#they end up the guardian of their territory! No longer a murder machine!!
🖊 Dorito?
‘Enigmas of Paldea, File #11 Iron Hunter: An AI Went Rogue?!
This peculiar creature's name comes from an invention in the enigmatic Violet Book.
Theorised to be the result of a research project attempting to revive the extinct Hisuian Decidueye, using what information remained of it, and Alolan Decidueye as a base. However, something went horribly wrong, and it began attacking everything in sight.
In addition to its heartless nature, the cannons on its wings and its powerful legs make it a dangerous foe. Eyewitnesses report that it will not give up on its prey until it has succeeded in eliminating them.’
Dorito is the specific Iron Hunter referenced in this Violet book entry! Its original purpose was to observe and preserve Pokémon habitats, but due to an error in its coding, it sees all living beings as a threat to be dealt with.
However, upon arriving in the present, Dorito sustained major damage, both internal and external, meaning it is far less of a threat now! (Maybe even, the internal damage will fix some of its buggy systems, causing it to be less hostile… only time will tell!)
Link to ask game here!
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geek-patient-zero · 5 years
Part 1, Chapter 2
Or: McCann Reads His Mail
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Blood War: Masquerade of the Red Dead Trilogy Volume 1
Dire McCann returns to his office, in “the heart of the tenderloin district.”
Big, bold, black letters on the door proclaimed, D. McCann, Investigations. Beneath his name, in much smaller print, was the disclaimer Consultation by Appointment Only.
I guess even Dire knows his first name’s a little odd and abbreviated it. Who’d want to give work to a guy who looks like they’re trying to give themselves a nickname.
There’s several paragraphs describing the office. The outer office/reception area has a coffee table with old issues of Sports Illustrated and three red chairs, like a doctor’s office with an even more limited selection of outdated magazines.
It wasn’t much, but he didn’t require any better.  Recently, his only clients had been the Kindred, and none of them worried about his taste in furniture.
Not to his face, anyway. Vampires are like suburban parents that way.
The office proper, or his ”inner sanctum” as the narration calls it, is pretty standard; huge oak desk, “an elaborate telephone answering machine,” a table with a fax machine, PC, and printer on it, some metal cabinets, and more red chairs. It was also mentioned to have an “outrageous” rent that was almost worth it for the building’s cleaning lady.
The glow of a nearby streetlight gave the room an eerie, ghost-like interior.[...]No cheaply framed photos with hearty endorsements or tacky paint-by-numbers artwork hung on the walls. McCann believed in a strictly functional workplace. Besides which, it made a better impression on potential clients.
McCann sits behind his desk and reloads his submachine gun.
Considering what had happened already tonight, it seemed like good policy to stay ready for trouble.
For all the good it did him, but good thinking I guess. Proper paranoia helps in the World of Darkness.
Then he checks his answering machine. Two of the messages are for “divorce work.” That kind of stuff “didn’t interest” McCann, but there’s another detective in the building who specialized in it, and McCann trades him leads for favors, so he writes down the names and phone numbers. Another message is trying to sell him health insurance.
McCann grinned. Considering his present circumstances, he wasn’t sure he could afford the premiums.
Finally, McCann gets around to checking the mail he was carrying around during the first chapter. After separating the junk mail, he’s left with the small box, which was from Switzerland, three letters from Venice, Italy, another from Australia, and the last from Peru. He starts with the mail from Venice.
Dated approximately a week apart, the letters contained detailed records for financial deals made during the previous seven days.  The facts and figures covered hundreds of major business transactions throughout Europe and the United States. The detective scanned the documents carefully. There were no unusual expenditures or unexplained finances. Not that he expected to find any. The masterminds of the Giovanni Clan were the greatest financial wizards in the world. They kept a tight watch on their investments. McCann merely wanted to make sure no one other than him was skimming the profits.
Interesting. Despite doing work for the Camarilla, McCann also has connections to the independent Giovanni Clan, or at least is stealing money from them, and in a way that even their “financial wizards” can’t detect. There’s an even more interesting reveal at the end of the paragraph.
The longer he lived, the more cautious he became. And, though he appeared to be in his mid-thirties, Dire McCann lived a very long time.
Huh. The summary on the back cover describes him as “mortal.” Then again it also misspells his surname as McCannan, so...
Next he opens the latter from Darwin, Northern Territory Australia, which contains a newspaper clipping. Recently, “nomadic” Aborigines fled their reservation in the Tanami Desert and set up a shanty town outside the city. Officials tried to get the “troublemakers” to go back, “but with no success.”
No one could offer an explanation for the natives’ unexpected migration. Nor were the unwelcome Aboriginals willing to discuss why they had abandoned their primitive shelters and made the long trek to the coast. Their only reply was to point in the general direction of the Macdonnel Ranges and utter the word “Nuckalavee, Nuckalavee,” over and over again.
The hell’s a mythological Scottish demon doing in Australia?
Unfortunately, no one other than the natives understood what the term meant.
Have they tried asking a Scottish person? Maybe someone from the Orkney Islands? This is like Native Americans fleeing from the Loch Ness Monster or a kappa.
For those of you who’d never heard of it, or had never played The Bard’s Tale, the Nuckelavee is this big horse with the upper torso of a rider growing out of the middle of its back, and it has no skin.
The story ended with the mayor promising city residents that the shanty town would be gone shortly.
Australians being shitty to the Aboriginals. What a surprise.
I know, hypocritical coming from an American. But still.
McCann grimaced. He understood why the Aboriginals had fled. But he doubted that the government officials in Darwin would believe his answer. Or care. Mentally, McCann noted that he should request that his clipping service search for any follow-up stories. Or reports of unusual disappearances in the Northern Territories.
It’s a minor spoiler, but not an unsurprising one given the setting, but the World of Darkness version of the Nuckalavee is a vampire; a Nictuku, the name for a fourth generation Nosferatu. Father Naples mentioned them during the prologue when he was talking about the Nosferatu, remember?
“A few of their fourth-generation progeny are rumored to be grotesque monsters, known as the Nictuku.”
But whether it’s the mythological Nuckelavee or a vampire character based off of it, it’s bizarre that Weinberg took a mythological creature from one culture, transplanted it to a completely different one on a different continent, and act like it was always a part of that culture. Even in 1994, before Wikipedia, anyone familiar with Scottish folklore would know better. Hell, check that fan wiki page I linked just now. The reference used for the page came from VTM: Clanbook: Nosferatu. It came out in 1993, and it’s most likely what Robert Weinberg used for information on Nuckalavee too. If the information on the wiki is accurate to the book, then the book straight up says that the thing is Scottish. Even if the vampire migrated at some point, more people should know about it, at least as a legend, than some scared Aboriginals.
Speaking of... I’m no expert on Aboriginal cultures, living on the opposite side of the Pacific and all, but I’m sure they can communicate better than pointing at some mountains and grunting a monster’s name in fearful tones like some old Hollywood tribal character. At least enough to say “there’s something life threatening by our reservation and we’re getting away from it.” The story’s sympathetic to them at least, but that part rubs me the wrong way.
Next, McCann opens the envelope from Peru. It contains a photo and a handwritten note from a member of the Explorer’s Club. The photo makes McCann “swallow hard”. More bad news.
Scribbled in black ink around the margin of the photo were the words, “Found at entrance to huge cavern, Gran Vilaya ruins, Peru.” The picture showed a massive stone statue of a crouching demonic figure with a misshapen, bloated female body and the face of a snarling jaguar. Circling her feet in a ring were a dozen stone heads. Judging from the size of the skulls, the demon stood a least fifteen feet tall.[...]It fronted a huge network of previously unknown caves that honeycombed the Andes for miles. No one knew for certain the purpose of the underground warren. Several members of the expedition thought it might have served as a ritual burial ground for the mysterious Chachapoya civilization due to the numerous skeletons found scattered all through the tunnels. Which would therefore identify the demonic figure as the guardian of the dead.
Credit where it’s due, Robert Weinberg didn’t just make up the Chachapoya. Little’s known about their ancient civilization, and some of what we do know come from the Inca that conquered them and the Spanish, which aren’t what you’d call unbiased accounts. They even lived in the kind of “fog-shrouded region” or “cloud forests” that Gran Vilaya was described as being found in.
The writer ended his note with the hope that McCann felt his research money was being well spent.
McCann used money from a “secret Giovanni slush fund”, which of course none of the Giovanni clan elders know about, to fund the expedition. McCann feels the cost was justified, but would’ve preferred it it if they’d found nothing.
The statue was not a representation of the spirit guardian of the dead Chachapoyas. It showed their murderer..
Not sure why the Spanish had to build underground catacombs for the Chachapoyas to die of disease and poverty in when- No, wait, he’s talking about a vampire.
A creature who abhorred all life, she was named Gorgo, the One Who Screams in Darkness. And the empty caverns in Gran Vilaya indicated that once more she walked the Earth.
Turns out she’s another Nictuku, like Nuckalavee. One with a kickass title. It looks like some very old, very powerful vampires are waking up, and McCann is not happy about it. He opens the box from Switzerland. It came from “an old friend.”
