#as likely a recessive gene sort of deal
heydragonfly · 4 months
alright i know lots of folks don’t love the chaos redesign and some folks are saying they look like meg which like i get, esp with the singular wing but to me? they look like Nyx. they look like they molded their new appearance in the image of their daughter, who they’ve recently reconnected with after aeons of separation. like they have not just emotionally become more the parent of Nyx, but physically mirrored this parenthood, this embodied connection, by choice
(this relationship which they’ve now lost, leaving them alone, again)
(until a certain princess of the dead arrives)
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sharffffff · 2 months
Anarnyrel Emeratu
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Wow this lady is ✨old✨
How old, exactly? Well, not the "this is the oldest mortal character in TES" old, but not that far behind either. Being born into one of the first generations of Falmer living under Dwemer rule, in 1e487, Anarnyrel would be just over 3000 years during the Planemeld.
You might be wondering, however, that she doesn't look like a Falmer at all, and fair, she doesn't - her grandfather was a Dwemer and (in my headcanons) snow-white skin tone of Falmer is extremely recessive (as in, multiple different skin tone genes rely on being recessive to achieve that tone), so getting back to being snow-white after initial hybridization takes a lot of generations. Anarnyrel is still significantly paler than your average Dwemer, who have almost bronze skin tones, and much more desaturated as well.
Now, what is there to know about her? Let me get into my "it's time to actually write seriously" mood and get started.
Although a lot of Dwemer in recorded texts had thought themselves superior to other races, especially their downtrodden brethren Falmer, it was far from the case in reality, even though "kind souls" of Dwemer society were less likely to be in positions of power and have any written texts about them survive through both their disappearance and thousands of years since then. But they existed, in quite the significant numbers, and Anarnyrel's grandfather, Nathranas, was one of them. He has always been interested in cultures of other races, and has spent a lot of time among Falmer in particular, after the Night of Tears but long before the fall of Snow Prince and complete collapse of the Falmer kingdom. He has travelled a lot, but always kept coming back to Skyrim, especially with things getting more and more heated.
But in particular, he kept coming back to Vantari, a Falmer who he has grown attached to, who always made snide remarks about his kind of work, and to whom he always fired back to. They had this sort of friendly rivalry that was on the verge of growing to something else, but Nathranas never took the first step in the fear of being too imposing, and knowing that Vantari had more things to worry about. After all, she was in charge of an entire Falmeri town, and with the war in Skyrim getting worse and worse, she surely had more important things than love. So, Nathranas held off from the confessions and just offered her and her people whatever help he could, while in the background working on securing them the place to live in case Falmer were driven off the surface after all.
The rumors he heard about the plans of other Dwemeri houses weren't too promising, and he didn't hold enough political power to get anything done about it. Who would listen to the last remaining member of a house that's been down on its luck for the last five centuries, after all? Only someone who already held views similar to his, and it wasn't the powerful majority. Yes, he had convinced some other minor nobles to also prepare the safe space for the Falmer in case the inevitable happens, but he was afraid that it wouldn't last. The plans of larger clans and houses... they were horrifying. And what's worse, they were likely to succeed.
And then it happened. Snow Prince fell in one of the battles against the Nedes, and the last hope for Falmer to stay on the surface was gone. They were hunted like animals, driven off the surface of the world, driven right into the trap of larger clans. Some settlements were able to evade the deal with those clans and instead find safe haven with some of Nathranas' allies, and Vantari and her town was welcome in the old fortress of Narthranas' house, which he had been restoring in case this did happen. They were welcome in, no strings attached, with the exception of having to help growing the food for the town, as he alone could not feed nearly a hundred people all by himself. Yes, there were some constructs to help with gathering the crops, but he didn't have time to fully repair them as of yet - it was one of the first things on his list, however. And, to be fair, this deal was significantly better than some other refugees have gotten, which Narthranas was utterly disgusted by. He was hoping that the rumors weren't true, but, sadly, they were, and as much as he hoped he could've helped every single Falmer, it just wasn't possible.
Over time, however, the old fortress has started seeing new life, both with many constructs being repaired to help with growing crops, looking after kwama and other things around the underground citadel, and with Falmer who have retreated here seeing that unlike many other Dwemer, Nathranas wasn't going to stab them in the back. They were still wary, of course, but this deal was better than some others they could've gotten. In the meantime, Narthranas started teaching some of the younger Falmer how to repair the constructs and how to build new ones, how the magotech worked, how to charge the soul gems to power both the constructs and some of the automated systems in the fortress itself, and many other things that were usually forbidden to relay to the outsiders. But then again, Narthranas has already "betrayed the Dwemer" from what he heard said about him, so why not betray them some more?
To return to the topic at hand, Anarnyrel - for her to come to exist, something must happen. And, surprising nobody, it did - it was Vantari who approached Narthranas, however, as he was too afraid to even think about it with all the news about how other Dwemer treated their Falmer brethren. She told him how she loved to see him squirm, unable to admit his feelings, but thought that he has stewed in his guilt for far too long. He wasn't responsible for the actions of his people, and it didn't mean he wasn't deserving of love. How Narthranas didn't just die on the spot is still unknown, but the relief he felt from being accepted by the woman he had loved for the past 264 years was immense. It would be more than another century before they would get a daughter of their own, with two generations of Falmer having grown up in the fortress without ever seeing the light of day.
Well, this wasn't entirely correct, as the exit to the surface wasn't locked, and some experienced hunters would go out now and again to bring back fresh meat, and with some youngsters sneaking out despite the looming threat of Nedes still hunting down the last remnants of Falmer, but sunlight was still a rare encounter for most of the younger generations. The artificial sunlight was good enough for the cave crops and to not go completely insane from constant darkness, and Dwemer have lived like this for thousands of years, but for normally surface-dwelling Falmer it was difficult to get used to.
Autarielle - that was the name that Vantari has given their daughter, "Beaty of the Clouds", to remind of what was lost. When she was just born, she was surprisingly pale, looking almost like full-blood Falmer, but as she aged, her skin tone grew darker, ending up being almost darker than that of Narthranas. To the unknowing eye, she looked almost more Dwemeri than her own father! Autarielle was loved among the entire city, with people living there hoping that she was the blessing from the gods, a sign that things would be okay, that the city was safe from the rest of the world. And for the time, it was true. The fortress was thriving, more hunting parties were going onto the surface, still with immense care not to lead the Nedes to the entrance of the caverns, and more and more Falmeri children, Autarielle included, were being taught the crafts of both Dwemer and Falmer, in case they ever needed to take care of the citadel after Narthranas was gone.
And then, Narthranas got his first threat. His city was doing too well, and the important people have taken notice. The letter didn't look like a threat to an untrained eye, but the phrasing made it all far too clear. They were "interested in the progress of [his] little project, and recommended to not let it grow too big to handle". This was bad. The city has grown significantly, with four generations of Falmer having grown up here already, almost doubling the population, and this letter has just become a confirmation that they kept their eyes on him. This almost drew Narthranas to the panic, and then something happened that made it all even worse.
With things going well up to this point, even slightly less experienced hunters were allowed to join the hunts on the surface, and so, with all this traffic up and down, it became easier for some mischievous younger Falmer to sneak up to the surface to watch the animals, and sky, and trees, and clouds. Autarielle might have had it a bit more difficult than others, as her sneaking out would be much more noticeable, with her looking nowhere near like other Falmer, but it didn't stop her. She and her partner, Seravin, became great at sneaking out to spend time alone together, as it has become quite difficult to find empty spaces back in the citadel, and they weren't ready to make their relationship public just yet. Seravin felt that they might be a little too "unimportant" for Autarielle's parents to allow her to be with them, with her being the daughter of the leader of the city and the one who gave them this safe haven, and with Seravin just being a child of a hunter and a kwama miner. Autarielle always called them silly for that fear, but never forced them to become public. They would do it when they were ready.
