fratresatrium-blog · 7 years
another shitty powerpoint for @theswannking, hmu with a ⚠ if u want one
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riverrunbrynden · 7 years
So hey what if Elizabeth was Brynden's daughter or niece? / theswannking
In the Game of Thrones verse? I’vemeant to write a meta about anybody who’d want to RP Bryn’s child, so, here wego!
Lizzy would have ended up abastard, never legitimized, and been taught by Maesters for the first few yearsof her life. Brynden had a lot of duties to attend to as: Knight of the Gate(or Knight of the Bloody Gate) in The Eyrie, so he’d probably use that as anexcuse… Even though he hates that kind of behavior. Add in the fact that she’sa little girl, and he doubly wouldn’tknow what in the seven hells he’s doing.
That’s not to say Brynden would bea bad father, or that he wouldn’t make time for her. Just that he wouldn’t knowhow to handle her. At first… Taking advice from Cat and others would improvehis stance as a father. He’s never lived up to: Family, Duty, Honor, and that weighs on him. Being TheBlackfish has left him self-conscious of his ability to be anything other thanwhat he is… The outcast. So in the circumstance of a bastard child, it sitseven less well with him, even though his interactions with Cat, Petyr, Lysa,and Edmure prove that he could make a fantasticfather.
Now… He has to do it as a singlefather. He’d worry over the lack of a mother’s presence, and how it wouldaffect her. How would he tackle her teenage years without the helpful insightof a woman? He’d be even more afraid over what he’d do in her later years,wondering what he’d do when she fell in love. What would be a good match forher? Would she even receive suitors? What if she wanted to marry a man who wasn’tright for her?
Also, in my mind, she’d be a ‘Flowers’,the bastard name of those born in The Reach… So that would lead to some nastyrumors that he’d have to put down. He’d more than likely pretend her mother wasn’ta noblewoman, keeping it a secret from even her for years. Eventually, if sheasked, he would tell her.
If his daughter showed an interestin learning to fight? He’d teach her. He’d be relieved that his child wouldwant to learn how to defend herself. Remember when Cat handled a knife againstPetyr in the show? Or how she fought against the man who came into Bran’s roomto kill him (we could say this was a mother’s love, but…)? I imagine Bryndentaught her a few tricks, because he would never want anyone – male or female – thathe gave two shits about, to not knowhow to defend themselves. He would neverhave a defenseless child.
If she was his niece? He’d try toprotect her as much as possible, be the patient ear to listen, or the kindwords of wisdom she’d need – just as he did with Cat, Petyr, Lysa, and Edmure.
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@theswannking from ( here )
“And what would you rather it be?  The Real Housewives of Atlanta?  No.”  There are many things he will put up with.  That?  Not one of them.  Which is why he snatches the remote.  He’s not going to be made to suffer that hell. “Besides, if you’re not imagining him getting slowly abducted by season with his hair, you’re not doing it right.”
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of-steel-and-stone · 7 years
“It’s nothing.” / theswannking
“Elizabeth, do not lie to me. What has happened?” Will asked softly, worry clearly visible on his face.
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agirlofwinterfell · 7 years
theswannking reblogged your post:Female Characters from other series Arya would...
Let’s be kickass pirates together asjkfhuigvewuigb
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heartsandmiinds · 7 years
@theswannking || From Sunset
“Elizabeth! Elizabeth!” little Lottie Saville called out to her approaching friend who had just appeared out of a carriage with her father. When she saw the looks on her parents’ faces, she had just realized what she had done and was trying to conceal from her parents; her ruffles of her dress was covered in dirt. She came to a quick stop as she started walking instead of running. When she had finally gotten over to Elizabeth, she whispered to her friend after making sure the parents were all distracted.
“The boys are all playing pirates again. Can you get away?” she asked, a hopeful smile on her face as she looked from Elizabeth to the adults not too far away.
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thescourgeofpiracy · 7 years
♦ / theswannking my hand slipped
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“Your loss, Miss Swann.”
tell the commodore he’s sexy
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Congrats!  This has now officially become a thing.  @theswannking from ( here )
"It was assault.  I'll never get that ten minutes back, and I'd go so far as to say I'm owed recompense for it."  Three tracks has been, in his estimation, plenty to know that her taste in music is attrocious, and no, he does't feel even slightly guilty about ridding them both of that horrid cd.  And no, he doesn't feel at all bad about physically removing the radio from the dash and leaving it in the back seat.  And no, he doesn't feel bad about the sin beads, either.
In short, he doesn't feel bad about any of it.  Because he knows if that's what she leads off with, there must be something worse lurking in her musical arsenal, and he's fine with nipping it in the bud before it can get started.
"So by all means, torture yourself with it.  If wanting to spare myself the agony is dramatic, well.  Dramatic I'll be, won't I."
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asenseofpropriety · 7 years
Send √ for a long winded confessing text / theswannking
[Text: Lizzie]: Lizzie, its me. I don’t know how much time I have to say this but I have to anyway. I love you, my darling girl. I know I don’t say this quite enough, but I am so, so proud of you. You are the bravest, wisest, greatest person I know and I consider myself blessed and honored to be your father, more than any other title I might have gotten in this life. We’ll see each other again. Til then…I suppose I’ll send your mother your love, won’t I?
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thecallofthewind · 7 years
BEEP / theswannking
SEND “BEEP” FOR A RANDOM TEXT FROM MY MUSE || accepting || @theswannking
4. A late night text
[ 1:39 am Liz ] Do you ever think about
[ 1:39 am Liz ] How tiny we are compared to the universe
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therapardalis · 7 years
❛ Have you ever considered piracy? ❜ / theswannking
“You know, I’m not sure I should answer that.” Though the smirk on her face should have done so just as well. “You never know who might be listening.”
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of-steel-and-stone · 7 years
"I don't care if you want my help, I'll do it anyways." / Theswannking
“Alright then ... go ahead.” He whispered, taking a deep breath before casting his eyes down.
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fratresatrium-blog · 7 years
@theswannking cont. from x
“While I’d concede that seems like a fair point on the surface, I’m almost certain that one’s mine. It has a hole right there.”
“That was your big clue? Not the fact that I don’t own shirts like this?”
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murdermayhemandjack · 7 years
"is it so far from madness to wisdom?' / theswannnking
“Some would say,” Jack mused. “That it was madness when I voted for you to become the pirate king, though I’d say it was probably the wisest choice I’ve ever made. Madness and Wisdom are just two sides of the same coin.”
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nctawitch · 7 years
🍟 / theswannking
Send 🍟 to steal one of my muse’s fries. Thief.
If it had been anyone but Henry’s mother Carina would have protested. As it was, she grabbed a handful of the remaining fries. “The fries here are delicious.”
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@theswannking from ( here )
"Could be.  Can't say I've necessarily looked back there recently."  Which isn't what he's meant at all, but he'll let her go on thinking that anyway.  Besides, for all he knows it could very well be true.  There could be something worrisome back there.  He doesn't think so, but...Well.  He's never been the most uncluttered individual, and he will freely admit that.
None of this changes the fact that this is a conversation he most certainly should not, in any fashion, be entertaining.
"And whether there is, or there isn't, it doesn't matter at all.  Whatever you're thinking isn't happening.  Period."  And he absolutely punctuates that with a look.  Uh uh, he’s not stupid enough to get caught up in that.
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