Inside were photocopies of more than three hundred pages of hand-written memos and high level classified documents. They were a mixed selection from a half-dozen different European security agencies. All were marked TOP SECRET.
But we readers don’t get to learn what they say, because McCann checks his watch and learns he’s gotta be at the Club Diabolique to meet Alexander Vargoss in half an hour.
McCann’s preparing to leave when his phone rings. Remember his “elaborate telephone answering machine?” It’s got some spiffy futuristic tech in it like a “caller ID feature” and the ability to record phone calls. Stuff that only someone secretly skimming money from the Giovanni can afford. But seriously, I enjoy reading old stuff and seeing things that are common today described as rare and amazing. Hell, I didn’t know caller ID was a thing in 1994. My family’s middle class and we didn’t get phones with caller ID until the 2000′s.
Unfortunately, none of his phone system’s features come in handy in this case. He doesn’t recognize the number, but McCann answers the phone anyway.
A man whose voice McCann didn’t recognize spoke in clear, crisp tones. “Lameth,” said the stranger, “beware of the Red Death.”
Without another sound, the man hung up, leaving a stunned McCann holding the receiver. Lameth, the speaker had called him.
Nah, Dire, despite his clear, crisp tones the mysterious caller still has a bit of a lisp. He was actually calling you “lame-ass.”
It was a name from the dawn of history, one that McCann believed long forgotten. A master schemer, the detective did not like unexpected shocks. Especially ones of this magnitude.
McCann certainly has the connections and resources to be a master schemer. Still, I’d of liked to have seen him actually scheme before the narration straight up calls him one.
He tries to listen to the recording of the phone call, but turns out it didn’t record. The caller ID screen is blank, and even the phone number it picked up earlier disappeared. This is starting to sound familiar.
Luckily, McCann memorized the number despite his previous confidence in technology. He calls the local police station, specifically a cop named Harry. He asks for a favor due to him for a bottle of wine he sent Harry for his birthday; the location where his phone call was made from. Turns out, it’s from a booth in the front lobby of his building. One that’s been out of service for months.
Let’s recap. Assassins just tried to kill McCann. Powerful vampires are waking up abroad, which is worrying for a very old schemer with an eye towards international news like him. And an untraceable magic man just called him by a very old name no one should know and warned him of a threat with an ominous name. All before he’s gotta meet with the Prince of St. Louis. Good thing McCann’s a big tough book protagonist, ‘cause I’d certainly be a little anxious.
Not a believer in coincidence, the detective knew the three events had to be linked together. But how?
The voice on the phone had warned him to “beware the Red Death.” McCann had absolutely no idea who or what the Red Death might be. He had a terrible suspicion that he would soon find out.
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burialhq · 4 years
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STATUS :   occasional. vampires living openly during the daytime are an oddity, but they are more social than most occult beings. they either thrive in the spotlight, as local nightlife enthusiasts or become reclusive and keep sticking to the shadows. one thing is for certain, however: anyone who catches the eye of the vampire will have their attention, for good or for ill.
CAMOUFLAGE :   partial  ( minor ) . distended fangs when feeding, as well as puncture marks on their sire’s feeding site, usually located near a major aortan branch are the defining characteristics of a vampire. these two are mainly unnoticable to the normal person however, they are a little colder than most people, a side effect of their turning.
INHERITANCE :   awarded. the vampiric curse is transferred, through the bite of a vampire, and the drinking of their blood afterwards. frankly intimate, this method of inheritance is rarely duplicitous, and if so is harshly punished and frowned upon. through the tenets of siring, all vampiric sires are to be withheld from polite society for a window of one month to six, until their initial blood craving is under control.
ABILITIES :   gifted with superhuman strength and speed, vampires possess an innate ability to overpower their prey, as well as enhanced senses, so as to track them. while there are no mystical powers of persuasion or mind control, rumor has it that vampires are known to have been the first to practice blood magic— some covens almost revering it as a religion. these mystical arts allow them to possibly draw on their gift and transform into mist, bats and wolves and allegedly allow them to drain the life force from hapless victims, invigorating the caster but barely leaving any trace of the attack. the secrets of this, however, are usually left to the coven of anastasia, with other practitioners not openly practicing it, as even among others in vampire society, they are seen as cursed magics.
LIFESPAN :   immortal— the gift of vampirism brings with it a deathless age, if one is careful. while political machinations of the vampire court almost always lead to an early death at around two hundred years, the gift stops the impairment and decay of cells that lead to old age. as such, vampires tend to not award their gift too frequently every century, most often only turning lovers or descendants every so often.
disease — the vampiric powers manifest as mild anemia in some cases, to fainting spells in the most severe, that persists for a couple of days before regressing; this initial illness causes the vampirism to take hold, and overrides all diseases, essentially not letting any viruses detect any healthy cells to destroy, and dying inside the vampire.
extreme cold — extremely resistant to cold, vampires can sit in below freezing temperatures and simply sleep it off, going into a state of death-like sleep when subjected to prolonged contact. vampires native to siberia have been known to stay awake in -50° c weather and fall asleep ten degrees lower, only to be awoken in their capital.
moderate physical injury — vampires have a regenerative factor, albeit a little slower than most occult species, though this can be rapidly induced with even fractures healing through the drinking of blood. fresher blood heals them faster, with drinking from a person proving to be almost a panacea, and stored blood can heal broken bones over a couple of days.
sunlight — extremely weak to sunlight, vampires have different resistances to sunlight, but all of them prove to be fatal upon contact. in the case of a lucky few, they take an hour to burn in the sun, but most commonly, it takes roughly ten minutes for them to burn to a crisp. they still retain their cognitive function for the first ninety percent of the time, but after ?  well, they say that the scent of a corpse on fire lingers in the air, with no body to prove it.
starvation — when not fed, vampire biology goes into fight, flight or freeze. either they become rabid, draining the next living thing with blood that they come across, or the severe loss of sustenance sends them into shock. either way, they only have one day to revive themselves after being deprived of food for a week, otherwise, most motor functions cease, and they quite literally, lay down and die. this hunger fuels most of vampire society, leading them to have connections to most blood banks in the society in which they stand.
burning — a stake through the heart or through the brain will, in most cases incapacitate the vampire, and cause them to need several days, or even weeks, depending on the injury, in hibernation, subsisting on the blood of the living. however, to truly kill a vampire in this way, the body must be burnt so as to prevent reanimation. fire in any way can do, even without the severe trauma to the body, as the latter only serves as sufficient incapacitation. it isn’t as fast as sunlight, but it can still potentially be lethal.
ATTRIBUTES :   commonly, some vampires exhibit a detachment with humanity, playing long cons or long chess matches with each other in bids for power or control. thus, the power hungry usually see everything as finite, and everyone as expendable; these vampires usually thrive in court, confining themselves to their strongholds in the frost-covered north.
isolation is a prominent vampiric attribute for lone vampires to exhibit, only coming out when they wish to feed from local blood banks or to hunt in forests. drawn shades or locked doors for days on end are a good metric for any vampire in isolation.
the most common comment, however, are their extremely unnerving eyes. oddly enough, vampires play at life with their machinations and the way they go about it, but their eyes betray them when confronted with humans, their eyes almost watching them with an unreadable expression, as if death would come for the person in the next few blinks. worse yet, catch a vampire hungry enough, they may regard humans as if they’re sizing them up like cattle, waiting for the chance to sink their fangs into their neck.
EFFECTS :   often, the sudden affluence of a town is cause enough for suspicion, as vampires that have come often sink their fangs into the town’s local politics and infrastructure. covens may quickly inhabit the town, turning it into a hotspot of nightlife and other such activities, or closing down a few houses for them to reside in. vampires value privacy, and a few locked houses or a trickle of new faces that hardly show up is a good sign that a coven’s come to town.
the presence of vampires also cut deep into the local medical systems, as they need blood banks to supply them with a steady stream of blood to keep them sated. longer lines at the blood bank, even in a small city are a usual telltale sign that vampires have nested there, and so is the presence of spikes of periodical sickness between townsfolk.
