#they are beyond the bounds of reality that chronos exists by
heydragonfly · 4 months
alright i know lots of folks don’t love the chaos redesign and some folks are saying they look like meg which like i get, esp with the singular wing but to me? they look like Nyx. they look like they molded their new appearance in the image of their daughter, who they’ve recently reconnected with after aeons of separation. like they have not just emotionally become more the parent of Nyx, but physically mirrored this parenthood, this embodied connection, by choice
(this relationship which they’ve now lost, leaving them alone, again)
(until a certain princess of the dead arrives)
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shipaholic · 4 years
Omens Universe, Chapter 4 Part 2
Oof, I just finished this in time for my Sunday deadline. Er! Probably a bit more first-drafty than usual. Welcome to my extra-unfiltered brain-drippings, I guess?
Just a ton of weird body horror in this one. Why did I turn Crowley into a ball of black ectoplasm? Who knows, man.
btw the horse is a girl now. I’ve edited the last part to reflect this.
Onwards! On the quest for Hellfire to stick poor Crowley’s gem back together.
Link to next part at the end.
(last part)
Chapter 4, cont.
The route was ordinary, until it wasn’t.
On a damp country road indistinguishable from the mile of damp country road they’d already passed, Aziraphale nudged the horse towards a point where reality was slightly thinner than it should have been.
It was like a smoke hood snuffing out a candle. The wan sun vanished as though it had never existed. The soggy fields disappeared behind a curtain of fog.
Crowley bubbled to himself. He was slumped on the horse’s neck in a heap of misshapen armour. The horse, using horse logic, reacted to this by speeding up to get away from him, so they were now bouncing down the path at a nervous trot, jingling like a cutlery drawer.
Aziraphale leaned forward. “How are you holding up?”
Crowley gave a long hiss, like steam escaping. Black tar oozed down the back of his neck. Patches of what looked like scales had broken out all over his face, like a teenage skin complaint. His right cheek was still swollen from the horse’s kick, and his broken gem was dull under the swirling fog. His eyes were unfocused. For a time, they had grown closer to passably human; now they were as snakelike as they ever had been.
Aziraphale contemplated him, his poison-yellow eyes and the creeping scales that covered his face. The thought occurred to him that demons had forms that were. Well. On the bestial side. Covered in bats or flies. Sometimes mould, if they couldn’t manage anything better. Crowley was the only one he knew of who looked, until now, mostly human. Mostly.
He thought about Crowley, straining with the effort of staying in one piece. Perhaps he had no energy to spare towards the little maintenance miracles he normally did without thinking about it. Like ensuring his hair was always perfect. Or that his clothes always hung just so. Or…
Or holding back some of the more obvious evidence of his nature. Aziraphale considered that what he was seeing now - the scales, the eyes - was what Crowley was meant to look like. How he looked in Hell, after the fall.
He said he disliked shape-shifting. But he still did it.
Aziraphale let this line of thought play out. Then he folded it away, for good. If Crowley wanted to look more human, that was nobody’s business.
The horse was far less generous. Her eyes rolled in a way that suggested everyone should brace themselves for an abrupt relocation. Aziraphale suspected the poor thing might have reached her limit, no matter how much serenity he projected at her.
A hiss came from within Crowley’s armour.
“Ssss… zsss… Aziraphale.”
He had to force the words out. Aziraphale leaned closer to catch them.
“You ssshould. Discorporate me.”
Aziraphale felt a cold swoop in his stomach.
“Don’t say that. Whatever for?”
“Horse. ‘Sss about to bolt.”
Aziraphale gripped the horse’s sides with his legs as they all almost jolted out of the saddle.
“Not at all,” he lied. “She’ll quiet down, eventually. She’s used to riding into danger for God and glory.”
“Don’t kid yourssself. If I’m in my gem, the damn thing ssstops freaking out. Jussst do it.”
Aziraphale frowned. “Stop it, Crowley. It’s not going to happen. What if you can’t reform?”
Crowley made a noise that could have been a sigh.
“Either the Hellfire heals me or it doesn’t.”
Aziraphale thought about it. Drawing his sword and… dispatching Crowley, for the first time since Eden. The first time ever on purpose.
He had suggested it earlier. But that was before Crowley lost form, and speech. Back when he thought they could solve this problem by popping Crowley’s gem in the post.
If this was the last -
If this was the last time they -
He couldn’t do it.
No, he refused to do it. He’d find another way. If Crowley wanted to argue, too bad.
