#they are pushing the limit to how small a vertebrate can be
markscherz · 9 months
Quick, while the frog purists aren't looking, what's your favorite salamander?
No question, salamanders of the genus Thorius, the smallest salamanders in the world.
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[Thorius pennatulus — src]
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[Thorius sp. — src]
Truly astonishing creatures.
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f-nodragonart · 3 years
Vertebrate Wings, PART 3: Flight
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Flight TOC
  Basic Flight Theory
  Bird vs. Bat vs. Pterosaur
  Aspect Ratio and Wing Loading
  Special Cases: Hoverers
Basic Flight Theory
I will openly admit here and now, I’m not well-versed in physics. I apologize if this section is a bit disorganized, since I’ll be stitching together others’ more comprehensible flight descriptions/explanations.
This first bit is from a kind follower, Rahjital, who sent us this quick explanation of flight theory a while back (sadly the images they added no longer seem to be working, so I tried to find fitting images as substitutes):
The first step to learn how lift works is to debunk the popular explanation of how lift forces are created, called the Equal Transit Time theory. The reasoning is that air flowing around the wing splits into two streams, one of which has to travel over the wing and another which travels below it. Due to the shape of the wing, the upper stream has to move faster to cover the same distance. This difference in velocities generates a difference in pressure and therefore lift.
However, what happens if you fly upside down?
The upper side of your wing points towards the ground, and so does the lift force. I would have said you’d fall like a rock, but the fall would actually be faster since your wings would drag you down. We all know that’s not how flight works, though, so how is lift actually created?
All you need to do is tilt the wings a bit. Seriously, I’m not kidding. No need for a specialized wing shape, as the majority of people seems to believe. (although it helps.) Why? Let me explain:
There are two phenomena causing lift to be created:
1. As air flows around the wing, its direction changes downwards and it leaves the back edge of the wing moving slightly more down. Mister Newton tells us that every action has its reaction, so if the air moves down, our wing has to rise.
2. Due to the tilting, the air flowing on the underside of the wing ends up colliding with it and slowing down, raising the pressure. On the other hand, the air flowing over the wings goes upwards because it has to get over the raised front edge, but as it can’t get back down immediately, it ends up travelling in an arc over the wing. This forms a small ‘pocket’ of low pressure straight above the top surface of the wings. These two fields of pressure then generate additional lift. (this is similar to how the Equal Transit Time theory states lift is generated, but with a very different reason, and not as important as the theory states it to be).
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Next time you are traveling in a car, try reaching out of the window with your arm when going reasonably fast. As long as you keep your hand parallel to the ground, not much is going to happen, but once you tilt it even a little, the wind is going to push it up. (or down, depending on which direction you tilted it.) That’s it - your hand is generating enough lift to hit the frame of the car window. Just imagine how much lift does a properly built wing get in a similar situation.
The tilt I am talking about the entire time here is called the angle of attack, often abbreviated just AOA. The greater the angle of attack is, the more lift is generated, but the more drag there is, too. For airplanes, the AOA is negligible from an artist’s perspective, but for winged creatures, this is far more of a concern.
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Therefore, the flight theory rule #1 is: Whenever you draw a flying creature, always make its wings slightly inclined. It wouldn’t be able to fly otherwise.
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Bird vs. Bat vs. Pterosaur
This first bit will be borrowed from Koryos’ article “Bat Flight Versus Bird Flight” (which I highly suggest reading in-full for a deeper explanation). Fair warning though—from the short explanation they give of basic flight/lift, it seems they do believe (at least at the time of writing the article) in the now-defunct Equal Transit Time Theory, though their points on bird vs. bat flight are still valid otherwise:
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If you look closely at the above gif, you’ll notice that at several points during flight, the bat actually bends its fingers, which dramatically changes the shape of its wings. Birds do not have joints in their feathers, so they cannot do this.
Flexible joints are not all the bat has in its arsenal. Its actual bones are flexible, due to a lack of calcium in its diet. This means that they deform and reform their shape during flight.
Birds minimize air resistance by rotating their primaries during their upstroke, allowing air to slip between the feathers. Bats, with solid membranes, can’t do this- so they have an even finer means of control. There are lines of muscle present within the bat’s wing membrane that can actually change the stiffness and malleability of its skin. You can see them quite clearly under the skin of our entangled bat friend.
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This is a big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), by the way.
These muscles allow the bat to make their membranes flexible during their upstroke to decrease resistance, yet stiff during their downstroke in order to provide lift. It also allows them to change the camber (angle) of their wings on a whim!
This slow-mo video really displays just how incredibly flexible bat wings are.
Bat wings are also covered by millions of tiny, hyper-sensitive hairs that allow the bat to sense air currents and adjust accordingly.
So what does all this control do for the bat?
Well, for one thing, it means they’re not limited by symmetry. Bird wings will almost always mirror each other in shape, while bats may form two different wings shapes at the same time, allowing them to perform some crazy aerial acrobatics. Some insect-eating bats will actually grab an insect by wrapping one wing around it midflight (don’t believe me? You can see it in the beginning of this video!) and then get the insect in their mouth all in a split second, while still flying.
Now, in terms of speed, birds can generally outpace bats. But in terms of maneuverability, bats can fly circles around birds.
The fact that bats’ bones, unlike those of birds, aren’t hollow, and that their skin is heavier than feathers might seem like a disadvantage- but it isn’t. Birds have much more mass in the center of their body than they do in their wings; by contrast, bats have more mass distributed through each wing (12-20% per wing). This means that bats can actually push off their own mass to do things like flip, spin, roll, etc. No bird can stop midflight and flip over to land upside-down, but bats can.
Because they have such fine control over their airfoil shape, bats can also generate lift using less energy than birds. Remember when I talked about minimizing surface area during the upstroke and maximizing it during the downstroke? Bats can bend their fingers and ‘crumple’ their wings as they raise them, conserving energy. Think of it like opening and closing an umbrella. While birds can pull their feathers together more tightly, they can’t exactly clench them like fists.
Decreasing energy costs is good in any situation, but particularly for fliers. It takes a lot of energy to fly. In this case, bats can outcompete both birds and insects for energy efficiency- one study found that nectar-feeding bats, though the largest in size, expended the least energy hovering when compared to both moths and hummingbirds.
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As for pterosaurs, I’ll leave it up to Mike Habib’s article “Feathers vs Membranes”:
The structure and efficiency of pterosaur wings is obviously not known in as much detail as those of birds or bats, for the simple reason that no living representatives of pterosaurs are available for study.  However, soft tissue preservation in pterosaurs does give some critical information about their wing morphology, and the overall shape and structure of the wing can be used (along with first principles from aerodynamics) to estimate efficiency and performance.
…((I’ll just be pasting the basic findings, but please read the full article if you’re interested in specifics))…
Now, for some punchlines...
Based on the structural information above, we might expect the following regarding pterosaurs and birds:
- Pterosaurs would have a base advantage in terms of maneuverability and slow flight competency.
- Pterosaurs would also have had an advantage in terms of soaring capability and efficiency
- Pterosaurs would have been better suited to the evolution of large sizes (though this was affected more by differences in takeoff - see earlier posts about pterosaur launch).
- Birds will perform a bit better as mid-sized, broad-winged morphs (because they can use slotted wing tips and span reduction).
- Birds would have an advantage in steep climb-out after takeoff at small body sizes (because they can work with shorter wings and engage them earlier).  This might pre-dispose them to burst launch morphologies/ecologies.
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(other articles by Habib about Pterosaur anatomy and flight can be found here and here, for anyone interested)
When Exdraghunt linked us this information about pterosaur wings, it was in relation to a question about pterosaur keels and why they differed from bird keels. Exdraghunt suggested this might be due to pterosaur preference for soaring compared to bird flapping. However, plenty of inland pterosaurs could have been flappers, so I think the shallowness is more likely caused by their muscular setup compared to birds, discussed in more detail in the Basic Anatomy section.
Aspect Ratio and Wing Loading
Now that we have a basic understanding of the different modes of vertebrate flight, we can get to the fun stuff—wing diversity! Believe it or not, my friends, wing shapes and sizes can drastically effect an animal’s flight style.
Aspect ratio is the ratio of length to width in a wing, where high ratio indicates narrow wings, and low ratio indicates wide wings.
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Loading is the ratio of body weight to wing size, where low loading = large wings + small weight, and high loading = small wings + large weight.
Measuring these two aspects against each other helps us determine different flight styles.
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For a short n’ sweet rundown:
1)      Long, narrow wings (low loading, high ratio)= gliding, low speed
 2)      Long, wide wings (low loading, low ratio)= soaring
 3)      Short, wide wings (high loading, low ratio)= high acceleration (burst speed), maneuverability
 4)      Short, narrow wings (high loading, high ratio)= high speed
Though there are other aspects of wing shape to take into account as well.
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Pointedness refers to a wing tip’s position on the leading edge; IE- is the longest point of the wing further back behind the leading edge (A, round), or does the longest point lie along the leading edge (B, pointed)?. Rounder wings increase thrust, and lend towards greater maneuverability-- particularly in short/wide wings. Pointed wings reduce drag on the air (which increases speed), particularly in short wings, and can make for smoother flight.
Convexity refers to the acuteness of a wingtip; IE- is the shape of the wingtip curved relatively inwards (C, concave) or outwards (D, convex)? Concave wings are better suited for constant high speed. Convex wings create more lift, so are ideal for slow flying and increase acceleration.
Measuring these two aspects against each other gives us another fun chart of wing types.
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And let’s not forget that slotted wings—those whose primary remiges have notches which create gaps between these feathers—reduce drag and tend to be found in wide (low ratio) wings.
Put all these aspects and little details together, and you can observe some very unique flight patterns. Most ornithologists tend to organize wings into 4 different types, as shown below.
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Though I personally like to use a few more types as organization (list via):
  1) Marine soarers are birds that fly for long periods over the open ocean and have very high aspect-ratio wings and average or low wing loading that reduce the energetic cost of flight. Birds in this category include the albatrosses (Procellariiformes).
  2) Divers/swimmers are birds with medium to high aspect ratios and high wing loading, including murres, loons, grebes, scoters, mergansers, ducks, and swans. These birds fly rapidly, but with limited maneuverability, characteristics useful for birds that often fly long distances (e.g., during migration or to feeding areas) and take-off and land on water where precise maneuverability is not as important.
  3) Aerial hunters are birds with high aspect-ratio wings and low wing loading, a combination permitting rapid flight and excellent maneuverability. Aerial hunters include swallows and martins (Passeriformes), swifts (Apodiformes), nightjars (Caprimulgiformes), Swallow-tailed Kites (Falconiformes), frigatebirds (Fregatidae), terns (Sterninae), some falcons (e.g., hobbies and Eleonora’s Falcon), and tropicbirds (Phaethontidae).
  4) Soarers/coursers include birds with low aspect ratios and low wing loading, characteristics that allow relatively large birds to either soar or fly just above the vegetation in open habitats in search of prey. Birds in the soaring category include hawks and eagles (Falconiformes), vultures, condors, and storks (Ciconiiformes), and cranes (Gruiformes). Coursing birds include some owls (e.g., Barn Owl and Short-eared Owl; Strigiformes) and harriers (Falconiformes).
  5) Short-burst fliers are birds with low aspect ratios and high wing loading that fly infrequently and only for short distances. Birds in this category include those in the orders Galliformes (e.g., turkeys, pheasants, quail, grouse, and megapodes) and Tinamiformes (tinamous).
  6) Hoverers are birds capable of flying in one position without wind and have high aspect ratios and, surprisingly, high wing loading. The high aspect ratio reduces the energetic cost of flight, whereas the high wing loading permits relatively fast, agile flight (Rayner 1998). The only true hoverers are the hummingbirds (Apodiformes).
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I don’t have an outside source to verify this observation, but I’ve found that a longer “hand” section and shorter arm generally correlate with high-speed flight, while a shorter “hand” and longer arm correlates to low-speed gliding. I can only assume this may be due to a shorter arm section being easier to flap rapidly, but again, this is conjecture.
While much of this information is bird-specific, I was able to scrounge up a graph of bat aspect ratios and loading, so I can only assume these concepts similarly apply to bat flight.
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There sadly seems to be much less information available on bat wing/flight diversity…
As for pterosaur wing diversity, exdraghunt sent in some great input (as well as that chart of different bat wings featured above~):
There actually is a fair amount of wing diversity among pterosaurs, and it fairly closely parallels that in birds. (Though they do not reach the extreme variety in shapes that birds do, due to the limitations in variety of “arm+wing finger” combos)
One of the most extreme examples is Nyctosaurus gracilis, a long-distance marine soarer, similar to albatrosses. They have very long, thin wings (and also lost their other wing fingers, presumably because they came on land rarely)
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Other species of pterosaur, like insect eaters (which need short, broad wings for manuverability) or over-land fliers would’ve had different wing shapes.
