” Neytiri said. “There’s no way you go back there”
“Mom, we’ve been there many times, this will not change anything” Lo’ak tried to convince his mother.
“The other times you’ve been there, there weren’t some strange sky people”
“Please mom, we’re curious, they could breath Pandora’s air for much longer than usual, there must be something off, right?”
Neytiri moved her gaze from her youngest to her mate. Jake only nodded, quietly telling her that it was okay with him. “Fine, you can go” The brothers smiled. “But…” The smiled disappeared. “You will stay by your father’s side at all time, am I clear?”
“Yes mom”
“Fine, get out of here”
“Sooo, who do you think they are?” Lo’ak asked his older brother. “And what is their business here?”
Neteyam shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe their just lab rats as they said”
“Boys, keep up” They heard Jake talking to them. “We’ll get our answers once I talk to them, which will be in a few moments, so stop wondering about and walk faster!”
“Alright, alright” The youngest said.
Back in the lab, Y/N opened her eyes and stood up rapidly. The last she remembered was the RDA people being attacked by the Na’vi and then them not being able to breath along with the strongest pain she’d ever felt in her entire life.
“Hey, hey, hey, try to stay calm, we need you to stay calm” A unknown man told her. “You are safe now, but we need you to stay calm for us to explain what happened”
“Who are you? Where am I? Where are the others?” She asked switching her gaze every few seconds to every corner of the room she was in.
“My name is Norm and I’m a scientist” Y/N face started to drop. Not again, she thought to herself. Norm noticed it. “Don’t worry, we’re not with the RDA, you’re free”
“Alright, alright” She sound like she was trying to calm herself more than talking to Norm. “Where are the others?”
“The blonde guy is in the room next to us, the other one is still getting checked by other scientists” Norm explained.
“And Madison?” Y/N asked.
Norm looked at her confused. “There wasn’t a Madison with you”
“Uh? What do you mean? She’s a curly headed one, a few years older than me”
The man shrugged. “I’m sorry kid, but there were just the three of you, no one else” Y/N only nodded, trying to process the information. “What’s your name? It would really help to know the names of you three”
“Oh, yeah, I’m Y/N, the brunette guy is Thomas and the blonde one is Cameron”
“Alright then…” Norm was interrupted by some Na’vi on the door.
“Are they awake?” Jake asked. Norm stood up and walked towards the door.
“They are, let me get the others and you can start the questioning”
Jake gaze meet Y/N’s. “Okay then”
Soon enough, Cameron and Thomas enter the room, followed by Norm, Max and Jake Sully and his sons, who insisted in joining them.
“Oh god, now were going to get killed by the Na’vi people” Cameron started to talk when he saw the three tall blue figures towering them. “Why are we always at the verge of dying? That is kinda strange, don’t you think?” He asked Y/N who looked at him confused. “Anyways, it was nice to meet you guys, you really made the experience of being kidnapped a little fun”
“I don’t think being kidnapped is a funny experience” Y/N answered him, both of them totally forgetting there were witnesses to their conversation.
“Oh my god Cam, why do you have to talk so much in situations like these?” Thomas said angrily. “And you should stop answering him, you know how he gets, Y/N”
The scientists looked at them with a smile, those three young people were quite funny. Jake fought a smile from appearing, and Neteyam and Lo’ak were confused.
“We’re not going to kill you” Lo’ak finally spoke, breaking the discussion the humans were having.
“Not yet, at least” Neteyam added, gaining a look from his father.
“What are your names?” The oldest Sully asked. “I know he’s Cam” He pointed at the blonde human.
“Cameron, actually” He corrected. “But I guess you can call me Cam, I don’t care” He shrugged, making Y/N and Thomas roll their eyes.
“I’m Thomas” The brunette one said in a calm voice.
“My name’s Y/N”
“I’m Jake Sully, and I guess you already know Norm and Max” They nodded. “Okay, let’s get it done” The gazes of the three humans were now on the two younger Na’vi, Jake noticed this. “Oh yeah, these are my sons, Neteyam and Lo’ak” The two boys only nodded at them. “We’re not going to hurt you, we just want to ask you a few questions”
“We’ve heard of you” Y/N said to Jake. “Jake Sully, the one who betrayed his own race” The man made a face hearing the nickname humans gave him, but he regretted nothing. “I think what you did was brave” Y/N shrugged.
“Yeah, I would have done the same just to get away of those RDA bitches” Cameron said, gaining a laugh from Jake, Norm and Max.
“I know, they can be such dickheads, but I did it for a few more reasons” The oldest said thinking about his beautiful mate. “Anyway, let’s start, shall we?” They nodded. “How old are you?”
“21” The two boys said.
“19” Y/N answered.
“Alright, and how long have you been here?”
Cameron let a small smile out. “I don’t know, I guess just for a few hours, how long has been since we escaped the RDA?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “Here on Pandora, not here with them, dumbass” Her gaze returned to Jake. “We’ve been here for like two and a half years, sir” She answered.
Jake noticed that neither did Cameron nor Thomas were taking the questioning seriously, so he asked if they can stay only with the girl.
“I’m sorry about them” She apologized once her friends were out of the room. “Thomas is a bit suspicious around everyone, and Cameron never takes things seriously”
“It’s okay, kid, don’t worry” Jake assured her. “But now, I need you to answer me everything I ask, ok?” She nodded. The scientists went outside too, only Norm and Max staying on the room with the Sully men and Y/N. “Now, why did the RDA kidnapped you?”
“They said it was because we had no one back on Earth, that no one would missed us or even noticed we are gone…” She started talking, feeling a wave of sadness through her body. “They were right, though, we have no one, so that’s why we are here, they never told us what we were going to do in Pandora, but we eventually found out”
“And what is that?” He asked.
“Being lab rats” She answered without hesitation. “They used us so they could test some serum, but they were never successful, every three days they came and injected some weird looking liquid, sometimes was painless, but sometimes it was so painful we eventually passed out”
Jake pursed his lips. How can some humans be such monsters, even with their own kind? “And do you know what that serum was supposed to do?”
Y/N nodded. “They told us just before your warriors attacked them” She confessed. “It’s supposed to make humans able to breathe Pandora’s air, no more oxygen masks ever again, but as I told you, the serum never worked until now, but I guess it didn’t work the way it was supposed to because we lost our breaths just a few minutes after”
“You’re correct. The serum didn’t worked well, you three arrived here with both lungs collapsed and unconscious, we work hard to stabilize you, but you’re okay for now” Norm mentioned.
“Both lungs collapsed?” Lo’ak asked. “That sounds dangerous”
“Because it is. It basically means the air escapes your lungs and fill the space between them and your chest wall, making even harder to breathe” Max explained the young Na’vi.
“So what now?” Y/N asked.
“Did you hear something else from the RDA people?” Neteyam asked, making his dad look his way.
Y/N shook her head no. “We were locked in cells for days, we only were able to exit them when they did their tests, we only talked to each other” She answered.
“So you think they will continue their tests without you?” The oldest Sully asked, looking at her with attention.
Y/N shrugged. “I mean, they still have Madison, she was with us every time a new serum was created, so I guess they’ll continue testing on her”
Jake pursed his lips. “So they’ll still have some advantage on us, if the sky people can breathe Pandora’s air, it will eliminate one of their weakest spots” It seemed that he was thinking about his next steps. “Okay, thank you very much, Y/N, now get some rest and let my friends here help you and your friends” He pointed to Max and Norm, who sent the girl a small smile.
Jake stood up and walk towards the door, Neteyam and Lo’ak following him. “It was nice to meet you” The youngest said to her just before crossing the door.
Neteyam only gave her a small nod and walked away.
“Well, that was something” She said making the two scientists laugh.
“I don’t know what you heard about Jake back in the RDA base, but he’s a good man” Norm said.
“I can tell already”
“For now, you should rest a few more days and try to get yourself better, and then we will try and figure things out, alright?” Max asked, Y/N nodded. “Alright then, see you later, Cam and Thomas will be here in just a few minutes”
“Dudeeee, what did they ask you?” Cameron entered the room. “Are they going to kill us?”
Y/N nodded. “Yes, they will just wait till we get better and experiment some new things on us, and then they’ll get rid of us” She joked, Cameron face instantly deforming into a sad expression. “I’m kidding, oh my god”
“You’ve got me worried for a second”
“So, what did they actually wanted?” Thomas asked.
“They wanted to know what was our business with the RDA” She said. “They were nice, they told me we should rest for a few more days and then they will tell us what’s our destiny”
Thomas nodded. “I just wish they won’t throw us back to the RDA base, I would rather be left alone in the forest than put a foot in that base again”
“Yeah, same”
What they didn’t knew, was that the Sully men and the two scientists were listening to their conversation. “What do you think they did to them?” Max asked. “They seemed really scared to go back”
“I don’t know, but knowing the RDA system, those poor kids are traumatized for life” Jake replied, making his sons wonder what was the RDA capable of and what happened to those three humans.
A few days passed and Y/N was feeling way better, one of the Na’vis came to visit them daily.
“Sooo, what was Earth like?” The Na’vi boy asked. “My dad has always said it was a dying world, but he hasn’t been there in a while, maybe you can tell me more about it?”
Y/N gave him a small smile. “It may sound crazy, but I don’t remember very much of it. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago but it seems like everything I knew back there just erased from my memory, I barely remember my life then” She confessed. “Maybe Cam or Thomas can tell you more about it”
“More about what?” Cameron entered the room. “Oh, what’s up, Lo’ak?” He said towards the young Na’vi.
“More about Earth” Lo’ak answered. He was always curious about his dad and his human part unlike his older brother, who didn’t want to know anything about the sky people, Neteyam only closeness to the human world was learning English and being friends with Spider, and lately, coming once in a while to the lab and talk with Norm and Max.
“Oh” Cam said. “Actually, I don’t remember much of it, it’s kinda weird”
“You don’t remember either?” Y/N asked him, he denied. “It is weird”
“What is weird?” This time it was Thomas who entered the room. “Lo’ak, how have you been?”
“All good, thanks” He answered.
“Lo’ak asked us to tell him more about Earth, maybe you could elaborate more than us” Cam said to Thomas. “Maybe you remember better than us”
Thomas smile dropped. “Actually…”
Lo’ak raised an eyebrow. “You’re telling me that you don’t remember, aren’t you?” He said jokingly.
“Uhm, I do not remember much, actually” Thomas shrugged.
Lo’ak eyed up and down the three humans in front of him. “There is definitely something weird about that” He said. “How is it possible the three of you forgot almost everything that happened to you before getting kidnapped by the RDA?”