Sadly, that "ready" moment wasn't going to come. During one of their escapades, with both of them sitting in the branches of a great oak and just having some fun, they were ambushed. Nords were some masterful marksmen, and Seravin was dead mere seconds after the arrow hit them straight in the heart. After noticing Autarielle, however, Nords ran, screaming at each other that they should never have attacked the Dwarves and that they would be cursed forever now. Autarielle didn't even have a second to process what happened and had entirely shut off. She was trying desperately to heal Seravin, refusing to believe they were dead, and dragged them back to the fortress on sheet willpower alone, and then lost consciousness. When she regained it, she shut off from everyone around her, including her parents, who quickly realized what was going on between the two. Autarielle couldn't believe it was happening. What she didn't know at the time, either, was that she was carrying Seravin's child.
Narthranas had to put out several centurions near the entrance to the citadel to ward off any potential Nords who may have wanted to follow the bloody trail, to show that this city was still occupied by Dwemer they oh so much feared, and them he broke down himself. He has almost lost his daughter to those Nedic savages, and she has lost the life of her life and the other parent of her child. And he didn't even know she had been seeing someone! He was heartbroken by the thought of her not trusting neither him nor Vantari with this information, but was aware that she had her own troubles to deal with right now. Meanwhile, he ordered to increase security around the elevator and decrease amount of hunts, to make sure no more people are lost. He would've felt responsible for each loss had he not done it.
The day Anarnyrel was born was not a happy one, either. As the world welcomed in one life, it had taken another one instead. Autarielle had died in the child birth, and Narthranas had promised himself to teach Anarnyrel everything he could to make sure she can survive for as long as possible. He raised her as his daughter, spending almost all his time with her, teaching her everything from how to grow crops to how to do complex engineering, including that of limbs and organs. He taught her how to wield both magic and tech to prolong her life, and a variety of other skills that could come useful. He even hired tutors from various cultures to give her better education in magical and other fields, and dedicated the rest of his life to her, especially after Vantari was claimed by her old age. He couldn't allow himself to let Anarnyrel suffer the same fate, he had to protect her no matter what. He couldn't let the last of his loved ones to die. What he inadvertently taught Anarnyrel, however, was that love was dangerous and could drive you to insanity both when gained and when lost.
And then, one day, when Anarnyrel had barely turned 96, Narthranas had sent her away, telling her that it was too dangerous here now, that he would try to evacuate as much of the city as he could, but they were unhappy and they were coming here. After this, she never heard from him again, and in her retreat in Summerset she had news reach her that a "dangerous traitor to Dwemeri society has been eliminated, with all his experiments destroyed". The name of this dangerous traitor? Narthranas Khazdarth. Her grandfather. And the experiments were, most likely, the Falmer who weren't turned into blind slaves, like those of the other clans. He was saving her when he was sending her off to Summerset, and she had to use everything he taught her to make him proud.
1e700 has left Anarnyrel untouched, most likely thanks to her mostly Falmeri blood, and she has seen way too many historic events since. As time passed, some of her body had deteriorated and was replaced by far more reliable mechanical parts, while the rest was sustained on a variety of magical means. She had grown in power over the years as well, but had spent most of her life in her own tower, which she built with a mix of Dwemeri and Falmeri architecture, studying different metaphysical concepts. She was most interested in some myths and legends of different cultures and how true or false they were. Numerous experiments, as well as field trips to measure magicka levels in the places of legends were successful, much more were proven false, but she never published her results - her grandfather had spread the knowledge among the masses and it was one of the causes of his death, and Anarnyrel wasn't going to be so reckless.
But if she ever was to die, she had a failsafe to publish all of her research in as wide of a print as possible, releasing potentially devastating revelations. Good thing it was that she wasn't planning on dying any time soon, and still had much more research to be done.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 months
Tulpa liked to believe that he was a fairly reasonable man. He'd been raised proper. With a good education, and a fairly good set of role models that kept him on the straight and narrow. He'd also made it a habit of dealing with conflict in a diplomatic fashion, before ever feeling the need to unholster his blaster or unsheath his blade. For a Mando he was undoubtedly one of mild manners and good integrity. But that did not mean he didn't have his moments where righteous fury could drive him a little blind with rage...
Such was the case of when he'd first gotten his hands on some rather distasteful documents. Ones composed by an individual he surely wished he'd had the chance to strangle himself. Such a shame one of his many uncles got to the bastard first...
Sulu Ra had gotten off unfairly lucky.
The documents had been stored in one of ba'vodu Sponge's old datapads. They'd gotten them from uncle Rhythm, who'd been the one to help them acquire all the data compiled in the many terminals of the twisted scientist's private laboratory.
Some of the eloquently written papers had been of a sensible nature, broaching topics such as the intrinsically complex link between microbiology and cloning, the convoluted nature of DNA and hybridization, and even the possibility of inducing rare genetic mutations or reawakening dormant genes to either combat congenital diseases or create an immunity to illnesses like cancer.
These had most likely been what Sponge had sought after, since they'd later used most of the knowledge on display to create Tulpa's cousin Molly.
The vast majority of the documents however, were a lot less innocent in their presentation. A myriad of projects of an atrocious nature. Biological weapons in the form of liquids or even gasses that could render entire populations infertile, highly virulent diseases that targeted a specific demographic, serums that induced random mutations in fetuses, the creation of several hundreds of hybrid creatures (some viable, like Dog, and others not so much), and even entire studies on "medical anomalies" that had peaked Sulu Ra's interest.
Tulpa had felt sick reading the detailed descriptions of ba'vodu Sponge's (as well as several other intersex ba'vodu'e he'd never met) treatment on Kamino. The scientist had been meticulous in his examinations. Been morbidly interested in their genitalia and internal structuring that (although viably fertile) was rendered ultimately useless by an undeveloped birth canal.
Sulu Ra had found Sponge to be a great subject of study, because of their availability (having spent the great majority of their cadethood stuck in the medical wing to be observed by the staff there). The records Tulpa had of his research had made a point to note that many of the other subjects that displayed this "quasi-unique mutation" had either been destroyed, conserved in jars for display as curiosities, or were simply unavailable due to another researcher owning the rights to them and keeping them for private reasons (which honestly did not bode well).
Equally sickening were the many logs detailing procedures that had been illicitly performed on entire groups of clones, such as uncle Olly and his batch. Procedures that had, ultimately, altered all of them in some way. The significant number of recessive genes that had been activated in the Long Name Squad's batch alone, had not been a happy coincidence. Olly's sheer size and musculature had also not been, in any way, natural...
The straw that really broke the spamel's back, however, was Tulpa's skimming of Project Triumvirate. Logs upon logs upon logs of that horrid monster's voice, detailing in a calm and pleased manner the development of his most coveted test subjects: A pair of clone twins that had actually been a set of triplets. The smaller weaker pair having been selected specifically for developmental studies, while the strongest of the babies was left to develop "naturally", as a sort of control sample.
Seeing his father's number in that file had made every hair on the back of Tulpa's neck raise on end. Seeing the brutal punishments and hours of isolation he'd been subjected to, due to having suffered random outbursts of emotion and explosive tantrums (completely normal things for an infant to experience), had made him see red.
It explained a lot of things that Tulpa had once questioned about him. It especially explained why his father had willingly complied with the monstrous scientist, when Sulu Ra had taken him and uncle Fox hostage all those years ago. Why he would have risked going with him without putting up a fight like he'd usually do with any other criminal. He'd been too scared of something bad happening to the both of them (and Tulpa doesn't doubt the freak would have in fact experimented on them if he hadn't gotten what he wanted), to remember to be scared for his own safety.
All of those atrocities. All of those people Sulu Ra hurt. Many of which Tulpa would never be able to meet as a result of his twisted projects... It made his blood boil knowing Sulu Ra would never be able to pay for the full extent of the horrors he'd orchestrated and subjected his kin to. It also made him grin that his infamy would fade quicker than the legacy his many uncles, aunts, ba'vodu'e and cousins were slowly establishing for themselves.
History would remember the clones in some capacity, and completely forget Sulu Ra. Tulpa would make sure of it.
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What do you think about chicken hybrids? I've seen pheasant chicken hybrids and their pretty neat. I know guinea chicken hybrids are unethical to produce but are still near looking. I wonder if chicken turkey hybrids are a thing?