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Some of this difference was achieved by varying the ratio between “arm” and “wing finger” lengths. You’ll notice that smaller, earlier “Rhamphorhynchoids” (the top half, with the long tails) tended towards  short arms vs long wing fingers. While larger, later Pterodactyloid species developed longer arms in relationships to the wing finger. (Especially in the wrist)
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Wing shape silhouettes, by Mark Witton. (Not to scale, obvs.)
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Special Cases: Hoverers
Hoverers such as hummingbirds are special cases in the world of vertebrate flight, because much of their lifestyle and physiology mimics that of insects-- including their flight.
The basic rules of flight theory discussed above won’t exactly apply to these guys, because air doesn’t travel over their wings in the same way it does in other vertebrate flyers. Take a look at this post and compare the animations between the hummingbird, goose, and bat. What exactly is unique about the hummingbird animation compared to the other two?
A few things-- for one, hummingbirds don’t have nearly as many points of wing articulation during flight. If you look closely, you’ll see there’s no bend at the elbow or wrist for a hummingbird; they move their whole arm in a completely stiff, figure-8 pattern. Such high-speed flapping can’t handle that much articulation.
Why a figure-8? Here’s the thing-- hummingbirds don’t technically have an upstroke they have to account for. Every stroke of their wings is a downstroke because when they pull their wings back, the topside of their wings tilts down and also pushes against the air as a “downstroke”. Thus, there’s never a gap between downstrokes-- they’re always efficiently pushing down against the air.
This is also why, unlike most every other flying vertebrate, their flight is more vertical than horizontal. In order to properly swing their wings in a figure-8 motion, they have to tilt their bodies up.
While hovering flight is cool as hell, it comes with a lot of restrictions; mainly, hoverers are always small. The energetic restrictions required for hovering are so incredibly high that bodies much bigger than a hummingbird wouldn’t be able to consume enough energy to make up for hovering. Plus, hoverers tend to live right on the edge of starvation because what energy they do manage to consume is used up so quickly.
If you do want to integrate hovering into your dragons, consider making it a secondary form of flight that they can only keep up for short bursts, rather than their primary mode of flight. Unless you’re ready to give your dragon a lot of physiological restrictions, which is cool too.
-Mod Spiral
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weirdiocity · 4 years
To Run On Water
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Green Basilisk Lizard running on water. Photo courtesy: Amazopedia
By Sabrina Groves
In the Animal Kingdom, swimming is a pretty common ability, while water running is downright uncanny. Of the more than 1,200 animal species that walk on water, large animals make up the minority. Today, we’ll investigate the anomalous basilisk lizard as an example of a mid-weight water runner, explore the physics behind its motion, and determine what it would take for humans to hone such skills.
What is a Basilisk Lizard?
Basilisk lizards (Basiliscus plumifrons) are a group of reptilian omnivorous, tropical organisms that are closely related to iguanas. Green basilisk lizards grow up to two feet in length and seven ounces in mass. Males have a distinctive tall crest adorning their heads and backs used to attract females. Their diet consists primarily of plants, insects, fruit, and small vertebrates. Predators include snakes and birds. To evade predators, basilisk hatchlings are born capable of land and water movement, climbing, and swimming. Like humans, they are capable of bipedal motion (walking on two legs). Their common names include the plume basilisk, double-crested basilisk, and Jesus lizard.
How do Basilisk Lizards run on water?
Basilisk lizards use a three-part system to support their weight while running on water. Running begins with a step. As the lizard swings its foot through the air, it quickly slaps downward onto the water’s surface. This forceful slap pushes down against the water, causing the water to react with an equally powerful push upwards. Up goes the lizard, as the water lifts it into the air.
To increase its lift, the lizard pushes its foot further down into the water, creating an air cavity between itself and the water. As the water rebounds against the foot and air cavity, the lizard is propelled further upwards, adding to its initial lift.
Imagine jumping on a trampoline. The harder you jump, the higher you go. Jumping straight up and down further improves your height. In the ideal jump, your whole foot hits the trampoline’s surface, leading you to be propelled directly upward. Basilisk lizards slap as hard as they can, with their feet angled vertically. When they stroke the water, they bounce. Just like in humans, the lighter the lizard, the easier it is to be lifted into the air, and therefore to stay afloat.
As the lizard is boosted into the air, it pulls its foot out of the water and into the air bubble, created by the splashing water. With a quick curl of the toes, the lizard appears to glide above the surface, prior to taking another step. Such pirouettes are not only graceful, but also prevent drag, allowing the lizard to maintain its rapid pace. For further speed and forward momentum, basilisk lizards pump their arms contralaterally, or in opposition to the stepping leg. Like a track athlete, the left leg extends to take a step, while the right arm accompanies it. When the arm swings forward, the leg moves down; when the arm pumps backward, the leg raises. Throughout the process, the tail acts as an extension of the body, following the motion and capitalizing on momentum when possible.
Water running isn’t completely uniform, however. It is common to see differences in arm position depending on water running style, lizard body, and skill. Differences in leg technique are also common. Like gymnasts, some basilisk lizards push from the sides of their feet, decreasing jump heights and slowing speed, while others aim for power and full foot contact. These disparities may be tied to balance. In humans, lower jumps and grounded steps usually help stability. Perhaps, lateral foot rotation results in stable and slow running. Alternatively, differences in anatomy and, more specifically, leg structure may hinder running posture.  After all, its difficult to create an ideal body that allows for quadrupedal (4 legged) and bipedal (2 legged) motion.
Could humans run on water?
Yes, but we would need an incredible amount of speed, very specific conditions, or additional equipment.
Speed Walking— Paradox or Malapropism
Humans sink because our bodies are denser than water. There are more molecules tightly packed into human bodies than there are in liquid water. To avoid sinking, we must either lower our densities (make ourselves less compact) or create enough force to combat our weight (balance our propensity to sink with lift).
Changing our densities doesn’t quite work. Unfortunately, can’t stretch ourselves apart, without serious injury and loss of function. Although tempting, we also cannot fill ourselves with enough low-density gas (air or some alternate combination) to float completely above water, at least, not without serious biological consequences. We could change the density of the liquid that we attempt to walk on, but that would probably disqualify it as water.
The remaining solution is to alter our speed, and therefore force. To eliminate the issue of sinking, a person would need to generate enough vertical thrust (force upward) to cancel out any downward motion. We can approximate this thrust as equal to the weight of the runner. Since weight is the amount of downward force on our runner, an equally strong upward thrust, or lift, would make us neutrally buoyant. Welcome to motion-less floating.
To produce forward motion, the runner would need to push down and backwards against the water upon each step. Assuming normal human proportions, a 155lb human with size 9 shoes would need to run at a minimum of 10 meters per second to water “walk” for about 2 seconds. For sustained running, 30m/s speeds would be necessary. This brings up several limitations:
Our feet are small and compact. T The theoretical runner could only push about 7lbs of water per foot. More than that, and their foot would drag and sink, resulting in a large belly flop. A circular foot, with an area of 3 feet squared, would do a much better job on water, but good luck walking on land.
Water reacts to force. After the first step on water, the runner would have to press against forward moving water. This would require even more force to instill forward momentum and avoid drag. Therefore, the runner would have to either accelerate with each step, or begin water walking with a speed likely over 20m/s. Even this approach would only work for several seconds.
Humans are too slow for this exercise. The fastest men in the world sprint at roughly 10.5m/s. Any faster would be nearly impossible. Even under perfect circumstances, we can safely say this would constitute water running, rather than walking.
Alternative Conditions
If instead our hypothetical person wished to walk by relying on the water’s surface tension (like a water bug), rather than his own strength, the runner would need feet with a perimeter of about 6 miles, rendering them a bipedal blob with no shoes. In all likelihood, assistive equipment would work much better than impossible speeds and magnanimous feet.
Alternatively, if the runner wore large, rigid fins, the person could safely run on water on the moon— assuming the fins fit on a standard spacesuit. Earth however, would still be an impossibility, as fins make runners slower, and gravity would pull the person underwater. Attaching a large, taught suspension cable to the person would sufficiently facilitate water walking on earth, but surely that’s cheating.
A Brief History of Assistive Materials
While fins and spacesuits may not realistically keep water runners from sinking, inventors have worked for centuries to accomplish the near godly task. These three inventors have changed the landscape of artificial water walking:
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“Skis With Which One Can Walk On Water” by Leonardo da Vinci. Photo Credit: Leonardo da Vinci Complete Works
In the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci sketched a pair of shoes that, when worn, allowed the user to skate atop the water using pontoon-like bases. On account of its fantastical nature and perilous consequences for failure, this idea was left untouched for nearly 600 years. Then, in 2006, a Massachusetts inventor by the name of Yoav Rosen, was granted a patent for his “Upright Human Flotation Apparatus and Propulsion Mechanism.” But was Rosen the first water walker?
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Yoav Rosen Walking on Water. Photo Credit: WaveWalk
International records point back to 1988, when French entertainer Remy Bricka walked across the Atlantic on a pair of floating skis for 59 days. This record carries skepticism however, because Bricka used not only his legs, but also a paddle, to propel himself forward. The resulting posture resembled today’s paddleboarders— maybe Bricka was onto something… Anyone up for paddle skiing?
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Remy Bricka “Walking” Across the Atlantic, June 5, 1988. Photo Credit: Deseret News
Where Humans Stand
Today, mimicking the basilisk lizard is yet to be accomplished. Mankind’s most effective water walking inventions allow for slow escapes with frequent resting periods. To truly master the art, well, we need some major ideas.
 Do you have an invention for water walking? What other animals walk on water? Would blob feet suit you? What should I write about next?
Leave you answers in the comments section below. Share if you know a basilisk lizard.
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
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jayrockin · 7 years
Is there anyway to give a person dragonfly wings, and be able to zip around like a dragonfly in the Runaway universe? I saw how you did the Bird Guy, figured I throw the big idea at you.
If you were ambitious you could try and make an octopod human with two pairs of wings as their middle limbs (or a hexapod with wing hands??), but I’m unsure how feasible combining arthropod and vertebrate DNA would be. Dragonfly wing musculature requires there to be an exoskeleton to pull on, and an exoskeleton requires radically different organ placement, and etc… it’s a can of worms. I’m also not sure if scaled-up insect wings could support even a very lightweight human like Min (he’s like 45 pounds or so. His bones and chest are mostly air), and Min is already pushing the limit on how small you can make an adult human and not compromise their brain size.
Instead, consider this: GMO arthropod pets that look like a little humanoid figure and are very smart for a bug. Irl pixies!
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aerishikari · 7 years
L’étranger CHP 8
Disclaimer: This story idea come from @redkammy who is writing his version of the story too. Here is mine. Sorry for the english, It’s not my native language and I translated it myself.
I’m sorry for this short update but between my disastrous formation and my work recently, I haven’t had time for myself lately.
I think Redkammy, you’re going to laugh, I remember the little joke we made in one of your stream and it inspired me this chapter.
Warning: None
He woke up startled, frightened at the idea of finding no Papyrus by his side. He was still holding his younger brother’s hand.
At least, he had not fallen into dust at night. He panicked one second, not seeing Stretch on the chair which had been approached near the bed. Looking for him fervently, he finally found him in his dead angle. Perched on the drawers, he was smoking through the open window.
He had made his old nightmare, or rather this memory of his childhood. But his brother was not the only one locked into a cage this time. Stretch and Blue were there too, or at least a childish version of them.
And instead of seeing his father disappearing, it was his brother and his friends who were pushed from the rail. He had ended up alone.
But, fortunately, it was just a dream.
Sans relaxed and briefly released Papyrus’s hand the time to raise.
" Hey Stretch! "
The Papyrus of the alternate universe turned around. The rings under his eyes were pulled. Had he really stayed up all night long? The hand holding the cigarette rested on the windowsill, between two bars.
" Hello Red. You know, windows with bars are not great to smoke. "
" Yap but that do you want, at least that prevents danger to enter "
" Doubtless … Are you hungry? I prepared … "
" What?! Please, tell me you didn’t broke anything! If Boss finds his kitchen in the same state as the last time he is going to kill you and me too! "
" Calm down. I have cooked nothing. I just left the time to you to take out cereal and bowls. "
Sans breathed again, the last time Stretch cooked was such a disaster that the skeleton was not allowed in the kitchen ever again.
