#they don't have a legatus anymore
sezja · 2 months
Can we please bring the VIth Legion, trapped in Azys Lla, home to Garlemald or at the very least away from Azys Lla
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the-littlest-kojin · 1 year
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"I must confess, it feels weird to have you as my guard. I remember when you were knee-high, following Rhitahtyn around like a pup."
"That was many years ago, Vergilia. Hells, I deserted since then." "I know. That came as quite the shock to me, you know, when I heard about it. You always believed so much in Gaius's message. In Garlemald's message." Nehir sighs heavily, having been bracing for this conversation. "I still do believe in the message. But at some point, you need to examine how that message is being delivered."
Next to him, the legatus is silent, her gaze downcast. Knowing that he has to press the point, Nehir continues, his voice hard.
"In Gyr Abania, we were meant to be improving the quality of life of the 'savages' - but while Gaius made overtures towards such a goal, they still led to people left to eke out lives in the desert, with no support, no help, from all our grand words. And then when Zenos took over-" "That isn't a fair comparison and you know it, pup," Vergilia rebukes him, her voice still quiet and withdrawn.
"...I know, but it's still what happened. We were meant to be making their lives better. Why were we treating them so badly? Why were aan second-class citizens? I heard the line of 'enlightening' them hundreds of times, but I received marching orders to put them to the sword far, far more often than I oversaw shipments of magitek or ceruleum devices to their houses."
"...You're not wrong, pup. Sorry - Nehir. I shouldn't treat you like a child anymore."
"You're only about five years my senior, Vergilia. Don't go thinking of me as an infant."
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aterlupus · 11 months
“Gaius,” the elderly man struggles to speak. His days are numbered. He knows it, and so does everyone else. But, both he and all around him pretend that is not the case, as the emperor’s mortality is a taboo subject, only spoken of by the enemies of the empire, who wish to see him fail. Thus, despite the ticking clock overhead, and lack of an heir apparent, none dared bring the issue up, forced to silently wait for the old man to kick the bucket.
Frankly, Solus found the situation quite amusing.
Every man related to this body of his was dreaming of taking his place, but none would dare show it, lest they be seen as vultures that they were.
“You will leave Eorzia to van Darnus.” The emperor’s voice was still commanding, although the grip of his bony fingers on the legate’s wrist, was a frail one. “You will return to Ala Mhigo and resume your duties.”
Gaius and Varis had attempted to oppose the approval of the meteor project, but Solus refused to hear it. Van Darnus held the key to a powerful weapon of the Allag and Solus had granted him permission to detonate it over the heads of their enemies. The blighted land could burn, for all he cared, just as Bozja had beforehand.
They would submit or they would be annihilated. Solus was almost saddened he would not be presenting the ultimatum himself. He did so miss seeing defiance give way to terror in their eyes.
“I need someone loyal.” He breathed. “Someone that is not awaiting my demise.” A bitter chuckle turned into a cough and the emperor had to rest his head upon the pillow, breathing in and closing his eyes for a moment. “My son, my grandchildren, cousins and nephews, they are all the same.”
He waved dismissively at a servant offering him water, gesturing for her to leave the two of them, and turning back to Gaius as the door closed behind the girl.
“I know you and Titus are not the best of friends. He is hardly fit for the throne; decadent and disloyal as he is. But, don’t let Varis fool you. He is not a benevolent ruler in the making. He is merely a coward.” He chuckled. “He lives only in the name of my Lucius. Men like him make us weak. He will make you weak, if you follow him.” The emperor warned, his golden gaze fixed on Gaius. “Return to Ala Mhigo, reign as I have taught you. Take my place, if you must, for the empire.”
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"I will be blunt with you." Gaius doesn't deign to waste Solus's time -- he usually did not before, but Gaius at least recognized respect and formalities. Now? There was simply no time left.
"If Nael succeeds, there will be no Eorzea left to claim. If Nael fails -- and in this, I have no doubt -- then we will only have a nation of those stirred up and angry at us for our incompetence and violence."