I think that hybrids done on purpose are a waste of electricity due to needing to incubate tons of eggs that are likely to be unviable in the first place and the hybrids themselves can sometimes struggle to integrate in their respective species flocks. Some hybrids also are prone to skull deformities, cross beak is incredibly common in these hybrids due to that.
That being said i do think they are interesting in a life finds a way sort of way. I do like learning about them and seeing examples.
Here is a Guinea x Chicken hybrid. Its interesting the bearded gene is still able to express on the hybrid. It may also be recessive or dominant white. One of the parents was an Easter Egger
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This Guinea x Chicken is half guinea and half silkie. The fibromelanism is still expressing it looks like the charcoal gene (makes the head black) is as well? Pretty interesting. The silkie part was from a recessive white silkie hen
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Another Guinea x Chicken this time you can see the father with them. I believe this bird didnt live long after reaching adulthood
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This is a Speckled Sussex x Lavender Guinea i think its interesting she appears mottled despite it being a recessive gene that needs two copies to express. Unlike some other hybrids she lays eggs.
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And here is the other side of what those above crosses can make, a bird with severe deformities that fails to thrive. Granted this owner is also dealing with Mareks in their flock
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I think they are interesting to look at from a scientific stand point but shouldnt be encouraged. If you are interested in looking at other hybrids Feathersite has an interesting section on them. I dont think turkeys and chickens can cross at all but i think feathersite has a few picture of some other crosses.
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nikethestatue · 5 months
I came across a thread on twitter about the Archeron parents. I don't know if you've heard about this but it was about the Archeron parents having fae lineage. Honestly I don't remember this or if its true, but the person stated that Tamlin told Feyre that her mother should've told her about the fae but it was Feyre's father who got the iron wood bed as a wedding gift, and somehow knew how to make bargains and that we know what happens if a bargain is broken and it looks like what happened to the Archerons. The mom could've been a seer. I don't remember is dad Archeron was afraid of Tamlin's beast form and that it was talking, plus how did dad Archeron know how to hunt down Vassa!! What do you think?
I personally hate the idea of the Archeron sisters being part Fae. It would sort of negate their journeys and achievements.
I think the uniqueness of Feyre was that she WAS human and she was brave enough to go UTM and take on these massively powerful Fae. If we find out later on (though I feel like at this point it's kind of late in the game to spring that up) that she had some special Fae powers, even unknown to her, it was kind of cheapen her bravery and her struggles.
Also, with the other 2 sisters--they were violated by the Cauldron, by what was done to them. They were CHANGED. To say that ok, it wasn't a biggie because they were part Fae, is again, cheapening their struggle.
Nothing in the books indicated that they had Fae lineage. I think it's mostly headcanons now.
The father knowing how to make bargains--well, he is a merchant. THat's his whole life. Making deals. Nothing surprising about that.
The Sight is a GIFT of the Cauldron to Elain. It's not a recessive gene of some kind. The Cauldron found her lovely and wanted to give her something special.
I am confused about the whole bed thing?
The girls were taught what they were taught about Fae--what all humans were taught--that Fae couldn't lie, that iron hurt them, etc. I think it's Lucien tells Feyre that the only thing that hurts them is ash arrows.
The father explained that he was in a coalition of other humans--and Vassa was a human queen--and they've been working together with others for the war effort. I think we'll find out more about what had transpired between the father and Koschei.
Koschei--with whom the father made a bargain--isnt Fae. He is a death god. That's different. And I suspect that the father bargained with his own life to get Vassa and her powers to help with the war.
The dad was crouching with Elain when Tamlin stole Feyre and Tamlin's glamour worked on the dad and on Elain.
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golden--doodler · 2 years
Bob's Burgers AU Fic Sneak Peek
Okay so I can't keep it to myself anymore so here's a sneak peek at this AU, it's a full chapter yay! Seriously, thank you for the support on this AU idea, it's given me so much confidence (especially @drawthething, that comment was everything). I have another one written too, but I just really like this one, Tina and Linda need more interactions.
I think I might post more on here, but I also want to figure out when this is gonna go on AO3.
Tina Belcher and the Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Ear Infection
The moment Tina’s eyes fluttered open, still bleary from sleep, she felt a strange sense of unease. Aside from the fact a headache was beginning, the ache permeating through her forehead, her right ear was throbbing. Not wanting to deal with the pain, every part of her desired to slip back into the dark recesses of sleep. Maybe then she would continue her dream where it left off. She could feel the zombies’ interest in her as they shuffled closer, leaving her trembling with excitement. 
That sounded like the most appealing plan to her, so she allowed her eyes to squeeze shut once more, welcoming the unconsciousness soon to arrive. However, she felt herself being roused from sleep again, much earlier than she’d desire. She felt a light tapping on her shoulder and the sensation of someone close to her urging her to wake up—a faint smell of coffee wafted from them to her nose. She rolled over in her bed, trying to ignore who it was. But the shaking became more violent, and she had no choice but to acknowledge it. She cracked open an eye, hoping the dark circles under her eyes and her unkempt hair would be enough to deter anyone from approaching.
The person who brought her back to reality revealed themselves to be some other than her mother. Tina was familiar with Linda’s penchant for getting out of bed at the crack of dawn, so this revelation was nothing unexpected. Then something strange occurred. Linda’s mouth opened, as if she was attempting communication. That sight wasn’t out of the ordinary—one of Linda’s favorite pastimes was practicing her speaking skills in front of the family. No, the strange thing was, Tina found herself not comprehending what her mother was telling her. She caught around every third word, but the rest sounded muffled, as if someone had stuck cotton balls in her ears. She then felt the familiar sensation of her ear discomfort again, which added to her already dismal mood.
“Tina... Family... Breakfast,” was what she could make out. She nodded, but couldn’t keep up the illusion that everything was all right. She summoned the strength to point at her ear and shrug, praying Linda would get the message. Some deity answered her prayers, which made sense, considering how long Linda had to decipher body language cues from people. Linda let out a dramatic gasp, which sounded like someone was sucking in air through their teeth. Tina then gained a new idea and summoned the will to move. She made her way to her desk and opened her journal, the pages of which were creased from the night before when she was too tired to put it away. She grabbed a pen and wrote out her entire situation, and presented it to Linda.
Linda nodded, and wrote a response: Based on everything, this must be some sort of freak ear infection. Spooky. I’ll take you to the hospital after you have some breakfast. You better move fast—I think Gene’s already enter most of the bacon. 
She appreciated the fact her mother could always diffuse situations like this with humor. She also had no doubt this statement was factual. Dragging herself out the door, she followed Linda to the kitchen, where the entire situation had to be explained to everyone. When Linda began to communicate with Bob through sign language, the graceful, fluid movements of her hands mesmerized Tina, as they always did.
As Bob relayed the news to Gene and Louise, it gave Tina some amusement to see her siblings’ eyes grow so wide. Gene gave her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder, but then attempted to steal the bacon off her plate. She felt a sense of relief knowing that all the other aspects of her life remained unchanged.
Then she realized her bad ear was letting out some sort of fluid. That visit to the hospital couldn’t come soon enough.
Linda had been very correct. Tina now had an ear infection diagnosis (quite a severe one, at that) and some medicine, which wouldn’t show results for a few days, at least. With Gene and Louise joining her, she attempted to keep her day normal by sitting in a restaurant booth, the warmth of the metal benches embracing her. The sun shot its powerful ray beams on the table, revealing several specks of dust dancing in the air. This caused Gene to sneeze, vibrating the entire table, and Louise snickered. His face turned a darker shade because of how violent it was as he continued pouring some mustard into a ketchup bottle. 
Then Tina felt Bob tap her on the shoulder, and she noticed he’d written a request for her on a sheet of paper. To illustrate his point, he handed her the Burger of the Day: The “Say Kim-Cheese” burger. The sight of the steaming, fire-truck red Kimchi and melted gruyere cheese was enough to make her mouth water. The aroma of the two mixing in harmony was tantalizing as well. She gave Bob a confident nod and made her way to the customer Bob had described on the paper. She placed the burger on the table in front of them and let herself give a satisfied smile. Another content customer for the restaurant.
Or not.