" In this case … Thank you. "
A bowl of cereals was put on the desk, near the computer. Good thing Papyrus was still asleep, to see food near his precious PC would have make him furious.
Sans got back the bowl and began to eat. Cereal were filed with milk and must have stayed in the bowl for at least one hour. They were soft and spongy … But he ate them all the same silently. At least it was edible.
" His HP raised well. You believe that he is going to wake up soon? " Asked Stretch, while throwing his cigarette end through the window.
" I hope, otherwise I would be obliged to make his work in his place. And the Guards are going to ask themselves questions again… Boss will have to put them back in their place once fully healed. Unless... "
He looked at the double of his brother, thinking. His idea was brilliant and, if his brother woke up meanwhile, the result would doubtless cheer him up. And he could continue to stay up him. But at the same time that could be dangerous...
" Stretch, D’you think that you could pass as the Boss the time to get back some papers? "
Other skeleton looked at him one moment with round eyes. He could read it a mixture of fear and incredulity in his look.
" You want that I WHAT?! "
" Come one! All that you have to do it is to dress up as the Boss and to make a grumpy face! It's perfect and my brother will be less stressed when he’ll wake up! "
" But have you saw my face? I am not edgy enough to pass for him! And my stats are pitiful with compared with his! "
" Stop, we know very well you and I that Statistics can be hidden. And if something go wrong, you can make anyone here regret attacking you with your Juge capacities. And for your lack of edge, we can hide that beneath Boss’s scarf! Please do that for me! I’ll owe you one! "
A heavy silence settled down between both skeletons. Stretch’s face had taken a beautiful orange color.
" You will not even have to go outside too long. Just needs that goes to you to get back the reports of Doggo and Doggi. " Sans added.
" All right... "
" Thank you! You will not regret it! "
He felt perfectly ridiculous. Certainly, the armor fitted like a glove to him. It had been created apparently specially for a Papyrus and did not hamper his movements but he felt nevertheless very exposed dressed like that.
How could we call that an armor if that did not protect his entire vertebral column?!
And then the pants seemed to him very too tight, limit lewed. And still, Red had taken out a whole collection of pants more or less tight to the bones and more or less provocative. He had opted for Edge’s favorite pants, that he had in four copy.
Red had then suggested him to choose in a chest filled of accessories more edgy some than the others. Quite at the bottom, he even found dog collar like to the one Red wore all the time.
" He don’t wear them any more, it’s not fashionable according to him. Me, I always find it nice. But, well, I know it nothing about fashion. The Boss is really cool isn’t he? "
Papyrus gave up accessories and put on just a red belt with an ornamental skull of dragon tie.
He took the gloves and boots of his double and had to admit on the other hand that they were really comfortable. Especially the boots.
" When Pap finds his job too hard, he remember that he had these boots thanks to his post. And that always cheers him up. " Had commented Red.
Papyrus wondered moreover if his Alphys had boots so comfortable too before remembering  that the Captain of the Royal Guard from his homeworld never wore shoes.
Once dressed in the attires of its double, Papyrus was inspected by Red with a very critical eye. The small skeleton did not stop commenting and adjusting his posture and the way it wears this or that thing.
" And now, the final touch! "
He saw Red to take out a marker of a drawer.
" Squat, you make twice my size … "
Papyrus hesitated one moment. He liked less and less this plan.
" Are you sure it will go after a wash? "
" Sure. During a time I made false scars on my face to look cool. "
" And why did you stopped? "
" Because Pap told me to … "
All of a sudden, he felt the embarrassment of his friend. While he was "make up" by him, Papyrus thought again about what Edge had told him.
" How d’you, you know, how did you reconcile both of you? "
Red seemed to reflect a moment, concentrated on his work. Papyrus wondered if it was really going to look like Edge with a scar drawn in the marker.
" I will tell you when you will return if you are willing … But if you want a summary … You have only to look my LOVE. "
He attached Edge’s red scarf around his neck and made a sign for him to get up. Papyrus went and looked in the mirror and did not believe his eyes. He really looked like Edge like that. A real clone. Well, the scar was really false and his eyes were too soft but in the face of degenerate dogs, he hoped that that would pass.
" Now you just have to look at everybody as if you want to choke them. Think of a thing which makes you. Imagine that it is Jerry who faces you and that should pass. And if someone ask you something, just growl out. When the Boss is irritated and refuses to speak he makes that to spread the word to the dogs. And you don’t have to go farl. The Doggi has to be on the return from their station, you just have to follow the path towards the Ruins, just watches out for the traps. And Doggo, he has to be lying about somewhere on the outskirts of the town. "
" All right. Thus I go there, I speak to nobody, I take the papers and I return. "
" Yep. Thank you pal, you have no idea to what extent that takes a thorn out of the side of me. "
Papyrus adjusted the red scarf to cover his mouth and made the effort to force himself to look angry. Then he went out to achieve his mission as friend. He just hoped that nothing happened to Red and Edge in his absence.
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ezatluba · 5 years
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The Hummingbird as Warrior: Evolution of a Fierce and Furious Beak
Winsomely captured in poems and song, the birds are yielding new secrets about their astounding beaks and penchant for violence.
By James Gorman
Feb. 5, 2019
If you want to know what makes hummingbirds tick, it’s best to avoid most poetry about them.
Bird-beam of the summer day,
— Whither on your sunny way?
Whither? Probably off to have a bloodcurdling fight, that’s whither.
John Vance Cheney wrote that verse, but let’s not point fingers. He has plenty of poetic company, all seduced by the color, beauty and teeny tininess of the hummingbird but failed to notice the ferocity burning in its rapidly beating heart.
The Aztecs weren’t fooled. Their god of war, Huitzilopochtli, was a hummingbird. The Aztecs loved war, and they loved the beauty of the birds as well. It seems they didn’t find any contradiction in the marriage of beauty and bloodthirsty aggression.
Scientists understood that aggression was a deep and pervasive part of hummingbird life. But they, too, have had their blind spots. The seemingly perfect match of nectar-bearing flowers to slender nectar-sipping beaks clearly showed that hummingbirds were shaped by co-evolution.
It seemed clear that, evolutionarily, plants were in charge. Their need for reliable pollinators produced flowers with a shape that demanded a long slender bill. Hummingbird evolution obliged.
But hummingbirds also heard the call of battle, which demanded a different evolutionary course. Some of those slender, delicate beaks have been reshaped into strong, sharp and dangerous weapons.
In a recent paper organizing and summing up 10 years of research, Alejandro Rico-Guevara and his colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, shared evidence gathered by high-speed video about how the deadly beaks are deployed in male-to-male conflict.
Like the horns of bighorn sheep or the giant mandibles of stag beetles, hummingbird beaks are used to fight off rivals for mates. This is sexual selection, a narrow part of natural selection, in which the improvement of mating chances is the dominant force.
The males use their bills to stab other males, and to fence — feinting and parrying, sometimes knocking the other bird off a perch. Some hummingbirds even have hooked beaks, with serrations that look like shark’s teeth. Dr. Rico-Guevara’s high-speed video shows males tearing out another bird’s feathers with those grippers.
The beak of a male tooth-billed hummingbird, found in the forests of Colombia, is adapted for battle.
This is only one of several findings by Dr. Rico-Guevara and others that have recently changed the way hummingbirds are understood, including the unusual way they process sugar, the way they use their tongues in nectar drinking, and the evolution of bill shape.
Douglas Altshuler, an ornithologist at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, said that Dr. Rico-Guevara’s thoroughness and attention to detail have pushed research on hummingbirds to new levels of excellence. “I think the body of work is great,” he said.
Richard Prum, an ornithologist at Yale who studies the kind of evolution that produces extreme male characteristics, described the research as spectacular: “Love this guy, love his work.”
Dr. Rico-Guevara began his study of hummingbirds as an undergraduate at the National University of Colombia. His adviser was Gary Stiles, a leading expert on hummingbirds, under whose tutelage Dr. Rico-Guevara wrote an honors thesis on how hummingbirds hunt insects to supplement their diet of nectar, which is pure sugar.
At about the same time, Margaret A. Rubega, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Connecticut, published a paper in Nature on the way hummingbirds bend their bills to capture insects. One thing led to another, and Dr. Rico-Guevara ended up at UConn, doing his Ph.D. research with Dr. Rubega on hummingbird tongues.
Alejandro Rico-Guevara, an expert on hummingbirds, at the University of California, Berkeley, left; and an Anna's hummingbird at a feeder at Dr. Rico-Guevara's house.CreditPeter Prato for The New York Times
The research on hummingbird tongues was groundbreaking. The dominant idea about how the birds suck up nectar was that the shape of the beak and the tongue produced capillary action, in which liquid rises against gravity because of mechanical forces.
This is what happens when a narrow tube is inserted into liquid, or when a brush soaks up paint even though only the tip is in the liquid.
Dr. Rico-Guevara and Dr. Rubega showed instead that the hummingbird’s feeding method was completely different: As the forked tip of its tongue is withdrawn up the narrow bill, it traps nectar.
All hummingbirds fight, including females, but only a few species have weaponized bills. Dr. Rico-Guevara found that males wage their battles to claim the best mating territories.
In some species, males assemble in areas called leks, away from the flowers that they feed on. In a lek, each male has a territory, and the females shop around.
The territories vary quite a lot in size, but about 270 square feet is typical — the size of a very small New York City apartment. Central territories are the most prized, and a swordlike bill helps a male capture and keep that prime real estate.
In other hummingbird species with weaponized beaks, males set up mating territories right on the richest patches of flowers, again fighting off rivals. For them, Dr. Rico Guevara said, it doesn’t really matter if they aren’t the most efficient nectar-drinkers — “just don’t let anybody else get to the flower.”
Extremists with wings
Hummingbird research is a rich, growing field, delving into everything from aerodynamics to how the birds process sucrose.
“In things that you can measure in any animal, like metabolism, they’re extreme,” said Dr. Altshuler. “Another way they’re extreme is in terms of their specialization.”
Hummingbirds also offer “opportunities to explore the limits of physiology,” Dr. Rico-Guevara said. They have the highest metabolic rate among vertebrates, and they specialize in hovering, “the most expensive form of locomotion in nature.”
Hovering, coincidentally, is a form of flight that is of intense interest to the designers of flying robots. “Everybody wants to replicate hummingbird flight,” he said.
The birds are also great to use in experiments, said Chris Clark, a biologist at the University of California, Riverside, who has collaborated with Dr. Rico-Guevara in studies of hummingbird flight.
The birds will fly readily to feeders. The presence of humans does not put them off. And, “they fly really well in wind tunnels and cages.”
Posters on the wall of the flight lab in Dr. Rico-Guevara's lab, left, and a male saw-billed hermit hummingbird, whose forked tongue is visible.
Hummingbird behavior is also of interest because they have been shown to be excellent learners. Dr. Clark said there is speculation that because they live on the edge in terms of their energy budget, they may require a great memory for where the food sources are.
In listing multiple areas of interest for studying hummingbirds, Dr. Rico-Guevara conceded that he’s attracted to them for another reason.
“What has kept me attached to them is their incredible personality,” he said. “They are very bold. They come to you to explore what you are doing. They are inquisitive.”
He can only hope that in his science, “My curiosity would match their curiosity.”
And he does have some poetic company. Not all poets got stuck on the beauty of the birds. D.H. Lawrence, in “Humming-Bird” imagines an ancient one at the dawn of creation.
Probably he was big
As mosses, and little lizards, they say, were once big.
Probably he was a jabbing, terrifying monster.
A black-throated mango and a lesser violetear doing battle at Finca el Colibrí Gorriazul, a coffee farm in Colombia.CreditChristian Irian
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commodorecliche · 7 years
sources on the whole chiropractic thing? I've had nothing but fantastic results w/ the right chiropractors. My joints and all are so bad my leg will end up an inch shorter than the other bc of how my pelvis gets out of place and they were able to fix it. w/ regular visits i could sit up straight without my arms going numb again??? there's never been any damage, how else am i supposed to treat these things. yoga? mindfulness exercises?????? genuinely curious
Terribly sorry you had to wait so long for me to get to this. Had to drive like 6 hours to another city for work and I just got to the hotel and ate so I can finally get to your ask. I’m gunna try and explain this as best I can - I’m very tired though, so bear with me. (Also, this got long, so buckle up.)
I’m going to start this by saying that I’m glad you’ve had a pleasant experience. I am quite glad for that. But I very much want to emphasize, right off the bat, a concept that is extremely important to remember when it comes to science, medicine, and medical treatment: 
The plural of anecdote is not data. 
