#they are mainly based off eels which i love so much
mawsmauls · 4 months
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Bleed dry a heart of bloody stone. This is all you were ever meant to be; still you mourn.
Com for Loreshark
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inkpunkz · 26 days
//blood ⚠️
I love...extremely detailed ocs but I removed those fin/ear tendrils extremely fast... time to yap :]
This is Altair, an ancient jellyfish sea monster that lives at the bottom of the ocean and is considered a "god".
During building up this character, originally he was supposed to be orange and black but I wanted lean more towards a more bioluminescence take on the design and ultimately came up with this. He wasn't supposed to be a jellyfish but rather an eel but I didn't like what I was coming up with :(( he wasn't really based off anything besides well...jellyfish and an entity from a game that caught my attention.
Altair is capable of granting wishes but for a price which is usually gruesome, depending on the person and what they tell him. His face has his mouth directly down his head that has millions of sharp teeth, he also has 4 tendrils on his back with hooked ends to latch onto his prey and uses them to smell and inject poison.
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He is approximately 300 meters (984 feet) high in monster form. He is 10' ft in land form (Taller than punkz, who is 6'8, also ignore the fact why seph looks so tall, i changed altairs height as of typing this lol). In land form, he has to often wear a hood because his eyes are extremely sensitive to light and he wants to hide himself and be as passive as possible. more under the cut :33
His skin are transparent and some of his bones are on the outside of his body (his heels, hips and back of the knees.)
He dosent talk much whilst on land and usually just stares, he'll make noises of confusion or interest but dosent talk unless he has to get a point across.
He has a tail, I just forgot to include in his body sheet lol
He sleeps in a large cave most of the time and looks after pufferfish and swims along side schools of fish. He dose prey on pirate ships but he also swims up directly to land and stalks a dock and watches people walk up and down it. (He dosent have a taste for meat, he's a vegan guy lol) Dutch or uhm "silly guy who's extremely lonely who was betrayed by the only person he could trust" follows altair around and tries to strike up conversations but they never work.
Altair knows punkz personally mainly due to the fact he's a megalodon and related to an ancient megalodon, Altair had fought over the sea with the megalodon so he considers and sees punkz as a threat.. (ooooo lore oooo wiggles fingers).
He has an anchor tattoo on his back and he's Maori. :]]
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Survey #438
“i won’t let you die, keep you alive just to remind you of what you are not”
What is your favorite card game? Probably Magic: The Gathering, even though I'm not great at it. I just ADORE the artwork, mainly. Is YouTube one of your favorite websites? Yeah, given I'm constantly on it. Does your mother have a sister? If so, what’s her name? Yeah, named Kelly. What are you doing tomorrow? I'll be going with Mom to the pool at the gym. She goes Tuesdays and Thursday, so I'm going to start joining her to help ease soreness from my exercise days. Would you ever want to go to Africa? It's high on my bucket list! I am DESPERATE to visit the KMP and photograph and pet and pamper the meerkats. :') Last time you went bowling? Not since I was on a date with Girt. Would you ever want to own a bakery? Noooo, I don't enjoy cooking of any sort. I'm way too impatient. Do you like to text? It's funny, I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. I make typos too much and autocorrect only wants to work at the WRONG time, it seems. I'd still rather text than actually talk on the phone, though. You want your next pet to be what? To be realistic, it'll probably be a western hognose snake. I REALLY want a tarantula, but Mom absolutely will not allow it for as long as I live with her, lol. Trust me, I've pestered her about it. Would you rather be a vampire or a mermaid? Eh, probably a vampire. Do you prefer white or black electronics? Black. Do you like Nerds candy? Yeah. Is your favorite animal something you can have as a pet? I could write a college-length essay on why you absolutely shouldn't, but it's sadly legal in some countries. Thankfully, not America. What was the last classic novel you read? Did you enjoy it? Oh yikes, I have no idea. Name three movies which have a soundtrack you really love: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Tarzan, and The Blair Witch Project: Book of Shadows. What’s the scariest video game you’ve ever played? I know it's super cliche, but I genuinely found Outlast terrifying. As well, SCP Containment Breach is a game I can't even play because the jumpscares startle me too much, lol. They're just too loud. Do you own any pet fish? What kind of fish are they? No. I'm not really interested in keeping fish as pets. What is the most irritating thing that a boyfriend or girlfriend has ever done to you? Tyler wanted to talk CONSTANTLY. Barely even two weeks in and he got all bent out of shape over there being days we just didn't text. Like dude, especially this early in a relationship, I don't want to talk 24/7. He acted like we were together for years or some shit. Like sorry I want alone time. That relationship was just a bad idea. Have you ever known someone who was in an abusive relationship? Sadly. Out of all of your friends/relatives, who would you say has the best vocabulary? Probably Girt. He's just in general very smart. When yawning, do you cover your mouth? If out in public, yes. If you had a garden, what would you plant in it? Would you actually tend to it, or would it wind up neglected & withered? I could NEVER maintain a garden, but if I had the motivation and tolerance for the heat, that'd be nice. I'd love mostly flowers, and a grapevine would be pretty! Plus some strawberries. Do you like peanut butter? Yeah, definitely. What about marshmallows? Yep. How do you roast your marshmallows? They have to be BARELY brown at all. Like it has to be the liiightest toast. Do you eat s’mores? Ugh, hell yes. I really want some now, thanks. Own a lava lamp? No, but I'd love a pink one. :( Or black. Own any sort of glow-in-the-dark room accessory? No. Ever done something sexual in public? No, I have common decency. Do you like the taste of squid or eel? I COULD FUCKING NEVER TRY EITHER. Slimy or rubbery stuff like that is such a massive no. Ever date anybody in middle school? Yeah, Aaron in the 7th grade for a few months. Did you like to get dirty when you were little? I think I did. Like I know I loved speeding through mud puddles on my bike as a kid. Own anything that has to do with dragons or unicorns? I have a lot of dragon decor. Ever wanted to be a vet? Yep. Ever written your number in a public bathroom or a school text book? If so, did anyone actually call you? No. What type of weapon do you prefer? Uh, none...? I don't like weapons. Is there something that you haven’t told anyone that you actually would like to tell someone? No, not really. Would you rather watch a full season of American Idol, or So You Think You Can Dance? The latter, by far. I used to love that show. I really enjoy watching dances. Have you ever worn boxers? Pretty sure no? Last hickey was from? I've only gotten to that point with one person, you can figure it out. Have you ever put a kick me sign on the back of someone? No, that is so rude. Are there any inappropriate pictures of you anywhere? No. I've never taken an inappropriate picture. How many times do you tend to sneeze in a row? Two or three. Karma; believe or don’t? I don't believe it's a thing. I wish it was. Ever changed a diaper? Once. Or maybe twice? No plans on ever doing that again. When you see anything smaller than a quarter on the ground, do you pick it up? I don't even pick quarters up, really. Can bald guys ever be attractive? Um, yes? Do you like hugs? Yessss. Would you ever donate blood? Yeah, I have before. I'd just have to get better about drinking water so I don't faint. Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? No. Ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home? You make that sound so scandalous, lmao. Yeah. What is the last song to make you cry? "Another Life" by Motionless In White. Have you ever kissed someone in the rain? Yeah. Have you kissed someone with braces? No. Are you anyone’s first love? I don't believe so. Anything happen to you within the past month that made you really happy? I'M LOSING WEIGHTTTTTT. :') The gym is paying off! Is there a person of the opposite gender on your mind? That's kinda a permanent thing. He's always there, even if only in the back. Who was the last person to wink at you? My cat, ha ha. Did you parents know what gender you were before you were born? Yes. Are any of your really close friends pregnant right now? REALLY close friends, nope. Are you for or against inter-racial relationships? ... You know it's 2021, right???? This never should have been controversial. Have you ever been addicted to something unhealthy? Well, there's caffeine... When the holidays come around, do you watch holiday movies? No. When was the last time someone insulted you? What was the insult? I don't recall. Do you say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” in order to avoid offending people who don’t celebrate Christmas? I honestly just say "merry Christmas." Have you ever made/played with a sock puppet before? Yes. Have you ever seen a waterfall (aside from in a fountain or other manmade things)? Only small ones. Are you a frequent sufferer of heartburn? Yes; I actually have a prescription for chronic heartburn. If I don't take it, I'll get heartburn to the point I come near tears. How many different colleges have you gone to? Three. How much stress can you handle? Ha, not a lot at all. What is one thing you thought you’d never do but have done or are doing? I'm 25 and feel like I've just... wasted so much, and I continue to. I never thought I'd make it to this age and to have gone so short a distance in terms of being a successful adult. Have you ever disowned a friend or family member for their beliefs? I've stopped being friends with people, yes. Do you ever feel like your life is too boring or predictable? It 120% is. Do you think you will die happy? To be honest... I think no a lot of the time. Do you like looking at pictures? Yeah. Are you a submissive person? Very. Do you believe the dead can have connections with the living? I do. What are your views on the death penalty? I support it in extreme cases. Once you prove to be a thorough monster that deeply endangers other humans... you don't deserve life. We as a society have to work together, not destroy one another. Do you like horror movies? Why or why not? Yeah! I like the thrill of them. Would you ever be able to become a vegan? No; I am FAR too picky with my food. I want to be vegan, but I just wouldn't survive. What was your favorite toy as a child? I had a whole story based around some plastic dinosaurs, alligators, deer, and Pokemon figurines. Who was your first best friend? What is your favorite memory of/with them? Are you two still friends? Brianna. I don't know what my favorite memory is... We made a lot. We're Facebook friends, but we don't talk anymore. Would you rather hang out with someone who is always high or someone who constantly wants to get drunk all the time? High, I guess. Drunk people I think get sloppier and, in some cases, angry. The (few) high people I've been around have just been chill and friendly. How did you meet your newest friend? I'm not entirely sure who I consider to be my newest friend. The last time you kissed someone, were your arms around their neck? I don't think so? I'm pretty sure I was just hugging her around the waist. You have to get a facial piercing, what do you get? I've mentioned how I wanna get my nose re-pierced in multiple surveys. Do you straighten your hair? No. When is the next time you will see the person you like? Who knows, dude. I really want to be able to walk for two minutes without feeling like I'm dying before I go to an airport again, and even more importantly, even as a fully-vaccinated person, I want Covid to chill out before I travel again. And who the fuck knows when that'll be since people don't want to listen to goddamn professionals. Did you get to sleep in today? I actually slept through my alarm and was late to gym today. :x Your first dog? I was born into the family with a collie named Trigger, but she passed when I was a baby, so I don't have any memories of her. We got what I want to say was a Rottweiler mix named Angel at one point, who I consider our first family dog, but she was born with that disease that some puppies have where they just... die. Who I consider MY first REAL dog was Teddy. <3 Stood loyally by my side as my furry son and most devoted friend for around 13 years. Do you prefer mint, citrus, or cinnamon toothpaste? Mint. Are you one of those people who are always cold? No, I'm always hot. Have you done anything sneaky lately? No. Have you ever had feelings for someone and thought “This is the person I want to be with forever”? Yeah, twice. Do you keep notes, drawings or letters that people give you? Of course! Have you had a significant other that you never kissed? Well, boyfriends, but I wouldn't count the ones I haven't kissed as truly "significant other"s. Has anybody ever dated you only for your looks? I don't think so. Do you have any handshakes with anybody? Nah. What are you listening to? "Necessary Evil" by Motionless In White & Jonathan Davis. Would you take back your last boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah. Who is your favorite band? How long have they been? Ozzy Osbourne. Since middle school. Who is your favorite author? I don't have a fave. Do you like cheesecake? BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH- How did you meet the last person you kissed? YouTube, back when it had more social aspects. Do you wake up cranky? Not usually, no. I'm actually in my best mood in the morning. Have you ever met your favorite band/singer? No, but holy fuck would that be awesome. I want to thank him for his music so badly. Do you have a good relationship with your parent(s)? Yeah. Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? My old house, yes, but not this one. Do chickens have feelings? Yes. Have you ever been to a spa? Yeah, even though I really wasn't interested. I just went with Colleen because she invited me. I appreciated her wanting to hang out and include me of course, so I was happy to go, but it's not something I'd do of my own volition. The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? The lemonade. Favorite South Park character? I don't have one, given I'm not interested in the show. How often do you have to shave? When/where I shave grows back FAST, so frequently. Ever go ghost hunting? No but omg I'd love to. Someone date me just to go do this together one night lmao. Do you have any family in the military? No. Can you talk to your mother about most things? I know I CAN talk to her about absolutely everything, but I don't always. Would you ever homeschool your children? If they wanted it and it'd be beneficial to their health and educational success, then yes. Are you afraid of change? Oh boy, am I. Who’s your favourite character from one of your favourite books? I'll go with The Outsiders, in which case I remember it was Dally.