The customer began speaking to her in a manner that was so rapid fire it was impossible to understand. This was also heightened by the fact they had some sort of thick accent. She wasn’t even able to discern every third word. The one thing she could discern, though, was that they were upset. Very upset. She had to act, or they might love this customer’s business. She slid her hand under the one fluid motion so she could return it to Bob, who would fix the order in no time.
But this action just seemed to further agitate the customer, who made desperate, flailing grabs for the food.
What does this person want? She thought, exhaling through her nose.
She could make out the muffled noise of Bob asking what was going on. She ignored it, though, in favor of trying to solve the problem herself (again). Steadying herself, she began the trek back to the customer’s table, but disaster struck. Her foot slipped on nothing, and she realized she was hurtling towards the floor in a quick, unforgiving descent.
She cursed whatever deity she could as she felt her elbows and knees sting. There was more muffled conversation reaching her ears, this time shouting. She could feel the tension in the air as her father’s voice tried to diffuse the situation. Nobody could calm them down, though.
As Tina felt the sticky remains of cheese, sauce, and kimchi all over her arms and legs. Her heartbeat quickened like a drum, and she felt her hands become an unsavory combination of sauce and perspiration. She had failed a customer. A customer who might not pay for their food now. But they would’ve, if Tina had been able to hear them. 
The emotions become too overwhelming, and Tina yanked herself off the floor as fast as possible and scrambled to her room upstairs. She thought someone called her name as she left, but she didn’t care. She collapsed her weary limbs on her bed, the place she wished she’d just stayed in all day. Her incoming tears left trails on her cheeks as she heard a sob escape her lips.
One simple request. She couldn’t even fulfill one simple request. Was this how it would be until she recovered? Was she going to continue to be useless?
Before she could spiral further, she felt someone’s hand on her shoulder. She forced herself to look up, and there was Linda, her features softened by the late-afternoon light.
“I’m sorry that happened, honey.” Tina recognized her mother’s signing. It helped that she was also mouthing the words. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Tina summoned the energy to grab her journal again and wrote: I made a complete fool of myself, mom. I thought dealing with Tammy and Jocelyn was hard, but this was even worse. I couldn’t even help one customer.
Linda read over her words, her pen scratching the paper with each stroke, and the sound of her sigh punctuating the silence as she wrote: You’re right, it was one customer. Just one. Don’t punish yourself by dwelling on a mistake. Lord knows I’ve made plenty.
That’s just it, though. Tina wrote in a furious scribble. What if this mistake turns into more? I already made us lose a customer. God, why is it so difficult to live like this? I wish it could be simple and I could hear.
Linda scrutinized the paper, her features pulled tight in a pinched expression that was impossible to decipher: Well, welcome to the world of not being able to hear.
She snapped her head up to look her mother in the eyes as reality set in. She wasn’t the sole person in her family feeling the effects of this difficulty. This was her mother’s every day, and it would be her every day for the rest of her life. And not once had she complained about it, like Tina had.
In a few days, Tina would have restored hearing and might even forget what having this ear infection was like. Linda didn’t have that luxury.
“Holy crap.” She found herself saying out loud. “Sorry for cursing.”
She then wrote: And I’m also sorry for saying all that. I can’t believe you do this every day. I wouldn’t be able to. 
You’re capable of more than you think, Tina. And don’t be sorry. I know this must’ve been difficult for you. And hey, even though you failed, you tried your best, given the circumstances. That’s all anyone can do. 
How do you do it? Get through every day like this?
Me? Linda let out a snort. Well, I was lucky enough to meet your father. But I don’t think of myself as having to “get through” every day. To me, it’s more like I get to experience every day with your father and you and your siblings. Is it hard? Hell yeah, it can be. You’re not alone in not being able to understand customers. If you could see a few mistakes I’ve made, you’d feel a lot letter about yourself. But that just comes with the territory of everyone communicating in a different way than you.
You’ve made more mistakes than me?
To the point where I’ve lost count. Just be kinder to yourself. You’ll do better next time. I know it.
In a fit of emotion, Tina embraced her mother with a ferocity, hoping that her love and appreciation were unmistakable. Linda's sheer power and capability were palpable, and Tina had failed to recognize it until now. 
Would you mind maybe teaching me some more sign language?
Wow, you want to learn more? Well, there’s one thing I can teach you right now. 
Tina was enthusiastic about brushing up on her sign language skills. Her finger-spelling needed work, and it was an on excellent opportunity to practice. She kept repeating the sign Linda taught her, the motions feeling quite comforting long after her mother had gone. She heard the same four letters echoing in her head over again, like a never ending refrain.
As she mouthed the letters to herself one last time, a realization struck her like a bolt of electricity. Linda had taken extra care to make sure the sign was more meaningful than Tina understood at first glance.
It was, in fact, her name.
She felt the weight of her name on her tongue as she whispered it in awe, something she hadn’t done in years, or perhaps ever. 
The low, muffled sound wrapped around her, giving her a feeling of protection. It reminded her of her mother’s love, which felt like a comforting blanket of warmth, cozy and everlasting.
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memento-morianon · 14 hours
happy storyteller saturday! do your characters have any irrational fears? where did they stem from? how do your characters go about dealing with them?
(in hindsight, trying to participate in storyteller saturday while i was on a roadtrip was poor timing lol, sorry for the late reply)
hmmmm irrational fears. a very good question! also a tough one for me to answer, because i get so focused on their big fears that play a role in the plot and character arcs, I haven't really thought about their smaller and more irrational fears before.
Evarin and Morianon are my two major protagonists, so I'll just focus on them and talk about their fears in general, and maybe i'll find some irrational fears as i explain the bigger fears.
Evarin's greatest fears are losing her loved ones and not knowing who she is.
the fear of losing loved ones is mostly centered on her husband Morianon, because he has a history of severe depression and she remembers the times he has almost died since coming to live in her town as a child. whether it's by accident or his own hand, she is afraid that he will die in some tragic way before he reaches his natural lifespan. and she knows that even in old age, his species means he will most likely die before she does. this is a pretty rational fear, all things considered. it gets worse when Morianon has been having a rough time, and it fades when he's had a long stretch of good days.
her fear of not knowing who she is might be considered more irrational. Evarin is a trans woman, and she's also 3/4 gnome and 1/4 orc. Her mother is half orc and her father is a gnome. the gender cultures between these two groups are not the same! Evarin often feels she is too gnome to ever have any place in orcish culture, even though she is related to/ very good friends with multiple orcs and participates in their culture all the time. she avoids looking too much like her father because he is a man, but if she looks too much like her mother, she would end up looking too orcish in a way that gnomish culture would perceive as masculine.
the primary traits she's worried over are her facial hair and her tusks. gnomes don't grow tusks, unless they have the right recessive genetics and enough testosterone. being amab, part orc, and having a gnomish father who carries the recessive gene without presenting it, Evarin could grow tusks faster and longer than her mother's. she dreads this, but the deep roots make them difficult to get removed and Evarin has always sort of avoided getting any surgeries to affirm her gender. so she keeps the tusks filed down to the smallest possible size. she also keeps her facial hair meticulously trimmed. more so than even a gnomish cis woman. gnomish women often have some manner of facial hair, usually just a few chin whiskers and some sparse hairs on the sides of their faces. Evarin thinks her stubble makes the tusk bulges in her jaw look too obvious.