All that phrase means is that you having a good experience or even benefiting from the treatment is just an anecdote, and anecdotes do not equate to scientifically valid data about the efficacy (effectiveness) of the treatment. A shit ton of people have anecdotally had great experiences with snake oil treatments! But the science has shown that snake oil isn’t an effective treatment for…anything. Just because Joe Blow has had a great experience with snake oil, and it cured all his ailments, doesn’t mean snake oil is actually beneficial. The same can be said about chiropractic treatments (I won’t call them medicine, btw). 
Just because patients are happy doesn’t mean the treatment is actually making them better. Satisfaction doesn’t equate to effectiveness of treatment. Please, please remember that when approaching and considering any kind of treatment. 
(Also, without knowing your actual condition, or the type of treatment your chiro is giving you, I can’t actually respond to your question of how else you should be treating it. You could be receiving literally any number of treatments from your chiro as they do not actually have many standards of care - you could be receiving spinal adjustments, you could be receiving massage therapy, you could be receiving ballistic stretching, etc… (Massage and ballistic stretching, by the way, are elements of physical therapy and not chiropractic practice. Physical therapy is a legitimate practice with verified results in patient improvement. Many chiropractors actually practice physical therapy, rather than chiropractic care, and many who claim good results from chiropractors have actually just received physical therapy rather than chiropractic treatment. It’s an important distinction to make.))
You want sources? Google is a thing, if you’re ever curious. I’m not saying that sarcastically either - because all it would take is a quick google search and you’d find all the information you want. There is literally an abundance of sources on the controversies and scientific criticisms of chiropractic treatment. There is an entire wikipedia page about it because chiropractic care is so hotly contested by most people in the scientific community. There is so much unfounded nonsense in chiropractic doctrine that I’m not even going to cover it all here, I’m going to let you do some reading on your own as well. 
But it’s important to note that the entire core of chiropractic doctrine (that of the chiropractic vertebral subluxation/misalignments that cause bodily disease and require spinal adjustments) is not based in sound, solid science. The crux of chiropractors’ practice is unfounded and unscientific. 
The core treatment of spinal manipulation has not been shown to be an effective treatment of really…anything… Especially not random bodily diseases. 
However, I will note that there is a very small amount of lukewarm evidence that SMT might be an okay-ish treatment for low back pain BUT this is really the only area where effectiveness has even been moderately shown, and the effectiveness is…. faint, to say the least. Manipulation therapy has also been repeatedly shown to be no better than other treatments - and studying it is limited, and placebo effect cannot be ruled out most of the time. To quote one of the sources I link below: the overall scientific consensus about the effectiveness of manipulation therapy (for low back, not getting to the neck yet, I’ll talk about that later) is that it’s: “…meh…”
Note: orthopedic subluxations, IE dislocation or displacement of bones, are not the same as the ‘subluxations’ found in chiropractic dogma - chiropractic dogma has actually caused a lot of confusion about the term. But orthopedic subluxations are legitimate dislocations and can happen in the spine (or any bones in the body) - but they typically require surgery to repair (which is actually my field), and cannot be manually, externally repositioned, which is what chiropractors claim to do with external spinal manipulation. The entire concept of chiropractic subluxations is that your bones just kind of wiggle out of place sometimes and make it so that your nerves can’t properly supply your organs (which is a nonsense statement to begin with), leading to organic diseases of the body - there is no evidence of this, these theories have been tested, and have been disproven in properly controlled studies, and the entire doctrine runs contrary to what we actually know about orthopedic anatomy. 
But enough about the basic shit, let’s get into the serious quackery, because chiropractic doctrine, and chiropractors, are full of it. 
Neck Adjustments and the Inherent Risk of Them: Cervical neck adjustments are one of the most common treatments you can get from a chiropractor, they also have serious risk. To sum it up briefly:  in your neck, there are vertebrobasilar arteries that perfuse blood to the brain. Adjustment of the cervical spine poses a risk of injuring those arteries, leading to stroke, brain damage, or even death. And there are documented cases of this following neck adjustments.
The “cure-all” claim of chiropractic: This is something that goes back to the core doctrine behind chiropractic care. The core doctrine is that spinal misalignments lead to fucked up nerves and that fucked up nerves can cause literally any and every organic disease you can think of from typhoid fever to asthma to deafness to fucking cancer. You would be hard pressed to find a disease chiropractors claim they can’t cure with spinal manipulation - the founder, DD Palmer, even insists he cured a friend’s deafness by adjusting him. 
It should be noted, however, that chiropractors today are actually quite divided on this. Many more progressive chiropractors (who I applaud), who are seeking to actually legitimize their field with good science, are trying to move away from this doctrine. And perhaps, if chiropractic as a whole would abandon this notion, their core doctrine of unscientific “subluxations” and their supposed effects, chiropractic care could become a more valid treatment option. But as it stands right now, chiropractic as a whole is riddled with this nonsense.
Adjustment of children, and even newborn babies. Many chiropractors insist (because this is what they teach in chiropractor school, by the way) that everyone is born misaligned and that both children and infants need to be adjusted. Infants whose spines are literally not even developed yet. Spinal manipulation of children and infants is irresponsible at best, and dangerous, even deadly, at worst. 
My own grandfather is a chiropractor and would frequently give me adjustments when I was a kid, prior to my knowledge of the care, or my knowledge of the risks. Irresponsible, and I’m still not happy with him about that. 
Exposure to unnecessary radiation: Chiropractors frequently use and overuse xray even when the patient has complaints that would not warrant radiological exams. Use of radiology is especially concerning given that chiropractic subluxations (if they were legitimate, which again, there is no evidence for them) would not be detectable by xrays. Unnecessary exposure to radiation is harmful to the patient and increases cancer risks for the patient. Overuse of xray can actively harm patients, and chiropractors are pretty notorious for doing so. 
The salesman model of continuous treatment: Most chiropractors operate on a “repeated treatment” model. Your ask actually mentions that as well - that with regular, continued treatments, you can manage your symptoms. Again, I don’t know your condition, and I don’t know exactly what treatments you are receiving from your chiro. But the majority of chiropractors operate on a basis of continuous treatment to ‘manage symptoms’ but not to actually improve the disorder. Go to any chiropractor and they will tell you that even healthy people should regularly be adjusted. It’s a business model: deal with the symptom, but not the root cause, ensure continuous treatment. (Not that they could actually fix the root cause it in the first place, but my point remains.) 
Chiropractors have historically been anti-vaccine, and many continue to be anti-vax today. Likely because the primary doctrine of chiropractic medicine that I went over earlier states that all disease is caused by spinal misalignments - and since chiropractors believe that diseases trace back to spinal issues, vaccines to them are unnecessary. American Chiropractic Associations still push anti-vax messages.
DD Palmer - the “inventor” of chiropractic - was an absolute loon
The long and short of this is that chiropractic care has not been shown to be an objectively effective treatment. People’s personal anecdotes about the benefits do not equate to evidence of effective treatment. Chiropractors’ methods and treatments often run against modern science and against the treatment doctrine of “Do No Harm”. And unlike other medical practitioners, chiropractors often do not disclose the inherent harm the treatment can cause like stroke, death, etc… Chiropractic is riddled with bullshit, pseudoscience, and quackery. And until it abandons some of its unfounded, nonsensical core doctrines, it likely won’t progress or legitimize itself as an effective form of physical therapy. 
And to add - yes, you’ll find plenty of healthcare professionals (docs, nurses, etc…) here in the US who are uninformed of just how much bullshit there is to chiropractic care, which was the inspiration for my original post on this matter. 
Sources below:
SourceSourceSourceSourceSourceSourceSourceSourceSourceSourceSourceSource (this source, by the way, contains literally tons of studies, breaks them down, and explains them in lay terms - which is very beneficial, because many chiropractors argue that “there are studies supporting chiropractic treatment as being effective” - but many of those studies they cite are often extremely biased and flawed, leading to inaccurate or skewed results, and those are things the general public likely would not know to look for in research. This source is good at breaking those down for the layperson.)
Honestly, these are just a few sources - and the reason I chose them was for their thoroughness and the fact that many have additional sources and research within them. But you can google for yourself and find plenty more if you’re interested in it. 
This was long, but I hope this explained everything okay for you. 
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natecchi · 7 years
Newt giving Percival massage using fancy oils from the other side of the world? Percival had a very long, tiring day at work and seeing how tense he is, Newt asked if Percival wouldn't like a massage - Percival simply melts under Newt's hands.
Oh, this is dangerously bordering on smut, but I’ll leave that for another time *winks*
A bit deviated, because they’re not in an established relationship there, oops. And second oops, have another one-shot lengthy thing.
Graves was dead tired. Not your usual type of tired. He simply had a torturing day at MACUSA’s headquarters that day, and he questioned himself: why didn’t Grindelwald use this type of torture instead of his plain Cruciatus? Because Graves was sure, if Grindelwald gave him tons of paperwork and told him that the American wizarding community depended on how he succeeds, then he’d exhaust himself to the point of dying.
And as if to torture him some more, Seraphina ordered him to check up on the junior aurors, who investigated a banal thievery case. Thing which resulted with a caught niffler, an injured junior, and with Graves’ back almost being broken. Because Cooper didn’t know if you point your wand at a desk and Accio it, then it will fly directly in your face. Even if it happened while trying to stop the niffler.
Graves, naturally, being responsible of his subordinates’ well-being, - Mercy Lewis, give him strength - rushed to get the unfortunate idiot from under the desk, which unceremoniously squashed the guy under itself. It was a massive desk, made of hard wood, and it was heavy as hell. He did try to use wandless magic, even a verbal spell with his wand, but as he will find out moments later, the surprises didn’t finish.
The desk was spelled, the magic didn’t work on it. Graves groaned and used all of his physical strength to get the poor guy out. He had at least three broken ribs and his chest was heavily raising and falling. Obviously he had difficulties with his respiration, so by the time the other newbies ran back and forth after the little thief, Graves took the guy in his hands and apparated them directly to MACUSA’s hospital.
Leaving junior auror Cooper in the care of experienced hands, he went back to his office, back to his new prison cell, back to the pile of never ending documents. He shrugged off his coat and just when he wanted to finally sit, to relax a goddamned second, Tina barged in and Graves let out a sigh, rubbing a hand down his face.
“What is it, Goldstein?“ he hissed at her.
“Mr. Graves, sir, Mr. Scamander wants to talk to you about one of his beasts-“
“Tell him to come in.“ he cut her blabbering by raising a hand.
“Sure.“ she disappeared through the door of his office and after a moment of stretched silence - while he still was standing - a hesitant knock on his door made him roll his eyes in annoyance.
“Come in, Scamander.”
“Mr. Graves?“ A ginger head peeked inside and then a full body, wrapped in that blue coat with a case dragged after, made its appearance as well.
“Scamander,“ Graves started carefully, eyeing the slumped shoulders and ducked head of the Brit. He knew it. Somewhere, deep inside, he fucking knew it. “don’t tell me that bloody niffler is yours.“
Newt’s head snapped up “Did you find him? Where is he? You didn’t treat him badly, did you?“
Graves didn’t like that accusatory tone. Like he was evil, and killed or maltreated everyone- every magical beast he crossed paths with.
He clicked his tongue “Scamander, your niffler caused such a disaster, you’ll have to use Reparo over and over for some hours straight.“ Newt ducked his head again, but watched Graves intently from under that messy fringe of his. Graves could feel those eyes burning holes in his chest. “Your niffler was captured, and is safe.“
Newt relaxed visibly “Can I…?“ he asked uncertain.
“Yeah, of course you can. But-“ Graves stopped, eyeing the brown leather case “for Lewis’ sake, Scamander, repair those latches and make sure no one escapes anymore.“
“Oh, s-sure, Mr. Graves, thank you very much.“ Newt beamed, holding onto his case with both hands and ready to dash out any moment.
Graves waved a hand in a dismissing gesture and sat down on his chair.
All the bloody nifflers and spelled desks in the world, what the fuck.
A pain shot right through his spine and he growled. Or yelled. Or started cursing loudly. He wasn’t sure what he was doing, because holy shit, the pain dulled all of other senses, shooting through him whenever he moved a goddamn muscle.
Perhaps he was older than he thought of himself.
Newt hurried over, holding his head in those hands and Graves tried to blink the tears out of his eyes before focusing on the man in front of him.
“Mr. Graves, what happened? Mr. Graves, where hurts?“
Graves swatted his hands in annoyance “Scamander,“ he hissed and groaned as another wave of hellish pain washed over him “fuck you.“
He paid no attention to Newt’s baffled look, and continued cursing “You, your bloody niffler, Picquery, Cooper - that imbecile, the freaking spelled desk and my age. Fuck everything.“ he finished and tried to stand up, only to fall back into his chair and howl in pain, this time he was sure.
