#they can't take responsibility for loving bc that would be too intense
melodic-haze · 5 months
What if breeding and overstimulating Ei? Fucking her through her orgasm and continuing to fuck your dick into her abused hole, fucking your cum deeper into her pussy to make sure she takes all of it....
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ei x dom!amab!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Reader with a dick, dumbification
☆ — NOTES: Blame Miko 🤷‍♀️ but also I've been wanting to write Ei and/or Miko for so long THANK YOU ANON
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Put me and her in a room and I'm not gonna be the one coming out pregnant just saying 🫶
Realistically this is probably (definitely) Miko's fault for getting into her head, but she had lent her a book that she didn't realise was.....less than innocent
It was a novel that described some rather salacious scenes that had Ei go from confused to surprised to flustered.. and then to that feeling of neediness welling inside her. It's got her thinking of you and what you can do to her, which then eventually led to her personally seeking you out for a bit of a 'reading session' 🥰
Mini thought dump so if you don't wanna read then skip this point. Ok as someone who loves getting into logistics and how things would work hypothetically, I find this situation funny bc like. If Ei can model her body to whatever she wants it to be bc it's synthetic, which means taking out whatever she deems unnecessary, then would she have a reproductive system? Would she deem it important?? Would you even have anything to insert yourself into or is she just. Cursedly smooth
Anyway thought dump over, sorry for the crisis even though you were expecting 🌽. MOVING ON
It's hard to believe that the woman you're dicking down is Inazuma's very own revered Archon when the one you've got underneath you at this moment looks so unbelievably fucked out and far off: eyes clouded and rolling to the back of her head, fingers digging into the sheets, mouth glistening with a mix of your saliva and the drool on the corner of her mouth, hair out of its normal braid and surrounding her like some kind of purple aura
And that's not even accounting the occasional spark of electro here and there to which she had initially apologised for. Though that was before she became all dumb and lost all sense of thought and responsibility, her mind practically turned to mush as you keep on pistoning her relentlessly. Now she's just REALLY unaware of anything and everything else but you and how good you make her feel. Everything else is just SO overwhelming for her little brain 😞😞😞😞
"I-- I'm c-cumming again, I-- feel the--"
"'s okay, baby," you groaned out, putting her legs above your shoulders as you moved within her, "you can cum."
It will never cease to amaze you, how your words had such an effect on the strongest figure in all of Inazuma, especially when your words get her to react so very intensely—her insides squeeze you like a vice as her hips lift off the bed in an attempt to get you as close to the base as possible.. or at least, she tries to.
Despite all that strength she has, all it takes you is a press down onto her abdomen as a way to both keep her hips down and to add more pressure on her and suddenly she's all pliant. The poor girl can't even scream—she was never really the type to—so when she opens her mouth, she doesn't make a sound as you push your hips into her in a particular way before stilling your movements as you came inside for.. who knows how many times it's been?
The amount of cum that spills out from her pussy despite your cock practically plugging it shut is enough of a giveaway that you've been at it for a while though.
..But you find that you don't really care when you start up all over again, not giving her enough time to come down from her high and overwhelming her completely.
You act out whatever she saw on that book of hers: the poses, the positions, the angles, whatever she thought was interesting to her. She used her lack of present knowledge to her advantage too—she had asked you for a proper demonstration, seeing as how she had been trapped in the PoE for the longest time so she fears she's not all that familiar with these.. new words or phrases!!
Half of it was true but other half of it was her just trying to lure you. And it worked so 🤷‍♀️ fair game
You make sure to stuff her silly with all of you, scooping up what drips out and stuffing it back in to make sure that nothing goes wasted. That proves to be a hard task as you proceed though because throughout your many rounds and the actual breaks in between, there IS a limit to how much she can have inside her so it's inevitable that it'd spill
Not like the sight isn't great, it's actually the opposite—just seeing YOUR own cum practically overflow in her pussy like that? FUCK just the thought of her insides being painted white because of you??? It's the way that if you pressed down on her abdomen without your cock clogging her entrance, it'd gush out in streams.......ohhhhgoodness
Your lover stares down absentmindedly at her pussy, hole agape and very much abused and so so so filled up and stained and whatever it is she could think of to describe it. Such warmth was inside her, the feeling of being full never quite leaving her—not as if it ever could for a good while, when you've filled her with so much cum that it's spilling without anything to prevent its escape from within her.
She had designed this body with the thought of only keeping necessary systems on the design for optimal use in upkeeping eternity and avoiding erosion. Why she had designed it with erogenous areas in mind? The reason eludes her, but now not only does Ei thank herself from going through with it, she is lamenting the lack of a complete reproductive system.
While becoming pregnant would.. pose for mixed results during her planned time to make amends to the nation for running away and keeping a narrow mind on what eternity could mean, she had wondered how the session would have felt with such capabilities. Would it have felt better? The same? Worse?
..Perhaps she will take a note to reassess the Shogun's model later.
Zooweemama by GOD I need her, end of story good night all
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bella-rose29 · 9 months
Deck the Halls (and not your partner) - part 8
from here on out this series is just going to be Lockwood and reader bonding and being annoyingly good together while coming up with steadily more ridiculous ways to piss off the bitchy cousin bc she's trying to get revenge
with that said lockwood does have a brief sad moment :(
Word count: 7.1k
Warnings: swearing, references to sex (both mild and slightly less mild), sleepy lockwood, he can't talk properly when sleepy, the whole morning thing is just what I want to happen in my own life tbh, Steph (the Bitch), lockwood remembers his childhood (might make you sad), brief mentions of murder?? hypothetical murder though (that will make sense I promise), a really intense snowball fight, (can you tell I'm an archaeology student from the way I describe building forts and mud huts?), lockwood gives all the teams in the snowball fight names and they are very basic but I love them
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That night when Y/n and Anthony went to bed, they stood staring awkwardly at the bed for five minutes.
"Well that armchair can't be comfortable," Y/n said, glancing sceptically at it. She wasn't sure where Anthony had slept the night before after their argument, or even if he'd slept at all, but she didn't feel right about taking the whole bed for herself anymore now that their situation had changed.
She would do it if he insisted, of course, but there would be a very tiny part of her brain telling her to be the better person. It was unlikely that she'd listen to it.
"I got used to it, and I've slept in worse places. You take the bed again. The bath surely couldn't have been nice to sleep in."
"It was actually a lot more comfortable than you'd think." They kept on looking at the bed, both in their pyjamas (Y/n had stolen one of Anthony's t-shirts already, and when she'd first walked out of the bathroom in it he'd kissed her for a good few minutes in a way that left them both breathless). "Maybe... maybe we could share? I don't know if that's too soon or anything but honestly if we've been supposedly dating since April then I think we're way past that."
"If you're happy with it then I am, darling."
"Alright. I'm having this side though." A couple of minutes later the two of them were under the covers and settled in, and Y/n reached over to turn off her bedside lamp. The room was immediately shrouded in darkness, and suddenly it felt a lot colder than before, despite the fact she was buried under the duvet. "Ant?"
"... Can I move a bit closer to you? I'm cold." She didn't get a verbal response, instead receiving the sounds of the sheets crumpling and a body shifting, and a few seconds later Anthony's warmth was surrounding her as he took her into his arms and laid her on top of him. She tangled their legs together and wrapped an arm around his torso, and he brought both of his arms around her to secure her in place.
"Is that better?" he asked, and from where her head was resting on his chest she nodded.
"Much better. Thank you."
Her breathing evened out not long after, and she fell asleep to the slightly faster than usual beating of Anthony's heart.
When morning came (or rather when the sun finally rose over the horizon, since it was just after 8 AM), Y/n woke up and tried to turn over to stretch, but found that her movements were restricted by a weight on her side.
An investigation of what was happening lead to the discovery that Anthony was now lying on top of her instead of the other way around like they had been when they went to sleep, and that was why she couldn't turn over. She went to shift him off of her, but as she went to move him she caught a glimpse of his face and realised that he looked so peaceful asleep she might just let him stay that way. He barely got enough sleep as it was, so why cut it short when he was finally getting some rest? God knew he needed it with how hard he worked to keep the company going, although that had been much easier in the past year as they had gained more popularity among the people of England (their name had been spread far and wide by happy clients).
He wasn't entirely on top of her, more lying on his stomach next to her while he rested his head on her shoulder and spread his arm out over her middle, but the weight was enough that movement was restricted. A light knock sounded from the door, making Y/n look away from her new boyfriend's face to see who it was. For some reason fear gripped her as the handle turned, but when the door opened a few seconds later to reveal her father she let out a sigh of relief. She had been worried that Stephanie was starting her research into how she was going to get her revenge already, but Y/n's cousin was almost certainly still asleep at this hour.
"Just got some tea," he whispered after Y/n put her finger to her lips, pointing down at the still-sleeping Anthony. "Where should I put it? Just here? Alright, there you go. I think we're all just going to lie in bed for as long as we think we can get away with, so don't worry about coming downstairs yet if you don't want to."
"Thanks, Dad." He crept back out the room, wincing slightly when the door hinges protested as he pulled it shut, and then he was padding down the hallway back to his own room. Soft sounds from just below her head made Y/n look down at Anthony, who had apparently been woken by the door closing. He rubbed at his eyes, blinking furiously as he attempted to properly shake himself awake, and pushed himself up a little to sleepily smile down at her.
"Morning, darling," he murmured, dropping his head to press a small kiss to her lips. "D'ya sleep alright?"
"Mmhm. Did you?" Anthony only nodded in response, eyes drifting shut every few seconds as he tried to stay conscious long enough to hold a conversation with her.
"You can go back to sleep if you want, although Dad just brought tea in if you want it."
"Ooh, that would be brilliant. D'ya want me to pour it?" Y/n stifled a giggle at his slightly slurred speech, and starting to move into a sitting position.
"Don't worry, Ant. I've got it." She poured out the water, making sure to add the honey and sugar to his at the right times, then carefully handed over the mug. "Have you got a proper hold on it? Because if you spill tea in bed then I might have to kill you."
"I can't spill tea? But how else are you meant to know that George and Flo have definitely fuc-" he was cut off when Y/n hurriedly reached out to steady his mug, the liquid inside nearly sloshing over the edge as he had been leaning in in a conspiratorial manner, forgetting he was holding a large cup of steaming hot liquid in one hand.
"Anthony! Watch what you're doing!"
"Sorry," he said, faint blush coming on to his cheeks as she scolded him. "Was jus' trying to make a joke. Although what I said about Flo and George wasn't a joke." He made a point to look her in the eyes with as much seriousness he could muster, as though it were of the utmost importance that she knew all about her colleague's sex life.
"Alright, thank you for that," she responded, making sure her tone was gentle, and when he smiled dopily she felt her heart skip a beat or two.
How the hell is he so pretty?
"You're pretty too, darling." His smile had turned smug, and she realised with a start that she'd said her previous thought out loud. Her face started heating up, and Anthony did a good job of hiding his laughter were it not for the amusement dancing in his eyes as he sipped his tea.
"Shut up," she mumbled, wanting to jab him in the side but not trusting his capabilities of holding his tea steady this early in the morning.
"Good morning, lovebirds!" Will chirped when Y/n and Anthony walked into the kitchen, and he sent a smirk their way from where he stood at the hob frying eggs. "Sleep alright?" He seemed to be asking something else though from the way his eyebrows were moving.