Evarin fears losing her sense of self because she's in such a precarious place between gnome and orc, woman and man. she is a woman, but she can't bring herself to fully abandon parts of herself that many would consider inherently more masculine. she is part orc but she doesn't think it's enough to count, so she clings to her gnomish side and feels detached from the orcish culture even as she participates in it. she frets over her public perception, though she knows this small town community is full of people who accept her as she is, and she worries that she might lose her grip on this narrow internalized ideal she's built for herself. and then who is she? this fear is a major part of her character arc over the course of the story.
which also brings me to a potential irrational fear that's been blocking her from stabilizing that sense of self. I think perhaps she is terrified of getting any surgeries. she would never admit it. her mother is a doctor. Evarin herself studied medicine and is a professional medical "singer", which means she uses vocal magic to assist in medical situations. so it's really quite irrational of her to be afraid of surgeries. she knows all the steps taken to make it safe! she knows the recovery procedures! but somehow when she thinks about getting her tusks surgically removed, or having bottom surgery, or getting breast implants, she feels this terrible repulsion at the idea. maybe she had an operation as a child, some standard thing like getting surgery for a badly broken bone, or having an internal body part removed for health reasons (adenoids, appendix, etc) and it just freaked her out in a way that will not leave. She does occasionally have to attend surgeries as a medical singer, so she has learned to focus on her own job and avoid her fear when it's someone else being operated on. but i think she's doing everything she can to avoid needing any surgeries herself.
and then there's Morianon. goodness. he's got so many fears. he was badly traumatized as a child from being abused and neglected and ultimately surviving a hurricane that struck his birth town. he was then adopted into a foreign country. he's afraid of pain, dying, strangers, strong winds, he's scared because he feels small, he's afraid of being alone, he's terrified of being vulnerable. he's got a lot of fear in that small feathered body. most of which he can't even begin to explain because he is also afraid that other people will think he's crazy and dismiss him. he has historically coped by just not being himself. he's got dissociative identity disorder. he shoves his fears and coping mechanisms into various internal boxes and hopes they stay in those boxes forever.
he has gotten therapy, but this is a sort of fantasy pre-industrial era, or semi-industrial era, and while magic has allowed for some pretty useful advancements in medicine and technology beyond the expected (like full gender affirming surgical care) alas the field of therapy is just as messy as it has been in real life history. he's doing better! he's no longer paralyzed by all of his fears, especially those involving other people. but i would say that some of the therapies he's tried have just not been helpful. there are things he would rather keep to himself and refuses to bring up in therapy, won't even mention to his wife or parents. those secrets end up being extremely plot relevant and he's going to have to confront his fears in order to overcome his own character obstacles.
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rk-ocs · 8 months
The starks
World building is one of the best parts. Heres what happened when I mixed Comics canon with OC'S Time travel world building
Red became a Carbonelle (and sort of adopted into it) family hired help (sort of) when she helped one of his ancestors through a world changing vision. Well, his world, and yeah she knows how to deal with those very well, she's a trained calculator assistant. She was trained by another family, because the heir also could calculate, so she's like family inheritance sort of.
Surprisingly she's pretty cool with that. It means money, food, medicine, all for the cost of doing a job she usually likes. Especially if the principal is a friend (which patrons go out of their way to make happen. Undying loyalty is up for grabs here, and a well trained specialist)
Tony gives her a lot of freedoms that she wouldn't have without him.
Maria Carbonell was into biology and genetics. She figured out how to make surrogates viable, and looked a lot into DNA, wanting to get the healthiest baby between her and Howard. Because they were older, there was a greater chance of something happening (which is probably why they had so much trouble with Arno in cannon) , so she changed the Odds.
She also asked her younger friend and lab partner carry the child for her. Amanda Armstrong agreed, and they debated baby names. They eventually decided on Anthony.
Two years after having Tony, Amanda Armstrong had a natural child , who through the power of other worlds changing the DNA makeup, was a girl, she named Maria Armstrong.
Unfortunately she lost her fight to her Hydra boyfriend Jude (she's a shield Agent, and thought he was too) and they got captured.
Tony stark was four years old at this point, and had made his first circuit board, and they wanted a genius child of their own. They have stolen some of Maria's research, and the unused eggs, and Amanda has another of her boss-friends child, Arno Stark.
So Arno and Maria grow up with a shield mom captured, and a Hydra dad. Arno is intelligent, but also kind of going crazy because he doesn't know how to deal with Calculations. Maria A is kind of learning on the job through trial and error. It's not enough to help Arno from going into the crazy, but she learns some coping strategies for him.
Amanda has the mixed bag of raising her friends child alongside her own, she's just pretty upset that her friend and Tony aren't in her life.
Now I need to do some math to figure out when Tony inherited the weapons company, cannon says his parents died at age 21,  or that he inherited at age 21. He would probably be in college at a much younger age and graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with honors at the age of 17, and has three doctorates according to the comics. It also says he became iron man at age 23.
So there's some timeline issues to work out .
Still after the winter soldier killed the elder Starks (and stole a lot of research) they used Arnos sperm cells on eggs they had from the black widow, and in true mad scientist style, had Maria C be the surrogate. Much to their discomfort, it's like having your brother's child.
They picked a girl, feeling it would stabilize better, and reduce the chance of an unfortunate recessive gene showing up.
The child Eleanor Amanda Stark, did have Calculations , but Aunt Maria had learned how to assist from Arno, and as a result, she was a lot more stable.
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theinnerunderrain · 2 years
Hewo!!! Can I have some childe x fem reader married life headcanons- I need to fulfill my fantasies-
Marriage [Yan!Childe x Fem!Reader]
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Warnings: Yandere themes, infantilization, implied misogyny, mentions of sexual acts, marriage, manipulation.
Word count: 900+
Note: hi!! thank you for the request.
Despite being a reasonably strong warrior and a complicated individual overall, Childe would certainly make a great spouse and father given his desire to establish a family.
He is the kind of spouse who would assist you in trimming your fingernails while he rants about the potential appearance of your future children, giggling at the thought of trying to give the child a name from the combination of both of your names—which is obviously not going to work. He would certainly contemplated over your bloated stomach and visualize how supple your tits will be during the process of lactation.
"Would you rather the child have my hair or yours? I've heard that red hair is a recessive gene, so maybe the child will have yours? However, I wouldn't mind as long as the child is born looking exactly as lovely as you….which I am confident they will!"
Even if he has a hectic schedule, he would find a way to take a few days off and spend quality time with you, accompanying you everywhere you want to go. Even if you want to stay in and cuddle, he's fine with that. He might even read to you if you specifically request him to (well, he's probably good at reading considering he had to read for his siblings too). He is the type to cook for you as well since he is an excellent chef, but he wouldn't object if you cooked instead even if your abilities weren't as good as his.
It's cute watching you struggle, as you try to cook something, squealing at the way the hot oil would accidentally burst against your skin.
Even if it is utterly poisonous, he would nevertheless consume anything you provide but he's sure that the both of you are pass that stage.
Childe is absolutely the sort to lavish you with gifts, but not in the same manner as Pantalone does by using them as a negotiating chip to control you or further his own interests. The man actually enjoys giving you the most magnificent gifts; he always buys the things you might want but you're too bashful to ask for. He would still believe you are the most beautiful woman in the world regardless if you were dressed in the filthiest rag. But he wants you to be at ease, so buying the most luxurious silk and outfits is just his way of expressing his love language.
How nice of him, isn't that right?
Perhaps, though, he's also trying to gauge at how selfless you are. He understands that it's not a big deal given how modest and selfless you normally are, but every now and again he wishes you would demand more and behave more like a brat. Again, given that you were much more brattish when he first met you, perhaps it's just a shift in personality.
Childe can be fairly demanding when it comes to the sexual aspects of your marriage. While he won't directly demand you to do anything, he won't think twice about gaslighting to persuade you to carry out your responsibilities as a "wife." Basically making every justification under the sun, lamenting what a long day he had, and how he toiled so hard for you but you can't even suck him off?
"C'mon princess, I had such a long day. I would feel better if you…help me out a bit, please?"
How could you expect him to resist savouring his lovely wife, truly? He would almost fuck you every day if he could, making sure that you would cry and beg him to stuff his cock up your cute little hole. Don't be shocked if, while you're cooking, his hands accidentally slide down your hips to your ass. You have to consider that he's still a young man with a fairly strong pent-up sexual frustrations. Or perhaps you shouldn't be too startled if his fingers unintentionally brush up against your nipples while you're cuddling—you can't expect him to be sensitive when you're essentially wriggling in his lap, can you?
Don't worry; just anticipate your sexual life to be absolutely exhilarating and pleasurable (and be prepared to get fucked in unusual places). Childe values your enjoyment just as much! If he is incapable of even making his wife cum, what kind of a husband is he?
Surely not a worthy one.