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yellowfoot-06 · 4 years
Why you should read Cucumber Quest
      So it is currently 2 am in the morning and I decided to write an essay. I may put this in draft form and continue if I get too tired. This will probably be less me trying to convince you to read it and more me gushing about Cucumber Quest. This is also just me distracting myself from what is happening with it right now.  There will be no pictures but just me referencing pages of it because I am on the computer so it is hard for me to put in pictures compared to Mobile. More under the cut if you care for this and link if I was somehow able to convince you to read this underrated comic.
Main Details
      This section is just a simple overview of the comic and I will elaborate more in the Character/Story section. The comic is about a little flat planet called Dreamside. The pancake planet is inhabited by bunny people and like, some pigs in one country/kingdom. An alien named Queen Cordelia has taken over the Donut kingdom and is trying to collect the Disaster stones to summon the Nightmare Knight, an ancient evil that used to destroy Dreamside 500,000 years ago (And the Dreamsiders somehow haven’t technologically advance in half a million years using the theming of two characters) Anyways, now it is up to Cucumber and his sister, Almond, along with two other characters to help defeat her and save dreamside! You should probably read Cucumber Quest and come back after reading the prologue and Chapter 0 (Also the beginning of chapter 1 for good measure) because there is some suspense there that is hard to not spoil when talking about the story and characters.
Art Work
        Anyways, here is an entire section about the artwork and designs alone because of how beautiful it is. The artwork is probably all you need to know before reading the comic. Page 804 is probably a good non-spoilery example of the artwork. You can also see the gradual improvement in the artwork if you compare the artwork from prologue to (currently the latest chapter) chapter 5. It makes sense to see the artwork progress because it is 9 years old (since I’m writing this) and it is still going on. In the printed version (which only goes to chapter 3 for now) You might notice that the artist/author, Gigi D.G., Redrew some of the pages. The printed version also has some exclusive stuff in it if you want.                                                                                                                         
        The character designs are another plus. Now they are very visually pleasing because of the colours used for them. They all have nice and soft colour schemes. Most of the characters also all are the same species say for the antagonists and some other characters. This kinda separates the villains from the protagonists (The antagonists also have different speech bubbles and some of them have this thing where the style slightly changes when they come on screen with the protagonists). The setting kinda makes everyone's designs unique yet fitting (There is literally a character that is just a giant black circle and she somehow fits). On the side note of unique character designs, even when the color schemes _and _outfits change on the characters change, you can still see that it is them based on the designs and personalities. Pages 346 and 349 are good examples of this yet slightly spoilery. Other good examples are basically the entirety of chapter 5.
Characters/ Story
       I mashed both the characters and story section into one because the characters are the ones moving the story along and it is kinda hard talking about one without talking about the other. Anyways, let’s talk about the protagonists, Almond, Cucumber, Sir Carrot, and Nautilus. You can also put the antagonists in the protagonists territory because of how well written they are.                           
       Cucumber is a great main protagonist because of his ideals. His character is slightly cliche, you know, the nerd preteen (At least I think he is that age range) has to now save the world and he doesn’t want to do it. Now there is no real “Oh, I don’t think he can do it” in there but he does have an idea of pacifying the antagonists and everyone thinks that is a silly Idea except for Nautilus. Now, Gigi puts a twist on the second part by making him slightly possessive of this idea. So much in fact that he kinda ignores the people around him. He tries to pacify the Nightmare Knight in chapter 3, it was working until Almond comes along and ruins it. Now, the Nightmare Knight scares them with a near-death experience. They talk about it now shook, and Cucumber now sees Almond crying and realizes that she was just trying to protect him. From the outside view, it seems like the antagonists are awful monsters, so it looks like Cucumber is needlessly endangering himself when the better answer would be to stab them all to death. I just love this twist and how he becomes more insensitive to others when trying to sympathetic to the antagonists. The end of chapter 5 is also a good part of Cucumber’s ark when he believes in an assumption and starting less to believe in his own cause.                                      
              Almond also has a great story ark in this comic. In the beginning, she is cocky and believes that saving the world is just gonna be a nice adventure like in the tv shows she watches. She is actually the main reason they are on the adventure, to begin with. Her stubbornness and cockiness starts to dilate the further she is on this adventure and when she sees the real danger that is happening. In chapter 4 this is brought up by Cucumber. She still has some of her beginning ark in her but now it seems like it is a mask that she puts on.        
           The other two protagonists are Princess Nautilus and Sir Carrot. Sir Carrot came into the story before Nautilus so I’ll talk about him first. Sir Carrot is just a simple knight that wanted to help two bakers out. He is not really interesting compared to the others. At the beginning of the story he was scared by everything but you can really see a reason begin to form in chapter 3 and onwards. He has a really interesting dynamic with the Nightmare Knight and with some other characters. The final protagonist in the group, and my personal favorite, is Princess Nautilus! She is probably the funniest and most comedic out of the three. Her comedic shenanigans make me laugh a whole lot. There are only two characters that make me happier when I see them. She hardly changes in the story, the only real changes that happen is that her comedy starts to dwindle as the story progressed. A big part of her ark is a little eel named Liquus. They have such a cute dynamic together that started to dwindle more after chapter 3.                                                                                               
       Now, time for the most interesting characters, the antagonists. The first villains we see are Queen Cordelia and Peridot (pronounced Peridoh). They have a nice and cute familial connection. Cordelia is stubborn and confident. She is a cat from an alien planet that came to conquer Dreamside with the help of the Nightmare Knight. When Cordelia summoned the Nightmare Knight, her confidence starts to break as she sees his power. She seems to be a powerful conqueror with confidence in her actions, so seeing her in fear is a slight surprise as summoning the Nightmare Knight in the first place was her idea. When she interacts with Peridot, she is calm and motherly, another thing that separates her from her average personality. The Nightmare Knight is also very intriguing because he is basically stuck in a place he can’t escape from as both sides are antagonizing him and he has this cycle but it can’t keep going on forever and with fears of what happened before and-                                             
         Great, now that we got all the other characters off the plate (except for the side characters) now we can talk about the best characters (in my opinion) the Disaster Masters! This is where the gushing really begins! They are the most interesting when you think about the logistics of each character and the cycle they have been. I can’t talk about every character since there are 8 and this section is already extremely lengthy. So I am speeding through each of these. Splashmaster: adorable but not really interesting. Ya Boi: great and the first example to show that everything is not completely what it seems. Mutemaster: probably the most forgettable and gets over shined by Ya Boi. Rosemaster: Oh ho ho! This is where the story starts to turn darker and she is a really good character, her chapter might be one of the best. Thebestmaster: Name says it all, he is the best and if you say otherwise I will personally stab you through the screen. Quakemaster: Same as Splashmaster, except replace adorable with menacing. Mistmaster: Terrifying and even more so if you think about what happened to him. Glitchmaster: You know about the circle I talked about earlier? Yeah, that's her. She is a lot more spooky with context.                            
         Woohoo! This is (hopefully) the last paragraph of the section! The side characters are where the comedy mainly lays on. These characters are very wide-ranged. You have characters such as psychopathic 10-year-old, realistic Rabbit, and a bunch of crabs. These characters are normally comedic and a great part of the story. Some characters are more important like Cosmo, the psychopathic 10-year-old. Other characters are just jerks jokes like Cucumber’s father. Even though some aren’t important, all of them are likable/enjoyable.
     Finally! If you read the entirety of this, then uhh, you read it! Here is a link to  a Youtube video that is a lot shorter and more concise than this essay, and the link to the comic again: 
Video: https://youtu.be/4uiO9ZKj2HE
Comic: https://cucumber.gigidigi.com
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thecolsielife · 4 years
Eco tips for the bathroom
I want to share a few tips with you on products that are more eco-friendly that I personally use in my bathroom. I firmly believe that if everyone made a few small changes then that would make a huge impact globally. As a person who previously lived off a single income on minimum wage, the cost of products has been a factor in my choice of products, however with the rising awareness of sustainability, options are becoming more purse friendly.
When buying there are a few things I look out for such as: -
Is the product tested on animals?
Is the packaging recyclable or made from recycled material?
Does the product use harsh chemicals?
Is it made in Britain?
