aim-shift-heal · 3 years
The BLU Spy couldn't help but grin as he took a peek into the RED base's medical bay. Tobias strolled in, then uncloaked, tucking the Dead Ringer into his pocket and crossing his arms as he took a good look at the enemy Medic. "What's up, Doc?" he asked with a grin. - @theteufortcrew, from Tobias!
The German was finishing up some paper work, writing out an order form for more supplies. He paused in his writing when he felt a presence behind him. His feeling was confirmed when he heard a voice he didn't recognize. Turning around, Dean locked eyes on the BLU Spy, slight fear in his eyes.
"Vhat are you doing here, BLU?" He asked, trying to keep his voice calm.
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monmuses · 3 years
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@theteufortcrew​ reblogged for a starter from Harriet
     Oh, her head rung with a thousand bells. Harriet sat in her office with a pounding headache. Whatever Elizabeth had done last night left her with a serious migraine, unable to keep her thoughts straight. The only thing she could really do was organizing. No work could be done with how much her head pounded. Putting her paperwork to the side, she walked out of her office with a hand rubbing at her temples.
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     As she took a moment to step outside, grabbing a bottle of water from her mini fridge that sat nearby, she heard footsteps. Was there someone here? She was the only one in the building the last time she checked...
     “...hello?” She called out, adjusting her glasses. “Is... Is anyone there?”
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blustankgirl · 3 years
"SO! You are a member of the BLU Team! Well, prepare to be squashed like a bug when you go head-to-head with YLW, because we will rain victorious!" - @theteufortcrew (from Richard)
Johnny stared at the newcomer with a confused expression as she looked him over as one might with a mirage. "...Why the hell you dressed like a banana? If you're having guy troubles, you can just ask any of those REDs still they are loose and run amok with hanky panky nonsense."
"Cause we BLUs treat this like the war it is, not treat it like some foreplay for bedroom activity"
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redbritishsniper · 3 years
∗ 1o﹕ sender  wields  a knife  at  receiver . - @theteufortcrew, from filippo. he's just a wee bit paranoid
"Whoa ok, love." Despite the fact that her own teammate, a recent transfer, is pointing his knife at her, doesn't mean she was annoyed by it. Yet she half frowned by his first choice of action. "Can I ask what exactly did I do? Or better yet, why?"
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newfie-bartender · 3 years
❝ oh no! i’m sorry! this is a horrible first impression! ❞ - @theteufortcrew, from dante!
@theteufortcrew closed for DANTE //
It was an accident, nothing major, luckily. It was more Evelyn's fault anyways, for leaving the mop bucket so close to the door. When the newcomer had opened the door, it swung and hit the bucket, causing it to spill all over her once clean floors. She simply shook her head, walking over to them with a small smile, she gently replied,
"Don't even worry about it bud, shit happens! You're not hurt, I'm not hurt, and that's what matters."
She made quick time cleaning up the spill, taking the bucket behind her bartop for safe keeping until she was ready to dump it.
"Come, sit, relax! Can I getcha a drink?"
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angelxtwins · 3 years
🐆 - @theteufortcrew
Mika/Teagan for some good Engineer fun Hiro/Fillipo for Spies squinting at each other Blake/Katell which is really funny because Blake wouldn't be in this line of work but the image of her threatening to fuck Hiro and Mika's parent because they're both fucking menaces and they expect it to be Chihiro bc she's a milf who is literally right there,,,, NOT THE NERDY ASS PROFESSOR MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS Chihiro/Thomas because they're just like 🤝 anxiety Pluto/Dante just has good energy idk what to say LMAO
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“looks like i’ll live long enough to make you pay.” - @theteufortcrew, from Richard
Nathan wheezed between coughs from inhaling the dust accidentally, his eye tearing up and becoming bloodshot as it starts to sting.
"For what? Kicking your arse?"
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dead-eye-ranger · 2 years
“do you want to get a drink or something?” - @theteufortcrew, Dante
Arthur finished packing his things, after finishing another training session with Dante. The Brut was getting better, thankfully, and he's been seeing him start to throw more punches on the battlefield.
"What brought that up?" He asked in a teasing tone, tying the bags onto The Count's saddle. "Wanna spend more time with me?"
He glanced at him, his sly smile hidden by his arm. He did want to go with him. He just wanted to see how Dante would react.