BONUS :   vampire society is extremely political, with a central governing body and tenets with the formation of vampire covens, siring of new vampires, blood magic and everything under the metaphorical sun. they usually convene up in a castle in norway once a year to discuss trials, new political reforms and elections of the triumvirate, though that has hardly changed hands within the last hundred years.
covens form a major part of vampire society, with major covens claiming to hail from a single, powerful vampire, with complex politics in every single one. the coven of anastasia holds meetings and engages in holy rituals in order to call upon their blood rites while the coven of troia hold beauty above all, with a hierarchy loosely held. these two, out of seven major covens dot vampiric society, and hold positions and their own views of mortals, but all of them fall under the gaze of the triumvirate.
locations are claimed via appealing to the leader of the local territory. mostly, these negotiations last a few dozen years, with numerous swaths of land being carved to assuage the fears of other vampire covens, or through treaties of famine and food shortages. a lone vampire, and even groups of them must come to the leader of the ruling coven, or the protector of the territory, or face sanctions within court.
in actuality, vampires can eat and drink like normal people. these things often don’t sustain them much, but they offer enjoyment as much as watching television, reading a book or listening to music. inebriation is still felt, though they quickly metabolize any alcohol felt; the only way to hit them fully is through the blood of inebriated people, and that is hard to come by.
laws and edicts govern the actions of most vampires. to name a few, laws that govern the court of vampires are as such :
the edict of sacrosanctum allows those who hold territory to allot specific places where violence is not allowed, with any breach being punishable by exile or service. these locations can be simply be a district of a city, to an entire town, with no violence, draining or unofficial siring of its population. guardians of the sacrosanct hold power here, mostly assigned by the head of the territory.
bathory’s law, or the tradition of the crimson death is the official ruling of a court against a vampire that has committed several grievous offenses, such as rampant draining, murder and other heinous crimes against a brood, or unwilling blood sacrifice. this usually calls for most of the vampire population to hunt down and the perpetrator to justice.
the order of the veil, which mostly tells vampires to never reveal themselves to humans, as evidenced by salem, the inquisition and several other events, is the supreme rule between covens. so as not to disturb the populace or instigate their demise, the covens rule that any open draining or acknowledgement of the vampire courts other than by any of the occult beings is a grave offense, punishable by leader of the territory.
blood magic was rumored to be the source of a witch turned, or a witch’s influence on a singular vampire coven. while it is the stuff of myth and legend, it is mostly either a study of the arcane academe, or a religion in and of itself. dark masses and rituals seem to be both, and is normally seen as a grotesque oddity between vampires.
social creatures by choice, vampires try to reach out to most occult creatures to form alliances, or contract their skills. some of them even try to bestow the gift upon them, with mixed results. vampires have had dealings with witches and werewolves, though to what extent the ledgers do not say.
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Fantasy and Adventure New Releases, 17 August 2019
Pre-Flood Giants, superhero brawlers, and Monster Hunters fight it out in this week’s fantasy and adventure new releases.
Cain (Lost Civilizations #8) – Vaughn Heppner
Fallen angels came to earth seeking the most beautiful women, having children by them, the Nephilim. The fallen angels left, but their demonic offspring remained, thirsting to conquer the Pre-Cataclysmic World so they could rule as gods.
One of the most oppressive is Gog the Oracle, a pitiless monster. He has gathered his galleys and enforcers to crush those who have risen up to resist him. He also seeks Cain, the deadliest swordsman in existence, the first murderer and ageless wanderer. Cain will be his hidden blade to strike at his enemies.
Lod leads those who have thrown off their Nephilim shackles. He has vowed to break into Gog’s swamp-city and end the creature’s reign of terror.
Now the hour of retribution is at hand as Gog’s enforcers sharpen their swords and as men train mammoths for the battlefield. Now the plans of demon and human clash head on, winner take all.
From the Ashes – edited by Chris Kennedy and Christopher Woods
In the late 2020’s and early 30’s corporations managed to render the major governments of the world obsolete. The big corporations owned most of the territories as well as the majority of the world’s wealth. While many of the old traditions were still observed in various parts of the world, the true power was with the corporations.
In the late 30’s, what would be known as the Corporate Wars began as larger companies initiated hostile takeovers in a whole new fashion. Employees, armed with corporate weapons, warred for dominance. It was a bloody time, and many small corporations were destroyed, as were a lot of civilians in the wrong place at the wrong time…as well as those who’d been buying the wrong products.
On May 1st, 2067, it all ended in nuclear fire.
Sixteen outstanding authors have come to this Fallen World with stories that take place from the islands off the coast of Washington to the plains of central Europe; from the swamps of Florida to the streets of Philadelphia. These stories document the fall…and introduce you to people who might just drag civilization back from the ashes…
Gemini Warrior (Heroes Unleashed: Gemini Man #1) – J. D. Cowan
The night shift at a science lab sounds like the break Matthew White has been waiting for. A steady paycheck. A simple job. Absolutely no contact with another human being.
It’s perfect.
But Matthew gets more than he bargained for when he accepts a different position with the company. A job that is highly paid – and highly bizarre. He is plunged into the terrible machinations of his new boss, Mrs. Stohl, and a sullen teenaged boy named Jason is along for the ride. The fact that Jason is practically his twin only makes it all creepier.
Dragged through a mirror into an alien dimension, Matthew is in way over his head. He should have known the job was too good to be true. To escape, Matthew and Jason must brave the wilds of this new universe and learn to control their new powers.
And hardest of all, Matthew must learn to be a hero.
Will they escape Mrs. Stohl’s terrible plans for them? Can they make it home to their world, or will they be trapped in the mirror dimension forever?
Mad God’s Muse (Sins of the Fathers #2) – Matthew P. Gilbert
The fate of the world rests on his shoulders. Will he crumble?
Ahmed’s faith is strong, and so is his sword-arm, but as for details, those were for his fallen master. Now, he must somehow rise to the task of leading his men and, by Ilaweh’s grace, thwart the Dead God’s apocalyptic prophecy.
But how can he command hardened veterans of war, men with much blood on their hands, when he has accomplished so little in his young life?
If Ahmed can earn their respect, there might still be time to do as his master had hoped–ally with the sorcerers of Nihlos. They are dangerously unpredictable and capricious, perhaps even mad, but their power is undeniable.
Ahmed will need that power. For he knows something even his master never guessed: their ultimate destination is the true heart of darkness. An ancient city of evil and death that none survive.
A Mark of Kings (The Shattered Reigns #1 Audiobook) – Bryce O’Connor and Luke Chmilenko
Despite his youth, Declan Idrys knows of the evils of the world. He knows of the bastards and brigands who plague the King’s lands, of the monsters skulking in the wooded depths of the realm. Together with his companion, Ryn – a beast of rather peculiar talent – he has spent the last decade of his life beneath the bloody banners of a half-dozen mercenary guilds, hunting precisely such festering wickedness within the borders of Viridian.
Unfortunately, fate is quick to pull on the leash of its favorite children. When one particularly troubling contract goes sideways, Declan and Ryn find themselves thrust into a war thought legend and long-ended, a conflict so old it is synonymous with a time in which dragons still ruled the western skies. Now, as dead men rise from their graves and the terrible beasts of the northern ranges descend into the kingdom with an appetite for savagery and flesh, Declan is faced with a profane choice. He can turn, can flee an ancient rising horror that would see the realms of man left as shattered death and wind-blown ash.
Or, Declan can face this mounting threat, can come to terms with the fact that his oldest friend might just be more than he appears, and learn to wield an ageless power all his own.
Centuries pass, after all, but the Blood of Kings does not fade….
Monster Hunter Guardian (Monster Hunter International #7) – Larry Correia and Sarah Hoyt
When Owen Pitt and the rest of the Monster Hunter International crew are called away to mount a month’s-long rescue mission in a monster-infested nightmare dimension, Julie Shackleford—Owen’s wife and descendant of MHI founder Bubba Shackleford—is left behind. Her task: hold down the fort and take care of her new baby son Ray. Julie’s devoted to the little guy, but the slow pace of office work and maternity leave are starting to get to her. But when a routine field call brings her face-to-face with an unspeakable evil calling itself Brother Death, she’ll get more excitement than she ever hoped for.
Julie is the Guardian of a powerful ancient artifact known as the Kamaresh Yar, and Brother Death wants it. In the wrong hands, it could destroy reality as we know it. Julie would die before giving it up.
Then Ray goes missing, taken by Brother Death. The price for his safe return: the Kamaresh Yar. If Julie doesn’t hand over the artifact it means death—or worse—for baby Ray. With no other choice left to her, Julie agrees to Brother Death’s demands. But when you’re dealing with an ancient evil, the devil is in the details.
To reclaim her son, Julie Shackleford will have to fight her way through necromantic death cults, child-stealing monsters, and worse. And she’ll have to do it all before Brother Death can unleash the Kamaresh Yar.
It’s one woman against an army of monsters. But Julie Shackleford is no ordinary woman—she’s one tough mother!
The Spirit Binds (Elemental Academy #5) – D. K. Holmberg 
The Inquisitors have been stopped, but the one who leads them remains at large.
Tolan discovers a dangerous plot against the Academy—and all of Terndahl—the Inquisitors have planned for far longer than any have suspected. The power involved is unlike anything ever encountered by those within the Academy. Tolan isn’t sure he’s capable of understanding what has happened, but with his connection to the elementals, he might be the only one able.
The key to what’s happening is tied to something in Tolan’s past. For him to stop the one who leads the Inquisitors, and to understand what they’re after, requires him to know more about where he came from and why his parents left him in Ephra.
Stopping the Inquisitors is only the beginning, not only for Tolan to save Terndahl, but to finally know himself.
StoryHack Action & Adventure #4 – edited by Bryce Beattie
StoryHack, Issue Four is finally here! Featuring past favorite and new authors, all penning works of furious adventure. The lineup includes:
Island Rescue
by Spencer E. Hart
College-age Frank Mason accompanies his father to the private island of a reclusive billionaire and his lovely, yet lonely daughter. When armed men storm the house, what can they do to rescue their fathers?
