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Another Random Object Show: SEASON 1
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EPISODE 23: …and the champion is;
The day of the finale, everything went silent. Nobody spoke. Birds chirped as The Final 4 waited for The Gourd.
Cuby and David were signing to each other.
“What will we do now?”
“Alright. Who gets the win though?”
“Seems fair. Should we keep an eye on them?”
Cuby now looks over at Mime and Sunny.
“Aren't you excited? We’re at the finals!! :D”
“WE DID ittTtttTTTT!! yAYY YYYYYYYY!!” Mine cheered with Sunny.
David nods, now hearing The Gourd ringing a bell.
“FINALISTS! I have read your files.” He now unveils 4 dishes. “You will all get a final meal before the finale begins.”
Cuby’s Meal was a plate of Takoyaki and Sōbe, David’s was a Funnel Cake and Coke, Mime’s was strange— a peanut and banana yogurt and glass of water which it immediately ravished. Finally, Sunny got a cosmic snack, the name of which he immediately exclaimed— “STARCRUNCHIES!!” He exclaimed. “..it’s a mux of Aesteroids and Stardust!” He gasped. “EEEE!! and a Starshake!!” He immediately slurped a strange, luminous purple drink which seemed to be made of stardust.
The Gourd nodded as he watched the contestants eat, before announcing — “You may also choose THREE former contestants to help you on your finale.” Sunny gasps, now running over. “I WANNA PICK!! Okay, okay, I wannntt.. Moony, Starry and—” The Gourd pat Sunny. “Now, now, they’ll participate.” He nods. “...oh, okay.” He says.
Sunny now excitedly waited as Cuby, David and Mime finished up their suppers.
“FINALISTS! THIS! IS! YOUR! FINAL! CHALLENGE!” The Gourd announced , revealing The Lava Pit.
“...wouldn’t I just win again, this seems unfair…” Sunny says, stepping back. “Au contraire! This is NOT just ONE contest. It's 25.” The Gourd says. “You will all have to complete a collection of 25 contests, 22 have already appeared, leaving 3 to be completed BY YOURSELF!” He now points. “Your 3 Volunteering Eliminatees will help you based on the era of the challenges! Contests 1 to 10 are Pre-Merge Challenges, Contests 11 to 16 are Team Merge Challenges, and Contests 17 to 22 are post-merge challenges! Contests 23 to 25, however? YOU FINALISTS HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF!” The Gourd announced, excitedly. “YAAAAYYY!!” Sunny cheers. “AND! AND!” The Gourd now is excited, due to Sunny’s Infectious Enthusiasm. “The 25th, and final challenge is NOT hard at all!” He now raises a Trophy.
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“THIS trophy will determine the winner, get past ALL 24 contests, and you WIN!” He announces, now sending the Trophy to the end of the challenge.
“WAIT. WHAT ABOUT THE OTHERS?” Mime says. “...hm?” The Gourd waits for it to continue. “...THE OTHER ELIMINATE d CONTESTANTS?” It followed. “Ah! They will sit in the stands, being spectators.” He nods. “Now, get to the starting — uline.” He points, the four now step on a red line. “The first four contestants will meet you at the end of the very first contest, GO!”
Cuby, per his previous strategy, went with the large-yet-trickety platforms, David chose the pegs, clinging between them.
Meanwhile, Sunny and Mime already finished, as Sunny had swam across the lava, while Mime had shapeshifted into Hangman and simply hung across the platform. Sunny’s first assistant was…
“Greetings!” Angel said, “YOU– uh… hm. Whatever!” Devil groans. “We shall assist you!” Angel said. “Yeah, yeah, MAKE SURE WE GET CREDITS!” Devil demanded. “YAY!! Let’s go!” Sunny rushed into The Tightrope section, meanwhile, Mime had met up with…
“YAY!!” Paperplates exclaims, seeing Mime. “RAHHHH!!!” Mime grabbed onto Paperplates, now flying with her.
Sunny now grabbed onto Angel, who also flew him across. As Sunny finished Tightrope, David and Cuby finished Crossing the Pit, meeting with Lightning and Flower, who Cuby ignored to pick David up. “Huh? Wait, but I’m—” Flower got pushed away, as he followed the two, alongside Lightning who helped him. “You have to like, work with us! Why are you helping each other??” Lightning asks, only to get David thrown at her by Cuby, who now crossed The Tightrope with him.
Sunny and Mime were still insync, quickly finishing the Free Draw section.
Cuby decided to stop and quickly paint, while David began to sew. Though Lightning insisted he hurry up, Cuby ignored her just before finishing his painting and moving on.
Sunny and Mime now got stuck on Questions Answered, with The Colon Duo and Comedy giving them hints. “...this is easy! It's the one you were on…!”
“...err… TEAM FUN!” Sunny finished the first… of three questions. Cuby rushed in and quickly finished all 3, now getting a running start.
“Aren't you gonna hurry up?” Flower asked David, who shook his head. “...oh… okay.” Flower now sat besides him as he began to continue to sew.
Cuby now shot around in the laser arena, getting a pass to go ahead after eliminating all 20 standees. Eventually, Sunny and Mime followed close behind him, they, too, began shooting at all 20 standees, Pink and Green paint flying everywhere.
Despite Sunny and Mime getting right behind him, Cuby remained a step ahead, he now grabbed onto Lightning, who groaned– “FINALLY!” and flew up and over Mount. Frigid, into the next challenge.
David Stix finally finished his The Gourd plush and placed it onto the scanner, allowing him to pass into Questions Answered.
All the while, Sunny now reached the summit of Mount Frigid by hiking up it, he looked around and wondered where Mime and Paperplates were, before realizing they had already begun snowboarding down the mountain, to which Sunny giggled and said– “I’m coming for you, Mimester! Weeee!”, being flown down by Angel.
Flower now gave David the clues to Questions Answered— “so, you—” BZZZTT!! David already figured it all out. “...huh.” Flower said, slightly surprised, now moving on with him.
As Mime now slew into the sword-fighting contest, Paperplates had to air over the arena. “Alright, I’ll slay you, prep!” Money Bag said, now raising his sword before being thrown into the waters. Cuby, however, was genuinely having issues fighting against Hot Chocolate, so when he saw Mime and Sunny getting ahead, he began to panic. “FOCUS! You’ll win this!” Hot Chocolate told him, he nodded and pushed her, too, into the water. Now running off towards Sunny and Mime.
Sunny had already finished his dance, meanwhile, Mime still had struggles with his. Cuby looked around the ballroom, now spotting GyroGyro, before groaning, realizing what choreo Star and Heart had made.
David now slew into the sword-fighting area, and began to fight Ramen, who he immediately tried to spare. “Oh.. thanks, but I gotta go down.” Ramen explained. David sighed, now pushing her off. “It’s okay! ..you tried.” Flower told David, who felt just slightly better now. David now walked into the ballroom, where he danced across the floor, leaving Cuby and Mime behind as he got into the next challenge.
As Sunny got a pass, Comedy was judging the Comedy Show. “Fitting, isn't it?” He chuckled to David. “Me and the other spectators are watching, so entertain us!” He now smiled, revealing the entire cast behind him. David immediately froze up, and started sweating, only to get covered by Flower blurting— “ACK! WEED!” towards a weed he had spotted, causing a combustion of laughs that allowed David to pass. Following them were Mime, who got many laughs out of his strange contortions, and Cuby, who had to get Lightning to tell a storytime off of Twitter to get a pass.
This was followed by a rather abrupt judge of Tragedy for the tear-jerking challenge, with him uncontrollably sobbing and telling them “JUST GO! I’M SORRY! I’M SAD!!”, it ended up getting The Finalists into a four-way-tie as they reached the Team Merge Era Challenges.
“FINALISTS! CONGRATS ON MAKING IT THIS FAR! HERE ARE YOUR NEXT ASSISTANTS!” The Gourd now appeared, opening a gate to the enlonged and enlarged Audience Row from the theatre of Episodes 9 and 10. When he did so, Starry replaced The Colon Duo, Cloudy replaced Paperplates, Heart replaced Lightning, and Hangman replaced Flower. “HAVE A QUICK BREAK TO GET TO KNOW YOUR ASSISTANTS!” He said.
“...ugh, I have to help silent boy?” Heart said, to which Cuby eyerolled. “...I’m learning to forgive you.” Cloudy tells Mime, who says; “YEAH… SORRY…”
“It’s been far too long…” Starry hugs Sunny, who hugs her tightly. Hangman, meanwhile, looked David up and down and said– “...fine. Whatever.”
“AND GO!” The Gourd snapped his fingers, causing a rush. Hangman and David quickly sped across The Haunted House, with Sunny and Starry, alongside Mime and Cloudy quickly following suit. “Do.. do I have to go into that FILTHY house…?!” Heart asked Cuby, who pinched his eyes. Cuby now picked Heart up, who screamed as he ran across with her through the haunted house.
David now looked at Hangman, wanting to ride him for The Umbrella challenge. “...what?” Hangman asked. “...oh, yeah. Sure.” David now seemed happy, and went to try and grab onto Hangman, but instead slipped and landed bridal style, though Hangman was indifferent to it, David now began questioning himself as he and Hangman went across the canyon. “Alright, c’mon.” Hangman said, snapping David out of it.
Cloudy and Mime followed suit in David’s steps, with Mime flying across the canyon on Cloudy before running off with her. Sunny and Starry also came after them, but byt did the challenge as intended, both using an umbrella to cross the canyon.
Finally, Heart whined and said— “I never had to do this! Carry me, silent!” to which Cuby gripped Heart’s Wrist and carried her across the canyon as she screamed— “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? OHMYGOD, PULL ME UP! YOU FUCKTARD! IHNYGODOHMYGOD!! WHY??” just as they wre landing on the other side, she lightly smacked Cuby’s arm and walked away.
Triangula and Star, covered in Light Blue Paint, were at the next challenge, which was to figure the fake was. Sunny and Starry, alongside Hangman and David, had common sense and thus finished around the same time. Mime and Cloudy landed however, and Mime immediately pointed at Star. “...Mime… HOW.” Triangula asks. “I don’t mean to be rude, I really don’t, but I am a TRIANGLE. THAT IS A STAR!” Triangula yells. “STAR?! OHMYGOD!!” Heart now rushed in, “HEART!! WANNA MAKE OUT.” Star now excitedly says. “OHMYGOD, YES.”,the two began passionately, and loudly, making out infront of the others. “Oh, ew. Uh… you guys can go, I’m gonna go with Cuby, I guess.” Triangula says. “Do they ALWAYS do that?” Cloudy asks her. “...whenever they see each other, they usually do THAT first, but usually then they act like normal people.” Triangula tells Cloudy. “Huh…” She looked back and immediately looked away upon seeing Heart giving Star something not to be shown on TV.
“Pick your poison.” Lunartic says, standing next to Moony as Hangman and David arrive. Hangman sinisterly chuckles and STABS a flag into Lunartic. “OW! BITCH!” He snarls, tied up. “..thank god we tied him up on the moon, huh?” Starry tells Moony. “..indeed. We’re still not out yet though, let’s talk later.” Starry nodded, placing a flag into Moony lightly. Mime and Cloudy, alongside Cuby and Triangula both came afterwards, and all four sinisterly smiled at each other. “...what are you guys planning? MOONY, MOONY WHERE ARE YOU GOING??” Lunartic panics as Moony leaves with Starry and Sunny. “MOONY?? WHAT— WHAT. WHAT–” They raise their flags, leaving a haunting scream throughout the area.
David and Hangman make it to the airplanes, where Hangman carries David bridal style again. During this period, David slips something into Hangman’s hand, blushing lightly as they pass the vat of acid. “DAVID! CONGRATS ON BEING THE FIRST HERE!” The Gourd says, David quickly pecks Hangman and hides behind The Gourd. “...AND FOR DISCOVERING SOMETHING ABOUT YOURSELF, I GUESS??” The Gourd seems utterly confused, but hears David. “OH! HANGMAN! Check your pocket!” The Gourd translates. Hangman, still a bit shocked from the peck, checks his pocket. “Caaall me later??” Hangman looks at David. “...yeah.. sure.” Hangman considers it, switching out now.
Sunny and Starry, alongside Moony, follow suit and gently fly across the gap of land, before swinging across the vat of acid and making it to the line. “SUNNY!! YOU’VE MADE IT ASWELL!” The Gourd now tilts his head. “with Moony too…? OH WELL!! MOONY AND STARRY!” He opens the gates to the audience’s seats. “Swap with Question Mark!” Question Mark now walks out of the stadium. “...I’ll keep your promise.” she tells Moony. “...LET’S GOOO!!” Sunny says, hyped. “anddd hold on while I make some adjustments…” The Gourd says, switching something out. “Oh! David! You’ll be paired with someone NOT on the show, since we haven’t any other contestants who’d want to work with you, R0BUDDY!!” The Gourd now snaps, summoning a Robot. “HELLO! I AM R0BUDDY! HERE TO HELP.” It says. “SO COOOOOL!!” Sunny’s eyes twinkle. “Mime and Cuby! Finally here! …where’s Heart and…? Oh well, CLOUDY! TRIANGULA!” He snaps his fingers, switching them out.
“...here we are.” Phantom tells Mime, who begins to slightly sob. “...here we are!” House tells Cuby, who nods, determined.
“POST MERGE CHALLENGES! GO!” The Gourd snaps his fingers, beginning the next section of the contest. 4 limousines now appear and take each of the contestants, and their assistants away to a Fancy Restaurant.
“Let’s see, let’s see…” Sunny now looks, spotting Exclamation Mark. “..hi!” he waves to Sunny, who realizes— “OH! THIS IS THE DATE CHALLENGE! HAVE FUNNN!!” He tells Question Mark. Mime arrives with Phantom, looks around, and spots Comedy and Tragedy. “..HUH??” He looks at the table. “OH! CAN I GET YOU GUYS ANYTHING??” Comedy and Tragedy begin ordering from Mime, meanwhile, Cuby looks for House’s date, and spots Penta. He now begins to open and order for the two. Finally, R0BUDDY leads David to a table. “TEEHEE!! WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORDER, NEWLY, WEDS? WINK. WINK.” David was confused, until he saw Hangman and began to flush and steam.
After nearly an hour later, the dates began to end. Comedy and Tragedy were the first couple to go, allowing for Mime and Phantom to go ahead. Sunny reclaimed Question Mark shortly afterwards, and House and Penta left on their own, David, however, took the longest.
“I KNOW IT’S NICE, BUT DON’T YOU WANNA WIN?” David now looked at R0BUDDY, snapping out of his flustered state, and shook his head, pointing at Hangman. “OH. HUH.” Hangman now got up and sighed. “David, you deserve the win. Listen, we can talk AFTER the contest, okay?” David now stared sadly at Hangman. “...I promise to call you.” He says, now letting David get up and move along.
R0BUDDY now gave everyone a camera as they walked out into The Whispering Woods, before extending his arm to grab Daisy in from the stands as the ghost. “.. !!” Daisy was alerted and then flashed by the cameras.
Mime immediately took a photo of her and moved on, followed by Cuby, who did the same. Question Mark, being considerate, however, asked Daisy; “Are you okay?” Sunny nodded, lending a hand to her. “I'm alright..” She said, grabbing onto Sunny’s hand. “Can we take a photo of you, Ms. Pretty??” Sunny says. “Sure, go ahead.” She said politely. Question Mark took a photo, then said; “Thanks!” before walking off. R0BUDDY stared at David, confused. “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?? TAKE A PICTURE OF THE DEAD GIRL.” He said. “...DAISY, WAS IT? HOW DO YOU GET SOMEONE TO STOP BEING GAY. DAVID WON’T STOP LOOKING AT PHOTOS HE TOOK WITH HANGMAN.” R0BUDDY asked. “Hm.. David is it..?” She asked politely. David nodded, tilting his head. “It’s nice to meet you, but I know.. It’s hard to leave someone you love behind, but remember what he said to you?” David now thought about it… and began fantasizing. “...YEAH, HIS LOVER ISN’T DEAD. HE’S JUST EXPERIENCING LOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME.” R0BUDDY said, coming off almost harshly. “Love takes a lot of time and care, but I'm sure your lover wants you to win and all, they’re probably cheering you on.” She said, David nodded, and walked away. “TAKE A PIC— OHMYGOODNESS.” R0BUDDY walked away from Daisy now. Daisy just looked around as they walked away.