“Who forgot almost everything?” A fifth voice entered the room. It was Norm.
“It seems these three don’t remember a thing about Earth” Lo’ak spoke with a grin.
“It’s understandable. For what I know, it wasn’t a happy life you had back then, right?” The oldest one looked at them. “Maybe you suppressed some memories to protect yourselves”
Y/N nodded. “It’s not like that, Norm, at least speaking for myself, I do not remember a single thing” She said. “I mean, yeah, I know I didn’t have a perfect life and my parents weren’t the greatest, but I only know that because the RDA scientists kept saying that to me”
“What about you two?” He asked Cam and Thomas. “What do you remember?”
Cam looked at Thomas, noticing he wasn’t going to start speaking, so he did. “Same here, just the things Ardmore told us, that my mother died and I stayed with my father who wasn’t exactly father of the year”
“They told me my entire family died on a car crash and I was stuck in an orphanage” Thomas added.
“But you don’t remember anything at all?” Norm asked. “Anything besides what the RDA told you?” They shook their heads no. “Stay here, I’m going to order some tests to try and find out what they really did to you”
Norm left the room under the gazes of the three youngest humans and the Sully boy. “Aaand… we’re back again with the tests”
“Don’t worry guys, there no way Norm and Max can hurt you, trust me” Lo’ak finally spoke after being witness of the humans’ conversation. “I have to go, my dad said he wanted me home before eclipse or he will take my free time away and make me do some Olo’eyktan son shit” He stood up towering over Y/N.
“But you are the Olo’eyktan son” Y/N smiled at the Na’vi.
“Yeah, I’m aware of that, but that kind of task are always given to Neteyam, and let me tell you, they aren’t that fun, so I better run, I hope you can get your answers” He said while exiting the room. “Byeeee!”
“That guy is very chill, I wouldn’t have thought a native could be that nice” Cam said after a few minutes Lo’ak left.
“Yeah, well, that’s because Ardmore and her little soldiers always talked shit about the Na’vi” Y/N responded. “I don’t know how she can talk that bad about them but then go and make more and more avatars”
“I guess the RDA could really use the strength of the Na’vi combined with the training that human soldiers have” Thomas added.
The blonde one smiled mockingly. “Oh, and wait until their ‘final surprise’ wakes up”
“I forgot about that, they were always bragging about how the natives were done once the ‘final surprise’ woke up, what do you think it is?” Thomas asked genuinely concerned.
“I don’t think it is a ‘what’, I think it is more of a ‘who’” Y/N added. “I once heard them talking about that, but they kept saying that it was a ‘he’, so it’s a person”
“In that case, who do you think it is?”
Back on the village, Lo’ak arrived just in time. He found his older brother entering the hut as well. “What you’ve been up to, baby bro?” Neteyam asked, leaving his hunting gear on a corner.
Lo’ak shrugged. “Not much, I went to the lab”
“It seems you’re getting closer with the newcomers” The oldest said.
“I mean, why not? They are around our age, and Spider is there too sometimes”
“Boys, come help me serve dinner” Neytiri’s voice was heard all over the hut. The youngest Sully boys obeyed.
A few minutes later, the Sully family was eating dinner and telling each other about their days. “What did you do today, son?” Jake asked Lo’ak.
“I went to visit Norm and the newcomers” By the face Neytiri made, they all knew she wasn’t really happy with her youngest boy going there. “I learned something quite… interesting”
“What is it!?” Tuk asked excitingly.
Lo’ak let out a small chuckle. “It not exciting, Tuk Tuk, I’m sorry to disappoint” The youngest of the family made a pout. “I have some new information about what the RDA did to them”
“What is it?” This time was Kiri asking.
“I don’t know how, and I don’t know if it’s confirmed, but it seems they erased their memories” He let about. “The three of them don’t remember a single thing about Earth, only the things the RDA people told them, it was like they forgot all about themselves except for their names”
“That’s messed up!” Kiri said.
“It is, my girl, but that is just a taste of what the RDA is capable of” Jake told her with a soothing voice. “How do you know that, Lo’ak?”
“I asked them to tell me more about Earth…” Neytiri and Neteyam gazed at him, he only shrugged. “But they couldn’t remember a single thing”
“Is Norm informed about this?” The oldest Sully asked.
Lo’ak nodded. “Yeah, he overheard the conversation and said he was going to order some tests to find what really happened to them”
“I’m sure they’re thrilled to have some more tests” Kiri said sarcastically.
“Yeah, you bet” Lo’ak added.
“Hmm, I’m going to speak with Norm about this” Jake ended the conversation. “I need to get some things from the lab and since you just came back from there, it’s Neteyam’s turn to go” Jake instructed looking at his two sons.
Neteyam didn’t want to go. He didn’t like the lab very much, he preferred staying at the village and letting his brother go with the humans and avatars, but he couldn’t do anything. It was a direct order from his father and Neteyam knew better than disobey Jake.
“What do you want me to bring, father?” He asked trying to not show his annoyance.
“Just go, Norm knows what to do” He said. “Just don’t take too long, okay?” The youngest nodded and left the hut.
Neteyam walked for what seemed to him a long time, but he managed to arrive just in time before every human decided to go to bed.
“Hey Max” He greeted the scientist.
“Oh Neteyam! I didn’t expect to see you here, it is always your brother the one who is always around” Max greeted back with a smile. “What brings you here?” He asked.
“My dad send me to get some things” The Na’vi answered.
“Alright, what things?”
Neteyam shrugged. “I don’t know, he told me to ask Norm and he would know what to do” He looked round the place to find Norm, but was unsuccessful. “Have you seen him?”
Max nodded. “Yeah, he’s at the back, last door to your left”
“Alright, thank you Max” He said goodbye and started walking the way the scientist told him.
“How much more do you need, Norm?” Neteyam heard a voice while approaching the door. “Because I feel like this is a lot” He knocked, getting a “come in” in response.
He saw Norm writing some things in a computer. “Just a little bit more, Y/N” Norm responded to the girl sitting behind him.
Neteyam’s gaze shifted to the feminine voice. He saw one of the humans he and his brother brought to the clan. The girl, to be more specific. She was laying down in a hospital bed with a strange tube attached to her arm. A red liquid was coming out of her and straight to a plastic-looking bag. It was obviously blood. “I read the average amount of blood a human can lost is 500 mililiters… that looks way more than 500 mililiters”
“A human can lose a lot more blood, that number it’s just the average amount of blood that can be drawn before starting feeling a bit dizzy” He said while rolling his eyes. “Oh Neteyam, what brings you here?” Norm asked once he saw the Na’vi.
“My dad sent me to get something” He answered. “He told me you would know”
“Oh yeah, I remember now” Norm looked around trying to find something. “It’s not here, let me go get it” The scientist started walking towards the door, the male Na’vi following him.
“Don’t leave me here, Norm! I can bleed out!” Y/N said trying to get the needle out of her arm.
“Stop it Y/N, you’re not going to bleed out…” He looked around once again. “I’m not going to take a lot of time” He told her. “Neteyam, can you do me a favor while I go get what your father asked for?” Neteyam didn’t know what to say so he just nodded. “Please stay with Y/N and keep an eye on her… if you hear a sound coming from the machine, it means she can take the needle out”
Staying with the human? I don’t think so, Neteyam thought. “I could go look for it if you tell me where it is and you could stay with her” He suggested but Norm denied.
“You will not be able to reach it, please stay with her, I won’t take long” Norm said and exited the room.
“Wait Norm!” Y/N started saying but couldn’t finish her sentence as the scientist was far enough. She eyed the Na’vi up and down a couple of times, feeling a bit uncomfortable with his presence. “Sooo… you’re Lo’ak’s brother, right?”
Neteyam only nodded, watching the red liquid coming out of her body. He mentally questioned why was the reason this human girl had to get that amount of blood drawn out of her.
Y/N looked away, feeling more uncomfortable with the lack of response from the boy.
The machine emitted a sound, meaning the treatment was done. “I think you can get the needle out” He said harshly towards her. His accent making a little difficult to understand him.
“Yeah, I know, I heard Norm” She responded with the same tone the Na’vi gave her. Y/N took the needle out and instantly pressed a cotton pad right were the sharpened object was. She got up the bed and walked towards the door, wanting to finally get out and go to her own room, but once she opened the door she lost balance, stumbling a little.
Neteyam, who was right next to the door, managed to catch her before she fell right on the floor. “Oh, hm, thanks” Y/N said looking up to connect her gaze with the Na’vi.
“It’s ok, you’re a little clumsy, I see” He mocked watching the girl exit the room, but he didn’t noticed Y/N heard him.
“I’m not clumsy, blue guy” She said a little offended. “It’s just…” She couldn’t finish her sentence when her vision went cloudy and the dizziness took over her, losing balance once again. She sat on the floor waiting for the dizziness to finally disappear while the Na’vi watched her with curiosity.
“Are you okay?” He asked, towering over the girl. He was already much taller than her when she was standing, and now that she was sitting on the floor and the Na’vi still standing, she felt like an insect.
“Do I look okay?” She asked sarcastically making Neteyam smile. “Just… give me a minute and I’ll leave”
The boy towering her shrugged. “I don’t care if you leave or not, you live here anyway”
“Here, tell your father…” Norm finally arrived with some boxes on his hands. “Why are you there?” He asked when he noticed Y/N on the floor.
“I feel so dizzy, I can’t stand up without losing balance” She said. “I told you that was too much blood, Norm”
Norm rolled his eyes. “Who’s the scientist here, kid?”
“Yeah, whatever… please help me?”
Norm looked at Neteyam. “Here you have, take these to your father and tell him we’ll have more by next week”
“Thanks Norm” Neteyam thanked the human and started walking towards the exit.
“It was nice to see you around here, Neteyam” The scientist said with a small smile. He saw the boy grow up and not being able to watch him more often now was kinda sad.
“Same here, Norm” He looked back before exiting the base. “See you later, little clumsy human” He winked at Y/N and disappeared within the forest.
“Did he just call you…” Norm began to ask but Y/N interrupted him.
“Yes he did, and you will never tell anyone he called me that, okay?” She threatened.
Norm let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, whatever you say, little clumsy human, let’s get you to your room so you can have something to eat and regain strength”
A few more days had passed and Jake Sully accompanied by his two sons were entering the lab once again.
Lo’ak went instantly in search of Spider, Cam, Thomas and Y/N, while Neteyam stayed with his father.
“Norm, Max” He greeted the scientists. Neteyam did the same by gesturing ‘I see you’.