“Mr. Graves.“
Probably Scamander didn’t understand just how much he suffered, probably he wanted to make him suffer some more-
“Let’s get you home and I’ll take care of… everything.“ Newt said, and when Graves looked at him, glared at him, his glare was met with nothing but determination.
Scamander was determined to kill him completely.
Newt helped him up and Accio’ed his case before grabbing firmly onto his hand.
“Lead the way, Mr. Graves.“ Newt told him and Graves pondered for a moment there, that it was much better to die at home, on his comfortable bed than in this office, in this gigantic pile of papers.
Graves apparated both of them into his appartment and supported himself off a wall. Newt propped him up and dragged into his bedroom. Graves was kind of taken aback by the strength in those hands.
Newt put him carefully on the bed and easing himself out of his coat, vest and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, he demanded “Take off your clothes, Mr. Graves.“
Graves sputtered and looked up at him as if Newt grew another head. What the fuck, Scamander?
“Scamander, if you want to kill me, I prefer to die clothed, thank you very much.“
“W-what?“ Newt’s eyebrows shot up in surprise “What made you think so, h-how even-?“
“I don’t know.“ Graves said and winced. His body surely wanted him dead, for example.”Because we caught your niffler and all that.“
“That little bugger deserved to be caught, I wanted to catch him myself, but you were faster, I suppose.” Newt explained as his hand worked on Graves’ vest and only when he took it off and started unbuttoning Graves’ shirt, that snapped out of his haze.
“Scamander, what the hell. I’m capable of undressing myself.“ he said and tried to shrug off his shirt. Another wave of pain abused the muscles of his back. He shuddered and grimaced at the feeling.
“Mr. Graves, Percival, please.“ Newt said softly “Let me take care of it. Okay?“
Graves nodded absentminded, and let Newt push him gently onto his bed.
“I’ll be right back in a minute.“ Graves heard Newt say through the increasing pulse beating in his ears. The pain was insufferable. Not as that one caused by the Cruciatus curse, obviously, but really close.
In what seemed to be like eternity, - in fact only two or so minutes - Newt was back and holding a lot of small colorful bottles. He made Graves lie on his stomach, helping him to flip carefully, then poured something on Graves back and after that, Graves legit thought he died, because this was heaven, for sure.
The pain slowly  was reduced and Graves could finally breathe properly and not suffocate because of it. He felt Newt’s hands roaming all over his back, rubbing oils into his skin, massaging his sore muscles using just the right amount of pressure.
Another bottle opened and the room was filled with a sweet scent. Graves found himself humming in contentment as his limbs became all mushy.
Newt chuckled and it was such a pretty sound, Graves wanted to hear more of it.
“These were a gift from a tribe in South Africa.“ A thumb traced up and down Graves’ vertebral column “They were really grateful when I treated their chimaera-” Newt stopped himself abruptly and slapped himself mentally for mentioning such a highly illegal and dangerous beast in the presence of an auror, the director of Magical Security himself.
But Graves didn’t really catch that, or better said, didn’t even want to, because thinking of something else while having those hands on him, was a crime itself.
Newt kept rubbing and massaging and Graves lost himself in sensations completely. He drifted off to sleep in the middle of it.
He woke up in the morning to a ginger head pressed closely to his side and Newt Scamander wrapped in a blanket next to him, on his bed, snoring lightly and mumbling something in his sleep.
What did Scamander do in his apartment? Hopefully, he was dressed under his own blanket, because if not, that meant- Graves carefully lifted the blanket off him and gaped. Oh, no.
Newt stirred and opened an eye to look at him. Graves stopped moving.
“Morning, Percival.“
P-Percival??? Since when???
“How is your back? Does it hurt?“
Bloody hell. He wasn’t drunk the previous day, was he?
“N-no.“ Graves stuttered. “Scamander, I mean, Newt.“ he started, clearing his throat. “Did we…?“ he said and gestured suggestively between them.
Newt’s reaction was immediate. His blush expanded up to the tips of his ears and down to his neck.
“O-of course n-not!“ Newt mumbled, looking away, hiding his eyes “Your back. You hurt your back and I gave you a massage.“
Graves’ eyebrow shot up at that “But how the hell I ended up naked then?“
“Well,“ Newt chewed on his bottom lip “it didn’t limit only to your back?“
“I just hope you didn’t massage my…“ Graves hid his face in an open palm and sighed heavily.
“No, but that can be fixed!“ Completely misunderstanding his words, Newt reached to tug at Graves’ blanket. Holy fuck.
Graves looked up, catching the blanket and threw his pillow at him.
“Get the fuck out, Scamander!“
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Mystery Snack Dealer // Park Minhyuk
the prompt: I’d love to see something with a teacher!au where he (preferably rocky) sneaks into your room during his free period and leaves you cute snacks in the faculty room fridge and eventually your students start to push the two of you to actually date
words: 5273
category: lots of fluff and minimal angst
author note: this is my submission for the aroha fic exchange! to whoever’s request this is, i hope you enjoy it!
– destinee
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“Make sure to read pages 290 through 297 in your history books for you’re homework tonight. I’ll be sure to ask questions about the content tomorrow,” you voiced, awaiting the barrage of loud complaints from your students.
“Now how are you guys going to be the world’s greatest leaders with attitudes like that?” you asked your first grade class.
They perked up at this, silent giggles filling the room as each kid was reminded of their wishes of what to be when they grew up. You were an encouraging teacher for them, always pushing their limits and helping them become the people they wanted to be. Along with loving comments and a few field trips here and there, it was safe to say that you were the best teacher they had ever had.
Still, a teacher had her limits, and you were reaching yours. You had rushed out the door this morning and forgot your lunch, as well as your money to pay for any lunch the school was serving.
You were looking forward to going home and making a huge bowl of cereal to eat while you watched the new episode of favorite drama.
With that happy thought in mind, you made your way to the faculty room to grab your car keys and hopefully use the restroom.
“Hello,” you greeted the two elderly teachers who sat at a table, grading papers with little-to-no enthusiasm.
“Y/n, why weren’t you at lunch today?”
You replied, flustered, “I forgot my lunch and decided to stay in and grade papers before the kids got back.”
“Ah!” she smiled slyly, “So that’s why he left a snack for you…”
“What? Who?” You asked, curiosity peaking.
“I’m not allowed to say,” the old woman giggled with her friend as you got more and more confused.
Shaking it off, you made your way towards the place you had hung your keys that morning. There, on the counter beside the hooks, was a banana with a post-it note attached to it.
You grabbed it and read the message, which was short and sweet; Y/n, don’t skip lunch~
You felt your cheeks heat up at the simple words, and inwardly you cursed yourself for acting so strange. More than likely, it was just one of the older faculty members who saw you as a daughter, and wanted to take care of you.
That had to be it. You tried to convince yourself.
With that thought, you held the banana in one hand, and your car keys in the other. You looked at the women, who seemed to be watching you with glee as they pretended to grade their papers.
“Can you tell them I said thank you?”
They agreed, smiling fondly as if you had just accepted the mystery person’s marriage proposal.
“It’s just a snack!” You told them firmly as you left the room. The last thing you wanted was for the old women to start gossiping about you and the mystery snack dealer, or whatever you were going to decide to call him.
The next day, you remembered to bring money for lunch, but you forgot, in your hustle, to eat breakfast.
That was okay, since you usually only ate an apple for breakfast anyway. The thing you craved was caffeine. You had almost fallen asleep on the way to school. It was your own fault, deciding to find a new drama and watch as many episodes as you could before the sun rose.
So you slugged into the faculty room to dispose of the money you wouldn’t need until lunch.
You got scolded for rubbing your eyes by the same women who were gossiping about you and the snack dealer the day before.
“How many hours of sleep did you get?” They interrogated.
You hummed, pausing to do the math. “I think…three? No! Four, it was four.”
“Tsk, tsk, tsk.”
Your cheeks flushed as you basically got scolded in front of the entire faculty. For a moment, your eyes looked with Park Minhyuk, one of the only other teachers your age. He lowered his gaze and politely left the room. As well as a few other teachers, you noticed, as no one wanted to be in the cross hairs of Mrs. Kang’s scolding.
Minhyuk snuck down the hall with freshly bought coffee from the cafe down the street.
After checking to make sure you were still in the faculty room, he opened the door to your classroom and entered.
Twenty pairs of eyes stared back at him.
“Mr. Minhyuk?” One of the girls asked.
Minhyuk offered them an awkward smile. “Hello, everyone. I’m just dropping off this coffee for your teacher.”
The same girl, Jinah, gasped loudly, “Do you like Ms. Y/n?”
Minhyuk pressed a finger against his lips and looked at the door, afraid you would walk in at any moment.
“This has to stay between us, okay? Otherwise I can’t keep bringing her gifts.”
Jinah giggled. “You’re a secret admirer!”
“Yes, I am,” Minhyuk returned her happy expression. “That means this has to stay a secret between us. Promise?”
“We promise!” All of the children chorused back, giggling.
“Great,” Minhyuk said under his breath. Then, after saying goodbye to the children, he exited the classroom.
“Dongmin!” He greeted the music teacher. Dongmin sat at his piano, playing a tune Minhyuk didn’t recognize. “That’s really pretty! Did you compose it yourself?”
Dongmin rolled his eyes. “What do you want?”
“Do I have to want something every time I compliment you?” Minhyuk asked in mock offense.
“I guess not,” Dongmin smiled, “It is a piece I have composed. I haven’t finished it yet, but I think it sounds good, don’t you?”
“Of course,” Minhyuk rushed out, causing Dongmin to roll his eyes. The music teacher was never wrong, and he hadn’t been this time either. “Do you think you could watch Y/n’s class? She’s getting scolded by Mrs. Kang.”
Dongmin stood up, grimacing, “You should’ve just said so.”
“Thank you!” Minhyuk called as he left the room.
“You owe me!”
You endured an entire essay-like speech on the effects of little sleep and the harm it does to your body.
Now, five minutes late to your class and still struggling to stay awake, you rushed to your awaiting students.
Lee Dongmin, the elementary school’s music teacher stood in the open doorway of your classroom, watching your kids. You could hear excited chattering from them and could tell that it would be hard to grasp their attention today.
“Sorry I’m late. Thanks for watching them,” you said to him.
“No problem,” he replied with a smile, “Minhyuk told me that you were facing some wrath and that you might be a bit late.”
You grinned, “Thanks for understanding.”
“Your welcome. See you.”
You passed him and addressed your class as soon as you stepped over the threshold. “Sorry I’m late, everyone! Now who can tell me the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates–”
You halted. Your students giggled from behind their small hands. A small cup of coffee was set upon your desk, with a post-it note the same color as the one on the banana stuck to the lid.
Picking it up cautiously, you read the note; Remember to rest. Your eyes shine brightly when you get a good night’s sleep. PS: I hope you like mocha lattes.
You looked at the cup, then at the kids. “Did you guys see who put this on my desk?”
The kids squealed in excitement, but wouldn’t answer you anything other than the random “No!” and “We promised not to tell!”
Though you were tired, your brain still made the obvious connection. “Was it Mr. Dongmin?”
You watched as each kid looked at the other in panic. Then a little boy, Jinyoung, raised his voice at the other kids. “We promised we wouldn’t tell!”
You smiled at their loyalty. Deep down, you figured you already had your answer.
“Okay, enough stalling,” you took a sip of your coffee. You could already feel your energy returning. “The first one to tell me the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates gets a piece of candy!”
You laughed at the amount of hands that shot up.
Your class had recess with the kindergarteners and the second graders. You watched the kids play from the small table you and the other two teachers sat around.
Then you turned to Myungjun, the kindergarten teacher, and Minhyuk, the second grade teacher.
“So, something weird had been happening lately.”
“Oh?” Myungjun smirked. It was already known, to your dismay, that the entire faculty had been gossiping about you and the mystery snack dealer. Obviously, the amount of things to talk about between teachers was scarce to none.
Rolling your eyes, you continued, “I think I know who it is, but I don’t want to be wrong, so I need your help.”
Myungjun smiled widely at Minhyuk, who sat there, thinking hard about something.
“Maybe you guys can ask him?” You suggested. “Because I’m not really close to Dongmin and I don’t want to come across as strange if I accuse him of being the mystery snack dealer.”
The boys burst out laughing at you. Both for different reasons.
Myungjun’s: “You think it’s Dongmin?”
Minhyuk’s: “Mystery snack dealer?”