Following that contest, Sunny messed up a few times, but eventually got through The Obstacle Course of Certain Death. Mime followed swiftly after, with Cuby getting only a note from House. “BUSY WITH PENTA, WILL BE IN STANDS!!” Cuby eyerolled and crumbled the note, now swiftly racing across the course with Mime and David. The three re-entered The Whispering Woods, met by Penta who said; “Yeah, the challenge is to capture me, or something.” He shrugs. “...actually, I think it's me, Period, Daisy and Lunartic to capture so—” Cuby immediately took a photo of Penta and walked off. “Alright, I guess.” He shrugged. David now used R0BUDDY to flash Daisy again, and walked off too. Mime now turned into Exclamation Mark and called out— “PARKER!! PARKERRR!!”, luring Period out who said— “What?”, only to be flashed by Mime. “OH, DAMN IT!!” Period ran back to the stands, Sunny now made it, to which Penta chuckled. “Oh, you’re gonna love this!” He now grabbed Lunartic, flags still impaled into him, and showed him to Sunny, who flashed him, causing him to be in a state of shock. “YAAAAYYY!!”
The finalists now made it to the final stretch– the Miliflower challenge. Cuby and Mime already had more than enough Miliflowers, leaving just Sunny to grow atleast a Million Miliflowers. David began growing Miliflowers too, but picked some of them to use in a bouquet for Hangman.
“FINALISTS! THIS! IS! THE! FINAL! CHALLENGE!” The Gourd said, now removing all assistants. “GOODBYE.” R0BUDDY said, now closing into an idle mode, “THANKS QUINN!!!” Sunny waved to Question Mark, as she walked away. “So far, Cuby has been the first here TWICE, David has been the first here ONCE, Mime’s been here TWICE, and Sunny’s been here ONCE. Mime and Cuby, you two seem like winners. BUT THESE LAST 3 CHALLENGES WILL DETERMINE THAT!” The Gourd says.
David now comes to the gates, and talks to Hangman, getting distracted as The Gourd says “GO!”
The first new challenge is a puzzle. Mime and Sunny solved it easily, but trying all he might, Cuby was unable to solve it.
Mime and Sunny, now as the final two, begin to work as the final challenge is a maze. Mime and Sunny nod, parting ways as they try to figure a way out. Quickly, however, Sunny learns through a sign what this really is. “LADY BLUE LABYRINTH..? …wait! That means..” Sunny now retraces, quickly using a process of elimination method. As he finds the exit, Mime is CLOSE behind.
The final thing stopping either Mime or Sunny from winning is a 5 foot run, swiftly, and under stress, Mime grabs for Sunny as his limbs begin to melt and elongate, just before…
That sound of “glowiness” means a winner has been announced.
“AUDIENCE! Here are the rankings.” The Gourd reveals. “David Stix placed 4th. He did NOT make it through the puzzle, sorry Hangman.” The Gourd nods. “...oh well, he tried.” Hangman shrugged.
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“Following them.. Cuby. He JUST made it past the Puzzle when the winner got our trophy.” The Gourd now looked into the crowd, cringing at Lightning laughing about Cuby losing, alongside Star and Heart laughing about it too. “Let me remind you, Cuby got 3rd. Much better than ANY of you.” The Gourd snarls. “...yeah, he still failed.” Heart chuckles.
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“OUR WINNER, HOWEVER. IS.” The Gourd now reveals…
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Someone’s hand just barely got the trophy, said hand was wonky, meaning…
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“SUNNY HAS WON!” The Gourd announced, now coming over to Sunny and raising his arm. “Oh? OH! WOWEE! WOW!! WOWWOWOWOWOOWW!!” Sunny now excitedly stimmed due to the win. “WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWWOWOOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sunny said, fluttering his hands. “...SUNNY!” The Gourd said, causing him to slightly calm down. “SORRY! Just.. uhm, yeah? YEAH??” The Gourd now placed his hand on Sunny’s shoulder, looking into his deepest desire. “...you wish to return to Space?” The Gourd asks. “YEAHH!! :3” The Gourd nods. “...so be it.” He snaps his fingers, flinging everybody into space.
“WOWW!! GUYS!! WELCOME TO MY HOUSEEE!! XD” Sunny says. “...how erm… vast.” Heart says. “...how do we get down??” Triangula asks.
“Where’s House and Pen— ohmygod, they’re going to town again.” Phantom says. “ATLEAST WE HAVE EACH OTHER!!” Comedy says.
“...in a weird way, that's true. We have each other.” Moony says.
“...and I shall see you! ALL! SOMETIME! LATER!! THANK YOU ALL FOR PARTICIPATING! FAREWELL!” The Gourd now claps, returning to earth.
“...well, what now..?” Flower says. “I'm not sure.. I'm going to visit the graveyard.” Daisy said. “Why? Was Margatha important to you?” Period asks. “...yeah… how.. long DID you know Margatha?” Question Mark asks. “Nono.. it’s about.. Golden Rose’s condition,” She said worriedly. “...is he terminally ill?” Phantom asked, concerned. “From what I know— ever since he’s been visiting my gravestone.. He's been coughing a lot and.. I remember it being called.. Hanahaki Disease.” She said a bit shocked at the info. “...y’know, we lost people too.” Moony said, somberly. “...I… made a mistake, and I can’t go back and fix it, so…” Starry confessed. “At Least Lumos is still here… somewhere.” Star said. “I wanted Golden Rose to take care of himself.. or else.. he’d die with living with that Hanahaki Disease.” She said full of guilt. “...yeah.” Cloudy said, slowly descending to Earth.
The vastness of space remained as the cast began to slowly fall down to Earth’s Atmosphere, besides the space objects.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“...and the champion is;” was co-written by Mont.
“Join the elite world of financing with Kārds and Co. Banking, LLC. With Kārds and Co., our cutting-edge technology allows YOU, a potential investor, to get information on the economy in REAL TIME! Know when to buy! Know when to sell! But most importantly, our financiers will GUARANTEE your financial security, our founder, Hearts Kārd, built an empire upon her expertise, allowing the likes of Diamonds Kārd, Spades Kārd, Telephone, and even Money Bag to guarantee you financial security TODAY! Call the number on-screen, NOW!”
“Discover Flavorful Delights at Marianna and Diana’s Tacos and Burgers! Our restaurant is located conveniently on the outskirts of The 51st State, making US a popular destination for tourists!” Marianna exclaims. “and, we are an open safe space for the LGBTQ+ community, did you know we’re Lesbians?” Diana says, pecking Marianna. “Indeed, we are!”
“Don’t wait, come today!”
“Don’t be shy, we don't bite!”
“Visit us at 56 Takani Ln in The 51st State today!”
“...hey! Where did the Taco and Burger we were holding g—”
“This first season was a success.”
“Indeed it was!”
“I have decided. A second season shall begin production next year.”
“When? I’m so excited! Thank you!”
“July 14th, 2018. That is the day the season will air. I’m giving you until July 1st, 2018 to recruit contestants. Get a brand new cast.”
“Sounds good!”
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0 notes
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Another Random Object Show: SEASON 1
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EPISODE 21: Superstitious Lunacy
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Sunny still felt bad about Moony, so Cuby stayed with him as he napped with his plush dog.
Question Mark now spoke to Mime— “..Final 6. We’re in the stretch.” She said. “IN DEED! IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY, WE’LL REACH THE FINAL 4, AND THE FINALE WILL OCCUR!” It said. “Really? That's weird. Most Finals take place with JUST 3 people, so…” Question Mark sighed. “then again, most shows let the viewers vote and such.” She shrugged. “Y EAH!” Mime agreed.
All the while, House was talking to David. “I just… god, I really miss him.” He sighed, speaking about Penta. “He left an hour ago, sure, but I still really miss him.” David now signed to him. “...I get it, but…” he sighs deeply.
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Cuby signs with David, signaling him to go over to Sunny. House then walks to Mime.
“Hey Mime, how did you deal with losing Phantom?” He asked. “HUH? OH, HONESTLY, I JUST TRIED TO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE FACT MY FATHER FIGURE HAD BEEN ELIMINATED! IT USUAL Ly WoRKS !” It exclaimed. “and when it doesn’t?” Question Mark points out. “... i don’T wanna talk about that.” Mime says. “HoW IS SUNNY?” He asks Cuby. Cuby signed to him. “OHH.. HE’LL CHEER UP SOON! WATCH!”
David helped Sunny as he woke up, giving his plush dog a flower. “..huhhh..? ..ohh.. yaaayyy!! Flowersss!! :-)” he said.
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“I’ve just realized Penta is NOT where he's meant to be, therefore, he's been INTERFERING with the games!” The Gourd stated. “Usually, I don't mind a contestant not being truly ELIMINATED, but I cannot STAND the thought of him being on the show premises!” The Gourd stated. “Your challenge today is to GET THAT MAN TO ME!”
“...and if we don’t—?” House said, getting cut off by a “JUST GO!”
The Gourd now summoned into The Whispering Woods.
“...right, I’ll go with House.” Question Mark said. Cuby and David went together, leaving Sunny, who enthusiastically said to Mime— “Let’s say Hi to Penta! ^v^”, skipping into the forest.
Mime told Sunny— “You’ll give away our location, you know that, right?” as Lunartic. “Never become Loon- Lunnn… Lunartic! LUNARTIC! Ever again! >:(“ Sunny told Mime off. Mime then silently mumbled an apology.
Cuby and David, meanwhile, were looking for Penta, but frequently got distracted by things like berries and animals. Cuby gave David a blue songbird, he then stood to listen, meanwhile, House and Question Mark already found Penta.
“Oh great, here to capture me?” He said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. “...actually, I wanted to say; Thanks. For last episode.” Question Mark said. “...aren't you gonna do the challenge?” Penta asked. “N AH MAN, YOU’LL BE GOOD! ME AND SUNNY SAY HI, TOO!” Mime spoke. “Helloooo!!” Sunny waved. Cuby and David also approached Penta, but signed for “THANK YOU.”
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“..this is all very sweet, but if nobody is safe, who is being eliminated?” Penta asked. “...I wish to quit with you.” House said. “...House, you don't—” House stopped Penta. “No. This is what I want.” He sighed. “...Cuby, David, Mime, Question Mark, and Sunny?” House said. “...go back. Tell The Gourd what I have done.” House said. “...Penta? …let’s go. Bid aideu!” House waved at the others as he walked into the forest with Penta. “...bye bye! :-)” Sunny waved at him. “...I’ll miss you! ^^” he added. “...love is a powerful weapon, isn't it…?” Question Mark says. “...it really is!” Mime says, shifted as Heart. “...well, I suppose it is our time to go, too.” It notes. Cuby, David? Could you—
Cuby was already on it, as David tried to speak, he replicated himself, making a version of himself that has a bell for a voice, which rang loudly until The Gourd teleported them back.
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“YOU CAUGHT HIM?!” The Gourd excitedly says.
“No.” Mime said, back to its normal form.
“...NONE OF YOU EVEN TRIED??” The Gourd said, despaired.
“Actually, we just don't want to.” Question Mark shrugged.
Cuby signed something, David added onto it. Resulting in The Gourd replying; “WELL, YOU’RE ALL— …where’s House?”
“He quit the show! Rule 4, remember?” Sunny says. The Gourd groans, before shaking his head and summoning a sofa. “I… I need a break. Y’know what… I suppose that makes YOU the Final 5.” The Gourd now chuckles as he sits up. “WHICH IS ONE EPISODE AWAY FROM A FINALE!!” He excitedly squeals. “ALRIGHT! CONTESTANTS! Get some rest! Sleep, eat, drink, WHATEVER! Just be prepared for our PENULTIMATE challenge!”
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“So.. what IS your story?” Penta asked. “..oh, it's… not interesting. I was a House built in 1983, and, well, slowly, I grew up and… people began living in me. I would become an inanimate object, and let people live inside me. Eventually, since nobody had come in a while, I let myself go out.” He said. “...that's pretty interesting, I would say.” Penta replied. “..you're much more interesting!” House said. “..oh, stop it.”
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Another Random Object Show: SEASON 1
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EPISODE 20: Death Penalty!
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Sunny played with some toys as Cuby watched over him. David began to sign to Cuby, to which Cuby signed back. Through this, Sunny tried signing too and barely understood. “You think we could bring him with us?” David signed. “誰が?” Cuby signed. “Sunny, do you think we could bring Sunny with us to the finals?!” David signed. “なぜ?” Cuby signed. “Because he’s so silly! C’monn, please??” He asked, signing. “Just look at him!” He pointed after signing.
“Hello! もしもし!” Sunny signed, using both ASL and JSL, learning from David and Cuby. “AWWWWWW, LOOK AT HIMMM!!!” David signed, energetically. “...fine.” Cuby signed, using ASL. “YAY!!” David signed. Sunny then tried signing again, but it was broken and came out to “Orange give Orange yes?”, before he realized what he meant and signed “I love you. 愛してます!” in both languages.
Meanwhile, Moony, Question Mark and House were all sitting together in a therapy bubble.
“...so. We’ve lost many people.” Moony said. “First Star, then Starry… maybe not so much Lunartic, but still.” House nodded. “and I was doing so well… until Penta got… y’know?” He sighed. “I already miss him.” Question Mark now stood up. “Hey! Let’s not get sad! Listen, Exclamation Mark and Period may be waiting for me, Starry might be waiting for Moony, and Penta is most definitely waiting for House, but we can’t let their sacrifices drag us down! We’re SO CLOSE!” She exclaimed. “Besides, Penta never went to THE INBETWEEN, is that right?” She said, “Correct! I’m still here, by the by.” Penta said. “PENTAAAA!!” House went to try and hug him, and wrapped his arms around where Penta would physically be. “Ah. Nice to see you again, House.” Penta said.
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“That's adorable… wait, you two are a couple?” Question Mark now asked. “...well, I may be dead, but the dead can still become infatuated with the living, y’know.” Penta shrugged. “Huh… y’know, I think I knew you two would always be like that. With you being so interconnected and all…” Moony said. “..why thank you.” Penta said, now scruffing House’s roof.
“OOOOhhHhHhH!! I’M TELLING THE GOURD! >:)” Mime said, spotting Penta, who immediately grabbed him. “Firstly, I already live here. Secondly, It would fail. I already escaped THE INBETWEEN, many, many years ago, and I’m overruled by a deep anger towards the family that cut my phone lines before my death so I couldn't call for 911, even though they broke in and robbed me after I had died.” He now glared at Mime. “and thirdly, I’m going to HELP you.” He says. “All of you, actually. I have seen Today’s Challenge, and it will become increasingly impossible, so if you want to STAY in the show, WORK with me.” Mime now thought, looking at Cuby and David, still with Sunny, who now told Mime; “C’mon Mimester! <D”
…with that, Mime agreed to the plan, just as Penta went invisible.
“FINAL 7!” The Gourd clapped his hands, summoning the contestants. “Today’s Contest is VERY special, it will be the most HARDEST, BONE-BREAKING, HEARTATTACK INDUCING CHALLENGE YET!” He now unveiled the challenge, which was being held up by numerous steel beams. “THE! OBSTACLE COURSE! OF! CERTAIN DEATH!” He unveiled a seemingly innocent Obstacle Course. “UNTIL ONLY 3 OF YOU REMAIN, THE CHALLENGE WILL GO ON!” The Gourd cackles. “Now.. go.” He snapped his fingers, summoning the 7.
“Listen, when it gets tough, I’ll carry you over the obstacles.” Penta told everyone. “I’ll reappear in 10 Minutes.” He said, as the Course Track activated, forcing everyone to get moving.