“Jake, Neteyam, what brings you here?” Max asked.
Jake began to walk around the table the two scientists were working. “Lo’ak wanted to see Spider so I took the chance to come get more supplies” The oldest answered. “What are you doing?” He asked watching all the blood samples and scientific instruments they were using.
“We recently took some blood samples from the new kids and we found a lot of things” Max explained.
“What kind of things?” Jake asked. “They seem important”
“The technology the RDA is using to create this syndrome in which humans can breathe Pandora’s air is very advanced, we fear they’ve working on some other things”
“Like what?” Neteyam asked.
“We still don’t know, that’s why we have to keep testing it” Norm replied.
Jake saw all the things on the table. “By doing what exactly?”
“We need to keep testing with these kids, now, I know they won’t be happy with this information, but we could gain a huge advantage on the humans, Jake.”
“So now what? They are going back to being just lab rats?” Neteyam asked kinda annoyed. He listened to the whole story the three humans told, as well as Max and Norm, and they still want to keep testing shit on them?
“It sounds bad when you say it like that, but it is necessary for the sake of the clan, we can learn what the RDA are up to and prepare ourselves if something happens and also we could outsmart them, we just need the cooperation of those three kids.”
“I’ll talk to them” Jake said.
Neteyam looked at his father in awe. Was he really gonna let that happen? Even when he knew the trauma that comes with being held captive by the RDA?
On the other hand, back in the RDA base, General Ardmore was absolutely horrified. “What do you mean by ‘We lost them’?” She asked some of the scientists.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but they are probably dead by now, the girl who couldn’t run away showed us that the serum was not ready yet, they probably collapsed a few seconds after they escaped” The man explained to her.
“You better pray to God they are already rotting, because if they somehow ended in Jake Sully’s hands, we’re screwed.” Her eyes wandered around the place until they met Madison, the poor girl who could escape. “Question her, I don’t mind what methods you use, but I need to make sure those three are really dead and I’m pretty sure she has some answers.”
The soldiers grabbed Madison by her arms and guided her to a questioning room. It was quiet at first, but her screams suddenly started to become more and more loud. Let’s just pray she didn’t see anything, cause if she did, the three humans back in the Na’vi reserve are in so much danger.
Tags: @myh3artttt @heart-an0n
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•guessing game•
Peter’s Spider-Sense alerts him, but there is no danger.
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CW: tickle fic, horrendously disgusting tooth-rotting fluff, romantic relationship, angry!Pete, flirting, teasing, kisses (no tongue 😐👍), cursing, ultimately sfw but has some suggestive tones, mention of web restraints 🫠, fem!reader, you are basically this universe’s MJ, imagine any version of Peter you want (you could even come up with your own version 👀)
Peter and the reader are in an established relationship
Bold text means it’s a flashback
Slanted text is for emphasis
Small slanted text is a thought that wasn’t said out loud
Partially inspired by this post from @sugars-fluffy-escapes
It had been a long day. Peter was exhausted.
It started just like any other day. He woke up, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, kissed you goodbye, and headed to class.
Of course, going to school never quite worked out for him.
He was lucky if he was able to attend all of his classes for the day (attend, not be there for the entire lecture). Today, he didn’t make it to any classes.
Why? Because Doc Ock got bored and decided to play New York City Sandbox Simulator. Pete swore this guy became a super villain just to have something to do.
The fight lasted almost all day. By the time Peter got home, you could tell he was pissed.
After hearing him knock on the window, you rushed over to open it for him. As he climbed inside, you noticed that his entire demeanor was different.
At first, you thought he might’ve been hurt. When he took off his mask, you saw that his eyes were drooped in a way that made him appear annoyed and defeated. There was no part of his face that looked warm and welcoming. This terrified you.
Usually after patrol, he greeted you cheerfully with one of his many nicknames for you. Even if he seemed sad or upset, he at least did that.
This time, he didn’t even make eye contact with you. All he said to you was, “Thanks,” and then he beelined to the bathroom to take a shower.
It was very clear that he was not in a good mood right now.
You wondered if it was a good idea to ask him what was wrong. Would that make him feel better? Would that make him snap at you? Was it best to just try to give him some space?
You crawled into bed, pulling the covers up over you. As you waited for Pete to get out of the shower, you decided that it would be best to just keep quiet until he wanted to talk.
Eventually, he emerged from the mist and steam in the bathroom. He threw on a pair of pajama pants (just pajama pants, no shirt), climbed into bed, wrapped his arms around you, and just as he was about to kiss you goodnight, he saw the look on your face.
His agitation was immediately replaced with concern.
“You okay, bug?” he leaned back to look into your eyes.
You barely looked at him before breaking eye contact. This worried him.
“Is something wrong?” he asked.
You hesitated, opening your mouth to speak, but closing it instead.
“Hey,” he said, taking on a more serious tone. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
He spoke in a way that was firm, but gentle. You had a habit of bursting into tears when he did that, but you held it in this time around, not wanting to irritate him any further.
You swallowed, “I uh… Are… Are you mad at me?”
He furrowed his brows, confused.
“Why would I be mad at you?”
You made eye contact with him now, feeling a little relieved. You thought quietly for a moment before speaking.
“W-well, I just.. thought that you seemed angry and.. I didn’t know if it was something I did, or-“
“No, no, baby,” he cuts you off. “I’m not mad at you, sweetheart. I could never be mad at you. It was just a hard day, that’s all.”
He holds you tighter, feeling guilty.
“I’m sorry my mug is so mean,” he whispers. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at the 24 foot tall robotic octopus that keeps throwing me off of tall buildings and running away.”
He earns a small chuckle from you, easing the tension. Peter smiles, but his smile fades quickly. His expression softens as he connects the dots.
“You saw that I was mad, and your first thought.. was that I was mad at you?”
This realization affected him more than he led on. He was supposed to protect you and keep you safe. Y’know, the whole point of the superhero thing?
Instead, here he was, scaring you. Pushing you away. Making you afraid to talk to him.
You broke eye contact with him again.
Pete let out a soft, defeated sigh. He tightened his grip on you again, holding you as close as possible.
“You know I’d never hurt you?” he says, his tone firm and gentle again. “Like, ever? Never in a million years? Even if I was angry?”
You nod. You knew deep down that if Pete was mad at you, he wouldn’t even do so much as raise his voice.
He’d crawl into bed with you, just like he always does.
He’d tell you what was bugging him, you’d apologize, he’d probably apologize too for some reason, then he’d ambush you with kisses and the two of you would promptly go to bed.
“I know,” you said, feeling stupid. “I’m sorry I even-“ you start to say before you can catch yourself.
Pete makes a loud incorrect buzzer sound, startling you a little and making you laugh.
“That’s the wrong answer,” he says playfully, “You’re actually only supposed to apologize when you’ve done something wrong. Try again.”
He looks at you with a shit-eating grin. He’s done this to you so many times.
The first few times, he’d caught you in a loop, going back and forth between you accidentally apologizing, and him doing the incorrect buzzer. This time, he knew you’d stop apologizing before it could even start.
Being an annoying little shit was a gift of Peter’s. In hindsight, it was only a matter of time before he found out your biggest weakness.
He leaned his head into the crook of your neck, ready to fall asleep with you in his arms, safe and sound. But, of course, he couldn’t resist adding one more quip.
He exhaled, his hot breath hitting your skin. Every hair on your body stood up.
“Yup, that’s what I thought,” he said, his lips getting closer to your neck. His only intention was to kiss you there.
Much to his surprise (and delight), you giggled.
Ever since then, after a long, hard day of being Spider-Man, this became a tradition of some sort for the both of you.
Pete would come home after patrol, take a shower, and then absolutely wreck you. It was like his way of decompressing after a day of getting beat up.
He noticed that you didn’t really fight back, but he never questioned it.
Frankly, he was having too much fun to care.
He figured that you were just one of those people that curled up into a ball as a very poor, but very cute, way of trying to hide.
On this day in particular, Pete had spent the whole day with you. He planned for it. There was no long, hard day of being Spider-Man. This meant that you could spend some time together.
Unfortunately, that also meant that your tradition couldn’t happen today.
But you were craving it. It was the only thing you could think about.
After spending the whole day with Peter, and his teasing? You barely survived.
You and Pete laid next to each other, your head resting on his shoulder. He put on a movie a little while earlier that you weren’t really interested in.
You contemplated telling him that you weren’t into the movie, but that would put you in a situation that petrified you.
‘Is there something else that you wanna do?’
You could already hear him saying it. You could already imagine the heat moving towards your cheeks as you sit there, speechless, thinking about what the hell you could possibly say to get yourself out of this one. Even just imagining that was flustering enough.
But there was nothing wrong with thinking about it, right? No, of course not. You can enjoy your little daydream while Pete watches TV, and he’d have no idea at all that you were thinking about the night he discovered that you were ticklish.
He had no idea that you were thinking about the slow, mischievous grin that grew on his face after hearing you giggle. The way he locked eyes with you. The way he told you, “You are so fucked,” without saying anything at all. The reality setting in that the only thing you can do is wait for him to attack. Then, the reality setting in that once he attacks, the only thing you can do is wait for him to stop.
He didn’t know you were thinking about the dramatic, exaggerated stories he told as he toyed with you.
He had effectively overpowered you, sitting on your hips, keeping you exactly where he wanted you.
“…And then, just when I thought it was finally over…” he paused for a comedically long time, looking directly into your eyes.
He enjoyed the tension building up. He loved making you feel the imminent dread of what was coming next. He loved the nervous giggles you let out as he stared at you with a stone-faced expression.
“…I heard his footsteps,” he teasingly walked his fingers up your side as you squirmed beneath him. “Getting closer,” he took a step, “and closer,” he took another step, “and then…” you hid behind your hands, shaking, laughing, waiting for him to strike.
When he didn’t, you peeked through your fingers, only to find that he was still staring at you. His face was still entirely serious, even though you were covering your eyes.
Why is he so committed to this bit?? Does he want to fluster me to death??
Yeah, of course he does, what am I even saying?
“…And then…” he paused again.
He was far too good at this.
He took an obnoxiously loud deep breath in, gathering all the air he possibly could into his lungs. And in an instant, he was blowing the world’s biggest raspberry on your tummy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he was also digging his fingers into your ribs at the same time.
You screamed so loud that you thought someone would file a noise complaint.
He didn’t know you were thinking about how strong he was. How easy it was for him to trap you in his arms. Even if you had attempted to fight back, it would’ve been useless.