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🐟 - @theteufortcrew, Alastair!
send 🐟 for a starter where my muse is a mermaid and yours has found them!
Nathan wasn't having any of this. Not one bit. His tail got caught in between some rocks, and he couldn't get free in time for the tide. So now he was stuck. And in some pain. He hoped that he could wait for high tide again, and try to get himself free, but it seemed like the world was out to get him.
He looked up at where he saw the human coming from, struggling to get out, careful to not make any noise. When he looked up again, there it was. Upright on what he thought they called "legs", staring down at him.
He struggled harder to get out, his tail only getting further in between the rocks, making him hiss in pain. He didn't want to die. He wanted to go back home. If he could just get free!
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beecavegunslinger · 2 years
‘can we get coffee if i come?’ - @theteufortcrew, Amanda
"Ah don't see why not." Colt smiled, dusting his hands off after fixing a fence. "Are ya payin?"
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downunderloner · 2 years
"how about we don’t do that.” - @theteufortcrew, Kaede
Levi grinned, wiggling his brows. "How's about we do, aye?" The two were perched right over an engineer nest, the sniper proposing that the two of them try to take it. Adrenaline and excitement sparked in his veins, lighting up his green eyes.
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monmuses · 3 years
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@theteufortcrew​ continued from here
     The tall Polynesian woman hadn’t expected their Medic to look... so stressed. Was he the only one here? She expected there to be a few more people here, but he was here alone. That... is strange. Raising a brow, she lightly shook his hand. “Anything to fill out any personnel paperwork is fine,” she explained. “I come from overseas and brought some items along. I hope I am not stressing you out too much.”
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     Something told Kai that this was going to be a new experience. She was in the main lands of America after all. She set her bag down near the doors and approached the Medi-gun that was being tinkered with in the medbay. Strange mechanical work... what was it?
     “Sorry for not being... knowledgeable with this new technology--” she gestured to the Medi-Gun, “--but what is this exactly? I haven’t seen anything like it before.” 
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zhedoktorisin-sane · 2 years
Dante ran through the map in an attempt to escape a RED Demoman that seemed intent on kicking his ass, huffing and puffing as he finally lost him, but ended up barreling straight into the RED Medic. "Agh! Snatch, twat, cunt- oh, hello there, Ignatz." - @theteufortcrew
"One, never call me zhat in public," he hissed, holding up a red gloved finger. "Two, don't zhink just because we shared a moment zhat I'm going to keep you safe." He shoved Dante back, syringe gun in hand. "I will let you chose how you die."
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"MAJOR SNIFFLES! Where in tarnation have you gone off to?!" A Soldier runs through the woods, pot clanging against his head as he moved, looking for something. Dressed in yellow, there was something odd about him. - @theteufortcrew, Rick
The Pyro jumped at the voice, not expecting anyone to be around them. They had found a stuffed-up skunk, hoping to bring it to the Circle so they could help the poor thing breathe a little easier. However, when the man called out, the skunk perked up and started to waddle its way toward the voice.
"You know that guy?" They asked, following the critter. "Come here, I'll take ya to him."
With little effort, the Pyro picked up the skunk, surprised that it seemed to be alright with being moved around. Walking towards the voice, the Pyro spotted the yellow jacket in the midst of greenery, hearing the voice come from the man.
"This little guy yours?" they called, making sure they had their gas mask off. "Wonder how he got so far into the forest."
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newfie-bartender · 3 years
❝ you look lost, do you need help? ❞ - @theteufortcrew, from sam!
@theteufortcrew closed for SAM //
Somehow, she had taken a wrong turn. Even though the town wasn't all the big, all it took was one wrong turn for Evelyn to have no idea where she was. None of the buildings looked even remotely familiar, and it wasn't long until anxiety got the best of her.
She was close to tears when the sudden voice caused her to turn, her bottom lip wobbling slightly as she barely got out,
"How could you tell?"
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angelxtwins · 3 years
‘  you  know  ,  i  wanna  ask  you  to  dance  . ’ - @theteufortcrew, katell @ blake
"Oh, really?" Blake smiles appraisingly at the woman over their drink. "What's stopping you?"
She'd just come to this bar for the sake of having a night away from grading, which would usually be spent reading quietly or spending time with one of his children. But spending time at a club seemed to be a nostalgic change of pace and apparently they were right.
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