“This doesn't seem so bad! Hup!” Sunny told David. David nodded, and helped Cuby duck. Meanwhile, Question Mark was struggling. “ACK! NO!! EESH!” She yelped, avoiding the course. “My goodness! This is difficult!” She told House. “..House?” She looked around for House. “...what's this..?” She swiftly grabbed a sticky note.
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“Out with Penta, be back I swear…?” She seemed confused, then realized. “...OH. What a fun time for him!” She jumped.
After 10 Minutes, the tracks were speeding up, Penta returned with House, who was utterly flustered, and began to carry everyone over.
“Wee!” went Sunny, “HOW AM I NOT DEAD?!” screamed Question Mark, “THaAAAaAAAaAnKs!” Mime gurgled. “...” Cuby, David, and Moony were silent, though Moony did thank Penta as he dropped her, and House went— “Heheheheeee… heeeee ^///^” when being carried by Penta.
The process repeated until…
“20 MINUTES ARE UP!” The Gourd said. “...and there's 7 of you… SUDDEN DEATH!” He said, as the Course now went backwards and repeated itself. Penta desperately tried to carry everyone over, but eventually…
“ACK!” Moony was flung off by a ball.
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“MOONY! YOU! ARE! OUR! 7TH PLACER!” The Gourd said. “Say your goodbyes, meet me at the Elimination Ceremony!”
Moony stared as Penta came down to profusely apologize “I am… deeply sorry, I… caused all this trouble for you and—” Moony now stopped him. “No… it’s my time.” She stated. “..you’re leaving? :-(“ Sunny said. “...like Starry?” Moony kneeled to Sunny. “...listen, Sunny… you're far ahead of me.” She chuckled. “You might even be the better Moony… sigh. You've got this in the bag, sweetie.” She pats him. “Go on.” Moony now walked to the Ceremony.
“I’m ready to go.” Moony said. “...M-mom? I.. I uhm.. I..” Sunny tried to stop her, but Moony remembered something. “Sunny… remember him?” She pulled out a plush of a yellow dog. “...y-yeah… we found him in The Junkyard and… he was my best friend…” he said. “...remember me.” Moony said, giving Sunny the plush dog. “...I.. I will.” Sunny said, tearing up.
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“..now, as a space object, you will simply disappear, so.. goodbye, Moony!” The Gourd snapped his fingers, sending her to THE INBETWEEN. “..now, I will see you all… next time.” The Gourd said, turning the Torches out.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“Halt!” Starry calls out. “Who goes?” She asked. “..I am Moony. This is Lunartic. We are… moons.” She explained. “...a moon?” Starry said. “...yes. We orbit planets and watch over them, gently caressing their oceans… but we haven't a planet, so here we are. Deciding to orbit.. your people.” She said, “...have some Moondust, it’s on us.” She nodded. “...alright… be careful, we have young ones.” Starry said, allowing Moony to pass.
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Another Random Object Show: SEASON 1
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EPISODE 19: Click-a-Death
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Cuby and David Stix, now having lost GyroGyro, began looking for new allies. They eventually spotted Mime and House and immediately ran up to House after retrieving Mime.
“JO IN US. =)” Mime says. “...no?” Mine now warps its legs to be towering over House. “J O I N U S .”
“JESUS FUCKING CHRIST OKAY!” House panics. “...can Penta Join.” He asks, Mime now discusses with Cuby and David, before turning tl House and stating… “...your pathetic boyfriend may JOIN our allegiance!” Mime says. “..not my boyfriend, BUT!” House now pauses. “Alright.” He agrees.
Meanwhile, Sunny watched with Penta as this occurred, and asked; “You’re a ghost, right?” He said. “Why yes, yes I am.” Sunny now tilted his head. “How long ago did you die..? and… how?” He asked, softly. “I died by poison, unfortunately.” He shrugged. “Oh no… who would—” Sunny was now cut off. “Oh, oh nononono! Sunny, sunny! I wasn't MURDERED! …it was myself! …by accident, really. I accidentally spilled about 35 grams of Arsenic into a cup of tea after spotting a rat. Ironically, both the rat and I died of the poison, so it must work well! As for how long ago… give or take, I died in 1932 on this very island, actually!” He states. “Woooaahh.. you live here?! :D” Sunny asks, excited now. “Can we see your house?? It must be really cool and—” Penta pats Sunny. “Maybe another time, we are still in competition, after all!” Sunny sighed, before now asking… “Are you and House… like uhm.. Venus and Jupiter?” He says. “...who?” Penta tilts his head. “Venus and Jupiter!! They were my friends, and uhhmm.. Venus really liked Jupiter…!” Sunny says. “Oh! …in a sense then, yes… but I must ask, where are they now?” Penta asks. “Dead!” Sunny cheers. “...i miss them sometimes.” He sighs.
“How interesting…” Penta says, before hearing Moony call for him. “Oh! Time to go!” Penta waves Sunny goodbye as Question Mark and Cuby go to watch over him. Meanwhile, David Stix and Mime are still terrorizing House.
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“..okay, so, you LIKE Penta?? He’s a GHOST!” Mime exclaimed as Heart. “I mean, I’m not one to judge, I’m a shapeshifting monster, but STILL! THAT IS A GHOST!” It exclaims. “I know, but I really love him!” House states back. “Is it such a crime? Perhaps I can revive him! He was 35 when he died, anyhow…” House said. “..that does bring up a question. How did Penta NOT come back? If The Gourd has been in existence for milenia now, wouldn't he revive everyone?” Mime said. “To be fair, when we started, nobody knew each other besides some obvious groups, like Sunny, Star, Starry, Lunartic and Moony— or Question Mark, Period, Exclamation Mark, and The Colon Duo..!” House noted. David sighed, resulting in Mime saying— “Oh no! The talk of eliminated contestants is making David sad!” Mime exclaimed.
“Let’s talk about something else then! Uhm… oh! The Gourd–” The Gourd now appeared behind House.
“Perfect timing!” The Gourd exclaimed as House creaked. “CONTESTANTS! HITHER!” He clapped his hands, returning Mime to normal, and teleporting everyone to him. “Contestants! Today’s challenge is simple! Nearby Mount. Frigid is the Whispering Woods, a forest that may very well be haunted!” The Gourd sighs. “but, I couldn't find any actual ghosts, so… ANYWAYS! Inside the forest, you will find 4 eliminated contestants! When 4 people have retrieved a photo to me, I will announce the SAFE CONTESTANTS! The rest of you will be Up For Elimination!” The Gourd says.
“By Eliminated Contestants, you mean holograms, right?” Penta says. “..nope! I mean ACTUAL eliminated contestants that I brought back for the challenge, NOW GO!” He claps his hands.
All 8 of them now received a polaroid camera, alongside a flashlight. Cuby now went with David and Mime, while Sunny went with Moony and Question Mark, leaving Penta and House with themselves.
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“This should be COMPLETELY EASY!” Mime says, wriggling its arms. “Oh? What's that Cuby?” He now reads Cuby’s Japanese Writing. “...good idea! Let’s meet up here!” Mime now pulled out a torch, and placed it, making a beacon for the group to return to.
Cuby began to wander the woods, and eventually encountered… “UGH! HUFF!!” Lightning. “SILENT BOY???” She says. “Ugh, let me out!” She says. Cuby chuckled, before taking a photo. Lightning was now gone, and he was confused, and began going off track to investigate where she went.
Meanwhile, for Mime and David, they were simply looking around.
Mime thought it heard something, so it ran off and found… “Ah, Mime.” Phantom. “There you are… ahem. I… think we need to speak.” He says. “...I am not mad at you. As a matter of fact… I find myself proud of you.” He now reached his arm out to Mime, gently caressing his cheek. “You’re gonna make it to the finals, and I know it.” Mime paused. A slightly watery black liquid, almost like ink, begins to form. “...is something wrong..?” Mime then hugged Phantom, staining him black, and sobbed into him. “..It’s alright, y’know…” He caressed its head as it sobbed. “IT’ S NOT! I CAUSED YOUR ELIMINATION! I SHOULD’VE–” Phantom hushed it. “..it’s alright , what’s done is done, and besides… I simply passed the torch of leadership… to you!” He told it. Mime sniffled. “..what's the challenge now?” He asked Mime. “...we gotta take photos of the eliminated contestants… sniff… and show them to The Gourd?” It said. “...but… I-I’m scared.. I.. I want to keep you and—” Phantom chuckled. “That's quite the fascinating dilemma!” Phantom sighed. “...listen… you can take my photo.” He says. “...you’ll be safe.” Phantom pats Mime. “and remember what I told you back in Mount. Frigid?” He kneeled to Mime. “..y-you're a freak of nature, but you're my freak?” It remembers . “...exactly. Go get me, freak.” Phantom said. Mime now took a photo of Phantom, causing him to disappear, and sighed, before walking to David. “...just a squirrel. Let's go.” It wiped the black liquid from its eyes and trekked onwards.
Meanwhile, Moony and Sunny were also wandering, until spitting Cloudy, who opened with; “Berries!” and, subsequently, threw a basket of Blueberries at them. “...plucked them myself!” She said. “...yeah, nice to see you again, Cloudy. We kinda gotta take your picture though.. so.. sorry but—” Moony now raises her camera, before Cloudy yells out— “WAAAAAAIIIIITTT!!” Sunny gets Moony to drop the camera… “...So, we kinda escaped the place we were in.” Cloudy says. “...what?” Moony seems confused. “..wait, where WERE you guys?” Sunny asks. “Hangman and I met these people— Daisy and… I forgot her name, but she was a Raisin, anyways, Raisin explained to us that when you're eliminated or turned into an object, you go to THE INBETWEEN.” Cloudy says. “...THE INBETWEEN is a dimension between the land of the existing and non-existent, it is achieved immediately after dying or ceasing to exist and from there, you either accept your death and move onto a higher plane of existence, or go back to The Land of Existence by being unprepared and unwilling to die.” Moony says, memories in her eyes. “...Starry, Star and The Others knew… but… how did they—?” Cloudy now answered; “Starry and Star were never officially sent to THE INBETWEEN—” Moony added that “Stars and other Celestial Beings can freely go to and from THE INBETWEEN, so it's likely she simply warped out of it. However, Celestials cannot take things OUT of THE INBETWEEN, only in, so…?” Cloudy continued; “—so, they used SHOOTING STARS, by catching a SHOOTING STAR on its way through the void of space, they were able to wish to make a portal for THE INBETWEEN, and it worked as SHOOTING STARS will always make the wish of the user come true in some way, even if it is temporary.” She stated. “Essentially, she got us a way OUT of THE INBETWEEN, and IN to The Moon, where everyone's been hanging out, except for a few.” Sunny now asks— “Who’s the few?” Cloudy answered: “Exclamation Mark and Period are still in THE INBETWEEN, they have SHOOTING STARs too, they just have to wait for Question Mark, besides them, Lightning also stayed, she wanted to get away from Heart.” She stated. “...huh. Wait, how will you get back? or is he keeping you?” Cloudy now thinks. “According to The Gourd, once we are caught, we will be sent back to THE INBETWEEN, from there, Starry will likely get us back out again, since he never did seem to mind the fact he had to get me from The Moon.” She said, “...oh! For Question Mark, Period says they're rooting for her, and for YOU two, Starry says.. she loves you.” Cloudy nods. “Alright, take me out!” Cloudy now floats. “...thank you… for all of that.” Moony sighs. “You’ll be okay, right?” She says. “..perfectly fine! Go on!” Moony sighs and gets her photo. “...you can have it.” Sunny cheers, getting the photo.
“We’re running out of time— what should we do?!” House panicked. “House, I have something to confess.” House pauses. “What is it?”
Just then, Question Mark heard Exclamation Mark from the woods, and began to run towards him. “QUINN!!” He exclaimed as she came into view. “QUINN! It's been so long!” Question Mark stared at the camera she held, and paused. “...oh. You… need to—” Question Mark stopped him, and asked; “...who… who..” she couldn’t find her words, so Exclamation Mark sighed and answered— “It's me, Eric. I promise.” He says. “After I was eliminated, I got sent to a place called THE INBETWEEN, which I think is between HERE and THERE. As for where I’ve been, I’ve been in THE INBETWEEN, with Parker. We’re waiting for you.” He says. “...anyways, before you uhm… use the camera; I believe in you.” He says. “...I love you.” Question Mark said, raising the camera and looking away. “...love you too.” CLICK.
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“TIME!” The Gourd announced. “CONTESTANTS! BRING ME YOUR PHOTOS!” He says, now clapping them back to him. Cuby turned in his photo of Lightning, and was announced safe. “Anyone else?” Sunny turned in his photo of Cloudy, and was, too, safe. Mime and Question Mark kept their photos, looking at them. “You have to turn it in to be safe~!” The Gourd says. “...C AN I HAVE IT BACK?” Mime says, “I suppose… yes.” The Gourd says, giving Mime the photo back. Question Mark kept hers, until The Gourd took it up. “andd Question Mark is safe! That means Penta, House, Moony and David are up for elimination—!”
Penta now cut him off with a “Not so fast.” The Gourd turned to him. “House is, by technicalities, safe too.” He said. “No, he is not. Does he have a photo?” House now turned in his photo of Penta. “...Penta, you are STILL a contestant.” The Gourd says. “...not anymore, no.” Penta said. “We will not NEED an elimination.” He now pulled out his icon. “I am choosing to LEAVE the show.”
“...hm…” The Gourd now summoned the list of rules and found the ELIMINATION RULES. “Rule Number 3 states that when an elimination is held, the eliminated contestant will get a chance at being saved by someone else stepping up and eliminating themselves.” The Gourd read. “Rule 4, however, states that an Elimination Ceremony is to be canceled in the event a contestant dies and moves on, or quits the show before the Official Ceremony. Therefore, my elimination is COMPLETELY fair.” He said. “House, keep things tidy around here, won’t you?” House stared as Penta threw his elimination icon into the air, and disappeared.
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“...Penta…” The Gourd paused. “...was completely in the right. Rule Number 4 states a contestant or group of contestants are allowed to quit before the Ceremony, with the consequence of the action being no Elimination Ceremony during that episode.” The Gourd states. “...therefore, this is where the episode ends.” He nods. “Does anyone else wish to quit?” He asks.
Moony and Question Mark think about it, alongside House… but then rule against it. House is still thinking about it, but he, too, stays.
“...then I shall see you all… next time.” The Gourd states, disappearing.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“House, I’ve been thinking for a while and… I have to go.” Penta told him. “...what..?” House says, sorrow in his voice. “This place is only so hospitable. and it's wearing thin, so my supposed properties haven't much protection against my need to go home.” He says. “...and another thing; I am aware you are attached to me, one may even say to a level of romantic desire.” Penta said. “...and I reciprocate those feelings. Make sure things are tidy, alright?” Penta told House.
“...I’ll be waiting at the manor.” Penta says.
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Another Random Object Show: SEASON 1
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EPISODE 18: Come Here Often?
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“FINALLY! That.. CREATURE we dare even call a person is GONE!” House proclaims. “Ughhh, this just— god, I haven't even START anything, but it's already just.. SO MUCH BETTER WITHOUT HIM HERE!” House tells Penta. “It really is. Lunartic was just.. god awful. Honestly deserves to burn in hell.” Penta agreed. “Anyways, what's Cuby and GyroGyro up to?” House said. “...think they're forming a trio with David?” Penta replied.
David nodded, agreeing to join Cuby. GyroGyro tried to show the two his ideas for the next challenge, but it was all in Japanese. Meanwhile, Question Mark was playing with Sunny, who asked— “...Ms. Mark? Why do you ask alotta questions??” He asks. “Oh, well besides being my job as a Detective Journalist, I’m just naturally curious and skeptical, I guess!” She scratched the back of her head. “So… I should ask alotta questions so I can find things out..?” He asked. “Yeah, go ahead!” Question Mark says, with Sunny cheering.
“Okay, okay, uhmmm… MOONY!! Where did I come from?” Sunny asks. “...I.. don't know, I’m sorry Sunny.” Moony sighs. “Oh, okay.. uhm… GOURDY!! WHAT’S THE NEXT CHALLENGE?? :Dl Sunny now asks. “..I should've said that.” Question Mark adds.