“Angel, did you -”
“I heard you,” Aziraphale snapped. “The answer’s no. And I’m steering, so you’ll have to like it or lump it.”
Crowley undulated sulkily. “Gnnnggg.”
“Same to you. Now. Are we there yet?”
Crowley peered off into the fog. He took a deep sniff. Tendrils of mist curled into his nostrils.
He raised a dripping, gelatinous arm and shakily pointed left.
Aziraphale nudged the horse. They jingled on.
Aziraphale could swear the ground was flat, but it felt like they were somehow sloping down, down into the murk. Fog pressed in like shadows, dissolving the world. He could only guess the swooping sense of vertigo he felt was not in his imagination.
Then, from up ahead, came a deep, red glow. A sinister, hateful glow. A glow that wanted to envelop everything before it, then snuff it out.
The fog billowed as though stirred by wind. It rose, pulled back like a curtain, and revealed with a flourish the sweeping landscape before them.
A colourless sweep of grass led to the shore of a lake. The lake was small, but the waters were endlessly black. None of the fog, swirling at head-height, trickled down to brush the surface. The air above the water was dead. Aziraphale suspected if he tried to breathe it, he would find himself unable to.
In the centre of the lake was a tiny island, and on the island was a cave with a glowing red mouth. It was as red as Hell in a storybook.
On the shore sat a rickety wooden boat. It was big enough for two, if one was feeling generous. Someone had tossed an oar onto the seat.
Aziraphale rolled his eyes. All the scene was missing was a few skulls and a flock of bats to really set the mood. Call it snobbery - and Lord knew Heaven wasn’t any better, what with the robes and the head-pounding light and the choirs of angels that knew no dynamic markings beyond fortissimo - but he found this kind of thing embarrassing.
He dismounted and helped Crowley down after him. The horse perked up as soon as she was rid of them. Aziraphale gave her an absent-minded stroke, and put the route back to the castle in her head. She gave the snake a dirty parting look, and trotted away with a flick of her tail.
There was nothing to do but get on with it. Aziraphale guided Crowley to the boat. Crowley walked like an empty suit of armour, its inhabitant long-deceased, now puppeted by something that didn’t quite get how people were supposed to move. From time to time, he flickered, and his entire body turned off. It happened too quickly each time for Aziraphale to feel the sting of panic until Crowley had already reappeared. A quiet roar of static emanated from him, intermittently, like a faulty connection.
They reached the boat. Aziraphale poured Crowley into the bottom, like black tar. He glooped like a cauldron and spilled between the pieces of his armour. He looked like a quagmire with the drowned remains of a knight floating in it.
Aziraphale settled across from him, dubiously, onto the half-rotted seat. He picked up the oar and pushed off.
The boat glided out in total silence onto the lake. There was no sensation that they were floating upon anything. They drifted, perfectly level, as if on casters. Aziraphale had no intention of putting his hand in the water to check what was there. Maybe they were sailing across sheer void, and if he looked down, the spell would break and they would plummet forever into empty darkness.
It might be dangerous to use a miracle to get to the island faster. This place was steeped in demonic essence. It would be like putting opposing magnetic fields together. Or possibly it would just cause an explosion.
He rowed. His oar passed through whatever was beneath them with no resistance. The boat glided forward at an even pace.
The island loomed. Crowley was a lumpy puddle at the bottom of the boat. More of him spilled over the top of his armour, submerging it like an oil slick. The snake’s smooth dark head swam on the surface, the only part of him that kept its form.
Then, like a sauce thickening, he suddenly expanded, bursting the bounds of his armour. Aziraphale jerked backwards, pulling his feet up onto the seat. There was suddenly twice as much of Crowley as before. Appendages that could be presumed to be arms and legs erupted from him like wet, black roots. He had outgrown the boat before Aziraphale could react. Crowley tried to pull in his spiralling limbs, and accidentally punched a hole in the side.
Black water rushed in. It was nothing like water at all.
A forsaken feeling washed over Aziraphale. It was as though his essence, the part of him that rang in tune to Heaven, had gone cold. The water moaned, and his heart wrenched out of his chest.
Crowley hissed like a kettle and scrambled away as though the water was scalding hot. His limbs gored more holes as he went, and the boat began to list. The terrible cold rose from the bottom and crept through Aziraphale’s body, numbing and burning as it went. He gripped the oar with frozen hands and rowed faster. The island, which had seemed in reach minutes ago, was now a distant speck. They weren’t going to make it. They were going to break apart and fall away into the endless dark.