My Foe Outstretched
by Misha Burnett
In a future world two men fight a duel in the ruins under the city. The rules are simple–two men enter the tunnel, one man leaves.
Alpha Equation
by Julie Frost
A young werewolf, an abusive alpha, and a new pack–in space.
The Bouncer’s Tale
by Jon Mollison
Trapped in a life as muscle for a crime syndicate, Robert “Bomber” Robinson struggles to maintain his humanity during the second worst night of his life.
Retirement Plan
by John M. Olsen
A retired military veteran settles down on a distant planet away from his old life only to find that violence is a universal trait. Old habits resurface as he is forced to step up and defend his neighbors.
Fantasy and Adventure New Releases, 17 August 2019 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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rodgo23 · 7 years
From AbundantHope.net POLITICAL INFORMATION No "extermination camps" on German soil (or elsewhere in German-occupied territory) - Typhus epidemics the cause of mass deaths and emaciated bodies By exposing-the-holocaust-hoax-archive.blogspot.com with comments by Ron May 2, 2015 - 1:19:03 AM Exposing the Holocaust™ Hoax Archive - A HolyHoax Museum “Those who control the past, control the future: who controls the present controls the past.” - "1984" by Eric Blair aka George Orwell Friday, October 30, 2009 No "extermination camps" on German soil (or elsewhere in German-occupied territory) - Typhus epidemics the cause of mass deaths and emaciated bodies Source: way of seekingtruthnews So, why do people believe in the holocaust? Most people have been shown the film footage taken by American/British propaganda teams who accompanied troops as they liberated the Bergen, Belsen, Buchenwald, and Dachau, concentration camps. The footage, especially from the Belsen camp, features large numbers of emaciated prisoners and corpses. At this point, nearly everyone is deliberately (mis)led to the (false) conclusion that Jews were exterminated by gas chambers. That this conclusion is false, is clear, if you are aware of the universally agreed fact, that there were no extermination camps in Germany. Even the extremist, Simon Wiesenthal, admitted this (in a letter to the respected British periodical Books and Bookmen, April 1975, p5, where he says "there were no extermination camps on German soil..."). No historian, Jew or otherwise, any longer claims that there were extermination camps in Germany (the Jew historians still claim that there were extermination camps, but now they claim that they were all located in Poland). In particular, this means that there was no genocide, and no gas-chambers, at the camps Bergen, Belsen, Buchenwald or Dachau (as these camps were in Germany). So, the above mentioned film footage from these German camps cannot be evidence for genocide, because, according to ALL the historians, there were no extermination camps in Germany Clearly then, this US film footage DOES NOT, and NEVER DID, prove genocide of Jews. So, the emaciated prisoners and corpses shown in the US film footage, had to have some other cause, or causes. In fact, the other causes have long been known, but hidden by the Jews. Generally, the Germans managed to adequately feed the prisoners of the concentration camps, even with the transport system under sustained attack. Many photos are available which show thousands of reasonably well-fed prisoners. For example, this photo from Dachau (taken on liberation):  Or, this photo from Buchenwald (taken on liberation).  Or, this photo from Birkenau (Auschwitz) taken on liberation.  What actually happened, was that procedures aimed at holding various diseases in check, broke down under the pressures of war. The main killer, was Typhus. Typhus is spread by lice. Zyklon-B was an insecticide used to kill the lice that spread Typhus. The Typhus epidemics that raged through the camps (in both the first and second world wars) killed many thousands. If you suffer from Typhus, your body wastes away and you look as if you are starving to death. Typhus, is the reason for most of the severely emaciated prisoners and corpses. Typhus, explains the mixture of severely emaciated prisoners and healthy prisoners. Those who caught the disease, became severely emaciated, and often died, those who didn't, remained reasonably healthy prisoners.  British guard post at entrance to Belsen camp. A political prisoner at Belsen, stated: "Towards the end of February 1945 my own situation changed completely. By that time typhus had become a serious danger for the whole camp. It was the species of typhus which is transmitted by lice. At one time all the transports which arrived at Belsen had had to pass through a "human laundry" and this disinfection seems to have been effective enough to keep the camp free from lice until the autumn of 1944. At the end of October a big transport had, for the first time, been admitted to the camp without being disinfected, because there had been some damage to the machinery of the shower-baths. Unfortunately the people of this transport were louse carriers, and from that day the lice gradually spread over the whole camp. [...] Typhus broke out in Camp I about the end of January. At first there were only a few cases, but a month later a dozen had appeared, and it became impossible to check the disease [...]." From "Belsen Uncovered," Duckworth, London, 1946, by Derrick Sington, pages 117-118.  Yard at Belsen after British capture of the camp. Of course, this unchecked Typhus epidemic, meant that the death rate at Belsen, was very high, and that there were plenty of emaciated prisoners and corpses to film, in order to feed the lie, that Jews had been systematically exterminated.  A few more reasonably well-fed Dachau inmates (photo taken on liberation). [Ron: See also DACHAU CONCENTRATION CAMP - LIBERATION A Documentary - U.S. Massacre of Waffen SS - April 29,1945 - http://abundanthope.net/pages/True_US_History_108/DACHAU-CONCENTRATION-CAMP---LIBERATION-A-Documentary---U-S-Massacre-of-Waffen-SS---April-29-1945.shtml An excerpt: In September 1986, more than 40 years after the massacre at Dachau, retired U.S. Army Colonel Howard Buechner published the first hardcover edition of his long-suppressed book, "The Hour of the Avenger," detailing the grisly events of April 29, 1945. It was not until 1991 that the U.S. Army quietly declassified its secret report on the killings at Dachau. It details several other incidents that day: a U.S. lieutenant ordered four German soldiers into an empty boxcar and personally shot each of them. Another American soldier clubbed and shot those still moaning. Several GIs turned their backs on two inmates beating a German guard to death with a shovel. It was said that one of the inmates had been castrated by the German they were murdering. See photo above. - R.H. Perez].  And, some emaciated corpses at Dachau (photo taken on liberation).  Some emaciated corpses at Buchenwald (photo taken on liberation). This should be compared to the reasonably well-fed Buchenwald prisoners, pictured above. Posted by SoldierofYah at 11:38 AM Labels: Homicidal Gas Chambers Hoax, Typhus Epidemics in Camps 18 comments:  AnonymousMarch 10, 2010 at 2:26 PM Bullshit!! The Germans DID kill Jews! In gas chambers! Reply Replies  JohnnyRebelAugust 6, 2013 at 8:19 PM Facts are an inconvenient truth for Racist Zionist Jew Prpoagandists who invented the myth of the Holocaust for Jews (to extort billions of dollars in money payments from Germany and the Swiss and help justify the slaughter of the innocent Palestainians in Israel - by the Israelis). The REAL HOLOCAUST was the firebombing and P-51 Mustang "machin-gun" murders of innocent women, children, and nursing staff in Dresden, Germany - by the British and American air forces!!!!!!!!! Why is there no Holocaust Musuem for these victims....the REAL HOLOCAUST VICTIMS???  AnonymousOctober 27, 2013 at 8:29 PM That's right just keep repeating the state approved propaganda.....shhhhh, go back to sleep! Reply  AnonymousSeptember 21, 2010 at 7:17 AM my father did fight in world war 2.... His partner liberated concentration camps under Patton... So the Jews and the like were killed. Reply  AnonymousOctober 29, 2010 at 4:08 PM what is infuriating, is that non of this information seems to be on wikipedia. For example, Simon Wiesenthal's involvement with the myth of "human soap" is not mentioned on his wikipedia article, or the article on holocaust denial. The fact that "proofs" were given to the existence of extermination camps in Germany at the time is also never mentioned. I wish someone would start a wikipedia article about such matters and how the story of the holocaust kept changing over time. Reply  robNovember 15, 2010 at 2:45 AM It's always the same when you try to wake people up. They say BULLSHIT I saw it on tv or my dad liberated camps therefore gas chambers existed! It is hard to overcome a lifewtime of brainwashing and they are continually poisoned,drugged,propagandized and occupied to make it even harder. Reply Replies  AnonymousFebruary 28, 2012 at 4:16 AM Were YOU in WWII? [Ron: Did YOU?] Did YOU go to these places and free starving prisoners as did the father, grandfather, husband, etc of many people here? then YOU are the one who needn't throw some "bullshit" stone as you do in this post. How the hell would YOU know what's true without having seen it with your eyes? My loved ones freed prisoners. They saw firsthand what was done to them. They witnessed the torture. [Ron: IF they witnessed "torture" they were complicit Did they see the 137 German prisoners having their testicles kicked to a pulp by British thugs to get "confessions" for Nuremburg?!] They spoke to those freed and heard their stories of the executions of fellow prisoners. [Ron: 117 Jews were EXECUTED at Auschwitz FOR CRIMES. I'll take their word over your (asinine) theory any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Brainwashing, my ass.  