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“..OH! I FINISHED IT A WHILE AGO! Hold on!” The Gourd now rushes to the Ballroom Building to prepare.
After cluttering around for a bit, summoning chairs and tables, a panicked The Gourd comes back out. “ALRIGHT …alright… alright, so..” He coughs, before fixing himself. “THE NEXT CHALLENGE!! Will be dating!” He says.
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David Stix blinks, before signing something.
“Why yes David, there are… oh. Only 9 of you? Uhm…” The Gourd thinks, GyroGyro howls lowly, speaking to David.
“Alright, then you’ll be in groups of 3! You’ll pair up with two others, being either a Date Member or Third Wheel, and… if you fall into the group with the least enjoyment points, you’ll be up for elimination by the winners.. sound good?” The Gourd says.
The Contestants murmur and shrug, before being told to— “START!”
GyroGyro got assigned Sunny and House, to which he immediately stood. “...Sunny is 12.” House says. “I’m not about to go on a date with a 12-year-old.” House says. “How old are you?? :-)” Sunny asks House. “I was built in 1983, so… 34?” He says. “Oh… you're cool. :D” GyroGyro now went outside with the two, and sat. He then thought for a moment, before spotting Cuby and Mime inside.
GyroGyro went inside, and realized something— he began to switch the dates around. Cuby with David and House with Penta. He then looked, and took Mime with him.
“So, what’s this plan?!” Mime asks.
GyroGyro howls, and Mime frowns. “Sitting and getting eliminated doesn't sound like that good of a plan.” It stated. “Well yeah ! …but we don’t really have a date, now do we?” Sunny says. “..we have each other!” Mime proclaims.
“...oh, true ! Gyro, how about—” TIME!
“Now, let's see… Question Mark, Cuby and David got a… 6/10, but Penta, House, and Moony got a 10/10! Now, for… oh.” The Gourd looked around, before spotting the three. “...huh. You two are a…4/10. You guys didn't even wanna sit inside, did you.” The Gourd says. “No ^^!” Sunny says.
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“I appreciate the honesty, but unfortunately, you, GyroGyro, and Mime are up for elimination.” The Gourd sighs.
“..well.. I wouldn't vote for you, y’know!” Moony says, trying to cheer Sunny up. “...huh? Oh! I’m not sad— I’m just not paying attention right now!” Sunny tells her, leading to a small “ohokay..” from her.
“GyroGyro, Mime, and Sunny. You three were voted upon by both each other and the 6 Safe contestants. Let’s see who gets out.” He nods. He now pulls out the first card. “Sunny… you are… SAFE, as nobody voted for you.”
Sunny’s seat glew green now.
“As for Mime and GyroGyro, the votes have been cast.” He nods. “Firstly, David Stix and Sunny? Abstained from voting, and did NOT ballot a vote.” He shows a screen with the two, their icons crossed out. “Now, the first two votes are for.. Mime. Followed by 1 for GyroGyro, 1 for Mime, 1 for GyroGyro… but the final vote goes to…”
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GyroGyro’s Seat glows red. “GyroGyro, with a vote against himself, is eliminated.” He snaps his fingers, nothing happens. “...uhm… you're— go away?” He snaps his fingers until GyroGyro SCREECHES, leading to him disappearing. “..okay, I’ll take that. Anyways, see you next time.. on ANOTHER RANDOM OBJECT SHOW!” The Gourds tells the viewers as the torches go out.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
でも私の愛は、全部私のものなんです。" Yamate recited, softly stroking his wife’s head.
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EPISODE 15: Terminal Velocity
Sunny was drawing with House, before House asked him; “Hey, Sunny, when you grow up… what do you wanna be? Mime said it wants to be the world’s greatest imitation master, so.. what about you?” He asked.
“...when I grow up? ..uhm… I wanna be.. a Fireman! Because they save people! O-or a Doctor!! Doctor’s are so cool! Ooh! or best of all, a teacher! Because I can help others, yeah, yeah! <D” Sunny says, ranting about jobs to House.
“Oh please, you’d never pass.” Lunartic spoke out. “Didn't I JUST tell you to go away? The Playarea is NOT safe with you around!” Question Mark groaned. “Sorry for teaching Mime and Sunny here the COLD. HARD. TRUTH! Those idiots are too mentally ill to ever pass ANYTHING! Sunny wasn't ever sent to school in space, because it DOESN’T EXIST! and Mime.. god, what even IS Mime?” He insulted him, causing Mime to turn into Phantom and say– “Well, at least I’m not an abusive dipshit who doesn't even CARE for the people he abuses!” He growled. “Oh, fuck off. Sunny’s a retard—” and just like that, Question Mark STRUCK Lunartic across the face. “WE DON'T EVER SAY THAT WORD! NOW GO! GET!” Question Mark yelled at Lunartic, who scurried away.
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“What's the commotion..?” Cloudy asks, confused. “House and I were watching Period, Mime and Sunny when Lunartic got near the Playarea and started calling Sunny the.. R-Slur, such a horrible thing to call that sweetheart…” She says, somberly. “I mean, I’m not even surprised. Lunartic's just… Prideful. That's literally what he is. The embodiment of Pride— he thinks heaven better than everyone else and is unstoppable.” Period groans. “Good point, I’ll go get GyroGyro, he’ll be able to fend against him if he comes back.” Cloudy flew off.
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Meanwhile, Cuby approached Moony, seeming to seek advice from her. “Cuby? Why are you..?” She said, trying to now understand his sign language. “...Japan? ..what about Japan..?” Cuby then pointed at himself, causing Moony to think, before guessing. “You're frustrated nobody understands you unless you write because you're Japanese and use Japanese Sign Language?” She guesses, causing Cuby to nod frantically. “Oh! Huh… hm… I don't know what I could do, but… did you have connections with anyone who speaks Japanese?” She asks, he shakes his head, and sighs. “I’m really sorry, Cuby, I can't help you. I’m sorry.” She said, before Cuby wrote to her— “NO PROBLEM. ^^”
Just then, as Lunartic began trying to sneak jnto the PlayArea and kidnap Sunny, GyroGyro screeched at him, resulting in Penta rushing to make sure GyroGyro didn't try and trade his soul again. “I get you’re imprisoned, but STOP! The trade won’t work! We know what happened last time, right? Don't do it again!” Penta pleaded with GyroGyro, who made a begrudged agreement howl. “Thank goodness…”
DING DING! CHALLENGE TIME! Every contestant got sent back into their teams, and onto their Team Rugs, where The Gourd awaited.
“Before we begin, Penta and Cloudy? You three can NOT compete.” He told the three, causing groans on both sides. “This is because the next challenge is to FLY! Contestants ! You will be tasked with flying a paper airplane, however, instead of staying up the longest, your goal is to take DOWN the other team! Got it?” The Gourd said as the teams nodded. “INTO YOUR PLANES!”
Period pushed Lunartic out of his way and became captain, while House said— “Let’s just see who falls..!” To Team FUN!, before leading the plane… and.. “START!” calls The Gourd.
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Period began to fly, with Question Mark co-piloting, meanwhile, Sunny was being held on Moony’s back, where he was talking about how fun it was to be able to fly.
GyroGyro then tried to howl, to which Question Mark said— “What if we used him to determine airflow? His chambers can tell us how harshly the wind is blowing against us, and our atmospheric pressure, while we pilot!” She explained. “Huh… I had to thought of that! Gyro! Become our 3rd Co-Pilot!” Period said, resulting in GyroGyro agreeing.
Meanwhile, Cuby was flying the plane, while House and Mime tried to make talk. “So.. uhm… how… is it nowadays? …your uh… dysphoria, I mean.” He says. “Perfectly well! Might I add how goopy my face is getting from all this?” Mime chuckled, his face covered in an unknown Black Substance. “..what.. IS this anyways?” He says, staring at the stains. “It's a mix of my fluids!” He claimed, causing House to groan. “I kid! It only contains my blood! What it actually is, is something I call Transmallable Fluid, it's the stuff that keeps me from being unable to stabilize my limbs, and it's also the same thing that lets me transform!” He states. “Huh… interesting..?” House says. “How does it work?” Mime then explained that, “It morphs into a shape scanned by the brain— since it's also within my brain, which is why my face is like this— point across, it molds into what I, in a moment, WANT to be! If it touched you, however, it would act like a parasite and try to encompass your body so that you’d be the same as me!” Mine stated. “Huh… disturbing and I’m now scared of you… but what an ability, ain’t it?” House said, before pointing out. “What… what’s Lunartic do— Is he sabotaging his own team??” Mime looked.
Lunartic had snuck to the back of the plane, where he had a pair of clippers, he then took the clippers and began clipping the back of the plane.
“GUYS— LOOK! LUNARTIC’S CLIPPING YOUR PLANE!” House tried to warn. Mime tried the same, but they were too far away, so when Lunartic clipped off part of the left wing…
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It began drifting downwards. “We’re losing control—!” Period said as GyroGyro howled violently, wind rushing through his chambers. “WE’LL CRASH INTO THE SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN— EVERYONE, SIT TIGHT AND—”
CRINKLE! Team FUN! Now rolled down the side of Mount. Frigid, and into the surrounding woodlands, The Gourd, seeing their plane out of the sky, however, summoned them.
“Team FUN!, you’ve lost! You’ll now be forced to vote for someone at the Ceremony Tonight! …also note, tomorrow night is the FINAL night without an Elimination Booth, THANK GOD!” He said.
With that, The Gourd walked away, leaving the others to think for a moment.
“...we need to get Lunartic out.” Moony said. “and now’s our chance! Alright, everyone, to the ceremony!” Cloudy said, descending now.
At the ceremony, The Gourd started as usual.
“Alright, we still DO NOT have a Voting Booth, so… does… anyone wanna eliminate themselves? ..nobody?” He looks around.
Period stands up and says— “I did an awful job at piloting today. I deserve this.” He sighed, walking onstage. “Oh.. uh.. are.. are you sure?? You have like.. a LOT of reasons to stay! Fan favorite, well developed..?” The Gourd says, completely caught offguard.
“Period, whatever you're ashamed of from today wasn't your fault— please!” Question Mark says. “Ma, I love you, but I don't deserve to stay after today. Plus… Pa’s probably lonely.” Question Mark inhales, before looking at Moony and sighing. “...go on. Just… be safe.”
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“You.. uh, gonna change your miiind…?? ...no..? .al.. alright..??” He snaps his fingers turning Period into a sheet of paper with a single Full-Stop Punctuation Mark on it. “..That.. that was uhm.. not.. okay, well, see you all next time! ..yeah.. what in the world..?” The Gourd walked offstage, the torches to the ceremony blowing out.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“Ugh, dad, stop that!” Period said, being hugged tightly by Exclamation Mark. “Big kids don't get hugged by their dads!” They told him. “Huh..? So big kids don't love their dads, then…?” He said. “Either way, I got us Cotton Candy! Enjoying the carnival?” Question Mark asked Period. “...yes.” They begrudgingly said. “..it was all your father’s idea!” She said, chuckling softly as she patted their head. “...hey, uh… thanks. For this. I mean.” Period says. “Y’know, I JUST came out a week ago, so.. thanks for—” Exclamation Mark cut him off; “No need to thank me buddy, I’m your dad! My ONE goal and job as your father is to make sure you feel SAFE, and LOVED, and CHERISHED! and truly… that's because you are..!” Exclamation Mark said, looking down at Period. “Boop! Hmhm..!”
“Where are The Colon Duo?” Lightning said. “Didn't they get eliminated too, in like.. Episode 2?” She said, “They’re an Angel and a Devil, so they probably went to Heaven and Hell.” Hangman sighed. “We, however… STILL have MUCH… much more to learn about… HERE.” He says, looking around The Inbetween’s vastness.
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EPISODE 14: Return to Cosmos.
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GyroGyro was spontaneously committing to a dance ritual. Penta floated by, and seemed confused.
“Uh.. do you guys… need help with THAT or, what–” Cloudy groaned, cutting Penta off. “He’s been like this for a while now, he's tried summoning spirits, but that led to.. uh… THIS.” Cloudy looked at GyroGyro. “One can only wonder what ancient relic of a soul is inside him..” Just then, Moony began to yell, directing Penta and Cloudy to look over to see Lunartic trying to force a kiss onto Moony. “GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME, GOD!” Moony’d yell, violently thrashing. “BABYDOLL, JUST STAND STILL AND FUCKING GIVE UP! STARRY NEVER LOVED YOU! MOVE ON, DAMNIT!!” Finally, Lunartic smacked Moony to the ground, then raised his hand to beat her, only for GyroGyro to then violently screech.
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It was a horrible sound, like nails on a chalkboard inside an Active, In-Use Brazen Bull, a scream of a thousand years, a celestial intervention. Just then, GyroGyro began erratically twisting and turning, but just then, it stopped as GyroGyro came to Lunartic…
…then screamed one last time, causing Lunartic to go into a trance like never before.
“..huh? Gyro??” Sunny broke the silence, from his play area, he was protected from much harm, and Phantom and Mime made sure that he didn't leave.
“Let's go inside the Laser Tag Arena…” Phantom told Sunny. “YAY, LASE RTAG.” Mime swiftly melted into a puddle in order tk reach the Laser Tag Arena quickly.
Phantom watches as Mime and Sunny run off to play Laser Tag, Phantom then turned to the others and asked— “What the FUCK is going on??” House then replied— “GyroGyro stopped Lunartic from essentially forcing a kiss onto Moony.” He said. “...so… sexual assault?” Phantom said. “Meh, leave him be.”
Period then ran up and kicked Lunartic over, laughing at him being unable to get up, “Who’s small now?!” They said, running off.
Meanwhile, Moony swept herself off. “Do you need anything?? Are you okay??” Question Mark asked. “I’m fine, just… eugh.. a creep.” Moony said, sighing. “...he really is.” Question Mark said, groaning. However, Cuby would grab the two, bringing them over to The Gourd.
Organized into teams, The Gourd announced the next challenge. “CONTESTANTS! The next contest is simple! Land on the moon!”
Just then, Sunny tried piggyback-riding Moony, to which The Gourd clarified— “I meant in space— you will land on the moon, then place a flag, once done, simply come back BEFORE the other team!” The Gourd now snapped his fingers, summoning two rocket ships. “Fuel up your ships, then go!”
As Phantom got the oil needed to get Team Merge’s Rocket running, Cuby tried to do so too. The two got distracted fighting over who's the team leader, so Team FUN! got ahead.
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“I really think Phantom’s gonna get out.” Cloud said, “even when I was on the team, he was so controlling.” She sighed as they landed. “Whatever, let's just place a flag here and—” Sunny suddenly pushed past Period and Question Mark and directly into..
“Wh— huh. What. Wait. Huh?” Question Mark was… confused, but Starry spoke: “Greetings! I uh… got eliminated! …except you can't objectify a star without killing it so.. yeah!” Moony suddenly swiftly hugged Starry. “ACKK.. also, uh… Star’s here.” She points over to Star, who is trying to figure out his basic math. “He's.. kinda dumb, so I gave him earth homework. :-)” she stated, before going silent and hugging Starry for quite awhile.
Eventually, Team Merge came, and began to place their flag, however, Cloudy came to Phantom to tell him to—
“Stay here.” Cloudy said, as her teammates said goodbye and got onboard, waiting for her. “What? Phantom scoffed. “Why would I?” Cloudy looked at the rocket, then at him, before looking at Mime before getting onboard and leaving.
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Mime then said… “If you stay here, you won't be eliminated and will be in space, but if you go with us, then you'll be eliminated and sent to wherever they go.” Mine explained as a Circle.
“Mime, c’mon! House, Penta and Cuby wouldn't vote for me!” Phantom said.
Mime just stared.
“Right…?” Phantom said.
Cuby grabbed Mime, gave Phantom a note, and left.
Phantom clutches the note as he watched the rocket fly off without him, before he calmed down and sat.
Back on Earth, The Gourd seemed confused, he asked “Team Merge! You LOST again! …where’s Phantom?”
Cuby then signed to The Gourd that they knew they were up for elimination, and had decided to eliminate Phantom, to which The Gourd accepts as a valid cast.