"I will return to Ala Mhigo but if you are not alive to see the results of Nael's actions -- and sh-- he will fail, then I will take Eorzea for our country. I will not let our efforts go to waste for one bad Legatus." He speaks bitter and sharp, enough for Solus to have enough reason to call for him to be executed or dismissed.
"I watched you. When I was only a child, I watched you conquer nations... but as more and more came our way, as our fight became one of expansion and not of survival... I saw you, settle in your ways, and grow soft and complacent in the throne of the Emperor." Gaius holds his hand up when Solus opens his mouth, urging him to shut up. He wouldn't do this in any other situation. "Do not interrupt me anymore. You don't have time."
"I don't want to end up like you. Understand? I am not, no... I never will be, the Emperor. I know it to be foolish to resign myself to the fate of another. But if you want civil war -- and let me be clear, that it what you are leading us to -- I will have no part in it. Do you understand me?"
"Whatever man or woman settles the score, they will be the Emperor, and I will call them Zos as they deserve. I will take my place beneath them, and kiss their cheek as I have kissed yours. I will place my trust in those deserving -- the one strong enough to survive. But I will not be mistaken."
"No matter what of your kin or otherwise takes the throne -- you, and nobody else will forget -- the one who is really in charge, is the one with power, absolute." Gaius looked over Solus, and for a moment, almost, it looked like he could kill the Emperor himself, so assured was he in this moment. In these final days, no, final hours, of Solus's life, Gaius made clear to the man he called Emperor -- it was he who was always in charge.
"If the XIVth Legion split from Garlemald, your nation would crumble. I am your best bet. I am your best leader. I am your best soldier. What I say is true, none alive have what it takes to stop me."
"... But I don't want the throne. I don't want the cushion that softened you into what I see you as now. I will sharpen my blade, and keep myself ever to my goal, and ever to your goal -- even if you, and everyone else, has lost sight of it."
Gaius leans forward, despite his thrashing of a speech he gave to his Emperor, and he kisses him, softly, pressed to his lips, like a lover. His forehead presses to Solus's wrinkled brow.
"No matter how many emperor's come after you... I will only ever serve one." He hissed against Solus's mouth. "... Only one."
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smokescholar · 2 years
05:  A memory that your character wishes to erase  
Character Development || Accepting
When he came out of hibernation, he knew something was wrong. He wasn't in the dungeon anymore as far as he could tell, though the overwhelming smell of blood and decay did set alarms off in his head. There was a figure in the corner, the faint glow of purple and green telling him it was another Mahjarrat; the jerky movements as they approached making him inch away.
Electric pain shot down his arm, taking over his senses and making his vision go dark for a moment.
"GODS ABOVE! You're finally awake."
When the emaciated-looking Mahjarrat stepped out of the shadows, Wahisietel's heart dropped in his chest. He was in Calyvorra's clinic. The normally egotistical smile that never seemed to leave her face was missing, replaced with something he assumed she was incapable of. Concern? Worry? She had been laughing and smiling throughout the entire Croesus epidemic, what had gotten her so upset?
"What am I doing here?" Wahisietel asked, eyes never leaving her face. "I demand answers!"
"Someone found you unconscious. They somehow managed to drag you here, demanded that I 'fix' you. Normally I don't take walk-in live patients but..." She moved towards a worn table, picking up a clipboard before reading from it aloud. "Extensive damage to the area. Left clavicle and upper half of the scapular crushed, upper trapezius missing entirely... magical interference in the vis, causing abnormal crystallization of the blood. Nerve signals still function in limb, amputation ill-advised for now."
Wahisietel scowled. This is what he hated about her, always assuming people knew what she was talking about...when she remembered she was talking to a living being and not a rotting corpse. "You're saying words, Calyvorra. What are you talking ab--"
"I can't fix your shoulder." Silence. "Whatever attacked you, it did more damage than I have the capabilities of healing. I tried, Legatus."
Had he heard her correctly? What was this about his shoulder? Looking down at the bandages, he made the mistake of tearing them off, the sight underneath nearly making him ill. The expanse of flesh was basically gone, the crevasse filled like a geode with crystalized blood. He tried to lift his arm; only managing a few inches off the bed before the electric shocks came back, making him audibly whimper.