Does it cost the earth? (pun intended)
Obviously everyone will have their own requirements of products they use and sadly quite often there is no 1 product that ticks all the boxes so then you must decide where to compromise. But remember, even doing a little is better than nothing because at the end of the day companies react to how customers spend there money. For example I remember years ago when shopping in supermarkets the eggs where mainly from caged hens, not good. Fast forward to now and the caged hen eggs are a tiny proportion of the display with free range taking up the majority of shelf space. That is all down to people like Jamie Oliver bringing the appalling conditions of caged hens to the mass public's attention, which led to a change in what eggs we buy. So this is proof that we as the customer have a lot more power than we sometimes realise.
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So I have 6 products I wish to enlighten you about all of which do not cost the earth, in both sense of the word. First of all is the humble and recently high demand product of the loo roll! Most toilet roll companies now are FSC certified which means that the paper comes from wood that is responsibly managed, socially beneficial, environmentally conscious, and economically viable. Yay. However this brand takes it a step further. The Nicky brand of toilet roll, which is a budget item might I add, work directly with the Woodland Trust to plant native British woodland. How wonderful. Budget friendly, bum friendly and Earth friendly! What more could you want from a loo roll?
My second tip is something I stumbled upon on my Pinterest wonderings, an eco way to clean your bathroom and get it sparkling. It's so simple, all you have to do is mix equal parts washing up liquid with regular white vinegar and top up with water. Now ideally I would love to have a lovely glass spray bottle for the photo but I don't, however I did find an old plant spray bottle so I found a new purpose for it. Do be aware that your bathroom will smell a bit like a chippy for a wee while when you've used the solution, I quite like it even if it does make me peckish!
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I have 2 solid bar soaps that I use, the first is a regular hand soap, the second is a solid shaving bar. The hand soap is from the Little Soap Company based in the North Cotswolds Hills. Their products are organic and 100% free from all the nasty things usually found in hand soap. The soap comes in a cute little cardboard box which is an added delight. I've used solid hand soap for a while now and I'm not going back. My hands smell wonderful and feel soft as silk, so why would I go back? Also if you follow them on Instagram you can see their office dog Henry make regular appearances!
The solid shaving bar was an experimental originally as one of my friends had been smugly telling me about her solid shampoo bar she was using. Well not one to be out eco-ed, I got googling, actually it was ebay but I don't think ebaying is a word yet! I found this cute company based in Yorkshire called the Cosy Cottage Soap Company. I have a soft spot for all things Yorkshire anyway as my Mum is from there and I have lived there too so this was ideal. They like the first producers source natural, sustainable ingredients. They use recyclable or compostable packaging too. I have found there is a wee trick to getting the most from the shaving bar which is to make a lather in your hands first and use that on your skin rather than rubbing the soap on your skin, simple because I found that way makes more lather and goes further too. Added benefit to using this soap is that it takes a lot less space in my already tiny bathroom but I don't get any skin irritation either, win win.
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The last two items for this eco tip overload is a box of matches and a wooden soap dish holder. There isn't much to say about the soap dish holder, it's pretty self-explanatory, it holds the soap while looking rustic and pretty. This was another of my ebay finds so cheap as chips and also means you don't run the risk of the solid soap slipping around the sink like an eel. The matches was I think something I read in a magazine as one of those old wives tale things. So when it smells badly shall we say, in the bathroom, simply light a match and blow it out. This magically dispels any nasty smell that might try to linger. Both myself and Kilted Viking love the smell of a match and as an added insurance, I wave the match around the room just to be on the safe side.
That's all my wisdom for now. If you're still reading then well done and thank you for investing your time in this and I hope there's something you may adopt in your journey in taking baby steps to living a more sustainable life.
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ktaebwi · 7 years
[TRANS] non-no Magazine 2018 Jan Issue - 100 Answers w/ BTS
JPN - KRN © 전정국 DC갤러리, 뷔 DC갤러리, ha_ru_man, BTSR_613 KRN - ENG © ktaebwi
Q1. Your dream job when you were a child? A badminton player when I was in elementary school. After that my parents bought me a computer so I got into gaming and wanted to do a job about gaming. Q2. How did the members celebrate your birthday in 2017? We were all practicing singing and dancing and the lights suddenly went off, then the door was opened and Jimin-san and V-san came in holding a cake. Q3. When do you feel like you have become an adult! I turned 20 in Japanese age in September! But actually I'm still a kid at heart, so truthfully I don't really feel like I have become an adult. Q4. In which moment do you feel like you're still a kid? For example, when I watch and think about a video or an interview. When I read people's comments, I feel like even with the same question, they think from a much bigger point of view than me. That's when I feel like maybe I'm still lacking in depth. Q5. A work that touched you recently? "Love, Rosie". It made me touched because it's a sweet but sad love story. Q6. The kind of song you're planning to compose? Song of styles like future base and chillstep which I enjoy and listen to a lot. Q7. Favorite dessert? The Japanese snack kinako mochi. I like that it melts in my mouth because it's just so fluffy! Also I ate cheesecake before the photoshoot for <non-no>. That one was delicious too♡ Q8. How do you take care of your beautiful voice? I don't pay particular attention to it... Like I just sing with my original voice I've had since I was born... Q9. Any habit? Covering my nose when I yawn. Not mouth but nose somehow. (laughs) And I pull the baby hair on my face unconsciously. I know about these things because fans told me.
Q10. The most exciting song of BTS? The uptempo "Wings". And the original Japanese song "Crystal Snow" which will be released in December! When I first heard it I felt like it matched my current emotion quite well. Q11. If you were to go out on a personal trip with the members? If I have time, I want to travel to Japan. I want to tour around the streets of Tokyo leisurely. Q12. Something you're into the most right now! As always, composing! Q13. A skill that you can say "Actually I'm good at this too"? Are you asking "I can do this too", not "I can't do this"? (laughs) From now on I want to be good at composing, Japanese and learning. I want to speak Japanese a little more fluently! Q14. If you were Santa Claus, what present would you give to each member? For Rap Monster-san, J-hope-san, Jimin-san, V-san, I want to choose clothes that match them well. Maybe composing equipment would be great for Suga-san. And for Jin-san who's raising cute sugar gliders, pet supplies!
Q15. Favorite number? 85. The song 'DNA' we released in Korea in September ranked No.85 on Billboard Hot 100 Chart. From that day on it's my favorite number. Q16. Favorite drink? Lemon lime flavored soft drink. It's a must when I'm eating or taking a break. I can't drink coffee and alcohol well. Q17. Favorite movie genre? Every genre except for horror movie! A movie I enjoyed watching recently is "Midnight Runners". Q18. Something that made you feel the most excited recently? Actually I'm planning to give my parents a car as a surprise present. Just thinking of it gets me excited already. Q19. Saddest song of BTS? The hidden track "Sea" from "Love Yourself 承 'Her'". The lyrics are like the path we walked on, so my heart aches whenever I listen to it. Q20. A photo you took recently? Landscape photos. I like putting my thoughts into my photos. I have been saving all the photos I took until now so hope one day I can show it to you guys in any form. Q21. If you were to become a photographer, what kind of photobook would you want to make? Landscape of course. I would make a photobook of landscape photos with 2 versions, colored and B&W. Personally I like B&W photos but I think color photos have a fascinating power of touching the heart, so hopefully it'll double the delight. Q22. Something you must do for beauty care? I put on facial mask and skin lotion 10 minutes before I sleep every night. For hands I just use hand cream? Q23. How do you get your mood up when you feel down? When I think of 그므시라꼬 (lit: What is it / It's not a big deal), one of the things my father told me before, my mood's recharged! Q24. A person you want to meet right now? The aunt of the protagonist from "The Full-time Wife Escapist". Ishida Yuriko's acting is extremely skilled and charming. Q25. A birthday episode that made you deeply moved? When my family and relatives gathered to celebrate my birthday before I went to elementary school. I'm still keeping the photo we took together that time. Q26. Favorite event during a year? The birthday of my father who's been raising me up. I'm living away from him now so I can't celebrate it properly, but I want to invite him to Seoul one day and throw a big party for him! Q27. Tips for learning Japanese? I tried to remember words or commonly used sentences only before, but now I watch Japanese dramas and movies and if there's any word I don't know, I would pause the video and look up for its meaning. A movie I watched recently is "Drowning Love". Q28. Something the members told you recently that made you happy? "Handsome." This is embarrassing but it makes me happy (laughs)
Q29. The most exciting song of BTS? "Fire". The melody and lyrics bring a nice feeling and can lift the mood up, and many people knew about BTS thanks to this song too. It changed our lives so whenever I hear it, I get heated thinking about that time! Q30. A song you played with guitar recently. My skill's still lacking, but I wanted to play the BGM of a game that I happened to hear on a guitar practicing video so I'm working hard on it right now. Q31. The first image that comes to your mind when it comes to "winter"? I think of the snow-clad area from an RPG game I used to like when I was a kid. Q32. Something you do every day without skipping? Feeding Odeng and Eomuk. Sugar gliders are small and cute! By the way Odeng is "odeng" and Eomuk is "odeng" in Korean♡ Q33. A food you can cook well? Mixed seasoned whelk (whelk salad) and a soup with rice cake (rice cake soup). I made it for the members on New Year's Day and they loved it, they thanked me for making it because they can't go home often. I'm really kind, aren't I? (laughs) Q34. A Japanese food that made you touched? Grilled eel rice, it has dashi stock so it was delicious! Q35. Must-have item in your fridge? Chili pepper paste, ssamjang (dipping sauce for meat), kimchi. I mainly eat meat at home so there must be condiments for meat. Q36. Favorite space in your room? I like the room itself so it's hard to choose one. I feel happy when I play with my pets, play games or just idle around. Q37. The member who you talk to about your worries? I don't have that many worries. I tend to resolve the cause on my own before my thoughts becomes a worry. Q38. In which moment do you think you shine the most? My existence itself is shining so it should be "always", not just "moment"! (laughs) Q39. Memories about '2017 Billboard Music Awards'? When we arrived at the venue in Las Vegas there was a panel that said "Billboard", I and the members went "So this is Billboard" and we were so touched, we couldn't believe it... Q40. A recent private surprise? I gifted Odeng and Eomuk to myself! And we celebrated Jungkook's birthday in September with a surprise event. Q41. A member that you depend on lately? Jimin. When we went on a variety show he left it to me when I spoke, and stepped up when it’s his turn to speak, he was reliable.
Q42. A goal you want to achieve in 2017? Getting closer to Odeng and Eomuk and make them come to me without having to do anything. I’m practicing for them to climb on my arms when I put yogurt on my hand, but not long ago they bit my finger along with the yogurt... I think it’ll take some time. (laughs)
Q43. Favorite season? I like the feeling of winter, since I was born in Busan and there’s not much snow there. When I was around 6, may 7 years old, there was abnormally heavy snow in the winter, the snow scene I saw outside of my window was extremely memorable. I remember playing outside with my family and friends.