He certainly had no idea that you were thinking about the time you yelled, “Stop!” and he laughed at you. You weren’t sure if he was catching on to how much you liked this, or if he was laughing because he wasn’t about to stop any time soon. Either way, he didn’t stop any time soon.
There was one thing you were very glad he didn’t know.
He didn’t know that the way he looked at you after one of those days made you weak.
You thought about how tired his eyes would look after taking his mask off. You thought about the relieved sigh he’d let out as he hugs you. The kiss he’d plant on your forehead before he tells you how awful of a day he had. The timber in his voice when he tells you you’re gonna know all about it when he gets out of the shower.
He didn’t know that as soon as the bathroom door closed, you hopped into bed, throwing the blanket over you, giggling and kicking your feet as soon as you were underneath. It was on days like that where you thanked the entire universe that Pete only took 10 minute showers.
All you could think of was how warm he’d be. How close he’d pull you to him. How many glances you’d take of his chest.
If Peter knew what you were thinking about right now, you’d be reduced to jelly in seconds. There was no way you could ever tell him about any of this.
But you wished he knew. You wished you could make him understand. But it would never happen. You’d rather get water boarded by the CIA than tell him.
Suddenly, Peter felt something. His Spider-Sense. He instinctively put an arm around you, looking around the room.
��Pete? Is something wrong?” you asked him.
He looked around the room for a little longer, scanning every area he could see. He found nothing. Everything was fine. He relaxed a little, but was still on edge.
“What’s wrong?” you asked again, feeling a little anxious now.
“Nothing, angel,” he shook his head. “I… I thought I felt my Spider-Sense.”
He thought he felt his Spider-Sense?
You always imagined that to be an obvious feeling.
“What made it go off?”
“I’m… I’m not sure. But it felt like it went off for you,” he paused. “Are you okay?”
You paused.
“I.. I think so.. Why? Am I in danger?”
Peter looked around the room again, scanning for absolutely anything dangerous. Nothing. He listened for any strange noises. Nothing. He tried to sense if anyone dangerous was in the building. Once again, nothing.
“No.. You’re completely fine,” he said, his brows still furrowed.
Now you were really confused.
“If I’m not in any danger, then… why did it go off?”
Peter closed his eyes, trying his best to focus on where this feeling was coming from. The longer he waited, the more clear it became.
It was his Spider-Sense, but it was different this time. It felt warmer. Gentler. When he was in danger, the feeling was comparable to almost getting hit by an oncoming train. Right now, it felt more like a tap on the shoulder.
Why was he getting tapped on the shoulder, and why did it make him think of you?
He opened his eyes, trying to make sense out of any of this.
A tap on the shoulder… for you?
Wait, no.
Maybe it’s a tap on the shoulder from you?
“Is… Is there something that you want to tell me?“ he questioned. “Is there something you feel scared to tell me?”
Uh oh.
Hold on a minute.
You tried your best to hide the shock on your face, but you already felt the warmth spreading across your cheeks. You cleared your throat.
“Uhm, w-what do you mean?” you tried. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
Pete closed his eyes again. You were starting to wonder if he could read your mind.
God, you hoped he couldn’t read your mind.
“It just feels like there’s something you want to tell me, but you’re hiding it from me,” he opens his eyes. “What’s going on?”
Damn, I’m not even safe in my own head.
You couldn’t lie to him, but you also couldn’t just outright say it to him either. You didn’t think you could say this out loud even if you were completely alone with no sign of human life for miles.
This was going to be difficult.
You looked down at your hands and fidgeted with them.
“There is… something I’m not telling you…” you start.
He puts his arms around your waist, gently guiding you to lay down on your side next to him.
“What is it, baby? What are you so afraid to tell me?”
He looked so concerned.
You break eye contact, which Peter usually sees as a bad sign. What’s different this time is that a smile slowly creeps onto your face. Now, he’s intrigued.
“What’s so funny?” he says, not being able to stop the smile from forming on his face too.
You smile harder. You already know that your face is bright red. You can’t help it. You’re reducing into jelly.
“What is going on?” Pete laughs, now staring to feel amused by this entire situation.
You open your mouth.
Then close it.
Then open it again.
“It’s not so much that I’m scared… It’s more like… I’m embarrassed.”
Okay, that was a good first step. You admitted to being embarrassed, but not by what.
Pete squints his eyes and looks at you suspiciously.
“Just tell me what it is,” he says.
Nope. Not gonna happen, asshole.
“I can’t,” you whisper.
His expression softens.
“Why not?”
There is a pause. You take a deep breath.
“I feel too embarrassed to say it out loud. Even if you weren’t here and I was completely alone, I still wouldn’t say it out loud. That’s how embarrassed I am,” you admit.
Peter nods, understanding the predicament you’re in.
“That’s okay, bug. We don’t have to talk about it right now if you don’t want to.”
You feel bad. How do you tell someone something without saying it out loud?
Definitely not doing charades. Or Pictionary. Even if you knew sign language, you weren’t doing that either. There has to be some way to make it easier for both of you.
And then it hit you. You both knew that you couldn’t say it, but what if he could?
“What if… What if you try to guess what it is? I’ll give you hints and tell you if you’re right,” you suggested.
Pete thought about it, and nodded. The smile from earlier came back.
“Okay. Let’s do that then. What’s the first hint?”
You looked off to the side as you thought of a good hint. Something vague, but truthful.
“I’m thinking about something that you do…” Pause. “…that I like.” That seemed vague enough.
Peter raises his eyebrows.
“Something I do that you like?”
You nod.
“Is it… when I make corny science jokes?”
You shake your head.
“Huh, really thought that would be it,” he replies sarcastically.
“Is it… my dancing?” he asks.
“Nope. Not that either. You are a good dancer, though.”
He grins at that. He loved when you complimented him.
“Thanks. But if it’s not my jokes or my dancing, then what is it? Give me another hint.”
You try to think of something else.
“It’s something that most people don’t like.”
He squints.
“My… dancing…?”
You roll your eyes.
“No, Pete, it’s not your dancing. But while we’re on that subject, most people don’t like your corny jokes either.”
You both laugh. Pete thinks again for a moment. He’s drawing a blank.
“I’m gonna need another hint from you, missy.”
Time to think again. What else could you possibly say to him to make him understand?
There was only one more thing you could think to say. You shut your eyes so you didn’t have to see his reaction.
Here goes nothing…
“I only feel comfortable when you’re the one doing it… to me.”
Whoomp, there it is. Can’t take that shit back now.
You swear to God if he doesn’t figure it out now, you might just explode.
More silence.
You opened one eye. You were greeted by a confused looking Pete, clearly still trying to put the puzzle pieces in the right places.
Time to explode.
“It’s something I do… that you like… that most people don’t like… and it’s something that you only let me do to you...” Pete looked like he was becoming more and more confused by the second. “What is something that I do to you… that most people don’t like?” he asked himself.
You watched in real time as the wheels turned. You saw the moment a lightbulb turned on. You started to brace yourself for what he was going to say.
“Oh, wait,”
I was wrong about earlier. NOW it’s time to explode.
A sly smile spread across his face.
Oh God. He knows.
“Are you thinking about-“
Don’t say it.
“-our little-”
Do NOT say it.
“-tickle fights?”
Fuck, he said it. He said the thing.
At this point, you couldn’t even answer him. Your entire face was burning. Your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. The only thing you could do was hide under the covers.
You hear Pete laughing. Now that he’s figured it out, you were gonna have to accept that you would never know a moment of peace for the rest of your life.
He lifted the blanket so he could see your face. Now you were hiding behind your hands.
“Why are you hiding from me?” he teased, knowing damn well why you were hiding from him.
“Stop teasing me!” you muffled.
He chuckled, “Why? Are you blushing?”
This boy just wouldn’t stop.
“How can I help teasing you when you act like this?” he purred.
He pulled the blanket over your heads so that both of you were under the covers.
“So, that’s what you were so afraid to tell me? You like it when I tickle you?”
You whimpered pathetically, doing your best to curl yourself into a ball. Pete enjoyed this.
“That’s what you were soooooo embarrassed to say this entire time?”
You did not appreciate that tone, which is exactly why he used it.
He placed his arms around your shoulders, cradling you. He rubbed your arm with his thumb, moving it back and forth. As much as he loved to fluster you, he also wanted you to feel comfortable telling him things like this.
“I don’t see what’s so embarrassing about that,” he murmured, kissing the top of your head.
You relaxed a little. As difficult as it was to have this conversation, you were grateful it happened. There were no more secrets between the two of you. You didn’t need to hide anymore.
You unraveled from the ball you were trying to turn into, snuggling closer to Peter.
You looked up at him. He looked down at you.
“There she is,” Pete said softly, admiring you.
You glared at him playfully before pushing your head into his chest.
“Aaaaaaand she’s hiding again,” he sighs. “When will you learn-” Pete takes hold of your wrist as he rolls on top of you, pinning it to the bed, “-that you can’t-” his other arm slithers around your waist, his hand now pinching at your side, “-hide from me?”
You did your best to try to wriggle out from underneath him, but you were trapped under his body weight. He was too strong. The only thing you could do was laugh.
“PEHEHETER, WAHAHAIT!” you screamed.
“Wait? Wait for what?” he continued to tickle you. “This is what you wanted, right?”
“Oh wait, did you want me to tickle here?” he pinched a little higher towards your ribs. You screeched.
“Or maybe here?” he squeezed at your hip. “Or did you just want me to tickle all of these spots at the same time?” he moved his hand sporadically up and down your side.
It was unbearable. His fingers were so precise. Every move felt intentional. You were completely at his mercy, and it was everything you ever wanted.
Peter was having just as much fun. He loved the way you struggled beneath him. Your shrieking laughter was music to his ears. The way you insincerely begged him to stop only made him want to keep going.
The fact that you trusted him enough to let him do this to you made him feel so special. He spent so much of his time worrying about keeping you safe, constantly wondering if he was doing enough to protect you.
Knowing that you were okay with him putting you in such a vulnerable position made him feel like he had done something right. He was the only one who was allowed to touch you like this, and he did not take that for granted.
He stopped tickling you for a moment to pin your other wrist to the bed. He leaned down, acting like he wanted to whisper something to you.
“Hey, can I tell you a secret?” his breath hit your neck, giving you goosebumps.
This was his favorite way to tickle you. This was the way he discovered you were ticklish in the first place. The sensation was so intense that it made you fall into silent, wheezing laughter. That’s why he loved this method.
He knew that every time he said something, his breath sent you into hysterics.
“Please? I just need to tell you something real quick. It’s really important.”
“I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR SEHEHECREHET,” you shouted as soon as you were able to breathe in.