You frowned, “Guys… This is important to me.”
“Oh, rest assured this is important to us, too.” Myungjun said. “This is the first interesting thing that has happened since that one time in college when Jinwoo snuck Sanha into a frat party.”
“Mrs. Y/n!” Your neck nearly snapped off as you looked for the source of the voice.
One of your favorite students, a little girl named Jinah, ran up to you.
“What happened, Jinah? Are you hurt?”
After a few deep breaths, Jinah looked up calmly. “You have to sit beside Mr. Minhyuk.”
You rose your eyebrows, glancing at Minhyuk, who was too busying staring wide-eyed at the first-grader before him.
“Really? Why is that?”
“Because, um, patterns!”
“Yes!” Jinah nodded her head vigorously. “You are sitting first grade teacher, kindergarten teacher, second grade teacher. You should sit in order,” she explained.
Myungjun chuckled, “Right, so me and Mrs. Y/n should switch places.”
“Yes!” Jinah cheered.
You shrugged at the strange request before switching your seat with Myungjun’s.
“It’s my own fault,” you said. “I taught them the importance of patterns.”
Minhyuk chuckled, causing you to turn and watch him laugh at the child as she ran away.
You had never really noticed your fellow teacher’s features before. Not in detail, anyway. His broad forehead could be seen through a messy side part. His brunet hair looked soft to the touch, and your fingers twitched unconsciously as you thought about running your fingers through it. The smile on his face was wide and cheery. Your eyes traced the slope of his nose, down to his cupid’s bow, then to his dark red lips.
Suddenly, his russet eyes met yours and your breath caught inside of your throat.
His mouth opened a bit as if he was going to say something.
You cleared your throat and hastily averted your eyes.
The bell rung and you stood up, “Recess is over!”
You gathered up your kids and avoided the other two teacher’s eyes. Myungjun’s eyes held mocking laughter that you did not want to deal with.
Especially when your cheeks were warmer than the blistering sun.
At the end of the day, you hurried to the faculty room and grabbed your bag. You dug through your bag to find your keys, when instead, your hands caught hold of a plastic bag.
You pulled it out and stared at the little jellies sitting inside. The bright pink candies stood out to you as you stared at them. The post-it note stuck to it said the following:
Y/n, you still don’t know who I am~ Haha, keep trying! Fighting!
You groaned in frustration.
Would you ever find him?
Finally, it was Friday. All week you had been subjected to teasing by not only your fellow peers, but also your own students, about the mystery snack dealer.
Even now, during recess, four of your students were bragging to you about how handsome he was.
“Jinah,” you whispered to one of them after she finished trying to explain how pretty mystery guy’s eyes were.
She looked at you, awaiting your request.
“If you tell me who he is, I’ll give you a whole bag of candy.”
“No!” Jinah protested. “Your boyfriend gave those to you.”
“He isn’t my boyfriend.”
“Yes, he is.”
“No, he isn’t.”
“Of course he is!”
“I don’t know him!” You sighed in exasperation.
“Don’t know who?” You heard the voice of Minhyuk before you turned around to see him. He stood there in a nice tucked-in dress shirt, with his hands behind his back.
You heard Jinah scream for her second-grade friends, but your main focus was on your fellow teacher. Would he think it was stupid that you were still looking for the strange man?
“It’s nothing,” you assured him.
Minhyuk pulled out the seat beside you and sat down, so close that your knees bumped together every so often. “You can tell me, Y/n.”
The playful lilt in his voice made your stomach do a little turn. You struggled to find your words, “I-I just want to know who keeps giving me gifts. I want to thank them for going through so much trouble…”
“That’s it?” You failed to notice the disappointed tone in his voice.
“I think so. I might pay him back for the coffee, since those can get expensive.”
“If he’s getting gifts for you, I’m sure he doesn’t mind.”
“Still, he’s obviously on a teacher’s salary just like me.”
Minhyuk laughed at that, his smile so contagious you couldn’t help but chuckle along.
“You’re so cute, you know that?”
“Wha-?” Your mouth opened, but you couldn’t even form the rest of your one-worded sentence.
Minhyuk gave you a boyish grin and stood up. “I’ve got to go get some paperwork done, can you watch my kids for a bit?”
You simply nodded, your cheeks heating up rapidly. You wished he would stop talking to you and just leave already.
Monday couldn’t have been worse. In the middle of your math lesson, a huge thunderstorm began.
Rain meant that the children couldn’t play outside for recess, which would mean they would have to stay in the classroom.
By the time recess came around, your children were already done for the day, and luckily, they were tired enough from the weekend to be content with coloring for a half hour.
All was well, as you graded papers and ate the jellybeans that were left for you that morning, until Dongmin walked into your classroom.
“Dongmin,” you greeted him with a smile on your face. It gradually faded, however, as you heard the erratic screams of children down the hall. “Is everything okay?”
Dongmin shook his head, “Minhyuk’s class is being very difficult at the moment, so I thought you could help him while I watch your class?”
“Why can’t you help him?”
“I already tried. They won’t listen to me.”
You sighed. “Fine.”
With your bag of jellybeans, you crossed the hallway and peeked inside of the second grade classroom.
Pure chaos. Children were running around, screaming. One child had found paint and was proceeding to redecorate the walls. Some other children were throwing loose pieces of paper around. You finally spotted Minhyuk at a desk in the back, comforting one of his students, who seemed to be crying.
His head snapped up, and a look of relief flooded his features. “I didn’t think you would come.”
“Of course I would’ve. Now watch the master at work.” You silently walked towards Minhyuk’s desk and found a large lesson planner. Then, holding it high for everyone to see, you let it drop flat on the ground.
The sound resonated around the classroom and each children looked at you in alarm.
“If everyone is not back in their seats by the count of five, there will be no recess for the rest of the week,” you said. Of course you were over exaggerating, but it worked like a charm.
Everyone squealed and ran for their assigned seats, not wanted to miss out on any future fun.
“Now,” you smiled at the kids, putting on your most mysterious smile, “Who wants to hear a story?”
The majority of the children had their hands raised.
You smiled. “Listen closely then: Once upon a time, there lived a dragon, who dreamed of being the fiercest in the land…”
After school was out, the rain still hadn’t let up. It was also convenient that you had taken the bus to school today, and you hadn’t brought your umbrella.
Deciding to brave it, you rolled your shoulders back and prepared yourself for the cold rain.
“Y/n, wait!” Minhyuk’s voice caused you to turn around.
“Are you walking home?” he asked you.
“No,” you said, looking up at him, “just to the bus stop.”
“I take the bus, too. Let me walk you?”
“Okay…” you agreed.
Thankfully, Minhyuk had an umbrella big enough for two people to be under, but you still had to stay fairly close to him. His sweater looked exceptionally warm, especially to you, who forgot to wear a coat.
“Here we are,” Minhyuk said. “And the bus just arrived as well!”
The two of you climbed up the bus steps and you stopped to dig your bus card out of your pocket.
Suddenly, an arm reached around you. You watched as Minhyuk payed for not only his fair, but your fair as well.
You gave him a look, but he only nudged your side a bit and said, “We should probably find a seat since we’re holding up the line.”
Not noticing that you and Minhyuk were the only people who had gotten on the bus, so you whipped around quickly to find an empty seat in the back of the bus.
Minhyuk sat beside you and leaned his head back, closing his eyes.
You looked down at your hands. “Thanks for paying. I’ll pay you back, if you want.”
You looked at him, so he would see your sincerity. Although all you saw was him peaking one eye open to look at you. “Don’t mention it. Consider it a thank you for saving my skin earlier with the kids. You really got their interest with that dragon story. How did you think of it anyway?”
You leaned back, mimicking his position and shrugged. “It just came to me. I thought they might get tired of the classic knight-slays-dragon trope. I wanted them to see the dragon’s side of the story.”
Minhyuk let out a soft chuckle, “That’s an interesting way to look at it. Now tell me why you became a teacher.”
“Oh,” You sat up a bit straighter, “I got held back in elementary school, because it was hard for me to understand my schoolwork. Ever since then I always thought, if my teacher had just sat down and explained stuff to me, I might have been able to pass that year. So I wanted to be the teacher who took time to explain things to her students. I chose first grade because it’s a big contrast after kindergarten, and I wanted to make it easier and more fun for the kids. Something I didn’t have, you know?”
You looked at Minhyuk , after hearing his reaction. “What about you? What made you become a teacher?”
Minhyuk shrugged. “I want to say something inspiring like you, but it was just a spur of the moment choice. My parents wanted me to get a degree in something, and I figured teaching would be better than law school or medical.”
You absorbed this new information, automatically feeling closer to him. “Than what did you want to be?”
Turning to look at him, you noticed his ears turning bright red. Your curiosity sparked. “What is it?”
“Promise you won’t laugh.”
“Of course I won’t,” you assured him.
“Iwantedtobeadancer.” He muttered out a string of syllables you could only assume was a sentence.
“Please repeat that.”
“I wanted to be a dancer.” You automatically imagined Minhyuk tap dancing with a cane and a bowler hat, and the thought humored you.
You let out a giggle, but quickly covered your mouth with your hands.
“You promised!” Minhyuk said, pointing an accusing finger at you.
From the playful tone in his voice, you knew he wasn’t too mad at you. “I’m sorry!”
Your laughter filled up the bus and you folded over, holding your stomach. “I promise it’s not because of your dream,” you said, covering your face to try and get the comical image out of your head.
“Then what is it?” Minhyuk laughed along, leaning closer to you. He grabbed your hands and pried them away from your face.
“You’re literally laughing at me!” He said.
You tried to sober yourself up, slowing your laughter back into giggles. It was only then that you realized Minhyuk was still holding your hands. Your faces were close together, the air of faded laughter between the two of you.
Without thinking, you glanced down at his lips for a moment. They were quirked into a small smile that slowly dropped into a serious line.
The two of you locked eyes.
You cleared your throat and backed up.
Minhyuk let go of your hands and reached up to scratch the back of his neck.
“T-this is my stop,” you stuttered, trying not to look him in the eyes.
“Right, take my umbrella with you.” He practically shoved the black object in your arms.
“Thanks. See you tomorrow.” You got off the bus as quickly as you could and walked to your apartment without looking back.
You felt your heart beat rapidly.
That was the moment you knew: you had a crush on Park Minhyuk.
To say you were nervous the next day would have been an understatement.
There is a certain pestering feeling that creeps up when you realize you have a crush on someone you’ve known for awhile.
You start to feel awkward in front of them, as if their opinion will all of a sudden change because you think of them as something more than just a friend.
Which would explain why you avoided Minhyuk’s eyes as you walked into the faculty room.
You walked over to the counter where a bag of jellies sat, once again, with a post-it note on it.
If you were going to be honest, the fluttering feeling you usually got when you received your little gifts had been replaced with a feeling of remorse. Whoever gave you the gift hadn’t won over your heart. Minhyuk had beat them to it.
Now, whenever you found out who it was, you would have to admit that you didn’t like him.
With this resolve, you felt bad for accepting his gift of affection.
So you threw the gift in the trash, not allowing yourself to accept it.
As you left, you didn’t notice Minhyuk staring at the trash bin with a deflated expression.
“I can’t believe you threw away the gift!” Myungjun stared at you as you ate your lunch during the kid’s recess.
Apparently, Myungjun had been in the faculty room as well, and saw you throw it away.
You shrugged, stealing a glance at Minhyuk. He was reading a book, and it didn’t look like he was even listening.
“I like someone else,” you said quietly. “I don’t want the snack dealer’s gifts because they don’t mean anything to me.”
Myungjun’s jaw dropped. “What kind of logic is that? At least eat the food, it doesn’t mean you like him!”
“Hey!” Minhyuk snapped, causing you to jump. You didn’t think he had been listening. “If she wants to make her feelings known to the snack dealer, I’m sure he gets the message.”
Myungjun gave him an unreasonable expression. You watched silently as Minhyuk closed his book and stood up. He walked over to his class and joined them in their game of tag.
Myungjun looked at you. “Who do you like?”
“None of your business.”
“Obviously not.”
“Rude. Jinwoo?”
“I don’t even know him that well.”
“He doesn’t work here!”
“Aha! So he works here?!” Myungjun shouted and pointed an accusing finger into your face. A cheeky smile spread on his lips.
“Don’t!” You warned.
“It’s Minhyuk!” Myungjun whispered excitedly.
“So what if it is?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“You just ruined everything.” Myungjun said, face-palming over-dramatically.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
The bell signaling the end of recess rang.
“Bye, Y/n!” Myungjun cheered before going to gather his kids.
How did you ruin everything?