Clammy hands brushed Aziraphale’s ankles. He gave one of them a smack with the oar. When he looked back up, the island was right there, spilling its angry red glow from the cave onto the grey sand of the shore.
The boat broke in half as they reached it. Aziraphale didn’t look down. He grabbed Crowley and leapt off. For an instant, he was treading water that wasn’t water. The cold of it stopped his brain and heart. Then his feet were churning up wet sand, and he staggered up a pale, dirty beach, the last tendrils of the waves sighing as they unstuck and let him go.
Aziraphale kept moving, although he couldn’t feel his body. He could only feel Crowley’s hand, clutched in his, oozing and damp and not hand-shaped at all, but warm, the only warm thing in the world.
When they were a safe distance from the water, he bent over, put his hands on his knees and gasped for a minute. Crowley sunk into a puddle beside him. It was hard to read his body language, but Aziraphale guessed he was also collecting himself.
They only took a few moments. Crowley’s hand wasn’t a hand any more, and they needed to find what they came here for quickly.
Aziraphale turned and faced the cave. The mouth of it glowed like an oven. He felt the hellish heat radiating out, waiting for him to step into its radius.
He mustered a smile for Crowley. “At least we’ll dry out.”
Crowley made a motion that Aziraphale interpreted as a grim nod.
There was nothing more to say. Aziraphale walked, and Crowley oozed, towards the cave. They stepped into the circle of searing light. It was hot, but it didn’t burn. It was more like the close, miserable heat of a sweaty little room crammed with people who know they can never leave. They went further, past the threshold, all the way inside.
The cave swallowed them up. They kept walking.
(next part)
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she-dreams-in-pink · 8 years
Heyyy its your Secret Santa here come bearing your gift fic! ^_^ Sorry its so late, I was working on it till the last minute to make it perfect!
Title: “Cosmic Cycle”
Pairing: Endymion/Serenity, UsaMamo
Rating: T
Canon: Manga
Summary: Again and again they were destined to repeat this fate, it was the cruel will of the Cosmos.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, a Silver Kingdom of splendor and valor erupted in flames as the stench of blood draped against the waning gleam of the moon and corpses were strewn all across the battlefield.
Cries and screams of agony and rage could be heard, thinking not of love and peace but only of hate and war, living being against living being.
Amongst those piercing cries none were loudest then that of a Princess shrouded in white, protected by the silver light. But though she was deigned to be blessed by the moon she was innocent, too innocent to bear witness to this. Her sheltered eyes now alight in horror at the violence and brutality that ensued.
All she could do was call for him, her lover; the beautiful prince of the beautiful planet, with eyes as blue and deep as the oceans of that faraway realm for which she dreamed, holding within them all the vast knowledge and wonders of the world for which she had been naive to. Protected too was he by the golden light, the hidden depths which gave that blue planet its shine but could not be brought out due to the vessel it occupied. 
Two guardians of their respective stars holding tremendous power they could not wield, she because her fragile heart refused to fight, he because his physical form rendered him incapable to fight.
Two anomalies.
Two would-be guardians.
Moon and Earth.
Silver and Gold.
Was it any wonder they were drawn to one another?
Like two magnets that naturally attract, they were two halves of one whole. It was the Cosmos’s will.
It was also its will that they repeat this same trial again and again, lifetime after lifetime, a cycle that was equal amounts a blessing and a curse.
“Please, stop this bloodshed, hatred and violence will never achieve anything! Open your eyes, don’t you see you’re all being deceived by that demon?!”
“Prince, what are you saying?! Do you intend to betray the Earth?!”
The jealousy consumed sorceress that led the campaign allowed her sword to be brought down, all attempts being made to reason rendered futile as Chaos already overtook her soul. Her target? The one who had stolen her heart’s desire, the defenseless little Moon Princess.
“This is all her fault! DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!”
Her earth-shattering cry shook the battlefield, the fighting ceasing for a brief moment as all eyes turned toward her; In particular the shocked hues of the Prince’s four guardian guardsmen as they looked on in horror at the one whom they swore to protect falling in defeat. They did not understand, was it not the bewitching Lunarians and their accursed crystal that was a danger to their Master? Why then was he struck down by one of their own? Why was the Moon Witch weeping tears of sorrow for his sake?
