#dorito (oc)
uselessalexis165 · 19 days
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You know what? Fuck it! Billford fankiddo along with my own little dumb au! ⚠️
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holy-sweetsour-milk · 3 months
Where are all the content of Kenji being the best ultradad he can be?? I just want to see our beloved ultraloser and his big pink scaly baby bonding and doing father-daughter stuff but all I see is yall thirsting over him 😭🤧😭
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trippin-chippin · 3 months
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I have made a cursed image 🦾🦌
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ask-the-doritos · 1 month
Ask The Doritos!
Hello! This is the silly little blog known as Ask The Doritos! Here you can ask these silly Doritos l some questions! They may give you an answer back! You can also use anons on them! They’ve always wanted to try tumblr so here they are! So ask away!
Fun Facts About Each One
Nacho Cheese is the main Dorito! He’s the star! He competes in many object camps! He’s also pretty silly!
Cool Ranch has a blush that consists of red blue and green like the spots on her! She is mostly very casual.
Flamin Hot is a tough but nice guy! He is best friends with Nacho Cheese and they hang out together!
Evil Dorito is the evil counterpart of Nacho Cheese! He dislikes but doesn’t hate Nacho Cheese. He’s usually mad all the time!
Sweet Chili is a pretty chili guy! He is as chill as his name! He usually acts like this!
BBQ is one of those romantic ones, BBQ is like those guys that’d tease someone.
Flamin Hot Ranch is usually scared and frightened. They don’t have a mouth! Don’t get rough with them..
NC Loaded is like that one little brother of yours! He’s rough but a bit chill! He’s filled with cheese!
Spicy Nacho is a sports guy! He likes playing basketball and is great at it! You should talk to him about it!
Magic Anon Info
I did say you could use magic anons on the characters! If you don’t know what a magic anon is, it’s like a little spell you can cast on someone for a certain amount of asks until it wears off!
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dibbzzepozzum009 · 1 month
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Oh I uh drew a yellow dorito today with uh one eye with a cute little bow tie, a magicians hat, OH and he also has arms and legs so he can crawl on trees to catch squirrels. He’s such a nerd I don’t even know wtf he’s speaking y’all should decode this.
Oh and if it’s something stupid he’s saying I’ll pepper spray him.
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night-triumphantt · 1 month
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Nothing it’s just that I think fem!Cal/wlw caledith is doing something to me @sysba
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jokerislandgirl32 · 4 months
alr violet i got a question for ya.
if you ever bite zachs cheek as a flirt, does he make a cruch noise
(he's shaped like a dorito istg 😭😭😭)
Aww, thanks for the question dear! Well, I will not deny that he has a Dorito shaped head…I mean the proof is in the pudding, or so they say…
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And as a side note our twin boys inherited his Dorito head, Zach’s literally got mini Dorito clones running around…(stressed momma rant, don’t mind me…)
But, when I bite his cheek, because I do, (Zach: yeah, you do 😏), it actually sounds more like this:
The poor boy’s face is so cartoonish and gaunt it’s like biting into an apple or something! I hope this answers your question!
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feralghxuls · 2 years
could you tell us abt those teeth thing headcanons you mentioned in the tags? i am v interested
i am SO glad you asked i love this concept very much
it's based on the way that people who work with big cats will often work with them until the animals allow them to touch their teeth, which is mainly so that they are able to do periodic examinations and so they won't flip out if they need dental work or something like that, but it's also a huge show of trust between animal and handler
for simplicity's sake, i'll go through the ghouls with the idea that it's copia or terzo doing this, with some extras for those who have notably different responses to other ghouls doing this rather than their papa
headcanons about ghouls getting their teefies examined under the cut!