"Is... he okay?" he whispered instead, leaning down slightly to reach Y/n's ear.
"I talked to him in the library yesterday. After... you know."
"Ah. Right." After they had argued and then made up and then made out. "Does that mean he's up to date then?"
So Will knew about all of that. This could be interesting.
"They must have slept fine," Ben started, pulling out the toast that had popped and putting in more slices. "Y/n looked like she'd only just woken up when I went in with tea, and Anthony was fast asleep."
Anthony felt a blush rise up his neck and cover his face at the realisation that Ben had seen him draped over his eldest daughter, but the fond smile that appeared on Y/n's face made it worthwhile. She was wearing one of his jumpers again (she had really leaned into the habits of being his girlfriend already, which meant that many of his t-shirts and jumpers were suspiciously not in the drawers he had originally put them in), and was cosying up to his side as he leaned back against the kitchen island.
Y/n looked like she was about to say something, but at the exact moment she opened her mouth another voice was already filling the room.
"Morning everybody! How are we all today? Isn't the snow just gorgeous?"
Emma grimaced slightly before she turned around, sharing a glance with Anthony before greeting her niece. "It is, Stephanie. I take it you slept alright?"
"Oh yes, thank you!" She was weirdly chipper for somebody who had been acting like a raving lunatic the night before, and Anthony couldn't help but feel unease creep up his spine at her wide grin.
What was she up to?
"Hello, you two! Are you looking forward to going out in the snow later? I shall have to drag you out, Y/n/n, since you hate going outside!" Anthony frowned. Y/n wasn't the biggest fan of the outdoors, but whenever they gained even the slightest amount of snow she was out of the house in a flash, laughing and spinning around the street while it fell. Anthony had always accompanied her, giving the excuse that he wanted to be nearby if she tripped and fell so he could laugh (to which Lucy, George, and Holly had looked at him dubiously).
But really it was because it had been so long since he had seen anyone so carefree.
He had loved the snow as a little kid, running around trying to catch the snowflakes on his tongue, building snowmen, making snow angels, having snowball fights with his family.
Then he had been on his own, and suddenly the snow was no longer a source of warmth for him. He had looked at the roads paved in white and felt as cold as the outside air, good memories being brought up and tainted the longer he stared at it.
He could see where he had set up a fort in defence against his father and sister's attack, crouching behind the wall with his mother while they laughed so hard their sides hurt.
He could see where the four of them had laid down in the thick snow, spreading out their arms and legs and sweeping them back and forth, back and forth. Jess had deliberately laid down close to him so they could hit each other playfully.
He could see where he and Jess had made their snowman (although they called it a snow ghost), carefully picking through the undergrowth to find the perfect stones that were just right for the features.
He could see all of that when he saw snow, and eventually he had stopped looking.
But then Y/n had come along, bright and burning, and when she had experienced her first snowfall at 35 Portland Row she had shrieked with joy. Within moments she had shrugged on her thick coat and boots, hat haphazardly shoved on her head and gloves neglected as she shot out the front door, and the other members of the agency were left behind to wonder what on earth was happening.
The other three were quick to follow, leaving Lockwood inside to watch from behind the glass barrier, and for the first time in years he looked outside and saw the snow.
He also saw Y/n fall on her ass incredibly dramatically, and immediately good memories were being created again.
It took him another year to actually go outside in the snow again, and by this point he was deeply entrenched in the hating game that he had with Y/n that he used his excuse of wanting to see her fall over.
He didn't admit to himself for a while that the real reason he was in the cold with her was to make sure that she didn't fall over too hard, or get knocked over by a car that hadn't realised anyone would be on the road (really, why couldn't she have gone in the back garden?), or even because being outside when she was this happy was making him forget that he couldn't feel various parts of his body due to the biting air.
So hearing Steph say that she was going to have to drag Y/n, the girl who loved snow, outside into the snow, didn't make sense to Anthony. He glanced at Y/n where she was stood at his side and realised that she had told her family she didn't enjoy the snow, because there was nothing on her face that said she was confused like he was.
He really hoped they could leave this place soon, because while Y/n's parents and siblings were wonderful, her aunt (who had been sat in the corner sneering at the couple) and her cousin were not. The constant remarks about Y/n's body, how she acted, how she ate, her job, her life, what she enjoyed doing and what she didn't, it can't have been healthy for her to grow up with those comments, and apparently Y/n had been lying to them about herself to get some of it to stop. Anthony suddenly felt even more awful for the things that he had said over the years, and he dropped his head to meet the top of Y/n's to press a kiss there. She looked up in surprise, a question on her face, and he only shook his head and laced their hands together.
He wasn't going to hurt her again, not now that he had a chance with her. And if anyone else hurt her? Well, he would just have to ask which one of them was picking up the shovel, and who was taking the body bag.
After breakfast everybody wrapped up as warmly as they could and headed out into the snow. It really was insane how much snow they had had, given it was England and they were unused to the sort of snow they saw described in other parts of the world. Anthony had grabbed Y/n's hand after Stephanie tried to get there first, and when she had tried again to be the one accompanying Y/n outside he pulled her out the front door where John and Sam had started clearing a path.
"Ant, slow down! You're gonna pull my arm out of its socket!"
"You'll be fine. I'll give you CPR."
"Ant, you can't give me CPR to fix my arm not being attached to my body anymore."
"Oh. Well I might as well do it anyway, just in case it does help." He was tugged backwards when Y/n came to a stop behind him, and turning around he realised they had travelled quite far from the house.
"Yes, my darling?"
"Do you just want to give me CPR because it gives you an excuse to kiss me?" He tried not to blush too hard at how quickly she had figured out his ulterior motive, but recovered just as fast with a smug smile.
"I don't need an excuse, darling. I just need to know you consent." She pushed forward, hand still linked with his, and planted a kiss on his mouth.
"Unless I physically assault you, Anthony, then consider me always consenting to you kissing me."
He kissed her again, trying not to smile too much since it stopped them from kissing more, and wrapped both arms around her waist. She was smiling too, her cold nose pressing into his, and she let out a joyful shriek when he suddenly bent slightly and picked her up off the ground, twirling her while not ever taking his lips off of hers. When he finally put her down again he sighed in content, resting his forehead against hers and just revelling in the knowledge that they had worked through it all, and he was happy.
Then a snowball hit them square in the face, and he was spluttering while Y/n looked for the source.
"That's enough kissing, love birds! You can do that later!"
"Will." Y/n's eyes narrowed and the smile on her face was downright wolfish, and Anthony desperately hoped that she considered him a team mate or he was going to get pulverised.
"Darling, can I just ask, is it the two of us against your brother?"
"It's the two of us against them all, Ant." He knew she meant all of her family, but he couldn't help but think that she meant that it was the two of them together against the world, too. "Oh! You've never had a snowball fight with us before, have you? Basically instead of a kill-or-be-killed scenario, we combine it with capture the flag. Nana Jean has a collection of items that she gives each team, and you have two hours to build a fort and any defences you want. Then when Nana Jean says go, you've gotta get all the items in your fort, and then get all the way to Nana Jean on the front porch. It's very important that you get all the items in the fort first, because otherwise you get accused of cheating and get disqualified. Ultimately, though, nobody can trust anybody, but everyone always tries to get Steph and Linda because nobody likes them."
"So... if we can't trust anyone...?" He left the rest of his question in the air, but luckily she knew what he meant.
"Don't worry, I'll pair with you. Normally I'm with Olivia, 'cause we're meant to be in pairs, but my brothers never care about that rule. Mum'll throw at anyone, and so will Dad, my grandparents are on the porch watching from their chairs, so they'll get some good photos I imagine, Olivia is far too busy trying to look good all the time, and we need to duck!" She grabbed the front of his coat and yanked him towards the ground just as a large chunk of snow sailed through the air where their heads had just been. "Right. We need to start making some sort of defence, which shouldn't be too difficult because of how much snow there is, and then we need to start making weapons, because Nana Jean has obviously just started the timer for two hours building. Sabotage is also allowed during this time." It was both terrifying and weirdly attractive how quickly she was getting into the spirit of an all-out snow war, and within seconds Anthony found himself being put to work building walls.
He had done a similar thing with his family.
London never really had that much snow on the ground at any one time because of all the people and cars that needed to move around, and since agents still had to go out at night the roads and pathways were mostly clear to prevent any unnecessary deaths or accidents. One year, though, there had been too much snow for people to shift enough of it in one day ready for the night, and weather officials had said that temperatures would be rising anyway and the snow would melt in a couple of days. Anthony's parents had woken him early (back when he slept without an issue) and pointed out his window at the snow, and he had been so excited he had gone and jumped on Jess' bed, not caring when she swatted at him with a pillow. The four of them had then spent the day building forts in the back garden and getting their defences ready, and he and his mother had tried planning their walls strategically for the best possible advantage.
"You can't just put it all on top like that, you need to build it a bit like an igloo, or a mud hut. And make sure you've got the proper dense snow, not this superficial flaky stuff. Add some sticks and rocks and things for a bit of integrity, and pack the snow around it. That's it!"
His parents had taken fort building seriously, no matter what the material they were using was. Pillow forts were always complex too, but when finished Anthony had a castle to be king of.
"What are you doing?" Y/n asked, pulling him out of his memories. He'd been crouched down behind a bench that was in their front garden, clumping bits of undergrowth together and starting to build up the walls.
"You need to add sticks and rocks and things for integrity," he said, like it was the simplest thing in the world.
"Oh. That makes sense I guess. Can you-" she stopped herself for a moment to hurl a hastily made snowball at someone, and Anthony made a mental note to get her to teach George how to throw when he heard a yelp from somewhere in the garden and a cheer from Y/n. "Sorry, needed to get John. Can you like, show me what you're doing? Then we can both do it and get these walls up faster. I really think it's unfair that Will, John and Sam always team up because they all play fucking rugby, so their walls are basically done already."
"True, but we fight ghosts, darling. We know better than anyone how to win a fight, because if we lose, we quite literally die. Here, take some of this," he said, placing some of the stones he had found in her outstretched hands. "Stack them up a little bit, like I've done, yeah, that's good. Then take a whole load of snow and pack it around. It makes it a lot stronger."
"Where did you even learn how to do this? You literally never join in when we have snowball fights back home." His hands slipped when he realised that she had called Portland Row home, but he quickly recovered.
"My mother."
"Oh. Ant, I'm-"
"Don't. Don't say you're sorry. It's... it's nice, actually. Remembering her. Sad, because she's gone, but nice." He could feel Y/n watching him and he cleared his throat. "I don't know if you were in London when we had that last big snowstorm, but there was about this much of it. My parents took me and Jess outside all day and we built forts in the back garden, and then had a snowball fight. It was me and Mum against Jess and Dad. We won, of course. Mum had a really good throwing arm and Jess was complaining about the cold." He smiled at the memory of his sister's squeals when he had snuck up behind her and stuck snow down the back of her coat, running away with a gleeful laugh. An idea struck him then, and he sat up a little. "I've just had a brilliant idea on how we can piss off Steph," he said, and Y/n mirrored the shark-like smile he had on his face.
Around an hour later, pretty much everybody's forts were complete.
Will, John and Sam had taken Tom into their team (to which Y/n had complained further, since it was meant to be a pairs team situation) and their fort was huge, with walls that took up an entire corner of the garden. Steph and Linda had a pathetic looking fort since neither of them wanted cold hands or to touch the snow, but it was good enough to provide a small amount of protection for now. Emma and Ben's fort was surprisingly decent, and they had added a little turret on one side just for fun.