And weep tears she did! Unable to quell her grief the young princess wept freely on the body of her now dead lover, what cruel fate had bestowed her to this end? Was this their punishment for defying the Gods? If this was to be their destiny then so be it, for once she would take matter into her own hands!
Picking up the currently discarded Holy Moon Sword which her Guardian Venus had momentarily dropped in the heat of battle, she took that which was meant to protect and used it to destroy, specifically herself. Plunging it into her stomach she whispered a silent prayer to herself whilst doing so, a requiem for a fallen Princess.
“Endymion! I love you! You are my first love. And the only love for me is you! Even if we were reborn I know that I would meet you again! I know that again, we would fall in love! We shall transcend time and be reborn. And the two of us… This time for sure… will be happy… Endymion….”
It was done, blood seeped from her gut onto her lily white dress; innocence marred and tainted. Around her echoed the cries of her guardian soldiers, each devastated and heart-broken as they watched their beloved Princess succumb to her grief, helpless to stop it.
Was this to be their legacy?
No one’s scream of agony was louder than that of Venus their leader, for it was her sword that pierced that that flesh, her that had allowed her charge to meet with Endymion secretly in the first place, her that failed. She paid for her crime by being the first to strike down her ex-lover Kunzite, and he her, this was her penance.
Around the fallen pair the battle continued to rage on as each Senshi and Shittenou eventually struck down the other until there was no one from either side left standing. Death, decay and ruin permeated the previously beautiful shining moon, only destruction now lay in its wake.
Eventually the only sound that could be heard was that of the drop of a glaive, the signal of the end of an era and a ushering in of a new one. Death and Rebirth.
Silence ensued.
This was the 484th time.
Space-Time Gate
The SolitaryGuardian of Time, Sailor Pluto looked on from her post as she watched the events entangle before her, her facial features betraying none of the feelings she felt stir within her heart; calm and stoic as ever, she could afford to be nothing else for one whose duty lay with allowing history to pass rather than to prevent or change it.
While time would forever be flowing and changing she would forever remain the same, solid like a rock, always watching, never changing. Only ever allowing herself to be carried to whatever point in time she needed to be in in order to keep it flowing smoothly.
It was a lonely existence always watching from afar, forever knowing of every possible past and future in existence from all timelines and dimensions. Nothing ever phased her because nothing could ever surprise her, she had knowledge of all.
“Perhaps that’s a very lonely thing in and of itself,” she mused quietly to herself. Even so, try as she might she still couldn’t stop the niggling deep within her chest, that burning desire to be there with her fellow Senshi fighting alongside them helping to protect their precious Princess, trying to change history for the better! She longed to feel that sweet anticipation of an unknown outcome, not knowing what is to come but praying, hoping for the best; no longer bound by the laws of time and space, just by normal living instinct.
Such was not to be however, and it was foolish for the daughter of Chronos to ever entertain such notions.
Still, she couldn’t help feel that slight pang to her soul whenever she witnessed this particular event unfold, though it was not the first time she had witnessed the fall and it most certainly wouldn’t be the last. Perhaps she wasn’t as impenetrable as she thought, she could never get used to this.
A strong gust of wind began blowing from behind her, the indication of an intruder. Eyes closed, expression still as un-moving and un-affected as ever Pluto didn’t even bother to turn around to face her surprise visitor, for like always it was never truly a surprise.
“It is done then?” She phrased the question in a way that wasn’t really a question.
“Yes, the glaive has dropped. A new era will now begin anew in all timelines as it always has.” The voice came from a bright ray of purple light, another Sailor Suited Senshi manifesting from its depths, In her left arm she held a glaive, a sharp contrast to the rather non-threatening staff that her comrade held.
“One has to wonder then for what purpose this visit is for, Saturn.” The guardian of Time remarked in an almost teasing like manner, her expression still utterly unreadable.
“What? Is it now a taboo for old friends to visit one another? Ah, but then I always was the uninvited guest.” The Senshi of Ruin replied sardonically, a hint of a smirk adorning her alabaster features.
“Something tells me you didn’t come just for a social call…”
“You know me well, then again what do you not know Pluto?”
“Touche,” she retorted back, unable to help the slight mirth of a chuckle that escaped past her rouge lips. “Though I think you know quite a lot yourself, is that not the reason you’ve come here today Saturn?”
All traces of amusement now left the Guardian of Death’s face, her expression now stone cold as her eyes darkened whilst she walked over to Pluto’s side, watching along with her the open gate to time.