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aether is a very good boy, his ears go down a little when copia approaches him with the intent of touching his teeth, but he opens right up when asked and will hold still for as long as he needs to. but he will be whining softly in the back of his throat the whole time, and when he's done he looks a little bit like he's going to cry. it's very stressful for him but he Will Do It when asked
cirrus does not like it AT ALL. copia was shocked when he asked her to open up for him the first time and she pinned her ears and growled at him. he tried to be placating, explaining that it's necessary, but she wasn't having it. they had to call in backup (mountain) to hold her still and even then she was still shrieking and squalling like she's being killed. copia had to learn how to be very quick about it, and the second cirrus gets to have her teeth back she shakes it off and acts like nothing happened at all (only cumulus and mountain have any chance at touching her teeth without it being a full-on fight for their lives)
cumulus is very cooperative! she kinda really loves it actually, she already has her mouth wide open and teeth bared for examining before copia even gets close enough to touch, all ^.^ cause she knows she's got good teeth and that the others aren't quite as willing. and also, she'll never admit it but she likes the attention and the praise when copia says her teeth are surprisingly much sharper than they look (he definitely nicked his fingers the first time and she kissed it better)
dew is...temperamental, to no one's surprise. when copia approaches to examine his teeth, the phrase "if looks could kill" still doesn't scratch the surface of the death glare dew gives him. he scowls and growls and resists when copia slips his thumb into the side of his mouth, but he's surprisingly patient once he's in there. dew won't allow it forever, so copia has to be pretty quick about it or he definitely will lose fingers. there's also plenty of times when dew straight up refuses, and they have to call in aether or rain to pry his mouth open and hold him still
with terzo he was a little more willing, partly because terzo spent the whole time telling him how pretty and sharp his teeth are & he took pride in that. it took several months before he allowed terzo to touch his teeth though, and even longer with copia
mountain keeps up a low, terrifying growl the entire time copia approaches, ears pinned and everything, but the second copia starts to reach for his mouth he opens it himself rather than having to be made to open up. he still keeps up that growl but surprisingly, he's willing to hold still for as long as copia wants to poke around in there (after copia figured that part out, there was one time he spent quite a while, absolutely fascinated by how sharp mountain's molars are and his sets of long double canines)
rain doesn't like this at all. he will cooperate, because he respects and trusts copia, and he won't growl or anything but his mouth does start to slowly close down the longer copia takes, a subtle threat to hurry the fuck up or lose a finger. there's been a few close calls where copia wasn't paying enough attention (too focused on all the little razor sharp needle teeth between rain's canines and how it kinda looks like he's got two rows...) and had to jerk his hand back at the last second. as soon as copia's done, rain skitters off to go recover from the whole ordeal. swiss has special teeth touching privileges though, and rain accepts this from him with great affection.
swiss is surprisingly squirmy about it. he wants to be good, he really does, but there's just something about the feeling of fingers on his teeth that he really can't stand. especially when copia rubs across his molars, he's accidentally bitten down on him before (not enough to draw blood, and he apologized abundantly after, but. oops. copia is more gentle in the future). he definitely clings to copia's arm while his hand is in his mouth, and his tail is a damn weapon to anyone within range. copia wishes he could spend more time looking at swiss's teeth though, because he, like mountain, also has double canines, the outside ones not quite as long as mountain's but just as sharp. when he is done, he steps back and licks over his teeth & lips like a dog who's just been given a spoonful of peanut butter (which copia privately thinks its fricken adorable)
stratus likes to snap her teeth as copia approaches, but she's also grinning like a little imp. she thinks it's funny how he flinches a little and pretends like he doesn't, but when it comes down to it she opens wide and even pulls her tongue out of the way for him. but it's a bit of a trap; she won't fully chomp down on him, but she does gnaw on his hand while he's trying to feel around in her mouth. mostly she doesn't draw blood, but she does have lots of sharp little teeth like a kitten, so it happens on accident. don't worry though, she always licks it better (no matter how many times copia gently tries to explain to her that the healing properties of ghoul saliva doesn't really work on humans)
alpha will absolutely refuse to let terzo anywhere near his mouth, except to bite him. (that's his story, anyway. they'll take it to their graves but he does let terzo check his teeth as long as there's absolutely no chance anyone else is anywhere nearby). he puts up a good fight with secondo but eventually relents, because secondo doesn't hesitate to get mean as fuck about it. and he doesn't get a choice with primo. with primo, he hardly gets the chance to think about it, the old man is extremely spry and very good at lulling alpha into the false complacency with conversation, and then he springs it on alpha and the whole thing is over before he even processes what happened.