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“...alright, then Phantom is eliminated! Very anti-climatic, but oh well!” The Gourd blew out the Elimination Ceremony as it began to sprinkle.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“Day after day, being bullied by others became my routine.” Phantom stated to the crowd. “However, I am proud to be the leader of The Masquerade. I shall not fail in my suit of justice for those who are physically and mentally scarred.
“...I wanna revive Heart.” Star sighed. “We don't have a shooting star, but maybe we can go to The Inbetween..” Starry said, just then Phantom stared and asked… “...the what?”
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Paint Us Red
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“Loonie! We know you rigged the vote.” Sunny said. “You can't get away with this.” Cloudy said. “So? You guys don't have any proof, after all I was in that fire too!” Lunartic shrugged. “but you conveniently saved the ONE thing getting Starry out?” Moony said. “Babydoll, how about we just kiss and make this up?” Lunartic said, now trying to lean over Moony, hand-in-hand. “Let go— Lunartic, I don't—” Moony grunted as Lunartic started trying to carry her, tango-style, the only thing getting him away from her being GyroGyro entrancing him.
“God, he really IS a creep— why haven't we gotten rid of him again?” Question Mark asks Period. “They… literally JUST said that he keeps rigging the votes.” Period replies. “Oh yeah…” Question Mark says, not having paid attention. “I’m gonna go ask The Gourd for food, want anything?” She asks Period before going forward. “..a Snickers Bar.” Period admits as Question Mark goes to get herself and Period food.
Question Mark hovered over to The Gourd, and began asking for food using a Request Point she earned from winning on Team FUN!, meanwhile, Mime began to terrorize Period and Cloudy.
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“What to do… what to do..?” The Gourd said, thinking of a challenge. He then heard Cloudy screaming, and saw Mime transformed into Lunartic, giving him an idea.
“CONTESTANTS! I HAVE A NEW CHALLENGE!” The Gourd announced, teleporting the contestants to their teams.
“Two of you will be turned into eliminated contestants from before! Your goal is to figure out who the eliminated contestant REALLY is!” The Gourd announces. “Now, BEGIN!”
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With a snap of his fingers, “Flower” came back onto Team FUN! and “Comedy” right back into Team Merge.
“Now, go!” The Gourd announced.
“Alright…” Moony looked around. “Oh thank god, well, whoever Flower really is, he's actually in the place of Lunartic!” Moony figured out.
Meanwhile, Phantom was trying to figure Comedy out. “Hm… were you a Team FUN!, The Masquerade, or Team “What?” member..?”He asks. “The Masquerade, jeez, how…” Comedy perked up. “How stupid do you have to be, ha?” Phantom seemed confused. “...it's called Rude Humor?” He states. “Oh… huh… I like it!” Phantom says.
Meanwhile, GyroGyro was howling something, Cloudy then came over. “A-huh, mhm… oh..! Oh!” Cloudy turned to Period. “GyroGyro says that the person behind Flower is very sad.”
Period looked over at “Flower” and considered it, before agreeing. “I mean… he's not wrong. They've just kinda been laying on the floor and sobbing…” Period came to “Flower”, and asked… “Heeeyy… are you… GOOD?”
“...no.” Flower said. “I miss Comedy.” Tragedy said, now revealing himself.
“...oh… that was… depressingly easy… Tragedy, do you wanna atleast TRY to—” Tragedy now got up and stared at Period. “You miss Exclamation Mark don't you? …if I get eliminated tonight, I could join Comedy.. maybe share a message with Exclamation Mark…” Tragedy told Period, who stood back in shock. “...I…” Period sighed.
Meanwhile, on the other side, Mime was about to reveal who Comedy was, based on how he acted. Just then…
“TEAM FUN IS SAFE!!!” The Gourd announced, now detonating the shape shifting mechanism on the imposters, painting Lunartic and Tragedy in a red color. DAMN IT! I— UGH!” Lunartic groaned, covered in the red paint.
“You tried your best Tragedy.” Penta sighed. “Now we have to figure out who to get rid of.” House noted.
“Me.” Tragedy said. “What?” House looked at him like what he had just said was some form of intergalactic concept. “Tragedy, we're voting for someone who’s a thr—” Tragedy shushed him. “I want ME out.” He repeated. “...are.. you sure?? plus, even then, wouldn't Phantom be a better choice? He's a leader! He could easily threaten our case!” House said. “Yeah! ..listen, we’ll think about it, but for now, we're voting Phantom out.” Penta said, walking away.
“So! Team Merge, uhm… do any of you WANT to go? I uh, don't have a voting booth, that's under maintenance… so..” The Gourd waited patiently, holding his breath, before…
“Me. I nominate myself for elimination.” Tragedy says. “Tragedy, don't be stupid—” Phantom requests, before Tragedy snaps back.
“NO! I’m GOING! I don't care that I’m WEAK, or NOT A WORTHY TARGET, I’m going with COMEDY! Gourd! Take me away!” Tragedy demanded.
“...annny… ANY?? Objections?” The Gourd looks around, before pulling out a flashcard of Tragedy’s Icon.
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Alright, then Tragedy is ELIMINATED! Byebye!” He snaps his fingers, turning Tragedy into a Porcelain Tragedy Mask, placing it with the Porcelain Comedy Mask.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
“..Alright, you can… let go now.” Phantom said, trying to pry Tragedy off of Comedy. “NO. >:(“ Tragedy hissed. “Why do you gotta kill the fun?” Comedy asks Phantom, who deeply sighed.
As Tragedy entered THE IN-BETWEEN, he walked to Exclamation Mark, going past Comedy. “Exclamation Mark?” He said. “We may cease to exist eight now, but Period, and Question Mark told me to tell you…
they love you.”
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Season 1, Episode 12 - A Spoonful of Cheating
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“Guys?” Sunny says, sadly. “GyroGyro hasn't moved in a while, and he keeps escaping to Team Merge! :-(“ Sunny says. “That and we haven't been able to find Penta ANYWHERE!” Phantom sighs. “Cuby! Know anything?”
Cuby shakes, nervous to tell the truth, but is cut off by Penta howling from within the Gyroid.
“Wait… was that..?” Question Mark realizes…
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“GYROGYRO!! :D” Sunny cheered. “No, sweetie, that's Penta… PENTA, ARE YOU IN THERE??” Starry says.
The Gyroid SCREAMS now, begging for release.
“Moony, help!” Starry pleads, leading to Moony grabbing Lunartic, who provoked by the sound, screams— “SHUT UP!” and shatters GyroGyro.
Penta is released once more, and goes towards The Gourd. “GOURD! RECOVER GYROGYRO!” He shouts. “Are you sure? You have 3 Grants from the times Team “What?” scored 1st in a challenge so—!” Penta cut The Gourd off. “RECOVER!”
The Gourd recovered The Gyroid, which immediately began entrapping the former inhabitant of the vessel.
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GyroGyro now stood still, unmoving. “...is he OK?” Cloudy asks, concerned. “I’m not sure…” The Gourd sighed. “Let's move on for now!” The Gourd now prepared to announce the next challenge.
“TEAMS!” He said, now teleporting everyone into their respective teams. “Today’s challenge is based on a film I saw, we’ll be using Umbrellas to…” The Gourd launched himself onto the Floating Islands, then cut the Tightrope from Episode 2. “Cross this gap! Failure to get across will count as failure!” The Gourd stated. “Who wants to go first?”
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Penta raises his hand, before being disqualified with Cloudy. “He could fly.” The Gourd sighs. “Anyone else?”
Lunartic then pushed Starry forward. “Wait, what—?!” Starry says, before being handed an umbrella. “...alright… I guess I’ll try…” She sighed, before running towards the gap and jumping. “Oh, oh-hohohoh!” She laughed as she flew onto the platform. “STARRY’S SAFE!” The Gourd announced.
“GOD!” Lunartic growls, now pushing Question Mark off. “Oh, uh… guess she's out.” The Gourd looks down. “GODDAMNIT!” Question Mark yells.
Phantom went as this was going on, and got across. “Here we are!” Phantom now pulls Tragedy out from behind him. “Was that so hard?” Phantom says. “I miss Comedy. :-(“ Tragedy replies.
“Phantom and Tragedy are safe!” The Gourd says.
Cuby now jumped, being lightweight and getting across, House followed using GyroGyro as a booster , pushing him down into the ground below, and barely making it. “NONONO—” House now gets grabbed by Cuby, just before he can fall down. “CUBY! HOUSE! You two are safe.” The Gourd says. “THANKS MANNNnn..” House sighs in relief, with Cuby nodding.
When Moony went, Lunartic proceeded to throw Period at her, resulting in her and Period being disqualified, to which Period took negatively, as they said— “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! THAT’S UNFAIR!! HE LITERALLY THREW ME AT HER??” Period argued. “I never clarified on friendly fire…” The Gourd said. “Either way. Lunartic made it across.” The Gourd showed that Lunartic had now made it across.
“Mime! Go ahead!” Phantom encouraged. Mime now turned into Paperplates, since she was lightweight, and flew across onto the platform. “Heehee! Oh, light is so fun! <)” Mime said, now turning back. “MIME! YOUR SAFE! Sunny, finally, come across!”
Sunny landed safely, but then spotted Lunartic berating Starry. “...mom?” Sunny spoke. “Don't be ridiculous, Moony’s down there.” Lunartic spoke. “I meant Starry, not you. >:(“ Sunny said, now pushing Lunartic away, and off the platform.
“Oh!! Anyways, since only 3 Funmates made it across compared to the entirety of Team Merge, Team FUN! is up for elimination!” The Gourd announced, now teleporting everyone onto the ground.
“That's IT! We’re getting RID of Lunartic! I’M TIRED OF HIM!” Period says, throwing a fit. “Calm down—” Question Mark asks. “NO! He’s right! He's AWFUL! How can we even stand him?! He’s gotten rid of Exclamation Mark, and he constantly abused me!” Moony says. “...you know what, Moony’s right. If even Moony gets angry over something, then it's worth addressing.” Starry sighs. “I wish we had gotten rid of him instead of The Colon Duo.” Sunny looks to the floor. “...but! Now is the time to get rid of him, LET’S VOTE!!” Sunny rushes to the Elimination Ceremony.
“GOURDDDD!!” Sunny cheered, running towards The Gourd. “What's happened?” The Gourd asked. “Huh? Oh, no, I just wanted to start the Elimination Ceremony early!” Sunny requests.
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“You have a vote in mind already?!” He says. “Yep! Everyone else does too!” Sunny cheerfully claims. “Ah, I see.. go… uh… summon your team! …OH! RIGHT!” The Gourd revived GyroGyro. “Now!”
“ELIMINATION CEREMONY TIME, FUNNERS!! C’MON!! X)” Sunny cheered as he summoned Team FUN!
“Alright, Team FUN! …I uh… didn't have time to prepare a speech, BUT! You all have a vote in mind apparently, SO!” The Gourd now points to the Elimination Booth. “Make a vote!”
Sunny is the first to run into the booth, where he immediately voted for Lunartic, followed by Question Mark, Period, Moony, Starry, and even Cloudy voting against Lunartic.
However, when Lunartic went in, the booth suddenly caught ablaze, and Lunartic came out screaming. “OHGODOHFUCK” Lunartic screamed as The Gourd now began to summon buckets of water to pail on him. “OHEJDUAIIJNNNSKKAN”
Once Lunartic was extinguished, and the Booth was destroyed, The Gourd sighed deeply. “Well, without a booth, I can't count votes.” He shook his head before Lunartic groaned something— “I… I have… thee.. votes.” He said.
“Wow, he actually did something nice?” Cloudy said. “I wouldn't be sure, Loonie is… uhm… mean. :-(“ Sunny said.
The Gourd now counted them, seeming surprised. “Well. With a near-unanimous vote, I am announcing THAT… the eliminated contestant ranking at 15th is…” The Gourd now cleared his throat, seemingly in inconfidence, before…
He revealed the icon of Starry, and said— “Starry, with no other way to validate an actual vote right now, I have to eliminate you.” The Gourd sighed. “But, hey! At least Sunny and Moony didn't vote for you…?” The Gourd now turned Starry into a star in the night sky.
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“...but we didn't vote her out either..?” Period says over The Gourd’s monologue. “We know…” Moony said, before scowling. “We need to get rid of him, and FAST.” Cloudy stated.
“...and hopefully a new booth, NEXT TIME!” The Gourd finally closes the episode, with the lights turning off.
AROS was written and created by TheWiseGuest.
“..well, we’re here!” Starry proclaimed. “Great! …uh…” Earth started to tremble. “Starry, I— what… what IS moondust?” Earth said.
“..I… I don't know…” Starry said, horrified as Earth began to fall apart in front of her, their screams echoing. “I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.
i don't know"
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SEASON 1, EPISODE 9 — Splitting My Sides!
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“Penta! House! I need you two to get my makeup!” Heart commanded. “Sigh, which color, Madame Hearts?” House said. “Red! Get to it! and Penta, get my blush!” Heart yelled.
“She can't get away with this…” Penta said, looking through a purse of Heart’s. “Exactly! She’s taken away Cuby, Lightning, Flower, and Triangula! We already got Star out, we just need HER!” Penta advocated. “Yeah!” House agrees. “HURRY IT UP!” Heart claps as Penta and House grab the Blush and Lipstick and give her the makeup, to which she said “Great work, servants~!” before applying the make-up.
“Now, like, shoo shoo! I’m gonna go take my skincare routine using my MIRROR that I oh-so deserve!” Heart said, waving House off. “Whatever… hm…” House looked around, and was surprised when he saw Starry and Moony chatting as Mime, PaperPlates, Period and Sunny played. “...” he looked over at Lunartic and realized he was busy arguing with Hangman, who was getting ready to beat his ass. House walked over, and said— “You two finally talked?”
“Huh? Oh, yes! We have. I’ve… missed Starry, y’know?” Moony said. “We’ve been separated for nearly a decade now, so this means alot to us, I’m sure you could guess.” Starry said, sheepish. “That's great! I’m sure you two will reconvene in no time!” House said. “What about Lunartic?” Starry asked. “What is there to say about him? Some people refuse to change, and that's okay. We just gotta leave him behind, y’know?” House sighed. “...I guess… yeah… yeah! Thanks House!” Moony said. “No issue! Just… holler for me, alright?” House requested. “Will do!” Starry said as House walked away.
As Hangman and Lunartic began to box each other, Question Mark came over to Phantom.
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“Want me to watch him?” Question Mark asked. “...why should I trust you?” He raised an eyebrow. “I’m not going to hurt him, y’know.” Question Mark said. “plus, I’d LOVE to see you beat the fuck out of Lunartic.” Question Mark now snided.
“...alright. Just make sure he's resting well.” Phantom stopped watching Tragedy, and left him with Question Mark as he beat Lunartic.
A few 10 minutes passed before The Gourd broke up the fight to announce the next challenge.
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“CONTESTANTS! Today’s challenge is a Comedy Show!” The Gourd now reveals a theater stage. “The team with the highest ranking wins! When you're ready to present, then do so!” The Gourd explained. “NOW GO!”
GyroGyro began to dance around, trying to speak to Sunny. “Oh! That's kinda dark, think The Gourd would like it?” Sunny seemed concerned, as GyroGyro did a Sun Salute.
Starry began to think, before snapping her fingers. “Mime! Paperplates! You two are REALLY funny! Think you could do it?” Mime and Paperplates nodded, meanwhile Hangman went towards Team “What?”.
“So, Penta will be a clown, and I will throw a flaming arrow at him!” Heart said. “but I’m—” Penta was shushed. “SHUT! Just… SHUT!” Heart said.
Eventually, in unison, all 3 teams buzzed in. “Already?! Alright, TEAMS! GATHER ROUND! TIME TO PRESENT! First up… Team FUN!”