Q44. Something you want to have the most right now? Time to travel. To Japan! I heard that Halloween in Japan is really big, I want to disguise myself so that no one would recognize me and join in.
Q45. A subject you were good at at school? PE, Arts, Science, Math. I especially liked ball game in PE.
Q46. Something you pay attention to when you build up your body? I only adjust my meal portion depending on the time. I don’t really work out. Even I myself feel like I’m thin when I put on clothes. So sad... (laughs)
Q47. Favorite street in Korea? Gangnam. It’s the place where I met the members after going to Seoul from another region and also the place where I go for bowling or billiards and play with my friends. Gangnam indeed!
Q48. A fashion item you want to try wearing this winter? I’m planning to go shopping and think about my winter fashion starting from now. I’m looking forward to see if I’ll meet cool coats or cute knitwears.
Q49. What did you do before sleeping yesterday? As soon as I came home and lied down on my bed after coming back from a variety show filming, I fell asleep right away. (laughs)
Q50. What did you dream of last night? I was continuing with the variety show filming in my dream last night. (laughs) If I can choose my dream as how I want, I want to fly to the sky!
Q51. Something that made you laugh the most recently? Jin-san said something lame so I laughed really hard. But since it was too lame, unfortunately I don’t remember what it is. (laughs)
Q52. A hairstyle you want to try? A hairstyle with impact... I don’t know if I suit it or not but maybe like, slicked-back hair!
Q53. If time machine exists? I used to think it would be fun to go back in time and start over, or to secretly go meet myself in the future. But now I don’t want to go anywhere. Because I had determined to not let go of what I saw at the time, live and cherish every moment.
Q54. Favorite words? “Thank you”, just hearing this gives me strength.
Q55. Memories about 2017 Japan arena tour? The tour made me once again feel how fun it is to do concerts! As we headed towards the end of the tour, my gratitude for the members grew stronger and I think this was a valuable chance for me to look back at myself.
Q56. In which moment do you feel like the members are cool? J-hope-san’s dances are really awesome! Especially his performance in “MIC Drop”, one of the songs from our 8th single released in December, so please pay a lot of attention to him.
Q57. If you were to compare yourself to a color? Blue. I liked it since a long time ago and I think it suits me too. And It makes people feel bright and purified so I want to be the color blue.
Q58. When you contact, do you call or text? I don’t really like calling so I don’t call much. I think I only call for 10 minutes a month. I just go simple with texting.
Q59. Do you eat what you like first or do you save it for later? I have never thought when I eat. (laughs) Maybe not right from the beginning but a little later?
Q66. The first song you made? I composed for the first time by self-learning when I was 13, I think it was a hip hop track. Q67. Favorite time of the day? When I fall asleep. I feel at ease and my heart flutters a bit before I climb on my bed to sleep. Q68. How do you refresh yourself when making music? I play computer games, play with my phone or drink my favorite coffee~ Q69. Do you have your own way of drinking coffee? I don't like sweet stuff that much so first of all, I won't put sugar in. And since I like the smell of coffee beans, I go with black, putting nothing extra in. I especially like drinking coffee in my studio. (laughs) Oh and doesn't it feel unusual and fun to drink coffee after brushing your teeth? (laughs) Q70. The hairstyle you like the most among the ones you have tried so far? Speaking of colors, I think... I like black the most... (laughs) I like my natural hair color. Q71. Favorite lyrics in BTS songs? I relate to the "It's okay to lose" part. (in "Fire") Q72. Your own treasure? The equipment for making music in my studio. And the watch I'm wearing right now. It’s what I planned to buy in elementary school, that I would work hard on the music path and buy it later, so I must wear this when I make music to remind myself of my initial mindset. Q73. The most recent time you cried? I don't cry because I'm emotional but.. Uhm.. I yawned 10 minutes ago and the tears came out! (laughs) Q74. If you have a day for yourself in Japan? I want to visit a whiskey distillery! I heard my favorite author, Murakami Haruki, likes whiskey and even wrote a travelogue with the theme of whiskey, so I became interested in it. Q75. In which moment do you feel your friendship with the members? When we gather and play games during the time we have no schedule. I'm not good at games so I like playing with many people. Q76. The member that you feel like is cute lately? Jungkook. I find it cute how he's the youngest but he's slowly becoming an adult. When I first met Jungkook he was in middle school, he used to not be able to organize what he wanted to say during interviews, but seeing how well he answers now feels cool to me.
Q60. BTS song that has the best choreography? “Save Me” and “DNA”. The house steps in “Save Me” dance break is really cool and my sister also said “That dance is the best”. (laughs) For “DNA” I think it’s one of the few perfect choreographies even for BTS.
Q61. What do you pay attention to during a performance? Face expression, the dynamic of the movement. Sticking to details to express the vibe of the song.
Q62. A song that makes you want to dance along? Post Malone ft. 21 Savage’s “Rockstar”.
Q88. A place you want to travel to again? Sapporo, I have been there a few times to perform, but my dream is to one day travel there on a personal trip and go into the hot spring surrounded by the snow scenery!
Q89. How do you spend time while moving? Sometimes I just sleep, sometimes I watch movies, it depends. When I went back and forth between Korean and Japan from May to July,, I wrote songs or lyrics in the plane.
Q90. Must-eat food when you come to Japan? Ramen and meat. And I like grilled eel rice the most!
Q91. Secret to your amazing smile? Hearing that makes me embarrassed. (laughs) Basically the best is to enjoy and be positive. I believe that when we smile we’ll become happier so maybe that shows on my face.
Q92. Favorite shoes at the moment? I like shoes so I bought several pairs of sneakers recently. Among them there were one pair made from several materials and colors, I fell in love with it from first sight!
Q93. Favorite fragrance recently? Fresh scent, I’m currently using mint hand soap.
Q94. A member that you think is cool? RM and V who have special interest for fashion. But the other members also have their own styles so they’re cool as well.
Q95. Favorite sports? Tennis which I played from 4th year to 6th year of elementary school. The reason I started playing tennis was a little bit special... When the teacher stood in front of the class and asked “Anyone who wants to play tennis?”, I happened to be stretching with both arms out. The teacher mistook it as me signing up so I got in. (laughs) I started playing tennis again this summer and it’s refreshing and fun!
Q96. Personal goal in 2018? Releasing the mixtape which I’m preparing. And becoming more skilled at Japanese.
Q97. If you could experience another job for one day? Tennis player. I couldn’t do well even when I practiced in elementary school, so I consider entering the Wimbledon championship is a dream of dream. (laughs)
Q98. A member that you feel like has especially grown up lately? Jungkook’s face has become more evident ever since he turned 20. When I first saw the music video of “DNA” released in Korea, he was so cool that I was shocked!
Q63. A place you have never been to that you want to travel too? I want to go to Kyoto! A friend of mine who traveled to Japan invited me to go there. Q64. Must-have item that you carry along for relaxing purpose when you go overseas? Pilates practice DVD. I watch and stretch before I sleep inside the hotel room.
Q65. Speaking habit? “Actually~. I think I say it to make time for myself to arrange thoughts. It’s like “Ano” (That~) in Japanese?
Q77. A recent trivial worry or doubt? The webtoons are too good that I end up staying up all night with my phone on one hand. And doubts for Jungkook and V! Jungkook changes his hobby every month. V’s selection of words are a little peculiar, it’s amazing. Sometimes he surprises me with his use of new expressions. (laughs)
Q78. A subject you were bad at at school? Math and English. The only subjects I had to go to cram schools for outside class were these two. I slowly got more familiar with English but I didn’t have any progress with Math until the end. (laughs)
Q79. Something personal that made you happy recently? I rode a bike along the Han river on a nice day. I felt very happy enjoying the wind and riding bike.
Q80. Food you eat the most often when eating out? Meat! I mean meat-nim! (laughs) I like meat sliced really thin like it’s shaved and then grilled.
Q81. A Japanese word you learned recently and want to use? 木漏れ日 (sunshine beaming through the trees). I think it’s cool how it’s light from the sun, but i doesn’t shine fiercely but rather friendly.
Q82. Something you want to learn at the moment? Acoustic guitar! Given how it creates raw sound, it’s a straight and honest instrument.
Q83. If you can only bring one thing to a deserted island? V. He's not dependable but... What should I say... If V's there I definitely won't be bored (laughs) And flip-flops (bi-san = beach sandals/flip-flops or V-san, similar pronunciation) are great too, since the sandy beach will be hot.
Q84. A person you respect? My father. I have never seen my father and mother fighting in front of me. When I told them I want to make music, they supported me and told me go for it.
Q85. Birthday memories of 2017? We were invited as guests to the Seoul concert of The Chainsmokers who we collaborated with in the song “Best Of Me”. I was surrounded by people I cherish so it felt like the biggest birthday party in my life?
Q86. The most memorable song of BTS? “Danger” which we released in Korea in 2014. It was when we were desperately trying as group. It has really cool dances so please watch it!
Q87. Something you cherish the most as a leader? Memories with the members. Because we made it through the hardship together, so we can still think of each other and move forward even now.
Q99. Memorable Christmas memory?
RM: I remember when I was 6, I heard that our family would travel on Christmas and I asked “Will Santa grandpa be able to come?” Since we were travelling to the country, I was worried. (laughs) SUGA: When I was small, our family would gather and have a meal together. After I started living away from them, it began to feel like a wonderful memory. JIN: When I went to the ski resort with my parents and brother. It was our regular Christmas trip when I was in elementary school. J-HOPE: There was a year when it snowed a lot on Christmas. The white Christmas I wished for! I remember making snowman with my family and laughing and chatting. JIMIN: I want to spend a memorable Christmas in the future. The snow is memorable! It’s the best to play at the ski resort and finish by watching the night scenery. V: I think many people spend Christmas as couples but I’m always alone ever since I was born. (laughs) When I was in school, I would go to the PC room with my usual friends and play games or eat noodles. I pretended to be tough like “PC room for Christmas!”. (laughs) JUNGKOOK: One year I was sleeping with my brother and when I opened my eyes slightly, I saw a grandpa with white beard! I thought “Santa really came” and went to sleep with a very happy mood.
Q100. What do you want to achieve, to try as BTS in 2018?