“You were looking into the timelines again… Tell me Pluto, what did you see?” Though she was also staring into that same, deep nebulous warp of time, it would not open and show her images like it did Pluto. Even with her supposed title of “most powerful and dangerous Senshi in the solar system” there were some things even she was not privy to, most notably time which was not under her jurisdiction.
Pluto sighed, there was no use hiding anything from this perceptive little firefly was there?
“Serenity and Endymion… It seems their souls transcend even the concepts time and space. They will be reborn many times over throughout history, throughout timelines, even dimensions! Always they will be drawn together yet not always will their fate be kind. More often then not it will be cruel, one or both will meet an untimely death just after finding the other, or they will be cursed, or their personalities and souls are so twisted and warped beyond compare that it will darken and poison their love. In most of these realities they will never recover their memories or gain access to their powers, they will forever wander throughout these existences lost and alone, as if there’s a hole in their heart and something is missing, forever disconnected from the world that they live.”
Saturn nodded slowly, frowning. “But you should know already this is how it always goes Pluto… Do we not always go through this?”
“I know, I know! Its just… I can’t stand feeling so helpless! Knowing all this, yet knowing I am unable to do a thing about it! I can’t protect them, can’t prevent this cruelty…” Her voice trembled, she was trying desperately not to lose face to remain the ever strong and unmoving overseer of time that she was meant to be. Sometimes it was just so hard though, always having to suppress emotions, pretend like nothing ever affected her while going through this exact heart-wrenching scenario over and over again in a never-ending loop! Her precious Prince and Princess were out there suffering, the Princess she had sworn an undying vow of oath to, who represented all the hope and light and goodness of this universe! The Prince whose lavender hues mesmerized and captivated her, who stole her heart with his gentle healing warmth and endless intelligence which seemed to encapsulate the universe! The Prince who she had always loved from afar but long accepted that they could never be, still it never bothered her as long as she knew he was somewhere out there happy with his true other, half but to know there were lifetimes out there where even that could not be; he could change so irrevocably and yet still go through so much pain….
“There’s no changing the strings of fate, as Senshi our destiny is to go through a never-ending cycle of living, fighting, then dying. Wash, rinse and repeat. And those with the two most powerful Sailor Crystals in our galaxy, our Princess and Prince must endure even greater trials than those of us “regular” Senshi. We are all but unwilling pawns in this great game that the Cosmos calls life, cogs that do nothing but help run the universe and sustain its balance. Yet what’s the alternative, endless nothingness? Silence? I’d rather keep existing and fighting through the pain just to experience those precious few moments of joy and peace than not know anything all. Is that not what our Princess chose?”
Yes, Saturn’s right.  No matter how much it hurts its better than there being nothing at all. This is our fate and we must embrace it with grace and dignity, standing tall and proud like the soldiers we are, we live for all life in this universe after-all, not just ourselves. Its what the Cauldron determined.
“Right as always, perhaps you should have the one to be born with the Pluto Crystal and I the Saturn Crystal. I always did get the feeling the Cauldron made a bit of a mix-up when it came to us.” The green-haired guardian joked lightly, finally allowing a glimmer of a smile to grace her normally stoic face.
“Please, you’d be much too soft-hearted for this job. Try as you may be to remain the ever solemn and untouchable guardian of time you’re a big softy underneath that cold exterior. I’d say the Cauldron made the right call in that department.” 
The tension having been dissipated with the light joking and banter, Saturn’s slightly sarcastic smile softened into a more gentle one as she spoke more words of knowledge.
“Do not fret Pluto, though the Prince and Princess might face many hardships in their many lives spanning time, there is at least one timeline where they will truly find each other again and be able to find some measure of happiness. I’m sure you already know which one this is?” Oh she knew all right, it was of course a timeline that was still fraught with hardship and battles, that would end with them eventually going all back to the Cauldron to repeat this same cycle over again, but it was also a timeline filled with love and joy, the happiest they could ever be. A timeline where their Princess would start her new life out as a bubbly and spastic blond-haired dumpling head and their Prince a secluded and aloof orphan but as fate would of course have it, they would find each other again and not only would it be the only timeline where they could finally be happy together, but also the one in which they would finally be able to awaken and reach the full potential of their powers.
It was also the only time in which she and Saturn would finally no longer be alone and become part of a family, where all the Outers could fight alongside their Princess instead of just watching and protecting from afar, never making themselves known.
The Cosmos could be cruel but it could also be kind.