Sunny walked onstage with GyroGyro, who began dancing, to which Sunny translated as Cloudy died in the audience. “Uhm.. alright AHEM; Why were the twins sad?” Sunny paused. “One of them got struck by a plane.” Sunny finished, The Gourd snickered, getting down. “UHM. I’LL GIVE THAT A 9/11— I MEAN 6/10.” The Gourd buzzes. “BIT TABOO BUT I LOVE IT— OHMYGOD” The Gourd sighs. “NEXT! The Masquerade?” Mime walks onstage, and transforms into Star, before saying “Hi! I’m Star! Did you know I had sex with Heart in the bushes?” Mime said before turning back. “...that wasn't even a joke.” The Gourd gave them a 4/10. “FINALLY! TEAM WHAT?” Heart came onstage, shot an ablaze arrow at Penta, who was dressed like a clown, and burnt the curtains, resulting in a fire. “AUUUUUGHHHHHH—” Lunartic howled as he ran from the fire.
After a few moments of The Gourd making it rain heavily, the fire was put out, he turned to Heart, sternly, before laughing. “GOD, I LOVED THAT! 8/10!” Hangman seemed confused. “Hold on, how the FUCK does that make sense?”
“Simple ! I love seeing things go up in flames.” The Gourd snapped to make the stage go back to its original state before stating— “MASQUERADE. Because your team has the LOWEST score, you're all up for elimination.” The Gourd told them. “Damnit.” Phantom said.
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“Phantom?” Cloudy said. “Not now.” Cloudy sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m on YOUR side tonight.” Phantom now turned. “...you don't mean..?” Cloudy nodded. “Hangman, here we come.”
“The Masquerade! You guys lost, so you know the drill! CAST A VOTE!” The Gourd pointed to the new elimination shack.
Tragedy, Phantom, Mime and Paperplates voted for Hangman… and Hangman fired back at Phantom… but Starry and Cloudy turned, so…
ELIMINATED!” The Gourd decrees.
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“...wow. I guess I'm leaving. Just know that I TRIED to help, you guys do realize that he only cares about those three and not you, right? It’s—” Hangman was turned into a sheet of paper with a game of hangman on it.
“That's all for now… see you next time.” The Gourd cackles.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
All characters' voices, present or not, were acted out by L. Alberto S.
“Reiner Grieves, for the crime of defiance against the church, we hereby hang you.” They hung him, but… he survived. Hangman had survived and now he was going to defy them. He was going to prove he is STILL alive.
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Another Random Object Show
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Season 1, Episode 8.
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Question Mark approached Lunartic, then said— “You RIGGED the booth.” She said, squinting her eyes at Lunartic. Lunartic picked his teeth and said— “Nah, you guys HATED him, simple as that. Not my fault!” He said. “Literally NONE of us even voted for Exclaimy, you KNEW we hated you, so you HAD to save yourself.” Period yelled. “Is that also what happened when we got rid of The Colon Duo?” Lunartic smugly remarked. “The only reason me and Sunny even listened to you was because they WERE problematic.” Moony grimaced. “Exactly! Loonie, I love you, but you act like everyone’s bowing towards you! and… it makes me feel WEIRD. Can you just… PLEASE be clear for once?” Sunny said, pleadingly. “...nah, you guys hated him. Simple as that.” Lunartic shrugged. GyroGyro had enough and SCREECHED at Lunartic, causing a state of abstraction.
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Tragedy was still sobbing as a result of Comedy’s Elimination, to where Starry began to lull him. “I’ll always love you… I’ll always love you, I’ll always love you; oh, things will be okay.” Starry sung, slowly soothing Tragedy off to sleep.
“Now bring him back here! C’mon!” Hangman ordered Starry. “No. Me and Starry have decided that we've done ENOUGH. Tragedy’s depressed, nothing's going his way, he NEEDS rest.” Cloudy scolded. “Last night, he sobbed himself to sleep. Today, I’ll carry him around during the challenge, to make sure he gets plenty of rest.” Starry said, now picking Tragedy up.
PaperPlates tugged at Starry and asked— “what about when the challenge begins?” Starry replied; “That's why I’m keeping him with a trustworthy person.” Starry said, laying down a Pillow, Blanket and Tragedy right next to GyroGyro, who made a confirmation howl.
“Isn't that a bit dangerous…?” Penta appeared. “Not at all, GyroGyro knows that Tragedy’s tired, and so he's going to treat GyroGyro as a child, meaning nobody gets near, and the area around him is QUIET.” Starry stated, with GyroGyro confirming with a thumbs up. “Huh. I never knew GyroGyro was a guardian.” Question Mark noted.
Meanwhile, Lunartic began ranting to Phantom. “It’s like they don't even LISTEN! God! They're all so.. STUPID! Y’know?” Lunartic punched Phantom. “ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!” Phantom now snapped. “You ABUSE your members and EXPECT them to LISTEN to you? No wonder they don't want your help.” Phantom said, with a “HMPH!” before walking away.
Heart and Star came out of their bush from their daily makeout session, with Heart immediately saying— “HOUSE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” She said, angrily. “Watching over Sunny for Team FUN! …he’s… actually really cute— even if he is a ball of flames.” House said. “i like frogs. <)” Sunny said, holding a Frog. Star stared at Sunny, adrenaline rushing. “Honey, no worries, I’m sure House is confused.” Heart said. “...it's her.” Star said, referring to Moony. “...we don't need to WORRY about her, darling.” Heart assured. “We just need to survive and get RID of them.” Heart schemed. “..yes. That's perfect.” Star said.
“SUnNnnYyy, where’s thEh Raw Man?” Mime said, his face melting. “Uhm… oh, you're right… where are they…?” Sunny asked Moony.
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“They went home! They WERE temporary anyways!” The Gourd announced, now removing a construction belt and hardhat. “BUT TEAMS! GET TOGETHER!” He called, as Starry woke Tragedy up, who began to cry into her. “It’s okay, it’s okay…” Starry said, stroking his head. “...oh, you dropped your mask, by the way.” Tragedy then began to sob uncontrollably until Starty gave him his mask. “Th-thank… you… sniff.” He said, utterly depressed.
“The EIGHTH challenge will be held in THIS building!” The Gourd showed off a fancy building, almost like a Wedding Hall, or a Ballroom. “Come in!” The Gourd leads.
The Gourd now shows off a room, the middle of the building was a Ballroom, decorated with a fancy stained window, mosaic wall pattern, and chandelier. “Your eighth challenge is to plan a TEAM CHOREOGRAPHY! aka, make up a dance! You will all have 2 hours! GO!”
GyroGyro howled to Cloudy, who understood. “Starty! GyroGyro wants to know why Tragedy is so sad about Comedy leaving!” Cloudy translated. “...that's a good question, Phantom?” Phantom sighed and said “Comedy and Tragedy suffer from Chronic Emotional Defection.” Hangman butted in— “The hell is that?” Phantom glared, before taking a deep breath and saying “It means they feel ONE emotion. Just ONE. No matter how angry, no matter how sad, no matter how happy. It doesn't matter. Comedy was constantly laughing and smiling, making jokes out of everything, even when the theater we were acting in caught fire, he thought it was funny and made jokes about it.” Phantom sighed, and looked at Tragedy, who was in the corner, curled into a ball. “and Tragedy? …Tragedy is constantly depressing. He can't stop crying. He can't even feel happy. All he can feel is pain, anguish and misery.” Phantom looked at Starry, Cloudy and Hangman. “...yet… Comedy was the cure. The two balanced each other out. Comedy was there for Tragedy… Tragedy was there for Comedy… Comedy could stop laughing to feel love, connection, remorse for Tragedy. and Tragedy could be cheered up by Comedy’s cheering for him, because as Comedy told him…” Phantom now sighed. “Don’t be so down-hearted, go on! Blast some trashy pop, have fun! Life’s an oyster, after all.”
Hangman looked to the floor as Cloudy and Starry stood shocked. “...ohmygod… so.. we… took away his source of happiness?” Starry said. “...Phantom, I wish I knew– God… if only I hadn't voted with Hangman, maybe I—” Phantom stopped her. “It’s fine. One of them had to go eventually, and… while I wish it was me, I have a group to lead.” Phantom now realized something. “...and an unfair disadvantage to grieve.” Phantom now headed towards The Gourd.
“Gourd, Tragedy can't compete— he’s DEPRESSED.” Phantom said. “...huh? Oh… well then.. uh.. do a low-energy choreo?” The Gourd said, confused. “No, that means he's SOBBING. He doesn't have ANY energy.” The Gourd thought. “Uh…” Sunny also came, stating— “and Lunartic’s still angry at us! He refuses to do the challenge to spite us!” Sunny complained. “I… hadn't come up with a plan for this besides bring back the guests.. uhm… I’ll have to take 10 points off my final score, but… it’s alright! Just do your best, you two! Better than them, atleast…” The Gourd glared at Team “What?”, who had JUST Heart and Star doing a basic Tango-Styled Dance. “Alright! Let’s go, Phantom! ^^” Sunny said to Phantom. “..uh.. yeah, sure! You're on! ..ha.” Phantom said, returning to his team.
Sunny and Phantom began to lead their teams with choreos, while Star and Heart chose to do their choreo by themselves.
2 hours past, and time was up. It was time for teams to present their choreographies.
Team FUN! began with their Freestyle Choreo to “Time Warp”, Sunny and Period had extremely energized dance routines, while Moony and Question Mark had slow backup routines, GyroGyro though, was the main show, dancing his little clay body away, easily earning them a 9/10.
Next was The Masquerade and their version of “I Hope I Get It!”, following the original choreo and singing, with Mime sliding transformed as Triangula for the “I really need this job!” section, earning them a nice 8/10.
Team “What?” though… just had Heart and Star perform a choreo of them doing the Tango… getting them a measly 4/10, which meant…
“Team “What?”, you've disappointed me. You're up for Elimination.” The Gourd sighed.
“How unfair! We were PERFECT!” Heart said, as House and Penta immediately got to planning.
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“Right. We’re voting together now, so we NEED to get rid of Star or Heart.” Penta told House. “Agreed. I think our best option would be Star, if we get rid of him, then we have Heart, who won't have any source of power.” House replied.
“Penta?” Star asked Heart. “Penta.” Heart agreed.
“Team “WHAT?”, because Heart and Star wanted their OWN choreo, you four, yet again, are up for elimination.” The Gourd said. “You know the drill! Go cast a vote.”
As expected, Penta and House voted against Star, while Star and Heart voted against Penta.
“..and we.. uh… have a tie.” The Gourd scratches his head.
“WHAT?!” The team yells.
“I HAVE A FAILSAFE! The Popularity Rankings can help us!” The Gourd pulls up the Episode 1 Popularity Ranking. “...fans wanted to see STAR leave with 128 votes, so…” The Gourd points. “STAR! You. are. ELIMINATED!” The Gourd claps, eliminating Star.
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“You two will PAY!” Heart scolds Penta and House, who scoff.
“See you next time..” The Gourd cackles to end the episode.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
All characters' voices, present or not, were acted out by L. Alberto S.
Star ran. He ran away as far as he could. Away from them. Away from the disaster he had just been part of.
Just then, a man offered him a job. A top model. Why wouldn't he decline?
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Season 1, Episode 7.
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Cloudy flew over to Hangman. “Hey, Hangy?” Hangman replied; “What is it?” as he spied on Phantom. “Did you think we went too far with Comedy’s Elimination? I mean, Tragedy’s COMPLETELY depressed now…” Cloudy said.
“Ahh, he’ll be fine. He’s a bit of a crybaby but nothing else.” Hangman waved it off.
“...whatever you say, I guess..” Cloudy seemed solemn, and left Hangman.
She then flew to Tragedy, who was sobbing inconsolably.
“Hey! Hey, c’mon… C-comedy would've wanted you to keep going!” Cloudy assured. “How would you know? He probably voted for himself because I wasn't good enough! I failed him, I was too slow and so he left!” Tragedy sobbed. “That's not at all what he did! He would've wanted you to win, please, calm down…” Phantom said, comforting Tragedy. “Yeah! Listen to Phantom.” Cloudy said as Phantom stared at her. “or Hangman, which is what got Comedy out?” Phantom said, staring at Cloudy, and grumbled.
Cloudy then backed away, meanwhile, Question Mark and Exclamation Mark watched over Paperplates and Sunny as they played.
“You know what I just realized?” Question Mark said. “Uhm.. uh.. y-yeah..?” Exclamation Mark said. “If Sunny is a star, then why are his parents meteorites?” Question Mark said. “...what?” Exclamation Mark said, confused. “His parents are Moony and Lunartic, the issue being those are MOONs, they're fractures of meteors that have exploded, Sunny’s… a star.” Question Mark noted.
Exclamation Mark thought. “W-wait… WAIT, then that means the only logical people could be Starry and Star! Those two are STARS!” Exclamation Mark said, before Star smacked him. “DON’T.” Star growled, before going back to making out aggressively with Heart behind a bush. “...huh.. he seems very defensive about this…” Question Mark thought.
Meanwhile, Moony and Lunartic were arguing yet again. “YOU WERE WITH AN ENEMY?!” Lunartic yelled at her. “STUPID! SHE STOLE INFO! SHE KNOWS OUR WEAKNESSES! GOD, HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?!” Lunartic yelled at her, before raising his hand to strike her.
Just then, Penta grabbed his hand, and picked him up. “Is this ANY way to treat your supposed wife?” Penta said. “MY WIFE! MY RULES! WHO CARES?! I SHOULD HAVE CONTROL OF HER!” Lunartic yelled.
“All you're doing is causing more DAMAGE! It's STUPID!” Period yelled. “WHO CARES WHAT YOU THINK, MIDGET?! YOU’RE LITTLE!” Lunartic yelled. “I. AM. NOT. SMALL!” Period now threw himself against Lunartic, causing him to become even MORE aggressive. Moony then snuck away, and began talking to Starry again.
Penta held Lunartic until he calmed down, at which point he threw him violently against the grass, to which Mime shapeshifted into Lunartic and said— “Hi! I’m Lunartic! I LOVE to beat my wife and son! I’m also compulsively violent and aggressive at everyone and everything!” Mime said. “...shut up.” Lunartic flipped Mime off and walked away.
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“He seems rude.” A white mug said. “He is.” Mime said, before turning swiftly. “Wait. Who—”
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“CONTESTANTS!! Gather!” The Gourd gathered everyone into teams besides 3 new characters. “CONTESTANTS! Today’s challenge is…” He reveals. “A SWORD FIGHT! You will all fight to death to push 2 rival team members into the waters!” The Gourd says. “The team who has all members get eliminated first will be UP FOR ELIMINATION!” The Gourd announced.
Question Mark raised her hand.
“Oh! Yes, Q-Mark?” The Gourd says. “...who's those three people?” She pointed at the white mug, the fine china bowl, and the beige bag with a dollar symbol on it.
“...OH! YES! TEAM “WHAT?”” The Gourd says. “We lost already?!” House groaned. “NO.” The Gourd demonically yells.
Silence shortly cuts in. “You will be getting THREE Temporary Members for this challenge! Meet Hot Chocolate, Ramen and Money Bag! They signed up for this!” The Gourd cackles. “NOW! THE FIRST MATCH UP IS!!” The Gourd summons and spins a casino machine.
“RAMEN! HANGMAN! PERIOD! YOU WILL ALL HAVE A MINUTE TO GET EACH OTHER DOWN!” The Gourd said. “BEGIN!” He now summoned Ramen, Hangman and Period onto a red platform above a pond and gave them giant rubber cylinders.
Ramen and Period struggled to pick their cylinders up due to their armlessness. “Maybe if we work together, we could—” before Ramen finished her statement, Hangman slammed into Period and her, making him SAFE.
Question Mark began to speak— “wait, Starry, would you be Sunny’s Mother? He IS a star.”
“Oh.. uhm… I am! but actually I—” Starry and Question Mark then got pushed over by Money Bag, who chanted– “BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME! HA!” Money Bag is SAFE.
Exclamation Mark struggled to hold his cylinder as he was anxious, when he looked up, he screamed as Paperplates and Hot Chocolate charged at him, pushing him into the water. The two then sat down, waited out the minute, and were both counted safe.
“ROUND 4! CLOUDY, PENTA, AND LUNARTIC!” The Gourd announced.