RM: Performing at the biggest venue in each country! SUGA: We have achieved many of our goals so far and thankfully there isn’t anything we haven’t achieved. But we won’t dwell on our achievement next year and hopefully we can enjoy our favorite music and have a good time with our fans. JIN: I want to make a song that anyone would love. Personally, I want to play and have fun with fireworks with the members. (laughs) J-HOPE: My goal and dream is to stand on a worldwide stage and present a performance that will blow everyone’s mind. JIMIN: I’m not persistent for records. Because our fans made them happen. But whenever they set new records for us I feel very thankful and grateful. I wish 2018 would become a year where we get to spend more time with our fans. V: I see a lot of beautiful sceneries in the countryside when I watch Japanese movies. I want to perform in other cities, not just big ones, and see those sceneries with my own eyes. I want to go meet more fans! JUNGKOOK: Making songs by myself that can be put into BTS albums! I’ll continue to try to make it happen.
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tripstations · 5 years
Bath holidays: Where are the best hotels in Bath? Top accommodation revealed | Short & City breaks | Travel
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Bath is the World Heritage Site mainly built from gorgeous local, golden-coloured Bath Stone (Image: Getty Images/The Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa/ The Queensbury)
Bath is a city where I have decided I could quite easily live. For starters, it’s beautiful. Not only is the World Heritage Site mainly built from gorgeous local, golden-coloured Bath Stone, it’s also surrounded by rolling green hills which are visible from the town as you look up. It’s also easily walkable yet crammed with culture and, importantly for me, easy to get to from neighbouring Bristol, London, and Birmingham. This makes it an ideal choice for a weekend break. If you’re after an indulgent UK holiday and looking to treat yourself, these are three of the top hotels to stay in – The Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa, The Queensbury and No.15 Great Pulteney.
Bath holidays: Where are the best hotels in Bath? Top accommodation revealed
Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa
The problem with staying at The Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa is that you may never want to actually leave it. A wall of elegance practically smashes into you as you walk in and there’s an instant feeling you’ll get looked after.
Located in the middle of the famous and iconic Royal Crescent, the hotel actually stretches far beyond the buildings you see on entrance. An acre of stunning gardens lies behind, offering an oasis of tranquillity after a day of sightseeing. Further accommodation and the restaurant as well as the spa are found at the other end of the garden making for a very quiet night’s sleep indeed.
Our room is the Lord Nelson Suite – the famous military figure once stayed in Bath – and busts and paintings of the great man adorn the room as a nod to the theme amid the grey neutral tones. Ornate lamps and colourful cushions add a pop of colour.
In the spacious living room area – separated off from the bedroom with a curtain – is a fireplace and a bookcase filled with a variety of interesting tomes, creating a homely touch amid the luxury. French windows open out onto a spacious balcony which looks over the garden and the odd guest below. One can feel very regal from such a position – although no Romeo (or Knightley, Darcy or Tilney for that matter) came a-calling, alas (remember, there’s always the Jane Austen Centre…)
When we are first shown to our room there’s a brief moment when we think we’re told there’s complimentary cheese which would make it officially the world’s best establishment, but it transpires the lady actually said complimentary teas which, for a Briton, is still pretty exciting. We order one immediately. It’s only a few moments we realise one explanation for our sense of peace – Classic FM is playing from bedside speakers and it’s the addition I never realised I needed – my life finally has a soundtrack.
The little touches don’t stop there, pillow spray is provided with the turndown service, newspapers are offered and there’s an umbrella in the wardrobe complete with a tag letting you know what you can do in Bath in the rain. Furthermore, there’s also a car parking spot for every room should you need it.
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Bath holidays: The Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa is in in the middle of the iconic Royal Crescent (Image: Getty Images)
Meanwhile, the stylish bathroom provides his n’ her sinks, sumptuous products by British perfumer Floris plus a bath and shower – the controls for which are conveniently placed the opposite side from the water flow which means never getting wet until you’ve got in, which is a surprising bonus.
We dine in the hotel’s Dower House Restaurant and our table benefits from a view of the secluded garden as the spring evening draws in. The friendly and knowledgeable waiters prove invaluable in helping me decide on my order (it all looks so good) and the sommelier suggests a delightful Sauvignon Blanc.
Turmeric and black pepper bread sets a promising tone for the meal before I tuck into my starter of slow cooked duck egg. It’s huge, rich and creamy and pairs well with the salty Morteau sausage, and crunchy leeks and chicken crisp – all in all, superb.
This is followed by roasted seabass, served with two perky scallops prettily presented with beetroot, tasty morsels of smoked eel, hay baked potato, smoked roe cream and horseradish. The portions may seem small at first but I soon have “elegant sufficiency” as my grandmother used to say and decide on a brief hiatus ahead of dessert.
This is wise and dessert is, unsurprisingly, also delicious. I opt for rhubarb and orange tart with ginger ice cream, the tangy favours of which all perfectly complement each other. My friend goes for the cheese board – well there had to be cheese somewhere didn’t there? This is presented by a rather handsome waiter who informs us he is responsible for buying the cheeses in, and his enthusiasm is palpable as he explains each one to us. One nugget we learn is that the ash in the rind of goat’s cheese is supposed to aid digestion – but after the feast we’ve had I’m not sure there’s much hope for us.
We heave ourselves up and take a turn around the garden before retiring for the night, thoroughly pampered and satisfied.
The next morning we make the most of The Spa & Bath House. I do a few lengths in the 12m heated pool (where the glistening blue tiles shimmer like a mermaid’s tail), try out the Vitality Pool and sauna before heading for a massage.
The spa’s primary partner brand is Elemental Herbology whose products are based around the Five Element theory from traditional Chinese medicine. My therapist considers my skin type, lifestyle, environment and season and opts for Earth for balance. I have chosen a Deep Muscle Melt full-body massage which uses the oils as well as hot stones – although the spa menu offers so many other wonderful-looking options it is hard to decide. My therapist’s small hands dig deep into my muscles and work through knots on my back in what makes for a very stress-relieving and relaxing hour before I return to my room, take tea on the balcony and prepare to leave this haven of luxury.
Double Deluxe rooms at The Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa start from £330 on a B&B basis. To book, please email [email protected] or call Spa Reception on 01225 823333
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Bath holidays: An acre of stunning gardens lies behind the facade of The Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa (Image: The Royal Crescent Hotel & Spa)
The Queensbury
The Queensberry Hotel may not have the grand scale decadence of The Royal Crescent but this boutique hotel is every bit as lovely and is right the heart of the city, making it perfect for exploring Bath on your doorstep.
The hotel is both chic and trendy but not in a threatening way; the interior design is particularly exciting. The bathroom in our room boasts a wall decorated entirely with goldfish-covered wallpaper, the orange and blue tones of which inject a quirky edge into the accommodation as does the gold grouting between the white tiles. There’s also a free standing bath in there and fabulous White Company products. It’s all rather like staying at the house of a particularly fashionable friend.
One little touch I particularly like is the little, dim bathroom lights that automatically come on into dark should you need to make your way to the toilet in the night. All hotels please take heed of this! A marvellous concept and a rousing thumbs up to whoever’s idea it was. What’s more, Classic FM is also playing when we enter here, too which is proving a charming theme of my stay so far.
It’s the Michelin-starred restaurant in this delightful townhouse which is the true gem of the establishment, however. If you’re after an excellent meal, the 3 AA Rosette Olive Tree restaurant is the ideal spot – it’s certainly the best one I’ve had in a long time.
I go all out and order the larger of the two tasting menus, otherwise known as the ‘Chris Cleghorn Seven’, with paired wines. Things start exceedingly well with a cheese-filled profiterole appetiser – an ingenious morsel of pleasure – before a raw Orkney scallop is presented in its pretty shell for a starter. It’s succulent and juicy thanks to the tangy pink grapefruit granita along with a kick from the horseradish. This is paired with a Galician Rías Baixas white wine before I’m served a Lebanese rosé with my second course of burrata – not that this is the Italian cheese as I’ve ever known it. This is burrata ice cream, churned and frozen but still creamy with the saltiness of green olives with tomatoes and a basil sauce.
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Bath holidays: The Queensberry Hotel is both chic and trendy but not in a threatening way (Image: The Queensberry )
Onto the first of the mains – Turbot on the bone which is like consuming a cloud it’s so soft and tender, pairing perfectly with the crunch of asparagus and buttery sauce, along with shrimp, salted lemon and sherry. To go with this is is the best Chardonnay I’ve ever tasted – an Astrolabe Province Marlborough Chardonnay 2015 which knocked my socks off; both nutty and creamy it went hand in hand with the turbot perfectly.
We move onto the second main of oh-so-succulent Woolley Park Farm duck served with duck liver on a tiny sliver of toast along with barbecued beetroot, sea beet, hazelnut and blackcurrant – all paired with a rich South African merlot.
The first dessert is a soft Tor cheese with soaked golden raisins and chicory with a Jurançon 2016 rosé before moving onto a (highly unusual but incredibly delicious) tobacco-flavoured ice cream which comes with chunks of aero-style chocolate and a chocolate parfait – rounded off with a divine Graham’s 2013 port.
By this point, I’m frankly sozzled and stuffed. I squeeze in a yummy raspberry and ice cream concoction before I throw in the towel. No way can I face the proffered coffee and petit fours although I have no doubt they’re just as delectable as everything else in the feast. We began our meal at 8.15pm and it is now 12.30pm. It’s definitely time to leave. Any plans we have of going out are shattered – as are we.
Our waiter throughout the evening has been the charming Jake who we find out is a mere 22. This appears to be a theme of the restaurant – most of the servers look as though they could be about to sit their A-Levels – but this doesn’t seem to affect the running of the place. Jake himself is incredibly knowledgeable and seems to know all there is to know about the wines he studiously explains to us. I also overhear him taking care to find out the needs and desires of the couple next to us so he can advise them suitably.
The restaurant appears to be doing a roaring trade and is filled with customers, creating a buzzy atmosphere for the Saturday night. This is particularly impressive given how unassuming The Olive Tree is from the outside – but it really is a true gem worth checking out. Not to be missed!
Hotel prices start from £145 for a classic double room. To book go to https://ift.tt/1pEhACZ
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Bath holidays: The Michelin-starred Olive Tree is a true gem worth checking out. Not to be missed! (Image: The Queensbury)
No 15 Great Pulteney
Great Pulteney Street is the widest and grandest in the city of Bath so it stands to reason that No 15 Great Pulteney is also rather grand. It is also, however, completely bonkers.
This eccentric hotel –  self-proclaimedly “luxury for the curious” – is packed full of character which one might never guess judging from its chic Georgian townhouse exterior in complete uniformity with the entire street. Inside, the decor is so quirky it leaves your scratching your head. There’s a collection of kaleidoscopes in the hallway, a bizarre selection of dog figurines on one stairway and military memorabilia crowding the bottom of a staircase. The latter even features a soldier mannequin which, when first I spot it out of the corner of my eye, nearly makes me jump out of my skin. You have been warned!