AnonymousApril 6, 2015 at 8:06 PM Were your loved ones in the Soviet army? Because they were the only ones claiming these things. The camps freed by the allies are not even claimed to not have had any of these things happen in them. Gas chambers and systematic execution stories all come from the Soviets. And we know just how incredibly honest those guys were. Reply  Lone WolfNovember 15, 2010 at 4:22 AM You're right rob. It's difficult. But some people will have a light go off in their head and wake up to the truth....just like we did at one time. Reply  AnonymousJune 19, 2011 at 10:17 PM The most important lesson in history That War Kills Innocent Civilians Bombing causes Death & Destruction ! Lest We Forget ! Stop Bombing Libya... Reply  AnonymousNovember 3, 2011 at 4:52 PM exactly the point of all this research is to end war as a whole forever. This type of propoganda if it was perpetrated regarding the holocaust seems to help justify the abuse of other nations as we have seen Israel do to Palestine. The actions of Israel government make me suspicious because if they were holocaust survivors they would deplore violence. The actions of oppressing Palestine show some type of guilt or cover up. Deception seems to create aggression for fear of the truth. Reply  AnonymousAugust 23, 2012 at 9:55 AM wow this is funny to me.how in the hell did my grand father tell me stories about how they would put jews in gas chambers or blow there brains out?!!?!? so thousands of people are lieing? for what? im all about learning about cover ups or lies but my god your an idiot.its also funny how so many care about what did or didnt happen back then...but hundreds of thousands of living beings are stilled gassed in this country every month to this day and as we speak......but no one cares because they are not human. Reply  AnonymousDecember 11, 2012 at 10:57 AM wow so many lies!!!! they kill a lot of people so stop making stuff up Reply  AnonymousApril 24, 2013 at 2:37 PM It is not a lie!!!. A "Holocaust" is a systematic extermination of a people. So the Jewish "Holocaust" did not happen; The Germans didn't discrimanate --- they exterminated Jews, Poles, Gypsies, mental defectives, handicapped people, gays, and the like. So by DEFINITION it was not a Holocaust; Germany killed/exterminated anyone who did not fit their "Aryan Race" mold. Reply Replies  AnonymousJuly 3, 2013 at 6:14 AM Actually, a "holocaust" means "burnt offering". Yet, the evidence is overwhelming that most jews were NOT burnt, so their deaths in camps could not be called a "holocaust". What could be called a "holocaust" is the massive bombings the Allies dropped on German civilians burning hundreds of thousands of innocent people alive. Jews simply used the term for themselves (who weren't burnt) instead of their victims (who were burnt). Switch-a-roo anyone? Reply  AnonymousJuly 31, 2013 at 11:45 PM I would like to ask one question to all you people do you think making comparesons usfull?let see what youll come out with.in year 2000 Syzmon Perski Peres came out with this comparesen ( We reject attempt to create a similarety between the Holocaust and the Armenian allegations nothing semilar to a Holocaust occur it was a tragedy what the Armenians went through but not a Genocide )I would like Him to have a live and open debate and hear what the nothing semilarety is he talking about,numbers 1.5 million Armenian in 1915,to the 6 million Jews in world war 2.or if someone can explain me.[Ron: Hasbara.]. Reply  AnonymousFebruary 25, 2014 at 7:37 AM you are deluded and psychologically deranged Reply  AnonymousDecember 2, 2014 at 12:17 PM People... Read first! This isn't starting that jews weren't murdered. It just properly directs the searchers somewhere other than Germany regarding the mass gassing of Jews... Like Poland and Austria. [Hasbara], Reply Load more... Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)  Earlier Phony holocausts" and "Jewish Genocides"; Sacred Six Million Number Jews alleged a "holocaust" of "6 Million" Jews in Romania, Poland and Ukraine in 1919 at end of WWI !!! NY Times reports in 1906 that Russia's "6,000,00 jews" facing a final "solution" of "systematic and murderous extermination" New York Times reports 6 million jews holocausted in Russia in 1921! 1931, The Montreal Gazette - New York Rabbi Jonah Wise tells gathering of Jews in Montreal that "Six milion jews in Eastern Europe face starvation" Jews at NY Times refer to "European holocaust" of Jews in 1936, several years before alleged "mass killings" 9 months before Kristalnacht, 7 years before end of war, NY Times in 1938 claims 6 million jews are "victims" of "anti-semitic persecution" Jewish Hollywood scriptwriter and Propagandist for Zionist Irgun, Ben Hecht, mentions figure of 6,000,000 Jews in February 1943 edition of Reader's Digest The Kabalistic-Occult origins and purpose of the Holocaust™ dogma, and the "sacred" 6 million number Early Holohoax Tale - 64 million Jewish children wrapped in scrolls and burned by the Romans in 2nd century A.D.  Nuremberg Kangaroo Trials The Nuremberg "trials" admittedly did not follow Western rules of evidence, and did not require proof of the crimes alleged as they were termed "facts of common knowledge". They were admittedly a propaganda display for the "continuation of the war efforts of the Allies"!! Glaring Evidence of the Farce that was the Nuremberg Trials - Soviet Prosecutors Attempted to Convict the Germans of the Katyn Forest Massacre The "Human Skin Lampshades" and "Nazi Shrunken Heads" Psyop - "Evidence" Presented at Nuremberg Absurd "Evidence" Presented at Nuremberg - The "Steam and Electrocution Death Chambers" at Treblinka More Remarkable Nonsense Presented at Nuremberg - The Nazi "mobile bone-grinding machines" Private letter from Thomas Dodd, former US Senator and top American Nuremberg prosecutor: 75% of staff lawyers at Nuremberg are Jewish "Nazi Concentration Camps" (Nuremberg Trial Film)  William Lowenberg Most Outrageous Tales of the Holyhoax Moshe Peer's astounding Holy Shoah tale - Gassed six times by the Nazis and survived!! - Claims people were murdered in gas chambers at Bergen-Belsen William Lowenberg's astounding Holy Hoax tale - Had a magic thirst-quenching pebble, did not drink water, survived on his saliva for 3 years Arnold Friedman's tale - You could tell the nationality of those being holocausted by the color of the flames shooting out of the chimneys!! -- Says "God should ask jews for forgiveness" for Holocaust Most horrific Holy Hoax tale yet: Per Joseph Hertz, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire: "Nazis used babies as balls for soccer/football matches"! Yankel Wiernik's Holotale - Babies torn in half, woman leaps 10 ft barbed-wire fence, guards nail inmates' ears to walls, jews roasted on giant outdoor hibachis Jack Fishbein's wild Hallowed Hoax tale: Germans forced jew to drink father's blood, stuffed jewish children into soccer balls to kick around the field !! Jews claim they were genocided at Auschwitz by rail cars that dumped people directly into the ovens Testimony from the Eichmann Trial by Leon Wells - Dug up and burned bodies, used bone-grinding machine, ate lunch on top of corpses Irene Zisblatt's incredible Hoaxacaust tale- Ate and retrieved diamonds from feces, had 2 post-sterilization children, weighed 40 lbs when liberated Rivka Yosselevska's absurd Holy Hoax fable - Escaped biting jew corpses, witnessed geysers of blood Katalin Weinberger's HolyCo$t tale- Saved life of her sister by "burying her in ground for 30 days with a pipe sticking up through soil to breathe" Yanina Cywinska's bizarre Holyhoax tale: At 10 years old, I dragged bodies out of the Auschwitz gas chambers, survived being gassed, survived 5 days with no water Abe Price's holofable - Survived 5 straight days without water; "For three years, didn't see a child under 16 or an adult older than 40" at Auschwitz Auschwitz genocide via electric conveyor belts Frida Herskovits' incredible Holocaust™ tale: German shepherds tear baby out of mother's womb, human skin used to make lampshades and picture frames NY Jews play cards and tell Holohoax stories - Morris Hubert says a jew was thrown into a cage with a bear every day at Buchenwald Yanina Cywinska's Hoaxacaust tale-"Nazis paraded around briefcases and lamps made of human skin while washing their bodies with soap from Jewish bone" Jewish Soviet Psych Warfare Propagandist Vasily Grossman: "The Hell of Treblinka" - 3 milion exterminated, Jews roasted on giant outdoor hibachis Elie Wiesel on the "baby burning pits" at Birkenau Judith Perlaki's tale - Auschwitz gas chambers "as long as 50 football fields", Germans "tied women’s legs together to stop them from having