“Watch.” Penta told Cloudy. “Wife beater.” Lunartic now rushed at Penta, phasing through him into the water. “...and we wait.” Penta said before The Gourd announced his and Cloudy’s safety.
Moony began to console Tragedy, only for Star to begin beating her and Tragedy with the cylinder, then push them off.
“STAR’S SAFE! ROUND 6! MIME, HEART AND SUNNY! GO!” The Gourd announced.
Mime easily juked Heart by disappearing into a puddle, he then snuck behind Sunny and kicked his legs, causing him to fall into the water.
…awkwardness filled the stage. “Uh… I’m not gonna… attack a dead guy, so…” House said, Phantom shook his head, and pushed House and GyroGyro off the stage.
“TIME! The results are… Team “What?” had 4 members survive! …The Masquerade had 5… BUT! TEAM FUN! HAD NO MEMBERS SURVIVE! They're up for elimination.” The Gourd denounced. “Make a choice, I’ll see you tonight.” The Gourd told the Team FUN! Crew, before teleporting everyone out of the water.
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“I think it's clear.” Question Mark said to the Team. “Lunartic is going, and that's a fact.” Period demanded. “Sounds fair?” Period asked the rest of the team, who all agreed.
Lunartic, however, was expecting this, so he went to the Elimination Booth to begin tampering it…
“TEAM FUN! This is your SECOND time here! You know the rules.” The Gourd stated. “NOW VOTE!”
In the booth, everyone voted for Lunartic… except Lunartic, who voted Exclamation Mark.
…yet the votes came in, and none of them went towards Lunartic.
“By a unanimous decision, INCLUDING Exclamation Mark himself! …EXCLAMATION MARK IS ELIMINATED!” The Gourd pointed at Exclamation Mark.
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“What? That's IMPOSSIBLE— we ALL voted for Lunartic!” Sunny said. “Do a recount, please?” Moony said.
The Gourd counted. “...nope, all Exclamation Mark votes. Sorry.” The Gourd sighs, before turning Exclamation Mark into a slip of paper with a “!” on it.
“THAT’S ALL FOR NOW! …see you next time– jeez, what's wrong?” The Gourd asked GyroGyro, who was howling violently as the episode ended.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
All characters' voices, present or not, were acted out by L. Alberto S.
“EXCLAMATION!” Question Mark said. “AH!” Exclamation Mark yelped. “W-what?!” He asked. “Let’s join this show! I’ve signed Period up too! ^^” Exclamation Mark looked at the flyer that Question Mark had handed him, then said.. “..uh.. sure. ^^”
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EPISODE 5 — Who Shot Who?
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"like, what’s that prism doing?” Heart asked Star. “It looks like she's cross-teaming, PENTA! Report?” Star asked Penta. “She’s planning a Merge with Mime.” Penta informed Star. “Sigh, why do we do this?” House said. “BECAUSE I’M THE LEADER! YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO ME!” Star yelled at House. “Jeez… alright.” House said.
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“plus, if you don't like, listen to us, then you simply HAVE to get out. I mean, it’d JUST be you and Triangula voting against us if you tried, so, what's the point?” Heart said, now sipping on a Macchiato. “Exactly. Darling, how about we get out onto the field?” Star puts away his binoculars and looks over at Heart. “Good idea!” Heart says, now holding Star’s hand and walking out from the bushes as Penta then goes invisible to continue being a spy.
GyroGyro was calmly dancing with Exclamation Mark, Period looked at the two and said— “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! >:(“ Exclamation Mark yelped at the interruption before GyroGyro began to try and explain, only for the wind to howl through him. “Ohh…” Cloudy said, nodding at GyroGyro, resulting in him allowing more air to pass through as he talked to Cloudy. “You understand him..?” Period looked up at Cloudy. “Ofcourse I do! How do you think I’m able to move around in the skies? The wind helps me!” Cloud explained. Exclamation Mark asked— “What is he saying…?” Cloudy answered: “He says he was teaching Exclamation Mark an ancient Japanese Dance!” Hangman then popped out from Cloudy, his rope extending to say— “I can confirm he said that— something interesting about being able to fit inside Cloudy is the fact that I, too, can understand the wind. Something I’ve been hearing are small conversations between The Gourd and someone else?” Hangman sighed. “Either way, apparently that dance is ancestral.” Hangman noted as Cloudy said “Yep.” to agree. “D-does it do anything…?!” Exclamation Mark seemed horrified now, only for GyroGyro to howl once more and for Cloudy to answer: “No. It’s a Japanese Dance that symbolizes the expression of Tranquility.” She blinked. “..oh.” Exclamation Mark sighed.
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Simultaneously, Question Mark approached Comedy, Tragedy and Phantom then asked: “So, what are you three?” Phantom seemed surprised and said— “Oh, well, we’re all porcelain masks!” Question Mark thought, then said “What happened to your right half?” Phantom then seemed surprised about the question, but before he could answer, Lunartic was yelling again. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” He hissed. “Get out of my way.” Moony said, holding Sunny’s Hand. “You can't STOP me from letting him meet HER.” Moony scowled. “MOOONY! C’mon! Think about it! He doesn't NEED or WANT her! He has US! Right, buddy?” Lunartic shakily said. “Yeah!” Sunny said. “See, no iss—” Lunartic was cut off by Sunny saying: “but I wanna know who Moony is gonna show me to! ^^” Lunartic grumbled; “LISTEN!! Sunny, she’s an AWFUL person , don't you remember what she did?! SHE—” Moony, with years of resentment and rage built up in her, inhaled deeply before pushing him out of the way. “Huh? Wait, GASP!! Isn't that—?! :D” Sunny began to run towards Starry, but before he got the chance to talk to her, The Gourd teleported everyone to their teams.
The Gourd now took off a Hard Hat and a Belt he was wearing, before saying: “CONTESTANTS! This next challenge is one I’m SURE you’ll all love!” The Gourd announced. “LLLLASER TAG!” He unveiled a Laser Tag arena, causing Sunny, who was just now sad, to cheer in joy. “Firstly, let’s all get inside!” The Gourd said, herding the teams into the Arena.
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“Alright, everybody, stay still for one second—” Everyone got black, styrofoam vests that had a LED Circle Light in the middle, glowing their Team’s Color. “Great! HERE’S THE RULES!”
“Ofcourse, number one— DON’T touch other players! Laser Tag is NO-CONTACT!” The Gourd looked at Star. “Rule TWO! DON’T cover your sensors! The only way a person can get you OUT of the challenge is by shooting you with their laser!” He looked at Heart. “Rule THREE! BE a good sport, won’t ya? I mean, ,’mon guys! I TRY to have fun challenges, isn't that the LEAST you can do?” He looked at Lunartic pleadingly. “Rule FOUR! THIS IS A GAME THAT LITERAL CHILDREN PLAY! Keep. Your. Cool.” He glared at all of the contestants. “RULE FIVE! …that's it actually.” The Gourd shrugged. “SO! There are 8 of each type of gun! Each team gets each! There are 3 types, to be exact! One’s a Short-Burst, so you should use it afar! One’s a Long-Burst, use it up close, and the last one is a Beam-Gun, holding it releases a constant beam! Each gun will begin to click after 5 seconds of being used consistently! When that happens, LET GO OF THE TRIGGER! You’ll have to wait another 5 seconds until the Lasers inside recharge!” The contestants began grabbing their weapons. “AS FOR HOW TO BE ELIMINATED! If you're SHOT by a Laser, your Vest will begin to beep! After 3 beeps, it will turn OFF! Once your vest is OFF, that means you're OUT!” The Gourd sighed. “ALRIGHT!! ISSS EVERYONE READY?!” He said.
Sunny, Period, Comedy, and Paperplates all cheered “YYYEAAHHHH!!!”, resulting in The Gourd to say— “ONCE YOUR IN THE ARENA’S PEREMITTERS, YOUR VEST WILL TURN ON! GO!”
Contestants began to swarm into the Arena, Moony and Sunny separated, and immediately afterwards, Moony bumped into House, resulting in the two of them simultaneously shooting each other with their Laser Guns. The Morse Code for the letter “S” played, and both of their vests turned off. “...sigh. Time to sit out.” Moony said. “Hey! Before you sit— I need to let you know that—”
“HOUSE AND MOONY ARE OUT!” The Gourd announced, cutting House off. “What were you going to say?” Moony asked as she walked. “...nothing.” House sighed, walking with her.
As GyroGyro and Sunny wandered, GyroGyro was shot by Paperplates. “Ack! Hmph!” Sunny then shot at Tragedy, who was at her side, resulting in Paperplates gasping and looking over, to which Tragedy said— “What was the point?” and walking out. Paperplates “Hmph!”ed and began to scale the wall next to her to get a good shot, Sunny began running around her as they both began to aim.
Meanwhile, Comedy shot at Penta, eliminating him. “HAHA!! 3 more to go!!” Comedy ran further into the arena as Starry came out, only for Period to shoot her. “Sigh, good job, big one!” Starry then walked out as Period stood there. “Big one..? She thinks I’m big? SHE THINKS I’M BIG? OHMYGOSH… SOMEONE THINKS I’M BIG!!” Period began to squeal and, despite them being his only form of stability, tapped his feet quickly and excitedly on the floor. “DOT! Help me get Paperplates!” Period snapped out of it and said— “On it!” Now helping Sunny.
“Ha! We’re in the lead! >:)” Paperplates told Sunny and Period. “Not anymore!” Sunny shot at Paperplates, causing her to be eliminated. “Aw, man! :-(“ she hopped down and ran off. “Who’s next?” Period asked Sunny. “You lead! <)”
Exclamation Mark yelped as a Laser went off! “PAPERPLATES AND MIME ARE NOW OUT! THE MASQUERADE, YOUR AT RISK!”Exclamation Mark sighed as Mime walked past Sunny and Period.
As Triangula was walking around, a Blue Laser pointed at he Vest, causing both the Laser and the Vest to beep rapidly, before the vest exploded with Blue Paint. “BLECK! THE HELL?!” Triangula groaned as she walked out.
Meanwhile, Question Mark shot at Hangman, getting him eliminated. “Who’s left?” Question Mark asked, before spotting Period and Sunny.
Comedy got distracted as Heart passed by, saying— “NICE BLUE MAKEUP, ICE QUEEN!” Heart blew a kiss towards him as she walked out. Sunny then took this opportunity to shoot Comedy, eliminating him. “AWHHH! >:(“
“Where is Cloudy…?!” Period said, looking around. Cloudy, however… was atop one of the many decorative structures, asleep.
“Lunartic?!” Exclamation Mark feared, “What?” Question Mark pointed out to him— “Look, down there!” She pointed out of the North Sniping Tower, towards Star in the Maze. “Got it, thanks.” Lunartic now gripped the trigger and fired.
“...” Star’s Vest Beeped.
“GAME!” The Gourd announced. “Team FUN! , you have 5 members left.” Exclamation Mark sighed, “Good thing we raised such a killer, right hon?” Exclamation Mark said to Question Mark. “Is that Blue Paint?” Question Mark pointed towards the South-West Sniping Tower, which had a strange blue substance, which was seemingly still fresh inside of its walls, alongside numerous paper towels and makeup wipes stained blue. “Probably nothing.” Lunartic shrugged.
Question Mark, Exclamation Mark and Lunartic then got down to collect Sunny and Period and get out.
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“Now that the challenge is finished, I can announce that like the Chamber of Lava, and the Tightrope Skylands, you may also use the Laser Tag Arena freely!” The Gourd announced, to Sunny, Period, Comedy and Paperplates’ Pleasures. “NOW! Tea— WAIT!” The Gourd yelled.
“Triangula, did you shoot ANY of your team members?” The Gourd sternly asked. “..no?” Triangula said, confused and trying to get the paint off of her. “...someone committed friendly fire then.” The Gourd seemed frustrated. “One of Team “What?”’s members has committed Friendly Fire, which is indicative of sabotaging their OWN team.” The Gourd sighed. “Until I find the perpetrator, the Laser Tag Arena is not to be used.” Sunny, Period, Comedy and Paperplates now all groaned. “Triangula, take this bucket of water—” The Gourd summoned a bucket of water. “and clean the paint off.” The Gourd now turned to Star, Heart, Penta and House. “Team “What?” see you at elimination tonight.” He nodded and disappeared.
Heart looked at Triangula, knowing full well she’d be leaving tonight.
“Jeez, you guys just can't stop LOSING! It's pathetic, it really is.” The Gourd said.
“ANYWAYS! You know the drill.” He said as Heart got up to make her vote.
As expected, the team unanimously decided…
“TRIANGULA. You're the next eliminated contestant.” The Gourd said, as Triangula sighed.
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“You guys are gonna have to break apart now, you do realize that?” Triangula said as her last words.
“..WELP! See you next time!” The Gourd cackles as the lights go out.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
All characters' voices, present or not, were acted out by L. Alberto S.
“...sigh. I need new friends.” Triangula said as the bus to Another Random Object Show parked in front of her, allowing her to be the first person on the bus.
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Episode 4 — Questions Answered
Questions Answered
“Like, Triangula!” Heart said to Triangula, who rung out in terror. “AAAHHH!!” She yelped at Heart’s sudden appearance. “...what?!” She pleads. “...like jeez, anyways, you like, never voted for me, have you?” Heart looked at Triangula, narrowing her eyes. “...nnnooo?” Triangula said. “then who voted for me last night?” Heart leaned in, and Star eventually came in as well, both of them ready to scold, threaten and punish Trianguula, however, Flower saw this and immediately yelled out— “YOU GUYS HAVE NO RIGHTS OVER OUR VOTES!” He now slid in, pushing them away. “Triangula can vote for who she wants to leave! That's FINAL!” Flower said. “...honey, I got a new idea.” Heart told Star, holding his hand gently before leaving, Flower then told Triangula— “Listen, we're the only members NOT in that idiotic alliance of theirs. We NEED to get House and Penta to defect as soon as possible.” Triangula looked at Flower, then thought; “...that's true, I’ll go get House, you get Penta.” Flower nodded and they seperated.
“Honey, you do realize if we don't instill trust into our members then one of us will leave soon, yes?” Heart told Star. “Heart, have you ever heard of Dr. Bright?” Star told Heart. “Who?” Heart seemed confused. “He’s a Lightbulb, but that's besides the point— as to quote him, trust is good, but fear is even better.” Heart seemed confused. “When people trust you, you get to know them, sure, but when you instill fear into people? They don't ask questions until it's too late.” Star now had a grin of malicious intent on his face. “How about we REMOVE the traitors then?” Heart raised her eyebrow as Star began smiling widely.
While Heart and Star began to plot something to sabotage their own team, Starry was approached by Lunartic. “Hey bitch, how would you like it if I assaulted your child?” Lunartic asked. Starry glared at him. “...please… don’t?” Starry pleaded. “You can't stop me. What are the chances he knows YOU? He loves ME more, after all.” Lunartic sneered. Cloudy eventually appeared and said— “How come you guys—” Lunartic now threw a Moonshard at her, causing her to dodge. “FUCK OFF! Bitch! You know NOTHING about what’s going on here.” He flipped Cloudy off, but just then, Moony said— “THAT’S IT! I’m DONE!” Moony told Lunartic. “...what?”
“I could give two fucks less about who you insult, but I’m TALKING to Starry. Now prod off!” Moony told Lunartic. “You can't do that.” Lunartic tried intimidating Moony, but Moony glared at him and said: “I can. and I will.” Starry watched as a knot between Lunartic and Moony began to fray.
Meanwhile, The Masquerade, except Starry and Cloudy, were planning with Period. “Yeah, exactly! When the merge comes, we’ll drop like flies, so we need a strategy, and fast.” Period told The Masqueradians. “Perhaps my shapeshifting could come in handy?” Mine said, turning into Period. “Good observation! Hey, wait!” Period realized. “Can't you turn into eliminated contestants, like The Colon Duo or Lightning?” Period asked, Mime tried and became them. “Now what?” Mime said as Devil.
“Go spy, since you're eliminated, people are unlikely to look for you!” Period told Mime, disguised as Devil, who began flying towards Triangula and House.