(and just for shits and giggles, and because i have been talking about them lately: he growls and glares the whole time when swiss pries his mouth open, putting up a good front. but he always lets swiss poke around in his mouth for as long as he wants and he always opens up on the first ask. (this wasn't true the first time, or several times after that; he put up a good fight but swiss eventually won, because he always does))
omega is a good boy for terzo and only terzo. even then he still resists a little, tipping his head up out of reach until terzo reaches up to slip his thumb into the corner of his mouth, and once he gets his mouth open, he's very good and patient, doesn't even whine like aether. with secondo, he definitely resists a bit more, tossing his head around even as he verbally agrees to open up, he won't at first. again though, good boy once his mouth is open. primo asks him once, and barely gives him the chance to answer before he does the same thing he does to alpha, quick as a damn snake and it's over before he knows it. though sometimes primo will spend a while exploring inside his mouth, he mostly is just very deft and professional about it.
ifrit is the goodest boy. he loves having his teeth examined and likes to follow terzo's fingers around in his mouth with his tongue, fascinated to feel what terzo is feeling. he always asks if he passed after, and terzo smiles at him and says his teeth are in excellent form as always. sometimes he tracks down his bestie swisstopher and just goes :V at him until swiss pokes around in his mouth and ifrit purrs at him the whole time. he loves it.
mist is okay with it, you have to catch her in the right mood (which terzo has terrible luck with). he learned quickly that if she's not having it, it's best to give up and try again later because he's liable to lose half his fingers and his bassist if he pushes it. if she is in a cooperative mood though, she's still not exactly nice about it. she gives him a nasty side-eye the whole time and barely opens her mouth wide enough for him to get a couple fingers in there. however, she almost always will let omega into her mouth, so terzo mostly just lets him handle that. they have a weird relationship, built on high levels of mutual respect while also keeping each other in check & being unafraid to call each other on their shit.
chAir is an absolute monster if anyone but ifrit tries to open his mouth, and even then he Grumbles and growls about how ridiculous and demeaning this is. ifrit just shrugs and keeps at it, says it's important and has to be done, a ghoul's teeth are vital organs. to which chAir scoffs and mutters something about doubting whether or not ifrit would even know if anything is amiss if he thinks teeth are organs. (ifrit and chAir also have a strange relationship, in which ifrit adores chAir and chAir is a grumpy old man who begrudgingly accepts ifrit's affections)
terzo tries to insist that his human dentist knows what they're doing, but omega insists he hush and let him look. he is fascinated by terzo's blunt molars and his tiny, cute little canines, and spends quite some time running his fingertips over the smooth edges of his teeth until terzo's jaw aches.
copia thinks it's very sweet of his ghouls to try to check his teeth, but he also has a dentist and can they please do this one at a time and not four of them at once. mountain wants to know how his eensy flat molars chew anything at all, stratus says that he ought to sharpen his teeth more often and is puzzled when copia explains that it doesn't work like that. swiss spends a while prodding at the sharpest edges he can find and laments that he can't get any of them to prick his fingertips, and how it must be difficult for copia to live like this, unable to bite his partners effectively. dew thinks copia is doing this for attention (he also wants to poke around in copia's mouth, but he'll never admit it).
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sharpace · 2 months
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A commission for @malicious-gay! Featuring their DnD character who is definitely having a good time and everything is okay.
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ampre-4 · 1 month
@askthedoritos 's characters. I LOVE these little doritos!! My favorites are Evil Dorito, Cool Ranch and Flamin Hot, but I also like Nacho Cheese! :D
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trippin-chippin · 3 months
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I must be stopped 🦾🦌
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malk-with-tea · 9 months
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losers gotta boat
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pennysucks · 26 days
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Funni Doritos man possesses my oc cuz I'm bored
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chumbyy · 8 months
Hii i just found your blog!! I love ur art its so silly.. however i have to ask did u ever read warrior cats
thank you!! :D and i did! i read up until the third arc then kinda stopped reading books, but from 3rd-12th grade i roleplayed it on forums religiously XD
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doodle-bunstel · 9 months
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"Yeah we're gonna need to kill this man."
This is so silly lowkey, I can't believe this trend has me revisiting them both after so many years (Bill I am still ashamed of the person I became bcs of you)
Killer ⓒ RahafWabas
Shadow ⓒ Sega
Bill Cipher ⓒ Alex Hirsch
Canv!as (as a stand-in for all of my ocs that are comfort characters) ⓒ @procrasti-pastel/@doodle-bunstel
[ Please do not repost my work in any site or on here. Thank you. ]
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milly-the-devil · 2 months
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Damn I really live like this
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