“No, no, no, no, you’re gonna like it, I promise!” he lied.
You heard him inhale and you knew what was coming next.
“NONONONONONO DON’T-“ he blew a fat raspberry.
You let out one last scream before falling back into silent laughter.
Pete finally decided that you’d had enough. He kissed the sensitive area on your neck, then continued to peck upwards until he reached your cheek as you let out the last of your exhausted giggles.
He let go of your wrists and lifted the blanket, rolling back onto his side and pulling you into his embrace. He let you take the time to catch your breath.
Once your breathing slowed to a normal pace, he spoke.
“I love you so much, you know that?”
Of course you knew that.
“I love you more,” you replied.
Pete kissed you on the lips, letting it linger for a moment. He massaged your scalp as he held you, wishing he could just stay here with you forever. Then, he decided to be cheeky again.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to do that,” he said, “Just pin your arms down and tickle you.”
It only occurred to you then that he never attempted to hold your arms down before tonight. He’d sat on top of you, held you close to him so you couldn’t get away, and he got to your weak spots before you could cover them, but he never pinned your arms down.
“Why didn’t you do it sooner?” you joked.
He smiled, “Because I didn’t know that you wanted me to. I didn’t know you liked it that much,” he answered, “Besides, it’s not like you were putting up that much of a fight anyway. I thought it’d be too mean.”
Peter was many things. A superhero, a little shit, an asshole. But he was also incredibly considerate. You weren’t sure what you did to deserve this boy, but you were so happy you had him.
“But now that I know you do like it that much,” he said, “maybe next time I’ll web you to the bed and tickle you until it dissolves.”
I quite like that idea.
“Oh really?” you challenged him playfully.
“Mhmm. Maybe I’ll make a special batch of web fluid just for you.”
“A special batch?”
“Yup. I’ll make it last twice as long.”
A/N: this is my first fic pls let me know if i did good or if i should never write anything ever again 👍
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sasagehoes · 1 month
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐈𝐈;; 𝐈 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐈?⋆✴︎˚。⋆ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫.
⭒˚☽ ✴︎˚。⋆;;As you walk thes streets of Diagon Alley you feel the presence of a certain...someone(s) follow you around while shopping. Is this the start of a great friendship...a band perhaps?
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a/n: This takes place on the events before, during and after the wizarding war, this series is part of a series, which will tackle more of the events in the golden trio era, the reader is hispanic but i couldnt care less if you're not, this is for everyone! [translations will be given]. English is not my first language so i apologise for any grammar mistakes. I hope you enjoy!
wc: 4.9k
CW: foul language is all I can think of.. let me know if i missed something!
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“So you're telling me you three and another guy are part of some club..named the marauders?” you asked, munching on a biscuit whilst sitting on the living room floor.
“It's not a club per say but uh yeah!” James answered, you nodded slowly, still confused “And you just cause mischief around the school?”you asked bewildered, “It's basically our motto” Remus spoke.
“You guys must be hated by half the school then” you laugh, and Sirius only chuckled.”Kind of the complete opposite, but the Slytherins dislike us the most” his face had a very smuggish smirk, making you want to throw another magazine at his hair.
“What house do you guys think I'd be in?” you asked them with an arched brow, to be fully honest you didn't know yourself that well so you like when people expressed their first impressions of you.
They all thought about it for a second but Remus was the first to answer .”I haven't seen you in that many situations to determine that yet” he said after a long hum, you only nodded and looked at the other two “Obviously you're Gryffindor, only the best are there” James said with a stupid wink, in exchange you gave him an unamused face “Either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor for sure” said Sirius after analyzing you briefly. From what he's seen, you were pretty reserved and definitely studious enough to learn from an old blood magic transcript, not to say bold as hell for actually moving forward with casting one of the spells in said transcript. 
Remus on the other hand didn't want to make any assumptions from what he's seen so far, you could be as much as a loose canon as Sirius and James combined, or you could be as calm as Peter. After all it's only been a day and a half since the four of you had met.
“Y porque a la gente no le cae bien los Slytherins?” You ask James genuinely curious and he only scoffed “No son todos, but hell can some of them be absolute assholes” {Why do people not like Slytherin’s?}. {It's not all of them}
“Most of them are pretentious assholes, come from wealth, and are blood puritans” Sirius added, clearly having caught at least something of the conversation. His hatred for people who followed in his parents footsteps seeped through his very pores and his friends noticed.``But again, not all of them are like that, some of them are just snarky, none of the other shit” he added.
“If I land in any other house that's not Gryffindor, am I allowed to talk and hang out with you guys?” you ask in a worrisome tone. Remus only laughed “Yeah dove, it's not like we are all supposed to only socialize with people from our houses, we have a friend, Dorcas, she hangs around some Slytherins a lot, nothin’ wrong with that”
“Well, that's great!, got scared for a second”
The door to the house opened and Monty and Euphemia walked in, bags in hand
“We’re back kids, and sweetie we got you some stuff for your stay, just some essentials” Euphemia said. “Thank You so much, for everything” you say now standing, “Don't mention it, para eso esta la familia” {That’s what family is for} . James sighed and repeated the word ‘para’ to demonstrate how to roll the R better to his mum, “Deja a tu pobre madre quieta, she's trying” {leave your poor mother alone}. You laughed and Effy just shook her head and laughed as she walked to the pantry. “Don't make fun of your mother James, ese es mi trabajo” {That’s my job}, Monty shot a wink at all of you, and neither could resist the urge to burst out laughing. “What did he say” a confused Remus asked, looking at Sirius, he only shrugged “Don't look at me, i only know french”
As the night fell, Monty cooked dinner for everyone in the home while the three of you helped Remus pack to go back home in two days. “I don't know why you don't come with us to the station on wednesday,” complained the raven haired boy, throwing himself dramatically on the pile of freshly folded clothes, “Because, i would like to spend some time with my parents before i have to go, could be that dont ya’ think, coc oen?” {dickhead}
“Don't get all Welsh on me sweetheart, i'm not into that like Caroline” Sirius said with a mocking tone, earning him a shoe to the face.
“You shagged Caroline?!” whisper shouted James
“What?! Who said anything about shagging, we just snogged!” replied Remus in the same tone
“If by snog you mean almost eat eachothers faces off then yes, just snogged” Sirius added with a teasing smirk
You watched the whole ordeal go down asking to yourself “What the fuck does shagging and snogging mean?” sadly your thoughts seemed to have gotten out of said.. thoughts.
James looked at you trying to not laugh, and answered “Coger y besuquearse” {fucking and making out]}
you just deadpanned and started laughing. “You brits are weird” 
The rest of the night was filled with laughter and re folding half of the clothes Sirius had messed up, and the delicious food Monty had prepared.
 the following day Monty decided it was time to go shopping for school essentials, and gods were you blessed as soon as you left the room, Sirius had worn a leather jacket with band pins on the front and some small handmade patches on the back, he truly did look like those muggle rockstars, especially with the hair. Remus wore a jumper with a very funky pattern in red and yellow and some washdown jeans. Where the hell did James find friends this good looking?
Your outfit consisted of Effy’s clothes, a simple red shirt and a pair of blue flared jeans, and some old boots she had in your size stowed away in her closet.
Once everyone was downstairs, a ‘plan’ was set if you were being honest it felt unnecessary  how you all needed a plan to just go buy school supplies. How wrong you were
“Ok, so you three only need this semester's herbs and books and Y/n needs that and the rest of the essentials” Euphemia said, making a mental note of everything needed and how much time it could take
You leaned in to whisper in Sirius’s ear 
“Why do we need a plan, we are just going shopping, no?” your question made him scoff,
“Diagon alley gets really full after New Years, Ils deviennent tous fous” he answered
Before you could get a translation to what the hell he said, Monty interrupted
“I'm sure none of you get sick while apparating right?” oh how you hated apparating.
You shook your head nonetheless and so did the boys. “Well, that settles it, off we go”
Euphemia took you first, once you held her arm the world around you warped into a blob of mass and so did your body followed by Euphemia’s. In less than a minute you found yourself in the famous Diagon Alley, now you understood why you needed a plan to shop.
“Sirius wasn't playing when he said this place got busy after new years” you say not really to anyone, admiring the bustling streets. Effy just laughed “I'll be back soon so don't move an inch,alright dear?” you nodded and she left. Not much after Monty showed up with Remus which looked dazed, clearly not taking the apparating trip that well.
“You alright Rem?” you ask, a hand on his shoulder, not really registering the nickname you had given him.
“Yeah love, i'm fine” he coughed violently just after saying that, “If you say so buddy” you 
Hit his back to alleviate him from the coughing.
“That happens when you smoke to your heart's content, Moons” a voice spoke from behind you, turning to see who it was, your eyes met with her. She had red hair, fair skin and a face littered with freckles. She was really beautiful. Like the paintings from the Renaissance era your mom had hanging in the manor when you were little.
“I rarely smoke Lils please” he smiled, walking up to hug her, returning the action she noticed you standing there. “I'm so sorry I didn't see you, are you a friend of Remus?” she asked politely with a smile 
As you opened your mouth to answer, the Potters showed up with Sirius and James in tow.
James instantly lit up when he spotted the red head and went to hug her tightly “How have you been Lilypad” he asked as he pulled away from the hug 
As that exchanged unfolded Sirius hooked an arm around your shoulder
“This is a common occurrence, he’s been head over heels for her since our first year” you giggled not having seen James like this since his crush on a girl called Elnora in first grade
Llily said hello to Monty and Effy and turned to you once again “Im Lily Evans, nice to meet you” her hand extended to greet you, you shook her hand and introduced yourself “Oh the Rouge family, i think James mentioned you to us back in our second year if i'm not mistaken” she stated. You really hadn't grown used to being called from the Rouge family after so long and to say that it bothered you was an understatement, but she couldn't have known. “I'm surprised he even mentioned me, we had not talked in years” your laugh was as natural as it could have been, but for some reason, Sirius hand, which you had forgotten was still on your shoulder squeezed it reassuringly. 
“How could I not? You are like one of my favorite people on the planet” James said with a cheeky smile, at that Lily’s smile dropped just a smidge making you feel like his feelings were not unreciprocated. 
“It was nice seeing you Miss Evans, yet we do need to get going, you could join us if you want” Monty said and Lily smiled. “Thankyou for the offer Monty but i already found everything i needed, my parents are waiting for me at the train station”
“If that's the case, see you around then dear” 
She hugged everyone and said her goodbyes, and as she was leaving a bright “Nice meeting you!” was directed your way.