Then there was Anthony and Y/n's.
"What is that meant to be?" Sam shouted at them, his tone mocking. Taunts were always called out at this stage, Y/n had told Anthony, since everybody had made their defences and weapons and now they were just waiting on Nana Jean to say when they could start. "It looks like a mud hut!" John yelled, clearly thinking that they would be an easy target.
"Good," Anthony muttered, smile decorating his face. "Mud huts are weirdly strong if you build them right."
"You are so random," Y/n said, but she was looking at him with stars in her eyes. "George I would have expected this kind of knowledge, but you? Never would have guessed you knew this much about mud huts."
"My parents studied them, Y/n/n. Of course I know this much about mud huts."
"So random," she whispered under her breath, looking back out at the playing field. Each of the four teams had taken a corner (Olivia had chosen to side with her parents after they threatened to take away her tv privileges if she didn't join in), and Anthony and Y/n were in the opposite corner to The Brothers Grim (he had named them that in his head). The Bitches (Steph and Linda) were on their right, and The In-Laws (Emma, Ben, and Olivia) were on their left. That meant that they, The Love Birds, were most likely going to get attacked last. Everybody was going to be aiming for The Brothers Grim or The Bitches, since they were the strongest team and the most horrible team respectively, and Anthony and Y/n had come up with a plan.
"Are the names really necessary though?"
"What do you mean?!" He did his best to look appalled. "Of course the names are necessary, darling! How else are we meant to quickly and effectively communicate which fort we're going for?!"
"You're ridiculous, Anthony Lockwood."
"We've covered this already, Y/n L/n. I'm very aware of how ridiculous I am."
"I mean, what kind of person pretends they're a whale when drinking orange juice?"
"Yeah, but that only works if you have the orange juice with the bits in it, because then you can filter it through your teeth and-" She had cut him off with a kiss again, and while he had been in the middle of a very important explanation, he didn't mind that this was how he was being cut off. "You really need to stop interrupting me like that, darling," he said after she pulled back, but he didn't mean it. She knew that he didn't mean it either, because she was smiling softly up at him in the brief silence that they had before the fight started.
"Go over the plan one more time?" she asked.
Nana Jean had taken her place on the front steps, wrapped up in about ten blankets as she sat on her chair next to Gramps.
Y/n was tense, a pit of nerves forming in her stomach as she crouched next to Anthony. Their plan was supposedly foolproof, but they only had her knowledge of previous snowball fights with her family to discern what the other teams would try and do, and they could always have new tactics. The one thing they could rely on, however, was everybody attacking Steph and Linda first.
Each team had been randomly allocated an item from Nana Jean's collection, and had placed it in their fort. Their job then was to protect it at all costs, and not let it reach any of the other forts. Once in a fort, provided the thief didn't have all four items, they could be taken back along with any other items in the fort.
The Brothers Grim seemed to have the advantage, what with their huge walls and numbers, but Anthony and Y/n had spent most of their lives fighting far more threatening opponents in far more dire situations, and so this would be a breeze. With her knowledge of how her family fought (extremely dirty) and Anthony's weird knack for planning intricate extractions of items, they were sure to win.
They would even end up with time to spare to get under Steph's skin.
"Ready?" Nana Jean called out, receiving multiple affirmations in reply. "Three!"
Anthony shifted beside her, and she got ready to move.
The pit of nerves was filled to the brim, spilling over and making her limbs shake.
Anthony's face was set in determination, and his eyes were flicking over the playing field as he waited. She was sure that she was doing the same.
Immediately action brought the front garden to life, with people running everywhere and snowballs flying to and fro, mostly missing but occasionally finding their marks. Anthony had already shot off while Y/n stayed behind with their item: Nana Jean's scarf that was too old and tattered for her to actually be kept warm by it anymore. She knew that Will would try and sneak around the back, and John would be left at their fort since he had the best aim and strongest throw. Sam would be the decoy, and Tom was just running around hitting everyone. Steph and Linda were getting annihilated, crouching down and shrieking loudly when snowballs from all directions took the top of their fort walls off. They had used the soft flaky snow instead of the proper solid stuff, and as such their fort wasn't much protection. That's what Anthony had said, anyway, and she decided that he knew what he was talking about. Y/n spotted her mother attempting to creep up behind her, and she chucked a snowball right at her face. It missed, hitting her shoulder instead, but it was enough of a threat that her mother backed off for now.
Anthony had disappeared somehow, and while she searched for a while she couldn't spot his skinny beanpole frame anywhere. That was probably a good thing, she thought, because if she couldn't find him, then their first target definitely couldn't.
Olivia made for Y/n then, battle cry piercing the air, but before Y/n could even take aim her sister was taken down by someone else's snowball, quickly followed by a "YES! HA HA!" that told her it was Tom. She looked through the gap in the bench that Anthony had left while building their fort, and saw her youngest brother doing a victory lap of the field, getting hit by snowballs but carrying on anyway.
"Got it," Anthony said, making her jump and nearly hit him. "Woah! It's me!"
She did hit him then, hissing her response. "You scared the shit out of me!"
"Sorry, darling, sorry. Got it though!" He smiled triumphantly, looking very proud of himself as he lifted up the woollen hat that had been the item belonging to The Brothers Grim.
"Excellent!" She planted a kiss on his frozen lips and he grinned even more widely as he put the hat down. "Did they see you?"
"Nope. I told you earlier, I'm like a ghost myself." He had said something to that effect earlier on, but she hadn't really been paying much attention because she was too busy thinking how gorgeous he was when he got excited. He was like a puppy, and she could practically see his tail wagging while he looked at her with those brown eyes.
"Yeah, you certainly look like one right now," she snorted. "I'm pretty sure you're the same colour as the snow."
"Oi, my ghostly complexion is going to win us this thing, alright? Anyway, it's your turn to go out. Here." He handed her the large rock that they had found, and kissed her on the cheek. "Go get 'em," he winked, and then she was off, leaving him to guard their fort while she made for her parents.
Unfortunately they saw her coming immediately, but purely because Tom was still running around like a headless chicken and had screamed "Y/N'S COMING! Y/N'S COMING!"
"Dammit, Tom," she muttered, frown on her face. She had hidden the rock in her coat pocket since it was the right size (She and Anthony had made sure they would fit properly), but she still had to get the large gloves from their fort. The stone didn't matter now, because they had seen her, so all she needed to do was snatch their item and get back without being brought down. Luckily the gloves were tied together, which meant she only needed to grab one and she could be off again. Her parents were already tiring, she could tell, but years of being an agent and building up the stamina needed to run away from Visitors all night meant that Y/n was only just getting started. She dodged the snowballs that were thrown her way, and slid behind The In-Laws' walls, taking part of it with her. "I'll take those, thanks!" she said, picking up the gloves and immediately running off again, trying to ignore the snow she could feel melting down her spine. "Here," she huffed when she got back to her own fort, nearly knocking Anthony over.
"Oh, perfect! You alright to stay here while I get the last one? Or did you wanna pause for a moment? I don't think The Brothers Grim have noticed their item is missing yet, but your parents are definitely going to start making their move on us soon."
"Just gimme a moment to catch my breath, and I'll be good to go." She had collapsed into his side, clutching her stomach and trying to control her breathing, and he wrapped his arms around her briefly.
"As much as I would love to stay like this all day, darling, I do also need to throw snow at your family because they're coming this way."
"Oh, yeah. Go for it," she replied, sitting up again. Anthony picked up a snowball in each hand and chucked them over their walls, and although Y/n couldn't see who it was she did hear an "oof!" a few seconds later. "I've still got the rock from The In-Laws attempt in my pocket, so I can go and get The Bitches' item if you wanna keep throwing? You're better at it than me 'cause I can only use one arm. The other one is shit at throwing."
"You sure?" he asked, picking up another snowball. She nodded. "Alright. You know what you're doing, yeah?"
"Yep. I'll see you in five, Schmoopie."
"Why are you calling me Schmoopie? That's my name for you!" he called after her, playful frown on his face. Her only response was laughter, which she quickly stifled as she hid behind the thick oak tree closest to Steph and Linda's fort. Their item was a snowshoe, although where Nana Jean had even found one of those was a mystery. The rock she had in her pocket wasn't really big enough, but if she covered it in a bit of snow then it would be good enough to fool them. Anthony's intricate extraction plan for getting all the items had been to use decoys after sneaking up on each fort, and so far their first target, The Brothers Grim, hadn't even noticed. They were too busy fighting off Olivia, who had turned slightly feral over the course of the fight, and Tom, who had apparently decided that no team was better than the team he had created for himself, and was throwing snow at everyone including himself. Y/n crept forward slightly to assess how long she had before either her cousin or her aunt turned around, but then snow started hitting their nearly-destroyed fort again and she knew that Anthony was working on the distraction for her. Tom started attacking Steph and Linda again too, and while her Dad had joined Olivia in attempting to break down the walls of The Brothers Grim's fort, their attack was weakening.
She needed to move fast.
Y/n made her move then, bending down to grab some snow in one hand, and readying the rock in her other, and headed in the direction of Steph and Linda's backs. They were too busy trying to remake their walls, which meant they had left their snowshoe unguarded behind them. She dropped the rock in the snow, then picked up the snowshoe, and in the next five seconds had shoved the snow in her other hand down the back of Steph's jacket and sprinted away. Her cousin's screams followed her the short distance back to her fort, and Anthony didn't need to ask how it had gone when he heard them. "All four items, safe and sound. Now we've just got to get to Nana Jean without them getting taken off us."
That was the hardest part, since Nana Jean was sat on the front porch nearly completely opposite them. They would have to cross the entire playing field and pass The Brothers Grim fort to get to her.
"Alright. You take these. You can't put them in your pockets, which is annoying, but otherwise we'll be disqualified for cheating. You ready?" she asked Anthony after loading his arms with the items. He nodded, fiery determination in his eyes.
"I'm ready. Remember the weak spots in their walls, yeah?"
"Yep." She had memorised the points that Anthony had pointed out to her earlier, and thanked his parents for showing him how to build excellent forts.
"Okay. Three, two, one, go!" They stood up from behind their walls and started running, Anthony's long legs carrying him across the field while Y/n periodically stooped to grab more snow and compact it into a good enough shape that she could throw it far. He nearly made it, and then Will appeared out of nowhere to take him down. Anthony twirled out the way (always the fancy one), and Will missed catching him by a hair's breadth, but now there was more of a distance between Anthony and Nana Jean.
"THEY'RE GONNA WIN!!!" Tom shouted, and suddenly all of Y/n's family members were closing in on her and Anthony with snowballs in their hands.
"RUN!" she screamed, begging her legs to respond. They were slightly numb from the cold now.
Nana Jean had her arms outstretched from where she sat on the porch, and Y/n was momentarily blinded by the flash of her Gramps' camera just inside the window. She threw what snow she could at both people and forts, picking out the points where Anthony had said were weakest and aiming, and sure enough within moments part of The Brothers Grim's fort had collapsed, and the brothers themselves were crying out in anger.
Time passed slowly and in a blur, and before she knew it Anthony was up the steps and shoving the items into Nana Jean's arms and collapsing at her feet, then letting out a small cry of pain when Y/n landed on top of him. "Did we do it?" she asked, expression wild as she tried to catch her breath. Anthony didn't say anything, his face not revealing anything.