babies" Holo circuit star David Faber's tale - "saw Nazis throw baby alive into flames of crematorium oven", survived 8 concentration camps (no, 9 in updated version of tale) Eva Olsson's ludicrous Holohoax tale - "Gas chambers" and "Five children at a time burned alive in crematoriums" at Bergen-Belsen Yitzchak Ganon's hoaxacaust tale - Kidney removed without anaesthetic at Auschwitz, last seen "pulsating in the hand of Dr. Mengele" Elane Geller's tale - Survived on 400 calories a day, ate toothpaste and drank urine, had rats in hair, fertilizer made from jew bones Susan Cernyak-Spatz's tale - Ate "sawdust salami", jews went to gas chambers "willingly", "whole German nation clothed by clothing from dead jews" Fania Wedro's incredible Holohoax Survivor fairy tale - Lived in forest for almost 2 years, sleeping in pits with dead bodies Max Globan's Holy Hoax story - "We ate lunch on top of dead bodies" - Saw "scratch marks of fingernails in concrete wall of gas chamber" Holohoaxer "survivor" Fred Schiefler speaks to Arizona high schoolers - Saw the "jew soap", says "3-4 thousand jews gassed from shower heads in 15-20 minutes" Eva Mozes Kor's sad Holohoax story - saw two twins sewn together by Dr. Mengele Absurd Ho£ocau$t™ stories of Nazi medical experiments - Nazi "electric machine to collect the sperm of jews", Attack dogs with poison on their teeth Emmaly Reed's tale - Imprisoned for 12 years, had tattoo removed, slept in mud and feces, weighed 32 pounds at 15 yrs old when liberated Murray Goldfinger's tale - Miraculously survived when "bullet bounced off his skull" and "American planes spotted his impending execution" Wilhelm Brasse's comical tale - "photographed the horrors of Auschwitz, film survived burning in oven because it was flameproof" Steven Ross' sad tale - "To survive, we were resorting to cannibalism"; Shows kids animal figurines "made from the crushed bones of Jews" Simon Rozenkier's Shoah tale - "Mengele cut the hump off a hunchback, Nazis sterilized Jews and Gypsies with X-rays to the genitalia"  Recommended Introductory Articles, Books, and Resources Exposing Holohoax "House of Orwell" by Joseph G. Stano - Comparing the Holocaust Dogma to Orwell's 1984 "An Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism" by Tom Moran "The Holocaust Explained" by Eustace Mullins "The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies" by By Theodore J. O'Keefe Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard E. Harwood "Is the Holocaust a Hoax?" - Bible Believers "Was there Really a Holocaust?" By Dr. E. R. Fields "The Holocaust Hoax" - Christian Party "Not Guilty at Nuremberg" by Carlos Porter "MADE IN RUSSIA - THE HOLOCO$T" by Carlos Whitlock Porter Holocaust Truth - Resistance Report Other Introductory or General Overview Articles "A Short Introduction to the Study of Holocaust Revisionism" by Arthur R. Butz "The Thirty-Nine Lashes Against the Hoaxacaust" by Eli James Q & A on the Holocaust Bible Believers: "Decalogue of Inconvenient Facts about the Holocaust" "The Holocaust Reviewed" "Birdman's Not-Quite-95 Theses on the Holocaust" By John "Birdman" Bryant The 'Holocaust' For Dummies How do we KNOW that the “Holocaust” is a LIE? Christian Party's "The holocaust hoax" Article The Incredible Jewish 'Holocaust' Nazi Party was kosher jewish-controlled false opposition  Adolf Hitler - A puppet of International Jewry tasked with the destruction of Germany Adolf Hitler's DNA shows North African and Ashkenazi Jew ancestry Occultist Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party tools of the Synagogue of Satan; "persectuted" lesser jews as pretext for creation of state of 'Israel' On the Jewish Funding, Control, and Leadership of the Third Reich "Adolf Hitler - The Founder of the state of Khazara, aka (false) "Israel" in Palestine Nazi Party Was Controlled Opposition - Top Leadership Jews and Crypto-Jews Hitler - The Ultimate Zionist False Flag Operation MUST SEE: The Nazi-Zionist Connection: The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler - (documentary video) Posts By Category Tales of the Holohoax Sacred 6 Million Number Earlier Fake "Holocausts" Nuremberg Kangaroo Trials Elie Wiesel Simon Wiesenthal Auschwitz Homicidal Gas Chambers Hoax Treblinka Dachau Bergen-Belsen Leading Sites Exposing the Hallowed Hoax Holocaust Hoax Museum The Website of Carlos Whitlock Porter Winston Smith Ministry of Truth Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) www.whale.to 's Holocaust Hoax Archive Adelaide Institute - website of Fredrick Toben Website of Germar Rudolf Website of Ernst Zundel VHO - Historical Revisionism nazigassings.com Holocaust Histriograpy Project Institute For Historical Review Website of Norman Finkelstein David Irving's dossier Inconvenient History Blog Recommended Videos Exposing the Holy Hoax  Judea Declares War on Germany: A Critical Look at the Holocaust and WWII Made in Russia: "The Holocaust" - by Carlos Whitlock Porter "The Holocaust Debunked Once and for All" Holocaust Denial Videos Ernst Zündel: "Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction" The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth (Documentary film) "Nazi Concentration Camps" (Nuremberg Trial Film) The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax (Documentary film) BUCHENWALD: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil David Cole tours Auschwitz & interviews senior curator of Auschwitz Museum - Alleged "gas chamber" was "reconstructed" after the war by Soviets Sylvia Stolz's speech "Banned Speech, Evidence and Legal Defense" Scholarly Books and Articles Exposing the Hoaxacaust "Dissecting the Holocaust" by Germar Rudolf "The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies" by By Theodore J. O'Keefe "Concentration Camp Majdanek, A Historical and Technical Study" by Jürgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno "The Auschwitz Trial: A Judge Looks at the Evidence" by Dr. Wilhelm Stäglich The (Germar) Rudolf Report "Holocaust or Hoax?: The Arguments" by by Jürgen Graf "Jewish Holocaust or German Holocaust? Auschwitz Gas Chambers Myth" by Nicholas Kollerstrom, PhD "Treblinka - Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?" by Carlo Mattogno and Jürgen Graf "Rudolf Reder’s Belzec – a critical reading" by Thomas Kues CODOH's Nuremberg and other IMT trial Exposes Nuremberg Trial - IMT - Proceedings IMT - (The Blue Series) - from Library of Congress Avalon Project - Nuremberg Trial Proceedings - from Yale Law School "Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression" (The Red Series) - IMT - from Library of Congress Hein Online - "Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression" - (The Red Series) "Nuremberg Trial Project - A Digital Document Collection" - from Harvard Law School Library University of Washington - Nuremberg Trials Overview and Links Page Leading Kosher Holohoaxianity Sites Yad Vashem Official Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Education and Archive Research Team The Holocaust History Project Scrapbookpages Nizkor Project Simon Wiesenthal's "Museum of Tolerance" "The Holocaust Children" The Holocaust Center - Link List More Kosher Ho£ocau$t™ Sites holocaustsurvivors.org - Survivor Stories Illinois Holocaust Museum Jewish Virtual Library's "Holocaust Wing" The Holocaust Education Foundation (many photos of camps) The Anne Frank Center remember.org - A cybrary of the Holocaust Voice/Vision Holocaust Survivor Oral History Archive The Holocaust Collection - "survivor" stories "Lest We Forget" - Testimonies (see links page - many) I Survived The Holocaust Center - Boston North International Holocaust Task Force http://www.auschwitz.dk/ Museum of Jewish Heritage - (collection of photographs) "Unspeakable" - Artist renditions of the Holohoax Holocaust and Genocide Studies Links from Webster University Eastern North Carolina Holocaust Project (ECU) Kosher Source Materials (for Holocaustomania proponents) HSHMM's "Holocaust Encyclopedia" Video Archive for Holocaust "testimonies" (Yale University) Holocaust Survivor Oral Histories - Video & Transcripts (University of Michigan-Dearborn) "A Teacher's Guide to The Holocaust" - Documents Discussion Forums - Holocaust Debate CODOH RODOH's Holocaust Forum Argue With Everyone's "Holocaust" Forum Followers Blog Archive ► 2015 (7) ► 2014 (15) ► 2013 (8) ► 2012 (3) ► 2011 (21) ► 2010 (59) ▼ 2009 (137) ► December (23) ► November (68) ▼ October (27) Dachau - The U.S. Army and Government lies about "... No "extermination camps" on German soil (or elsewh... Israeli Government claims 1,092,000 Holocaust surv... Kazimir Tafilin's holo-fable: escaped Auschwitz by... The Twelve Stages of a Holohoax Tale Franz Suchomel's Holohoax tale: Engine Gas, not Zy... Private letter from Thomas Dodd, former US Senator... Inside the Auschwitz "Death Factory" - "Eyewitness... Shlomo Venezia's holo-fable - Sonderkommando at Au... More Remarkable Nonsense Presented at Nuremberg - ... Absurd "Evidence" Presented at Nuremberg - The "St... Absurd Ho£ocau$t™ stories of Nazi medical experime... "My Life as a Revisionist" by Robert Faurisson Professor Michel de Bouard, former inmate at Mauth... Ernst Zündel: "Holocaust Facts vs. Fiction" Jews at NY Times refer to "European holocaust" of ... Glaring Evidence of the Farce that was the Nurembe... Elie Wiesel on the "baby burning pits" at Birkenau... Bars of "Jewish Human Fat Soap" Buried at Holy Hoa... 9 months before Kristalnacht, 7 years before end o... Rivka Yosselevska's absurd Holy Hoax fable - Escap... Yanina Cywinska's holo-fable - Survives Auschwitz ... Kitty Hart Moxon's tear-jerking Holohoax tale - Ha... A sad tale from Eddie Weinstein; "Only one of fewe... NY Jews play cards and tell Holohoax stories - Mor... The "Human Skin Lampshades" and "Nazi Shrunken Hea... Eva Mozes Kor's sad Holohoax story - saw two twins... ► September (19)  Schwester-Website in Deutsch Freilegen des Holocaust-Hoax-Archiv http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=85432 [Colur fonts, boldin and comments in square brackets added.]