Returning to more subdued headcanons, Childe is the kind of husband who will hold your hand through the cold months. He even has a tendency to unintentionally throw away all of your winter mittens; clearly, you wouldn't know it was intentional, but what good are his hands if he can't even hold yours? Regarding your independence, he wouldn't mind if you left the estate to go shopping or for a walk (as long as you were supervised by someone), but he isn't a big fan of having you hang out with your relatives or friends because they might have a negative impact on you (more like he's afraid they'll point out the flaws within your marriage).
You and Childe's marriage will be filled with surprises and maybe even tears, but maybe they'll be tears of joy rather than sadness. But don't worry too much—Childe is really a wonderful husband?
Just don't messed up too much.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
So I just finished the game which means that I might be off here, but in terms of the whole Radagon/Marika thing, I'm thinking that instead of two people who fused to become one god, they were one bigender god (Marika) who secretly split into two so that the Erdtree's conquest could be monitored and controlled by Marika both from the capital and on the front lines, with them slowly becoming different people as they remained apart.
Some vague proof to uphold it:
-Radagon rode down from the capital against Caria during the Erdtree's conquest, which was most likely ordained by Marika as she served as queen within Leyndell. We know that she pronounced a war against the fire giants in the Erdtree's favor- and that Radagon likely hates his red hair bc of the similarities to the Fire Giants- so it's not too hard to imagine her wanting to remain in control of both conquests, esp. since we see her influence over us (the potential Lords) throughout the game via both the guidance of grace and the stakes of Marika. She seems like the sort to want to have a direct hand in things, which means that splitting herself in two to handle both state affairs and the battles themselves feels relatively in-character.
-The children of Rennala were made demigods via title after Radagon married Marika, but Ranni was born an Empyrean, despite Radagon not being known as a god. If being an Empyrean is genetic, and Radagon and Marika were separate people to begin with, then there would be no explanation for Ranni being an Empyrean. Radagon had to have had Marika's genes for that to happen, and we know that godhood is a genetic thing bc of how washed-out Godrick is after years of breeding with mortals.
-Additionally, Empyrean genetics seem to be recessive- Marika x Godfrey didn't produce any, Rennala x Radagon produced only one, while Marika x Radagon ended up with two. While Malenia and Miquella can be considered a case of asexual reproduction, since Marika and Radagon were one god, it still would still prove out the fact that the Empyrean trait is recessive and that Radagon had to have Marika's genes to begin with to have Ranni be an Empyrean.
-Radagon retaining his faith in the Golden Order while Marika became more jaded would have also made sense if he spent much of his time apart from the capital with Rennala, while Marika had to deal with the god-shit from within. Marika was very adamant in her support of the Erdtree during the times of the conquests, then began to question it as time went on. If Radagon wasn't there to view what the Golden Order was doing, he would retain the same level of faith in it that he had at the beginning.
-This would also work with Marika's line of 'you have yet to become me'. Marika likely would have felt like she experienced a hell of a lot while her other half was away, so she would have felt like she developed more than Radagon. Radagon would then have to catch up on all the shit Marika had to deal with when he returned before fusing to become one again was possible.
-Her summoning Radagon back to the capital to become her consort- and Radagon abandoning his wife to do so- would have also made sense after she divorced Godfrey, as that would have left her hand open to whoever wanted to become Elden Lord. The Golden Order/Elden Beast likely would have pressured her into taking another consort, to which taking her other half as one would have been an easy loophole around it, as she really doesn't seem to want another consort.
-Similarily, Marika breaking the Elden Ring and Radagon trying to repair it does not imply that they are necessarily different beings- how many times have you acted out of emotion, for example, and then immediately started yelling at yourself with the rational part of your mind? The split would have exasperated this as well, because Radagon had years of memories with Rennala and his children, while Marika would have suffered from losing Godfrey, Godwyn, and then (possibly) the Omen Twins. We don't know when she split and when she married Godfrey or had her children, so its possible that Radagon came before the marriage/children of Godfrey, and so would have not had the memories of being with them to cause sufficient grief
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Where Charles accidentally becomes Peter's dad AU.
Okay I know i said this was a 2 part thing, but I changed my mind. There's really nothing more glorious than writing with something planned and then when you write your brain just goes of the rails and makes a whole new thing. Here's Part 1 in case you missed it!
When Erik opened his eyes, the stars no longer glistened like they had been a few hours ago. It's the dead of the night and along with the cool midnight air - the stars, too, were cold.
In the past, in what now seems to be a lifetime ago - he and his family had stargazed in a small clearing by the woods near their home. It was where he first brought Magda to ask for her hand. And it was where Magda told him that they were expecting a little angel to forever change their lives. It became a silent tradition. No one ever said it was and yet they find themselves doing it whenever they felt as if they needed to.
There were many myths when it came to death. Perhaps it is because no one ever really knows what happens next. Some believed in an afterlife - a heaven or a hell, others in being reborn. Some say there is nothing after death at all.
And while he couldn't stop himself from thinking of his family, coming out here tonight hadn't been to mourn even more than he already was but because he was thinking of Charles.
The past few decades had been a whirlwind of grief, emptiness, happiness and unimaginable danger. He admits that he's been absent from Charles' life for far too long, so logically there was bound to be something different. He didn't know what, but he knew that he didn't expect this.
"I'm here for my family too."
That was what the boy said in Cairo. In hindsight, Peter had always seemd to be closer to Charles than the rest of the children.
Back then he only chalked it up to the fact that Peter had been there longer than the rest. But it made sense now. Charles’ fond looks at the boy - and the boy always lingering in the corner of Erik's eye when Charles was nearby. How Charles had been so distressed over Peter's broken leg - moreso than any of the other children's injuries. He could go over all the signs all the way back to Pentagon, when the boy rescued him - but it would take him hours to list it all down.
It made sense. How he didn't connect the dots earlier, he didn't know. He had always been a little bit oblivious when it came to Charles (apparently moreso than he already is).
"I didn't know Peter was your son." Silence met his statement.
"I would've thought it'd been obvious, Erik."
"You were never the sort of person to settle down Charles. And his mother?"
"Dead," came the cold reply.
So he left it at that. Because if anything Erik knew what it was like to grieve. And if Charles was still grieving over Peter's mother's death, then so be it.
"Peter. We need to talk."
Oh shit. Who the fuck invented that phrase? No one wants to hear that first thing in the morning. Peter just wanted to eat his Twinkies in peace, but if he was being honest - he had totally brought this on to himself. It's because you called him Dad then you left you idiot boy. Ohmygod Charles is going to throw me out. Erik's probably caught on by now, maybe Charles told him. Oh god, what if-
It took him another call from the Professor to realize he had frozen in place. All metal in the room - from the cutlery, to the cabinets' handle, to the oven, and to the Professor's chair were shaking and some afloat. The professor was floating. Oh god it's happening again what do I- breathe, Peter. Wanda taught him that. So he does, and little by little, his hold on the metal decreases.
And if Charles had any doubt whose son Peter was, he no longer has any by the time Peter had calmed.
"You're like Erik," Charles said awed.
"I- It's not a big deal."
"Isn't it?" There was no way Charles would just let this go. It was amazing. Peter's mutation had already been something awespiring in itself but know that he had a secondary mutation? The academic in him needed to satisfy his curiosity.
Peter was a second generation mutant. His father had the same mutation, so genetics, of course should dictate that he have the same mutation, that is to say if it hadn't become recessive. But the X Gene was so random, it was hard to identify who gets the mutation and what. Does this mean all second generation mutants have secondary mutations or perhaps primary mutations that are same as their parents'?
This could be a revolutionary discov-
"Professor are you... alright?" Peter asked hesitantly.
"Yes, I am. Peter, you do realize this is amazing right?" His eyes shone with determination and his face broke into a wide grin that warned Peter that he was definitely not getting out of this conversation.
Part 3
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froggerzz · 3 years
Dream smp changeling headcanons
My personal favourite headcanons about dream smp characters is that there are a lot of shapeshifters/changelings. That's how I personally explain a lot of the hybrid stuff and how some people are more animal than others.