Then he cracked a smile, and it was like the sun had come out. "We did it!"
"You did it, love," Nana Jean said from above them, looking fondly down at her granddaughter where she was lying on the floor.
Y/n immediately pushed herself up (that made Anthony make another "oof" since she had braced her full weight on his chest) and turned around, pointing at all her gathered family members who were stood looking sorry for themselves (apart from Tom, he was still running around and throwing himself in the snow) and shouting "HA! WE WIN, SUCKERS!"
"Thanks," Y/n said, gladly accepting the mug of tea that Anthony handed her. He smiled down at her, one of those soft secret smiles that he kept for the people he loved, and sat next to her on their loveseat.
She wasn't sure when she'd started calling it their loveseat, but that was what it was, she supposed. Nobody else sat on it apart from them, and now they were cosying up like they always did. She had slung her legs over his and made sure not to spill her tea while he adjusted.
"That's nice and warm," he said, holding it under his face to heat up his frozen features. Y/n hummed her agreement, sipping on her own tea.
Everyone was snacking on random bits of food from the still-extensive collection (despite how much had been eaten at the party), and Anthony had brought over a bowl of bits for the two of them to share. Despite the slight chill that still sat in her bones, she was warm, and as she watched Anthony converse with her Gramps she realised that it was him making her warm.
Not his body heat, although he was surprisingly warm for somebody who had been running around in the snow all day, but rather the feelings he was stirring up in her. He made her feel warm just by interacting with her family, just by allowing her Gramps to tell him jokes that the rest of them had all heard a million times, just by even being here with her. He hadn't needed to come with her, and in fact he had argued against it and compromised, saying if she couldn't find anyone then he would do it and be unhappy, and yet he had done it anyway with a smile on his face. She'd genuinely believed that he wouldn't come with her, or would go back on his word because he thought it would be funny to watch her suffer.
But he was here, cuddled up on a loveseat with her in her family's house, talking to her Gramps about trains or something (she suspected it was more her Gramps was talking at Anthony), and he was hers.
Steph hadn't stopped watching them like a hawk since the snowball fight, but Y/n couldn't find it in her to care because she was with Anthony, and they had achieved a sliver of revenge themselves earlier. Her cousin was rightfully pissed about having a bunch of snow chucked down her back, but then again she had spent her whole life making Y/n miserable so really she deserved it.
He was her home, she realised. Not this house, not even Portland Row, despite the fact that she regularly called it that. No, neither of those places were her home.
Anthony Lockwood was.
part 9
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Tag list: @ahead-fullofdreams, @aislinrayne, @anathemaloren, @anthgoldenhrry, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @aysha4life, @bobbys-not-that-small, @briar-rose23, @curseofhecate, @dangelnleif, @edible-rat-vomit, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @ettadear, @fearlessmoony, @fudosl, @idkbubs, @imaginebeingmentallystable, @informedimagining, @karensirkobabes, @lady-ashfade, @light-23, @locklyebrainrot, @locklyle1kanij, @locknco, @magicandrosewaters, @mentallyillsodapop, @mischivana, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @newbooksmell777, @no-morning-glories, @novelizt, @phlooper, @ran23sblog, @reggiepeterss, @simrah1012, @somethingrandomwatzit, @star-of-velaris, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @whistle1whistle, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife, @y0urm0m12
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faeble-drabbles · 2 months
Hello! I could go for some NSFW poly Vegeta x reader x Bulma 👀 maybe a one shot where the reader is a bit insecure about her looks compared to Bulma (bc let’s be honest she’s super hot)? Thank you 😁
I've been wanting to respond to this one for a while //sobs But work training has been kicking my ass lol (Imagine going from potato lifestyle to immediate athletics work + kids)
So I'm still a bit tired so I can't do a full one shot story style, but I WILL do my usual headcannon style!
NSFW under the cut so MINORS DNI - 18+
•°• VEGETA x Insecure!Reader x BULMA •°•
+ Imagine you all had gone to a beach trip the week before. You were ready to stun your two lovers in the new swimsuit you picked out. But all that confidence went out the window when Bulma came out in her bikini looking absolutely gorgeous.
+ Ever since the trip you got a bit distant and it was starting to show little by little. Bulma and Vegeta had not a single clue why you would be upset, especially after such a nice vacation. It wasn't until they notice you staring solemnly at your reflection in a full body mirror that Bulma got a hint. Vegeta on the other hand needed some explaining.
+ Bulma would slip into the room behind you, wrapping her arms lovingly around your body. "What's with the sad face? You're looking at such a beautiful figure~ What is there to frown about?"
+ At first you tried to jokingly brush it off and tell her you were fine, but Bulma has her ways of getting the answers she wants. It wasn't long before you admitted to her how you felt...lacking in comparison. Bulma was both flattered and upset when hearing this. She was happy you felt so highly about her physique, but not if it meant shaming your own figure.
+ A small smirk appeared on Bulma's face as she hatched an idea. Her hands began to roam over your body. "I think all of you is stunning...your legs...your hips...I especially love these" As the words trailed from her lips, her hands traveled underneath the fabric of your top and began to massage your breasts.
+ You moaned and squirmed as she worked your breast with one hand as the other began to slip downward into your panties. "I think this part of you is quite beautiful too..." She purred before slipping her fingers between your folds.
+ Bulma would then turned you to face Vegeta (Which caught you off guard, how long had he been standing there??) tugging your clothes out of the way so she could put you on display for the prince. "Anything you'd like to say to our beautiful lover??" Vegeta just let out a grunt in response as he stepped forward. He definitely was not the type to show his affection with words, but he had other ways of showing it.
+ You were perfectly sandwiched between the two of them. Vegeta had captured your mouth in an intense make-out session and had wedged his thick thigh between your legs to grind on. Meanwhile Bulma was continuing her ministrations with your breast with one hand and toying with your clit in the other as she nibbled on your neck.
+ It didn't take long before your orgasm hit you hard, causing your body to shudder between the two of them as you rode it out. Vegeta gave you a smug look as he tilted your chin up at him. "Don't think we are done just yet..." You heard Bulma chuckle behind you as she leaned her head on your shoulder. "Oh definitely not...We are going to show you how much we love this body of yours...even if it takes all night~"
+ Prepare for a night of body worship and a LOT of orgasms.
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
OMG I JUST SAW YOUR PUPPYGIRL POST SO CUTE. There's barely any rep for these babes i bow to you. Lemme get uuhhh..
Puppy boy kaeya. Accidentally gets turned into a hybrid for a day bc of albedo experiment, and he has to go ab his day with a pair of ears and a tail. His s/o finding it adorable when he absolutely melts when you scratch his ears or under his chin. Getting that special spot that just makes his leg jerk and tail wag from how good it feels
tbh i love a good beedable and submissive kaeya hes just so YUMMY ive decided to make this on the softer side rather than lewd so!! yah :D
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Kaeya really thinks that he should stop drinking anything that Albedo gives him but as Diluc knows far too well, Kaeya will drink anything put down in front of him if you either ask him right, or dare him to.
Albedo said that drinking this potion would help with his research and Kaeya is nothing if not a good friend. He took it like a champ, not minding the chemical taste of a potion as he sat there and waited for something to happen. He thought the potion was a fluke, just about to ask Albedo about it until he felt this intense urge to just go for a run. Kaeya isn't unathletic by any means but he wasn't the biggest fan of running.
It wasn't until Albedo put a mirror up to his face that he realised that the potion was working. Now, placed atop his head was a pair of husky-like ears, swiveling left and right as Kaeya tried to figure out what was happening. He could hear the dull thud of his tail thumping behind him, Albedo muttering something about Kaeya being so happy he was useful that his tail was wagging.
Kaeya frowned a little as Albedo takes notes and tells him to just go home. Even if the potion was going to eventually wear off he would rather have his regular ears and no more tail, clutching it tightly to his chest to stop knocking things down in Albedo's lab. At least Dragonspine didn't seem nearly as cold as it normally would on the descent, attributing that fact to his newfound husky-dom.
He was going to complete the rest of his shift, not expecting to fel the effects of the potion too much but now he found it even more difficult to be alone. Before at least he was able to hide it, just feeling a little lonely when he had to do work by himself but now he found himself constantly itching to go bother Jean or Lisa, practically hanging off of Mika when the young man returned from another exploration as he hounded him with questions.
Nobody really seemed to mind Kaeya being more energetic than usual, the sight of his ears just letting them know it was most likely Albedo's doing. His tail was relatively controlled and he practically ran home to see you, bowling you over so quickly you can barely register he's a dog hybrid.
"I missed you so much!" he whines as soon as he's got you pinned under him, tail wagging aggressively as you stare at him.
"You have-"
"Ears and a tail, I know. Albedo's experiment backfired or something and they should be gone some time tomorrow," he responds quickly, nuzzling into your neck.
You hesitantly reach out to scratch just under his chin, grunting a little as he goes limp on your body. Kaeya melts on top of you, whimpering as you continue to scratch under his chin. He can't help the way his body sprawls out on top of you and you're just glad he didn't turn into a dog breed that tended to drool.
"Gods that feels so good don't stop," he pants, tail thumping loudly against the ground.
"You're so cute," you coo at Kaeya, finally able to get out from underneath him.
Without thinking he sits on his haunches, staring up at you to see what you'll do. You can see a mischievous glint in his eye and before he can act on whatever instinct it is he wants to you start to pet his ears and scatch his chin again, laughing as you watch his body jerk in response to the good feeling coursing through his veins.
The rest of the day was spent with you trying to use up his new boundless energy. He was quite insistent on going for a walk, or just chasing you around the house. You didn't mind at all, reveling in the affection he gave you once he caught you.
He would keep butting against you for more cuddles, pouting adorably whenever you would teasingly draw your hand away. There was nothing more he craved right now than your attention, practically jumping at you whenever you reached out to touch him.
When he's finally tired out he ends up falling asleep in the weirdest position on the bed. You can't help but take a few photos with your Kamera, totally ready to use this to tease him when he wakes up in the morning.
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skzeuphoria-blog · 1 year
Okay okay okay so what about like pussy drunk Jisung who absolutely w r e c k s you when you’re too incoherent to do anything, or he’s the first person to ever finger/eat you out and it’s in his studio (the fingering/eating you out) bc you’re just the tiniest bit needy and too tempting for him to focus on his work. Or the most dominant lee know with a pain kink that becomes a problem bc like a paper cut is bad news and the two of you try to keep it a secret from the members as to why you go missing for a bit after he stubs his toe or hits his hand on smt, until he ends up somehow cutting his hand while chopping vegetables (which isn’t supposed to happen bc it’s Minho), and it’s a HUGE problem bc he gets so incredibly horny that you’ve barely pulled out the Bandai’s before he’s fingering the hell out of you and the members find out bc they hear y’all banging I’m sorry this is so long😭
omg first of all tysm for requesting this!! you're legit the first person to do so and im so sorry if i'm late to answering this. i deleted the app and i had stuff going on and completely forgot to check tumblr... also fair warning this is my second time EVER writing something like this so i have ZERO experience but keep the ideas coming tyty!! this is very rushed because I wanted to get something out to you and i had no idea in what style to write so i just put something together quickly and you can always request something else anyway....