. The Real Holocaust of World War Two - The Genocide of 15+ Million Germans  The alleged Holocaust™ of jews is a complete lie fabricated in order to conceal the true genocide of WW2 against ethnic Germans The tragic fate of German POWs and ethnic Germans taken prisoner by the USSR - Estimated 4 million Germans murdered in Soviet captivity The largest "ethnic cleansing" in European history: The post-WWII explusion of 15 million ethinic Germans from their ancestral lands in Eastern Europe; 2 million killed A Real Holocaust - Eisenhower's Death Camps, where over one million German POWs were murdered Outsanding Interview with Thomas Goodrich on his book "Hellstorm" (Red Ice Radio) The unimaginably heinous fire-bombing of Dresden, and mass murder of half a million German civilians - A holocaust to the jews' god Satan Excerpts from "Hellstorm" by Thomas Goodrich describing the unspeakably horrendous mass rape and torture of German women by the Allies Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows Death Camps - Documentary  Important Articles Exposing the Holocaust Hoax Jews alleged a "holocaust" of "6 Million" Jews in Romania, Poland and Ukraine in 1919 at end of WWI !!! Dachau - The U.S. Army and Government lies about "extermination" and "homicidal gas chambers" -HUGE smoking gun exposing the Holocaust™ Fraud Mauthausen: jews initially claimed that "2,000,000 people, mostly jews" were "exterminated"; Now claim only 14,000 jews died there The Holocaust™ is the new religion of the West, requiring literal worship of jews. The jews collectively have replaced the Messiah, and whites/Europeans are substituted in the role of Satan "The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies" by By Theodore J. O'Keefe Majdanek: Initially "officially" claimed to be a "death camp" where 1.5 million murdered; Now only 79,000 alleged dead Treblinka - Holohoaxers say ~850,000 jews gassed to death - Australian scientists find no evidence whatsoever of mass graves The "Human Skin Lampshades" and "Nazi Shrunken Heads" Psyop - "Evidence" Presented at Nuremberg Official Records from the International Red Cross Prove the "Holocaust" is a Fraud: No Evidence of Genocide, Total Deaths at all Concentration Camps 271,301 "House of Orwell" by Joseph G. Stano - Comparing the Holocaust Dogma to Orwell's 1984 No "extermination camps" on German soil (or elsewhere in German-occupied territory) - Typhus epidemics the cause of mass deaths and emaciated bodies Number of Dead at Auschwitz Alleged by Holocaust™ Proponents Drops by 2.5 million - Sacred 6 million Number Remains Unchanged U.S. Army Report Claims Dachau had 5, no 6, homicidal gas chambers! Three of the best known works on the Second World War - Absolutely No Mention Whatsoever of any "Genocide of Jews" or homicidal "Gas Chambers" Elie Wiesel claims jews "burned alive in flaming ditches" and "ground spurted geysers of jewish blood" The Lies of Simon Wiesenthal; His Holohoax story an outrageous fabrication; His work as "Nazi hunter" and Holocaust™ "historian" a total fraud Jewry decides to admit Simon Wiesenthal was a fraud Professor Michel de Bouard, former inmate at Mauthausen, admits Holocaust record is "rotten to the core", rife with "fantasies" and "exaggerations" Amazing article from Norman Finkelstein: "The Holocaust™ Industry has always been bankrupt. Time is long past to put it out of business" "The Diary of Anne Frank" is a Fraud Excerpts from "The Holocaust Industry" by Norman G. Finkelstein WWI Anti-German Propaganda - false atrocity stories of "bayoneting babies", "making soap from corpses of their dead soldiers", etc  More Miscellaneous Articles Sachsenhausen: "840,000 Russian POWs annihilated at one time and cremated in four movable crematoria" - Would take 48 years Photographs of dead bodies in mass graves are NOT proof of the "Holocaust" or any mass murder - Bergen-Belsen Summary of the Sobibor "extermination camp" - Shoah pimps allege "300,000 jews were holocausted in showers with a diesel motor, flocks of Nazi geese drowned out the sound of the screams" Quotes from Elie Wiesel on the Holocaust™ U.S. Government Propaganda Film: "U.S. Soldiers Gassed At Mauthausen" Elie Wiesel and Jewry on the significance of the Holocaust™ Hoax Dogma; An "Unknowable, Inexplicable Sacred Mystery"; The "holocaust" is not based in facts, but is a RELIGIOUS belief !! Why are there so few Holocaust™ stories from non-jews? Former leading representative of "holocaust survivors" in Spain, Enric Marco, admits he is an impostor and was never even in a camp Hunter of "Torah scrolls that survived the Holocaust", Rabbi Menachem Youlus, exposed as a fraud- Not a single name, date, document to support claims Private letter from Thomas Dodd, former US Senator and top American Nuremberg prosecutor: 75% of staff lawyers at Nuremberg are Jewish Bars of "Jewish Human Fat Soap" Buried at Holy Hoax Memorial in Cuba HolyHoaxers now say "15 to 20 million" killed in the Holocaust™!! Judicial-Inc: "Was Treblinka A Death Camp?" Israeli Government claims 1,092,000 Holocaust survivors™ were still living in 2004 On the Extreme Improbability and Inefficiency of Using Diesel Gas for "Exterminations" at Treblinka Where's the Holocaust? (World Jewish population remains steady from 1939-1945) Six Million Jews SURVIVED (Not died) in the "Holocaust" The choices available to the Germans for tools of genocide - and they chose bug spray and diesel engine gas? According to German Special Registry Office, in all the concentration camps of Germany only 373,468 died Ho£ocau$t™ fable being re-written before our eyes - Battleship S/S Gas Chamber is sinking Friedrich Berg of nazigassings.com on the Diesel Gas Chambers Fable Elie Wiesel: Yes, we really did put God on trial at Auschwitz - Verdict: "He owes us something" Where is Elie Weasel's Auschwitz Tattoo? Question about the "liberation" of Auschwitz - Why did Elie Wiesel choose to go to Germany with the Nazis rather than be liberated by Soviets? Judicial-Inc: "Belzec Concentration Camp" Map of major German concentration camps and their "liberators" Map of alleged "extermination camps" in Nazi-occupied Poland Jews in Romanian town of Targu Mures pray over bars of soap buried in the cemetary A jew on Facebook admits the Holocaust™ is a fraud More Preposterous Tales of the Hollowco$t  Eddie Weinstein's harrowing Holocaust story: Jews murdered in "death showers" w/ carbon monoxide, Survived gunshot through lung, no medical treatment Excerpts from "The Black Book" - Electrocution Chamber and Electric Crematorium at Belzec, rivers of blood, jew bone powder used for construction, etc Inside the Auschwitz "Death Factory" - "Eyewitness" says boiling human fat collected in pans and poured over bodies in burning pits to stoke fire Max Edelman's sad Holocaust™ tale: "Blind Jew in a Death Camp" - Miraculously survived 8 days without water, escaped being holocausted though blind Holyhoax survivor extraordinaire Thomas Blatt - At Sobibor "250,000 people roasted on huge pyres made from iron rails, and fueled with diesel oil" Adolf Eichmann "witnessed" a jew blood geyser Sobibor - The Germans "bred geese in order to drown out the shouts and torments of 250,000 jews murdered inside the gas chambers" !!! Kazimir Tafilin's holo-fable: escaped Auschwitz by climing crematorium chimney; jumped from roof, bounced off ground, bones rattled when ran away Ernest and Judy Urman's tale: "The Nazis had a gas chamber in Shanghai, China equipped to gas the city's 20,000 jewish refugees" Daniel Chanoch's tale - At Mauthausen, "the Germans used to prepare soups cooked with human flesh for the prisoners" Leon Litvack's tale - "Second generation holocaust survivor" says his momma escaped Auschwitz gas chamber twice by climbing out a window Edie Eger's tale - danced for Mengele, weighed 40 lbs at 17 yrs-old when liberated Mengele trained a dog to memorize classical music, and viciously attack jews who played a note inaccurately Samuel Pisar's holo fairytale - Survived 3 "death" camps - Escaped gas chamber by claiming he "was there only to wash the floor" Carol Sojcher's tale - Survived 5 camps, weighed 45 pounds at 17 years-old when liberated, only member of entire family to survive Shoah "Leap into Darkness: Seven Years on the Run in Wartime Europe" by Leo Bretholz; Escaped Nazis 7 times, all over Europe, swam rivers, climbed Alps, etc Alicia Appleman-Jurman's amazing tale - survived typhoid, saved from pile of corpses, survived two firing squads, lived in woods Daniel Blatman's Holy Hoax tale: German civilians murdered jews on death marches, burning them alive in barns More of Judith Perlaki's tale - Ate soup w/ live