This is how I see the system: it's a sliding scale from anthropomorphic to human with no abilities. For example antfrost is a fully anthropomorphic cat and cannot change his form, versus Wilbur or Tommy who are both completely human with no changeling abilities. Then you have some people like philza who are human presenting but have quite strong abilities and just doesn't use their powers much. Basically this is my list of where characters lie on this scale
- Tommy is completely human with no abilities but has the recessive gene for changeling abilities
- Wilbur also has no abilities but has the recessive gene
- Techno is able to range from completely pig to completely person and I believe he has full control over this, but when he gets more emotional in any way he gets more piglike - for example if he gets really angry he goes full ass raging boar
- fundy was able to shift around to whatever sort of form he wanted to when he was young but felt comfort in being a fox over other animals, his trauma has closed this ability off and he is stuck as a person with fox features. When he was a kid he used to run around as a fox
- this is my explanation for Sally as well lmao
- Phil imo is a really powerful user of changeling abilities and although he prefers to just use those to grow wings he could actually just do whatever he wants (I like to think that when underwater his wings change from feathers to large fins)
- dream can only grow ears, horns and a tail in puffy-esque fashion
- when schlatt drinks his eyes look more ram-like but he's a permanent ram person
- puffy is permanently sheep, she can't go full person, but I like to think she can go full sheep if she wants
- badboyhalo is an interesting one, I like to think his height changes based on his emotions but I don't think he can willingly control it
- Sam is just full creeper at all times
- ponk, punz, Alyssa, Michael (mcchill), Connor, Jack, Karl and Niki are all human
- antfrost is just a cat. This is all.
- Tubbo used to think he was human but then during the schlatt administration he started getting more goat like, he had no control over it at all but now he looks very goat-like
- everyone thinks eret is human but they have white eyes and I reckon she's actually a totally fluent shapeshifter, nobody knows this. They can be spotted in animal form via the white eyes, they never change
- foolish can change into any shape he desires but his skin is always gold like a totem and his eyes are always green
- we all know the deal with slimecicle. He's just slime in a human shape. He has his own rules that are just straight up canon. I think he could probably shape himself into other creatures but it would take a long time and wouldn't really be worth it
- Sapnap is "born from fire" so I think although he can't shift to anything he has blaze qualities and has a very high body temperature and can produce fire when enraged. Also lil horns
- Skeppy is not human and has a very high carbon content in his body and when breathing in carbon dioxide he becomes a lot more sturdy, because of this he has diamond growths on his skin and his skin is a lot tougher, he has no changeling abilities tho
- we all know the deal with ranboo but I don't think he has any abilities to change, he is permanently what he is
- quackity has wings he can't get rid of so he conceals them and tells people he is human, he does this because he knows that they're a weak part of him that could be targeted in battle
- purpled has funky antenna that he can't get rid of but I think he can change parts of him to whatever he wants but he doesn't have enough strength to do it a lot or all the time, for example turning his hand to a claw or growing a beak or a tail or horns. Not many people know this
-Micheal_beloved I have a sad headcanon for. I think that since being removed from the nether he has gone from piglin to zombified pigman, meaning his skin is rotting. I think being in the overworld is bad for him and continued exposure to cold environments like snowchester is damaging to his body. I think that if not returned to the nether he will die
- Mexican dream is human
- drista is a full on changeling with a neutral human form
- hbomb can go from human to catgirl at will but nothing else
- ghostbur was just ghost, same lack of abilities as Will
- Hannah cannot be more animal like in any way but she can grow roses and leaves from her body, she is part plant and they are directly linked to her, cutting a rose off of her is very painful plz do not do that.
- George is a plant person like Hannah but these abilities only come about when he's sleeping, I saw headcanons from other sources about how George becomes one with nature when he sleeps, if you can find that art on Twitter then like it, it's rly cool
-Callahan is also a full on changeling but prefers to appear as a reindeer-like person
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
Hello and happy WBW, Ren !
So whichever you like to answer more but as for the magic system is the magic only for a certain group of people, are they gifted with itt or born with it? Or is it something that is soley reserved for a certain elite?
As for weddings/ romances: are there more politics involved or true love?
Hello, and happy very belated wbw to you, Leia ^^
So, magic in my worlds has never been class-based. It actually never occurred to me to make it reserved for some shining elite. Instead, it tends to be something you're either born with or have the ability to learn through a lot of work.
In The Plight of a Sparrow, magic tends to be inherited due to the origins of magic in that world. So if your mom is a mage and your dad's a wizard, there's a good chance you're going to be born with some kind of magic too. The catch is is magic is basically cursed and you absolutely do not want to be born with it. It will ruin your life. It can also just randomly surface, either from a recessive gene or because the God of Magic was feeling particularly spiteful the day your kid was born, so no one is really safe. The farmer's kid, the mage's kid, the king's kid, they can all end up with magic and no one wants that. Except the armies, but that's a different conversation.
In The Shackles of Time, it tends to be learned. Some people are born with more of an aptitude for different kinds, but anyone can learn a magic tradition if they're really dedicated to it. Some magic traditions require gaining the blessings of a spirit or other powerful being, but most are just a matter of study and practice.
The Firewalker is probably the closest to being reserved for an elite. magic was originally handed out to the Priests/Priestesses by the old gods and it now runs through their bloodlines. And while very few mages are priests, or even worship the old gods, they are still very powerful and inherited the elemental magic of their ancestor who was. Holy knights and the priests of the new gods all have the same element no matter which god they worship: light. While they don't like to admit it, since they're at war with each other and are trying to eradicate the mages, the magic holy knights and magics wield are pretty much the same and follow the same sort of conventions and have similar limitations and such.
As for the second question, it's a bit of both and depends on the situation, social class, and region of my worlds you are dealing with, and probably the individuals as well.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have a lovely day/evening.
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agustdiv1ne · 4 years
candy hearts — TEASER
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pairing: choi yeonjun x reader
genre: childhood best friends to lovers au, fluff, angst
wc: tbd (projected to be 10k+)
summary: spending valentine's day with your best friend had become a sort of tradition for ever since you were seven years old. despite the twists and turns in your friendship as both of you grew up, the one thing that never changed was the box of candy hearts that he placed in your hands every year.
warnings: tbd, none in this snippet
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tuesday, february 14th; age 12
you leaned your head against your palm as you zoned out in your last period class. science had never been your favorite subject, even less so given that your teacher had been informally dubbed the school's wack job. 
as the day had dragged on, you realized that the holiday wasn't as widely celebrated in middle school. the so-called 'special' day was reserved solely for the few couples on campus, most of which had been dating for only a couple weeks. you bet most would be broken up by next month, the typical cycle for immature, hormone-riddled relationships. 
but back to your science class.
you felt your eyes nearly roll into your skull as your teacher excitedly explained the concept of genetics and punnet squares. what a riveting topic to listen to for an hour on valentine's day. however, you couldn't focus on his boisterous ramblings when your mind was chock-full of bitter thoughts of how your best friend had decided that he couldn't be seen with you at school. 
okay, maybe not back to your science class. you were too distracted, too bothered, to concentrate.
because while yeonjun had promised to not leave you behind in middle school, it grew exceedingly obvious, as the year went on, that he had lied straight to your face. this holiday was only a painful reminder of that fact.
you couldn't entirely blame him, though, the vast sea of middle school causing you to slowly drift apart from each other as you both tried to find where you fit in. he had made new friends easily, the shy boy you once knew emerged from his shell, countless peers recognizing him for his impressive talents in baseball, in dance, in singing, the list could go on. he was good at everything that he tried his hand at, and by the middle of seventh grade, he had become the campus' golden boy. even the eighth graders knew him!
this came with a cost, however, and that was leaving you, his best friend of five years, behind (for the most part, at least).
you had found your own friends, of course. you had to, or else you would have been deemed a loner, and no one wants to be a loner in middle school. it was uncomfortable, having to talk to people you had never interacted with beforehand. despite this, you had found yourself a little group through your art class: yeri, chaeyoung, and yuqi. they had welcomed you into their trio easily. though it felt weird to have friends other than yeonjun for the first time, you were happy. well, uh, besides the whole yeonjun thing.
with only one class with him, it was easy to not speak to each other during school. your hangouts were now confined to after school, when he wasn't surrounded by his new friends and could make time for you. you never tried to talk to him about it, scared that he'd twist your words and it would destroy what semblance of friendship that remained between you. honestly, you wished that you could go back to elementary school, when things were easier, when you could talk to him at school without worrying about the consequences of doing so. 
yet you knew it wasn't that easy. this wasn't elementary school anymore.
your eyes subconsciously trailed over to the boy in question. you were supposed to hang out with him after school, but there was always that one insecurity that rattled around your mind:
what if this was the year that he finally blew you off? for good? 
you shook your head, going back to the worksheet your teacher had passed out as you were distracted by your thoughts. punnet squares, okay. one parent with a dominant and recessive gene, one parent with two recessive genes. now fill in the squares…
"hey, y/n."
your head shot up from at the sound of his voice. eyes wide at the fact that he was speaking to you at school. it had been months since he had last done so.