I absolutely love the idea of going over to Jisung's apartment to "study" (you had a wet dream the night before and was kind of needy) and to get some "help" (you want to get touched sexually) by Jisung.
You'd open up your textbooks and computer but within 10 minutes you were already staring at Jisung, imagining your dirty fantasies that you didn't even know you had before.
You weren't a prude but you've never had the opportunity to act out any fantasies even small ones due to a lack of boyfriends.
You noticed your cheeks burning up and looked away quickly trying to open another textbook but as you were doing that you knocked a glass full of water over, causing it to spill all over the floor. You'd gasped and say, "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! It was an accident I swear" Jisung would laugh in response saying that it was okay and he knew you were clumsy. You'd hurry to the kitchen to get paper towels and run back. As you would bend over, wiping the floor dry Jisung could catch a glimpse of your ass (and the wet spot that was starting to form).
He'd soon, too, would start to imagine you bending over and him fucking you raw, telling you to focus on your task but the feeling of Jisung being in you raw would be too much and you'd start telling me to go faster and harder.
Jisung would inevitably get uncomfortable by the growing tent in his pants and trying to cover it up with a pillow from the couch.
You'd look over at him and wondered why he looked so flustered and red.
Jisung would groan, throwing his head back "Ah Y/N, I can't take it anymore, this is too much." Jisung would definitely be cocky towards you and very straightforward. No beating around the bus with Jisung. Direct is the way to go.
He'd reveal his bulge he's been hiding under a pillow and you'll look at him with the most innocent angel eyes that always drove him crazy.
He'd tell you to come over and sit next to him. At that point, you were like putty, willing to do anything for Jisung. He had you (and your pussy soon) wrapped around his finger.
He would tell you to remove your clothes and in less than 5 seconds they would be off of you and on his floor.
He'd maintain eye contact as he would tease the entrance to your pussy, making you gasp. You'd quietly ask for more but he'd tell you to speak up like a good girl. Saying it louder, he'd oblige and put his whole finger in slowly, making you gasp even louder.
He'd look at you intensely, his finger going in out, exploring every inch of your insides making you moan.
To Jisung, your moans were the prettiest music he's ever heard. He'd love to hear them on repeat.
Begging him to go faster, gripping his body, he would oblige and go faster. You'd moan and say a curse of strings that Jisung would get turned on by. He loves it when your pretty mouth curses.
You'd finally cum on finger, shaking all over.
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One of my first Steddie fics was Steve going punk. I have a lot of feelings about Punk!Steve, so I am really pleased to see the fandom getting excited about it.
I was thinking about an Au in which Max discovers The Runaways & has a sweeping personal epiphany, gets into punk & starts playing the drums. She loves how cathartic it is, also that it's to loud for anyone to talk to her.
She starts teaching Eleven too as she learns. It turns out that once she's been exposed to the idea of making music, El has a gift. She picks it up with with an almost supernatural ease. Eventually they want to start a band, its the summer after 8th grade. Eleven switches to bass, bc she can, they recruit Erica who was absolutely scandalized to hear that no one knew she played piano & guitar. But they had a small problem when they wanted to do gigs. There was only one place, the hide out & they were extremely minors. In order to play, they had to have "a responsible adult".
There was no way any of their parents were gonna work for that duty.
Steve was the obvious answer to their problems. When he said he wasn't gonna spend every weekend sitting in a run down little bar, they offered him a spot in the band... which was a little unconventional but it was punk so whatever and actually Steve was perfect for a front man. He could talk to the crowd right? (Steve does not love the idea but sure fine he could do that maybe)
The thing is, these kids have worked so hard to make this happen, Steve can't actually say no... & If he was being totally honest with himself, he kinda loved being included. So he says yes to being a vocalist, co-vocalist.
He encourage them to also yell if they wanted... Erica has immediate ideas. The band progresses surprisingly well. When they decide they're ready Steve easily books a gig. Max & Erica are both massively annoyed it was so easy for him when it was their band and idea. But whatever they have their first gig planned
They argue about the name of the band for so long they have to emergency name it the weekend before the show so they can put up flyers. Max & El wanted to call it Mommy Issues, Erica had gotten really into X-Ray Spex & wanted to call them The Wrex. It got a little intense.
Steve in desperation suggested Cherry Rex... because it referenced The Runaways song Chery Bomb, and had the aesthetic energy of The Wrex & X-Ray Spex
To his shock they actually agreed on that.
Their first gig was on a Monday, to nobody but one very belligerently drunk guy who might have passed out in his booth. Of course they expected that more or less. It was more ok then they thought though, the girls had a blast... and actually so did Steve.
A month or three later and they'd slowly worked up the live band tenure and were getting their first Friday night slot. There would be four bands, two punk, two metal; Boondock Boyfriend, Death Vision, & Corroded Coffin. Cherry Rex were playing the opening spot being the newbies. Steve thought Corroded Coffin sounded vaguely familiar, but couldn't figure out where from. He wasn't to worried about it though, he was here for Cherry Rex.
Getting the parents permission to take the whole party to a borderline dive bar (he left that part out) had been one of the most trying experiences of Steve's young life, but in the end he got it done, and everyone was super excited.
Eddie always came early on the nights Corroded Coffin played, he liked supporting his fellow musicians, many of whom had only played parties and basements before they could get in here. It was a point of pride for him to not be a snob about it. He supported anyone and everyone who wasn't a bully or a bigot.
This weekend they had a whole new band, playing. He'd heard that it was a group of preteen punk rock girls, so of course the rock bros were grousing. He would have none of that though. He remembered when he first got into music as a preteen, the way it let him process feelings he was to scared to otherwise. He would definitely be there for their first weekend gig
So imagine his surprise when he finds Steve Harrington on stage. He introduced everyone Max on drums whom Eddie recognized from around, as well as her maybe? girlfriend?, who's name was apparently the number Eleven, on Bass. And Erica, who actually exhuded rock and roll energy, on guitar. Steve called himself their token adult. He spent half the time singing, but also dancing, sometimes being hype man for whomever was singing that particular song.
He was wearing a Hawkins High Tshirt that he'd scrawled The King is Dead across in Sharpie. Also light wash jeans, which Eddie had laughed about at first, but when he cut them off at the knee while they were still on his body, during Erica's song about self reliance, identity, and D&d... and he had fishnets on under them? He was completely won over. They were pretty good...and Steve Harrington, a punk? He was genuinely so fucked. So so fucked
(does Vecna & the upside down exist here? I don't know)
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greasegotahold · 2 days
Don't think about how Darry's anger comes from how intensely he values Pony's life.
Don't think about how precious Pony is to Darry, and how fragile his life must seem to Darry after the death of their parents.
Don't think about how it's been 8 months since Darry had to really truly bury his dream of one day going to college, how badly he needs Pony to move up, for his brother and for himself.
Don't think about how if Darry had to shift his entire approach to Pony in under 24 hours, and maintain it for 8 months, he might be expecting, without realizing it, that Ponyboy ought to have shifted his entire approach to his own existence because why the fuck can't he see how much it matters to preserve himself?
Don't think about how the first thing Darry sees at the start of the book is Pony, who just turned 14 last month, jumped and bleeding.
Don't think about how Darry knows he could have gone with him. Don't think about how Darry knows their relationship has been so disrupted that of course Pony wouldn't call him.
Don't think about Darry grasping at things Pony "should have" done that he knows deep down would only have worsened the situation.
Don't think about how the narration, being from Pony's POV, glosses over the constant disregard Pony shows for his own safety, be it from adolescent folly or trauma response.
Don't think about how terrifying Pony's self disregard would be for any guardian, but especially a 20 year old brother who's been a guardian for less than a year, and who cannot be there to support him.
Don't think about how fucking late 2:00 am is for a 14 year old to come home, especially when Two Bit's been home after coming from the same place.
Don't think about Darry realizing in an instant how badly he crossed the line with his slap. How he fell back on the comments he was just ranting at Pony for using.
Don't think about Darry being met with police at his door the next day; the likelihood he initially assumed they were there to report another death in his family.
Don't think about Darry losing sleep for weeks waiting for a call from or about Pony. Don't think about Darry still having his roofing job while sleep deprived.
Don't think about Darry finally getting his baby back after said baby ran into a burning building.
Don't think about how Darry seemingly doesn't know about Pony's painkiller tolerance bordering on overdose.
Don't think about Darry being faced with Pony yet again wanting to put himself in danger, but this time Darry is there too. Don't think about how on the one hand that's better bc he can step in; on the other, if Pony's hurt it really is all on him.
Don't think about how the time we really see Pony and Darry at their closest in the story is when Pony is bedbound and semi-dissociative.
Don't think about how in the book Darry only learns what happened That Night after Pony ran out from Randy's testimony as Pony isn't fit to give his account.
Don't think about if Two Bit mentioned the incident of Pony breaking a bottle to threaten some socs
Don't think of Darry going from wanting Pony to carry a weapon to fearing Pony falling into those bad habits.
Don't think about how Darry and Pony are really so very alike in their academics and their athletic proficiency. Don't think about how neither of them acknowledge how Soda must feel left out between their shared "potential".
Don't think about Darry not realizing he needed to shift his relationship with Soda, too, until Soda finally broke.
Don't think about how Darry ran after Soda; don't think about how he didn't initially run after Pony.
Don't think about how running after Soda happened because he didn't run after Pony and look what happened.
Don't think about Darry likely worrying that Pony takes running after Soda as proof Darry loves their middle brother more
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tallulah477 · 11 months
YESS loak who lives in his brothers shadows falling for the girl that was BETHROTHED to his brother (who has a nasty attitude and isnt well liked within her inner circles but her people loves her bc shes nice to them only in her own ways lol) is a level of angst that is so hot
like loaks reaction when neteyam confided in him telling him hes gonna run away with his maid/childhood friend and loak is like ???? youre going to run away from your duties? and neteyam is just like yeah i love my beloved more than aristocracy lifestyle
few months have passed since then and now jake is stressed out from all of this - his oldest son is missing and no one knows where he or his maid is (except loak who he sends letters too from time to time)
and like u said he NEVER thought he would be the next king he had his whole life plan out, train the knights for his brothers army, date some girl who isnt ultra famous and wealthy but in the middle and settle down and pop out a few kids and now his whole world is turned around because he now has to fill in his brothers (complicated) shoes and hes realizing how intense this was all for neteyam and hes has to learn it pronto
but omg poor princess??? the man she was supposed to marry since she was practically born, has been told from a young age she was going to be prettiest wife to neteyam and then he goes into hiding for some maid ??? that would break her ego so bad, and now she has to marry the brother who all he does is play knight oh its so bad for her
but as they hang out they slowly (so slow neteyam would have his first baby by then lmfao) they slowly begin to become friendish - princess finds it hard because her attitude is the worse and she cant accept the fact that she likes someone who all he wanted to be was a trainor for the knights
and loak is trying to ignore that she was originally supposed to marry neteyam, he knows neteyam never liked her but it still fucks with him sometimes but he gets over it eventually
AND OMLLL princess!reader who goes to visit loak on the training grounds and shes definitely does not fit in bc shes hoping her custom made dress doesnt have mud on it as she tiptoes bc god its gross here and she asks the knights where loak and they guide her to where she is
cue her knocking on the door and opening it to see loaks back and oh my god his back is so hot its so broad and waist is so tiny and hes sweating n loak just turns around like what?? meanwhile her face is super red bc she didnt know he was that built underneath that hes leaner than the knights he trains who are meatheads but he was still so defined and the mixed metal necklaces he wore just compliments him so well and now shes needs to find her maid and ask her what are these feelings
— 🤍
Catch up on the story:
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Extra: One | Two
CW:// Slight Mention of Pregnancy
Right?! She has such a "don't fuck with me, I'm not the one," attitude. She needs to be serious all the time, needs to always have her head on straight and can't make stupid mistakes because if she does, she loses all credibility. Sure, she's kind and looks out for her people, helping them and protecting them however she can, and her people see that and appreciate that - but she doesn't want to act like the emotionless bitch that she has to be. She wants to be happy, free to genuinely smile and feel what she feels, but she knows that if she shows even the hint of too much emotion, too much weakness, she's just going to be ripped apart.