In fact, no staircase in the same here: one has models of anthropomorphised pigs, another old cameras and a third huge perfume bottles. The thought that must have gone into the design is mind-boggling.
Our room on the top floor is lovely and while not so ostensibly idiosyncratic as the communal areas, there’s still something undeniably Bohemian. Our lamp shade drips in beads, mirrors with weaved frames sit above the bed’s headboard and a large, black sheep serves as a chair. These quirks don’t stop the hotel form providing all the mod cons, however, judging by the Dyson hairdryer and fan plus enormous TV with Sky.
From our window, we can see the roofs of all the stunning Georgian houses on the streets, the famous rugby grounds and even the abbey if I crane my head – all backed by the glorious Somerset countryside.
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Bath holidays: No 15 Great Pulteney is an eccentric hotel – “luxury for the curious” (Image: No 15 Great Pulteney)
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Bath holidays: The Dispensary comes complete with extensive wooden drawers labelled for herbs (Image: No 15 Great Pulteney)
An inventive addition to the hotel’s set-up is The Larder which peckish guests can raid whenever they want. While I am there it stocks help-yourself supplies of milk, ice cream, yoghurts, water, cans of fizzy drinks, old fashioned sweets plus flapjacks and brownies. It’s gloriously like a tuck shop and my inner schoolgirl lights up with the glee at the idea of plundering it for free (before my adult self remembers my straining jeans).
Before dinner, we head for a drink at the hotel’s Bar 15 which promises ‘creative liquid libations.’ I opt for a classic No 15 Champagne cocktail and settle back to see what eccentric delights reside in the bar. I am not disappointed. Our table is utterly bedecked with blue beads and jewellery and topped with glass, the huge paintings on the wall come to life with bizarre protrusions and little 3D editions of classic novels such as The Water Babies feature enchanting cut-outs of characters on the front covers.
I’m more taken with the restaurant, however. Aptly named The Dispensary, the room goes the whole hog with the theme, complete with extensive wooden drawers labelled for herbs, antiquated glass bottles of all colours lined again the wall and even old talcum powder containers.
There’s a nod to the actual function of the restaurant as well thanks to such features as a stove, complete with cast iron pots and a wall boasting every type of whisk you could possibly imagine.
The food is tasty too. I enjoy a starter of hake goujons – which are fresh and delicious – before a crispy duck salad washed down with a South African Cabernet Sauvignon. I finish with an utterly indulgent sticky toffee pudding (with top-notch fudge sauce) and a paired dessert wine.
Prices from £115 for a Cosy Double room. 01225 807015; https://ift.tt/32Cc7ce
The post Bath holidays: Where are the best hotels in Bath? Top accommodation revealed | Short & City breaks | Travel appeared first on Tripstations.
from Tripstations https://ift.tt/2llTuId via IFTTT
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carlsonknives · 7 years
OUTDOORS | 12 Of The Best Bits Of 2017 – A Year Of Heartache, Hope & Happiness
2017 proved to be another amazing year, but one that came very close to ending in tradegy after my mum was left fighting for her life.
With a long term relationship ending, and a new one beginning, it’s been a year of change, but of positive change.
I’ve spent a lot of time outdoors and feel more connected to the natural world that I have done for a very long time.
Here’s a summary of some of the best and worst bits of 2017.
January 2017 Urban walk with friends on New Year’s Day
I love finding hiden gems like Walton Park amidst a bustling city
We kicked the year off by going for a bracing new year’s day walk with friends in Liverpool. The 4 mile walk was just what we needed to clear our heads after a night of partying and it was the perfect start to what turned out to be the year I spent more time outdoors than I’ve done since I was a carefree child.
A New Year’s Day Walk Around Walton Park in Liverpool
February 2017 Facing fears in Delamere Forest
This was a pretty big deal for someone with vertigo and a lifelong fear of heights!
OK so to most people Go Ape isn’t exactly the pinnacle of daring adventure, but for me, with vertigo and a lifelong fear of heights, it was a big deal. A couple of years ago I’d have simply turned an opportunity like that down without a second thought, but when I was approached to try out the classic treetop adventure, I immediately said yes.
Once I’d got over my terror, I loved it, though I must admit to liking the zip wires more than the walking across wobbly high things! It just goes to show that having a positive ‘yes’ mindset can reap rewards and it felt like I’d truly started the year as I meant to go on!
A Day of Adventure at Go Ape Delamere Forest, Cheshire
March 2017 Glamping with the whole family
Some of the quirky glamping accommodation at Glamping Thorpe
In March we stayed at one of the quirkiest glamping sites we’ve ever been to! We slept in a converted horse box, whilst my sister stayed in a stunning shepherds hut and the whole family got together for a party at the fantastic Glamping Thorpe in Oxfordshire.
Ultra-Quirky Glamping For Couples & Groups at Glamping Thorpe in Oxfordshire
April 2017 Exploring northern Cornwall
Padstow harbour in Cornwall
In April we headed down to Cornwall and stayed in a gorgeous lodge at Juliots Well. We explored Padstow and despite an ankle injury, managed to make it up to Tintagel for some breathtaking views.
We also visited the magical St. Nectans Glen, marking the first of many waterfalls that I’d visit during 2017.
The Perfect Spring Weekend Break at Juliots Well, Plus Out & About In North Cornwall
May 2017 Bucket list Indian Ocean diving
Snorkeling in the Indian Ocean on my bucket-list holiday
In May I went on a bucket list holiday to the Indian Ocean where I swam with sharks, spotted lionfish, stroked a moray eel and cried my eyes out when I saw a Mata Ray. The trip was everything I’d hoped it would be and more.
Discovering the Stunning Biodiversity of the Maldives
June 2017 Solo Scottish road trip and mountain summit
Nearing the summit of Ben Lawers on my first solo hike
Soon after I returned from the Maldives I embarked on a solo road trip to Scotland. I glamped on my own close to Loch Tay, and did my first ever mountain walk on my own.
Having attempted the walk the previous year, we’d had to turn back due to blizzard conditions and deep snow so this time I was determined to reach the two summits of Beinn Ghals and Ben Lawers. The weather at the base was sweltering and came as a shock, and I found the walk demanding, but I did it, and confidence wise, it did me the world of good!
My Scottish Road Trip – Kayaking on a Loch & Standing On Top Of Mountains
July 2017  Camping with friends at Cae Du Wales
Camping with friends at my favourite campsite
We love Cae Du campsite in Wales and this year we were lucky enough to return with a big group of friends for several glorious sunny days in July. Living all over the country and with our own demanding lives, it’s rare that we get to spend so much quality time with our friends, so our camping trip felt like a real treat and also gave me the chance to review a funky new tent.
5 Nights Camping In The Stunning New Star Canopy Bell Tent from Boutique Camping
August 2017 Critical illness
Mum on her way to recovery on the Intensive Care ward
In July my mum was rushed into hospital, and I stood in horror beside her hospital bed watching the stats on her monitor plummet as her lung function completely ceased and she lost consciousness. It was a harrowing experience, but after nearly 2 weeks in Intensive care, mum was finally well enough to come home.
I will never be able to express the graitute I feel for the team at Stafford hospital who battled for over an hour to save my mums’ life, nor the team that looked after her whilst she was in intensive care at Royal Univeristy Hospital Stoke.
We have always been a close family, but this Christmas feels like the biggest gift we’ve ever been given.
Spending all day every day in a waiting room, the rollercoaster of being told to give up hope then glimpses of improvement took it’s toll on us all, and I for the sake of my own sanity, I sought a few hours away from the hospital in order to be alone with my thoughts out on the water.
Me kayaking at Astbury Mere in Cheshire
A Moment Of Reflection Kayaking Out On The Water – Time Outdoors During A Crisis
As mum started to get stronger, towards the end of August I once again set off on my own, this time for a long bank holiday break down in Cornwall. I stayed in a stunning yurt at The Fir Hill and booked a wildlife spotting boat trip and went on a sea kayaking adventure. Sea kayaking is something I’d always wanted to do, and I loved every second of it and I can’t wait to do it again next year.
Kayaking off the coast of St. Agnes in Cornwall
Exploring The St Agnes Coast With Koru Kayaking, Trevaunance Cove in Cornwall
September 2017 Walking in Wainwrights footsteps
Near the summit of Catbells having done my very first Wainwright walk
I had fully intended to visit the Lake District well before September but had such a busy year, the opportunity didn’t arrive until late.
Autumn camping trip at Castlerigg Hall campsite, Cumbria
We decided a bit of Autumn camping was in order, and returned to one of our favourite campsites, Castlerigg Hall, and whilst in the area we did our very first Wainwright walk.
Hawse End to Catbells & Camping in Cumbria on the Autumn Equinox
October 2017 Discovering walking in the Lancashire Moors
Walking on the Lancashire moors for the first time
After the amicable break up of my relationship earlier in the year, by this time I had someone new in my life who not only shares my passion for the outdoors but also writes about the outdoors and is a keen walker and ecologist.
Slowly the sorrow I naturally felt at the end of my previous relationship was replaced with a new found sense of happiness, and we wasted no time in spending as much time outdoors as possible.
Our very first walk at the start of October took us up into the Lancashire Moors as we walked from Brinscall up to Great Hill.
Brinscall to Great Hill – Walking In The Lancashire Moors
November 2017 Discovering there’s more to Snowdonia than Snowdon
Aber Falls in Snowdonia
We booked a luxury weekend break with Under the Thatch and stayed in a stunning Victorian cottage in Snowdonia.
Inside the beautiful cottage in Snowdonia
We chose the property mainly based on it’s location and we managed to get two great walks over the weekend, including a walk at Newborough Warren and Llanddwyn Island in Angelsey, as well as a lovely circular walk to Aber Falls in North Wales which took us through some magiacl ancient woodland, to two enormous waterfalls and then onwards towards the North Wales coast providing us with expansive views of Angelsey.
Walking Aber Falls, Wales, 7.42km Circular Walk
December 2017  Snowy canal winter walk in Wheelton
Lock number 59 in Wheelton, Lancashire
During a weekend which saw much the UK blanketed in snow, we headed up to Leyland in Lancashire for a weekend break, and found ourselves by chance in an area that was almost completely free of snow.
The light was stunning thanks to the low winter sun, cloudless skies and reflection of the bright white snow. The simple joy of walking on a cold but bright and sunny winters day never gets old for me; there’s something so life affirming about hearing the crunch of snow underfoot and the warmth of the sun on your face.