James was sulking as she walked away and you couldn't help to copy the grin Remus had on his face 
“I knew we should've left earlier” James spoke all sulky, Sirius just palmed his back “Better luck next time you poor sod”
Who knew attending a wizarding school was going to be so fucking expensive? The first stop in Effy’s spotless shopping plan was Madam Malkin’s. Just the price of three robes purchased there made you shiver, how could that be 50 galeons?..outrageous! Yet Effy swore they would last until you graduated.
You both met back with Monty and the others in the Apothecary, once entering the place you almost gagged, the smell was wretched, no surprise there though, they did sold things for potions afterall, some herbs and some vials of premade start up potions all added to the price of 30 galleons, which wasn't that bad knowing it was for all four of you, Remus had tried to pay with his own money but the Potters wouldn’t take no for an answer. As the lot of you were in the register paying, you looked behind you and saw a head of blonde hair quickly hide behind a shelf of pre made potions, you brushed it off as some curious kid but it was still odd to say the least
The third establishment was the Magical Menagerie, the display window had cats and owls in cages, once you entered the lady at the desk greeted both you and Mrs Potter, they started talking about something along the lines of how the upcoming war has been delaying shipments and all that, looking around you felt just as you did at the Apothecary, watched. You looked outside through the display window, and you saw her again, a blonde girl not much older than you, if not younger, staring right back at you before instantly running away. 
What the hell was her problem?
“...dear are you listening?” Effy asked, “Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention.” You reply embarrassed  “I was asking if you'd like a cat, an owl, or a rat” she spoke slowly.
You took a look around the pets available and there was an owl that intrigued you, it was pitch black the eyes almost camouflaging with the rest of its complexion if it wasn't for the dark red hue that they possessed, it was truly beautiful..until you saw the price tag, there was no way that feathered thing cost 70 galleons!
“Dearest, if you like that one, i'll get it for you, it's not that much money” she said with a reassuring smile you only looked at her as if she had a monkey hanging from her face “Im grateful truly, but i'm not making you pay that much for an owl Effy” you whisper shouted 
“Don't tell me what to do with my money young lady, we’ll get you that bird” her hands were on her hips and smirk decorated her face “But-” “No buts! Its final” you deflated at her answer and she could only laugh, once the bird was paid for and in its cage you thanked her with a hug
“You don't have to thank me sweetheart, if i couldn't buy you this, i wouldn't have offered, now lets run along we still have a couple of stores left to visit”
You exited the building, owl in hand and Sirius commented how off putting it looked, to you it was beautiful, even the most scary beings can come to be alluring. “What are you naming your owl?” asked James, trying really hard to not look at its piercing eyes. “Circe” you said admiring your new companion's beauty.
As you walked through the streets the sights only got more interesting, the moving shops, the awesome displays, it was all so magical, never in a million years did you think you would be able to experience this.
The walk to the next store was a rather long one, being located almost at the end of the alley, Flourish and Blotts, the adults decided to leave you all to your own devices, big mistake since the second they were gone, Sirius and James ran up to get quidditch supplies while Remus went after them, saying they won't take too long.
You decided to make good use of your time and entered the bookshop and went straight to the 5th year section, grabbing the books you saw on your list on the way. As you walked through the halls trying to find a book about potions. That's when you saw her again. 
Pandora was browsing through a book about seeing abilities when you approached her. “May I ask why are you following me?” She nearly jumped, “I'm sorry who are you?” she knew you had caught her staring at the Menagerie but tried her best to alleviate your suspicions, to no avail.
Your eyes only narrowed, “Don’t play dumb,this is the third time I've seen you, in a row. What do you want” your voice became more stern. She sighed, “My name is Pandora Rosier, my intentions were never to make you feel any type of discomfort, i was simply curious, seeing a new face and all” she had placed her book back to its corresponding place and extended her hand to greet you “Well, miss Rosier, next time you could just come up to me, i don't bite” you laughed and she smiled brightly back at you. She seemed harmless enough to let your guard down.
The bell on the door rang and you knew that was your friends. “Hope to see you again soon” you waved at her and left in a hurry. “Oh believe me, you will,” she said barely above a whisper,  going back to get a different book.
“There you are, Panda, did you find all the books you needed? Barty is waiting for us at Knockturn Alley, that bastard finally got off his ass” a blonde boy said as he held his new books in hand
“Yes brother i found everything i needed from here don't worry” she said, now gazing outside the window, looking at the marauders chatting with you
“Panda, you sound so dreary when you speak that way” Evan said with a weird look on his face, she just laughed it off and walked out the store with him.
Once the twins found themselves in the sketchiest place in Diagon Alley, they went into Burgin’s shop and sat to wait for they’re friends,not long after, the bells rang and they ran to the door.
“Regulus!, so glad you managed to make it!” The girl hugged him tightly and he reciprocated rather stiffly “Glad to know you're alright Pandora” he replied, his thoughts somewhere else entirely. She knew what he had probably gone through all those days locked away in summer at his house, afterall the eyes are the windows to the soul,as she liked to say. And his were bleak and dull, just like the ones of a porcelain doll, whose only purpose is to be on a shelf, to be displayed.
“Where’s the degenerate, you call your beloved?” Regulus asked Evan, peeking his head to the side. Evan only rolled his eyes “No fucking clue, he did say to meet him here, I assume you also got his flamboyant invitation” he mocked, moving his hands very dramatically up in the air.
Just as if he was summoned, he arrived, “Sorry to keep you all waiting, i know you all crave my attention” Barty’s voice boomed through the store, he ruffled Regulus’s hair and hugged Pandora only to throw himself onto Evan making him yelp “Get the fuck off me Crouch!” the blonde yelled, hitting the others back while Pandora and Regulus laughed in the back. “You know you love me Rosie” Barty said in a sultry voice and just as he got up from him, Evan looked straight into his eyes “ Go to hell” and kissed the other's forehead. Barty’s face dropped for a second before a big smirk overwrote his features and the bickering began once again.
Regulus could only sigh, “Do you know if ‘Cas is coming?” he asked Pandora, she sat down and answered “You really think her parents would let her come all the way here? And be seen with us? Not a chance in hell.” 
“Oh! I almost forgot to tell you all” Panda clasped her hands together, making Barty and Evan stop their bickering to pay attention “She’s here” her voice was bright and joyous
“Who is here? - Pandora dont start with this shit again” Evan rolled his eyes. “Be kind asshat” Regulus spat out, “Who’s here?” he asked her. “Our rouge star dear Reggie” Evan only groaned “She's been spouting this nonsense since the summer started” he said annoyed 
“Don't disregard my visions Evan, I know what I saw!” she exclaimed
He never disregarded what his sister saw in her visions, but this last one was insane. Hogwarts never gets any exchange students, especially not in their 5th year!
“I'm just saying! It's outrageous” he continued, his arms up in the air defensively.
Barty groaned, “What vision ‘Dora?” 
“I saw a star, she was lost but found her way to us, you know the constellation that we are a part of?”
“you mean the one we made up in our 2nd year…for shits and giggles?” Barty asked once more
“Yes! That exact one!” Pandora almost jumped in glee, she loved when people got her obscure visions, no matter how complicated they were. And her friends got the job done..most of the time at least.
“What makes you so sure it's her?” Regulus popped in to ask
“I'm so glad you asked dear Reg” she stopped and thought for a hard second and nothing
“No reason then?” Evan said
“Intuition!” Said Pandora, exasperated.
“Guess we'll have to find out then” said Barty as he clasped his hands before continuing “Where is this rogue star of ours?” Pandora’s smile extended from ear to ear. They left the store and went around the alley once more in search of their new wondering star in Pandora's vision
“Please tell me we are almost done, my feet are aching” you whined, the list still had so many more things that were not crossed out and you were growing agitated
Having recognized your voice Pandora almost ran up to the location of said voice, yet Evan stopped her, grabbing her by the arm
“Panda, you will spook her, let's just stare from afar” he said and Regulus scoffed
“Yes, cause that’s totally not worse than going up to talk to the poor sod”
They all followed Evans' idea and hid behind a wall to observe you.
“We are almost done dear, just two more stores, mainly for herbs the apothecary ran out of” Effy said with an empathetic smile.
“Alright then..” you let out a long sigh but quickly felt a very familiar feeling..a Rosier type of feeling, just now more intense than earlier. Your head snapped to the wall the four creeps where staring from. Almost all of them flinched except one who just offered a shit eating grin.
“I'm gonna check something over there really quick Effy” you say still staring at them, she just hummed in approval and off you were. They stayed in their place awaiting the confrontation
“Amazing plan Rosie” said Barty 
“Shut the fuck up Bartemius”
“I see you brought friends with you this time Rosier, what the hell do you guys want i don't like getting stalked” you looked down at them,  the look in your eyes not kind in the slightless
“No reason” said Regulus, stoic as ever
You took a deep breath “Then stop it, or i will dissect you all, be normal and introduce yourselves or something,”
“You'll have to earn that, treasure” Barty added only agitating you more, “Don't test me you piece of shit” you say pointing at him with your finger, he only looks at it, then back to your eyes,and lets out a cackle, tilting his head to the side he says, “Where’s your wand at sweet cheeks” 
You crouch down to reach his level, “Don't need a wand to end up in Azkaban, princess ” you answer back with as much vermin in your words as his. “Make sure this is the first and last time i find you guys stalking me” and with that you turn on your heel and leave to go back with James and the others
“Pandora strikes again, she's our star” Evan says with a sigh. “I told you didnt I?” a proud Panda said, looking at her brother with an arrogant smile.
 “Id let her dissect me any day she wants” Barty says, enthralled not by your body as it walked away from them, but by the insults you spouted earlier
“Watch what you say you wanker, or that star is dying before she even sets foot in those corridors” Evan says, hitting him in the back of his head. With that Bartys’ hands instantly cradled the blondes face “You can dissect me and so much more Rosie”
“You guys are making me sick” said a very annoyed Regulus followed by a “They sure are something” by the blonde seer.
You finally reach Your friends back at the center of the Alley, your face in a frown, who the hell do they think they are?! Seriously, one thing is being curious, Another is being outright disrespectful and creepy.
“You alright there?” James asked as he saw your face scrunched up in something on the edge of disgust. “Yeah I'm good Jamie, where to next?” 