And Lo'ak can understand that. He knows what it's like to not be able to be who you want to be. His whole life he's been compared to his perfect brother: Neteyam who is better at facilitating communication between neighboring kingdoms, Neteyam who speaks clearly and takes responsibility humbly when needed, Neteyam who's never had to be told not to slouch during court. He's been cast aside as the 'spare', but not invisible enough to not need to be on his game.
He can't joke around like he wants to, at least not without Jake and Neytiri hissing at him to behave. He can't go exploring, can't go out and see what far away lands have to offer because "your duties are here, son". So he found something that he enjoys, a way to get out all his pent up energy and aggression, and he's good at it. So good. He has a true gift for training the knights, getting them ready to battle and protect the kingdom, but even that's sometimes overshadowed by his brother - having to train Neteyam to fight, train Neteyam to be the best, even better than himself - to be worthy of the crown he would get one day.
Would have gotten. Because Neteyam is gone now. And somehow the responsibility, and all the duties that come with it, have fallen on Lo'ak's shoulders and now more than ever he feels he can't be himself.
He would understand how Princess feels . . . if he could get over his own bitterness.
Jake is freaking out - he's sent out a search party on multiple occasions looking for Neteyam and his runaway maid, but they can't find them. Neteyam is smart, building their cottage outside of the kingdom's boundaries, and the only person who knows the location of it is Lo'ak. Lo'ak is bitter, of course, and angry with his brother for what he's done to him. But he would never give up their location. He wants his brother to be happy, so he keeps the information to himself.
He appreciates the letters he gets from Neteyam though. They make him smile, to see that his brother is finally living the life he's always wanted: something calm and peaceful with the woman he loves. He's super giddy when he gets the letter that Neteyam and his wife are expecting their first child. He's going to be an uncle! And the news makes him so happy that he just can't help but smile all day, sneaking off to tell Kiri and Tuk the good news too, and Princess is just looking at him like he's crazy - "Why is he so smiley all of a sudden? What could he possibly be happy about?"
Their relationship is rocky at the start . . . and in the middle. At first, when she was still Neteyam's betrothed, Lo'ak thought she was a spoiled brat. And now that they're supposed to be together, they can't stand each other even more. But the more time they spend together, the more they can't help how their eyes start to trace the other's movements. Their ears seem to always latch on to the sound of the other's voice. Random thoughts popping into their heads about the other (how nice they look in their formal attire, how their eyes glimmer in the glow under the chandeliers) before they have to physically shake those thoughts out, annoyed that they were even there to begin with.
Lo'ak actually growls to himself when the thought of Princess, round and beautiful with their own future child, her fancy custom-made gown falling perfectly over the bump, pops into his head after he finds out Neteyam's expecting.
He's shaking a similar thought out of his head as he's undressing after a rather intense training session. The new knights he's training are annoying, young men who think they're so great and are flooded with undeserved confidence and it just makes Lo'ak want to rip his hair out. But he heard a couple of them whispering about how beautiful Princess is, and how they'd give anything for a night with her and Lo'ak can't seem to justify the dark feeling swirling around in his chest when he hears it.
He thinks it's one of them who slams the door open, come to annoy him even more with stupid questions or overconfident remarks, but instead it's her. The woman he can't seem to get out of his head. She's panting, face flushed with exertion from trying to walk through the mud coated ground. The bottom of her dress is covered with dark brown, once shiny heels now sticky and sinking into the ground. She always looks so put together and clean, so the ruined look throws him off a bit and he can't help but think that she looks beautiful like this too - all flushed and hair out of place from where she tossed it over her shoulder carelessly in her frustration just to get it out of her face. She's scowling, mouth opened ready to give him a few choice words no doubt, but her words die in her mouth when she sees him: topless, corded muscles and strong back on display, all glistening and sweaty and fuck - now she feels like she's starting to sweat.
She's never seen a male like this before. Never seen so much skin. And he turns around when she enters, surprised and the question "what are you doing here?" falling from his lips, but she doesn't answer. Can do nothing more than gape at him like a fish because now his broad chest is on display too, tapering down into a narrow waist. All he's got on is a pair of tight black pants and boots, and her eyes can't help but linger on the slight bulge she can see from where they hug him between his legs.
She feels hot all over, a tight ball forming in her stomach the longer she looks at him and it's only when she feels a strange wetness pooling between her own thighs that she snaps out of her trance. She turns and leaves without a word, running to her bedroom and immediately calling for her maid. If she ever had a best friend, it would be her maid - the person who has been there as her helper ever since she was a little girl. Her helper, her protector, her guide.
Her maid's eyes widen as they take in the look of her Princess's state - dress ruined and covered in mud, face hot and red with embarrassment and something else she can't quite place.
"I don't know what I'm doing!" the Princess cries. And her maid is there for her, to clean her up and wrap her in soft blankets, ready to hear what her Princess has to tell and give her the best advice she can.
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mcalhenwrites · 1 month
I am still alive but have no spoons to directly reply to anyone right now. I'm working on stuff with roommate and therapy, but... unless the money situation improves, my life won't. There are no good days to return to. The problem is, I have a collective 39 years that have added to nothing. And I have still tried to be optimistic. To work through the chronic pain to write, work, and be there for my friends when they need me. (But it all gets harder the more time that passes.) When people still say I'm a good friend, I'm baffled. I don't see it. My writing isn't working out. I need it to, or I will not survive financially, and it just seems a little cruel to ask me to hold out and hold out for something that's never going to happen - all so I can die the hardest possible way in the end, bc I fought like hell to still be at the bottom. I'm not currently suicidal, but I'm pretty much just going day-by-day, trying to find improvements and realizing it all comes down to the same issue: I have no money. And the issue isn't "fix health to work more at a job that isn't writing" - I can manage fibromyalgia and IBS, and the latter costs money to obtain the correct food to do so. I qualify for medicaid; I don't qualify for food assistance now that I work a job! I quit crochet and people threw a tantrum, and if you want to see my self-defensive "I CANNOT DO THIS AND WILL NOT AND FUCK OFF" as a tantrum... go ahead. I do not give a fuck. I love writing. I did it even when I knew it was awful, bc I figured the more I did it, the more I would improve. I worked hard. It just isn't good enough for the world. That's okay. I have always been a loser at everything. Everything ties back to writing: I need to do it for my comfort and therapy. I want my stories out there bc I want to be able to offer other people that comfort. Too many of us come from abusive households, and some of us had it shape our mental health and our sexualities. I need to publish to make money to survive, bc I can write while bedridden. I can write while most of my body is sore and my eyes are half-closed and I'm bored but unable to play games or read or clean or anything else due to physical pain/exhaustion. (And yes, there are times writing is also impossible, and I'm crying in bed bc of the pain intensity levels.) Unless you have a chronic pain issue coupled with comorbidities, I don't want your lectures or assumptions. I don't want to hear that there is "help" while I watched the system try to push my autistic brother into a goodwill job that falls below min wage, and when he wasn't able to handle the responsibilities, they've basically refused to help him otherwise. Even though my brother is capable of many things, he is "disabled" in the system, and they want to insert him into a fixed situation they put all disabled people. I'm doing better than him financially, but when my parents go, he has no one. And I can't be that person, ever. I can't even get my dog back right now. I can barely afford to visit him, but I'm going to anyway soon bc I need to hug him or I really will fucking off myself. I need a lot of support to get my writing off the ground, and I'm never going to deserve it. If I did, it would have happened by now. My roommate wants me to keep trying, but... I don't have hope it'll work out. Right now, I'm so overworked I can barely get any writing done. And I'm working about 15 hours a week. At a low-demand job where I sit most of the time, and cleaning maybe takes 40 minutes at its WORST. Yeah. I'm pathetic indeed. I can't help but feel that way. And when I give myself a little treat to survive the next day, it's at a steep cost to my future. I can buy a book and go to the library, but at the end of the day, that's all time and money that should have been spent on work and saving. Life is punishing, and I just don't know if I can keep being punished. I'm not even this kind of masochist lol
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spookyserenades · 8 months
Readers answer this Prompt- what is your fav moment between y/n and each of the members? (posted by anon).
Jungkook- at first I thought my fav moment would be his 1st scenting scene but after reminiscing on it for awhile I feel like my fav moment with him so far was the bench scene. I don’t know why, but theres something about her reassuring him that she has no favorites that just warms my heart ❤️ also when he thanked her for his b day celebration it was so SWEEET! (Ik thats two moments but i cant choose between then :,(
Taehyung- The moment when tae back hugs y/n at his first art exhibit while they look at the photo he took of her 🥹 that moment is tied with the moment y/n said she trusted him after he told her what happend while he was trying to escape. 
Jimin- Gonna be honest it was hard for me to think of a specific moment between them, I could be wrong but I haven’t seen my mans in a while (besides little tiny moments) 😭. My fav moment has to be when y/n gave surprised him with visa 🥺 she literally shipped a HORSE for him omg 😱 he’s just a manly country man and any time y/n gets the hots for him (like when he was working on the roof of the barn 😉) is always fun lol. Also after his scenting scene (which obvi I love duh) when he talks abt his family and sis 🥺😔
Hobi- The moment when hobi whistles after jin and y/n enter the house after hobi called them when they were sitting in the trunk. He whistles and gets nervous that she gets annoyed by it but she calls it charming and says that its a great way she can find him when hes lost at the grocery store 🥺🥹 sorry i know im rambling but its so cuuute. His scenting scene is also super intense and one i really enjoyed 😉 
Yoongi- The scene during his first basketball game where she ran into his arms!!! He was looking for HER and it is so heart warming to read over and over again. Anytime they tease each other in the kitchen as well!
Joon- Ok, I dont know why but the scene where y/n looses to joon in chess is just so funny to me! And when she throws the chess piece at him and he’s like “you wanna do that again? Hm”. Also when he gave her that opal (i think some stone) after she gave him his b day gifts to show his true appreciation 🥺🥹
Jin- When jin wants to go to the cooking class with HER. 🥹 Also anytime they’ve held each other in their arms while sleeping, like after jin talked about his past with her. This ones short bc honestly they have so many little moments together and so does yoongi and y/n so its hard to pic 🥺 also maybe when she gives him the lord of the rings book, my boy was in his feels 🥺🥹 
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SQUEALING over all of your choices UGH I'm also a HUGE sucker for that moment with the chess match between Y/N and Joon 🥵 There's so many little moments to choose from, maybe I should pick my faves too? 🤔 AH
I LOVEEEEEEE this prompt so much and I'm so grateful to everyone who's joined me on this story's journey so far😭 Thank you for everything, and thank YOU bestie for reminding me of some of the sweetest moments between the characters so far 💕💕💕💕
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ifidiedinadream · 9 days
May I present pure filth?