A Snowy Winter Canal Walk in Wheelton, Lancashire
Finishing 2017 on a high
I’m finishing the year happier than I’ve ever been and confident that whilst next year is sure to throw up it’s own challenges, I’ll be able to face whatever comes my way. I wanted to ensure that 2017 was all about prioritising my own wellbeing, saying yes to more fun travel and adventure opportunities, no to more freelance work and spending time outdoors, and I feel like I’ve done that.
Looking forward to 2018
In 2018 I’m looking forward to more camping, walking and I’d love to do sea kayaking again. I also want to try climbing outdoors, to finally master SUP, and I’m keen to snorkel or even dive off the coast here in the UK. Finally I’d also really like to get back up to Scotland again, and we are currently planning a week long Scottish road trip for some time in 2018.
Here’s to you
I wish you a very happy new year, and would like to take a moment to say a big heartfelt thank you to all of the team here at Camping with Style, my family and friends and to you the readers for your going support.
Happy 2018!
Shell x
The post OUTDOORS | 12 Of The Best Bits Of 2017 – A Year Of Heartache, Hope & Happiness appeared first on Camping with Style Camping Blog | Activities • Glamping • Travel • Adventure.
Original Source http://www.campingwithstyle.co.uk/outdoors-12-best-bits-2017-year-heartache-hope-happiness/ For the best knives to use whilst camping check out Carlson Knives http://www.carlsonknives.com/
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houstonlocalus-blog · 7 years
In Review: Bedouine, Ohmme, Shabazz Palaces and more
James Elkington. Photo courtesy of Timothy Harris
A resumé is a document of qualification, and James Elkington has quite a superb resumé. The British guitarist and vocalist has played with Steve Gunn extensively and has lent guitar to everyone from Jeff Tweedy to Tara Jane O’Neil. And last year, as Jeff Parker had to sit out some shows, Elkington even filled in as a member of Tortoise. It’s also worth mentioning the criminally overlooked album Ambsace  that he collaborated on with the equally fantastic Nathan Salsburg. I say all of this as an unnecessary selling point to Elkington’s solo debut album, Wintres Woma, a collection of mainly acoustic gems that is as musically magical as it is at times slightly humorous. One advantage of playing with others is understanding how to accent a preexisting base. And by coloring within established lines, Elkington helps to define and detail his compositions, and this is a strength of his playing. Even with the use of one guitar, the songs sound fleshed out and full. His track,“Make It Up,” has a percussive base without actual percussion, and it moves along with a pace and rhythm that reveals Elkington’s prowess. A similar effect is used on “Greatness Yet To Come.” Even flourishes of pedal steel, cello, or viola present themselves only as falling leaves or slight hues next to the plenitude of Elkington’s sound. There is also a keen understanding of tone and celerity on this album. Additionally, there are some pretty magical moments in the tracks “Sister Of Mine” and “Grief Is Not Coming,” sentimental ballads that are more about beauty than dexterity. The lyrics of the songs in this album are chock-full of observational humor and understated elegance. It’s a wonderful album, absolutely fucking wonderful.
  Bedouine. Photo courtesy of Bedouine
There are times when music is massively human and moving in a altruistic way. Syrian-born, LA-based artist Bedouine has a new self-titled album that accomplishes that feat by creating and emoting beauty and presence in a simple, understated way. Take, for instance, “Nice and Quiet,” a song of exiting a relationship. “I’ve tried so hard to be there for you, It seems that may mean disappearing for you,” read the lyrics of the song. Or consider the equally resplendent “Back To You,” a song of love within the bombast of the everyday. “They talk in exclamation marks, I’m still dying to know what’s so exciting,” go the lyrics of that song. It’s about the feeling of disconnect with your surroundings while relying on the connection with another. “Can lives so designed be sustained?” asks Bedouin. Wrapped in Van Morrison/Dusty Springfield soul, with tinges of jazz and country, these songs are tunes of quiet afternoons and mystic nights. Bedouine’s voice is calm and assuring, easing you into each tune. The brilliant “Solitary Daughter” extolls the joys of alone time, of the world of the mind and peace. “I don’t need your company to feel saved…Leave me alone to the charcoal and the dancing shadow,” read the lyrics to that one. And then there’s “Summer Cold,” that in spite of its tranquility still protests “I’ve had enough of your guns and ammunition.” This album is excellent in that it fits that part of life that is needed to makes sense of the world. It cannot be all extreme (sadness, anger, or joy), and it is not all running. Sometimes there is a stroll that is needed, and sometimes there is a need to take it in and consider it more instead of always acting and responding. These are songs for thinking, songs that provide space for thought. “Never thought I’d see the day that I would be at ease to say that everything around me is exactly as it should be,” muses Bedouine in one of the songs.
  The Peacers. Photo courtesy of the band. 
  THE PEACERS: Introducing The Crimsmen
The Peacers are purveyors of rock n’ roll, the particular class of rock n’ roll that is made in bedrooms and garages and in the minds of those who see song and form as instrumental to the magic of rock n’ roll. I stress rock n’ roll to suggest tradition because The Peacers cover ground from Big Star to The Beatles, and from Pussy Galore to Cream, on their new album Introducing the Crimsmen. It is rock, but haunted by the ghosts in the room. The track “Hoz” floats into the room and shakes the curtains, flicks some lights off, and on and disappears. It is strange but also grooving. The Peacers embody the implied line between the present and the otherworldly, and their track “ Child Of The Season” is reverbed balladry, sweet and blues and mystical. “D.T.M.T.Y.C.Y.M” is pure, it is the Lennon/McCartney (more Lennon), and as soon as it grasps you, it lets you go. It’s is a tease and you leave titillated. Meanwhile the track “Aboriginal Flow” is skronk and T. Rex, it is a trashcan fire outside of the blues club. The Peacers are rock n’ roll illustriousness. We make so much of things, but magic is always magic — abracadabra motherfuckers.
  Ohmme. Photo by Sarah Hess
  OHMME- s/t
Sima Cunningham and Macie Stewart comprise the duo of Ohmme. Influenced by avant-garde rock and the improvisational music scene of Chicago, Ohmme works on many levels. And the songs on the self-titled album use space, rhythm and contrast to create a feeling of depth, which is what most great songs do. A great album is atmosphere, it is feeling transported, taken to a place with the lyrics sort of guiding that journey. And Ohmme does just that on this EP. “Woman,” the first song on the EP, is a perfect example of this and of the band’s aesthetic of patience and expansion, fuse and explosion. The track “Fingerprints” shares this magic. “Ithaca,” another stellar track on the album, has a similar simmering quality. It burns and spreads. The songs have lives and are at once still and quiescent before another wave comes in. It’s similar to how “Furniture” lulls you in and then attacks. This album is all about excitement. It is all sparks and flashes of light, all rumble and rustle, suspense and anticipation. I feel it all.
  MICHAEL NAU: Some Twist
As someone unfamiliar with Michael Nau, the opening track “Good Thing”ushers me into the magic. It’s a tune of appreciation, of recognizing that which shines in the darkness. Life is imperfect, but I have a “good thing going on.” Some Twist, Nau’s latest, is the kind of album that espouses an understated wisdom. The song “Wonder” is like opening a curtain to a beautiful day, a love song that talks of all the things one can see in the world. There is all of this, and there is also you. Maybe I’m trying to be distracted from you, or I am distracted by you. Nau does this splendidly. It could miss you, but the more times you hear it, the more bewitching it becomes. A mellifluous affair, it perfectly compliments a woozy evening. And “Scatter” is like a Shuggie Otis movement. It’s a slow jam with neon glow. The real star is Nau’s tone; his singing voice is always a sugar sprinkle or a honey glaze, and it continually rewards because it is so comforting and effortless. You sort of float away within it. Soul music penetrates, it’s goes beyond the surface, and his is an album that a day or year removed results in      another angle. It is perpetually good. There is always another color, there is always a gem to discover. Get on the boat and sail this into the horizon.
                                             Katie Von Schleicher. Photo by Bao Ngo
The album Shitty Hits has many connotations in relation to Katie Von Schleicher’s first real album, Bleakspoitation,   which was a beast. First of all, the quality of the 4-track recording, with its limitations and adaptations of sound technology, can be said to sound shitty. But it’s not shitty in the way of bad music, just in quality. So there is that. There is also the idea of feeling shitty, and songs like “Midsummer,” “Paranoia,” and “Life’s A Lie” lend themselves to the notion of feeling a bit, well, shitty. Now let’s add the second word, “shits.” What is a hit song? Theoretically it’s a song that works and that sounds good. And while there is subjectivity to taste in the process of successfully writing and recording a song, the completion itself, when done right, sometimes equals a hit. So there you have it, in a way, and with that out of the way, my opinion is that this album is fantastic. Imagine Wings using a 4-track, or great Syd Barret, or a weirder Linda Rondstat. “Soon,” a killer track form the album is a beautiful ballad, and “Isolator” also moves me in a major way. Beatle-esque is an adjective here that fits nicely. I am all about the majesty of this album. This shit is phenomenal!
  SHABAZZ PALACES: Quazarz vs. The Jealous Machines / Quazarz: Born On A Gangster Star
The double album is sometimes one of the most ambitious — some might say even indulgent — features of recorded music. Problem is, very few artists can really fulfill the commitment of making one great album, not to mention two. But Shabazz Palaces has never been associated with giving a fuck, so I will respect the sentiment. Quazarz vs. The Jealous Machines is the album that originally was going to be the only one. A concept of the alien Quazarz and his arrival and adventures in “Amurdica,” the album is a treatise on the representation of technology in our world and how that affects us culturally (love, attention, the isms), like in the track “Gorgeous Sleeper Cell.” “Effeminence,” another track on the album is like a slow jam sung by an alien, but it’s still romantic. The track “Julien’s Dream (ode to a bad)” is also of this motion. Meanwhile, “30 Clip  Extension” is all hip-hop in the time of whatever we call this Musically it is the Sun Ra hop that Shabazz Palaces rock so well. It’s a trippy record if you will. Meanwhile, Quazarz: Born on a Gangster Star is a bit like a more song-structured album, to use the term loosely. And “Eel Dreams” is like Arabian Prince, and then it turns into a kind of smoothed out jazz thing, but rapping.
“Fine Ass Hairdresser” should beat down the block, and “Moon Whip Quaz” is sort of like Parliament Kraftwerk (the tune of “The Model” is sort of embedded here). Whether or not you get one one of these albums, you will eventually get both because the exposure to one will spark curiosity in the other.