“Well dear, you have everything now except a very important thing” Monty added “Your wand, the shop is just around the corner, you can go in. We’ll wait outside for you” you cocked your head in confusion “Are you guys not allowed in?” you ask. Effy just smiled “We are dear, but this is usually a very personal moment, we just want you to live the experience, but if you want any of us to go, we can” 
“It's ok no worries, just wondering, what should i ask for” this was so confusing. “Just trust your gut, and either way the old man will help you with the wand picking” Remus said with his arms crossed, you nodded and left for the store
You walked into Olivanders and instantly saa hundreds of boxes with countless numerations at the bottom, all of them cluttered in dust clad shelves, so much dust made your eyes itched.
“Exchange student I assume?” a voice called out from behind the wooden counter, “How'd you know?” you ask, skeptical. He chuckled and grabbed a key to open some drawer in the desk, “I remember every face i've sold to, and the wand that left with them, i've never seen you, nor a wand leave with you in tow” 
He walked closer to you to examine your features and for a moment you saw his eyes widened
“You look just like your father,” He said just above a whisper,before trailing off. This man was either a fraud or a nutcase you thought to yourself. Your father never stepped foot in England, he always said he hated the climate.
“Sure buddy” you say, moving away from his gaze to look at the wands. “I see, you've never had a wand, let me see what i can find” he left to go look for a wand in a shelf hidden away at the back, when he came back he had three boxes with him.
“Try this one” he said as he handed you a wand with a violet hue, it smelled of lavender and felt silky to the touch. You held it awkwardly by the handle, not really used to a wand. Flicking the wand up only caused for the lights to shatter, making the man hide his head under his arms “Sorry..” you say ashamed
“No need..lets just put that away now” he replied, taking the wand from your hands and putting it in his respective box, this happened with two more wands, one was gray with a transcript engraved on its handle, and the other had vines carved onto its sides. By the end of it all, the store looked like it was wrecked by a hurricane. He thought for a while and went to the back once again without a word. You stayed there wondering if wand magic just wasn't for you.
“I didnt think id be giving this one away just yet, but this one might just be your match” He said as he emerged from the back of his store with a wand in his hand, the wand was black yet the handle had some carvings that almost resembles fish scales, and in between the incisions a reddish hue could be seen
“I'm sure he'd love to let you have it” his smile was kind yet sadness was strong in his voice. You flicked the wand and nothing catastrophic happened, making you and him smile. “That settles it, it's yours!” 
“How much would it be?” you are worried about how big of a dent this would  make on the Potters pocket. “Ronan would haunt me if i made you spend a single penny, just take good care of it” He spoke with a calm tone and a smile, before you could ask any questions a boy walked into the store with his mother, interrupting the two of you. “Duty calls, good luck” with that he was gone.
You left the store, wand in hand and went up to your friends “Guess who has a wand now!” you say showing the wand to them, they all laugh and James claps. “How much was it dear?” Monty asked, you shrugged “The man said that some dude named Ronan would haunt him if he charged him” Monty’s eyes widened at the mention of that name “I gotta say, that guy is a nutcase, he said i look just like my father..that man has never set foot in England” you scoffed. “Let me see that wand” Monty said almost in an instant, rushing up to you and inspecting the object.
His breath hitched in his throat as he kept looking at it, Euphemia  knew something was wrong with her husband, he rarely behaved like this, yet she couldn't pin down what it was. That was until she got closer and saw the wand up close. “Is it broken?” Sirius asked, as confused as the rest of you. “No!, no just admiring the amazing craftsmanship” Effy said hitting Monty slightly as a way to snap him out of his trance
“It's really pretty, can't wait to learn how to use it properly” You smiled brightly, the brightest he's seen you smile since you were a child.
How he wished both of them could see how happy you were now.
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𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑ Thank you so much for getting this far, can't wait to continue this series!! If you'd like to be added to the taglist,let me know ♥︎
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡
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Hey 👋
I’ve been thinking for a while about the potential of me having autism or Asperger’s—
But I’m having the awkward feeling that I’m wrong, and I’m only saying it because I want to be part of it.
stupid, I know.
Im trying not to contradict myself to claim that I have something like this— And k feel like if I do have it, people would be dissatisfied and expect higher things.
Hi there,
It sounds like you are dealing with something called imposter syndrome.
I found an article talking about it.
Why do we have autistic impostor syndrome?
1. We spend our whole lives adapting to what people think we should be. We are human chameleons. In essence, we are empathic metamorphs (a being from an episode entitled The Perfect Mate, from Star Trek: Next Generation), a being that can sense what people around her desire and react accordingly. It is telling that at age 22, I identified heavily with this character. An often misunderstood trait of autism is internal empathic accuracy. This means we make superb social psychologists or are astute in predicting another person’s thoughts and feelings. We are agile in these insights because of our pattern recognition. When we find out we have the traits of autism, we then wonder if this is just another one of our adaptations.
2. We are lateral thinkers. Our superior lateral abilities generate multiple relevant possibilities for any problem. So we hypothesize what we might actually be and come up with many alternatives. Even if autism perfectly describes us, we may still have doubts because some of our behaviors can be attributed to other conditions.
3. Medical professionals do not recognize adult autism, especially late-diagnosed adult autism. Many people I assess describe being turned away by assessors, mocked by health care practitioners when they propose the possibility of autism. There is an acute absence of understanding that our preferred job choices tend to be actors, healthcare workers.
4. Some conditions often co-occur with autism, such as ADHD and alexithymia. This can cause confusion and feelings of being an impostor post-diagnosis since we may not neatly fit the description of autism. Quite possibly, it’s more than just autism that will comprehensively account for our behaviours and feelings. Until we find out what that is, we can still have doubts about our diagnosis.
5. We don’t fit the stereotypes. Sheldon Cooper, Spock, and The Good Doctor are popular TV characters that have greatly influenced the public perception of autism. Yet we often don’t fit these stereotypes. I identified with Deanna Troi, an empath from Star Trek, more than anyone else. Her job was to inform the captain of what other people were feeling and predicting their actions. Research shows that we excel at that. Yet most people will choose Spock—not Deanna Troi—as the most likely autistic on Star Trek.
6. With 90% of funding and websites focusing on autism in children, people do not know our traits. We are not children. People don’t understand how we make it to adulthood without being identified. I can tell you. We act and simulate neurotypical behaviour. We learn from the looks on people’s faces, and we alter our behaviour.
7. Our loved ones tell us that we cannot be autistic. In my journey of processing and understanding, I failed to understand that everyone close to me was also reevaluating their perceptions. They, too, were going back in time and having similar revelations. While we often turn to our loved ones for validation, this is an impossible thing to ask of them. More beneficial is to talk to other autistics or an autistic therapist.
8. Until recently, autistic females without an intellectual disability were often misdiagnosed or overlooked. Irrespective of gender, autistic people without high support needs or who otherwise defy the public or even clinical perception of autism are frequently misdiagnosed. It can obviously create a lot of doubt when medical professionals you assume understand these conditions, tell you that you are something you are not.
The full article will be below:
I hope this helps. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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curlyangelsblog · 1 year
✿ Aone x chubby!Reader ✿
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Genre : fluff
CW: bullying
Word count : 1.2k
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
You were new to town because your mom got a new job. It’s the first time you moved to a different city and attended a new school. So you were really nervous. You never really had a hard time making friends but going into a different environment and being plus-size always comes with obstacles. Teachers or students making fun of you and teasing you was never fun but you were Farley confident it showed in the way you dressed and carried yourself.
You were running down the stairs trying to catch the train. Of course you had to oversleep on the first day but luckily you caught the train last second. Walking around you were looking for a place to sit since the ride was quite long but at that hour of time you were sure not to find one. Until you saw that there was one seat left next to this man whit white hair.
„Excuse me sir is this seat free ?“
The man looked at you confused looking aground to make sure you were talking to him he took a weird amount of time to answer you until he finally gave you a small nod. You smiled at him and sat next to him and taking a closer look at him you noticed he was wearing the same uniform as him. He was a student. His size and white hair were misleading.
„ Do you go to Date tech High ?“
He looked down at you still having this surprised look on his face and answered with a small yes while his cheeks turned pink. He looked almost adorable even for his size.
„My first day is today I just moved here my name is y/n by the way , what’s yours ?”
“Nice to meet you Aone what year are you in ?”
“In my second year”
He started to speak more it was nice it calmed your nerves speaking to him. Maybe even making a friend so you won’t be to alone on your first day.
“What about you”
“We’re in the same year actually” you smiled at him. It was probably a funny view for bye standers you having to look up at him and he is looking down.
For the rest of the ride you were having small conversation here and there until your stop was called. You guys got up and that’s when you finally saw how tall he really was. But it wasn’t because he still had to dug his head so he wouldn’t hit the roof of the train. Walking up the stairs he could finally stood up all the way he was at least 1,90m ( 6’2)
“Do you mind if I walk with you”
You were really trying not to be annoying but not being all alone really calmed your nerves. He smiled at you and said “ Ofcourse “.
As you reached the school he asked you if you would like him to Walk you to the office. You gladly agreed. On your way to the office a lot of eyes were on you.
“Aone why is everybody looking at us are you like famous at this school?”
He looked down at you and just shrugged his shoulders. As you reached the office you said your goodbyes and went in to get your timetable. The teacher walked you to your first class and started to introduce you and to your surprise Aone was in it. He said in the back which made sense. He was to tall to sit in front of people he would probably just block their view. But what made you sad he was the only one sitting alone. This made you curious he was nice did he not have any friends. As the teacher was done introducing you your class teacher told you to take a seat next to Aone. You smiled at him and walked over to him.
„Hi again“ you smiled.
Since you transferred in the middle of the year the Teacher asked Aone to give you his notes and maybe ruffly catch you up on things. The class was over pretty quick so you packed your stuff together and walked out with Aone. As you exited the classroom a few guys went up to Aone and started talking with him until they noticed you behind him. This was probably the first time in your live you actually felt small. Next to Aone you already looked tiny but these other guys were also towering over you. You were seriously curious what they were feeding these kids.
(Koganegawa) : „ oh who is your little friend over there“ he bent down comming really close to your face. The other guys were also curious and looked over his shoulder. This was the first time they saw Aone talking with someone outside of the volleyball team let alone a girl.
„I-I’m y/n i just transferred „
(Futakuchi): „so cutie do you wanna come eat with us?“
You blushed at the nickname but smiled and agreed to go sit with them at lunch.
“So you guys are on the volleyball team ?” You asked.
“Yes have you decided on what Club you’re going to join?” One of them said.
“Not really none of them seem that interesting to be honest” you admitted.
“You should totally become our manager” Futakuchi said.
“I don’t know I don’t know that much ab-“ before you could finish everybody was cutting you off and already agreeing with him even Aone gave you an assuring smile which made you say yes.