Imagine you're in a hotel room on tour, and you're mad horny. You try and try, but you just can't make yourself cum, like fingering, humping, going slow, going fast, but you just can't satisfy the ache.And you've been trying for like at least an hour, and you start thinking about what you can do, cause you're desperate.
Your mind has the idea of asking one of the guys to 'help'. You fight off the idea for a while but then you're suddenly knocking on his hotel door, in like a tiny tank top and shorts (or no shorts, your decision). And you're really embarrassed but like you're so horny you almost don't care. You sort of mumble to him about your... Predicament... And he can't understand, so you then just ask him to fuck you.
He's there like "what" and you repeat yourself with the added "please" almost in tears because you're so desperate. The look of you is so hot to him that he gives in. (For plot purposes he's alone in the room for some reason or another)
You low-key get dragged in by him, and he starts dirty talking you and low-key humiliates you "you're so desperate to cum. Needed me to take care of that needy pussy huh?" Placing you on the bedHe then rips off your underwear, drops to his knees and starts devouring you, looking up as your tank top has revealed your tits, groaning as he watches you pinch your nipples.
He almost moans as he says "so fucking wet for me baby". He then starts licking and sucking softer, realising he may have gone a bit too rough at first. But you're then like "don't be careful, I just need you to ruin me"
Good lord does he take that to heart. He's putting his finger in you, sucking on your clit, as he adds another one into you. He tried to get even closer to you, pulling your thoughts so your hips are angled more up. You let out the loudest moan yet, as he chuckles into your cunt. He keeps going until you say "ah fuck I'm gonna cum, please"
He keeps his relentless pace going until your hips raise and he can feel your pussy spasming. He keeps you going through your orgasm, thrusting his fingers, rubbing over your g spot.
As you cry out again, he slows, and stops looks up at you, "feeling any better". You whine "need you"
He curses, standing up and cupping your face with his hands "are you sure"
You hastily nod, breathing out a 'yes". His eyes lock on yours, suddenly slowing the pace of your rendezvous "can I kiss you?". As if he hadn't been eating you out mere seconds before. You pull him into you, smashing your lips together
Moments later he is thrusting into you relentlessly. He pulls your legs up to his shoulders, almost bending you in half. The new position has your jaw agape, moaning his name"You just needed someone to fuck you stupid didn't you"
You whine in response, as his puts his thumb on your clit, "poor baby". You look up at him seeing the beads of sweat on his forehead, and hearing his laboured breathing, and viewing his messy hair. He hits that one spot in you that made your toes curl, over and over again, as tears brim in your eyes.
Your moans get more frequent, switching between "ah, ah" and his name. You can feel the knot that has been winding up in you for the past day finally tighten up and not stop. "Uh, I'm gon-"
"I know, let go"
Your knot finally unravels, and at an intensity you haven't felt in a while, as your pussy cums around him. He, not that far behind you, cums as he watches your face contort into one of pleasure.
He puts your legs down, almost collapsing on you as you both breathe heavy. You end up curling up under covers with each other, falling into a blissful sleep.
Needless to say the others ruthlessly make fun of you the next day (awful ending and insert your own blorbos ig lol)
this was so hot what are you on about 😭😭😭😭 literally only not putting it in the fave tag bc it's already written so why would i write it again. i need this with aleksi SO BAD i love the thought of just. knocking on the blorbo's door bc you're desperate
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frances-baby-houseman · 11 months
Barbra Streisand is an insane person. Here are just a few more of my favorite bits, also not in order bc I'm starting where I am and then i'll go back. There is so so so much more where this came from, do not worry that I'm spoiling anything (I am the kind of person who hates when people do this!) Anyway--
He was on the next plane to New York. When he arrived, he said, "I'm going to take you shopping." And he bought me a Fendi fur coat . . . not a fancy Fendi fur. In fact, it was rather funny looking, made of pieces of fur sewn together with actual holes in between . . . kind of like a thrift shop coat. But I loved it because it was the same henna color as my hair.
(ed: that coat was designed by Karl Lagerfeld and that line of Fendi furs was hugely influential. the more you know, babs!)
Gregory Peck was a lovely man who believed in me early on. Before I knew him, his house was for sale, and I actually went over to look at it. I opened the door to his audio closet, which was filled with LPs, and was touched to see he had all my albums. (But whoever wrote the label on the shelf misspelled my first name, so I pulled out a pen and crossed out the extra a.)
(ed: remember she has not yet met Gregory Peck before editing his LP collection.)
Now, looking back, I can hardly believe my response. How stupid! Today I would be more adventurous, but I was too insecure sexually back then, still a nice Jewish girl from Brooklyn with my mother's admonitions echoing in my head. Free love was not my style. Besides, how do you brush your teeth in the desert? Do I sleep with my makeup on?
(ed: "free love is not my style" coming from a woman who later admits she forgot she slept with Warren Beatty.)
Neither of us trusted many people, and it's interesting how a lot of the people we trusted were the same . . . Quincy Jones, Mike Medavoy, Carol Matthau. Once for a dinner at Quincy's house, Marlon showed up wearing a burgundy sweatsuit with stripes down the side. By this point he was probably 280 pounds. He told me he was eating a quart of ice cream every night. I could relate... I love ice cream too. There's nothing like a big, fresh scoop of McConnell's Brazilian Coffee, packed into a crisp cone and handed to you at their store in Santa Barbara. The intensity of the flavor, made with real coffee beans . . . the smooth rich texture . . . By the way, you can't get McConnell's ice cream at just any supermarket, and this particular flavor is even harder to find. So you can imagine all the reasons I suddenly invent to go to Santa Barbara.
(she goes on about her love of ice cream for another 3 paragraphs before getting back to Marlon Brando's depression.) (this is so far my favorite passage in the book.)
ugh one day soon I will be done with this book and it will be the worst day of my life since I finished the mike nichols book.
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rawmeknockout · 2 years
Lost Light crew reacting to a mech (reader) having a flashback, assuming said mech did not previously disclose that they’ve been abused by their conjunx in the past? I know it’s a bit angst-y but my traumatized ass would love it if you wrote on this
//im not usually comfortable with like,,, abuse-centered stuff bc i think it is a pretty far reaching thing that doesnt even primarily take the form of violence and just feels like a 'mundanity' that seeps into all aspects of life (which is hard to portray in little snippets tbh) but this idea was just calling to me for some reason; btw only did a few bc these are long and id rather explore this in a reader-central fic than in headcanons//
when your ex captain’s ship crosses paths with the lost light, he really doesn’t think anything of it. his crew sees horrible old acquaintances all the time in their journey. it’s only until later that rodimus thinks this time is different. youre not filling him in on what's wrong and continue to brush aside his worry, but your old captain is already making their way on board to greet him and rodimus has to play polite. your old captain seems like a decent guy, and he's clearly admired by his crew. sometimes personal issues turn sour, so, although he doesnt like that tense, twisted look on your face and the way your optics focus on the boarding dock with an intensity he's never seen, rodimus believes it should be fine for now.
he pesters you later to know what's wrong, cause he's a nosy sort of friend, and when he finds out(whether from you or someone in the know), Rodimus insists that the crew has to slaughter this guy. Magnus has to step in to stop rodimus from starting a fight.
even afterwards, you continue to insist that what happened was in the past and not that big enough of a deal to do anything. he feels a nagging in his processor. that he should have done something, although he draws a blank when its not about punching someone or yelling them down.
as someone more perceptive than he lets on, tailgate gets a feel that something is wrong when he asks you what it was like to be part of that other crew. you give some vague response and leave it at that, clearly very distracted by something, but he figures maybe you just don't like your old captain as a person. it seems a lot of higher up autobots tend to say one thing and do another, making them not all theyre cracked up to be.
he's not good with words so he just gets furious when he finds out your past. he’s ready to fight and also torment and also eviscerate. yeah maybe sometimes he bullies you or pranks you but that’s a privilege reserved for tailgate and tailgate specifically! an absolute bastard of maximum proportions. i’m not just talking about fist fighting he’s cooking up plans for murder.
in the end, tailgate doesn't exactly have the best way of comforting you. he's never dealt with this sort of thing and telling you that he'll keep you safe seems to fall flat when he actually voices it.
you two aren't particularly close before this, so chromedome is much too focused on his day-to-day tasks to bother with a visiting crew they can exchange supplies/maps with. that is until rewind gives him the scoop about what seems to have gone down on the bridge today regarding rodimus and the other captain. chromedome is really only half listening, rodimus is known to get pretty violently jealous, until rewind gets to the part about your old captain potentially being 'rough' with his crewmates.
he knows a thing or two about shitty exes. he figures your situation is much different from his own until you confirm that you did, in fact, date your old captain. you two are more alike than he realized. it's hard to be around someone you trusted after they took advantage of you, using their proximity to hurt you, but it seems unlike him you can't shake your ex. whereas chromedome can just leave cybertron to escape, your ex is in a position where he can keep tabs on you and it's not exactly weird. he finds himself much more protective of you, especially if magnus and megatron don't let the lost light beat up your ex.
he'll just have to make up for that on his own time.
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melis-writes · 1 year
i need your cognizance … im kind of new to the al pacino fandom and ive binged watched his filmography in over 3 days and i LOOOOVED EVERYTHINGGGG but mostly just staring at his gorgeous faaaace (im rolling my eyes and biting my fist as i type this)😮‍💨🥵😩 but im rlly having trouble finding my footing with the elephant in the room … and that is him having a baby at his present age and dating a woman 50+ yrs his junior… like im in too deep now, i just watched his nypd episode and that’s how far ive already went😭(not complaining👀) but im also at this stage where idk what or how to feel about him doing that. obviously ive acquired an above-average-more-than-wikipedia knowledge about him (i like him a normal amount, trust me) and i won’t willfully overlook the fact that he’s kind of a womanizer and one that is commitment-phobe, so i guess him having new girlfriends isn’t out of the blue but to date someone THAT young? like that could be ur daughter😭 in fact his eldest daughter is a few yrs older than his current gf
anyway what im rlly trying to say is, i need u to weigh in on this and pls tell me ur opinion. ive read ur impressive work and it encouraged and inspired me to read the godfather as a book, and not just settle on watching it. and with that in mind i thought u were the right person to provide insight on this. as u can see i love al so much, im actually thinking of making myself a bday cake with his picture on it, similar to a pic i reblogged a few days ago, but im soooo conflicted on this. like i truly am. i know it’s bad to have parasocial relationships w celebrities (especially younger versions of themselves OMG) (but im rlly not i just love him sm and admire him) but im at this phase where im afraid that finding out more of his humanly desires would disappoint me? and yes ppl might say i shld avoid putting celebrities on a pedestal bc they rlly dont give a fuck abt who u are😵‍💫 and i would definitely love to be one of those ppl that could simultaneously admire a person for their achievements and recognize their kind behavior but also acknowledge their wrongdoings … but if i do that isn’t it kind of telling on my end, of my behavior and shaky moral compass😫? or, now that im in too deep, maybe im just trying to maintain this idealized version of him in my head and this is simply a reality i refuse to accept😭? bc honestly when the news broke out a lot of ppl were divided, with most responses pandering to eerie and just odd reactions, but a small minority claims a different take, along the lines of ‘if two consenting adults wanna make a family then why not’ and this rlly bugs me bc ??? apart from it being an awfully lazy analysis there’s just SOO much to unpack about this situation. like theres just way too many layers and there’s nuances too. one of the replies actually said men at the age of 60 should already be neutered to prevent from procreating ever again and why i kinda agree to it ?? 😶 like im so conflicted … like i rlly am … this is eating me out and consuming me i honestly dont know what to do.
anyway IM SO SORRY FOR THE RAMBLING AND FOR HOW LONG THIS WAS … im sorry for the overcomplication … pls take ur time in answering this im rlly sorry id rlly appreciate ur stance on this … I LOVE UR WORK SO MUCH IT KEEPS ME SANE. especially with the gifs🥰🥰🥰🥰 bc of u i still get to fuel my indulgences. THANK YOU
Ah my dear, welcome to the Pacino fandom, first of all. 🤣❤️ We Pacino girlies welcome you with open arms here lmao I know exactly how that intense ass Pacino brainrot can hit and how hard too. 🥵
You're right first of all about the fact that there's a lot to unpack beyond the "it's two consenting adults in a relationship" piece but here's the thing, it's not meant for us to unpack. At the end of the day, all we can do is hear news, gossip and read articles about Al's relationship and this and that but we don't know how much of it is actually true and what's really going on, and we can't know. It really has nothing to do with any of us, and those two don't care what the public think either. It's Al and his gf's private life and judging on how shit broke out, they seem to have a lot more to worry about on their plate than anyone else's reactions.