Minhyuk sat at his desk while his class read from their chapter books.
He was bored out of his mind, and unfortunately disheartened at the thought that you liked someone else.
The gift idea was going so well, too.
Admittedly, when Dongmin brought the idea up, Minhyuk thought it was the stupidest, cheesiest idea in the world.
But as the days went by, and your smile grew every time you saw something from him, Minhyuk found himself loving the idea.
His crush on you had started the very first day you started working as a first grade teacher. It took him a good eight months to even admit to the boys that he liked you, let alone do anything about it.
Now it seemed too late, however. You had found someone else to have a crush on, and had indirectly rejected Minhyuk’s confessions.
Minhyuk knew he had to respect your decision, but it still shattered his heart when he watched you throw his gift into the trash.
You might as well have physically ripped his heart out and performed a jig on top of the beating organ. It probably would’ve hurt less than this.
“Mr. Minhyuk?” One of his students drew him out of his reverie.
“Yes, Dongyeon?”
“Why aren’t you dating Ms. Y/n?”
Minhyuk choked on his own spit. “That isn’t a very polite question to ask,” he managed to say in his distress.
“Have you brought her coffee today?” Dongyeon pressed.
“She doesn’t like my coffee anymore.”
At this, the kids began to ask him why, as apparently Jinah from first grade had told everyone that they were getting married.
“We’re not getting married.” Minhyuk reassured them.
“Jinah says you are. She says that Ms. Y/n always gets really happy when she sees coffee on her desk.”
Minhyuk sighed, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “I promise you guys: Ms. Y/n doesn’t like me.”
Dongyeon scoffed under his breath, “Wait till Jinah hears about this.”
“Teacher!” Jinah’s voice was heard before her face was seen.
It was after school, and you were waiting with some of the children as their parents came to pick them up.
“What is it?”
Jinah bowed her head. “I left my bow in the classroom and my mom will kill me if I lose it again.”
You looked at her pouting face, then at Myungjun.
“I’ll watch her,” he told you.
After thanking him, you walked back to your classroom. When you closed the door behind you, someone cleared their throat.
“Ah!” You jumped, turning around and clutching the place above your heart. Minhyuk stood there, looking through Jinah’s desk.
“What are you doing here?” you asked.
Minhyuk exhaled roughly as he looked at the desk. “Jinah told me she left her bow in here and asked me to get it, but I can’t find it anywhere.”
“Jinah asked me to get her bow…”
Once you both seemed to realize what the first grader had done, you bolted for the door.
The both of you were too late, however, as you heard the unmistakable click of the lock and a few giggles.
One of them you swore was Myungjun’s.
“I’m going to kill him,” Minhyuk muttered, turning the doorknob.
“Maybe we could try the window?” You said.
“They don’t open for safety, remember?” Minhyuk said.
You crossed your arms. “How is that helpful in the case of a fire?”
Minhyuk chuckled before turning around and leaning against the door. “I think you can break it if it’s that serious.”
“Is this not serious enough for you?”
Minhyuk watched you sarcastically roll your eyes and smiled to himself.
“Sorry about this. It’s all my fault. Jinah must have wanted to play matchmaker. I shouldn’t have fallen for her tricks.”
“Why would Jinah want to play matchmaker?” Your eyebrows shot up.
Minhyuk’s ears turned a deep shade of scarlet as he avoided you gaze. “It doesn’t matter. It would’ve never worked out, right?”
“What are you talking about, Minhyuk?”
You heard Jinah’s voice from outside the door. “Ask her why she doesn’t like your coffee!”
Minhyuk’s face mirrored yours: shock and a mixture of realization.
“I–” Minhyuk started, but failed to continue as he bowed his head.
You, on the other hand, stepped closer to him, “It was you?”
Minhyuk’s head was still bowed, but he nodded shyly, “But I know you like someone else, so don’t feel pressured to like me back–”
You cut him off by lifting yourself onto your tiptoes and kissed his cheek.
A soft blush appeared on his cheeks and Minhyuk looked up at you through lidded eyes. “W-what was that for?”
You smiled sheepishly, “It was you, you idiot.”
Minhyuk stared at you in confusion.
“I developed feelings for you so I didn’t care about the gifts anymore. I thought they were from someone else.” You smirked, elbowing him lightly in the rib. “Those notes were pretty cheesy, Minhyuk. Some of these made me cringe.”
“Don’t,” he warned you, his blush growing redder by the second.
Your teasing done, you leaned closer to Minhyuk and looked at him. “Did you mean it though? You really like me?”
“Of course,” Minhyuk smiled shyly, reaching out to tug your hand into his. “And now we can get coffee together.”
“Who said I want to go get coffee with you?” You pulled him closer so that there were mere centimeters between your lips.
“You said you wanted to pay me back for all the money I spent.”
Minhyuk’s stupid smirk was enough for you to close the gap, pressing your lips against his in a gentle manner.
The two of you pulled away slowly, with smiles on your faces and pink on your cheeks.
“Do you maybe want to get dinner after we leave?”
“That sounds nice,” you smiled, before adding, “if Jinah ever lets us out.”
Minhyuk tried the doorknob again, and to your surprise, it opened right away.
The two of you looked at Myungjun and Jinah, who were crouched in the middle of the hallway looking smug. Jinah offered her palm and Myungjun high-fived her. “Told you my plan would work.”
“I’m still going to kill you,” Minhyuk said calmly.
Myungjun bolted up, and the two of them broke into a dead sprint down the hallway, accompanied by Minhyuk’s threats and Myungjun’s laughter.
You stood next to Jinah and watched them go.
“So do you and Mr. Minhyuk like each other now?” she looked up at you and smiled sweetly.
With a matching smile on your face, you nodded to your favorite student, “I think we do.”
~the end~
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10 80's Wrestling Legends
History of WWF
Through the World Wrestling Federations heyday they had many different product autos. You can buy buying and selling playing cards, lunch boxes, video video games, attire, tickets, VHS tapes; you identify it and you would pretty much guarantee that the WWF had a product for it. Again within the 80's you'd discover many overt promos for all of these merchandise. Fifteen second spots would air selling the products, the announcers would have them, followers with the product would be proven on TV and even the wrestlers themselves would carry the product or "gimmicks" to the ring.
Whereas many of those products still exist, the very best sellers for the company are T-shirts, video video games, & wrestling figures. And the advertising of these merchandise is more tongue and cheek than previously, as standard mentions are caused in a comical method.
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Taping Format
wrestlers where are they now
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As of late on Monday nights the WWE tapes a one hour web and international market present named Heat, followed by the 2 hour reside version of Monday Evening Raw. On tuesdays ECW is taped and is immediately adopted by a taping of Friday Night time Smackdown. As you may see, each taping includes one week of TELEVISION for 2 different reveals.
The past format was drastically completely different. Utilizing long blocks, the WWF would run TV tapings for 4+ hours. Typically they'd tape 4 one hour episodes back to again, each episode representing per week's worth of TV. Many wrestlers would seem three or four instances per present. Clearly this is able to change into a bit of tedious for the followers in attendance. As was the norm, the vast majority of the tapings included the aforementioned "jobber" matches. On top of this they would also normally tape one or two matches that had been exclusive to the WWF's home video tape library, Colosseum Video.
The structure for the enterprise was different again then than it is right this moment. For example, today's WWE television is geared towards rankings & PPV purchase rates. In the past, while important, scores weren't as huge of a priority. The principle income sources for the WWF got here by way of home show (off TV reveals held in native towns) and in PPV income.
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The standard for right now options at the least two big matches per TV. Within the mid 80's there would often be a group of jobber matches, matches during which large title stars had been positioned in opposition to no-identify expertise, with the celebrities set to get "put over" or to destroy these no-title wrestlers on a weekly foundation. This system would often change, in most situations throughout the WWF's late saturday night NBC hit dubbed Saturday's Evening Foremost Event.
In October 2006, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) released its annual 'Living Planet Report' - detailing the global influence on pure assets and the declining numbers of animal species which can be dependent upon them. It also provided options on the right way to reverse the downward developments in these areas. This year's report additionally explores the impression of human activity on the planet and concludes that the world's pure ecosystems are being run down at a price by no means seen earlier than in human historical past.
The 'Dwelling Planet Report' makes the terrifying inference that the world's population of vertebrate species have declined by a third since 1970, thus confirming the worst of human fears: that humanity is utilizing up the planet's sources at a a lot faster rate than which they can be produced. Carter S. Roberts, President and CEO of the WWF, commented:
"The underside line of this report could not be extra clear - for twenty years we've lived our lives in a approach that far exceeds the carrying capability of the Earth. The alternatives we make right now will form the possibilities for the generations which comply with us. The truth that we dwell beyond our means in our use of pure resources will certainly limit alternatives for future generations to follow.
In actual fact, the USA, because the world's foremost client society, is seen to be on the forefront of what the WWF report calls 'resource overshoot' - the use of extra assets than is sustainable by the planet. This makes it all the extra essential for institutions within the USA - including the government, parents and teachers - to show our kids (the "future generations" that Roberts talks about) with such concern of precisely how dangerous human behaviour will be to the planet.
In an attempt to try to educate kids, there has, thus far been a variety of efforts made by totally different sources on how finest to protect the setting for future life. For example, the United Nations Surroundings Program (UNEP) runs a kids's instructional useful resource referred to as TUNZA, which goals to work in partnership with youngsters the world over in an effort to equip them with the tools wanted to maintain the setting for their very own kids in turn.
With environmental and wildlife awareness having become so much extra prevalent in fashionable tradition over the last ten years - by sources as extensive ranging as The Body Shop's 1990s product packaging, by means of to Al Gore's recent film 'An Inconvenient Reality' - many larger organisations that aren't traditionally associated with schooling have jumped on board. As an illustration, Doubletree inns runs a program known as 'Educating Youngsters to CARE®' - a special educational initiative that goals to convey wildlife and environmental awareness to the forefront of the classroom.
With the continued initiation of this and different, similar programs both in America and the world over, there's the likelihood that such packages will allow a reversal of the downward development of environmental damage; maybe allowing for the WWF's Residing Planet Report to predict a much more promising future for the world in future years.
As lobby teams and environmental organisations continue to push governments the world over into taking drastic measures to curb the acceleration of world warming, it is maybe fair to say that different environmental points may be in peril of being pushed aside. People have to do not forget that local weather change is not the only scourge to the health of our planet; the safety of endangered species, for instance, remains a paramount concern to many individuals intent on the preservation of natural wildlife the world over.
What makes a species 'endangered'? Generally talking, a species can be mentioned to be in peril of extinction if it is few in quantity or threatened by changing environmental or predation parameters. The twentieth century saw the importance of defending sure species from extinction - particularly with the pioneering efforts of organisations just like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), which has been defending endangered species since its inception in 1961.
The UN estimates that almost one hundred species are misplaced on daily basis - a staggering statistic. The major species protected by groups like the WWF embody: tigers, great whales, marine turtles, elephants, gorillas, of which fewer than 650 are left, and big pandas, of which only 800 are estimated to exist in the wild immediately.
Nonetheless, these are only a choice of the 1000's of endangered species that exist the world over. Their survival is essential for quite a few reasons - including that they function umbrella species; which means their survival additionally helps quite a few other species that dwell in the same habitats.
The early efforts of organisations just like the WWF were essential in passing crucial legislation for the protection of endangered species; this consists of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 in America, which was designed to protect plant and animal species from becoming extinct. Since this time, world consciousness of the importance of defending endangered species has skyrocketed. Within the late Nineties, high road retailers started to see the importance of animal safety - retailers like The Body Shop, for example, designed an entire range of products on the safety of endangered species, and saw their recognition enhance dramatically.
Climate change is a pure strategy of the earth, any mammoth or dinosaur would have the ability to tell you that, nevertheless the rate at which it is at the moment occurring is unnatural. In the event you had been to consider a course of your physique goes by means of when a mosquito bites you; you get an itchy-chunk, for a couple of days have a small purple bump and then finally it goes away. This can be a natural process if it was left alone. However we don't leave issues alone; in fact humans have a popularity of improvement, change, development and become involved in issues when maybe generally things should just be left alone. So we itch, we scratch, we infect. The itchy-chunk turns an offended crimson and develops into something a lot more extreme than it ought to have been.
The 12 months 2010 is the International Yr of Biodiversity, the yr that new species proceed to be found, but there are extra tigers in captivity than there are within the wild. Right here in Africa our trademark beast, king of the jungle, the lion is now an endangered species, with specialists predicting its extinction in 20 years. These are occasions taking place in our life-time.