Today was perfect because they actually had a practice game against another school. So now you could see how they played and how they interacted with each other. They gave you their water bottles so you went to fill them up. Around the corner there were two players from the opposite team.
“… no seriously dude he is so scary”
“The one with the white hair?”
“Yeah he honestly freaks me out he looks like a monster”
They were talking about Aone. This honestly broke your heart. People always talked bad about you so you know what it feels like and Aone was not stupid he probably could tell by the looks that he got what people thought about him. This made you tear up.
“Hey y/n are you ok”
You turned around and saw that it was Aone. You quickly tried to rub your tears away not wanting him to see you cry.
“Everything is Fine don’t worry” you tried to fake a smile at him. But he didn’t believe you.
“Did someone hurt you”
“No no no don’t worry nobody hurt me…it’s just I heard these guys from the opposite team talk bad about you…it made me kinda sad because you have been nothing but nice to me and people treat you so poorly”. Aone looked at you in shook nobody has ever looked at him this way. And besides his teammates nobody has ever called him nice either. And to be honest he didn’t know how to react so he just bend down and hugged you. This came to a surprise for the both of you but you hugged him back.
“I was just wondering if you needed help with the water bottles”
You smiled at him and he helped you carry them back. His teammates were standing in the doorway of the gym looking at the both of you. It was also them who forced him out of the gym to talk to you. And their plan turned out perfectly.
( A/n: this was just a short Little Drabble hoped you enjoyed :) )
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panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
Part 2
Disclaimer: If the timeline becomes confusing, remember my universe has time loops -> places where the time has been stopped. Tortuga is one of those places, it's stuck on the past behind a thin veil, while the present goes on as normal.
Summary: A Goddess who lost her faith, trying to get back to her senses so her family doesn't fall apart.
Warnings: ???nothing?? I think??
Taglist: @malarkgirlypop, @bucky32557038ww2 (if you want in or out, just tell me!)
-> Image below found here.
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The day after the storm was calm. If it wasn't for Blithe, peacefully floating along the current, no one would even know about the gale of last night. Pacing around the main deck, all the damage was now visible.
"The mizzen really is broken", the Captain sighed, his hand on his hip as he lookesd up, wondering what exactly happened to it. "Cheer up, boys, we'll be makin' way to port earlier."
Peggy marched along the bow, sniffing whatever was left of the things caught up in thes raging battle against the weather. She was more than happy to find a dead fish, looking around before gulping the thing down - it didn't try to escape, which means it was food.
"Whatcha got there, big girl?", one of the crewmates asked, but it was too late. Being caught, Peggy simply ran off with her prise, leaving him to wonder what the fuck was up with that dog.
"Hey, Rodion, c'mere." The Captains voice was rough and the man quickly went to his service, following his glance. "What'dya think? We make it to Tortuga or stop earlier?"
"Earlier. Our sails are all ragged and we'd need a couple days far from trouble to get it all fixed."
The Captain felt defeated. He wanted to make the trip as quickly as possible and make port back in Tortuga before the end of the year, to properly celebrate, but he knew his impatience was what got them all in truble in the first place.
The ship creacked along, tilted a bit to the side. They still had enough water and food for weeks, but old Blithe wouldn't be able to make it to Tortuga - specially if they ended up in the middle of another gale or, may the Gods forbide, ended up face to face with a Man O' War.
"CHEER UP, JEREMY!", the First Mate yelled, far above them, sitting in the main mast's crow nest. She didn't exactly show up yesterday, which fuelled even more the Captains rage. He needed a break (and would've gotten one in Tortuga, dammit!).
Her smile was wide as she pushed herself from the edge of the nest, free falling for most part before opening her wings wide to glide the rest of the way down. The woman had a flask of some good ol' whisky in hand as she opened her arms, maybe to try and hug Jeremy's angryness out.
"Don't", he simply said, putting his hand up to stop her. "Where exactly was you last night, Athena?"
"Hmmm... wanderin'..."
The way she didn't even flinch while flat out saying she abandoned her crew had Jeremy really missing his old days in the Royal Navy - keel hauling would be very welcomed sometimes. But he couldn't simply keelhaul Athena. She'd break free - and damn him once again.
"Lis'en, Cap'n, I ain't lyin' to ya. I flew off. BUT!" And she put two of her fingers up, one of each hand, to stop him from speaking. "Good news is we're not far from some whatever-the-fuck town. We all can rest, get the Mizzen and whate'er else fixed, spend some money....... Jeremy, why ye lookin' a' me like tha'?"
"You flew off 'n left us in the middle of a gale. A big one. Why wouldn't I look at ye like this?" he almost growled. Athena wasn't impresesed.
"Look, Jerry, mate... sometimes things are just... ehh" she was saying, as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders and gave him a squeeze. "I wasn't feelin' it, ya know?"
"Someone could've died, Athena."
"What would I do? Is Enoch's job to bury people! Gods, Cap'n, ye're as hard as a rock, aren't ya? E'ery last man is still standin'. No one died. We win!"
Jeremy was gathering all his strenght not to punch her right in the face with his iron hand; he knew that was just how Athena was. She was the Death Goddess, for Her sake, would she really care if a few peoples died?
He knew the answer: she loved her crew more than she loved booze, herself or flying. She'd give up both her wings for them. After all, she found a safe place for them to stay... but it didn't excuse the fact that she ran away without telling anyone. Again.
"Fiona, keep that mizzenmast in place, will ye?", he finally said, turning his attention away from Athena to look at the girl.
She was entertained in making little flower buds grow out of Peggy's fur, almost missing the order. She quickly got back on her feet, silent as always, while making her way to the mizzen. The plan was simple: make vines strong enough to keep it in place 'till they docked.
"Athy, wasn't 'cause of you flying away that your ol' crew did a mutiny? Wasn't it your daughter's orders?", Rodion asked, a playfull smirk on his face as the First Mate turned on her heels to look at him.
"Shut yer trap, bastard" she oushed him away, making the man laugh. "Get yer ass back in line, boy."
"As you wish, Mama Bird", he winked, then laughed his way towards one of the Captain's mates, Sirius, who didn't seem all that awake while steering the wheel.
The rain and storm may not have killed or seriosly injured anyone, but it still made some victims to a cold. Pangey, for one, couldn't stop running around the lower deck, trying to get at least somethings in place so she could find the medicine.
"Do a potion", a woman said, making her almost jump. "We got some herbs and stuff, it'll work better".
"Miss Serpens, ya almost scared me to death", the other, with one hand above her heart, took a deep breath trying to calm herself. "Besides, I don't know how to make 'em and the crew aren't really all that inclined to wait. I'm just a medic, not some witch."
"Lucky for you, I am." Hydra had a sweet smile on her face. Pangey stood still, watching while she gathered a cauldron and enough stuff to use.
Pan didn't know any of the ingredients, but she still stayed there, against the ships counter, paying attention while the Goddess hung up her stuff and, with a little snap of her fingers, made a small spark light the coal and wood below on fire.
It was ingrained in Hydra's memory. She grew up loving potions and always tried something new - well, at least when her mom would let her, anyway. She used to do some harmless pranks on her brother - Sirius' face when one day he drank some tea and immediately started coughing up moths never failled to make her laugh. Granted, he never again accepted anything she gave him to drink or eat.
The lower deck was badly lighted by some lanterns, attached to the ship by chains so they wouldn't fall and break - yet, yesterday some still did. Everything was a mess that needed cleaning, but with half the crew ill, it would need to wait.
Pangey couldn't for the life of her seem to figure out where was the medicine box, amidst all the chaos. She didn't even noticed the way Hydra looked at her, while making somewhat funny faces trying to catch any memory of how the box was. They were all the same.
"Don't beat yourself up, dear", Hydra said as she grabbed a knife to cut up some of the herbs. "We don't really need them now. I'll make them feel better, you can catch a break."
"Still, i was never like this, so careless with the essentials. I always had something on me... that little bag, you remember? I forgot where it was."
"Down below", a boy said, looking almost greenish as he sat close to them.
"Laying with Davy Jones", he pushed his glasses in place. His hair was neatly put, not a single strand out of place - even when feeling bad, Horace could not bear the thought of presenting himself badly or even close to messy. "Hydra, is it finished yet...? I am dying here."
"The water is just now boiling, boy, you'll have to wait."
"But my nose is all... stuffed. I can't breathe well! And my throat hurts. Badly."
"Then maybe you need to shut the fuck up, it'll hurt less", another boy said as he passed, going up the stairs before Horace could even think of an answer.
"Oh, dammit. Why don't we just toss him overboard?"
"Because..." Hydra stopped, knife in the air, playful. "Enoch's important. And you know how things are: kill one of his and you are dammned for the rest of your life."
"I hate curses... almost as much as i hate having my nose all closed up! Pangeyyyy, help a guy out! I'm dying over here!"
"I wish, darling. We have no meds for now, you'll have to drink her stuff."
Horace hated to admit that it worked in about half an hour. The potion acted quickly and he was feeling better in no time - which meant that everyone else was up too and the ship could finally be put in order again.
"Dammit, I found the meds", Pangey huffed, as soon as she began moving boxes. "Be real, Miss Serpens, you just put some spell on me so you could make a potion, right?"
"Not really", Hydra smiled. Pangey wasn't really sure if she could believe this one. "But now you know how to make a quick potion for colds, don't you? I see this as a win-win kind of situation".
"Gods do really love messin' around, don't they?"
"We do. But I wouldn't mess around with people's health. Believe me, if I knew where these meds were hiding, I'd use them."
She helped Pan push the box back to the infirmary, wich had it's door broken yesterday and sent all it's contents flying all over the room.
The two of them didn't really speak while working on puting stuff back in place - 'till Pangey turned to her and asked: "Miss Serpens, aren't you sad we'll not make it to Tortuga for yer Holiday?"
"Hum. Night of Libero Sanctis?", she shook her shoulders. "I wish we could celebrate it there, but Blithe needs to have a check up, right girl?" she pat the ship's wall, smiling as if it could understand the Goddess. Everyone had a slight feeling that Blithe did, almost like their own little surpestition. "At least we'll be together anyway, Panpan. That's what that night is about, not some silly trip to the beach."
"And definetely not about having to hear Miss Ezebel, 'ight?", Pangey raised her eyebrows, catching Hydra make a face.
"Yeah, definetely. Woudn't like sharing my special day with that harlot. Constance can have her island all to herself, I don't mind."
"Especially after this fucking storm."
Peggy poked her head around the corner, making sure no one was looking as she skipped around with a sword between her teeth, tail violently wagging again.
It would be a problem to however found the dog and her new toy.
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