Al is basically a womanizer from what I've read lmao. He always really has been and I know things obviously changed when he got older but an early article that came out saying Al and his gf are dating mentioned the age gap doesn't bother either of them and his gf has dated men around the same age and even older than Al. This is their personal and private life, after all. Men can have children at a very old age, this is just how science works lmao although it can be baffling at 80+, it's still a thing. From what the gossip online says, it looks like this was an unplanned thing and Al isn't doing so good. He doesn't seem to be jumping over the moon about everything from what I read either. I think this is hard for him, tbh.
And some people may think it's weird someone as old as Al is still having sex but given his track record, I'm not surprised at all lmao. To avoid disappointment from celebrity parasocial relationships and putting them on pedestals, you need to come to an understanding that you're also recognizing and putting up (in a way) their flaws on that pedestal too. Al is not a perfect human being, nobody is, but he isn't out here trying to be perfect or live up to anyone else's definitions either nor should he.
I love that you admire and love Al like the rest of us, but you also need to come to an understanding about the things he's done or said or whatnot that you don't agree with or necessarily like. He's just a human being at the end of the day, it's so complex. Don't think too hard on it, because everyone has their flaws and mistakes and as we recognize this, we can still love them for the great things they do. That's really the only thing you need to do.
I think the fandom as a whole looked way too far into this man's personal life. It does not effect us whatsoever and it's honestly none of our business. Al doesn't owe us anything and he's not trying to be a role model to us; we shouldn't be this held up about his personal life. I know it can be hard not to care, but sometimes all you need to do is acknowledge it, accept it, and move on.
I would also recommend reading the biography "A Life on The Wire" by Andrew Yule. It has a lot about Al's life from early days, to romance, to his personality and everything inbetween. It's seriously extremely detailed and gives you a whole new insight on just who that man is!
Feel however your heart wants to feel. You don't have to get held up in Al's personal life like others or form a strong opinion just because someone else has. Something like this doesn't need to stop you from admiring what a phenomenal actor Al is and how he's a fine ass man too. 😭
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satocidal · 1 year
Honestly, I do tend to babble a lot so I'm glad you don't mind when I give long responses 😅
Honestly, it's not exactly yandere (icks) it's more like the idea of someone being possessive and the obsession it's more in a like "I'm constantly thinking about you and a lot of things I see remind me of you and while I do basic things I can't help but think it would be better if I did them with you or you will like it". Kinda like rlly caring. In the way a certain color or scent reminds you of someone, in the way one cooks and thinks of funny memories from when they cooked the same thing with someone.
The alpha/omega is something I enjoy mostly bcs one, I love the concept of big strong muscular Suguru, two, I love the idea of knotting and mating for life (especially when it requires both parts to complete the bond) and three, it requires quite the intensity. It's the satisfaction of instinct mingling with care and heart ig. The "I crave this person so bad it makes me quite pathetic". Probably bcs I'm not exactly the classic weak omega strong alpha but the feisty omega who could walk their partner like a dog. The one where things balance, as one is strong and can put up a nasty fight but the other is fast and could evade it and not be caught. It's the absolute comfort of simply cuddling and one purring because their partner is kinda under the weather and the sound and vibrations and scent and warmth feel simply healing.
In the soulmate kind of way, I guess
I'm a future social worker and honestly I find being around kids easier than being around adults many times. Kids are less stubborn and can be polished, are more open to ideas and are truly fascinating to talk with, got really different perspectives that many times restore my faith in humanity ngl
(Oh, to have Suguru wiping blood from you. Definitely don't mind it)
The next week things should start settling. Getting my glasses and, maybe, luckily, seeing at what dorms I get in for Uni and all that.
I hope for nice roommates, ngl
And take your time! I know how hard it is to write and how busy life is and all that. Don't worry, truly. Take your time, take care of yourself and your beautiful soul. Don't stress over it.
You're giving free content. Remind yourself you're not indebted to anyone, really. Do it in your own rhythm :3
Ok ok ok ok I get it. And I take back my words, i do like your kind of possessive and obsessed because it’s so cute and it’s so everything and yes. Like them just thinking about you with everything, they saw flowers- they remember your favourite ones and decide to get you them, remembering that you like a specific scent so they buy that kind of humidifier and the room fresheners or even in the little things just smiling like an idiot thinking about you.
So I don’t really get the appeal with the mating thing (I’m afraid as fuck of commitment🤡) but but but the new wip! It has that love pathetically trope and akhskajkssjsks. And yes finally an omega and alpha thing I can support because I don’t like the timid and possessive trope. And I just, imagine an omega who’s like all intimating and shit but like putty in the alpha’s hand. Something where the omega can finally Let go of all responsibilities and just yk, let themself be treated well.
And it reminded me I need new glasses too, like I think I worsened my number✨(I am secretly afraid of doctors like not in a scared way but I don’t like doctor visits) and thank you so much for being understanding <3
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sayingyournames · 1 year
Omg where to start. I have already been punched in the heart over and over with just this first chapter of ywlm. I guess here are just some rambling thoughts?
- that hello kitty boombox. Something that was a symbol of the role you could never fulfill, but also gave you the first thing you could really claim: music. And now claiming it as a tether to your Inner Child, to keep what you choose of Little Sirius and spend some time seeing him and telling him "it's going to be ok see we have our boom box our stuffie our proof we were a child once we existed and that childood happened and now I'm the grown up I'm here and I'm going to take care of you"
-I am ill for the Black brothers and always will be. The "I'm proud of you" is truly the most emotionally poignant thing a younger sibling in a family like that can say to their elder sibling who doesn't quite fit the mold. And the gender validation "big brother" I cry and laugh and celebrate so intensely with Sirius there. And how Sirius wants to protect Reggie but Sirius needs his own protection more than Regulus does. That's a brutal reality for an older sibling: because your younger sibling "fits the mold," they will be more ok than you will be if you don't save yourself. You have to give up the one role you did have: big sibling. Protector.
- the shopping scene omg. I was curious what reading this would feel like, since I am not trans but have major body ish leftover from growing up in the 00's and my god. Wonky sizing, feeling overwhelmed, being able to pick your own clothes instead of your mother doing it and not knowing where to start. I was FEELING Sirius there. It was giving the fitting room in the junior's section of Macy's. And I loved seeing him be brave and pick that skirt because he LIKED it and he could PICTURE himself in it, and start to dream about presenting the way HE wants rather than having to miserably exist in these extreme binaries to try to make things easier for everyone else except himself.
- ok last but not least the queer gaze from James and Remus. I don't know if your James is going to be queer but to me, juxtaposing those two moments side by side is Sirius's introduction to the other side of the mirror, the queer spaces where he will be fully seen and loved for the first time. The fact that just the way they *looked* at Sirius was clocked as Different from how anyone had ever looked at Sirius before, like "he wasn't a problem to solve" (and I'm going to come back to that line), to me that puts all three of them on the queer playing field so to speak. I am wicked pumped for the found family vibes.
-and ok REMUS. Having a boy look at you like that and making you feel like LIKE YOU AREN'T A PROBLEM TO SOLVE is a big fucking deal for an AFAB or femme teen in 2005. I've written about this. A lot. Living under the male gaze is so all-encompassing, it's like the very air you breathe from the moment you're born. And it's not until you're a teen that you realize the implications of it, but in 2005, you have no idea where the exit is. You're just stuck in this maze trying to use whatever tools you have to find some reprieve from having your body always being the first and most important thing that is noticed about you-- like maybe being a "tomboy," or in my case, leaning into purity culture and patriarchal hyper-femininity. I LOVE that Remus is going to be part of that "exit sign" for Sirius- like turn here onto Lupin Avenue for unconditional acceptance and whatever the opposite of objectification is.
Um ok hope this wasn't too much but I've said before I learn so much from your writing so I wanted to share what Things you are making me Think. Can't wait to read more!!!!
okay putting this under a cut bc my response is sooooo long <3
hi hello i’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to this - i just haven’t had the time to really sit down and give it the kind of attention it deserves!
the BOOMBOX. one of the first things i pictured when i started writing this was sirius’s boombox. bc Little Sirius needed something to cling onto that he could make his, and that could carry over into their new life. its basically a character in itself lmao i an very attached to The Boombox
sibling dynamics are so important to me. i am the youngest, though, and so when i write about regulus and sirius it’s a flipped situation from mine - i was younger and did not fit in and my sibling was older and Normal. but yes, regulus is very aware that he needs to be a support system for sirius, and all he really needs FROM sirius is for them to be around. they’ll get there. 
a lot of fics (that i love and re-read all the time) explore sirius acting out and like, getting tattoed and stuff once they’re allowed to make their own decisions. in ywlm, sirius is acting against what his parents want, but in the way he can just - let his body exist however he wants to and it does not answer to anyone but them. there are a few other scenes coming up where we get to hang out with sirius while they do a 2000s shopping montage and i love thm.
my james IS queer, yes. everyone is queer to me at this point tbh! a similar thing happens in chapter 2 where like - quuer people just SEE each other, in a way that’s hard to explain to anyone who isn’t. sirius deserves a bizarre little family of misfits and he will get one. i
REMUS oh i LOVE him. he’s so soft in this. also like, it’s weird bc sirius isn’t as aware of that gaze bc he grew up with parents who didn’t really let them out of the house. like they know that it’s bc their parents see him as a girl and treat them differently but he won’t really connect the dots for a minute. so like, for them it’s more of a gender thing. very similar to how it was for me. i’ll go into this a lil more in depth later on, but. anyway REMUS i love the idea of him just being Some Guy and like he’s objectively handsome but sirius doesn’t fall for him bc of that, he falls for remus bc he gets them, exactly as they are. they’re so good for each other i’m :’)
anyway no it’s never too much, thank you so so much for reading my silly little fic. i LOVE talking about it, and i will continue to do so with any and everyone who will let me lol xx 
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