  DASHER: Sodium
Dasher is mainly the brainchild of drummer Kylee Kimbrough. A mixture of punk spirit, metal squall, and pure energy, these songs embody lightning and fire. The opener “We Know So” is the proverbial brick through the window. Meanwhile “Soviet” is the accompanying smokebomb. “Teeth” is a slower affair, crisp guitar and dark cloud, psychedelic but dangerous, a beast rising from the ocean. Kimbrough has mentioned an inability to keep a job or residence and the frustration of seeing something that others can do easily coming so difficult to her (something she attributes to a recent discovery of autism). The tension is apparent in the songs, and the album speaks to that sort of fight between the world in your mind and “proper” world. These songs are full-on assault weapons drawn. This is gut, blood drawn from the vein. Let’s burn this motherfucker down.
In Review: Bedouine, Ohmme, Shabazz Palaces and more this is a repost
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renegadesepiida · 7 years
July 15, 2017
International Women’s Dive Day
  I didn’t sleep at all the night before, too excited, and then it was an early drive. The boat launched at 7am so they wanted us all to get there between 6 and 6:30. While that may not be so difficult if you happen to live in Long Beach the almost 2 hour drive from Apple Valley could have killed me if I hadn’t stopped for gas station coffee or to get out and stretch every once in a while to keep myself awake.
But I made it; I sat in the drivers seat in the parking lot shared by The Westerly diving boat and various other boats and restaurants in that business harbor. I nodded in and out of sleep as the sun rose with the soft sound of the podcast “We Got This with Mark and Hal” playing over the car’s speakers. 6am came and when and seven minutes later I decided to almost drag my body out of the car with my gear: fins, booties, gloves, mask, and snorkel, along with a couple of bags filled with a towel, lots of clothes (just in case), and other thrown together things because you never know what you might need.
I walked across the lot and down the gangway to see that there were already many women on the boat, getting unpacked and organized for the dives ahead. Without my own wetsuit, BCD, respirator, or tank I felt out-of-place; all of these women were obviously much more experienced than I and I needed to find some place to leave the little amount of gear I did bring. Luckily, the boat had extra gear I could use, along with the wetsuit I borrowed from one of the dive shops employees who brought her old suit, which was too big for me, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Like the dolt I am I didn’t bring any flat shoes, because, well I hate them. I wear heels pretty much everyday and they just feel much more comfortable. But I digress, on the moving ship I felt like a weirdo being the only wearing anything more that flip-flops or sneakers, especially heels, so I walked around barefoot. This sucked! To keep people from slipping on the deck the floor was spiky and rough, and walking on it hurt like hell, the smooth, thin lines in between the rough patches were a welcome respite from the pain. But the calm of the sea, the rocking of the waves, the smell of the salt air, and the wind took me out of myself and helped me to ignore the rest.
Over the two and a half hours it took to get to Catalina Island off the coast breakfast was provided, chitchat and bonding was taking place, and friendships seemed to be forming around me. I talked and smiled and attempted to make friendships, but I felt like an outsider, a pretender. Only having an Open Water Cert, what a wimp. I bonded a bit with my diving buddy, a super cool woman who got her masters in physics and has traveled almost everywhere. So awesome. Thirty minutes out the announcement was made to start putting on your wetsuits and gear, while the suit that I had was a 9/10 it still took a lot of effort to get it on, but it was all for naught when the zipper pulley thing broke off as I tried to zip it up. No one could fix it without tools and I had to borrow another wetsuit altogether. This one was a 5/6, much closer to my size and way more difficult to put on, especially quickly. Three male crew members of the crew pulled up the material, sometimes lifting me off the deck, and blowing up the sleeves by my wrists to have the arms move up easier (all done with my permission and my gratitude). And we finally reached the island, and our first diving location.
Bird Rock
Around 9:30am we arrived at Bird Rock, a huge rock so completely covered in bird shit that it looked like it had been painted white.
I slipped on the BCD with the resp. and tank, pulled on my gloves, checked my air, and slipped on my fins before taking the forward step into the water. Here the water was pretty clear, but because the water was around 35 feet deep where we had stationed the ship you still couldn’t see the bottom. You could see fish darting around as you swam close to them. The closer and deep you dove, the more life circled before your eyes. Close to the rock was where most of the animals made their homes, between the coral and the kelp, along the rocky bottom. In between the cracks live the sea urchins of all different sizes and spiny lobsters. And seemingly sleeping on the ocean floor we saw a Turbot, partially buried in the sand and a few Horn Sharks. It was a great place to get my bearings since 1) it had been a bit over a year since the last time I dove and 2) I had never been diving in California before.
It was beautiful and simple, we stayed down for as long as possible, the last ones in, and it still didn’t feel like enough time. I slipped off the top portion of the wetsuit and stood at the side of the boat as we headed toward the northern point of the island. Along the journey I pulled out my phone to take pictures and watched as two pelicans flew by, gliding just over the water. I suppose it gave me a happy feeling, and reminded me of Jurassic Park, a lovely memory linked to childlike joy and wonder.
  Parson’s Landing
  As we pulled into the docking station kelp forests surrounded us. The water seemed so clear near the surface, but that wasn’t the case down near the bottom, which was around 45-50 feet. I was itching to go down, but I failed at sinking, even after adding 4 pounds to my BCD and with my BCD completely deflated. So, instead of dropping straight down my buddy and I (mainly me) had to climb down the anchor chain, which took us to a different location than everyone else.
This turned out wonderfully and even after reaching the bottom and discovered how cold it was, it all turned out well. But, the chill hit my lower face and caused my lips to tighten around the respirator, but that wouldn’t stop me. It did help that I was also wearing a thick hood, keeping my head and ears warm. We swam between the bases of the kelp, along the sand and rock bottom, partly following the small schools of fishes. Looking around, I saw the underwater world as a fog filled mystery bog straight from an old Hollywood horror film. It was too beautiful though, the gentle swaying of the kelp blades, the hovering of the orange, the blue, the brown, and the red fishes, even the white particles floating in front of my face added to the serenity around me.
While weaving in between the stalks I felt a tug on my ankle, a pulling on my fin. I looked back and saw that a string of kelp had wound its way around the hook holding my fin on my foot. With ease I sat in my hovering state and reached back and simply pulled it off and continued on my way. It may be small fries compared to what other dangers that a diver can face, but I still have a bit of pride that no sign of panic came across, I was cool as a freezer fresh pint of ice cream.
The calm was broken when we were circled by a harbor seal (it gave us a wide berth, but still), it was so cute! We attempted to follow it but the seal was much to fast and we quickly lost it in the underwater mist. Soon after we came across something else, something bigger. Out of the mist, at the edge of the forest, swam a Giant Sea Bass. First towards, then away from us. It moved along much more lazily than the seal, so it was much easier to follow. But, even at it’s slower pace it was already too far way and moved too quickly for us to have caught up to it. The monster of a fish had disappeared, leaving nothing but an amazing memory for me.
Photo Credit: spkelpdiver on YouTube
We had to make our way back into shore, especially because my buddy was reaching uncomfortably cold levels. As we swam back through the kelp the seal we had been circled by before (at least I think it was the same one) came back for another pass by. I tried to get the attention of my buddy, but it was too late and the seal had already disappeared.
Harbor seal swimming above the kelp- photo credit Chris Nelson
We rose back up to the surface soon after, and it wasn’t a moment too soon, as my air was in the red. If we hadn’t gone up then, I quickly would have run out. For the swim back to the boat I used my snorkel and had to maneuver on my belly over and around the floating kelp. Unlike earlier, while near the ocean floor, I didn’t get twisted, the blades just liked to cover my mask so I couldn’t see anything.
  After raising the anchor once again, we made our way to the next and final site of the day while eating lunch. Hamburgers and hotdogs were the main course with quesadillas and veggie burgers as vegetarian alternatives. I didn’t eat much, a hot dog and half a burger, both without the buns, and a bit of salad. Even what I had I couldn’t finish, but it did keep me full and energized for the last dive at…
  Big Geiger
  As soon as we arrived at the site and opened the gate I slipped into my gear, and started walking over to the jumping off point, but before a reached it I checked my respirator and air levels (I was so ready that I almost forgot). It was empty. I had to ask one of the crew to fill up the tank for me. Luckily, I didn’t have to take off my gear while he filled it; just sat down on the bench and let him take it from there. My buddy was already in the water and I’m sure was getting impatient so when I was finally set to go we dove down immediately.
Here the visibility was the worst, only 5-15 feet. While following the reef that looped around a rising sand patch near shore I continued along while my buddies stopped while looking at a Moray eel. I didn’t realize this at the time and continued forward. The next thing I knew I was alone. I spun around a couple of times always while attempting to make sure I knew which direction I was facing. I swam back to see if they were still there, but I think I got turned around because the rock formation didn’t look familiar. So I rose back up to the surface.
I popped out further out to sea than them, gesturing that I was ok (the hand on your head) and met up with them closer to the shallower edge of the reef. We went back down and all stayed together on this last dive. Unfortunately, that is what distracted me a bit on the last go around, I felt like I didn’t enjoy it as much because I was constantly thinking that I would lose them again. Eventually (I say “eventually”, but it was maybe 10 minutes) I was able to calm my brain as focus on what I was seeing, until we got separated again and I had to circle a rock to find them again.
During this dive we followed a wall, covered in corals and used as a base for the colorful, little Blue-banded Goby. Much like the first location, every crevice housed urchins, lobsters, horn sharks, and huge blue slugs that were inflated like balloons. And one animal we hadn’t yet seen, an octopus, just hiding in a little den. The only part of it that we saw was a curled up tentacle. The rest was out of sight, while waiting for its prey. (I love octopi; cephalopods are the coolest!)
A short while later we resurfaced and returned to the boat. We all wanted to take a final group picture. Most got out and removed the heavy gear, but one other girl and I kept our gear on, though I wish I hadn’t. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I look terrible in the picture, so bad in fact that I’m not going to post it. You only see my head and the tops of my shoulders but it’s awful. Worse than my passport photo, it makes me want to cry.
  The Ride Back
  That was all, it was around 3pm and for the last time I slipped out of the BCD, removed the wetsuit and dried myself off. We all got dressed and hung around during the two and a half-hour long journey home. For our last snacks grapes and cheese were put out and brownies were made to celebrate one of the female crew members birthday. While I did have some cheese, I resigned myself away from the brownies and ice cream; instead I stuck with drinking virgin margaritas. I almost fell asleep at the bow before that, with the wind in my face and sitting against the wall, it was just too relaxing.
And when we finally made it back to the harbor, we all went our separate ways with new acquaintances and many more memories of a day well worth the wait.
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Deep Blue Diving Center
The Westerly (the boat)
PADI (learn to dive)
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Dive Deeper: Catalina Island July 15, 2017 International Women’s Dive Day I didn’t sleep at all the night before, too excited, and then it was an early drive.
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