"I don't recommend moving it. I salvaged what I could, but there's not much left. I wouldn't recommend trying to heal it with your energy, your stores are too low as is. I could barely sense you when you came in, I'm assuming you tried to heal it when it was still fresh."
"Will it heal over time? I can't live like this! I'm a soldier, I need my arm." He was raising his voice, enough to make bottles of gods know what rattle on the shelves. Calyvorra simply shook her head.
"It won't. I'm sorry Legatus, but you will never be able to use your arm again. The pain may go away with time, and you may get grip strength back, but you will never have 100% of your mobility back. From a medical standpoint... I'm going to take a guess and say it will cap at about 30% function. I'm sorry."
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kaoru-takaida · 4 years
Shadowbringers chapter:
What Is To Be Undone...
*may contain Spoilers*
A big hooded figure runs along, carrying a long hempen sack over his shoulder. The Roegadyn man smiles to himself, the mask over the top part of his race concealing his joyful expression despite the chaos ensuing all around him. With this, he could help the Royal Family restore order to the Capitol. He could curry favor and ask for a position o the Court. With this, he could abolish any competition for reputation. "Oh, what luck I have." He says to himself, readjusting his grip.
He runs towards a safehouse, where he plans to wait till the morning to run to the Royal Palace. He sits the sack against the wall and seats himself on the couch, removing his flask from his pocket. He takes a swig of the alcohol and sighs with bliss at the taste. "Damn, how lucky am I?" He says, staring at the hempen sack. "To find you right as the Empire goes to shit? Had it not been for my position in prison transport, I wouldn't have spied you." He scoffs. "After that, it was as easy as mixing sleep potions into your food. And right as I planned on taking you from the prison, this chaos erupts just as I need a distraction." The man chuckles. "Just how lucky is that?"
"Yes..." A low voice growls. The Roe man chokes as a slender gunblade is rested on his shoulder from behind. "How lucky I am to find you here, and stop you before you doom the entire Garlean Empire." The Roe man scowls, instantly recognizing the voice. "You'd forsake the Empire for your own personal gain and power? How the times have changed..."
The Roegadyn man scoffs. "The times never changed." He begins. "You did... Gaius Van Baelsar." Gaius tightens his grip on the handle of his gunblade. "You think you can take my only ticket to curry favor with Lord Zenos?" He asks. "We all know that you'll never find a way back into the Empire. Even if you were to bring him the prisoner."
Gaius glances over at the hempen sack. "That prisoner isn't here to complicate Garlean affairs. They've completed their duty." He looks down at the Roe man. "Return the prisoner or hand them over to me. Those are your only options..."
The man scoffs. "Really?" He asks. After a moment of silence, the Roe man springs into action. He bats the blade away before pouncing forward, just as Gaius snaps the sofa to the side with a crash. As soon as his gunblade trains onto the Roe man, he stops. "Don't move!" The man has the prisoner revealed, the top of the sack undone to expose a small hooded figure, a knife to her throat. Under the hood, Gaius could clearly see Xeala horns and scales, despite the fact that her eyes were covered by cloth and her mouth was covered by a handkerchief.
"Coward." Gaius says.
"Coward?" He asks. "And what are you? A hero?" The man tsks. "Nooo. No, no, no. I'm doing what you never could have done. Bring a Warrior of Light to heel for the sake of the Garlean Empire." He points his knife at Gaius. "You'll never fool the Empire into trusting you again. And I'll be the one to-." Just before he could finish his sentence, a bullet shoots through the window behind him and through his chest. The man drops forward, lifeless, dropping the Xaela Prisoner Girl with it. Gaius releases a little sigh in relief. He walks over and kneels beside the prisoner.
He undoes the tie around the sack, and takes the bound girl into his arms. Moments later, he exits the safehouse, looking around the demolished area.
A blond woman steps out of the shadows, sniper rifle in hand. "I see you've found my 'prisoner'." Ingrid says, her blueish green eyes cautiously gauging him.