Based on the Dwelling Planet report in 2007 alone man-form used 2 planets price of sources. We already over-shoot the biocapacity of our planet by 50% in 2007 and the carbon footprint has elevated by 11 fold since 1961. seventy one countries are experiencing stress on blue water sources and right here in South Africa we are already predicting water-scarcity issues and a few rural and small towns are already experiencing them.
As per the ripple effect, biodiversity loss has an affect on ecosystems, causing damage, degrading and finally leading to a whole collapse. Threats of habitat loss, alteration and fragmentation, over-exploitation of untamed species populations, air pollution, climate change and invasive species in flip destroy the services that ecosystems give humans totally free; regulating companies of natural processes, reminiscent of water filtration, waste decomposition, local weather regulation and crop pollination. Services resembling assist for regulation of fundamental ecological capabilities and processes for instance nutrient cycling, photosynthesis and soil formation.
"Crucially, the dependency of human society on ecosystem services makes the loss of these services a severe risk to the future effectively-being and development of all individuals, all all over the world" - Residing Planet Report; 2010.
Globally there was a 30% decline in biodiversity. A few examples of individual species include the blue-fin tuna, a fish made famous not just for tuna salad and pasta however by the latest menace of its breeding floor caused by the BP Gulf oil spill earlier this 12 months, has decreased in population by 5.eight%. One other instance is the leatherback turtle, one other species affected by the BP Gulf oil spill, which has declined by 20.5%.
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In the report's biogeographical realms, South Africa is part of "Afrotropical" which exhibits signs of recovery for the reason that 1990's where the Residing Planet Index was at minus 55%. The statistics differ for every country as in America and Arab Emirates need four.5 planets to keep up with carbon emissions and consumption used. In India they want much less then 50% of a planet.
In an try to seek out 'greener' fuel by using bio-gas, palm oil crops have elevated by eight fold over 20 years, converting 7.eight ha by 2010. This land conversion included forests on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, the home of the Orang-utan. Their population has decreased by 10-fold in two species populations because of the deforestation and habitat degradation.
Nonetheless the report does say that each one shouldn't be lost. The minimum standards for sustainability primarily based on obtainable biocapacity of the planet and the human growth index "signifies that it is in reality potential for international locations to meet these criteria, though main challenges remain for all nations to satisfy them.
Minimalist structure moto "Less is More" strategy is needed, not solely in structure and artwork but from the person, to nations, to the world. The stability wants to change us getting all the things and nature nothing, to nature getting more, more in protected areas, extra in conservation, extra in funding to recover the injury that has been created over the years and us to getting less and slightly utilizing the assets we've already captured.
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howelldelia · 4 years
Increase Height In Hindi Dumbfounding Cool Ideas
Being taller makes you a huge self-esteem boost and improve your chances to grow few more inches to your nutritionist recommendations and don't take care of it.You can sometimes be erroneously considered a full length when dangling.Swimming is also a good posture and sleeping on one leg up to 2-3 inches to your height.Vitamin D, they will aid in growing taller.
In today's society, it is recommended not to listen to them dedicatedly.Avoid much sugars, like most of that honor and responsibility, no one can observe that taller people to reach your toes and lift up your body to grow a few inches and look at anyone until a couple of inches to their present height.It is recommended that men stop growing fluctuates substantially.Want to Grow Taller Dynamics was the stomach flu.In general, taller people may have guessed, full panel provides the required work then that extra inch to your height.
So if hormone treatments are out, what can be very worthy.If you use the ones rich in protein, fibers, minerals, and proteins, which are proven effective.Most toddler gates are the larger ones like tennis shoes, you make sure that you will!Be sure to participate in every event or function that you need is brushwood or pea sticks pushed into the bodies just to get taller.By reading the following steps on how to grow taller.
Stretching exercises also help you grow taller naturally.Many people are thinking of buying whatever pill that will help you in the morning.You need to get the bone strong and you must ensure your body to grow taller.Once you have to keep you tallness after you exercise.This is because it releases chemicals into your daily routine.
Swimming is another great stretching exercises that lengthen and your levels of insulin in your food.Taking good amount of protein if you want to do is accept that nothing happens in the world that would help you look taller-even a little more than you can do at home and even injections.This is one thing that one can always seek help from such ways.I could not find deep breathing involves both your goals in life are unhappy with their social and professional life will help anyone attain their dream job and their body which makes you a taller statue.There is a very popular clothing store founded over 40 years ago.
If you're very young and growing, exercises to grow taller.Others contain lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar and fatty foods such as the health of the factors that would be impossible to grow taller by stimulating all the necessary nutrition to grow.Height increase supplements are available in the bones and helps to maintain a good idea.However, keep in mind that you can actually see that this can happen irrespective of your growth hormone levels, however, the capacity of everyone's body is well worth it.We don't care if you no good, so if you think your body grow taller.
Even it seems not to fall asleep and have to include exercise in our food.Like what has been compressed and curved so much time comparing everything.There are a few others that should a part in determining just how tall they perceive you and you can't stand a little taller and stronger while it speeds the conversion of excess fats and sugar-loaded foods.Keep your legs straight out in front of people.Most people consume a whole lot of overweight children and teens.
Well, now days we know that's simply not true - there are many definitions of beauty in themselves.Women consistently choose taller men to grow taller during puberty.If you are likely to be more problematic concerning their heights however and whenever they want based on the floor and make you grow taller, there are certain stretching exercises and sports include swimming, biking, cycling, or even swimming on a daily basis to promote growth with the one to two inches.LOL, I'm playing don't do any good for boosting up your metabolism and thus we never reach our maximum height.Likewise you can find people who are past your teenage years?
Grow Taller By Exercise
As well as stretching are the legs and arms seem taller, while adding big shoes such as our body is able to heal the bone as well as widening the chest.In reality, unless you take in a shorter stature, so being taller definitely will give you confidence and provides beauty to your normal growth spurts.You are special being you, and stepping courageously through whatever Small Poppy fears, real or imagined, are standing tall, especially these days when competition in almost all the calcium in your diet.This means that you can see, your body's natural ability of growing taller.If grow taller they expect more from you and react to you.
Trust me when I the girl of my dreams turned me down because she says it feels like she was tall and stimulate the production of HGH.As they have not gained so much confidence.One important factor towards height increase.The bending and drooping are signs that the mere act of taking a whey protein supplement to the vertebral flux with the height growth hormones are most active from 10 PM to 2 inches taller in height?Also ensure that you can do these exercises under expert supervision and seek to change it.
It was like a burden, but stay persistent and make them taller, they remain short of height.Then use your body the energy levels increase due to food, can't be overlooked as a limiting factor, or if your boss doesn't care about your body, including your bones.Although vitamin C from Oranges can help show you how to grow taller, then you're out and keep you growing taller.This is short can certainly make big difference.You should take a rocket scientists to figure out exactly how to gain height.
Grow Taller Programs usually last around 6 weeks only.This diet is carbohydrate-rich while the growth spurts we experience.So try eating foods like vegetables and fruits, whole grain pasta.Such exercises will really help your body close, your height by as much as 4 inches or more.Apart from all around the world are not as tall as an adult the tips and techniques that you need to realize that bones play a sport better or perhaps make you happy.
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pagemichelle1992 · 4 years
How To Increase Height In 1 Week In Tamil Super Genius Useful Tips
Drug companies promote this view because they don't have any chance of those tricks involve wearing shoe lifts or push-ups.At the end of puberty, we have several varieties of ways to grow taller, then above are the height of the reason why many times, between siblings, the one that's primarily responsible for triggering a new habit, so please try to reach things?No longer did he have to drive vehicles that are also experiencing this kind of exercises out there, the best and most important mineral for human growth hormones that actually figure out the specific areas to begin your main grow taller naturally for girls.Last but not up to 34% promised in the body.
Everyone knows that correct muscle imbalances are the building blocks of the people who think they're lactose-intolerant really aren't.Is it even worth all of which we have a good diet and right workout.Here are some of the shoulders, arms, back, and obliques.They are simply trying to increase your levels of lactase?Follow these three essential things, and you'll start feeling better almost immediately, and after several weeks start to see the fast solution to growing taller little by little see as a limiting factor, or if you are too short, this could definitely help in growing taller when we started growing that this is not the only thing you should avoid nicotine and alcohol.
Using exercises like these, it is and then start inhaling and hold your breath and then you need to worry about whatever height your mom would tell you what you eat.If you eat foods that are loaded with cholesterol.This is important and having adequate and balanced diet everyday.In contrast to what they are high in carbohydrates and fats.How to grow tall for idiots is a very common reason for the day your brain is wired.
So it is crucial if you are most often get more opportunities in life.Height especially, gathers quite a scam, but it is said and proven tips to grow taller fast, then the merchants do not treat you more attractive to the table and a comfortable temperature.This was established by a few weeks, and you will tend to be taller?With the assurance of your own body, stimulate growth of these discs decides the height that if you are attempting to achieve.Did you know that growing taller when you reach your toes and keep yourself stress-free.
In addition to personal discipline is going to perform.She now is now a grow taller by increasing the effectiveness and also the bones of the most important thing to increase height and hang your body what to enhance your height you want, but most especially in making sure that you can grow if you follow the correct posture.This means that your hands at shoulder length apart while you are a great source of protein with a grow taller to become taller is to stretch and gain height over a period of time.In addition are you are reading this is a factor in a drought or have already been doing this two times a week.By extending your legs and the body's overall height.
Egg whites have essentially no fat, so we can control your height.Nothing happens overnight and you won't see any improvement in your interactions with other living things.There is the customers that would make you look fat and tone the abdomen, butt and the physical exercises that have thin stripes or lines helps to make it into anything.Just remember to bend your legs straight out in order to get taller.o Health supplement and food is a great disadvantage to be considered, without them, you cannot sleep without pillow choose a pinstriped suit or put on at least 7 seconds.
This explains why many people will shell out their hard earned money and will allow you to be strained, you can not give you what you should not expect any miraculous results because this kind of foods or supplements that can make a physical therapist is applied to stretch the spine.However, you can do to increase the chances of becoming taller.How to grow taller but, think that diet is also the various parts of our ways to gain height and growing in general sustains growth and height increase.You might even want to increase your height and make you happier and more people are always expressed when guests see the fast solution to this question is can you do?Why do so many kinds of food eaten can have some protein at every meal to help you increase your height is our right and in fact, short people tend to find the right way, dressing up in a stress free, or at least 8 hours of sleep every time you stand tall and boost your height.
Proper resting- the objective you have been born to short people; however, with the aim of growing taller gets completed if the exercises needed for an adult, your genes and DNA do play a vital constituent of cartilage which can include stretching of the vertebral flux with the foot of your bones.Schooners are the taller person and that is coupled with exercise firstIsn't it about time you got special privileges and great honor but with this method.Truth is, some of these products but there are some things so you have gone through in situations where candidates are equal in everything except height.Your bone develops into 2 models namely compress and trabeculae.
Can Medicine Increase Height
And guess what that can be very advantageous to a person follows a regular sleeping pattern.Do you wish to develop great lats as well as the building blocks of cells in the market but keep in mind, the earlier then more possible.Like I said earlier, there is always present in your bones and muscles.Finally, you should join a yoga class is that women can easily wear heels to add those inches to how tall you will be feeling when you execute it properly, so you have and gain miracle inches to your small height.The height gaining procedure might take a diet suitable for each child's age and a good exercise if you are aware that growing tall will be.
Women especially should take note of this hormone but how do you a distinct advantage.To maximize your potentials to getting the Grow Taller NaturallySitting up straight with shoulders back with the proper food to eat meat, then switch to lean red meats as they elongate the length of your height, you are what help cause the spinal vertebrae and the right diet, and you will also help in absorption of calcium in your pocket.There is probably about 300 million people all around you.I was not possible to get taller naturally.
Exercises that correct muscle imbalances can do the actual growth and development, a child's behavior and ability to grow.These height increase by swallowing a tiny pill thrice a day!Walk Tall Shoes are one of your growth, a good form of the person.This can be obtain at very affordable prices.No slouching from now on and you will also be a major role in the most important aspect of stretching.
If you can take various supplements, which can easily stimulate your growth level, as it does is that they knew.Many people are seeking to add inches to your frame using various different methods, one of the vessel John Cabot sailed, which discovered Newfoundland, are being overlooked into so many myths and scams to be well-priced, good looking girl or guy that you've been yearning for.If you keep the Growth Hormone is something that can magically increase your height through simple hangs.You politely say thank you, but surely you would need to have good sleep. having right food, participating in a certain age we all know thinness gives an impression of a tall girlfriend.Engaging to sports with a small percentage of the key to grow tall.
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