"oh, hi yeonjun. what did you need?" you sent him a tight smile, not that he noticed. twelve year-old boys were never most observant.
he placed a box of candy hearts, the same thing he gifted you every year, on top of your desk. it was blank, no message or name in sight.
"i wanted to give you this before i forgot and it got crushed in my backpack." his voice quietened, almost as if he didn't want anyone to hear what he had to say next, "we're still hanging out after school, right? like we always do?"
you nodded, and he shot you a small smile, "great, thanks."
he walked away. as soon as he sat back down in his seat, his friends were punching at his shoulder, teasing him, asking him if he was dating you. you could hear it all from where you were sitting, but you wished you couldn't after what he said next.
"me? with her? no way, we're just friends. i could never see her like that."
you never truly realized how much he truly meant to you until you no longer hung out until after school, but this? this hurt. it made your chest ache when you saw his borderline disgusted face at the insinuation that you were dating each other. what was so bad about you for him to have that reaction? was it your hair, your face, your acne? you found yourself mentally paging through every possible flaw you saw in yourself until the bell rang, signalling the end of school. 
yuqi walked up to you at the front of campus, immediately spotting the forlorn look on your face, "hey, you good?"
"uh, yeah, i guess. listen, i have to go meet up with yeonjun. catch you later?" you asked.
"yeonjun, huh? are you sure you're not dating him?" she smirked, and you rolled your eyes, your mood worsening even more.
"we're just friends," you spat, turning away from her, "he'd never like me like that, anyway. i have no chance with him. i'll see you later, yuqi."
the further you walked, the worse you felt about how you spoke to yuqi. she didn't deserve to deal with the brunt of your wrath, it was uncalled for. you wanted to run back to school and apologize, but you were sure she had already been picked up.
you'd have to make it up to her tomorrow.
as you neared the supermarket a few blocks down the street from school, you could see yeonjun waiting near the entrance, his foot tapping against the sidewalk impatiently. his bike sat next to him, which explained how he arrived much earlier than you.
"took you long enough," he teased as you approached, but you didn't answer, only sending him a half-hearted smile in return. his grin fell, eyebrows now furrowed. oh, now he noticed how you were feeling? typical. "you okay?"
that was the second time you had been asked that now. you wanted to say no, you definitely were not okay, that it hurt to hear him say those words earlier, that it hurt that you couldn't even talk to him during school. you wanted to tell him that you felt abandoned, you wanted to tell him that he broke the promise he made a year ago, that ever since the first day of seventh grade you felt left behind. you wanted to ask him why he even bothered hanging out with you when he couldn't bother even speaking to you at school.
but you didn't.
instead, you plastered an artificial smile on your face, trying to make your voice sound a little more energetic than you felt, "yeah! i guess i'm just tired. science wasn't exactly fun today, y'know?"
"tell me about it," he laughed as he walked beside you, easily accepting your excuse without prying. you wished that he would have pried. "he's the weirdest teacher i've ever had, i can't believe he hasn't been fired yet."
"right?" you replied as you walked down the aisle full of candy. you picked out one of the overpriced boxes of heart-shaped chocolates before walking up to the register. you tried to hand some of your money to the lady helping you, but yeonjun swatted your hand away.
"nuh-uh, you're not paying for this," he argued.
you visibly deflated, scrunching your nose at him in distaste. he simply grinned at you in response.
"ah, young love," the cashier sighed as she took yeonjun's money. your heart clenched, thanking her before you two walked outside again, the air cool against your skin, the sun glaring into your eyes, the weather the complete opposite of your mood. you glanced over at yeonjun. you wondered why he hadn't protested when she said that. you didn't ask.
his hand found yours, dragging you around the corner behind the building. your heart raced, skin heating up slightly at the contact. your reaction couldn't have meant anything. no, you couldn't like him like that. you were friends, nothing more, nothing less.
as you sat next to each other behind the supermarket, unwrapping and eating the chocolate that he had bought you just a few minutes ago, you realized that you really couldn't deny it anymore: you were in love with choi yeonjun, your best friend, and you couldn't do anything about it.
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hope y'all are excited :) if you would like to be tagged when the full fic is posted, please send me an ask!
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→ © to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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autistic-ranboo · 3 years
yo, here's that one headcanon anon again! (from now on im gonna call myself "sugar" because i like sweet things and how it sounds, hope you dont mind.). so, i'd like to ask: how you imagine c!wilbur? i mean, is he a biological son of mumza? if yes, how would fundy be just a normal shapeshifter? i was considering the god gene could be recessive but then would wilbur be some sort of demigod? does he have little wingies too, like phil, that haven't fully grown yet? What Is Wilbur's Deal?
oh boy ok SO
wilbur is mumza bio son, yes. this ties into one of your other asks so i won't go into toooooooo much detail there :))))) but yes he is her and phil's bio son. her immortality balanced out with phil's single life to give him a normal number of lives, but since neither of his parents age, if he doesn't lose his last life, he could live forever.
i have a lot of hcs i enjoy for what powers/abilities he has, but for now he's still growing into them in a lot of ways because he is VERY young. his wings are like mumza's (they can be summoned/dismissed at will) but unlike her, he doesn't know how yet, so he doesn't know that he has them.
fundy's mom was a shapeshifter and that's where fundy gets his abilities from. he didn't inherit any of mumza's gifts, nor did he inherit wings. they're not sure WHY he didn't get any of those gifts, but it didn't help him feel more adequate about himself, let's be honest. that being said, when he first transitioned, kristin visited him in a dream to introduce herself and tell him that she was proud of him.
it was the first time anyone had ever done that
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anniarki · 3 years
Hey anniarki 👋 so I’m making a male kiri OC and I’m struggling with which clan he be in… and I was wondering if I can get your opinion on it to help me decide? I was thinking either Ringo or Terumī - @roki3anime
(Sorry If I’m extremely late with my answer)
And for the clan I would start with the abilities of your new OC you want him to have lava release and vapor release kekkei genkai or simply to be extremely skilled with lighting release ( considering the Terumi and Ringo clans main canon abilities)
After deciding his power, skills, his chakra nature I’ll go with his story, what’s his motive, does he agree with the kekkei genkai purges? Does he liked the bloody mist era? As well in which part of the time of Kirigakure would he exist, if it is when the purges were a big deal and he is part of the Terumi clan how is he going to hide his power? How did he survived? Or maybe he got a recessive gene of the Ringo clan and he got some sort of thunderstorm kekkei genkai idk, if he exist in the Boruto era does he agree with Chojuro’s political view or not? (You know you can ask yourself questions like that you make your character more real)
Now you may ask, “why would I need that info?” I honestly believe (and that’s how I had been creating my oc) that their actions and points of view of their environment are extremely connected with the clan and social status they have (thinking of naruto) and in the case of Kirigakure OC I truly believe that the caste they belong influenced a lot in their actions and mannerisms; we know that Kirigakure was ruled (or is still ruled) by a caste system having 3 different castes in the village; so after you had decided his purpose his reason of existing there of if he is just going to exist for fun, the answers of all those questions will help you in building his personality and how he will interact with other characters. So after all that work I would focus on his design and his color pallet.
And alsooo you can just create your OC according to the clan you like the most☺️ remember that as long as you are happy with it and you love it you are doing it perfectly fine 💕
I hoped I had helped you somehow!! If you got anymore questions or doubts you can send me a message and I will gladly answer 💕 and I hope to see that OC of yours soon!!! 💖
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