“Listen. I know voting can be scary, trust me, I’ve been there, but if it's not her or him, it’ll be me or you next.” Triangula told House. “...sigh, you're undoubtedly right… I’ll try to see what I can do. Thanks.” House sighed, before walking off.
“Interesting…” Devil said, or, rather, Mime.
Mime quickly returned to normal before being summoned into The Masquerade, alongside everyone else being summoned.
The Gourd now clapped, forming a Game Show Stage around The Cast. “WELCOME EVERYBODY! Today’s challenge revolved around ANSWERING QUESTIONS! Questions Answered, if you will!”
Comedy said— “OH! HE SAID IT!! HE SAID THE EPISODE TITLE!! HAHA!!!” As a fourth-wall break.
“Moving on, we had the 3 previously eliminated contestants submit 12 questions! 3 were picked by me! Everyone submitted questions directed towards each team, HOWEVER! Other teams may STEAL points by answering the question first by slamming their buzzer! You may switch out your buzzer person each round, so in your marks, get set, BEGIN!” The Gourd announced.
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“FIRST UP! QUESTIONS ABOUT!!” The Gourd points to himself. “Me!” He chuckles. “Alright, Team FUN! Let’s see… What is my FAVORITE song?” The Gourd asks. “Uhm.. hm… well, I believe it’s—” Question Mark is cut off by House, who despite almost answering, is cut off by Heart stating: “Cumshot by CupcakKe!” The Gourd stares at the team, and says: “Incorrect.” Question Mark buzzes in and says— “It’s The Boys are Back In Town Again by Thin Lizzy, though more specifically the JerryTerry Halloween Remix known as The Boys are Back In Town Again (To Kill You).” Question Mark states. “CORRECT! One point Team FUN!” The Gourd says. “The Masquerade! True or False? I can change my expression!” Paperplates buzzes in and says— “False. You're a Jack-O-Lantern.” The Gourd frowns, and says: “Wh.. YOU GUYS NEVER REALIZED MY CARVINGS CHANGE?! HOW DO YOU GUYS THINK I TALK?!?!” The Gourd says, offended. Star calls in and says “Nah, they're right.” The Gourd replied— “TEAM “WHAT?” NOT YOU GUYS TOO!! :-(“ Sunny buzzes in and says: “True!” Team FUN! now has 2 points. “Team “What?” Tell me! Why is my name The Gourd?” The Gourd asks, before Heart buzzes in and says: “because you’re a bozo!!” She says, blowing a kiss. Lunartic buzzes in and says: “You’re a pumpkin.” Which is accepted as the right answer.
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This then continued for a few more rounds. Cuby asked: “What is your darkest secrets?”, “In the realm of the performing arts, how do the nuance interplays of mise-es-scène dramaturgical structure, and the actors’ embodiment of character converge to cultivate a profound emotional resonance with the audience?”, and “0.999 = 1, why?”. The Masquerade got all of them right, giving 4 points.
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The Colon Duo asked: “You are in a room with two doors, there are two angels, one guarding each door. One angel will always tell the truth, and the other always lies. You don’t know which one is which, and you don't know which door leads to safety. You can ask one question to one of the angels to find fhe safe door. What question do you ask?”, “Why does the brain go to hell, whilst the heart goes to heaven?”, and “Art thine beings all truly filled with darkness upon creation?”. The Masquerade now has 5 points while Team FUN! has 3 points, and Team “What?” still has 0 points.
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Lightning asked: “What’s my favorite movie?”, “What is my favorite makeup shop?”, while Team FUN! and The Masquerade now tied at 5 points, it was this last question that scored Team “What?” a point.
“Who is the most fakeass bitch on this show?” The Gourd read the question as Heart buzzed in. “Correct!” The Gourd gave Team “What?” a SINGLE point as Heart was offended. “and by NO contest… weirdly, Team “What?” is UP FOR ELIMINATION! …again.” The Gourd said, with The Masquerade and Team FUN! high-fiving each other.
“Y’know, it’s funny!” Heart said to Flower. “We already know YOU and your TRIANGULAR friend are out this episode and the episode following.” She and Star grinned sinisterly, with Penta and House sighing and nodding solemnly.
“TEAM “WHAT?”, you guys… are TERRIBLE at these recent challenges. Anyhow, one of you will now be eliminated.” The Gourd said.
4 votes against Flower. 2 against Heart.
As The Gourd read vites, Flower felt his heart sinking. He really had failed to make any difference for his team.
None of them besides Triangula voted with him. Even if it meant following the people who threw the challenge.
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“...you guys are cowards.” Flower disappointingly said, before looking at Triangula and saying; “Hey?” Triangula looked over. “Good luck, girl.” Flower said, before The Gourd made him disappear.
Heart glared at Triangula, putting her index finger against her own throat as to mimick neck-slitting.
The Gourd spoke one last time;
“See you next time on
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
All characters' voices, present or not, were acted out by L. Alberto S.
“...what a joy it would be if everyone got along… I’ll apply!”
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House sat down near the stairs to the entrance of the Chamber of Lava from the First Episode, He then heard something like… smooching?
House looks around, before asking out— “...hello??”
Outcomes Heart and Star, both giggling. “Right, right, like, hi!” Heart told House. Lightning immediately pushed House aside and came flying over to ask— “Hiii Hearty-Heart!! What’s up??” Lightning asked. “Besides my… desires, Star has a special team announcement~!” Star nodded, then stood atop the topmost step of the stairway. “FREAKS!” He said, summoning Penta, Triangula, and Flower, some of whom slightly groaned. “It is to my desire that I ANNOUNCE!” Star shouted: “HEART! Is your Team CO-LEADER! and now! MY BELOVED!” Star dictated for everyone to clap.
Only Penta and House followed the order, with Triangula hesitantly agreeing to do so by clapping slowly.
“Ohmygosh, I’m so happy for you!! Oh! When can we hang out?” Lightning asked Heart. “Hang out? Oh, honey! I’ll be with Starry—”
“WHERE?!” Star panicked upon hearing the name “Starry”.
“...Star, not you!” Heart continued, holding onto Star closely. “Oh, I know— just, when do you… y’know… stop?” Lightning asked. “Mmm… never…” Heart replied, still snuggling Star in front of Lightning, as House, Penta, Triangula and Flower left. “..oh… ok… well, uhm, see you!” Lightning said, flying away, her feelings in a shamble.
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“Ehhh… yaayyyy…?” Exclamation Mark said, stumbling onto the announcement.
“What do you mean JUST yayyyy…? , hm?” Heart now side-eyes Exclamation Mark. “Yeah, what about us, Loud-Sound?” Star said, scowling at Exclamation Mark. “N-nothing!” Exclamation Mark said, before rushing off.
“Fuckin’ freak.” Star growled, before holding Heart again, Period looked at them, before cringing, walking over to Comedy and Tragedy, and saying— “They act like a Highschool Couple.”
Comedy laughed, while Tragedy looked over and cringed with Period. “OHMYGOODNESS, YOU ARE HILARIOUS! OH! OHHH! HOHO!!” Comedy wiped a tear from his mask. “Truly. Though, he's also factual… they act… erm… interesting-ly…” Tragedy said. “Yeah, couldn't be us!” Period said. “Yeah.” Tragedy replied, being cuddled violently by Comedy.
Starry started over at Lunartic, before a hand came to her shoulder.
“Hey, are you alright?” House asked. “...sorry, just… you seem to be disassociating. Frequently.” House said. “...I’m… I feel…” Starry stuttered, but House completed her. “like everything is out of your control, and no matter what you do or say, everything will come crashing down on you one day— so what’s the point?” House said, Starry stared, resulting in House almost speaking before Starry confirmed— “Yes… exactly. That's…” She sighed. “I need to get back in touch with some people… especially to get them away from someone who I know is dangerous.” Starry told House. “...y’know, being a living House, sometimes having people inhabit me, trust me, there's been about… 6? people inhabiting me before all of this? …I’ve seen alot. Both Healthy, and Abusive.” House told Starry. “...and I can tell you, that guy… he’s… a monster. He’s somehow all 3 of my former ABUSIVE residents as one person. He abuses physically, mentally, AND emotionally.” House told Starry, causing her to gasp. “...and no, it’s not your fault. No matter what you do, it wouldn't have changed anything.” House sighs. “What you CAN do though… is take that first leap.” House took his hand off Starry’s shoulder, then told her… “Be the Cowboy.” Starry starred as he walked off, before taking a deep breath, and nodding.
Lightning stared at Heart and Star, before turning around to go towards the other contestants. Try to make friends. “Like, Hi Cloud-sicle!” Lightning said to Cloudy. “Hm? Oh. Greetings.” Lightning then tried to talk about fashion. “So like, do you know of, like, any good brands? Maybe something Heart would—” Lightning was cut off by Cloudy shifting away. “...what?” Lightning asked. “...I think you could go for a Pink-Dye Treatment.” Cloudy said, before flying away from Lightning. “Oh, like.. OK…” Lightning then swooshed over to Flower and Paperplates, then tried to speak, only for Flower to say— “Oh, uh… go away?” Lightning then frowned, and lowered to Flower, before asking— “wait, why?” Flower then told her: “You're part of a clique that targets people based purely off if you like them, and the only reason House and Penta didn't vote with me and Triangula is because they were too scared, and thus followed along.” Flower told Lightning. “Wait, YOU voted for my BFFFL?!” Lightning said, angrily. “and another thing, listen— I think you CAN be good, you can be SWEET, but you act like THIS!” Flower told Lightning, who yelled: “I don’t need your OPINION!” before flying over to Mime and Moony, only for Mime to transform into Heart and tell Lightning— “You’re a follower, and that’s what’s keeping YOU in MY game!” It said as Heart, before transforming back and slithering away. “I’M NOT! A! HIVE MINDED! FOLLOWER!” Lightning yelled. “I’M HER BEST FEMALE FRIEND FOREVER (in) LIFE!!” Lightning now screamed.
Just then, Lunartic had gotten fed up with Starry trying to apologize, flipped her off, before walking over to Moony and saying— “I’ll never understand why you want to forgive her, after all, she’s JUST a dumb bitch.” Ofcourse, Lightning heard that, thought it was referring to her and—
“JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Lightning screamed, now exploding into numerous volts of electricity, many of which struck other contestants, such as Hangman, Question Mark, Triangula, and Phantom, with the former being fried to death, while the latter shattered due to the immense energy intake.
“HEYHEYHEYHEY!” The Gourd announced. “LISTEN UP, CONTESTANTS!” He sighed. “We’ve all been so stressed and angry lately, and that's frankly NOT show-worthy. SO, here’s Today’s Challenge!” He snapped, spontaneously reviving Question Mark, Hangman, Phantom and Triangula, and sending everybody back to their team. “Your challenge is to make ANY form of media based around me! or just another Jack-O-Lantern in General! You have 30 minutes! GO!”
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“What should we make for him?” Cloudy asked Comedy. “Just let Paperplates do it!” Comedy replied as Paperplates gave The Gourd a drawing. “Oh! Hey! How’d you know I could do THIS?” The Gourd asked Paperplates as suddenly, from her drawing, a Black Pumpkin, similar to Gourd appeared. They did a few spins before running off.
“The Masquerade is done! NOTE! Being DONE doesn't mean you’re SAFE! It just means you're DONE with the challenge!” The Gourd said.
“Huh. Interesting rule.” Hangman thought. “but it does make the game fair, since we still have a whole 28 minutes left.” Tragedy pointed out. “Can’t argue with that.” Hangman shrugged.
“Alright, so who’s drawing?” Flower queued. “Oh, well, obviously you get Lightning to do it! Trust me, she's gonna make him P-R-E-T-T-Y!” Heart said, giving Lightning a Pen and Paper. “Oh, yes I am, girlypop! He’ll look SOOOO cute!” Lightning got to drawing.
“Ohh, that looks so cute!!” Sunny said about Team FUN’s Project. “It… actually is kinda endearing. In a terrifying way.” Exclamation Mark said. “It’s a PLUSHIE. Leave Moony be.” Period said, sitting atop Exclamation Mark’s Head.
28 minutes later and…
“TIME’S UP!” The Gourd had announced as Lightning and House, alongside Moony, submitted their works.
“The way this will work is SIMPLE. I will look at the media you have made, then rate it on a 3-charter scale. So long as you are not placed as the WORST of the 3 artworks, your team is SAFE.” The Gourd said, now reviewing the first art. “FIRST! I will rate The Masquerade’s drawing of another pumpkin a… Middle. It was good! I liked it, I really did! It's just that—” The Gourd now SQUEEZED his own plushie. “TEAM FUN MADE THIS REALLY COOL PLUSH OF ME AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN SEEN AS CUTE BEFORE SO THIS MEANS ALOT TO ME, SORRY—!!” He ranted, before deeply inhaling and exhaling. “However, it’s now time for me to look at Team “What?”’s art.” The Gourd said, picking up Lightning's Art. “...I… erm…” The Gourd coughed.
“Team “What?",I understand you guys LIKE me but… what is this?” He held up the drawing of a Yassified Pumpkin.
“It’s you, but as a baddie! Cause me an Heart are Baddies!” Lightning enthusiastically said, with Heart side-eyeing away from her.
“...I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I’m sorry, this is.. just… no.” The Gourd placed Team “What?”’s tag in last place, making them… UP FOR ELIMINATION.
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OMG, OMG, this is terrible! Like, who do we vot for?!” Lightning said to Heart, only fo her to—
“SHUT UP! I’m THINKING, for fuck’s sake! YOU CAN’T SEE THAT?!” Heart lashed at Lightning.
“...sorry…” Lightning flew away, with Star turning to Heart to say… “You don't NEED her, when you have ME! C’mon, let's get her out.” Star proclaimed. Heart immediately said— “Ohmygosh, it's like you're reading my mind! I WAS GONNA DO THAT ALREADY!” Heart dropped her act, agreeing with Star, before she called for The Gourd to start…
“TEAM “WHAT?”, you’ve done it AGAIN!” The Gourd proclaimed. “You should already know the process! Get in the booth!”
Star and Heart vote and sway Penta and House into collectively voting one person…
“This is what you GET for messing with my BFFFL!” Lightning SLAMS Flower’s VOTE Button.
As usual, the rest of the team voted against Heart.
“VOTES HAVE BEEN READ!” The Gourd annouces.
“First vote…
Heart sneers at Penta, House, Triangula, and Flower.
“Second vote…
Heart files her nails.
“Third Vote…
“THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR VOTING ON MY BFFL!” Lightning yelled at Flower.
“Gasp! So you were useful…!” Heart gasped fakely.
“Fourth Vote…
“...one last time.” She continues filing her nails.
“...huh? I thought we were BFFFLs?” Lightning seemed confused.
“Fifth Vote…
“That’s until I came in, you’ve been RE-PLACED.” Star said, with Heart nodding.
“b-but… your her boyfriend…” Lightning said.
“Sixth Vote…
“Ohmygosh, you’re not getting it!” Heart said.
“Getting what?”
“Seventh Vote…
“Oh. My God, you’re seriously THIS fucking dull? GUESS WHAT?!”
“We’re still friends, right—?!” Lightning said.
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“WE’RE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE!” Heart yelled at Lightning.
Lightning stares in shock.
“Tsk, you’re a BIMBO, a dumb, moronic, and sheepish BIMBO.” Heart files her nails. “I’m a slut. I KNOW people, and their wants. Learn the difference.” Heart said, waving Lightning off.
Lightning then turned into a strike of lightning, gone in an instant.
…and it began raining, almost as if it was her. Crying.
The Gourd opens an umbrella and says— “That’s it for this episode! Tune in next time for MORE!” The Elimination Ceremony’s Lights go out after a strike of thunder.
AROS was written by TheWiseGuest.
All characters' voices, present or not, were acted out by L. Alberto S.
“Ohmygosh! My deepest desire?!” Lightning grips the flyer. “I won’t have to die alone!” She flies onwards, towards the location.
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Money Bag Voting Icon but he's human!! 🤯🤯
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