Gaius stops in his tracks. "Ingrid Zes Juvis... Daughter of Grendel Die Juvis. The Legatus of the Special Ops chapter." He scowls. "Tell me:" he begins, gripping the side of the girl's hooded robe. "Did you bring the girl here?"
Ingrid sighs. "Aye. That I did." She answers.
Gaius clenches his teeth. "For what reason would you bring her here?"
Ingrid scowls. "The Legatus was murdered. And we believed it was an Eorzean by the name of Alphinaud Leveilleur." Gaius's eyebrows shoot up when he hears this. "Ah. You know the name as well?"
Gaius takes a moment to answer. "Yes. I briefly traveled the Burn with the lad before this. I'm sorry to hear of your father's death..."
Ingrid nods towards the bound girl. "She came here and cleared Alphinaud Leveilleur's name." Ingrid says. "She found the killer and drew it out before slaying them. A killer you're all too familiar with." Ingrid says. Gaius knew the answer but waited for Ingrid to say it. "An Ascian..." Gaius can feel the rage swelling within himself. But the same rage comes across Ingrid's face. "Turns out, the vile creature had taken the skin of a newly fallen young Elezen cadaver. And the order given to it was to eliminate my father. Since he was a candidate to become elected Senator..." Ingrid clenches her fists. "Throw in some smoke and mirrors and a little magic. And they succeeded in convincing our order that the Eorzean had done it."
Gaius takes a moment to respond. He now looks at Ingrid. "You best return her to Eorzea. Garlemald is not safe for her as of late." Ingrid doesn't say anything. Gaius steps forward. "Is something wrong?"
"I can't do that." Ingrid says. He stops quickly. Gaius feels his stomach sink a bit. The tension begins to build in the space between the two. Gaius stands there, unwavering. "I can't in good conscience let a Warrior of Light simply leave." Gaius scowls at her. Ingrid inhales slowly before smiling at Gaius. "However... if a certain rebel could be a dear and arrange for her to be returned. That would be ideal."
A masked figure just around the corner of the building looks away. He tsks and crosses his arms before walking out of his hiding spot and into view.
Kaoru opens her eyes. She hears the gentle whirr of an airship. That realization rushes to her and she instantly jolts forward. She chokes, finding she's handcuffed to the seat. "Easy..." A voice says. She looks over to the right and spots the driver. A tan Lalafell man with long dark brown hair and honey highlights pulled back in a braid. He was wearing a mask but Kaoru could see freckles on his cheeks. "You've been sleeping for quite a while." He says. Kaoru doesn't respond. Only stares at him with a serious expression. "You're fine. I won't hurt you... I'm actually doing the opposite." Kaoru cocks an eyebrow. She looks out the front window and can see that they're almost to the Burn. She chokes, eyes widening a bit.
"How long?" She asks. The Lala gives her a "hm", looking over at her. "How long have I been asleep?" He frowns.
"I... cannot personally say exactly. But it's been nearly a few suns since the exchange with Shadow Hunter." He says.
Kaoru purses her eyebrows. (How long was I asleep before I was handed over to him? And how much time passed on the First?) She looks over to the masked Lalafell. (And how could I know if I can trust him?)
"You're wondering if you could trust me." He states. He looks over at Kaoru. "Or am I mistaken, of which, I rarely am."
"You've a mask on and I am restrained to a seat in a Garlean airship as we speak." Kaoru begins. "What am I to do than question you?" The man chuckles. Kaoru scoffs.
"You're restrained because I was told that you'd resist once I told you we're heading back to Eorzea."
Kaoru stands up quickly, straining against the shackles. "What?!" She scowls. "No! Take me back!" She demands. "Have you any idea just how badly it's gotten there?! The Empire's-."
"The Empire's affairs are just that." He interrupts. "The Empire's. Yes, Garlemald is about to be in for a rough time. That much is clear. But meddling in their affairs was something you were to be exempt from handling." He says. "According to the Lady Ingrid and Shadow Hunter himself. Or am I mistaken?"