“It looks like its starting right now in-fact…” Pluto smirked as she looked into the Time gate, watching through one of the warps the play-by-play of a certain odango-headed princess throwing her rather abysmal scored test straight into the face of her would-be prince. Bickering ensued as it always would in this dimension but there was not a thing about it Pluto even wished to change.
Noticing the gentle and doting smile on her comrade’s countenance as she stared into the Time Gate, Saturn surmised that her job here was done and it was time to now be going.
“I should take my leave then, its almost time for me to go back into stasis after all. I shall see you again in the future soon Pluto when it is yet again time for my re-awakening, or should I say Setsuna-mama?” Againwas the teasing tone and slightly playful smirk, this time though it would be fully returned in kind.
“Likewise, Hotaru-chan, like-wise.”
Flashes of purple light appeared from the sky yet again as Saturn began to rise up to return from where she came but not before leaving a few more parting words of wisdom to the guardian of time. 
“Always remember Pluto with despair comes hope, with darkness, light. With Chaos, Peace. The Universe needs both the good and the bad in order to sustain itself and keep its balance, it cannot survive on one alone because And experiencing both is what ultimately makes life worth living, we as Senshi are meant to understand that better than any other living creature. Because ultimately? Good and Evil are simply two sides of the same coin, when one ends another begins, without either we may not have any endings but then we wouldn’t be able to experience beginnings either. It is as I’ve always said, with death always comes—” “Rebirth.” Pluto finished for her, a true smile playing on her face. Yes she knew those words well alright and now it was time for her to learn to internalize the lesson found within them as well instead of just wishing for what could have been.
And with that one parting word Saturn knew that she had taught her well, with naught but a slightly sad yet hopeful smile Saturn departed, ascending to the heavens as if she was an angel of life rather than the grim reaper of death.
Perhaps that’s what she truly was.
I suppose the Cosmos isn’t such a cruel mistress after all.
Center of the Milky Way, The Galaxy Cauldron
Guardian Cosmos looked on as the annual cycling in and out of the planets and stars from the cauldron began yet again. Among them were the two most precious stars of this Solar System that held the greatest potential for life, Moon and Earth.
Two halves that made up one whole, it was originally supposed to be born as one whole Sailor Crystal that was to be the center of life in Sagittarius Zero yet the power proved to be too great for the Cauldron to contain and so she had no choice but to split the Crystal in two, making two whole new stars that were destined to always satellite around each other. They were powerful on their own, but only by coming together would they be able to reach their full potential and restore true balance to this galaxy.
However as was the nature of a Sailor Crystal with such awe-inspiring potential, its annual cycling in and out of the Cauldron when it came together finally whole and complete but then would have to be split apart and sent out anew again proved to be rather difficult, so much so that it was getting to the point where it was even beginning to overwhelm the creator of life and existence herself!
“I  suppose I really overestimated myself in the formation of this star huh? Its power is threatening to overwhelm even me!” She giggled softly, but then a rather melancholic and sorrowful look dawned upon the guardian spirit’s face.
“Forgive me for the hardships you’ll face little star, I’m afraid you won’t always be able to be whole in all realities, that’s just how your power works. I know it hurts to be split but please try to endure it, if any star can its definitely you, its how I made you after all… Believe me it hurts me too, it hurts me whenever my precious children suffer so.”
Around her star seeds began blossoming, as if crying out, begging to be sent out and begin life anew as to whatever organism they would be born as on whatever star they would be sent to. The birthing cycle was soon drawing to a close, it was finally time to send them through the canal.
“Yes, yes I hear you all, don’t worry. Just need to send your parent stars out first so you’ll all have a place to live.  Don’t worry, I’ll get to you.”
With that she released all the Sailor Crystals from the Cauldron, one by one they began filling outer space each birthing one new star, aestroid or planet after another until the pitch-black void of nothingness and darkness was once again filled and sparkling to the brim with life!
Guardian Cosmos watched from the depths of her cauldron, pleased with her work. The birthing experience was always like a work of art to her and Outer Space was her canvas. Now it was time to release her last and greatest work into the vast reaches of space.
“Goodbye little Star Of Hope, please try not to hurt too much this time around. Hopefully you’ll be able to find each other and come together in some time!”
Bestowing upon it one last hopeful little smile, she sent it out into space to join its many siblings. The fabric of time was formed yet again, the very foundation of life itself beginning anew.
“And so a new cycle begins.”
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