#they dont care about you ijit
skankhunt44 · 4 months
Tumblr media
So like there is so much wrong with this... and I'm laughing
1. Why isn't this site accredited to the Better Business Bureau... weird for a well-known website that accepts funds.
2. An F rating, niiice
3. I'm going to input tumblr myself. (All within legal guidelines, of course)
4. Your terms and conditions kinda don't save you from defamation, being sued, or you know even jail. They are terms and conditions to use your service. Not laws. So remember that kiddos.
It's funny to watch someone lose their fucking ego so badly they can't "be on sabbatical" as they post "I'm supposed to be on sabbatical" continues to run its mouth (I'm talking about the site in general deary, you're not special)
Get the fuck offline and go deal with your PR. You really really should.
And chess... really... that's how one goes around swinging their cock? No one gives a fuck or is impressed by chess. Sorry, we only thought it was cool when Gates and them did it, as teens... not as a midlife crisis...
Intelligence ≠ Intellect
You are the ideal dude I hated in high school, the dweeb that whined cause he got beat up, but didn't tell anyone how much he ran his mouth and even invited the first punch.
Now, nothing here violates its terms and conditions, and I also did not break the law.
I am receiving threats! So shouldn't you like... call someone instead of posting about it? - you do realize a threat of death is outright and straightforward. There is no "reading between the lines" when it comes to death threats. They must be worded with intent. That's the law.
I forsee an audit in the future... allegedly...
Don't they have a machine that can play chess? An atomiton with no brain or intelligence itself. Just asking my audience.
Tumblr is a dumpster fire 🔥
Why does everyone threaten to call the FBI? You aren't important enough for them to care? It's such a dumb threat lol cause it won't ever happen unless it was a matter of national security... these peeps are sensitive little buggers...
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