Kaoru gives him a bitter look. "You... are not..." Kaoru's expression softens a bit. (He has the right of it... I was to return after Alphinaud's name was absolved of the accusations. And they have been for nearly a month.) She seats herself back in the seat. (Ingrid had been so fed up with my attempts to investigate into the Royal Family that she'd thrown me in the prison as a way to keep me contained...) Kaoru tsks. "Gods dammit..."
"I understand it's hard to accept right now. But we've bigger concerns as of late and I'm unwilling to stand idly by anymore." He looks over at her. "Something big is about to happen, Kaoru. And you need to be there when it does." Kaoru cocks an eyebrow.
"Mine apologies. Do I know you?" Kaoru asks. "What's about to happen? And why do you know my name?"
The Lalafell hesitates but looks away a second. "I cannot tell you why you need to be there, or what's about to happen..." He says. "But as to how I know you're name, I've a confession to make." The Lala takes a second. "I've been watching you and yours for a few years now." He looks up at her. "You, Tius, Hope... Even your friends the Scions." He nods at her. "I've watched your journeys unfold from the sidelines. But I can watch no more."
Kaoru scowls. "Who..." She begins. "Just who are you?"
The Lalafell removes his mask, revealing two eyes of different colors. The exact color of eyes as Kaoru, but rather his left eye blue and his right eye green. "I'm a summoner soothsayer. My name is Nilele Nile. Nil for short." He gives a worried expression. "And I am here to tell you that you're all in grave danger."
The beginning of the Soothsayer Arc begins in the Kaoru/Tius narrative... please look forward to it. ^.^
The introduction of a new character, Nilele Nile, aka "Nil" is coming as well!
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aterlupus · 2 years
People might be upset with Gaius for not going back to Garlemald and leaving Varis alone.
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Gaius: Stand down. The Legatus of the XIVth Imperial Legion died in Castrum Meridianum. I am no more than Gaius Baelsar, a man without rank or allegiance.
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Gaius: The Ascian used me, as he used so many others -- all to further the restoration of his wretched god.
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Gaius: The Black Wolf has shed his pelt, never to return to Garlemald or her legions. I live now only to exact revenge.
Gaius was clearly suffering from his own distresses and problems, and chose to actively reject the Empire after being used by it for 56 years. His thoughts were not with Varis, the most protected man in the Empire, they were with himself, who he knew was now vulnerable and committing the most heinous act of all -- treason and desertion.
Is it wrong to be upset with Gaius? No, I think you can draw any conclusion you like from the story because that is what the story is for, but he clearly believed that Garlemald was wrong, he was hurt, and he wanted revenge on the person who sought to use, hurt, and kill him (Lahabrea).
Once he learned that Lahabrea was dead, he returned to Garlemald because of what he witnessed with Alphinaud, and that was the releasing of the Black Rose.
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Gaius: (To Estinien) If it is the Black Rose you seek, you are too late. My people have already completed your mission here.
Thus implying that Gaius, Severa, and Val alone were able to take out an entire production factory with just the three of them. When Estinien speaks to Gaius he reveals that at the Parley Varis said that the empire was created by Ascians, to which Gaius replies:
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Gaius: I am aware of what His Radiance said at the parley.
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Gaius: Thus would I return to the capital, that I might behold the truth of this corruption with my own eyes.
He did not return for any reason other than to stop the Black Rose and also seek the truth of what happened. He doesn't live for the Empire anymore, just like Cid and Nero don't live for the Empire anymore.
Gaius left Varis alone because he no longer believes in the empire. Do I think it's fair to be angry at him for that? Well, you can have any expression of anger you want, that's not my place to judge, but what I think is unfair is that Gaius has EXPLICITLY stated that he is NOT returning to the Empire for any other reason than to stop more harm from happening to the planet. This matters to him more than returning to Varis.
Varis had hundreds of soldiers, thousands of civilians who believed in him, and even the Ascians who were on his side and he was willing to work with -- any indication of Varis's solitude is self inflicted. He chose to be alone. Gaius chose to walk away. Gaius is way more solitary and isolated than Varis is in their current situations.
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