mice in it, washed w/ soap made from dead jews, stayed in Auschwitz for several months after liberation Regina Bialek's tale: "Mengele rescued me from inside the gas chamber" Jenny Eisenstein's sad tale - Sent to Auschwitz at 13 yrs old, lives 2 years in "death camp", survives "Hannah: From Dachau to the Olympics and Beyond" - Another outlandish Holohoax Survivor™ story exposed as a fraud Thomas Buergenthal sent to Auschwitz at age 10 - Survives two years at "death" camp Oskar Klausenstock's amazing Hollywood-esque fairytale - numerous miracles, treked hundreds of miles on foot to escape Nazis Lola Rein Kaufman's holofable - hid with 3 other jews in a 6ft x 4ft hole in the ground for 9 months Jorge Klainman's Holyco$t fairytale: "The Seventh Miracle" - Survived being shot, crawled out of pit with 99 corpses Erna Rubinstein's Auschwitz tale - Water, not gas, came out of showers - Escaped death from "an ocean of fire as fare as the eye could see" Mira Kimmelman's story - Survived a 2 and a half week ride on cattle train and a two-day death march in 30 below zero temps Ruth Foster's sad Holocaust™ fable - Jews snuck into mortuary to bite flesh from dead jews' buttocks & cut out livers Paul Kessler's tale - Lived with mom for a year in 4x4 hole in ground covered with twigs and manure Kitty Hart Moxon's tear-jerking Holohoax tale - Had to scrape Auschwitz toilets with bare hands; used same bowl for food and as a toilet; 3.6 million were holocausted in Auschwitz in just 8 months!! Ellen Litman's amazing tale - Family escaped being holocausted by hiking across Alps "living on bread and milk left by shepherds" Joanna Sobolewska's tale - "Rescued from Nazi death camp in 1923"....1-9-2-3 Klaus Stern's tale - "pulled from gas chamber line at last minute when SS guard saw his fat face and though he was too healthy to die" Jafa Wallach's tale - Hid from the Germans with 3 other people in a 6x4 ft hole for 22 months Holocaust "eye-witness" whoppers Alex Levin's sad tale - Lived in forest for 18 months when only 9-10 years old, ants kept his clothes clean Joe Diamond's tale - Escaped being deathed in Auschwitz gas chamber by jumping out 20-ft high window and hiding in latrine Marsha Kreuzman's tale - survived 5 concentration camps, was hug upside down for 7 hours Peter Wigmore's tale - his mother surived Auschwitz gas chamber 3 times by being "pulled from the line by workers" Dina Babbitt's sad tale - "survived Auschwitz only because Mengele commissioned her to produce paintings of Gypsies" Sol Lurie's unbelievable tale - Went back to Germany in 1952, miraculously stumbled upon chain and good luck charm he lost during WWII A true Holocaust horror story - Sidney Glucksman "witnessed homicidal gas chambers, babies stuffed in bags & bashed against walls" Anita Schorr's Holocaust® Tale - Escaped Auschwitz gassum chamber by slipping into latrine unnoticed Rachel Levy's tale - escaped the Auschwitz gas chamber by hiding behind people carrying soup Abraham Landau's tale - "Survived 14 death camps, all other 95 members of his family holocausted" Mietek Grocher escapes Majdanek gassum chamber by walking backwards while guards weren't looking Holocaust speaker and author and alleged Auschwitz survivor, Gunther Skaletz, has event cancelled because his own family disputes his story Even More Hallowed Hoax Tales Herman Rosenblat's tale, the "Holocaust's greatest love story", exposed and admitted to be a hoax. Yet Holyhoaxer is unrepentent and maintains "It was not a lie...in my imagination it was true" Gena Turgel's Holofraud tale: "I walked out of an Auschwitz gas chamber alive, camped with Anne Frank, and was experimented on by Mengele" Holocaust Survivor Iby Knill finally tells of the horrors of the Holy Hoax at 90 years old after 70 years of silence !!! Ludwika Fiszer's holy hoax tale - Miraculously survived machine gun pit at Poniatowa, climbed out naked and escaped, survived Polish winter Holyhoax Humor & Satire Ode to The Holohoax Big Pharma Pushes 'Miracle Cure' For Holocaust Denial Syndrome The Creed of the Church of the Shoah Adolf Hitler discovers the HolyHoax is falling apart at the seams The Twelve Stages of a Holohoax Tale Tsunami Wipes Out Tel Aviv - 6,000,000 feared dead in 'Aquacaust' "What if God didn't take the 6,000,000?" Germans Now Denying the Holocaust Telepathically, Say Jews The Dictionary of Deholocaustolithification Holocaust Demotivational Where Was God? Auschwitz painting by Felix Nussbaum There's No Business Like Shoah Business! Sonderkommando 'Selection' at the Birkenau ramp, 1944  More Resources Exposing the Hollowcost Good News About God's Holocaust Hoax Archive Incogman: "The Real Holocaust Deal" Holohoax 101 Elie Wiesel Cons The World Resistance Report's "Holocaust Truth" Scrapbook pages blog (http://furtherglory.wordpress.com/) Six Million Myth "Exposing Literary and Documentary Frauds About the Holocaust" "Holocaust Fact" www.theholohoax.com 6 Million My Ass Robert Faurisson's Unofficial Blog Holocaust Denier Bradley Smith's Blog More Videos Bradley's Smith's Youtube Channel Holohoax Exposal Threads Tales of the Holocaust - Stormfront Tales of the Holy Hoax - VNN Forum [old] Tales of the Holocaust - Stormfront Holohoax Fairy Tales - white nationalist info forum "Holocaust Denial" thread on David Icke Forums Websites attempting to 'debunk' revisionists Holocaust Controversies Other Links Quotes on the HolyHoax A Century of Deceit: The World Wars, Holocaust Mythology and Zionist Militarism About Me  SoldierofYah View my complete profile My other blogs/websites Israelite Identity and Return to the Law of YHWH Archive The Real Holocaust of World War Two - The Genocide of 15+ Million Germans Saul of Tarsus - False Apostle Paul Archive Truthseeker Archive 9/11 False Flag Archive Quotes "The memory of the Holocaust is central to the New World Order." ---Ian J. Kagedan (Director of government relations for B'nai B'rith Canada, Toronto Star, Nov. 26, 1991, p. A17.) "We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us, and leave only those which depict all the errors of the government of the Goyim." -Protocol 16, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion "Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are - although they never occurred." - Elie Wiesel, Legends of Our Time. "The Holocaust has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through its deployment, one of the world's most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, has cast itself as a "victim" state, and the most successful ethnic group in the US has likewise acquired victim status." - Norman Finkelstein "The record is rotten to the core. On one hand a considerable amount of fantasies, inaccuracies, obstinately repeated (in particular concerning numbers), heterogeneous mixtures, generalizations and, on the other hand, very close critical studies that demonstrate the inanity of those exaggerations." - Professor Michel de Bouard, former inmate at Mauthausen "The Holocaust industry has always been bankrupt. What remains is to openly declare it so. The time is long past to put it out of business." - Norman Finkelstein "If one realizes, as I do, that the "Holocaust" Religion is the principal weapon for the moral and cultural destruction of the German nation, then it is clear that what is at stake here is nothing less than the collective right of self-defense, that is, Germany's right to survive." -Horst Mahler ”The sincere Christian knows that what died in Auschwitz was not the Jewish people but Christianity.” – Elie Wiesel "The Holocaust is just a slogan, a product like Kleenex or Xerox printers. They've turned it into a commercial phenomenon." - David Irving "The holocaust dogma of Judaism is an article of faith and a doctrine of belief of Jewish religious history adjudicated by their rabbis according to Talmudic law and Kabalistic tradition." -Ben Weintraub, Holocaust Dogma Of Judaism. "Given the nonsense that is turned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics." - Norman Finkelstein "I have resolved to expose this Talmudic perfidy, that over and over again I will call a lie a lie and oppose it with the truth. I have sworn to my people never to give up in this fight against the Holocaust® religion." -Horst Mahler "Since 1945 the whole world has been assailed by this legend. Hundreds of lies have been repeated in thousands of books in an increasingly virulent rage. They are reproduced in full color in apocalyptic films, which are outrageous in the way they flay not only truth and probability, but commonsense, the most elementary arithmetic, and the facts themselves."-Leon Degrelle "The Holocaust is something different. It is a singular event. It is not simply one example of genocide but a near successful attempt on the life of God's chosen children and, thus, on God Himself." -Abraham H. Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (New York), writing in ADL On the Frontline (January 1994, page 2) "Worse still is that mankind - the non-Jewish world - learned nothing from the Holocaust: The event which had no precedent in history, which should be equal to the Revelation at Sinai in significance." - Elie Wiesel, Against Silence, p. 35 All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2017 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
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